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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3878: Belated Boyne Edition Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 04:29:29 Id: f5cd1e No. 385166
Thousands take part in Twelfth parades across Northern Ireland https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/thousands-take-part-in-twelfth-parades-across-northern-ireland/a404178927.html >The Twelfth was celebrated in the usual colourful fashion on Wednesday, with scenes of dancing in the sun and singing in the rain playing out across 18 locations. >The controversy over the burning of an effigy of Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill at a bonfire in Dungannon was set aside for a few hours as tens of thousands of people turned out to mark one of the biggest days in the calendar. >The largest parade was in Belfast city centre, where the weather threw a little of everything at the spectators. Huw Edwards in hospital as he is named in BBC presenter row https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66180799 >Huw Edwards is in hospital with "serious mental health issues", his wife says, as she named him as the BBC presenter at the centre of allegations. >His wife Vicky Flind said she was issuing a statement on his behalf after days of speculation "primarily out of concern for his mental well-being and to protect our children". >The Sun has claimed he paid a young person for sexually explicit images. Nato: Warm words but a diplomatic reality check for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66183066 >Volodymyr Zelensky may or may not be a Rolling Stones fan - but after this Nato summit, he is probably familiar with their song entitled You Can't Always Get What You Want. >Ukraine's president came to Vilnius, Lithuania, with high expectations. >He was looking for an assurance that his country would join Nato after the war with Russia was over. He wanted membership of the world's most powerful military alliance to be a beacon of hope for his people, the ultimate peace dividend that could ensure that never again would Russian troops despoil the Ukrainian homeland. Mortgage rates: 'I have £50,000 but can't buy a house' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-66154013 >"I have £50,000 saved but I still can't buy a house." >Lisa Simpson, 24, is just one young person trying to get on the property ladder with no end in sight. >With mortgage rates the highest they have been since the financial crash and rent costs soaring, she is not alone in worrying about her future.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:19:05.
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I am angry this day. >Wake up >Blood sugar high >Leg hurting a little >Go to gym anyway >The niggers who got in the way of me doing my bench press are deadlifting >mfw they're using a lifting belt to deadlift 30kg >Only one deadlift station in the gay arse gym (ironic in a way) >OK, I'll shoulder press >Finish shoulder pressing and these niggers are still deadlifting >Go for a poo and use shoulder machine >Can sense blood sugar is fucking me up >Decide to deadlift at least one set >Some random fucking half caste spook is using the deadlift station >Go home In a sense they may have saved me from injury today but the principle still staunds, these niggers are doing to the gym equipment what they've done to property prices and wages. Too much demand for too few resources. I'll make up for the missed deadlift on Saturday by deadlifting before my first time running. Could be a good warm up. I'm going to have to start bullying these niggers or something. I hope they get injured or lose motivation or something. If they're there tomorrow I'll literally poo onto their faces with diarrhoea.
>>385168 you could also put poo in the equipment in advance of their arrival perhaps? or throw poo at them from across the gym
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>>385169 Yes. A well thrown poo or a strategic brap. Sadly, my braps seldom smell bad because my diet is generally good with a variety of fibres and foods which do not have strong scents even before digestion. The LORD has granted me this strength but in this instance it means a warm up of poo chucking every morning. I'll have to get the drop on them to throw my droppings. Slashing their tires is another option. Unlike adherents of esoteric leggism, the niggers are reliant on external machinery to arrive at the temple of iron. They fear becoming the machine. They are weak willed.
targeting a drug addicted 17 year old for your noncery. Lock him up. Throw away the key.
>>385173 how does it even work considering he can't use his willy
>>385174 Probably the girth of his fat fingers.
She's 21 and he's 49 soon. Holy based boogieman
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. She's 20 you sick fuck. Ewwwwww 20 year old women.
>>385178 Keek based fat retarded manchild groomer arc, like our own lad.
>>385173 >>385178 First based thing that fat fuck has ever done, and you know its gonna end in a meltdown too also keeeeek at his teeth
22 needs to get these chompers installed for his next groomer arc
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>>385180 Yes, I can at least respect that. Of course, he should have done this within the sacrament of marriage but based as far as a secular slime heap can be.
Morning lads
ORIGINS OF THE ENGLISH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf7GTlhve98 Glad someone could be bothered to make this refuting all the bollocks that there is no such thing as the English
>>385183 smorbing lad
>>385184 looks interesting tbh watching now
>>385180 they look like posed serial killer victims
>>385178 >the photo he posted, she looks so inanimate do zoomongs realise photos aren't all tiktok thumbnails?
>managed to craft this years steam summer sale badge last day to do it lads, not much good in the sale itself tbh.
Me when they won't let me on the bus in my new threads.
>>385188 a lot of the age gap shite is driven by retarded mongs who like to infantalise themselves and then the usual hags who want men to STEP UP and marry them and a jealous at not being young.
>>385184 good video tbh thanks lad
I found 22st in the wild!
>>385193 based twentytwost spotter
put a bit of cumin in my fried rice to see how it would taste it's alright but it just smells like curry now smh >>385194 keeeeek the zoomerwaffen rises
i sank the S.S. poo poo with my piss cannon the sea shall embrace her
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>>385196 >put a bit of cum in my fried rice to see how it would taste >it's alright but it just smells like curry now smh
managed to resist getting cakes from the bakers today, I WILL lose weight.
oi auslad, spicy preserve i poosted about awhile ago was made from mostly crab apple, with lemon, dog rose and cinnemon >>385201 having a bit of a loaf of lemon sponge and you cant have any
>>385201 based >>385202 thanks lad sounds tasty might try making some if i can find crab apples somewhere
The banter never stops
>>385204 keeeeeeeek
Failed sheila waffen assault on the tranny horde
>>385206 Charge of the Lewisham Light Brigade against the 6th ( Anuskilling ) Dragtroons thwarted The 4th English Civil War ( commonly referred to as The Trooning of the South ) circa 2023
>>385206 That may be... that may be, but we'll meet them with our trooners.
>had to redo work again >still let out of toil early for not having anything to do smh should have toiled slower >>385206 think this is the first female boomer we've seen snapping as opposed to male boomers like bowboomer etc tbh could it mark a turning point in the boomer hivemind? >>385208 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2tILXa2YTE
>>385180 >>385181 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Hate boogie but I'll die defending his right to breed. It's hilarious that he became a crypto millionaire, bragged about not having to work ever again and then he held and held as the coin lost its value. Goodlad not giving up. Never give up.
>>385207 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>385212 >collab err I meant "collaborino"
*blocks your path*
>>385209 smh lad don't work so hard
>>385209 Why don't you just move to Canada or America? I forget which. They are training truck drivers for free
>>385214 Ahhhh it's coming right for me!
>truck is named MAN >log is a lion
>>385216 >why doesn't a disabled person move to America
>>385218 logo* >>385217 smh if I had my PC I'd edit it with blurring effects >>385219 right. Imagine his leg exploding on the plane keeeek
>>385219 they don't let huwhite people in anyway
OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY I actually think it looks cool
>>385215 >>385219 tbh >>385222 still need bins to put on spidershart: into the sharterverse before consneedering other capeshit goyslop tbh
also finish gotham
>>385222 retvrn to trvdition
>lad in the binsbongo met a prostitute and it dommed him and did "sounding"(sticking things in his urethra) against his will keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>385224 No. You're sick. Twisted.
