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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3900: We're still here Edition Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 16:23:53 Id: 57cd81 No. 401705
BRIT CELEBRATES ITS 4000TH THREAD, A MOMENTOUS OCCASION TOAST IN THIS THREAD TO CELEBRATE NATO's Losing Proxy War in Ukraine https://www.unz.com/runz/natos-losing-proxy-war-in-ukraine/ Who Owns the United States? https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/who-owns-the-united-states/ GB NEWS COLLAPSING https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66940513 Ukraine: The soldiers who can’t leave the front line until the war is over https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66881269 ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY >On this day in 1066, after being delayed by bad weather, William, duke of Normandy, embarked his army and set sail for the southeastern coast of England in what would be known in history as the Norman Conquest. >British forces attacked the Hindenburg Line in the final offensive on the Western Front during World War I. >1822 French scholar Jean-François Champollion announces he has deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics using the Rosetta Stone >1937 The Bali Tiger Goes Extinct >1940 Tripartite Pact is signed >It established the Axis powers during World War II and was signed by representatives of Germany, Italy and Imperial Japan. >1984 Avril Lavigne is born
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:26:19.
>>401705 >>1984 Avril Lavigne is born >tfw I remember she is now a mudshark
>>401705 Awful thread lad >red text headlines >no greentext summary of the article for tldr lads
>>401709 nobody cares lass
>>401709 seethe more tranny
>>401710 >>401711 t. trannies
so this whole thread is just trannies so far. That's a good start.
>>401713 That means you're a tranny who thinks we're also the trannies. TRANNY! >>401714 No, you're the trannies.
>>401715 I think you're a paki as well tbh. a paki tranny.
>>401717 hh brother.
>>401705 smh when was the last time we had an issue of the daily /brit/
>>401719 During the great bum bum war
>>401705 so... based... so... frickin... zased...
Can't take it lads.
>>401723 >he's out still in the closet innit.
He's only gone and found a link to Anne Frank
>>401726 frightening
>>401723 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeq excellent edition
>>401726 Is he dying?
cylindrical bumcheeks
>>401705 good lad
>>401726 Is it the Holocaust?
I wonder who’s still in the last bread?
>>401734 Steiner will still be posting there for a few more days
the nose and some guy on at 7 Patriotic Weekly Review - with David Clews https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR229:d
"Hope" (for the caucasus) Some time ago we published this piece on the rapid demographic transition of Kazakhstan. A tale told of how the native Kazakhs transitioned from a minority in their ancestral homeland to an unchallenged and growing majority. Today we would like to offer another handful of examples of a native people having gone from minority (or near minority) status to holding strong/stronger majority in their own homeland. Critically, each example will have happened within an average Western lifetime (70 odd years). Kyrgyz people (Central Asia) 1959 40.5% 1989 52.4% 2021 73.8% The Tajiks (Central Asia) 1959 53.1% 1989 62.3% 2010 84.3% Azeris (The Caucasus) 1939 58.1% 1989 82.7% 2009 91.6% Chechens (The Caucasus) 1959 39.7% 2010 95.3% Latvians (Europe) 1979 53.7% 2021 65% The modern world is quite different from that of the past. The movement of people has never been easier and with coordinated national policies the return of racial foreigners could be quite rapidly facilitated. White countries have the planes, trains, ships and fiscal resources necessary, in combination with the modern state apparatus, to make this happen. It is merely a matter of establishing a governing order with the political will to see it through.
>>401735 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek He’s gonna be fewmin
>>401736 I despise Clews. He's a west coast crypto-bufty & debunkbait merchant who is probably a Tory plant.
Mark Copelet Suella Braverman has basically admitted multiculturalism has failed and that mass immigration is a threat to the West. This is a good thing. Now I know that many nationalists will complain that this is just a pre-election stunt and that it is nothing more than a desperate attempt to win back voters. I don’t know whether that is entirely true. What I do know, is that what she said is a good thing for nationalism. Firstly; she has legitimised the conversation around the failure of multiculturalism. This is good. Many people agree with her sentiments and are scared to speak out, when people in positions of authority makes speeches like this it gives normal people who are usually silent the strength to stand up and start voicing their opinions. Secondly; she is the Home Secretary. That is important, not least because it makes the BBC and other organisations look extremely stupid when they liken making statements such as ‘multiculturalism has failed’ to acts of terrorism. Does that make Suella Braverman a terrorist? No! What this does is make the BBC look like a total clown show and makes their talking points appear comical. We shouldn’t lament Suella Braverman telling the truth, we should capitalise on this and do our best to take control of this situation and steer the national conversation in the correct direction.
fresh morgoth A Liverpool Street 1950s vs 2020s: Meme Analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ6m3HvRU6M
I wonder what ethnicity these Sekrit Soyvice agents were
i.n.c.e.l has made the news again lads
>>401743 >at least ten attacks within four months >second dog to behave aggressively either they are incredibly incompetent or incredibly psychopathic and just enjoy seeing their servants maimed I believe it tbh it's the sort of thing arrogant and overconfident evil elites would do
>architectoid iranian trying to goad into supervising his project for hourly pay then saying I am ripping him off and saying not to visit the site since the carpenters know what they are doing but then he texts me all day what they are doing and I already paid all the carpenters and told them everything is not my problem and only do what is in their contract and then left simple as. why do furreigners come to the anglosphere and think we want to live in their peon slavery ziggurat servent culture? in a 19th century small town that muslim faggot would be getting dragged behind a horse for trying to withhold pay to christians
>>401740 strong "bilious barrage purveyor of finest fourth hand dirigibles" energy from this bloke ngl
JEEEEEEJ forget doing it for free, jannies are paying mark to clean up for him
>>401745 Every dog that attacks is normally destroyed Makes you think
>they're talking about daytime television this is how we save the white race
>>401742 joe owens mentioned in the comments >>401746 don't like how your state has so many mudsharts hope he gets what he deserves
>>401752 >Joe-Morgoth team up to btfo the nooorthern nonces the dream team
>>401746 You have rope and an F150 REV UP THEM HOSSES!
>>401752 yeah the dearborn infestation needs to be dealt with most likely whitoids and niggers will ally to cleanse them because they settled there to scam wogs in detroit
>>401741 Obviously she doesn't mean it, she's a Tory. And a dravidian one to boot. But we should always exploit any opportunity that comes along, regardless of who is saying it, and use any momentum it brings. Bit eerily similar to what Angela Merkel said, then she proceeded to brazenly flood Germany with Syrians and the rest.
>>401756 wog doesn't exclusively mean nigger, Steiney. It just means non-Whites in general. Please use our words correctly in future. Okay, thank you.
>>401738 You are in the PA Mark Collett telegram
>>401758 does this image offend you
>>401759 yes, albeit it's a reshare from White Papers and he keeps his telegram open to being viewed in browser
>>401762 We've got the conference coming soon. I my do farts in the films that are made.
>>401760 >adopts him
lads mummys DNA results came back 4 percent chug 60 percent englisc and 30 percent scotch dad is 80 percent ulster scot-10 percent englisc and like 7 percent westoidic/norsoid
smh that means I am less than 2 percent chug so I might still be able to get bennies from the feds for being racially exterminated by my own ancestors
Laurence Fox Takes Dan Wootton Down With Him >GB News is imploding already https://youtu.be/ygTojwqb4OM
>>401767 jannies got him smh
>>401768 All that shat on by the obijiboobay or whatever the fuck you call them
>>401772 >>401767 >keep nearly calling him Nosely at PA events
>>401768 Missing >3% >6% Fess up STEIN-er
>>401776 Also missing her Y chromosomal DNA
and welsh
>mark saying his show gets 20k viewers average >odyssey clearly showing only 260 live viewers >average number of views around 3k after some time
>>401779 cheer up lad maybe that 4% chug is itself from king madoc's welsh colonists
>>401780 how has mark countered joes statement that he is just a hobbyist in a playpen?
