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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3879: Fascism Will Triumph Edition Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 17:41:01 Id: 702daa No. 385865
Europe on fire: Tourists swelter in Italy as record temperatures soar towards 48C - the highest ever recorded in Europe - as people flee wildfires in the Canaries https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12302149/Tourists-swelter-Italy-record-temperatures-soar-48C-people-flee-wildfires-Spain.html >Tourists in Italy are sweltering as the temperatures soar to 48C, the highest ever recorded, while people in the Canaries flee from wildfires. >Italy is facing temperatures of historic highs this weekend with the health ministry issuing a red alert for 16 cities including Rome, Bologna and Florence. >The meteo centre warned Italians to prepare for 'the most intense heatwave of the summer and also one of the most intense of all time'. Just Stop Oil protesters interrupt the Proms https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66207576 >Two protesters from environmental campaign group Just Stop Oil have interrupted the First Night of the Proms at London's Royal Albert Hall. >The duo mounted the stage and briefly unfurled an orange banner on Friday. >They were met with boos and jeers from some members of the audience at the BBC's classical music festival, before being led away by security staff. Russia's air force 'remains largely intact,' but more jets won't fix all its problems in Ukraine, NATO commanders say https://uk.news.yahoo.com/russias-air-force-remains-largely-141500694.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFLttLckceG7BG9qZovNKe-cnYpWNxu57o0MBs35IMp7QMbCsdkf5WvCQXyDJwzB1V4q8aqYRmwMsmyIFNuQGaeshXMV07CoY5I882Da7mz7_MabHriGQS_i02u6NPN9WWmUT6recf4SvYiX8k8-R0XvQ1qFkv-XyRDpZNBqJ5NH >After 16 months of fighting, most of Russia's air force remains intact. >Despite its numerical advantage, Russia can't control the skies over Ukraine, but neither can Kyiv. >Issues with how Russia uses its many jets may inhibit their effectiveness, two NATO leaders say. The lie that men can be women leads to rapists being put in female prisons and male athletes stealing our prizes, writes gender critical author HELEN JOYCE https://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/article-12299641/The-lie-men-women-leads-rapists-womens-prisons-writes-HELEN-JOYCE.html >Imagine coming home to find a cake on your kitchen table, iced in pink with a slice cut to show the blue sponge inside. With it is a letter from your teenager, saying: 'Mum and dad, I know you thought you had a daughter, but I now understand that I'm really a boy.' >The pink-outside, blue-inside cake is just one of the scripts for coming out as trans to your parents shared in online forums. These portray parents who don't immediately adopt the child's new identity as 'transphobic'. Children are advised to bring them into line by complaining to schools and social services. >In any other context – an anorexic threatening suicide if her parents refuse to let her starve, say – this would be recognised as emotional blackmail. But the idea that you can be 'born in the wrong body' – that everyone has a 'gender identity' which sometimes doesn't match their sex – is now widely presented as fact. And LGBT charities like Stonewall and Mermaids claim that trans-identified children are likely to attempt suicide unless their identity claims are accepted, using catchphrases like 'better a live son than a dead daughter'.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:19:19.
Fresh 30 year old man pretending to be a girl
>>385855 >what Pembertroon thinks he looks like
>thread already double trooned Cursed
>>385868 Really needs a yarmulke to covr that bald spot
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>both partys are tearing at one another again >both partys are also friends with doxxing pedophiles dunno how to feel tbqh
>>385867 Lad poombs was a tranny 6 years ago >>385871 keeeeeek I was going to comment on that. It's just that his natural is lighter I guess
Yup. Gym culture turns men gay. They start prancing around like women then they become faggots and then they troon out because they don’t do what other athletes do and take drugs to keep their own yestosterone flowing. This leads to no test/low test when they quit roids.Nuts shrink and there we have it. Der Ewige RoidTroon
please stop giving troons attention it's what they want >>385861 not to worry lad I'll put a bit in the will so mummy can visit here to announce who gets my collection of rare pepes
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>>385873 There are doxxing pedophiles in are mists?
err I meant midst
>>385875 *grabs your throat* Elaborate. Are you trying to justify not lifting? >>385877 They're bullying you 22st. If I were still a mod they would be silenced in their accusations. You are not a paedophile, you are a hero.
>>385859 you said no white man left behind, which is wrong
>>385880 thankslass. Smh almost hard to believe there are people who'd attack good little boys like me
>>385882 did the nonce arc end lad? you got your electronics back and they won't harass you any more?
>>385883 No, they have my eletronics. That's like 5 or 6 weeks now. I've lost count. Had to buy a new phone for work and I am borrowing my mum's laptop
>>385884 if you've not had them back by now then it's going be like 9 months before you get them back lmao get fucked you vile nonce bastard
>>385884 smh bullying cunts can't resist dragging their feet probably because you admitted to being roight wang in poolitical beliefs rather than any alleged sexual misconduct
22st lost bashar al assad lost chuds lost
when is the fillum tbh my burger is almost ready and I have trifle for afters
>>385881 No, it isn't. Unless you're an autistic anal bead user who thinks that isn't to the exclusion of traitors. In which case get off the board because we have enough aspergers without an unironic aspergers added into the midst. We have a call, as Fascists, to social action. It's non-negotiable. There is no Fascism without action. It's not a political philosophy of indolence like Communism where you sit and philosophise in circles while your nation dies. To quote Oswald Mosley: "The first necessity of the day is action". If you take issue with feeding and clothing homeless white people then get the fuck off my board.
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>>385885 You're lower than nonces. Trannyism aside, you are a betrayer of friends who were only kind to you. >>385886 Dragging their feet is exactly what they did. Yeah I can't help myself. Maybe I'll talk about the holocaust the next time.
Where is the weird lad Auslad modded? Ban these trannies and anti-Fascist scum, now.
>>385889 based
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>>385890 I'm guilty of taking down a board that allowed Democrat activismography to be posted on it. Try not being friends with pedophiles and bad things might stop happening to your gay little communities. Ram your 'kindness' nonce.
what is fascism anyway?
>>385895 You have nothing to hide? Identify yourself.
at an entire loaf of garlic bread then took a huge shit then posted this comment
>>385868 get him b
won't someone rid us of this delusional troon >>385899 best post in thread so far tbh
>>385896 based and startingontimeforoncepilled
It checks out
>>385899 Ummmm based?
>delusional troon thinks merely claiming things are true makes it so naturally as the very foundation of their pathetic being this extends to the rest of their behaviour
>>385902 yeah I better got on with dinner sharpish
>>385906 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>385906 tbhtbh
>>385909 daring synthesis of two 22st originals
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die already you fat smelly gullible retard
>>385911 nice balls nigga
>gullible God I hate high trust societyies
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>>385913 he spoke to police officers and got put on Prevent
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>>385906 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>385903 smh fucking troons
>>385916 But did he lop his cock off?
>>385920 no just his liver
>>385921 So he has only amputated parts of himself that are medically necessary?
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>>385922 You're saying I'm a fuck up because I'm a tranny and trying to prove it by comparing me to a genetic fuck up that's literally falling apart and has to clap for the NHS so his life continues.
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Finally found the stinky men
>>385924 Yeah you are a fuck up because your lopping was dependent on your own agency rather than an inherited disability.
>>385926 so having gender dysphoria isnt a mental illness?
troon be gone
troono is also just lying about things that didn't happen again tbf, my liver is probably one of my best organs and will be first for extraction once shady middle eastern NHS doctors get me on an operating table don't engage with him lad, leave him alone so he can ACK in due time
>>385927 Mental illness doesn't always eliminate the role of your own agency. Like homosexuality, you have a choice to simply not stick things up your bum despite this desire. Like depression, you have a choice not to ACK yourself. Entertaining a delusion that you are a woman is a mental illness, indulging that delusion in anyway is a choice you have made. Stop it. Man up.
>>385928 >don't engage with him lad, leave him alone so he can ACK in due time tbh, into the filterino with him
>>385921 first grade mistake in wessology lmfao
https://youtu.be/ywYgBl0Wk_g The Jewish guy being vocal in this sounds a bit childish, is he on a trip or he genuinely works in the city centre? I saw some religious jews working in central London before.
