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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3873: TWD edition Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 16:25:28 Id: 2b0c75 No. 381412
no time for links only seethe
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:16:42.
overdosing on seethium
first for hitler
There was one Bandius, a man of the first nobility of the city, and renowned for bravery. This man had fought at Cannæ with conspicuous valour, and had slain many Carthaginians. When after the battle he was found in a heap of slain with his body pierced with darts, Hannibal, in admiration of his courage, not only dismissed him without ransom, but gave him presents and made him a personal friend. Bandius, out of gratitude, was one of the most eager partisans of Hannibal, and, having great influence with the people, was urging them to revolt. Marcellus thought that it would be a crime to put to death a man of such glorious antecedents, and who had taken part in one of the greatest struggles of the Romans; and, besides his natural kindliness, being able by his conversation to win over any man of noble nature, he on one occasion when greeted by Bandius inquired who he might be, though he knew very well, but merely wanted a pretext and opportunity for conversation with him. For, when he answered, “Lucius Bandius,” Marcellus, as though surprised and pleased, said, “Are you indeed that Bandius, of whom all those who fought at Cannæ told us at Rome, the only man who did not desert Paulus Æmilius the consul, but who received upon his own body the greater part of the darts which were aimed at him?” Bandius admitted that he was the man, and endeavoured to speak lightly of his wounds, but Marcellus went on: “Then, as you bear about you such marks of your devotion to our cause, why did you not at once come to me? Do you think us slow to requite the valour of our friends, when it is honoured even by the enemy.” Having spoken to him thus courteously, he embraced him, and presented him with a war-horse and five hundred silver drachmas. After this Bandius became the firmest partisan and ally of Marcellus, and a terrible denouncer and assailant of the opposite party.
>>381411 In my experience women in social situations will overtly flirt with men in the most aggressive way that is pure suifuel to any nearby incels, they don't cold approach and yes a lot of it has moved into the instagram dms shite which is pure normalfag territory but women are still women.
there's not a power on earth that can hold that will within
imagine if all whitoids went monke mode and started battering every pooskin they saw to death. we would live in a paradise.
Always wonder what the dynamic was like in small 200 person neolithic tribes if you had 2 or 3 chads who all the women were desperate for and those chads were fucking the woman, why would the men not just kill the chads in their sleep? I suppose thats where civilisation and manners comes in, thats what monogamy is for, monogamy is literally the bedrock of advanced civilisation and women are destroying it KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>381422 hes a liberal boomer faggot don't know why anybody expecting anything else
>>381422 chuds on telegram already btfo'd that kikeslut
/brit/ night out in blackpool to get steiner laid with a northern rose
>>381423 Yeah we see this with chimps too. Chads can't cuck all the lil chimps. The weak incel chimps won't have it. A bundle of incel sticks>1 big chad stick
>>381426 I don't think his opinion would improve if we sent him out just to get the clap.
>>381427 You're doing gooning wrong, lad. The sexy stuff is supposed to be all over all the screens >Steinhog keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>381426 90% of these lasses are fine the problem is that they are all fat, completely ruins them.The smart ones that aren't fat become insta blonde dyed thots who try and muscle their way up in society by monkey branching which makes attemping to date them feel like even more of a job than dating the avg woman.
>>381370 I’ve seen it said on 4cuck that she is suspected of being a plant from their glowies Imho everyone is a glowie Look at this shit from jurmany keeeeeeeek looks like Count Nazi whatever his name is
so true
>>381419 womens flirting isn't really flirting its just sex display zoomer women literally do not understand how to have conversations or how to chat with men, UK women seem to be better than burger women at this so maybe my experience is skewed. american zoomer women are like autistic retards who think that random strangers think that complaining or talking about their mental health is a conversation starter
90% of lads here have no chance getting a foid unless society literally collapses tbh.
>>381427 vgh...
>bikelane mongs spamming me with pics of them and 1 other person riding in a 20 million dollar bikelane in the middle of summer in a region that in only warm for 5 months of the year and saying that there are "no cars" on the road so we should tear up the road but clearly in the pic you can see six boomer toil vans parked on the sidewalk since there is no parking but upper middle class cunts just think that the morlocks are invisible
>>381437 >womens flirting isn't really flirting its just sex display zoomer women literally do not understand how to have conversations or how to chat with men are you basing this off your interactions with women> I was just to be polite earlier but I'll have to be explicit, women obviously view you as a low value non normalfag male so their interactions with you will be totally different than with some chad lite instagram e boy faggot.
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>>381438 tbh like to delude myself that the lasses I try to go around sometimes and creep on like tool shop lass or cute yoga class lass could be my gfs but then I remember I am a 32 year old KV
>>381441 Abolish the private motorvehicle.
>>381442 yeah no you are a zoomer and zoomers have this cringy fatalistic perception of things
and yet he is still the most successful person on /brit/ barring bins who doesn't count because he's a xoomer
women in 2023 have seriously reduced social skills even compared to teen girls in 2005-8
>>381445 you are just coping tbh, you seem like a sperg.
>>381441 good lad keep attacking the upper middle classoids who've got it too easy
>>381448 yeah cope is a zoomer word, zoomers always put people into catagories because your perception is linked to social media judgements and not meatspace presence. its a thing I have noticed and its why zoomer women are autistic because they don't know how to judge people in convesation or visually so they make these akward situations. I am not talking like I approach supermodels and expect a conversation I am talking 5/10-7/10 girls are emotionally vacant spergs who have two modes, sex display butt matrixing and looking at their phone
>>381448 Shut the fuck up you crying incel faggot. This nigger is trying to externalise his lack of social skills rather than develop them.
>>381450 >zoomers always put people into catagories Read that back Steinlass, you are doing the exact same thing!
I met Steiner and she's black.
do not engage the bbk
its like the 21 year old warehouse cunt larping like his life is over but he simply has never fucking done anything because to a zoomer you are supposed to just magically have a mansion in bali and make 900k a year playing COD on twitch or you should kill yourself
Errbody relax this place aint bussin rn fr no cap
>bbk he cries out in pain and strikes at steiner because he is one of the middle class office job havers so targeted by incellian thought
stfu its friday tbh
gonna take a nap tbh.
>>381458 good lad i like the one with the nip girls but this is fine too
>>381459 tbh should restore the no-seethe-sundays moratorium and extend it to the whole weekend
manga is "the jobless siblings", looks like it was nuked on mangadex recently smh very comfy and nice lass character but very unrealistic since women would never have the comfy neet mentality unless they are actual subhuman mentallers not even the most desperate of incels would go after
ah no there it is based abe-san compliant description >A slice-of-life story about two siblings, both jobless shut-ins. Haruko is a teenage girl who shares with her brother a love of laying around the house in sweats, watching television and playing video games. Her brother has a few friends, but Haruko has a lot of problems with social anxiety. The two of them pass their days happily playing together, though their mother worries about how she's going to get Haruko to shape up enough to find a husband. https://mangadex.org/title/52d4ad1e-d02c-4fef-81d6-1e758e699d31/hatarakanai-futari
thinking about how all the negative male traits inherent to being a neet are actually positives for women and lads would jump at a lass like that
*posts again just for the thrill of it
great. First france, now we're going to have a civil war?
>>381465 don't disagree but i think men will love and romanticise women for just about anything they do
bike cunts are really militant I don't see the appeal of bike infastructure in the upper midwest tbh nobody rides bikes in snowstorms in UK do they?
>>381470 we don't really have snowstorms but we do have militant push bike users.
>>381450 > because your perception is linked to social media judgements unlike you I've never actually used any social media ever >>381455 this is literally the most boomer shit I've ever read on here, fucking sort yourself
>vpn user voting is not allowed Looks like GCHQ's finest agent bbk is doing data harvesting again
>>381474 No need to answer lass, we know you've never scene a fanny outside of /interracial/!
>>381472 https://youtu.be/x9-oNloD_iQ it was some weird planning drive that was pushed through with covid money all around shartica and now its slowly being removed because nobody uses them in our dangerous shithole urban areas
>>381473 sounds like cope
>>381443 have you ever asked a foid out?
>>381477 >can plan and construct stupid shit like bike lanes but can't just plan and build towns that are for pedestrians reminds me of some tourist greentext where he wanted to go from his hotel to a shartmart across the road and it took several hours and multiple near death experiences because the expectation is that you drive even if you are only a minute or two away from a destination
>>381480 Yeah, esoteric legism is the way to go. After esoteric horseback nomadism, of course!
>Man shot an killed by rioters in French Guyana https://twitter.com/AlertesInfos/status/1674826983455309847 nigger owned
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I have known several beautiful busty anime women in my head lifetime and live happily with my burgeoning harem okthankyou.