>>401780 is he live atm?
>>401782 Mark is literally doing LOCAL politics, exactly as Joe said should be done for years
>>401782 probably made a 10 minute video response with a plea for donations >>401783 https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR229:d have to say I don't actually mind this clews guy tbh
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love you lads smh you are my only firends don't let the kikes get you down we will defeat them in this life or the next
>>401787 I would castrate you you and destroy you for having non-white blood. But I . . . love you too . . . steinhog.
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one day we will achieve total nigger death (total wog death inclu. romanians / swarthoids)
>>401780 could be 20k across all platforms he streams in several places
Thinking of joining PA, but I'm not sure they can handle the drip.
mark collett needs to start streaming him walking around bothering pakis
>>401787 >>401791 oh yeah I forgot the basedosphere was shattered into a million pieces by the kike internet CBT device
>>401792 they have a dress code to prevent mark from being outstyled smh
>>401780 He must be counting across all platforms and also all the videos uploaded throughout the week.
>>401795 Is that so? How comes that Larpy fag that spearheaded a schism used to dress as he did then?
>drunken cunts shouting outside >wednesday night
>>401797 that counts as "respectable" I guess think a nice black shirt and tie or polo shirt and trousers and BIG silver square belt buckle would still count as respectable tbf
>>401798 Throw bottles of piss at them.
noticed a few millenial office soyim wearing black shirts recently actually I suppose it's just le doomerism rather than any subtle basedness
>>401798 hate noisy drunken cunts, me
>>401799 >BIG silver square belt buckle I've got one of those and it was made LOCALLY believe it or not.
>>401795 >>401797 >they have a dress code to prevent mark from being outstyled smh no they don't
>>401804 the second part is hyperbole but the first part is true, it has been said many times as a point of pride by mark and laura etc it's to stop skinheads and other grottylads from being seen with them and making them look bad (lol)
https://youtu.be/y__HojBL1Xw God I love Frenchthots
>>401807 muuuuaahhh the ethnohousingestate
>>401808 >ethnohousingestate je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
The absolute state of ecelebs
>>401807 Keeeek
>calls himself an arab natsoc >doesn't even believe in throwing faggots from the tops of buildings and stoning them to death
>>401813 >social nationalist je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>401814 Social democratic ethnic nationalism is unironically a perfectly sensible political position tbh.
why yes I do support Social Nationalist Ethnic English Democracy, how could you tell
>>401817 been waiting all day for this...
>>401787 good lad
I'd liquidate the majority of my brit frens if given the chance tbh
i'd create a task force to assassinate fbpe expat mongs
https://youtu.be/p3Qnlu9Nfj8 Unironically want to take up dauncing tbh
fresh dutty professor New study: liberals aren't very nice people... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKxK1zysujk
i fucking detest indians so god damn much please lord wipe that drripping shit of a subcontinent off the face of the earth and boil these dalit pooskins in the depths of hell for all eternity.
numerous orca pods patrolling the isles
>>401825 we must install lasers on them so that they can deflate wog dinghies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loheHNliFw0
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>>401666 >>401667 notice two things: "LiveLifeTaller", a notorious Turkish chop-shop that routinely over-lengthens patients, and "10.5cm", which is a ridiculous amount to lengthen a single bone segment. 8cm is considered the safe limit for femurs and even is a lot and depends on the patient, from what I've seen most people don't even do that much because after the 6cm mark the muscle/nerve stretching gets really difficult and the further you go the more likely you are to have problems if you do LL, do NOT get it done in Turkey. it's worth the money to go somewhere first world >>401676 how is that supposed to be a "clever comeback"? >>401695 >This is why you cannot get laid you autistic spastic. no it's not, appearance is the only thing that matters for both sexes. both men and women have special organs called "eyes" which allows them to look and see if a specimen of the opposite sex is attractive, this takes less than a second >>401737 veterans from evil, Iudaic countries like Shartica and Shitain are not "heroes", I'm so sick of these idiots that suck off the military. oh boo hoo these dumb old retards got PTSD committing war crimes against third worlders for resisting Z0G and now their grandchildren are mulatto trannies, wow they're such fucking heroes >>401738 it's disingenuous to suggest that Kazakhstan is Kazakh's "ancestral homeland"... they were a nomadic people that didn't make permanent settlements, they had no homeland. moreover, all of the cities and everything there is in Kazakhstan were built by Russians. Russians founded Akmolinsk and Almaty, so they are indigenous there, Kazakhs are horse niggers from Mongolia or something >>401768 >lads mummys DNA results came back 4 percent chug so you're only 98% white. that's worse than I thought. is the chug straight down the maternal line? if so then your mtDNA is Mongoloid... >>401777 >her >Y >>401789 Romanians are top-tier Aryans. rich coming from Mr. self-admitted le 98% face
>>401827 Chugs are eurasian in origin anyway. It's no worse having 2% chug dna than 2% eskimo. Still don't think I'd let him in the britnostate except as a visitor to give lectures on women at Oxchud University.
didn't ration my humbugs now I can't cope that they help me stop coofing
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>>401829 >Chugs are eurasian in origin anyway. It's no worse having 2% chug dna than 2% eskimo it's no worse than being 2% Chinese. what's your point?
reminder that spic is a swarthy arab-iberian rape baby at best and conspicuously avoids referring to himself as "white", only as "european"
https://twitter.com/abughazalehkat/status/1706777915516715084 >these fat useless people acting like they are tough
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I always immediately filter spic
apparently spic is upset that jock settlers were getting rapey with chug women in the great lakes not my problem his people sold their cunts for beads
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tvK7rwDJMY Aesthetic weapon for killing wogs.
what was hte point of bollock daggers lads? was it for bonnie lads like pembs?
