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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3837: Sunday Edition Anonymous 02/19/2023 (Sun) 04:44:24 Id: 60490e No. 353500
Hotels housing asylum seekers are tearing towns apart https://archive.is/EjIyr Norwich man found guilty of terror offences https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-64684781 Judge praises Birmingham oil protesters' 'admirable aims' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-64683048 The man who built the Wagner Group https://archive.is/pZNhF Charlottesville lad Teddy Von Nukem has died https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11752595/Torch-wielding-Neo-Nazi-2017-Unite-Right-riot-kills-amid-fentanyl-trafficking-trial.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:03:04.
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excellent thread
.... i thought chudbros were meant to stick together...
>>353500 >the cville vets are starting to kick the bucket smh lads still feels like it was just yesterday
Going to my first PA meating soon. Cry about that do-nothings.
>>353506 based
>>353506 Good lad.
>>353509 need more context on this tbh is he a nonce? >>353510 keeeeeeeeeeek luv these tbh >>353511 keeeeeek
>>353514 No idea, his roomate is irritating though
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*inhales* great, more yidtube links with no thumbnail, no context >inb4 some nigger cattle with a spook browser says he can see yidtube embeds, meaning that jevvgle can track his visits to 8chan.moe /shit/ thredas
two can play at this game https://youtu.be/dMaal6J96go
>>353513 will always associate that song with jahans tbqh >>353515 tbh he could just be an innocent rapebastard smh wasn't sure whether to speak up for him or to soyface at the based black man bullying the nonces that lazy brits don't want to >>353516 tbh
>British military commander threatens to resign due to lack of funding for the army >According to The Mail on Sunday newspaper, the resignation of Patrick Sanders may lead to the resignation of British Defense Minister Ben Wallace
>>353519 thought it was racist to say the browns are special needs tbh when did that change? >>353520 at this point the only explanation is it's a controlled demolition smh you don't downsize your military for three decades (while training them for urban occupation and anti-terror instead of training them to fight a military peer) and then donate all your stockpiled munitions to a literally who country while provoking a global power and expect to win either the people in charge know exactly what they're doing or they really are that stupid and were hand-picked for the job so they could do exactly this
>>353521 It's just arrogant psychopaths who can't see past an election cycle unable to think outside of the bubble.The political class shat in their own bed, the Chinks and Russians are just tucking them in.
Also the Russians just broke through Bakhmut and are in the northern suburbs of Yahidne.
>>353522 >The political class shat in their own bed, the Chinks and Russians are just tucking them in. keeeeek
schnafternoon, woke up with swollen eyelid smh, covfefe for smee, took ages to fall asleep and I woke up in the middle of it screaming from a nightmare that I can't even remember now.
>>353525 smh rip lad
>>353523 smh gayto told me that putler already lost
>>353527 They have, the other lad is lying.
>>353528 smorning just got up at ten to 3pm smyself debating on whether or not to go snunday sninner that track is really kino tbh just the sort of idnb or jungle or whatever 90s nigger words describe that type of music
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>>353530 good lad how is museum toil going for you? are you noticing the complete social collapse of respect for our heritage and the conversion of the institution into a 'mom job' coven for lisa simpsons to shit around and fart in office chairs while on faceberg yet lad?
>>353528 mornin lad hows the blizzard going?
>>353532 seems to be melting washed my truck and mummies car because I thought some of those ohio chemicals were on the cars but it was just road salt
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really seething that there is literally no place to meet femoids anywhere anymore and I will never have a gf or wife or anything. its just too much effort to fucking bother with these cunts they put in no effort at all
>>353531 noticed that on the first day tbh that there is a "brown babies of WW2" exhibition going on right now only rubs it in (it's entirely based on a woman's book from 2019 and entirely omits how many children were products of rape but does make sure to berate britons for having le evil prudish sexual mores and diapproving of cuckoldry and racemixing so on) a boomer called to boom at me over the phone yesterday about how he lived around the shart camps before they left for d-day and that he almost drowned in a river and then was almost crushed under a broken bridge and a black was standing on it and staring at him while it happened
>>353534 sorry lad you just don't provide enough dopamine to compete with the pocket goodscreen >>353535 wew that's seethefuel
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regarding the ohio chemical spill
Seethe? You want to seethe? Look at this.
also a customerboomer stopped at the till to talk to me for 15 minutes about le holocaust and how his 102 year old grandfather who is still alive but succumbing to dementia was having visions of bergen-belsen and believing it was hell and that he was going there when he died and I got told all about how he drove a universal carrier fitted with a flamer into the camp to burn it all down and how awful and evil it was and definitely not the natural consequence of allied bombing induced starvation and typhus epidemics etc tbh I hope 102yolad is just suffering the consequences of 80 years of BBC propaganda "documentaries" and that he passes easily in the end smh
>>353535 >"brown babies of WW2"
>>353537 what a great screencap I can't read the evidence at all
>>353535 yeah its interesting how alot of european westoids will seethe about amerishart forces and talk about rape but then they visualize these barbarians as like flyover chud rednecks but in reality it was rear eschelon niggers. daily reminder that the frogs also maintained an entire brigade of bashi bazouk tier nafris who they turned loose on italian mountain villages
>>353536 yeah kek men in the future will be like peacocks just covered in bells and whistles just to keep a femoids attention. so much femoid zoomer content these days is just them sitting in their drywall boxes in cute outfits doing yoga or little dances. its exactly like in the movie soylent green. we already live in the soylent green dystopia
Nervous about my new job tomorrow. Scared I've oversold myself. There's a three month notice period too GAGGGGGGGGGGH
They found that woman who clearly committed suicide in the river in the river despite the normies sperging out that she wasn't there.
>>353546 don't know hwomst they are but it checks out
>>353541 just hearing the woman is instilling the urge to beat her if such things were allowed we would live in a much more civilised society
>tfw bennie maxxing
>>353551 80k, 32k for literally nothing jobs keeeeeeeek
>>353549 is that guy welsh?
>>353554 London's another world but these faggots are making a lot even for that area tbh. I'm on 24k and can live comfortably now sneeeep
>>353556 yeah alot of urbanoids are maxx coping so many of them are just trust funders there for the lifestyle with some meme job
>>353555 The interviewer has an English accent
>>353558 yeah I was joking he is an asiatic
>>353541 KEEEEEEEEEEEK brings back memories, this is what women resort too in every argument and the only thing for it is a solid slap across the face, can't do that anymore though.
still don't get what companies are getting out of paying for these sinecures tbh, seems to be an entire class of overeducation midwit normalfags who successfully grifted themselves into existence and now act all self important.
>>353561 Something to do with tax efficiency most likely.
>>353561 and they all know to say that money doesn't make people happy coz they're not really vacuous shells lad
Plato’s Academy Archeological Park Steiner should do a rant from here.
>>353561 seems to be a product of fiat money policy and globalism
>>353564 I don't get why they don't do as they are told tbh, especially in America where they shoot you for not doing as simon says
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I have a grotmaxxing NEET cousin and nobody likes him whatsoever.
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I rate this girl a 5-6/10 but in our modern society I think that normal tier girls like this all think they are 8/10s
>>353570 Rating people out of ten is cringe but yeah she is average looking.
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>>353571 what do you rate them out of?
too much seethium in this thread for me
>>353572 Worthy of me or not?
for me its rating women in socially relevant terms and purposely rating them lower as a form of culture jamming to disrupt the butt matrix in order for the 21st century incel man to become culturally ascendant
>>353575 good lad.
>>353570 by virtue of not being fat in the west she is a 7.5 tbh
went on a date once tbh and she was so insufferable it made me realise how important personality is in a woman tbh
Ever since it got pointed out I now sneethe at normgroids starting every single sentence with "So", can't believe how often it is either not even just the women, fucking everyone says "So....yadayada"
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>>353580 Nnaa~ so?
>>353580 It's a self conscious mannerism. As in to announce they're speaking and wish to be listened to. They think it being a word is better than nervous or unsure erm, ugh, ahh's.
>>353580 So what?
https://www.adbusters.org/full-articles/culture-jamming-2-0 keeeek look at how intellectually exhausted leftoids are. they are trying to repackage xoomer RAM edgelord shite into zoomeristic memes kek. they try to repackage "le birds aren't real" pro government memes into being "subversive". the progressive stack is not even worth engaging you can shut them down by simply saying that they should have a nigger or a gay nigger or a tranny nigger talk instead of them and then boom, they will be at each others throats about who is the biggest faggot
Yeah, it's all up to me in the end. I can choose to respect your decision not to have sex with me or I can choose to take what I want. It's my choice.
