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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3904: Riggs Edition Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Sat) 18:30:43 Id: 294f78 No. 404780
A Place of Beauty, Conflict and Fear , Why You Should Care About the Lovely, Dangerous Caucasus https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2023/10/a-place-of-beauty-conflict-and-fear-why-you-should-care-about-the-lovely-dangerous-caucasus-.html Israel determined as ever to kill more unarmed Palestinians and expand occupation of disputed territories https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67036625 There will probably be another war in Kosovo soon https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/05/serbia-and-kosovo-could-easily-slip-into-war-analysts-warn.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:28:15.
Game is rigged. Smh
>We made this Sacred Sosig from foreskins
whats their position on all this?
finally a new fuckin thread
joe bidens speaking rn
This is the Tel Aviv advert. Imagine advertising your country in such a faggy way. https://youtu.be/-ohYt-1tAXo?si=IxuJp9ua4aOnQ_qu
>raid on the Erez border post
>>404790 >Biden speaking YOU LIE!
>>404790 Just the standard "we support Israel's right to defend itself" stuff.
There will always be weapons available for Israel, because, unlike Ukraine, they actually pay instead of expecting a constant stream of freebies.
I've posted this before, but my father claims he was working for the MoD at the time refugees from Kosovo were arriving in Britain, and there was almost a killing of one refugee by another (a neighbor who turned on the other man's family killing the father in Kosovo, prompting a revenge attempt here). The important thing being that there was chatter at the time that even Tony Blair was worried an incident like that would then force the government to deport them all back to Kosovo, because of the British public's concern about their own safety. If true, contrast that with where we are now; I've lost count of the murders committed here by refugees, and the state's attitude is don't you dare complain bigot.
>>404796 new policy vs habituation, no one could have guessed
give us total war
>>404787 they hate each other now don't they?
Kind of even at the moment
>>404795 >they oay Lmfaoatwttb
Fucking larpers keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>404805 they are going to kill as many civilians in gaza as they can
the beginnings of greater israel
>>404792 why are muslims so kino in war
>>404805 just jews larping as burgers with burger gear
>>404809 the entire religion is a war and death cult tbf
muslim kino is just so much more aesthetic than slavshit, slavs just autistically film dead corpses and the most depraved vile shit but muds generally just kill their foes and cut promos
smh imagine if they had smartphones during the injun wars
would just be incoherent indian war whoops while they hacked up isolated settler wagons
>>404817 >wiener
>>404815 >>404816 chugs would have likely been completely exterminated
>>404817 Na I'm good with it.
finding it hard to swallow why?
>>404823 take the dicks out of your mouth lad
sorry that was too mean for banter tbh
>>404824 scholars opinion tbh.
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>>404827 I guess palis go in expecting to be zip tied up and naked at the end.
>>404829 >I shit you not, this guys are being coordinated by Iran and Russian intelligence keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>404827 based this is first time we have ever seen TKD kino it must be a blessing for arabs to finally get their revenge even if for just a day after decades of brother wars
israel lost SEVEN tanks how the FUCK did this happen.
>>404827 >they got 22st
>>404827 Imagine being ziptied on the floor with your fellow /Brit lads nude
>>404834 then they bring in priti patel to begin the bollock stomping
Jeremy Corbyn eating well tonight
ive never seens israeli soldiers so helpless as they are now. its like their entire structure dissolved overnight.
https://files.catbox.moe/gof5bp.mp4 >hamas are makitachads >makita is the official toolbrand of death to the zionist entity
residential blocks collapsed in tel aviv from hamas rockets.
any updates on developing JF kino?
the end point of atheism
can you blame me for doing it?
>>404841 smh. To think I actually liked the amazing banana man at one point.
I'm back from the PA conference at last. was out for sixteen hours. Very good speeches. Very good lads. But the best thing Young white families everywhere. I wasn't expecting that at all. Massive white pill tbh.
>>404845 that's nice to hear, lad. We're going to make our own race
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>>404676 and the Palestinians will have 8 kids each while the gigavaxxed Ashkenazim will have 1-2. Israel can impotently lash out at civilians in Gaza, but it will only serve to nullify any sympathy they might have gained and galvanize the resistance against them. in the long-term, Israel is doomed, and that's probably why they are depopulating the Ukraine- an alternate location for a Zionist state to evacuate the Israelis to >>404699 they used gliders and motorcycles too. they're just like the heckin' wholesome chungus Ewoks from STAR WARS® >>404700 unironically if the entire Axis of Resistance were to go all in against Israel they would need the Americans to come save them lest they be wiped off the map >>404706 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>404845 good lad
Has Jordan Peterstein started crying yet?
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>>404852 a lot of tweets like these. He is saving the jewish race
>>404854 keeeeeeeeeek hope he has a stroke
bagels that got ovened
>Pashtun warlord raises a warband, caravan makes the long trek through the Middle East, swelling in numbers as more warriors join >by the time it gets to Israel it's a million-strong army this would be the most kino thing that's happened in 82 years >>404857 I understand well that the sight of big boobas lights up the synapses, but you must not allow yourself to be manipulated by these yiddish demons
>>404858 sorry lad, just love milkers.
try to sleep and just end up waking at 1 am
>>404860 >Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative meets the Forehead World Record holder, circa 2023.
>>404857 yeah well this is what Jews get for pushing multiculturalism in Europe tbh suck it up yids
>>404860 who is that on the left?
fuck jews
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why aren't there more dead roasted kikes?
>>404866 You have a kill score sheet or something?
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>>404867 6 million jews should be killed for each american who was killed on september 11th tbh
https://youtu.be/ZENRhcQ1iDc Man it must have been suffering to be interviwed by this whore. No wonder he ragequit. She even has awful sound quality smh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBjYkYTYQnU&t=109s&ab_channel=MSNBC lol "20 Jewish hostage's worth 1000 American lives" Mainstream media timestamp"
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>>404869 if you wanting hurt israel you go thru india first
>>404870 The lad that interviewed him yesterday did warn him. Should've cancelled.
>>404871 its so laughable how naked jewish power is in burgerland, they have lost their tact
>>404873 Warned him that she is awful?
>>404875 Yes, basically said 'good luck with that'.
>>404872 I think you mean Bharat colonist.
>>404876 have a link to that lad, lass?
>>404878 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uIdrdREing It's near the end somewhere after the interview.
>>404880 thanks, love
>>404881 that's okay, darling xx
>>404883 it's just like in my video games
>>404883 >hostile down keeeek.
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the only value that jews provide to the US is slutty jewesses everything else is just parasitism
oh. it is
>>404884 >civilization
>hamas getting to live like warlords and rape their captives
>hamas rape videos while I remain incel
>>404895 you got the pork chop sandwiches one, lass?
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come on bibi give us total war
>>404897 she was never attractive. just another jew gaslighting thing.
>ramzpaul betrayed JF why do people do it? you'd think communities like this would be loyal smh
britney>n*talie portman
reminder that jews rape angloid women and MKultra them into sex slavery then expect us to feel sorry for them when arabs dab on them
Who on /pol/ would call jews "white"?
>>404903 JIDF is real lad they have entire companies of kikes in my country that drive around monitoring my people and settling wogs around us to exterminate us. mark potok probably has and entire campus full of jews posting BBC porn 24 hours a day on my tax money
probably the same in UK and Australia
>women gooning to true crime dramas gushing from their vaginas thinking about JF murdering his gf I wish I never learned of women's true nature *sobs* >>404904 Sseems like there has been a bit of a lull of bbcposting
>>404856 WTF! FARAGE IS JEWISH AND HAS A TROON SON!!!!!!!!!????????
smh hope Woes isn't a big lamprey
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wish he'd poke his head out of the sand a bit more often than once a year around christmas time though. No idea how he retains listeners at all
>>404914 his content is a present like diary milk and a glass of milk.
