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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3822: Dark Grindset Edition Anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 09:43:41 Id: 1f01f8 No. 342463
​'Toxic' influencer Andrew Tate is arrested for rape and human trafficking of at least SIX women in police raid on his luxury villa in Romania - 24hrs after spat with Greta Thunberg 'during which a PIZZA box gave cops his location'​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11583711/Andrew-Tates-luxury-villa-Romania-raided-police.html UK COVID response to China travel 'under review' after some countries step up restrictions https://news.sky.com/story/no-plans-for-mandatory-covid-19-testing-of-arrivals-from-china-uk-gov-says-12775967 GP surgery accidentally texts patients they have 'aggressive lung cancer' - instead of Happy Christmas https://news.sky.com/story/gp-surgery-accidentally-texts-patients-they-have-aggressive-lung-cancer-instead-of-happy-christmas-12776352
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:57:18.
>>342463 Is Tristan half wog too? He looks less mutt creatura-ish.
>>342465 can't see any mention of them only being half brothers so i'd assume so i guess sometimes you get lucky and the tar brush spares everything except your eyes
>Invite bitches to party. Fuck them, don’t give money >Raep Many such cases
>>342467 that's what you get for trusting women tbh they're opportunistic scavengers
>>342469 Tbh they probably got 50-100 bucks each or something plus free drink etc but then one of them googled the price of his 33 cars and they got greedy. Romanians + females = they will defo try and rape you and your wallet
>>342468 >when i pull it out the woman starts to run smh relatable >>342470 tbh imagine settling down in romania bet he got suckered in by the cheap prices and forgot that everyone he'd ever meet would see him as a piñata
>>342469 Auslad trusts criminal niggers over women. Yet another reason you need to step down in favour of the Bum Bum King.
>>342471 >they're killing us what did she mean by this
Say it with me /brit/: Niggers are always in the wrong, even on rare occasions they're in the right.
>the butt-blasted klepto still playing his games
>Wessica immediately back to defending what ever authority is in power I am convinced she is a lass.
>>342471 god i hate women >they're killing us this is a common thread i've noticed with these psycho foid types tbh somewhere along the way they've been psyopped into seeing every deviation from the norm as an existential threat smh have to wonder for what purpose >>342474 tbh been seeing this behaviour more and more often
>>342473 tbh BBK FOR BO! >>342472 his nigger iq truly kicking in tbh >>342476 you have ten months left lad might be best to worry about something else >>342478 women are detecting the coming race war which is why fear has set in they just can't properly place the fear yet >>342479 keeek
>Mummy tried to wake me up for work even though I'm off today Diolch, mong.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0mM2xg5T0o&list=PLcc-cS4B9Z26fc0kB9ZMF8HkBez-ieBKf&index=1 wasn't sure how they'd ever top apocalypse tbh thought that was going to be the high water mark of their careers for sure but this is definitely a contender >>342481 keeeeeeek smh shouldn't laugh really though tbh they never had a chance
>>342485 Yeah GenZ have been utterly fucked over. Things were bad when I was at school but nothing like this.
>>342483 >women are detecting the coming race war which is why fear has set in they just can't properly place the fear yet tbh
>>342486 >boomer feels sad get over it >gen x feels sad take a xanax >millennial feels sad take an ssri >zoomer feels sad turn your penis inside out and get breast implants smh they've been getting bolder and bolder every year
>>342489 why didn't her parents intervene during any of this? when will they be on trial?
>>342489 >breed a 16 year old >make her have an abortion
>>342491 bit self-defeating smh
>sister calls >then mummy calls right after >talks for over an hour >breakfast delayed to lunch AHHH >>342478 the sense of power it gives them tbh of course they are crying wolf in the worst ways possible
>>342493 >So I am not convinced we are really getting more freedom and “for the people by the people” by way of our technology overlords. Instead, we have a technologically driven shift of power to ideological individuals and organizations whose lack of appreciation for moral nuance and good governance puts us all at risk.
>>342494 smh lad didn't you have a za in the middle of the night?
>>342495 Analogue is best
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>>342493 >extremist ideologies such as privacy we truly live in a society >>342494 soon they will no longer be believed a woman will cry out into the night "help me help me i'm being killed i'm literally being killed and i'm going to die please someone help me" and a man nearby will shrug his shoulders and ignore her assuming that she saw somebody who had wrong opinions and had a fit of hysterics >>342497 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>342496 no I said it was for tomorrow (now) >>342498 and on that day.... the white race wins
>>342499 >>342500 keeeek tbh the sooner we can stop taking women seriously the better
>>342489 Looks like one of the Tate brothers with a wig on.
Just met 22st's jewish cousin . . . twentytwostein!
oh do calm down it's just a bit of white race saving
>>342503 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>342504 based
Daily Mail comments. >Innocent until proven guilty! >near 50/50 up and downvotes
>>342502 keeek, exactly what I was thinking.
State of the phenotype on this lad. >>342506
>>342504 keeeeeek >>342506 god i hate women
https://youtu.be/fVnBKCzpMqY?t=144 >this nonce former teacher
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thotting it up at the EU. Fitting, as it is full of whores of babylon.
>>342511 piers morgan needs his skull bashed in tbh
>>342511 Hate this wobbly gammon.
fresh dutty professor The Collapse of Civilization as THEY Know It . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkjUDmBijKQ
>>342506 she's within reach
>>342516 >gets stabbed 10 times traveling through London, attempting to get a whiff of hohol pussy.
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>>342519 that your thicc arse slapping, lass?
>slapping err clapping
>>342511 >only non noce/enabler is the muslim Also “most people in this country are tolerant”. Erm, no? Who says? GMB? Fucking hell lads smh
https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/teenager-who-stabbed-violent-racist-25856413 >During this, the appellant produced a knife and stabbed both complainants before running off. >Julian Nutter, defending Sarjo both in the original case and at the Court of Appeal, said Sarjo had taken the knife off a young boy related to his ex-girlfriend earlier that day and intended to hand it in to police, a claim which the Crown Prosecution Service did not dispute. BIN THAT KNIFE
>>342523 Needs bucking up tbh
>>342523 It's Sarjo-ke!!!
If Andrew Tate thinks, I agree If Andrew Tate speaks, I listen If Andrew Tate orders, I obey If Andrew Tate has a million fans, I am one of them If Andrew Tate has one fan, I am that fan If Andrew Tate has 0 fans , I’m dead WHO ELSE AGREES?
>>342523 Just allowed to stab the White man now.
>>342527 Did we ever learn about history in maths class though? Like at best some things are named after their inventors or whatever, like the pythagoras theorem
>>342530 Low status male chads... not like this
>>342515 good video but i think he's being too dismissive of the rise in cost of living people who steal are still niggers though >>342530 keeeeeeeek
>>342528 didn't you read lad? they were violent racists smh
>brushed my teeth >not had any sweets we're going to make it today, lads
Here's the thing.
>>342535 >They're just individuals bro, like you and me.
>>342529 >PYTHAGORAS Mandem huge racistetician fr fr he did be wildin big time on famalams brains
>>342536 [raucous american clapping and cheering, booing and other vocalisations]
>>342534 based >>342535 eventually you don't even need to look at the early life section tbh you can just tell
>>342540 NJP Speeches are kino tbh.
>>342537 tbqh >>342540 keeeeeeeeek
linus tech tips killed an entire family and got away with it
>>342545 I believe it because he is a soyfag who promotes white genocide and racemixing
>>342544 keeeek >>342545 smh i believe it never liked linus tech tips anyway tbh far too soy for my tastes no wonder his fans are rabid cultists who don't know when to quit
>>342535 wait what. There should be pitchforks out for this. The supreme hecking courterino?
>>342548 >pitchforks lad they're jews they'll be met with cheers
Speaking of soy...
>>342545 Apparently he replied to that message. Is it so?
>>342535 Looking forward to the yank tears after all that it wouldn't happen in the south tier posting they've done about this very topic.
>>342552 every rumour about a famous person is true
>>342555 good point that he brings up about how everything is always grey and dingy smh there really is a concerted cultural effort to psyop people into thinking that the past was only noteworthy for prejudice and cholera sick of it tbh they knew about hygiene and they had good food and the prejudice was well-founded okaythankyou
Why is australian plate armour so shit?
>>342557 careful now lad it did the job
trad and based is what that is tbqh a symbol of how the government should be afraid of its citizens when they're afraid of you they treat you like people when they aren't they treat you like cattle
>>342558 Looks like one got shot in the bollocks and one in the neck tbh
>>342560 uh yeah i wanna say based >>342561 keeeeeeeek >>342562 smh this shouldn't be possible tbh guns were banned after the horrible atrocious dastardly massacre at dunblane that definitely wasn't instigated by government agents thank god we don't have guns on the streets any more so we don't have to worry about getting shot on the streets like those filthy am*ricans ugh as common sense shows any amount of defencelessness is worth it as long as we can feel smug and superior the fact that the populace can no longer wage significant dissent against the establishment is nothing compared to the fractions, perhaps ones, or even maybe tens of lives that have been saved by banning guns
https://youtu.be/gFjj4EEQ2pA Magnet bros.. we got too cocky
time to go be grotty at kidney sister and her soon-to-be-husband tbh
will make my stance clear here and now for the record: i support legalisation of any and all weapons by members of the public yes this means that brownoids will get them too but if this doesn't spark a race war nothing will
>>342566 smh lad you're going to go incest mode on her?