I enjoy monkeys.
>>353584 tbh why listen to a soysucker who is preventing black bodies from speaking
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https://youtu.be/-9xUlW5XqzY The British government announces that more asylum-seekers are to be brought to Britain
>>353588 hell yeah
Reckon you could kill a rat with an air rifle lads?
You can, looks like I'm getting an air rifle.
>>353595 go right ahead lad
>>353592 so sick of israel they need to get fucked so bad, SAA and hezbollah could rekt their faggy military so fast
>>353590 it's like the mourning wars, we're native american tribes desperatly trying to fill up our declining populations
didnt westie have a gun license and all that? nothing bad happened to him other than turning into a poo hunting gayist
>>353598 chugs had all the pandemics which killed them we simply are being racially replaced by our own elite
>>353598 literally nothing like that you stupid faggot
so sick of mongs on here, how can you end up here and still be such a bluepilled spacker.
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remember when sam hyde was funny
>>353603 how am i bluepilled madlad?
the Iroquois kidnapped people and adopted them because they needed a big army to not get btfo but the people they did it to were all fellow chugs and even the same subrace of chugs as them so whatever.
>it's like the mourning wars, we're native american tribes desperatly trying to fill up our declining populations
we're just bringing in debt slaves to keep our fake economy from crashing. my redpilled take, use it sparingly.
>>353606 don't argue if you are shit at it tbh you just strengthen that lads argument by being too low IQ to argue against it
>>353609 im better than you seethenigger.
>>353610 clearly not because you've just made 2 braindead posts
>>353606 no they also took anglos and frogs in the mourning wars an the ojibwe also practiced it they would take turns raiding across lake ontario and erie
actually now that i think of it adopting dutch, german or anglo diaspora orphans then having the government raise them like jannisaries would be a good idea. someone should write to nigel farage about this.
>>353596 They're legal to own. Getting this one: https://www.justairguns.co.uk/winchester-model-55rs-air-rifle-with-moderator/ Should be more than enough to pop a rats head off. Might offer my services to people around the area.
How is the west being subverted by Traitors, kikes and other assorted foreigners and being force fed liberalism as a policy of anti human consumerism and depopulation while the govt imports racial enemies to replace the natives as a new plantation of the 21st century anything like the mourning wars, you are a useless mong.
>>353615 it is if you think about it tho tbf
Its always bongo mongs with the low IQ takes, they're able to stagnate and stew in their bongo holes without being challenged along side their fellow mongs then they venture out in the big blue imageboard world and spew their shit.
>>353617 never used bongo me tbh
>>353617 I've joined PA, Madlad, meeting them this week! Doesn't that just make you so angry??
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relax lass he was just making a simple reference
A whole lot of subversives are about to get banned
yeah take it easy man we're just joshin *nuggies madlad*
Mad lass
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Looking up minimum FPS etc. for killing rats and all I see are cunts telling me to "humanely" kill the rats. No, I want them to fucking suffer for having the audacity to vaguely pass through my garden on occasion.
zog wins again chud
>>353629 why would he alert them about it
>>353629 Currently 1 tonne of bullion gold is around £41,000,000, or £287mil for 7. Less if it's likely not 24 karat, could be more if it's historical value for civil-war era Why the fuck would you tell anyone about it
If there were anywhere better for me I'd leave Britain. Currently the plan is just to eventually move somewhere rural with less wogs
>>353620 PA are fucking useless. Collett is a larper cunt that livestreams videogames. They don't even register as a political party or have candidates stand in elections, there's no point to it whatsoever. At least Joe Owens actually stands for election.
>>353634 Anywhere to make connections is not useless, lad. I agree though, Collett is retarded and they need to buck their ideas up.
>>353629 boomers are the dumbest fuckers alive with their boyscout mentality
>>353636 Why don't they realise the government is hostile to them yet?
>>353638 They haven't watched a Mark Collett Final Fantasy speedrun
>>353638 I think alot of them can't cope
>>353640 They just want to comfortably slide into death.
I talked aboit politics with a hobo once and his only gripe was that Margaret Thatcher stopped giving free milk to schools
>>353639 keeeeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/Ai95_rnIQOY These mini cheddar adverts are making me want to murder
I also fucking hate this west end shit https://youtu.be/Wk5DUEPErLc
I'm haunted by the rats. Big, brown. It's head looking around the garden. I could have shot it had I a rifle. Shot it dead. I think they've nested. Time to call the council or buy a rifle.
>>353634 Networking and talking to more people is probably one of the best things we can be doing imo, I guess going to PA meetings is good for that
>>353647 Careful lad that sort of talk will get you labeled a subversive and banned by madfag.
>>353635 >>353647 I've suggested a pub meetup a couple of times and everyone said "oh no can't do that, spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)", but somehow joining an organisation that is almost certainly full of hope not hate and the like which asks for your passport before joining is ok
>>353649 Not arsed about the state at this point. It's just a case of delaying the inevitable by ignoring them.
>>353646 get a rifle and put in the work yourself
those rats will absolutely maul you https://youtu.be/AiGss1rOnBk
>>353646 buy some traps, and if you want some poison too
so sick of this gay slav war its just reddit soyfaggots fapping to gorespam for months now everytime a fresh gore drops they all autistically fixate on it. meanwhile the Zfags have more or less done a classic ostfront pincer/caudron maneuver but OMG THAT ZIGGER DIDN'T HAVE SIDEPLATES ON HIS BATTLE BELT
when enough ukranians are dead or have left the ukraine in search of refugee freebies, the Rus people shall have their lebensraum
honestly whats a good way to find like minded lads? most of the people I grew up with turned into normongs that refuse to think about the future
>>353656 Join PA?
>>353656 we're right here
halfchan brit isn't always entirely terrible
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>>353660 haven't been there since 2015 at least. how did they feel about what happened in knowsley?
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57% of teenage girls feel persistent sadness or hopelessness. they want a /brit/chad to groom them, lads
>>353663 They need me.
>>353661 I give it a very occasional glance. Current thread looks pretty crap so never mind >>353662 not the foggiest, just some seething at our domestic hobos not being treated as well as furriners
>>353663 That's what they get for being vapid cunts with no beliefs beyond the general globohomo agenda, spending all their time on tiktok and Instagram. They deserve to be miserable.
Starting a new job tomorrow. Nos da x
>>353666 You're arrogant and you have no right to be.
The stoic man triumphs. The overly emotional and self indulgent woman fails.
>>353668 I have every right to be arrogant. I have nothing but contempt for my average contemporary. Gymgoing, footballwatching, phone drone, international holidaymaker, media streaming morons. Nobody even contemplates self denial.
I forgot to add that they're also modern day peasants renting tiny apartments, living beyond their means
sunday dinner complete some midget thot berating her zoomer provider twice her size at bus stop saying shit like "when have I not been honest" while he just stood there and took it assume he caught her cheating or some shit
That which is in abundance has little intrinsic worth, yet the masses accept it as a way of life, because they imitate their peers without introspection. That which is rare and good requires recognition of its virtues to have value.
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would utterly melt this chinless sub-hitchenoid william at fifa
I have a chin thank you very much. Don't wear glasses either so don't look much like a polface
>>353639 aaaaaaaaaah mein sidies
at dinner today the bxoomer collective discussed how evil we are for ethnically cleansing abos or some shit, because it was on the telly not a word about vinyl chloride
>>353678 abos ethnically cleansed all megafauna and most plant life
>>353678 >>353679 We did a piss poor job of ethnically cleansing them considering the amount of petrol huffers that still seem to be about.
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hope the economic collapse is this week lads >>353678 the midwest literally does not exist as a place that is relevant except as food exporter and automotive electronics fabrication. I am glad the balloon thing fucked off because it was making people too aware of northern michigan which is like a redoubt of whitoids just like the hocking hills area (which is now ruined thanks to joe brandon's train wreck)
https://youtu.be/wvEwxIYwUts europoor slag btfo
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racist owned
>>353681 >food exporter >if anything survives it'll come with extra toxic chemicals on top of the microplastics now soyjak_licking_lips.jpg
>>353681 mannimarco has been saying its over for months
since its sunday I was extra decadent and had another helping of chips and some sweet waffles, back on the diet tomorrow.
