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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3874: Furious French Fires edition Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 00:30:34 Id: 5c6721 No. 382180
No links only fire
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:17:58.
wypipo be like *exterminates all niggers*
>>382180 good lad
who here /oildriller/?
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i see myself there, leading my legion of /brit/ lads against zog, its too real to bear.
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>>382183 tbh it's good that that's happening. it's easy to cheer the state stormtroopers when they're battering a few wogs - but never forget they feel completely entitled and will use with relish even greater force against nationalists. i for one am glad to see the popo getting their shit pushed in hard by the wogs - the only resistance should be local good lads battering wogs.
>>382190 i said "wogs" too many times, smh need a thesaurus.
>>382191 I wish I'd saved the elmo has a racial slur for every letter of the alphabet.
pretty funny seeing the salt amongst the pride fags getting blockaded by just stop oil.
Well chaps I must say these negroes over in France sure are helping us with our PPH! As you can see historically we've been ticking over averaging 3 day threads, but with the niggers kicking up we've hit a new record with a thread lasting 1 day 8 hours!
>>382196 all me bby swear back before tarrantino we were doing two threads a day
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>>382196 lets continue the postmaxxing
>b*sexual ex-ex gf has literally done a dorset with an ugly jewish troon It's a good good job I love her, lads.
>>382196 been nice having fast threads, i think a big part of the problem now is that it just doesn't happen as much now. media and gchq have happenings swept up before they're off the ground now :(
wish there was a way of knowing how many western mercs are being killed in ukraine, i bet it's not as many anymore after they've all run off scared realising Russia is more formidable than the taliban or desperate iraqis
>>382205 wew another letter
went to the greeks instead of having a kebab, pakis owned
tbh joe owens need to gate over to france with dual Zat'nik'tel and just start owning the libs
>>382200 based they already have outdone the sharticans event thought there was one lad who shot a nigger and another lad who ran over some niggers still beating niggers to death is the type of 100 percent TND certified white aryan resistance I can dab to (as an incel)
>>382209 ineffective having to double tap everything to make it lethal.
>>382211 joe is clearly a 3 shot kind of guy he wants them to leave his mf lands
i would beat a billion niggers to death the moment any semblance of law and order broke down.
>>382212 doesn't that make the body disappear? Surely he'd want to leave evidence to other niggers that they're not welcome in his wake.
>>382215 he is keeping the streets of kensington clean lad
sorry I'm a Ma'Tok man myself.
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o'neil still remembers back in nam when teal'c did a whole village of gooks with a staff weapon lad
>>382218 Good, love the smell of high energy plasma in the morning.
oh wow thanks muskbongo i cant see anymore race war tweets
>>382220 yeah fuck cusck fucking african american piece of shit I just want le nigkino. the only thing I can say to cope is that this will all just blow over into some giant nothingburger
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there were that chuds really believed the reptilian billionaire would give a shit about them
far right group in Angers show their heads again to attack shitskins https://twitter.com/etiennecart/status/1675313716059942914
>>382222 he better because I am about to double zat his white nigger ass if he blocks my tina armstrong twitter roleplayers
worry not schlads i have like ten suspended accounts i can use
might have to give in and make an account just to continue archiving all the pooskin atrocities
twitter not letting me enjoy irl camp of saints mfw
>>382226 yeah it takes like 20 seconds lass just don't poost I still have really old one for just lurking
>>382227 they'll pay for this.. *grabs your coat* THEY'LL PAY FOR THIS
i'd cyber goth dance on a niggers skull
mob of niggers lynch a white guy with a bat for defending his neighbourhood https://twitter.com/InfosEmeutes/status/1675323637459480576
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>>382231 I know a place where that wouldn't happen
we have a fully formed whitoid kneeling for niggers in france I repeat this is insane footage
*double jumps onto a niggers skulls and crumples it*
>>382234 I would go straight pixar on a nigger
erm its time for rightwing extremists to form deaths squads on the niggers, no??
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>>382238 Of course
two rioters (niggers) died after a police chase of their bike https://twitter.com/InfosEmeutes/status/1675305604707938305
>>382238 this is why we need a ham radio internet
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>>382241 you lads are probably close enough to run repeaters for froglads
wish I was a skilled commsfag and could run shoot data on the waves gave up on that radio programming shite to learn carpentry smh life is too short for a man to live it
>>382244 A thousand things that could be done and only enough years to do a few, even if you aren't time traveling. I wonder if polymaths felt the same way.
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>>382246 yeah the problem with comms and land nav is its pointless outside of war. this one muhreen guy told me its a waste of time mostly since it has no use outside of the military but he was also a muhreen and they are dumb as fuck
>>382248 did you tell him israel thanks him for his service?
Just caught up, good to see another night of nigger chaos, one more night and they'll beat our 2011 record.
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rate limited again someone please torture and murder elon musk
those liars here who claimed to be on 4/pol/ brit generals back in 2011 during the riots making them legendary oldfags
>>382252 does it count all posts that appear on your screen as you viewing them because if thats the case then thats retarded since scrolling through replies you can see literally hundreds of posts
2014 fag tbh
>>382254 i think so
i used that account for like twenty minutes
>>382255 same, i might've been in question time (cringe) generals in 2013 kek but can't remember
its obvious the frog gov't is asking burger web matrix to shut it down so that memes can not spread
frogs don't do angloid freedom of nigkino
logging in to another old account, ready to update you lads, ZOG cant touch this.
huge blackpill that the internet can be shut down. anything could be going on and we'd never know
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>>382263 Would just make me seethe tbh, millions of neet chuds would rise from their caves, the internet is quite literally the only thing stopping organised chuddery from coming into existence.
they took peculiar buck down from youtube, the one with the good voice acting
>>382266 they're gone too far this time
>>382080 the difference is that physical maturation has completed at 16, deranged mong >>382266
mfw when the nigger says black lives matter after i put the putty knife under his finger nails ... uhmmm sweety read the room (torture chamber)
>>382268 saved thank you madlad
>>382270 I'm spic, but you're welcome lad
>>382269 keeeeeke
>still 3 weeks until barbie comes out
>>382275 topkek wtf is this, i don't remember this show
>>382276 jam lad
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>>382275 goodlad
there are xoomer women in this show when they were in their 20s in the year 2000
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FcS45vkr9I some music for the daylads when they wake up
https://youtu.be/tMckoqLbCs8 Lisa Simpson foid losing it to based Zimbabwean (R) in London. The entitlement of the foid
>>382206 Tbh. Sus that Lindy's friend survived the front lines. Thinking possible psyop. Smdh. >>382208 Based and med diet pilled.
>>382268 Apex keeeeek.
>>382281 hate this bike mong
>>382187 >the white man can never be defeated it’s called PROVIDENCE nigger BBK spectacularly misses the point again with his lowbrow Williamoid takes The point is the people ( and their middle class supporters ) running the show are largely hwhite and we their opponents are white but they are trying to use furriners to eliminate us and when they fail they will try to jump over to are side “ We believed in (you) all along but you understand the dreadful position we were in! ) and blend back in and then try their destructive ( to are society ) shenanigans again In other words WE must be the white man victorious over the other hwhite men who are trying to kill us. The ethnics are just their tools This is why you will never be a leader Brainlet Bum Kang
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want nip gf
>>382280 Ty lad
>>382287 >when they fail they will try to jump over to are side “ We believed in (you) all along but you understand the dreadful position we were in! ) and blend back in and then try their destructive ( to are society ) shenanigans again tbh
>>382290 Traitors first. They called for a death match and they’re trying to make it country against country again with a back up plan of using ethnics to obliterate us if they can’t pull that off. Scum
>>382291 tbh just opportunists who say or do whatever they have to to make sure they're on the winning side spineless creatures smh they need to be forced to go down with the ship for once
>woke up again smorbing another day of hell world and the shit the zogfrogs are pulling is no doubt a taste of what is in store for us >>382196 based britonomic analysis tbh lad
>sorry about destroying the west tee hee >i had to or else they'd take my six figure salary away >now isn't the time for blame - we need to fix this
>>382293 smorbius lad
>>382294 just reading that instantly spiked my seethium levels keek
>>382296 you're welcome lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uMtnH7cABg holding out for an eleventh hour upset like the riders of rohan coming to gondor exept its mongolian nazi bikers crossing through pookraine and every zogged country in their way to cracking heads in france
>>382299 if only
wish i could afford a cool motorbike
>>382301 Can you afford fake plates to swap on a stolen one? Fuck biker gang fags tbph.