>>385227 >he doesn't want to see how jewce beats the zombie plague
>>385229 Can't wait for the Riddler and Penguin to keep killing each other and coming back as friends or enemies over and over again again
>pengchad smh. It could have been so kino
watching it again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXD5pBFcNyY >no loyle lad butch smh
>>385232 *comes back to life*
>jew says confederate statue carved by a member of her slave owning family must come down https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66004176 >Moses Jacob Ezekiel, Judith's cousin four times removed, was a renowned Jewish sculptor in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. His most famous work, what he called the "crowning achievement" of his career, has stood inside Arlington since 1914: the Confederate Memorial. > Ms Ezekiel, a historian and professor emerita of women's and African American studies, thought little more of the statue until decades after her visit, in 2017. > That August, white supremacists gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the proposed removal of another statue, of Confederate General Robert E Lee. >Men marched through the streets chanting "Jews will not replace us" and "white lives matter". An avowed neo-Nazi drove his car into a crowd, killing one person and injuring dozens more. >Watching the horror unfold on the news, Judith saw the far right demonstrators near a statue of Thomas Jefferson in the city. "The irony is that it was sculpted by a Jew - it was also sculpted by Moses Ezekiel," she says. >As the violence unfolded in Charlottesville, Ms Ezekiel called her relatives. "What can we do about Moses Ezekiel's monument in Arlington?" she asked. >Her distant cousin had fought for the Confederacy. He was determined to build a monument to correct what he believed were "lies" told about the South. >His statue features a stereotypical depiction of a black woman, handing a baby to a southern soldier. Scholars view it as an artistic representation of the once popular idea that the war was a "lost cause", not about slavery, but instead a just fight for state's rights. Historians now largely view this explanation for the war as a myth, spread to cast the Confederacy in an honourable light, and to mask the brutality of the country's slave-owning past. >"Like most such monuments, this statue intended to rewrite history to justify the Confederacy and the subsequent racist Jim Crow laws. It glorifies the fight to own human beings, and, in its portrayal of African Americans, implies their collusion. >"As proud as our family may be of Moses's artistic prowess, we — some twenty Ezekiels — say remove that statue. Take it out of its honored spot in Arlington National Cemetery and put it in a museum that makes clear its oppressive history." >"It was a protest," Ms Ezekiel says. "There's this blemish in the family history, which is that the Ezekiel line goes back to southerners, some of whom were Confederates, and at least one of whom, it turns out, owned a human."
>>385214 >MAN Nice try 22stein
>>385222 >bigboi boots
>>385235 cry bitch
>>385234 Still mad they made him a gayist smh.
4pm siesta time
suffered four hours of breakbacking hard labour today lads
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>385242 >4 >not 18 minimum Snowflake generation. *sips*
Imagine being an incel and a toilee
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Anyone have that webm of bomber planes being escorted by fighter planes, ending with a dogfight and one of the fighters crashing into a bomber? The planes were all silvery and it looked kind of like alternative history. The one I saw had pretty epic music tbh
>>385247 The bombers were "flying wings", kind of like pic related
Infuriating that I can't find it smh
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Found it. From a game called skycrawlers or something
>>385247 thought you meant this at first
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New black PRANK just dropped, pull a gun on your uber driver without them knowing haha
>>385252 >no trigger discipline
>>385251 That looks like a shorter version of the short film the last war.
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>>385252 Contemptible apes.
twitter just wont work for me at all now. been likes this for a few days.
>>385257 the most oppressed race
My boss essentially said he thinks I'll be miserable if I try to get further qualifications and I shouldn't stray out of my comfort zone. Gee thanks
>>385259 bossman's just making sure you remain a loyal and reliable toilee for the firm lad.
>>385222 If he doesn't wear the Wolverine mask, I don't care about the change in colour scheme. He must also say "bub" at least twenty times throughout the movie
>>385259 Bossmen are not your frens, lass
>>385264 wdgmbt
>nap >wake up >more tired many such cases! poo! think I'll have jam and camembert on toast for dinner tbh
>>385247 you on about the ending of wings of honneamise lad?
>>385259 I got qulaified in my current role in secret. It was hard work and tedious and I fell at a few hurdles. But I got back up and kept going. Now I'm earning ten grand more than I was before with better career prospects. Do it lad. Don't let anyone stop you. Do it for the white race.
>>385267 no, lass. I already posted what I was looking for tbh >>385269 keeeeeeeeeek
New white map just dropped
>>385271 >The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistical composite index of life expectancy, education (mean years of schooling completed and expected years of schooling upon entering the education system), and per capita income indicators, which is used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. A country scores a higher level of HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the gross national income GNI (PPP) per capita is higher. so our currency is more debased, we spend longer in state indoctrination, and stay alive to suffer longer
>>385272 I think the income per capita is one of the criteria we don't actually outstrip the US in but basically yes.
>>385274 thought that this shit was already common tbqh
>>385274 >Norgestrel
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>>385275 It is here I think, my ex used it when I disgraced both her and myself by engaging in extra-marital coitus.
>>385278 err, it's inches
>>385279 Erect?
The most common side effects of Opill include irregular bleeding, headaches, dizziness and nausea. I’ll take two please
>>385280 maybe closer to 4 inches tbh if I pull the fat back
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>>385281 Yikes.
>>385284 Nigger behaviour >No father probably 1 new one for every child
into the mulch machine with them tbh
>>385235 southtards won't do shit
>>385206 cart mummies are pro white you just know she birthed at least 10 deanoids
UK police are so intensely dystopian in how slovenly disheveled and impotent they are compared to burger murderbots but then the UK police seem like they are just breathing down your neck over even the smallest thing like they are just contantly in the way at least thats how it seems
her cart looked like it had after market rims as well
>>385290 going after crims is work lad, they'd much rather bully people that aren't a threat in the least.
>>385287 3 mins in >liberal application of the butt which as you know I am a big fan of
>>385290 >>385292 it's really gay bullying too until it's time to crack heads, the latest PA demos made me keek >big crowd of high vis plods backed by troons standing less than 5 feet away from a few brapwaffenwarriors and trying to intimidate them with fluoride stares and occasionally starting up the siren to disrupt speeches
keeeek a kraut pushed some popo into the poopoo
>>385290 They're just shit ineffectual social workers with batons and handcuffs. Seen multiple fights/disorder situations spiral out of control with 8 cops present because they were relying on the uniform to do ALL of the heavy lifting in terms of establishing authority. The only cops who know how to handle that shit now are the 55 year old cunts who were rookies when you were still allowed to handcuff someone and throw them down a flight of stairs. The rest of them are literal mouthbreathing soymen and 5'1" diversity femoids who can't handle anything except traffic stops and telling people not to bully troons on twitter
https://youtu.be/PdJqoci0vik imagine in the ethnostate being part of the nigger extermination and extraction teams N.E.E.T.
>>385298 Excuse me you shot my bloody car!
Wew Michigan lass didn’t know she was a downie Are your knees ok steiner?
>>385300 keek smh the JUST on that lad's face
>>385300 damn that sucks
meanwhile if a lad can't sit still for holocaust class he get diagnosed with type 2 incelycosis and 5 different personality issues. but women can be literal potatoes and its just fine
>>385303 ADHD meds NOW
for me it was a bully foid complaining to mummy that preschool/primary school smee liked to touch posters on the wall even when she told me not to, arousing her ire at not being able to powertrip at children so in response mummy took me out of school and into the maladaptive hippy homeschool group with poopoo eaters who got tapeworms and such
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>>385306 needful is required also sandblasting the makeup off
>>385303 >send kids to school >school tells parents to medicate children since the female teachers can't handle them
>>385306 she is making more money doing that shite than a trashman its so disgusting that these cunts are just allowed to spread their nihilistic whore shite everywhere. it was already bad back 10 plus years ago where you could watch porn but now with zoomer slags its just like every single thing is softcore porn now all this fitness shite. they are just so depraved
remembering how IQ these middle class hippy mummies were tbh tapeworm kid was basically tortured because his mummy kept "feeling sorry for him starving" and thinking "just a little bit of toast wouldn't hurt" and kept feeding him just enough to not kill it short term emotional cummies over long term practical solutions as ever
>incel in a world where sex is everywhere
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why are women like this?
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>>385306 oi you cunt you stole my post
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>that one cunt who paid for a prozzie and then immediately started acting superior to everyone in the thread and giving people advice
>>385312 Lad....
>>385314 Waffles? He did this?
Understand it even less the second time tbh
why has david davis resigned?
>>385313 put on spiderman lad
>>385319 It's thursday
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>>385318 it's not fair I posted it first in bongo
>>385319 for friday?
