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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3868: The Late Theodore Kaczynski Edition Anonymous 06/16/2023 (Fri) 05:42:15 Id: ef949c No. 377295
Unabomber Ted Kaczynski found dead in US prison cell https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65867291 Church-going university graduate accused of Nottingham triple murder: Suspect, 31, grew up in Welsh market town and regularly attended church with his family before graduating from university last year with degree in mechanical engineering https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12199765/Church-going-university-graduate-accused-Nottingham-triple-murder.html Manston: Migrant processing facility in Kent faces being overwhelmed again, according to watchdog report https://news.sky.com/story/manston-migrant-processing-facility-in-kent-faces-being-overwhelmed-again-according-to-watchdog-report-12903278
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:15:15.
thank you for making this new auslad
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>>377297 np la
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actually seething at that nottingham murder headline now tbh it didn't get me at first but it slowly crept up on me baiting the public into playing a game of "guess the race" for the church-going engineer from wales yes that's right ladies and gentlemen he's from guinea-bissau absolute fucking farce and they get away with it because all they did was carefully rearrange the truth to invite people to lie to themselves as if that's any better that flat out lying at least a real lie is honest about being a lie smh
>>377299 yeah that's the worst of clown world yet for me, also the cuck on bbc saying the footage of the leopard tank on fire was doctored. humiliating
>>377300 >the footage of the leopard tank on fire was doctored pookraine is actually winning lad forget about your declining standard of living you just have to tough it out until the good guys inevitably win
>>377299 The mother of the victim coming out and doing the whole dont look back in anger/i love tacos shite has me sneething as well even tho it was totally predictable. She cant change her tune now or in doing so she would admit her beliefs to this point were what got her son killed. stupid middle class cunts.
>>377302 they do it every time tbh honestly can't believe that every single family feels this way about having one of their own murdered starting to think there's some kind of coercion going on behind the scenes smh having to genuinely believe that the niggercattle are really that far gone is an even worse prospect
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For those who dont remember the taco thing >>377303 Honestly think its mostly class divide thing rather than coercion. Although its possible that the police say to the families not to say anything bad to avoid interfering with the investigation/trial or some other vague shite.
>>377304 >Although its possible that the police say to the families not to say anything bad to avoid interfering with the investigation/trial or some other vague shite. honestly wouldn't be surprised tbqh and these days even something as neutrally worded as that can be interpreted as "don't rock the boat or we'll drop the case and you'll never get even a sliver of justice" god i hate clownworld
>condemn the killer and call for TND >he's never found and suffers no consequences for his actions also your interview is never broadcast and media coverage of the entire case is quietly dropped >publicly forgive the killer and pledge your undying fealty to globohomo >he's found within the week and serves a five year sentence (out on good behaviour after eighteen months) got no proof but it seems congruent with the current brand of anarcho-tyranny
>/brit/ is a toiler board now bit rude ngl smh i'm toiling again so that obviously means you're all supposed to quit your jobs and go neet so you can poost during my online hours jeez also wake up early just in case i finish toil sooner than expected smh so inconsiderate
>>377244 >it wazzant in de ballz, it wazzant in da penizz, it wazzant on Fucks Newz Keeeek
>>377307 Go centrelink
>>377308 >it wasn't part of their blood >it came to them very late hmm yes many parallels it really makes you think >>377309 thanks for reminding me lad i do actually need to do bennies shite today
>>377311 keeeeeeeeek where's that thin blue line when you need it
>>377305 >>377304 Probably right. >Start a race war and we’ll nick you all, let the nigger go and stick your dead kids head on a pike. Authorities are criminal. Really want to see one of these fathers go Taken on the local shirtless strangers tbh Can’t see anybody on this board not screaming “FUCKING NIGGERS, FUCKING POLITICIANS! at a TV crew if they were - and I hope to God not - unfortunate enough to be in that position. There’s no justice here
>son/daughter gets murdered >suddenly develop an interest in blank-firing starter pistols and home metalworking no no i forgive him completely in fact i'd like to meet him face to face
>>377313 If I was in that position I'd murder any cunt singing don't look back in anger in front of 100 witnesses and tv cameras and then I'd force a trial so I could take the piss in the dock further upsetting their living relatives.
>>377315 >>377316 >And don’t look black in anger Tbh
going to get a pizza >>377316 muito baseado >>377317 still just do not understand what persuades people to take these positions that are so clearly against their own self-interest smh sure they get immediate updoots in social status but i don't see how that is worth it maybe i'm the weird one smh
fresh-ish schizkino Germ Live! - The Military Memetics rabbit hole... how much of the internet is spook-made? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irAzb_b9AIs >>377319 offer up a slice of 'za for shartin that he may find his way back to us
>>377319 I agree. makes 0 sense This is all you end up with. Why do people want to reduce their living standards to that of Africa or Brazil? https://twitter.com/CoffeeAfrique/status/1669355075297476608
>>377320 ended up getting half price sushi instead tbh smh may he retvrn to vs >>377322 they do it because it's trendy and because they feel secure that the consequences if their actions will never reach them tbh which makes it all the more confusing why people do it when these consequences actually do reach them
was actually planning on putting a slice of pizza in a bowl with a little petrol and doing a burnt offering and filming it for /brit/ updoots ngl but i couldn't say no to the smiling chinaman's deal smh now he'll never come back to us
was hanging out with a cotoiler and his friend a little while back and they made an incidental reference to something called nangs only just got around to looking it up and it's just aussie slang for whippets smh thought it was something cool and interesting probably best if i don't get mixed up in that tbqh
>>377323 What % have kids? <their fate
Rip John Hurt
>>377326 ummm sorry sweaty shouldn't have used white man technologies to make a previously uninhabitable wasteland into the nation it is today been white >>377328 keeeeeeeeek they exist but not near me trade out the blue polo shirt for a dirty fluoro yellow and navy blue tradie shirt and the addidas trackies for some navy blue work trousers and the trainers for some well-abused work boots and you've got it though
white south africans are unironically the original south africans tbh they made the land habitable and then they settled it the blacks slowly seeped in afterwards because they smelled prosperity like flies smell shit huwhite seff effrikans are literally aboriginal tbh they were the first people ever to settle that land
>>377329 keeeeeeeeeek
>>377331 Bantus are the most successful niggers in Africa because they're the most violent.
miss the old south african lady that i used to talk to sometimes at retoil smh feels like a lifetime ago hope she's doing okay >>377333 that's like winning first prize at the special olympics tbh they couldn't win against martini-henry's and they sure as hell couldn't win against sa80s or m4s or austeyrs got to say though the african fascination with paratroopers is pretty interesting though
>>377334 I meant more that they spread over most of that continent by being the most successful spear chuckers.
>”I’m SO sorry this happened to you!” >sips £15,90 doublè grandè Soy caffé lahdihdahté avec moussé de pamplemoussè in Eez-ling-tongue High St before being startled by talented local MC Sambo Mizzy Le Roi and his five mates on an elctric scooter swiping the limited edition iPhone out of their manicured liberal paws *screampukes https://twitter.com/BeaFierce/status/1668666444110868493
>>377335 yeah tbh i suppose so nobody wins big by betting on the winning horse thoughever pick the underdog and then supplement his spearchucking with massed rifle fire
>>377336 smh they've learnt the word "phenotype"
>>377333 Ended up in South America as well, now their descendants are as far away as Alaska. A proper plague Smh
>>377339 >no white man may teach an african servant to read smh this was considered the least of the breaches of decorum but ultimately i think disobeying this one caused us the most woe
>>377341 Yeah now we have wogs on twitter whinging about not being liked.
>>377340 >well seasoned food at all times
>>377342 tbh honestly a fate worse than death
>>377343 throwing allspice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) on everything is culinary equivalent of painting a wall beige.
could somebody please poost that picture of the dog looking at the tv that has been used so many times before? smh want to use it for a memi but i can't find it anywhere >>377345 tbqh
>>377346 I think wessex has it, he uses it whenever he links to a v-tuber.
>>377347 tbh and i know i have it too smh i've made multiple edits of it very frustrating
>>377349 That's been a forgone conclusion for a while now. The fact of the matter is NATO has no real idea of the situation on the ground and the blackhole of Ukraine cannot be fed for ever with no tangible progress. They've been prepping the public for the dropping of Ukraine for a while, just the odd article here or there.
>>377341 They can read but they still don’t understand what all those words mean. Being surrounded by these tards just ends up making you dumb as well because you are forced to interact with them
>>377351 Not really, I was talking with one that really struggled with the concept of an unintentional action like manslaughter still carrier a consequence even with out there being the intention to kill behind it. It just doesn't click for him.
>>377349 they won't sit down to peace talks until a lack of nato support forces them to when they do their last words will be asking for more materiel smh it's just good business >>377351 the only thing teaching them accomplishes is teaching them how to complain and beg more effectively give them a generation or two and they get into government >>377351 >>377352 they don't get it and they never will tbh situations where it's one-person-removed are as alien to them as things like yesterday or tomorrow it's just too complicated
plum jam on buttered huwite bread then a pilgrimage to the loo for a big.....poo!
ngl lads i miss these days
>>377354 never tried plum jam tbh for me it's apricot > peach > strawberry > everything else
>>377356 like my gooseberry and blackberry preserves not a big fan of apricot sme had some wierd spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)d apple jam at a friends house recently that him mum made me really good tbh possibly top 5
>>377359 want to hard disagree tbqh but i'll hold off on that if you can give even an approximate recipe for that apple jam sounds really good ngl
>>377293 its impossible to miss out on life that is something normalfags say also nigger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZmdbh-2Ryc >>377360 will have to report on that in future lad might ask my nan later if she knows anything like that since she likes making jams
>>377358 don't like the shaved head/beard meme of bald millennials its not a good look just be bald it doesn't fucking matter
Come on moshe! You either like black, dick or you don’t!
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total death of the managerial class
>>377367 Can never see your videos ffs! >age restricted >deleted >not available Just rip ‘em unless there’s juicy comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xYd3gW0gMU
andrew anglin really hates cormac McCarthy for some reason
>>377363 very based lad stay in good terms with your old mama thoughever you'll miss her when she's gone t. knower >>377364 tbh going to go for the weynon priory chrome dome caesar top and muttonchop all around cut when i go bald
>>377371 >you'll miss her when she's gone t. knower sorry lad
https://www.unz.com/article/about-43-black-on-white-homicides-including-an-unreported-vigilante-killing-spree-may-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america/ I wish I was a bong you lads only have 3 whitoids killed by some wog and its a national incident whereas its like mass extermination of whitoids here
just bought mum and dad a new oven top. I'm a good lad, aren't I?