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>>353685 i know I guess the big money is starting to exit the market this week
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-64510093 >Baftas 2023: All Quiet on the Western Front dominates ceremony kino has fallen
that movie was one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever seen. was seething when mongs at work were talking about how powerful it was, its so fucking bad. it was literally the same as the chink cgi gore war movies they churn out.
I dont think woes is ever going to go on that pilgrimage
>3 people were killed last night during a street racing incident when a vehicle struck a pole, lost control and hit a wall then became engulfed in flames in the 10000 block of South Halsted Street. https://mobile.twitter.com/ChicagoCritter/status/1627341145574449152
>>353688 prefer the one with ian holm tbh
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>>353694 we wuz tuatha de dannans n shit nameen
are antifa even a thing in this country beyond the institutional types anymore? like they never seem to be able to muster more than like 30 people most of which are old women from the swp. even corbyns big rally against the scousening was tiny compared to what they were reacting to.
>>353696 troon attrition probably killed a number of them
>>353697 keeeeeeeek
>>353637 Keeeeeek.
sheesh was exposed to the gbnews documentary guys videos about rotherham on twitter. now im going to bed seething.
he's battering colin the cuck again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLWerC_GlPY
>>353701 colins has always been a total jabroni. colins heel turn is completely shit compared to the richard spencer heel turn
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dutch retardkino just dropped
>>353704 downies seem like decent people
>>353701 Liddell is an Ayrshite bumblaster tbh, really don't like the cunt.
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The Rothschilds are delisting their investment bank off the Paris Stock exchange The Peugeot family, Wertheimer brothers of Chanel, and Hannah Rothschild of the British Rothschild family have bought out the French Rothschild bank and taken it of the stock exchange. BIG BLUE BLOOD MOVES Definitely not foreshadowing in anyway at all.
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Also Biden in Kiev.
Charls is back with MDE. Crazy times. Things had to be fully aired out in public for things to heal.
>>353707 wonder what this means tbh don't really have the kind of geopolitical financial savvy to figure it out myself smh >>353711 based
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https://youtu.be/liZIkMy_15Q keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>353712 Keeeeeek didn't some of you lads call this?
>>353714 choon that like the way they call america "amrica" tbh not sure why but it makes me smile
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>Wang Yi implied Americans are worse than Jews at the Munich Security Conference
>>353718 >hugged him to bed >>353719 decent tbh
>>353722 What is her hourly rate?
>>353720 smdh as a staunch antisemite i have to say that's an unjust accusation shartica is shite and very visibly so but only because their nation is a hollowed out corpse being puppeted by the jews imagine an america that was exclusively anglo or an america that was at the very least anglo and otherwise broadly western evropan america is only the great satan because it's government has been infested by jews at every level smh the people are just misled
people who call out shartica for being evil are just cowards too afraid to name the jew imagine wanting to beat up a ventriloquist's dummy because it insulted you smh very low iq behaviour
It's sad how the Anglo just sells his country out to the jew at the drop of a hat. Lease we have some history of kicking them out. American doesn't.
>>353726 too trusting smh we're eloi in everything but name blood sweat and tears built us a nice slice of the world free of corruption and duplicity and then we got soft and invited the rest of the world in to share it with us they saw are kindness as weakness and the rest is history
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was going to make some witty comment and sat down at my computer to find the right image to accompany it and then completely forgot what i was going to say smh trust me though lads it was a zinger
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Truth is Americans are a product of protestant Jew worship. And American Reformed Jews worship of the Protestant reformation.
>>353730 it is a bit weird how they idolise jews tbh wonder how that happened
>>353731 scofield bible and post ww2 propaganda
>>353731 Mainly 19th century Eschatologically heretical theology no one should care about, but should.
>>353732 tbh knew that already smh i'm more wondering how it got its hooks in in the first place >>353733 can you give us a quick rundown lad?
Update on Vampmaxxing. Vlademorb Putler is the leader of the gang. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcsZAIHLoDE
>>353734 The traditional view of the end times for most of Church History has been Jesus coming back, condemning sinners and reigning over earth for eternity in peace. But 19thC. protestants mainly Baptists and Evangelicals come up with a really complicated bullshit that involves helping Jews bring about their messiah because it's going to be Jesus, hence all the Zionist bollocks.
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>Atomic Heart is tomorrow >mfw yummy dommy Commie thigh bots
>>353730 aftermath
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>>353737 H'why?
sninner stime
New job is great. The fire rises. Have my PA meating soon too.
>>353743 very based. don't let the sneethemongs drag you down.
Putin giving a major speech tomorrow
>PA isn't Syncretic Cringe and gay.
>>353745 CPC's upcoming official policy decision on Ukraine will more important, if it is a peace plan that Gayto rejects like the peace plans mediated by Turkey and Israel. The Chinese can say to the UN and "look these cunts are fucked in the head".
went on soyjak.party
>>353748 how was it?
>>353749 there was a thread of coomer pics edited to be demoralising messages for autists and it was funny at first but then I thought about it and got demoralised
https://youtu.be/GbZS3nIRSo0 Medical treatment for foreigners using Britain’s NHS is declared by the courts to be a human right Starting to think of this mong like hitchens tbh, he blackpills then he says in this same video that repatriation is impossible and will not happen
>>353751 >starting
>The UN Security Council agreed to hold a meeting on the Nord Stream explosions on Tuesday, February 21.
>>353751 Glad I don't pay taxes.
>>353751 >repatriation is impossible and will not happen keeek why do they always say this >>353755 good lad
>>353713 It means the bubble is about to burst and the elite are now moving to insulate themselves.
>>353751 based from now on any dental work or surgerys I get I am flying OVER THERE and I won't come back until its paid for by wagecucks OVER THERE
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>>353738 suspicious about it to say the least has been on my radar for like 4 years tbf was almost sold by that clang bait trailer
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>>353726 the best we had was sherman and grant complaining to lincoln about them
>>353724 tbh I still believe in the anglosphere and I dislike the increasing horde of shitskins jumping on the wignat bandwagon as a means to undermine anglosphere rather than focus on the problem of jewry
>>353761 keeking that grant's own father got jewish tricked and tried to bribe his son to let carpetbaggers keep on smuggling and grant sneethed so much he tried to expel them again
>>353758 Lad you're white, they'll charge you.
>>353764 Why did Lincoln favour the kikes like that?
>>353764 >it's a "prejudiced to state facts" episode
>The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any wood yard or landing on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves they will act as agents for someone else who will be at a military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes, which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying gold. >>353766 I don't know he was the extreme enemy of the rothschilds and was most likely killed by one of their agents.
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>>353768 probably the classic poolitician trap of thinking he can take advantage of them, negotiate with them or deal with them on a civilised basis instead of just forcing them out or killing them
seems like lincoln went along with removing the order primarily over electionfag shit where the democrats who wanted to end the war sided with the kikes and made comments how lincoln was a dictator
>>353770 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Order_No._11_(1862) The issue attracted significant attention in Congress and from the press. The Democrats condemned the order as part of what they saw as the US Government's systematic violation of civil liberties. The Democrats moved to censure Grant in the Republican-dominated Senate; the motion failed by a vote of 30–7.[37] Illinois congressman, and Grant supporter, Elihu Washburne, narrowly defeated a motion to censure Grant in the House by 56 votes to 53 votes.[37] Some newspapers supported Grant's action; the Washington Chronicle criticized Jews as "scavengers ... of commerce".[40] Most, however, were strongly opposed, with the New York Times denouncing the order as "humiliating" and a "revival of the spirit of the medieval ages."[40] Its editorial column called for the "utter reprobation" of Grant's order.[40] One of Halleck's staff officers privately explained to Grant that the problem lay with the excessive scope of the order: "Had the word 'pedlar' been inserted after Jew I do not suppose any exception would have been taken to the order." According to Halleck, Lincoln had "no objection to [his] expelling traitors and Jew peddlers, which I suppose, was the object of your order; but as in terms proscribing an entire religious class, some of whom are fighting in our ranks, the President deemed it necessary to revoke it." The Republican politician Elihu B. Washburne defended Grant in similar terms. Grant's subordinates expressed concern about the order. On January 6, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise of Cincinnati, leader of the Reform movement, led a delegation that met with Lincoln to express gratitude for his support.[35] Lincoln said he was surprised that Grant had issued such a command and said, "to condemn a class is, to say the least, to wrong the good with the bad." Lincoln said he drew no distinction between Jew and Gentile and would allow no American to be wronged because of his religious affiliation.
smh poor grant should have just called them globalist carpetbaggers
>>353772 Jesus Christ the jew york times has always been kiked.
live dutty on roald dahl being cancelled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKaVLpKCuRc
>>353774 yeah the jews almost immediately came over here and set up shop because the prots had removed the 500 plus years of rules that you lads had containing the filth of the jew
>enid blyton story about a black dog that is bullied by all of the white dogs so it goes and has a wash and the black goes away
>>353772 sounds like grant had a polface moment instead of attempting to be a little more subtle
>>353778 that order was written right after his dad brought in a carpetbagger to his office and tried to jewish trick him iirc so don't blame him
I just snood mesnelf!
and this is the finest the scouse race has to offer?