>>382302 stealing is wrong lad
>>382303 Stealing is based if you steal from real cunts or wogs. Steal from gypos for stealing from pensioners, then feed and sneed the needy. Become Robin Chud.
>>382304 keeeeeeek
stealing vehicles is pretty tricky these days though tbqh the make model and colour are all tied to your number plate and the police look up every single vehicle in front of them as a matter of course experience this myself a few years ago when i forgot to renew my rego smh he was behind me for barely a minute and then the lights went on and he pulled me over only way i can see stealing a bike working out is by already owning the exact same model already smh there's a reason why most stolen vehicles just get taken apart for spare parts and the frame sold off as scrap
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started sneezing at church and a string of snot bungee rope'd down below my chin and I had to snort it back in quick before anyone saw
>>382307 keeeeeeeek
>>382307 it was a sign from god
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>>382307 church gets dusty as fuck tbh they should hoover it once in a while
>>382274 Not watching it now because it has a tranner in it
>>382287 That's not me. I also agree with your point and constantly express this exact opinion, window licker.
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sudden vivid memory of a late night church service back in my little village can't remember what the occasion was but it was dark outside and we had candles stuck in oranges so it smelt very nice >>382312 really? smh can't have anything nice any more
>>382315 7/10 forgot to say awooga woo woo woo hubba hubba with your eyes poking out of your head while making a steam whistle noise
>>382314 Christingle Glad to see my old rural primary school still takes the classes out to the church for it
>>382314 https://youtu.be/pBk4NYhWNMM 40 second mark. They've lost the incel market. They lost the Bum Bum King's support. They've lost it all. Bud light time. >>382316 Thanks lad, forgot to do my eye jelqing so they barely even come out past my nose smh
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>>382317 that's the one thanks lad forgot about the little sweet things on the toothpicks mine was a primary school thing too >>382318 it's ogre smh how could the goose do this to us
>>382320 Yeah, I'm not taking my non existant daughter, Skyreema, to see this motion picture.
>>382320 been hearing a lot about ice spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) lately tbh still got no idea who she is could turn a blind eye to nicki minaj thoughever since she was publicly outspoken against the jab smh a debt repaid only spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s i care about are scary sporty baby ginger and posh thank you very much
>it's film night in chud and tradwife's household >they settle in on their white settee under the traditional pilgrim plague blanket with skyrim, gunther and adolf >due to zogpoz there isn't much to watch >for the sixtieth week in a row they are watching TGSNT >they are not yet past the fourth part >chud keeps rewinding the dvd every time a picture of adolf hitler is shown while poignant music plays in the background >bliss
>>382288 I agree. >>382315 Your navel-gazing obsession with endogamy disallows you to see fine breeding stock, you socialist circlejerking sissy.
should have written each of their names out in full for total filterage smh >>382323 vnv dvy lvd, vn dvy wv wvll hvvv thvs
>for the sixtieth week in a row they are watching TGSNT >they are not yet past the fourth part keeeeeeeeeeeeek *unchained melody plays softly in the background as three thousand impoverished Germans are expelled from Konigsberg* >382324 >Your navel-gazing obsession with endogamy disallows you to see fine breeding stock, you socialist circlejerking sissy. *flexes muscles* Ban this race traitor. I don't care for his ironic chink loving. Also ban people who post twitter links, we non-normies can't see them smh.
>>382323 >>382326 Forgot your (You) smh
Ben Stokes smashes three sixes in a row to reach his 13th Test hundred!
>His fantasies are about groping nonextant BBW nerd landwhale soulmate on sofa >Not fantasising about beheading millions of mudshark bugmen with a combat knife before going down in a blaze of gunfure Ngmi.
Mass: Attended The real presence of Christ: Consumed The Lord: Praised Roast dinner with minted leggerlamb: Devoured Posts on /brit/: Made Walk with nanny: Commencing Smell you later, nigger destroyers
we already lose enough lads to prison gayism smh we really don't need this constant infighting
sneep snorp >>382331 fair one
>>382322 >scary sporty baby ginger and posh thank you very much GOOD LAD >>382323 keeeeeeeeeeek
spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) World (Featuring the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) girls) is a 1997 British musical comedy film about the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) girls in spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) world directed by Bob Spiers and written by Kim Fuller. The film stars pop girl group the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) Girls(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine), who all play themselves. The spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) Girls(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) perform their song "Too Much" at the Top of the Pops, but are dissatisfied with the burdens of fame and fortune carried as being the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) girls(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine). The spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) Girls (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)are an English girl group formed in 1994, consisting of Melanie Brown a.k.a. Mel B ("Scary spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)")(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine); Melanie Chisholm, a.k.a. Mel C ("Sporty spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)")(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine); Emma Bunton ("Baby spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)")(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine); Geri Halliwell ("Ginger spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)")(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine); and Victoria Beckham ("Posh spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)")(Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine).
I'll stop gooning... tomorrow
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/layfmVyMcZI Steiner is Brit/'s Ragnar Lodbrok smh, the tragedy but glory of it for we are the little piggies.
>>382338 this is the real enemy tbqh the wogs are just acting according to their nature but this thing makes a deliberate choice to enable evil and obstruct good
>>382338 beatings
>>382315 This but unironically
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>>382338 Hmmmst.
>>382339 >already got psyopped into chopping off his willy and now has to live with it for the rest of his life
>>382345 Anyone got that clip of Steve the Wraith going on about how transing isn't neccesery because people survive in death camps, but confused youngsters should still be transed, because a castrated man can become a man again because it's all about how one presents in the world tee hee?
>>382346 don't think i've seen that one smh sounds like pure evil sophistry
>>382346 Who the fuck is Steve the Wraith?
>google: man holding cut off penis >get a lot of pics of penis gore
>>382347 >>382348 Some ex military lolberg who trooned out. Think it was on that cringe homo based TM liberal pro abortion Rubin Report. Can't find it for the life of me. I called him Steve the Wraith because he had this unnerving two toned voice like the wraith in SG Atlantis tbh.
Posted about it before, but now it actually has passed. Based? Watch out, Steiner.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVJfL5eJ6Aw Although I probably called him Todd at the time actually. >>382351 Smdh.
Found it tbh don't know the exact time yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz9z_bWULgo
Remember a few years ago when people blamed riots on it being hot outside?
>>382355 please please please god don't let this peter out into nothing
>police parked in the car park clearly signposted as private parking above the law
had to look up whether it was peter out or petre out tbh could have sworn it was the latter apparently they both come from the latin petrae so i suppose it's something that could've been but never was unless cern switched their machine on and made me switch timelines again smh >>382357 put caltrops under their tyres lad that's what i do when people park in my space
>>382359 begone son of hitchens i am talking about minerals found in stone
could have sworn his name was hitchenson was only joking about switching timelines before
thought i was only joking that is
https://youtu.be/8UpGbvOTlBE?t=907 Found it finally. Chudtism is unstoppable. Now to get it to kill itself, fly my chuddy monkes, fly!
>>382361 No you're right it is hitchenson, lads often shorten it down tho
>>382363 >this guy is still uploading daily how, why. What is his audience?
>>382361 >The name Hitchens has a rich and ancient history. It is an Anglo-Saxon name that was originally derived from the baptismal name Richard. As the naming tradition grew in Europe baptismal names began to be introduced in many countries. always remembered his name because I used to live on a hitchens street, as well as an irving street some sort of chud magick coincidences perhaps
>>382364 So that's why he calls himself Peter Sweden
>>382350 >ex-military this appears far too often tbh there's got to be something going on >>382364 thanks lad dodged a bullet there >>382366 nothing is a coincidence tbh
>>382365 Extreme far leftist globohomo anarcho tyrany and civilisational collapse supporters that think this woke nonsense has gone a bit too far.
>>382233 Faggot woman Kneeling in the street Faggot woman The kind I'd like to beat Faggot woman
>>382372 Prefer woman is the nigger of the world, me.
>>382372 i don't believe you you're not the truth no one could betray my race like you mercy!