>>377336 I bet the blaqq kween started shit with them first, they retaliated, then the nigger goes on social media to play the victim Standard
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>cute midwest lass breeds 3 aryan babies then gets domed by some nigger in a southern shithole instead of staying in the safe midwest
>>377336 based fuck niggers simple as they don't belong on your island
>>377362 tbh even hiding from life is a form of living not a good form of living but it's not like you can go backwards >>377368 tbqh >>377372 life is full of things that make you think "ah i wish i knew before" and it never ends make her breakfast in bed or something tell her "thank you for everything" lad even if you don't know why she will >>377374 very based make sure to explain the manual to them lad you'll be tech support for half a year or maybe more but it's worth it
https://memorials.fairhavenfortwayne.com/kiera-zepke/5194246/ damn bros niggers are killing midwestoid breedhogs like crazy these days
>>377378 >life is full of things that make you think "ah i wish i knew before" and it never ends make her breakfast in bed or something tell her "thank you for everything" lad even if you don't know why she will Absolutely lad. I'll take this advice.
>>377379 just niggers murdering endlessly.
>>377379 >breedhawgs
Nothing a bit of amputation and makeup wouldn’t fix tbh
>>377346 latest vtuber news is that the "innocent hafu who just wanted to play troonwanks niggacy" who got "bullied off the internet" by troons and increased their personal fortunes tenfold through culture war motivated donations during their "final streams" immediately changed anime skinsuits and came back after signing on to a different company for even more shekels... The company is fully pozzed and whose members were "bullying" her previously for not being a troon ally. basically, god I hate women and western foids need beating until they conform to the full japcel model of vtubing under extreme restrictions on what they are allowed to do and say
>>377386 Didn't know you were into vtubing wessie
>>377386 >basically, god I hate women and western foids need beating until they conform to the full japcel model of vtubing under extreme restrictions on what they are allowed to do and say to be quite honest
>>377387 just a bit mostly just watch this one "based" foid now just a little edginess, a bit of 4chungus knowledge, le schizo larp etc and suddenly is the most bearable of the lot https://www.youtube.com/@PipkinPippa/streams
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>>377386 dont understand vtubing at all tbh listening to women talk for several hours and you dont even get to sex em afterward is like a self inflicted incel hell
>>377387 think my poost got eaten smh spent at least 5 minutes looking up memis for it I really only watch the occasional stream from https://www.youtube.com/@PipkinPippa/streams now because xe is le BASED (ie mildly edgy and has a cursory knowledge of imageboard humour) >>377390 yeah it very quickly becomes a niggercattle simp thing I do go through phases of "this is self-inflicted incel hell" but also "I just want to hear a woman talk to "me""
>>377392 that subheading keek >Women aged 21 and 22 had met the suspect for the first time shortly beforehand travelthots thinking life is all a big comfy game for them and ohhh this fellow traveller is so dreeaaammy or whatever before getting btfo for trusting strangers
>>377393 >Romantic Dreams Of Princesses End In Tears As Prince Charming Throws Both Over Fairytale Castle Walls I could never get a job as a sub editor
>>377359 >gooseberry and blackberry preserves good lad >>377373 mad how that seems to be practically ignored by shartica
Pater riot fornt vs US Zogwog Ar-Meh
>>377397 >prootesting in the federal seat of power armed with incel shieldwall equipment and getting away with it hate to say it but I think the boomer cupcakes might be right about them being feds
> “You wear Walmart khakis!” one bystander heckled. “You are sloppy! You are not even matching! You all have different types of pants on! Cargo pants are out! Reclaim your virginity!” HAVE SEX INCEL FEDERALES! Keeeeeeek. This fucking timeline. Smh
>>377400 keeeeeeeeeek they'll have to start killing people if they want to be taken seriously
>>377402 sizzling hot take from joe it's easy to save the white race isn't it just need to voote
>>377402 He’s right you know once you round up the incumbents and send them to die on the Ukrainian front
>>377404 how's that 'counter-offensive' going anyway
>>377402 Major contribution there Joe. DeeeeTerminally ReeeeeeJuicing the worrying trend of wogs on bikes. Clap clap
HAD you been elected, fuck all would have happened ACKshually
>>377404 Still cringe at him being pro holhol asylum because they are our Christian brothers and sisters and oh I didn't check beforehand that our traitorous government is including Somalis that landed in Greece as part of the "Ukrainian" refugee sharing EU-UK scheme.
>>377405 ACK Some major cope going on from NATO shills >It’s not the full offensive guys! They are engaging in what is called ‘Levelling the frontlines’!
>>377409 Slowly getting through all that equipment they got sent then?
>>377411 They’re denying losing stuff and Russians keep shooping square pixels onto pictures of perfectly good tanks which haven’t been damaged at all so the Ukrainians are winning.
>>377412 the endless deceit winds me up so much lads
>wyfences did this
>>377413 You’re not alone
Goddam Rooskies trna keep the natives alive! Noooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cONYR7vAD-A
>>377411 Russians speculate about 30% of their western equipment has been lost so far.
>>377418 Plenty more where that came from. All that old stock that needs to be junked and costs passed on to the Ukrainian taxslavs before we get fleeced to replace it with new junk. It’s got to be dripfed in though because we still need to keep some ourselves. Farce. Politicians and their enablers need the acid bath treatment tbh
white race status: saved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvyJXoTvOJ0 reports coming in that this was staged and advanced level niggercattle autist shaming
>>377415 Don't think it was Azov, but they didn't do anything either when Ukraine had it's pride festival and the authorities were suppressing opposition to it on the streets.
>>377420 David Davis asks out Parliament to a resignation date.
>>377414 Je Queeeq.
>>377295 Thanks lad
>steiner moonlighting on /pol/ again
>>377397 literally what violence have they ever committed except when niggers attack them and they just push them away?
>>377425 seems like giga cope tbh, see lots of well put together attractive girls every day and they are massive fucking annoying whores.
'Extremely rare' 3,000-year-old sword discovered in Germany. Likely from 1,500 BC.
>Ukrainian online shop called VOODOO ORCS is selling handmade Voodoo dolls made of uniforms of deceased Russian soldiers.
>>377425 this post goes very hard love from kazakhstan >>377428 should have stayed hidden tbh now some commie cunt or some email sending negress will have it destroyed as glorifying the racist past of the evil germans just like how the norge vikang stuf gets melted down smh
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>>377429 pookranians are nigger tier
>>377428 >How can I steal it?
>eyes above ears except after tears
>Shitwood is going to build a big /pol/ prison gang
>>377436 how many chuds has this kikeslut locked up now?
>>377437 4 or 5. The latest one isn’t being extradited from Canada.
Corrupt you say? Something tells me Zelnskyy and pukekraine are about to get stabbed to death https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/16/as-well-as-fighting-russia-ukrainians-are-battling-corruption-at-home
>(47) >144 posts
>>377441 No 22stein No other posters
Resounding Shartwood victory 90% /brit/neets v&
>>377440 KEEEEEK stupid thot lawyer cunt implying it doesn't make sense and isn't true that jews import foreigners which kills whites based >for which he could be sentenced to die keksmh of course, wipipo families being murdered gets nogs a few years in prison, but the precious jews? death sentence for whitey
>>377446 as opposed to?
still annoying that whenever some white actually finds his mettle and metes out a little revenge it's always against the rank and file and not the big boys though smh
>>377445 They will parade 6million of them through the courtroom to demand an amount of eyes from goy Bowers that he doesn’t possess and the spic jury will happily hand him over to the poison needle brigade
>Poleho gets pissed goes home with pakis raeped deaded Many such cases https://www.keeptalkinggreece.com/2023/06/16/kos-anastasia-patricia-missing-woman-arrest/
it's over, lads
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>>377451 oh no
>>377451 time to install linux still haven't bothered to unpack my no-OS mini PC for streaming, or bought a usb to put linux onto or however it works tbh
>>377448 what about breivik
>>377453 Filled with a deep sadness looking at this image tbh.
The webms are SAFE Most of the drive is recoverable
mair as well
keeeek I feel like I've posted this 8 times previously Must be onto my 9th life by now
>>377457 >mair as well You're joking?
>>377453 luv mini pcs, me is this for streaming tv? is there some kind of tv-purpose linux distro for that?
>>377460 yeah just a tiny prebuilt so I can put youtube and kosmi onto the big screen was going to use a linux mint build so it's mostly just the same as a lightweight windows. since I've not done linux before and apparently you can install an OS via usb now
>>377461 Been ages since I messed around with any linux os but lubuntu on my laptop was pretty comfy.
why does it get hotter the darker it gets
New Greta just dropped > Anti-Orbanist youth movement is gathering momentum in Hungary. >Lili Pankotai, one of the leaders of the students scream it loud on the stage today: "fuck this corrupt government!"
>>377461 based good lad I've got linux mint on my laptop, which I watch telly from bed with just about every night doddle to install, linux mint works well tbh
>>377465 nigger she got petri dish skin
>He believed individuals of liberal and left-wing political viewpoints, and the mainstream media, were the cause of the world's problems >a "loner in the truest sense of the word ... who never held down a job, never had a girlfriend [and] never [had] any friends"
>>377463 Mair was a poor nutcase who killed a literally who MP over a personal grievance. Hardly top level vigilantism.
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i would prefer it if the conversation shifted to something less illegal
Gott strafe Amerika!
>>377470 KEEEEEK tbh.
>>377470 Nothing illegal about linux mint m8
>>377474 we did it unzbros
>A man has been arrested after The Vivienne - star of RuPaul's Drag Race UK - was subjected to a homophobic attack. >The star tweeted about being punched in a McDonalds restaurant in Liverpool, adding "homophobia is alive and well." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-65933668
>>377476 Based and keek the liverpool green nigga.
>>377456 Here’s another for your collection lad
magically time travelled six hours into the future and completely fucked my sleep schedule not sure how it happened smh night lads >>377428 giga kino
>>377480 Yesh. Pleasant dreams
>>377358 despite being extremely attractive, shiftymine does have some weird gastrointestinal disease that makes her shit in a bag so maybe she has low self esteem as a result. titte gigante bellissimmo nonetheless >>377429 over 2000 of them signed a petition to build a statue of the shark that ate a Russian tourist in Egypt
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Deadening deads.