>>353781 We're called Snousers and we love Sniversnool.
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this made me kek.
>>353781 He might be some Wigan half breed to be fair.
>>353783 I do enjoy that greentext
Why has the bbc dropped all pretense of opposing war tourists? They're now actively publishing footage received from these people.
>>353786 yeah the middle part of the jew empires party, the middle party members are mostly mongs so now they don't have any subtly about casually causing ww3
>>353785 Me snee but I also snwonder if what he snays is snue
>>353787 These volunteers have to be so far down the liberal propaganda hole to agree to getting minced by Russian artillery for free.
I miss watching reddit battalions getting flattened by cruise missiles because they didn't understands opsec.
>>353789 they probably love the adoration they get in the comments of their videos though
>>353792 yeah civ div tries to act like he is some kind of celebrity instead of just a shitty merc
>>353795 You are more or less a bald gentlman
>dutty explaining to youtube how we are evolved to gang rape
>>353794 mercs get paid.
>>353798 Fucking hell he was even fighting with ypg, this guy is so mentally cucked.
>>353799 keeeeeeeek yeah he is a turbo mong
They are literal zog jannies.
>>353760 You know this song played not long before Charls started ranting on that stream the other night? Keeek. It was very eerie tbh.
>>353803 made me think of that video.
>>353800 smh hope he dies soon
>Steinzog seething about the war tourist again
>>353803 Isn't Charls rejoining mde? Apparently Sam saw that stream and reached out to him.
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>>353724 >>353725 America is an anational state that abandoned its nation (Britain) and let in a bunch of immigrants including Jevvs due to freedom of religion, which then eroded and dissolved the ethno-cultural identity it once had, giving the Jevvs the ultimate environment to thrive and take over their host nation. The creation of America was the biggest mistake whites ever made, and it was the British that did it.
why do you have such shit takes spic?
>>353809 it was all kayfabe in the first place
Hes basically right but I hate him.
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the anglo saxon conception of america is based and far superior to the leaf identity even though leafs are based. manifest destiny is based
>>353815 every person in that picture is odd looking, do all americans think they are the main character smh
>>353813 Charls didn't seem like he was pretending when he had that drunk meltdown.
>>353816 yeah its probably part of the libertarian meme run to its logical conclusion lass
>>353817 It was legit. A lot of things happened leading up to that drunken stream.
ngl sick of scam heeb and the trust funders MDE had like 2 cool sketches I guess, seems like a nothingburger getting spammed on imageboards by samcucks
not fresh scambo emulator lad Frank Hassle Kart Kommander https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0h2IpfJ8To
>>353819 really, like what?
>>353821 kek wish someone would blast this faggot
>this is real
>>353824 GROYPED
>>353827 southerners are just the worst part of america with the blowhard bullshit
I mean that mentality is everywhere but southerners do it the worst
to be fair I could see that happening in texas what with how many cartel spics must be there now
>>353832 nigger can't even farm properly without resorting to racegibs
>>353825 and there are mongs out there who still think its possible to coexist with nigcels
>>353835 I think they missed what burn the coal pay the toll actually referred to
>>353827 oh my days they cant help themselves
>>353825 i heard from my friend patrick casey that colorado is the most aggressively libtarded city in america. every street is just littered in the updated lgbtq+ flag, blm flags and every business has a "we report hate crimes" "no proud boys welcome" signs. it's really insane the level of nigger worship in some parts of america today.
>>353838 *denver in colorado
Vladimir Putin is about to win the ammunition war against the West https://news.yahoo.com/vladimir-putin-win-ammunition-war-181943795.html
>>353839 yeah its a globalist hub in flyoverland
>>353840 I was reading over at anon.cafe /k/ that Russia kept alot of their streamlined soviet production methods for things like shells, so once production ramps up it really ramps up. Conversely manufactures in the west have stated they are unwilling to restart manufacture of stuff like 155mm shells unless the war is guaranteed to last longer than 6 months because otherwise there is no profit in it for them.
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I miss him lads
nixon would have dumped that gay little kike zelinsky day one if he was in power today, he would never have been allowed in power post sept 11
lmfao read some reddit posts on the black ranchers at its just fucking insane. whats with this kind of libtard that likes to pretend every small town is secretly in the grips of a vast KKK conspiracy? like there's dozens of redditers going "yeah its known in my town that the judge and sheriff are the kkk and when they tried to remove them all the accusers ended up dead. trump did this folx"
>>353845 leftists who are still leftists post covid/2020 riots are just the enemy they will never be reasoned with
i figured during the race war some chuds can just go to houses with blm signs outside and pour flammable liquid through the letter slot and torch the place.
>>353845 it's just like small english villages in le hot fuzz
they're actually unironically trying to proscribe PA rn (right now) lads https://mobile.twitter.com/MrNChance/status/1627736679858544640
>>353850 bunch of old cunt spiteful mutants need mulching tbh
are those niggas mps or something?
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>>353850 hate all of them
lmfao this dumb bint called them "patriotic action" https://mobile.twitter.com/MrNChance/status/1627737175797207049
>>353854 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek still living in fear of the dafties of old
>>353849 imagine being a superpig
>did you really just proscribe me again lol
they must have heard tbbk was joining
>backstreets back alright starts playing
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how can someone join the "migrant hunters" lads? they sound based and completely not made up.
>>353860 I hear that you have to decapitate a migrant and impale it's head on the fences right outside ten downing street to join they're proper hard lads
>>353861 >not calling yourself minecraft hunters for max opsec
>>353862 KEEEEEEEEEEK clout chasing faggots breaking out the printer ink
>>353863 Migrant Speedhunter VS 5 Policemen GRAND FINALE ($1,000,000 MrBeast Genocide Challenge)
>>353862 So it's a Mi5 run outfit now.
>>353862 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek as if NA is still active
>>353867 how much of a mong do you have to be to jump to that conclusion rather than the obvious "she printed it herself"
>>353869 because I can madshit.
imagine thinking a real terrorist group would send a letter first instead of just murdering you lmfao.
>>353873 very courteous.
Dear sir and/or madam, or whatever set of pronouns you so choose as appellation today, We, the National Activity Group for the Violent and Brutal Execution of the Deserving, have chosen you for our next demonstration. Please find enclosed further details for what to expect, weekday business hours and contact details for any queries, questions or comments you may wish to have allayed. Expect the event to occur within 3-4 working days. Yours respectfully, Head Stomper TotalNiggerDeath88
it's shrove tuesday whomst has pancakes? not me
>Alessandro Alibrandi (12 June 1960 – 5 December 1981) was an Italian neofascist terrorist who was active in the organization Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (Armed Revolutionary Nuclei). He was killed during a firefight with the police in Rome. >Alibrandi became active in the neofascist party Movimento Sociale Italiano or MSI (Italian Social Movement) from an early age, first in its Fronte della Gioventù (Youth Front). Nicknamed "Ali Baba" by his comrades, he quickly gravitated towards armed action. Joining him were several schoolmates and friends, most notably Valerio "Giusva" Fioravanti, Massimo Carminati, and Franco Anselmi, all of whom were all equally frustrated with what they perceived to be apathy on the part of MSI in the face of "communist aggression" >On 30 September 1977, a group of MSI activists ran out of the party offices at Medaglie d'Oro to chase after people who were outside distributing anti-fascist leaflets. According to a subsequent testimony in 1981 by convicted neofascist terrorist and police informant Cristiano Fioravanti, he and Alibrandi, who were among the MSI militants, gave chase to twenty-year-old student Walter Rossi and killed him with a 9mm pistol. >In late 1977, Alibrandi, the Fioravanti brothers, Carminati, Anselmi, Francesca Mambro, Dario Pedretti, Luigi Aronica, and other far-right militants, most of them former MSI members, formed the group Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (Armed Revolutionary Nuclei) >On 28 February 1978, the third anniversary of the death of Mikis Mantakas, a Greek student and member of MSI's student front who was murdered by left-wingers, Alibrandi along with other NAR members, reached Piazza Don Bosco, near the Cinecittà district, where they ambushed a small group of young communist militants and killed leftist Roberto Scialabba. >The law enforcement authorities were closing in on Alibrandi and his comrades, so he left the country in 1981 and enlisted in the Maronite militia of the Phalange, during the Lebanese Civil War >Following the arrests of the Fioravanti brothers and others, he returned to Italy in June 1981[11] to "form the new NAR."[12] The next target was DIGOS officer Francesco Straullu who was being accused in far-right media of "torturing" neofascists caught by the police. Straullu and officer Ciriaco Di Roma were driving in their car through the Acilia frazione, on 21 October 1981, when they were ambushed and assassinated by Alibrandi and other NAR members.[13] >On the morning of 5 December 1981, Alibrandi was killed during a firefight with policemen.[14] That morning, 3 NAR militants went looking for a police patrol to disarm and take their guns. They set up on a bench near the Labaro train station, on the Via Flaminia, near Rome, when a police car passed them at slow speed Alibrandi immediately opened fire shooting at the car. >One policeman, 21-year-old Ciro Capobianco, was hit in the lungs while inside the patrol car. He would die two days later in the hospital.[15] Another policeman got out and ran behind a corner at the train station from where he started returning fire. The third policeman, Salvatore Barbuto, ran to a nearby restaurant chased by NAR militants whose firing wounded him in the ribs. The injured policeman fired back and hit Alibrandi who fell to the ground, mortally wounded. >Antonio and his wife had three children: Alessandro, Cristina, and Lorenzo.
