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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3823: New year same shit Edition Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 01:51:51 Id: 66ccd6 No. 343129
New Year's Eve: World celebrates arrival of 2023 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-64135760
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:57:34.
happy new year lads
>>343131 and that's good night from me
Happy New Year lads I've just woke up.
don't know what to say except that i hope that this year is good for me and for you all. i hope that we start winning but if not then i hope that we can all improve in are own ways. the night is darkest before the dawn but i wish it wouldn't get too dark
Ring in the new year lads
Nigger (first nigger of 2023)
>>343134 >>343135 I am hitting the gym on Monday >>343136 kek
>>343136 nigger
absolutely disgusted by this fireworks display
>>343140 keeek ukraine has become reddit: the country
>>343136 som got there first soz lad
>>343140 the gay pride flag part was worse
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Reckon Stephen Graham could do a biopic of Rudolf Hoess
>>343145 fucking hell niggers
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2023 The year you finally make it. The year you finally get a gf. Right?
>>343148 too sad to watch ldr videos even
https://youtu.be/M1b85Nl88Is >y get a wife >She humilates u with a dance
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wish i had a massive harem
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>Me in 2023, dressed up and arriving at my first PA event.
>>343146 I don't want a nigger playing Rudolf Hess.
>>343140 >free Ukraine free to do what? they're not free to form political parties that are against the war, they're not free to leave, they're not free to fill up their gas tank without getting sent off to 2 week boot before getting meat grindered, they're not free to speak russian without getting taped to a pole with their pants down and whipped. they're only "free" to perform homosexual buggery, that's what they're fighting for >>343143 it's the same thing
Yea Ukraine and Covid are humilations for the West.
first big shit of the year followed by first big cuppa then first sleep on the kitchen floor
Wonder if this'll be the year western women adjust themselves to allow for propogation
>>343145 >Five nogs hitting you >Still get up walking around and lucid Niggers are weak. The moment they start shouting the fight has already begun don't try talking to them. If you can find a weapon if you're outnumbered but either way strike first and strike hard. OK, thankyou.
>>343119 Send her the BBK review of the series lads
I think I may make another post . . . yes! yes I will!
>>343136 >>343142 Get fvcked cvnt. >>343148 Not getting a gf, no. In fact I might reject a woman. >>343152 Based and goodladpilled. >>343145
>>343145 Hate that loud giddy nigger hollering sound. >>343148 Had to get a dude! First filter of 2023.
>I (1)'ed Dorshit because I'm half-asleep. Well shit.
>>343165 >(1)'ed are you drink?
New Year New BO: TBBK.
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It's merry ukrainmas in 6 days, fellow current thingers. Wonder if I could shill this failed gimp creation as the new nu prideflag.
>>343168 keeeeeeeeek they're re-introducing masks for rNHS workers
We're all going to the gym tomorrow.
https://youtu.be/tRHVMi3LxZE Wessex stops BBK from saving /brit/
https://youtu.be/H9F0-HgHJq0 This is the year the Alt Right wins
>>343173 We should all think of one way in which we can help the white race this year and do it.
thank god for VPN. I must coom
>>343173 HUDDLE UP
*slaps your arse*
Can't spell tyranny without tranny
Come on then! Do some posts you twats.
Been awake for 4 hours. Eaten 3 eggs. No sweets. No sparkly bubbly water. We're doing good
>>343174 >>343176 This is the last time to make it all count. This is the last time to make our mark. It's now or never!
>>343182 Especially for Wessica
>This is Wessica's last Christmas and New Year I can't handle it /brit/sisters
>>343184 Reeeees! I luv him and I refuse to believe he's going gone
tbh already accepted he was dead last time he disappeared for weeks
>>343185 Hopefully they'll find a donor. We're all forced to be on the donor list nowI withdrew consnent so hopefully some boomer will die and give him the kidneys. He seems to be doing well on his fat cripple diet thing so we can only pray for him or kill traitors and take their kidneys until we find his match
>45,000 illegal migrants coming in from Dover and the government are too pussy to take a single kidney from 1 of them But then would you want a nigger kidney? Seriously though wessex if you got a new kidney would you be pretty set for many years to come? If they can't find you one I might consider it down the line I don't know
>>343188 I think the immunosuppressants only last for about ten years when your body over powers them. The further someone is genetically the more likely that the organ will be rejected so a nigger kidney wouldn't work I think or at least for not as long. It's why they ask for bone marrow donors etc. for minorities alot because it's harder to find donors for them.
Wessex won't give us his siter, he's not getting our kidneys
It's tricky I think there's only a handful of us likeminded people and we ought to pool together, and I've given up drinking etc so it wouldn't be so bad for me, but then he's still essentially a stranger and yeah fucking hell it's obviously a big thing They'll find a kidney I'm sure of it, if by terrible chance they don't it's worth considering, y'know just checking compatibility I guess idk
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>>343190 He never had a sister, lad. That was his mind trying to make sense of when the mold demon began telepathically communicating with him.
>>343192 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
remember when people were comparing the first 30 days of America's invasion of Iraq with Ukraine.
>NATard is back
>>343189 It still makes me laugh that the nhs has to have blood drives for wogs but they still absolutely refuse to hand over any of their blood.
>>343196 Yeah, niggers are very low trust and largely lack empathy
>>343197 Can't let the white man engage in his blood voodoo magic.
>>343200 what an exciting video
just took the fattest shit of the year
>tgrying to eat healthy and eat less >already entered light headed mode and cravings mode smh. tfw no detox chamber
>>343204 >just weather balloons bro
https://youtu.be/e9olg0S6Dz4 Smh I'm welling up for Wessex
I want to strut around in a big fur coat from a black bear that I shot.
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>DUH TING YU NID ID A KAH wow antinatalism is so quirky and cool!
>>343209 God forgive this wretched chink.
>random neighbour boomer at xoomer's new years day dinner party >only thing he talked about was how he owns 5 boats and considers £200 pocket change and that british rail is great and £80 for a ticket is nothing phenomenal levels of JUST tbh at least for dinner we had roast beef, yorkies, string beans, broccoli, sweet potato, roasties, carrots and gravy folllowed by meringue and fruit and icecream followed by a cheese board and crackers with advocaat and lemonade and it was very nice >>343188 >>343191 ten to twenty years max yeah wouldn't mind deepening ties over this year tbh, whether for organs or northern irish property development or whatever getting very tired of being prospectless and friendless and such although I don't seem to be able to keep strong connections anyway smh
Top 10 Epic English Names (Male) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUaJiD2YV-0
>>343188 >A nigger kidney Would get rejected and cannibalised by his immune system faster than a newly nationalised bank defaulting on its debts.
>>343213 keek smh can't find the little britain sketch where le racist lady vomits an organ out because a wog gave it to her
feel so hot like that lion in the video The Lion smh. Must be the sweetie detox or something
Ya see! Wypipo can be muslamanic terrorists too! Take a lookie here at Travis Bickle yo! https://nypost.com/2023/01/01/alleged-islamic-extremist-who-attacked-nypd-cops-with-machete-idd/ > The alleged Islamic extremist who attacked multiple NYPD officers with a machete near the New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square has been identified as 19-year-old Trevor Bickford — who was already on an FBI watchlist, multiple law enforcement sources said Sunday. >Bickford, from Wells, Maine, is believed to have become a radicalized Muslim in recent years and surfaced on the federal agency’s terrorism “Guardian Watchlist,” even planning to travel to Afghanistan to fight alongside Islamic militants, sources told The Post.