>>377482 Slavs are just sick in the head tbh
>>377479 Fuck, brutal This was Ulster GP I think
looks super comfy till he hits the curb
auslad is asleep, the nightshift is here, laws no longer apply https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0HSD_i2DvA
>>377487 And starts kicking like he’s swimming
by Professor Sergey Karaganov, honorary chairman of Russia’s Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, academic supervisor at the School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow ..and a top advisor to Putin. Tl;dr Russia will not fight another protracted long-term war with NATO fags, rile up more ultranationalists and have to spend 10 years re educating them or have their own men killed They don’t want to vaporize everyone but they want to perform de-capitation strikes against western leadership - Washington DC and London. Plus sending hit teams to take out WEF leadership Do it! https://www.rt.com/russia/578042-russia-nuclear-weapons/
>>377400 these spergs need to do more than just stomp around ffs the 2nd klan could march because they basically ran entire states at that point
Defeat of the wect must be total and decisive to save humanity > To put it crudely, it is necessary for the West to simply “piss off” and end its interference in the direction of Russia and the rest of the world. Smh. They’re all determined to blanda us up DEATH TO THE WORLD TBH
>>377491 Too late. The russia installed three amigos will be in charge before they do anything meaningful
The true american royal family - three gay mexicans
>>377495 So THIS is Pembs real name
>>377495 >that entire article honestly one of the worst so far, how do these judges take themselves seriously
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https://youtu.be/qxa0dMhoQ-Q *twerks on the ruins of the zionist occupiation*
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https://youtu.be/IXmEvSgihpw only 94-96 ragga jungle can destroy babylon
>In 2010 those who declared themselves Catholics represented 83.9 percent of the population aged 5 and older, evangelical Protestants or 7.6 percent, and other religions 2.5 percent and 4.6 percent reported having no religion.[2] In 2020, Protestants account for 12% of population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestantism_in_Mexico
starting to wonder if rastalad is actually black fr
wew the world is 500 pooskins less today schlads
>>377499 tbh hate reading this shit
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>its another episode of femoid elects herself in charge and tells men what to do
never knew tyson fury was this much of our guy https://twitter.com/wayotworld/status/1668591324621156355
>>377507 TBH a recurring theme of germanic legend is women shaming men into action. in the saga of erik the red a women threatens to cut off her breasts with a sword if the men will not stand and fight the skraellings, implying that she'll be forced to take the masculine role if men aren't capable of fulfilling it, and as a result the norsemen turn around and engage the skreallings and win.
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>>377510 yeah except white women literally did this, gen x and boomer white women voted for all this shite including fag marriage and so forth
>>377511 women also disproportionately voted for both mussolini and hitler. i'd say the problem is a handful of people in power and not half our population.
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Hitler's Mother was a woman
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maybe she will have sex with you lad
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that dutch bitch needs to either fuck off and breed or become a slave to a CWC tier dutch incel
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>>377504 wewe, it's pretty cold to let it get to that but always seemed inevitable
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>vaporwave is over 10 years old now https://vektroid.bandcamp.com/album/initiation-tape-isle-of-avalon-edition this came out in 2011
quiet in here
>>377507 I would become a vessel for this divine evropean goddess's wrath and slaughter wog children at her instructions ngl.
>it's him ACK yourself, gayist tyrant.
Works night out went well lads, out-drank everyone keeek
>>377521 name the best five vapour waves
I played chess with the sneep snorp creature. I lost.
>twerks on their heads then stabs them https://twitter.com/UltraDane/status/1667393941271093250
>>377532 Keeeeeeeeek
>>377509 he's such a good lad.
>>377507 *kisses her*
>>377504 only several billion more to go
>>377507 > “When you were on the Right you were not supposed to attack the State or its representatives. You were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people from outside the political arena. For one simple reason: To force the Italian public to turn to the State turn to the regime and ask for greater security. This was precisely the role of the right in Italy. It placed itself at the service of the State which created a strategy aptly called the "Strategy of Tension" in so far as they had to get ordinary people to accept that at any moment over a period of 30 years, from 1960 to the mid eighties a state of emergency could be declared. So, people would willingly trade part of their freedom for the security of being able to walk the streets, go on trains or enter a bank. This is the political logic behind all the bombings. They remain unpunished because the state cannot condemn itself.” > "The terrorist line was followed by camouflaged people, people belonging to the security apparatus, or those linked to the state apparatus through rapport or collaboration. I say that every single outrage that followed from 1969 fitted into a single, organised matrix... Avanguardia Nazionale, like Ordine Nuovo [the main right-wing terrorist group active during the 1970s], were being mobilised into the battle as part of an anti-communist strategy originating not with organisations deviant from the institutions of power, but from within the state itself, and specifically from within the ambit of the state's relations within the Atlantic Alliance." - Vincenzo Vinciguerra, convicted Italian terrorist, former member of the Avanguardia Nazionale (National Vanguard) and Ordine Nuovo (New Order), part of NATO's Gladio. Gladio stopped protecting Vinciguerra as soon as he started talkin, put him on trial and he is still in prison at the age of 84 https://archive.org/details/vincenzo-vinciguerra-operation-gladio-interview
Nigga wut!? WE KIDS IZ ALLOWED TO NIGGA OR WE PARENTZ IS ALLOWED TO ZERG RUSH AN SHEEEIT! https://twitter.com/marclamonthill/status/1669677390753153024
>>377540 >Dinduism keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
No one believes this shit do they? >don’t h8 lol my son hated cottage pie but loved pesto lol everyone clap https://twitter.com/NEOintheMCR/status/1669656678436855808
>>377543 I don't think it's fake, because people don't always act appropriately with how surreal fresh grief can be. Utter cringe and there was obviously some coersion, and the long conditioned niggercattle crowd response to PC shite is grating. Smh.
>>377542 666 hours in MS paint
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epIQP_5MLpM With the increase in these reports, will something of interest happen for the alt right?
>>377545 Good la. >>377546 Hate skyjews, about as redeemable as the guardian.
what did he mean by this?
>>377550 I hate soys and I hate pakis
Aus 37-2 Is Cricket williamoid in Yorkshire?
>>377552 Cricket is williamoid everywhere, still keep us up to date lad.
Was guy fawkes a false flag lads?
>>377554 no but he was daft because he wanted mainly to kill are kang and parliament was a secondary target
>>377551 REPORTED TO SECURE COMMUNISTY NETWORK!! https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/ 430938866
Aus 72-3
>>377535 *kisses her massive forehead*
>>377537 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek god american southerners are just the worst constant bluster
lets form a warrior society like the native americans did
>>377538 you think that the dutch slut is a gladio sex bot? thats what I think she is just a europoor version of faith goldy and lauren trailer park fuck and suck southern
>>377543 >that imam in the background what a dystopian shithole why can't whitoids just have their own events. its just like humiliation and torture
>>377549 >when the music just randomly turns on keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
It's always the right time ta!
>>377562 >Crowd 99% gullible whitoids >Pulpit - handlers, masons and ethnics ready to intervene if parents of victims go off script or their meds fail Jannythong Groinsplatt is on his Good Goy Tour to make sure no blame for anything is laid anywhere at anytime
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She wants my snabies.
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this one was so fucked up tbh crazy how it just got memory holed ngl sometimes I agree with gun controlfags but I think its too late to ban guns in shartica
>>377569 Only one solution for that lot tbh https://files.catbox.moe/5nbg1u.mp4
>Welsh show I'm watching having a child killing stroyline >White man gets lass pregnant >She aborts it to shag some SEAmonkey
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bought two 4 packs of tinnies only to realise and one of them is celetaped together with gross shit all over it and all the cans are pierced and flat.
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https://youtu.be/T4ru6NGiqOo american williamoid
vegetarianism is foolish
22st still not back?
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>>377578 he's still missing
>>377579 smh he's disappeared
>>377576 comments is all immigrants saying how america sucks and its just a place to go make money and then go home. smh
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>>377578 >>377579 I thought you all knew. They scrubbed a lot of the info but this is still up
>>377582 gook bitch is just another cultureless drone in the undifferentiated brown mass
>>377582 Disgusting
>>377584 >>377584 She would like you because identified her ethnicity correctly
>>377584 Fucking entitled scum. Worse than wogs because they infiltrate decision making institutions because of academic ability
>>377586 >Not going to report you to the company >puts it on tiktok Bet he wishes he’d murdered her now Also fucking h8 these furriners with what they think is a British accent when it’s just a generic bitsa fake one
>>377590 >adopted from Vietnoom Probably a troon as well
>that time when i went on holiday to Romainia and people at work asked me if i was from there lol coz apparently no one goes there.
>>377586 kek stuck up gook bitch trying to act like she is high status like some lisa simpson aryan woman when in reality she is trying to flex on some incel pajeet uber driver who was just saying hello sir do you redeem? dumb gook bitch is probably the spawn of some saigon whore choking on redneck boomer dick
>>377588 yeah they all sound the same its the undifferentiated consoomer brown mass. all the shitskins in the upper midwest with their flat california style accent trying to status signal how superior they are as part of this "global civilization"
>>377594 I wonder if she has a bookshelf
When Joe Owen speaks in front of his bookshelf, it's just random right? he's not signalling something?
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>>377583 >person found dead in city full of people It's ogre . . .
>>377596 He's signalling how well read and intelligent he is with his clearly unread books on a small book case
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I hope she killed martin
https://youtu.be/vPBVTSkZqU8 This is a real man Steiner
>>377598 He’s gone and you’ll just have to deal with it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUr9ZCbTpiA Fresh lukewarm /brit/ take from the lotus grifters.
>>377599 That’s riiiiiiiight!
>dad clogged the loo with his poo >told to piss in the sink are these the moments which define a man's moral constitution for eternity?...
>>377602 Wow, now I believe that the world's greatest jewish revolutionary, Moshe Ephraim 22stein is deceased, the capitalist pig dog goyim have told me so!
>>377569 >sometimes I agree with gun controlfags kek mong falling for the psyop
he just looks confused
>>377609 Touching cloth before he’s even had a bite
I shouted "get your tits out lads" to some bouncers of a strip club before calling them bumders. Yeah, I'm based.
feel like i've done my liver in for good this time
>>377613 We told you those dragon dildos would mess up your insides lass
Police just arrested my neighbour and searched his house (again)
>>377603 It’s /brit/lite but I don’t suppose they can go too hard. They’re gingering up the people at least, I think the people get it anyway
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>>377317 >so many cultures in harmony
>>377605 >he doesn't piss in the sink anyway smh lad
>>377617 lmao. when has that ever occured? every single multi cultural state in history had one group on top and the rest below them.
>>377617 Fastr we replace them with AI and bots the better
>>377619 That’s an anti semitic conspiracy theory. Stop! Don’t touch them there, that is their no no square!
My dating profile pic is not great lads, but I'm going to unhide my profile. The new lass went home with some cringetard and I got too involved with other conversations to speak to her
>>377622 This pic will never work lad
>>377623 Wow! extasy makes you love everyone?