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Oh oop. Banned again for speaking the truth. Shout out to moon man for burning cp into my retinas. You rancid cunt. Shout out to 22st for meeting up and trying to rape a little disabled girl. Thank god those based foreign care workers managed to step in and stop the fat bastard. Shout out to smelly wessex for shitting out his internal organs. I'm glad your death is going painfully and slowly. Retard. The above and your friends are all nothing but rot.
thinking about that Baldur's gate 3 ingame cinematic where you have gay sex with a man who shapeshifts into a bear again. If I'm to try the game I'll probably have to make all the characters OC
seem to remember hearing about this drug called pimozide which was found to be effective at treating gender dysphoria it's usually used to treat ticks like in people with tourrettes imagine acting on the impulse caused by a mental disorder encouraged by jewish tricks to irreversibly damage your own body and eventually ACK-ing yourself when you could have just taken some anti-troon pills instead
>>385937 Err las that was preboonked(argument being it was a single case study). Should just make a bigger study then smh
>troon calling other people "rot" despite having a rotting axewound where his penis used to be
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Supposed to be at a normie house party tonight but I've got better things planned
>>385940 based and froovy
>>385940 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>385942 remove the earning part
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX30oILDb34 Looks like kino's back on the menu, boys.
>>385940 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I am going to be sent back to my childhood body while retaining all my current memories. Thank you all for the help and so long.
>>385947 I can't believe you toil and watching this is what you do with your precious free time
>>385948 Would honestly be a nightmare.
>>385948 Take care, lass. Maybe you can find all our young selves too and help us
>>385948 save the white race as soon as you can lad
>>385948 good luck lad remember not to make the same mistakes all over again due to learnt helplessness >>385949 I'm only a pseudotoiler tbh most of my days are still neeting not like there is anything else to do on this bitch of an earth
>>385940 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Reminder to meme responsibly. The chaos realm loves giving you what you wish for when it's awful. >oh I'm 6 again and living through the Blair years >based but can't do anything, not even defend yourself, because you're in the body of a 6 year old
one minute to designated goyslop time and no film announcement bins fails us once again
>>385955 yeah I'd hate to know what I want in life as a young lad instead of at 25
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>>385957 I know what I want in life at 28 and I'm going to get it. All of it.
>>385958 Based.
>>385958 Me too
>go back in time to when things start going wrong >refuse to leave mummy's womb and hold the c-section closed from inside
>>385945 >The Meg >Baldy midget’s squeaky voice No
>>385961 Good lad. >>385960 Good lad for film night but not watching niggersoyslop tbh.
>>385962 keeeeek. That's why they c-sectioned me smh. I didn't want to come out. Maybe baby me actually did travel back in time and I lost memory of it when I hit my head smh
>>385889 i don't care about homeless people and neither do you outside of propaganda. i take issue with the mentality that simply being white is enough.
>>385963 Statham doesn't have a squeaky voice? >385967 Careful lads, don't get a papercut of this post.
Noone here could bear my suffering for a day.
>>385969 Just means you're God's favourite race warrior, lad.
>>385966 Thought that was Macron for a minute
>>385968 it's sincere. why wouldn't it be?
>385967 You're not a Fascist and you do not belong on this board. You're a narcissist who believes other people lack empathy as much as you do. You're wrong. It explains your whole persona, actually. Sad in a way.
Big fat farting anuses!
a slice of chocolate cheese cake to finish the gorge
>>385979 >You're a narcissist who believes other people lack empathy as much as you do. Really? What are the examples of this?
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zionists really seethe hard about the british after everything we did for them solely because we said they couldnt do total arab death
>>385985 it's their right lad we shouldn't have talked back to them
>I want to KILL ALL ARABS TOTAL ARAB DEATH SMASH ARAB BABIES HEADS ON ROCKS but i will absolutely NOT do that if you please just leave Palestine to us.
>>385988 Protein shake sharts Based
RFK your friendly Climate Change Candidate
>>385873 >Ladytron :-D
>>385948 If that involved time travel, not so bad. Can breeze through exams, flirt with my teenage oneitis, invest in crypto early and then later on also make a killing by correctly betting on political events I have foreknowledge of.
>Madlad still seething keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he couldn't even responderino! What a weak witted little fool!
>>385994 good lad
>>385996 madlad has only made one post in this thread
would suicide hotlines be kind to incels?
>>385999 >>386001 where's the get?
>>386006 kill yourself
>>386005 Steiner is having a boomer moment posting in the old thread
>>386004 1.6 million views... not only are people finding this shit, people are making a living on it too *screams*
>>385196 cumin is very strong, you need to use a small amount. good on beef >>385377 are you trying to sound like johnny bravo? >>385393 I don't understand why they comply with the draft, they could just sneak throught the woods into Romania >>385454 you're supposed to have a gf and fuck her when you get horny
keeek he is as well based get tbh >>386000 >>386000 >>386000 >>386000 >>386000
>>386008 that was 20 minutes ago
>he's still posting
>>386012 He just made another post
Don't really know what scottish people are tbh
>steiner didn't scroll up oh no no no incelchads not like this
> then some random danish/norse shite between mummy and dad My brother
more tinnies
blew my tinnie load yesterday smh
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>>386012 so your mother was the mestiza? steinpops is kinda baste
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*starts crying*
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*migrates to the thread*
>>386025 DR WILLIAM. LUTHER. PIERCE. Hellow, for a minute I want you to just imagine, just really stop and imagine what exactly that would smell like
>>386022 smh no shops open at this time of night?
>>386028 keeeek need a WLP AI to do text to voice tbh
>>386030 keeeeeek imagine how kino that would be
>Niece asked if I had a gf smh
>>386032 the elder thots are turning the weans against you lad
>>386030 >>386031 keeeeek already on it
>>386034 godspeed lad
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>>386036 keek smh the AI doesn't really get it tbh
>>386037 kek it doesn't know what to do with this
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>>386039 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>386039 keeeeeek verygoodlad
the 60s-70s were so seethe worthy. while working class lads were dying in the jungle rich kid kikes made up 50% of uni students in ivy league schools and spent their time raising funds for the North Vietnamese. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3GxkauHN44
>>386039 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>386039 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >topical anti-androgen w/ minoxidil I should start this tbh, only do the red light therapy + microneedling (yes Dr. Pen brand) and not consistently enough. also my shampoo has peppermint/rosemary oil, but I don't shower enough.. at least above the waist. always take a below-the-waist shower after a poo >stretch mark reduction pen same pen/needles, just set it to deeper penetration. although I've stopped since the red stretch marks on my sides are all gone now and it won't do anything for the white ones >soy milk and flaxseed breast enlargement smoothie if I had a gf I'd make her drink this. actually probably just get her on birth control (giga estrogen pills), progesterone cream (best source of progesterone), and saw palmetto (inhibits androgens), that'll get those boobies swelling up. (estrogen + progesterone - testosterone) * presumably genetic hormone sensitivity, correlates strongly with original breast size = breast growth >>386042 but weren't the Vietcong baste though since they were nationalists fighting off the Z0G occupation? people tunnel vision too much on superficial shit like le gommunism, to the Vietnamese it just meant joining a powerful anti-American bloc where they could garner support from China/USSR for their independence struggle
>>386045 Kek fair play lad
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I need a gf so I can post about her on /brit/
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creepy joe goes feral in finland
>>386036 smh thats not his west virginia accent sounds like some masshole
>>386039 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>386051 >looked up the name of that thot >does real porn >his dick is 5 times the size of yours
>>386049 tbh I wish I knew how you could slow down the talking pace too, they're always too quick just fed it his reading of the turner diaries and it shat that out
>>386053 which AI did you use?
you should be able to use ssml tags
Ahhhh someone warn him of the trannies
>>386056 >who is young enough to be his daughter In a sane society she'd be young enough to be his grandaughter, and it wouldn't matter.
