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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3905: Fun in Gaza Edition Anonymous 10/09/2023 (Mon) 17:36:44 Id: fdd052 No. 405530
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:31:45.
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good lad
Jews are starting to think about leaving multicultural societies (that they made) for more homogenous societies like Hungary or Japan
Civic goblin deleting are norge's comment smh.
>>405540 what's he b een saying?
>>405540 It's there , I even got a reply, but not from the goblin >>405539 smh no honour
>check her profile one last time because she sent several more annoying messages saying and don't e-stalk me in future tee-hee >posting about a prootest/victory march for gay and trans rights in Manchester Hope she goes and it gets ACKbar'd. Would be kino.
>>405542 >b een hmm...
>405544 you didn't need to post it again. xx
>lads resposting desperate for (You)s smh >>405546 keeeeeeeeek xx
>>405543 I can't see it anymore I le upvooted it
>xx He's done me this time. Keek. But it's my redemption arc now.
xoxo boom *flexes pecs*
>>405543 Calling you mate Go back and call him a troon
>>405550 how the fuck is killing civilians justified in response to taking hostages? imagine if Europe had retaliated to the Bataclan massacre like this, or charlie hebdo, or the manchester arena bombings, or.... you get the idea
anyone got the gigachad that says that niggers are only clumps of cells on a rock hurdling through space?
>>405553 >manchester arena bombings We didn't even kill the surviving perpetrators, and only imprisoned one. We're so feeble. The jews bloodlust is far more honourable. Smh.
>>405556 really? I was under the impression only one survived?
>>405557 Their jihadi daddy had to have been involved. Ramadan Abedi is still free, whereabouts unknown but could very well still be in Manchester.
Keeeeeeeeek Ghost of Keeeeeeeeeeeek woz ‘ere
>>405556 Now now, Don't Look Back in Anger, lad.
>>405559 It’s ok lad he’s on the radar nudge nudge wink wink say no more that’s what they say when they do a thing isn’t it?
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To total semitic death
>>405562 Reminds me of how after the attack the perpetrators without fail were 'known and monitored by the MI5' like we should be grateful.
What is the Israeli body count so far?
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>>405553 erm we did chud we bombed isis to save ar kurd
>>405564 It is always the case in every country, happened in France as well and Germany and Sweden >Yeah, we knew about him…lol
>>405566 6 million
Don’t forget 2006 800 Hezb fighters vs 30,000 idf. Guess who won that one
>>405573 Keeek
nothingburger tho
He’s right you know. The leftists want to decolonise us based centrifugists
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-b5ZOEcLOM Didn’t think too hard about that thumbnail did you, manlet?
>>405576 He could just as easily be talking about leftists who're supporting Israel here.
But of course Evangelicals will absolve their masters
Live Pali march on the israel embassy in London https://youtu.be/9g-qaOJjqJw
>>405396 I have the ruger blackhawk lass the 5.5 with rosewood grips thats my favorite gun I own
>>405572 its just like heckin arma
>>405566 >eye of providence in that church
>>405577 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>405579 Bet they couldn't wait to do that.
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>>405587 He'll be back
>>405586 Yep. Using it as cover. Hardly any Christian sites there probably so it’s fucking inexcusable really. Christians will leave Gaza is their hope. They really are arrogant and deserve 0 symapthy tbh
>>405590 >attacked by a muslim militia group >manage to find the one christian sight in your muzzie death camp to bomb
Israelis doing some necro piss fetish thing of theirs on Palestinian fighters. They call this ritual “How to win friends and influence people” Looks like they actually have their whole cock circumcised off no wonder angery
>>405592 No worries the Hamachads are already in paradise.
ben shapiro is seething hard
Defo something wrong in their heads to even thinking of doing this tbh
Looked at the time, lads. I don't want to go
Israelis are spamming gore all over basket weaving forums
kikes are in maximum seethe mode JIDF is trying to makeup for the first two days of hamas freedom fighters exterminating terrorists of the entity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E74ToH0kJSU me rn watching dead kike kino
Wherever Israeli bombs hit, rainbows appear Not surprised 35% of the population declare themselves bisexual
>>405599 Just exterminating civilians mainly and denying it as usual and blaming Hamas for using them as human shields
>>405602 jewish copestrikes are just a complete meme really they have sat in their lame borders and larped about muh yinon plan for decades and they occasionally go out and bomb their concentration camps and then turn around and larp as SAS tier operators
How many lives does he have?
the gazans getting pulled from rubble videos are out the race war in europe begins.
