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Britain can be a lot better than this.

just farted in ohio, watch out
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>>352706 WTF are those pig noises HRH makes at the start
Need a poo
>>352698 >start a culture war >blame the other side when you lose combatants lmao >>352672 keeking at the lads holding a mixture of bow and arrow and rifles. Don't blame them really never forget that this is America's fault, they literally just handed over the entire west part of the island to Indonesia hoping it would convince them to not become communist. Even just remaining a Dutch colony would have been better.
>>352707 That was Steiner holding the phone
what's this missing woman business all about?
>>352711 police mongs can't find her, probably behind a bush or something
whats steiner gonna do for his 100th rant?
>>352713 go pro of him abducting a woman and putting her in his breedhog hole dug under his mothers patio
>>352713 he's well past 100 now
rumble should make him a partner
>>352715 I am a pleb and don't understand this image.
>>352711 the husband did it cap this post
>>352719 hell yeah kill those frickin commies
>>352719 can't throw money away fast enough
>>352719 It would be really funny if the russians hit these in transit just as they get across the border.
>>352724 VGH....
>>352726 Nooooooooooooooooo
A rumour is spreading on telegram
I've shnit mesnelf!
imagine living in such a country https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64625127
>>352728 Presumably he means that Belaruse will "attack" Pooland, in order to justify NATO response. Or will they skip the theatre of justification? >>352730 Yeah can't imagine what it it's like living in a country where not liking its expansionist foreign policy gets you reported by undercover spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) and branded a terrorist.
OP here, thanks to everyone who didn't shitpost and actually debated the topic. I'm gonna call it quits on this thread, I've got shit I need to get done feel free to talk amongst yourselves
>>352730 *screams*
>>352732 *kisses you goodnight*
>>352736 >could have had aesthetic borders >chop it all up with straight lines so you can have a bunch of states larping as a diverse confederation sad
>>352738 yeah it was autism and that was the border until 1837 or so also BIG https://youtu.be/m5DpZOaWThs
>>352739 Throughout mid-1835, both governments continued their practice of oneupmanship, and constant skirmishes and arrests occurred. Citizens of Monroe County joined together in a posse to make arrests in Toledo. Partisans from Ohio, angered by the harassment, targeted the offenders with criminal prosecutions.[37] Lawsuits were rampant and served as a basis for retaliatory lawsuits from the opposite side.[37] Partisans of both sides organized spying parties to keep track of the sheriffs of Wood County, Ohio, and Monroe County, Michigan, who were entrusted with the security of the border.[37 god why couldn't I have been born in the napoleonic times
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did a really foul fart at the dinner table and made my dads gf ill had to remind her of her place in the hierarchy
they're sexting in the qoomer thread and i can't tell if it's bait. a fat lass posted her tits and it looks like the toil hoomer okay thank you
>>352742 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
the UFO over the great lakes was an ice fishing tent
>>352732 this person is NOT the OP ignore him
>>352742 well go on, post it!
VGHHHH feel myself wanting to repaint the USA's internal borders to create a version that doesn't anger my autism. Most of all Hawaii will cease to be a state, it's a Pacific island nation and therefore rightful British territory to be transferred to New Zealand administration following the collapse of the empire
>>352736 it is so kino that you have civil war as a practical political praxis.
pic looks familiar, like a memi i've seen on here but there were no matches on reverse search
>>352750 Damn look at that snowbunny
>>352749 that was an anglo-brittanoidic thing lad not an "american" thing. fags today would never do shit like invade another state and fudge their elections
>>352753 smh I thought that level of independence was enshrined in gay republican paper somewhere.
>toil all day >your "wife" turns you into a celibate work horse
>>352757 ok I think I'm gonna ban you now
>>352759 sounds like a sad madlad move.
>>352761 he still has a son lad.
>>352756 article is about snoring tbh
imagine having that power.
ofcourse zizek is making a gay statement about the material aspect of sex rather than the real divorcing of it from it's meaning.
What the heck smh
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>>352756 keeeek chudlet drove his turbo diesel down in the mud of the homeowners house and sprayed mud everywhere and ruined the erosion control shite because boomer uberbossman has not payed us at all this year yent.
>>352768 >has not payed us at all this year yent. don't get this, why do tradefags work without pay
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>>352773 smh wish we were as BIG as sharttica
>>352774 UK has its own forms of kino that are superior in many ways
>>352776 swarthoid
>>352772 close enough
>>352776 it's a crisis actor lul
>>352779 shill fuck off
>>352780 ffs calm down agg it was just a joke
>>352776 sandy hook didn't happen
active mart-sharter in old el paso
nvm it's just niggers
Forced conscription continues in odessa, progress on bakhmut front over the last 4 months in 7 day increments
Wagner preparing the bodies of hundreds of hohol soldiers who died in soledar alone to be sent back to ukraine
>>352788 expected vid related tbh https://youtu.be/v_RgNLI1rYY
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>>352788 smh all those dead slav zoomies
>>352790 kmeeeeeeeek
so hard to imagine that they all had lives before smh. hate war me
>>352794 yeah low status male extermination. I don't know if you could purchase your way out of the draft in old empire days but in shartica they were called '3 hundred dollar' men because they could pay the money bribe in the 1860s to avoid being sent to go die in autism charges
>>352795 theres some high value ones being killed in ukraine too tbf, they'd had near 200k dead so its no surprise, war is usually dysgenic remember.
>>352796 yeah tbh but imo being an incel or low status male isn't totally dependent on looks anymore especially in time of crisis its all about social power or wealth
>>352797 I suppose, much easier being an incel in terms of sexual success in eastern europe, everytime the news does a story in ukraine they'll show normal early 20s men who are married with nice lassies and that shit would just never happen here, extremely blackpilling, would rather have that but with corruption that the absolute shite we have here.
>>352797 its mostly looks in the west now though
>>352797 >yeah tbh but imo being an incel or low status male isn't totally dependent on looks anymore it is in the west, but not in slavlands, slav males are so ugly that no woman can be attracted to them on that basis. slav women are mainly attracted to money
>>352798 yeah good point slavoids don't have incelism as bad as westoids
egg-producing bodies with vaginas
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>This thread
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Since this a Z thread I'll just post footage of a D20 howitzer shell landing right into a Ukie trench.
Also a US Army Blackhawk fell out the sky and everyone died.
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enjoying coffeetoil quite a lot tbh but it's exhausting smh easily working twice as hard as i ever did at retoil cotoilers are all great people too plus it's nice working in a small team instead of for a giant faceless corporation >>352800 don't like it you know where the door is >>352810 always found the whole student athlete thing in shartica to be completely bizarre tbh can't see why they still keep up the farce that the athletes are students
never mind keeek thought about it for five seconds smh it gives their diversity quotas a boost while keeping them mostly segregated from the real students ingenious really
just found out that notaries public in queensland and new zealand are still appointed by the archbishop of canterbury (indirectly through the court of faculties) mad tbh luv these kinds of old things that never got changed still want to burn welby at the stake though
>>352813 I initially read that as you wanting to bum Welby keeeeek
enjoying a nice bottle of shepherd neame double stout >>352814 would rather not smh
fact: millenials are the most powerful race in the world
boomers fear me zoomers fear me women women turn their eyes away from me as i walk no small business dare make a sound in my presence i am alone in this barren society
well don't go all quiet on me
>>352819 >ghey smh tempting fate really
>>352818 Closing in on March and he's still hibernating. keeeeeeeek. He should just appear during December and that's it at this point. At least he can get some sort of mystique back.
>>352821 lad you have to understand smh you simply must understand: he's very busy
>>352822 I am sort of intrigued to know how much he makes from Millenniyule tbh.
>>352823 either he has a job that he isn't telling us about or it's enough to keep him going for an entire year did he ever manage to sell that milleniyule nft?
>>352824 Don't know about the recent one, he did the year before though.Couple of hundred I think.