its fucking over
have fucking sex
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smorb lads >>386062 keeeeeeeeek >>386063 choon that
>>386063 good lad
>>386064 rise and shine
really want a Lamborghini gaming toilet lads
>>386068 good lad
Mexican cartels have watched the Ukraine vids and upgraded https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caFtIPwNDlI
>>386073 Horrific. Women need enslaving.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAV6BAaQNao nick is pretty wise and seems to have experience with housing, i like his advice even though i'm unlikely to have one soon
pretty sure the jews are trying to hyperinflate us to death lads just looked up the recommended daily calorie limit and I'm pretty sure it used to be 2k but they are saying even idlers need 2.6k now
>>386077 don't let steiner see this
>>386078 might be on to something tbh
>>386079 it was bait specifically for him, but he's not here i guess *shakes noggin*
Today we delve into the horrors of the Nottingham Contemporary Art(?) Gallery >Kresiah Mukwazhi creates vibrant textile-collages, video, performance and installations informed by her observations of gender-based violence, exploitation and abuse in her native Zimbabwe. By bringing together the worlds of visual activism and spirituality, she explores the different conditions of the female body; from being a site of trauma, to one of healing and resistance. Drawing on her long-term engagement with female sex workers in the suburbs of Harare, she takes inspiration from the resilience and forms of self-organisation present within these communities. >Mukwazhi describes Kirawa as ‘a place of sacred resistance, where I expose and push back against colonisation and socio-political issues forcing women into precarious labour, aiming at reclaiming the sacred power that women are destined to have.’ >In her large-scale textile assemblages, different fabrics are glued and sewn together, then painted with acrylic and fabric dyes. The materials she uses combine to recall the seedier bars and nightclubs of Harare. Often acquired at flea markets and second-hand stores, their surfaces are marked with tears and stains, burns and frays: intimate inscriptions of the lives of the women who used them. >The video it (the cock) hit itself and it cried (2023) presents the artist partially disguised in a bright blue wig, mask and sunglasses. By using costume she removes herself from immediate view, whilst mocking how colonial conventions, such as the use of Western judges’ wigs, continue to persist. >In Zimbabwe, a ‘kirawa’ is a sacred shrine and place of healing. Here, Mukwazhi has created her own version in the installation the red cloth of sacred resistance (2023). In the same way that spirit mediums at a ‘kirawa’ are able heal through ritual, Mukwazhi seeks restitution for the women she has encountered through her art. https://www.nottinghamcontemporary.org/whats-on/kresiah-mukwazhi-kirawa/ https://www.nottinghamcontemporary.org/whats-on/abbas-zahedi-holding-a-heart-in-artifice/ https://www.nottinghamcontemporary.org/whats-on/eva-kotatkova/
>still 3 months until autumn
Not feeling the new Silent Hill remake tbh
>>386086 tbh modern art has been shite right from the start
https://youtu.be/le3h3NXhiM4 Forced to sell Barrat home
Won an award at toil but still dreaming of quitting toil and being abroad again smh
>386091 >being abroad
All this wankery over the 'Oppenheimer' film is cringe.
>>386092 just a bit of banter keeeek
>>386087 Thought the dick was going to pull out an aborted baby at first. Demonic libtard displays only gearing up.
Anyone seen this? Maybe one for Bins’ film night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2WGE1L6WKs
>>386100 Mr Beastiality
>>386099 it's boring tbh basically just static gmod poses with a black and white filter and snippets from an audiobook
>>386102 It's actually super based and you are just a gigantic bumder. Okay, thank you.
>>386103 just skipped through it again and heh'd at how every single shot is really zoomed in and features only a few models so the animator doesn't have to set up backgrounds or complex interactions
listening to the waterloo soundtrack, thinking about are ancestvrs and crying tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFXv3Un_LHY
>wake up >Look forward to bed
>>386054 Elevenlabs voice cloning
>>386108 tbh started properly recoording my snoozelucinations again recently and been getting some kino stuff
>>386112 noooooooooooooo *covers ears with pillow*
>>386102 awful opinion, its kino.
>>386112 He's right but he focuses on this one element so much because he's still somewhat timid about optics on other things.
how's the wessex redemption arc going?
>>386118 21st again just had 800kcal of tovfefe yumyums for lunch though it's still within the limit t. coper
>>386119 we;re all going to make it.
>>386119 Just blobmaxx
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuvtoyVi7vY Against all odds, Wessie is still alive and kicking.
Wessie I am offering you a pair of healthy, non-exploding knees.
>>386123 Were they ethically sourced?
Wonder how his liver is going to handle all the poison that's stored in his fat
>>386124 ethnically sourced? No, these knees are White lad.
Rousseau & Sewell on Activist Strategy https://youtu.be/sRmHEo77ask
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We're all gonna make it
>>386130 uncanny tbh
>>386130 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's beautiful
>>386130 Keeek the power of ai
>>386129 I really hope ai music destroys the music industry but I have a feeling they wil use it in some hyper jewy way to ruin things even more
That music always gives me a hiraeth feeling It's made by a nigger
>>386136 Even the potatoes are getting trannied. keeeeeek.
>>386130 keeeek. even has the retard shoes on in some of them.
>>386130 keeeeeeeeeek >>386136 trooned out and still couldn't win gold smh embarrassing
Good lord.
>>386140 imagine being in a crowd of troons and having that barrelling towards you shouting IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR fearsome tbh
>>386140 >hydrolic press mechanical legs curb stomping trannies and niggers into the pavement. BASED
>>386039 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>386087 What the fuck >>386091 Well done, lass. What was the award for?
>>386039 missed this one last night
spic should do some vocaroos so we can hear his 100% american not hispanic at all accent tbh
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The chairman was on PWR last week
hope you pulled out before it lost all its value, lads
>>386152 Poos, Wees, and Rastaman?
The late 1960s were incredibly fucking degenerate. That's when movies really became subversive. They had been for a long time before but the real shit began in the late 1960s. Look at the top ten of 1967. To Sir with Love and "Look Whose Coming to Dinner'' are examples.
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>>386153 wtf is reddit gold? does reddit have it own crypto or someshit?
>>386156 anne marie walters not looking so good there tbh
>>386157 kek forgot about her. wish chukka umma stayed in politics, he would have been so memeable,smh
>>386158 tbh, only got the one memi out of him
"but what does spear chucker think?"
>>386156 I think it's karma or something you get from upvotes, which allows you to visit and post in certain reddits that require good karma or something, or maybe that is different from reddit gold
>>386161 Turns out karma is something else >Reddit Gold, part of its Reddit Premium subscription program (subscribers get 700 Reddit coins per month), provides a means for users to award their favorite creators in the app. You can't exchange these awards for money, or use them for anything other than acknowledgment.
>>386161 is it like a 4chan pass? you pay to post? why would they get rid of it, must be a money maker for them?
>>386163 That's the beauty of it . . . it doesn't do anything!
>>386164 the state of redditors
they pay money to put a little gold border around certain posts this is done on other more traditional forums nowadays too (you)s will always be the most superior form of acknowledgement in online communications
>>386166 agreed
thinking about how the entire landscape of the internet has been changed simply because there are some people who want to be able to say the word nigger online and there are people who want to make it illegal and this literally drives half of politics currently.
>>386168 ideas are bulletproof
>>386168 That makes me qeeq, also!
>>386168 A toast to saying NIGGER
what're they all shouting about breakfast cereal for tbh
Sausage and scrambled sneggs for din dins!
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Big fat cows eating people's HAIR!
found a foid with only 29 followers on IG and her tagline is unenthused, might have found another autist lass lads.
>>386172 >theyre only paid fora owah! je queeeeeq!
>>386172 >Cheerio Should have chaunted "exterminate the niggers and their handlers in bizarre and theatrical ways" tbh
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>>386180 Oh brilliant, cheers lad
>>386177 Cousin has that many insta followers, but 50x more tiktok followers. Your autette might just not use insta for her buttmatrixing.
Negative: Race mixing cousin is "clubbing" now. Positive: She is doing it with a group of white zoomers I still love her, but I will look out for her from afar
The pain of having to care for someone you love when they live in a whole opposite end of the country is great. I doth weep.
>>386184 Breed her yourself in a bumbum dungeon lad.
>>386168 keeeeeeeek true
>>386186 She has bad blood. We are maternal cousins but her paternal family are low IQ mongs in and out of prison. Her grandmother on her fathers' side is a race mixer with a nigling. He's a nice man but a half breed nonetheless. I'm going to breed a sixteen year old red head with big boobas and little pink nipples in the context of marriage. She will also have freckles and never wear trousers just dresses.
>>386188 Based.
Come to think of it, her hair might be red when I breed her. It depends on whatever week we consummate our love again, she still changes it frequently.
>England from 1891 would be ruled by Cecil Rhodes cabal,which at least from 1905 wonted war with germans is random furriner on the internet right lads? was rhodes not actually based?
new report in, may in fact have been more based than previously thought >Cecil Rhodes died in 1902. And liked the Kaiser and Germany.
>only list 1st in 3 months BIGbros....