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>>405601 The Zionist dogs will never get his pot of gold
Isn't the rainbow a symbol of God's promise to Noah or something smh
>>405604 Hope he didn't die with that haircut he had when arrested. smh.
we don't care what it means, we just want to see dead kikes
>>405606 good lad, back into JFG content again.
>>405604 He's being imprisoned by the hohols, he's not dead. Not that I like the guy.
Not only did they lop it’s cock off, they took a leg as well!
>>405603 Tbh Really hate the spec ops bullshit tbqhwy And now they’re posting what is absolute evidence of some kind of carpet bombing fuckery and extrajudicial killings Muh democracy lmfaohahahahahaha
It takes 3 days for a parcel dispatched in Japan to arrive the UK. It then takes about 2 weeks for that parcel to travel from Heathrow to my house. Because our customs and postal services suck.
>>405616 >blurs out pools of blood but not the mutilated face
>>405614 they thrived off hollywood memes but its been obvious since 2006 they are just these decadent useless tinpot little dictatorship even more cowardly than the nicraraguan contras or any other BS 3rd world shithole
>>405587 Middle Eastern men are so gay, always looking for excuses to get close hold hands and touch each other
>>405618 Take the tech and big weapons away and they would get rekt within a week
We should totally go to war on behalf of the Jews again, they will definitely appreciate it this time
aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh I was rused *hangs head in shame Sorry lads happens when you try to be FRESH on the news front
>>405623 Have to say, liking these Israel chaps less and less.
>>405624 Tad impolite to say the least and seem to have an excuse for everything Would wager dindu is in one of their sacred texts https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/03/video-of-ultra-orthodox-jews-spitting-by-christians-in-jerusalem-sparks-outrage > A video of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting on the ground beside a procession of foreign Christian worshippers carrying a wooden cross in the holy city of Jerusalem has ignited intense outrage and a flurry of condemnation in the Holy Land. >Further adding to the outrage, Elisha Yered, an ultranationalist settler leader and former adviser to a lawmaker in Netanyahu’s governing coalition, defended the spitters, arguing that spitting at Christian clergy and at churches was an “ancient Jewish custom”.
Met a Troon today lads Troons used to come deep inside King Edward although a lot of them caught nasty illnesses of course the village is right next to King Edward tin mine Also looking at tourist shite for mummy >there is a ZOG pilgrimage trail and their promotional material features NIGGERS
>>405627 >Troons used to come deep inside King Edward
Shapiro literally shaking with rage is a sight to behold as he gorespams his show keeeeeeeeeeeeek All he’s doing is making people look deeper into why this shit has been happening for millennia
>>405629 about 400 feet deep smh
>>405630 Should just comment "muh israel" at him on mass tbh.
>MET A TROON TODAY LADS TROONS USED TO COME DEEP INSIDE KING EDWARD This a very unusual (1) post by ‘wessie’ I wonder who could really be behind it?
>>405633 it's polface geographic humour lad
>>405634 Yeah I got it
>>405634 Thought so. A mild keek.
>greyhound sanctuary thinkin of ziggeh...
>>405632 Can’t stop laughing at him singing his religious songs at the end of his rant tbh lad
>>405634 This a day like no other for I have been truly holorused I will never forget. A day that will live in infamy
JFG on Dick Masterson's show was kino ngl.