>He only went and used a bloody blunt kukri! keeeeeeeeeek
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Fooling around with Audacity, lads.
Just fuck off
>>343220 thinking about those stories of female chink babies going to the hospital to find that they are full of needles because their grandparents had tried to subtly kill it with them while watching it for the parents
>>343223 why tho?
>>343224 1 child policy lass. If you get a lass you can't have a boy
>Coal burners smh
>he/it/her? Those sliders though
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Scarborough cancels New Years' fireworks display due to walrus >The council’s head Steve Siddons said he and the others were “disappointed” that the community had to be left without fireworks, but stressed that the well-being of the walrus came first, according to the Mirror. jews, pakis, hohols, walruses- anything over those dirty br*ts https://www.rt.com/news/569260-walrus-new-year-uk/
had keto imitation maple syrup (basically water, monkfruit sweetener, maple extract, and some thickeners) on keto pancakes (eggs, cream cheese, almond flour) with sugar-free chocolate chips (sweetened with erythritol) and sosejes on the side and it was actually damn good. the syrup is a pretty good imitation
>>343230 Only you could afford to eat all that voodoo shit, lad.
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>>343229 Vampire sea pug cursed the thread before we even missed the midnight manatee smh.
>>343226 >cycle path is all wibbly wobbly so you can't go anywhere at speed >self driving pod cars that we'll trust to not run people over I HATE ELON MUSK I HATE ELON MUSK >senior citizens will be the first to move in Sounds like it's one of those retirement homes but in an open neighbourhood things, which isn't actually objectionable tbh
>>343219 Is that his mum? Bit of a milf tbh
>>343222 not enough westoids are waking up seriously to how we are all being made into slaves in our own nations
>>343226 just another gay rulecuck shithole, this type of society discriminates against both niggers and rednecks
seething into the new year
>>343242 good to work out but starting strength is shit it makes you look like a toad. do 8-12 reps, not 5, you want S A R C O P L A S M I C _ H Y P E R T R O P H Y _ that's the name of the game
just do some meme shit with machines off bodybuilding.com and do at least 8 reps per set
>>343242 so stiff I can't even squat properly smh. Doubt fat belleh helps
>>343243 >>343244 >>343245 cheers, i did 10 reps 120kg squat in the last round
>>343247 Sounds good, lass >will have to squat 238 kilos if I am to squat 1,7 times my body weight smh
>>343242 >how to fuck up your low back: the book
>>343249 isn't the book about avoiding that, lass?
https://youtu.be/QhVC_AnZYYM Wish I could just buy a midge rippetoerino to teach me tbh
>>343246 Grinds my gears every time they brazenly call "white lives matter" a racist (to them a le bad, evil thing) saying.
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>unhide filtered post because it's so slow >it's the faggot >>343254 Based thread saving cofveve post.
>>343255 thanks for reminding me tbh yogger tea and bikkies time
you put your petrol in the car it goes don't be rama rama and stick it up your nose
Covfefe time Nearly Christmas again lads
>>343242 not sure why anyone would voluntarily stress their back like this
So that’s what BBK looks like
>three children
>>343263 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>Breeding whilst trans evolution at play tbh. They adapt, we die out like the dinosaurs smh
>potential new bossman said he'd have a contract for me last week >call him today >still not made it Is every fucking bossman like this?
>>343225 The one child policy ended along while ago lad >>343249 Steiner is not only an incel faggot but doesn't know how to lift
mummy why do you have a coathanger tattoo?
>>343267 >The one child policy ended along while ago lad Ended in 2016. You also have stories of children survivng with those needles in them until adulthood and finding out first then https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/needles-in-womans-body-suggest-grim-family-secret/ > An international team of surgeons will operate on a woman today to begin removing 23 needles that doctors believe may have been embedded under her skin by grandparents trying to kill her so that a baby boy might take her place. >The needles — about an inch in length — were discovered by X-ray after Luo Cuifen, 29, went to doctors complaining of blood in her urine. >Many of the needles have worked their way into Luo’s vital organs including her lungs, liver, bladder and kidneys, making their removal difficult, said Qu Rui, a spokesman for the Richland International Hospital in Yunnan province’s capital, Kunming.
Why are you so mean to Steiner, lass?
>>343270 Steiner is a subversive. I can't stand that self-pitying woe-is-me incel bollocks.
>>343273 We're incel here
>>343274 I'm not. The incel mind rot must be purged tbh.
Canada confirmed in the grip of shitskins
>>343277 >paki with a fat white wife
>keep getting multiple "post failed" errors whenever I try to post now FUCK OFF
>>343278 See >>343222 Will be better once we let these fuckers run sheeeeeeeit
unmatched by an ofw nurse in London, smh they learn so quick
boomers seething >Mental health issues are keeping Britain’s younger population out of work at record levels, at a time when the country struggles with a worsening economic crisis, Bloomberg reports, citing official data. >The ONS report shows there was a 29% increase in 16-24-year-olds citing long-term sickness as a reason for being economically inactive, and a 42% jump among people aged 25-34 who said the same. The data was reported for the second quarter of 2022, compared to the same period before the pandemic.
That’s broken Mr. Slava Shitkraini
Modern women are super unworthy
>>343226 Neo-Tokyo bros...Not like this.
SHE WENT TO THE GUNDAM SHOP AGAIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYPwt2LzkdY
>>343279 Been getting that for a week.
>>343269 Awful. Smh. >>343280 I hate them.
I got shadow banned by the Daily Mail.
It hurts my eyeballs when I see numbers ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
>>343289 She should spread her legs so a nipincel can breed- as long as she isn't older than 24
>>343294 >incel giving advice on breeding
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Just watched the woman king, should I watch Avater 2 next?
>>343297 you really like those blue folk
>>343299 NO I DON'T >>343298 Thre was a contrarian here saying it was actually good. I think it was madlad. Talked about all the human bad propaganda aside that he family part of it is good. Can't say as I haven't watched it tbh, but all the incel reviewers cutting it to pieces makes me kind of want to give it a fair chance
>It's the current year and lads will go out of their way to watch magical niggers for 2 hours.
He was fucking right again, 24 years ago https://buchanan.org/blog/pjb-who-lost-russia-255
>90 IQ stormfront tier analysis from mongs who haven't even watched the film I hate you
>>343304 >1 He's back
Tired of the admiration for Koreans, they haven't earned it
>>343301 3 hours, lass
>>343304 what where
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You have to be a real big brained nibba to sit down and watch negro goyslop worship for 3 hours.
madlad is truly the hero we need.
>343309 concern trolling bongo tranny
Bet he watches Euphoria too.
>comparing avatar to some hbo show about teenagers having sex
He does! Keeeeeeek
>>343276 tbh, however, he does make a lot of solid observations
BBK is just a massive simp larper williamoid
Steiner, is mummy the head of your family?
Well Nick Fuentes watches Euphoria tbh why shouldn't we
>>343318 Happier times when Nick and Jaden would snuggle up and watch Euphoria. Peak optics.
Thanks for the ban madlid, you absolute cretin.
>>343320 Tomb Raider?
Grow thicker skin if you want to be a mod. Jock cunt.
Madlad's opponent is probably in his late 30s. early 40s
>>343325 but I am a mod
matched with two 5-6/10 early 20s foids on Hinge. Any recommendations?