>>386193 lost*
it's because I've done strength training and creatine, r-right. I've gained muscle and water and lost fat, right?? ahhhhhhhhhh
>britain will never align with russia in a pincer move to btfo the continentals and rule the globe again
>>386192 mark felton said that the kaiser didn't like hitler and requested that his death not be used by the nazis (national socialists) as a propaganda event, a request which hitler ignored. also mad that the kaiser was queen victorias cousin or whatever
>more entrapment by noncebashers on dating apps sigh. Makes me so tired. Finally someone acting nice but then it becomes obvious they are just baiting you into a trapperino. Obviously they misunderstand the law too when the bait is 16 and thus legal anyway
They were trying to sell pics though, I guess that's how they get the innocent lads
>>386198 just get into milfs like me lad
>>386200 I'd like to be into a milf I made myself
smh thinking about those innocent lonely lads who was happy to have some attention and didn't think it was wrong to buy a pic and now their lives are over smh smh
well it's toilin time
>>386203 is it at least kino at night lad, do you get to see the galaxy in the night sky or is there too much light pollution
awful poolets and an upset stomach tbhsmh think something might have gone off
so sad to think all of these ailments could be cured by a 3 day water fast, and yet he simply won't do it!
>>386207 the thousand year comfyreich
>>386208 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the squirrel
>>386209 he's so NUTTY
this life is so difficult and painful. i don't know how normies just know how to do everything and casually live out their one existence without worrying about any of their decisions
>no jeannie riley gf
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>>386212 indeed
>>386168 historians will study how the word nigger became a word of power. this one based lad commented on how in the middle ages you were not supposed to say the name of god, today in the satanic inversion society we cannot say nigger
>ancient menhir site removed so another box store could be built https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7Z7Udz6U09g where is are magic potion lads smh
This is just wrong
>>386217 >white hands in the pic
also it's probably some evil statistics fuckery like more people are buying nuggies than they are buying fish and chips but it's because batterychickenslop is cheaper than real cod
>>386217 jockbros won?
>>386220 probably just the darkies since scots like chippo too noted for their salmon at any rate
>>386218 Their gaslighting triggers me ngl
>>386172 Something triggered. Definitely two in these pics
Holy fuck lads I get so tired, this whole weekend I've been sleeping. Woke up at 8am went to sleep at 6pm and just now woke up. Yesterday was the same, the fuck is happening to me?
>>386228 uhhh same lad, been happening for like nearly a week now. fell asleep around 6, woke up like 20 mins ago
>>386229 Im going to cook dinner, got a steak Friday which I havent eat yet as Ive been falling asleep before dinner since Friday. Then go to the gym, after that go back to sleep, I got work at 9.
>>386230 good snlad dont let the gchq's neurotic adenosine poison disrupt your routine
who here /itchyarsehole/?
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>>386224 hey steiner
>>386234 I want to execute her fur baby in front of her.
Yeah, I hate people. I'm misanthropic. I was born in December and I have a bad temper, don't piss me off unless you're my wife. She was born in December too.
>>386234 A lovely sentiment. But we'll see which billions will die.
>>386237 war tourists are a funny bunch
Mulatto bros our time is now
>>386237 Ending is pretty funny tbh. Just fought on the frontlines and they didn't let them get the train because of the wrong ticket. keeeeeeeeeek.
>>386212 >normies just know how to do everything They don't. They know very little. They live carefree lives because they are too stupid to plan long-term
>>386219 tbh our wild fish stocks can't cope with all the newcomers, hence needing all the imported cluckslop
i pood before i peed i peed before i feed i feed before i pood and i pood before i peed such is the cycle...
>>386247 keeeeek
>>386250 Bald and Bankrupt looking a bit fruity these days.
>>386240 >>386242 Those kind of unprofessional war tourist foreign legion type outfits are 100% a bunch of 80IQ hotheads who thinks it’ll be fun and it’s only a matter of time before they bottle it because there isn’t even anyhing like a proper leadership apart from ( yeah i had 6,000,000 hours combat with special forces ) clowns, no structured r&r or psychological support etc. they won’t be getting any war pensions either. Hope it was worth it. Hopefully living on the streets og Dublin and Glasgow won’t scare them much
>>386250 >be in a proper warzone >no armoured weapons platform Even mexican cartels have managed to construct and weld armoured boxes onto the back of their flatbeds
Shame they didn't get their diets from the 90's too tbh.
>>386247 Keeeeeeeek
>>386256 pop culture nostalgia always trails two or three decades behind the present day tbh
>>386256 >Mistits Wdsmbt?
>>386258 uh oh stinky! I bet my ears are like that. I suppose anyone who hasn't had that treat has ears full of it. tbh.
>>386259 im nostalgic for 2016 tbh
Extremely bored, no content rn.
>>386264 fire up a goom or something lad >>386265 surprised something like this hasn't happened earlier tbh loads of shite gets dropped in the sea during space launches
>>386153 I got given reddit gold once
>>386267 what for lad?
>>386156 Reddit gold is something users can gift to each other The person that gives it pays, and the receiver goes about the site with a reddit gold medal. I don’t think there were any more perks than that. I got given it once on a political sub by being critical of the SNP, before i got banned
forgot my brolly at toil last week so I went back and bosslady said more work was coming for smee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-8E4Nirh9s >>386254 more consternated that it looks like they are using a watercooled 120+yo machinegun tbh must be straight from a museum or private collection
>>386268 I wrote an effort post that was critical of the SNP and some Tory Boy type liked
>>386265 can I not go a day without being reminded of dravidian scum. FOR FUCK SAKE
rabblerousing is back on the menu lads >Epic 25 minute video of the seige of Stradey Park Hotel Llanelli https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vODO-xxaH8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQo1HIcSVtg probably not that epic tbfh
>>386273 hate that you have to be a facebook normong to know where and when these protests go on.
>>386273 sick of how the government keeps forcing shite like this nobody wants these shitskins
LAST TRAIN BACK TO TOKYO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZegMf2p1J4 who here /glammetal/?
Twitter is back to normal. Losing 50% advertisers so they opened the gates again
>prevaricate on sending email to some lass from a neet exploitation agency >by the time I get around to it she's quit the business keeeeeeek foids smh can't even hold down do-nothing emailsender jobs
>>386278 not for smee also they are still censoring "adult" content (which includes grassroots politics and undoctored footage of migrant moments)
>>386281 all they do is demand more and complain about what they've already been given smh ungrateful shits
>>386282 Tbh Are ‘leaders’ are just dumb scum
Still expecting a Boris Johnson statue in Chicken Kiev tbh.
youtubes got me figured out lads
THE BOOK THAT PREDICTED THE FUTURE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U0youkwxJM
>>386288 BASTIDS
>>386288 Would like a list of those 122 members of Parliament.
You could call it a bucket list of sorts.
>chechens fighting for ukrainians ambush a russian supply truck
>>386204 I am not sure if we can see the galaxy from here even without light pollution, but if we could, then these greenhouses put a stop to it. Still, night driving has always been kino and I like this route.
>>386298 Wow so brave. So much fire control. No wonder Ukraine is losing if it takes 1000 bullets to kill a Russian Fucking monkey muslims
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>>386298 poor lad smh should've been with a convoy >>386299 it does look comfy the greenhouse glow is a bit like le cyberpoonking
>>386299 Keeeek where the fuck is that?
>>386303 Greenhouses that light up the local skies >>386302 Keeeek. They are very comfy in winter tbh. When I delivered newspapers there it never got completely dark so I didn' need to bring a light >>386304 Apparently these records are being set by doing a new way of measuring the temperature. It's so tiresome
> “Words do matter and so it is important that I clarify my statement,” she said. “I do not believe the idea of Israel as a nation is racist. >“I do, however, believe that [Benjamin] Netanyahu’s extreme rightwing government [in Israel] has engaged in discriminatory and outright racist policies and that there are extreme racists driving that policy within the leadership of the current government.” >Far-right members of the Israeli government include Bezalel Smotrich, who has described himself as a “fascist homophobe” and is now finance minister, and Itamar Ben-Gvir, leader of the Jewish Power party and minister for national security. Imagining not doubling down
>>386305 Based weed farmers
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Spilled boiling hot cofeve on myself and mummy noted that I "squealed like a pig in a slaughterhouse" lads.
>>386309 Hope you got some cold water quick lass
>>386310 Just changed my shirt and dried my chest. Bit sore smh maybe I should've rinsed it.