>>404880 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he says he'd rather smack himself with a hammer on the head and shoulders than be on his show. He was right smh
>>404916 her show*
>>404915 looking at are ID colours it's almost like he's here
big bangs ramping up in Gaza another tower block just got deleted
https://youtu.be/-Iwe2vcL86Y big splosions roughly 11 minutes back
me? 0 so far
I saw this tweet posted but I didn't think it was real keeeeeeeeeek https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1710622315816337454
This really wasn't the time to get back on twitter. Sad to see so many people I thought was based become israel shills
*gets up and tears the shit out of everybody*
>>404925 the Israel vs Palestine issue is a perfect litmus test to see if somebody is a real person. I don't care what other issues I agree or disagree with somebody on- if they stand with Israel, I don't stand with them. notably, Blumpf is crying about his precious yahoodis, fuck him. do we even want him to get reelected? the Bidet administration's acceleration of the decline of the US is probably better than whatever Blumpf could offer. if Blumpf wins he'll get all of these fluoride beer-drinking obese dumbasses to simp for Israel 'because Blumpf said so' since they're a fucking cult that doesn't actually understand the issues themselves, they're just tribalistically rallying behind a leader that they perceive as representing their interests
My beady eyed Anglo Saxon brethren and I stand with our Jewish counterparts and eagerly await what special operation the high priests of the third temple have in store. Hail Netanyahu, hail victory.
back to the drawing board for that 2 week holiday.
Thinking Chengdu and Viet maybe or Berlin and one of the former
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>>404936 could America even defend Israel from all of this? are the burgoids that join the military for free college really willing to die in a war against half of the Middle East on behalf of the Yids? consider that there would be volunteers from Morocco to Indonesia as well. Muslim countries that sat idly by during such a conflict, like Egypt, would face civil unrest
>>404939 I know people meem on the burger military but yeah it could unless iran starts supplying SAM gear to hezbollah and drawing burger into a larger conflict that it can sustain because its currently already collapsing/being collapsed intentionally
ultimately there would have to be some stalin tier arithmetic where the zionist entity was merely a luxury that the burger military industrial complex could indulge in. however at this risk of upsetting madlad Im not going to indulge in the "russia=good guys china=good guys" memology of the 3rd worldist shitskins that will merely adopt the jews race replacement strategy as their own to defeat the anglosphere
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we second yom kippur war now
>>404941 >the "russia=good guys china=good guys" memology the geopolitical objectives of the Russian and Chinese states clearly conflict to a degree with those of the USA. therefore, anybody that is opposed to American geopolitical objectives ought to sympathize with Russia and China to a degree >the anglosphere I don't give a fuck about "the anglosphere". I care about the white rice, primarily western Europe and the few eastern European countries that I like, followed by the rest of Europe and then the 'European diaspora', which is largely composed of 'the anglosphere'. to a lesser extent I also care about honorable non-white peoples, such as those in the Middle East that resist Z0G your use of "the anglosphere" as opposed to "the white rice" seems to imply that you value an anglo-descendent yankoid over a non-anglo western European- even one whose origins lie in the hero nation of Germany? am I assooming correctly? because that's retarded as fuck. when you consider everything America has done, how stupid Americans are, the unnatural things they ingest and the toxins they naively expose themselves to on a daily basis, and their mixed heritage that causes them to lack a culture and a people to belong to... I have very little sympathy for burgoids and I am not particularly emotionally invested in their future. I tend to think that you've essentially brainwashed yourself with Anglophilia over the years in an attempt to better fit in on this board. me? I'm interested in what is objectively right and wrong, more and less important, I don't blind myself with such an irrational bias
>404941 Evil must bedefeated at all of costs
why does spic even come here smh
Morning lads
>>404946 schmorbius lad
>>404946 Smorb
>not totally under control Getting rekt you mean?
Wot!? So farage has an Israeli love child that trooned out or…?
Don’t tell me Farage is jewish. Wouldn’t surprise me
>>404953 stranger things have happened
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Who here /dangerousnooticer/?
>>404956 you're only supposed to listen to official sources lad
Surely all the R&D and US military spending has given Jews access to some kind of red alert superweapon. Use the fackin chronosphere
>>404958 lad there's no way in hell the majority of that money wasn't embezzled
>>404959 smh I just want one teleporting jew
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Hn9zAZvKVm8 >bbk was a nigger all along
>>404943 Spic, this is a board for anglos and their fan club (i.e Steiner and 22)
>>404961 They have to go back
To where their ancestors came from
>The Old Oak is a special place. Not only is it the last pub standing, but it’s also the only remaining public space where people can meet in a once thriving mining community that has now fallen on hard times after thirty years of decline. TJ Ballantyne the landlord hangs on to The Old Oak by his fingertips, and his predicament is endangered even more when the pub becomes contested territory after the arrival of Syrian refugees who are placed in the village without any notice. >In an unlikely friendship TJ meets a curious young Syrian Yara with her camera. Can they find a way for the two communities to understand each other? So unfolds a deeply moving drama about their fragilities and hopes. >The Old Oak is directed by BAFTA-winner Ken Loach, written by BAFTA-winner Paul Laverty, and produced by BAFTA-winner Rebecca O’Brien for Sixteen Films, all of whom continue their long-time collaboration following acclaimed films including I, Daniel Blake and Sorry We Missed You. just straight up showing literal ethnic and cultural replacement propaganda in cinemas now >>404860 keeek why is mark a midget tbh no clue on whomst other guy is >>404900 >the poster who keeps joking that he would grass on us at the drop of the hat in return for 30 seconds of looking at booba >>404919 he's literally me >>404935 did they just embezzle the money meant for le iron cope dome missile ammunition or something
>>404967 smh we're at the "it is happening and that's a good thing" stage of the replacement
JFposting about wanting to see AI generated images of old jewish men fucking ukrainian whores keeeeek Whether it is now, in a few years from now, or in a few decades from now, Israel is bound to become a Muslim nation at some point. Those are just conclusions I've drawn from demographic analyses in the last few years. As the contingent of Muslims grows as a relative proportion of Israeli population, increased pressures will lead to an increased capacity for organized resistance against what they consider to be an aggressor. That resistance will also be met with more incompetent responses from the Israeli side as their side becomes infiltrated by forces that are at various degrees more Hamas-sympathetic than their radical predecessors. Not so long ago, I've thrown a wild speculation out there that Jews are entering a new historical migratory phase as it has last happened 80 years ago, which had then led them to convert from a relatively spread-out diaspora spanning Europe into a concentrated technocratic class of the American Empire. I included in my speculation that Jews might decide to leave both America and Israel to land somewhere like Ukraine within the next decade. How does that prediction look like this morning? The images of female Israeli soldiers getting captured by Hamas offer a stark contrast to the Ukraine situation where men are the only ones forced to go die on the Frontline by Zelenski. Jews will be depopulating their female population in Israel to combat Hamas under guise of empowered-female-soldier imagery while depopulating the male population of Ukraine by turning them into cannon fodder for the Russians. In the future, it can therefore only go one way: hordes of old conservative Israeli Jewish males, claiming persecution by Muslims, will go inseminate young Ukrainian rave whores on meth under the bombardments of the Russians. No matter how crazy this sounds, it's what my hypothesis leads to logically. I, for one, would like to see an AI rendering of that scene. Anyone with AI skills?
Boomer rage
it's spreading dare we hope for part and parcel in our cities?
queef putting in work https://nitter.net/KeithWoodsYT/status/1710949763523149992#m Ian Miles Cheong's disinformation about Hamas slaughtering Israeli families now has 10 million views, he won't take it down even after being corrected. Benny Johnson posted a video purporting to be new that was actually from 3 years ago, it already reached 5 million people by the time he got community noted. Unfortunately, Zionist disinformation is reaching millions before community notes process. Almost every big right-wing account on here is posting disinformation like this alongside sophisticated Zionist talking points. How much does the average right-wing user on here care about Israel? Probably a lot less than the safety of their own border. Yet we've already had multiple influential Zionist influencers living in the west passionately advocate for outright genocide of Palestinians over this issue. The conservative right in the west is totally captured by Zionists. If they cared about the nations they're in as much as they do about Israel we would already have ended replacement immigration and the west would not be facing the demographic crisis it is.