>>343328 give it a try, they'll probably just string you along for a while before it leads to nothing
>>343329 not sure about opening the conversation tbh. Not great over text with chatting
>>343328 Give them your WhatsApp and join their IG when they ask you and tell you it’s because they don’t spend much time on Hinge but would like to continue chatting
>>343330 cba with this lad fuck off to halfchan or something, not spoonfeeding you, you are probably 30 just get a fucking grip.
>>343330 Top G says being cheesy to provoke a quick reply is how you hook them; attention spans of foids on dating apps are 5 seconds.
>>343333 So the advice is have bad jokes on hand?
A gay man with 7 Willies Consider the poz abilities
Dick pics are the way forward tbh
>>343336 that and gang stalking.
>>343334 Or anything that they can reply to quick. A question. If they don't reply immediately, move to the next. The idea is to hook any way possible because they will get so many messages they won't bother with most.
>>343316 Oh no not le pejoratives >>343335 I qeeq
Madfaggot banned me too Are you an incel madfaggot? Is that why you're so angry? WHO HURT YOU!?
Fucking despise incels tbh. Biggest gang of effeminate faggots coping that they're in fact le secretly masculine.
You should really just filter bbk if he's getting under your skin. His tism is genetically selected for.
I, the Bum Bum King, am writing a book about how to raid boards. It's called . . . Planet of the Gapes!
>>343337 Or surpise sex works for Mel Anons
>>343340 >Are you an incel madfaggot? you need to ask? kek.
>>343345 tbh it's not rape if you shout surprise first.
>>343347 surprise!
>>343348 I always knew you were a fag lad. Best not advertise it to others though.
>>343342 >le 50% divorce rate That's because extremely impulsive and short term marriages are common. Chances of divorce only decrease with time. There are of course the unfortunate exceptions that are facilitated by westoid courts. I'm very pessimistic about most things but stlightly less about marriage than certain (((commentators))) would like us to be.
Thinking about Bigfoot again. Hope he's alright out in the cold.
Regiments is looking good, might consoom.
>>343340 you were banned for spam as you well know
>>343353 Such a ridiculous film. https://youtu.be/KpDv5VNvync Not worth watching to make fun of it either since it is incredibly boring
>>343356 Actually enjoyed it on a flight once kek, was funny in parts.
>>343342 that mong was doing well then he talks about fertility before saying "I'll just stick to a few good partners" typical hylic faggot scum.
>>343350 I know lad, I'm so homosexual with my love for women. I should become a bitter loser and really prove how straight I am, right? >>343355 Spam? I don't eat it. You wrote that I was banned for anti-incel "concern trolling" and I'll keep evading your pathetic attempts to silence lads.
I should be BO. I would end madlad and pull lads away from the dangers on incelism.
This whole idea that incels are somehow just being passed through a great filter as "any man worth his salt could get a woman" is just absurd, this is a jewish holy war against the white race and any avenue whereby strong traditional men and men like us could gain status to attract a mate in normal times have been deliberately closed off meaning the only way men are gaining the status to get a mate is either through their looks entirely which is a faggot foid metric for success and leads to fisherian runaway and conformity to the system to attain success and wealth which just means you are trading your civilisation for short term cummies from the elites.
>>343360 stop lying, I said spam as the first reason.
all bbk does is promote woes tier brainless foid worship because hes a retarded simp schizo william.
>>343360 You really have that camp passive aggressiveness down lad.
All this foid worship yet 30 year old BBK is still single, really makes you think.
>>343366 He might have a string of illegitimate kids all over Merseyside.
>Come back to spam posts lamenting the fact that incels are cringe and I happily point it out
30 year old chads...
>>343366 You are rejected by women, I reject women. We are not the same. Oh weight, you can't even talk to them can you madslag?
>>343370 space force?
>>343370 >Madslag on the right
>>343373 Raceforce(tm)
>>343370 given how few trannies there are, how do they keep being represented in things that is clearly supposed to be for women? Is there a powerful tranny cabal?
>>343376 The gran loppers coalition.
>>343378 Trannychads.. I kneel
>>343379 I'm not sure you want to do that near a troon lad.
>>343376 >>343378 as the chief freaks of the system they are the tip of the spear of degeneracy and are thus elevated to higher positions, they are also more likely to be autistic and I would not be surprised if they were also higher IQ too.
>>343381 what are you trying to convey with this post?
>>343382 >higher IQ somehow I doubt it. Anybody that fucked in the head can't be terribly smart
>>343385 Slitz Wang!
>>343384 audience loving it
>he ploughed the snow and reaped the avalanche
>>343387 Mainly the women tbh
>>343385 kek what a mong you are, homosexuals have higher IQs and its well documented the higher up the IQ spectrum you go the worse the mental health
yea looks based determinism in reproduction is very immoral but women will go hurr durr my choice despite claiming to be empathatic
>>343390 That explains why one clever youtube essayist I enjoyed went from being a regular fag to a troon.
>>343389 B*sexual exgf loves trannies and drag queens. Don't understand pro troon foids existing.
>>343388 >helps save the world >makes himself a vegetable ploughing a bit of snow Marvel bros, I don't feel so good.
>>343390 Don't many troons and fags have aspergers and shit?
>>343391 nonsensical retard post and nobody said some judgement on looks was wrong, its actually important.
>>343393 probably just because it's the perceived social norm.
>>343395 No, there are just a lot of autists in the far right
>>343396 facial appearance lad?
>>343399 what does that have to do with his post? what point are you even trying to make >>343400 what are you asking? looks are important yes, mong.
true big brian take : troonage is a weapon against the autistic intellect that made Europe great.
>>343401 Are u enraged la?
troons are a weapon for autists to think they have finally got a 'gf'.
>>343404 >finally became the gf ftfy
I can fix her
>>343406 kek, mesotopian tales as old as time
>>343406 >kills accepting father and stabs younger sister smh
https://youtu.be/ab_tYof60I4 Can see why the Mutiny on the bounty happened tbqh lads
>>343405 It's the logical endpoint of incelism.
>>343409 Mainly because they had a madlad tier captain tbh
>>343410 If you say so lad. I think it's the logical end point of other things like post structuralism and universal relativism.
And big money in HRT.
>>343409 should be banned though tbh absolute filth
>>343409 can you racemixers fuck off??!
Leaves the thread to read his camulod chronicles in the bubble bath
>>343417 enjoy la
>>343412 Yeah, just like incelism.
Oh, it's Aggnonce. Are you an Evertonian Aggnonce?
>>343409 weird autoerotic ritual where women revel at themselves gyrating in the mirror, this "dancing" thing half of those girls are positively high off the sense of their own sensual power, geeking like Kali
>le people like to feel attractive and are having an endorphin boost during a daunce NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!
>>343422 Real incel hours.
is there no place for goodboys?
>>343423 >>343424 >le just let people enjoy their polynesian pagan coomer sex magic embarrassing
>>343426 cool statue
Even the puritan had le sex.
Think my maternal granddad just died. He lives in France though so nobody knows what happened
>>343429 Was he living alone?
>>343429 What a great grandson.
It's just a daunce, lad. A rather tame one at that. >>343428 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek incels on suicide watch oh weight, the miserable bastards were already on it >>343429 smh lad sorry to hear that
Foidle doidle diddly ahh day
>>343430 Yeah apparently he had a couple of girlfriends though after his long term partner died. Mum was born out of wedlock and he split from my grandmother soon after. Essentially he is the reason that I despise infidelity and non serious relationships.
>>343434 So not too broken up about it I gather.
>>343435 Not really, my mum's very upset though. They reconnected in recent years
>>343436 Are you attending any sort of funeral?
>>343437 I don't think we even know where the body is yet. Probably.