>>386309 no empathy smh she should have kissed the booboo better and made you another coffee and also some tendies
>>386314 Keek she only said it after I assured her I was okay tbf.
>joker 2 isn't out yet >barbie isn't out yet >dunc 2 isn't out yet WHERE'S MY GOYSLOP I WANT MY GOYSLOP
>>386313 *puts cold wet cloth on you*
Jesus. What cucked comments
>>386320 tbh don't think i'll be reading them
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>>386317 >that lasts one
https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1680598759112146944 Kind of had something similar in Norway where pensions get worse every decade and the retirement age keeps going up. Basically the people who had it the best will keep living well while squeezing the bottom younger part of the inverted pyramid *screams*
>>386324 literally made this joke here years ago ffs
>>386325 Burst it with a knife and then pour vinegar on it
>>386325 bursting it means 100% chance of infection leave it be
>>386296 Good-looking woman. But then she is a model.
>>386325 Just try amputation then and take the android pill
>>386254 You want speed over armour out there.
Dorset about to get another dose of enrichment
>>386333 someone sink it
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Rumour is that Bins has been dating/sleeping with a male police officer? Wtf
>>386335 Probably just a bit of arse banditry with one of his special branch colleagues
>rumour is How is it a rumour, theres 5 of you cunts in a discord so he either said thats what hes done in which case its true or you've completely made it up, regardless FUCK OFF
>>386333 Male asylum seekers huh
>>386335 aren't you getting Bins mixed up with J-ACK-o?
>>386333 >cornwall ACK
>>386333 just think that enormous boat that needs millions in operating, refitting, fueling, etc etc etc covers roughly enough migrants for half a day two of these boats worth arrive every single day. In the time the daily mail wrote that article, edited it and published it, another barge is needed. In the time those protestors woke up, had breakfast, travelled down there, another barge is needed. We've seen articles and debates over this single barge for well over a month;- Every month we need 60 more barges Best part is those people protesting are only protesting because it's "inhumane" and the dinghy-niggers deserve anything more than getting turned around in the channel or sunk. Pic related is a months worth of migrants on barges housing 500 each
>>386342 good post very seetheful
presumably things like the barge are just stunts,jangly keychains in front of retards to distract while every last piece of rentable property in britain is bought up by serco and used to house migrants
all of the european and european-colonial governments operate with the primary objective of annihilating whites, somehow even after the 2015 migrant horde marching right in and doing the Cologne New Years Eve rapes and all that the niggercattle have still not woken up and still don't care. so I don't see how anything can ever be done, the only two ideas I've been able to come up with are: >nationalists somehow become extremely rich, maybe via crypto or something and then use this money to buy/lobby politicians to support nationalist objectives. this may sound completely retarded but if you look at the actual amounts of money that say Soros' Open Society Foundations or Amazon/Google "donates" to politicians, it's not really THAT much money for how much influence they get >creating some sort of gene bank to at least preserve the European genetics, making it possible to use artificial wombs or something to just make more pure whites from each nation with a variety of indigenous phenotypes with some randomness so they're like actual people and not copy paste other than those two things I don't see anything, people LARP about all this 'oh people will wake up something will happen eventually' but the years just go by and nothing ever does and the masses are still exactly as retarded as they've ever been
>>386345 >"Heuermann was very quiet, dark, kept to himself, and extremely intelligent, very smart" Dark?
>>386346 tbh it's a bit of a rwanda pos imo
I smell a spicpost
Heuer means "current year", "this year"? >current year man
>>386352 >German: occupational name for a hired hand a day laborer from Middle High German hūren 'to hire' + man 'man'. >hired that makes more sense. He's a hired gun
White guys can't even get away with a little serial killing anymore smh
https://youtu.be/d4FbHzeCJjM keeeek it actually makes the stock mountain lion sound effect
Surrounded by hundreds of teenage Spaniard lasses on my way home from work, I could feel their softness without even touching them, I could feel their soft lips pressed against mine.
I think Heuermann got swiped left too many times tbh
>Spaniards >England
Yeah, must have been on a school trip you faggot clown
>>386360 everything changed when the sigma people attacked
>>386362 Hope your son gets better soon
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>>386362 >cocklopped at birth poor lad smh
>>386366 smells like tranny
lads, I have infiltrated the secret secret troon bongo
autismbros eatin good tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gtq_jKvHQZI
>>386268 >>386366 What? When did I say this? Is it true?
>>386371 more of a 1984 version enjoyer myself
Think some people here had better bloody well give this a watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7dSCbAQR5k
>>386375 Yeah, I'll take advice from the generation that raised the boomers and killed Hitler.
>>386377 Hitler killed himself lad
>>386375 Is there even a way to act properly anymore smh
>>386375 >Act your age More like Poo your wee
https://youtu.be/NbKUZbrV2_0 I'm so glad Evropean trucks are automatic
>>386378 > Hitler killed himself lad No he didn’t he went to live forever in hyperborea, or possibly south america, or possibly the moon
>>386379 Yeah but it’s too much effort for most people. They’d rather behave like niggers, poos and jews because that’s what is accepted and condoned by the political classes. Reeeeee
Keeeeeeeeeek Bit grim tbh. Looks like it was easy to get sectioned back in the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwJGbhQpaJU
>>386378 Hitler was killed by the conditions of Germany in 1945. Remember the insane rape hordes lad? I don't appreciate your facetiousness.
>>386385 > Looks like it was easy to get sectioned back in the day Yeah they actually locked up troons, perverts and gayists back then Not they are out in the streets, in the media and in the government
Love these racist information films. Surprised Youtube allows them
>>386387 Care in the troonunity
Yeah sure this is Putin’s fault Just like blowing up Nordstream was Putin Just like blowing up Kakhovka dam was Putin
>>386369 Smells like B
>>386390 What boring stories. Should have paid these kids more then they might have put a bit more effort in with their lies tbh
>>386392 Ukraine was already well known for child trafficking and sex tourism, long before this war started
>>386394 Tbh. And we all know who trafficked them and to where
>>386391 *gets smelled*
>>386385 where are the fat people?
>>386385 smh why don't trannies just feel right about themselves?
>>386398 Death Valley
>>386400 nice gunt
https://youtu.be/pMRW5vEPVgg Err give me a farm NOW
discount senga strawberry yoghurt with a reasonable amount of local raspberries added for dinner tbh
>>386405 someone should instal scales all over your floor so you are constantly reminded every time you grab a snack
>>386406 keeeek smh I did slip today and consoom over the limit too >8 falafels and coleslaw for brekkie >red onion and cheese quiche (whole) followed by two iced buns for lunch >the above for dinner if I had the willpower of a huwhite man and not a morlock nigger I'd have saved half the quiche for dinner tomorrow, had salad with both and been on target
>>386407 slaw for brek? it's more of a lunch side dish
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Romania needs to hurry up and hang this fucking mutt
>>386409 his mudshart mates in the west are rapidly converting to gayism while their women whore themselves out to whiteoids
>>386409 wasn't he released?
>>386411 I thought they had charged him again with something, tbh i dont follow him i just saw this seethe
>>386409 never heard of this guy until he was on the list of people banned from twitter
>>386412 He’s suing the thot who got him arrested
The eternal incel
>>386416 >thinly veiled racial revanchism
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>>386416 yeah, we can tell
>>386415 Are ancestor
>>386418 KEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I was going to make this exact post
>>386411 House arrest for now
POLISH THOT POTTY DANCE https://files.catbox.moe/29lrjx.mp4 Please lads, never simp this hard
>>386422 Lad....
>>386423 I dindunuffin
>>386418 Should have Dorset’s flag on it tbh
>>386422 What’s the story here? I’m guessing, incel with gun shoots chad because he is fucking his oneitis, then when he realises she will never love him now, he shoots himself
>toil o'clock but I just woke up
official pic from snowhite and the seven dwarfs btw
>>386426 Yes. Looks like she got one more ride out of her fiancee FIND THE TIKTOK SHE MADE 5 MINS AFTER THIS!
>>386422 >SkyrimladMeetsH.mp4
>>386432 Keeeeeeek smh.
>>386422 Three lives ruined by Asmodeus. Simple as.