>>381479 no I don't have any relevant hobbies to femoids and I don't really want to do gay shite with a woman like go to some restaurant and spend a quarter of my paycheck
>>381483 i imagine waifuism as some sort of novel expression of worship of the divine female like cavegrug cults and suchlike tbh obviously a coping mechanism but as a thought process and lifestyle it may evolve further
>>381484 >no I don't have any relevant hobbies to femoids and I don't really want to do gay shite with a woman like go to some restaurant and spend a quarter of my paycheck Self-sabotager. Stop it. Learn some humility and rant you some btiches.
>>381476 isn't that board one of your favs?
>>381487 I'm more of a /mex/ lad myself
another day closer to 22st finding out his fate
https://youtu.be/rQhzEnWCgHA this is the latest mong upper middle classoid gear in shartica
Steiner is borderline incel stolen valour tbh
This bongo tranny does not stop
>The first death of the riots confirmed. A 19-year-old NIGGER that fell from the roof of a LIDL in Petit-Quevilly has died. https://twitter.com/AlertesInfos/status/1674825558855647233
>>381485 *deadlifts 1000kg for Rei*
>>381491 >he is literally a wizard
https://youtu.be/IwgHnofJjhQ hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of women across the west are just like this KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, her latest vids she's still single, also she casually mentioned her "lots of experience dating".
>>381495 he casually mentions women checking him out all the time yet he's just admitted to never actually trying to get a gf unlike the rest of us and yet he is so arrogant in his posts to the point of being a boomer faggot, literally a boomer of the incel movement.
>>381497 OK, incel.
we are currently at 80 PPH rn, 4 times what /v/ is.
>>381499 >zey pphumping? >auslad >list ze board
Bulgarian back live with the riot multistream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TxVi4xRwQM
80 Poos Per Hole
I think quite a few women give me cues but if I bothered talking to them they would be boring as fuck.
>>381491 lad you don't even know the hell of never having a gf for like the 10-15 years of normalfag life you probably will but these zoomers acting like its a social crime to be a virgin at 19-23 have no fucking idea how depressing it is to see people my age with families and hair starting to turn grey
>inb4 "cope" Yeah ik but by no-means entirely.
>>381496 yeah classic fugly ass 5/10 bitch who thinks she is owed anything except fat chud cock
>>381504 tbh as the zoomers say it was suifuel attending my sisters wedding and seeing what normal well adjusted people and women are like
Steiner stuck his entire fist in spics arse, only to pull out a small, half dying . . . cat!
women in general have always just been another stressor or job in life but people today act like they are some blessing on your life because women are paid by the state to be conformist do nothings in fake unprodutive jobs
>>381504 stop gate keeping my own misery you faggot
>>381508 tbh yeah my brother just started dating some cunt and her dad just bought both of them a house and my brother literally had to put zero effort into anything and now he has a nice house and just has to be some slave to a bitch but meantime us incels are lucky we even get to have a job that isn't either underpaid or backbreaking and even then you will just be some invisible workhorse. how is museumtoil going?
>>381508 >"normal" >"well-adjusted" Quite simply, no.
>>381513 why would he want to be in debt to her father, her dad is a total cuck kek.
https://youtu.be/LtL3qdrNXek >MDE World Peace 2 Wrap Up Party (Highlights) Hate all these faggot side characters Sam has on his streams tbh.
world peace 2 is probably going to bomb tbh
>>381512 *cracks whip* know your place zoomer boy >>381515 because he wanted to be a normalfag you have no idea how much its gonna suck being an incel yet. wait until you try to do something with your life and just see how your little struggle to climb up out of being a loser is like a woman or a normalfag getting out of bed and how nobody cares at all and you will just get demoted to invisible workhorse and then you look around and you are old and then you die and nobody cares
>>381517 nick rocking the roofer wedge boots like a proper hard working builder
>>381395 > Hate simps more than the attractive women, simps are mentally ill I cannot understand how a man can act like that, sometimes I've felt myself verging on simpery in the past but as soon as I realise it I pull back and stop. What? Your foreskin?
>>381514 normal and well-adjusted to the present society and time yeah >>381513 had 3 days this month and only 1 day next month and I need to sign back on bennies because I am losing money with no work and having work is actually making it worse because there is no accomodation for zero-hour contracts on the benefits system and they expect you to report a stable monthly income like it's 40 years ago and full time with salaries is the norm
sorry for bullying zoomer boy you just triggered me when you tried to say that women don't approach me because I am an incel, which is true but I can tell that women in general have become less social or talkative since I was in school and I have become higher status as a 32 year old boomer than I was an acne ridden MTW2 DYEL 19 year old sperg
nigger lmfao
What time is the film binsman?
>>381522 fuck so you are sort of trapped in the neet cycle smdh this one co-boomer toiler was showing me prices on trailers in this trailer park and I could probably get one rn but I don't know if I want to become a trailerpark lad but if you ever want to move to shartica let me know I could probably help you get into some bennies scam with the trailerpark people they do that here keeeek workers compensation shite
Ya'll be tripping
gonna lock this thread if people can't keep it wholesome
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>>381388 >cooking based
off duty cops beaten and stabbed in marseille https://twitter.com/GeoffroyAntoin2/status/1674765565548810241
>>381484 you're sabotaging yourself and need to figure out why
>>381534 yeah probably I think its because deep down I hate women and want nothing to do with them
Le go to church?
>>381525 Probably after Wessie bedtime
>>381539 You mean in Fraunce?
>>381526 yeah it's awful, bennies system and all of the associated meme jobs around it is designed to maintain an underclass for economic and vooter fraud (as well as wog breeding programs) and it's impossible to escape can't even workhorsemaxx and be some brainfried factory worker on 12hr min wage shifts six days a week because of vuh health issues, which is probably the only job which will take toilers no questions asked (and even then you probably have to go through temp agencies and have no job security anyway) would like to go to shartica for le freedumb and guns and that kind of meme shit tbh but a shit free healthcare system like the NHS is better than none at all atm i guess current life trajectory plan is to try and survive the next few years and then hopefully get a new lease on life with a fresh organ and at least become the type of neet who travels and does interesting stuff alone instead of just boxrotting >>381537 yeah smdh my one (1) day of toil is tomorrow so I need to go bed at a decent time
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my social anxiety disappeared when I started to take it for granted that everyone thinks I'm worthless boring and disgusting no matter what---if embarrassing yourself is a fait accompli by virtue of your botched existence, you don't have to worry about *making* a mistake anymore, you *are* a mistake, and that's OK: It is what it is.
>>381541 wtf is this tbh
>>381542 quite
being a trailerparkchad is probably a pretty good thing tbh, if you can fit in with the locals would still hold out for a rural property or patch of land though, even if it means tedmaxxing and living in a shed with satellite internet for shitp[osting
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>>381544 it's a Clint Eastwood film?
>>381525 soon, like before 8pm
ORGANISED BANDS OF NIGGERS ENGAGED IN RACIAL ATTACKS IN MARSEILLE https://twitter.com/alerteactu75/status/1674844844865343488
>>381550 can't view it
>enter kosmi >see bins already talking about voring tranny peni
>>381553 wow it's man in black man and the good man
muskerino is fucking up hard introducing this today
>>381555 yeah smh
when the white race needed him most....
>>381432 >>381550 Not showing on nitter either
theyre doing zulu chants on stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TxVi4xRwQM
>>381559 twstalker
>>381555 Think it’s that wef slag he brought in plus pressure from eu to censor the hard stuff in Franch until it blows over. Probably be down after the weekend
>>381561 Cheers lad
looks like antifa are out today in lyon
>>381558 an excellent choice
>>381557 keeeeeeeeeeek very goodlad >>381563 The Wessexian future
I must go to the riot with my bongos!
wrong image
Oui! Les bongos! Take zem anz off are cheeses, you son of zee swines!