>>343438 Well sorry for your loss all the same and good luck with putting him to rest.
>>343302 Underrated post tbh
>>343434 Pay your filial piety nonetheless, lad.
>>343439 thankee sai >>343442 I shall
>>343443 *grabs your fist and chest bumps you while slapping your back manfully* based *nods respectfully before going back to farming pucci meat*
>>343433 Reminds me of that bit Bowden had about communism killing you because it loved you.
>>343445 >Haha killed myself, jokes on you! Fucking insane levels of cope
>>343433 Has she “died suddenly” yet?
>>343446 Yeah they kind of miss the wood for the trees if they think evil actions are a product of good causes.
>>343416 Queeq
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you already outed yourself, lid.
>>343450 I, the Bum Bum King, look upon those shapely tin tin brenhinesau wit
>>343450 I, the Bum Bum King, look upon those shapely tin tin brenhinesau with great approval
So have we accepted that Wessex died and that was just a doppelganger larping for a bit? The IP hopping confirmed my suspicions.
>>343456 He has already reincarnated as a white stag that as we speak is roaming Northern England skewering anyone darker than himself.
>>343457 >He has already reincarnated as a white stag that as we speak is roaming Northern England skewering anyone darker than himself. Kek. That's good enough for smee.
2023 will be the year of smeeeee
>>343458 I commissioned that his on Herts after luring him to Crosby Beach for a bonfire
>>343461 *that hit
*burps* Wogstompage.
>>343450 >that should sandpaper her crack nicely
Lads! Where be ye?
God I hate br*tish 'people'
>get watch implant but manages to have it oriented the wrong way
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>>343471 Wristlet had to remove a good 30% of the mass of his wrist to fit it in.
I assme it's edited, right. It doesn't look. right. Or I just kind of refuse to believe it
>>343473 Could've shopped the screen on a pic of someone who had skin removed for some medical reason to troll tbh.
>>343450 >womans sports is just them smashing their butts into things
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Good evening lads!!!!!
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>>343390 High IQ does not mean smart. Mental health is a meme perpetuated by fags and women. What it comes down to is having an iota of self awareness and people to care about that care about you. Anything more, you just deal with without being a pussy.
>>343482 Smart does not mean intelligent it means well dressed, yank.
>>343470 She'll waste it on living large and having expensive clothing, holidays etc. Eventually she will age enough to be entirely undesirable, her lifestyle will catch up with her and she will be undone. Such is the plight of the young, rich and stupid.
>>343483 My thesaurus begs to differ. I'm loathe to disseminate yankisms, though, so I will admit having erred. Clever, then.
>>343482 ok mong
>>343484 kek what a cope, everything you just posted is exactly what happens to everyone >people age HAHA thots btfo
All ill gotten gains such as hers should be confiscated and she should be sent to a work camp run by incels.
I was banned for calling out the Daily Mail's censorship.
>>343480 Is this the look Woes is going for? But a much grottier version.
>>343487 The difference is that normal people have sustainable long term income and spend less wastefully, what with having more restricted available cash.
Whatever money she acquires in this world, she will be bankrupt in the next.
Anyway, nos da x
>>343490 >calling out Unimaginative vocabulary on par with the braindead writers of the present. Use your words. Exposed, protested, dissented, argued against, decried, lamented. "Call out" is a detestable phrase lacking any nuance, or even an adequate grasp of the beauty of the English language. Makes sense, I suppose. Everybody is a town crier. Hear ye, hear ye, listen to my ponderous inanities.
https://youtu.be/mGkFma-QWjI imagine being a human na'vi mutt with 5 fingers. yikes
>Ukies larping about 6 million killed when a US supplied multi million dollar HIMARS system killed 63 conscripts 15km from the frontlines Also why the voice changer for the retrad carrying the Israeli Tavor rifle? Btw a commission is apparently on it’s way from Moscow to investigate the incompetence of sticking large numbers of soldiers in the same place so near to battlefronts
>>343497 You always hear about Russian losses as soon as it happens, as there's multiple Telegram channels that are pro Russian military but highly critical, can't say they same for Ukraine.
>the nigger and shitskin immigrants don’t want to work so, we’ll extend the healthy working years of women. t. the corporatocracy
>>343499 The russians wiv attitude have been pretty critical od a lot of decisions made, the ukies claim victory after victory and zero losses on the battlefield. Truly they are the fucking masters of the whopper. Must be all that hebrew admixture
>>343502 This is so weird to me. Surely people can just go back and check his old tweets and videos to see what he said
Croatia about to get jambalaya’d https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64144309
>>343500 That has nothing to do with extending Lisa's working life, and everything to do with the sheer force of seethe from infertile cat-wine-aunt spinsters generating demand for this kind of research. It's summed up well enough in the image.
>>343505 They had to pick the most goblin looking jewish 'former' actor and fruity weirdo to 'run' Ukraine after the previous jewish banker was too on the nose for hohols to ignore for long. Still can't help messing with schizochads.
New Miami poolice cars dropped
>>343508 >"yeah you are mel geebson" fucking hell can't imagine how awful it is to be surrounded by spics constantly
>got batteries as pressie from mummy whomst visited from frogland today >got excited that I could have a proper christmas tree with lights and all >wrong size because euros are retarded and use the same labels as us but for different things and AAA doesn't mean the same thing
>>343362 even the highest value men get fucked over by women. Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Tom Brady... if the richest men in the world and the chads of chads cannot keep a foid domesticated, then neither can you >>343415 >>343422 >>343426 >tfw no pajeeta gf to give me gold foot jewelry henna tattoo kamasutra hindoostani pagan sex magick footjob and drain all of my loosh chakhras to Mahakali oh man, that would be so baste
>spic day ruined lucky there's only 40 mins left in it
>>343512 >tfw no pajeeta gf you didn't miss anything
>>343515 why is she wearing a cross? is she one of the fake Christians?
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>>343515 >texas-supreme-court-rules-against-father-seeking-to-prevent-chemical-castration-of-his-son
>BREED WITH MANLETS AND WOMANLETS TO STOP GLOBAL WARMING! t. NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/01/opinion/height-short.html?smid=tw-share
>>343497 its so cringe how the westoid intelligence services are running PR for the hol hols when its quite obvious they are mostly light infantry conscripts at this point
>In some corners of the world, a celebration of short stature is actually happening. Arne Hendriks, a 6-foot-4-inch lecturer and artist, uses performance and exhibitions to encourage people to embrace fewer inches. He’s even restricted dairy from his sons’ diets and only allows them minimal sugar in an attempt to limit their growth, saving them from the ills of height. “It’s time for tall people to get off our high horses,” Mr. Hendriks said. “Don’t be overly confident when you are tall because you are probably going to die younger, have more health problems and you are polluting more.” holy shit what the fuck
>>343518 keeek short lads should post this to lasses who dismiss them on the grounds of height
>>343522 good lad. the system is now officially anti-tall and is openly advocating restricting the nutritional intake of children to limit their height development, and that archive.is link is the smoking gun
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>you vill starve your children so zey do not grow t. klaus schwab
>>343521 this tbh
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saw stepbrother who hasn't even finished growing yet today and he was taller than me
he is going to frog technical college and becoming a welder too really feeling the useless piece of shit never going to make it incel feels now
>>343528 he doesn't have exploding legs and bad kidneys handicapping him though
>>343528 don't feel bad lad
>>343530 glad he will make it tbh just sneething for myself
Lads there's a civil war between the jewish defeatits and the sensible cenrists
>>343528 >>343527 always brutal being lifemogged by younger people, they always rub it in when they ask you "what are you doing" with your life smh
>>343528 welding is such a shit trade and a meme in general especially since at least in N. america its been automated for alot of non shit union stuff. if he enjoys inhaling plasma and taking 15 years off his life its a great trade
I want to run a cat cable through a partition wall (plasterboard). What's the neatest way to do it?