Wherever I go I must soshulmedia bit of a strange video https://twitter.com/ME_Observer_/status/1710603252075553175
>>404973 >Ian Miles Ching Chong I wish somebody would lynch the ugly, stupid Malaysian cunt already
thinking about the LGBT again Let's Go Bomb Tel-Aviv
>>404977 >Zionists in Ching Chong Chang Ching Cling Clang Clong All so called conservatives and right wingers have been paid their 30 pieces and shown the unpersoning and deplatforming timeline should they stray off the reservation
I wonder who is trying to delete these videos…hmmmmm https://twitter.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1710642455165440277 video that was on tweet but no context but those are definitely Israeli police/border guards
from GG thread >Null and his transgender kiwi farms mods are deleting post and censoring people for making fun of Israel >Null allowing JIDF to register to combat /pol/ disinfo Foxdicks farms bigger faggots than Reddit and Cuckchan? Null closed registration yet new account pop up that does nothing but defend Israel and bitch about /pol/.
>THERE ARE REPORTS! >I made it up and if you can prove I didn’t, anecdotal evidence is evidence!
>>404983 jewsh was always bad tbh still haven't forgiven him for his little infinity next stunt
JF went on some poodcast to talk about his drama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uIdrdREing
>>404985 tbh and never will forgive because his failure directly led to jimbo, 8kun and Qshite
>>404973 Getting sick of scoobs tbh.
>>404989 hope all this wakes a few people up to how jews actually think tbh not holding my breath though
>>404986 Timestamp in reference to the interview he did with the thot posted last night on here proving he was warned about her 1:11:20
>>404989 Come on then Joel show us how it’s done…
>Under Att-ACK Well, this is how tit for tat is played, why whine about it?
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https://youtu.be/Q4-qEre8LHo?t=222 >there's an edgy poz plague zombie character in MK who's got the personality of reddit antifa
Smh I feel so bad for Rachel blondie big tits Riley. Seeing the Hamas supporters dancing in our London. Must of been like when they pogromed Jews in the past but they didn't realise u're a Jew and u overheard them
I feel nothing anymore
Guess who’s fleeing Israel now?
>>404999 >>404999 Ah tourists are such traitors
>>405000 This is jews fleeing Israel probably to America
>>405000 Apparently 120,000 were in neighbouring e Egypt according to some Egyptian poster on wogchan and have all fled Exodus : The Sequel
>>405007 Meaty Braps smelled neither of meet nor braps
>>405008 another victory for the white race did you manage to ask mark what his favourite video game is?
>>405009 No but he told a few jokes about the Israel situation which I won't repeat keek
>>405009 Honey Select 2 obviously
>>405012 >coomunist sleeper agent in control of the largest party of britnats
>>404962 me on the right, anglos on the left
>spic is trooning out smh ban him now before he falls further
>>405018 Wow! What a beautiful weekend in Asia Minor :)
>>405018 lots of words but now discernbible conclusion tbh
>>405020 the important part of his take is that the risk of a regional escalation that Israel is not prepared for may deter them from 'retaliating' as disproportionately as they normally would
>>405021 >the important part of his take is that the risk of a regional escalation that Israel is not prepared for may deter them from 'retaliating' as disproportionately as they normally would Right, so in a multipolar world Jewish power has decreased, so they can't be as sadistic in response as they would normally like to be
>>405021 Wait until they deploy their new F-35s head to head against the subsonic paraglider air arms of Hamas. Shit’s gonna be lit fr
>>405023 The older ones are dying out, jews have been mixing it up in Israel and have less European blood now and more arab blood. IQ has dropped massively and the only ones who are ‘pure’ Ashkenazi now are the ultra orthodox who are turbo neets and won’t be doing any fighting ever. It’s over
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>>405026 >It’s over if it's over for jews, then that means... it's begun
hamas thinks they're tough picking on israel? why dont they try that on someone who can fight back... exactly.
>>405025 Keeeek this is what it’ll be like indeed. Palestinians will just force them into lofiwarfare
>>405030 Why does bins do this?
Top keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek They all look the same so not surprising
that'll be another 8 billion + tip goy.
>>405034 >Americans I'm sure they're American as apple pie, just like that true conservative patriot Ben Shapiro!
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>>405016 >violent big booba teens
>>405034 Casus belli for America to get involved I suppose
lads, convince me not to lose my virginity to a thai prozzie
leftoids getting cold feet
>>405040 don't do it lad smh your anus will never be the same after the ladyboys get to it
>>405040 They will ruin you. You will lose everything to them including your health. You will end up having a hapa kid in the unlikely event you end up not banging a troon and will end up in poverty in Thailand looking after their family, banned from /brit/ and being forced to post on retardchan. Another reason
>>405042 >violently decolonises her colon
Ahhhhhh You met the Holy Gudboi Gang so it seems >Balueta, 24, told Yahoo News UK : "I had spotted them and had put my head down. I am aware of situations and hoped we could just walk past, but they began to fire homophobic slurs at us, calling us 'batty boys' and 'fags'. >"Callum calmly asked them what they said, and one told him he knew where he lived, then named the street, and told him, "I will kill you". >"I am out and proud but in all my life I have never felt so scared. He clearly knew where my boyfriend lived, and was very aggressive." He continued: "So many people were staring but nobody came to help."
Going big on Diwali >Suella Braverman said that Leicester shows that multiculturalism has failed. >Next month, people in Leicester, of all faiths and none, will be celebrating Diwali. Children in Leicester schools will be making Diwali lamps. >I'm proud that we will host one of the biggest Diwali festivals outside India.
Poor Dorset. He probably enjoyed it though https://metro.co.uk/2023/10/05/dorset-predatory-policeman-who-raped-his-friend-jailed-for-16-years-19614907/ >Pc Ravi Canhye of Dorset Police
We graciously conceded to minorities having their own celebrations but now it’s gone too far, we have ended up conceding ours and losing our culture as theirs overwhelms it Get out. Now
>>405049 >spreads fakenews that hindus are shitting on qurans at the diwali fest so theres a chimpout
>>405052 We should get them to play knockdown ginger on these mystery meat Russian speakers - but not Russian - wog mafia types Fireworks
>>405043 this one appears to be a female >>405044 not planning on going raw on a prozzie, lad
>sky sports now openly saying if you dont worship blacks then football isnt for you keeeeek brother was fooming the niggercattle get exactly what they deserve
>>405053 what a hideous woman
So why not go back if it’s better?
>>405055 Gonna have to ask for a video of that so I can send it to footy fans
>>405056 I’ll get my brother on you! What charge is that under the law? Threatening violence to an Englishman for being in England is a bit much tbh. She should consider foreining back off to her Ukrainian/Georgian/Dagestani/Azerbaijani whatever hellhole stupid fat arsed gipsy looking ugly whore >Do you know whose daughter I am? Er no? The man who fucked a goat? Cunt.
We need a big war where we kill all these furriners and enslave the rest
>>405059 probably an uzbek gun runner.
obviously a jewish oligarchs daughter
>>405040 Only ever had sex with White women. It will probably be a weight off your shoulders and give you confidence moving forward.
>>405053 >black poo eyes >black hair >gross big nose >shit eyesight >dobby earlobes Love whengrotesque sand people are uppity as fuck.
she's overweight and got a cottage cheese arse too. Nasty dravidian.