>>405641 isn't dick a faggot cunt who.... I forget what he did actually but I'm pretty sure he was put on the list back in the old pol days being a grifting breadtube type or something I guess would still like a link albeit
>>405630 wonder how many prager U books he is sitting on to look like a real man little chickenhawk. wish him and dennis prager would go and lead the IDF into gaza instead of sitting in my country lobbying for a foreign nations war
>>405642 I cannot remember who he is. just recognise the name from years ago. https://rumble.com/v3nvbt5-episode-379.html
>>405645 jew cowards taking credit for other peoples victory, what where jews doing during dresden? oh yeah sitting in a camp getting "gassed" like livestock
>>405644 followed a link from jfg's twatter straight to his website tbh trying to remember and I think it was something like he sided with the thots in the goyimgate wars.. something about just being a nasty bitch anyway one episode won't hurt >>405645 really running "nazi" into the ground still smh
>>405643 Tbh catch him singing religious songs at the end? Keeeking still As I am at Soygon of Blackgrandad’s brainlet take of trying to conflate millennia old tribal warfare with some political battle between left and right
jews and bully xls need a new homeland
>>405650 We should build a thunderdome in India where they can live together.
>>405650 jews go inside the bullies and the bullies get bully sanctuaries in every previously jewish ghetto in the rest of the world
>>405650 bully XLs should get madagascar the kikes should fight for their homeland and stop whining
>>405652 Based bully xls will soon be running northern london.
bully XLs should establish BULLYLAW in england tbh just conquest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKsN4YvKq2c imagining doing a comfy parasail into a jewish psytrance rave and capturing a harem of jewesses rn
>>405656 they will write the Domesdaycare book of taxation which details how many mutt babies must be rendered unto them each year
>>405658 >they get even more imbred and become pugs
>>405659 We'd be better off being ruled by a Habsburg dynasty of dogs.
>>405657 psytrance crusties all have hepatitis lad you don't want to touch them
XL bullys would probably end muslim migration
>puglad will return
>>405663 what happened to him?
>>405664 can't remember tbh
>>405664 he is in bakmut
>>405662 They'd end all immigration
probably just disappeared into one of the old guard bongo cliques
>>405666 finally living his authentic life.
unlimited immigration into XL bully stomachs
>>405670 I think the bullies would just organise old school safari hunts for exotic toddlers to maul.
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there could be an XL bully renaissance when they have their homeland they would take over the movie industry and all the banks and make it ruff for people who don't like dogs such as wogs
>>405664 be careful...
>>405672 I thought israel was elite? I never saw this happen to westoids except maybe in vietnam
>>405675 Now I'm just plain curious.
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>the one dog steiner likes is the one most likely to kill white children
wait isn't puglad also the one that had the BPD bi-sexual gf?
>>405679 No, that's mancs me
>>405678 his favourite dog is the basset hound
Completely forgotten about puglad apart from his gimmick
>>405674 Imagine the palestinians just bread hindreds of thousands of thos and dug them a tunnel under the wall, maybe launched them on paragliders Dronebully mayhem and carnage
>>405685 Dronebullies sounds revolutionary tbh.
>>405685 ben garrison levels of based
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ8VgLPxMDI na-nigh /brit/ see you in't mornin pal
hamas released videos of them executing captured israelis. i will not post it here as this is not the kind of place for that content and frankly nobody needs to see that. just stay off the darker sides of the net for the time being.
>>405690 good night
>>405694 Night
>>405690 Sneed an impossible sneed, lad.
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>steiner.ss hhmmmmm
>>405446 sucking jevvish cock is as natural as breathing air for a br*t >>405449 >it's tragic that there has been an escalation in violence- there are innocent civilians dying on both sides, this cycle of revenge and hatred must stop. my thoughts and prayers go out to the families that have lost loved ones in other words, a generic 'nothingburger' statement that's good optics and neutral. he didn't have to pick a side, but he sided 100% with Israel >>405463 it's a fact that they removed troops from the border around the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War is suspicious enough. you would think they'd watch that border like a hawk 24/7 and have tons of intelligence on what's going on in Gaza. they were also very slow to respond. I'm not sure to what extent if any this was desired by the Israeli government but there are valid reasons to suspect as much. we'll have to see if they end up benefitting from it in the end, if not then either it was a miscalculation or it actually wasn't intended to happen >>405579 I looked it up and some literally who deboonked it. we'll have to wait and see if it's real, if so this is very bad optics for the Jevvs and will test the extent to which christoids are shit-eating nigger cattle https://foggymedia.in/blog/Church%20of%20Saint%20Porphyrios%20in%20Gaza%20Remains%20Intact%20Amidst%20Conflict/ >>405623 ah beat me to it >>405692 I will not believe anything "HAMAS did" unless I see a video of it >and frankly nobody needs to see that. but we do though
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>405700 spic
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>>405707 is this a kampfgruppe steiner appropriation by the hol hols?