>>343535 just through and trough or down a wall?
I would just find a non descript corner of a room and remove the trim and drill a hole in the wall at the corner and then notch the trim and caulk around it so the wire just sort of dissappears into the trim corner. I would then put like a dresser or something there so its not obvious
>>343534 according to him the frogs have a deficit of welders and it's a high paying job so maybe their industry works a bit better think he will do alright tbh his dad is an electrician and general handyman so he'll be able to set up as a useful local lad in le collapse
*and he actually learns and is taught by him smh
>>343538 based good to have family connections, I know nothing about frog trades but yeah I tried welding and it was pretty shit tier
>>343536 see pic
>>343541 yeah just shoot it down where the trim is on the floor and tuck the wire under the trim so the hole is not obvious
also do it in the corner so the bulge in the trim is not obvious
>>343542 cheers
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>>343533 They never ask me. To the point it's about as uncomfortable.
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drew an andrewtate-ism all the retards poo eating kind were all called andrew at school. one of them killed themselves smh
>>343550 Drop and do 500 pushups right now, matrix shill.
>>343555 based
>>343557 keeeeek
>>343557 TOM POTTY
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n40oOqIOhsk keeeeek. Get a load of No White Girlfriend.
>>343560 glad mark defooed tbh
>>343550 i did not need to know that spoiler
>finally got batteries for my shitty christmas lights and put them on the tree >take a photo for /brit/ >computer doesn't recognise the usb connection and I can't get the photo out of the phone smh merry seethemas and a happy white race lads just imagine an arm sized christmas tree with some shitty black and white baubles and white led lights haphahzardly strewn about it with a few courtesy cards displayed around the bottom
>>343563 failed by technology smh many such cases
>>343563 recreate it in paint and post it.
>a stud, a star athlete Still keking from this. He's very Bateman without the drip.
>>343566 don't forget his extraordinary iq lad
got christmascardmogged by the boomers and xoomers as usual smh, I got three and didn't bother to give any, they have multiple shelves and surfaces of tightly packed cards don't understand how someone can keep up with that many people tbh, maybe they just exchange cards at christmas and that's it, or maybe they do constantly update eachother and reinforce a normalniggernet and that's why the average person has no time for anything else and can never look beyond the end of their own comfort >>343564 based uncle ted tbh hope he got me extra thermite for a quick and painless explosion into a better place
left out the other plant thingy because it's too hard to draw tbh forget what it's called anyway some southern red flowering or red leaved thing that only blooms on christmas and then dies
>>343569 keeeeeeeeek comfy
>>343569 Lifemogd?
>>343573 when you attend a social gathering with family and have to listen to how great their lives are and can say absolutely nothing about yourself because your own life consists of sitting at goodscreen trying to distract from the collapse of a society which you were excluded from from the beginning
>>343574 keeeeeeeeeeek so I didn't read it wrong. Why didn't you just wish for a better life for crimbo?
>>343575 because I am a selfless incel hero and every year I wish for a free white britain instead
>>343576 smh. And I wasted my wish on socks
>>343577 based and grotty old magic nonce pilled
>>343578 *points at camera* Let's find out
>>343569 kek baste
>when he was younger Dumbledore saw Grindelwald So he's straight now? based
Nothing wrong with stealing some socks now and again.
>>343582 Did Mishima write this?
>>343584 Sun, Steel and Socks
>>343554 It looks like it was put together by the ace combat devs.
Why does wild haggis have the same hair as Thomas777?
>>343588 They both like the same glam rock bands?
my cousin is 35 and hasn't bred, lads...
https://youtu.be/ltA_kTSMftE Why is Sargon so thrilled about the prospect of women losing value on the sexual market as they age, lads?
>>343590 >my cousin is 35 and hasn't bred, lads... And you'll be 45 and having not bred.
>>343590 all of my cousins have bred and my sister's engaged... Ah, such is the life of the accursed incel...
>>343592 why would you say that?
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>>343588 Baste and 777pilled
Going to haggle today to get a cheap broadband deal. I get shit peak speed anyway. How am I supposed to become and e-celeb grifter with these shoddy tools at my disposal?
>>343596 Nice. On the brink of another e-celeb golden age
just bought myself a diary lads. Let's hope the weight goes down every month
>>343598 That's good, and what are you doing to shift the mass?
>>343599 lifting and walking maybe.. maybe
>'Cause I found out, I think I have a good theory now, of why so many people have the opposite view of my view, during the pandemic. So there's a hu-huge cohort of people who, like, you know, little dingleberries who surround my twitter every day, and make statements about what I said, that are inaccurate. And I was trying to think, why the hell are there so many people who have the literally opposite view of what my view was? How is that even possible? And I think I figured it out. It's, it's -one- comic, that was created by Ben Garrison, a cartoonist. Right wing, right leaning cartoonist. And the comic is full of, you know, lies... about me. Oh, and maybe, maybe Styx, somebody says, I haven't heard what he said. But the comic, I think because people will read a comic, wuh, long before they will listen to long form livestream, I think the comic became the primary reason that people think my views are largely the opposite of what they were. 'Cause the comic says that. So, ehem, I've decided to, uh, since Ben Garrison by now knows that his comic is inaccurate, or maybe he's suffering cognitive dissonance, he might believe it, I don't know. But in any case, uuuuhm, he has a free punch. Would you agree? Would you all agree he has made himself available to become my new nemesis? And people on twitter saw me attacking him yesterday, I'm gonna keep up the attacks, I'm gonna attempt to destroy him totally. https://youtu.be/yC_zrmmiBtY?t=1912 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEAVE ARE BEN ALONE
>>343601 I don't think he's really got a case.
>>343601 he has the civic goblin phenotype wonder if all people with that look end up being rat traitors and establishment bootlickers
>>343602 Looking forward to the cope when he doesn't destroy Zyklon Ben.
>>343601 >>343603 >tfw can't slay irl goblins like it's Oblivion
When your gimmick revolves around never being wrong, you better have some serious copes up your sleeve.
>>343604 The great irony of accusing him of this. Keek.
>>343608 oh it was all made up
>>343608 Is she the same one from years ago that was an obese thot who actually did lie repeatedly for attention/sympathy?
>>343608 >why you can trust sky news I side with the thot even if she lied it was to btfo ragheads who shouldn't be in my country anyway
>>343612 Yeah, they're automatically guilty of being a rapey paki anyway.
>>343612 Nah says she accused at least one whiteoid falsely to. Just accused more pakis for an air of believability because they are more rapey. All she's done is be a nutcase thot and give ammo to our racial enemies and their collaborators. I hereby preemptively sentence her to be acked in her cell, as future dictator of the ethnostate.
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>>343614 All PAWGs go to the dungeon to be used as breeding sows. It's Wessex Law.
>fat_chud.jpg he's back
Kept making eye contact with a young lass on the bus tbh, she clearly is in love with me
>>343617 did you get her number?
>>343617 What a chad. You might even kiss one, one day.
>>343618 No, it's took me two hours to get home. Sick of this shit tbh >>343619 Already done that lad, don't confuse me for the incel faggots
>>343620 Sorry lid, easily done.