Story They were both members of teh Korwin ( right wing party ) He was a lawyer and vocal advocate for free market freedumbs and more liberal gun laws. Thot is 20 her fiancee 31 and shooter 30. Shooter got dumped year and a half ago. She reported him to the police and he had to undergo a psych test to remain in possession of his legally registered funs. He passed it. Politicians in Pooland will now cream themselves with excuses to b& funs and tekt the ‘far right’ like in Serbia Pic is Shootr Chudkowski
>>386435 they should make femoids illegal
>>386436 Surprised he didn’t kneecap her to make sure she never forgot
>>386435 > free market freedumbs and more liberal gun laws Couldn't handle the consequences of freedumb, heh
Also, what a fucking faggot
just saw midnight express.. are our turkbros really like that?
>>386438 Pooland is full of dumb thots he could have got another slag but tbh Poolands sucking up of stronk indepandant womyn memes from the teat of the goblin EU/US overlords has led to this situation. Bozenkas dominate and cuck their men on the regs yelling at them if they refuse to be cucked. This is why Russian men beat the living daylights out of their women
>>386441 Yeah I've noticed that about Pools smh, my next door neighbourino is a Pool but they seem nice tbf
>>386440 Yes. Once met a Polish girl who ran away to are island after her Truk bf she met online tried to put her in a hijab in Turkey and mske her look after his mum.. She escaped when some lad from Britain bought her a ticket to join him. That lad was a Paki who did the same to her when she landed keeeeeeeeeek Stupid Bozenka
Was it real though Mr. Hogg?
looking up cargo ships for some writing >majority, possibly even all, built in the 21st century were built in china
>given Maltese flags for tax purposes or some shit
>>386447 appalachians are goodlads and always a nice thing to beat nigger apologists over the head with >poorest place in the USA >mostly white >perhaps rundown but mostly well-kept >juxtapose with ghettos
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Update on my 100 all skills Skyroom speedrun idea. Enchanting 100 in about 20 minutes, allowing for travel to solstheim (which breaks the enchant xp exploit so that's why it's best done first) then might be able to glitch and cheese my way to two important Black Books for later and grab a few east empire pendants for duping to get 50k septims without upping speech/level. Realistically bringing the run up to 1 hour already but it'll allow for training of lockpicking, 1 + 2 hand and archery up to 90, using illusion and alteration to get level ups when needed. At best probably will bring the run to 1h40. 2hrs by the time pickpocket is done. But then it's alchemy 100 time which leads to near instant 100 smithing, speech, heavy, light armour and block all within about 25 minutes. Near instant alteration, illusion and destruction. Then the grind of restoration and conjuration being maybe 30 minutes. Skillbooks collected during travel using follower to push a few 90s to 100 and... Tl;dr Absolute best will be about 3 hours. Unless I git gud at horse tilting/yeeting my way around to discover key locations like a proper speedrunner. Just plausible it could be done in 2 1/2 hours.
>>386443 polinas are the least attractive slavettes, they all look like alternatyka arthog butterfaces
>>386449 huh that sounds kinda boring tbh.. I'm setting up Rimworld, haven't played in years there are 2 new dlcs found this mod manager that lets you download from steam workshop despite valve trying to break it, absolutely amazing makes installing and updating mods a breeze. otherwise having to track down everything on github and manually install it, it's just too much effort https://github.com/rimpy-custom/RimPy
>>386452 Quick search compares the setting to Firefly. Sounds comfy.
>>386234 kek she thinks that there is going to be an HR department for the revolution who is gonna execute the men femoid? it sure as hell won't be femoids they might get UTIs or something so we should conscript the incels to kill the incels or something oh shit the incels overthrew society and reinslaved the femoids as breeding cattle. tbh its just femoidic projection attempting to sound edgy like a polface, lots of femoids are trying to adopt polface language but it falls flat because women are incapible of political action they just act as bureaucrats
>>386435 mass shittings are always done by mongs who do it for the most autismal reasons they never attack real targets its always some mong move like driving to a random shartmart and mag dumping thicc karens until the police show up and end your speedrun
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thank fuck its friday tbh lads i cant toil no mo
>>386454 >it sure as hell won't be femoids they might get UTIs or something so we should conscript the incels to kill the incels or something oh shit the incels overthrew society and reinslaved the femoids as breeding cattle. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh shes really just some stupid old kulak whore >>386456 tbh
>>386456 made me check the calendar
aside from more officetoil there is a mandatory unpaid seminar all day meeting thing later this week for smee can't wait to hear about the latest ways to send emails and do zoom calls tbh
fortunately I've been able to avoid toil these past few months
smh life of an emailsender must be tough, just got asked to come in again this week at half past ten at night shouldn't bosslady be snoozing already for a full day of toil on the morrow?
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>>386460 good lad just put 3.4k in the bank for toil since end of june hope I can finish off this last shite project with uberboomer bossman then quit his crew and sue him for my 6k then neet for the rest of the year or something. so sick of this faggot society where you just toil all day I want to have my own coom space where I can coom in vaginas like a non slave whitoid. its such utter garbage to think that you have to rent some coom space to get a gf and rent just keeps going up to where you need to be making like 30 plus an hour to have your own coom space. still seething how my brother just gets to have a house since his gf's dad literally just gave her one
>>386408 Sausage and coleslaw sandwiches were a treat on a Saturday morn from mum.
foreman boomer and skullet boomer were so hungover today and chudlet quit the crew so I am the only non senior citizen old sack of shit working and we were working on scaffolds putting up clapboard siding and foreman boomer put the wrong siding on the dormer of this house and I kept telling him it was the wrong shite and he said "ive been doing this longer than you've been alive just fucking put in on the house and shut up" and then once we put all the wrong siding on uberbossman drove by in his bossman mobile and rolled the window down and said to foreman boomer that it was wrong and we had to do it over so then I had to tear it all off.
>>386462 it doesn't get better for incels even once we have are own coomcubes smh I got a kweensize bed recently and everything but no gf manifested yet >>386464 hope you have been able to repossess some of their shit in lieu of that 6k lad
>>386464 I'm with wessex here you should have been stealing materials the entire time. I'd have nicked all the copper pipe that wasn't installed by now.
Amarcord (Italian: [amarˈkɔrd]) is a 1973 comedy-drama film directed by Federico Fellini, a semi-autobiographical tale about Titta, an adolescent boy growing up among an eccentric cast of characters in the village of Borgo San Giuliano (situated near the ancient walls of Rimini) in 1930s Fascist Italy. The film's title is a univerbation of the Romagnol phrase a m'arcôrd ("I remember"). The title then became a neologism of the Italian language, with the meaning of "nostalgic revocation". The central role of Titta is based on Fellini's childhood friend from Rimini, Luigi Titta Benzi. Benzi became a lawyer and remained in close contact with Fellini throughout his life. Titta's sentimental education is emblematic of Italy's "lapse of conscience". Fellini skewers Mussolini's ludicrous posturings and those of a Catholic Church that "imprisoned Italians in a perpetual adolescence" by mocking himself and his fellow villagers in comic scenes that underline their incapacity to adopt genuine moral responsibility or outgrow foolish sexual fantasies. The film won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and was nominated for two more Academy Awards: Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. In 2008, the film was included on the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage’s 100 Italian films to be saved, a list of 100 films that "have changed the collective memory of the country between 1942 and 1978." > changed the collective memory of the country between 1942 and 1978 literally just stating it was part of the reeducation efforts smh evil bastids
>>386466 keek I will be suing him for it I have talked to two separate lawyers unfortunately I will be something like 5200 after the kike lawyer helps me out but thats still alot of money.
>>386468 is bossman operating as a sole trader? if I remember my business studies right anglo-shart law means that if he is anything but that he can just do the jew trick of saying "oh well the BUSINESS is bankrupt not me, I don't have to pay you a cent" and then just make a "new" business later regardless I have been thinking that the "businesses/corporations count as separate people with legal identities" shite is one of the most retarded things to come out of the enlightenment, not sure if it is pure anglo autism or a jewish trick
>>386468 Well I hope small claims goes well for you, i still can't believe how badly they've been behaving about pay. The albanian I work for shows up with wods of 50's to pay me.
>>386469 Seems like something that probably fell out of the den of vipers that is, was and always will be the city of london.
>>386472 >showing weakness in front of a she-beast yeah he's fucked
>>386472 more gay psychological warfare from fedchan
evil plan for officetoil tbh gain control of the digital payroll system and change the usernames for everyone so that to get their money they have to.... type NIGGER
>>386476 them all having cconvenient groundhog sized holes in the lids seems like a bit of a design flaw tbh
>>386469 yeah he is clearly going to do that my old carpenter plasterman uncle told me that is what is going to happen he had some guy do that to him for 30k
>>386470 yeah skullet boomer and foreman boomer said that uberbossman never did this ever in the 30 years they have been working for him
uberbossman is of course under contract by https://www.wexfordhomes.com/ these gangsters who are themselves a SP undercontract from a regional bank.