>>382292 Titanic Pt. 2.5
>>382375 keeeeeeek
>>382334 Nice shitpost fren. Very noice indeed
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>>382378 disgusting shits need to be hammered down once and for all
they hate us because we (anglo saxons) are the only tribe of israel that stayed true and followed are jesus when he appeared also something something nephilim annunaki pochette key blue eyed civiliser myth etc haven't paid too much attention to that though basically they hate us because they anus
*kills the thread* and this isn't even 10% of my power
>>382381 I've just been gooming tbh.
>>382382 based lad what goom? been spending all day reading manga myself tbh
>>382383 highfleet
>>382372 tbh I would like to see what a zat nik tel does to a womans pussy
>>382383 based comic reading
Going feast on Steiner's thoughts in the morning
horrific tongue ulcer making it painful to eat which is my one pleasure left in life.
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>>382338 but yet I bet that french mummy wouldn't raise a finger to help some frogcel get affordable housing or meet a gf of his derams. death to the middle class tbh if they think they can send emails while the jews replace us, well then they can join us or die
>>382384 based, how is it? been wanting to try it but never got around to it >>382388 smh rip lad
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>>382382 good lad im carrying on gooming on the /brit/car myself
Listening to Sun & Steel and playing Tf2.
>>382386 thanks lad >>382389 to be quite honest >>382391 keeeeeeeeeeeeek based
>>382392 good lad
>>382392 is tf2 still worth playing
>>382390 A lot of fun also incredibly frustrating.
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>>382210 Tbh I was expecting it to pop off like this when I heard about the riots, France has significantly more organized right-wing scene. I guess as a result of not being an Anglophone or Anglophone-adjacent country. But also because you had groups like G.U.D established back as far as 1968, which took after Italian right-wing groups that were nose diving straight into the Years of Lead. I don't think there's a single equivalent in Anglosphere countries, a right wing group of [anything] that popped up in the 1960s and stuck around since. The past 3 years alone they've been chudding it up, especially around last French elections and the lockdown protests. I've got telekino of them trashing anarchist squats and bullying antifascists. They threatened the mayors of two villages slated to get migrant centre's slapped in the middle of them, chasing down antifascist counter protest groups in the villages. In Callac the national police told the mayor to obscure his windows in case someone tries to shoot him. In Saint Brevin, they torched the mayor's home and cars, threatened his family. Neither of the migrant centre's ended up going ahead. Here's one group brawling with antifascists a week before the riots and sending some drug addict antifa called Toni to the hospital.
>>382395 Yestbh, the bots aren't as bad as they make out.
>>382395 it is lad luv it >>382396 based i'll have to try it out
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Tbh though just a tad worried what'll happen in the US with elections coming up there again. Biden is gonna deploy the spicnig squads led by lisa simpson commissars to take care of the maga boomers that weren't arrested on Jan 6
>>382401 >worried excited personally tbh got a feeling this one is going to be no holds barred should be kino however the pieces fall
If Trump wins, expect civil insurrection from BLM
>>382403 tbh but if they rig it too hard the patriots might grumble extra loud while they stand down and stand by
>>382397 pretty kek mp4
If i ever caught an antifa irl i'd smash his teeth down his throat with a rock then gouge his eyes out. it would be very based.
>>382397 yeah they are definately higher up on the tech tree than angloidics smh in burgerland everyone gets too obsessed with cool costumes
Also just remembered that Le Pen and Zemmour during French elections had a majority hold on the younger French demographics. Macron was reelected via coalition of last gasp boomers, nafris and leftoids. >>382402 I'm fully anticipating there's gonna be a contingent of Ian-Miles Chingchong follower types who try to reason with the horde knocking down their doors while they shit on anyone who does anything other than political ldar as cities get burned to the ground. Also fully anticipating they're not even gonna wait for a reelection tbh, think it'll be used as a weapon of fear.
>>382401 I am hoping for total boomer death
>>382389 https://youtu.be/Te6Clu6OW8M Chuds are doing nothing though, the lisa simpsons are saving us looky here.
>expect civil insurrection
Video aggregator accounts posting footage of the riots were contacted by the ministry of the interior and asked to stop. https://twitter.com/DamienRieu/status/1675266715364519936
Twitter is newly unusable. Had an account yesterday, got "rate limited". Don't have the patience, never experienced such rubbish anywhere else.
>>382412 tbh let's just go back to goreposting ukrainians and russians
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>>382411 Keeeeek
>>382417 Historic, is he touring the med as a viking sword for hire?
Sword between his legs.
>>382417 Is he wearing roman sandals keek
>>382418 >>382419 >>382420 He got banned on instagram again xxo BOOM
Dildos in a dead dogs arse
Watching the second life kino where Daniel harasses larping niggers whose character models all have giant asses again
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>>382423 keeeeek luv those
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>>382410 god I wish they would come and stop the forest fires here at some isolated abandoned trailer in northern michigan all by themselves
>>382414 yeah the only gore and kino we are allowed to see anymore is brotherwar shite
>>382426 yeah if only
*threatens to shoot you in a game*
>>382410 Same people that poopoo nuclear by repeatedly bringing up 40-year-old nonissues.
>>382410 How are organisations who pay these people to break laws allowed?
>>382429 *enters your home and refuses to leave*
>>382417 holy baldur, did he get that foederatii drip? he about to be rocking that squamata no cap about to just straight up take over the lame ass boomer Magister Militum Praesentalis
>>382419 sorry medboy but my spatha only comes out of its sheath for dinarii im no biscuit eater
there are no cool people in the uk, theres no highly sought out subcultural credentials anymore its just the same old nigger rap for youths and rehashed 50 year old intellectual property for everyone else.
>>382313 Your’re right. Sorry for the mistake there lad went back to the last thread and copied black bastard kang’s id incorrectly
OK, the VPN is off. This . . . is my manifesto!
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>>382435 tbh the only whitoid subcultures in the 21st century are conspirichads and wignats
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https://youtu.be/4Fz-mHGXgzs *revs boomer muscle car*
>>382296 Jesus keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Forgot I had the speakers up loud and the windows open. Two minutes ago I’d been listening to a song I couldn’t turn it off because I jumped, the mouse went behind the desk and I have to control the sound with it and the space bar just scrolled the page instead of pausing it ffs. so I ran to the window to close it and there were two femoid feds talking to next door staring at my house. i slammed them both shut Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Hopefully they don’t knock panic attack tbh I’m gonna need a cover tune!
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://youtu.be/qVnzn1aB0fk Not usually amused by this shit animation irony crap
>>382440 "no officer i was listening to ninety nine red balloons, she must have been imagining things"
>>382296 keek!
love maximum love for all mankind forever
>>382439 based >>382441 keeeeeeeeek
>>382440 should have ctrl f4'd
>>382440 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek if they knock on your door just tell them some racist jump scared you
>>382440 keeeeeeeeeek this is why physical volume knobs are critical
will the race riots continue y/n?
>>382451 certainly tonight yes but beyond that depends
I need better pics for my dating profile, bought a tripod
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>>382339 >decided to become a woman after bullying at school made him doubt his masculinity
>>382453 thats the desperation hitting
>>382455 smh probably rubbed his clit dick fantasising about getting bummed by his bullies
>>382351 that just says the house. state laws need to be passed by both state house and state senate, then signed by governor, just like federal laws need to be passed by both house and senate then signed by president. it's common for bills to pass in one chamber and then the other chamber not even look at it
>>382456 I haven't even started lass, too chicken smh
I've killed millions of niggers, but I simply cannot seem to slay that pussy
>>382459 Only your looks matter, the pictures are mostly a meme, if you look like a chad you can take shite pics in dimly lit dirty toilet mirrors and get matches, don't fall for the reddit cope that says otherwise.
oh that's why they didn't do it yet
>>382356 >peter out I can't understand why anyone would name their son "Peter", it's the most pathetic name. saltpetre comes to mind, some chemical that sterilizes you, also the phrase "Peter out" meaning for something to lose its vigor and fate into obscurity, not to mention the Russian slang term "Pidor", meaning "faggot". and the short version of "Peter" is "Pete", which is even worse, like peat moss.