>>401833 I don't have any Arab blood, maybe 0.1% Berber "New Christian" ancestry which is such a small amount and genetically similar enough that's it's negligible. Arab is way the fuck different, inbred camelfucker raped-by-Ethiopians wog peninsula I tend to say "European" over "white" because I don't identify with Shartica. but I am both >>401836 you're the only poster on this board that has a single chug ancestor. I'm not upset about anything, I'm just pointing out the fact that you have admitted to having non-white admixture, with the implication that it is hypocritical of you to criticize my ancestry when in fact I am pure European and you are not. you are the only such poster, in fact, save for perhaps 22st/Leaflad if they actually do have some Sami admixture, but even then at least Sami are partially European racially and are sort of indigeneous to a peripheral part of Europe. although I will say that britoids breeding injuns is kind of a waste because you could get aesthetic mestizas if iberians bred them but instead you'll just get some hapa-looking incel like Steiner if he weren't diluted enough to have Cheez-Whiz hair
>>401834 >interview demographics unlikely to live nearby or interact with criminals >they don't have any experience with criminals stupid fucking cunts evil misrepresentative bastards exactly the type of people who think that diversity is great because they are friends with one or two liberal wogs who can fit in with their effete culture and are not representative of the majority >>401838 the opposite probably, to show you are based and chad not as kino as henry viii era three foot long extendable spring loaded codpieces that made all the continentals seethe (real btw) for that purpose albeit
>he is larping about the spanish empire shite from when they were the sworn enemy of england now why the fuck is he even on britpol? the spanish empire was an abortion and the opposite of white race pilled like the british empire
>>401841 I don't think he knows where /pol/ went tbh perhaps a trail of poorly sourced infographics might lure him away
also squareheads are implicitly britoid and racially superior to beaky swarthoids with greasy slimy disgusting oily hair and their weird bug eyes and disgusting anus colored skin tone
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>>401841 Spanish and Portuguese volunteers were fighting for European survival while Britoids were burning blonde babies for their Jevvish masters. even in North America the British were being cucks and saying that the Thirteen Colonies could not expand further into the Chuglands, which was one of the motives for Shart independence. then the British banned slavery. so how is that white race pilled? like at all. the only white race pilled thing in British history is the Falklands War
requesting 22st draw spic dying in a glue trap (he was lured into it by a picture of a large mestizo woman explaining haplogroups)
not to mention that Shitain abandoned their own people in Rhodesia
every Chud wants to be proud of his ancestry, he wants it to be baste, and will use whatever mental gymastics necessary to sincerely believe that. that I can certainly understand. but at the same time, we need to be grounded in reality
get the fuck off our board you swarthy autistic faggot
>401827 >dumb old retards got PTSD committing war crimes against third worlders for resisting Z0G
thot says she likes 'ugly men with good personality', or in other words she settles for 9/10 Chads because her face is too weird-looking to attract 10/10 Chads. she then goes on a thinly-veiled diatribe about how it's incels' fault that they're ugly, and that they deserve it because they have bad genes >>401849 I have more respect for a Ba'athist Arab than some fluoride-drinking Zionist evangelical mutt
spic to be crushed by manatees alhamdulilah
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now you listen here you twinkley toes princess with your hand cream and your lotions, I don't think anyone gives a flipping frog about no gosh darn greasy nasty hippies from some place called iberia and whatever the darn they were doing in the ukraine in god dang 1940. there is one thing I can tell you, is that you aren't american and you can take your hand cream back to laos or iberia or whatever the heck you call that monkey jungle you came from
>>401853 watched a bit of king of the hill to get the trve shartsperience last year or so, very kino tbh john redcorn notwithstanding
>>401851 yes that's why you're wearing an 'i lover nigger' t-shirt in the drawing, soyjak
time to utterly destroy some fresh sheets with a night of cold sweats and coofs
>>401854 yeah mike judge captured the weird pushover-passive aggressive thing of flyover burgers
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>Shower is electric >Oven is electric >Hob is propane I buy in bottles >Boiler struggles, heating hasn't been switched on since Feb > >Gas bill for £1900
evacuated my bowels, buzzed pubes, and took a below-the-waist shower. considering that yesterday, I plucked my unibrow, buzzed my beard, electric-shaved my moustache, trimmed my nose hairs, and clipped my fingernails, I have now achieved a 'full groom' save for my toenails which don't really need to be trimmed yet >>401859 what's using gas then? the stovetop?
>>401827 >spic cannot count wow just wow what a surprise >>401827 Actually looks aren't solely what counts, during the process of socialisation a lot of other assessments go on. I know genuine uggo manlets and other uggos that excel irl with women (offline) because they're genuinely desirable. You're an autistic retard manlet who is probably undersocialised with no redeeming qualities.
It's me that cannot count ffs. I should really put my glasses on. >>401860 >evacuated my bowels, buzzed pubes, Who cares? This form of exhibitionism is disgusting.
>>401861 >(1) >I know genuine uggo manlets and other uggos that excel irl with women (offline) because they're genuinely desirable. You're an autistic retard manlet who is probably undersocialised with no redeeming qualities. the fact that you're a one and have this catty tone leads me to believe that you're either Pembs or Jocko, like you must be taking estrogen >>401862 >exhibitionism it's called blogposting
>genuinely desirable what makes somebody "desirable" to the opposite sex? being attractive. how long does it take to determine whether or not somebody is attractive? less than one second of looking at them. if a woman looks at you and decides you're not attractive, you're not going to change her mind by cracking jokes and pretending you're confident
>dun a massif shite, had a turkish, shaved ma bollocks, plucked ma arsehole, scraped shit from beneath my fingernails >it's called blogposting Yes, and nobody is interested. >>401863 >the fact that you're a one and have this catty tone leads me to believe that you're either Pembs or Jocko Nope, I'm not a bender, far from it. What women can smell a mile off is autistic retard who cannot relaxedly socialise and who think they can cheat sheet themselves into bird's pants. >>401864 >you're not going to change her mind Stop pretending you have any experience dealing with the female mind. All you do is cope due to your supposed physical inferiority and subject us all to your tedious psychological inferiority. I've been able to reverse it on women that have ostensibly hated the way I look (i.e. like a smug cunt). I'm not ugly though tbf.
>>401864 >>401864 >what makes somebody "desirable" to the opposite sex? the quintessence that comes with having 6+ inch girth penis
Russians protest in front of UK embassy in Moscow, saying 'Argentine Malvinas, Spanish Gibraltar'
>I hated you when I first met you anon, I thought you looked like a Hitler Youth Bob Monkhouse keek
>>401856 Many such cases smh
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There are too many black people and ugly/fat people in Starfield. It's really putting me off.
>>401871 I hate them more than niggers and kikes lads they are an existential threat to the anglosphere
>>401873 They truly are. They zerg rush your country and quickly ovrwhelm it and then start larping as (you) Britain should be a warning to the world about this
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>>401872 Heard there are no mixed race creaturas implying racial segregation and especially shunning interbreeding is what the future holds.
>>401871 sickening smh
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>>401877 and in a beer hall no less
Morning lads
The destruction of GBNews is well underway >free speech but not THAT free speech >uncensored but censored >gb news is a hugbox but we’re not Stunning hypocrisy Also that blonde cunt has an ugly soul and should fuck off, where did she even come from? Another MI5 thot? Also the bame. Can’t wait until Morgan gets destroyed as well Bunch of simps *vomits Fucking hate journos me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAnr5Rrm9os
>>401877 Keeeeeeeeek. Tbh that’s a death sentence in Germany, fines and prison sentences and total unpersoning in public is the next step
>>401879 smorbing lad >>401880 >Fucking hate journos me tbqh
>a cucked little incel wot? keeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izPJfIFGCiU
>Implying a cucked little incel would want to sleep with her either Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Since this lad won't stfu about it, what did "fiercely liberal" Tarquin Fox actually say that's causing all this kvetching and gbjews cucking (like they always do)?
>>401885 He said unless your a "cucked little incel", no self respecting man would want to shag that literally who.
>>401887 >a dig at incels Smh.
>401885 Literally a video you could have clicked on in the last post to hear what he said Smh
>>401889 going to need to know the races of both the victim and the perpetrator before i care tbh
He trusted a spic Thankyou for your service https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioIfOfV3mSQ
>>401892 der ewige foid
>>401891 Yeah it would be interesting but for sure the killer was a wog maybe the girl from a wealthy wog family but she could also be hwite or white. Personally erring on the side of another ethnic but from a rich family with instructions from parents and peers to drop the hoodrat roadman wasteman bf Honestly politicians and business have ruined this country
>>401893 Those mestizo women are fucked in the head for sure,cartel level murderous
>>401894 sounds plausible >Honestly politicians and business have ruined this country as always smh >>401895 heard stories about lasses in south america honey trapping tourists then drugging them and burying them alive as a sacrifice i believe it tbh
>>401896 She was a fillipina as it turns out whatever they are spic asian? Ruthless anyway. I bet loads of sex tourists and old men have been murdered by them in SEA
>>401897 seamonkeys are probably just as crazy
>fall asleep with a boner >wake up with a boner It's just not cricket.
Filipinos were clearly made by Chinese and Gypsies breeding somehow. You seen Emma Raducanu? She looks just like one.
>>401901 this is the power of no fap lad. give it a few more weeks I'll be waking up covered in jizz again.
The succubus comes sooner or later. it can't be denied.
Why is it always muh mental elf?
>>401904 >Why is it always muh mental elf? you know why lass. because we would have to have a conversation about race, and that would entail talking about nogs in a negative light. And we just cannot be having that.