>>377623 Hope someone ghbs the water supply in and around the commons and they raep each other to death
>>377623 >Since the study, Brendan is trying to make changes for the better: he hired a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant to help him keeeek what does that even mean? Hire a nigger to tail you incase you do a heckin racism >"There are moments when I have racist or antisemitic thoughts, definitely," he said. "But now I can recognize that those kinds of thought patterns are harming me more than anyone else." Sounds like a total mong tbh doubt its even real Could demolish some molly right now tho smh its been too long
>>377627 >hire a nigger drug dealer to keep him pilled up
>>377627 So, if they’re harming (you) more than anyone else….WHERE’S THE FUCKING PROBLEM, MONGO!?
>>377319 >still just do not understand what persuades people to take these positions that are so clearly against their own self-interest smh sure they get immediate updoots in social status but i don't see how that is worth it maybe i'm the weird one smh its a class signifier to show they are above working class "white trash" concerns like living in low income housing where wogs live. its the same over here. they all have the BLM flag in their front yard but if niggers show up and ask them to fork over some money they say oh no we don't want our neighborhood to become "sketchy" you should ask cletus to help you out
>>377623 kek drugs just make you more racist. I don't understand the mongs who believe that the undiffrentiated consumerist mass is "diversity" its the opposite. I remember being a drugfag and looking at at field of flowers and seeing race war depicted in naturalist poetry shite. the daisys were beautiful same as the queen annes lace because they had distinctness and form.
thoughts don't harm anyone
if the state apparatuses arguement against polfaceism has been reduced to 2006 era drugfag memes like taking acid and listening to bulls on parade and how we are all energy bro, its a further sign that the middle class is dead and that us lower middle classoids will find more cultural impetus amongst working classoids
also MDMA molly is a williamoid drug its basically just shitty ecstacy cut with meth for williams too fancy to just mainline meth like an actual beast
do you think they are powerstroke or duramax
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>>377627 he couldn't handle the heat of being a dissident in 2020's america. pathetic but what other option does he have besides being homeless?
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>>377636 >wandering around a highway off ramp ranting about bible numbers utterly based
>>377622 >The new lass went home with some cringetard kek this is why I don't go out, I'd rope if I saw this irl
>>377630 They must get bribed or they’re just plain SAs
>>377635 Dildo Baggi-NS
>>377636 He should be down his local Shartcuterie giving this speech The cuties lining up ready for him to Baptise
>>377639 She turned out to be vegetarian
>>377644 Delightful
I'm shit at this online dating lark. Can't think of what to say smh we need 22st
>>377646 22st has had nothing but failure on that for 5 years, dating apps are even worse than when he started, I remember atleast getting a few matches in the past but now using the exact same profile I get nothing but spam telling me to buy their subscription. Unless you are a chad its unironically pointless tbh.
>377647 Not interested in self-pitying nay-saying tbh
>>377646 It’s easy. Just arrange a meeting. When you meet just give the boss a "firm handshake" and ask about her openings, you’ll get hired on the spot. Worked for me dad and granddad and your dad and granddad
steinho! ya gunna need to put some work in bwoi
Vote Stronk Vote Guvnor Grichbitch hWhitmong
>377648 fuck off and die then you stupid coping faggot..
>>377653 What the fuck is your problem Joe123456!? Some men just want to wear dresses and some women just want to lop their tits off and cut their hair short
I wish u lads followed me on ig instead of 3rd world online dating women
Now that”s what I call fedfag posting
>>377646 just bee urself
finished my albania photo sorting, on to belgrade photo sorting, only taken me about 5 weekends so far.
>>377562 Woesy posted a pretty interesting article on this. how the intelligence services and government crisis management agencies have teamed up with marketing firms to arrange these vigils, start "nohate" hashtags trending and ship in imams in order to control and dissipate the anger when attacks happen. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/mind-control-secret-british-government-blueprints-shaping-post-terror-planning
>>377659 Was literally just looking atthe same thing GCHQ
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>>377661 >he fell for it we've got his IP boys.
>>377660 smh daryl was a goodlad hate mark
>Wallace >Waleis Literally Welsh with a hebrew first name
>>377646 I've found it helps if you already bonded having sex with her as a teenager. Try that, lad.
>lad literally coasting on having one gf in school all these years later just stop
saturday dinner of vegeteraian cottage pie and seethe waited a couple hours for the bus each way and the fag pride shit was on so I got to play spot the mental disorder saw some new fagflags too, one was green white and blue I think dunno tbh they all needed mulching and saturday evening was worse because of course it was time for all of the scantily dressed thots to walk about harrasing my eyes sexually
doing some absolutely jew killing braps rn tbh
>>377643 braptise
>>377653 based
>>377659 yeah its very clear that is being done on purpose because there is an active genocide going on wherein the jewish banking state is exterminating the british native peoples from the islands and its out in the open and visible. in america they call us colonists and say we are immigrants and to "go back to europe, go back to england, etc." but then in your country they say the same fucking thing with the saxon shore and le niggeroman legions. its a clear intent to exterminate a race of people
>ywn be a light stabilizer
>>377673 its a pretty good rant he calls mike pence a faggot who nonces children
>>377676 glad he stopped the temporals tbh was worried they might ally with the ritu
Hey wessie
new nigger meme just dropped, I've noticed they have a habit of literally just making up lies from nothing and running with them, truly bizarre.
>>377681 they have to make things up because they have nothing
>>377680 why though? >>377681 what are they implying, that nigs don't get headlice?
>>377683 >british israelite retard thinks that anglos still have somewhere to run after our homelands are destroyed a coping faggot tbh
>>377684 Not why but why not Prime of her life lad. She’ll take good care of you and love you forever
>>377677 Takeeek mane, he wuz onlee lookin fo’ his sharpie mane
>>377685 They’re in for a big surprise
>>377686 could tie a rope to her nose ring and force her to run after me while I walk up hills tbf, might look okay without the chins
>>377688 keeeek god I wish
>>377683 retarded faggot boomer
>>377605 why would you piss in the sink instead of outside? that's disgusting. remember when I was young these mean bullies told me I pissed in the sink and gave myself a swirlie and it fucked with my head, I lost 1 year of memories somehow and wasn't sure whether or not I actually did those things. then whenever they saw me in the years after they called me "Squirrelie" or "Swirlie" and I didn't understand which or what
>Where dat crack at nigga!
>>377693 >while everyone else participates in society
>>377694 Yeah well they should stop doing 69 for starters if that’s what’s killing ‘em
>>377693 thats right sissy spread those black cheeks
looking forward to going shops tomorrow getting some clotted cream for my strawberries tbh >>377696 faggots really thought that invaders were just their convenient pets and not brutal conquerors
>>377698 they're not brutal conquerors they're pathetic losers that want whitey to adopt them.
>>377699 tbh only existing in white nations because of charity plus state and international protection
>>377683 what does that mong think of mormonism? its factually impossible to relocate the "anglo"/anglicized diaspora of canada and USA to another part of the world without either mass extermination of that group or mass extermination of whatever area they are moving to, the latter is retarded as a political concept because its just white genocide with some richfags deciding to larp as jews and the second is literally just manifest destiny white nationalism which would most likely just be racially exterminating all non nordics from north america since its actual living room for the anglo race combined with austrailia
>>377693 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>the jew drew him the worst
>>377571 i'd completely forgotten we had a mong that would post this minger constantly
spic confirmed circumslut
>>377709 he got better
wish we could turn back time to the good old days
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>Ukrainian pilot got to train and master US fighter jets for two year, returns to his old jet, forgets how to master it… dies. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/15/us-trained-ukraine-pilot-00102188
>>377713 >wii >vice city stories don't know what the stories version was but for me it's vice city simple as. and obviously everyone knows wii was the worst console if you could even call it that. >that mate whose parents bought a wii instead of ps2
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slandering based orcas for attacking migrant boats
Listening to it again lads
why have there been so few battlechuds and happenings this year lads? im getting kinda bored
>>377718 patsies and paid actors being held in reserve for election year lad 2024 will be good for memes don't worry
America is such a highly racialised country that any crisis or conflict that emerges in the future regardless of its actual cause will immediately be racialised and taken as a justification for one side to harm the other. It's inevitable America will have a race war.
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>>377720 >It's inevitable America will have a race war. https://youtu.be/stjOxJuZfx4
I wish I was a wild west outlaw
>>377720 They'll have a civil war at the very least.
>>377722 getting shot down by a posse is still achievable lad.
I hope brit is out having sex with slags rn
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Kino flash of lightening and crack of thunder waking me up.
>>377729 nice lad, in the past lightning and storms were much more common and people used to get killed by giant hail stones
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any daylads up yet?
>>377732 Bit early, isn't it, lad?
>>377733 yes, i'm a nightfag and will be taking my extended daynap soon. i'll rise later to buy tinnies and then endure another night (nightshift used to be better than dayshift when we were on the webring)
>>377734 >(nightshift used to be better than dayshift when we were on the webring)
>>377734 A lot of lads grew out of /brit/ and others grew up and got jobs smh. The NEET golden age is over
>>377736 well i didn't
>>377737 Don't worry, in time you will also be a suffering toilman
>>377738 i am a toilman from time to time, i go from job to job and have extended periods of neet inbetwixt. not everyone is just neet until they become toiman, i skirt the line
>>377740 Based tbh.
>>377740 sounds comfy tbh
>>377740 I can't let you do that...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSaCQWnlgDM Really getting into this band but the singer looks like Vaush. Smh.
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>that time you shaved for a girl on a dating app and confidently showed her a pic of your no-chin worm-neck only for her to act disgusted
>>377747 36 hour water-fast twice a month nigga
>>377748 Yeah, I'll just fast
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>libertarian chin syndrome lads itt
Maybe Poombs will donate his chin to me when he has it shaved off
>>377749 oh no, it's your bone structure? thought you were just fat like pic related
>>377752 Tbf I used to be 22st and I'm now 21-20st. Maybe there will be light in the end of the tunnel
If you can't crush a wog baby skull into dust between your chin and chest, you don't get into the daft/brit/nostate.
>>377754 forgot to (You) smh
>>377757 eurosceptic bros i'm thinking we're back
>>377758 Hope the flat headed perfidious Poles don’t chin out tbh
assuming their referendum is a success the only real outcomes are either a precedent is set where countries can just say no to migrants or the eu has to drop the democracy memi and force the matter not going to set myself up for disappointment by hoping for more than that
>>377777 Here you go, king. 👑
>time travellers itt
>>377765 You're right.
There's no need to fear
>They streamed a film about Cheetos at the White House >the plot of the film is based on a lie about some spic making up a flavour Think I would go insane if I was an american polface keek its too absurd
>>41453 An ancient post for a time even longer ago. Smh RIP in peace batmobile hamster.
>>377778 Oh too bad lad. Don't worry, it was already ordained.
