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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3867: Aniki Edition Anonymous 06/12/2023 (Mon) 01:55:20 Id: 956352 No. 376525
Police release Nicola Sturgeon without charge https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-65873423 Australia: Ten dead after wedding bus crashes and rolls in Greta https://www.itv.com/news/2023-06-11/ten-dead-after-wedding-bus-crashes-and-rolls-in-australia Anal Mastermind of the War on Russia Makes Bold Prediction https://www.unz.com/aanglin/anal-mastermind-of-the-war-on-russia-make-bold-prediction/
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:14:40.
>>376525 >Australia: Ten dead after wedding bus crashes and rolls in Greta hope they were foreigners
>not Ted edition
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3LoSQQ0dos&t >a mob turned up to that somali in japans house
>>376528 Make the next one then.
>>376529 NIDF active in the comment section
californian students boo fag propaganda, teacher threatens them with "saturday school" for being "inappropriate". being heterosexual is now against the rules in american schools, and will be punished
>>376530 too late now, you've ruined it.
>>376533 the other thread had 800 odd posts, you had more than enough time. just a lazy cunt.
>legal migrants idk what that means. "migrant" seems to imply illegal alien to me, no? seems like they will turn the US military into a french foreign legion thing where any brownoid can come to the US if they zogbot for 6 years, which will have the side effect of ensuring that the military is 100% loyal to the regime with absolutely no sympathies for the native population
need a good business idea fr lads. this neet thing is ok but i'm starting to be tempted by this material realm. i want things. kino unrelated can't wait for winter again
>>376536 make contact with shady eastern europeans and become a gun runner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4TOYp0_6lc&t=1s
I, KANG, CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE! DRAW YOUR FIDDLE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LtCIImfSCk
started watching The Whale >rubbing one out to gay porn within the first few minutes. Did you lads turn it off too after that?
>>376541 >a Somalian Mizzy
>>376542 God knows where he’s from but they all have a common trait.
>>376544 very tiresome article smh didn't finish reading it seems like the same shite as always where they switch between going "we're not doing anything wrong so why does it upset you?" and acting all smug because they know exactly what they're doing wrong and exactly why it upsets people except this time it's bad because the precious niggerinos might forget that their role in society is as perpetual victims
>>376540 Didn't watch it, I thought that was a joke.
>>376546 Tbh. >Don’t forget ‘we’ - actually those working class people over there lol - oppressed you! They are why you are poor as well. Destroy them! I hate these people.Vicious ‘elites’. As if any wog reads the Grundian
>>376549 just wypipo preaching to wypipo about how blapipo are supposed to be represented smh
>>376550 He lives... but not for long!
I was just LARPing. He's been locked up
>>376554 convincing act ngl
he cute
I think he probably shit himself to death. Couldn't pull himself away from Diablo IV
He said his computer was playing up in one of the threads and it would take a couple of weeks to get fixed iirc
mongs actually send their computers into repair shops
>>376559 well that is very anti-climatic. what a let down.
wonder what they'll make of all the furry stuff on his drives
another beautiful day in albion
>showing me cute pictures with her kids when we aren't sexting >about 3 weeks and the H word still hasn't been used Think he might already have left her tbh. Makes sense. Smh. Don't know if I want to be a Sargon.
>>376564 kill yourself
>>376564 wew game looks like shit
>>376566 It looked dated when it came out, but the mechanics and stories are still fun after 20 years. *sips*
trying port for the first time and to my surprise it tastes identical to port-flavoured wine gums who knew? >>376564 very bad lad
found the holy grail of steinerian articles
>>376570 smh there really is no solution except chaining lasses to the radiator is there they're biologically programmed to want to breed as soon as they find out their patriarch is dead literally built to be taken as war brides
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>>376564 time to step up and be a real man lad. >>376570 looks like Christmas came early this year
>toil at 5 tomorrow Is drop-shipping still viable in 2023? Any of you lads got any interesting side hustles? I hate toil
>>376573 rob a post office
>>376573 I sell a legal high called Kratom It's a fairly new scene and most unregulated yet in the US. I have a man in Thailand supplying it and I just resell in the states at a 3000% markup. It's a good hustle but a huge inital gamble and I lost thousands of dollars with scammer suppliers before finding my man in Thailand
>>376554 >>376556 >>376557 STOP THIS NOW YOU FRAUD!!!
>go in to town to do some things >someone has written "nigger" in permanent marker on the pavement it filled me with hope lads
>>376532 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Anyone remember that vid of the guy in a daredevil/racer outfit called the Danger Speaker who yelled nigger aroung some hoodrat pack? That was funny, and so it seems long scrubbed from yidtube. Smh.
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>>376582 film looks shockingly bad keek
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nice setup in Texas today lads send shartburb-killing energy to the storms
>>376585 good lad
>>376576 they banned that shit here ages ago lad
8 tins cost £14 now lads.
>>376588 jk was impersonating that burger we got who wouldnt shutup about it
finally the rain comes
admit it, brexit was a mistake
>>376549 >y-you have to give me the BWC! or... I'll call you raciss!
>>376576 eww newyank returned. did you ever diversify into kava like I suggested? if so and if you made money off of it then you need to send my crypto for giving you the idea >>376590 oh phew.. I'm half relieved that he didn't come back, half disappointed that the nonzero chance of me getting magic internet money has evaporated
>>376550 it's not him lad he's been gone for 10 days now
>>376595 are you bins? any idea what's going on with him?
22st mum called me lads.. you might need to sit down for this.
>22st has transitioned
worst case we can send bins to L, Trondelag to knock on all the doors until he finds 22st's mummy to ask her where her big thicc boy is lurking
>The terms "hell" and "hell ship" were used by American POWs to describe the terrible conditions and cruel treatment they received on board British ships during the American revolutionary war. American soldiers who refused to swear their allegiance to Britain were imprisoned in old ships and an estimated 11,000 of them died in the process. The HMS Jersey was the largest and most notorious of all as it was designed to hold 400 sailors, but during the war, up to 1,100 men were cramped into the ship. When the British left New York City in 1783, they set fire to the HMS Jersey with prisoners still on board.[1][2] >In 1778, Robert Sheffield of Stonington, Connecticut escaped from one of the prison ships and told his story in the Connecticut Gazette, printed 10 July 1778. He was one of 350 prisoners held in a compartment below the decks. >The heat was so intense that (the hot sun shining all day on deck) they were all naked, which also served the well to get rid of vermin, but the sick were eaten up alive. Their sickly countenances, and ghastly looks were truly horrible; some swearing and blaspheming; others crying, praying, and wringing their hands; and stalking about like ghosts; others delirious, raving and storming,—all panting for breath; some dead, and corrupting. The air was so foul that at times a lamp could not be kept burning, by reason of which the bodies were not missed until they had been dead ten days.[7] owned
>>376600 None of that happened.
>>376601 it happened and they deserved it
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>>376593 Wouldn't.
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>the Ukraine drives all of their expensive German tanks into their own mines >demands Germany give them more tanks https://www.rt.com/russia/577895-ukraine-more-german-tanks-losses/
meanwhile on p*lish imageboard why are p*les such fucking fags?
ahh this coffee is very good I think I like coffee from Sumatra, it says "Sumatra" on the bag. idk if that's just marketing, if it was really grown in Sumatra or what, but I want to get actual specialty coffee from Sumatra now to try
lads did you read the seethium? want me to post it again?
>>376553 >I was just LARPing. He's been locked up what have you heard?