>>401900 Raducanu is one ugly mutt larping as a Canadian and now Brit Horrific
>>401907 >child gets groomed >prosecute the groomee and not the groomer
bosslady called and even though I said I could come in to toil she denied me they fear the coof
Keeeeeeek at this Alaskan chugcel autist with probably exploding legs and his goomcave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOrG57EgWMM
>>401911 Yeah. Didn’t think it was a white girl from a private school tbh
>hope he hangs for this ? Where do they think they live
Komoonity skools yung blud for calling cops white racist cracka muddafuckas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFZCNyE8CnQ
>>401911 One of the few good Africans, maybe. Never trust a j**rnalist on such things. Could've been a devolved hoodrat. Mild smh why didn't her family stay in Africa where it's safe? They should bury her there and then never return to awful Britain.
Getting a bit rowdy on immigration ‘public debate’ now Steam let off then will die down and nothing will happen https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=D6RSWfXha3w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WkZFCHFSO8
Really hate that grating gbn tory faggot tbh
The rabid quinty eyed hand waving globalist jock is back wish he’d disappear along with gayboi Blair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGsF5e0tBJk
>>401921 just wish all these cunts would die de facto gerontocracy is one of the worst things about our age, almost all periods in history before now had average ages in the 20s and early 30s, even statistically significant amounts of young people in positions of power even if they had similarly shit ideas at least things would change faster and more significantly as they competed and argued with the heat of youth whereas these old bastards just desperately want to keep their gravy trains going and the illusion unpierced for as long as possible
>Cuck O’Brien whining again Keeeeeeeeeek but also fucking hate him and his non muh feels arguments >Racist Braverman, Patel and Sunak are shining examples of the success of intergration and multiculturalism Ignoring the role of money, privilege etc and the fact that the other 99% of migrants do not ‘fit in’ don’t want to and are irreversibly changing are language and culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up4stc6HODE
>>401922 History will not judge them kindly and their graves and monuments will be toppled and dug up having set that precedent themselves. Good. But also think it’s less to do with gerontocracy than just absolute and guarded privilege of the powerful and facing 0 consequences for their actions. They”ve basically set up a security ring of police, spy agencies etc to guard them while they and the civil service and friends in business enrich themselves at the expense of the natives. It spans all ages tbh They need stopping and exiling somewhere hostile to their continued existence. Maybe sans spacesuits on India’s next moon mission
Tice >low skilled immigration only benefits big business >If immigration continues the people won’t put up with it We need to speed politicians backpedalling up until they start actually removing 6 million or so
She's so peng, lads.
Yeah Another convert >muh Islam saved muh
>niggers >peng Put the Nintendo down
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>>401930 literally begging for the brapbarn
Spotted in the wild
>401929 it was bait. but nintendo is very much based.
>>401930 I’ll drink YOUR breast milk then Swedish HARLOT >today we prove another pointless point by getting our baps out in a notoriously rapey migrant city. Women need imprisoning tbh
>>401930 How about I enjoy your breast milk instead?
I don’t need cows milk but I like it and I WANT it Checkmate Greta Thotberg
I deserve a swedish slag whoms tits I can suck on on demand.
>rentberg telling me I have to pull up all the weeds and grass and random shit growing in the dilapidated ruins of a failing country by myself yeah okay I will just use a pair of scissors to trim and I guess scrape fucking moss away with a table knife landlords must die
>>401938 reads like a whiny woman tbh.
>>401939 they expect me to do landscape maintenance on a concrete and asphalt car park with more potholes and cracks than flat space which I don't use, with tools that I don't have because I live in a flat with no garden
>>401940 what about everybody else in the flat? should be a team effort ffs.
>>401941 similarly atomised individuals who are too aged to be of use and one woman who is too stuck up to do any sort of manual labour and wouldn't be caught dead even talking to one of us anyway really do not like soyciety tbqh
will probably just leave everything to a day before the next inspection then use a knife to rip up what I can before strewing it just outside of "my" property line tbh why not contribute to the decline
>>401944 82 years and he's best known for... harry potter...
>>401942 Beat her lightly
Another Gammon down
This happened in Bradford recently, but the big story for the MSM atm is Lawrence Fox saying he wouldn't have sex with a certain feminist
>>401930 thes mug look on the sign bitch smh you know what this is really about
>family wants me to eat at the sninner table >they also complain that I STINK *screams* you can't have it all
>>401951 clean yourself up then you filthy bastid
>>401950 Sign in English not Swedish behaviour commonly assosciated with involvement of furrin ( american ) NGOs NGOs need banning like Putin did
So this is how they clear the pension funds out and steal more money > Banks, pension funds and so on implementing esg policies have left themselves open to lawsuits, securities investigations etc as they breached fiduciary duty laws, ie failing to fulfil their duty to make returns on investors money, not play politics with it. >This risk is making blackrock, vanguard etc pull back from funding esg projects. It was because of that funding woke agenda could prosper even when it was throwing money to the wind
>Blackrock jevv thought he could manipulate his own ai algorithm use esg to implement his races goals on the world but has been btfo by investors kicking him in the bollocks the classic jevv jevvs himself Something about the name Larry isn’t there lads
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I WANT YOUR CHOCOLATE CHILDREN! >Ms Gordon told Ealing Magistrates' Court that Ryan initially called her 'beautiful' and put his sunglasses on her face. She said: 'He was making comments about my complexion, 'you're my chocolate darling, my chocolate cookie, and I'm going to have your chocolate children'.' >Ryan, who was tearful in the dock before giving evidence, told the court his actions were merely 'playful' and denied use of the word chocolate was racist. >He told police officers in an interview, read to the court: 'I wish I could ring her up and apologise and offer her some Blue tickets for the next tour.' >She went on: 'It felt like he was saying I was beautiful for a black person because of the way he was describing my colour.' >The bench at Ealing Magistrates' Court found the 'racially aggravated element was proved', with chair Mr Badral saying: 'We believe the language was demeaning and derogatory. We cannot accept the choice of the wording was simple banter.' >But explaining his reasons for not handing Ryan a custodial sentence, the judge said he was swayed by a number of psychological reports which detailed the singer's mental condition. >These showed that he has been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Dyslexia; ADHD and also struggles with alcohol abuse. >A psychologist also claimed that Ryan was prone to risky behaviour and also had a lack of insight about how to deal with 'personal dynamics.'
>>401945 ...and top gear...
>>401944 >died calmly
Well Muhammad, Mohammed etc have been at the top for at least ten years probably more so where are we going with this as more muslamic names enger the top Where is the diversity? > Some new names have also entered the top 100 list this year, including Mateo, Axel, Musa, Sam, Austin, Cody, Hamza, Frankie, Harvey, Felix, John, Eddie, Elias, Jake, Ahmed and Junior, Abdul and Abdullah Just
are leftoids in the UK adopting this weird asiatic face saving denial of reality in relation to c*vid and lockdowns? where I live they just flat out make these statements how they "might have overracted" but masks and vaxxes saved lives. just utter bollocks as you say and a complete lie. then they generally delete anyone who disagrees with them
The world’s top alphabet agency and their leader Belton June have declared war on Braverman
>>401962 Basically yeah >It was bollocks but it SAVED lives! Get boosted just in case, you anti semitic conspiracy theorist! What are you a Nazi!? Suppose you support Trump as well fucking tory it’s obvious you voted for Brexit you Farage gbn watching stooge read the soyence and get educated racist!
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Bxp4VZP9UCk this is the future they took from you
there are people who still get boosters
>>401860 Nah stovetop is propane I get in bottles Either the gas company is trying to jew us with smart meter bullshit or the boiler really has been using £1900 worth of gas to run hot water for washing up because the pressure drops to 0.1bar frequently with no cut-off system. When we last had it serviced the plumber told our Landlord that the boiler is fucked and needs replacing, but the landlord hasn't and won't tbh. Hot tap is the only thing using gas
What kind of a cockwomble would post an insult like “wankertronic”?
feeling particularly downtrodden this week
This is the future they stole from you
>I’m an immigration barrister and here are my points on immigration directed at the racist wankpuffin fuckspoon titsquirrel Braverman
>>401966 yeah there are cunts out wearing masks again they really need to update postal 2 with covid shit
>>401969 yeah I really hope that this zombie society post pandemic coasting the west has done is ending soon its so fucking grim these days. many parts of the pandemic never ended really
>>401973 Walked into a shop the other day and the owner had one on so I walked out to stop myself sperging out
>>401975 was at the tool shop the other day and some reddit looking cunts came in wearing masks and I chortled and laughed right at them as they came in its so fucking pathetic
>>401974 I didn’t lock down. Just printed off one of those essential worker letters. Got stopped twice and was spurned by people who got vaxed. Found out who was who at that point
>>401977 Sad was when they insisted on vaccInating people literally dying
>>401970 But . . . this occurred in the past?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7_7CiTj3g4 do bongs really not install subflooring or is this just slavoids being garbage tradesmen?