>>352825 based
almost poosted a potent blackpill poost but stopped myself just in time you're welcome lads
pembs is taking blackmarket Brazilian HRT packaged in a box decorated with anime and with the phrase "Keep out of the reach of parents"
>>352828 surprised that otokonoko pharmaceuticals is still around and operating under the same name tbh then again considering the overarching goal of complete huwhite declawing and eventual genocide maybe not so much smh can't even order a bottle of nicotine salts without a prescription but shit like this reaches retarded teenagers and twenty-somethings every single day smh still don't understand why you continue to e-stalk him though lad lad the brainrot got him and he's done for
>>352828 huh. I thought he was just a homo that wanted softer skin, he's actually going full tranny with the "I must be feminine or I am kill self" shite? jeez
>>352830 kek, even images posted here months ago show he has grown boobs.
>>352830 that was always the end goal lad everyone who starts down that road ends up in the same place (assuming no suicide partway through)
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>>352833 i should watch the mummy again tbh now that's kino my favourite part is when the swarthoid speaks hebrew and holds up a star of david and the mummy says ah the language of slaves
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although the shootout on the boat is also pretty kino tbh lots of kino turn of the century era small arms and lots of dual wielding too just to put any realism autism to bed permanently
>China imposes sanctions on Lockheed Martin, Raytheon over Taiwan arms sales
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mental how down hill he went
>>352836 are they placing sanctions on those companies specifically or the united states as a whole? probably an ineffectual symbolic gesture if it's just the companies tbh although maybe they really are that far gone >>352838 tbh
will still choose purple for my dressing gown should i ever buy one though tbh in his honour
>>352839 >are they placing sanctions on those companies specifically or the united states as a whole? sounds like the former. thing is, a huge amount of supply chains rely on China, so they could do serious damage if they wanted to. but it would damage their own economy as well because they'd lose export market. US and China are co-dependent but the US stands to lose more because China actually produces things of value whereas the US just prints money and controls international trade, but that grip is loosening
>>352841 tbh both nations are completely interdependent smh they're basically siamese twins at this point if one dies the other dies but both have to pretend to hate each other for appearances sake
>>352839 Considering how much the American arms industry is reliant on China and how fucked American industry is, it's safe to say these sanctions have more weight than EU and US sanctions on Russia.
>>352842 caveat is that the status quo favors China, they are growing and advancing rapidly while the US is in decline. hence why many warhawks in the US want war with China, they're calculating that the US would come out on top and that's the only way for the US to retain world hegemon status
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Even the Russians have out industrialised the US and EU, these fuckers still want a pop at China.
>>352843 keeeek they're fucked >>352844 tbh it's now or never for them i guess not like they're getting any stronger
>>352847 esoteric
cranked one out with the onahole again. I'd highly recommend having one but I usually regret when I use it just because it takes so long to clean and dry it. special occasions sort of thing
>>352845 this is such bullshit, the US is 100% in the direction of more materiel, less meat. they're just running low on materiel and hohol meat is cheap
>>352848 >it's not the vomit webm I'm actually a little disappointed
>nephew hurt himself in the nursery school again wtf I love nursery schools now
>upsetting jew pets and niggers based?
>>352851 >the US is 100% in the direction of more materiel Not any time soon.
check this out, Beijing's new airport built in 5 years for $11.4b, can service 74m passengers per year. China is on the way towards the sci-fi fantasy type future that whites dreamed about before our future was changed to babysitting niggers until they butcher us https://youtu.be/-aWJ5p3X-Yo
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>>352857 Damn I'm starting to think drugs are bad
>>352800 keeeek even the muslims will become globohomo'd sorry Mohammad >>352767 Are you not having babies already lad? What are you even doing for the hwhite race?
>>352854 >hurr book have carbon footprint Isn't JBP supposed to have a high IQ? Or does is he just trying to keep himself relevant?
poor tooterino
>>352850 good on you lad for making foids obsolete don't think i could ever justify buying one though smh feels like a material affirmation of the coomer life >>352855 keeeeeeek they're fucked >>352856 keeeeeeek we're fucked >>352859 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
something something tragedy something something comedy god i love being alive can't wait to see what happens next
https://youtu.be/qOEyeAN5_-w NERDchads... it's over
>>352855 Is you sayin that even with a gorillion dollaridoos per year in taxpayer funding, a small scale regional conflict is actively depleting the US's military hardware? Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of what's being spent won't even get used and will find its way to paramiltaries in Europe or the muslim world instead.
>The head of the Financial Department for Russia's Ministry of Defence has died after a mysterious defenestration accident in St Petersburg
>>352864 >don't think i could ever justify buying one though smh feels like a material affirmation of the coomer life if you do wank at all it's a healthier way of doing it, better simulates actual intercourse to prepare you for it and also prevents further deforming the penis with hands. usually it bends slightly to the right if you're right handed or vice versa for left due to wanking
>>352867 most of the US military budget goes towards navy/air force and military bases afaik. global power projection, world police, big ebil bully sort of thing. not factories that churn out anti-tank rocket launchers on assembly line
also the current US military doctrine is slated towards counter-insurgency, not fighting a real war
>>352869 >usually it bends slightly to the right if you're right handed so you're saying i'm not cooming enough oh well, doctor's orders
>>352871 tbh pretty clear they thought they'd be putting down local insurgencies long before they had to go toe-to-toe with another major geopolitical player they had their zogbots all primed and ready to shoot their own kin and now ivan and chang start acting up smh rude
>use muscles >they grow bigger >wank >cock athrophies wdtmbt
https://youtu.be/zZdVwTjUtjg Out of touch thursday, lads. We made it
Don't understand why 8chan keeps crashing chromium on this computer smh, it's only this website. I'll have to try a different browser. >>352869 hmmst I'm right handed and my willy bends to the left >>352870 Thanks for spoonfeeding me lad. Still it is funny that the big boy army of the world doesn't have much production of ammunition etc, it's a bit of an embarrassment tbh how can the US's allies be confident in them?
>>352872 Uhm auslad why the fuck am I banned for “impersonation”
>>352875 we did it lads we made it
>>352877 give me one second lad i will investigate this
>>352880 ni la
A group of Antifas were arrested in Budapest for attacking a tobacco shop owner after mistaking him for a Nazi because he was wearing camouflage. The interesting thing about this case was that one of the Antifas arrested was formerly with the “Linda E” group. A far left extremist group that was run by a federal employeee hired to deradicalise teenage far right extremists and was instead using her role to plan their murder. Thankfully they were busted collecting weapons and never got to kill anyone, tho they did end up assaulting a number of people. sources: https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/prozess-nach-politischen-gewalttaten-linksextreme-gewalt-angeklagter-soll-geld-von-demokratie-projekt-erhalten-haben_id_20927983.html https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article230801805/Neue-Vorwuerfe-Linksextremistin-Lina-E-bleibt-in-Haft.html
>>352877 ban lifted lad that was wrongful smh so i did the needful and did not redeem it would appreciate if you could put a concise explanation of why you shouldn't be banned in the ban appeal field though instead of NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER not like it isn't funny though tbh did have a mild chuckle
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>>352885 Looks like a joke but people really walk around with stuff like that in their arse?
>>352886 dont know tbh lad, but not much would surprise me anymore
>>352884 yeah but you have to sit inside a steel cage filled with niggers no thanks lass >>352887 wew loyalty in the twenty first century means find you a girl who'll stuff you up her arse if you die i guess what a world still more loyal than most women
night lads not going to bed but going to play fallout 4 for a few hours then sleep the commonwealth will be mine oh yes it will be mine
>>352889 no it won’t
>>352884 no it doesn’t
>>352878 no we didn’t
>>352861 be quiet
>>352705 no you didn’t
>>352708 no you don’t
>>352819 be quiet
goodness me I am itchy
>>352899 no you’re not
>>352900 yes I am
>>352901 *kills you*
>>352902 aaaaeooooooh
joke's on you i was still reading replies i got from deliberately inflammatory shitposts elsewhere anyway night lads i'm done for real behave yourselves (or don't) love you all (no homo) >>352890 yes it will i got a laser pistol with the explosive legendary effect and i put a beam splitter on it lad this baby nukes everything >>352893 we did lad look at the calendar smh it's thursday no doubt about it we made it >>352890 >>352891 >>352892 >>352893 >>352894 >>352895 >>352896 >>352897 >>352898 >>352899 >>352900 >>352901 >>352902 >>352903 >replies to all your poosts >refuses to elaborate >leaves
>>352904 *cuddles up to you*
Based Jordan(MAID=medical assistance in dying)
>>352853 thinking about how much my brother's gf's blaming the nursery school yet she doesn't work and is at home watching telly all day
I got this for my birthday because the cat made my smile.