>>353877 italians have such a good far right scene smh much more kino than any of ours
>>353862 keke are the leftoids not letting the van burning go to waste?
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young ursula or young merkel?
wish they'd hurry up and ban PA so we can dispel with the "politics" larp that so many cowards are still promoting.
>>353881 ursula had 7 children merkel had none
>>353882 tbh tbh we need to shift an all out war against the state visible and invisible.
>>353882 wouldnt really matter much except btfo a few hundred of the very small demographic of rightwingers willing enough or dumb enough to join a formal organisation.
smorbo smaggins
>>353888 so it's just a mediocre FPSlasher type game? smh if you're in it for the clang what happened to that technomongolian aesthetic goom about fixing up a broken waifubot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uMtnH7cABg
remarkable how everything has always been exactly the same Our Jamaican Problem (1955) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2VyKtfByXk
>>353889 Yes, having a fairly lightweight session of psychological introspection, is much worse than drinking piss and being deepthroated until you vomit over the cock of a coke fiend.
>>353892 It is for them. Smh.
>>353888 keeeeek >>353891 smh just want them all to go back where they came from
>>353890 It's a fun game, /v/ hates it.
god the british volunteers in ukraine are all faggots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uBgtVQBAKA
>>353897 they're main characters lad
>>353890 >Karpathian Sich Battalion That's a special police unit, basically commissars that deal with civilian "collaborators" and their own deserters.
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>>353896 If /v/ hates it, it's probably alright.
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>mfw the robots call you tovarisch and wiggle their wide hips at you
this is a couple days old, but absolute madman. maybe this guy is doing it as a method of pointing out the ridiculousness of the whole tranny thing? I thought he was a nonce originally
>>353903 wew >>353904 remember reading something some anon somewhere dug up that suggested as much but i can't remember what it was iirc he's just trying to get fired so he can sue and retire off the fat payout
>>353891 Imagine a time when the job centre found you a job in a few days. smh.
>>353905 >he's just trying to get fired so he can sue and retire off the fat payout Based if true tbh. It's how the clown system should be treated.
>>353906 things were better when society was run by huwhite men for huwhite men >>353907 tbqh
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>working on a new bumbum dragon >look away for a moment >look back and see Fuck sake, lads.
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>>353911 esoteric
Still brings a tear to my eye. Yanks would've brought Nicki Minaj to twerk all over the place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnaUe1mrJ9E
>>353850 not sure how to feel about this tbh. on one day it would finally btfo all I'M GONNA VOOT retards. but on the other it would probably blackpill a lot of poeple into just fucking off from nationalism. smh. truly we are the libshit north korea.
One of the likely replacements for Nicola Sturgeon showing the art of obfuscation from the off when confronted with marriage, children and the tranny question. >Why yes, I have no standards, people should just do whatever they want. >Only men can do le rape.
>>353914 >on one day it would finally btfo all I'M GONNA VOOT retards no it wouldn't because PA never registered you mong
>>353916 She's a sincere Christian, anti gay marriage and anti tranny. What she's said is that she wouldn't overturn existing legislation to make the country conform to her beliefs. I like her, even though she's a Scot. Sort of a female Tim Farron.
>>353913 audiokino tbh although those white baseball caps look terrible smh >>353916 that's a pretty middle of the road view to hold in current year + 8 >>353917 not like that makes it any better lad all pa have done is sit around and go "i wish there were less brown people here" and that's enough to get banned as a terrorist organisation if a grifter/networking group with no real political aims can get knocked down like that then a real political party has even less of a chance
Donate to Joe Owens, he actually stands for election and campaigns, unlike PA mongs https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Aryanpublishingcompa?locale.x=en_GB
>>353920 luv this nigga like you wouldn't believe
>>353918 >Sort of a female Tim Farron. So she's a useless cuckqueen?
>>353919 there are wignat/bnp-spliter political parties out there they just run like 2 candidates and get zero votes every 5 years.
>>353923 they get ignored because they're irrelevant tbh if they actually started to get anywhere they'd get cracked down on
>>353924 tbh im pretty sure its over lads, all thats left it to defraud the government of as many bennies as possible before our deaths.
>>353925 yeah it's a bit grim smh they've got the whole "decry your opponents as badwrong pariahs and make it illegal to agree with them" thing down pat smh it's getting to the point where even the soviet union would blush smdh
This country loves celebrating losers.
>>353918 >Sort of a female Tim Farron.
>>353929 Classic.
>>353917 right, but vooting was always the strategy of the PA types, and if the goverment is willing to shut down any nationalist org that gets any kind of momentum, then it's a dead strategy. daftism is a dead end as well, obviously. you'd only manage to get a handful of lads to take part and they'd all end up getting yeeted. tbh i agree with that lad who posted a few weeks (days?) ago, that we can't really fuction under prosecution, and tha the best hope is to try and use the liberal posturing of are democracy, to try and unmake the state's means of prosecution. Nick said on one of his streams a few weeks ago that politics is like surfing, you can be on the board and treading water but ultimately you need to wait for the wave.
>have toil in eight and a half hours minus half an hour commute plus hour toil prep >still not tired this year off was not good for me smh loved every second of it >>353930 he looks so pained smh is being tim farron really so torturous? >>353931 >daftism is a dead end as well, obviously. you'd only manage to get a handful of lads to take part and they'd all end up getting yeeted. individualism wins again prepare in silence and act in whatever way you see fit while telling nobody what you did after the fact of course for legal reasons i am only referring to socially positive things such as guerilla gardening
>>353933 poor lad
pancakes after sninner since its pancake day
unironically more totalitarian than soviet union, worst part is the govt and media lies about it and gaslights you, in USSR they'd just say yeah and what of it.
>>353931 in other words.... its over.... for now
>>353936 in the soviet union it was kinda the same thing, deny the repression pointing to their constitution guaranteeing freedom of protest and speech for all the while they kick you out of university and your job and eventually arrest you. everyone around you just thinks you're being a troublemaker and the government officials try to shame you for causing that trouble "just be normal and get laid you freaking incel"
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It's pancake week idgaf.
>>353938 doubt it faggot
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>>353940 tbh Marxism is materialist and scientific Hegelianism, today's Liberalism is even worse philosophically; being idealist without any real metaphysical depth and disastrously un-scientific in an empirical, materialist sense.
https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/Gram202306:9 FRESH 2 WEEK OLD WOES took him weeks to upload this even though there isn't even any chat in it.
Counter-terror police investigating after broadcasters receive death threat letters from neo-Nazi group https://news.sky.com/story/counter-terror-police-investigating-after-broadcasters-receive-death-threat-letters-from-neo-nazi-group-12816479 >Political activist Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu shares an image of the letter, signed by the National Action London Cell, which contained racist abuse and threats to her life. Meanwhile, presenter and transgender activist India Willoughby says she also received a letter.