>>401982 We don't want or need subflooring because we're not GAY
>>401980 does manni ever explain why things don't collapse when he says they will?
Not looking forward to the conference anymore but I've already purchased a snicket.
>>401982 >the way the urban wigger accent sometimes overpowers the slavoid accent just FUCK OFF and let this shit collapse stop enriching yourself through the misery and paralyzed nature of the natives AAHH
The Race for Semi Conductor Supremecy https://youtu.be/_TOCRjF9WuE
>>401982 This is a furriner
>Albanian repairs house built by poos
cs2 is out (i don't actually care)
>>401988 yeah he sounds like some kind of romanian or something
>>401991 Could also be that, more Balkan than slav I’d say
>>401993 The west has fallen
>>401993 Cunt but also impressive that a 16yr old felled the tree when it'll take the council 7 men, a cherrypicker and 2 tonnes of signage to trim branches
>>401970 Beautiful interaction tbh. >>401996 Tbh tbf.
>>401982 subflooring is only used if you're going to put in an engineered wood floor or tiles etc otherwise floorboards are good enough and you have to remember a lot of the London housing stock was built around the turn of the last century so floorboards were all that was used. Personally I prefer floorboards because it makes access much easier. Otherwise the subfloor is usually just the floor with a carpet over the top. We have this stuff tongue and groove chipboard that allows you to basically floor an entire room in a couple sheets.
patriot front or something had a big brawl with le wogerinos or something dont know elon musk denied me my right to read tweets
>>401996 They’re saying it could have been someone else because it would take a pro to fell it and ithe cut points were marked up with white paint Should make crucifixes from it and crucify the perpetrators
another 4chan poster did a mass shooting
Think a jilted incel has gone on the rampage in Holland. Seems it can be pretty spicy over there as well they’re obviously keeping a lid on things though you don’t hear much but stuff is obviously happening https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12571363/manhunt-dutch-university-classroom-shooting-motorbike-riding-attacker.html
>>402002 he was a namefag on 4/pol/
>>402003 Wew https://boards. 4chan.org/pol/thread/442687408
he was called motoranon he was in med school but kept getting bullied and so this stress caused him to torture animals and as a result he got arrested and kicked out of med school
>sperg confirmed
how the fuck did a man arrested for torturing animals get a gun?
>>402007 Think the torture was he kicked his puppy once Also Rotterdam Antwerp etc are hotbeds of Moroccan and other criminals weapons are trafficked from the balkans and are easy to get there I read this a few times on the interwebs Apparently he’s not white either
goymany raided a volkisch community association and kidnapped their kids https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/27/germany-raids-neo-nazi-artgemeinschaft-group-banned
Think he shot his gf and a female neighbour dead before firebombing his own house and fucking off to shoot his teachers who wouldn’t pass him
>sweden wants to use military to crack down on gangs keeeeeeeeek
>>402000 possibly done by some government authorised operation tbh just for extra "comically evil" points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYAqkHI4qq4 >>402001 must be so easy for glowniggers to groom the retards using that place smh >>402006 >be me >legit clairvoyant genius noticed a lot of autiistic spackers call themselves geniuses for figuring out basic stuff just because it seemed so hard for them think I posted a keeking one a few months back where some guy claimed he was a master manipulator for figuring out normal social cues it's some kind of inbuilt narcissism since autism/aspergers has the meaning of "maladaptive self-absorbedness/introspection" >>402009 evil smh possibly even worse than just waco-ing them since death is surely preferable to the torture and pain of losing children or seeing them be turned into faggissaries
>>401972 The big bust here are whether or not they're actual refugees and whether we have the capacity to actually take them in.
a lot of weird shit going on rn
>>402012 Apparently he had 19000 posts or something and is going to get grassed on ( for posting ) by another Dutch namefag poster ( no idea what he thinks he’ll gain from that ) Talk is the woman he shot was a noirger appreciator and her halfie daughter has now also carked it
interrogation video of canadian man accused of killing 4 muslim pakistanis. up until recently there was no motive but he actually completely chudded out from the beginning, bizarrely the media didnt report on it much at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDo6Ip2FJwU
>>402017 Yeah tbf he is basically arguing for his well paying job so you don't expect it to be a balance view of the system. I'd kek if he actually got his way and suddenly immigration lawyers were unnecessary. He'd probably have a different view then. Anyway I have no idea why being a downy is a right to refuge.
>>402018 smh anyone worth their salt knows it's not the number of posts but the quality >>402019 possibly approaching that time of collapse where they are genuinely afraid that people would side with the chud and some would even copycat
>>402021 is the best post of all time intentionally illegible?
>>401962 the anti-wef boomers seem to be the only ones who care tbh
>>402022 yes because it's actually a really vile post and I just found it really funny at the time probably on the manic side of manic depression again or whatever
>>402023 kill yourself
>402023 fuck off and let him die
>>402023 I last heard he only had 9 donors?
>>402021 Remember Neo? I wonder where she is now
something doesn't add up
>>402023 Only 21 donations despite having over 3000 twitter followers. Yikes. All those gooners wanting the pembussy for free
>>402029 > I wonder where she is now he has most likely taken the ACK
>>402032 She probably left it all behind and became a goodlad
>>402021 Looks like he was a Moroccan or something and didn’t like wypipo https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/nafri/username/motorAnon
>>402019 >Veltman Sounds like a Knight Templar to me. Probably couldn’t help himself
>non whites who suffer under the same shite we do >yet when they go daft the blowback is only ever against whitey the game is rigged
Norwegian man wanted internationally for the murder of his daughter and wife. Smh when are we going to deport all the norgesians
Fantasising about violence again lads
>>402038 every norwegian ive met has sucked
>>402025 Ahh I get the reference to a far superior shitpost. Also the syringe of hrt should be downgraded to a saucepan of boiled pastic bags.
Race mixers are fair game for le rape and non-whites are fair game for violence simple as
smoking that sticky sticky green
>>402043 ba jar him be pipin da pepe
Arab confirmed
>>402038 So THAT’S what Norwegian men look like! Why are the women blue eyed blondes?
>>401926 Rosario Dawson does just seem like a really cool person. She's been in some really great stuff. Clerks, Sin City, Daredevil, Death Proof, Unstoppable.
>>402045 >hating berbers despite berbers being closest genetically to huwhites >sahrawi yeah he's a semite-nigger mix arab
>>402048 fridge body but 10/10 chebs
>>401990 I would care if I were 10 years younger. But I'm not.
>>402047 its up to 60% now? chuds must be working hard
>>401970 dolphins are fantastic
>>402046 >Alwan Ahmed Alawneh Motive: probably honour killing. He had moved out, or been told to leave, and his wife wanted their daughter to do gymnastics
>I think it'd be really funny to donate no fuck off troonfag >>402053 fantastic rapists
>>402023 Time to doxx this faggot and pay him a visit to avenge are 22st. How is your persecution by the police going 22st?