>>382461 That's objectively false lad, most of my friends are bazzoids and have find women online dating. You're bitter and self-doubting. We all have self-doubts but you're indulging in copes rather than try. Get some self-awareness and fuck off with trying to undermine lads.
pee turd tbh
>>382463 It means rock lad. Perfect name for a lad.
imagine absorbing spician talking points
FIltering the tranny brigade tbh
>>382463 cringe and anti-huwhite petra means rock lad don't you want your son to be rock 'ard?
basically, when you name your sons, you need to think, "what kind of name do women have a crush on?" because no girl ever had a crush on "Pete/Peter" >>382466 nobody knows what names mean unless they look them up, what's important is the sort of vibe it gives off, you want to give your sons Chad names to help them succeed in life >>382469 isn't the name Peter of Biblical, and therefore Semetic, origin? that's not white, lad
it's a shame because I always thought "Seth" was a cool name that I'd consider for a son, but then I looked it up and it's of Hebrew origin, so that's a non-starter
Ahh, the tranny is also anti-Christian and can't speak Greek.
oh it's the real spic
>>382470 anti-christian therefore not worth replying to deeply sorry that you don't have a culture that you feel you belong to really i am but fuck off
my unicode zero width space failed me goodnight lads
Spic is mentally conquered by the girls who bullied him at school. A lonely saddo who feels entitled to speak about subjects because he read some infographics about them. Sad!
>>382475 *gently kisses your ear lobe* Goodshite shweet shince.
A lot of kino the last few weeks
https://youtu.be/myfNM1wWKUA Dancing in front of the Barret homes
>>382479 we should dance like this, all of us together
>>382479 That's the most depressing thing I've ever fucking seen.
>>382480 yes but steiner how can u not hate these deano barrat home do nothings who live in the counties and don't do anything against the wogs , at least the lisa simpsons have some proximity to the outsider
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>>382484 Right hand chose to be a loserfaggot, I have no sympathy.
Somebody post "Cette Anne la"
who /productoftheirgenes/ here?
>>382389 >muh middle class there it is again. I don't see where you get the idea that middle class people are all libtards and poorfags are all based, that's not what I see at all. poorfags usually live in urban or urban-adjacent areas and therefore they tend to be immersed in urban (negroid) culture. in other words, they are literal wiggers that listen to Eminem and say "yo" and perhaps even "nigga". not the type of person you would typically assume to have based opinions like all of the normal white families that live in white areas are middle class because that's the financial status you need to afford to live in such neighborhoods >>382476 I wasn't bullied by girls much at all, I can only think of one incident on a school bus where these 2 bitchy girls from my neighborhood got under my skin so I viciously insulted their appearances and they were on the verge of crying, the bus driver yelled at me to stop. major W that was hell I wasn't even really 'bullied' much at all, per se. normalfags 'avin' a laff' at my expense, sure, but I just laughed with them.. like yeah, I was weird, I'm self-aware and can see how my 'character' was funny to them. basically just trying to alleviate boredom at school, can't blame them, I wasn't bothered by it also infographics are a highly authentic source of information
>>382479 god imagine being niggercattle
*can't see spics posts because I filtered him* idioto
the best is when it types out like 3 pages of mong shite fully aware that most of the thread has filtered it already
>>382487 me too smh
spic should just migrate to one of the many spic boards on this site and post with his own kind
>>382493 he won't because of his inferiority complex
They hurt 22st. Now they are going to have to answer to me.
>>382462 The only thing that's "inadequate" is their combined-arms training, fucking knuckle-draggers tbh.
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>>382493 thing is, this "spic" persona that has evolved over the years only exists on this board. I have been more authentically myself on this board than I ever have in real life, so it's not really an option for me to 'go elsewhere', as I would be relinquishing a part of myself >>382494 this is projection, if anything I have a superiority complex
*photographs spics posts* This can and will be used in evidence against you.
>>382499 keeeek
So this is how it feels . . . when doves cry.
https://youtu.be/xAV5PFBM2UU Spic and Steiner formed a band!
>>382505 That nigger took becoming the bull too literally.
Really enjoying this nigger pos-ACK
https://youtube.com/shorts/NxqOeB3G2sA?feature=share3 The unfortunate future of whitoids of non middle class blood
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8hbnFqe8aw >my bbk takes the morning train, he toils from 9 to 10 and then he takes another home again to find me posting for him
>>382511 *kisses you* >>382513 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/SVnCjWBQLxU keeeeeeeeeeek this fucking guy fair play to him
all the basedlads got mass arrested by zoggies for fighting rioters
>>382518 meanwhile all the rioters walk *screams*
>>382518 Makes sense why there are so many arrests now.
I wonder how much violence a french ethnic interest group would have to commit before the state starts to negotiate concessions with them?
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TIMpcqJtBXs Sick of sex everywhere. Sick of being incel
throughout my entire life I have never had a libtard no matter how well educated even attempt to genuinely argue whites are not discriminated against in the UK and US, they always without fail go "ohh the poor white males lmao", it needs to be more well know their motivation has always been pure malice, sadism is the singular goal not a by-product of their pathology.
>>382527 Exactly tbh.
>>382524 If they were smart and I believe they are they would in a coordinated manner attack small departments bully the mayors and bureaucrats out, create their own Vichy and expand it or use it to negotiate with the government However the government is doing it’s best to round them up as fast as they can because they know that could well happen
>>382530 Name and address. NOW! I am going to write them a very stiff letter and also one to Councillor Patel! Horrific!
tfw you can't buy a house and then you see people doing this shit keeeeeeeeeeek
now you're just trying to milk the bad archeology thing err not a good look
>>382529 In any conflict against groups representing verbotten interests like white interests the moment violence stops the system has a ritualised nuremberg trial re-enactment for everyone involved (Jan 6, Cville). If whites ever start a conflict they have to go all the way, the system cant allow any examples of collective white self defence succeeding.
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>>382537 Tbph in for a penny in for a pound.
>only your THIRD house Mike? Is that all? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xdKdKlErZU
>>382535 Pakis did this. I guarantee it
>>382537 That’s a great way of putting it tbh. Genius dare I say
is any of the rioting even on the telly
>>382545 its the main news story tbh, not much actual footage of it though
The main takeaway is that france is racist of course
bbk is such a delusional simp tbh.
>>382548 lass?
news outlets in france are being threatened by the minister of the interior to report no riots are taking place.
She loves me, lads.
>>382550 Panic mode activated Pussies. I hate that little frog cunt Don’t care if picture is or isn’t accurate want to see him raped by Bongo Wongo and his mates under the arc de triomphe
>>382397 unfathomably based and kino post >>382432 migrant simulator
>>382518 smh I thought america was the most cucked but it seems like in general there has been a widespread increase in jewish oligarchs wanting to purge wignats
>>382553 she turned into a better milf than britney
>>382553 I am in love and I'm going to breed her, lad. Should be happy for smee smh
>massa Overton here shifted the overton window so much he’s 109 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXyfCGDnuWs
Battered wog and chips please
>>382537 wonder if whitoids acting as safety net and support groups for whitoids rather than skullmask shite would be easier to grow undetected by spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) or if they would use kike lawyers to get at you. either way eventually the wignat cadres need to remove the jews from the legal apparatus
>frenchoids cleaning up after the riots love wins
>>382562 can't remember who made the point but wignats need to be inserting themselves into every movement possible and taking a pro white stance and turning everything into pro white vs anti white and gather support from segments of the population.