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek > Brian Danilczyk, 35, is facing charges of disorderly conduct, battery and five counts of indecent exposure after he was arrested on Sunday. >Danilczyk, who is originally from West Babylon, New York, was captured on camera standing on top of a table in Harrah's Casino completely naked. >In a police report, officers say that Danilczyk 'climbed atop a poker table came and flaunted his genitals to all who [passed] exposing his penis and testicles while gyrating.' >Officers also said in their report that as security made their way towards him he exposed 'his anus to all who passed on the main floor'. >He punched a one legged man and withnesses believe an Irish Car Bomb was to blame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddcau_yLtbE
>>385322 whenever tbh I have no more toil until mid-august unless they suddenly find another barrel of paperwork that nobody else wants to transcribe
Also. I found you a virgin mommy steiner
>>385325 22st is toiling today, between 10pm and 6am or something, but he will be off work tomorrw
>>385327 >plasn to retire jesus christ, how did that get past the editor?
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sex and soft emotional shite you ask? why no my soul craved the empty spaces, grey skies and the sinking feeling the anger and the lack of something. a corpse is content, its filth also but how can you get from one place to the other unless there was something to make you want to go in the first place? to the sex havers I can only say? what has your sex done for the white race? has it posted nigger in comment sections? has it gone to the heights and looked down at the degeneracy, the filth and contentment and get a new high score on crusader kings 2? if you are the eagle scouring the sheep why do you bother to ask the sheep what they think? because your wings are nothing but filth pushing on the stale wretched air of conformity and you yourself are a carrion crow of your own civilization? a nigger?
>>385327 lisa simpsonoid
>>385330 All the sex, or incel seething? What shall it be, Chudocles, what shall it be?
>>385332 what film is this?
>>385333 no idea tbh think manxlad might know
>>385332 now this is some white race kino that I can get behind.
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>>385336 based thanks lad should watch it tbh
>>385337 looks like early predictive programming tbhsmh >1936 >The story of a century: a decades-long second World War leaves plague and anarchy, then a rational state rebuilds civilization and attempts space travel.
>book and screenplay by HG wells wasn't he a fabian society guy as well smh
>>385334 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>385342 not had any sex for 6 months huh, sounds like an emergency
>>385344 >>385342 wouldn't surprise me if some politician will say we need to provide these migrants with tax payer funded prostitutes and that will make millions more of them come
>>385345 lad we watched that not long ago hardly anyone showed up
>it's time for toil soon but I don't want to go
>>385314 when was this lad? recently?
>>385349 He's just having incel hallucinations
>71% cash purchases of London properties worth over £5 million this year Still laundering covid profits then
>>385346 Rishis trying to get as many Ukie prossies over as possible
>>385352 Just Kalergi my shit up bro
Dating advice for steiner >Hi Princess Simple as.
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>get to play with cool toys and talk to cute princesses he is living his best life
>>385342 why do wogs think that the west is some sex paradise? they are so fucking entitled, if anyone is supposed to get sex on the bus its a westoid incel not some wog, get sex from your own women scum.
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>>385357 "Western" propaganda.
>>385327 peng ngl
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https://youtu.be/L397TWLwrUU Playing this while spray painting willies tomorrow evening
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ayy we wuz enar the black *rubs chin*
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https://youtu.be/hbaK_W6-GdM Im assembling a team to go through the stargate and rescue SG-1
>>385210 >I'll die defending his right to breed why? he's a fat dysgenic mong >>385314 jej i remember that
>>385361 Bit young for u m8. huw huw huw Why don’t you cozy on up to Lady Amelia Windsor, only 27 and her cousin looks like Tsar Nicholas so you can dress up as a commie and take pot shots at him for a laugh
it's probably another sugar baby arc anyway
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>(1) >Immediately making roastie tier posts >jej Yeah, get out of our thread, loony troon.
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>>385361 the patriarchy made them behave like this smh
How come as soon as one of these celebs like Schofield gets caught noncing all of a sudden muh mental elf when they didn’t suffer from it during 40 years of noncing? Also why is it ok for a 60 year old man to nonce a 16 year old boy but not a 16 year old girl. Anyone would think there was some kind of gay mafia or summat.
>>385373 there was an mp that came out as a tranny recently to deflect from something he was caught up in
>>385373 it's just bullshit to drum up sympathy obviously
>>385374 Did huw report on it with glee?
https://voca.ro/18a7jO89hqyy Rate my yank accent lads, do you think the "chicks" will fall for it?
>>385376 i haven't watched tv in 6 years
>>385376 he had the tv persona of a high and mighty moralising dick head, yet the whole time he was noncing young lads behind his wife's back
>>385378 Haven’t ever had one tbh parents did
>>385379 They’re fucking all like this.. they just exposed some vice squad cop who was down Soho getting whipped and all kinds of malarkey
>he watched tv 6 years ago
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A TV just flew over my snouse!
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>>385377 needs a bit of work I'd say ngl
>>385381 >They’re fucking all like this.. they just exposed some vice squad cop who was down Soho getting whipped and all kinds of malarkey no words necessary, we know what must be done
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>>385385 The "chicks" will "cream" lad trust "me" >>385386 >no words necessary, we know what must be done tbh
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Love the hall of retards segments in these lip dubs!
>>385388 >semenhole ridge
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>>385390 >Needing to lubricate them with external tools Do twenty push ups for this.
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>>385391 did 200 pushups earlier
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Abandoned Ukrainian soldier found by Russian forces tells his story. >be prepared for justed feels tbh lads
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>>385392 I can feel the niggers trembling. Everytime we see enemies of the white race up to something . . . we do push ups. We do pull ups. We do burpees. We get stronger while our enemies are lulled into a sense of false security . . . then . . . well, I won't spoil the ending to this story.
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>found a bit of chocolate on the sofa and ate it
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>>385394 >I can feel the niggers trembling. Everytime we see enemies of the white race up to something . . . we do push ups. We do pull ups. We do burpees. We get stronger while our enemies are lulled into a sense of false security . . . then . . . well, I won't spoil the ending to this story. this is are path to victory brother
>he ate da poopoo
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lazy niggers and pakis won't know what hit them when I increase my pullup record from 35 to 36
>>385393 Smh. Grim I want to see the poo Sunak on the front lines be funny if he lost both his legs as well and ended up even shorter
>>385397 hey lad, you still up for watching a film?
>>385399 Sunak has printed so much money, spent so much money, and given so much away, yet mongs on twatter still blame the state of the economy on "brexit" (which didn't even happen)
>>385400 not tonight but yes >>385399 the trick is of course to understand that when poonak and his ilk say "my people" he means his backers and fellow rootless international clique nationwreckers, not indigenous inhabitants
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I now go to my sleep. Pray for me, and may the niggers fear my coming presence in the gymnasium tomorrow.
>>385402 which spiderman film was it you wanted to watch?
>>385404 the new one, into the spiderverse, I think critical drinker or someshite said it was actually alright
>>385405 looks like that one isn't out in HD yet there is another one, Across The Spiderverse from 2018 which is I've not seen either of them
>>385401 >>385402 He makes my skin crawl tbh lads That he can represent Britain on the world stage is unacceptable
Hope this fucking cunt gets torn to pieces next. How did she get to be a BBC bigshot so quickly at such a young age? Who did her pimp father manage to honeytrap in his brothel for underage eastern european girls? Why did the police turn a blind eye to his antics? He’s obviously some high level organised criminal. Police don’t just let you go around operating this kind of operation “despite assurances” and yeah I’m now living on benefits despite earning millions from living off immoral earnings I’d think its stil pretty difficult to make such a massive sum off that trade anyway but how did a court decide he easily had £5 million stashed somewhere? They don’t randomly invent these sums
>>385389 Keek that image, very appropriate.
>>385408 >Hope this fucking cunt gets torn to pieces next. any reason why the public's attention would be directed on to her atm?
Suzy Izzard and therefore tames her erection so as not to frighten fellow ladies also queueing for the women’s toilet London circa 2023
>>385410 Because people should double down on tearing the overprivileged nest of nonces and liars that are the BBC down. But no, not any particular reason apart from her dad’s a criminal and the children of criminals should not be allowed any positions like this. She knew what was going on and yet she’s always on the telly bawling about muh anti semitism and the ‘sins’ of others when her own dad is a smuggler of kids into Britain and pimped them out and then went “bankrupt’ to avoid justice and could afford top jew lawyers to help him dodge it
>>385412 If there were any justice in this world that kike would get debrained with a framing hammer a few weeks after winning that appeal.