>>404945 idk he is another buck broken ellis island subhuman who speaks english but doesn't feel like he belongs so he takes these 5th column positions and worships the civilizational enemy of gringo civilization because he is part beaner himself
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What’s the situation with 22stein and the all seeing Norb?
>>405067 last information was that the accusations of grooming were closed but the police decided to keep all his stuff and keep persecuting him anyway on the off chance that he is a nonce, or something
>>405066 One for you and one for him
>>405068 Didn't he say they're charging him with other things now instead?
>>405070 didn't you btfo this chungus drone
>>405068 So then he’s GUILTY! of whatever, whenever
These nipcels are getting darker
>>405055 Pretty sure they're still kneeling and fans accepted that years ago. They already worship niggers by appeasing that.
>>405070 does he say that trve male strength is breaking yourself as an invisible workhorse for your entire life so other people can live infinitely better than you >>405075 they need to crucify all jiggers already
>>405077 Yeah its embarrassing. Cant wait til christmas where all the normlads will be talking about football and I will interupt with several n(igger) words and upset everyone
>>405080 based. good lad.
>>405076 Thanks la’
>>405080 The LGBT captain armband, gay flags and ad boards in the stadiums you now see are another layer of cringe too.
>>405084 you vill love ze gey negros kicking ze ball and you vill be happy.
>>405076 Yeah, every graphic between replays, analysis, etc. is this poz shit. The white pill is that they still feel the need to do this shit after decades. They're fighting against an inextinguishable flame. Throwing water on an electric fire.
>>405071 Figured they were going to charge him for le hatespeech, maybe even as a 'terrorist' like what happens here.
>>405086 Keeek. Diversity. You're lucky if you get about 2 players in a starting line-up that are English for the top teams.
>>405053 Fucking seethefuel.
>>405088 I think they're going after him for cp over some of his rabbit creature images
>>405090 if the palis are any example one day all these freeloading shitskins will pay for their arrogance
>hamas released a video of them smashing a filipino labourers skull open thinking he was an israeli
poor SEA lads did nothing to deserve this
they built infrastructure for zionist invaders
can't remember having pooed within the last 4-5 days despite eating my fruit and veg and huwheaties for breakfast tbh
who the fuck is this and why was I subscribed to them is it neo or westie or something
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>>405098 >reminding me keffals exists
>>404940 I'd go further and say that the ZOG machine would fuck up the entire Arab world like it was nothing and anything less is an absolute cope.
Third IDF officer killed, colonel Roi Levi served in his last position as commander of the elite Multidimensional Unit. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/military-releases-names-of-18-more-soldiers-killed-in-battle-with-hamas/
IDF are actually losing peer to peer gun battles rn
>>405101 >Multidimensional Unit Jews now have the power to jew other dimensions? Bit concerning tbh
INDIA STANDS WITH YOU BIBI SAHHHH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOi4NCTNCjA
>>405105 fucking vile
>I’m Multidimensional shape shifting elite! Catch me if y-ACK!
If the Binema is open tonight, I wouldn't mind watching Fear and Loathing. Might rewatch it myself sometime if not.
>>405108 I'm betting that even all the Americans said to have been killed were a part of the IDF.
some cunt getting my vpn banned again smdh >>405108 MUTTED
As in combatants not tourists.
god damn palestinians are fucking retarded
>>405100 id go further and say that while it calls itself the zog machine jews will play almost no role in that fucking up and it would be carried out by westoids and administrated by westoids with only a small contribution by the shitskins jews infested our countries with
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NxoZyjj4fYE It'sa su ovah, poluface sama.
>>405102 yeah did you see the ambush on the street? hamas got fresh 2010s mint US poverty state armory M4s
>>405115 keeek true dat
>>405108 israel is like an open gene stealer cult
>>405071 yeah, instead of charging me for trying to nonce a girl, they are charging me for having nonce material on my computer. I don't really know what they are referring to yet before another interrogation, but last interrogation they made it clear boku no piko counts as that smh *screams*
can we ban this nonce?
>>405120 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq it's not even human it's a thing or whatever the fuck it is
watching the assad chinky interview he's so ultrazased lads smh one of the only good leader figures in the entire world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hTfEdm0nKk
>>405123 Yeah but it's still illegal. Ignorance of the law won't make it less illegal I guess, but hopefully since I don't have other nonce material it'll be clear that I am not a nonce. Real nonci surely would have folders of the stuff, and have it hidden away in special folders smh
>>405125 Is it having sex?
>>405127 Is what having sex? The cartoon boku no pico? Yeah smh
>>405128 what the SNEED lad??
>>405114 I know you’re referri;g to the post in English but palestinians rightfully don’t trust the Israeli mutts and know jews are from everywhere, that even if they are wrong foreign prisoners it will draw foreign pressure and intervention and in any case will see them as collaborators especially as they were working in the telecoms business
>>405129 it's ironic, lad. Smh. I even have a boku no pico pepe.
I lost a USB flash drive somewhere that has my CV, a Mein Kampf audiobook and a Japanese book on how to draw girls on it, amongst other things.
>>405114 Mr. Beastiality?
It also had a rare crap movie in which Ming-Na Wen was naked
>>405120 >boku no piko Fuck sake why did you have gay nonce cartoons? Bit silly them being illegal (same in Britain so not surprising) but smdh lad.
>>405135 >Ming-Na Wen More like Ming-Na Peng.
Israel are getting royally btfo by the sounds of things losing defacto control of entire areas and having battallions wiped out by Palestinian First Regiment of Flipflops
>>405138 Wow, some guy on 4chan said that?? Incredible news!
>>405138 sorry lass, that's not proof of anything.
>>405136 we watched it ironically like 6 years ago smh. Goes to show I just don't delete anything
>Battalion 51 Squad G >Israelis go high tech we go low tech t. commander Abu Flippityfloppity
vored too many peas tbh
>>405141 >Goes to show I just don't delete anything You have Dorset's willy, don't they?
settlers are massacring palestinians in the west bank
>>405139 >>405140 You’re right. Let me ask Mossad or check msm..
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>>405145 the zionist entity is already buckling under the first opening jabs pathetic
>>405144 yeah, that one is saved in the dorset folder
Infact… If you speak hebrew go to חדשות בזמן בטלגרם if you can translate also t.me/cnirs is good but Gaza Now for most updates on this attached is the Hamas battle plan spammed on their channel and Hezbollah channel Don’t think Israel is going to be very forthright about how their army is getting battered. Shouldn’t let them spam 4chan instead of training tbh
>>405149 Dorset has been bummed to death
>>405151 im so sick of my race being shackled to these decadent worthless trash jews they have all the tech and equipment money can buy and they drop the ball hard like this after decades of bullshit larping. dogshit kikes already begging for rednecks and deanos to go save them while they maintain this multicultural bullshit delusion of "le global farce for good" nonsense so they can pretend they blend in while they utterly destroy the anglosphere so they can run a dogshit country like this that is losing in open battle with hamas lmao
>>405150 How gay keeeek >muh jewish melting pot meme
burgerland ran a war on the otherside of the planet for 20 years against equally skilled guerilla talibs and they never really pulled off things like this until the withdrawal and "aghanisation" cope stage. jews are just a complete meme. had to endure decades of muh krav maga, muh IDF elite nonsense.
>bisexual gf is now shoving baseball bat's up her minge for onlyfans shekels. smh
>>405154 >britbong is in the thread
>>405159 smh how can we compete... in baseball without are bats smh
>>405157 tbh the lies of the jews should perish with their joke of a nation. throw all this jewish crap in the dustbin of history. it wasn't squat little ugly brown beaky shitskins that slaughtered the nargansetts and built a city out of nothing
>>405161 bums?
>>405155 unfortunately for them the shartican military no longer has many rednecks. they'll have to rely on overweight spics and troons to save them >>405159 you cant save her lad
>405159 abn alkalb sharmoot earabiin
>>405159 >>405161 Not far off, as she is camming rn and uses dildos 2-3x the size of a normal penis, with "a lot of lube".