>>343608 Glad to hear Paki grooming aren't a real thing
>>343623 pave it over
>>343525 can't stand this image, why are people so cruel.
>>343625 >women >people
>>343625 Fucking pussy. *beats you up*
>>343625 I think it's funny tbh, the idea of this crazy manlet trying to get on these birds but he fails to the point of barely being noticed except at one point when he's mocked for his height
short women have bad personality traits too but this never gets talked about. tall women usually are much more tolerable than the "petite" ones. nearly always in fact. if your friend gets a short gf it's usually game over
>>343630 Oh shut it you whinging incel cunt.
>>343630 >dorshit coping that his 'gf' is a tall 'woman'
>>343631 >whinging ok boomer
>bus riding faggot calling me a whinging incel
>>343633 get a job and move out from your parents' house, lad
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>>343554 >chinkshit I bet it runs on two chinese guys with ryobi drills attached to turbine fans
>>343630 Everyone has bad personality traits. Not true though. A certain petite lass was a bit insecure about being on the short side, but she made light of it and on the whole was just a very nice person. There was a tall lass at school that supposedly fancied me, but she was just very quiet and I never really bothered to talk with her.
>>343635 Why? Why move out? So you can lose money on rent, food and utilities? So that you can suffer noisy and slovenly neighbours/roommates? It's all just an ego trip as a continuation of the university life. Look at me, I'm so independent, I'm going to waste all of my money and leave my loved ones to suffer with strangers. Oh, but I can theoretically have females around without parental supervision, so all is worth it.
>>343623 It's true
All of the guys in the office are either engaged or married, the women are a few years younger and have boyfriends. I am the only single person in my workplace.
Yank politics is quite entertaining atm, Trumpists blocking McCarthy from being elected speaker
I was looking at jobs, and this one site showed bios for all of its employees, and there was this one woman that listed her hobbies as reading, watching movies and listening to music. She was also pretty much the only one without a linkedin profile. Seems like a kindred spirit.
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>>343644 If I'm in the mood I can probably just fill an entire thread by myself. Get a VPN to mix up the ids, a la schizo.
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>even monke gets to have a gf
>>343651 zoom and enhance
>ywn force spic to smell your boomer toil boots after standing in ankle deep michigan rasputitsa muck
>>343653 keeeek
>>343652 >rock kicker
>>343648 Want to like this but it's just a bit dull smh.
>>343658 Can't say I disagree, makes for alright background music though
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Didn't even realise the 1991 actress was in the series as another character.
Anyone want to watch a film?
fucking sharted, that hasn't happened in years, what a terrible way to start the day. had to take a below-the-waist demishower and put on clean pants, and do the laundry, which I normally just let the mummer do. big waste of time I had steak and salad for dinner, that's a completely normal meal why would this happen >>343654 bit gay lad
>>343662 >half 11 Some other time. Exsneed smee.
>>343663 Never trust a fart. Never trust a woman. Simple as.
>>343662 flubber (1997)?
been a complete coomer the last few days as a cope and its not working, feel horrible, maybe I should go back to doing the self improvement larp for awhile again, just like the last 8 years
>>343669 really, lad? The year just started >>343666 Based
>>343669 you're still young lad, you'll be fine
>>343671 I'm 38
>>343672 really? nothing wrong with that lad but i suspect you're lying
lad nobody wants to watch that, whatever it is
>>343680 yes we do
the ukraine war is way less fun than the syrian one tbh
>>343682 >month goes by >look at map >nothing has changed
business idea: motorsport but instead of racing you have to build a vehicle that can evade police intercept and survive a chase
>>343682 did the syrian one ever finish? >>343683 lad russia is crippling ukrainian infrastructure and using the downtime to observe and hunt nato mercenaries before their next move
>>343685 >did the syrian one ever finish? no
>>343678 joking tbh
>>343687 smh, was happy there was another lad around my age here lad
thinking about that one Ottoman sultan who lost to the mongols and was then put in a cage that was used as a footstool for the mongol king while he had to watch his former queen become a nude waitress for the mongols while she was frequently raped
>>343689 giga blackpill smh what sultan was that?, imagine being mogged that badly, like incels being friendzoned in school while their oneitis gets dicked on the side by chad who disrespects him, same vibe tbh.
probably happened though
>>343689 sure that was ottoman? think you have your timelines mixed up. it must have been an abbasid caliph or something
>>343695 Bayezid I, the Ottoman Sultan from 1389 to 1402
oh it was an early one by timur
that's not really "by mongols", it was by fellow turkics
smh wish badthings didn't happen
>>343693 > also known as Bayezid the Thunderbolt hehe
turkic cultures had a tradition of humiliating defeated foes. before they became muslims they would gay rape the dead and dying bodies after a battle. after they became muslim and little more civilized the defeated king/noble would ceremonially lie down so the winner could step on his throat and say I won then they'd be treated well being a high value prisoner.
fuck lads, i lost another tab i had from way back when. clicked on it and it was gone. i remember what it was, it was a reading of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot, >Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table; Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets, The muttering retreats Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells: Streets that follow like a tedious argument Of insidious intent To lead you to an overwhelming question… Oh, do not ask, "What is it?" Let us go and make our visit. In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo. but the video was anime girls changing their outfits in really quick succession. does anyone remember this?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MitBteMuTGA this was the url but it's gone smdh
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>>343704 Time Traveler, Elon Musk.
>>343705 >Elon Musk losing the future e-war retreats to Cambodia to find a new solution Satanic Jewish AI god head.
>>343698 are you trying to larp as some sort of historian lad? only historian i listen to on here is the algeriapastalad
scratchy throat smh don't want to be ill already surprised nobody hassled el spic for being a literal pants shitting shartican tbh
>>343708 You're still up? Why didn't you watch The Skin I Live In with us?
>>343709 I spent 3 hours laying in bed hoping to go to sleep first caught up just now and it looked boring tbh
>>343710 It was actually intriguing. Ending was a bit weak.
>>343710 i recommended flubber (1997) lad but he didn't listen
>>343712 Flubber is notoriously bad, no?
*goes to bed*
>>343713 can't remember tbh, i'm old enough that i literally watched it at the cinema kek. all i remember is the green blob bounced everywhere and broke all of robin williams' test tubes and science beakers. after the film was finished we went to pizza hut and i just remember le ice cream factory
>>343712 smh every time it used to be one of the films that granny and grandad had on VHS and we'd watch at least once a year, probably at christmas, along with things like Fantasia
>>343716 fantasia was cool, spooky when he made the mops and buckets work for him with his magic. a possibly good film we should watch at some point is aftersun (2022)
Tip for dating app lads, switch your preference to men for a week then switch it back to women as the likes for both count the same and will boost you, they will likely close this loophole soon.