>>385412 never heard of her before tbh first time I saw it mention is now
>>385377 not bad lad needs to be a bit more nasally
>>385411 lass in that green coat has the williamette phenotype, lisa simpson phenotype of a totally barren cunt will probably never marry or have kids
why do people keep saying the huw edwards thing was with a boy when all the reporting i've seen mentions a girl, why are rightard mongs like this.
>>385419 where did you see this reported?
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why is brandon sending troops to europa lads?
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>>385421 to teach that cocksucker Brezhnev a lesson
>>385419 i think there are multiple allegations. he's prolific
>>385419 2023 m8. Same thing
>>385422 jack we are teach the golden horde a thing or two about democracy
>>385421 So they don’t murder him?
>>385423 That newsreading is one helluva drug
SHE WAS A 20 YEAR OLD TEENAGE GIRL YOU SICK BASTAHD morgoth is another one who seems particularly unhinged on this, he has been totally buck broken by the wef stuff and lockdowns, his content has been utter shite since 2020 and it keeps getting worse.
>>385428 Are we to believe what comes out of the presses dirty lying mouths over the age of Schofield and Edwards’ victims?. I swear they’re bumping the ages up when it suits them. >15!? It’s a lie! They were on the cusp of turning 16…sorry 17, and just a hair away from 18. In fact they were 20 All within the space of a week. And soliciting porny pics from under 18s is a criminal offence. Yet another cover up tbh
>>385430 literally nothing you have said is true tbh, just low IQ conspiritardism, facebook's probably more your speed.
>>385421 I also want to know why this is happening not heard an explanation anywhere
>>385431 t.j*urnalist
Huw Edwards scandal: 'We don't know the HALF of it' says Jim Davidson https://youtu.be/gI1egBQBngg
>>385432 testing the waters maybe, 3,000 men in real terms is nothing really.
Huw Edwards: The woke, negroni swilling establishment media are protecting their own | Mark Dolan https://youtu.be/HnThGOzzXys
>>385435 presumably they are going to the NATO bases throughout Europe? idk
>>385428 >>385437 Latvia I think. Part of Operation Armed Resolve. They do it every year /pol/tards panicking because they just can’t wait to bugout to their bugout bugouts https://www.land.com/property/Dayton-MT-Dayton-Montana-59915/14026680/
>>385436 Hate this mong.
>>385440 >hair system just call it a wig smh
>>385441 that's not funny lad
>>385445 should just investigate everyone at the bbc tbh probably catch a few dozen of them
>>385447 smorbing lad
>>385445 the bbc to nonce pipeline
>>385445 it's Dan Wootton blatant poof tbh
Dan Wootton? More like Dan Woofter
>>385450 probably true tbh
seem to have lost my mental fortitude. i used to be able to do nofap, now i can't go a night without edging, haven't done it in years. anyone else have this? if i don't edge i just lie there thinking about wild coomer scenarios
no just you lad
just me then probably
>>385454 difficult to do nofap when theres nothing good on the horizon tbh, Less fap is probably best, although been a bit of a coomer recently tbh, nofap just makes you a sex obsessed simp tbh the occasional wank is fine.
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>>385421 >sending They haven't left since they came her in the war smh >>385428 Yeah, focusing on le teen! angle is cringe, it's the extra marital sex angle as well as the payment angle that should be focused on if the allegations are true. >>385429 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek based Biden, always want to nibble snabies tbh and vaguely baby animals but not so much because they're just animals and don't engage my dopamine smh >>385451 Now those are allusions to allegations that I can believe. There is something sleazy about this bumder (other than the fact of his bumdery). >>385454 I've wanked twice in this week and it has really fucked my lifting. Weakened on bench and squat although I am slightly injured smh. >>385457 "nofap" is necessary. Don't try and justify sin. You're right about the no horizon thing though. I find that when I'm chasing a beautiful lady I do not snwank at all.
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>>385459 Yes, father.
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>>385460 Get thou to thy bed. Sleep is a critical element of building a strong body and a strong spirit. Thou hast had too little!
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>>385461 I will retire to my chambers.
>>385462 night lad
anyone want to set up a /brit/ gooning discord?
>>385465 ye newport and its suburbs are shitholes tbh alot of glamorgan like port talbot and the valleys around merthyr which brynmawr is right next to is far worse
>>385466 the valleys seem full of potential to me, i'd quite like to live in a little place on a steep hillside in one of those "shitholes". i never leave the house anyway. there's one turdtown about a housing estate that was on top of a mountain and everyone was too povvo to pay for the heating up there. place was really peng though and had good views
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Isolated rural shitholes are fucking grim tbh at least in an urban sink estate you can be anonymous. In a tiny village full of alcoholics and wasters everyone wants to know your business and suck you into their drama.
>>385469 smorb lad hope the whole thing gets exposed tbh would be a shame if it's just the public figures who go down there's an entire culture of this shite baked into the media industry and they all cover each other's arses as much as they can
>>385465 >20:50 starts praising ‘diversity’ because muh food smh
Smorn lids. If you haven't had enough talk of incels, dating, women, globohomo, The Grind™, Tate, the American empire, social decline and cowboys this is a pretty decent read https://billionairepsycho.substack.com/p/pygmalion-and-the-anime-girl
>>385472 smorb lad reading it now >>385473 smh >The voluntary aided school changed its name in 2020 during the George Floyd protests to remove the name of Sir John Cass due to his links to the slave trade. icing on the cake tbh god i hate clown world
LIVE FRENCH MILITARY MARCH https://youtu.be/XQMY98W-xts It's just not the same without the King.
>>385475 Keeeeeeeeek Why are their firemen armed? Suppose they’ll need to be soon
>>385476 I think the French fire brigade were originated in a militia or the military or something, it's why the French helmets of WW1 and 2 were modified from fire helmets iirc.
One time at a concentration camp an SS officer was taking a Jewish prisoner to be shot. While they were walking to the side of the mass grave the officer decided to play a game. "One of my eyes is made of glass. If you guess which one it is, I will let you live.", the officer said. The Jew looked him in the eyes and confidently answered, "It is the right one.". "Yes it is, but how did you know?" the officer asked. "I saw a glimmer of humanity in it.", answered the Jew.
>>385477 guess medniggers and snowniggers arent huwite afterall
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>>385477 >>385479 Bit of a racist map
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>>385478 the name of that man? albert einstein
>>385486 I wish people wuld send me snacks
>>385487 Unironically based but make the tax greater for newer vehicles so that people are forced to use the principle of esoteric leggism
massive lynch mob and guillotine please regular happenings just don't do it any more
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She wants to know how I met my frens, especially BBK keeeeek.
>>385492 Tell her we met at the huge penis support group lad
You mean the ‘I swear it gets bigger when it’s hard club’
>>385492 we meet at the snooker club or occasionally at the discotheque that's what young people like, right?
Why does Holywood get to vandalise are heritage?
>>385493 >>385494 >>385495 Apex keeeeek.
>>385496 smh there's never a sticker peeler offer around when you need one
ukraine has lost about 40 bradleys now
https://youtu.be/uLnLdmStE5k Shiiiiite fo real I wanna believe no cap Skully.
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once again seething about how dead british culture is, completely outsourced to the states.
>>385499 impressed at how they've held up so far tbh the hohols have been complaining about every other piece of equipment they've been given but their reports on it were glowing somewhat positively predisposed to the bradley though from playing conflict desert storm tbh slaughtering iraqi troops in the obligatory vehicle mission back before i knew they were the good guys smh good memories >>385501 yeah it's a bit shit
speaking of yank cultural impact lads, get a load of the latest brainrot affecting literally billions of future incels across the west https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzD9OxAHtzU&list=PL-ZXraMeHBPJHXBhrNowJaQslyqtUg-tZ&index=2
>>385479 But the Turks are...? Leftists can't mean
>>385504 *meme
>>385503 No, I don't think I will.
*sighs* Alright, I'll fire up Skyrim.
>>385507 Based. Still working out how to do a 100 all skills speedrun and discovered the bloodskaal blade enchantment doesn't work if you load warp into the area without taking the boat to solstheim.