>>386479 >>386478 well y'see boy times are hard so I've got to fuck you over otherwise I won't be able to afford another truck upgrade and weed supply you'll thank me for it some day, it's character building and I went through worse when I was your age >>386480 absolutely disgusting the whole tentacled mess of shite tbh have to brush up on corporate fascism again to see if mozzers had an answer for this kind of thing
the more i think about trying to produce some kind of well-regulated, functioning, un-jewable set of laws to get self-interested shitheads to take some responsibility and not wreck nations the more I think the answer is increasingly clearly and unironically to just have some caesar type in charge with a bunch of lads who can shoot anyone whomst transgresses an invisible moral code and becomes someone who is Not Liked
>>386409 >>386415 >However, the causes of these invasions remain uncertain. Those might be, but these causes of current-day invasions are certain. Muslim (especially Arab) nations have a culture of polygamy for the imam, martyrdom with the empty promise of 72 virgins in the afterlife for the browncel. It's well-known that countries with a surplus of men become violent and unstable*, and must inevitably go to war, whether with a neighbour or civil war, as we constantly see throughout those nations. Many of the migrants from those nations invading Britain are motivated not just by jobs in the drug trade, but by a perception of slutty easy women in the west (justified >>386443 ). This has been confirmed from the horse's mouth in recordings, for example in With Open Gates. Never let them forget, brush aside or play this down. Polygamy guarantees violence, and war if taken far enough, and is therefore immoral. Islam promotes polygamy and its resulting evils, requiring a constant frontier of unbelievers to conquer lest it run out of spare concubines, at which point an Islamic globe would certainly turn upon and destroy itself. Islam is by definition then an evil religion, QED. * https://www.jstor.org/stable/3092100 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3914764/ https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1017/S0022381610001003 claims that "women's rights" defuses this tension. Certainly it has led to degeneracy instead of stable families, but has not decreased violent crime in Britain for the last decade. >>386456 cunt
>>386472 >>386473 he fucked himself both by talking about serious topics with a femoid (they just want you to entertain them) and then being a little bitch about it backpedaling about what she now knows are his beliefs
reading libtarded shit again >most of the people on the street who were selling drugs were just teenagers trying to pay for new shoes or helping out with rent
>>386481 keeek yeah its pathetic how boomers go on an on about spics taking our jobs when they treat people like this and the spic at least get to fuck over the bossmen and go back to beanerland after doing shit work
>>386487 tfw no Oprichnincela to fry greedy bossmen alive in giant pans for tsar chudocles
>>386485 kkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkk they've never met a drug dealer in heir lives.
Zelensky bros?
>>386490 Only if the US is looking to extradite itself from Ukraine while saving some diplomatic face
>>386491 I'll put a few quid on "extreme destruction by "russian" demolition charges coincidentally only around the buildings and businesses operated by US shell companies and spy agency drug and sex trafficking assets" with a bonus for another biowarfare lab event
also the politician/crime family biden shite
>>386494 his face keeeek
>>386496 That’s Laura Loomer
Just realised what she reminds me of The witch from charlton and the wheelies
>an from 26 September 1976 until 17 December 1978 OLD
>>386494 wew laura loomer looks ayy lmao
going for that nightmarish creature from slavic folklore look
>>386502 she appears from within the mcdonalds fryer and pulls you under to explain her ancestry
Oh maybe it’s not Laura Loomer and I fell for a prank? Genuinely unsure rn Source: https://twitter.com/garypetersonusa/status/1681040774362701824?s=61&t=vDL-vvakFVLjvKJ65T8mAQ
we need to wash our eyes out after seeing that ghoul
>>386494 >>386504 saw several chuds on telegram saying it was laura loomer
>he fell for a dollar store MartyAmerica account the alzheimers must be acting up
(115.60 KB 680x645 loomer.jpg)

it's real also Roger Stone is now larping as a CRT television
>>386508 >what do you want your national convention to look like? >just hideously fuck my shit up man keeking tbh they are pushng the most clownish shite on retards who still think cuntservatives are anything but puppets
>>386456 good lad
the halls are quiet and enveloped by the dark as i step from the light, ambitious for a shart the squeaking from the floor reveals my foul intention to release my bloated bowels for a brown evacuation doubt has beset me, a perilous journey to the loo but i know she is hungry and yearning for my poo blinded by the void, my will is nearly beaten but she guides me to her, a white and porceline beacon spreading my bum wide, like a basking shark and dropping a big boy poo, alone in the dark...
(18.89 KB 474x319 Michelangelo - Bacchus.jpg)

>>386512 Bravo!
(169.65 KB 1024x768 Stadio Dei Marmi 11.jpg)

Ready to increase wait on the deadlift. Looking to get in the gym four days this week. I hope it becomes a habit. Four days gym sandwiched by two days running.
>>386498 based, auldlad?
Been so tired recently, have the jews turned on the sleepy machine or something I can barely keep my eyes open by 6 pm these days.
That bins stuff true? Grim if so.
So, straight up wage suppression >Mike Parr, managing director of PML, at the border check facility at Lympne, near Folkestone in Kent Brexit import controls: is the UK ready and will they push up prices? Read more >Those working in a shortage occupation can be paid 80% of the job’s going rate and still get a skilled worker visa, and benefit from a lower application fee. Applicants need a sponsored job offer from an employer and must meet English language requirements. >The independent migration advisory committee recommended in March that construction workers be added to the shortage occupation list. The list already includes care workers, engineers, web designers and laboratory technicians, along with healthcare roles. >This allows employers to recruit staff from abroad on salaries as low as £14,880 for senior care workers and from £15,120 for lab technicians. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jul/18/uk-visa-rules-foreign-brexit-shortages-construction
my internet's kaput lads
Wait and see how this will either be ignored, continuously challenged and crushed >The passing of the bill was described on Tuesday as a “dark day” by charities and campaign groups. >Enver Solomon, chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: “The overall bill remains unworkable, and will lead to human misery and huge cost to the taxpayer. We believe from detailed analysis that in the first three years it will leave almost 200,000 men, woman and children left in limbo, detained or destitute on UK soil.” >Naomi Smith, Ceo of the internationalist campaign group Best for Britain, said: “This cruel bill will now give the government the green light to flout international law and mistreat refugees to distract from their own failure to fix the problems they created when ministers closed safe routes to asylum,” >Jenny Jones, a Green party peer, who had tried in vain to stop the bill, told LBC radio on Tuesday morning that the bill was “unworkable, shameful and embarrassing for Britain”. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jul/18/uk-migration-bill-to-become-law-as-government-sees-off-lords-challenge
>>386522 >>Enver Solomon, chief executive of the Refugee Council too easy
>tfw the barges end up being like wog cruise ships where they are docked in different city every week to terrorise it
wish the government was even half as racist as the grauniad likes to pretend they are >>386524 that's exactly what will happen tbh
>>386523 EST Tiring tbh. No excuse for them to have all this power if the system wasn’t so absolutely rotten to the core and they didn’t control everything. It is inexcusable.Truly an octopus. I tried looking at it every single way for years but it’s every single time
>>386524 Just imagine how much that affects ‘climate change’ Fuck them and their chaos mechanisms. Establishment are all mouth and bullying tactics. >muh greater good Their greater good. Well known that with socieyies that have more men than women war is the only way out and when you import muslim polygamists that will lead to theft of are breeding stock and definitely civil disturbances. Everybody had better point these sexually frustrated migrants towards Westminster, Belgravia, Surrey and the Cotswolds to get the answer to the needs of their loins
>>386525 They try to paint them as so far right that Thatcher wouldn’t find a home there. Imagine trying to blatantly manipulate the Overton window that hard. Utter desperation but lots of people can now see the cracks. It’s rotten and it must fall, sick of being dictated to by greedy freaks who live in gilded cages. Felt sorry for that lad who bought a Barratt box with a mortgage of just £650 per month but then interest rates doubled it. Usury and criminality
>>386526 tbh reminds me of a timeless poost that i can't find the screencap for: >twenty years of illuminati research >it's the jews frustrating how simple it is while people still don't see it >>386528 tbh
(14.74 MB 480x360 mongolians.webm)

Smdh what went wrong socnazbol gang?