>>343718 thought about signing onto a site for autistics again recently tbh
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>switch your preference to men for a week
bought some milk the other day and found that the manufacturers don't even bother to colour code the tops any more country going to the dogs smh
>when the birds peck through the milk tops before you wake up early enough to get them off the doorstep
>>343722 lucky to still have a delivery service smh wish there was one around here, proper glass bottles and all
>>343721 seen this happen tbh mum brought home some milk and it was just a plain top
Rise and shine lids
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>>343725 >get up at 3am after going to bed at 2:30 in a puddle of your own shit and piss >gargle broken glass >eat your bugs (super nutritious) >get on that dark grindset until 1am
>>343720 want a permaban? >>343721 wtf since when, not noticed that here
>>343726 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK I remember that post
>>343727 Takes a poo before the dark grind
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>>343728 no, i'm a good boy
>>343728 this one was at iceland, the smallest containers >>343730 smh you're supposed to save it for the shit and piss puddle at 2:30am
>>343733 Could of been wessie
its ALWAYS normalfags
>could of
>>343734 >Could of retard
>>343733 so many modern weddings do this gay dress up shite because there is either this lack of seriousness to westoid life in our current time or they are incapible of taking it serious because taking it serious would be "incel" or racist or intense. its like this strange child like helplessness where normalfags retreated into nerd culture because western civilization is being destroyed and the enemies are in our midst. I can't tell why people do this gay shit >le doge in wedding heckin funneh I cannot understand why our fellow westoids cannot take life seriously
>>343708 I usually filter him the second I identify him at the brit watering hole then I get back to rooting in the thread with the other britlets
>>343739 would interrupt their degenerate self indulgent life, they are monkeys strapped into the orgasm chair pressing the button until they die
>>343740 good lad same tbh
JBPs retarded whore daugther who literally flew in a private jet to europe to get pumped by this subhuman mutt, this is what women are given rights for, its so fucking retarded, they literally just act like disgusting repulsive demons when they are not owned as property by their fathers and then husbands, makes me seethe to no end, there is no argument for womens rights.
>when the schizobeast arrives and circles the pack so you have to form a defensive wall to save the white race
>>343744 tbf in this situation it's probably just regime agents coordinating
>>343741 kek yeah exactly. like I know I am a fucking low status guy but I see normalfags stealing nerd shit because they are low self confidence and hiding behind something they are only interested in topically. like some lisa simpson femoid and her beta bux and they just do this gay mockery of their own marriage by doing some larp marriage instead of taking it seriously and being proud of it as something they can look back on in decades instead of it being like "wow why did we dress up like autism" or "lmao look at mom and dad dressed up like some dumb video game to get married"
>>343744 wasn't she already married as well and had a kid or something? yeah she is so disgusting just riding on the coat tails of her deranged dad like some sociopathic femoid demon
>>343744 this is why jordan cries in every video
>>343745 keeeek yeah I like that as a pig herd we have become pretty good at identifying bongo bongo predators just comfy piglets eating 'za down by the river but then our ear perks up when we see fat_chudjak.jpg or skin care routine shit
>>343747 smee as case study again smh mum and dad had a larp ceremony and it wasn't even an official marriage, maybe not even a civil partnership just paying lots of money to play dress up and she got tired and found another provider later anyway
https://youtu.be/Y0fYp5tNw5Q >wessex running trying to keep up with the pack
looking at the photo now smh it was only found last year after a few decades in the back of one of granny's cupboards >he's wearing cream regency larp with a big cravat and neckerchief >she's wearing medieval square collar dress in green with 80s hair and a flower crown >they had larpers with halberds to form an arch and walk down
I don't see myself as low status in that sense, I view myself like a knight who has been exiled by the puppet king that was put in place by the skeksis and am forced to survive under their oppression, in normal circumstances I would shine.
>>343752 yeah smh
>>343756 tbh good lad
>>343754 god I wish that were me
>>343755 >larpers with halberds keeeeek pure cringekino >>343756 tbqh
>she divorced him and ditched their daughter to go get dicked by mutt king and whoever else >she also got herpes Women, never.
>>343733 if it weren't for the d*g this would be very wholesome and european
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-64150026 lmao this stupid fucking bitch, interesting article tbh and contains some stuff I vaguely remember from the start of 2020 with the protests, I never heard about the paki getting his windows smashed in and stuff though, shame it was all based on a lie.
would love to chop spics hands and feet off and put a leash on him and force him to crawl around like a dog
>>343764 don't care if it's lies tbh pakis are still furriners who need to be deported any lie told against them becomes true simply because they're the enemy
room fucking stinks
>>343768 she accused white lads aswell, shes a stupid bitch who discredited yet another nationalist touchstone issue in this country that'll be brought up by lefties til the end of time anytime paki rape gangs are mentioned
>>343771 >discredited yet another nationalist touchstone issue in this country that'll be brought up by lefties til the end of time yeah smh
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>>343764 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63736944 Tbh. Seething more at this on related that I don't remember hearing about. An autistic 15 year old thot killed herself after being Wessex'd by her stupid cunt mummy and Prevent.
>>343773 smh it's sickening
>>343770 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10548105/White-supremacists-plead-guilty-plotting-attack-power-grid-spark-national-race-war.html The case this Christopher Cook potatochud character was involved in sounds like establishment cover for Malthusian/collapse accelerationism tbh.
>>343776 >>343773 replied to the wrong post
>>343777 Made me hover over a filtered post and nearly vomit breakfast as I realized dorshit must've wiped his shit covered dick on his sheets, thus making his room stink.
>>343778 oh thanks i never considered that until now
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>>343773 we could have saved her zoggies must pay
worried about whether i'm a good lad or not
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>>343412 The word you're looking for is "Luciferian", lad.
>>343785 you're a good lad lad
>>343789 common knowledge at this point tbh
>Sticky poop can be a symptom of a temporary or chronic digestive disorder, or the result of a diet that contains too much fat. Sticky poop can appear greasy and pale or dark and tarry. Why do weightloss have to be like this?
>>343793 pearls before swine smh this lad has a based and redpilled breedhog and he somehow manages to be unhappy about it
>>343794 madlad is banning people again, lad, you need to remove both the bans and him as mod
>343795 you were banned for doing something disgusting like you usually do eg posting pornography, anti-christianism, anti-angloism etc just take the Ls you faggot >>343794 wish it was real tbh
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>>343796 which of the rules did that post infringe, o mod that agreed to these terms and conditions? hmmmm??? also, I've never posted pornography- that is not only a lie, but a slanderous one as well!
A lot of posters are going to leave because of his poor leadership.
Truly our only ally in the middle east https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-64163185
FROSH JOOMER DABBING ON SCHIZO NOGS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl4Teju2QiY
>>343802 never seen a hasidic jew before wonder what foul odor permeates from them heard somewhere that jewish princesses dont shower or something yahudi clunge must feel really funky tbh
>>343804 >never seen a hasidic jew before I've seen them many times unfortunately. Also, 2 of the 3 times I saw them on London trains they were picking their noses and eating it. keeek.
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>Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Didn’t Do My Homework” – “I’m Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine” “I am now not trusting of any product from this industry...”
RIP brit, we had a good run.
>>343804 live in an area of Manchester with loads of them. Always loads of them in Tesco's. They tend to permeate a sour smell mixed with BO. A bit like chicken that's gone off in the fridge
>>343802 wonder if the jewish extremist are the typical hasidic jews or if they are the zoomer type jews that you run into on the internet every once in a while who advocate for stuff like this in response to dafty activism
sending good vibes to everyone in /brit/ rn
uhm.. your welcome?
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>>343812 namaste
This says alot about white women.
are greatest ally
feverish smh didn't even have time to do my resolutions list or set up more planning stuff or start writing or anything to start the new year properly and now I'll be told I've got the coof and I am actually weak enough to be worried about just getting a normal flu or whatever
was in the headlines a few days ago, but reading as a whole it's very clearly an attempt at normalising the treatment by police of nonces as a sexuality
>>343817 Even with the regular flu I feel like kidneys are on fire.
Is Vitamin D the key lads? I've been to half a dozen gigs with thousands in attendance, meanwhile everybody in my immediate family has got this flu.