>>376607 can't read a bloody word of this noncense
white guy torches niggers house killing three https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-65883868
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>>376596 >are you bins? any idea what's going on with him? I think he's in trouble real trouble
>>376613 i hope this had something to do with it https://www.politiet.no/en/english/tip-off-norwegian-police/ feel proud of myself if it did
>>376612 TND three niggers dead
>>376614 you've probably done half the thread you mong
>>376614 >feel proud of myself if it did what did you DO?
>>376617 tipped off the police
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The Norwegian State doesn't fuck about when it comes to child protection. Probably investigating all his bongo contacts too.
>A teacher who viewed an indecent image of a child via Snapchat has been banned from the profession for life. >William Nunn, 29, a science teacher at Cotham School in Bristol, viewed the photo and then deleted his account to cover his tracks. >He received the photo from someone he added as a friend who had offered to share images of youngsters on social media site Reddit. >He later claimed his intention was to "entrap" the person who sent the image. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-65863567
>>376618 wtf would you say? he's not broken the law you can only have told them lies
>>376619 then they will see we are all good boys
>>376621 sent them links to stuff he's said here the police can make up their minds i never lied just sent interpretations. the police can interpret that how they want
>>376623 lets see what you sent
>>376623 If this is true you had better hope that eye, HRH TBBK, never finds out your identity. I will avenge the 22st.
>>376625 it's moonman
>>376597 You think we stand while using computers?
>>376624 classified evidence i'm afraid
>>376628 so you made stuff up, then
Never seen this amount of cope. Now they’re even killing their own soldiers and gone turbo feminazi
>>376629 no you just can't spread information that may be being used as part of an investigation the leads i gave the police could have let them pick up on other things anyway
>>376631 >no you just can't spread information that may be being used as part of an investigation everythign he's posted is public anyway mong you just made stuff up to get him in trouble
>>376632 he could be in big trouble right now. he posts a lot about his life here. he can't access his computer or even the internet at all it seems. means he's had his devices seized or he's been arrested or he's dead
>>376633 Yeah we know that, and you are claiming that you did it
>>376635 not my problem
>>376634 it ends on a cliffhanger.
>>376635 hope that faggot behind him is next
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imagine someone genuinely linking the threads to the police how to ruin the lives of everyone here in 3 easy steps
>>376639 We should dox the trannies and slit their throats
>>376641 If you get one person in trouble with the police here you get everybody in trouble vigilantism would be better for the trannies
>>376605 All rhese fucking mines have proximity sensors. When one gets blown up it doesn’t mean the ones next to it explode. Are they retarded. Their vehicles literally have to follow each other through the same fucking hole and then when their arty has finished obliterating them Russkies will just lob more mines at them from 15km away with their “Agrikultura” mine lobbing system so they get unalived on their retreat. Fucking retarded war tbh lads. Sick of it. You can’t fight or expect to win conventional wars like this. Shameful carry on, in our names as well. There is no way on this earth Ukraine will win anything so it’s obviously about depopulating the region of it’s fighting age men so they can’t object to tptb replacement plan
>>376642 yeah, luckily i only ever post with my secret vpn codes
Keeeeeeeeeek. Uketards thought they were disrupting the showing of a Russian film but it was just a French one with the same name Just fucking give up already
did a troon actually report this thread?
>>376646 not this thread specifically posts from lots of threads at least a month ago
whoever it is that keeps linking the "tip off norwegian blah blah" should be permabanned. is it BBK?
>>376648 they already know anyway
>>376648 I'm BBK. I wouldn't turn in fellow revolutionary TwentyTwoStein
>this thread
fat mentally ill retards backstabbing each other episode. kino
maybe Jocko then, think I saw him white knighting about le ebil grooming before
Remember last year when Polish “military experts” were training 3 year old Ukrainians and their grannies to make molotov cocktails because they “will be very effective” at defeating Russian armour?
I swear to Odin . . . may his hammer come down upon those who have attacked notorious Jewish revolutionary, 22stein
>>376647 >>376649 you will never be a woman
>>376656 tbh, 'nuff said
Hullo Norwegian police. I am a xe xi xo xum from Britbangladesh. I have a line on one of your law abiding citizens being a bit sad and creepy. Yes, practically an incel. No, a white one. Yes, good. No, thank you. Bye bye now, I sneed to snilate my snussy.
22ST NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! https://trondheim24.no/nyheter/stjordal-mann-i-40-arene-siktet-for-voldtekt-av-fire-barn-politiet-tror-det-kan-vaere-flere-offer/ >Stjørdal: Mann siktet for voldtekt av fire barn: Politiet tror det kan være flere offer >Man charged with rape of four children
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Martin Nonce is ratting out all of his internet pals to the Norwegian authorities.
>>376529 Such a low energy mob. If those men were in the Imperial Japanese Army they'd have called it the "Bother of Nanjing".
>In February, the police raided a man in his 40s from Stjørdal following a tip-off that there were possible criminal activities taking place at his home. When the police took action against the man, there were two CIA agents at the address. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
A Cyrillic font that imitates Hee Brew The mystery deepens Taйны Eвpeйcких Myдpeцoв
>>376662 Rubbish. CIA never get up to anything illegal. Joe Biden said
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>>376627 Linus Torvalds does. Clearly you aren't a Linux user.
>>376665 It's supposed to be really healthy tbh
>>376666 I can’t afford all that gear! <this is all I’ve got I then send each post to here via pigeon which I shoot and roast on it’s return so there can be no tattling
>>376666 Can confirm. Shitposting is great for you
>>376638 >hope that faggot behind him is next I think moonman is friendly with the troons tbh apparently he has a german troon "gf"
>>376659 that's not are 22st
>>376668 Name one good post.
>>376669 who is that?
>>376671 >shitpost >goodpost
>>376672 Key member of the Discord cabal.
watch out britsters there's some real sickos out there
anyone else hyped for cyclone biparjoy? pajeet gon' have soggy feet soon
>>376645 <I-It was on purpose! It was a protest against the French contribution of arms to Ukraine being so small. Predict she will say this.
>>376675 >This would increase the production of estrogen for people assigned female at birth I wish I was assigned a female at birth.
>>376675 I think they are referring to testosterone as a "poison" and the "slowly kill" refers to MTF trannies noticing masculine things about themselves and becoming increasingly "dysphoric" and trending towards suicidal ideation
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>>376680 part and parcell
muslims are spawncamping
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Female to black bin bag
>>376683 bourgeoise decadence tbh
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Berlusconi deda
sounds like lauren southern is ready to settle down dorset
>>376687 I'd have her ngl
>>376688 there are way better gringas out there lad
>>376691 think you forgot to spoil lad
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indeed o'neil it appears as though that jaffa has a go'auld coming out it its pelvis
>>376689 GarageArts invented this genre. Sad to see other mgtow boomers try to imitate him without screaming KABOOM.
>>376694 Meant for >>376690
how would bins not know what's happening with 22st? Thought they were best friends.
>>376697 Probably sharted to death at the same time.
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wew it's happening
Described as a nigger with dreadlocks by this lass https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/1668546117636702210 1:40
>>376704 fuck are those outfits keeek, called in the grape squad did they
The amount of brits on twitter, even young ones, rushing in with the #notallshitskins is so fucking grim.
had a lie-in this morn and rather than fantasising about a gf, imagined having psychic power and exploding the heads of politicians a most comfortable pass-time
>>376705 >heckin legacy media presenter
>>376713 The thot was describing the student ‘Kane’ as “are friend” lol >buy exclusive film footage from him for £500 and then syndicate it for hundreds of thousands Should be illegal
>Awful >Terrible >Thoughts >Brave Check
King Carlos could have prevented this
Based police keeping us safe from people and things they wouldn’t need to keep us safe from if they just kept us safe from politicians if you know what I mean
another foid living on easy mode. probably just had to polish the fat turks todger once and now she's a lifetime peer.