>>342566 good lad remember even if she says no you can still harvest her organs through other means
i'm serious though lad if all else fails you can have one of my kidneys (preferably the one with the kidney stone in it) do the legwork to set up the surgery and get me a plane ticket back to blighty and let me crash on your sofa and i'll give you one of mine this is a 100% genuine post lad if your family flake out on you i've got your back >>342570 smh he's spoke out so now he's been $whackd
>>342573 Viability of organ donation depends on your blood type doesn't it?
>>342573 Shot himself 6million times in the back of his head with some Balenciaga bullets from a distance of two miles using a pair of Yeezy trainers before hanging himself from a bridge and finishing the job off with some fentanyl biccies by Floyd Industries Inc
>>342555 quite like this lad tbh >>342574 tay's law
>>342577 >quite like this lad tbh Wish he spoke a little faster >check video speed because I feel it's slow >it's already double speed
>>342575 compatible organs have better chances but even a stranger's organs can be brute-forced with anti-rejection drugs it's not ideal but it's better than the alternative although the less the body has to fight the transplant the longer it tends to last >>342576 keeeeek tbh what a tragedy so sad that every single news outlet was speculating on his imminent suicide for weeks leading up to this >>342579 keeeeek smh
>>342581 wtf i hate taiwan now
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>>342583 wew nice boota
>>342585 unsurprising tbh already speculated that he had deep state contacts and was being artificially boosted by them they need him to lead the young men down atomised individualist paths
>>342581 sounds like the sooner China invade, the better
what goes on in here?
>>342588 an infinite regressive series of smaller tortoises
>>342587 tbh don't like chinks but honestly globohomo is much worse >>342588 it's filled with dark matter lad that's what cern is for tbh they smash particles into tortoises to try and find out what's inside
alright buddy you've got two options here you can be a chud (chode) or you can be a simp (sump) so what's it gonna be? have i truly become an ethnonationalist?
>>342591 Now make the video
>>342592 keeeek yeah it does deserve to be made maybe next year
>>342532 Why would someone who lives off paypiggies care about the cost of living lad >>342557 Saw the film about that and there's a cuckold seen in it (non-racial but still) very cringe
>>342573 Based. All that is going to make it difficult to manage the board though lad . . . you should crown BBK BO
Alright . . . I concede . . . BBK . . . You should be BO . . .
Well, if that's what Wessica thinks is best . . . BBK: YOU ARE NOW BO
This short play was written by the Bum Bum King. The players: The Bum Bum King Director: The Bum Bum King Dedicated to the hard working Bumlings who strive to be based and not cringe.
Playing subnautica and LARPing as master of the sees
fried up some pork chipolatas for dinner and had them in bread rolls with cheese and mustard and it was quite divine >>342600 keeeek
falseflagging is not only against the rules it is also against the spirit of brit. BBK should be permad because he is the only one who consistently violates the spirit of this board
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>>342603 based >>342604 tbqh although the fact that he knows how to change ips makes permas useless >>342605 yet another compelling argument why blapipo should be genocided they just can't stand to see huwhite people thriving on their own
>>342605 >if white people want to live on their own, they must go to europe, not in africa.
>>342607 not true, getting banned constantly wears you down, we know this due to the previous SA wars.
reminder that 90% of niggers in SA are bantu niggers who came in the 19th and 20th century
shnight lads >>342609 tbh takes some endurance though >>342610 tbh they're more furrin than the huwhite seff effricans are smh they only turned up once the huwhite man made things good
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>>342612 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK extra comfy >tfw will never have a proto brit mannerbund that lives in the comfy shell of a Pleistocene mammoth turtle while invading the south from hyperborea
>woes stream with morgoth is 7 hours long
>>342605 same shite they say in america
>>342612 god I wish this was me
>>342612 comfy tbh
>>342614 I hope that was one minute of Morgs bhtfo and then 6 hours 59 minutes of Woes must valueable time of him seething.
>>342612 very good lad
>>342618 try and type that out again but have it make sense this time mong.
>>342605 >bunch of random white people buy a plot in a literal desert >produce a crime free society with real estate in the billions within twenty years
>>342609 SA was the one who got worn down lad. As with Spic and every other enemy of the bum bum king. Do you really want bum bum raids coming nightly to the thread? Can you handle that? We're in the diplomatic stage right now.
>>342622 So bbk what would the appeal be of ruling over an empty board and constantly talking to yourself?
>>342612 keeeek amazing, lad. That music unlocked some old memories.
>>342623 The board would remain the same, the mass exodus anti-bumbums predicted were his majesty made a mod did not occur. Neither will it when he is BO. You're welcome to leave though lad. The board is dying as it is. We need a strong leader, and a vicious defender, if the board is going to survive. I promise nothing less than the total revitalisation of /brit/.
That's my belly after all this Christmas eating.
>>342621 >not Aryania
>>342626 rather evasive.
i like auslad i think he's a good lad
>>342631 He's a good lad but we need a strong board leader. We need clear rules. We need a passionate advocate and defender. The board is dying faster than Wessex. Only TBBK can revive this pitiable place.
sounds like a tory boy he'll be talking about british values next
someone got me a case of various ipa's for christmas and they all taste exactly the same and awful. dont get the meme about them at all.
>>342633 I'd ban trannies like you on site.
cant game because my computers battery keeps making popping sounds
>>342636 let's hear it
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>the board is dying People have been saying this for years. All we have to worry about is anudda 8chan shoah. Oz isn't a bad BO because he's fairly laid back but unambiguously against the gayists. If madlass is remoded then BBK should be, given they were both demodded for what the former did, plus some trannoid concern trolling that they both had to go. Smh we get so close to a good balance but then things go wrong. Never gonna sieve the white rice at this rate. Okay, thank you.
>>342636 I've been trying to play Suzerain but my laptop is so shit that it keeps crashing and shutting down even with the settings turned down.
My sister had one of her friends around and they asked after me. Feel a bit bad for not saying hello.
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no wonder daftyism was defeated so easily
>>342642 https://youtu.be/21VeAmPOBzI THE DAFTY LADS ARE KANGS!
>>342641 >not sneep snorp smh TBBK has lost his touch. IT's over for the red-horned and big-bummed race
>>342648 Keeeeeeeeeeeeek. smh had me worried at the end there was afraid he'd say "the BBC"
>>342574 JUST >>342612 Art.
how do you respond???
https://youtu.be/QZN_yzhUdu4 >the fat lads marching through London to the /brit/ meat up
>>342652 expatchads...
https://youtu.be/eGLSPyGszjo Alright, I'll admit it. This was a ch00n. Or as za lad says "a bop".
there was a documentary on the children of prostitutes in the philipines and they were all mixed orphans. one of them was adopted by an ex-tranny prostitute because he couldn't have kids of his own. one of the few good trannies, clearly just a well meaning nutcase.
>good trannies
i wish i was napoleon
had a 17 hour sleep, nightcap smelled sweaty so ive put it in the wash work hard, sleep harder
>>342658 Exactly Tranny got nicked today for murdering his dad and trying to kill his sister Mentally ill, all of them What is the solution?
>>342622 SA was defeated because he made too many enemies and lost all his friends then he himself gave up, stop trying to take all the credit.
>>342661 KEEEEEEEEEEK clearly an incel who failed as a man and became a "woman", imagine the seethe he must have had against his sister who was an actual qt lass.
>>342662 There is only one man who made him shut the board down in terror. That was HRH TBBK. Stop trying to take away from my deeds. Great men make history. A great buttocks makes great boards!
>>342664 you weren't even here most of the time, mancs did more than you.
and it was me who executed a coup de grace by holding a vote on his removal and replacement with auslad.
>four awful posts with the weakest takes Yikes.
>>342663 Raging incel tbh
poolad defeated SA stop rewriting history
Ah yes, tyrants listen to democratic polls keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>342669 How can there be poo without a bum bum?
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thinking about /brit/ mesa again smh >the Bollock Destructive Testing department >the fauna research and development section housing ultrabeachmasters and trains dogs to instinctually poo on women >the myriad white race saving offices where the best polfaces of our generations work >poo investigative division working out how to construct the world's grottiest, most based post on the entire internet for all time AHHHHH >>342660 possibly the most based, kino and redpilled post on /brit/ in this whole month maybe more in awe at the snoozepower on this lad >>342662 tbh if anything he successfully carried out a based banana republic political career including the part where he flees to a private tropical island with the nation's treasury
I'm going to take up dauncing and enter competitions as the bum bum king. Thus becoming the most successful pseudo incel on Earth.