he was an oakleaves
some hol hols look like beaners
>>405708 Troonwaffen
>>405713 they're real?
I love her, lads.
>>405716 Passenger side cop fucked up so bad.
Uwot Nikki Pajeet?
>>405576 why is this stupid retard still on the internet
>405721 >(1)
>>405723 >sensible centrist spotted
our boy
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post yfw a Pashtun-Chechen warband pillages the holy land for Allah
>>405728 old simpsons was kino
>>405727 he looks like a midwestern construction boomer who rides harley davidsons
>>405719 nimroda should fuck off back to brahrap or whatever and shit on the ground
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SukN7E7gKA0 she got a new victim to slowly poison to death with pancakes
he cute
the doomers are saying this is the beginning of the end
>>405736 billions must die
greg actually has a good take on this
>>405742 Gregory Johnson?
https://twitter.com/RamAbdu/status/1677239610764582913 look at how the coward jew rats get all puffed up and brave shouting at some old arab mummy
>>405743 "..."
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7w-A8XX2Do >1:50 when it does a zoom in on his baz power core keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
it's nice to hear the economic argument. he falls into the conspiratard trap of faith in the niggercattle but the lions will forgive him for that.
Why don't you lads like Gregory Johnson?
Retard with a retard opinion.
>>405751 he is a hol hol shill
>>405751 you got the wrong greg >>405736
>>405753 yeah, that is pretty gay.
>>405752 what phenotype is that?
>>405756 Probably strangled with the umbilical cord at birth.
>>405327 hottest take in a while here
State of this retired admiral. Then again he's probably been told to go out there and garner as much sympathy as possible.
love is the sweetest when read from a letter... ...but everyone knows the poo always tastes better! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBhO-Cs6fDQ
Immediately filtered.
>>405760 >women with blood in their pants it was one WOMAN, not women, and it was not red, it was BROWN. most likely, she sat down in the dirt, but it could also have been poop. no way it was blood. ridiculous propaganda all of this "muh rape" with ZERO evidence, everyone is just ASSOOMING >these are human beings no
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi159p7m5qA Antiwhite Berger should be BRITNATed and handed over to palicels already broken.
imagine how violated Elon must have felt reading this
>>405766 TOP KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Peterstein’s final form : PATELSTEIN He’s finally evolved into a pajeet from all that good Canada living
>>405760 Keeeeeek at this atrocity propaganda. It’s bad enough without the added theatrics and lies ffs Suppose we should all suit up and go and kill the entire muslim world why don’t they all just fuck off or get some goys to do neutral news reporting Going on like it’s a Hollywood film literally Schindler’s List tier bollocks Smh
>Blood in her pants because they stuck 25cm of wood IN HER ASSSSSSS! SAY SORRY EVERYONE AND SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO DIE IN ANOTHER WAR!
Fresh Gazzawaffen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqwDld2R3Tg GO ON MY MUZZIES KILL SAM FACKIN JEWS
>you have to have your dick in a vagina, that is just a fundamental principle of life JF ACKing incels smh
>>405772 Stupid pseudo intellectual pseudo frog mutt brainlet >Muh phd in bye-o-lo-xi dictate to ze normal brain dat se peniz must to live in ze protection of ze female vagina cave with all eetz fongal hazzards to avoid ze incel dizeazes Stupid cunt tbh
>>405771 10-1 hasn’t smashed them in 3 days Proof that they are all talk and rightly as steiner says relying on muh Hollywood myths They will have to sue for peace and will paint it as a holocaust and a win.