>>382564 yeah its the only solution I agree lad, the maskfag shite doesn't work at all lads need to just take over leftists socialist shite and try to get every single whitoid they can on bennies and we need to get council estates/trailer park slags to just shite out whitoids like machines
>>382563 Look like muulahs
>>382562 i don't think they could lawfare away a volunteer group, they'd probably try to infect it with terrorists/feds and use that as an excuse to bring it down
seethe sunday roundup: >arrived at boomers, xoomers arrive too >first thing mummy and the xoomers talk about after not seeing eachother for a month is poolitics >agreeing with eachother about leftist shit, le frog riots are because of le inequality, le poor dead niggerino or whatever >grandad contributes with "I was watching the zogvision and they said there was 37 shootings in america today" >so of course they all agree with eachother about gun control >mummy talks about stepbrothers visit to bongland, the london tourist experience: >"friendly british police" and "heartwarming and positive groups leafletting against knife crime" >into reminiscing about their australian childhoods in 99% white places and how much better it was and they just don't know what went wrong >also how shit it was moving to england as children away from everything and everyone they ever knew (didn't stop her doing the same to her children and moving to frogland) >laughing about how unnecessary it is for border control and security and how funny it was to be shit mothers and seeing others' children shouting bomb threats in airports >agreeing how much better it was in australia because the houses were so much bigger and why doesn't britain just have big and cheap houses too (it's not because of overpopulation and immigration bigot) >as soon as the polishits and dabbing on millenials is done they all take out their smartphones and sit in silence until dinner time >which is at a chinese restaurant, which nobody told me about, which I can't eat at because mummy shat out a cripple fuck after not bothering to get a genealogy test (me) >sit silently for the whole meal trying not to chud out as they further reinforce poolitics and dunk on their less fortunate children >can only eat the most bland and boring food while they vore mountains of the tastiest chinky shit >when they remember they should include me in the reminiscing all they can ever talk about is one single positive event from my childhood that they remember (because that was all I had but they can't acknowledge that because it would mean they are bad parents) >on the drive home they talk about owning property and btfo millenials more, laugh about steiner only just being able to afford an unliveable trailer park home after all his toil
>382568 >i don't think they could lawfare away a volunteer group
shitter is down again. god please someone kill elon musk
>>382569 why do you put up with these scum, defoo yourself from these civilisational destroyers who would stab you in the back at the drop of a hat.
>>382569 I enjoy your blogposts about your family, lad. makes me feel better about being excommunicated from my brood.
>>382573 the free dinner once a week I guess >>382574 yeah it is probably the best result for open chuds
>>382569 smh your family act very immature and disrespectful around you lad
>>382575 is it really free when you have to pay for the bus and you get cortisol and stress spikes from listening to them.
>>382576 I remember it and I seethed
>>382576 militia mongs are all bbc slut mongs so fuck them
>>382580 keeek yeah fuck oathkeeper fags
>>382572 we're the nicest people on earth and everybody is mean to us for no reason.
>>382577 I think it was because the xoomers weren't raised right, they act the same way to the boomers by making little digs and psychological attacks, being "subtle" about trying to get their money or things they think are "owed" and so on rot probably started with granny raising them to be feminist nu-women instead of tradlasses since grandad was out working to keep them in big houses all the time >>382578 tbh tbh there is also the xoomers' dog which is 107 human years old or some shit, she is nice to see and play with outside, the only living being I have had physical contact with in almost a decade now I guess
Reminder that if you are friends with a female or are simping for them she actually despises you, women hate men they aren't either trying to fuck or are actively fucking.
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>>382569 smdh boomers are just the worst you can tell that they view you as a sort of non person and you are in the similar situation to alot of middle classoid whitoids where they only help you enough to prevent you from starving but they won't lift a finger to help you get ahead or continue your line because its all le quirky figure it hecking out adventure and not a ruthless struggle to prevent total annihilation of western civilization and your line falling into total debt slavery living in tents by the bog
>>382584 one of the hippy middleclassoid copes is yurt living tbh this isn't that far off
>>382585 I haven't had anything in common with women in about 3 years
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NAFO cancer is trying to say that russian mafia is organizing the riots wew
was at gym doing some lifts and I can't lift as heavy as I used to because of boomer toil and not wanting to have joint pain from over working out and the gym williamoids were bullying me and trying to act 'ard because they pick up heavy object like grug but they all sit at desks all day doing nothing
>>382591 banter them back lad
>>382590 >putin is monke >niggers and towelheads are monke >they are working together >>382592 with a hacksaw
sort of thinking now that gym shite and all the MMA cope shite I did in my 20s was just more middle classoid secret agent shit that was really just a cope for not doing anything. its this idea of "being ready" but never actually doing fuck all, like you say, oh yeah I could beat up that nigger but I have to go to work tomorrow and in actuality you are a bitch cuck pussy boy. ukraine war and boomer toil revealed this to me where in hol hol land some gear infused slav muscle beast can just walk into a DHSK spread and get turned into a pile of ground beef while pavel the 100 pd slavcel DayZ speed runner ends up dropping 5 pidors in a muddy trench purely out of muscle memory and terror. same with boomer toil where generally muscle fag dipshits just pick up a couple of boards and then when skullet boomer or foreman boomer starts expecting them to build scaffold and climb and hang and bang that lumber they all fuck off because they are too tough and need to conserve their joints for lifting and other pointless male version of butt matrix shite
>>382591 stopped heavy weightlifting years ago so I could focus on more functional strength instead of big workhorse shit
>>382594 its just all peacocking for women, women being free is cause society to collapse because of runaway peacocking.
>>382592 yeah I do that much more often now because of boomer toilism where uberbossman doesn't even care if skullet boomer and me say nigger with a hard R around him and he drives up and rolls down his bossman truck window and asks if the beaners dropped off the material yet keeeeeeek. there was this nigger tried to call me "my boy" and I told him to go fuck himself and nearly called him a nigger kek called him a shine box bitch though
>>382595 yeah I can respect heavy lifts but only to a certain extent any person who comes on a site and tries to lift a massive beam or something is a mong and most of the time being taken advantage of because you will be at boomer toil and see incel polface looking guys doing isometric holds of like 100 pd pieces of material for 5 mins but at the gym bigfags don't even try to do isometric holds or anything its all just showboat nonsense
Tory MPs urge Rishi Sunak to cut 'destabilising' immigration https://news.sky.com/story/tory-mps-urge-rishi-sunak-to-cut-destabilising-immigration-12913351 >The New Conservatives group, made up of 25 MPs on the right of the party, will put forward a number of proposals to the prime minister in a report released on Monday, including ending the temporary visa scheme for care workers and capping the number of refugees who are allowed to settle in the UK. >The group, which includes the party's deputy chairman, Lee Anderson, said reducing the number of migrants coming to the country was a key part of Tory victories in so-called red wall seats in 2019, and the current level was having "destabilising economic and cultural consequences". The wokeists are done for now
>>382598 Yeah no always have someone to help you, better to make it lighter and save your joints.
Seems like antifa and le blm are under attack all over France by nationalists today.
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Everytime I see that image of that tory mong giving away his daughter to a literal nigger at their wedding I howl knowing he got killed by one a few months later, like pottery.
>>382604 at least he wasn't racist.
>>382602 boomers are all scum of the earth, quite literally the worst generation in world history, quite an achievement tbh.
>>382606 worst so far, there's time yet.
Plus I don't know the Antediluvian must have been pretty bad to get a whole continent sunk through sheer blasphemy against god.
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americans are starting to muh guns post on 4chud there should be some southposting soon
another dead shartican in ukraine, died in the russian missile strike in kramatorsk restaurant
After 30 years as Moscow Chief Rabbi, Pinchas Goldschmidt flees Russia and is labeled "Foreign Agent" >He also warns Jews to flee Russia as he claims antisemitism on the rise.
riots are still going on, cars are still being torched and shops looted. check frdesouche for the videos (you dont need twitter): https://www.fdesouche.com/ but its old hat now.