The do swing dauncing at the blackie on Wednesdays. I'll research and start in the new year
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>>342534 since this post >1 bag of crisps >a lot of choccies >big dindins >2 bottles of bepis We were doing so good
>>342677 its ok lad, you have another day to get things on track for 2023
why are there so many near 30 year olds here who are unwed and without a gf or even a home of their own or a stable job, whats going on.
>>342680 the jews
and booze
>>342679 kek >>342680 too busy saving the white race tbh
wish i had a pet mule tbh
>>342680 >>342681 Oceans of vices, and toil and women are horrible.
is aggnonce still here?
>>342686 trounced too many times, probably off larping as a bohemian of some kind while acting superior to his fellow uni mongs because he can't get away with it here.
>>342680 I have a stable job. Could have a home of my own and a flashy car if I wanted to, but it would be retarded to piss away the majority of my earnings on rent, insurance, utilities, fuel etc needlessly like a normgroid when I can save for a house deposit. I'll have £100k in savings next year. Not unusual to be unmarried into 30s. With the whole woman thing, I can honestly say that I'm much happier alone than with the wrong woman. Would prefer to have someone to love but I won't debase myself in desparate floundering. Caring deeply about someone who doesn't have reciprocal feelings is the most horrible thing I've ever experienced and I have no desire to repeat it.
>>342687 smh, i need a /brit/ esque mate irl tbh we could cause chaos
>£100k in savings >lads were bucketing me about having £16k
>>342665 >mancs did more than you. Tbh.
>>342688 >Not unusual to be unmarried into 30s in normal times it is > I can honestly say that I'm much happier alone than with the wrong woman. regardless of how awful women are and how difficult the situation is for incels, a defeatist attitude is not going to save the shite race, we all have a duty >>342690 you are a neet in your 20s whereas he is a toiler in his 30s
>342692 How was he being defeatist? Illiterates just make shit up tbh filtering you.
>Mancs-BBK alliance Let's do it lad. The jews will tremble when they hear us shout the word "sneed" in Piccadily station
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>>342688 This lad is going to make it. >>342694 Insneed.
>lads playing along with bbk's narcissistic fits again
>>342690 It's what's left after seven years of wages, lad. I'm not quite there yet. We all have different situations. It brings me no joy, I can't do anything with it but waste it or continue waiting >>342692 I'm 26, lad. It's not a defeatist attitude, it's the truth. My sense of duty is such that I willingly and unprompted will make myself profoundly miserable doing whatever I can to fulfil my responsibilities. If I allow myself to become entangled with a woman that isn't right for me again, it will be my ruination.
>trannies counter-signalling the board hmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm makes a nigga think
>>342698 what are you even saying, that you put your own pleasure and comfort above your duties
>>342688 good lad, the pussy at any cost mentality is why rightist have been defeated for the last 70 years. They value pleasure over principle, half the lads here would disavow nationalism at the first hint of of a gf, that's just a fact. They think of nationalism as a prosperity gospel and not a civilizational struggle. That's why we lose. Standards are victory.
>>342700 >reading comprehension
>>342688 >>342698 >26 Fucking hell good lad, keep going you're doing incredible
>>342701 > the pussy at any cost mentality stop strawmanning > is why rightist have been defeated for the last 70 years nonsensical statement > They value pleasure over principle thats literally what this lad is doing >half the lads here would disavow nationalism at the first hint of of a gf, that's just a fact. not relevant to the discussion at hand >They think of nationalism as a prosperity gospel and not a civilizational struggle. That's why we lose. Standards are victory. more strawmanning >>342702 maybe try being coherent
I've met manxlad and she's black
>>342674 why are you suffering that fan remake lad play blue shit or something
What sort of work do you do to be able to put away 15k/year into savings la?
>>342707 "He" is a twitch thot but refuses to show us "his" tits
>ip hopping concern troll: so what you're saying is [opposite of what he's saying]
>>342709 keeeeeeeeeeeek
A polemic on Bum,Bumism https://voca.ro/1cvBNQVw8cLv
>>342707 It's much easier to spend money than earn it for most people. Thus, the easiest way to accumulate savings is to have regular income and avoid major expenditure. Office job living with parents. It's not a particularly high salary. I don't take holidays. I don't have a car. I don't have much privacy or freedom. Subordinate any desire for self aggrandisement or indulgence in favour of long term prosperity. The hardest part is getting a job. Beyond that, if you do anything regularly enough it becomes habit, which can be continued ad infinitum
>that lass I know who spent 80 bongo bucks on food for a month
Women love me but they don't love me.
>>342713 I wons aped 80 big black bucks
>>342713 thats not that much tbh, are you calculating your spending habits based on mummy making all your meals?
>>342713 >>342716 that's really decent imo, £20/week, basically £3/day to cover all your meals? Great going
>>342713 For me iirc it was about £100 for a month of food alone a few years ago, and that was pretty restrained. What with cost of living increase it's probably much higher now. £80 is impressive.
>>342707 any job when you live with mummy
Yeah I meant that 80 was a good number
>>342720 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek *pinches your little 22st cheqz*
In the bum bum Kingdom we call a fart a "chequency"
as in frequency qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>342703 cheers lad
>>342720 keek oh based lad yeah I'm on minimum of £50/week food, Have a lot of fresh meats to try put weight on so it can be as much as £70 with island prices
>>342724 what dat tung do?
>>342727 uh oh
>>342728 sharp of tongue but dat nigga be hung 22st up in dis shi'
>400g of mince meat a day and I'm already up in 150 bongo bucks, and that excludes all other food *screams* >>342730 shut up >>342726 smh didn't you move, lad?
>>342729 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>342711 decent Mark Hamill joker tbh
>he will never release a single or an albumbum
>>342731 yeah, picrel is what I can do
how does he make his voice like that
>>342735 >21000 year so how are we supposed to afford a house again smh
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>been lazy last 2 days >pissing in my bedroom kettle >thought I'd wash when ready to do so >got curious about what boiled piss smells like >boiled it >accidentally forgot that the kettle is broken and needs to be manually switched off >came in room after a 10 minute break and the room was full of piss steam >smells like piss >piss smell on the carpet and walls >had to lock the door so mummy can't get in
>>342738 Dorsetchads...
>>342739 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek highly based. Had to stop peeing in the shower after mummy told me off, apparently hot showers steamify the pee smh
>we now know boiled pee smells like pee answers we wouldn't have had without white man's ingenuity and curiousity
>>342739 keeeeeek interesting tangent, on Wednesday I met John Taylor on the steam train, the man who invented the thermostat on kettles that switches them off when boiled should've asked him if he did any research into steamed piss
Piss in the sink like a normal person. Wew lads.
The White Man of the Year 2028 I can see myself in 5 years. I am wrapped in a layer of latex with holes for only my eyes, mouth and crotch. I hang from a rusty meathook in a cold, dark room. My nose is that of a pig. It is not a prosthetic, but a puss filled growth resulting from my Covid-20 vaccination lobotomy. My hotwife is named Hildegard Böemop. She is a titanically obese German Woeman of astounding stature. I hang half a meter off the ground yet still she towers over me. She is my Queen; my Empress; my intensely elegant Czarina. And I am her Pig Cuckold; her Hogslob; her Loathsome Lobotomite. I look up from the ground to see her face, in all It's radiance. I pass every roll of her fat fuck greasy piss trunk, bowing my head to every crease, tuck and furrow until I can finally have the honor of seeing her proper. In all her majestic and imposing corpulence. [10:38 PM] My mouth gapes wide in awe and she spits into it. It tastes of salt and iron. "WHO DA LIL WHITEBOI PIGGY WHO DUN GON N' LEFF AL DEM DISHES ALL UNCLEANED N' SHIT?" she bellows from her fetid orifice. "I'm the little white boy piggy who went and left all of the dishes all uncleaned and such, Mistress Böemop" I wimper back. "N' Y DIS LIL WHITEBOI PIGGY DUN GON N' DID ALL DAT NUFFIN INSTEADA DOIN A HOL BUNCHA SUMFIN, HUH?". "My most pitiful appolgies Mistress Böemop, but ever hard I strove to rid myself of this meathook, I simply could not escape It's clutches." "SO WHAT? U DIN FRY DA TURKEY OR NUFFIN?" "No Mistress Böemop, I failed to do as you asked, and for that I am a most wretched fool." "NIGGA WHAT? WEL HOW DA FUCK IS DESHAWN AND DELONDRE SUPOSTA EAT THEY TURKEY IF THERE AINT NO MUTHA FUKIN TURKEY?" I could not speak. Every fiber of my being ached with the kind of self loathing only a white man could know. I began to cry my little white boy tears. Tears of sorrow which soon turned to tears of terror. "WEL IF WE AIN' GOT NO TURKEY THEN WE JUST GON HAVE TO HAVE SOM HAM INSTEAD" With uncanny force my Queen of Spades turned Executress tore me from the hook, rending my spine in an instant. The last sliver of my agency, severed at the vertebral column. I was paralyzed; a hopeless spectator in the last meal of my life. Dragged to the dining room table I was drawn and quartered by the ravenously hungry Black Kings. Served with a side of sizzurp and gravy. Before the stygian eclipse could take me, I uttered my final words. Beyond my disability and through the pain. Words carried from the last remaining embers of my soul; the White Man's cry for help: "I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS!"