Sorry Mo, gonna have to free up some space for Shlomo!
seething hard at mummy told her I literally do not mind what tourist shite we do and let others pick but no it's MY SPECIAL DAY and I HAVE to CHOOSE but if I choose what I want to do (go back to bed then spend the rest of the day inside) then I am le bad guy and if I choose something they don't like or is too bothersome like driving two hours in a day to go pay £20 eachto look at the seal sanctuary then I am also le bad guy I gave them a list and asked them to choose for a reason ACK
>>405776 Holocausted! Thoughts and prayers Sending reinforcements now
>>405778 the plight of the downtrodden NEETcel smh actually what I would most like to do is paraglide over london dropping dirty bombs but I don't think that's an option smh
>>405779 Streets are covered with shit as it is
I think there is a resurgence of anti-palestinianism because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think Hamas is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society they once were in the last 70 years. Hamas is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Hamas will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
Why are we so civic lads smh >Trains are run through the Brown Queen's tunnel it's a railway tunnel and the name is actually a corruption of the cornish for "white mound"
>>405782 Because it would be anti semitic not tobe
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been off the grog for two weeks today tbh time for a treat >>405775 finally the wogs will learn what it feels like to be a second class citizen >>405782 better a brown queen's tunnel than a queen's brown tunnel
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sexy anime grill in the shower
sick of how brazen spic's been getting with his anti-anglo shite tbh think he's well and truly earnt being ban on sight going to add a rule that "this is an anglo board, by anglos and for anglos. repeated insults towards us will not be tolerated" unless there are any reasonable objections >>405786 good lad these are the quality poosts that /brit/ needs
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>>405787 >sick of how brazen spic's been getting with his anti-anglo shite tbh then present a counterargument to change my mind instead of lashing out with censorship because you're having a negative emotional reaction. is there something I'm not getting? then enlighten me, I'll listen, maybe you're right and can change my mind. my views do evolve over the years I can certainly see 'there is a different generation of people alive today than there was then', and not holding people responsible for what their ancestors did. people are individuals and cannot help the circumstances of their birth- I don't really endorse any alternative view on this matter. but as somebody with some Anglo blood, that would very much like to be proud of all of my ancestry as anybody would naturally like to be, I look at history and the state of the world today and want to blame somebody for it other than the hooknosed demons that are too malevolent to be considered rational actors, and then I look at this map. why am I le bad for that? >going to add a rule that "this is an anglo board, by anglos and for anglos. repeated insults towards us will not be tolerated" unless there are any reasonable objections just do nothing. that's all you have to do, nothing. every time the mods do things on this board (other than cleaning up the occasional spam/obscenity) it only causes harm and I've been posting here for longer than you, anyway
>>405787 good lad
>405789 you are a foreigner auslad isn't
>>405789 this is a british board for british people and all you do is moan about "vgh if only my ibero-germanic veins weren't polluted with this filthy anglo blood" and occasionally talk about weird shite like leg lengthening surgery or cooming to feet you've worn out your welcome
>>405789 do you think not a single action taken at any point immediately after 1945 made anyone morally culpable for mass migration?
This lying fucking faggot. They're both women and on the Greek figure its etched kalos (beautiful/good), while on the opposite of the Ethiopian figure its etched kakos (ugly/bad). https://twitter.com/histories_arch/status/1710995894789869775
>>405795 lies are only false if the niggercattle don't fall for them smdh
>>405718 They're even minorities in the country where they are the majority? He is deranged
>>405787 Do it, lad. /brit/, /newbrit/, the bongo. We all stand behind you.
>>405799 >BBC >build for
>>405801 god I wish that was how it was
>>405803 How dare they
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwfTgNqEUww OH OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY IT'S FINALLY HERE
We have to support Israel's fight against Islamic extremism
Terrible posts the lot of you, and not even enough for 5 minutes of diversion. Also spic should be battered.
Shalom lads
I want to see Rishi and King Billy in waiting wearing turbans Sick of all this kowtowing bollocks. It’s your culture I’m not wearing your little hat to cuck myself in public DEAL WITH IT! Cunts. Absolute cunts
OK, I'll say it. Jimmy Saville was innocent.