>>353931 You're a coward and a brainlet.
>>353944 lmfao
>Insulate Britain activist Xavier Gonzalez-Trimmer found dead >A young activist who campaigned with the climate groups Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil has been found dead after going missing almost a week ago. >Xavier Gonzalez-Trimmer, 22, was found in Richmond Park on Monday. Family and friends had been searching the area. >He had been a key protester with Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil, and had been arrested 16 times in relation to protest actions, with five hearings on different charges coming up this year. >“On 20 February, the body of a man was found in Richmond Park – the death is not being treated as suspicious and a file is being prepared for the coroner,” the force said. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/feb/21/insulate-britain-activist-xavier-gonzalez-trimmer-found-dead
>>353947 >Just Stop Oil Looks like Big Oil is pulling the plug on their useful idiots.
>>353948 Much like when JUST STOP FARTING! lad got destroyed by by cheeqz.
>demoralisation spam >all goes silent Anti-Dafties need hanging.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jL3-2fVDl4 Inshallah Frodo, we will drive the infidel Orcs out of Mohammed Earth. - Grandmuftelf
>>353939 had a couple of freshly cooked pancakes with lemon and sugar myself
Large thin hot buttered pancakes with syrup for smee tbh
>>353955 >butter >syrup Fuck off yank.
>>353956 at least the pancakes were thin. Yank ones are too thick to be nice
>>353956 how is that yank you mong
>>353955 maple syrup?
>>353959 golden syrup, that stupid prick calling me a yank for eating a BRITISH brand
>>353961 Many such h's.
looks like hell on earth in bakhmut, hohols just getting pummeled
>>353964 it's like when you're playing capture point FPS and the other team is going to take the point soon so you just keep respawning running to the point and dying immediately to stall the capture for a few more seconds. except hohols don't respawn
>>353964 send in the civdiv mongs
>>353966 pfft, have a laugh at the stupid piggies dying for ZOG
>>353967 I think the AFU keeps people like that away from the high intensity conflict deliberately.
>>353897 all westoids and anglos in hol hol land are mongs
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>>353968 >pfft, have a laugh at the stupid piggies dying for ZOG I can't. It's literally a jewish genocide of europeans occurring in our lifetime. Could hardly be a worse evil.
>all the papers talking about vegetables being rationed by the shops
>>353971 the hohols are fighting for European genocide. they deserve what they get
Death really shouldn't be celebrated.
>with kate forbes being dumped from the leadership race because she doesn't worship sodomites its now looks likely that humza yousef may become next FM >meaning that the uk will have both a paki PM AND a paki FM of scotland
>>353977 I guess she was just to Christian for our establishment.
>>353977 It's so weird how "I don't want to change the law to prohibit it, or stop others celebrating it, but this objectively more unhealthy lifestyle of a tiny fraction of the population I can't personally approve of" is a dealbreaker to those that broker political power.
>>353980 that's also the de-facto public position of every paki and muslim politician but somehow it doesnt stop them
https://unherd.com/thepost/poll-reveals-nationwide-desire-for-lower-immigration/ New data reveals nationwide desire for lower immigration >A 10,000 person survey taken by polling group FocalData produced data on the nation’s opinion on immigration. The survey asked whether people agreed or disagreed with the statement ‘Immigration levels are too high’. >57% agreed, 20% disagreed. All major party voters had at least a plurality of agreement, from Brexit/Reform UK at 80% to the Lib Dems at 41%. >MRP modelling of the data shows that a plurality in 631 out of the 632 constituencies of Great Britain agreed with the statement, the outlier being Bristol West. The highest level of agreement came from Boston and Skegness. >Of all the issues investigated by Unherd in 2023, immigration unites the country the most.
>>353983 >lower >not negative
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>>353986 good lad
>lebanese people make up 1% of the ivory coast population but control 40% of the gdp
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god I wish that was me
please respond
luv how alegs is bringing back the old school bush era anti warmonger vibe
>>353990 it was a nigcel wasnt it
>>353997 yeah but americopes still talk about muh grooming gangs
the enemies of the shite race are so many
>>353973 absolute nig tier take
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soros running low on adrenochrome
that's a full 24 seconds of retardation. worse than any Biden gaffe
22 seconds pardon me
Martin still a neet smh
>>354000 fuck off to reddit you faggot
>Putin suspended START Mega based.
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Russians using 57mm auto cannons for indirect fire on Ukrainian troops. Kino.
blackpilled again, watched a bbc documentary on ukraine war and in it they showed a video of a 22yo ukrainian who died in sieverdonetsk last year and they casually mentioned how he got married the week before he died, its so normal for lads over there to just get married and a normal age
>>354006 fuck off to worldstarhiphop you nog
Perhaps you two should visit rate my poo.
>>354009 lower your standards and maybe you'll get a an underclass slag lad
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>>354009 I would consider a hoholette mail order bride tbh as long as she looks like she has lots of Sarmatian ancestry. like this bitch I would totally breed, fuck it, would have really hot daughters. wouldn't really be 'rooting for' my sons when it comes to breeding if they had slavic blood, but oh well. there isn't really any breeding partner where I'd truly be 'rooting for' my sons anyway because I myself have the shittish taint with R1a (i.e. not R1b or I1, the good paternal bloodlines) so I might as well just get a hot waifu that's whatever and be a daughter-dad. probably hop on roids in my 40's to hack my sperm to be XX-only and have like 9 smokeshow daughters. then I don't have to worry about saving up wealth to pass on
>>354013 >piercings dropped like a hot potato tbh
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>Putin shat on the Church of England during his 1hr45mins speech Based.
‘Incredibly intelligent, highly elusive’: US faces new threat from Canadian ‘super pig’ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/20/us-threat-canada-super-pig-boar steiner better watch out smh he's right on the front lines
>>353977 Does anyone at all in Scotland actually like Humza Yusef? Even on r/Scotland they hate the guy. I have never even seen a single online supporter for him. Always assumed he was voted in by a paki nest doing fraud. Is the first minister voted in by public or just snp supporters?
>>354017 SNP members only
>>354018 Ah shit so yeah he might get in. smh I don’t think sissy scotch boys will do anything either.
Check the Interpol red notices it's still mostly Chechenitsas and Dagistanitsas. Except for that Lithuanian MILF wanted for attempted murder.
smh a better looking Dagistani terrorist version of iDubbz's wife
>>354020 to this day i'm still not sure what exactly interpol does tbh
>>353989 is that actually true? its a good counter to niggers that whine that white south africans are still super wealthy compared to typical blacks because of le apartheid legacy, and not their productivity and high iqs.
>>354022 Not much tbh just a database of crims at this point.
What a sturdy terrorist.
>>354024 and yet there's still no interpol dating app smh
>>354027 >>354025 uhm... wheres their hijab?
>>353953 >as requested by viewer Osama Roum everything has to be about them keeek faggot wogs can't relate or understand other people's culture >>353983 >new data >opinions have been anti-any-immigration-at-all for over 80 years and protests against immigration have been going on ever since 1945 >>354016 based and BIGpilled
>>354028 Not all islamic terrorism is Wahhabi it turns out.
>>354029 tbh nobody wants it and nobody was ever asked smh >>354030 >tfw no ak wife
>asked to do toil on friday >just been asked to do toil tomorrow to keeek god I hope they take my hours as logged and I don't have to make a fuss and end up leaving
US embassy in London is on lockdown For some gay reason no doubt.
>>354032 smh if they try to stiff you on overtime make sure to accidentally fall on something fragile and expensive on your way out >>354033 probably a nothingburger smh
smh my chair keeps going lower and lower until I release is back up again.
>>353714 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I can't stop listening to it, it's such a banger
>>354040 Can this demon, with a thinly veiled caricature of a human over the top, just fuck off and die already.
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>>354040 >put their political differences aside
>>353989 gotta love it.
>>354044 Maybe we can ask the russians to do that to tony's motorcade, us being evil extreme russian backed terrorist incels.
>>354036 it's done for lad smh the pneumatic piston thing is shot probably just a bad seal somewhere but sadly by design it is not user serviceable so instead of paying pennies for a small rubber o-ring you'll have to buy a whole new chair 'ate modern society me >>354036 jealous of the lyrics more than the choon tbh just wish national pride wasn't such a dirty concept smh >>354039 >put on le westoid baseball cap and t-shirt and let your hair loose taqqiya style >still don't get let back in keeeeeeeek but she'll get back in eventually smh
>>354047 It's only a dirty concept in Europe and America.