>>342739 you'd better be lying. why would you piss in something that you use for drinkable hot water? Anything else would've been better. I wouldn't be comfortable making tea with that kettle unless I'd washed it thoroughly thrice, bleached it, rinsed it out, washed it even more, boiled it full a few times and emptied it, then tried drinking a bit of water from it and found a satisfactory absence of piss or bleach taste >>342737 It's not so bad. One man alone doesn't need a whole house, so the cost can be lessened by either going for a smaller bungalow or either renting it out to paying tenants or having a family member/long term girlfriend with a job
>>342745 Reminder that this is an excerpt from one of TBBK's roleplay sessions
another unbelievably unfunny tryhard post tbbk
>>342746 err piss is sterile, lass
Would prefer if bbk went back to the irregular and infrequent posting like he used to, hes incredibly unfunny.
>>342749 Doesn't mean I'd drink liquid from a container that had been pissed in without a thorough cleaning. Even if it's sterile, I don't want my tea to taste like piss
Harissa not herbs on sky news talking about andrew tate
>>342745 Could easily be part of Yurope 3
Anybody who achieved fame through some inane shit like big brother and social media clout isn't worth consideration
Let's everybody drink from urinals, because piss is sterile
Fucking dire.
>>342748 The saddest thing of all lass, is that that you think I post to amuse you
I'm too drunk to register what piss poster just wrote but good post lad I'll keek at it . . . in better times . . .
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The origin of the sneep snorp creatures
>Edwin Anderson Walker (November 10, 1909 – October 31, 1993) was the only U.S. Army general officer to resign his commission amid his tour of duty in the 20th century. After serving in World War II and the Korean War Walker became better known for his white supremacism and extreme political opinions, often made on-duty and in uniform for which he was criticized by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. >On September 29, 1962, he issued a televised statement: >This is Edwin A. Walker. I am in Mississippi beside Governor Ross Barnett. I call for a national protest against the conspiracy from within. Rally to the cause of freedom in righteous indignation, violent vocal protest, and bitter silence under the flag of Mississippi at the use of Federal troops. This today is a disgrace to the nation in 'dire peril,' a disgrace beyond the capacity of anyone except its enemies. This is the conspiracy of the crucifixion by anti-Christ conspirators of the Supreme Court in their denial of prayer and their betrayal of a nation. >White segregationists from around the state joined students and locals in a violent, 15-hour riot on the campus on September 30. Two people were killed execution-style, hundreds were wounded, and six federal marshals were shot. Walker was arrested on four federal charges, including sedition and insurrection against the United States. He was temporarily detained in a mental institution on orders from Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Kennedy demanded that Walker receive a 90-day psychiatric examination. >In February 1962, Walker began his campaign for governor, but finished last among six candidates in a Democratic primary election. The winner in a runoff election was John B. Connally, Jr., the choice of Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Democratic Party primaries were the only strongly competitive political contests in the state at that time.[12] In the course of his campaign, Walker assaulted journalist Thomas V. Kelly who had asked him for a response to praise of Walker from American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell. >Walker reported that he was the target of an assassination attempt at his home on April 10, 1963, but escaped serious injury when a bullet fired from outside hit a window frame and fragmented. After its investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Warren Commission concluded that Walker's assailant had been Lee Harvey Oswald.[1] >Walker, at age 66, was arrested on June 23, 1976 for fondling and propositioning a male undercover police officer in a public restroom in a Dallas park and charged with public lewdness.[42][43][44] He was arrested again in Dallas for public lewdness on March 16, 1977.[45][46] He pleaded no contest to one of the two misdemeanor charges, and was convicted and sentenced to jail time, which the judge suspended. He was also fined $1,000.[47] based or cringe? you decide.
too much to read
>>342761 based but gay the sneep snorp creatures would bite him
>>342761 based but incompetent, whats the point in a riot that just ends in nothing?
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>>342506 I recognize this khokol thot! >>342581 cunt just gave away the entire purpose for the existence of the ROC and the Ukraine >>342622 I wasn't worn down, Herts came from nowhere and created a splinter board and half the posters moved there so I had to pass BO to somebody (Lew) to prevent a schism and save /newbrit/. which I did because I always had the good of the board in mind, unlike you who is just a mentally ill freak >>342638 >If madlass is remoded then BBK should be why would you even entertain this idea you retard subhuman? neither of them should ever have been a mod in the first place, and madlad still needs to be demodded again. the only reason we would ever need mods at all is because of BBK himself spamming nigger/tranny pornography or Jocko spamming homosexual pornography
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almost coomed but then remembered not to and then wrote some more of my short story and fixed some shite at parents house because no toil since its ice storming out rn
>>342766 she looks like a tartar mongoloid
>spic and steiner start posting at almost identical times he's close lad find him and do what must be done >>342767 based tbh
>>342767 are you doing the nocoom meme again
alot of hol hols seem to have churka phenotypes. seen this one russian milf who moved in across the street from mummies and her "russian" husband is a bit swarthoidic to be a slav. looks like a greasy italian/churka phenotype. smh at least she bleached away his disgusting churka phenotype with blond kid
>spic still trying to rile people up to overthrow the jannies so he can post his filth unopposed you are not welcome here
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>>342771 no I just hate the post coom energy drain where I have to build back up my MP for the next coom
>>342766 she ran away to London
ah that was already apparent going by the original post
>>342772 met two russian lads that had perfectly circular heads each once
>ywn crush spics pathetic effete coastcuck skull under the tire of a duramax L5P
>>342773 We needs to stuff my big red bum bum koch into his hyenus and fuck him off entire yearly. bBK FOR BO! *throws chocolate coinz to the lads*
>>342777 the worst is when slavs tell you that you look russian when the visit shartica because you have the square/flat taigoidic phenotype
keek taigroid
since it'll be new years soo lets make our predictions and admit to our past predictions that were wrong, as hard as it may be. for me. >thought islamist terrorism would come back >thought russia would win in ukraine >thought the 2016 rise in election results for populists and nationalists in europe would continue (hard to accept tbh) >thought there'd be a 2011 race riots situation again
Furriners should be asked to leave and executed if they refuse. The problem with the Nazi approach to the Jewry was that they didn't allow the Jews to leave with their assets, thus discouraging voluntary expatriation. This was partly an unintended consequence of low foreign currency reserves, so Jews couldn't convert from Reichsmarks. No such problems with modern Britain. Let them take their assets so as not to disincentivise leaving.
>>342781 keeeeeeeek
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>>342772 many of them are part iranian due to absorbing the Sarmatians, eastern Iranian tribes that migrated north into the Eurasian steppe and then westwards into the Ukraine where they were defeated by the Goths (Swedes) and then absorbed into the Ukrainian genome and the Polish nobility (poles LARPed as Sarmatians for awhile as a result, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarmatism). the Ossetians are the purest remnants of the Alans, who descended from the Sarmatians and/or Scythians and of course some hohols are mixed with tatars as well but that's a separate issue. she does look mongoloid so she must be part tatar, the sarmatians were white
>>342786 Very interesting, lad
>>342786 I hate swarthoids
spic is literally swarthoid internet defense force
>>342788 >>342789 your views are on race are the same as varg- muh yellow hair and blue eyes- because you have known non-white admixture (ojibwe) so you have to create a mental gymnastics ideology that puts you in the white camp despite failing the one-drop rule
>>342790 can't you go be with your people and leave us innocent fair-eyed and fair-haired people alone?
you shit on anglos constantly fuck off this board go stand outside home depot and scab work you fucking spic
hope andrew tate gets shanked by a gypsy in romanian prison tbh
>>342793 glad he got sent back where he belongs with his people
>>342793 He's already been released.
For Aggnonce and maybe manxlad only: https://voca.ro/1mbk2KmGeJzy
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>can't sleep so posting with the yanks
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>>342798 Wew. Tatebros, it's ogre... >>342796 Legitimately unsettling.
Was just reading "The Nest Leaders Manuel" by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. It's really sad that Romania was once a beloved and cultured nation, and then to see what is at best a joke to the rest of the world today.
*invents death squads* *brags about it in their anthem* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ckkBg-ENJU
https://youtu.be/nt4le-hax6I when it comes to marching autism I am a jerrycuck
>ywn have been in the SS and died before the white race went to total shite
>ywn be a british explorer in africa in the 19th century >ywn be a cowboy
>>342805 what if in the future we get to step to edm? pretty epic i know...
Going to watch Wednesday for my spicfu ngl lads.