>>405815 Hey kid, you forgot this.
So you do run the porn industry and can and will fuck someone up because you don’t like their opinion but you support free speech but wil..
has the yid genocide stopped
C’MON GUIZ IT WAS LIKE 23 YEARS AGO FFS! GIVE A JEVV A BREAK! * what is it with all these jevvs suddenly with Irish surnames?
https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt962:4 I have loved seeing JF hate jews more and more as time goes by. I remember how he was kind of indifferent or not in the know on the question 8 years ago.... 8 years huh
https://youtu.be/cSamR9mNXW8 >that warehouse worker who bullied me for playing Baldur's Gate 3 instead of Starfield yeah. Fuck him
>>405817 >>405819 Wish that muds and jews would FUCK OFF, JUST FUCK OFF and leave white countries alone.
https://twitter.com/TheGeneral_0/status/1711423752238469328 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Gary out there buckbreaking
>>405823 smh his mong woman defending the nigcel
find it hard to believe hamas went around beheading babies ngl
find it more likely that mossad would lop jew baby heads off than hamas doing it tbh
yeah dude they disected her and pulled out her baby and watched it slowly die... makes sense
I love we can't have per capita on anything, but we can have per capita on the value of jewish lives compared to American lives.
>>405821 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNhsvjo2NHU Haven't even downloaded it yet but this vid has me leaning druid for my first playthrough tbh.
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In Be'Eri kibbutz Hamas terrorists chased a 9 year old boy up a tree then made him saw through the branch he was trapped on. They laughed as he fell to his death
>>405833 Not played druid yet, but I think you'll be fine either way. You can also change class(completely) whenever you want for a small sum of gold. I've always been partial to melee characters so both my playthroughs have been melee heavy. Will probably try a warlock next playthrough
Are Belgians white?
>>405839 Is that Mexico as the place of birth? Looks about right
keeeeeeeeeeeek this lad is such a monster
>>405841 I guess he just refuses to acknowledge that the Israeli military is far from innocent when it comes to killing civilians?
>>405841 why doesn't he tell Israelis to view themselves as individuals? "a few individuals were attacked, so what? that's not you! you weren't attacked, just a small number of people you don't know there is no need for collective action therefore. just tidy your room"
>>405844 shame he calls all the individuals who point this out to him to mock him are a collective of anti-semitic troll demons
>>405845 Why does this man have a Phd?
>>405844 keeeeeeeeeeek good one lad somebody should send him that
>>405846 "all my friends are jewish" wdhmbt?
>you now have normies calling for genocide of either side God I hate them
>>405849 Why not both?
>>405828 settle down lad...it's just the infowar
>>405849 based
>beheading babies for real in the west on an industrial scale *yawn* >hamas allegedly beheading a few babies OMYAHWEH THOSE DEMONS.
okay lads we found the 40 dead babies. Bags look man-sized since they are stuffed with several babies. Ignore the army boot sticking out of one of th ebags
>>405850 Just make your own ai instance bucko!
>>405856 Not the heckin’ wholesome Jewish babierinoes!!!1!1!1!1 those Hamas nazis; this literally like Schindler’s list; the pianist; the boy in the striped pyjamas and Star Wars combined or when Saddam Hussein allegedly ordered the massacre of Kuwaiti babies by throwing them out of incubators (totally not Hasbara disinfo).
>good guys
>Muh Israel first Goldstein Stupid faggot spy CUNT! See >>405828
Literally couldn't give a flying arab about this shite tbh
monday left me sneeping Tuesday I was through with snorping
bought mead tbh >>405787 based and beadypilled
inside every normie is a genocidal jordan peterson
>>405861 Love this.
You there, Britlad! Name the city.
>>405861 very good lad
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toil complete, any fresh dead kikes?