>>402054 Will be blamed on wysupremassi and used to justify the EU DSA ban on anything they don’t like
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>>401993 what if that lad grows up to save englund from the wogs? like george washington and the cherry tree (the cherry tree was a black woman as per research by noah steingelds latest book "everything is actually niggers" by a jew"
>>402019 the kikes are deeply afraid of incels like this
>>402061 if only they actually went after big boys and not random wogs on the street smh
the best thing is the meme that leafs are soft cunts every leaf I have met IRL is like a twisted poo poo frog beneath the surface of 'figuring on goin fishin eh?"
>>402056 It's going SLOW.When was my last interrogation? 3 weeks ago? From then it was supposed to be shown to a judge who would then decide whether it goes to court or not, but I have heard nothing since.
>>402061 i don't think they are
>>402065 so mike chitwood is just zesty for thicc incels?
all we need is one chudlet raised like jason bourne to be an unstoppable politician with zero scruples or flaws and his sole life mission drilled into his brain to take over in other words have sex
>>402063 canadians are all psychos both left and right. a canadian civil war would put the eastern front to shame.
>when he takes the mask off and stands up straight real fucking aryan warrior right there his ancestors would be proud 100 percent cowboy shit
>>402059 He won’t. I think someone else was behind it and put him there because 16 and won’t get forevered off into jail. Could also be a pikey, unlikely to be woggery in that part of the country though
>lawrence fox cucked and apologised to the lisa
>>402067 what does that mean
>>402070 Yeah. I think their legendary niceness is covering up massive amounts of seethe My mate nearly got lynched in Quebec for speaking English keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>402076 Yeah but those are french canadians
>>402075 >eating watermelon
>>402073 He secretly wants to stuff her but he’s fucked up big time with that apology. He should have just sent her a dick pic on Instagram with a smiley on his bell end It’s nothing BBK wouldn’t do
>>402079 there was a few based comments
>>402077 Yeah and not even the French can understand their patois but Canadians overall are know for being boring and nice I think they’re boring but rabid killers when they get gqoing, had this reputation in WWs as I recall
i feel sorry for this guy tbh. he was obviously in the wrong doing what he did but he comes across as a reasonably upset young man who felt powerless and reacted irrationally. if only the government would just give men like him a ping pong table at a well funded community centre.
>>402084 what did he actually do?
>>402079 He was pretty candid what motivated him, government never have to answer like he will for their arguably murderous or resulting in rape and murder decisions, they just get voted out at worst into massively paying jobs, their failures rewarded This boomer comment was kek worthy >warriors fight warriors and weep at the death of their enemy Keeeeeeeeek Think he’s the one in need of mental elf services, he should watch more Ukrainian propaganda videos
>>402085 he killed 4 pakistanis in canada
>>402085 Ate four icecreams at once and didn’t pay for them
>>402087 more context?
Flake 99
>>402089 pakistanis are from pakistan, a nation containing many pakistanis.
>>402076 french canadians are snowspics they seethe about anglos
>>402094 Mobilise and head north to clear them out steiner
WHERE'S ME FUCKIN MUNNAY GARREH!? https://youtu.be/D376ATcanKM
>>402095 General Custard
>>402097 His name is General M4 Sherman the III
>>402098 *thanks him for his surface*
>>402095 peak burger
https://youtu.be/g6fcSOgUoGo Gary Glitter was an incel . . .
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>>402102 I wouldn't say a single word to him. I would listen to what he had to say, and that's what no one did.
https://youtu.be/XgSJGSTpK6A Pembs singing about 22st
https://youtu.be/yclhSSdxM5E je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>402106 he's literally me!
>>402108 he's just a sweet friendly baby boy he just wants to say hello
Alright, don't write "keek" at the hamstairs. I don't even care. goodnight.
>>402108 Keeek smh. >>402095 As a kid, the most grotesque fat bastard in the neighborhood (about that size) could still walk. Granted he spent more time in his lopsided sunken down taxi, but fatties using mobility scooters is surreal. Seen more and more old but not elderly men and women on them lately too. Pretty sure they're normal health 55 year olds who checked out of society completely during el coof and have no shame so they buy these.
>>402112 >david davis by over a year souf fc humiliated smh
You’ve already forgotten about Rustle Band haven’t ya lads?
>>402113 can concur, and as usual it's the shameless boomers and even some xoomers to blame the truly ancient ones whomst still survive get about on their own fine, I still see headscarf wearing four foot tall 95yo grannies walking half a mile to go t'shops sometimes, just like used to seem so common 20 years ago >402115 nobody cares, right
>>402113 Think a lot of them 55 year olds probably buy them to avoid getting harassed into jobs competing for low end wages working with poos and like you say check out
is it me or is tommy trying to morph into 'elenskyy tbh or am I just conflating manlets
>402117 See that one went straight over your head Sad
>>402120 reflex after seeing a large post count and a seemingly irrelevant piece of boring sideshow poolitics tbh, forgot I already filtered bins for troonposting and misidentified
>>402119 Conflating manlets tbh
>402121 fuck off fag
>>402123 perhaps they should try inflating manlets instead smh
>>402121 kill yourself
>>402128 He'll kill himself anyway.
>>402131 Are any of the people being offered these homes white?
>>402132 Doubt it
>expendables 4 is about a false flag nuclear attack on russia to trigger ww3 predictiveprogrammingbros I don't want to be right this time
>>402108 xl bully being deported
>>402136 keeek I hope amnesty international frees him and gets some love bites
>>402138 baron norfkonnen would vore these people he should rule
>>402138 >multiculturalism hasn't failed we are confident moisturized and in our lane!
>>402141 As soon as Braverman went and gave her speech they managed to find some puffr jacketed dinghywog kids…hmmm
>>402143 No one cares niggers can fuck off, if any of these tards pretended to be democrats I might ask them why they hate implementing popular policy.
<how many more children have to drown before you open the borders? >all of them
Wew Which one of you was this?
>>402146 >poo smeared over his face and mouth
What a thrill With brownness and sharting through the pant What a thrill I'm shitting and I'll brap onto you What a fart in my trousers But you're so poolad! I give my loo, not for cleaning, but for poo (Snake Shitter) In my time, there'll be bidet use Grime, it's the way it sticks to rims (Snake Shitter) I'm stomping on a drain, Snake Shitter Somedays your chocolate rains And someday you drop a tree log This ordeal, the trial to survive For the day we see new shite I give my loo, not for cleaning, but for poo (Snake Shitter) In my time, there'll be bidet use Grime, it's the way it sticks to rims (Snake Shitter) I'm stomping on a drain, Snake Shitter I'm stomping on a drain, Snake Shitter (Snake Shitter...)
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>this thread May as well post my latest shit.
small kitten outside in the rain
>>402149 good lad
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https://youtu.be/XojM2D3F-Dc?si=zhMtZWjqd0JCEcJJ To my fellow lads, have a good day To my fellow imperium lad, have a particularly good day
>>402059 jarjar is the key to all this
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>>402157 Wtf! How?
Also morning
>>402160 smorb la
>People concerned about rising violent crime from rape fiends want an end to all migration >1951 Refugee Convention doesn’t provide for gays or women >Braverman wants to stop people claiming to be gays and women coming by getting international law/convention changed Such tiresome games tbh
>>402162 tbh and the niggercattle will be placated by it like always
>coincides with Blair opening the borders
>>402163 Sunak secured the triple lock on pensions, promised more nhs funding and now the brahmin party pretending to care about migration and demonstrating progressive nationalism.. Must be an elec..oh, next year you say? Just another charade and internally just Braverman trying to become the next first poojevv PM before she and the tories lose their chance to claim that one final victory over Labour and the British electorate who don’t have any say in what actually happens
Cameron tried the same trick 12 years ago https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-12371994
>>402166 it keeps happening and people never learn
>>402167 Merkel said this just before she opened the borders in 2015. It doesn’t bode well especially in light of their record. 600,000 last year
>>402169 this is what all the canada nazi shite is about? smh that's retarded dumb heebs don't understand that hohols are currently the main character and therefore are not and have never been nazis
>>401705 Reminder that it's not really the 4000th thread because of the skip from 3791 to 3892
>>402157 I wonder if Chris Christie actually believes he could be President.