Leftoids can’t civilisation
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>>342810 nietzsche said it nicely that defining your life around victimhood limits your capability. you could see how their own ideology prevented them from doing anything. post modern leftism is a parasitic strategy for upper middleclassoid manager caste, its not a functional schema for a frontier type existence
the sheriff's son who works at the coffee shops is the bad guy also the black girl kills the antagonist
Romanians are the best Eastern Europeans. they participated massively in Operation Barbarossa and don't get enough credit >>342792 it's not "anglos", I like Germanic peoples and the Anglo-Saxons were Germans. but there's clearly a problem with the British genome, obviously the Normans are one such problem but I suspect that the Brythonic peoples might be an issue as well, these Mr. Bean looking types. Abraham Lincoln was basically a jew, unleashing millions of feral niggers onto the whites, and he looked very Brythonic as well. the Romans thought that the Britons were swamp-dwelling savages basically, my current theory is that Britannia was a land of darkness, similar to Africa, before the Romans came bringing civilization and then the Anglo-Saxons and Norse came bringing good-natured, honest, hard-working Germanic genetics. then there was a brief golden age when England was ruled by Anglo-Saxons- this was the era where you had all of the 'Old England' lore like King Arthur, Knights of the Round Table, Excalibur, Merlin, Quest for the Holy Grail, Robin Hood, etc.- until William the Bastard came and imposed (((Norman))) rule, which ultimately resulted in the Roman-Germanic upliftings failing to be enough to lead the Brythonic peoples to a state of goodness, and you ended up with this Rothschild-controlled Jewish global empire that potato-genocided the Irish and starved Boer children in death camps, then went to war with NSDAP Germany for no reason and burned millions of German mothers and babies in their homes in a fit of impotent rage while Germany led a Pan-European crusade against Jewish Bolshevism and Judeo-American Capitalism. then they abandon their own people to the niggers in Rhodesia and South Africa. like, clearly there's a problem here, and I'm not saying I know what it is per se, but I'm floating theories and as we know there are only a few ethnic groups that came to make up the contemporary British: >Celts/Gaels >Brythonics >Romans >Anglo-Saxons >Norse >Normans and we can safely discount the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Norse. Ireland isn't all that perfidious, so I think we can safely discount the Celts/Gaels as well, plus their genetic impact is low. then you have the Normans, who are definitely a big problem and a very evil ethnic group, but despite being a ruling caste they were low in number and their genetic impact on the population musn't be very high. that laves only the Brythonics really. maybe they're just stupid and will follow any leader for any reason, which would explain why they got conquered so many times (Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Norse in part, then Normans and finally Jews), rather than being wicked at heart... but you see what I'm saying, there's a problem here (and it's not the Germanic Anglo-Saxons, so you can't say I'm "muh anti-Anglo" because I'm not. I'm pro-White, pro-Romance, pro-Germanic, just trying to be objective here and look at the available facts to determine the truth)
>>342814 already posted it myself in previous threads at least twice would betray the resistance for goth mossman tbh
>>342811 Unlucky lad How will you sneep your snorps now?
>>342817 I'll just stalk him on my other account smh >like his peec >he blocks me ACK
>>342818 >like his peec You mean his pecs?
>>342819 I mean a pic
maybe stop interacting with faggots
>>342821 smh Westie can still be saved
abe lincoln was welsh descent like thomas jefferson. abe lincoln was probably the greatest american who ever lived and will be remembered long after this shithole country goes down in flames and I don't have to bother arguing this with autismal zoomer retards who learned american history on 4chan.
literally just wash his dick
wess after how long an absence should we consider you dead?
>>342825 smh back off lad I've been eyeing that mould for months
>>342825 a month or so I guess I am known to disappear for long periods of time smh can never maintain a consistent habit over a long term period, happened to all three online PnP groups I was in including kentlad and co's, happened to muh m&b clan, happened to reenacting etc etc where I take breaks long enough to just fade away from groups and become permanently disassociated probably extended depressive episodes or something idk
>>342823 >muh oil-drilling libtard was "the greatest american that ever lived" maybe because America was never great and there never was any "great American" [sic]
>>342823 >>342828 oh I thought you said that Thomas Jefferson was the greatest. Lincoln? keeeeeeeeeeeeek what the fuck steiner that guy literally unleashed the niggers upon us. you absolute mong, he was evil and an agent of the Jews. the southerners fought to keep the niggers in chains and to free themselves from the federal government, their cause was just
>>342813 Already sneething at the niggress smh.
kill yourself spic you illiterate ruin dwelling morlock ape lincoln wanted to deport the niggers to africa and was in the process of making that happen when he was cohencidentally assassinated
yeah Abe Lincoln will be worshipped by the brown hordes as one of those traitor whites that helped lead the white rice to extinction >>342831 he had such a solid plan to do so that him getting taken out stopped it from happening! that totally justified releasing millions of niggers from slavery!
>>342810 keeeeek i remember the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch from kiwifarms days. they outright murdered hundreds of alpacas and the US government had a program to fund alpaca farms in the state so they got shiploads of them whenever they asked.
>>342833 smh they should have added "of Democrats" to the name so that it's spirit was demonstrated
>>342815 >the Romans thought that the Britons were swamp-dwelling savages Your entire worldview is based of 4/pol/ memes that include completely made up quotes, neither of those quotes are real. The Romans thought of Britain as a semi-mythical Isle and Julius Caesars accounts presented it as a place that was very real but where the Bronze Age never ended and magic and legends still existed. Their continued use of chariots far past the rest of the world called back to the Homeric legends of old, along with their martial culture where each chief of tribe was determined by martial prowess as opposed to any written law, Caesars army was stopped by a collection of a few Brittonic tribes with antiquated means of combat, and Caesar himself recorded this. The Druids were described as actually holding magical powers, that the Romans genuinely believed and feared. Julius Caesar wanted people to see the ancient Britons as impressive foes making his feat of defeating them as even more impressive.
observation that probably means something that I am too lazy to expand on >based and trad hero chuds follow the lead and example of strong and visible leaders which produce powerful societies with large vulnerable points >cringe coward faggot progs follow the orders of evil and corrupt spiritual and literal jews who embody weasel behaviour and hide behind their followers and structures, they produce parasite societies which tear themselves apart from within
can spic get some bans for being anti-anglo again tbh
Everytime spic tries to talk about history he just proves what an uneducated mong he is. Remember when he adamantly claimed Bohemia was a Germanic kingdom not knowing it was an antiquated term for Czechia.
>>342838 it was though, it was an electorate in the German Holy Roman Empire, the urban population were all Germans, the Czechs were illiterate peasants
oh yeah he's city dwelling scum too take him out of his basement, take his mummy away to stop feeding him and he'd die within a day
>>342840 nah I'm against modern urban areas, they're all trash now, but back in the day they were the productive engines of a nation. the rural areas produced food and resources while the urban areas manufactured goods and administered the government. nowadays, the rural areas continue to produce food, resources to a lesser extent because they too are largely imported from the third world, and the urban areas produce nothing aside from services of questionable need. mostly, they are subsidized by the productivity of the rural areas, while all manufactured goods are imported from the third world anyway that's beside the point. Kingdom of Bohemia was a German-minority ruled component of a German empire with a Slavic majority that lived primarily as peasants tilling the fields. that's just a historical fact
>>342815 spic you are a fucking retard
don't want you to die wess *cries*
>mouse over the (you) of his filtered post >multiple paragraphs narcissistic autism and a whole host of other conditions presumably the whole character of spic that we see here generates such an intense dislike it's hard to even describe think it might have driven me to physical violence to experience it in the schoolyard
>>342844 spot me a kidney then lad? surely such quality posts as mine deserve at least a spare organ
>>342844 The one known as Wessex is already dead. Only the mold remains.
>have to top up my leccy again after only four days >£5 a fucking day hope the management boards of these cunt businesses get lynched with rusty barbed wire tbh
>>342845 his uneducated view of brythonnic folklore and english history made me write half a seeth post but it isnt worth it smh
>>342849 would be interested in that sort of post myself tbh been a while since I thought about the good old days of drvids and fevds
>>342839 the kings were slavic aswell as the nobility you mong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C5%99emyslid_dynasty
>>342850 it was mostly a seeth on how he thinks anything from geoffrey of monmouth's compilations (historia regum britanniae, which was compiled AFTER the conquest) and Nennius's historia brittonum (which includes the welsh poet character, Taliesin, who is interesting on his own) includes anything of england or the english it isnt till book 6 when anglos (not english) are first mentioned, invited by vortigern as mercenaries to fight his neighbours, which indirectly triggers the beginning of their invasion of briton due to his retardation and inability to check the opportunistic hengist and his brother horsa (its also the book where merlin, based on prophet lailoken, is introduced as a sacrafice to ddraig and alboin when vortigurn tried to build a tower on their moutain cave) its only in the last book when after battle of camlann and arthurs travel to avalon, the anglo saxons return and cadwallader, arthurs decendant and last king of the britons, flees to europe, and only then is when the anglo-saxon kings and kingdoms are mentioned. most of the characters in these stories are either roman or britons, and the anglo saxon characters that there are, are either protrayed negatively or barely tame thinking these works or what theyre based from is a product of "olde england" is an shartism view, excatly what spic is smh i seethed a little
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trying meatza first time for dindins. bretty gud
>>342853 nice 'za lad
for me its buddy's detroit style pizza or cottage inn hawaiian pizza or anthony's deep dish classic (richfag pizza)
Morning lads
>>342657 Smh, they're going ruin our huwhite prestige
shnite and shmorn
>>342861 choon that
th-th-the incelcore music video youtube channel got deleted... *starts crying* (really hard)
>>342864 >>342864 Good, I simped £80 to him and he only thanked the 5 dollar donation after mine
>6 hours sleep might go back to bed tbh >>342852 thanks for the effortpost lad think I have a novelisation of Taliesin somewhere, been on my reading list for years along with Ivanhoe >>342864 >Up to the Wolves is gone AHHHH smh I really liked him for discovering new choons
>seething moneygrubbing ricecel is to blame wtf I hate him now
*posts again just for the thrill of it
>>342857 Smorb lad. Idk who that is but 93 is a good innings.