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>>385502 > conflict desert storm god that was so kino,always found it difficult though.

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>>385499 >Ukraine are winning. Putin’s front is collapsing. Russia have NO chance, ZERO! And for my Spanish voters that means NADA!
>>385510 tbh pvre ludokino
bi-monthly bennies toil done back to working on my quest cape
Any more nonces been outed yet Bet everyone in ‘entertainment’ is shitting bricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaUkt59vY1Q
>>385517 there were some rumours about Dan Wootton going around yesterday
Amazing how the pakis know what’s up but so very few of our people don’t
>>385518 Yeah. I posted that earlier in this thread. Think his ex boyfriend grassed him up on twitter after Private Eye ran a story
lads on here are really starting to internalise the shrill tiktok age gap shite with calling anybody who breaths in the direction of an under 18 yo a nonce, stop.
>>385520 why is poofs being poofs news to you?
>>385519 which party is the paki referring to, that's operating from instructions "outside the uK"? have to say Starmer looks flustered, and just counters the guy with nonsense political waffle
>>385517 >under the basic principles of english law every man is innocent until speculated guilty
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>>385521 >lads on here are really starting to internalise the shrill tiktok age gap shite with calling anybody who breaths in the direction of an under 18 yo a nonce, stop. this tbh why should 22st be denied legal breeding sows at the peak of their fertility?
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>>385516 My favorite thing about my gf's husband is he's a toilaholic so he's hardly around tbh.
>>385525 lad, when it's someone from the BBC, that projects an authoritarian faux moralising stance against people like us, then it turns out he's been noncing young lads and cheating on his wife, we have every right to want to see them destroyed frankly everyone that works at the BBC deservers to be destroyed
>>385524 Tories Yeah amazng how he just waffles his way out of it. Joke tbh
>>385530 >noncing trying to shag a 17yo is not noncing >young lads where are you getting this lads stuff from, every dissident shite person keeps saying this but I've only seen mention of a girl in the media >we have every right to want to see them destroyed you are undermining traditional values by making it seem like wanting to fuck totally developed women is wrong, you are as usual, a mong.
>>385530 tbh they're all out there in the public eye saying everything wrong is right and everything right is wrong when one of them gets found doing something that is still considered wrong by general common sensibilities then damn right we want to hang him by it would see their entire offices purged by zoomoid flamethrowerwaffen but sadly that's not an option yet so we have to take what we can
people should stick to their own age group sorry you missed out on teen romance lad but that ship sailed long ago
>>385535 no lad i've made peace with my age and you should too you're not a young twenty-something any more smh you're almost thirty
>>385536 I think if a lad can get a teenager he should, but going for a same age woman to breed is fine too.
>>385537 tbh fair is fair if a lad manages to land one then all for him but we're all well past the point where aiming for one is reaching outwards instead of upwards
... and in the incelreich each chud shall have a harem of trad teenage wives in wheatfields, and it shall be good, and the roasties shall be held in brapbarns and basement prisons.... the mummies shall cook tendies and the thots will be dead...
>>385533 it's very telling that most of the media and their leftoid followers are now rallying to his defence they would never do this if he was a right wing figure, obvs
HE'S BACK >looks like he got away with it
and of course people i don't like scoring a goal is bad and wrong so of course i want them wrung out for it lay them all out over hot coals >>385539 one day lad but not on this earth stealing from younger generations is boomer-tier >>385540 tbqh he'd be crucified already if he was anything right of centre
>>385541 looks like a big fudgepacking nonce tbh
>>385543 he really does does't he
>>385542 I suspect there is actually a gender imbalance in favour of females due to how hellish the west is and the selection pressure applied to males tbh
>>385543 tbh not surprised in the least that he was fiddling the young lads on staff
>>385545 lasses are happy to share tbh screws up the ratios society only works when monogamy is enforced with a big stick
>>385530 Tbh >>385532 Points here are >It’ll be noncing when YOU do it >It’s allegedly not noncing when he’s nearly 60 and the groomee is 17 and he solicited pics from them - illegal in Britain btw >It is noncing if it had been a 60 year old man grooming a 17 year old girl >He exploited their drug addiction to feed his internet noncing addiction >Huw first made contact at 17 >Young person is now 20 >Has given them £35,000 over the course of the last 3 years in return for various communications >This included, at an unspecified point, nudes, for which Huw paid ~£5,000 >Massive age difference >Position of authority in moralising organisation that rams feminist/gay/trans/migrant propaganda down all are throats 24/7 and persecutes us if we say no. An org that is publicly funded BROKE LOCKDOWN RULES. FUCKING UNFORGIVABLE TBH >gets to avoid prison and anything else to be checked into the nut house >Met closes investigation Huw and BBC off the hook HOL ‘UP >Focus now turns to the speculators >"How do we stop this happening again?" i.e how do they stop us asking questions over this ‘them and us’ system, their noncing and the noncing Also PICTURE OF HUW’S BIG WELSH Arse BURNED INTO THE RETINAS OF EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD IN BRITAIN. UNFORGIVABLE!
in fact we already know there is a gender imbalance due to social and relationship pressure and that chads get all the poossay and incels get nothing, harems already exist but in an even more convenient form of pickup culture which means le top 20% don't even have to maintain seraglios perhaps in the future this dynamic will turn to favour the chuds, in the steinerian warband line of thinking
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>>385548 this lad gets it we're in a fucking WAR here we should have NO sympathy for the enemey
>>385549 anything top-heavy will inevitably fall over >>385548 >>385550 tbqh
>>385549 >steinerian warband my kind of band
>>385540 Especially merchants Sopel and Maitlis
>>385554 smh how dare they continue to investigate he already got back home and called safe
>>385554 >kikes defend noncing children imagine my shock
>>385553 >that ESP Thotslapper bass and Ibanez Racewarrior guitar, drums presumably custom made from German lamshades and Nazi gold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxnf_MJ5IWs
anybody got that webm of doge bleeding out in a field listening to elvis singing glory glory hallelujah? been looking for it but can't find it smh
>>385559 didn't fury already win the race war once?
>>385560 the strvggle is eternal
>>385559 the nigcel won't stand a chance
what word comes to mind?
>>385564 Niggers.
>>385564 low iq: niggers midwit: ban them high iq: jews
god i wish i had gun rights like the burgers do wish they had gun rights like they like to think they do too smh wish we all did every since i was small i wanted to be a gunsmith smh sadly that kind of industry just doesn't exist outside the usa and what little there is is constantly being strangled by the powers that be just want to set up shop somewhere and churn out scary black lever-release rifles that skirt the edge of the law close enough to piss on it is that really so much to ask?
>>385536 keeeeeeeeeeeek fuck off you fool. >>385550 We shouldn't shoot ourselves in the foot. I have a feeling the accusations are false anyway, a lot of chud aligned lads are going to come out of this looking like mongs.
>>385521 Have a (You) for being correct lad.
WE GOT A CODE BLACK HE'S GOING COWBOY MODE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otRCYzUocSQ
>>385564 More shartcarts?
>>385573 tiresome kill them all etc
>>385573 >This group of people looks out for its own! How outrageous! Starting to get sick of these mewling tactics where we act like leftists trying to point out perceived hypocrisy. The reality is that everyone else acts in their own interests. Good on them. Time to do the same and speak frankly about it.
>>385576 no way
>>385575 Exactly. The immigrants are the racists as people are finding out faster and faster. Well good on them. Both
>>385578 wouldn't surprise me if begum is already bACK
Saw some paki women picking hawthorne berries outside of tesco and then they ate them, strange blokes tbh
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I made this OC but 22st says it's shit he's wrong, right lads?
>>385577 Well I’m sure he didn’t write this tbh
>>385581 it's kind of bad, lad, sorry
>>385583 you're 22st you don't get to vote twice cheat
>>385582 when you thought he couldn't get more annoying. WHy the fuck isn't he in prison after doing it again after police told him not to?
>>385584 >>385581 My opinion on it depends on whether or not you believe I should have a teenage wife.