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And here we have an autist's rendition of what spinosaurus norgeicus may have looked like. This apex predator could weigh up to 22 tons, but was still able to hunt the abundant, mentally deficient cunnyfish of the late Jurassic period, off the coasts of both Norway and Wales. New fossil evidence suggests that, alas, this aquatic nonce dragon was driven to extinction by it's own sharts, among other factors.
>>376720 not funny
>>376719 just more shitty theatre, not like the house of lords has done its job for centuries and especially not after blair >>376720 nonce hunter-gatherers speculated to be another cause
good odds on the nottingham incident was a black hebrew israelite.
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>Age of rastafarian terror is upon us based
>>376713 >>376719 I’d say he raped her and this is how he was blackmailed to make it right tbh
another beautiful day in albion
nigger killed 3 people
rw mongs sperging because the police used a stock photo of a white person
>376729 gr8 b8 m8
>>376729 What’s wrong with that? It has to be challenged down to the smallest detail like lawyers and cops challenge details or the narrative repeatedly gets hijacked and distorted >don’t pay attention to his ethnicity goy, focus on the crime committed by the WHITE van and the criminal apprehended in - erm - in this stock picture of a WHITE man betting nicked over here. Look! Lots of people will maybe just have time to look at a picture and then no further >Oh big crime!? hmmm? oh look white skin he must have been English Effect on the collective psyche is then halved
>>376730 Tbh. Fell for it. Back to the drawing board
>NHS so fucked up that I only got the test results of four months ago today >organs not even work at a quarter of the normal level >probably even worse because 4 months passed since those tests >won't know whether it's time to die or not for another four months to get today's results we love are nhs
fresh dutton Nicolas Sturgeon's Arrest, Anglophobia and Declining Intelligence Quotient https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYm36nTvGu0
did the nigcel kill whites or other pooskins
>>376735 >Anglophobia about time somebody addressed this issue
Trumpwaffen assembling in Miami https://youtu.be/bM5ecIdlzK4
>>376739 >they're shouting "release more hunter dick pics" >no word about releasing the jannie 6 prootestors who have been under CBT for a two and a half years
>>376734 French NHS?
>>376742 frogs actually have a really good healthcare system smh I really shouldn't have been a loyle lad and retvrned here all those years ago
>>376743 Yeah. So do the Spanish I hear. Just go back and get the spare parts you need, Just make sure they’re not stamped Renault if they’re electrical parts that you need
>>376744 keek smh they also have a really good nationality system (if you're not a wog invader) and don't let health tourism happen
>>376738 Fucking women tbh. Waffle waffle waffle
>Uni students btfo >no niggers in chruch mourning their passing
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>>376738 maddie would maul her
what's all this? 3 people killed by a negro in london?
>>376749 No. Niggingham of all places woodjewbelivit
>>376748 Hol up! She’s a gloobalist?
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>>376748 Another b*sexual iirc.
Wonder how many times she’s had it up the gary. She’s looks like butter wouldn’t melt but they’re the worst ones as well tbh. Filth. Defineitely an Arse-an-all fan if you catch my drift
token nigger and isis spotted at the back of the church https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WX6YL9JnLw
>>376710 Holy shit, twitter is not real life lad get the fuck over it!
>>376734 Praying for you lad.
Yeah. Twitter ain’t real and nor are jews, pakis and wogs. GET.THE.FUCK.OVER.IT. HAVE.SEX.
This ain’t real btw
>Twitter is a leftist bias space and not representative of reality >SoYoU'rE SaYiNg ThE JeWs ArEn'T eXiSt!? Retard alert
>>376756 ta la
nurse grannies won't or can't retire so when it was time for the blood test the old lass stabbed me five or six times before getting the right spot smh, covered in bleeding pinpricks now
watching some soy play civ 6 and there are so many irrelevant foids stuffed into the game there's only one male (and actually well known) leader represented
>>376755 Yeah lad people like that dont exist outside of twitter, not like we're led by those types or anything, you stupid fucking cunt! >>376757 you've done him
>madlad meltdown episode Twitter isn't representative of the general population. It's a fact. A reality. You're a fool if you think otherwise, as demonstrated by madslut.
I side with madlass on this one.
I side with this madlad tbh Kino-etic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=969XGZ_t7cE
>376765 >376766 Trannies. Get off the HRT, get off the internet, touch grass.
Madlad, take your meds. Trannies, stop taking your meds.
I was thinking about 22st today. I miss her.
>implying implications Going to touch grass and SEX a very real woman soon.
>>376770 don't care tbh but happy that zog propaganda is getting btfo
>>376768 >Trannies, stop taking your meds.
>>376775 don't know what that fruit merchant language means tbh, vlaams belang? is he based or his he cringe?
I hate those people constantly apologising for dangerous animals. It's the same psychology as the nigger apologists.
>>376761 well this is the life you choose when you eat 4000 kcal of simple carbs a day. absolutely nigger tier
>>376778 High Spic, infra redded your balls today? What's your hot spic take on jelqing?
>>376779 he's not spic, I am. I did red light therapy on my face/hairline and dick/balls last night. regarding jelqing, I think you're better off with hanging and clamping
Andrew Anglin live on Beardsoy Queerson https://cozy.tv/beardson
>>376783 how hard is he simping for the chinkoids?
>>376784 >>376785 they're were just rambling about boring shit like 'men have no purpose they're bored there's no challenge to overcome', I only caught the end of it. idk why Anglin would go on that Beardsoy guy's show, he doesn't have anything interesting to say
the better Anglin stream was when Ethan Ralph hosted a debate between him and some hohol, that was somewhat kino
Cormac McCarthy has died
>>376789 also Silvio Berlusconi
>>376762 I like that they included Trajan, but playing as Rome kind of sucks in 6. Teddy Roosevelt for the US is decent though
>>376776 Belgian BNP basically
Every evening from Wednesday through to Saturday, I have social obligations. Last summer it was the same sort of thing, no time to myself for three or four days running. Don't like people imposing on my time, but I can't really say no if it's family or close friends.
>soycunts at youtube changed the UI again get a real job techfaggots youtube was fine how it was back in 2008 all this bullshit you faggots keep adding to the interface just makes it suck more
why do britoidic swat dress like woes lads?
>>376794 everything will be yidtube shorts soon
>>376793 tbh, got bowling with me colleagues on Friday
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>>376719 kill all lisa simpsons #mycivilizationisnotyourbarbieprincessplayhouse
>>376798 Saw the new lass on bumble, might try it on HAHAHAHAHA *cries inside*
https://youtu.be/ZhIsAZO5gl0 What was with these Jews using the SS runes?
>>376800 hey if you know she's single and she's decent looking go for it if you want
>>376796 Tbh them taking this tiktok/insta route means the site will get even worse.
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>>376803 I believe that impact font memes are no longer considered what is called hip daniel jackson, they are indeed, considered boomer
>>376805 his name is not gene simmons, its haem witz.