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time to take some instagram pics on the front lines
>>352910 >not sure if satire
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>even the dogs are pigs
>>352912 https://youtu.be/0mlKGx1TM9o Going to be full of downies, even a downie relationship
>>352913 What slavoid name should I give my new skyroom orc, lads?
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>>352907 >implying MAID eligibility being expanded to Jews is more egregious and further down the slippery slope than it including children and mentally ill people
>>352915 Pootine fries
>>352916 he's childislhy trying to imply they are genociding people. He's so unprofessional
>>352915 putler
who decided to call it the naughties? what a gay name for a decade
>>352828 >>352829 that stuff is what killed r9k iirc the troononce groomer's discord endlessly psyopped all of those innocent incels until the board died smh >>352856 >took 5 years to build >will be falling apart in 5 years or less >probably hundreds of chinks at least will be crushed beneath roof segments and malfunctioning escalators
will never fall for the china meme after watching 1000+ hours of china webms, me.
>>352922 >caring for his fellow chinaman heartwarming after all the insectoid behaviour I've seen tbh
>>352921 *boils you alive*
Since I plan on vamp maxxing with this new build (seeing how many perks are effected by necromage, bloodworm helm, bonewolf's revenge and vampirism i.e a 1.9x modifier for spell effects) I can't resist calling him Voldemorb Putler.
im so hungry lads... my 'za is still 20 minutes away
https://youtu.be/9mmytc6LIGg >white american kids forced to say BLM by the black kids and being filmed by doing so >cuck parent says being forced to say BLM is fine, just that they didn't like that the kids had been violent
>>352921 /r9k/ is dead now? I thought it was once as popular as /pol/
The idealogues are dangerous, they need to be thrown out
>>352854 read that tweet and it vocalised in his ai voice
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https://youtu.be/7wECWKN_Raw another episode of the same shit
>“There will be resistance to its application, just as there has been and there will be resistance to the application of all feminist laws,” she told parliament. “So we have to work (…) to guarantee that when this law enters into force, it will be enforced". >Spain’s other main trade union, Comisiones Obreras, has supported the idea of menstrual leave. But it has raised concerns over the details of the policy, and whether women would have to prove they suffer from a condition known to worsen period pain - such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome - to claim this menstrual leave.
>>352927 holy sneed i havent heard of duerst the wuerst in years.
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>sluggish nigger who seems barely concious still almost manages to rape a fit lass keeeeeeeeeeek
I'm in PA.
>>352938 how much personal information did you have to give them?
>>352939 Not much, just proof of address and a photo of my driving license
>>352938 pedophiles anonymous
>>352940 SO15 is now watching you, congrats. Doesn't matter because you're a fed anyways.
>>352941 keeek
>>352941 QEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEQ >>352942 Oh no! Not the government! I'm so fwightened! I won't defend my race! I'll LARP as a detached intellectual and prophesise magic changes happening for the next forty years! Yank cunthole. We don't have "feds" in this country.
uh oh dad's not happy he's cleaning the house in an angry fashion
>>352944 keeeek so easily baited
>"Napoleon's outward tolerance and fairness toward Jews was actually based upon his grand plan to have them disappear entirely by means of total assimilation, intermarriage, and conversion." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_and_the_Jews
>>352925 what computer game you on about lad? started playing heros of might and magic 4 mysnelf
>Brianna Ghey >Ghey
>>352951 bit late
>>352952 a late Ghey who got stabbed away
For me? Its the sound of those work keyboards
I love her, lads. >>352949 Skyrim AE.
>>352951 she's cute, dont get why everyones mad at her?
>>352957 >she But it is a sad death tbh. He should've had plenty of time to either renounce gayism, or die naturally of suicide 9 years from now.
the shit this nigga had to go through
stella' convisatin' lads
cmon lads lets all get a gf https://whitedate.net
I'm officially doing the most for the white race as a PA member. Move me above Auslad on the white race leaderboards.
i always leave one slice of za to have before bed time
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>>352938 based
my willy and its voyages
where will noseley and his men strike next?
lads another train derailed right by where I live
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we need a goldberg AI voice saying HEY WESSEX
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>>352970 is it unleashing toxic braps?
"After his attempts at becoming the leader of the Conservative Party were rebuffed, the Bum Bum King sought more direct methods to save the Kingdom. The path he traversed was a familiar one. Many moons ago a perilous journey had seen all of his friends perish, bar one. Now wiser, stronger, and dressed in his most regal tracksuit he marched on. The tune of ‘Agadoo’ echoing through the ages...Nothing could stop what was coming."
>>352970 ohio men at work
"where did all my frens go?"
>>352947 that failed every single time it was tried. the majority of ashkenazis have European mtDNA, meaning they aren't even real jews, they're just LARPers but that doesn't stop them
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>>352828 >with the phrase "Keep out of the reach of parents" doesnt have that anymore actually
>>352983 pembs can you just get a zoomer welsh girl that's into androgynous males? we hate to see you doing this to yourself, it's really nasty, the anus is for poopenings only
>>352982 keeeeeek
>>352982 good lad
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manateecucks btfo once again
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>>352993 they're exterminating the chuds
>>352993 smh brumpf said infrastructure was fucked... why didn't we listen
thinking about how in Imperium the bad nazis are trying to poison the water supply.. just because(it makes no sense). I guess it was projection
>>352993 Do you think this might be linked with all the food processing centres that burnt down in the US?
>>352998 idk if they're directly linked. the food sabotage is definitely deliberate and fits neatly into the great reset dynamic, but it's difficult to see where this train thing is going. it does also seem intentional but I don't see what their endgame is, other than poisoning rural conservative whites the only agenda I can think of here is political momentum for a big push to modernize US infrastructure to compete with China. these are trains in China
but even then... if they legitimately just wanted to overhaul infrastructure I'm sure they could get people behind that without doing this. and they were covering it up at the start too. doesn't really make sense
it just keeps happening. what the fuck is going on man? first they're hoaxing these balloons and UFOs and calling for WWIII with China and now all this chemical pollution stuff. are they gonna say it's Chinese sabotage?
no idea but someone is testing how protected the US's critical infrastructure is
>>353003 what is the angle where somebody could suggest this at this point? "trains derail every day, this time it was just extra bad because the HECKIN' HURMPHING BLURMPHING BLUUUMMMPPPFFF REPUBLICERINOS cancelled the regulations and now everybody's paying attention to every derailment when tehey didn't bevore"? this shit is not normal
>>353004 >what is the angle where somebody could suggest this at this point? Compounding the evil of their atrocities by taunting chudlets with brazen lies.
>>352999 chink propaganda. we've seen liveleak
>>352982 keeek
>>352993 nice and its right near lake belleville
https://youtu.be/aIYY_OyuJ28 *bites wessica and causes him to lose self confidence and retreat under the protection of mummies gaslighting*
>>353009 smh so that's why he's dying
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>but you need to send kids to school so they can be socialised
BLM resulted in further bullying of white students absolute smh with assorted gaslighting
another 37k views on joe's video
>>353015 black faced children of the devil
>>353015 damn that video made me seethe something fierce, I would have loved to go off on that bitch nigger
dont care if dafties hunt nigcels tbh
get a load of the shit my bitch ex wife is trying to pull
>massive Russian military buildup around Mariupol and Berdiansk Nice.