>>343818 >all of this for actual rapist nonces >still sending dafties to prison for life for having anime pics really hate the hypocritical nature of clown world tbh the two-faced anarchotyranny the most >>343819 yeah I am quite worried this will reduce my ten months further smh >>343820 smh I only have C and cod liver oil
>>343821 I take Fish oil, Zinc and Vitamin D. Used to take other things but haven't re-supplied. I share a house with parents that have had it for 2-3 weeks now. But I'm still okay.
>>343823 >one eats humans >the other eats poo smh why don't they just combine into a civic centipede >>343814 kino tbh reminded me of the early gmod video times
>>343823 hope they duel and kill each other in the process
>>343825 e-celeb death matches really should replace the boxing shite.
fresh the real steiner haven't bothered listening to any of this for a very long time tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjzKwdoq-iM
Just want to see them enter this and get rekt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlCQ2pBob5Q
>>343829 >turkey, syria coming together but the turkroaches were funding anti-syrian terrorists and armies, supplying them with drones etc just like the israelis smh
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>>343829 these guys said that Russia was going to win the war though
this guys account is crazy he's trying to run a retro tech company out of a warehouse in the most dangerous town in arkansas and he just posts him getting robbed, his house getting firbombed and his cars getting stolen every day. https://twitter.com/pontifier/with_replies
its spenglerian tbh
>>343832 wonderful multiculturalism tbh
>>343832 keeeeeeeeeek poor lad having to deal with niggers like that on a daily basis
>>343832 Gaben has fallen on hard times. F.
>>343832 crime creates poverty
>>343836 no one cares, right
lmfao imagine moving here. like 1/10 buildings look inhabited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INuyNR2kvSo
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>>343841 its wypipos fault
>>343844 I think he likes using the comma.
>>343836 *gets extactic when third world peoples develop stone age technology*
>>343844 KEEEEEEEEK god I hate niggers so much they just want us to be their slaves and keep providing them with a western lifestyle while also being free game for casual murder and noggery they can't be killed soon enough
[doom]JOEY OWENS SAVING THE SCOUSE RACE WITH FRESH GONDENT[doom] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQBmOC3-Eg
>>343844 thinking about how all those white folks who moved away are probably still anti-racist smh
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>>343848 he's sure to get elected to the LOCAL council this time!
>I was born and raised in Pine Bluff and left in the early nineties after college. I visit often and I own a home there. There are tons of stories (good and bad) that I could tell about many of the downtown buildings. The original courthouse burned down in the mid 70s and was rebuilt. The column façade around the front door is the only part of the original building that remains. The old Pines Hotel closed in 1968 and the inside was beautiful. It was infamous due to Nazi POWs being allowed to stay there in the 1940s whenever POW camps in the state became overcrowded. Black citizens including vets could only enter through back doors of this building to work but could not stay there. The bottom floor on the corner housed Gordon's Jewelers. The God's Hospital building housed the old Henry Marx clothing store. It sold tons of men's and women's clothes. Burt's closed many years ago and was a premier clothing store for men. The Masonic Temple building was once the largest African American owned building in the state. I could go on and on.
>>343844 >white people took the economy with them keek yeah that's how it works obviously >>343850 Just part of the white flight cycle
>The Masonic Temple building was once the largest African American owned building in the state
all those comments and only one mentioned white flight and the rest carefully don't even mention "african-americans", "blacks" or NIGGERS
>>343855 I dropped a comment, lad. Go upvote it
>>343856 keeeek that boomer style all caps
found Dorset's vicar
>>343818 wew there are serious people seriously using the term MAP? I thought that was just a meme keek
>>343859 government is full of soy nonces lad of course they are pushing it
>>343861 another win for the white race well done lad
>>343795 >Oxford will be quarantined so the rest don't have to put up with its shit any more Kind of based, hope they quarantine London next.
>>343861 UPDOOTED
FARAGE LIVE ON GB NEWS!!! https://youtu.be/S4lnVqOGEZg
>>343773 >"If you didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes - Aryan as they say - she didn't want to know you, you were an inferior race, you shouldn't have been alive," her mother recalls. hmmmst've?
more awful bin posts don't want to even see photos of traitor cunts on brit they all need to be fed into the back of a rubbish compactor
First day on the phones tomorrow lads. This job is so fucking boring. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
FRESH KATIE HOPKINS! https://youtu.be/2NiBbNNg0Ko
>>343868 >more awful bin posts what does this mean?
I wonder if this is a deal that needs to be - like the biscuits in this factory - twice baked!
may as well be posts in a boomer conservative facebook group
GODFREY BLOOM'S MESSAGE FOR 2023 https://youtu.be/yzxU4QZozPk
Godfrey Bloom is the best of the lot tbh.
'er pussy do baaaaad tings, Bredrin
>>343875 he is tbh
>>343872 keeeeeeeeek
will he win the next election lads?
>>343874 based regular milleniyule guest
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>>343881 yeah, was a bit surprised are Godfrey would want to talk to that grotty looking jock
how can I be racist when my favourite GB News presenter is Nana Akua?
Will someone go watch something with Battyman Bins. He needs attention.
>>343885 yeah put Jumanji (1995) on bins
haha classic
>>343886 Avatar tonight lad
It's a B hive in here!
>>343888 don't want to look at bad cgi cat niggers for 3 hours tbh
Ironic toryboyism deserves a ban tbph.
>>343885 Yet hardly any bongo activity whatsoever, huh. >>343888 Your source was shit lad shut up.
>>343890 Tbh. Feeling like watching Addams Family.
>>343890 what do you want to watch then lad?
>>343890 whats an example of good cgi for you? and how are they niggers? you are mentally ill and have niggers on the brain.
Let's watch Horst Wessel
>"I diagnose you with 'niggers on the brain'."
>>343894 wallace and gromit the first two >>343895 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I mean Hans Westmar
Alright, I'll say it, Hitler was right.
>>343899 good lad I haven't watched that film in ages
>>343900 now hang on a minute, Winston Churchill is the greates Briton that ever hecking lived!
Nerd girl with lesbian sister fancies smee I think
https://youtu.be/twr2hgHGSHo >Wessex and 22st mobilise for the white race
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>>343905 good post b
>>343880 Fucking hell, what happened to Dickie Spencer?
>>343907 got vaxxed
>7/10 posts of the last hour from filtered gayists Smh.
>>343914 Has Dan Bongino contacted you about making you a partner yet?
A fucking blue bottle in my house in January? Fuck off
>>343915 kek he is some dago with nigger blood
>When that KFC deal hits.
>>343921 I sneed! Hahahaha! I sneed!
a new thread perhaps?
>>343921 I felt that.
>>343921 like the old days of 2019 when you would post late night vocaroos with music playing in the background
>2019 was 4 years ago
>>343926 smh I miss 2011 when you could just openly polface on youtube. >>343927 wewlad
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-55981119 >How did a boy from Cornwall become the UK's youngest terror offender? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-60056108 >Darlington boy youngest to be convicted of terror offence just remembers these in light of that recent BBC article, I wonder if CT mongs actually feel pathetic when they ruin young lads lives like this, members of paki rape gangs get less time than this
>>343928 tbh I have a lot of polface comments in my history but they all link to long deleted videos
>>343929 >Don't network and make frens kitten >Don't go LOCAL >Don't join PA >Don't even lift >Don't try to actually achieve anything kitten just download this fucking bomb-making guide
>>343929 CTU are all fat soybearded failed deanos. no empathy, no humanity.
New bread? Anyone?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64125531 >The nun and the monk who fell in love and married

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