>>402140 Unironically a smart idea to hide her face like that rather than these guys who don't plan ahead and halfheartedly try to hide behind a newspaper or something
>>402171 skip?
>African wogs living it up colonial style >British wogs in poverty Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Elites have really done a number on the people
In a country full of Dutch people >attacker is an Arab >BBCs only witness is an Israeli Really makes you think
Hey steiner, she’s prepping Racewar Brittany
>>402177 maybe there is some justice in the world
I pity the fool who hasn't had their 19th booster https://twitter.com/MrT/status/1707487247119835456
Not a moment missed to promote stuff 95% of people do not want - deliberately to weed out the non compliant and make them flip in one way or another so they can remove themselves or be removed - it’s like a filter
>>402183 bet bbk coomed to this.
>>402183 its not even vaxxmass yet and they're already putting out the father fauci decoration.
>>402187 keeeeek
Wealthy boomers crying about being fucked in the arse by billionaires Oh well https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/29/saint-tropez-super-rich-lvmh-takeover-billionaires
>>402189 nobody's safe from gentrification
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>>402190 Glad it’s happening to them wealthy locals not so much the poorer ones parasitic billionaires need dealing with as well with a 99.9% tax to stop them interfering in local life, politics and anything else tbh. It would still leave them incredibly wealthy just unable to ruin so much although I’m sure they’d find a way in which case stick them in solitary confinement
>>402189 Just don't sell to them, that's all you have to do.
>>402192 tbh wealthoids need to be rounded up and forced into deluxe ghettoes
>>402191 Just watched this “Call in the sas!” diatribe At least from time to time he states politicians only have to be seen to act in the public interest while only actually acting in their own interest He serves a purpose
>>402193 Yeah but they bribe corrupt local officials to start making problems for residents with bullshit like >oh look! you need to carry out £150,000 worth of work to your property THIS WEEK or we will fine you £50k per day…maybe you should just reconsider Mr. Bezos’ rather generous offer of £10k for your property… And if that fails they probably just get Macron to put pressure on the municipality disgusting state of affairs tbh
>>402194 Yeah. Then we can cut all utilities and tune into Billionaire Battle Royale. Epic
>>402197 keeeeek based
Farts smell like pond water today. Madness.
>>402199 Trad and based
>>402200 Those Romans. What a bunch of bullies.
I wish a very good morning to all gigabully enjoyers
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Discord is down
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Discord is back!
>>402202 morning lad
>We did it again smh
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Wouldn’t disagree with the Stasi’s opinion of this prick also microdick had to marry a Polish whore keeeeeeek bet she’s cheated on him with practically everyone >Garton Ash cut a suspect figure to the Stasi, who regarded him as a "bourgeois-liberal" and potential British spy. >Although he denies being or having been a British intelligence operative, Garton Ash described himself as a "soldier behind enemy lines" and described the German Democratic Republic as a "very nasty regime indeed". Say no more Timmy, say no more
I thought the last election should've been a watershed moment, where people finally cottoned on that voting is dead.
>>402209 he couldn't make it any more obvious tbh >>402210 they'll never learn
>>402210 Vote tory lad. Braverman will be the new PM and she will ensure that the government will BAME BACK BETTER! by legalising ALL immigration and concluding the deal with India to accept 500 million pajeets
>>402209 I looked up his wife
>>402211 He should be on the front pages for the all too prevalent pastime of walting tbh >soldier behind enemy lines What a twat, just like Rory, looks every bit like a soldier.. Stasi should have just given him to the Russians to throw in a gulag cell with some mongols, faggot
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Discord is down again
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Discord block any of you? Seems like it's blocked a lot of problem and cloudflare is having problems.
>>402216 I snee
>not watching Dunston Checks In as agreed upon previously
>>402185 have they caught the lad that did it? was he a paki?
HOW TO STAY WARM OFF GRID >important info for based dafty lads going to live innawoods https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L9wyJOHsY10?feature=share
>>402225 She's just living her best life.
>>402225 >all the comments are making fun of her and joking around >they are all soys who only make comments about how she is a whore ironically
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>>402221 >he snees who could it bbbbbbbbb?
>>402228 mobile b still works, b
>>402227 idk what else to expect tbh
Why are there so many youtube shorts of girls doing "yoga" like this? #Flexibility Easy Stretch Yoga
>watched video on normal speed for 10 minutes Just wasting my weekend
>>402231 she's a nasty whore and she looks to have a decent property. ACK
>402219 >BBC cuckold film
at least with that position there is a chance I could get a few centimeters inside their vagina with my penis
>>402225 #offgrid >posts every second of her life to multiple social networks and platforms >takes simps money via online banking and payment providers
>>402217 Naked 1993 as the superior depressing grotty degenerate poortherner film.
>>402236 you can see her parent's big house in the background too she's just in the back garden, not even innawoods
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>>402237 >1993 try getting that past are B he likes his films like he likes his women - made after the year 2000
Anyone got any other film suggestions?
white hispanic race warrior shoots a native american for trying to remove a conquistador statue https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16uw7l5/man_in_red_hat_shoots_at_new_mexico_protesters/
>>402231 $$$ Not tolerated in many countries this lad turned his wife into Miss Piggy for just a hint that she may have cucked him and behaved in an undignified manner
>>402245 OMG not one of them pesky Red Hats!?
>>402245 >red hat important detail tbh wouldn't want the cattle forgetting that orange man bad
>>402246 bonus ma'am there for some reason
>>402249 Reminder that all thots end up like this AT BEST and not to get too enamoured of them because 5-10 years away from this state they will accuse you of all manner of perversions and domestic violence (tm) in order to steal all your money and property
>>402242 >>402244 >harsher penalties than cbt and hanging
Keeeeeeek >bullying D’Windrush hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3xvJVvzoyw
>>402253 What language are they speaking in the comments?
>>402254 based tbh so long as the posse was not themselves wogs
>>402254 Feel like I saw this years ago
>>402254 Based.
>>402255 Bigup
Elon attemping to summon the next Hitler
>>402254 Wonder which country she was from. Can’t imagine Swedes doing this
>>402260 Why? When Germany are apparently sending migrants back to Italy? Someone needs to have a word with them tbh seems like they’re using Italy to filter any that might be semi useful and then returning the rubbish
Keeeeeek Boomer wars while the country burns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ytuDZZhgbA
Let’s watch Kill List. It’s got Joe Biden in it
>>402263 keeeeek people really are children their whole lives smh
>>402264 >kill list >joe biden smh I think we just got on a list, lad
>>402266 Keeeeeeeeeeeek I reckon the sekrit service will grease the stairs of Airforce 1 if he doesn’t step aside sharpish they seem to be terrified Trump will return and start firing everyone in revenge
>>402180 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >no britney video game where she slaughters hordes of zombies with dual kitchen knives to save the west
>>402233 I guarantee that is just a shitty mcmansion by a golf course in northern arizona
>>402268 Apparently she accidentally sliced/stabbed herself while making this. Women need protecting from themselves
>>402217 ultraviolet 2005
Steiners love of Britney is peak contrarian faggotry. She is a used up, childless, buttmatrixing bottle blond whore. At least the whore currently still messing me around has kids, not 3 heckin furbabies.
>>402273 He can save her
>402275 ban
Based muh democracy libertarians going all out to ban GBN on the ropes tbh Not a good look acting all China tbh
*files under trollope
*files under nonce
>>402281 I hate this film
>>402272 PC building Cavill bros...Hold me.
>>402282 What about The Stranger?
>>402273 but she had 2 children when she was in her 20's.
fresh probably real tbh 1980s Satanic Cults Linked to British Intelligence? - 30.12 - MU Podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qQwHqu0RBY
oneitis bro, you really can't do the 'at least' bit when it comes to that skank.