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"Got Autism?" Campaign >In 2008 and in 2014, PETA conducted an advertising campaign linking milk with autism. Their "Got Autism?" campaign, a play on words mocking the milk industry's Got Milk? ad campaign that ran from 1993 to 2014, stated "Studies have shown a link between cow's milk and autism." PETA also claimed milk was strongly linked to cancer, Crohn's disease, and other diseases.[138][139] In 2014, PETA's Executive Vice President confirmed their position, and additionally stated that dairy consumption contributes to asthma, chronic ear infection, constipation, iron deficiency, anemia, and cancer.[140] >When pressed, PETA cited two scientific papers, one from 1995 and one from 2002 using very small samplings of children (36 and 20), and neither showed a correlation nor a causation between milk and autism. Newer studies from 2010 and 2014 have shown no association between dairy and behavior in autism.[139] Despite having been corrected, a PETA representative said that they will still keep the information on their website "because we have heard from people who have said it contains helpful information. Many families have found that a dairy-free diet can help children with autism, and since the consumption of dairy products has been linked to asthma, constipation, recurrent ear infections, iron deficiency, anemia, and even cancer, dumping dairy is a healthy choice that everyone can make."[141] >Steven Novella, a clinical neurologist and assistant professor at Yale University School of Medicine, wrote "This is clearly, in my opinion, a campaign of fear mongering based upon a gross distortion of the scientific evidence. The purpose is to advocate for a vegan diet, which fits [PETA's] ideological agenda. They are likely aware that it is easier to spread fears than to reassure with a careful analysis of the scientific evidence."[138] >PETA's campaign has received backlash from the autism community. A 2008 PETA billboard was taken down by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. In 2017, British food writer, journalist and hunger relief activist Jack Monroe, demanded PETA remove their recipes from their website "with immediate effect coz I wrote them with my autism". PETA removed their recipes, but did not remove the "Got Autism?" article from their website until 2021. It has been argued that the frowny face in the campaign image negatively stereotypes autistic people.[141]
>>353024 was expecting an arm to get snapped tbh.
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>>353027 >6 gorillion views >the gullible normie comments *screams*
>JUST IN - YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is stepping down. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1626268174005022722 we finally did it bros.... we finally won
>Another banker in China has gone missing
>>353014 what a disgusting faggot the psychopathic eyes too he clearly cares nothing for the people affected or the people he's addressing evil bastard, one of many who need stringing up
>>353032 his name is "Pete Butt" and he's an open faggot that makes out with his buggeree in public at political rallies
>>353033 >and he's an open faggot that makes out with his buggeree in public at political rallies That's catnip for female vooters.
Just joined PA. Hope they're ready the drip I'm bringing at upcoming events.
No more ill fitted suits, or clunky retard shoes.
Can you be Nazbol in PA?
>>353037 You can be whatever you want to be. It's where dreams are made.
>>353037 what's a nazbol?
is it much like spagbol?
You mum is a spazbol after I cum in her.
not coolerino my guy, just rude!
off up the toon, fuck the lot of you
schmorn, tired and feel a bit sick, tummy hurts.
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>>353050 pathetic
>>352984 so youre fine with the taking hormones part you just want me to get a gf? well guess what big guy youre in luck bcz i have one
>>353052 that's a step in the right direction, assuming the "gf" you speak of is actually a female, but you should not take hormones either. it's one thing if you want to shave your face, grow long hair, wear alternative style, but ravaging your endocrine system is just going to destroy your health
>>353049 Wagner told CNN that Russians didn't even have the line of sight to carry out the ATGM attack, the front line was over 3 miles away.
>>353053 it's quite benign to your health so long as your doses are correct honestly
>>353053 it's another tranny smh
>>353055 having high testosterone and low estrogen is a crucial aspect of a man's health. everything from physical fitness, mental well-being, motivation, confidence, libido, fertility... taking that shit is just going to turn you into a fat beta male with man boobs. I don't understand what your endgame is, you know once you get into your late 20's, 30's, the "femboy" aesthetic is not going to work anymore. you've already produced enough breast tissue that you'll have to get gyno surgery. the whole thing seems to be some kind of sexual masochism and even then the tanking your test levels kills your sex drive and thus the whole motive for doing the thing, this is one of the reasons why troons ack themselves
>muh I just want nice skin tretinoin and zinc oxide sunscreen
>this thread
>>353057 why would i get gyno surgery im gonna keep them lmao
Nnaa... I guess a little extra fat would be good in case society breaks down
and they have a nice shape :D
>>353061 at some point, sooner then you think, you're going to show signs of age and this entire aesthetic you're working on will collapse. you will be forced to man up, probably get on TRT, and make a bunch of money in an attempt to achieve 'daddy' mode so you can groom a nubile breedhog like are toots is working on. in order to do that you'll have to undo the damage you've done to yourself, and part of that is getting the gyno removed >>353062 the fatties run slowly, they get tired quickly, the machete-wielding cannibal-niggers will catch them first
>>353064 did u know that women grow old too
nini >>353065 that's why you get a woman younger than yourself
>>353065 And they get less desirable doing so smh
>>353066 or i can grow old as one with my spouse >>353067 so do men unless theyre rich or ripped
>>353068 Will it last with your spouse though?
>>353069 one would hope
hullo yes trannies must go, okay thankyou upcoming PA drama 8pm tonight Sam Melia Vs. Counter-Terror: They Failed! https://odysee.com/@LauraTowler:3/SamVsCT:8 fresh dutty Tell All Your Friends! This Is the Irrefutable Evidence We're Getting Less Intelligent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSQFKrbFZp0 PA zoomerwaffen division btfos MP >Tonight PA activists attended a meeting near where they live at Old Palace Lodge, Dunstable, Beds. >One of our activists - Wesley Russell - held Tory MP Andrew Selous to account on the topic of immigration to applause from the crowd. https://twitter.com/PatAlternative/status/1626328608431128577
today's lunch and dinner doritos and veg with lasagna sauce and mozzarella cheese
>>353073 me on the right
https://youtu.be/VVfZ6FygTc0 smh he's going to nonce are dinos
>>353077 Makes me so angry
>dude train derailings happen every day! <what actually happens every day https://youtu.be/CbtSyfzUbI0
So in under 2 weeks we have: >black beats lightskinned little girl on bus >black girl chokes white kid on bus >black kid throws kid on concrete >black kids film white kids and force them to say BLM or get beat up
>>353024 wew lad fuck those mongs around him are 70 IQ tier that was not osha at all not even the right type of lift. but he was also being a bit of a softy just pitch that shit off the thing and quit fuck those normalfags trying to think its funny to make the incel do dangerous shit
>>353079 notice how the overbearing mother does the interview, cuck father is probably totally workhorsed and will give useless advice, poor lad will have to learn the hard way when it comes to hating niggers. Also they censored the vid to conceal the niggers race as usual.
>>353072 hi wessex its me pembs ur ex-friend i hope ur life is well
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>>353079 Looks like a 35yo black nanny attacking a 6yo. Smh.
>>353024 One thing that I keep noticing in work life is that there are rules and laws to follow, but the same bossman who tells you to follow them also "secretly" wants you to break them to save time and money. This lad just wanted to be a good boy for his bossman and reap the reward(which there aren't any). Broke my back and knees doing the same thing tbh smh, for what
>>353086 >Broke my back and knees doing the same thing tbh SA?
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>>353082 tbh exactly he should just beat the fuck out of the negress. this one incel kid from my school that was half slavic and got bullied all the time by these niggers in our school stabbed this niggers eye out with a bic mechanical pencil at the city bus station in revenge because nobody did anything about it. just came up prison style and stabbed that nigger and then ran off he got in alot of trouble but he is a newpaper editor now so it all worked out for him
>>353087 Perma him if it is.
>>353087 I exaggerated tbh, but definitely not much cartilagerino left in my knees
>>353086 yeah that was a big chair and they were being dumbshits and clearly he did not have the "experience" of doing it that dangerous way. that was something you do with a forklift.
>>353091 so...SA?
>>353089 keek based.
>>353082 In the other video where parents were interviewed about the black kids forcing their kids to say BLM the dad said he was fine with them saying BLM, since all lives matter, but forcing them on the ground was a step too far.
>>353093 Nnaa....no
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>>353089 >got in alot of trouble of course he did
>alot I swear he does that on purpose
stop posting that anime girl
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>>353100 It's either a tranny or SA. Madlass better perma him.
>>353101 NNAANNAAANAAAAAAAA!!! *beats you up* ||it's me, 22st, much better||
>|| || uh oh
>>353102 Then you deserve a timeout as you are a lovable abomination of the white race.
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https://youtu.be/cnNrvdbGp2Q bun out all battyman bun out all troon
>>353105 damn that music is impossible to listen to? is that monkey speaking english?
>>353107 he's speaking in jive
>>353107 yuh a batty bwoy?
Vaguely Eurasian gingers is the future, lads. I can feel it.
>>353112 is dugin dead?