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best film i watched this year? zombie ass toilet of the dead
reipu zonbi at a close second
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>>342855 that's not the actual picture of it. it was nice though, could have used more toppings, only had olives >>342856 never had deep dish, or detroit style, or even a true new york slice. only the regular new york-inspired pizza and pic related which is called "bakery pizza" and is a rhode island thing. doesn't look like much and it isn't but the sauce is thick and flavorful, lots of tomato paste, and the dough is chewy like something you'd get out of a bakery. and hence the name, usually bakeries sell it. usually eaten at room temperature
>>342868 Another year of saving the White race. Thank you, Mark Collett.
>Opening with gay homo zoomer-woggoid BIX NOOD music.
fireworks have started even though it's not new year yet smh made me jump when they started because i thought i'd missed the countdown >>342876 looks tasty tbh >>342879 sovl
Time for a covfefe
kek. Missed this. Just wipe it off the map already.
>>342883 smh why do they have to be so cringe
>>342884 https://voca.ro/1dOG4dIj8HQh I demand that you surrender the bored.
>>342888 So when are the kikes going to declare it mission complete and get the peace signed off so they can start asset stripping the nation?
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>>342872 troons will have to bash each other soon
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>women love me cock >but they don't love me soul
>>342891 >grr we have vagina envy let us beat the shit out of women!!
>>342890 It’s a done deal Zelensky is at Davos next year as well
>Federal agent Baumbergovitz blows smart dust up your nose >watches your thoughts on Israel Defence Industries BrappleWatch(tm) >reprograms you >you gas yourself
Someone at half chan said Hitchens and Sargon are tweeting at each other. I went to Peter's account and he had linked the tweet that Carl had written about a woman councillor a while ago.
Looks like he spent too much time in the oven
Looks like he spent too much time in the oven
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happy new year lads got high hopes for 2023
I am joining Action Francaise! I will demand that Louis XX be restored to his throne in Fraunce and that the Les Jeufs be expelled from that realm as well as all others!
Although I think AF are Orleanists smh
>>342902 A frog?
>>342904 What?
https://youtu.be/BY3QEuQ8Mnc How did James Cameron get away with this?
He's rubbing one out to Avatar now
>>342901 bit early isn't it smh time traveling aussies
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>>342907 Yer mam
Looks like they got him lads
>in avatar 2 a magical na'vi kid ,akes sea anemones vore humans
https://youtu.be/sm4Z9T2s-ZM Why does he want us to fuck them?
Since when is Ukraine a member state of the toxic EU?
can pookraine just die already
>mummy wants me to put on my big boy clothes for new years dinner smh
I am absolutely fucking seething about the French Revolution. Especially that bastard "monsieur Egalite"
>>342922 why, lamb?
>>342923 It shouldn't have happened. It was evil. As are all Republicans.
>>342916 And Dawkins owns all memes for coining the term. The redpill escape the matrix thing is especially cringe when Tate does it. He's just talking about being a rootless internationalist richfag who doesn't follow laws around parking tickets because lol howyougonnamakemepaybitch? Only thing of any substance I've heard from him describing what he thinks escaping the matrix is.
>>342915 he just lives to seethe now, imagine if he has a secret plan himself
>>342926 wonder if his PHALANX larp or whatever scam org it was is still going tbh
>>342922 yeah i was a swarthoid revolution led by degenerate masonics
>>342927 first it was RADIX then it was some other cringe shite, he probably needs more money for dem child support
>>342920 Theyre losing and will lose then there will be uproar in the US over how much money has disappeared there Surovikin turned the tide and US Gov is reluctant to send more money without battlefield victories Also Russians have probably reverse engineered captured weapons systems such as US HIMARS etc by now, the accuracy and expenditure of ammo on successful target strikes has increased and decreased in that order. video I posted earlier was a strike successfully intercepted by a Kiev hotel where no doubt western advisers were slumming it up Expect Russia will bash Ukies hard into submission in the new year
>>342930 most of that money was laundered throught that crypto scam run by the kike patsy bankman
>>342930 lad in wich world are you living where the russians are winning? this is just delusional at this point
>>342932 I don't think either is winning tbh.
>>342931 I don't understand what the money can be for other than completing the furnishings in these peoples NZ mountaintop doomsday bunkers.
>>342933 well so far they have managed to ruin every rusian condition for victory, though by the end of the war no matter the borders they end up with most of the country will be rubble
>>342934 alot of it is being used for human trafficking in hol hol land to israel, organ harvesting of dead hol hols by israelis, mitch mcconnells chinese spy wife is using it probably to fund chinese ship building. americas treasury is being looted by foreign assets pretty much openly and only really rand paul has called it out (which is why there have been 4 assassination attempts on him since 2010)
>>342935 in cold war strategm full spectrum 1960s era thinking russia doesn't care about hol hol land, what they care about is denying shartica access to ABM sites that can intercept missiles in launch stage and thus nullfy MAD concept. its outdated thinking similar to fags in crimean war 1850s and US civil war/WW1 trying to use Jomini tactics
>>342934 Maintaining their grip on power Also Russia will win in whatever capacity because nobody will escalate to armageddon. Ukraine is Russias backyard so they have said they will fight to victory. US and EU wont do jack shit about this Ukraine alone will never defeat Russia Putin today >Russia will still continue to develop weapons, including high-precision >Russia must "either surrender everything or fight," but it is impossible to surrender, we must go forward
>>342935 >two posts >NATOfagging Contrarian faggot or GCHQ?
>>342939 nah lad, i just cant believe how delusional some people STILL are, i believed that the war wouldnt last a mont, yet here we are almost a year later and theres still lads that cant accept that the russians are completely incompetent
>>342941 The Russians are winning lad. Vast portions of Ukraine are occupied despite Ukraine being given billions by NATO. Concern trolling faggot.
>>342942 >Concern trolling faggot. nah lad, i am free to have my own opinions instead of trying to look based >Vast portions of Ukraine are occupied despite Ukraine being given billions by NATO. look at how much they have lost since their initial advance and how unable they have been to actually push in, russians are a paper tiger and i hope atleast they were competent during the cold war, if not, old grandpa was concerned over nothing tbh
What should the first film night of 2023 be?
nice NAFO tier talking point. the whole late 80s-2003 period of limited war cake walks is over. ukraine was never some easy target like iraq especially with all the equipment sent to it. even prior to the war they had one of the biggest militaries in europe
I hear this same shite all the time from fox news chudlet boomer toilers acting like russia is a paper tiger when america would have had a complete societal collapse if they were fighting a ukraine tier war. the second even one airwing was lost it would be riots over here. so many fox news boomer faggots talk about how we should invade mexico to stop the cartels, I doubt america would even be capible of that feat. literally all countries are "paper tigers" in the age of COD4 spec ops larper faggotry
>>342946 >>342945 why are you obsessed with licking russia's bum lad? im calling them incompetent and here you are throwing a hissyfit over it being propaganda
eastzog might be incompetent but they are less incompetent than westzog simple as
>>342947 im not that is yet another NAFO reddit talking point where ukraine functions as this center of gravity similar to israel. there are clearly brigades of shills out running kike-hol hol talking points. I don't give a fuck about ukraine and russia always existed as a counter point to stop american imperialism so in that regard they are important and russia is more isolationist than china so I perfer them in that regard
>Noooo! Are you moving back to an easily defensible geographic line during winter! You're losing! You're a fucking idiot f7b240. You're clearly a contrarian too.
f7b240 should be banned. If BBK were BO he would have been the moment his concern trolling became apparent.
https://youtu.be/wY3Ehw7_4Sg more weather kino on the way
>heh! Russia have only been able to capture twice as much as they intended, chuds, they're clearly failing!