>>405159 >>405161 Her minge is so big there are probably real bats already up there!
>>405162 Second Battle of Grozny. 1,200 Chechens raided the city as a PR stunt to show how vulnerable big Russian army was and secure funding from abroad They were shocked to see Russians weren't fighting back. So they wound up taking the whole city and then the country.
>>405167 That sound is probably just the restless spirit of a baby that died violently tbph.
So this is why all the constant spamming of 4bastards stopped
>>405171 je qeeqerino!
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Depressionerino incoming!
>>405171 the poo trying to act like he's one of the good guys
>>405171 Just checked the /b/ catalog and was relatively undisgusted there was only 1 scat, 1 gore and 1 tranny thread. Much less than usual.
>>405174 bet he's darker than a nigerian tbh.
Palestinians took over Sderot police station so Israel decided to destroy it with them inside but they weren’t inside, they knew what the idf would do, fighting continues around the buildingkeek
a snoo in one's own snousers? snever. snalways in the snoilet.
PA have discovered AI generation
>>405171 >south indian dravidian shills keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>405174 >>405180 That was the funniest bit tbh >>405175 Yeah hope someone does a decent post about it
>some little niglet stroked my hair from behind on the train back from the PA conference It was jelous
My anus is fucking bulging with the undeposited poo it contains
HLEP US AMEKIRA! WE R LSOING HARD! *Loud crying in hebrew and yiddish
Mightiest military in the Middle East >send free aircraft carrier pl0x America
Be funny if they blew it up in a blue on blue again
>>405188 Wew. WW3 just in time for the economic collapse. It's like clockwork.
>>405189 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek fuck off you idiot
>>405191 keeeeeeeeeeeeek now they support the second amendment
So why so much aid America. Please answer
>>405192 Israel is one of the most disarmed countries in the world. Bet that will change now or maybe not Cost them dear hasn’t it
>JIDF have gone daft
>South Americans are muslims You’re safe love no one’s gonna fulfil your fantasy you absolute evangelical loon
>>405195 Keeek but also fatty’s beak
>>405196 Absolutely disgusting display of grovelmaxing
>>405196 Don't even do that for St. George's Day. But they do something to support the LGBTBAME football team.
>>405201 Why even equip them as soldiers?
>>405201 Just sad tbh, any nation that makes soldiers of its women is fundamentally immoral.
Fucking toothpaste nigger better be right
>>405203 >>405202 I relish their tears tbh. Sick of women’s larp. #IStandWithSteinerOnThisTBHLads
Just finished a pork pie tbh.
>>405205 It's men's folly which permits women's LARP.
>>405201 israeli women are NOTHING compared to diaspora queens
>>405208 Might invade Germany at Christmas
>>405209 That pepe needs a jihadi bandana
>>405203 It's simply the logical endpoint of levée en masse. When transforming a nation into a pure machine of war, all of the adult population is a potential soldier.
>>405213 Isn't it hugely overstated how many women the USSR put on the frontlines during ww2?
why arent hamas beheading all the captured israelis yet?
>>405214 >overstated Depends who's doing the stating. Obviously a country can't function if every able bodied person is at the frontlines. The female Soviet snipers are notable because they were unusual, I haven't seen any claims to the effect that there were masses of Soviet women on the frontlines.
>>405216 Keeeeek
>>405216 >The face on the 4th one. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
/pol/ on scene
>>405217 I thought it never went above a few hundred women?
>>405221 Wouldn't surprise me if the numbers were that low. Same as over here during the world wars, the women were needed to run farms etc whilst the men were fighting.
>Between 1941 and 1945, a total of 2,484 soviet female snipers were functioning in this role, of whom about 500 survived the war wew that attrition rate.
>>405222 akshually farming and industry were deferred professions exempt from the war and workers in those areas weren't even allowed to volunteer
*military/govt run and essential industry I should say
>>405224 Different to Britain, then.
Most US Presidents get an aircrfat carrier named after them, but the USS Jimmy Carter is a submarine. Didn't know that.
>>405227 They probably just ran out of carriers.
>aircrfat time to sleep. Nighty night
>>405226 I mean Britain was like that, no idea what the ussr did
> she is named for the 39th president of the United States, Jimmy Carter, the only president to have qualified on submarines.[6] The only submarine to be named for a living president, Jimmy Carter is also one of the few vessels, and only the third submarine of the US Navy, to be named for a living person.
>>405230 forced conscription would be my bet during the war. There are those stories of entire villages and towns losing their adult male population.
>>405230 In Britain there absolutely were farms left unattended except for by women. So many able bodied men volunteered that we lacked manpower for domestic industry to the point that soldiers were ordered to work in mines instead of fight.
Bevin Boys, that's it
>>405220 I think that's a dravidian 'Aryan' that's been on pol too much.
>>405233 ah, I guess it changed as the war progressed then I think I've poosted before about "home service medals" which some deferred profession toilers wore to stop white feather thots from bullying them smh
>>405237 Wasn't that more of a WW1 thing?
>>405238 yeah I think in WW2 the shart importation of agricultural machinery freed up a lot more men for the army very quickly
>>405234 Jammy Savile
Keeeeeeeeeek at this edit
>toil >mummy will come and embarrass me during toil >pretending-to-be-happy birthday "celebrations" all evening after toil >up most of the night trying not to think and failing rough week ahead shite lads
Wew wonder what did this T90m rekt
>>405242 night lad.
who here /partnigger/?
>>405246 Oyest of veys.
>>405250 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>405227 they started that meme with the Nimitz and later ford classes, they had a lincoln missile sub as well but I think they are doing it mainly with these new mag rail launch pad ones like the ford
https://youtu.be/Yx19z7dpYbY KEEEEEEEEEEK the jews are making bizarre and even more bizarre propaganda!
they're still losing
regardless of it all, I'm still just an incel
Reddit going full SHUT IT DOWN mode deleting any non HECKIN WHOLESOME posts on this conflict, also they've had a sus turnaround from being pro palestine because they are brown to being outright zionists, strange tbh.
really want to buy a pistol for carrying around but I am being too stingy need to buy a new cpu can't decide if I should get a pistol like the M&P 2.0 or buy the incel brand Kel-tec and get the PMR 30 pistol just for the larp.
>>405259 they MADE THE CALL
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>>405155 >the anglosphere there you go again... can't you just say "the west" or something like a normal person? >>405177 woooooow they destroyed their own building... they must be seething so hard >>405201 >>405202 >>405203 >>405205 >>405208 remember that female Jevvs are just as bad as the males >>405213 I assume that these eastern countries that have women at the military parades have them working as nurses or something but they make them march in skirts because it's kino >>405215 having hostages is more valuable because 'human' shields + leverage for prisoner swap >>405259 I had a poke around and the most common sentiment was 'Israel bad but muh civilians'
>>405259 Soy latte sippers that romanticize the 'freedom fighter'. But can't stomach the brutality and nasty stuff that comes with it.
>>405267 keeeeeeeeeeeek war monitor has always been a huge seether why would he ever endorse him
>>405268 I guess his info is good?
>>405269 meh he's posted misinfo a couple times but atleast hes anti semitic.
>>405264 what language do you want me to say "the west" in shitskin?
>>405266 good lad I remember one time when I was a 19 year old zoomer working at a fast food shop a kike came in and presented and ID to purchase some (as you tau'ri say tinnies) beer and he had and IDF card and I asked him about it and he acted as if I was some lower life form and was all suspicious and dismissive of me as if he had no time to explain to a goyim, despite the fact that he was in my country and his worthless military was merely a small little shitstain on the boot that is my countries military. that combined with jew kids at school made me always hate zio-niggers, they are the lowest form of life. I will be sad and shed a tear when sexy jewesses are slaughtered but they still can't hold a candle to our lasses
>>405275 It's a bit of a cope reason but fair enough to the mulatto sex trafficker.