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>376810 spic filtered
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>>376813 lions... I need to you to take a letter to the princess of wayrest
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpV_CxEM59Y
>>376813 this is such an exceptional meme
HBO Rome is very much similar to the earlier good seasons of Game of Thrones. Worth watching
any lads know where/how to buy clothes online? i don't want to go to a shop, buy the wrong size thing, encounter grockles and probably spend all day doing it. sick of it
>>376819 I sure missed ya ruseman
>>376818 the whole point of a clothing store is to try on the clothes to make sure they fit before you buy them
>>376817 It's got good parts, especially Ceaser's grief over his frenemies deaths, but remember all of the weird, gross degeneracy of the characters is completely fictional. And there's a lot of it shoved in. Smh.
>>376817 >similar to the earlier good seasons of Game of Thrones. >Worth watching Yikes.
>>376822 Yup that's hbo
>>376819 SA believes this will happen
>>376821 not necessary, there are fitment charts on every online store and it's easy to guess what size you need
Let's have a meat up lads, unironically
>>376827 >guess yeah
>>376828 Pick a pub
>>376819 If only
>>376830 Knights Templar, after hours
>>376828 the codeword is shadilay
Anyone seen this before? > on the function of perterson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXYuqrO8LLo
>>376818 are you a william, chav, deano? what's your style?
One time I took a lass to my favourite pub and she tried to order a cocktail. They don't serve cocktails. Har de har.
>>376837 i want the serbian ultra look
Uh-oh! And fresh off the Call of Jewty boycott, Starkikes shit their pantaloons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B6UQpUCpxM
>One time I went to a pub with my mates and we all got nicked Future post on /brit/ 2025
Big if true >jew publication says jewess Victoria Jewland has dropped beginning of WW3 date - Jewlie 11. It will last 16 years and chosen to coincide with the NATO Summit, a one-day meeting in Lithuania. https://www.globalresearch.ca/victoria-nuland-inciting-wwiii-russia/5820705
>>376845 Hope the new model yank army ‘6 years service for passport!” gets obliterated
>>376848 its been like that for a while and survived on a core of flyover brainwashed redneckoids but that is coming to an end american military does not have a very good track record barring the war in the pacific in ww2
have a feeling that if the sharticans send a spicnig filled army to eastern europe they'd just go around raping everything
>>376850 yeah they would not be welcome at all nor would they be very effective at infiltration. the shitskin army meme is also unproven, it was extremely ineffective in vietnam
If the benefits queen element to the us military were stripped away, no one would serve
https://youtu.be/LJVcsxMQo-8 williamoid with new jersey accent incel rant channel
https://youtu.be/RVdTPUsTS3Y Keely guy looks like our mizzy
>>376854 The amount of nigger worshipers suddenly declaring the law is the law in those comments is really aggravating.
becoming very strong via my pull up bar lads, even with tinnie drinking. recommend putting one up somehow. only do overhand grip though
>>376853 kino, there's so much toil and zero reward now, there's never been so little philosophy to justify the difficulty of this life.
trying not to coom again
>>376857 I do a few grips and transition in to each one. then rest and repeat
>>376819 sort of thing tory boys think would happen. Somebody post that film clip of 'Charles' doing it. They cream themselves over that.
>>376854 >soy zoomer haircut muhreen using all the PC language he can to beg for mercy from the antiwhite system after killing a man of higher caste (sacred niggerino)
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>>376828 >meat up
Kelly Chen is great
>>376854 >I calibrated the pressure around his neck Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>stronk indapendant waman >One night, while returning from a rehearsal, a pair of men held her at knifepoint and forced her to perform fellatio. She later found the incident to be "a taste of my weakness, it showed me that I still could not save myself in spite of all the strong-girl show. I could never forget it." Keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>376866 Yuss?
>>376868 >making a blind leap to a new city with nothing to your name and instantly finding accommodation and employment smh boomers had it so easy
>Parliamentary time being wasted over Salabrities Just fucking execute them and shut TV down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WX6YL9JnLw
>>376871 Yeah. Try going anywhere now with 35 bucks in your pocket and no tits
>>376873 keeeeeeeek
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trannies are losing favor with the masses
mildly sneething about slavery in old burgerland again smh without that and the inevitable integration that followed the jews would have had a much harder time pitching their multiculti shite to the rest of the world and then the nation that did it just had to become a media giant smh >>376875 nature is healing
>>376875 >the Troony Horror Show is coming to an end Hope, but tptb are just allowing the shifting of the narrative so hwhite men think they are winning the culture battle on the home front and can now - with peace of mind - rush to join the army to fight and kill europeens Unfortunately these fuckers have been infiltrated everywhere
>>376878 tbh nobody's invested in wider society any more and they know it everybody's retreating into like-minded bubbles and forming loose tribes that will hopefully crystallise into something more real if actual pressure is applied
although my money is on them not forming bonds and everybody dies as an individual
>retards constantly accusing others of being me so when I do post I get libelled with posts that aren't mine
>>376881 heavy is the crown
>>376879 I watched all of this last night. Four years old and a pretty good breakdown of lightning rod spy Petersteins function Listen to the bit from 3:00 to 7:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXYuqrO8LLo
>>376883 >carpenter brut intro kino watching now
>>376883 tbh peterstein a shite going back to the beginning and watching it all now it looks interesting
can't believe people ever listened to this kike shill smdh never paid much attention to him when he was relevant so i missed how harmful his message was smh
Whatever happened to bush poster then
>>376886 Yeah. He served his purpose. Hated him but was well aware how he was being used to suck up the gullible and defuse any imminent rebellion in the ranks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evYK2AmxFLU
>>376887 he posted too many bushes smh pbuh >>376888 at the very least we can laugh and be grateful at how his milquetoast halfwayisms brought some fence-sitters to the right by promising them that sensible thought starts and ends with him and then failing to deliver
>>376881 >want a persona >doesn't use a trip code this is precisely the use case they were made for
>>376890 >want a persona I don't, I just post normally and people recognise my style, lads then accuse people they are arguing against of being me because I live rent free in this boards head, fuck off back to the bongo (1), I'm never being a tripfag or flagfag.
got salmonella for eating raw eggs lads
>>376892 stop eating raw eggs of furrin origin
>i've never been a tripfag or flagfag
his next post will be "put your flag on wessex" with a variety of expletives applied
>wessex being a shit stirring bongo tranny
Wessex has unironically been the least troonish and most super straight philosopher neet drvid on this board.
Mancs* tbh
>Troon Raiders
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>her H confirmed manlet Wew m'lads.
>>376903 kill yourself
it's over madlad, i've depicted you as a soyjak fresh soy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dJ7aE4qLE
rent free
>>376906 you've done him.
another day without 22st
The only place madlad lives rent free is his aunty's house
They just keep attacking me because they know I'm the only one who will slap them down if I get made mod again
>madbitch talking about slapping The only thing you slap is big black arses
No . . . GAY big black arses
>>376899 >>376900 smh this catches me everytime
madlad keeping his fists up here
geep away fom me or you see when i made mod again
>>376919 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>376921 evening lads toil complete, I see the usual suspects are at it again.
>>376922 evening lad not much to talk about today
Was the suspect in Nottingham revealed yet?
>>376924 A few pictures shown confirming he's black but that's it.
>>376870 >weird poojet/malayan hybrids Makhluk kacukan keji England
bored lads. worrying about what my forties are going to be like
ate one of those ghost pepper things and now my shites are like a riot hose and its roasting hot
>>376927 kek yeah I feel like there has to be a die off because boomer schema basically cordoned off human life for white men born after 1970, you just exprience permanent adolescence until you are liquidated
georgia trailerfags getting rekt today
>>376928 RIP lad. Smh.
weatherposting was my gimmick, but based nonetheless >>376929 this, i have no idea how i'm supposed to move forward, i'm still time traveling forward as a neet
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move over ytoids
reading the niggercattle response to nottingham
maybe interacting with seethebait all day is actually bad for you
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Feeling unreasonably optimistic about my own future, lads. Like my life will really begin as I approach 30.