>>353115 nice to see you back cook
>>353077 debunked misinformation tbh.
>>353080 zoomers non whites are all insane race soldiers lad check out tiktok.
>>353117 silly monke
all me bby
>>353117 he cute
>>353123 I WONDER WHY
white woman KFC be like
the bumbumcringe strikes again
I see TBBK has returned to his usual self, he had managed to keep it contained for a long time but it has finally escaped. A permaban is in order. >>353114 no, hohol spooks killed his daughter though
i get banned more now than ever under sa and its always for the most inane shit
>>353133 You deserve it bumbumchum
>'Voldemort is a powerful, evil wizard, who tortured and killed hundreds of people and almost conquered magical Britain.' >'Voldemort was so weak that a literal toddler was able to kill him' >Do you see the contradiction here? It was a standard tactic of a totalitarian regime to demonize their enemy, while simultaneously making them look pathetic. They needed Voldemort to be feared by the population to keep them docile, as they would be too afraid of the magical bogeyman to rebel against the Ministry on their own. Yet they also couldn't let people think that Voldemort was strong enough to stand up against the Ministry, because then people might actually decide to join him. Thus they told everyone he was beaten by two-years-old kid. Soys can work this out but can't apply it to le far right, news media and western ZOGs
>>353134 im 'za lad, but thanks.
>>353136 I know, I'm the bumbumbandit. I'm hopping IPs and posting BBCs!
>>353071 a new timeline where sargon goes to jail for having locke stashed under his matress
>>353135 Lad they live divorced from reality.
Jesus Christ these boomer rethuglicans
>>353141 kek its so common for williamoid kikeboys to larp as 'ardman wiggers especially around WASP/prot and catholic taigoid/"central european" diaspora communties and alot of the time they get blown the fuck out even by other williamoid communities. we used to roast this one kike so bad at school I remember me and some lads throwing all the kike boys backpacks out the 3rd floor window and doing edgy shite and making jokes when they had holocaust semester and made us watch schindlers list and we all just roasted it the whole time and these kike boys would try to act 'ard. this one kikeboy went on and did the full SEA monkey expat MMA macho man larp but he could never lose the kike williamoid brand
it sort of feels like as a collective gestalt the intelligent jews that set up their con in the anglosphere have been replaced with grug brain jews
>>353144 I don't know, it's not a good idea to assume the general decay that's occurring extends to the elite. They might be more blatant but they've never been more entrenched.
>>353145 yeah entrenched in shit that is collapsing israel is a complete meme country that is gonna collapse quickly and their kikeraine memi seems sus. notincing the hubris of the jews is not as bad as the fags that pretend they are infallible agents of destiny
https://youtu.be/fOTZm0TJ8oE >andy is now filming in chad landscape format
society is collapsing
>>353146 It's not that they're infallible it's just they have the ability to be fallible and suffer no consequence. I mean the kikes have little insular entrenched communities everywhere worth being.
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>>353143 >kek its so common for williamoid kikeboys to larp as 'ardman wiggers especially around WASP/prot and catholic taigoid/"central european" diaspora communties and alot of the time they get blown the fuck out even by other williamoid communities. we used to roast this one kike so bad at school I remember me and some lads throwing all the kike boys backpacks out the 3rd floor window and doing edgy shite and making jokes when they had holocaust semester and made us watch schindlers list and we all just roasted it the whole time and these kike boys would try to act 'ard. this one kikeboy went on and did the full SEA monkey expat MMA macho man larp but he could never lose the kike williamoid brand this is literal gibberish
still seething at the nigcel bullies
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if you aren't talking in mostly neologism and menes at this point you are just asking to have spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) monitor you
>>353149 >suffer no consequences
hey spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine), monitor THIS *pulls out zoomer hog certified to be 37% larger than their boomer willies*
too bad you cut it off already zoomer boy, did you take any of poombs brazilian gutter drugs? they will make you live forever and totally not look like some strange sallow edward scissor hands cosplay
>>353154 Do they? They seem to run under law unto their own in most western countries.
>>353157 i took a little thing called science chud, maybe you've heard of it??
>>353158 huh I guess you are right lad they never have been ejected from any countries
I believe the science science says that diversity is our greatest strength
>>353160 Fair, but I think the crux of what I was saying is it's probably better to not underestimate an opposing force.
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>>353162 yeah obviously the jews killed almost 100 million people in the last century. the high level jews are not a joke but the rest of the jewish people have been acting a bit to loud and uppity
five captchas
>>353165 I got it first time tonight
>>353164 Are not working at the moment because the house buillding industry is finally collapsing in the us?
>>353167 we can only hope lad. no its an ice storm
>>353168 i always hated covers tbh.
they're really scraping the telechud barrel dry. literally two arrests in a row are just niggas posting links to youtube.
another telegram mong btw
>>353169 Better than a chlorine storm I suppose.
>>353172 yeah was going to post that. no idea why rightoids still flock to it when this happens all the time
>>353171 How does that fall under terror legislation? Some sort of dubious link to incitement?
what the fuck is this? >>353175 Terrorism Act 2000, Section 58 "This section creates the offence, liable to a prison term of up to fifteen years, to collect, possess, or access, information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism".
>>353176 >what the fuck is this? A woman, you fucking incel.
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imagine losing years of your life just because you posted some memi music
>>353178 he was a plod tbf. i care more about the literal children getting years for internet comments or just reading pdf's.
>>353176 nice to know anything can be considered useful to terrorists these days.
>>353179 It's all equally a miscarriage of justice.
>>353180 i think because mr bond was jailed for terror charges in austria (10 years) after the door mong played his videos during his spergout it counts as terrorism.
https://youtu.be/R3f9dvQnOI4 let's hope the WP2 is better than this. ewew
imminently live meatybraps and based NAtty lad talking about how the "counterterror" police bullied them again https://odysee.com/@LauraTowler:3/SamVsCT:8
wish we had our version of julian assange so we could really figure out what them glowie mandem were up to
>full tactical larper team of gun wielding maniac piggies stormed the house of a couple and their baby varg in france tier
>BREAKING: Shooting in Tate County, Mississippi, leaves six people dead https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1626667187313459200
>>353187 keeek the replies are all by nigcels and creaturas
>lass already did my payslip for the month even though it's not over yet and there might be more short notice hours >£250 pounds bit more than I thought tbh, I guess it will help with leccy costs
>>353189 keep saving and soon enough you'll be able to buy another gooming machine for your future gf
>>353189 time to finance a lifted duramax lad
*spends it all on a very nearly gold chain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ0ojjOLJg4
>>353189 goodlad
wheres bins?
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>>353189 >£250 pounds How often do you toil? That's below legal minimum wage if full time. Around £2 per hour.
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>>353168 >Mr Sharp was arrested by Counter Terrorism Policing North East, assisted by South Yorkshire Police, in May, following an investigation into online activity related to suspected extreme right-wing terrorism. >South Yorkshire Police
>>353199 should've been shut down after the scousacost smh
https://youtu.be/Nnyc9C_tkG0 That has to be rent, right?
>>353201 my room at mummies house is that size keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/p0CcgJKVxX8 the swarthoid justice party is protecting ohioans from the evil kikes
>>353205 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek his body shape
so... which is it?
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>>353204 The thumbnail and title is enough seethefuel. Is that a troon on the right?
>>353208 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek oh my god it's Sophie Rudd
haha sam drinking milk in funny way!
>>353210 did you make your to pay your tithe to that fucking nerd in order to view his totally subversive insane cutting edge content lass?
>>353211 no they played it on screen. I did pay for it a long time ago but luckily they don't automatically resub you. Forgot I had it tbh
let's hope World peace 2 will be better, but by the sketches I have heard about it doesn't sounds so good. We'll see smh
>>353213 it would be based if sam did a mass shooting during world peace and then killed himself
>>353214 He could probably get away with a mass shooting now.
https://youtu.be/m5pijs9eTKs take the crab pill
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cursed image
>>353219 I like to imagine the redhaired one is grimacing from seeing my mutilated goyim b*nis
imagine if those BIG beasts stomped
sneedvening, suicidal ideation for smee
https://youtu.be/wwvRhAN46R4 this is how BIG PIGS stomp
trunks don't even work like that. I hate it when it's not realistic smh
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>>353228 we need to go further back https://youtu.be/tMuU6iUewiA
>>353119 Smh only millennials can see past race
>when the nigger you were paid to babysit calls you out of being racist and you have to comfort him and say you're not smh
Referred to prevent, they're all getting caught after staying dafty
uh oh I responded too quickly to a groomee so I look needy now and lost the pickme competition smh
>>353235 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, they only need to be good once you need to be good every single time, its like minesweeper.