>>342949 both russia and china have been contributing to everything being shite, defending them thinking youre alligning with a better option is stupid >>342948 at this point im convinced the armies of the world are compossed by yesman morons since they all end up failing at the end >>342950 >>342951 again >concern trolling no, i simply disagree with you, go ahead and start whinning over it
>>342922 I don't know
North Atlantic Tranny Organisation
>searched for ass clapping on youtube to find a silly video of a nigger making her arse clap >there are billions of videos of all kinds of women doing it and hundreds of coomer-made compilation playlists
>>342955 You responded to the wrong lad lass >342954 >Contrarian >Misrepresenting points Aggnonce?
>>342944 I don't know
>>342957 such is the current state of affairs
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>>342954 >both russia and china have been contributing to everything being shite, defending them thinking youre alligning with a better option is stupid its bbk
>>342961 I'm BBK
no im the real slim shady
You're an incel
>>342961 nah, i mostly lurk becasue theres not much to talk about
Yeah some of the early war showed glaring problems with the Russian military. I suppose it depends if Ukraine can sustain it's rate of loses as long as the Russians can now. I imagine the war has forced some much needed reforms through the Russian MoD. Ukraine is fucked either way though.
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>>342967 You hate the spic, don't you Steiner?
>>342956 Harsh but true Only way that Unkraine can win is for the west to send in the clowns troons
still a few hours to get a gf
>>342970 "pushes a pile of chocolate coins across the table* Join the Bumlings. We can solve the spic ploblem.
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>>342961 >>342962 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>342977 yeah but what about all the telegram pics of dead ukrainian soldiers dressed as russians
>There's been a crush in Australia >Many mongoloids in the pics Import the third world get third world ploblems
>>342978 You're forgetting that Russia RETREATED to an easily defensible position for the winter lad, it's ogre . . .
>>342980 smh australia is looking more like weimart each day
>>342982 I met Auslad she's Chinese
>>342980 the anglosphere has just been turned into some kind of giant global version of manhattan where all the shitskins of the world coagulate like scum around a drain and breed new disgusting cthulian horrors all while sucking at the teat of a civilization that has no elite class of its own and just exists as some tax cattle funding whatever scum wants to show up
https://youtu.be/n7uFxKZdUok >l feast is le bland Shut your fucking mouth you chink cunt
The fucking implication that meat doesn't have a taste of it's own is absurd
>>342990 There was a theory that the whole reason foreign spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)fags did it was that historically all their meat was terrible cuts or already rotting because the poor could only steal the throw aways.
>>342991 also that everyone except whites are fucking disgusting retards who have never been able to understand basic hygienic techniques for everything from raising to slaughtering and storing animal cuts
>>342991 Yeah, I think they also have a low IQ and are unable to detect subtlety. Neither in art nor in food. Nor in anything else. We have over 750 varieties of cheese in this fucking country but mongs take up with "le beans on toast!" shite as though they don't eat bugs. Seething tbh. Give me a steak pie with steaming hot gravy and a dollop of mint sauce any day of the week tbh
https://youtu.be/7StD049RGzE This is [insert thread lads name]
https://youtu.be/wzT4ljuLB_s BBK sighting as first meme
is everyone out at normie new years parties or something smh
>>342996 I'm here lad
>>342996 Gooming tbh
*music starts playing and a disco ball sparkles lights all over the room as the lights go out* It's just us lads . .
>>342997 was just watching the PA roundup, they are enabling druggists on your isle hope they actually check before helping homeless tbh so many of them around here are grifitng eastern euros who spend all their bennies on drugs or hwatever
>>342998 sort of the same tbh keep loading stuff up then closing it again smh
>>343001 gaming is a habit like any other you have to keep it up to enjoy it
>>342996 >>342997 >>342998 >>342999 https://youtu.be/JiXjziluIx8 I'm here, loaded up on snacks to ring in the bells
>>343003 good lad it's raspberry trifle for me tbh
>>343000 (checked) What's this lad? Got a few friends near St.Germans there, what's going on? Never seen a single homeless here in my entire life tbh, never took them as a problem. Always figured everyone knows everyone well enough that there's always a couch going spare etc. All the drug problems I've seen have been have been richfag/middle class vices Nonce enabling is the No.1 issue on the isle I'd say, nonces are imported to protect them and it's rife in government
>>343005 patriotic alternative helping the homeless thing I think it's somewhere in the first 20 minutes https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Patriotic-Alternative-2022-Year-in-Review:1
maybe in 2023 i'll make friends so that i have someone to spend new year's with
first lad to get a gf in 2023 will become the new BO
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>>343006 ah yeah just watched now keeeeeeeeeek >shows video of homeless on street in burnley >shows video of homeless on street in blackpool >shows video of homeless on street in liverpool >shows video of homeless on street in manchester >just shows a building in iom Zero homeless confirmed, localism wins again Surprised there's any PA here though, I'll have to keep an eye out
>The notorious Ned McGowan, of Californian celebrity at the head of a band of Yankee Rowdies defying the law! Every peaceable citizen frightened out of his wits!—Summons & warrants laughed to scorn! A Magistrate seized while on the Bench, & brought to the Rebel’s camp, tried, condemned, & heavily fined! A man shot dead shortly before! Such a tale to welcome me at the close of a day of great enjoyment. smh why was this never made into a movie, royal engineers versus cowboys
>>343010 detect them by having conversations in public and loudly saying the phrases "BELIEVE ME" and "THESE PEOPLE" >>343011 incredibly based tbh reminds me of the australian gold miner's rebellion incident from a previous thread but more civilised
>the incident that provoked the war was a nigger mouthing off and going where he wasn't wanted typical
ol'd Ned and his band were bad boys until the royal engineers established law and order https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Canyon_War just mass killing shitskins
>>343014 >war started by redskin thots regretting their dalliances and tellng their husbands that the huwhite bvlls raped them typical
>>343013 the most kino part is how this was before actual legal authority existed in the territory so there were two courts established by two different political factions, the law and order party and the vigilance committee and meanwhile the british empire was trying to keep these mount and blade warband larpers from taking BC from them
keeek the whatcomb company was a band of cowboys that agreed to kill all the chugs in the valley but another band of cowboys called the new york pike guards disagreed and wanted to spare some chugs. wew literal an-cap world
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >The New York and Austrian companies met no resistance on the journey north, and sent messages forward to Camchin, the ancient Nlaka'pamux "capital" at the confluence of the Fraser and Thompson Rivers (today's town of Lytton), that they were coming to parley peace, not make war. Meanwhile, Graham and his men rampaged up the west bank of the Canyon, destroying native food caches and potato fields but otherwise encountering only a few natives, most of whom had withdrawn into the deep mountain valleys flanking the canyon as refuge. The Whatcom Company were wiped out in a night-time gun-battle, witnessed by the other companies encamped across the river at the time. This was not due to native attack, but rather to a panicked reaction to a rifle falling over and misfiring, causing a melee from which only two or three men survived, as all the rest died shooting at each other in the dark. pure shartican culture
>>343018 KEEEEK smh
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGowan%27s_War >this guys life smh the white race is so fucking gay and degenerate from how we were in the 19th century. imagine telling some anglosphere person anywhere: UK,US or AUS to kneel for a nigger.