>>382613 they've beaten our record now
apparently they released some lions and tigers from the zoo in fraunce
just opened some soap I got on my trip to frogwogland it's from marseille and it's opium scented
>>382615 they're so big, so strong... but they don't want to get up, they haven't mauled the wogs
goin zoo at some point next week tbh, I will see >huwhite frogs >gnuggers >jew hogs >liberal doves >based capybaras >titty monkeys >strongest race of deer in the world >faggot doves >huwhite vorelicans >goy monkes >midget goats
>41 minutes past midnight
>>382620 kind of based ngl
>retards on an island in the middle of nowhere can get guns and have an independence movement effective enough to face off against a first world nation 100x their size
>Some acts of barbarity have been committed by the French military in contradiction with their military duty
>>382622 the group that did that are now a political party and control the local government of new caledonia. insane
>>382611 one less dumb retarded faggot zogbot
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yeah I have no idea what she is saying
>>382628 cuck shit as usual telling chuds not to chud out and to let the zog brigade just arrest baste skullmask defenders
>>382629 based she is telling patriots to "stand by"
>>382630 two more weeks of one-sided race war to stop the riots
https://youtu.be/siVbABpW180 *uses it on natalyas boobs*
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انتهى الأمر
>>382633 muzzies doing the jobs europeans won't do
>>382632 kek i remember designing watches with gadgets like grappling hooks and lasers when i was a sprog
my ideal elevation to live at would have to be 450m, high enough that you get comfy snow in winter but not on top of a mountain with fog all the time. caveat *holds up index finger* i would only live at this elevation if my location had prominence and wasn't just a high flat plain and only in the south of the country so as not to impinge on my growing season too much. thank you for reading
>>382636 good lad is that OC
>>382639 I get this continuously from older “wiser” and always much wealthier normies. “You can choose to fight the system or you can choose to be happy” when I’m living hand to mouth to just exist in a country that is actively trying to destroy me in every way, a system that obviously always hated me and my kind and has continuously worked against us? any chance of stability and happiness further away at every turn, prices increase way beyond what you can ever hope to earn. “You can choose arsenic anon or choose the cyanide you ungrateful cunt lol” Being able to consoom meaningless ( cheap ) shit with the little money left that you have to exhaust yourself for further exhausts and demoralises you. I don’t want toys, I want a meaningful life in reach not constant low wage toil in a system they control and have made sure I can have no stake in. It’snall for them. No possibility to have a home or stable job and therefore a family because of this. The stuff that matters. Like everyone, I’ve done the “work harder get a better job” meme only to constantly get passed over for a diversity hire or promoted to a position with more responsibility for an extra 200 slave token rise per year because if Insay no some underqualified furriner will do the same job for less unless I get sick or injured and losing that shit job I worked hard to keep. Bullies
This is what they’ll do to us. Fifty years later they’ll have a ‘public inquiry’. >yeah, they shouldn’t have done that, unfortunately the people responsible are now dead, we’ll tear down their statues and build another corrugated township for the new natives in their memory. luckily it won’t happen again as the old natives from that era are all dead, wrongly perceived as a threat to those very naughty wealthier dead people ( from whom we are descended ahem )
Fuck me just look at how detached and deluded these libcunts are >Is another way possible? Er, no. Jacking it all in remains a fantasy. Morimoto lives off savings; the others were salaried (suspected) slackers. To do so would mean overthrowing capitalism, and oof, that sounds like a ton of work, which is what we’re trying to avoid here. I don’t think any number of TikTokers saying: “You work more than hunter-gatherers, babes” will really inspire us to cast off our bonds and radically reshape society. Anyway, most of us are in the ambivalent middle, somewhere between rise and grind and “let it rot”. >But the Bartelbys can help around the margins, in making choices where we’re lucky enough to have them. Is it worth saying yes to a new project, extra hours, more responsibility? From where I’m working, writing about not working, I can see my hens dust-bathing in a heap of feathered contentment, occasionally pecking a passing bug. My son is reading in the shade and our tortoise is basking, motionless, legs outstretched, recharging with the rays. It looks nice out there, like one of Lucido Johnson’s drawings. Does it make sense to be sitting in here, squinting at a screen? Maybe. But it’s good to be poked into asking the question, now and then. UWOT? *nice picture btw trying to say “pocs” don’t like working or something? when diversity and inclusion go horseshoe
>>382643 Still have this boomoid reaction to criticising are SAS ngl lads. Have this completely plausible idea of them having consistently higher moral standards than every other country's special forces in every age. But I suppose if you were a para in the Blair years you must've known slitting talichad or baathcel throats was wrong as Blairites were your own people's real enemy needing a good killing, and therefore been a dastardly psychopath. Smh.
>>382645 iktf. ultimately it dawns on you they are mostly not “keeping you safe” with their actions instead helping to further create personal danger towards you and yours when all these genocidal governments import the relatives and friends and conationals of the people they killed and who now blame you for that government are also really willing to throw these zogbots to the wolves. >go kill the natives and when you return we’ll give you a gong and stick you in jail to avoid the pension costs when will they learn?
I think Auslad should abboom
>>382648 dunno prolly doubt it though think they delayed lizzys death announcement by 4 days or something
>>382650 >lizzy dead Keeek get a grip lad
>>382651 MY queen....
>>382617 keeeeek
30 min between sets, lads. Tortoise wins the race
>>382653 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
had that pain from cooming and then peeing shortly after and it feels like the valve never really shut after the pee ended. very uncomfortable feeling, do find jelquing sometimes helps
>>382657 >never mind me just having a healthy jelq is all Morning Hunter
>>382657 that's a pretty early coom, lad. Why don't you try gooning instead?
Why so sad Gerard? Look on the brightside! Now there’s an opening for a female firefighter.
>>382659 Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Get back in your wagie cages the pair of you!
Ahhhhhh nononon c’est un cas terrible de <<work burnout>>
We have reached LEVELS lads! UNPARALLED LEVELS >He died of a heart attack, and firemen union said this fire was not linked to the riot. >we just need one more immigrant to replace him and everything will be FIRE..ahem, we mean fine.. https://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/saint-denis-mort-dun-pompier-de-24-ans-qui-luttait-contre-un-feu-de-vehicules-03-07-2023-HMGK6X7LQVERXC6EEDDJB4MJNY.php
>>382663 what a shameful article. Imagine that being part of your death.. note? I dno what you call it in Britain
he died the way he lived, unbothered by migrants
>>382665 >Maybe he died because they told him he couldn’t retire at 25 lazy fuck t. Boomberg
>>382647 Think you'll find that even those showy, colourful uniforms were a matter of pragmatism too tbh.
>>382664 >death note Obituary
>>382668 There's nothing pragmatic about jungle camouflage outside of a jungle though.
>>382664 indeed
>>382667 Not sure who's pooing who in that thread.
>>382672 Tech support deathmatch >can you hold please sah i must get to designated street asap to do needfuls.. no you are blodi bitch bastard Bangla muslim benchod child cannibal >no, you
Rate limited again’st
>>382669 thanks lass >>382671 keeeek >heart attack it checks out
>>382676 np also you can’t have the Orkneys, tell the jocks you want nothing to do with them ta
>>382677 Given its location that's a bit silly, isn't it? Do they even have a sizeable portion of their ancestry from Norge.. >The results of DNA analysis of male volunteers from Orkney – carried out in connection with the BBC Television programme Blood of the Vikings – showed that vikings not only settled in Orkney, but also inter-married with local women that their Y-chromosomes – passed from father to son – supplanted those of the indigenous population. wew. White genocide. 60% of them had Norwegian ancestry, but most of their ancestry was brythonic, and 15-30% Norwegian. Yeah, they stay a part of Scotland.
>>382670 >>382673 *adjust your camouflage scheme to match your surroundings properly. If you can't rely on a consistent environment then put more colours on, or pick a mode average for exposure. This stuff works, and it's a necessity to survive in this generation of warfare. So I don't think wearing bright-red again would do are fources any good, or return their latent glory, or something.
>>382678 As usual the women ruined it Fucking Orkney wreckers https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/02/220207155715.htm
>>382680 Pretty. That way of closing the jacket though, isn't that pretty archaic? >>382681 Interesting. Then again it could have been a case similar to Iceland where the men raided other places and brought wives and slaves with them back home. I doubt a large population of women just moves like that willingly.
>>382680 >not chadding it up in a red tunic so you stand out and attract all the fire thereby exhausting the enemies ammo and saving everyone else like the hero you are use of camo is selfish, cowardly and bloody FRENCH! tbh
>>382682 Yeah it's SS kek. >382683 You're just being facetious tbh whatever.
>>382682 They could smell the money anon. NEVER underestimate a thots power of smell When men carve themselves out a comfy little niche they will try and suck all the wealth or just wreck it for them because it’s not enough or it’s not theirs ( image 2 )
>>382684 Wear some red briefs in prison to hide the blood stains from the constant anal probing lad
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Using the word facetious is pretentious cringe.
>>382687 Yes and faecesitious
>>382685 I really hope most of these "wife asks random people on the internet about her husband" threads are fake. >>382688 smh I was going to make that joke
>>382689 AI inventions to keep the outrage and bread and circuses going. When the lads are busy debating this stuff it stops them going out and tearing the cameras down
>>382692 Keeek
>>382680 >>382683 Cringe posts.
>>382694 Somebody has to make the effort for the sake of diversity in the absence of other cringe posters lad
Why haven't they made a live action film with gay crippled spider-lass yet?