>>385586 of course you should
>>385588 Then it's wonderful! The 22stein is lying!
fucking why
>>385590 wholesome scars
>>385589 thanks lad, I knew 22st must be wrong
>>385590 >Not to drowned us >lower case g on God >Those knickers What the fuck keeeeeeek
>>385536 I'm early 20s actually so fuck off >>385558
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>>385592 It's unironically pretty good, maybe a name tag saying "Ramirez" could add to the realism keek >>385594 I'm early thirties and I will get a 16 year old wife simply as this.
Elvis married a teen but his daughter got blacked by Michael Jackson
>>385596 >got blacked by Michael Jackson but Michael Jackson got bleached, and became white, so...
>>385597 don't care about any of these actually not even spidershart after seeing that nigger how about watching some episodes of stargate
>>385599 yeah it's a shitty selection ngl I left it open for other lads to add suggestions though
>>385598 He was a weird lad, I wonder if he ever even had sex with her tbh. He's not the real father of his children.
think I'll lie in bed and do some maladaptive daydreaming for a few hours first though tbh
night lads >>385594 thanks lad >>385602 shneet lad
>>385603 Night lass x *tucks you in and strokes your head before switching out your bedside lamp*
>>385605 keeek meant to reply to >>385600
Is this white south african woman dl based because she adopted to nigger boys and is legally chemically castrating them?
>>385607 Tornado of derangement!
>>385596 And then died of a bowl obstruction like her dad
>>385599 Really, you piece of shit? You moan about spider-man forever, then you see a poster and suddenly you're turned off. You hadn't seen anything about it before? You really should be keelhauled
>>385610 For the best, Elvis was part Cherokee smh >>385611 Isn't it race mixing/tranny propaganda?
Confirmed foreign fighter deaths in ukraine
>>385613 >Isn't it race mixing/tranny propaganda? barely. Compared to the other films it must be good
>>385614 Some of those are over a year old
I have chosen my native American name: Screams-at-Bouncers
>>385616 yeah thats how tallies work lad
>>385616 >Some of those are over a year old I think they're all older than that aren't they? most look over 30
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>>385614 >7 jews died Oy Vey this is an international TRAGEDY!
>In 1562 John Hawkins captured Africans in what is now Sierra Leone and took 300 people to sell in the Caribbean. In 1564 he repeated the process, using Queen Elizabeth's own ship, Jesus of Lübeck, and there were more English voyages after that. 1562 I would regard as the first year of the English involvement in the Slave Trade. Liverpool received its town charter in 1207. So tell me, bitches, how was Liverpool built on slavery? It's economic height was in the 1930s. A hundred years after the abolition across the Empire. It also begs the question why Liverpool didn't collapse after the slave trade was abolished if it was so reliant on that trade for survival.
John Hawkins ruined the British Caribbean. Before then it was a series of white ethno-states.
>>385618 Then there is a lot more than 200. I saw about forty polish fagflags in one Ukraine cemetery video alone
Thumbscrews. They make people remember all kinds of things
>>385621 It’s true Liverpool was built on theft
>>385622 His reward was a nigger on his coat of arms
>>385621 John Hawkins was a privateer and he stole a Portuguese slave ship, those niggas already got GOT.
>makes a run out the incel cage
>>385487 Well that's going to destroy my business.
>>385631 your bussy?
>>385631 That’s their plan. Destroy everything. Not for nothing he’s got so many armed police around him all the time
Well toil is done for a few days. It's gooning time
The way he keeps going on about this gives credence to the claim that he is a jew
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What time is the probably awful goyslop lads?
>>385638 No point in asking since Bins is always late anyway
>>385633 Yeah he's another agenda 2030 stooge, I hope enough people simply refuse to pay.
>>385639 hey! >>385638 no goyslop today, actual kino
>>385640 from 1973? what the fuck are you doing
>>385642 Based.
>>385611 you've convinced me tbh
>he's not putting on Spidernig: Into The Niggerverse smh awful as usual bins
>>385646 we can watch that after if you want
>>385647 tbh I might actually stay awake that long today do as you will tbh
fresh subtly based aryan and cripple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvTucc2gbmI
Keeeeeeek Imagine for a moment being (an delusional femoid ) German and lying to Germans. A people so utterly known for hatred of lying and such utter conformists that lying to them about integration working and then seeing their new fellow Germans not conforming would work >The brutal attack against celebrating high school graduates committed by migrants in Görlitz has shaken the city. "The tolerance for refugees and migrants is sinking, the mood turns into sheer, unrestrained hatred", says Ex-SPD politician Peter Wirth. he blames the failed integration policy. one week after tha ambush in Görlitz by up to 20 men of turkish and arab origin the divisions are growing in Germany's most easterly city. "It is unbelieveable how this group has acted during their attack. It's possible the young men from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey have attacked the celebrating graduates without any reason", Peter Wirth says. >the 63 year old is shocked about the impact of the brutal attack that left several people injured. "many people from educated social milieus who have nothing to do with AFD and have always supported refugees were hit to the core. Suddenly their patience and understanding is completly gone." >an increasing climate of discomfort is spreading in the city. "Previously it was AFD voters who had to watch their language in front of followers of democratic parties. Today it's the other way around", says Wirth. >increasingly the well connected Ex Politician hears sentences such as "You don't have to wonder why such things happen", the disappointment about the "failed integration policy" turns into anger. "normal conservatives suddenly tip over and vote AFD - a party that's being rated as rightwing extremists by the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution. >Görlitz has become a a losing battle "for people of good will." Wirths has asked himself for the first time ever if he should leave the city.
>>385654 I guess the good will has finally run out.
>>385653 subtitles make him seem a bit autistic tbh
She really broke him huh
>>385657 keeking at the profile pic tbh, looks like he took synthol
>>385659 Oh boy oh boy oh boy I hope my wife will reward me with anal "sex" if I am a good boy
Just got back from feeding the homeless with PA. Good stuff and some good stuff to cum.
we live in a terror state. we live in a terror state.
>>385664 Based PA. Feed any enlightened schizos and recieve their prophecies?
>>385666 Mostly just teethless weirdos smh, but whites only nonetheless
I find the very common meme of political orgs feeding the homeless to be a poor self congratulating stunt. Any actual positive lasting action has to come in the form of a systemic application through political agitation. Demand the government provides for the native homeless, and the working poor in mouldy crumbling council homes or the native labourer risking his health every day in unsafe conditions just to pay his due, while the foreigner cant rest at ease with all provided from the very same state. Provide for them directly, while doing so in the name of publicising their plight. Demand and agitate and in turn justify any further action.
feeding the homeless should be a pipeline into using the homeless to squat in properties and turn them into nationalist barracks like the italian basedlads do tbh >>385664 at 11 at night?
The purpose of feeding the homeless is a statement of intent. It is a demand for action from the government and a demonstration that we would make a better government by showing our priorities. Window licking faggots like 4dca12 will always put down any activity a pro-white organisation does while advocating a course of action that they themselves are not prepared to take. Not only are they hypocrites, but cowards who can't put their ideology into action. >>385670 Yeah we finished up at about 10:20
A dissident political organisation doesn't have the means to sufficiently provide for the native homeless population. The state does. So why don't they do it?
now hosting batman the killing joke tbh https://app.kosmi.io/room/@bins
>>385673 Incredibly overrated story. Only good thing that came out of it was Babs as Oracle. Brian Bolland is cool though.
Nothing wrong with a bit of social darwinism. Can't be expected to provide food and shelter for every person in need. If a man can't even obtain his own food, what good is he?
if a man can't obtain his own gf, what good is he?
Ban usury (slavery by other means) and bring back actual slavery tbh.
NA, Generation Identitaire, Identity Evropa, Schild en Vrienden, PA, its a common meme. Church groups around the country provide the same service consistently and they're more accustomed to their customers wants and needs from the many years of experience doing so. Why is it that in these past 15 years nationalist orgs have stuck with the exact same set of actions? Why should anyone commit to a movement that can never provide more than poultry examples of their good will?
Some hobos are nice enough guys. There are different types. In London you have homeless gangs of illegal migrants that share money and food/drinks together. For the actual British ones, they generally have shitty families and are alcoholics/drug addicts. They'd rather be alone than in a shelter amongst other untrustworthy sorts. Homelessness becomes a way of life because well-meaning mooks make it viable by giving free money/food. Do you really think hobos give a shit about the hwhite race? They don't.