>>377767 just another day in clown world smh >>377768 hamsters have rough lives tbqh frontline warriors in the never-ending war against children's lack of understanding of consequences
>>377770 Keeek smh tbh
>>377772 Wretched hagraven keeek smh
>>377772 >more on chelsea handler >threesome >weight loss drugs >skiing in a bikini (again) >complete lack of personal responsibility creatures like this exist only to be food for the plants
>flood detected wait 6 more seconds
>>377762 thanks lad >>377778 don't feel bad lad it was already ordained
Well, I'm still going to breed her.
>>377698 Get some mirangues and make Eton Mess lad
>>377774 *retweets this post*
>>377777 who /cheat(on)hoes/ here? also congratulations on your repeating lucky digits
Is 22stein still underground?
>>377785 Never was, my friend.
>>377783 go for it lad you can take the credit >>377785 starting to get worried about him ngl
fresh MICRO ECELEB COOL and BASED and TRAD thots who will be your FRIENDS on DISCORD if you pay them Drama MD | Episode 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hN8s8TI9Pg >>377782 would be nice settled for custard tart instead tbh
>>377767 >thinking they’d get away with mugging a Greenfeld off
>>377788 >um i'll be the judge of that sweetie it's like i'm really in a hospital >>377789 der ewige jock
>>377794 >guy fights to save the white rice in wwii >his daughter marries a jevv it is true that Lindsey Graham is a closeted homosexual though
>>377793 >hand sanitiser >gayist flags >manlet jew grifter everything about this image is perfect >>377794 >jewish used car dealer
>>377797 that flag is so embarrassing. I swear it started as a joke and now it's flown by government buildings all over the world
>>377788 really enjoying this tbqh really captures everything wrong with society >>377798 the best part is how they have to keep updating it every year to stay current and not be evil nazi bigots
>>377799 they might be w*men and sc*ts but they make a good parody cartoon for alt right incels yeah
who /coolasacucumber/ here?
>>377798 >I know it’s wrong but it’s my job! Not rebelling and “accidentally” doing your job wrong by leaving union jack up and misplacing fag flags
Granfather cry
>>377802 wew just letting it fall on the ground like that... kind of kino
any gayologists in that can tell me what green white and blue stands for? still puzzling over seeing that one irl yesterday
>>377806 Green white and blue?
>>377807 yeah in horizontal tricolour some spedsexual was wearing it yesterday on the gayparade alongside the usual shartbow flags
>>377806 you sure it wasnt green white and purple? Thats a pretty common one among 'non binary' lasses who dont want to full troon out never seen a the one you describe tbh
Hm, Wessex at the pride parade, huh? *writes that down*
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>>377811 looks like Hungary wtf
nvm that's just the blue light filter on my screen
>>377809 >>377811 could be tbh and yes I was near to the fag's day out and saw them coming home from noncing kids in the local park while I was waiting for the bus sacrifices must be made for saturday dinner
>>377811 >>377812 I can't tell them apart... they're literally the same
>>377806 don't think there are any specific meanings for the colours on the original six-colour rainbow flag tbh they just chose it because they have that insatiable jewish need to desecrate symbols of goodness but left out the seventh colour because they have an instinctive aversion to holy symbols (much like vampires who coincidentally also feed on people younger than themselves) the white and blue are part of troon shite iirc >>377808 oh it was a separate flag entirely
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>>377796 Wew lad! Never knew this but if you upset battymen, like women, they will probably try and out you via one of their female idols so I’m gonna go with yes on this one Sounds like he likes a vigorous buttsex sesh ngl https://www.thebody.com/article/lindsey-graham-anti-lgbtq-record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k_1us9W8p0
weird fucking mix tbh, all these spiteful mutant examples looking subhuman and AIDs-riddled then right near by all the sexy thots in their underwear and yoga pants etc flouncing about on their way to the club or whatever, paying zero attention to the retard nerds who eunuchised themselves in an attempt to fit in and be popular truly a clownish world
We're supposed to take all these flags seriously. Why isn't there a site out there with all the basedflags /pol/ used to make 8 years ago?
>>377819 tbh >>377821 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek what a world
>it's already post-meridian might have a siesta tbh
>>377824 >papyrus font WE
Keeeeeeeeeeeeek How are these even still up?
>>377826 it's their culture lad it would be racist to remove it
>>377826 wogs are a higher caste than gayists tbh they can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't directly and immediately threaten the existence of the system
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>>377829 as long as they don't say the J-word
Who here reeeeeeeeeeeeeel badman? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TFgRDgAkyE
https://youtu.be/GNcX0qqnE2Y Steiner can't tame that thot
>>377830 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>377831 honestly an admirable sentiment tbh wish we were allowed to have real diversity in this world tbh (i.e. separation of distinct races and cultures) instead of everywhere being a brown mass that worships hollywood
>>377832 I’m sure steiner could fix her tbh
>>377835 curious about that forward protrusion at her right knee tbh thought at first it might be some kind of malformed knee but is it actually a foot? life truly is bizarre sometimes
Run towards the guns. Good lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH0fhjKfGOI
>>377836 Could be tbh Do you think it’s a midget trying to height max by pretending to be an amputee?
>>377837 smh everything they do costs them too many men was also surprised to see they have marines tbh keep forgetting they border a sea >>377838 thought that also tbh notice how one arm is absent and the other is a stub good on her for trying though smh always feel bad for people who were dealt a shit hand since birth
>kyiv >türkiye >north macedonia smh must be something in the water in the black sea that makes you compulsively rename things
Australia trail England by 7 runs with 0 wickets remaining
>>377841 going to support whichever team has the fewest browns
Young lasses standing up against the trooning
wish i could have been born in the mid-late eighteen hundreds and invented some kind of industrial process that would later be named after me
>>377843 children have to deal with this shite every fucking weekday as these failed "adults" who didn't pick up any useful skills but who didn't have the dignity to give up and become neets larp as useful members of society and try their hardest to force political ideologies on them by any means necessary
>>377842 Saw something the yesterday that said there was loads of indigenous white football talent in most countries and you only see loads of wogs included because of diversity quotas but sold as ‘exceptional talent’ and they only do well because of white coaches and because they are trained in a white country
>>377843 Send the troons and their enablers to the front!
>>377846 i don't doubt that in the slightest tbh won the world cup on a full huwhite team and no amount of wogs since have ever been able to match that performance >>377847 always found torture a bit distasteful honestly
>>377843 Most young people hate this trans shite. I used to hate teachers like this. Utter cunts.
>>377850 tbh the ones who had an agenda that they wanted to push onto the class were always insufferable got lucky in my senior school years where the only teacher who could affect my grade based on feefees was actually a based neutral teach you how to think but don't teach you what to think kind of teacher wonder how he's doing these days tbh probably teaching the same classes as when i was there he was one of the good ones tbh he always went the extra mile got us into some careers meet and greet once that was apparently paid entry per person and i'm still not sure if he finagled the school into covering it or if he paid it out of pocket he gave us all a laurel leaf as an ebin roman symbolism when we all graduated and i think i still have it somewhere honestly one of my all time favourite teachers
>>377851 sneed lad need to recruit this lad for my organisation
>>377851 keeeeeeeeeeeek >>377852 smh, almost all of my teachers were cringelords can't think of a single goodun
>>377854 smh sorry to hear that lad young lads need someone who's at least semi-based as an authority figure to springboard off to become fully based glad you could make it here despite that tbh it's a testament to your inner will
was reading about the english wheel and babbitt alloy and space frames and engineer's blue and suchlike and got stuck in the wikipedia clickhole smh shnight lads
alright oomfies, board owner is asleep. Post hoofsies https://youtu.be/vlqh-zDF0-s
Weetabix and banana for late brekky
wew lads, Mike Enoch said that the holocaust didn't happen
this hoof was FULL OF MAGGOTS! https://youtu.be/jWadR6MbuCM
>>377861 stop trying to be 22st
>>377863 I am 22st https://youtu.be/ymgTj2z05-8 I am back, for now.
>>377864 why the absence then lad?
>>377864 If you are 22st do a drawing. Explain your absence. Do a jaunty daunce!
https://odysee.com/@altmedia96:2/holocaust-debate-mike-enoch-vs-history-speaks:9 Holocaust Debate - Mike Enoch vs History Speaks (June 17, 2023)
>>377858 Cows wear stilletoes?
(15.74 MB 576x1024 ssstik.io_1687101832811.mp4)

Now he is ignoring me after I did WEEP FOR HIM!! 🥺
She's so terribly awful
>>377869 Yeah, why do you think they call them stille-TOES? >>377865 Ran into some trouble with the law, lad. They stole my phone and PC and I still haven't gotten them back weeks later smh. >>377866 Don't have photoshop on mum's PC and I don't care to exert effort on a laptop tbh. THey sotle my external harddrive with all my pepes and nanachis too smh
>>377873 I don't believe you, what laws? You're just pretending to be him. To be our love. To be our 22st to trick us before revealing you're one of the trannies. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! 😭😭😭😭😭
>>377873 smh did the rat on here actually get you spied on
>>377874 Remember that girl I drove to meet and I was confronted by the child protective service workers? Yeah, they reported me
>>377876 You should record the officers constantly and make an AUDITING NORWAY channel
>>377877 Well the whole interrigation was filmed, might have some kino released by a naughty cop
>>377876 >he got JF'd I believe it
>>377876 Maybe you are him. 🤨 I'm going to pretend you are him just because I miss his ways. 😊 Wasn't she of legal age? Those fucks are fucking faggots 😡 Weight, woodn't that mean they're scrolling through all of your memes?😐 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! 🤣
>>377879 Yeah, not heard anything for 2 weeks now. They really scared my mum since they arrested me when I was out on a walk, then came to my mother's home and wanted to take everything in my room. They didn't believe I had no tablet or laptop smh. I'm not cool/normal in their eyes. JF is my hero tbf >>377880 She was. In the interrogation the lawyer didn't say anything which I took as a sign of him thinking my explanation was good. YEah they are going thorugh everything
smh it's a cruel world incel persecution tbh, given absolutely no recourse or outlet and relentlessly attacked and yet the normalfags expect one to simply rot inside out of view where the unpleasantness is hidden and never ever dare interact with other people ever because ew you're WIERD
>>377881 will you get done for having NA memes or a stash of dafty infographics lad?
>>377883 I don't know. I don't think I have done anything wrong or have anything illegal. Besides, if I am charged with one thing, shouldn't their job be to find stuff related to that and not find other naughty things? Bit of an invasion of privacy, no? But I don't know tbh >>377882 Yeah I'm just a wholesome incel chungus. I don't really care, I just want it to be done. This wait is what sucks.