>>382696 >last panel is of her getting cucked KEEEEEEK
>>382696 >Spidercripplelass and the Sapphic Riders - a proud leather clad lesbian adventure Cudbgud tbh
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Going through Frons twitter again, apparently leftists are putting out fake fliers calling for raids on certain districts. L'Alvarium guys were the ones that were first seen whacking antifascists with bats.
Waiting for them to make Wonder Ho and Batcoon tbh
just picturing her legs flopping around like a gmod ragdoll as she spidermans around the city.
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Donations for the cop that shot Nahel
The first villain is Doc Ock incel who gets angry when she won't use the robot legs he made for her
>>382705 los unitdo stados momento
I guess he learned from having Destiny on his show
Sickest thing is that he and his wife has a child together
>>382703 Wew Might have to jump on a ferry and join the French gendarmerie. Seems like a good career choice
>eat lunch >get postprandial somnolence putting me out of commission for hours
>Postprandial somnolence (colloquially known as food coma, after-dinner dip, and postprandial sleep, or by the African-American Vernacular English term the itis) > or by the African-American Vernacular English term the itis) What the fuck
When will the Vietnamese pay for their crimes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiMdHKgIuUA
Macron To Lock Down Fallen France >france to pull down all social media >total censorship and ban of reporting in france https://youtu.be/ilBvlCFtItI
What is it with these mainstream podcasters covered in tattoos, being le 'alpha' but being literal cucks in reality?
>>382716 think this one is a literal jew
>>382705 jesus effin christ >>382716 dunno there is something a bit deano about them imo
Omar Bongo 2nd president of Gabon was the first and only head of state in post-colonial African history to be of pygmy descent.
>>382718 ahh, they're onlyfans pornstars too. par for the course really.
>>382720 that True Geordie was going around DM's telling women to fuck niggers because it would be more enjoyable for them than fucking him. Keeeeek. State of this lot.
>>382723 Have know idea who he is, he should be beaten to death tbh.
>>382713 I think it’s carbs
>>382724 >Have know idea who he is Keep it that way, you're not missing out on anything.
>>382726 keeeeeek
>>382722 Paid propagandists and part of the agenda. If they’re doing it for free or clout they’re losing out financially
killing the next nigga i ever hear say "hmp well atleast theyre not speaking german hehe" like it means anything
you might aswell shit your pants while screaming "HITLER SAVE MEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
>>382733 I do scream that a lot
i would respect hitler if he had the fuhrerbunker guys strap him to an armoured car rigged with explosives and drove it towards the front line. otherwise he just acked himself.
>>382736 HONEST ABE
>>382606 >>382607 I don't think it's possible for there to be a worse generation than boomers. any generation after them is affected by the fallout from the boomers, so their flaws are not totally their fault. boomers however grew up in a relatively normal world, could have done anything they wanted with it, and they decided to ruin everything for the trivial personal benefit of 'feeling morally righteous' >>382615 an elephant also. hope the animals get somewhere safe with food >>382633 there are more jevvs in France than in any European country. many of them have been leaving already and this will surely accelerate now
Fuck it. Stick it on 4 chan /aus/pol and let them terrorise the yanks with it
>>382741 Dat Vinland Saga lad?
>>382743 Yeah, I'm surprised at how decent it is so far. For some reason I assumed it'd be really bad.
Abo is one B isn’t it lads?
>>382745 two bs tbh
>>382746 sheeeeit one b replaces Abe better tho
>>382747 It's one b, lad.
oh, I was just reminded of a movie we watched in English class. something bunnies something fences, about abo children being takena way by the evil white man smh. I hate school
Fresh Lunakino
>A local source told The Sun: 'The girls and their families are devastated. Nobody can work out why the police are not issuing a public appeal for information about this.
>However the force denied claims the girls were victims of a trafficking or grooming gang. Don't worry guys it was just a little local raping
>>382749 disgusting how teachers force students to sit through guilt programming shite smh >>382751 description of the men conspicuously absent >>382752 >Nobody can work out why the police are not issuing a public appeal for information about this. it really makes you think
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Right wing student group RED Angers put up a gofundme for damages and legal costs. Gonna shill here. https://www.gofundme.com/f/le-rassemblement-des-etudiants-de-droite Their place got smashed up Friday and Saturday night by rioters and antifascists in bloc, armed with machetes and knives, who were driven off both times by Angevin lads with broomsticks. Naturally, the public prosecutor decided to open up an investigation against them and their place got raided by the police who wanted to seize their broomsticks. This all the while rioters were walking around with handguns in the same neighbourhood.
>>382751 Bet it was those four celebrity chefs from The Star of Kabul
>>382756 >their place got raided by the police who wanted to seize their broomsticks. This all the while rioters were walking around with handguns in the same neighbourhood.
More Norge shit
>>382750 He's like a latinx/chinx cartoonist with David Dees overtones. It's embarrassing.
>>382760 >me asian boy me life so sad why white man so racist why asian woman sex white man why no woman sex with me >:(
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>>382758 'ate it tbh
>>382761 bit like this board tbh lel
>>382642 >You can choose to fight the system or you can choose to be happy” yeah that pure distilled grill boomer cuck shite
>>382643 fuck zogbots I know so many fags who would think that shite is cool but when you say that they would do the same here their eyes just gloss over
how to view twitter without an account?
>>382644 just middle classoids trying to coopt the neetic incel revolt against jobs that have been made economically irrelevant because of jewish currency debasement. also notice she uses a nigger because white men are not allowed to have grievance
>>382647 wasn't it so you could see your own lads in the smoke?
>>382769 You can't anymore. Just make one.
>>382772 But when you make one, know that you'll get rate limited :^) At least the removed the requirement of needing a phone number to sign up and can do it via email again.
>>382773 Yeah as a shut in who just didn't have a mobile for years, I hated that.
>>382773 Really? That's a blessingerino.
Keeeeeek >Loic Chaigneau. French anti woke, communist patriot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XDhHsTkEDQ
>>382769 Reckon Doris Stokes is your best bet. Got a ouija board handy?
>I’ve got a tweet coming through erm “ ‘billiousnesss’…no….hold on…’billions’…recognise that? anything yet? err ‘diaphonous’ no no hold on…GOT IT! ‘Billions must die’! From a ‘Richie Sun-ACK’ .. KNOW HIM?
>>382771 I’ve heard a lot of reasons tbh and it was probably a combo. Visibility works both ways though
>>382781 didn't this lad go down the dark road of sissy hypno and cock cage?
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>>382782 Hope not
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Also je qeeq at the whole premise of sissy hypno. Remember watching a video years ago and thinking how absurd it was that someone could be hypnotized from watching an opaque animated spiral gif overlayed onto a video of some lass sucking a blokes willy. Reckon you'd have to be far down the coomer rabbithole to even be watching that cringe shite
>>382770 That's just the Guardian for you.
>>382784 You need to respect the sissy hypno. It was a shortlived meme in right wing circles probably because they realised its power and had to stop mentioning it
>>382786 Was it? Only thing I remember that was tangentially related was BDSM leftists on twitter complaining about Republican hypno and MAGA doms
>>382787 Remember seeing it on twitter and Nick Fuentes mentioned it a few times on his showrino
Pure cancer
Seen more of Joe Rogan than I've ever seen of Nick Fuentes tbh. And I've only properly watched 2 full episodes of JRE. Don't think I've a long enough attention span to watch any of those streamer types when its not about a topic I'm already enthused about
for me? It's JFG
imagine my shock meanwhile literally all poles are shilling for the (((USA))) and WWIII with Russia
>>382792 You're supposed to learn from other people's mistakes for fuck's sake *screams*
>>382792 Swear this has to be the membership fee for NATO or something, letting wogs inundate your country so Russoids Yakut steppe goblins don't
he's going into the psych ward indefinitely after the Norwegian police see what's on his devices
>Brits vote for Brexit >shitskin immigration increases drastically >Italians vote for nationalist party >shitskin immigration increases drastically >Poles vote for nationalist party >shitskin immigration increases drastically >>382795 kys
>he defends nonces
>>382797 he's not a nonce you crossdressing faggot
Don't cross Mercia, lads
>they find Steiner's horse fucking dog videos
ahhh just had an excellent chicken wrap, it came out perfectly, just the right amount of spicy mayonnaise and the bacon was cooked just the right amount. highly tantalizing to the taste buds, wish there were two of them
it's chicken, baby spinach, bacon, and spicy mayonnaise (like chipotle mayonnaise), in a wrap. very nice
>>382794 Uzbeks are practically steppe goblins but Yakuts are better.