>>381570 praying to hitler the niggers kill this guy first
back from my nap
>>381572 the west has fallen
>>381573 that was quick
France having its own Marc Duggan riots
>>381574 makes me think of that joker guy on twitter who got offended when people said this joker was a better joker than him
>>381578 yeah keek trying to find that rn
>>381542 smh hope it works out for you wessex, you could try to become an illegal immigrant in america and get on the illegal immigrant bennies system here and then drive to canada to get free healthcare
>>381543 good lad me as well
>>381580 I'll become the windsor tunnel ogre and drain both nation's benefits systems while also scaring negroes at night
police are detaining, feminising and railing arrestees
>>381584 je qeeq
>>381585 is there a thread archive, want to see his spergout and the memers going after him tbh
>>381587 Dno' HE was called the santa cruz joker
>>381588 kiwifarms might have something on him but I forgot the url tbh althought that might be adifferent joker because I recall santa cruz joker being a morbidly obese autist who spends his saturday nights saying the gamer word in public and starting fights that he never wins
https://youtu.be/bUQD7bY8vQI It's over. In the fall of the west, even the santa cruz joker has fallen
>>381591 >that description KEEEEK
we deserve this for trianon
I am proposing a call to ACTION
>>381590 He was based before he ACKed
>>381590 >faggots couldn't beat down a fat lad keeeeeeeek love him tbh
ohhhh lawwwwd they chimpin'
>>381593 what a kino face
>>381600 >he married a woman's rights activist yikes
I love how wignats are completely correct in our racewar assessment and the white middle class purposely chooses to defend wogs and live in delusion while wogs are openly doing mau mau rebellion tier shite in the streets
>>381603 when the middle class try to pretend there's always 2 sides
>>381603 i wonder how many middle class libtards need to be publicly executed before the rest of them break their conditioning?
>>381605 I honestly think they are the biggest enemy even almost more than the jews
Polish Prime Minister makes a The Lion reboot to dunk on France https://twitter.com/MorawieckiM/status/1674855346387537920
they are out there talking about bike lanes and driving a tesla when most people are living in tent cities and its just one bad day from a mau mau rebellion with wogs sniping whitoids
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66051711#comments >Billpayers dipped into bank and savings accounts at a record level in May, prompting warnings from charities about the ongoing high cost of living.
>>381607 didn't Poland just sign up to take in half of Africa+
>>381610 I just want to travel and send emails and buy stuff though why do we have to fight our right to exist? can't we just tax people more?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJbm1Ngog8E&ab_channel=nikotiuts Look how happy single sex homogenous societies are
Rioter fired a handgun at police in Nanterre https://twitter.com/HElmahasib198/status/1674871900281921541
>>381615 >femoids watching with their phones like its just entertainment for them and then they will just be butt matrix slaves for whatever comes after
Far-right miltia with bats beating people in Angers https://twitter.com/Manu_Officiel4/status/1674876236772913152
>>381615 but I thought owning handguns was illegal let alone firing them at police, how could this happen, we need to ban more things
>>381620 can you link to twstalker or smth, noaccountchads cna't see any of this and nitter is fucked too
whole crowd of antifa and niggers got they ass beat by like 5 chuds
>>381620 Post the fucking video or don't post at all, nigger!!
>>381620 god I wish I was stomping wogs with based frogbros I can understand enough of their speak to help them from my schooling days
imagine the carnage if me, steiner and wessie were there. guess thats why they dont try that shit in our neighbourhoods.
>>381626 tbh it would be like dynasty warriors 5 but instead with us slaughtering endless bbcslut hordes
>>381626 >>381627 ha ha yeh imagine itf it was me bins, and 22 there.
As the bum bum king, I don't have to imagine. I have known this joy. Beating reds is absolute ecstacy. None of them go toe to toe with an average nationalist lad
https://youtu.be/JthGmrRVo4I joe owens is already down in marseilles right now this is the livestream
i down know how to make mp4s (>_<')
>>381631 Hey there lass
>>381630 he can probably swing his nunchucks like a threshal and take dozens of sandniggers out in a single swipe
video sans audio
>>381634 part 2 (the beat down)
>>381635 based but not based enough, looks like poolitical conflict and not race war yet
*starts crying* your all yelling at me and screaming and punching me
someone murder this sounbwoi
>>381638 vaginas...
*starts crying*
They robbed a police van and are showing off arms https://twitter.com/tomcwz_/status/1674877606934577154
>>381635 which side won, i need to know before watching
>lisa simpson BBCsluts defending wog rioters from le polvisage
release le goblin jew
>>381644 they will pay for their treachery
>>381643 good lad
>>381643 le polvisages attaque la niggers alors retire sur la maison la mere
>>381643 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>381645 second time I've seen this posted what is it?
>>381643 us lad.... us....
big ol nosehair poking out that won't come loose sneezin good tonight
Summer kino in shartica too mayhaps?
>>381654 when do whiteoid dafties unlock these weapon techs it's so fucking boring not having anyone fighting back
just want to see one boomer retard checking out by doing something actually useful and kino like bringing a homemade flamethrower into a migrant camp and combusting
>>381657 just wait until they reach the suburbs
>>381658 it wouldn't happen in the retirement home
>>381651 Another WIN for the white race!
Grotty Neetman in the mess. Or rather, in the coomcave. I took the liberty of relieving you of your benefits; they were government handouts. As for the debt, I think you've earned it. The job centre, plus, is in our control for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of prevarication you managed over there. I am impressed. That's why I'm here, Mr. Neetman. I have recommended your services to my employers, and they have authorised me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you are limitlessly downtrodden. You've proved yourself an indecisive man, so I don't expect you'll have any trouble applying for this job. If you're interested, just step into the office and I will take that as a yes. Otherwise... Well... I can offer you a life in which you have no chance of breeding. Rather an anticlimax, after how much time you've spent just surviving. Time to choose... It's time to choose. Well. It looks like we won't be working together. No salaries, Mr. Neetman. >>381662 no because it was a retard who accomplished nothing except bring the hammer down further on goodlads for no gain as usual now if he had actually managed to burn the place down or get some wogs it'd be a different story
>>381663 lad you're not watching this goyslop with us?
>>381664 space boomers finished and toil calls
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>Best friends on holiday in fraunce have started hearing fireworks It's over, isn't it?
>>381666 it's okay lad they're just celebrating benidorm-magaluff season or whatever the fuck deanos do, I'm sure it's not connected to the routine collapse of western civilisation
>>381668 Sleep tight
Eric Zemmour on the riots in France: >“We are in the early stages of a civil war. It’s an ethnic war. We can see clearly that it’s a race war. We see what forces are involved. We need someone determined and firm. … The problem, above all, is the number [of minorities].”
if you do not maintain a simliar post count to me you are a race traitor and i will kill you on the dotr
>>381650 rest your head cupcake
leftists journalists beaten with crowbars by unknown assailants (niggers) https://twitter.com/emma_audrey_fr/status/1674576423472754689 no video just pictures.
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>>381674 good lad
why don't the french police use water cannons?
quite stressful reading the days posting too many poosts i just like some tinnies and a ciggie me
le shot in le leg
>>381670 where is this quote from?
>>381679 Eric Zemmour
>>381674 The BUM is good The Penis is evil
>>381680 yeah, where did he say it
>>381673 probably did it himself for sympathy points
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libtard owned >>381682 why dont you fuck off mate?
>>381685 >why dont you fuck off mate? how about you don't post made up quotes mate?
>>381687 its real trust the plan
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>>381689 shite film tbh
>>381689 >Algerians >appealing for calm
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>>381656 we are still on backpack tech tree lad
we need scumfuck nationalism
>>381695 not sure I want everything smeared in shite tbh
>>381696 ngmi tbh
>macron saying video games have riled up the protesters
>>381699 cod lobbies are well racist again tbf
can't sleep, too hot going to have to hope it's a quiet toilday with no other toilers around >>381697 must be the heat >>381699 >so desperate he's reaching back into the 90s for excuses
>>381699 roblox
was out walking earlier and thought about calling niglets dingleberries
seething about foids again, some stupid bitch standing up to the chuds in nantes, why the fuck are they like this.
>>381707 i would just body slam her on her head then gouge her eyes so she's a monstrous deformed freak for life.
Evolution of Davros (1975-2020) https://youtu.be/z5kX06-X0hk
>>381707 she wants them to hit her to make it real, its some kind of femoidic maenad display where she is emasculating incels and betraying them idk if its a millennial/zoomer women thing where they are programmed to sabotage their own men because they feel like competing with them.
they only follow their programming the right treatment and she'd stand with the chuds one day the wvmen will retvrn
tbh us incels are on our own completely everyone will betray us while expecting us to save them in the end. its why wignats/nationalists need to have some kind of class revolutionary meme in the race war because of the collaborationists who support the extermination of the working class and downwardly mobile young men in favor of foreigners. utilize the leftist paradigm to isolate the middle classoids
damn these niggas really are using explosive to get into buldings
>>381714 shitter is still shut down for non-branded cattle lad can't have unapproved sources of information being visible
>>381712 I think Bowden said something similair about us being actively acted against by the very people that expected us to save them.
can't you mongs just create a shitter account, you all have google accounts anyway you aren't off the grid
The news were calling the french protesters the "hard right" earlier for some reason
>>381715 imagine a big explosion infront of a building and then a bunch of people running towards it afterwards
>>381718 >the 'ard right damn straight
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>>381715 here you go lad both videos ripped from twitter
>>381716 I miss him
>>381718 >The news were calling the french protesters the "hard right" earlier for some reason how do they justify this utter nonsense?