>>354047 >so instead of paying pennies for a small rubber o-ring you'll have to buy a whole new chair smh. I think it cost under 100 and I got 3 years out of it. Using it pretty much every day. Guess that's decent for shit that's never made to last anymore.
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>Maria Zakharova is near 45mins late to her own press briefing
>>354040 murder is the answer >>354045 based it's about time women became the enslaved workhorses for men tbh if they want to work so much then let them it takes about an hour each day to keep a house nice tbh even less if you have a dishwasher plus children raised by single fathers are vastly less dysfunctional than children raised by single mothers so if one parent has to be absent all day it's obvious who it should be just want to laze around gooming tbqh
schmornfternoon, covfefe and misery for smee
>>354053 Living the dream, lad.
>>354052 >jewtuber over expressive reaction face to thousands of young lives being brutally snuffed out in an unnescearry war
>>354056 lol. yes. Grim isn't it?
>>354056 I'm sure his response would be "it's just good content".
>>353927 >This country loves celebrating losers. confusing the (((media))) for the country
the sharktroon detransitioned from /pol/ bullying. we did it bros.
>>353707 nothing burger, these kinds of moves happen all the time
>>354061 >lops cock off >"destransitioned"
>>353604 >remember when sam hyde was funny no
>>354061 NIGHTMARE FUEL >Already lopped it off He will probably still commit suicide. I know I would.
>>354065 he seems based now
>>354066 a shame the polfaces couldn't reach him before the lop
>>354067 It makes him a better shock trooper now tbh. Hopefully he'll self immolate inside a troon clinic.
>the Trannie/Polface dialectic Gay.
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>cut your cock off and permanently cripple your body with cross sex hormones, publicly destroying your life in the process >still giving out passive-aggressive heh kiddo snark advice on reddit
>>354070 unfortunately reddit is terminal
>poombs is going down that route
>>354065 >>354063 >>354066 Tbh tbh. Smh feel bad for the lad.
smh scotland has over half a million foreigners now
>>354075 Based SNP
>woes again saying hes been SOOOO busy since milleniyule >says hes been "warming up the substack" meaning hes posted 1 article >says he took 3 weeks to upload the latest gram because he was "writing the code for it" when its literally just an audio upload with a static image and no chat >was on telegram at 2 in the morning last night commenting on other channels meme posts and talking about how much hotter women were in the 60s people still defend this fucking waster.
Careful, lads, don't defend Woes, Madlad might ban you for disagreeing
Tin whistle father's new annoying habit- listening to James o Brien full volume on his laptop in the adjoining room
He's a fat neetcel living the dream on a legion of paypigs. I'm sure madlad is just envious that he hasn't achieved that level of jocking.
>>354079 So that's who O'briens audience is.
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/20/humza-yousaf-emerges-frontrunner-replace-nicola-sturgeon Humza Yousaf emerges as frontrunner to replace Nicola Sturgeon the 3 card trick is almost complete, its just a formality now, so the PM is a wog, the FM of scotland will be a wog, and the leader of the labour party in scotland is also a wog, then ireland had that gay paki as PM too.
>>354082 We just need Keir to be replaced by a disabled transsexual jew.
>>354083 hes a shabbos goy anyway, wife is a jew and his children are being raised that way
>Russians have 900ml tinnies
>>354085 £4 is still a bit dear though or is that just due to import costs?
>>354087 The beer is from St Petersburg, so yeah it's imported.
>>354008 ww2 levels of kino
>>354015 its weird how russians seethe so much at the UK and are sort of secret ameriboos
>give Russia le bad speech in Pooland >get photo op with children that are mostly not Ukrainian or Polish. Love the globohomo empire me.
>>354083 >We just need Keir to be replaced by a disabled transsexual jew. His wife is 1/3 of the way there.
>>354091 keeeeeeeeeeeeek one of them looks like an imported spiclet
>>354094 Must've snuck on Air Force One thinking he was still in Mehico.
>>354077 >>woes again saying hes been SOOOO busy since milleniyule Absolute wasteman
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>ohiofags btfo >all dissident amerifags like jones et etc. are just being faggots and saying "wow imagine if that happened in texas or in california holy fuck". smdh the midwest is literally completely invisible. reminder that if you believe it, the only people who have been on the moon are midwesterners
>>354098 Eagle has landed
dumb brumpf nobody has even died yet
>>354099 he is gonna tweet the poison away make sure to buy trump NFTs
>>353862 >comic sans
>>354098 >"wow imagine if that happened in texas or in california holy fuck" what do they even mean when they say that? that california and cuxas are more important?
>>354090 Anglicans deserve everything coming to them, the Anglican communion is about to scism over Lutheran levels of faggotry tbh
>>354103 yeah california faggots are trying to steal attention about some abandoned oil train that is just sitting waiting for a engine to move them because cuckafornia is somehow really important compared to the ohio river watershed and the midwest where we actually make all the food and southerners are incapible of not inserting themselves into shit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hZOzVvjf7Y remember to get out there and voote for joe
>>354105 wouldn't care if california got turned toxic dump tbh most of the whites left there are either libtards or near death boomers while the ohio valley is a white chud redoubt
>>354107 the hocking hills is peak kino compared to cancerfornia. the only neat part of cancerfornia is the norf where the forests are.
>>354091 that's biden's entourage lad.
>>354090 They still hold to the notion that we left them to the German meat grinder while we hide on our island for 5 years.
>>354109 keeek theres always a legion of pro police yanks defending them in the comments
>>354111 kek what was UK supposed to do?
>>354113 Surrender the med, north africa and the empire at large then peace out of the war I suppose.
>>354055 nice lad, kuze was the best family lieutenants imo awano close 2nd
has anyone made joe owens AI images yet? >>354114 europoor cucktenentals had to get blown the fuck out by anglo-american culture terrors though
https://youtu.be/y30JoAkJm_Y >leaves out aussies >is an aussie smdh
I've decided to become professionally racist. Give me two pounds and I shall say nigger!
>when the aussies gave the national guard midwestoids wool coats that were spraypainted green for jungle clothing and they just rotted off and the midwestoids just ended up being in underwear and boots
>>354109 that guy seemed kinda retarded but that was overkill T B H
Farage: Say NO to Blair's Digital ID cards. https://youtu.be/TxSEGByo0Zg
>>354117 they really got our ass in singapore tbh. can't believe we didnt execute Arthur Percival after the war.
>354122 >our ass
keep having beating chest pain lads...
>Prigozhin publishes photo of Wagner KIA in a day due to inadequate supplies of shells and ammo
>>354126 yeah russia's absolutely losing at this point.
>>354126 how many members total do they have wew that's about 48 men I think
>>354127 cope, they've been slowly advancing for months and are building up stocks for a major offensive
whatever casualties you see for russia its x3 for ukraine
i remember at the start of this war people disucssing it and saying if russia only manages to make a landbridge to transnistria then it will have been a pyrrhic victory. but these niggas lost in kherson og.
>>354131 > but these niggas lost in kherson og. they didn't lose they did a tactical retreat without losing a single man in the process, evacuating 30k troops to the other side of the river
they didnt even manage to take all of luhanks or donetsk i mean come on.
>>354133 concern trolling faggot, lugansk is taken its donetsk thats not and its because ukraine has 200k troops there and has done since the start and has been dug in for 8 years
apparently pub lasses shag all of the staff?
>>354132 While shelling and bombing the ukie advance the whole way.
>>354135 good for her, she seems happy.
Russia controls the main industrial areas of the Ukraine, and most of the coastline. They're doing alright, and can take a lot more punishment than the hohols.
Not all women are bad. I manage a nice 23 year old lass, and she's actually a hard worker that does a good job and is eager to learn. Exception rather than the rule though.
>>354139 breed her lad
>>354138 >>354134 they're doing objectively badly. even if they managed an amazing advance and finally took the tiny formerly 50,000 person city of bakhmut and reclaimed all of donetsk and luhanks they've still utterly humiliated and btfo themselves in front of the whole world. nobody respects of fears the russian military anymore, they got dabbed on hard.