>>402288 you called?
didnt work on me
>>402224 >was he a paki? If he was, we'll never know.
>>402290 More proof that Instead of becoming enlightened drugs just make you a retard. Probably fake anyway.
>>402231 Soft porn, which you get recommended because you fucking love it and watch them all.
>>402292 the article says it was a program to help him get employed after being fired for being heckin racist lmfao. including him having a personal DEI qween follow him around.
>>402282 whys that lad?
>>402270 tbh i was quite impressed when i thought she hadn't. it's lot harder to slash knives around without cutting yourself then most mongs think before they find out.
imagine taking a flamethrower to his lego collection and melting it all into one giant puddle of useless plastic and then pushing him in
>>402298 keeeeek and then stamping his head into the plastic and saying "you're rolling in money!" As he writhes in his £300,000 lego collection gloop!
>>402301 That makes you the niggers too
>>402296 ||the ending. He attains his selfish goal which puts other people at a risk||
>>402298 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>402302 10/10 in britain
>>402304 oops. I used the bongo spoiler thingies instead of the board ones
>402302 didn't he get put in jail for stealing peoples luggage at the airport (and also mishandling nuclear launch codes)
>>402311 Interesting image
>>402314 What a roastie that is
fucksake bbk nobody even did anything to set you off this time
the poster below has NEVER had sex
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into le filter you you go
need to just start banning him on identification smh
>>402316 It's not me, I'm me they're the trannies.
>>402332 If I was BO these trannies would be gone in an instant.
tbbkno mates
I wonder what the trannies would be like if they weren't raped by some bloke smh
All this because you got raped. Funniest part is you'll never pass. Pembs can have all of these surgeries but everytime they take the bandages off he'll still look like a sad little bloke whose arse got done in by a pseudo daddy.
the ease of filtering means that spamming this stuff does far more harm to the seethegoblin saving and distributing the images than to us self defeating tbh
>>402347 Yeah, his strategies for trolling are weak. No consistency, no logic, no character. It's an insight into the inconstant ADHD nigger mind of the tranny.
Anybody got that Burger King AI video where they're rapping?
Full screen is best
https://youtu.be/xfNEmbBHTag Found it, it was Dr Pepper not Burger King
>>402356 good on her for removing 100 niglets who could have been responsible for a potentially infinite number of further niglets alas, theoretical existence of infinite niggers will be maintained so long as one breeding pair remains upon this earth there's work to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyxsz40SsQk
They’ll just ramp up the anger in this country and they’ll pay for that. Gen Z and A are irredeemably and unapologetically racist and not as easily propagandised apparently Oh well
>>402358 normies will still argue they are an economic benefit *screams*
kill yourself tranny, save shartin the bother of having your paedophilia projected onto him
all the good lads have left /shit/
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>>402362 Tbph.
>>402367 Fuck off, literally nobody wanted to watch cuck porn
>>402361 yes ages ago he got away with *everything*
Why does he ask for suggestions then put something else on nobody wants ?
>>402368 >Fuck off, literally nobody wanted to watch cuck porn sure lad
>>402370 because nobody else suggested anything?
what's so bad about this film then?
>>402372 You did this last week. Read the thread there were several other suggestions
>>402369 Not yet. They still have my phone and hard drive and the judge needs to decide whether to go to court or not
Real talk. there's so many whingey wine aunts on brit.
>>402373 It's literally a bbc cuckold fetish comedy drama, that we watched before.
>>402375 thanks for bringing our board into disrepute.
>>402377 >watching shit again. smh
Would rather ultraviolet (also terribly shit but featuring no cuck porn).
oooooooooo i fucking hate niggers lads oooooooo
>(1) Fuck off and ACK yourself tranny.
>replying while filtered Sad!
The Stranger Argylle G-ACK-ACCA It’s all some kind of poz watson anyway Or we could just watch film noirs from yt
>>402366 is there any information about this lad tbh >402367 BORING and LOW IQ as usual we already agreed on watching DUNSTON CHECKS IN which is a hit everyone will appreciate >>402370 tbqh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH8l-ehkgso NOW REPEAT SHOWING: BINS' BARELY CONCEALED HOMOSEXUALITY
china WILL invade taiwan this year
>>402391 they could just.... refuse to give them back...
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is he going to scroll up a bit and read the thread? or will the age and AIDs-rotted braincells not connect? let's find out
>>402396 A gay film for gay people
>mila blowjobvich I'll allow it dunston is still the superior kino albeit
>>402397 wtf why? what's wrong with it?
>>402400 Women are gay lad
>>402401 did they edit that gun in with bad cgi keeeeeeek
I just beat up a snicker!
>>402405 shouldn't have been so busy with the ladyboys then should they
>>402405 I will avenge them when I make LARPer maps of the world. They will look good near ubergoBBdutchland
>>402404 #metoo
so much shit is going on rn
i've got a bad feeling about tomorrow
rockin' dudes!
>>401945 He was in Layer Cake too
>>401906 I think she's alright looking. Definitely not British, though, and seems to only lose tennis matches or drop out due to injuries.
>>402415 SOmehting tellls me your prefere of . . . LE SPOTTED DICK!
>>402409 me and my bf love this tune!
>>402418 keeeeek looks like that chud and tranny as friends pic
when an indio says something so pagan you hit them with the conquistador stare
>>402421 Love me conquistadors. Wish they would have genocided the wogs and made New Spain white and proud smh
nos x
for me its east anglian religious fanatics
followed by british criminals
>>402426 you wont do shit homes
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followed by the greatest race warriors of the west
>>402430 Looks like the chinaman is about to get a beating from the paddy from Mayo
>>402432 whatever happened to militaries being above politics smh especially here in great shitstain, are army was supposed to be politics free from the monmouthshire revolution onwards
>>402434 looks like the autistic finn memi tbh
>>402436 smh my married sister is there stupid cunt mummy probably still coping that everything is great and it's nasty right wang vichies doing all the decline
>play rpg as a kid >always be goodie two shoes moralfag >play rpg as an old man >always play "evil" characters Who /lossofinnocence/ here?
>>402290 >>402292 there was that study a while back that by shocking part of the brain it made people less racist on those unconscious bias tests. I can imagine drug-addling the brain could have the same effect
>>402436 imagine if there wasn't gun control though checkmate racists
>>402200 the two non-bog quotes of these are made up and originate in a book from the 1860s by American nigger William Wells Brown le reddit faggot did a deboonking of the quotes https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/7nun0x/they_are_the_most_ignorant_people_i_have_ever/
>>402438 >tfw have always done evil playthroughs
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we need a king of the west to save us from this endless torment, release me from my coomer/incel/poorfag existence
>>402444 >aragorn enters the goon kings' cave and catches them in the act
going to see the two towers in the kinoplex in a couple weeks tbh
https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1707516131165003975 poombs out there putting in work on lisa simpsons pretending to be gen x grunge clones
>>402447 maybe I'm too soft but casual not-whorish clothes like that make me think she might actually be a decent lass tbh probably just incel delusion though
>>402447 damn those slaps to the shoulder are devastating
>>402444 I can't envision any scenario where the west is saved short of some unlikely white swan event like Blumpf or Musk becoming fuhrer. best we can hope for is that the Jevv falls with us, when a weak/brown America abandons Israel which then gets torn to shreds by a powerful Iran-led coalition
>>402448 the latest normalfag trend seems to be 1998 fashions
wow, I fucking LOVE jannies
>>402443 good lad
kiwifarms got their original URL back https://kiwifarms.net/
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>romance option with my waifu is still bugged
>>402459 noonecaresright
>>402460 that's what everyone said to your film night
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Milchakov >he is playing warband IRL while you just toil and live as a kikeslave
>>402461 actually wrong
>he is posting wiki articles
>he's a fatt nonce that doesn't turn up to film nights
VDV landed in Yerevan

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