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>>376936 yeah life kind of becomes less serious and you often get a better buisness sense at that age lass. how old are you?
holy fuck my wypeepo guts cannot handle ghost pepper.
>>376941 yeah its right about your age that you start to get more big boy finkin going on in your noggin. thing to realize is most people spend their whole life saying shite like "by the time im 60 im going do X" instead of im going to do x right now.
>they just keep att-ACK okay I've run out of soybooru scot tagged images tbh just a bit of fun lad just a little joke, a jape, a risible ribbing >>376928 keeeek smh at least it's cleansing lad
>>376945 who is this funny sounding lad?
>>376946 some incel with a new yeuk accent
newh yeuhk
the incels of yidtube and rumble should gather on a yearly basis and discuss the future of incelism
>>376748 what is maddie up to these days I wonder?
>>376950 that was from this year lad she's been at it non stop since 2016
Thinking about how all the Americans I've ever met have been soft spoken, respectful, polite, and all around good lads.
>>376952 she's still at it? fucking hell
The giant moth has been destroyed by mummy
>>376951 god I wish I lived in a 99 percent white anglo nation
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>>376958 >god I wish I lived in a 99 percent white anglo nation why not 100%, cuck?!
Love New Brighton tbh
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>>376961 what actually is it?
is this what the huwhite ethnostate will be like?
>libtards in my family keep fishing for my politcal views is this some MKULTRA zog programming, like trying to smoke us /naughty/lads out?
>>376963 North West end of the Wallasey Peninsula across the Mersey from Liverpool, gone down the nick since the mid-century though unfortunately. Most Scousers go to Southport now, can't wait to go on the Twelfth of July the Orange Lodge have their big March there >>376964 Yes, except the child and women will be wearing appropriate clothing and not be fat and also they will be shot for littering
>>376965 >is this some MKULTRA zog programming, like trying to smoke us /naughty/lads out? it's just in their nature, to seek out and ostracise those who are different to themselves
>>376966 >Yes, except the child and women will be wearing appropriate clothing and not be fat and also they will be shot for littering based hate littering me
>>376960 We can't just kick out the wops who's going to run the italian restaurants?
>>376966 Tbh litterers of any race are subhuman.
>>376969 we don't NEED italian restaurants, we have the recipies
>>376960 the 1 percent are sexy chemically castrated japanese women
The 1% non whites tolerated should be irish.
>its mummies birthday >she wants to go out and have mexican >tummy is already fucked
>>376974 looks like you're in for a mass sharting
>mass sharting Where's Shartin??!?
>>376975 Queshe.
Plandemic: The Great Awakening FULL MOVIE https://youtu.be/xIPx9naAUE4
>>376978 God this is such 2015 tier boomer shite "it's individualism vs collectivism" they are still pushing this crap we already konw, individuals lose aginst collectives
>>376957 not many peng girls it has to be said. we really are a bit unattractive compared to europe tbh. going to catch heat for saying that
>>376982 lad, those pictures were purposefully taken to make everything look ugly It's part of a photo series by Martin Parr, a photographer in the 80s
>>376983 why? what is to be gained from capturing what you consider ugly?
>>376985 nonce
>>376965 >libtards in my family keep fishing for my politcal views Throw your hand up in the air, and wave it like you just don’t care
>>376971 Mmmm. Goyghetti!
>>376978 IT’S A GOYDEMIC!
>>376986 >nonce is he?
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>NEET for over 5 years it's keeling me
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>>376993 I kneel most I ever did was half a year after uni
>>376992 i hated going out so much, but now i'm a bit sad it's over
>>376993 i did this too, current age?
>>376996 27 in september
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>>376995 going out just made it worse for me tbh just made me more lonesome
just want sex slaves
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are gou'ald neets?
billy wottoms?
>>377001 indeed!
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>>376995 tbh same spent a long time thinking I was roughly 18 still, then when I did go out after a long time away from it, saw the actual 18 year olds out and thought "ahhhh fuck me, they're a decade younger they look like kids" won't be long till we become that middle aged guy who'd come up to your table every night out without fail saying "You've got your WHOOOLE lives ahead a ya"
>>376997 you're a bit fucked but not completely. at some point you're going to need to do some entry level toil, probably re-toil. sadly you'll be amongst gen alpha by the time you make this step, that kind of work becomes more demeaning as you age. maybe commit to being perma-neet?
>>377000 Keeping the Jaffa tame and fighting other system lords is a full time job.
Getting a bit sick of being an incel tbh
>>377003 If you still had hair you wouldn't feel that as much tbh, life is cruel.
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>>377008 genuinely
>>377004 What did you end up doing
>>376978 Keeeeeeeeeeek >Desmet argued that society had become individualistic prior to the pandemic, and that there was a lot of "free floating" fear and discontent. He points out, for instance, that huge amounts of antidepressiva were prescribed at the time and he refers to the so-called "Bullshit Jobs|bullshit jobs". And as another supportive argument he mentions in several interviews that the United Kingdom has a Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness|Minister of Loneliness
>>377009 Na I feel that everytime I see some zoomer going out for the evening.
>>376972 I approve apart from the castration bit
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had to save so much chink shit to make this from what chinklad would post
>>376877 slavery wasn't the problem, it was ending slavery in such a way that they were freed instead of castrated. if the law was 'no new slave imports or breeding, you can keep them but you must castrate them' then it would have been smoothly phased out which respects property rights and would also be the most economically and politically sound method. the "emancipation proclamation" was a wartime measure intended to create Haiti-style slave revolts, Lincoln was an anti-white scumbag >>376903 >xxxxxxx what does this mean? kisses? >>376982 the English are the most mongrelized mutt ethnic group in western Europe >Magdalenians >Western Hunter-Gatherers (exterminated Magdalenians) >Early European Farmers >Indo-Europeans (exterminated 90% of WHG/EEF hybrid population) >Celts >Proto-Brittonics >Romans >Anglo-Saxons >Vikings >Normans major: Indo-European, Celt, Proto-Brittonic, Anglo-Saxon minor: WHG/EEF, Roman, Viking, Norman https://nemets.substack.com/p/storms-across-the-channel
>>377016 >earrape god dammit
>>377016 the 2nd to last one with the thicc buttock is pretty good. I don't really find slants attractive unless they are thicc, since their faces range from ugly to 'boring cute', and they are the least likely to be thicc
spic demonstrating he knows nothing about genetics, not surprising considering he's half indian.
>>377021 explain then mr. wise guy >half indian I have no non-european ancestry
fuck off you street-shitting spic
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>>377007 good lad I have been putting in work trying to meet lasses, so far the only lasses who seem to have faint interest in me are brunettoid scum no blonde lasses. smh might just have to bleach a brunettoid. one lass who works at the tool shop is sort of friendly 6/10 lass with glasses, other is a super fit lass who came into a class I was taking at the gym to try to meet women but I doubt she likes me at all, still was nice to see a cute brunettoid she doesn't have a nice bum or chebs though
>377018 filtered
>>377012 the guy in grey was george washington's grandson fyi other guy is basedgod custer as a the zoomer 23 year old colonel
>>377003 going out is the most mong part of modernity, its literally a full time job for normalfags between the age of 18-24 its such a monumental waste of time and energy and money
>>377025 you have to find one that "is part cherokee" or something, otherwise you would be doing rassenchande and destroying the white race
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>>377025 my hero...