>>354143 just flat out lying now
>>354143 it's a war of attrition and an economic war, not a blitzkrieg. if Russia advanced more aggressively they would take heavier losses which would do more harm than good. the early stage of a war where they just wanted to do a decapitation strike on Kiev failed, but since then they have adapted well into having the upper hand in a protracted war of attrition
jettisoning Kherson was a major sacrifice but it gave Russia a huge advantage, now the US is talking about throwing in the towel because they can't afford to expend so many resources. Russia has all of their materiel production streamlined and could continue like this for 10 years, NATO is running out of stuff
>>354147 but how does that work out mathematically? women dating older men? polygamy couldn't be that widespread, not for an actual relationship only casual sex
>>354142 She's already taken, as one would expect. It's nice that some of my coworkers have been with their partners since teenage years. >>354143 Nobody has really feared Russia's military for decades. It took them a very long time just to bring Chechnya into line. It was known that the military had weakened considerably since the USSR collapse, how could it not? People fear nukes. Now that the eastern oblasts have been annexed, trying to take them from Russia is a justification for nuclear war. All the west can do is continue giving resources to the Ukraine, to prolong the conflict.
>>354148 I think it's women dating older men.
>>354150 good news for me as I grow ever older then
>>354145 they're already taking heavy losses and they still havent taken bakhmut. overall its a piss poor performance. >>354144 where gaylord?
God bless Rossiya
putler will ack himself soon
>there are actual hol hol shills on this board rn
>>354158 yeah mexican american war 2 is coming soon basically the fed gov kike oligarchs are all that is keeping the gringo-spic race war from starting down in the desert area. spics may win that one
>>354160 Grim.
>>354158 how do you tell the difference between mexican nationals and american mexicans?
>>354162 They wear sombreros and play loud mariachi music.
>>354125 >keep having beating chest pain lads... Bless die already.
>>354165 probably from the vax, smh if only id listened to you lads and putler...
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>>354168 >toil in 7 hours
THIS FILM FRIDAY: THE WHALE Smh even morbiously a beast lads get the girl
https://youtu.be/UMKvLeHbwm8 >lad bought a lego set that cost 1000 dollarinos
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womenchads... this is a bad look for us
https://youtu.be/WjlHk-x4vtI watching docos on the abkhaza war lads smdh
>>354175 >age-restricted >probably some violence since it's war footage >open it in youtube >furry vore classic steiner
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no its vile Caucasian churka race war shite
>>354175 >a child was skinned and a sign hung up saying "georgian dog for sale" I believe it
intrusive thoughts of the video of the lopping of Ukrainian cock and balls
churkaland seems like such a perfect russian analogue to sharticas relationship with all the spic shitholes
slavs can't do right but can't do enough just like with the spics
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>>354154 it's not that Russia "still hasn't taken bahkmut", it's that the Ukraine "still has not relinquished bakhmut" despite extreme casualties. it's a brutal cauldron and Russia is inflicting heavy losses on the AFU which is what they want moreso than taking control of the city itself. what part of "war of attrition" do you not understand?
>>354185 lad there are still elements of the 4th army in the sewers of stalingrad germany still hasn't lost stalingrad russia is blown the fuck out *posts gore* t. 1944 german shill
https://youtu.be/leu72oQxfDU going to sneak the last piece of old 'za from the fridge lads
>>354185 im not mad at putin because im pro holhol, im mad at putin like hitler was mad at his generals in the fuhrerbunker
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zeeeeeempf had his BIG BOY BOOTS on lads
>>354189 are they yeezys?
>>354189 he looks old
>>354190 no they are bionicle
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>>354192 he is old
>rant 91 >steiner's little lass cousin getting groomed by dykes AHHHHHHHHH save her lad toil
>Learn about the US State Dept./NED/CIA nefarious soft power, basically implementing Operation Condor globally for really gay shit >Decide to check the UK Foreign Office programmes >It's dumped £203m into Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Georgia, Bosnia, Armenia and Macedonia for "democracy", "good governance" and "global peace" >somehow these notions mean the World Bank and the European Development Bank should give out loans with interest and our tax money funding "independent media" and "Civic Society Organisations" The Third phase of this programme is real mask off shit and expanded to the Caspian sea region. it's some real shit.
A very dangerous game being played.
>>354188 Why would Russia play into the hands of NATO by doing big arrow maneuvers? It's an industrial attrition because it's what really fucks with NATO and Russia knows that due to the US Rand Corporation coming to that conclusion in 2019. Slow is fast in this war.
I must go now, okaythankyou,
>>354200 >industrial attrition this >>354196 a willy in your bum sir
Just endless demoralisation
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>retards trapped in the twitter discourse cave instead of learning about how bad things really are by reading government policy from the source
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>tfw no gf because your government's policies mean that tax funded post-Soviet tranny human rights collectives are worth more than actual long term prosperity domestically
>>354212 Nice furbaby
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*puts on disguise in order to experience touch as a middle classoid*
>>354214 Just disguise yourself as a phone, lad
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>>354210 nearly at utopia lads
toil done until full day tomorrow considerations for a weekly extra-early-morning slot have begun too >>354198 good post tbh could have done with some links though, I like to screencap the brainy posts from here and sources help
>>354198 ah the endless expansion of lisa simpson jobs to all corners of the universe. the realty of the united federation of planets in shart trek was that invariably the bajorans and so-forth were gonna have lisa simpson human HR cunts lecturing them about how important it is to recycle and be gay
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>>354210 so glad we as a society are putting resources towards things like this (and the associated costs of policing dissenters) instead of doing cringe wastes of time like ramping up border security or building nuclear power plants
>>354217 >Good Governance Fund Eastern Neighbourhood announcement in 2015: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-uk-funding-to-help-build-stronger-and-more-democratic-nations-in-the-eastern-neighbourhood-and-balkans >Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform: https://devtracker.fcdo.gov.uk/projects/GB-GOV-1-301454/summary >Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Case and summary; https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/758166/EECA_GGF_Programme_Summary_FY_18_19.odt >Good Governance Fund (Phase 1 & 2) Case and summary; https://iati.fcdo.gov.uk/iati_documents/D0001555.odt
>>354221 cheers la appended to my image tbh
>>354222 the past could've been so kino smh if only chuds were in charge
>those mein kampf editions that are more than double the original page count because they fact check everything
oh yeah I forgot to post this sunday dinner seethe but xoomer uncle handed his phone to the boomers and they were looking at and talking about my cousin who is now apparently doing pole dancing "for exercise" and the whole foid empowerment retardniggerbrain take on being a fucking whore stuff cannot believe that 1) she thinks it's an appropriate thing to do 2) and that it's appropriate to take pictures of and put on the internet and send to family 3) and that he thought it was appropriate to show his daughter poledancing to his parents in law 4) and that they just sat there and took it without voicing any disapproval 5) that I didn't get to see the pictures
>shadiversity got the jab and now he has heart problems wew
>>354226 good he outlived his usefulness the moment he stopped making castle architecture videos and became a shitty swordtuber and shittier author
>>354225 It's not like women take any appropriate pictures anymore anyway
>>354227 Oh, it's *you*
Wonder what Shad will say when your liver explodes smh
>>354225 but lad it's empowering
Did you see, lad? THE WHALE is on for Friday
>lads saying I wouldn't survive middle age evropa since I don't like potatos Well actually
>>354232 heard it's actually really good tbh had my doubts when i heard it's about a fat homo or whatever but allegedly it's got some powerful acting >>354233 heh heh parsnipchads rise up
also it's potatoes not potatos ackchyually
>>354229 >two weeks ago he finally made a new video about actual castles after like 2 years >it's boring contentless "top 10" clickbait he should vaxxmaxx
are there no castletubers? it's such a good niche, there's so much that hasn't been done, fortifications across all of history and prehistory to review and analyse and explain and make 3D mockups of and such enough content to keep a sensible eceleb afloat for at least one lifetime
>also it's potatoes not pootatos ACK-
>>354237 why don't you make it, incel. You have already been on the big screen
>>354204 >opens >upboats 16 second old comment >doesn't watch the video Who is he? Actually, I don't care.
>>354237 people with the autism to get into castles are usually content to keep their knowledge to themselves and don't crave the limelight swords on the other hand are hollywood bullshit for normalfags
>>354241 Tbh. But even swordfags bow to real historical polearmchads. They know their place.
>>354240 He is a lad who draws dilbert comics. Became "relevant" because he "predicted" brumpf would win in 2016. Since then he's been mocked for being pro jab and that made him freak out. People milk him as a lolcow for it still
>>354242 tbh all those centuries of weapons development and tactical advancements but right up until the widespread adoption of gunpowder the winning strategy was still "get a bunch of lads and give them long pointy sticks"
>They put the ballerina who did the mocap for Right and Left into the Ingame employee records and gave her 6.9 social credit score
>354248 No. Also, filtered.
New thread needed.

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