>>377883 tbh just clear your computers just in case they search maybe they could get a warrant on the suspicion that your computer has CP on it if you want to keep your shit stick it all on a drive and hide that separately
>>377882 Unironically saddened to hair this, lad. 😥 I think you are on the right side of the law, butt if you go down I hope you come back 🫤 You should call yourself a wholesome Chungus in court as a defense keeeeeeeeeeeek 😂 Dating is so cringe and difficult for us poor mongs tbh 😒
Don't think that this setback is going to stop me😎 >>377885 They already took my pc, phone and external harddrive, lad.
>>377886 hare hare
>>377889 Ahhh lass they're gonna get you too
>>377887 keeeeeeek they haven't
>>377891 They did, lad. This is my mum's laptop I'm using. Sucks being without a phone, it also has the thing I use to log in to the bank, and other websites that require the same thing, like when I buy stuff online, or contact the jobcentre. My passwords are all also on the PC so there are other things I can't access, like my twitter
kind of amased how they can do this to you, it really sucks given how dependent we are on phones. I've probably lost out on two jobs I applied to because of it
>>377892 Are you serious? Are you genuinely 22st? They genuinely have your computers? What do you think is gonna happen now?
woe is b >>377894 idno, as I said I don't think I have done or have anything illegal, so I should be found innocent. I'll keep you updated
>>377876 smh simp scum
came back to ask lads what i can do with a saucepan full of chicken stock and now bbk is impersonating 22st and lads are falling for it smdh would genuinely appreciate suggestions for what to do with all this chicken stock thoughever it's going to go bad soon
Truck driver is unemployed now?
>>377897 Please god it's BBK
>>377897 Freeze it
>>377897 I'm BBK, dear reader. 🫡
>>377897 How do I prove I am 22st?
>>377902 Oh yeah
>>377898 I never had a job, I only got the licence. But on Friday I did my first gig, my first drive alone in a truck where I delivered something for a company where another driver was sick.
My VPN is broke too smh won't connect 🙄 Also, depressed about women tonight 😰 Just love smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! 😶‍🌫️ Also, knot shore what to do with chicken stock . . . I'm a beefstock kinda nigga! 👌
>>377902 Show tribal subincision
>>377906 I can't take a pic since they took my phone!
I believe the 22st 😁 Hey watch this: 😫 💩
Fucking xenos. They have to turn everything into a favela everywhere
>>377897 This place needs healing. Help us Auslad
>>377899 you can tell by how theatrical he is tbh are twenty twoost is a bit more straightforward and also probably would have mentioned one of his groomees by now >>377900 that only delays the problem tbh had it sealed in an aseptic carton for about a year and a half only to see the best before rapidly approaching so i used it to boil pasta but it honestly didn't make even the slightest difference in flavour smh lessons learnt saved the used pasta stock in the fridge but now it only has a few days left if anyone has any suggestions for soup i would happily listen >>377905 my brothuuurrrr
How many years do you reckon 22st would get if they actually got his computer with all the Sten gun PDFs and NA memes on it? Would be an interpol motherload, folders on everyone here
>>377909 you vill live with less while pretending zat everything is okay
>>377912 Oopsie. I don't think I have much in anyone's folder that can actually identify them, and it does not have anything naughty about anyone
night lads eagerly awaiting one of you posting a recipe that i can use to get rid of all this chicken stock please help >>377913 keeeeeeeeeeeek no you aren't lad giz us a scenic picture of you driving a big lorry or something
>>377897 chicken risotto
>>377916 err æ e 22steina, ok?
>>377918 Can confirm this is his dialect 👌
I actually mentioned Bins in the interrogation as I have no other friends je qeeeeeeeq
>>377911 Chicken soup then
>>377920 You have TBBK as a friend . . . You have Wessica as a friend . . . You have Auslad as a friend . . . You have Panzie as a friend . . . You have Madlad as an intimate gay lover . . . You have Dorset as a friend . . . You have Mancslad as a friend . . .
Can feel we’re about to hit a slippery slope again Where the fuck has Auslad gone?
>>377922 Truly I'm blessed
>>377923 >Slippery slope
>>377925 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>377925 oh I get it
>>377876 How do you know it was them, and not the rat from here?
>>377928 I just assume
>>377929 The trannies were gloating that it was they who reported you lass 😒
>>377916 coq au vin
>>377925 This is yours
>>377897 > came back to ask lads what i can do with a saucepan full of chicken stock and now bbk is impersonating 22st and lads are falling for it smdh You can use chicken stock to make soup, use it in gravy, sauces and stews What is your cooking skill level? That’s the real 22st btw, I, bins, can confirm
>>377325 thats about the dumbest drug you can do
>>377931 I really don't get their hatred for innocent little b >>377930 Hope Steiner doesn't live near anywhere like that. I guess his closest hell would be Chicago?
>77631e wtf, look at his post count . . . who is that super weird guy? A tranny? 🙄
>>377929 We think it was the troons/moonman They bragged about it in a previous thread, aomehow they knew what had happened when I hadn’t told anyone In fact I said you had died
>>377934 Keeeeek Ilove that pic
>>377935 thought he was talking about dogs tbh
>>377938 What exactly did they say? Surely the police wouldn't tell them the details anyway
>>377941 I will try to find their bragging posts, but it might take a while They said they sent screen grabs using a norg police reporting site that they linked to as proof
if you guys really want to prove identities you could start using pgp or similar to sign messages the problem would be making sure the public key is authentic
>>377942 smh such evil monsters
Wish we were all friends irl tbh, that way girls wood think we are cooler 😔 WHY WON'T THEY JUST FUCKING LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 😫
>>377936 He’s gonna start getting Chowns like this soon. He’s better learn karate https://www.tiktok.com/@oliviachow69/video/7086845574028447018
>>377945 yeah that'd be nice. I don't really care for friends but I think that's partly because I don't care for shallow friendships one would have over sharing the samei nterest in sport or whatever. >>377946 sigh
Somehow this poster fc6633 knew exactly what had happened, when I had told no one
>>377941 See here: >>377948
>>377948 looks like he just made high IQ observations, b
>they are going through all the bulge drawings
https://youtu.be/BpFuQFThrQk Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids was kino ❤️ >>377947 Friendships are hard when you don't have the same banter as us real niggas ✊🏿
Americans have invaded Iceland and turned their Icewhores into milk chocolate mutts
>>377950 “Observations”? He was enjoying the attention, and being sadistic about it b He was also very quick to post this site, english language norg police tip off. Who knows about things like that existing? Only a grass https://www.politiet.no/en/english/tip-off-norwegian-police/ These are not mere intellectual “observations”
>>377954 those links have been posted forever, b.
>>377955 Never seen them posted before b
>>377956 Oh well, it doens't matter
>>377957 It was the troons and moonman They must be PUNISHED!
>a norwegian copper is reading this right now
>>377961 >exhibit b
>>377961 QEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEQ 🤣 How are your family reacting 22st? 😄
>this twat using emojis
>>377963 https://youtu.be/4ICr8CYqK9A The police is the carnotaur
>>377964 you just ensured that he'll keep doing it keeek
>>377964 What's wrong, incel, confused by human facial expressions? 😝 >>377965 keeeeeeeeeeek based 😍
martin shouldn't have been noncing girls its not funny or a joke fuck people who do that shit he is like my age out there talking about breeding with like 15 year old girls online and posting it here. it has nothing to do with british politics
>377968 Here comes the fucking tranny freaks. I find you in real life I'll slit your throat. That's if you don't ACK first. Martin will go free, but you are a slave to your effeminate weakness. 🤣
Why do they always have to misrepresent me anyway? Is it because 16 is legal so they try to make it sound worse by implying they are 15?
As long as its legal and he has honourable intentions theres no issue tbh, steiner sounds like a woman, 22st should probably not breed though >>377971 15 is legal in germany and such kek
Steinfaggots chug jeans showing with this low IQ take😁
Daily reminder that 16 year old thots (really all ages thots) want to be kidnapped and raped by grotty incels. You know it's true norge officers.
incels can't get whamen and make it even harder on themselves by having morals in excess of legal requirements smh just think about how normies act when they have one night stands with legal teens and such smh, it's all WAHEEY and PUSSY SLAYER and another girl ruined forever, set on the cock carousel while we are approaching our 30s and 40s and would be lucky to get those ruined roasties once they want providers to suck the money out of
"I will protect you. I will provide for you. I have crippling diabetes." Rate my bio lads 😘
>hit 1k kcal limit today >still hungry
>>377979 Why are you eating so few calories, lad?
>>377980 to lose weight
>>377981 Don't think it's a good idea to eat that little, lad. Can't you eat 1500 instead?
Not even giving a second thought to the groomee stuff tbh Only worrying about the things the police will find on his computer and selfishly worrying about how it'll link us too. Kids over here are getting imprisoned and their lives ruined over anarchist books, imagine how the media would report what they found from his computer 22st will be "Norway's Breivik" like the dam collapse is "Ukraines Chernobyl"
>>377983 >giving them ideas
>>377983 but breivik is norway's breivik lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elJjRjdRLr8
>>377985 That's the joek >ukraine's chernobyl"
>>377988 keeek smh should have known no lad on /brit/ would be as stupid as a journalist
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>>377975 incels shouldn't poost their chat logs with girls online while constantly saying how old they are like they are government agents building fake evidence that british nationalists are nonces
>>377990 fair tbh 22st does like to play it up a bit
>>377984 Seriously idk how it is in Norway but if you were in the UK, them taking your computer, hard drives and phone would absolutely be the end of you
>>377992 smh lad I was relaxed and now you're making me worried
>>377994 Because I am a goodlad who hasn't done anything wrong
>proooobing >shaping >only 10% of the military equipment has been lost >90% are still in reserve. >Ukraine will strike hard soon, but not within next seven days. t. Estoonian jews > foreign ministry second in command is also a Jew - Jonatan Vseviov. Son of David Vseviov, historian. Given the parliamentary form of government Vseviov is essentially the foreign minister of Estonia, since he assigns the staff etc. Jonatan Vseviov was also along on the prime minister's visit to Ukraine.
>>377997 didn't they already do it...?
>>377997 the international old boy's club smh except it used to be made up of based noblesse oblige european types instead of jew rats doing political insider trading and such
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>parents call you Margo >surname Grosberg >no option but to join army and get some stripes because everyone in civvy street will bully you relentlessly
>>377995 >Because I am a goodlad who hasn't done anything wrong >mattering one bit to the anti hu'white globohomo anarcho tyranny cabal
8chan moe will be on the norge news soon
>>377961 Will brighten up their day, no doubt
Steiner please do a rant on how to tame a Lisa Simpson
Death to trannies. Death to social services. Death to norge plod. Freedom for Shnartin Snorst.