>>353233 >the book hes getting done for is available on amazon
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>>353233 dont even know what to say about these anymore
>>353235 how quick were you
Lightskin black
>>353246 is that black fragility?
Is their humour different to southerner humour in the USA?
>>353248 yeah keeek >>353247 yeah a troublesome quadroon
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*grunts at normongs* *returns to rooting*
Didn't nome of these guys watch Ivanhoe? The sack s are the heroes
>>353255 why were the jews so important in ivanhoe was it because jews were important in napoleonic england?
>the jew in ivanhoe escapes the templars because of gurth the pigfarmer
>>353257 >>353256 Coz Sarah was mad sexy
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https://podbay.fm/p/the-history-of-egypt-podcast/e/1675937141 Yes it's podcasts, comics, and publicfreakout vids posting time. Also just had a PesekZman classic wafer bar, delicious
https://www.amazon.com/White-Enclosures-Capitalism-Coloniality-Decoloniality/dp/1478016639 Smh Balkanoids not allowed to even defend themselves cos the big heeb in the USA says no
West Country sure is different to what I thought it was
Chinese hording them airpods
Had three bowls rice krispies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) for breakfast.
>>353267 steiner and his future indio goblina waifu keeping him on a short leash
>>353269 >indio goblina waifu Err that's just a nigger, lad.
Just realised I look like more swarthy RooshV
>>353270 Steiner had lots of black friends when he was younger, they were his allies against Spics.
https://youtu.be/aaF1BJmwmcg Oh she's a swarthoid, explains the complete lack of fear of random black hobo
>>353273 she's really lucky he didn't even throw one punch tbh.
>>353205 The angloid congressman hides behind zogbots as the Italo chad protects the people. smh
>>353192 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Creaming anus, make me famous, knock my feathers off
smorn lads toil today too.
>>353243 About a minute. Not gonna sit there pretending I didn't see her message when I did tbh
>>353277 keeeeeeeeek that lad making the walking past niggers face
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https://youtu.be/1MzAZfnq17I Jing spent Valentine's day pisstaking Incels
>>353283 buy an ad
Made my mum Chinese chili beef for lunch.
>>353280 not quick enough
Zoomer incels punching below their weight as deracinated atomised cringe cels
>>353287 This is your dream, lad. If you're lucky you might get a girl like her but a point or 2 lower. kek.
>>353283 200k subs for a bang average looking chinky lass.
World's gone mad
>>353288 western women are nigh impossible to date at this point tbh
schnaftersneed, covfefe for shmee, couldn't sleep last night either smh.
Far right protests in Rotherham and London today rn lads.
>>353294 see you there, lads
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>>353294 >far right
>>353282 fake and gay
>>353273 apparently she took his phone because he was filming her and thats why she was scrolling video while being groped like a mong
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>>353294 Sounds gay ngl.
>>353300 So I guess no training for the Ukies then.
>>353299 oh. I assumed she try to call the coperinos or something smh
>>353273 congrats on not getting raped but tbf the rapist had poor form
>>353306 you should put $10K worth of subwoofers in your truck and ride around the shartburbs at night blasting 90s eurogabber at 170 decibels
>>353308 keeeeeeeeeeek yeah
>>353310 That was legal in Japan?
God bless the freedom loving folk of Turkiye May the lord Ron Paul smile on them forever.
>>353310 at least foreigners can voote there now
>>353310 >>353311 Think it was different between the japanese "states"
>>353314 prefectures
toil comp[lete
>>353316 good day?
>>353317 extremely busy was in until nearly half five waiting for some larper lads who put on a show to pack and leave and still couldn't fully clean up some of the indoors after the sperg patrol and single mother children hordes had been through
https://youtu.be/CTtKFuBkmuM The stares these thots get in the vids. That's how a trad community polices itself btw lads.
>>353320 is this a new world piece sketch?
>>353321 no he is a juggalo we should get him to shout out wessex or joe owens at aryan publishing
>>353318 What kind of museum is it that you work in? I never understood mothers dragging their kids around places that have no facilities to engage them. That's why I my mum always took us the the Natural History Museum and the Science museum because, that and they are right next door to each other.
I really need to get into the habit of proof reading what I post.
>can't get a gf >get asked by a lesbian couple to have a threesome JUST FUCK OFF. Did the black doggo piss the couch or what?
>>353325 imagine the smell
>>353323 military so it does have cool stuff for children to look at (big guns and swords and etc) as well as some interactive bits parents just don't control their children properly smh, I get lots of suggestions which either imply or outright say things like "you need more tablet screens everywhere so that my ADHD youtube addict raised by TV kids don't make me tired"
the Kuomintang had race traitor laws https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanjian >Yoshiko Yamaguchi (1920–2014), also known as "Li Xianglan" was one of the Seven Great Singing Stars. After the war, she was arrested and sentenced to death for starring in Japanese propaganda films, but after Chinese authorities discovered her Japanese ancestry she was acquitted and deported to Japan. As she was the daughter of Japanese immigrants, some[who?] do not consider her to be a hanjian.
Would probably have a gf by now if western women were just raised like they used to be instead of being mind controlled by jews
and where there are interactive displays like dressing up in uniforms because they don't control their children or respect the museum's exhibits one of the things I have to spend the end of the day doing is picking up everything and putting it back together pretty sure today I found the tailcoats of a redcoat uniform that were ripped off of the main jacket and some leather bits from WW2 uniforms >>353329 >deported to japan nice of them tbh
*deports Wessex to France*
>>353328 >I'm tired of not parenting so you need to facilitate more outsourcing of my none parenting. Mordern foids really are the death knell of western civilization.
>>353331 Jesus Christ I can't believe parenting has regressed that far. My mum would have never let me do shit like that in a museum.
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thinking about how when I first used dating apps 4-5 years ago I got loads of matches but now I get basically 0 despite using the exact same profile, also get bombarded with "BUY OUR SUBSCRIPTION TO GET MORE MATCHES" the whole thing is a fucking scam, I have nowhere else to meet women, literally between a rock and a hard place while I waste away my youth, women never seem to want a normal relationship either, they are always playing games, except the non whites who are just straight forward and normal AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.
>>353336 so may people are dependent on popping anti depressants and doctors hand then out like candy knowing they're only for short term use and they can fuck your brain chemistry with long term use causing said dependency.
at least there are borgar for dinner
>all these incels coming out of the woodwork
>On July 28 and 29, 2019, the provinces of Liaoning, Anhui, Hubei and Jiangsu jointly published a communiqué on police actions taken to combat allegedly jingri elements in society. According to the communiqué, police in Shahekou, Liaoning Province have accused a Liaoning resident surnamed Lu of posting jingri commentary and cartoons that were anti-China or that humiliated the Chinese people on foreign websites, and of disseminating anti-China, pro-jingri ideas towards Chinese youth in order to draw them into an illegal organization that he established online. Lu was arrested by police while returning from Japan. >Police in Huainan, Anhui Province claimed that a 22-year-old local female resident, Zhang Dongning, had made a series of cartoons consisting of more than 300 panels that mocked the Chinese people, depicting them with pig heads. According to police, Zhang Dongning had an interest in Japanese manga and very much adored Japanese culture, displaying clear jingri and anti-China tendencies. >On July 11, 2019, it was revealed that Wuhan University had accepted a Taiwanese exchange student named Ke Quanyao who had posted "jingri" commentary on Facebook, including expressing anticipation for the "motherland" Japan to retake Taiwan and claiming that Taiwan and Japan are "two islands that both belong to the same Japan".[13] Following this, Ke abandoned his plans to attend Wuhan University.[14] >On February 20, 2018, two men appeared at the Xishan pillbox cluster on Purple Mountain in Nanjing wearing Japanese military uniforms. That night, the two received strong criticism on social media. Following the incident, a man made threats towards the individual who reported on the incident and was placed under administrative detention for 7 days by police.[citation needed] In August of the same year, the Sina Weibo user 司波达也太君 (Shiba Tatsuya-taijin) posted various comments, including "Prime Minister Abe is my real father" and "I am not a servant of the West; I'm a jingri", in the commentary section of the Mianyang internet police's Weibo account page. On August 16, he was placed under administrative detention without trial by the police department of Ma'anshan in Anhui Province, which found that his online commentary had broken China's laws on picking quarrels and provoking trouble.[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jingri what the sneed???