>>377025 good lad i am too busy toiling right now to offer a hog anything more than an ill kept sty.
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>when I was all grotty from toil and came to the tool shop to pick up 3 boxes of coil nails for skullet boomer and tool shop lass was stocking the shelves and moved her cart out of my way and I said y-you too yep
Still I'm gonna break these boomers with some good old fashioned trade talk and pricing to get my fucking deposit down.
>>377032 me too lad I doubt I will ever have a gf
>>377033 Tbh we're all gonna make it.
>>377035 Probably but it's nice to flirt with some chick that gives you the eyes over a counter as you order 10 lengths of copper pipe.
>>377036 yeah lad *lowers cool guy who talks to girls shades* one day(tm) (one day is trademark and copyright of schwimmer and weinschmitz gnostic prison simulator)
>>377028 tbh tbh problem was it was the only way friends wanted to socialise. You wanna meet up? Then we have to go out drinking, see you at 10pm. Shite. And when I stopped drinking, they stopped calling. Thankfully a few of them are starting to get in touch wanting to meet up in the day to do stuff besides drinking in town because they're starting to feel the same way, but it's like y'know come on man, where were you years ago? Bit late now innit Such a waste
>>377025 good work lad
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>>377039 >And when I stopped drinking, they stopped calling. tbh vgh
>>377038 If that be the case then the more irreverent you are the better.
>>377039 lad atleast you have mates that remember you. everything is so fucking transitory in a city that the only people that consistently remember my name are customers that want shit done and this one slightly retarded irish bartender in a irish joint that I'm fairly sure is gay and was battered into retardation by the punters there.
>>377043 mong should have killed her on his way out
>>377039 its the meeting up really late thing and going to clubs that annoys me, literally the most inconvenient times and places that normongs want to socialise at, nothing better than a pub in the afternoon to early evening or doing any other thing tbh.
>>377044 >slightly retarded irish bartender in a irish joint that I'm fairly sure is gay keeeeeeeek In another life lad, we're all 16th century Yeomen and everyone gets in the village gets along great with each other. The birds at the harvest fete are all well fit >>377046 And of course it's a shouting match if you wanna actually try have a conversation
>>377047 Intensely envious of what you have lad. But all the same glad more than anything that you have it and that life still exist.
>>377048 ah ey well thanks lad, hope it works out for you soon
>>377049 I'm a master at patiently waiting in vain
>>377051 night lad
>>377051 night lad
That nottingham memorial was the most middle class affair I've ever seen tbh.
incredibly performative too.
>>377043 women have far too much power in the west
>>377044 iktf except the taig part, hate transitory populations. the only people who are settled are boomers who act like its weird you aren't off running around in some overpriced shithole
>>377054 boomer toil is unironically making me into a socialist/syndicalist the entire middle class in the west serves no purpose beyond propping up anti white/ oligarchic structures. the left and right have been appropriated by the middle class and made into simulacra or WWE tier side shows where we talk about trannies and niggers while most people live in tent cities because the jews moved all the real jobs abroad and control wages and housing via mass non white immigration
im not middle class im a YEOMAN
>>377058 lad that just boxes you as a white working class racist in this schema.
atleast it does here.
>>377058 "Socialist? Chudlet...get the hammer."
Greek president (a foid) declaring 3 days of national mourning because some migrants drowned trying to get to italy
>>377064 its a primarily ceremonial role tbh.
>>377065 yeah well ceremony shouldn't be hijacked.
they should be celebrating their liberation from the turks
Seems they've settled on the "mental health" narrative over nottingham since the only alternative was "feral african who never should have been here murders 2 middle classoid students and a teacher"
https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/sat/satlooper.php?region=02A&product=ir smh lads, i hate wind shear so much, it always ruins the fun before landfall
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD07raxrJVo good watch lads. brocolli, carrots and garlic are the healthiest veg
>chose to read up on 5 days worth of /brit/arded postings rather than having a poo
>>377071 you don't like having a poo? that's one of my favourite things lad
>>377072 the goodscreen MUST take precedence lad
double chin seems to be growing
>>377074 do some jaw exercises and stop being a fatty more importantly.
>>377075 spooky thing is though that i'm not fat. worrying because it might be due to age related face melt or hopefully water retention due to tinnie abuse. fml if it's the former. as for jaw exercises i think it's too late and it seems too autistic to work
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>>377077 How should I feel?
Morning lads
>>377071 good lad
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This is why 22st isn't around. He got caught :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_k30tqbIm4
>>377076 it might be poor tongue posture
>>377082 >29:20 >stay there or I’ll shove that stick up yer arse and turn yer inta a nonceypop Keeeeeeek
FRESH JOEL AND BLAIR https://youtu.be/EyMps-gxZhc
>>377086 Ta Bruce
22st found he had enough of hellworld and used his delivery lorry to isekai himself smh just found him on mangadex >I Had Enough So I Tied A Brick To The Accelerator Of My Truck And Isekaied Myself And Became A Beachmaster In An Anime World With Cute Girls Noncy Gaiden DX: Anime Pro Edition
>BBC totally cut out the part of the witness interview of nottingham where they mentioned that the guy was black >its literally not on the BBC website at all >even ITV reported on it with the full quote
>>377089 BBC defends BBC smh
Think she's ghosting me.
>>377086 I like joel's cwccore shirt
>>377096 Mild keek.
speaking of, fresh CWC Chris Chan's Former Ally Tells All | History of the Watchmen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gsx-woGd8ME Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History - Part 76 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOchHsXH5NI
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Hullo Skyroom, my old friend. I've come to exploit you again. Because a thot softly creeping Stole my seed while I was sneething. And the vision of the titties that were planted in my brain Still remains. But now my DMs... are silent.
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utterly pathetic sort your life out
>>377077 fuck this cunt go back to Australia
>he actually thought he was gonna get some pussy and that she wasn't just using him out of boredom
>>377059 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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guarantee the lass looks like this as well
>>377077 pound shop mizzy tbh
post her baps tbh
>stripped the filename Skyrimlad at 3am while little H is humping his ex please clap
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Oh she's just been ill after too much wine last night. That's why she left me on read for 18 hours. It's alright lads, the affair is still happening.
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toil complete
>>377106 She's legit beautiful all over even after all these years lad.
>>377112 go cruising for summer slags
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>>377082 keeek
>>377116 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>377115 Do you think that little girl voice she puts on means she's been nonced/damaged and has a thing for calling her wh*te chud stud's pappi?
>>377116 Keeeek.
>>377115 poost that over on queerresearch
went shops saw college girls inceleethed
>>377082 Clown nonce did nothing wrong.