>>405273 He was in a country that brown noses his people at any opportunity, especially the Israeli military/mossad. No wonder he was such a smug kike. >>405273 >I will be sad and shed a tear when sexy jewesses are slaughtered most of the sexy ones are literally just sex trafficked into Tel Aviv from Eastern Europe, lass.
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Time for a covfefe
>>405280 yeah all these old boomer retards with the gay copes also need to fuck off because it seems like all the innovation and vitalism is coming from basically arab rednecks tinkering in their garages how to defeat the zionist entity
whens israels long-awaited counter offensive going into full swing?
>america gives 17 trillion + tip to two retard foreigners >they both lose
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>Israeli tank falls on top of Israeli civilian car on the highway
>>405285 video >Two People have been killed and other are injured after an Israeli Tank has fallen from its trailer on Highway 6.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67040611 I'm curious as to what will happened today given the "pro-Palestine" march filled with lefties and moslems. Hope MET is struck with a bloodied nose on behalf of their overlords (metaphorically since I do not condone violence tee hee)
>>405272 keeking
>>405286 pretty redpilled take. wonder why iran didn't just do that after soleimani got murked.
>>405290 nothing runs like a deere
pashtun dafties have the skull masks keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>405291 it wasn't an opportune moment
https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1710811394348552276 trying to get the wignats on side by showing aryan looking jews, varg in the replies laying down the facts and logic >tfw instinct is to save the lad from palis because he looks white smh
>Posting on X, formerly known as Twitter, Ms Braverman said: "Whenever Israel is attacked, Islamists and other racists use Israeli defensive measures as a pretext to stir up hatred against British Jews."
>>405295 Well, she is married to one.
>>405294 he is just some gene stealer pollack kike god I hate israelis they all strut around like they are gods here
>>405299 >British >Serving in a foreign army.
>>405300 some of the hostages are Jevvs with yank citizenship and the Zio-shills on X (formerly known as shitter) are crying about how HAMAS has captured MUH AMERICANS. so fucking cringe
>>405301 So fed up with them and their dual-citizenship. Will be banned when we get in power.
does it get more kino than this, paragliding in to btfo zog while rockets fly overhead
having trouble swallowing my own saliva.
>>405305 sore throat or something?
>>405306 strangely no
>>405305 what you been putting in your mouth, lass?
IDF thot strongly implies that they let them in. I've been hearing that troops were rotated away from the border with Gaza towards the northern border with Lebanon in advance
>>405307 must be long covid then smh should've gotten your boosters lad
>>405309 cuz it was a holiday nigga stfu
conspiratards are impossible to argue with, because there is no amount of evidence you could show them that would convince them out of their position because they can just hand wave it all away, their beliefs are illogical.
>>405311 >The war began on October 6, 1973, when the Arab coalition jointly launched a surprise attack against Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, which had occurred during the 10th of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan in that year.
>>405313 >wow this means zog must've tricked the plaestinians into killing and kidnapping a bunch of their soldiers and civilians and humiliate the israeli state in order to uhhhhhhhhh
what did i say
>>405315 Everyone knows ISIS was Mossad now though, right? this new attack, and the orchestrated international outrage, reeks of false flag to me tbh
jews acting like they "actually totally meant to get defeated by hamas in less than 24 hours as a form of multidimensional yu-gi-oh" is pathetic kike cope
who here /fluentinjapanese/?
>>405316 >Everyone knows ISIS was Mossad now though, right?
>>405309 this is the latest jew cope, they all need to fuck off and die in their war already. so sick of this shit. I have lived my whole life as a jew slave in a country that exists to serve these people. come and do something jew rat cowards if it was spic cartels driving around slaughtering sexy midwestern thots you are damn sure it would be small town time
>>405302 the best was the "english" one and then post a pic and he looks like some kind of shetl nosferatu jew rat
>>405319 you forgot the time ISIS apologised to Israel for attacking them "by mistake"?
>>405315 Bet these videos will 'leak' and look eerily similar to the high production ISIS ones.
>>405324 yeah, me too all this orchestrated media outrage gave it away to me
Israel's been banking on the krav maga zohan mystique of their military for decades now they're losing to a couple hundred bedouin raiders and having america send a battle fleet.
Weird how when there is a terrorist attack in this country, our "leaders" urge us to forget it and not to look back in anger, but when one happens in Israel, they all support them as they attack innocent civilians in retaliation
>>405326 tbh this is tinpot dictator tier, venezuela tier
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>>405327 tbh really gets the noggin jogging
>>405324 dead kike soldiers is a nothingburger
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>time out, time in god the jews are so pathetic, its so shameful they are our masters
>>405329 Feel zero sympathy for attacks on Israel, due to Jews relentless attacks on us
>>405314 my point is that they would have to be extremely negligent to remove troops from the Gaza border to the point where this is was possible. there is historical precedent that a holiday, specifically that holiday, and a round number (50th) anniversary of it, increases the volatility, so it's not an excuse.
for me its the mongs saying that israel is going to false flag the gerald ford carrier group. its pathetic to think the jews could even have the capability to rekt that fleet, maybe iran and china and other actual world powers. the zionist entity is a joke, it folded up like ANA
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>>405334 so you think this is staged too? seems like it to me some of the footage I've seen was so fake it was silly
>>405332 don't think they'll be able to quibble their way out of this one tbh >>405333 tbqh
>>405332 they're really in a tight spot with the 100+ prisoners. israel traded 1,000 palestinians for 1 IDF soldier in 2014. with however many the palis have now they can probably get settlements in the west bank deleted.
>>405338 like the other lad said I think this is developing into chechan war 2 situation where the hamas chads are realizing their foe is weaker than they thought
>>405338 kek, Egypt were mediating then too.
bashar al assad and hezbollah can end this right now and free humanity forever.
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go back 5 mins theyre getting bombed hard https://youtu.be/L0gX47baak0
>>405336 I don't think it's staged per se, but I think there's a substantial possibility that Israel provoked them via al-Aqsa and then deliberately removed troops from the border to let it happen. it's also possible that that Mossad could be behind the most 'bad optics' videos. not saying that is the case, but it's possible >>405341 Syria is still embroiled in insurgency but Iran+Hezbollah+Taliban+some support from Syria+Iraqi/Syrian paramilitaries+Muslim volunteers all over the world could pose a serious problem for Israel that would require American involvement
https://thecritic.co.uk/attack-of-the-hydies/ Good sharticle on lisa simpsons taking over conservative media >Attack of the Hydies >How the Tillies and the Lillies are transforming right-wing newsrooms
>>405322 it was a minor border skirmish in the golan heights with a small IS affiliated group, they unknowingly fired on the idf after an encroachment and a few of their men were killed in retaliation. they were already fighting in syria and didn't have the capacity to fight israel as well.
board is in the gutter
BREAKING: Militants have inflicted massive casualties on the Tzur-Israel Unit, the primarily Ethiopian-Israeli units commander reports being forced to pop it lock it and shake that thang for their Hamas captors.
it's afraid
>Muh pissrael is losing on purpose Maybe Pakidemic agent is more your speed mate.
>>405349 >reports being forced to pop it lock it and shake that thang for their Hamas captors
>>405351 yeah but what if they really actually wanted to get defeated and lose everything, maybe its actually part of their plan to get shot in the head after being captured and defeated
>>405350 worthless kikes can you imagine a kike ethnostate in newfoundland? no thanks
>Major clashes between Hamas supporters and a pro-Israel group in Kirkland, Washington. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1711176380585537902
>>405356 post webm
>>405350 No other group in the world is as entitled as this, the gall of it.