>>343020 When Bratton was permitted onto the floor of the Assembly, McGowan became enraged and attacked him. After Bratton stabbed him, McGowan hit Bratton with a chair on the head, all in front of the Pennsylvania legislators.[3] The investigation which followed the fight was dominated by Whigs, and McGowan resigned rather than face an ignominious expulsion.[4] Appointed as superintendent of police in Moyamensing, McGowan became embroiled in yet another controversy when he was implicated in a robbery and convicted in October 1848 on dubious evidence by a judge who, according to Donald Hauka, was either a Whig or a personal enemy.[5] The verdict was overturned on appeal by the Quarter Sessions Court. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek literal WWE tier fighting in the house of representatives
In 1855 power shifted in California from the Democrats to the American Party, also known as the Know-Nothings, an anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant movement that had subsided in the East, but was still very much alive in frontier California. The shooting of U.S. deputy marshall General William H. Richardson in November 1855 was to set off a chain of events that would lead to McGowan having to abandon California altogether. Richardson was shot by a gambler named Charles Cora following a confrontation between the gambler and an angry, drunken, pistol-waving Richardson who had been angry at Cora because of a public fight between their respective wives.[9] Cora claimed self-defence. James King of William, editor of the pro-merchant, pro-American Party Bulletin whipped the citizens into a frenzy over the possibility that Cora might not be hung for the death of Richardson, and was driven to frenzy when the jury in the trial couldn't reach a decision. The Sunday Times, published by a former Democrat turned Know-Nothing named James Casey, fanned the problem by including a defamatory insert attacking King of William's brother Tom and the morals of his wife, signed "Caliban", a pen-name known to be used by McGowan.[10] Tom King threatened James Casey. Casey appealed to Judge McGowan, who conveniently lent him his knife and Texas five-shooter. When King of William published a story libelling Casey, claiming he had spent time in prison for stealing furniture for his prostitute mistress,[11] Casey and King of William had a run-in which resulted in King of William being shot by Casey with McGowan's pistol. King of William was not gravely wounded in the altercation, but still died a few days later, probably from dilatory medical care. The Committee of Vigilance was reactivated even before King of William died. A veritable army of 2,500 was gathered instantly.[12] The sheriff guarding the jail where Casey was being held called for help in the face of this build-up of the vigilante army, and McGowan was one of those who came forward. However the American Party state governor of California, James Neely Johnson, allowed the Committee of Vigilance access to the jail, and the committee members quickly seized both Casey and Cora. Notes arrived at McGowan's residence advising him that he was next, and when King of William died and Casey and Cora were summarily executed, Ned McGowan went into hiding. McGowan escaped San Francisco, using a Mexican disguise, and hid out in various parts of California, narrowly escaping the Committee of Vigilance in Santa Barbara, by having himself rolled into a carpet. Eventually his friends managed to have a special act passed in the California legislature to enable him to be tried in the Napa Valley, far enough away from San Francisco to ensure a fair jury. As expected, McGowan was acquitted, and subsequently founded two newspapers, the Phoenix and the Ubiquitous which he used to expose the sordid and criminal backgrounds of members of the Vigilance Committee.[13] However, the Committee of Vigilance remained powerful in San Francisco, and when McGowan tried to leave California in 1858, news of his departure reached committee members and when he reached San Francisco a warrant had been issued for his arrest and one of the police officers, Jim Boyce, pulled a gun and shot McGowan in front of the courthouse.[14] Fortunately for McGowan the bullet had missed, and despite the general hostility of Vigilance-ridden San Francisco, McGowan managed to escape to the harbour and board the Victoria-bound steamer Pacific.
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>>343023 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>343023 bit gay lad
Some decent high interest cash ISAs have been made available recently, would recommend getting one. I'll open one in the next tax year, assuming continued availability
Happy new year I guess. Don't even know whether or not I'm working on Tuesday
I am working on Tuesday. Damn.
>>343026 Yeah, worth getting an ISA either way. Looking into opening a stocks and shares ISA myself
>boomer finance hustle memi
why do women love fat men with tiny cripple cocks so much
>>343030 It's higher interest than my non ISA savings account, and tax free. Given that I'm breaching the tax free allowance on interest received, it's not a memi, it's a way to earn more whilst paying less tax
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researchers have suggested that financiers manipulate the market primarily to hoard gold
Apart from in the unlikely event of my happening across a very special woman, I'm not wasting any time or energy on any woman that I'm not related to anymore.
That said if my sister's best friend were single I would absolutely go for her even though she's nearly thirty
>>343033 an eldrich abumination ah tell hyou hwat
>>343034 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>343037 You're are frog, lad. Can you confirm my fears by translating this?
>>343039 Added you to a list.
>>343040 Oh no
>bringing faggot shit into the thread again for fucks sake and don't think I didn't see bins posting him in his shitcord either just forget about them, they will kill themselves or die of aids or something without us needing to know anything further
>>343041 Or "you a added a to list" because frogspeak is the devil's tongue.
>>343032 You also in the finance industry lad?
>trannies and gays who are trannies and gays because they are egotistical narcissists and thrive on attention of any kind >let's keep stalking them and paying attention to them long after they ceased to have any relevance to the community whatsoever, that'll show them! retard voyeur freaks just as bad as the trannies themselves tbh
nice PA mummy spotted
>>343047 Is that the fat lad who played robbie mullen?
>band at the cricket club playing wonderwall
>>343049 >not continuously shouting PLAY FREEBIRD speaking of if you play the song at 11:55:02 then the new year will start exactly when the guitar solo does
going to do that then get on the loo for a new year's poo tbh can feel a real bad one coming up
>begin shitting right as it becomes 2023 and the solo goes on
*posts again just for the thrill of it
>freebird Hate that one.
>>343046 the board must know..
no it really mustn't forget about the freaks, FREAK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoBNc_2M0x0
>>343056 Keeeeeek. I'm kind of second hand embarrassed for watching that show
someone with a smartphone better post seacow while also doing a new years poo tbh
>>342941 at first it was because of the khokhols hiding in urban areas using the locals as human shields, and Russia refused to do what had to be done. they also should have taken out all of the power plants, water supply, and everything, just send them back to the stone age on day 1. they wanted to do this retarded "humane war" bullshit when the khokhols have absolutely no such desire, they just want to put Russian-speakers in mass graves to keep their """Ukraine""" cargo cult grift going so they can join the EU and get millions of nigger immigrants to get gay married with then the US started sending those HIMARS systems which greatly reduced the artillery advantage Russia had and ever since then Russia has had to adapt
>>343058 I'm here lad the hogmanaytee is on track tbh
>>343060 goodlad
>PA Wales handing out £5 greggs vouchers to homeless in cardiff while migrant rapists are housed in ten hotels
freebird: on poo: dropping
>Hogmanaytee is on approach >All systems nominal
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In case it falls to smee
Not a single English or white person interviewed or in the crowd for the fireworks. Happy new year lads.
>got distracted even though I prepared that post 10 minutes ago >>343069 Good enough lad.
>>343069 cheers
Simple as.
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Fireworks sounding like proper canon fire.
>>343069 year is already ruined
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Just starting pissing it down tbh barely anyone is setting off fireworks keek
>>343068 >>343070 no tengo salida >>343069 >>343080 >>343072 A toast! A toast to a JUST new year!
first sex of the new year done lads
>first incel seethe of the year done lads
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSd8V-kb6Ro that dang ol 22st worlds best quickdraw with that there turkey baster I tell ya hwhat
First check of b*sexual exgf's instathot stories of the year lads.
Lads all over opening on a positive note, I see.
>>343087 business as usual
>instead of admiring my restraint, groomee gets digusted at me for being a virgin I miscalculated
oh fuck off cunt Severely disappointed, at both 22, and my own gormlessness.
>>343058 >smartphone >he doesn't post from an Antique 1926 Underwood No. 3 Typewriter
>>343091 Can you put NIC-cards in those lad?
I can still drink choccy milk and eat sweets even if it's already new year tbh it doesn't really start before after the sleep >>343090 what
>performed an act of magic to usher the new year in and posted a video of it to the family whatsapp group
happy new year.
>>343087 On the bright side, it's one year closer to the end of the kali yuga.
>>343095 wholesome. Posting it again since it got only 1 (you) tbh smh
>>343096 Roughly 500,000 to go smh.
did anyone else see this years shoehorned political gospel, nhs clapping and george floyd is out, queers and ukraine is in
>>343097 A keek from me to (You) lad.
>>343094 you filmed yourself doing the new years poo? bit concerning tbh >>343095 happy poo year m'ACK >>343096 >>343098 tbh
It is 2023 CE. Not AD, because we have forsaken God
festive out of date custard tarts to usher in the new year tbh
What are you lads hoping to achieve this year lads? For me? A new physical hobby and a change of career tbh. Also to get a new GF of course.
might have the onion ring crisps too just to clear ou the junk food and start the year right
>>343106 Finish carving my polarbear and maybe be thrust into an heroic and honourable death in service to the hu'white race by sitting around waiting for fate to bring this good death to me with zero effort on my part.
>>343108 BASED
>>343107 Let the food-waste bin eat them lad. >>343106 >Start HIIT training, >Actually try at nofap and noporn, >Grow some decently-sized pecs and - briefly - visible abs. >Engage alot less with vidya and HueTube.
>>343106 Continuing to work and save, perhaps with a short trip to France alone. If I maintain my will to live and function, I will have succeeded. Studying for yet another qualification, so looking to make steady progress there. Did want a different job for a change of pace, but I doubt I'll find anywhere that I'll be happier.
>>343111 >nigger music smh pretty good though don't remember if it's old or not
>>343108 >>343110 >>343112 Good lads. All the best from YTTB. We all have are differences and banter and crazy things happening in these threads but I'd die side by side with every one of you . . . a brother in the great race war. Nos da x
>>343106 >do keto diet >get /fit/er >get back in to fasting >be even more based and red pilled
>call new groomee >can her her commenting the chats other men send her on dating app to her friend. They're so callous. God I hate them
>call new groomee >can her her commenting the chats other men send her on dating app to her friend. They're so callous. God I hate them
sites fucked
>>343119 >actually accepting the official story mong
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night lads
charts been updated
>>343122 yeah smh I guess they can't really be seen supporting le evil dafties when they are taking a different stance on public image >>343123 shnila esoteric tbh >>343124 [screaming]
>tfw remember thinking that i'd actually get a gf by the end of the year when that chart came out about 4 years in a row before giving up
>>343123 lovely webm
>>343120 Based kid. Imagine he'll get expelled though. Smh. Sneed chaps.
russian phone thot gets a taste of low status male vibe https://files.catbox.moe/v36rym.mp4

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