Video of protester shooting ak into building, just trying to imagine what it would be like if shit like that happened here, reckon the govt would call in airstrikes or something.
any good streams? I want to watch nig kino in another shithole for once
>>381724 they don't need to lad they can just say stuff
pootine should airdrop liberator pistols over frogland to give whitey a fighting chance tbh can't let the nogs get all the guns smh >>381721 is that a nigger on the police side keek fucking retards will never admit racial conflict so long as there is one "good" house nigger on their side >>381722 ta chip
>>381727 >they don't need to lad they can just say stuff what's "hard right" about them? they are basically french BLM
saw a video of frog cop getting stomped out by wogs they might need american cops to come and save them looks like they are surrendering
seems like a decent amount of frogs have guns in the countryside
>>381726 one was posted earlier but can't find it, yt just returns shite from mainstream sources, utterly worthless platform
all the really nice high grade accurized russian SVDs/serb DMRs are generally imported via frogs
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frogs are also massive rugerfags
>>381733 impossible to get than shite anywhere but mainland europe tbh, uk is totally cucked.
>>381725 tbh hate to southpoost but I really don't think they would get away with it in britain
>>381735 yeah its weird accuracy international is gucchi tier in burgerland but I doubt they sell any of that to their own britoidics
>>381736 yeah I have been holding it back as well but shartican bolice would have clamped down very hard with the gunfire shite
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they need the proudgoys
>>381736 its not south posting its just that france is more chaotic and has more radical migrants and worse social issues >>381738 theres been loads of shite like that in shartica though, difference is it usually stays in the ghetto and it doesn't have a political angle to it and the situation is different because france is smaller and more urban
i bet tomorrow there'll be more far right lads stomping wogs
If the french police started really opening fire then the protesters would open fire back tbh, the french govt know they are getting into low level civil war territory so they are being very measured with their responses.
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>>381740 that is some clean pure nigkino
>>381741 >theres been loads of shite like that in shartica though, difference is it usually stays in the ghetto and it doesn't have a political angle to it and the situation is different because france is smaller and more urban tbh
>>381743 Fucking cowards,are the frogs boiling too soon?
i would smash every paki in france to bits then pick them off my shoe with a stick.
is that a frog troonie in the stream?
>>381748 they are gonna surrender and ask the british to send an expeditionary force
>>381751 it would just be pouring more nogs onto the fire lmao imagine, the bumbaclaart brigades instantly switching sides and slaughtering their tarquinoid officers before intensifying the rioting and looting
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the west is collapsing
>>381754 and here's why that's a good thing
c'est fini
gun control looks like it works really well in france
wonder what varg's take on all this is and if he's managed to get some firearms for self protection again or if he and his wife are barred from ownership after the piggy cunts did a 3am raid of their home and shot live ammunition through the walls around their children for the crime of his saying things on shitter and yidtube
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>>381759 >zoom, enhance
vgh... dafties and incels' warnings... like the beep of a firealarm... ignored by the niggercattle of the vvest...
>>381739 the fat negress went down with a bang
https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1786446/France-Live-chaos-45000-police-fires-civil-war >French police have said they are “at war” with “savage hordes of vermin”
>>381763 of course it's okay when they say mean things about niggers that sharticle is very careful not to mention race or reasons behind the riots keek
frogs need to get better streamer setups for maximum nigkino
I want to see middle class cunts bricked in 4k like over here
>those one hipster cunts who got beat down with lumber by niggers in 2020
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Its 4am in france rn, cest fini
>>381769 >that lady who got fire extinguishered for defending target
>the chaz warlord
holy kek i'd forgotten all about chaz, where tf did all that kino go? biden made america boring, as much as a shabbos as trumperino was, i really miss his presidency
>>381752 Isn't the British army still mostly White British apart from some exotic imports like ghurkas and Fijians?
>>381777 Yeah, they're pushing hard with nig matrices to try and change that but niggers don't want to join the British Army for some strange reason
Definitely that little french gay that’s had social media shut down. Prick
keeeeek it goes back to 1000bc
https://youtu.be/tcADbeK7cII Lee Ryan is unironically funny
new daily dismal about AI on my jewtube but i'm not watching it because it will demoralise me
>boomers still obsessing over le submarine implosion
https://youtu.be/vkugP7NZSq0 Based Mikey, he says he's from Zimbabwe (yes I know not R based) but he patrols our roads for free
>>381789 wew angloids even ride their bikes on the wrong side of the road
>>381789 rat bastard
what if the just stop oil protesters are like Noah and they're building an arc which will only have professional protest middle classoids onboard?
>>381793 then it would end in absolute cannibalistic hilarity ten times worse than lord of the flies
>>381795 keeeeek
love toil hoomers so much
>>381795 this says a lot about society
>>381799 giz us a qrd lad
>>381800 Putin gets asked why he thinks everyone thinks about him in America, he says he doesn't know. Gets asked if he's a tsar, says it's not important what he's known as. Gets asked what he admires about the usa, he says, the creativity of the place in how it solves its many problems
oh also says the usa has a big influence on overseas so he pays focus to it too
>>381801 >Gets asked if he's a tsar, says it's not important what he's known as. so it doesn't matter who he is what matters is his plan
>>381787 Cringe
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>>381792 keeeeeeeeek based middle classoid hippies sending the anti-leggist minions into a fit qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeqhorse poo theory in play. >>381805 London slags think they look incredible in those ugly fucking trackies keeeeeeek >>381806 oh i fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
You have entertained me, my jesters!
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>>381784 Only that recent?
>>381800 All this censorship. No good. It’s going to backfire on them hard. I get this alot with steiner’s videos but not for this one. Imagine trying to memoryhole TsarsensiblechucklegoodPutin keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>Hey Poots! Whaddya think about the good ole USof A? >….keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
might get me more of those toby or royal doulton head bust mugs this snafternoon
>>381815 very good lad
>>381806 >rapidsave.com_30_june_france_co ps_brutally_arrest_a_man_with-ckkab4xrc89b1.mp4 AHHHHHHHH! STOP! POOR LAD HAS GOT ckkab4xrc89b1
>>381818 smh will they ever find a cure
>>381820 keeeeeeeeek
cheese bacon and onion sandwich for dinner tbh lightly toasted
>>381822 yummy scrummy lad made me a bacon egg and sossy sandwich for brekkie
>>381823 very good lad sounds well lush
A whole night of kino awaits :)
been hard to find eggs lately tbh the shelves are sparse at best and sometimes completely bare same with chicken now that i think about it tbh wonder if there's some epidemic of avian lou gehrig's disease going around that the news is conveniently refusing to report on >>381825 what's on the menu lad come on tell us
>>381826 I lay me own!
>Why is there a chicken shortage? >Petrol increases, electricity price hikes, labour shortages and limited wheat supplies (main ingredient in chicken feed) due to the Ukraine war have culminated to create the perfect storm for chicken suppliers. Some chicken breeders have also reported a higher than normal mortality rate with only 50% of their birds hatching and others have lost sheds due to flooding reducing their breeding capacity. looked it up smh just another planned globohomo shortage nothing to see here >>381827 based
>>381826 France Lads why were lasses so good in the past?
>>381830 oh yeah based lasses were good because there used to be an implicit understanding throughout society that women aren't men and shouldn't do the same things
>>381826 Get to a local farmer.. Bit of a journey for me but the quality is 100 times better.
>>381830 What is that Romanian grave about lad?
>>381834 I noticed in Europe that a lot of graves have statues of women mourning over mens graves. It seems like women respected men more in the past in Europe
Main problem in cuck-rope is whites are law abiding citizens with no guns, meanwhile I saw a video of a frog dunecoon with a fuckin m240b. The georgenigger niggerfloyd time was a dress rehearsal for the race war in America, eta a decade or more probably. When it pops off here you'll really see some operation eland shit.
>>381832 >local such is not for the accursed city dweller smh closest near me is a massive industrial poultry farm forty minutes away >>381836 >Main problem in cuck-rope is whites are law abiding citizens with no guns the only problem is the law abiding part tbh people refuse to fight because they still have faith in the system (both in its ability to save them and in its ability to punish them for taking matters into their own hands) as soon as the law abiding part is gone whites can get guns and grenades just as easy as swarthoids do tbh through the exact same avenues
>>381838 I didn't write that post . . . you've been rused"+!
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need to do bennies toil but i don't want to
>>381841 I thought u're a barista?