>>377122 there's at least one comment saying he has a wife and two children
>>377123 Clown nonce did many things wrong.
fresh dutty professor Human Evolution Has Accelerated! Why Are They Hiding This? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id5VStbqa10
https://youtu.be/etjzk4w3xHs look at these williamoidic mongs
>>377126 thumbnail makes it look like the pookrops are the baddies so it gets a mild heh from me
clicked on it lasted about 10 seconds before physically cringing gunsoys might be worse than normal soys
they're gathering in nottingham again
I fucking hate nonce hunters tbh, the histrionic display of moral superiority over some retard they entrapped keeeek
>>377132 yeah this has come up before, trve and based nonce hunters wouldn't publicise their doings and would go after paki nonces and beat them to death smh
>gunsoys dropping bombs on soldiers who are already wounded and are receiving medical attention at least they are RPing rogbotz correctly I guess
peppered beefsteak and salad for dindins
>>377128 tbh boogfags should all be executed
>>377135 utterly based din dins lad
>>377139 bit strange to think the lad on the far right has the same hairstyle as are celtic ancestvrs tbh
how retarded could hohols be that they manage to turn a "defensive war" into a zerg rush into fortified minefields without air superiority or even cover, ostensibly for clay? it's just not believeable that anybody could be this dumb. there must be an ulterior motive for it I've floated the idea that this is a viral marketing campaign to destroy the reputation of Leopard tanks. also that the idea of a 'upcoming counteroffensive' is a necessary media narrative because otherwise what is the west even doing other than prolonging an unwinnable war? they need to feed some kind of hope or justification
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>Despite the rainy weather and rutted roads in the steppes, heavy battles continue on the southern front lines in Ukraine, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) continue their large-scaled counteroffensive. According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, since June 4, the AFU have lost up to 7,5 thousand servicemen killed and wounded on the frontlines. The losses of the Ukrainian Army are much higher, since this number does not include those killed and wounded by Russian strikes and shelling in the Ukrainian rear areas. also Putin said Russia has a 10:1 K:D ratio since the start of the 'counteroffensive'
Hey Steinhog.
>>377140 tbh, the thought got me wanting one of those bronze booby helmets befitting for YTTB and his brigade of loyal teulu
>>377143 woah mamma would put my goa'uld over her tbh
reading more newspaper sharticles, onto ww2 ones this time there's describing how there must be a federation of europe, a european union... from 1940 I hate the globalist cabal so much
Grenade battle starts about 11mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSqHkKvD-rs
>>377146 yeah but nigga i do sometimes think about the world we want here. could we really go back to a europe of hard borders or does it have to be somewhat possible to go and work in a foreign country. i think lots of lads here want this kind of world where every town and paarish is walled in by the locals like the middle ages. actually that does sound good nvm
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tried to get AI to make more SG-Mummies tbh doesn't really have it down right
>>377115 Smelly spikike
>>377150 first one looks like carmela soprano tbh
https://dezgo.com *contemplates a wank smh it doesn't understand what the SG-1 uniforms or camo look like and turned her into some kind of asian mutt >>377152 probably is modelled after her and other blonde actresses because AI is SHIT and will never equal the pure power of the human spirit and will to coom
smh they got rid of carters anglo britoid phenotype for some asiatic subhuman with blond hair
actually I take it back the AI is better at cartooming than the shit on r34 dorsetian urges defeated
sexual predditor
>>377155 >the t'elc one
>>377151 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>377126 Fucking hate those mongols tbh. Haha people dead hahaha That spic has never been in the military and that GT fucker is at most TACP but according to this thread had 0 deployments and is now just a parasitic Hooman Resources fag https://www.reddit.com/r/GarandThumb/comments/hvgn4w/gt_current_occupation/
>>377141 This is the most pathetic display I have ever seen. I did not even think it was possible. I cannot understand how the jews behind it haven’t been taken out the back and slotted tbh Just check this fucking neocon jewgoon advocationg for nuclear war. These types would scream like a baby if you accidentally stepped on their toe. We saw their behaviour in congress on January 6 https://www.aei.org/op-eds/can-biden-deter-a-russia-nuclear-attack-on-ukraine-yes-if-he-gives-ukraine-tactical-nukes/ >muh bio and experience Could just be summarised by chatgpt as mentally ill coward faggot
I belong in an elephant
state of this
>>377165 keeeek weak fucking retards don't even know how tanks work
>>377165 Ukie/ukie simp copium is giga cringe smh.
might go watch the sunset tbh
>>377165 >>377164 perfect fit
>>377160 yeah they are just the worst example of zogbots in that they weren't even GWOT soldiers
>>377161 jewish empire must be nearing collapse with how retarded they are acting
did you hear that the hol hols are gonna get merkava tanks next keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek its gonna be like a slavic DOTA goom where the russians sappers build up defenses for the latest meme MBT spam. merkava is trash hezbollah scrapped loads of them 20 years ago
watching it again with a glass of whiskey and my wing tips https://youtu.be/yreDQIdQxLA
willy wanks
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>>377169 comfy lad
>>377173 I'm sure it's just good business for the kikes.
>>377177 Tbh. Send outdated low forehead FAS looking tankshit there then blag moar fake money from US taxpayers to build new ones. Greatest Alliekavas
my anus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRb1-SAAIzs >>377174 >buttmatrix outfits >wearing jewellery and makeup to what is supposed to be a display of physical strength and agility *sadly honks >>377176 based webm didn't even get to see the sunset properly because the hills aren't high enough and the view is obscured by row housing smh, comfy enough of a stroll though
>they are having another dont look back in anger style gathering in nottingham
>spic has sucked 35 dicks since the last time he posted here he's gunning for SA's crown
https://youtu.be/sttVUPTPv6Y i'm matrixiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
>>377186 that was very crass and cringe wessfriend
>hl1 beta female assassin concept art
"they hated wessex because he spoke the truth"
wearinng this while i watch these utterly joocie fucking sloots what a nicht
22st is on secret assignment for the zog empire he has been tasked with eating nordstream 1
https://youtu.be/tsgw0W1RE5A DAUNCE! DAUNCE LIKE IT'S WW3!
>>377194 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's been recruited
Borderline never want to see another woman again
>>377199 best start putting in work then lad
Uh-oh Steinho! >United States' only Muslim-majority town, Hamtramck Michigan, BANS Pride flags on public property https://thepostmillennial.com/united-states-only-muslim-majority-town-bans-pride-flags-on-public-property
>>377077 why would someone who's whole thing is being an epic le troll film and publish themselves getting btfo?
>>377195 Bitch Miller butchered everything >died when he was 99 Can jews stop with the adrenochrome already?
>>377202 Don’t forget to click, like and subscribe to my blog
>>377203 Love him, glad that he was a kike go and shhiit yoursnelf
>96 wasn’t enouss t.Ed Milliband
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>>377181 shit lad nevermind though, still a stroll's a stroll
Sick of bbks williamoid le randumb cope spam, you aren't fooling anybody you pathetic little runt
>>377210 that's the spirit
>>377211 Not surprised given his heritage Sperging. Typical behaviour for that lot tbh
went on zzzchan/"the webring", they seem pretty active rather like stepping back in time six-eight years tbh there's a fascist board and an r9k and etc nostalgic tbh
>>377215 >Dick Black
>“hue stob killing wide pipo!” - Seniletor Big Dick Black
>>377216 Quintessentially American
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>>377214 >imageboards today having to display "PPD"
>>377219 all is dust
>>377221 just one question are they typing in English?
Town of Perryton Texas just got destroyed by a major tornado https://youtu.be/5pZiWc1OZPI
>>377223 demographics?
>toil tomorrow
looks like majority spic
>>377225 get on that dark grind lad, get on the hustle, get that bread
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>>377224 dirt poor latinos
>start diet >cut out sugar and do intermittent fasting >now feel like shit all the time and have basically nothing pleasurable in my life because I'm just some incel >takes ages to to even lose weight and when you do you have to perpetually keep it up why even bother
>>377229 so you can exist longer to watch hellworld get ever worse
>>377228 >30% foreign born persons
>>377229 if you have a sweet tooth, try things like erythritol, fake maple syrup with monkfruit extract, sugar-free chocolate chips sweetened with stevia, etc. there are sweet things that are 0 or very low calories and don't have sugar
this would have been a non issue if I'd been sent to an incel academy for based young lads to be forced into good habits before developing bad ones, now I just feel like sisyphus, seething hatred and jealousy for people who were raised well, they basically reap the rewards without actually having to have done anything.