>>405858 oi vey the hamazis had a mobile gas chamber that looked like a shower and they would drive up and tell the kids that their rabbi was in there waiting to suck their penises and they would run in an get gassed it was awful I only survived because I hid in the toilet and ate feces
>>405871 Yeah boy! 40 headless babies but no one can find them or their heads
>>405874 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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who's 970fe8 btw? reminds me of SA but he's not here anymore
>jewish husband Bit sick and tired of foreigners telling us what we can and can’t say. Fuck off
>>405877 Judging by his autistic excitement and conspiritard outlook, I'm guessing it's bins
>>405878 jews are being a bit too heavy handed in showing their domination of our governments lmao
>>405875 going to be interesting if they really try and final solution gaza
>>405878 Terribly bigoted. Doesn't represent our British values at all. smh.
>>405882 They may well do, if anyone can get away with it it's the Jews.
Can expect even more Palestinian flag waving when lots of them come here.
>>405881 Must be a bit painful shitting them skulls and bones out
>>405881 >still screaming almost fully vored Smh. >>405886 Assume they cough up those bits.
>>405868 im going with walsall
>>405889 keeeeeeeeeek
>>405890 the same guy tracks the % of whites in the US and celebrates every time the decline hits a new milestone
>>405892 That’s Mark Potock but this hairlet manlet probably does the same
>>405890 Comes off so insincere keeek.
>>405890 cry lil nigga
>>405879 they were both in the last thread bins >>404806 other lad >>404952
>>405890 Weird thing to compare it to. Thought he would've used 9/11, as that's what mode these blood libelists are now in.
>>405888 sheffield
>>405896 hmmmmmmmst mayhap it's panzie?
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Just found out pembs is a tranny now. What the fuck happened?
>405900 >had a post like this the other night
>>405904 i got it wrong
>>405900 David Davis is brewing estrogen in his bathtub.
listening to angry racist metal music *growls*
>>405907 it's not angry or racist but some soymetal fags are seething about sabaton (the swedish historyfags who do songs in english despite not being able to speak it properly)because they dared do a show in "occupied crimea" in 2014/2015 and want to boycott them to support le ukraine
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keeek sorry started getting carried away with this one
>>405908 >tfw almost all the metal I listened to was by soy leftards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiPEn2W_8oE At least I can nostalgooom with chudtera.
seems like 8 hamas guys ran away from three cops two of whom only had pistols. smh
>>405910 Keeeeeeeek good lad. >>405912 KEEEEK.
>>405910 most kino but as usual VERY noninclusive to the disabled demographic smh I DEMAND better audio mixing with quieter music AND subtitles or I will be complaining to the DEI offices
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>>405912 now this is audible >>405916
>>405917 VERY Good lad
>>405918 >remembering stathamposter
>>405912 keeek here lad
(toil is) nigh, lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8HaiPH2hFU this kino music is used in Alatriste, a kino film in which Aragorn duels people and calls them cuckolds and kills the French, and it should definitely be aired in the binema
Urgent Advisory from the Israeli Government: Within the next few hours, Hamas terrorists are expected to disseminate photos and videos of hostages and acts of torture across social media platforms. The Government of Israel urgently requests the following actions be taken: 1). Do not engage in sharing these images or videos under any circumstances. Doing so contributes to psychological warfare against both the State of Israel and its citizens. 2). Shield minors from exposure to this disturbing content. The images and videos are highly graphic and could induce significant emotional distress. Your cooperation in adhering to these directives is critically important.
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>>405913 They weren’t cops they were reservists. Absolute minimum training. Regular forces weren’t there yet. Look at the way that thot is waving her pistol and the other guy dumping his AR for the AK because he probably had no ammo left
made some squash soup lads.
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>>405921 night lad
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>>405930 found it on /hisparefugio/, found it funny.
>>405920 keeeeeeeeeeeek good lad.
Does getting all that built up ear wax removed actually help? Or is it just a hyperborean defence mechanism to stop the evil jewish spirits entering the mind?
when are these Hamas hunger games being broadcast then?
>idf just uploading videos of themselves doing summary executions don't look back in anger though diversity is our strength
>>405935 It's okay lad I'm sure they were evil child raping antisemites or something.
How are Jordan Peterstein fans reacting to his absolute bloodlust? Must at least be some that are bewildered by it.