>>381842 no reason why i should be confined to only one hustle at a time also i'm on holiday until mid august because are coffee shop is getting demolished for shopping centre renovations so we have to wait for a new place to get built
>>381833 Send it to her and ask her to post an ACK-pic
also still not a barista yet smh they still haven't taught me coffee going to be the next thing that i learn though tbh already got food down pat >>381844 keeeeeeeeeek
msg for brekkie
>>381847 based
>>381835 They still do when the money runs out - up and until a resupply of state/betabux
>>381850 same as it ever was almost like the only way to make them act like people is to keep them dependent
>>381844 I-is that a v-vagna!? Noooooooooooooooooooo! I'm going insane!
Microplastics for tea!
>>381853 good lad drink up
>>381854 I am one with ancient plants and snanimals!
>>381855 based luv these high effort chud pictures tbh
>>381856 Yeah, and to think the chud character was supposed to be an insult to us keek
>>381857 tbh biggest backfire of the decade tbqh they gave us a symbol
ran out of booze
Going to come out as a chud after the baby is born tbh lads.
Keek at the shenanigans on /pol/. The glowies didn’t pay attention in class at all or the programmed bots are too obvious. AI won’t solve it because they pozzed that too. They will never get it. Ever >we have to drive a racemixing narrative Also whosjewingwho.jpg https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/432831126
>>381845 >>381852 Confusing myself as to how it would work best now. Maybe this version is better
>>381857 >>381858 Any vague chance because of some slight correlation they still try and push it like that when 4 is the natural image and they try and push 3 as the new norm
>>381861 they enter into every discussion with the innate assumption that niggermixing is the highest virtue a society can achieve they try to undermine people without even understanding what they're arguing against smh without even making a moral judgement on what they're doing that's just fucking lazy
>>381722 >>381725 We're now seeing firsthand the problem that Ukraine arms are causing, illegally flooding back into europe The niggers aren't getting explosives and AKs from looting police stations Wonder how much is out there
Three policemen were injured by gunfire in a suburb of Lyon responding to looting. https://twitter.com/Lebienpublic/status/1675059132783554560
>>381866 Muslims are also known to stockpile weapons. Remember the big raid back in 2015 where they raided 200 mosques and found weapons.
>>381866 arms have been flooding into evropa ever since the soviet union collapsed tbh and before that really smh not like the left hand knew what the right hand was doing in the final years all the ukraine shite is just topping off a still mostly-full glass guns are available to anywhere that shares a land border with a collapsed shithole and as soon as demand ramps up they'll start moving it by dinghy too >>381868 this too to be quite honest huwhitoids could stand to learn a lesson or two
https://youtu.be/63R2aBqwsPg Imagine eating indians
>>381869 I expect our law enforcement agencies to drop the hammer very hard on any whitiodthat tries to arm themselves because of how our fucked legal system works. Gotta get those right wing terror prosecutions up, can have the browns being the only terrorists in the nation, it's making globohomo look bad.
>>381864 Never seen the like of shilling like it is now but if you’ve had any interaction at any level of govdroids will tell you 90% are incompetent, unmotivated, indolent, entitled, overprivileged, couldn’t really give a fuck about anything. They are lacking in everything especially what drives people like us who want nothing more than to live our already difficult lives in relative peace and security, something we know will not exist in their multiculti consumerist gdp wet dreams. They know it as well. They’re just bullies. In any case they simply cannot prevail, just seek to contain for as long as possible and then switch sides in a hurry. AI most will take care of them that’s why they’re scared of it - they’ll never be able to contain it, hence the rush to shutdown the internet under the pretext of some war. They are very unappreciated
>>381872 As part of my chud government reforms I suggest we employ a factory foreman armed with a whip in all civil servant offices after the initial round of purges.
>>381871 >drop the hammer very hard on any whitoid that tries to arm themselves it really is funny how even to the very end they'll devote 100% of their energy to fighting the wrong enemy >>381872 tbh vast mass of them are just clocking in to get paid and don't care what it's for as long as they can put hours on a time sheet it's all the same to them >>381873 based if you've got time for yakking you've got time for click-clacking if you've got time for crying you've got time for typing if you point out that that doesn't actually rhyme i'll put you on half rations for the next six months now go do something useful for the first time in your life
Can't wait for when we POP and tear into the hyeans, lads
https://youtu.be/MRWvKELaPT0 >Santa Cruz Joker has a Nazi dad ONE OF US
>>381868 forgot about that smh yeah
Shitter is down
>>381878 Do you have an account?
>>381879 Yeah it said I’m “rate limited”
>>381878 Based full spectrum censorship by the global elite.
ZOG won?
>>381870 Japs love a curry
>>381873 And weekly public beatings for people who offend against the majority wallah
>when they say they are anti-immigration so you send them this pic
>TBBK pretending to be a nigger on 4chan again
>>381885 >immigration map for furriners 99% of those ‘Italian’ places run by non Italians guaranteed, especially the pakizza/poozza places
>>381867 Got a video? Someone should ask chatgpt if it can make a plugin to bypass the twitter block It’ll spit out some kind of a script that will probably work. The code is out there somewhere. Twitter also fucked loads of apis as well, ones that had been running for years without a problem. Muskrat should boot that fucking stupid cunt Yuckyrino as well not that I trust him
>says she wants to sexy video call me tonight >okay >she video calls masturbating (only picked up because I thought it'd be a normal call) >was just about to go for a poo
>>381889 just poo on the camera
>>381890 Uncivilised. I just hung up abruptly keek.
>>381888 There is no video it’s just a news article
>>381893 almost but they'd never call it looting
>>381893 Said her name out loud and had a keek eeeeek
>>381895 Same je queeqe.
>when someone asked you what "lol" meant when you were in middle school and you said "laughing over loud" and they bullied you for getting it wrong *screams*
It ain't looting if you're starving
>>381893 Real one isnt even that different keek just typical "kill whitey you deserve it" nigger animus
>>381899 never should have taught them how to read and write smdh
>laughing over loud
>>381899 What a fucking retard. Her example of police violence is allegedly innocent niggers fleeing police and electrocuting themselves on the subway >tograph: Telmo Pinto/Sopa Images/Shutterstock Opinion France France has ignored racist police violence for decades. This uprising is the price of that denial Rokhaya Diallo Rokhaya Diallo The killing of 17-year-old Nahel shows how little has changed since the deaths of two teenagers fleeing police in 2005 Fri 30 Jun 2023 17.10 BST Since the video went viral of the brutal killing by a police officer of Nahel, a 17-year-old shot dead at point-blank range, the streets and housing estates of many poorer French neighbourhoods have been in a state of open revolt. “France faces George Floyd moment,” I read in the international media, as if we were suddenly waking up to the issue of racist police violence. This naive comparison itself reflects a denial of the systemic racist violence that for decades has been inherent to French policing. I first became involved in antiracist campaigning after a 2005 event that had many parallels with the killing of Nahel. Three teenagers aged between 15 and 17 were heading home one afternoon after playing football with friends when they were suddenly pursued by police. Although they had done nothing wrong (and this was confirmed by a subsequent inquiry) these terrified youngsters, these children, hid from the police in an electricity substation. Two of them, Zyed Benna and Bouna Traoré, were electrocuted. The third, Muhittin Altun, suffered appalling burns and life-changing injuries.
>>381903 but lad they were gud boys they dindu nuffin
France – the true face of multiculturalism in Europe is revealed https://youtu.be/srT0MqWL9O8
>>381905 we have to get back to sensible immigration policies
>>381899 Macron says video games and lack of internet censorship is to blame
>dad smoking outside my window again
>>381885 What do they class as Japanese? Wagamamas and those sushi places staffed with Vietnamese and Filipinos?
>>381907 Do they at least elaborate on why that would be the case?
>>381910 if it was true in the 90s it has to still be true today lad
>>381909 They don't specify it in the article. I guess it's just courses that originated in japan
>>381910 >Do they at least elaborate on why that would be the case? Don't know, it's just obvious obfuscation and an excuse for more censorship
>>381903 keeeek yeah i couldnt believe that story was even real when I saw it being posted on /pol/
Who is Woes' audience anyway
>>381915 22st I think
why did nobody tell me that there was a new thread?
>>381918 we messaged you on twitter lad you must not have seen it
>>381885 >South East >Japan
>>381906 Like when no wog could settle here and become a citizen and the very idea they could was laughable at best.
Comfy Too little, too late. Blood’s up! Boogalacaust is coming faster than they can escape it with their private armies who’ll be outgunned. They asked for it, they can have it. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/jun/30/uk-super-rich-beware-pitchforks-torches-unless-they-do-more
>>381899 >Oh no! Racist French police have refused to ignore rampant niggering for decades. THIS IS THE RESULT OF THEIR RACISM! If she politely and publicly apologises to French police and rebukes that article and tells the truth she can be the rudder on the ship back to Africa
>>381922 They mean hand everything over to niggers.