>>405358 at least the shitskins and gooks invading canada are putting in the effort of invading it kikes just expect anglos to build them a country and then get a whipping until they leave then stay on speed dial for when the toilet plugs up
notice how he tip toed about demanding florida from the US because he doesn't want to upset his number 1 goon. fucking coward jew rat. they should all go fight the muslims like they said they were going to for DECADES FUCKING DECADES OF BRAVADO AND BULLSHIT FROM THESE COWARD JEW RATS
>>405350 they really think the whole world belongs to them
>>405346 giving it a read
remember when the jews were bullying the frogs for the race riots saying they would evacuate the jews their with their "elite" diaper brigade? LMAO
>>405363 when the videos of palestinian kids being pulled out of rubble hit al jazeera all this week youll see some arab on jew pogroms in france and germany.
so glad trump is not president rn, xiden is a pile of shit but at least the obama cabal can stand up to the likuds
wish the mexicans would slaughter kikes at least your invaders can be kino
if israel didn't exist the UK and US would probably be space fairing civilizations
kino steinhog rage tbh
>>405368 yeah it's grim smh
I hate jews so much lads, for what they have done to our nations. I saw some lads ITT showing the inklings of pity for the kikes when they were being transformed into good jews by the hamas freedom fighters, remember all the humiliations. the king david hotel incident is just as bad if not worse than the USS liberty. I hope all the jews get what they deserve. pedophiles organ harvesters their disgusting cult of porn. I just remember how they kept themselves apart as superior at our school these ugly little fucking kikes. having to go to "holocaust" class.
>>405371 the world would be a much better place without them in it tbqh
>all these jew boomers trotting out their worn out 2003 takes to try to get burgers to froth at the mouth again
>>405372 the jews killed huey long
>The large US deployment underscores American concerns that the conflict between Israel and Hamas could draw in other parts of the region. >They’re sending an aircraft carrier with a deck of warplanes, accompanied by cruisers and destroyers – also extra military assistance such as munitions. >In particular they want to prevent Lebanon’s powerful Hezbollah movement from joining the fight. It’s backed by Iran, which also funds and arms Hamas. In 2006 hezbollah managed to hit an Israeli destroyer with a missile. let’s see if they can do it again.
>>405374 he rocked the boat too hard smh
just hope we dont start getting israeli rapefugees now
>>405377 wouldn't be surprised tbh they always run away and hide like rats
>>405371 i think people just see a future where this happens to us
>>405380 >Bin Holocaust what is going on here?
i think they are looking for their diapers
jews clowning around like little boys when the men of hamas are out waiting to give them the gift of death so they can cease being jews
>>405380 are those Palis putting on IDF uniforms?
>fights broke out in Seattle, Washington between Palestinian and pro-Israel demonstrators
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WTF I LOVE ERDOGAN NOW is it.... it couldn't be... is it actually happening, for once? a thing... happening?!
If Israel really does get btfo once and for all, they will all flee to the west and their kvetching victimhood will be the pretext for outright banning criticism of them. Things will only get worse for chuds.
starting to think maybe this actually wasn't part of the plan >>405354
I had no idea that all ypu needed to fly was a giant fan strapped to your back and a parachute. how was this never a thing before?
>>405391 generally because anyone with a rifle can kill you if they're awake and you're paragliding anywhere near them.
>toiling for about £1k a year of profit if I'm lucky >meanwhile raghead unibrow chads are having fun and doing things that actually matter >>405250 based >>405259 reminder that the majority of reddit posts originate from zoggy army bases and literal spy offices >>405350 >this guy is still around he is most well known for making a shitty harry potter fanfic (methods of rationality) and being a trannyshuman retard and probably a cripple fetishist also >>405390 holy kino ba'athman let's hope they blow it up >>405391 it was technology relegated to xoomer thrillseeker fags
>>405259 Reddit are the real nazis now! Fucking hate that website. They really are all npcs
>>405394 while I don't underestimate nigger cattle it is very possible that there are bots making AI posts. the technology exists to do that. definitely the 'upvote/downvote' system is heavily bot-driven to manipulate reach of content both for commercial/marketing purposes as well as political
>>405261 Get a colt frontier and wear it on your heckin belt like a real man make skullet boomer proud of you
>>405273 >jewesses >sexy Steiner. Stop
>>405301 American and British when it suits them…like the dead dreadlock girl on the back of the truck had her mum speaking in German waving her German passport pretending to be German all to get international support Also sky making sure his Israeli beret wasn’t showing
>>405335 That’s not how it works ffs All they would have to do is torpedo/mine a small ship attached to the fleet. Israel has seal equivalents. That will be enough to /911 the American mindlet set again
>>405400 >the dead dreadlock girl on the back of the truck had her mum speaking in German waving her German passport pretending to be German all to get international support a German said she had a thick Jevv accent too. so many people simping for the thots, the average man is so thirsty for pussy that he's easily manipulated with this garbage
>>405402 Tbh I never listen to what women say and never fall for their “aren’t I sexy” you MUST worship me shit
>>405402 tbh it's disgusting how quick some people are to do a 180 as soon as they see a foid crying
Had an awful dream that a child had gone missing and parents were really sus refusing to answer any basic questions and then getting angry at me. In the end it turned out he was sacrificed to a giant mechanical devil, so I climbed inside it's brain, wrecked everything, then took control of it and started voring all the middle class cultists with their own 'god' they killed their snabies to animate.
>>405404 I should coco
>>405405 good lad
meanwhile in al-Straliyya
>>405408 if they feel that strongly about it they should fuck off back there and join the fight
>>405408 Larping as farmers wearing Akubras and oilskin Drizabones Just fuck off wog
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>>405411 your post had me wondering where muslim women even get their special clothing in the west. rest assured that my curiosity has been answered, there are dedicated sites for such things. free and flat rate shipping, and they even carry all sizes to help meet the needs of plus-size muslimah tradwife BBW breedhogs
>Our niqabs are designed by sisters who wear niqab so we focus on finding solutions to common issues that niqabis have with their niqabs. That's good to hear, sister. I'm tired of wiping up all the sweat from under my big saggy Islamic udders after a hot summer day in Marseille spent stocking up on halal groceries to feed my eight little Mohammeds for the week while wearing a thick niqab in the sun. As a full-figured sister, I need a light, breathable niqab (with pockets to shoplift a few handfuls of Medjool dates from the kafir) that fits loosely enough to preserve my modesty as a muslimah.
https://youtu.be/WUqTKwr8UcI?t=54 ngl lads feel like riding across a desert
weird how they're wearing modern Nike sneakers, it clashes so jarringly with the traditional desert robes. in Mohammed's time, they all wore sandals, so there's nothing in Islam against women displaying their feet. kinda funny to that think a muslim woman could be wearing a burqa with sandals and a feet enjoyer could be perving on the only part of her body that she naively displays. I'm sure it must have happened that some muslim woman in france wearing a niqab picked up on some frenchoid chad drooling over her feet and got all horny with her heartbeat racing, then went home and prayed to allah for forgiveness. I wonder if muslim footsluts are a thing, the only sluttery they can get away with
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yep just spent the last... 'bout an hour... thinking about this... topic. yep
also displaying the soles of the feet is considered offensive in Arabic culture, that's why you see in a lot of the Pali videos them stepping on the IDF bodies. also I just remembered that rich arab chick that had her bodyguards beat up some french inferior designer and made him kiss her feet
>>405418 our ids are 50% identical lad, we have more in common than you think
>>405420 Gotta be a troll
>>405421 yeah I skimmed it at first and thought it was a real indian, posted it, then I read it more slowly and realized it's satire
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It's ogre for good this time, as it should be. Too boring and frustrating. She is an insane slag. Nothing more. I am bACK on the moral path. Going to get fitter and try edating. I will have a relatively wholesome 20 year old with a body count in single rather than triple digits within a few years. I will save the white race with her. I am going to make it, as are all of (You).
>>405425 until you get another whiff of pussy and we all have to suffer you posting about it here non-stop.