>burg ingredients: soya
>>353341 how much sex have you been getting again 22?
>there are actual ethnic chinese nanking deniers that walk around in japanese ww2 uniforms in china rn
>>353345 I like to imagine the biggest recruiter for these groups is just industrial accidents.
also notice how dissidents in china get like a month prison sentence or get told to just cut it out instead of 7 years for internet racism in our dear liberal democracy.
>>353347 I'm sure repeated offences escalate the the response from the Chinese democracies.
burnt my burgs and set the fire alarm off
>>353337 > while I waste away my youth, women never seem to want a normal relationship either, they are always playing games, except the non whites who are just straight forward and normal AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. keeeeeeek yeah its all the same everywhere
>>353338 seroquil fucked my dad up so bad and made him into a permanent space case
reading "men who hate women" by laura bates my relative got me as a joke.
>>353344 None he just fantasises about breeding in chat to them.
>>353352 How much of it is ill researched projection and foid hysteria?
the guardian review of the book literally opens with some jewess protesting about violence against women in Tel Aviv keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
sorry a picture of some jewess.
>>353354 like half is about incels (who are 99% white) and the other half if about how racism is caused by sexism. a lot of people mentioned in it arent really in our thing or relevant anymore, anglins in it, roosh is in it, blogs that dont exist anymore are like return of kings, there's a few references to wessie sprinkled throughout too.
>>353356 they deserve it for being racist to palestinians imo. no sympathy for racism me.
>>353359 but we know it's caused by all the sexism they're experience lad. It has in turn made them sexist and thus racist so it's not really their fault.
>>353358 >smee wdhmbt?
>>353361 she meekly alludes to you, its pretty obvious tho. she was probably scared to open you up for a legal dispute.
>>353363 fuck off, you have to give us some passages now. Even if you're paraphrasing.
>>353352 >The extremism nobody talks aboutAnd how it affects us all 'Laura Bates does so much of the dispiriting, heavy lifting in 21st century feminism. She trudges through it like a boss, and puts out books that perfectly describe growing problems, and possible solutions. She's a proper hero at the coal mouth.' Caitlin Moran 'Laura Bates has done it again. >From bantz to outright brutality, she exposes the landscape of misogyny. Passionate and forensic, Bates produces a powerful feminist clarion call. The world needs to take notice. >Things must change.' Anita Anand 'Fascinating, mind-blowing and deeply intelligent book that should be recommended reading for every person on our planet.' Scarlett Curtis 'In Men Who Hate Women, Laura Bates offers the alternative red pill to those who favour love, logic and humanity over debilitating hate.' Shami Chakrabarti 'A book of courage and tenacity.' Robin Ince 'This is how change is made: by looking at uncomfortable things directly in the eye and not turning away. This book is a rallying cry to end suffering, for both women AND men.' Emma Gannon 'Men Who Hate Women has the power to spark social change.' Sunday Times Imagine a world in which a vast network of incels and other misogynists are able to operate, virtually undetected. These extremists commit deliberate terrorist acts against women. >Vulnerable teenage boys are groomed and radicalised. You don't have to imagine that world. You already live in it. >Perhaps you didn't know, because we don't like to talk about it. But it's time we start. In this urgent and groundbreaking book, Laura Bates, bestselling author and founder of The Everyday Sexism Project, goes undercover to expose vast misogynist networks and communities. >It's a deep dive into the worldwide extremism nobody talks about. Interviews with former members of these groups and the people fighting against them gives unique insights on how this movement operates. Ideas are spread from the darkest corners of the internet - via trolls, media and celebrities - to schools, workplaces and the corridors of power, becoming a part of our collective consciousness. >Uncensored, and sometimes both shocking and terrifying - this is the uncomfortable truth about the world we live in. And what we must do to change it.
>>353361 I really hope it's something to do with the fat incel that detonated his legs over women as a defence mechanism.
>>353364 in chapter 11 page 146 she was bringing up examples of incels she's been monitoring through spy camera's and israeli hacking firms. one kept rubbing lotion on his knees and was described as a member of a former terror group. put two and two together lad
it puts the lotion on the knees or else I says the Ni word again
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>I was right
>>353369 you've officially made it lad as a recongnised incel terrorist
>>353365 kek look at how kikes try to frame "global" civilization as if it emanats from israel and the mouth of a jew. they are too open about their processes and worldview these days.
>>353372 It looks like this was more created to motivate policy than actually give any real critique or exploration of the things the book purports to be about.
borgs: consumed might go bed tbh
>>353374 O wish I drempt half as much as you. It's baseline access to the numinal and I feel cut off.
>>353375 just keep a dream diary tbh not put in an entry since the 12th myself and that one was an "incel has a relationship" one which just makes one want to die even more than usual for the rest of the day after
>>353376 O genuinely think I've fucked up my circadian rhythm to the point of being beyond salvation. Only demons sleep during the day and are active at night .
>>353377 the answer is clear
>>353378 I'm not planning on tripling down on being damned. Too much of a coward.
https://youtu.be/BoOq2oxVnYM EXPOSED FLAPS of CORIUM in a cow's hoof OOF
>>353375 Recently had a really long, complicated dream that I became aware was a dream part way through, and remembered most of it after waking. Was kino. There was one really smh moment before I realized I was in a dream where I'd done some fuckery with secret elevators while trying to survive/escape a skyscraper building being overrun with zombies, and I found a space shuttle and live video link to an outer space base, and it just scared me more because "I don't know how to fly a spaceship and I don't want to die in space" smh. When I managed to ascend to lucid dreaming, I froze all the zombies just as they were reaching the top level and I had nowhere left to hide. Bit boring but I'd been so zapped by fear I just wanted to walk back down passed all the frozen zombies, get out to the street and have a relaxing walk through a park with a lake with people walking their dogs. Okay thank you.
another day another dollop another turtle head to wallop layin' twelve inch dooks in the u-bend, poops
>>353381 thats crazy man
>>353377 i managed to fix it last month, very impressed with myself?
>>353373 yeah its just grant farmer shite from uni-public policy cunts in the "state departement" (i.e. jewish imperial bureaucracy)
was at gym talking to old gym toil coworkers, zoomers are so fucked your femoids have absolutlely zero social skills. not only can they not flirt at all they all have no conversational ability and just stare at people with this dead pan autism face and then they look at their phones and make overly animated faces. its so disturbing being around them. I really only feel comfortable around older women anymore 30 something lisa simpson gen y copers just in perma seethe mode that the universe doesn't orbit them anymore are not worth interacting with. and zoomer girls are scary how fucked up their brains are by internet/phones
>>353386 you talked with some zoomeresses?
>>353386 zoomer women are the only option right now though. millennial women are too old and the generation after zoomers is not of age yet. we will all probably have to marry zoomers unless we wait until the generation after zoomers with a massive age disparity like 40/18 or something
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>>353387 yeah tried to interact with some at gym and they either have this headcanon that they are hyper ugly because they compare themselves to instagram thots too much or they are hyper full of themselves and think they are too good for anyone. then they all want you to put in 100 percent of the effort of every interaction while they do nothing and they don't even smile or say hi or anything like a normal human being, its like everything is an effort for them other than staring at their phones. they have always been like this though I remember millennial women being the same fucking way 10 years ago. all entitled stupid dumb cunts who think they are too good and then when they hit 30 its cope time and they are all seetheus maximus if you didn't get fat and bald.