>>386531 brother turns against brother smh a tale as old as time
Wish the Tate brothers had ended up dead in prison and it swept under the carpet tbh. Typical nogs.
>>386533 tbh the world would be better off without some brownoid muslamics telling zoomers how to live
Twelve years of seething and I still can't stop. Damn. Days go on and on. They don't end.
>>386535 you have to detach yourself from the seethe lad it'll grind you into dust if you don't
I've become so based, I can't feel you there 😔 Become so redpilled so much more aware 😳
>>386539 t. knower
>>386531 They discovered they had a common enemy and so were turned against each other. The End
made a tuna bake yesterday but had no cheese and it was a bit miserable smh got some cheese today and the leftovers were much better
>>386542 goodlad tbh mummy smuggled in some frogge camembert for smee, will have to take it out of the freezer some time
every time she comes over from france she complains about customs and immigration "because of brexit" stupid fucking leftoids don't understand that "border control" does absolutely fucking nothing and the mild inconveniences they experience are just the elites punishing us for daring to go against their whims
>>386543 based
>>386544 Rape her to death.
Back to my shitpost station. sneed sneedy sneed
>>386536 This. Take the SeethePill(tm) - Agoge for the mind. Bathe in seethe daily until ALL is seethe and you can seethe no more. At the other end should be clarity, focus, an ability to not lose your temper when confronted with it, tricked into acting in a rash and ill considered manner Look at the way the west and Ukraine behave. Constant yelling, screaming, foot stamping like women, retarded baiting tactics of the Russians trying to goad them into losing their tempers and doing stupid impulsive things which would lead to their defeat. Russians don’t respond to it. All seethe is set aside but not forgotten. Pretty much their responses are calm and measured.
This faggy leftoid smdh norge artist on yidtube is making me into a reverse 22st (norgeboo). https://youtu.be/Eqctg4krYNU
>>386544 Exactly. Bullying tactics to force the public to demand another referendum so they don’t have to queue at passport controls anymore only at customs. Hint : if you do rejoin you will still be required to queue at both anyway to remind you never to vote Brexit in future referendums - if they ever again allow any
>>386551 that's pretty cool art ngl >>386552 tbh
Seethe is the mindkiller
Why don't I.N.C.E.L DDOS purposely dysfunctioning dating apps out of business tbh?
>>386555 it's a tool and it has its uses break it like a horse and then put it away somewhere tbh you can take it out when you need to use it >>386556 takes a lot of tech knowledge to do that and not get caught
also incel polfaces are just good autistic lads really who would never ever ever never do anything wrong beyond having naughty opinions (because of autismal truth-seeking behaviour)
*talks big and then seethes at the next seethebait*
>>386558 >(because of autismal truth-seeking behaviour) tbqh in an age of lies telling the truth is a revolutionary act
https://youtu.be/4LcUj47_7S4 Mentally ill zogbot ukraine volunteer was on lindybeiege, seems hes doing a series of interviews with ukraine volunteers tbh pretty interesting nonetheless.
>>386561 and has he interviewed any russians?
reading retard shit again absolute mongoloid out of touch with reality thinks you can rent a 100,000-square-foot warehouse for "a fair two hundred and fifty pounds a month"
https://twitter.com/jeremykauffman/status/1681112378606329856 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>386519 Fucking cunts
>>386564 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek where are you reading that at
>>386561 >It seemed like a good thing to do at the time Fucking no impulse control gullible nothing to live for brainlet LET’S GO BRANDON! #BakhmutWillStand
>>386567 shit fanfiction sites again tbf, not like they are known for high IQ >>386565 you have to laugh
>>386564 really want these retards dragged down into the reality that their imbecilic politics have created tbh going to get a lot of enjoyment from their suffering >>386565 what a world
>>386565 One house fire away from being broke again or dead.
>>386564 Give us a mo’! I got a nice little building on the norf side of the river near the abbey nice size as well 1,210,680 sq ff. Only a bullseye to you guv’! Let me give me paki mate Rishti a bell!
>>386572 keeeeeeek
Finland News: https://www.suomenuutiset.fi/puolet-ruotsalaisista-pohtii-muuttoa-turvallisemmalle-asuinalueelle-kansakunnan-kahtiajako-kiihtymassa/ >Man interviews 4000 stockholmaborgirs and half of them (both men and women) say they want to move out of the capital region into safer countryside where there is no shootings or grenades.
>>386564 >>386572 I don't get it. Is Wessex rich or something? 250,000 bongo bucks a month sounds a lot to me
>>386575 no lad £250 that's half my two room coombox's monthly rate >>386574 finns are supposed to be based smh why aren't they lynching niggers already smh
>How social media shaped.. >What went wrong? A BBC EMPLOYEE WAS CAUGHT FUCKING NONCING AGAIN AND EVERYONE HATES THE BBC AND NONCES? How can they blatantly admit they have algorithms in place to cover shit up!? Beatings
>>386574 surely they were all arrested on the spot for harbouring such horrific far right ideas >>386575 drop three zeroes off that lad not sure where you got that from
>>386576 Oh, I'm retarded. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >finns are supposed to be based smh why aren't they lynching niggers already smh Their women are worse than Swedes from my own experience. I guess they just have based incels, but then again their politicians keep having "nazi scandals", but it doesn't seem like much comes of it
>>386578 bbc employees are the priest caste lad they're not supposed to experience consequences
meant for >>386577
lost all my shit doing monkey madness smh back to the grind
>>386580 Unless they commit heresy. If even a cucked alt liteoid like Lawrence Fox did this... KEEK.
The real BBC?
>>386585 not a fan of how samey all ai art looks tbh
>>386586 It's not really art, it's just regurgitating reconstructed images through mass trial and error.
>>386587 heard somebody liken it to having a poojeet slave on demand photoshop something for you
>>386587 tbh not art in the real sense of the word where images are constructed with intent but the fact that it can make coherent images at all is impressive interested in seeing how it improves in the future and how society reacts to it tbh >>386588 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>386588 Yeah it just constructs images pixel by pixel using art as a framework. It's why AI has trouble with hands and feet. They tend to have a lot more variation so the AI gets muddled.
>>386589 Probably just outsource all actual human creativity to it. I wouldn't be surprised if books will soon be authored by language bots.
>>386590 tbh it just produces a weighted average of what it's been told pictures should look like it gets the broad strokes okay but stumbles on the fine details because ultimately there's nothing driving it
>>386591 not for a while tbh ai writing is very obvious
>>386593 I hope it always will be, if for no other reason than people realising that it produces nothing new and is simply regurgitating our own old ideas back at us.
>>386594 would like to think so but i'm not so optimistic smh ai is a whole new frontier for regurgitated goyslop
>>386595 I don't think it'll even be capable of repackaging existing ideas in interesting ways, or maybe will be lucky and it'll always write in an hackneyed and stilted manner.
>>386596 doubt we'll be that lucky tbh eventually (within are lifetimes) the niggercattle won't be able to tell the difference and then that's what media will be from then on until forever butlerian jihad when
>a room where children can touch each other's bodies https://taz.de/Koerpererkundung-von-Kindern/!5945737/
I am persecuted but then you have shit like this were you're supposed to accept it, or if you don't they are going to do it anyway because... nursery schools and schools know better than parents I guess *screams*
>>386600 removing parenting from the parents is just step one lad children are supposed to be raised by the state
>>386601 I guess it's all part of training the new mulatto underclass.
cory in the house programmed an entire generation of americans to vote for obama
speaking of mulattorinos, that is what school staff is becoming as well. As if an abusive curriculumerino isn't bad enough, now you get low IQ impulsive niggerinos dealing out physical punishments. I walked in on a somali teacher's aide being physical with a gang of niggers. The man seemed so nice and sweet when around other adults, but obviously that was just a facade. The migrant on welfare to teacher's aide pipeline because they mostly just sit on their arse in school anyway smh
>>386604 To be fair there were a lot of black president films weren't there smh
>>386605 Must be the only way to tame a gang of hyper niglets. It's still strange to me that Norge is importing africans given that there's no real argument for there admittance there.
>>386580 If we begin to doubt them, then the sacred principles of liberal democracy - the most perfect system of government ever created - could give way This must never happen, so BBC employees must remain beyond criticism

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