>>381924 it'd be racist not to
>>381857 >>381858 it's ugly and shouldn't be identified with
https://youtu.be/XI2unCuGQnk >white kids calling the Santa Cruz Joker a racist Yeah I think he's arelad
>>381928 https://youtu.be/66Gxo8LscVY >he had sex I take it back
>>381927 She's more of a disgusting whore than my gf, lad. 🤨
Would flay that degenerate kikess's plastic surgery off with a ray mears bush craft machete.
Ihttps://youtu.be/HUiz5dRdMdk DUNC 2 OFFICIAL TRAILER 2
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you think physical weapons can harm her?
>>381931 I like the swing of your machete tbh >>381925 keeeeeeeeek >>381924 Tl;dr I agree and disagree Naturally. But it is going to involve a lot of random acts of violence across the board they won’t be able to fend off. Poll tax riots was a good example of the anger that can be generated across the board. They couldn’t contain it back then. Police now aren’t as mindlessly brave or arguably tough as they were then either. Too soft and ethnic. Military are pissed off and mostly demoralised probably, also trouble recuiting.. Russia/Ukraine is another problem right now obviously. everyone still in London and around knows someone that got done for that because they didn’t go all the way and let the arrests go. It was are Jan 6 type thing but more vilent, lessons learned tbh. too many nihilistic GTALol and parkourlol trained robbers and nutters now vs fat zogbots. not as if they’re any good at catching crims anyway unless they feel like picking on angry internet autists and “oh my god literally Hitler!” ‘ing the poor lads >hand it to the niggers and get the angry white working class into a uniform to defend you. nah. beyond that. Maybe this discussion has come about because GCHQAI web scraping for years is repeatedly adding up to one probable outcome. even random people I hear chatting in shops and pubs are sounding more militant in whatever way. It’s been going on so long now without any break - conxtant wars etc - that even dumb normies know what’s up they know it’s EVERY government letting the hordes of barbarians in and stealing their culture along with their hard earned. Also if it’s true inflation why are they even discussing handing their profits back? Keeeeek To expect people to zog for them even if they do a complete 180 is expecting far too much because they’ve lost all credibility. They’re about to get ram raided by everyone. We’re now in “everyman for themselves” mode we’ve been so degraded and propagandized with nigger culture i think people know that allying with zog in a shiny new uniform and gun will be of no benefit to them in the long run, too many promises broken, they’ve watched cops and soldiers get hung out to dry by them. They know the government will do a NornIron paras on them down the line. Just my take could be wrong hope not hate not. Would relish watching them get an almighty kicking for their arrogance and avarice Holy shit this is too long. Promise not to blog post again lads, honest
Ban him
>>381936 Keeek
toil complete https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-WHlL7UHDk saw that the UN/NATO displays were gone when I started opening up and thought for a moment that nature was healing but actually everything was just rearranged for more frankenstein radio control screen exhibits and a new display featuring the british army (all brown) saving brownoids across the world and also brownoids and fat old whites from floods in britain
>>381939 Only if i don’t have a hardon
>>381930 kill yourself
>>381938 where are they finding all these wogs for British army PR pieces?
>>381942 in this case they were fictional globalist cartoon characters
seems like the emotional unavailalbilty meme is to pathologize western stoicism
>>381943 The UN needs to collapse specifically the building when it's a got a full house.
>>381942 Where?
>>381944 I ignore foids when they make any comment about men or how the should act.
>>381945 Good lad. Israel absolutely hates the UN
>>381947 https://www.choosingtherapy.com/emotionally-unavailable/ its part of the jewish nihilist schema and its a device used to isolate men from femoids so they can stay attuned to the anti white system tbh 11. They don’t have a history of serious relationships While relationship history alone can’t determine whether a partner is emotionally unavailable, not having had a history of any serious, long-term relationships may certainly be a clue as emotionally unavailable people tend to leave relationships before they get serious. 12. They don’t introduce you to people in their lives If you haven’t met your partner’s friends or family after a few months of dating, this may be a sign that you’re dating an emotionally unavailable person who’s keeping you at arm’s length to avoid building intimacy and >vulnerability<. why is it important for men to be vulnerable to women? is this so they can control us?
Looking for a casual weekend job lads
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>>381952 good lad I miss working 7 days a week sometimes so that there isn't some expectation by mummy or my family for me to just magically develop a social life after having my career life and everything destroyed by mentiravirus lockdowns while being in my early 30s working as a construction laborer
>>381951 lmao get a load of this incel he doesn't want to tell us all his weaknesses and have emotionally vulnerable moments around us so we can use this information to attack him as soon as it is amusing or convenient to do so >>381952 you'll need 20 years of retail experience to work entry level part time saturdays lad
>>381950 the enemy of my enemy is my friend but not fren iykwim
>>381953 Yes 7 day work weeks should be allowed for incel lads like us. some of us just want to time travel. >>381954 with availability throughout the week to cover for all the benefits receipt single mum part time workers. I wonder if Monaco is rioting along with the rest of France.
>>381955 The only way I'd work with them is by using them as the suicide bombers to destroy the building. Strap a loud of semtex vests to the Israeli diplomatic contingent and send them in to level the building.
>>381951 So they can manipulate you and you allow this so they can feel equal and have “power” in the relationship. We haven’t been allowing it so they are importing furriners to breed are women
>>381958 one boomer I work with is fully into this idea he thinks the vaxx was mainly to sterilize men and that the shitskins are the army sent to destroy the west and the women will just casually go along with our destruction
Just the job for you lad. Just put on some blackface https://www.londonspermbank.com/donor/
>>381959 Seems to be their biological predisposition.
door supervisor care assistant volunteer charity shop worker smh weekend toil is grim
>>381939 Steiny, I think it's time to talk about your mother.
>>381962 barwork or something lad?
>>381963 kek mummy was gaslighting me today for not wanting to go to some disgusting grungy drinking party for construction workers in some swamp bog where it will be full on cletuses getting hammered drunk and blowing shit up. but if I went mummy would probably text me every 20 mins like I am a fucking 10 year old telling me not to drink and drive. then because I didn't go because I don't drink and don't bother with degenerate shite it means I have "issues"
>>381959 women are an enemy class given that they have a more or less guaranteed ticket to the middle from the bias of institutions propped up by government funny money, don't expect them to resist the dictates of institutions that act as their benefactors. do-nothing white collar desk people benefit from the mass import of cheap labor as it lowers the cost of services of which they are the primary consumers
>>381959 Not sure about the vax bit but am onboard with the idea that women will just cuck us because we won’t take the knee and state will encourage it because kids for the tax farm and muh gdp Even if they end up alone with a woglet or ten they will do it because the state will provide - from your taxable income. Saw one orange thot walk through an entirely white and rich area I was in last week with an indolent wog, hood up, hands in his pockets which was quite the feat because they were hanging off his arse. She was grinning “take that incel!” At me, he was just sullen and seething cuz not rich and it was full of oppressors oppressing him by letting him breathe. Daggers tbh
>>381966 exactly spot on lad. as a whole the left has abandoned this rhetoric and whitoid incels are downwardly mobile but the foundations of leftism still rest on economic socialist memes so if incels claim the truth of socialism against the managerial class it further isolates them in the political sphere in the west
Children’s Party DJ – Get Paid to Have Fun! https://youtu.be/GLQ0biK-ZgA
>>381964 That’s really hard to get. Obviously they prefer women because simpbucks are thrown at them
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I won't pretend to understand the chud-wigger-maoist gestalt but I'm fully on board with it
>>381967 don't worry this is unsustainable and they are actually quite worried about westoid men dropping out since wogs are basically just an army of destruction not our replacements at least not yet so tbh most of these scum will just be killed and enslaved. the insanity of the current age is because the worldview of 'liberalism" or the enlightenment is dying and the very reality of warlordism, slavery and the old sort of viking/cowboy world will come back but under different names and imagery at least IMO and its not a cope as zoomers say. the cope is that you will just sit at mummies house hiding from this all
>>381971 basically the upper classes, williamoids are directly benefiting from white genocide and we can call them out and marginalize jews and their quislings using leftist rhetoric which they can't really do anything about. its the matt heimbach revolutionary model
>>381969 Easy. You can have them in fits all day with this one soundtrack. Press play, go to local. No need for your presence. Level 1 easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWSdit919E0
>>381972 I think that’s what they’re realising that at least 90 of us dumb as we may be to them can follow simple instructions and 90 of them can’t/won’t. You’d think they’d have learned from the colonies. They’re just trying to hold us at bay until they get a disease to drop on us which will happen when they know they can fully robotise and ai shit. That will happen to zogbots and glowies as well btw
>>381970 Idk depends on what's around I guess I got hired even as a stuttering antisocial retard deffo worth asking around for, if there's hours going there's hours going
>>381965 My mummy is similar keek tho she would never text me like that, thats too much. Doubt she'll ever stop mothering you until you get a gf tbh. or loudly sexo a lass in her house to assert some normie masculine persona
>>381966 the white collars benefit from their share price increase from lower labour costs. occassionally they get enriched which is always amusing but it doesn’t make them stop unfortunately
>>381977 yeah boomer mummy control freaks 'ate them simple as. don't really care I have checked out of "happy ending" life expectations 10 years ago, I just want TND and then go to elysium
>mothering >smothering
https://youtu.be/zoqoK0JNd04 China thinks it can stop this, the hindus have too much soul imo
>>381981 Nah. The hinjews think they can defeat them with songs and spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)d poo flinging but the Chinese are immune to all disease
Just had my sixth COVID-19 vaccine! Feeling good!