>>385678 even national action fed the homeless keek it's just good easy PR I guess
>>385676 One is a necessity, the other is an optional but occasionally rewarding burden
>>385678 >poultry examples of their good will? as in they feed hobos chicken?
I kid. I'm a kidder.
There's plenty viral videos of influencer types going over to a hobo and giving him some money while intentionally filming and its pilloried by everyone. Everybody hates it, it doesnt help. I hope PA has the sense not to post a video of them handing out shopping bags with miscellaneous goods the hobos will most likely throw away.
If you really want to improve a hobo's life, either give them a job or put them out of their misery
I used to walk past a homeless guy every day both ways and each time he'd ask me for a cigarette and I'd give him one. After I quite smoking I told him I quit and didnt have any on me. Still every time I came past he'd light up and motion to me for a cig and I'd tell him the same thing, this went on for years. I assume he was just retarded or something, probably wasn't even a drug addict since he stayed in the same place all day. Just a genuine invalid that didn't check enough boxes to be cared for.
>>385472 nice article even if it can be boiled down to you make of this life what you will either a prison or a palace.
>>385690 uhm 2019 called???
>>385690 *seethes*
https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/07/14/wang-yi-you-can-never-become-a-westerner/ >Wang told Japanese and South Korean guests attending a trilateral forum in the eastern coastal city of Qingdao that most Americans and Europeans can’t tell China, Japan and South Korea apart. >“No matter how blonde you dye your hair, how sharp you shape your nose, you can never become a European or American, you can never become a Westerner,” Wang said. “We must know where our roots lie.”
>>385693 good lad
>>385685 good lad. outsource the tramp killing to other tramps and kill them once they've met a quota
slow thread tonight
>>385697 some people are havign sex
>>385698 disgusting
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>>385697 howdy
>>385700 i hate this animal
We should do this some time in kosmi
my brothers the city has fallen... all to the gooncave
>have to encode videos to make them upload better on odyssy or rumble >encoding takes 30 mins ffs this tech shite is so fucking gay. I miss 2010 when I could just plug my phone in and upload now its all cloud shite and the files created by the phone camera are like mega huge because of the detail of the image. so fucking stupid
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the holocaust just claimed another victim smh
>>385706 yikes that creepy comment from the mutt jew in the middle
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>>385708 the whole video really gets me
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trve kino
>>385709 Errr why are you awake? You said nini
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>>385711 yeah I'm going now b nini
>>385706 based jew mediating our disputes in our interest.
>>385704 keke that coping mulatto
>>385714 ehm... thats ron paul
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>that one boomer toolchad at toil who doesn't mind his tools and just constantly sheds tools and buys new stuff every month because he enjoys buying tools anyway
>>385716 i love this what?
>>385717 smh yeah they get all the milwaukee shite and half of it is chink garbage
makita 4 lyfe
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>>385720 a fellow ἀριστοκρατία
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https://youtu.be/uIGU-w2Dk6k *dances with excitement*
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>>385685 Yeah go on lad, I'll just pull a job out of my pocket and hand it to the homeless that's a great idea! Retard. Every time we feed the white homeless we get nothing but good PR and a statement to the world of what we are about. As explained sufficiently and not refuted here: >>385671 It's been a typical example of the inactivist to criticise this on spurious grounds such as >>385675 . The childish retreat into some sort of pseudo intellectualism. The inactivist loves nothing more than to huff his own farts with empty takes that are as sterile as his own loins. The issues of homelessness are complex and we work on a principle of no white man left behind, particularly when there are charities/government organisations specifically devoted to helping our invaders. It's a strategy that works as evidenced by the amount of enquiries the local PA organisation has received. We actively tore down communist propaganda last night and planned our next set of activities in between feeding our own people for the day (with some other essentials i.e. socks and medical equipment). Feeding those abandoned by the state. What have you done? Sat in your room masturbating? If your ideas are so good go out and put them into action, I'd love to see you form a Fascist government overnight. Why has nobody thought of that before!? To see clearly and remain idle is as productive as being blind and remaining idle.
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I finally ran this morning. Two miles and stopped for deadlifts in between seeing as I missed them in the week due to the deadlift station nigger infestation. A good day, a good week. I am growing stronger. My enemies tremble before me. The women tremble behind me. The earth itself trembles beneath me. Deus nobis haec otia fecit.
Never forget the social demands of our political faith. The red in this flag stands for social action. No white man left behind. I now retire to my chambers.
>>385722 keeeek that skeleton
>>385723 gather up a team of boot boys and go smashing red heads in. catch them alone while they're at home and do them to pieces.
>>385725 reply to my posts faggot. the white race needs my political opinions posted anonymously on 8chan.moe or its curtains for them.
They keep pushing this
>>385732 restricted/private means still uploading?
>>385729 *stands up*
just want a 6 ft gf with big feet
>>385732 he'll yeah
>>385738 Gadzooks! Look at the time. I must return to my studies while there's still candle left to burn. How time flies!
>>385723 PA is not a viable political organisation, it's not even a registered political party. You are fooling yourself if you think it will lead to anything greater. It's nice that you do volunteer work, but a statement of intent to influence government policy? No, you're high on your own farts.
>>385725 Yeah, the kind of action that puts hobos in work camps where they can have a purpose and not bother everyone else
Matthew 6: 3-4 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
>>385744 Does that mean he’ll make Noseley PM?
>>385731 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>385741 You haven't got a clue what PA is nor what any other organisation is because you're a bedroom inactivist. Do what you will to try and insult those who are out there building networks and local presence. You'll choke on the smell of your own rancid farts, the kind you love huffing so much. As for the political party? If this next application is rejected legal action will be taken against the Electoral Commission. Right now the party is secondary, we already have people on councils etc. Not that you would know that from your bedroom. Fucking maggot. >>385742 Wow, you're so edgy and above it all! Filtered, you colossal faggot.
>This lad seething because we fed the white homeless population Get over it. Moreover, these aren't alms. These are political actions.
>retarded woman goes to sleep, wakes up more retarded
>undeclared spy Wut?
The Censure of the Parliament Fart Never was bestowed such art Upon the tuning of a Fart. Downe came grave auntient Sir John Crooke And redd his message in his booke. Fearie well, Quoth Sir William Morris, Soe: But Henry Ludlowes Tayle cry'd Noe. [...]
Where is everyone? Handing out flyers and teacakes to the homeless?
>>385749 Isn't that just high-treason?
just got up tbh
>>385756 same tbh
PA feeding the homeless and making sure people know they are doing so is such a pathetic empty gesture, everyone sees through it for what it is and its just utter cringe. Also imagine believing the shite about legal action over the registration, mark and the leadership have been dragging their feet on registering because they are grifters in it for the donos and nothing else.
>>385755 >US promised to intervene if Britain “democratically elected” Corbyn >US ignore fact we have an unelected poos with family ties to Infosys an Indian tech company providing “anti democratic” China with tools to surveil their populace and credit score them
>>385758 hes insufferable to listen to because he never mentions any of the actual issues with migration, totally cucked.
>>385759 >everyone sees through it for what it is That's funny because it's the source of most enquiries for membership. It's almost like all these nationalist groups are doing it because it's a tried and true method of recruitment for the reasons already stated (and still neither addressed nor refuted). You know nothing about the internal matters of PA. You know nothing about activism. You are nothing. But hey, maybe I'm wrong! What have you done for our cause lad? Give us a list, your wisdom must surely be the result of years of experience!
>>385762 > because it's the source of most enquiries for membership how? >You know nothing about the internal matters of PA you are an activist group not mi6,get off the high horse larper > You know nothing about activism. objectively false I know more than you >But hey, reddit fag you are a williamoid larper whos been chatting shit for years, you are just a pathetic egotist. We are living through a period where the people of this country have never been more in need of and wanting of a true nationalist party and all PA has done is suck up productive nationalist energy and directing it nowhere but marks livestreams.