Love how ignorant, entitled and retarded boomers are in amazon reviews, makes the whole site almost unusable along with the fake reviews.
Okay what the fuck have the captcha's gotten even more cancerous overnight? >>377235 Every possible search gives a million bootleg Chinese companies with weird names like ABCXIAOPOP and it's boomer reviews that are making that site unusable?
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>>377236 Oh god I struggle with them anyway This will be my final post as the captcha resets night lads
>>377237 gnila have a good one
>no seacow
>>377237 nini lad
>>377235 post some boomer seethe for us lad
>suicidal ideation hitting
live and spicy JFG, for the first time in years >Keith Woods Misunderstands Kaczynski | JFGT #874 https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt874:c
ravenously hungry for some reason. I ate breakfast as normal but skipped the coffee, only calories in that is a lil splash of cream, weird
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was talking to this nice old grandpa britoid who was at the gym he was very tall and beady and bald and had a nice accent he seemed like a good lad wonder if his daughter speaks with a michiganoid aggsent or if she is fit. also after leaving the gym and acting as a gym creep looking at the cute lasses at the yoga class there was a car accident on the roads and a huge brawl between this yuppy whitoid and some niglets and a wigger zoomer the whitiod in natural fashion avoided confrontation with the niglets who were smashing his car and focused his rage on the white zoomer. I reported him to the sheriffs and said I would be a witness keeek
>>377246 seems obvious, covfefe is an appetite suppressant
>>377248 never a dull day in shartica
>>377248 good lad hope he goes for it and you can btfo some groids
>>377249 hmm never heard that but seems legit, I have coffee almost every day and I'm not usually hungry, but today I skipped it and am hungry. is it the caffeine or something else in the beans?
>>377252 the chemicals in the covfefe turn off the hunger and tiredness receptors in the brain
saw a pic of an ancient greek coin with an ayy on it and now I don't want to sleep smh
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>>377254 >not posting the pic ayys don't exist
>>377256 search "mythological creatures on ancient greek coins" or something like that, I saw it on twatter but it's probably elsewhere spooky tbh
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>>377214 > zzzchan/"the webring" ?
new nigger word dropped >>377259 you can find it by going to r9k here and looking at the pinned thread
>staying up late enough to hear follow toilers leaving for their 2am factory shifts godspeed lads, hated doing that shit as a temp agent but doing it six nights a week is probably even worse
>>377261 >the big guy >the CIA is part of his plan
the telly is telling me to murder you lads again
Something strange about ole wessie atm
>>377264 whats this from?
>>377266 black mirror's new season
>>377267 good ol netflix
>>377267 so they are just openly displaying genocidal shite then
the episode isn't even about technology. its about shiva promising a dotslag the world will end unless she kills three people, she wrests with the moral implications until the writers make all the people around her racist whitoids deserving of death.
black mirror is about phones being le bad, if you just straight up make the entire episode supernatural indian shit its obvious you only did so to play out a race-hate fantasy.
>>377265 -I touched grass a few days in a row -It's past my bedtime -I really want to have a flake no-longer-99p and there is one in the freezer but I'm not doing it as a test of self control -dying >>377270 KEEEEEEK
when I went out earlier the last guy to arrive at the park was a tatted up wannabe ganger looking lad with a pibble and both he and his unleashed dog altered their path rather than walk by the fearsome autistcel and be forced to say "good evening"
any /nofriends/ man in? i need to start drinking again, stops me thinking about this so hard
damn gooks keep stealing the seed of our chuds >>377274 what is the point of drinking alone? more than 1-2 drinks alone is a very very bad habit. it's only fun to get drunk with others that are doing the same
>>377255 is it wicked of me for kind of wanting more crazy and out of control people in cities because the insane criminal acts could be a deterent for immigrants?
>>377258 she looks so cool, it's kind of intimidating when they're really cool as well as peng like that
I dont\' watch tv or movies a lot but a massive and by far the majority of what I watch contains references to an idea of a rising threatening far-right and how we the viewers need to stop it, or just simply certain people are evil, and deserving of violence and it feels good to hurt them. Usually directed towards Whites, Christians or bigots in general. The media in turn talks a lot of radicalisation, radicalised people, and what a danger they are. Radicalised people certainly exist as people who expect their extreme or untenable demands be met by others through committing extreme and harmful actions or who out of frustration receive a mental release from harming others. Systems can also radicalise following the same process, through demanding the unattainable from people under their care incapable of achieving it for them, and in turn committing to violence to achieve that goal, frustrating them to the point where the violence against that group becomes the goal and reason to exist of the system itself. We currently live under a radicalising system, shortly before it reaches its late stage in the radicalisation process where the machine exists so long as it can provide a mental release to its functionaries through sadism on the people it unquestionably rules over and all others aspects of the machine atrophy from disinterest.
>>377274 yeah but can't drink or smoke or eat my sorrows or anything any more smh probably not worth it even so lad simply live with the pain >>377276 you will get your wish since ciites promote insanity and act like fly paper for normaltards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4pyEAtA6qY >>377278 same as it ever was church of england was preaching german genocide and how evil they were etc during the world wars, all the papers put out modern jewish style propaganda ie absolute evil, work the population into a frenzy etc can't go back to the old ways since IQ has declined
>>377279 very interesting watch lad
The old guy that was murdered by that nigger in nottingham's twitter account https://twitter.com/PhilCoates9/with_replies extremely upsetting, he seemed like a good man.
the worst part is there's never any top down authenticity to the grief felt by patriots, the parents of the murdered white student led a tv broadcasted memorial where they decried hate, bigotry and racism specifically. this man's relatives are allowed to have a private funeral and then forget about it as far as any power in the country is concerned. it will never be legitimate to point out the realities of the circumstances of one's relative's murder if it goes against the system, on the other hand it's required for others to use their relatives to deaths to make sure more are killed in the same fashion.
>>377281 smh he seemed like he was a comfy vanman
>>377277 just remember women are stupid as shit
>>377285 seems like woman cope tbh
>>377285 >Why Are Women Getting Hotter And Men Uglier? because the vast majority of endocrine disruptors are estrogenic, making women more voluptuous while crippling and faggotizing men. also women tend to take advantage of modern skincare products, which men generally don't
i miss trs, i wouldn't even know where to find it anymore. best segments were chateau autiste, blackpill, and merchant minute
>>377264 >>377267 Oh fuck sake. She's just started watching that.
>>377264 whats with all the poo planet worship in western tv and cinema? guessing part is jews failing to take control of the chinky market
>>377281 >>377282 Tbh smdh, just want to look back in anger and respond appropriately to evil, me.
>>377287 tbh the material feminine world is constantly waging war against the spiritual masculine world
>>377292 increasingly find myself reaching for philosophy to cope, which i think is a bit of a mistake, i'll just end up like based diogenes. kind of weird to miss out on your whole life by hoping for some higher meaning once you die
>>377293 diogenes knew what he was getting into tbh he became a professional shitposter and endured his poverty willingly >kind of weird to miss out on your whole life by hoping for some higher meaning once you die we were put on this earth to live lad not to sit around twiddling are thumbs waiting to get to the good part living a good life takes inner strength (especially now in clown world) and we have one lifetime to cultivate that strength
>>377293 its impossible to miss out on life that is something normalfags say

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