>>381983 Hope it treats the aspergtame poisoning as well lad
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>>381983 >only his 6th Get a load of this antivaxxer.
>>381981 post this video every thread until bins hosts the film tbh i want to watch some pookino
Cyber police, arrest that farm It talks in maths It buzzes like a fridge It’s like a detuned radio Cyber police Arrest this farm it’s putin hairdo Is making him feel ill And it has crashed Zelenskyyyyy’s party This is what you'll get This is what you'll get This is what you'll get When you mess with us Cyber police It’s given all it can It's not enough It’s given all it can But it’s still on the payroll This is what you'll get This is what you'll get This is what you'll get When you mess with us For a minute there I pissed myself, I pissed myself Phew, for a minute there I pissed myself, I pissed myself For a minute there I pissed myself, I pissed myself Phew, for a minute there I pissed myself, I pissed myself
>here’s some aerials >it’s the russians Struggling to understand why with their apparent expertise at this shit they’d do it in Ukraine?
AI newsreader It’s over, newsreaders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRoskn2_uAk
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6MDRgrkE6VA Err where is the argument though
>>381990 you can see the middle classoid element to this where they depict people who don't follow along with their deranged purity spiral as "hicks"
Algerians better put in work tonight they were slacking off yesterday
based elon making seethium addicts go cold turkey
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I'm going to get a sixteen year old wife. My infatuation with the lass at work has come to an end I hope.
>>381999 >to address extreme levels of system manipulation we are manipulation the system (and your access to unapproved information)
>>382003 goodlad
>>382004 yeah very weird timing isn't it.
I wonder if Elon twitter is still as bad as it was back in the day. I always had to confirm my account by phone, meaning I can't make another one smh
fucking useless cunts at the council tell me my parking permit application has been referred and then stipulate I should respond before the day before the email was sent or they will either delay or deny the entire application.
>>382008 what's next for this arc?
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>>382010 got to it first you bastard
>>382009 He becomes a radical leggist.
Wouldn't it be a shame if I contacted the Norwegian police and shared with them all the screenshots of 22st being a nonce? Time to go mobile
FRESH ZOOMCEL Exploring Subhumanland. Finding new copes (Part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGahqAC8h0
>>382013 ahhhhhhhhh noooo I'll suckle on your tranny clit *screams* I'll do anything
>>382014 please stop posting this guy
>>382013 >Wouldn't it be a shame Not as great a shame as your father has in you for lopping your cock off. Oh weight, thou hast no father!
>>382016 >he doesn't want to consoom incelslop you ain't bussin
>>382017 tbh fatherless behaviour smh
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>>382015 Lad...
>>382021 duran duran does clickbait news sharticles now? thought they were a gay pop group or some shit tbh
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https://youtu.be/_jI6iAa-cC0 its still smookey outshide nooooooooooooooo
>>382023 trudeau is personally chaining stogies and blowing smoke across the huron
There is a concert near my house for three days and they won't stfu
https://youtu.be/1Ki5rG_1BNs GOLDEN ONE! SAVE 22ST!
>>382027 Based and brutalpilled
Shame I can't find my favourite Golden One pic smh. It's when he is in his armour on top of a rock or something and looking down
https://youtu.be/tk_JvkrNHjw Flips and their love of all things Japanese
>>382029 https://voca.ro/14QkmbEkGzrj truly, he is based and so is his telegram group
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>>382031 https://youtu.be/mON8atk0_t4 Careful, lad. Isn't telegram dangerous for basedlads?
>>382033 I had to get one when I joined PA smh
>>382034 Sounds a bit sketchy, lass, but I guess they can't get you as long as you don't do anything naughty.
>>381997 Very lazy people tbh
>>381999 Bullshit >>382004 <= what this old codger says
it's temporary, lads, it's not like it'll last forever, right, right??? *screams* >>382037 oh no not the... animals
>>381949 always wondered where this original comment came from
>>381965 ok to have a good drink once in a while surely lad? it can be pretty fun just don't be one of those hangoverfags the next day, just get up and pretend you're ok
>>382013 already done it but the more people who do it the better
>>382042 he can't attend that event which is explicitly about drinking and drink because he has to drive back
>far right >50% more migrants >supports Ukraine >check So, either being held hostage by the US and EU or a stooge. Either way useless. Women. Not even once. like a rotten tooth in your mouth they have to be torn out or we are dead
>>382045 didn't she go back on her promises immediately?
>>382040 veryveryveryveryveryvery based. banning that filth should lead to an increase in hwhitish birth rates in Virginia
>yfw its 2000 and you've opened a pack of pokemon cards and there's two machops, a ponyta and the "shiny" is jynx and there's no legendary birds this really happened to lads
>>382048 I'll never forgive Modhar for stealing my shiny Gyarados
>>382049 was modhar a paki at your school?
>>382046 She was threatened in public by that German bitch Von der Leyen and definitely in private by the US State Dept by probably threatening to wreck the Italian economy. Let’s face it the war in Ukraine is all about crushing Eurcope and more importantly Germany and France. We’re all dictated to by those hwhite terrorists in DC. Basically they’re all gangsters and together they have the power to blackmail entire countries. Truth is Meloni has no choice and I think she chose accelerationism
>>382050 Syrian. One of 3 ethnics in my whole school
SHE CAN FIX US! > It was the response I got on social media that made me think I’d stumbled on to something bigger than I initially thought. On Twitter a few years ago, I asked what I thought was a pretty simple question: “Men – lovely men of Twitter. Hello! The last 10 years of feminism means we’re always discussing the problems of women on here. But what are the problems of men? What do you find makes your man-life difficult?” > I started to feel an unexpected emotion: guilt. Tremendous guilt. Because while not a “classic”, Viz’s Millie Tant-style, man-hating feminist, I have certainly said, “Ugh, men” a lot. I have, I admit, said, “Typical straight white man” on a number of occasions. I have, now I come to think of it, allowed myself to talk about men with the same level of unkind, brisk, “Stop moaning, you silly arse – your problems are marginal at best” tone that, well … we used to adopt when women talked about their problems. > So what is the problem here? Well, it comes down to what the world looks like to teenage boys, whose entire lives have happened post Amy Schumer, #MeToo and the “The future is female!” slogan. “It feels like boys are losing,” my then teenage brother, Andrew, said to me, back in 2018. “I feel like feminism has gone too far now. Everything’s about women, isn’t it? And their problems. But, in the 21st century, I think it’s harder to be a young man than a young woman. What about men?” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jul/01/caitlin-moran-whats-gone-wrong-for-men-and-the-thing-that-can-fix-them WE GOT THEM ON THE RUN BOIS!
>>382052 smh three too many
>>382051 the choice was accelerationism via nigger (allows ongoing white genocide) or economic blackmail and collapse (discomforts native cupcakes and might actually do something good) and she chose the shit and unprincipled outcome
>>382053 part of the beginning of a drip of stale bread sops of lip service and no actual change thrown to the white males in a shite attempt at bringing us around to dying for israel yet again probably
>>381951 you can't have a relationship without being vulnerable at times. you have to take risks which could end in failure and embarrassment.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4ECcVurk-2c >nigger does a mock charge like an animal keeeeeeeeek
>>382056 I want a steiner commentary on this
Yorkshire Building Society CLOSES Vicar's bank account after airing views on bank's Pride agenda https://youtu.be/lZvKAvQ6F4w
>ywn have feet as nature intended
I accidentally told a whole roo of people, mostly women, that I wank too much
>>382064 That's okay. Those are just words
>>382061 I never heard of a bank cancelling a satanists account
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>He's groomed countless little girl online >He tried to meet a disabled child irl for sex >The child's carers dogged him into the police >The police are going through his devices and internet history as we speak >His right wing anti grooming gang friends accepted him and went on as if nothing ever happened >this is reality LMAO! the fucking state
>tranny having delusions take your meds lad
>>382064 Should have told them your name was Hunter as well
>>382068 leading the nine eyes here is worse than all of that
>they combed the board and saved every post where he refers to his victims as "groomee's"
>>382073 Thought it was 5,9 and 14 eyes. Double that if the squinty bastards have to wear goggles to make out what nonsense is discussed here in jest on a daily basis
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>22st isn't a bad guy for grooming underage disabled girls telling them that he was going to mutilate them. No, he's based because he made a badly drawn funny me me image therefor his pedophilia is ok!
the troon is projecting because while 22st goes after legal teens faggot FREAK trannies actively target children for actual grooming and pressuring them into making ithe rreversible life ruining decision of trooning out and getting nonced
I just want to bury my head in the bongo and pretend reality isn't hell.