>>353388 20 year age difference doesn't make people rage when its 50 somethings with 30 somethings
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>>353390 who cares what people think? the only real problems are the difficulty of achieving such a thing (everybody will be gaslighting the girl against you), and also the fact that around 35 sperm quality tends to get iffy and you get higher rates of autism and stuff. but at least men can still breed after 35 unlike women where they literally can't
unless the collapse actually habbens zoomer women will probably not have children until 34-38 like gen y is doing as well. feminism and the butt matrix is a type of depopulation program like some shit from stargate sg 1 or something. the just marry zoomers memi seems like cope to me, none of them are wife material just the same as gen y
>>353392 thats a feminist memi its because they are testing 35 plus male sperm against eggs of women the same age. that test was debunked its all just feminist gas lighting. one of the boomer toil supervisors is 48 and just had a son with a girl my age and there is nothing wrong with him also my dad was 40 when my brother was born and 36 when I was born.
>>353394 huh well if it really is bullshit that's good news but I think it makes sense, we are meant to breed and die early not postpone such thing so late in life
spic detector is flashing
ok finished the book it was really fucking bad.
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knew it was spic because of the mong takes filtered
>>353397 She's a top tier cretin and oblivious moron. I couldn't bring myself to read anything by her after the last article I read years ago.
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*gets with 40 year old lasshog*
>The Sarakatsani are an ethnic Greek population subgroup who were traditionally pastoralist shepherds, native to Greece, with a smaller presence in neighbouring Bulgaria, southern Albania, and North Macedonia. Historically centred on the Pindus mountains and other mountain ranges in continental Greece >The Sarakatsani speak a northern Greek dialect, Sarakatsanika (Σαρακατσάνικα), which contains many archaic Greek elements that have not survived in other variants of modern Greek.[23] Carsten Høeg states that there are no significant traces of foreign loan words in the Sarakatsani dialect and that foreign elements are not found in the phonological or the grammatical structures. >Scholars argue that the Sarakatsani are a Greek people, possibly descended from pre-classical indigenous pastoralists, citing linguistic evidence and certain aspects of their traditional culture and socioeconomic organisation. A popular theory, based on linguistics and material culture, suggests that the Sarakatsani are descended from the Dorians, who were isolated for centuries in the mountains.[8][9][10][11][12] >The Sarakatsani traditionally have spent the summer months in the mountains and returned to the lower plains in the winter. The migration would start on the eve of Saint George's day in April and the return migration would begin on Saint Demetrius' day, on 26 October. However, according to a theory, the Sarakatsani were not always nomads, but only turned to harsh nomadic mountain life to escape Ottoman rule.[28][29] The Sarakatsani were found in several mountainous regions of continental Greece, with some groups of northern Greece moving to neighbouring countries in the summer, since border crossings between Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia were relatively unobstructed until the middle of the 20th century. After 1947, with the beginning of the Cold War, borders between these countries were sealed; and some Sarakatsani groups were trapped in other countries and not able to return to Greece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7OgPkewDZo
>>353403 dang thats a BIG pig imagine how many of the walls he vores. pigs seem like good lads they like to drink beer and fuck shit up
>>353404 greek mountainmen are based and successfully survived and won a 500 year race war with turks
>>353403 that pig is fucking huge jesus
>A popular theory, based on linguistics and material culture, suggests that the Sarakatsani are descended from the Dorians kino
>>353406 ironically found out about them because of the famous Greek War of Independence general Georgios Karaiskakis was a Sarakatsani. He wrote the famous "cum my dick out your asshole" letter to the Ottoman Sultan amongst others when they offered surrender.
>>353409 yeah greek mountainmen balkan mountainmen are good examples of successful white race warriors same with spanish almogavars
c-chud bros???
*plays playstation and sues the prison for being bullies*
*starts making le ebig prison rape jokes*
>>353414 counter currents is on dlive now? i thought he hated lil spic
>>353417 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK so much mongery in 1 post, nick was banned from Dlive years ago and Countercurrents has always streamed there, nick streams on cozy
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>>353418 i am *NOT* a mong.
>>353420 >(58)
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>>353404 >>353409 cool and baste
>>353395 We only transmit rna we have nothing to do with pregnancy after that. You'd have to prove sperm from any man over 35 regardless of egg is at a higher risk of defect.
>>353423 it's just something I've heard and it made sense to me tbh. no part of the body continues working at 100% into old age, why should the testicles? we know testosterone drops with age and testosterone correlates with all positive sperm things
>>353421 fuentes runs dlive and mike peinovich runs odysee, FUCK YOU
>>353424 sperm count does not correlate with proper replication of rna.
>>353425 >mike peinovich runs odysee keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
thats it, im out of the movement for good
>>353393 the recent guest from uk column on morgoths podcast was talking about how all that stuff is depopulation too tbh.
so fucking sick of spic polluting this place, just fuck off you subhuman NOBODY wants you here.
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>rna >twice
>ukrainian POV of killing 3 russians at close range during the attempted storming of their trench its like arma or insurgency where you just get instakilled from nowhere and you've no way to counter it except its irl and you are dead
>>353431 degenerate
>>353433 meh, I only watch Russians killing Ukrainians
>>353435 yeah I posted that here first in higher quality, kys spic
>>353433 damn i would be so good at war, too bad i dont give a shit.
>>353433 >posted on tiktok with that music Ukringeans.
>>353436 tell him lad
we're all behind you lad. let that cunt now how things go about in this place.
In response to recent mass movement of irish people protesting against their ethnic replacement in large numbers and NGO led mobilisation took place today featuring thousands of foreigners and libtards, things are looking quite grim over there tbh, seems a leftoid also tried to run protesters over earlier in the week too, seems like theres daily videos of fresh of the boat jungle niggers just CHIMPing out constantly, country will be a fucking dump in 10 years if its not already
>>353441 not if I have anything to say about it !
>>353441 I want an Ireland that's still Ireland.
>>353441 Keeeeeeeeeeek they couldn't even muster more that a dozen people for this shite.
>>353444 no there was about 5k in dublin but the media claimed 50k
>>353445 incorrect there were 30 and i battered the lot.
>>353445 sounds like shite to me.
>353446 who even is this mong >>353447 mong, nobody is contesting that number
>>353448 I am you mong.
>>353448 mong alter, its in the news. i left a toasty za after ever knockout as a calling card.
>>353449 based on what?
>>353451 Whatever I feel like same as everyone else.
the crowd on videos is literally like 200 at most lmfao.
>>353453 what videos?
>>353454 on youtube lad, irelandforall.
77th please fuck off.
ok i was wrong, i only battered a third of the crowd. the rest turned up after i went to pizza hut dublin.
>>353457 its hopeless lad the shite race is finished, just give up
>>353459 NEVER
anyoen got the current year wessex webm?
oh wow, i just got le bannd by le madnigger again. awesome i love this free speech alternative to 4chud.
unban me you nigger. you dont want to let me demons out :)
>>353462 What for?
>>353464 "bongo mong spam". aka madlad is a butthurt nigger and needs to feel power once in his life.
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Spiccian vibes.
>>353431 based foul shagger music
got to admire how thin skinned madfag is
fuck it I'm going to claim his mod spot
banned yet?
interesting debate i found le 'tube
ok im back. and i will never leave you my dear sons. *kisses you on the forhead and lays you to bed*
>>353471 keeeeeeeeek
you can tell the islamcel is a westerner and the based flagchud is an arab rooted in the sands.
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>>353441 JDIMSA
>>353475 ?, also (93) is quite the score for little piggie like you
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he's big hog on campus now.
>>353475 they failed to us taigs in with the potato famine, worry not lad we'll get through this too.
>>353480 is everyone in the us military a massive faggot online now?
>>353481 you have to be a complete mong to join the zogbots these days
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>>353481 they are all browns doing it for the benefits, and it's basically a sex fest, heterosexual in the army/marines and homo in the navy
>>353482 starting to think we chuds owning zogbots too hard may have some negative consequences
never seen steiner hit a hundred posts before
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oh my days he's only gone and done it!
anyway, new thread needed
steiner maybe this will be your first???
>>353493 looks like he had some chudlets at least
>>353493 trafficking fentanyl would've killed dozens of whiteoids tbh.
>Von Nukem
>>353495 yeah wonder if that was the feds slandering him with fake charges?
>>353497 he was a hardcore libertarian, used to run an ancap blog. wouldnt be surprised he thought fent was a reasonable commodity for the public.
le great awakening 3 underway

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