>>377985 B reivik
The king returns to raise our spirits just before toil
>>377962 >exhibit b
>>378005 I wish I knew how to do that without invoking the incel death cult of le collapse
>>377978 *coughs* This isn't a jest, rate my fucking dating bio faggots 🤨
>>377991 It's entertaining and educational, we should be and are allowed to talk about dating 16 year olds😒 >>377995 Don't heed the neigh sayers lass 🐎
Love it when scriptkiddies ddos shitty pajeet coded websites
No ladies have decided to court me this weekend. I will try again next weekend. 🤷‍♂️
>>378014 why five eyes even bother with a weak fig leaf smh they can already spy on all of us easily
I suppose the "russians" will "delete" various pentagon budgets and such again I guess
Fuck. I've had a toilet mistake. 😲
My heart is heavy. 💔 I'm a great boyfriend. 🫂 Just give me a date, a single chaunce. 🫣
>>377982 no, 1000 is fine.
>>378011 You need a house somewhere remote with a basement and to put in work on sound proofing for your Rick Astley cover band and that will really impress a Lisa and she will fall in love with you voluntarily. Do it for real lad. I unironically advocate for this for all goodlads with, alas, no social skills.
A date my lady queens? 💕 Yes, a meal! 🍴 Then, a cocktail or two! (Make mine a whiskey sour) 🍸 Then, I take you to a mindblowing concert at the Liverpool Philharmonic! 🎶 Finally, when you don't think it can get any better . . . you get to kiss and cuddle with the bum bum king before he walks you home! 👑
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>last 2 poosts were from non-incels Wdsmbt?
>>378027 That's not a she, lass, it's one of the looney troons 🏳️‍⚧️
Porkless Pig Dickless Duck Balless Bunny Tweety Not-A-Weal_Bird Silk-Vest but no Twat (Silvester the Cat) Helmetless Fudd Marvin the Meatless 🤷🏻
>>378024 good lad I am hoping to find a blond lass to breed but I suppose that tool shop lass and yoga class lass could be good dungeon meat
https://youtu.be/bKHwS6pQjpc You lads bean following this looney troons episode where they try to bully baseball but it backfires chomically? 🤨
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really wish there was a chimpout rn been feeling really down lately not necessarily because of the state of society but more that society just continues to sputter along pointlessly and all the mongs keep larping like they are making it when in reality they are just standing on the house of cards laughing at us incels.
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just want a kino nigger chimpout where they destroy some libtard area and make whitoids kneel like faggots
>all the mongs keep larping like they are making it when in reality they are just standing on the house of cards laughing at us incels Incel cope 🫠
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your emoji didn't work bitch
>Steiner is using an ancient computer that doesn't show cool emojis 🤣
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Maybe I should be a tradie so I can afford a mid-200s computer keeeeeeeeeeeek 😂
52 classic bum bum kingian posts. Wunderboar. I can now refeal . . . i was the bum bum king the entire time! 🫡
catching up on the 'cel rants tbh, rewatching 105 first
>this is who runs the country >lisas >poofs >williams >a few tokens in the mix
blåbærvegen 6 7606 levanger
>>378041 Think it was America he got areested in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJoRSmuBxGk
*returns briefly* Hey looney troons, you realise Martin hasn't broken the law but you have by giving a fake tip off? (looney troons are used to tip offs if you scratch my sniff)
>steiner training up the zoomers he WILL lead a broccoli haired warband of constructoilmen he WILL loot the boomer's homes he WILL build the brapnostate
hes the leader of a gang
>>378028 Indeed, I was poking fun at "her" absurdity.
>>377876 based if true >>377897 also based
enjoyed the rant on childishness tbh (listened while playing a videogoom)
>>378045 Yeah boi
>'poking fun'
What are we going to do with the America problem? Steiner?
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>>378050 *pokes (You) repeatedly in the face with my fun stick*
RACE WAR IN GERMANY, ETHNIC CLASHES INVOLVING MACHETES AND RAMMING ATTACKS, ITS ALL KICKING OFF >Syrian and Lebanese gangs engage in bloody street battles with machetes in several German cities. >The confrontations began after a trivial dispute involving a child. >Initial clashes took place in Castrop-Rauxel, near Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia. >Facebook was used to arrange a meeting for a "discussion" between the rival families. >Around 100 men gathered at a supermarket parking lot, and the situation quickly escalated. https://exxpress.at/syrer-und-libanesen-blutige-strassenschlachten-mit-macheten/
>>378054 exactly what steiner was talking about in 106 smh they can do these things because they have those large networks while whiteoids just impotently look on
>failed russian VBIED
anks and nukes are on the move, stand back and stand by. Patriots fully in control. Trust the plan.
>>378054 >Nein! By Allah! That child is mine to marry!
>>378057 Xplain pl0x
>>378057 putlerbros...
>>377843 >you're confusing sex with gendurr!! these fuckers have no argument so all they can do is insinuiate that their opponents 'don't understand' their claims, when they obviously do but just think they're retarded as fuck. and I think a lot of leftoids actually believe that, that people that don't agree with tranny/gender shite somehow 'don't understand' the claims that are being made. otherwise, how could they rationalize it? >>377864 welcome back lad, we've all been worried about you >>377870 I don't see a problem here other than that one of them is some kind of SEA gook. just a gaggle of lasses having a nice dinner, bit questionable where they got the money to pay for it but I digress >>377873 >>377876 smh those bastards, all for pursuing some legal age breedhogs. hope you get your devices back soon with no damages or anything >>377881 poor 22st's mummy >>377897 just drink the stock >>377912 NA isn't banned in Norway? >>377968 incel >>377988 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >>378023 pic >>378030 >I am hoping to find a blond lass to breed you can't because you have chug admixture, you need to find a woman that is also basically-white-but-slightly-contaminated otherwise you are ruining the white gene pool. why are you in denial about this, pretending that it's okay?
the absolute state of this "counteroffensive" doesn't seem like a good-faith attempt at accomplishing any sort of military goal, just seems like they're grinding up men for depopulating the ukraine and materiel for the US military-industrial complex
flagfags sweating
Keeeeeeeeeeek > A documentary about how crackers are trying to teach about rules of war to Afrikangs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjMIZGeCZQY
>>378066 how do they expect this to work without just colonising the nogs again in order to arbitrate smh
my little spiglet is a fussy eater.. if i dont see his head in that trough when im back from the loo, that silly swine is getting a big spanking!
Israel just dropped their new wunderwaffe Jewtin on backfoot
>>378068 God knows
Environmental protesters in France dig up irrigation ditches in farms with non-edible crops. https://twitter.com/lessoulevements/status/1667832301084868609
should say "fill in", in which they used sand to ruin the topsoil.
>>378071 they're so low class keek even the military-industrial complex has to have soyim film trailer adverts >>378073 ecocunts doing the work of the elite as usual smh
the whole thing about leftists not being able to survive in the country and being prisoners to the cities that rw americans do is really not true. hunt sabs and eco-radicals aren't all antifa's, but there's enough of an overlap for their tactics and experience to matter. leftists if anything are over represented in rural areas activism because ruralites are usually both elderly and atomised.
Can't do this shit no more frfr
browntard antifa suffered concussion, whiplash and broken arm in response to attacks on zemmours rally attendants
>>378077 you checking out lad? gibsmedat kidney first
>>378078 keeeek maybe the new based daftlads will get their start protecting the "RW" jew and eventually long knives him or something
>>378079 i dislike this chudjaks menacing aura
>>378079 that blackpill channel you linked the other day is ruthless, the guy unironically supports the canadian euthanasia model to get rid of us
>>378082 yeah he is on another level tbh but I get where he's coming from I'm behind on videos, just finished one where he was talking about canada's target to reduce homelessness by 50% in 5 years and how all the niggercattle think that means they'll be building homes and getting jobs when actually it's the state just euthanising them all under pretense of irreparable mental illness
smh Euthanasia is getting debated in parliament here tomorrow >>378082 link?
UK parliament? keeek can't wait to be automatically assigned to the opt-out euthanasia list
>>378085 ta lad >>378086 nah tynwaldshite here tbh keeek yeah it'll become fucking opt-out
>>378087 on the bright side manx house prices might go down then
is manx like latinx? should be saying mannians instead to own the libs?
>The Army’s new toolkit goes far beyond social media surveillance of the type offered by private contractors like Dataminr, which helps police and military agencies detect perceived threats by scraping social media timelines and chatrooms for various keywords. >These sources of information include “signal-rich discussions from illicit threat-actor communities and access to around-the-clock conversations within threat-actor channels,” public research, CCTV feeds, radio stations, news outlets, personal records, hacked information, webcams, and — perhaps most invasive — cellular location data. >The document mentions the use of “geo-fenced” data as well, a controversial practice wherein an investigator draws a shape on a digital map to focus their surveillance of a specific area. >The contract says the Army would use “misattribution”: deceiving others about who is actually behind the keyboard. The document says the Army would accomplish this through falsifying web browser information and by relaying Army internet traffic through servers located in foreign cities, obscuring its stateside origin. >Location data gleaned from smartphone apps and resold by the unregulated mobile ad industry provides nearly anyone — including the Army, it appears — with an effortless, unaccountable means of tracking the phone-owning public’s movements with pinpoint accuracy, both in the U.S. and abroad. >Through contracts with private entities, the government has skirted laws enshrining due process, allowing federal agencies to collect cellular data on millions of Americans without warrants or judicial oversight. https://theintercept.com/2023/06/17/army-surveillance-social-media/
>>378090 sure do love living in a hellish surveillance dystopia me
>>378071 Um, that’s just bad CGI
>>378091 Did you see that vid going around of a based lad explaining how to fuck up CCTV with screwdrivers and pliars?
>>378093 no, are the london bazzawaffen using it to btfo that car tax or whatever it was?
>>378084 i completely understand the argument that christianity tries to save everyone and that includes genetic dead weight who can't really be saved and that we should allow them to suicide, but i just don't like it. plus i don't think it's going to be just untermensch that goes for euthanasia, it'll be people that don't have a place in this horrible world but are otherwise healthy and nice people to have around. suicide is rarely even eugenic, it's people who have higher conscious who feel misery and despair more who do it. not low iq npcs
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almost all marathi population belongs to aryan race, sirs
>>378094 Yeah it’s to fuck up Sadiq Khan’s “ULEZ”, ulta low emission zone thing, a variant on the 15 minute city concept https://twitter.com/theboyjai/status/1670479538571059201?s=61&t=vDL-vvakFVLjvKJ65T8mAQ
>>378097 makes me keek but also smh that the only form of active grassroots resistance we have is coming from xoomers angry about paying extra tax tbh
>>378085 what I can ken of what this guy intends is that: low status males/incels ought to get out ahead of the inevitable extermination that's coming to them and form a political movement that petitions the state for a special class status in return for forfeiting their lives to the emergent eco-fascist depopulation/degrowth NWO which would look something like: "we will give you X amount of dollars to live out the rest of your life in comfort if you degree to submit to euthanasia by X date and time"
>>378102 I'd rather go down swinging.