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>The law says 16 year olds can consent, and that's okay because the law says so! >A p*kistani nonce raped a 13 year old and got a suspended sentence and that's okay because the law said so! The utter state of /Brit/bongers
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He's not going to prison btw He's going into a psych ward for x amount of months because they view pedophilia as a mental illness over there kek, drugged up 22st. imagine the weight gain
YWNBAW you will ACK yourself chudchads will win
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>>382068 >>382076 >>382080 >>382083 oi you yeah you FUCK OFF!
>the other nonce prick shows up
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>>382075 14 is 9 and 5 with 5 additional countries. now 9 is the original 5 with 4 additions, norway being 1 of the 4. so 9 will share with 5 in this case but not 14. either way it spells disaster for us
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>>382024 >fags showing off their holographic machamps on the playground in 1999
>>382057 well then "relationships" are anti white bourgeoise decadence and traditional marriage or women as chattel is the superior 21st century method of reproduction
https://youtu.be/bz7HJeYFFt8 I want to see this leafbeast link up with certified forklift boomer and watch them utterly dab on nick rochefort for stolenvaloring being a chud
>>382088 Yes You know what that means don’t you. If we want to continue as freemen we’ll just have to become MPs or jews They’re the only ones that get away with having ‘extreme’ opinions
Annoying that every Hong Konger I meet doesn't seem to give a shit about Hong Kong action movies or Cantopop. Imagine not appreciating the best of your own culture
>>382090 even if that were true it doesn't help your situation
>>382094 It does if he converts to Islam and buys a 14 year old Afghani tradwife
>>382094 do cunts think that people are still going to get the neo-boomer playthrough in the west? its obvious that at this point everything you build for that life will just be taken away in the chaos
Burnt onions
>>382097 You're arguing with a man that got conned into self mutilation lad.
>>382099 kek poombs?
>>382100 Prigozhen also held a lot of MoD contracts for supply the Russian military for things like rations. He was being paid for those contracts held not exclusively Wagner and the fact that the MoD was not renewing the contracts may have been a factor in why Prigozhen decided to revolt like he did.
>>382095 Sauce?
>>382101 Just another one of the discord trannies, I don't keep up with the who's who of online mental illness and genital mutilation.
>>382097 Unironically one of the problems with people today is that they have no stomach for adversity or self denial. Living standards were genuinely much lower back then.
>>382103 twotter
>>382069 His meds are the ploblem lass
It's called "community", it's what used to put a cap on hypergamy & polygeny.
>>382076 >underage Wrong. >Grooming Wrong. >Mutilation Wrong. Maybe it's true what they say about trannies being mostly spergers mongs because this loony troon doesn't seem to understand banter . . .
Wait what do they actually think they're going to charge Shartin for? Can't her parents just tell him to fuck off?
Old video of 22stein will probably count as evidence. Rip lad
>>382106 Is there any better screenshit?
I think they've also killed Dorset btw
>>382102 Utkin is the leader and founder of Wogner. Prick cousin is just a frontman
>>382097 i think you want a wife and family and could get one if you tried but are too scared for some reason
>>382113 Sacrificed to Slaanesh?
>>382113 Maybe he just got tired of being mocked
>prick cousin
>>382115 I could if I wanted to, many of us could, but it would mean ignoring personal standards and would likely end in a miserable divorce
Grenade thrown at cops caused casualties but remember lads! He dindunuffin
>>382114 He's also a major financier of Wagner.
Have a feeling politicians are going to let a meltdown occur and build back better hand in hand with the triumphant victors. Fucking traitors
It's open season on the trannies now. They've not only attacked an innocent retarded poster but brought government attention to our discussion zone during a time where we have no speech rights. If you know the trannies, doxx them. If you have ideas to ruin their lives, do it. If you can get to them and hurt them physically, do it.
>>382121 Read somewhere there’s a war between the GRU and the FSB. Utkin is ex GRU. Putin is ex KGB/FSB and Prigozhin is the bagman then
>>382122 Why do you always assume that the evilcunts are going to maintain control through your little eschatological catabases?
>>382124 Potentially but if that's the case you would have expected more GRU units to defect to Prigozhen during his march. As it stood I personally don't think anyone had the stomach for a second civil war within a century.
>>382126 didn't that whole comic turn out to be a fiction and the woman in it was more than happy to have people taking pictures of her cosplay.
>>382125 Give me a minute to stick that whole sentence into chatgpt William
>>382129 It's a bit overly verbose tbf.
>>382127 There was a monster drinking boomer lawyer I posted yesterday who claimed it was an elaborate ruse by the Russians to flush every potential trouble maker out and move troops - 27k which moved towards initially towards Rostov but then switching mid ‘mutiny’ to Ukraine front. It didn’t sound like a completely batshit theory tbh. I know Russians are good actors and chess players and don’t mind the odd lie here and there
>>382129 I am a William, but I am first and foremost a schizo tbf. Also answer my question cunt.
>>382128 No idea lass, stole it from snorechan
>>382132 >Cunt Are you Australian as well?
>>382131 Again it's impossible to say, Lukashenko's little trip to Turkey during the march takes on moire context when you realise that Prigozhen had preemptively moved his family out to Turkey. Again this may be why Wagner stopped and why he's being exiled to Belarus specifically.
>>382133 >catabase is a french word Sorry schizo william, can’t into that lingo Ornery English please and thankyou
Buck broken. Back in chains
>>382119 i couldn't, i'm stone cold. if you could and it doesn't bother you then that's fine, but if it does then you should try and do something about it.
The distraught grieving mother of the innocent teenager brutally killed by racist French police that sparked the recent peaceful anti-racist protests in France
>>382144 Kill them all.
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>>382144 he was just a sweet child lad, murdered by racist police.
>>382144 Wallah! She is a happy hwhite woman! What Djinn is responsible for this sudden turn of events!? He changed he skin tone, dyed her hair and dissolved her grief! Truly Allah is the greatest!
>>382146 agreed brvther
>>382147 what is that hand sign they are doing? not seen it before. Some gang shit?
>>382150 who knows tbh but i imagine it's some shootybang thing with their finger guns.
>>382148 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>382150 Yeah I’m Wessie side gang. You?
good link for next thread https://archive.is/UmOd3
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>>382154 perhaps it's a sign that future doctors and engineers make, when they want to help with the economy and pay our pensions
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french dumpster defenders deployed
>>382156 threre's a couple new videos from tonight of whites fighting back tho >Multiple patriotic self-defense groups formed to protect businesses and residents from looting: https://twitter.com/LaPepitedunet/status/1675232724590686208 https://twitter.com/F_Desouche/status/1675278250384162818 https://twitter.com/thouars791/status/1675230722418720768
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dartanian, Je vais piller ce maison J'en doute
En coule mec!
french antifa accounts are crying that they're getting battered by basedlads
>>382165 I guess the police are too busy being attacked my migrant rioters to protect them
>>382167 I hope they lose some limbs.
wouldnt mess with the white race rn, all im gonna say
>>382167 Keeeeek. Good news
Police throw tear gas at patriotic autodefence groups infront of a mob of rioters https://twitter.com/F_Desouche/status/1675288998665658369
BREAKING: after saving them from chuds sissified and feminised niggers are now shaking that thang in submission to the police.
If someone makes a new thread now this'll be the fastest thread to 750+ posts in a long time
sneed sneed sneed
>>382173 It is the rightwing responsible for this lad but, if the police don’t need any help to restore order and instill some manners into the rowdy wogs so be it. Let the 45,000 cops deployed tonight oolala their way out of some sticky situations alone. There are 4 million non european immigrants in that country since 2005 on top of the other millions already there. And they’re all violent .. soon police numbers will deop theough injuriess and as muslim and black cops pick sides. Good
Some of them are returning to North Africa voluntarily because they don’t want to get enriched by their own. Noice
>>382179 the white man can't lose, its called PROVIDENCE, nigger.
>>382173 ah american style riot control technique, attack the whitoids defending their communities

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