>>385761 He blocked me on twitter once because I asked him why he never talks about Islamic terrorism and the doctrinal causes of it keek >385764 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek you've just betrayed yourself there haven't you lad? The source of your anger that activists are building strong local networks isn't stupidity, not even arrogance! It's jealousy! You're jealous of the Bum Bum King! An internet personality! keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Get a fucking grip you robbing cunt
Bring back wimpoles and flogging
enjoying the slapfight between madshart and bbk tbh don't think the quest for seethium will win out this time, bumbumtism is too strong
>scouser >robbing
Notice how madlad rages at anyone who has any success? Whether its bbk, 22st, anyone! He rages! It builds and builds until his own impotency explodes in a passive aggressive rage! I keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! >>385768 That's with diluted Scots blood, Madfaggot is the real deal!
wessie with the sly backstab as per
Point is PA have existed for 4 years and have done precious little
>>385770 I have always been a vocal opponent of your seethe-induced decrying of genuine nationalist efforts
See how effeminately he guards his own ego? Isn't it strange, gentlemen, how the mention of having simply fed the homeless, given them socks, picked up litter, taken down propaganda, etc. send her into a rage! She accuses other of having done little . . . yet she has done nothing! I put it to you, snellow snigger snkillers, shall we tolerate him for much longer? Or shall we go to his house and batter him!?
I take my leaves. Mummy has made southern fried chicken and broccoli!
>>385772 you are a spiteful mutant, nothing more.
>>385775 odd url
Idea If we stare disapprovingly at furriners will they fuck off?
>>385777 Made it myself, hope you liked it
>>385779 based
Who here is going to steal Harvey’s title?
>>385776 tbqh lad you are quantifiably the most spiteful person on this board keek
>>385784 don't understand the mindset of the consoomer drones who fall for that shite tbh had a cotoiler back at retoil who was always up to her neck in debt from it smh never learnt her lesson
>>385785 Impulse control followed by 1335% debt spiral with nearly immediate seeling of the debt to bailiffs. You can’t do this in some countries and it should be banned altogether Klarna got into big trouble in Germany and Sweden over it. Neobanks like Revolut are Russian/Ukrainian scammers as well
>>385785 Have a cousin who is the same way. Total lack of impulse control and a desire to fit in with the other deanos. Can't even begin to imagine the amount he has spent on charlie smh
>>385787 >>385788 seems like the only people who use these things are the ones who can't be trusted to handle credit in the first place smh
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>not running up 60k of unsecured personal debt then paying it off at 3 quid a month when you get a CCJ
>>385788 amazing how orange deano manages to be even uglier than norf FC tbh
>>385791 norfman is the pinnacle of creation on this isle, deano is a stunted managerial parasite
>>385789 That’s who they’re aimed at so it should be illegal
>>385794 > co-founder Niklas Adalberth said in a presentation during the startup conference Arctic15 that: "That is one of our revenue streams so actually the best customer is the one that doesn't pay directly but actually get a reminder and then also debt collection because we are able to add the legal fees." > In May 2011, Klarna acquired Israeli company Analyzd, which had business activity on markets in Europe, Israel and the United States. Analyzd specialise in risk management and online payments, and its founders previously worked for PayPal. Analyzed Smh
>>385795 it's just good business
>hottest day in hundred thousand years >found by measuring temperature in a different way ahhhhhhhhh and normies will eat it all up... or maybe not. Seems like climate change is one of those few things were people are just sick of it
>>385797 tbh the media's been harping on about how the world will end in a few years for decades now it's just background noise at this point
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Anyone have it where you sometimes click "reply" and it doesn't send?
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Damn letting your wife fuck other men seems like it is actually great for your relationship I'm amased that despite all the jokes he's made about it it is obvious on his body language he hates it, and either she can't pick up on it, or she is fine with it
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>>385806 The major thing wrong with this is the nigger fetishisation tbph.
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>we got black spider-man >now we got blacked spider-man smh
>>385801 naaaaaah he's a cheeky b
>>385810 nnaaah song making me clap those cheeks
>>385809 Wait what, is that Tom Holland? Thought he was like one of those Justin Beiber type mong celebrities but actually a semi based Christian. Smdh.
>>385809 yikes
>>385814 *stomps on you*
>>385806 Rancid slag and he should have his hands cut off so he can’t post that shit
>>385783 kek objectively false but ok, I'm not the one that holds pointless grudges and acts out on them consistently in an uprovoked way then denies it like you, nasty rat.
>>385819 Polish?
I cannot stop sharting right now
>>385826 cursed image smh
smh at steiner always complaining at boomers Particularly jewcy bit at 03:10 https://youtu.be/WMdo5InGi-A
>>385829 Damn Sweden should burn more torahs
might go shops to make one (1) borgar for dinner tbh
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Tucker Carlson destroy's Mike Pence's campaign with one question >Carlson: "where's the concern for the United States?" >Pence: "it's not my concern" kek what a retard
>>385833 He goofed, but he obviously didn't intend for it to mean what you think he meant. He answered to an earlier part of the question, his answer is to the accusation: "your concern is that the ukrainians don't have enough tanks".
interesting look inside shart schools can't actually hear shit about what she's saying tbh https://nitter.net/TheGingerarchy/status/1651442706483216385#m
>Her dad also spoke about what our daughter has gone through. He detailed the physical assaults of our daughter in elementary school that - until he went to the board and called them out - weren't handled. He was kicked out for briefly mentioning how much the Superintendent makes >The two men sitting there LAUGHING are Superintendent George Steinhoff (left) and Board President Leon Armour >steinhoff
>>385836 Oh shit thats the gamergate ginge lmao
>>385838 huh >foid looking for male attention online >doesn't tick virgin or misogynist boxes smh
>>385834 > "your concern is that the ukrainians don't have enough tanks". he literally said that he was concern that ukraine weren't getting enough American tanks he doesn't give a shit about America's domestic issues
>>385833 >Hand rubbing commences
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not sure where moonman found the gall to inform the Norge police about 22sts antics when moonman posted a picture of dafties 'under development' breasts. either way 2 pedophiles tearing at one another is a good thing i suppose.
Uh oh, we have a loony troon!
Is there a Keith Woods in the house?
>>385845 thought keet died of taking the vaxx tbh
>>385845 >come in ye black and tans Oh . . . OK . . . Uh oh! Ahhh! I think . . . Oh no no no no no . . . I think . . . I think I'm gonna . . . MAKE A KEEK NOISE!
>Mummy fell asleep Goyslop is on the menu boiz!
>>385705 record audio for most of them and do videos if you want to show us something >>385725 they left plenty of white people behind. it's not a wholesome chungus movement
>>385849 Shut the fuck up, faggot.
>>385842 bit old news this lad, what made you bring it up now?
>>385851 That's the loony troons for you lad.
>>385853 If that was me I would wear a spooky mask.
>>385852 i-is that... pembs?
>>385850 not an argument
>>385855 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq look at how chubby he is! and the wank sock and lube with the bald faggot in the reflection qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>385855 imagine the smell
>>385856 You haven't presented an argument. You, the other anti-Fascists and the loony troons have nothing. You are nothing. Auslad should remod me because you need to be dealt with. I made a claim about the cause of National Socialism in particular. One backed up by Mein Kampf: The red expressed the social thought underlying the movement. You can read up on it mate, they wrote books that you can actually read! Some of the words might have two syllables but your mummy can help you out.
Auslad. Destroy them They're enemies of the race. Enemies of Fascism. Destroy them.
*raises paw* when wessie dies how will we know where the funeral is?
>>385861 He will inform us all in our dreams.
>>385855 The put on voice keeeeeeeeeek how can they take themselves seriously
>>385863 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek imagine the cameraman booted pembs in the head on the way back up and he died drowning in that lakelet
Yup. Gym culture turns men gay. They start prancing around like women then they become faggots and then they troon out because they don’t do what other athletes do and take drugs to keep their own yestosterone flowing. This leads to no test/low test when they quit roids.Nuts shrink and there we have it. Der Ewige RoidTroon
>>385859 you said no white man left behind, which is wrong
>>385863 poppet on a swing preparing to ACK
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dad just got his ancestry results back tbh literally like 50 percent ulster scots and 40 percent angloid with like 8 percent frogoid and then some random danish/norse shite between mummy and dad
>>386012 erm lad... this is the old thread

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