>>378102 not sure if that is what he advocates or what he thinks will happen, I've not seen much in the way of answers from him so far, only "this is what is probably going on, it's shit but we can't do anything about it"
>>378102 wouldn't happen because the elite are also sadists
>>378104 he's already more or less championed transgenderism as one fulfillment of this strategy (sacrifice the penis for special privilege) and intends to include them in his "movement" he's alluded to
>>378106 keek yeah that is a bit sus
>>378106 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek imagine lopping your penis off just for the chance that you might be given a little more time
Hate nihilistic anti life mongs. Take the loser pill and just manage your expectations for yourself but don't fall into thinking you and everyone else should suffer and die.
once again the superior ideology is proven on the battlefield of ideas
>>378109 he is oddly fire-and-brimstone moralistic at times, in one breath not blaming LSM and other "useless eaters" for the fact that they can't be integrated into the economy, for being born the subjects of an iron and cruel "natural law" that inevitably excludes them, then in the next breath excoriating them "women are all aryan gigastacies deadlifting 320pounds in the gym earning Phds while you rot in your coomer lair, die die die"
>>378109 the guy is just a guy that hates normies so much he's become the jew. many such cases
>>378113 pleb tier discourse.
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brothers new gf and his comfy life just utterly mogs my shit life. she is a richfag and her dad just bought her a house a age 24 and my brother doesn't even have to pay rent anymore and gets to just consoom and have some WFH meme job and fuck his gf all day meanwhile I actually refused the vaxx and have to labor toil in my boomer truck and I live with mummy since I can barely afford anything and even before my brother only moved out to live in some shithole apartment complex in the outskirts of detroit that was "unlisted" (i.e. privately owned and only sells to non niggers) so it was affordable
>>378115 just be happy for him lad.
>>378117 yeah they better breed or I am gonna be pissed sucks though because I can feel my days hiding at mummies house are coming to an end and Ill have to find some new cave to disappear to
>>378118 yeah I think most people are just cave dwellers anyway. you toil to keep the cave so you can hide from toil till it rolls around again.
>>378119 yeah I don't feel shame about it I literally do not give a fuck about being a normalfag and haven't for years especially after the fake covid shite the social contract is completely destroyed most people are out there paying like almost 3k for rent now at least over here
>>378120 Yeah renting is such a con and a really resent anyone that gives me the man up and move out meme when all they're really asking me to do is piss money into a black hole so I can seem more grown up to them by being more integrated into the rat race.
>>378114 excuse me lad? he literally admits that in the comments on one of his blackpill videos
you used to be able to mortgagemax with 5% downpayment on something, but obviously that has its own drawbacks and you're still paying 3000 pcm to the bank. then there was rent to own, whatever that was, i never payed much attention to all those schemes but now a bit later in life i'm slightly more interested. staying with mummy really is the only way of fighting back, you can avoid paying a hundred grand plus over the course of your 20s
wonder if martin really is in an interrogation room rn fr
mad there hasn't been a labour pm since gordon brown
some of you are alright dont go to greggs this morning
>>378115 Same thing happened to my beeg bruda at the same age. wealthy gf, moved into her dads huge house, sold that and moved into their own. She's hot too, lucky lad. oddly never felt envious about it despite being a green eyed incel usually
>>378126 keeeeeeke
>>378120 The rent rates in London are something else.
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Starting to wonder what kind of a hellish life it would be for a loser cringecel with a b*sexual mummy who's dyked out with 100+ other degenerate thots. Taking a bit of a gamble with a hypothetical person's existence but she wants my cummies and another baby. Also don't want a BPD slag daughter tbh smh.
Saw so many fat people walking around yesterday. And the people without tattoos seem to be in the minority.
>>378132 smh she probably has throat cancer already >>378133 Yeah shocked at how many people have tattooes. Couldn't be me
>>378126 Can’t do I’m afraid
>Some surgeons, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the new scoring tool was medically indefensible. They said patients should be prioritised on how sick they were, how urgently they needed treatment, and how long they had been waiting for it - not on their ethnicity. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/300908591/new-ranking-system-prioritising-patients-on-ethnicity-to-improve-equity-experts-say
>>378137 >health minister isnt even maori just some muslim dyke
>>378139 Why is every decision maker in anglo countries now a wog, rabbi?
>>378140 prefer not to say
Still no Martin then?
>>378142 I am here
>>378144 fucking vile.
>>378144 At least she's honest about her disgusting, pitiful situation.
>>378143 really???
Thinking about the weddings I've been to, all those guests and the cost of it all. I doubt you would even talk to many of those people much anyway.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TQLuLTwVko >>378148 only person I spoke to at sister's wedding last month was a taxman from burnley with a binbag wife that I'd never met before and never will again
>when domesticated pigs escape into the wild, they mutate at a DNA level and turn into boars, and they can never be redomesticated again. This process only takes a few months verses how many deacdes it took for that pig to arrive into the state it was before its metamorphosis. If you've never hrard of this look it up you'll be facisnated with it. >It could make for a good anology for that you're suggesting. Men need to turn themselves from domesticated pigs into ferral and undomesicatable boars that can't be simply be controlled and slaughtered on a whim. >Amazing bro. I never knew that once they turn feral you can never turn them back. Fucking fascinating. In some weird way this is almost a white pill for me. It gives me hope
update on the case 22st? are you going to prison?
>>378150 tbh becvme vngovernable
>>378151 Don't know, just been interrogated >>378147 yeah
someone should probably make a new thread soon
>>378153 doesn’t look good does it
>>378155 Yikes, not a good look, is it?
They took your pc away too then?
>>378156 this could ruin your life lad
>>378109 the majority of people alive today are worthless
IT’S OVER! https://www.rand.org/pubs/external_publications/EP70091.html The full koshering and habibiniggering will begin next year
>>378157 Yeah >>378159 They better not
>>378162 How come you’re not b& from the internet pending your execution?
>>378163 don't think they can do that, lad
>>378162 what are your plans if this reaches the media? do you have a criminal record now?
>>378165 I am just charged. I have no plans
>>378166 what sentence do they think you’ll get
>>378167 They will force his waifu to miscegenate and livestream her and her kids life direct to his cell nect to B reiviks for the next 24 years
>>378167 well I think I am innocent, and i don't like thinking about potential sentences
>>378168 >that image ffs
>>378169 you can think that all you like it’s all in the hands of the law now your life could be over no waifus to breed in prison and a criminal conviction will scare the girls away
>>378169 what did they try to get you to say you were guilty of? if this lass was old enough and independent enough to be on a dating site and arranging meetups without her relative's knowledge what is the charge smh nasty hags just don't want anyone involved to get a chance at happiness
>>378171 don't lasses like criminals?
>>378172 Trying to meet an soccer mom for sexo. She turned 16 the day I met her which is why I waited to visit her in the first place smh >trying to be a goodboi >still get spanked
>>378173 Dno, thought it was mostly violent/murderers
>>378174 if you were talking to CIA agents that’s where the problem lies
>>378176 She's real. I got a restraining order
>>378174 I guess if you were talking to her beforehand they will try to spin that as unironic grooming instead of just trying to have normal friendly conversations and get to know someone etc
>>378178 Yeah smh. Well they have our chatlogs. Nothing but wholesome chungusism going on there
>>378177 yeah you’re fucked
*cartoon swallowing sound*
>>378181 no breedee for you
>>378182 surely that's against the human rights
>>378183 you’re a criminal you have no rights
>>378184 err innocent until proven guilty
>>378177 >got a restraing order Good lad. Don’t let her anywhere near you for your own safety
>>378186 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>378185 GUILTY M’LUD!
the fat norwood paedophile should've been kaboomed a long time ago. the end of brit, the nine eyes it's fucking over
"your honour, let it be known that my client filtered this mong in every thread"
>A Jewish middle school teacher in Massachusetts has resigned after facing antisemitic harassment by a 12-year-old student – who allegedly made Nazi jokes and sent him a drawing of Adolf Hitler. >Morrison Robblee, 25, who taught social studies at Nessacus Regional Middle School in Dalton, told the Berkshire Eagle that the sixth-grader began making the comments after the teacher let his students know he is Jewish in February. >The child is now facing a misdemeanor charge of criminal harassment. >A few days after being sent to detention, Robblee said the boy gave him sketch of Hitler standing over a dead person labeled “Jew,” surrounded by swastikas and canisters labeled “gas.” >“He really wanted to get his point home,” Robblee told the outlet about the student https://nypost.com/2023/06/19/jewish-teacher-resigns-after-antisemitic-harassment-from-12-year-old-student/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=nypost
>>378191 >no cap man bun
>>378190 KEEEEK.
>>378191 >Nurembergs a 12 year old irl Wew. Not just laughing it off. Skin as thin as a lampshade there m8 Another public image victory for the yehudim
>going to school is good for you >that handwriting and lack of spacing and punctuation
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>moralising earlier about the last sexual taboo intact (cringecels fugging heckin soccer momerinos) when I know she literally molested a 12yo girl at 16
> The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office said in a statement to The Eagle that it was working with the Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Federation of the Berkshires to determine how to prevent similar incidents in the future.
>>378195 Looks like a 3 year old did it tbh.
>>378191 >ithat smug bald hitler
>Pervernt dese anti soymites by exercootin’ ‘em in da woom ya honnas!
>tfw your kike teacher is capping
>>378191 keeek sharts catching up to our brand of circumsluttism where children can be jailed for drawing cheeky swastikas and TND "manifestos"
>>378201 keeeeeek
inordinately proud of "circumslut" tbh it's at least three puns in one
>>378204 what does is mean lad?
>>378204 what does is mean lad?
circumspect circumcised and cum slut is my guess
new thread needed btw >>378207 >circumspect what does this mean lad?
>>378205 >>378206 it's a play on "bbcslut" and associated connotations, but for jews, and also contains the normal meaning which does double duty to reinforce previous shabbos memes (jewjew cum) >>378207 yeah circumcision fits in there too as a shabbos indicator and a funny because le jews they eat the foreskin etc
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>>378210 oh my heck is that some fresh soy being dropped? can't wait to consoom the next capeshit in cinema!
>>378191 This handwriting is supposed to be of a 12yr old, not a 6yr old?
Wholesome >>378212 Yeah, thought the same thing... wait a minute. So the jew wrote it then
>>378088 Sadly not because they're planning on increasing the population from 80,000 to a minimum of 100,000 in the next few years Which is the sole political reason Patriotic Alternative are trying to open up shop here. Everyone hates it, everyone knows it'll inflate the already-high housing costs even further, everyone knows the roads cant handle it, everyone knows the schools + hospitals cant handle Government will do it anyway

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