>>405426 Okay incel.
>>405388 Is that your game, lass?
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tfw bossman costs you your health https://youtu.be/QPu-iSPMtm4
>>405420 Peter Boomersonstein Fascinating to see this is a war on a militarized occupation force wherre most people have done military service civilians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRnB9GtzFzo
>words words words
>westernkind Keeeeeeeeeeeeek. The cannibal and his followers always makes me keeeek
Wait. Westerkindman isn't supposed to be anti-semitic. Uh oh. He better whip his zealots into shape
Damn keef oods getting such high views
>405425 >e-dating Where your profile will be matched with bots and at best roasties and your bank account drained monthly
>>405425 Give rape a try
>>405344 >Mossad could be behind the most 'bad optics' videos. I think this is obvious really Why would Hamas uplaod videos of themselves allegedly beheading children and women in a playground? Nobody does that if they want to make themselves look good
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>>405381 >Bin Holocaust >what is going on here? smh, bins always on the frontline of the culture war
>>405442 Tbh Hamas know this wouldn’t win them any friends and they would be more likely to keep hostages seeing as Israel exchanged 1000 of their prisoners for one member of the idf once.
Nigel Farage Full Speech | Reform UK Conference 2023 https://youtu.be/OPxGtCtYWe0
This is up there with his Covid and Tony Blair vaccination takes.
>>405446 of course he is going to say that though it's the likes of the BBC and Guardian that are hedging their bets on this one, supporting Palestine is seen as the woke position
>>405446 kek, typical lack of nuance on such issues. was like that with covid.
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>>405448 >kek, typical lack of nuance on such issues. was like that with covid. what do you think he should have said?
>>405446 Grifter spots an opportunity to get shekel investment and grow his career. Surprise
Literally no major political figure is going to stand with Palesting now, which is exactly why this event is so suspicious
>all these low count posters agreeing with each other hmmst
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>>405453 That’s some justed hairdo right there keeeeeeek
>>405454 Such kino.
Hamas Israel attacks: David Rose(berg) explains the 'depressing predictability' of antisemitism in Britain oh no, antisemitism is on the rise... again! https://youtu.be/LlMbWauZw4M
>>405457 Is he defining antisemitism as anyone that's not actively calling for the gaza strip to be flattened?
>>405457 Luciana Berger ranting on how it was the second biggest loss of life for jewish people since the holocaust They wonder why people get fed up with them. It’s like that kid with adhd who kept jumping up and down in class with their hand up trying to answer every question which they inevitably got wrong. Always got a pasting in the playground until they learned to stfu
>>405459 there are no wrong answers, lass
>>405459 Mike loses any more hair he'll look like Paul
>>405442 >Why would Hamas uplaod videos of themselves allegedly beheading children and women in a playground? where did they do that? >>405451 literal mong nobody stood with palestine because of the jewish lobby in the west
the lowest of the low IQ always try to demonstrate their intelligence by thinking everythings a false flag
Love how Israel can dish it out for decades but when they end up with a slightly bloodied nose in return, the world has to suddenly stop for them.
>>405464 he's too based for this world.
wew it's literally me
>>405468 did they have micro penises too?
>>405423 looks good for an abomination. that's about 0.1% of them.
>>405469 we haven't found a fossilised penis yet smh
>>405472 A tyrani-ACK
>>405474 keeeek well actually that is a giganotosaurus
Well this is a nice caramel macchiato.
Mad the commander behind the group that carried out The King David Hotel bombing later became Prime Minister. Now Bibi is leader of that same group.
>>405478 just renamed really.
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>>405462 Mossad tweeted they had videos showing beheadings but weren’t going to release them Baseless atrocity propaganda then. I’m sure they’ll come to light as soon as Spielberg makes them though
>>405480 Urban slaughter incoming. Hamas could be actually bait the Israelis in.
>>405478 like half of all israeli prime ministers were terrorists. one of them also attempted to assasinate the first post-war president of germany and bragged about it.
I saw this gimp on my walk home from work keeeek
>>405486 He lives in Liverpool?
>>405486 faggot got a couple scouse boomers arrested for trying to assault him
>literally begging bosslady for toil so I don't spend my work day getting paid to read kino history books >directly telling the new hire manager that I am being paid to do volunteer work and she should find jannies who will do it for free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kav7tifmyTg >>405455
Robert F. Kennedy's Independent run for president announcement. One of the opening speeches is given by Rabbi Schmuley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5YyWdPmBVU
>>405480 This will win them friends ..will probably suffer heavy casualties as well
>>405487 I don't know, he was in that t-shirt coming out of a socialist conference. I saw all the pro-palestine wankers outside the labour-wanker conference too, the a jew-wanker in the daily wanker screeching at them keek
>>405483 Ied alleys
>>405491 amazing how this democratic republic nearly always runs and elects people from the same small group of families
>>405495 Such is human nature, lass. Democracy is a children's fantasy. An children are 22st's fantasy smh
>>405486 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Most time Everton had near the goal all season.
>>405493 Nice to see Liverpool's reputation for attracting these types holds true.
We'll stuff them all into their Merseyside trendy shitholes and then burn them down Dirlewanger style.
Ngl bizarre to hear a jevv with a jock accent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxFU0U8z-gA
>>405497 >>405498 keeeeeeeeeek >405499 It's the Labour Party Conference, every single one of them sounded like a woolly back. Climb back in your little hole, son.
>>405500 >>405499 literally the labour party conference you nigger
>>405503 Yeah I know a perfect location for them.
>Pally Paras about to gatecrash the rave
new med2 mod Set in the Late Victorian Era, Steam and Steel Total War is a world-encompassing total conversion of Medieval II Total War. https://www.moddb.com/mods/steam-and-steel-total-war >karl marx quote is the first thing one reads in the summary
>>405506 i really miss the naval combat from empire total war tbh.
>>405508 I think the IKS fags have a video about that grotty poo tbh
>>405496 yes, having children is my fantasy >literally getting ads on twitter about breeding *screams*
>it's already sold some wog cunt is going to "accidentally" demolish it and replace it with some kind of vile facade of a mont st michel disney looking mcmansion
>>405511 Shit she looks alot like my mum when she was younger. Almost uncanny really.
>>405512 /brit/ Pirate excursion when?
>>405513 It could be your mum, lass. She made these childhogs 25 years ago
>>405515 Maybe a long lost sister.
>>405515 what's the story about anyway?
>>405517 It's checking in to see how the children fare 25 years later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCaughey_septuplets
I'm sorry but when hoopleheads fawn over Israel and support it, yet shriek at a bit of 'terrorism' I'm going to be educating them on the early Prime Ministers and how Israel came to be.
New bread needed
what atheism does to a lad
>filtered for good
why did he make the pig(male) so thicc
>thinking about the roman empire why would he dogwhistle to the far right nazis after stabbing Shad in the back? Let's see if he bites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItxZydDULJs
Jews are starting to think about leaving multicultural societies (that they made) for more homogenous societies like Hungary or Japan
>>405458 >Is he defining antisemitism as anyone that's not actively calling for the gaza strip to be flattened? of course anything less is literally nazi
>>405462 >>Why would Hamas uplaod videos of themselves allegedly beheading children and women in a playground? they are going around on twitter
>>405531 how will he ever recover?
>>405463 >the lowest of the low IQ always try to demonstrate their intelligence by thinking everythings a false flag oh sure lad, the *smart* thing to do is believe everything Jews say, of course
>check her profile one last time because she sent several more annoying messages saying and don't e-stalk me in future tee-hee >posting about a prootest/victory march for gay and trans rights in Manchester Hope she goes and it gets ACKbar'd. Would be kino.
>>405531 lol don't even care
>>405531 is this a memi on 4chud /brit/ as well?
>>405396 I have the ruger blackhawk lass the 5.5 with rosewood grips thats my favorite gun I own

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