>>382806 Turkmens/Uzbeks/Tajiks are more like mooselimbs than actual steppe ethnic groups like Kazakhs/Krygyz
Anyone here with a bit of Hadrian dna?
>>382807 Tajiks are pretty turk like but the uzbeks are more blanda’d up from what I see
>>382809 tajiks get like 10~20% of ancestry from east asians, uzbeks are ~50%
https://youtu.be/_--kMNWrQqo Narcissists are the most oppressed people in the world
>>382809 >>382810 hm maybe I underestimated how mongoloid uzbeks are, they are very islamized though compared to kazakh/krygyz who are like mongolians. tajiks are basically persians
>>382812 tajiks have significantly more aryan/steppe ancestry than persians, pamiris have as much steppe ancestry as northern european populations
>>382813 >aryan/steppe when I said "steppe", I meant "Mongol", not some ancient Proto-Indo-European steppe people like the Scythians
lots of continental euroflags on 4chud spamming antifag tier nonsense looks like coordinated spamming
Deploy the TBBK BBC counterspam
>>382770 shut up you sound massively cringe and veering on ressentiment fuelled faggitry >>382789 the bible is the book of lies. Imagine reading it and thinking it was anything other than the scrawlings of a sub-dimensional archontic parasite.
is that you poombs?
>>382818 Is that Lindy Beige's comic?
>>382822 no it's Ad Astra and it's actually based and historically accurate (carthaginians, libyans and other north africans are actually depicted as white and not niggers) https://mangadex.org/title/3ea7e763-654b-46a6-9c36-6afbed1baa47/ad-astra-scipio-and-hannibal
What is Colin Kaepernick’s problem exactly?
>>382824 wew, nice. i'll pretend i'm going to read it tbh >>382826 Largely based but need to fuck off to Sierra Leone or something. He believes that race was invented a few hundred years ago as a cope for being a nigling, he's right about trannies etc. but those are pretty basic takes. Nice to see from an Anglican at least. Hopefully more like him will rear their heads in that Church.
>>382827 keeeeeeeeeek I want to beat him to death
>>382817 Fucking fintroons. Hope Russia kicks them in their stinky troon holes >Former Russian president and current deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev questions Finland's right to exist, laying the groundwork for launching a special military operation into finland https://www-is-fi.translate.goog/ulkomaat/art-2000009694472.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fi&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true
Send me to prison. Freed food and all the niggers I can rape. Sounds great!
https://youtu.be/Lrle0x_DHBM Me and my nigger slaves during the big prison daunce competition
>>382834 err I was gonna post that
>>382834 That man is utterly unrapeable.
>>382835 you snooze you froose
>>382837 Keeeeeeeeeeeeek
Watching it again, lads
>>382834 le funny /tv/ mene!!1 *holds up spork*
*checks his post count*
another way to b8 spic into revealing itself is by saying middle classoid
>>382841 Looks like one of the loony troons has arrived. I'll get the noose. *comes back to find it has already hanged itself, making my two hour long trip to find hemp rope in B&Q fruitless* Sneed!
>>382830 I love russians lads I wish that anglos could just exterminate all spics and then brownoids in general and we could form an offworld colony of the slavo-angloid masterrace
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Buck's looking to be broken
>>382823 met that mini me cunt IRL he was a faggot who got dabbed on by uni slags until he rage quit the meet and greet
>>382846 Je qeeq! I hate them. You just know that atheistic little blood shiiter the spic is his mirror image, though more goblinesque je pense!
im not spic you mongs
Join us for some cartoons, lads
>im not spic you mongs t. spic
>>382782 No! Steinhauser would never!
>>382852 Probably fake news, I couldn't find it. Just recalled someone posting a pic of someone being allegedly him and being into that stuff
he's still the same old steinhauser sigismund on his instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CtV2FQvOiPX/
>Detroit, Michigan. A place known for "Devil's Night" where gangs would set the city on fire, as the wealthy and white fled for the suburbs, leaving the city center to die. those darn GANGS it's all the GANGS fault we just need more money for the programs, more censorship, more removal of individual rights and maybe one day the GANGS will stop making it a shit place to live!
https://detroithistorical.org/blog/2021-10-25-haunted-history-devils-night >umm akkshually here's why that was a GOOD thing >Devil’s Night for Detroiters was marked with flames and fear, but later was recognized as an example of the power of community.
i've snood me sniggers
https://youtu.be/8RDqOWbyzxo daunce . . . damn it man . . . DAUNCE!
https://youtu.be/nFxjnUPRwx4 Want to fress up as death and sing this at the halloween snarty
I wanna kick his fucking head in
>>382859 liked the morgoth video on this or whoever it was tbh
I recently met this man whom goes by the name “Frederick”. He is a drummer in an NSBM band (national socialist black metal, for you poser swine) that I found very intriguing. Unfortunately, he was swiftly removed from the show due to his “goatmoon” patch which offended the freaks attending this venue. If only those communist freaks knew what insidious thoughts rushed through my mind muaahhaha. I would have them all defiled… gender in my enemy? YOU are my enemy …. Pathetic swine. My genetics are far superior to you sickening excuse of a “sack of meat”. Regardless. Perhaps I will have Frederick come along with me to the wignat barbecue….
Kick his fucking head in
>>382861 yeah it's quintessential boomercore
He tried to meet a 16 year old mentally handicapped little girl for sexual activities and had to be shewed away by her carers
>>382866 who ?
>>382866 err she only has anxiety
>>382865 >if only you knew how bad things are
==VOTE= Do you choose >Nogzog >Troon
it's shooed btw
>382866 He tried to meat her to be his wife. See how the trannies distort reality? They're bitter because their father molested them. The irony of their indulgence in sexual depravity only to be sickened by a man looking for a wife.
>>382866 Shooed away by concerned Phillipinos. Humiliating
*chews the tranny's balls away*
Troonfloyd btfo in a decisive victory for nogzog
>>382876 daddy issues beat you to it
But hey trannies, post your real life identities. Nothing to fear nothing to hide yeah?
>>382879 to think it was a tranny who doxxed me to begin with, and its only defense was that it was in its nature. smh. now I know
>>382880 I will destroy them for what they have done to thee.
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek NATROONs BTFO
>>382884 >westzog intentionally depleting its own armed forces so that when the cupcakes finally awake "our" military has nothing compared to the muzzies etc who have smuggled in all the shit we gave to pookraine
>>382844 >slavo-angloid masterrace what a joke. slavs are the definition of untermensch, they should be enslaved by the Germanic-Romance western European master race- the males for hard labor, and the females for sexual slavery and domestic servitude. and I apparently cannot even comment on the angloid part, for the fragile pozzstralian body odor has threatened to molest me should I do so >>382851 no, I'm spic. I was also 727ade >>382862 I listened to a Goatmoon album, it's alright. most stereotypical name for a black metal band there is tbh >>382882 it's goofy that they suggested that they would. Russia inheirited the military legacy of the USSR, who led the Warsaw Pact, who collectively had the largest conventional military in history. basically the USSR was prepared to invade western Europe but the nuclear deterrent kept the peace until it collapsed. kinda makes you think, maybe if Germany just poured resources into nuclear research instead of Operation Barbarossa, maybe they could have avoided war with the USSR altogether and maybe even pulled off Operation Sea Lion anyway point being that Russia had all of these dormant factories for producing armaments that they could just spin up at any time. they are producing more and more shells and stuff every day, and they are also buying drones from Iran which is helping their defence industry grow as well. China can also provide them with things that they need, since it is crucial for China's geopolitical position that Russia holds its ground and Xi has declared that the Chinese-Russian partnership has 'no limits'
Shut the fuck up.
>>382885 Half those weapons are in France and Belgium or the Balkans by now
>>382889 She’s too white for you Norgger
>Nøstradamus opens an is cream store in Trollheim after coming up with a cunning plan to have himself kidnapped by a muslim 16 year old but comes unstuck when she sends her little brother to fetch her ice cream instead

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