>>405890 oi vey this is like when a factory manager murdered a little girl after raping her and blamed it on a nigger but then got lynched by the townspeople who knew he did it
>>405935 coward jews with their dogshit cuckpup
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ffu7p8TNbeg should have replaced it with the british flag not another foreign one. why is the anglosphere just a theater stage for irrelevant wog shitholes?
>>405942 One giant twerking contest on our land.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGozQ7EWy-0 whats this slags phenotype I want to say taigoid because she has the same "talk out of the side of the mouth" thing that the kennedy brothers did
>>405946 yeah most of the actual soldiers in the IDF are marionite or druze because jews are cowards
I will consider them white.
>>405949 I know a druze of lebonese heritage.
>>405889 kek who said this?
>>405950 what are they like
>>405952 probably like most shitskins living in the west
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>>405920 has the potential to be a great BBK hit if he manages to sing it in tune and in time and doesn't forget the words at the end
>>405954 theyre white lad we already discussed this
Does anyone else remember when Israel killed 50 palestinians on the border a short while back, for no significant reason? It was mostly ignored by the MSM.... But this recent attack is getting 24/7 wall to wall coverage
>>405959 >wahman moment rest in peace, little fur baby.
>>405959 >the other dogs trying to help and running around barking while stuck in their cages
>>405961 can you blame it for barking when the people who are meant to be looking after it are this negligent and stupid they should be killed for this tbh fucking non-white vermin
>>405959 >My baby dog Chewy was hung to death in this 'Pet Spa'. She fought for her life strangled by her neck and dying a painful death because of the irresponsible and careless actions by these people that we trust to take care of our loves ones. >Help us to take action to close this place and other places like it that murder our beloved babies because of unregulated practices, abusive and uncompassionate treatment and untrained staff. We call on the community to take action against these businesses that abuse the public trust and hold these places accountable for their evil actions. This must stop now! We demand that the authorities impose strict regulations on these places so that this never happens to your loved ones again. >Support us and your little ones by helping us to do the right thing. text underneath that video
Crowds cheer for Hamas terror attacks: Does this prove Braverman right on Multiculturalism failing? https://youtu.be/7GCsOuiIyhM
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>>405879 not smee
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Does having Hamas supporters celebrating on the street at the death of Jews show that multiculturalism might not be working? What about when niggers looted and attacked police over the death of a foreign nigger? I just can't decide lads, it's too complicated for smee
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>>405794 my view is that actions after 1945 don't even matter because our fate is already sealed. WWII was the great power struggle between the white man and the Jevv, and the Jevv won. there isn't a millions-strong Wehrmacht that can fight against whoever wants to annihilate Europe now, Europe is already subjugated with "democratic" governments, international organizations, and a controlled media that make it impossible to change anything. back in 2015-2017 it seemed like there might have been some hope to 'redpill the masses', but that hope has since been squashed. maybe if a new 'East Bloc' could be built west from Russia, removing American influence and allowing for alternative models to 'liberal democracy' such as ethnic nationalism, there could be some positive developments, but that won't happen because the Eastern Europeans are all peanut-brained Slavs that only care about hating Russia and EU shekels, and they don't understand that what is happening to Western Europe now will happen to them next. so I'm pretty blackpilled and I think we're all fucked and the only way that this fate could and would have been avoided is Europe winning WWII. so then I look at 'who is responsible for that', because I want to blame somebody for this apocalyptic tragedy, and I see 3 countries- the USSR, the USA, and the UK. obviously, the USA is the enemy of Europe and the white man- it always has been, and it always will be. and obviously, the USSR was a Jevv-run white-butchering savage slave empire, and while it was ostensibly 'Russia', the USSR caused the deaths of tens of millions of Russians so I don't really think that isn't entirely fair to blame 'Russians' for the USSR. the Russian Empire was this massive multi-ethnic state that got totally wrecked and destabilized by WWI and the Jevvs took advantage and collapsed it and replaced it with a malevolent state of their liking. I think the USSR was a non-white Jevv empire, just like the USA. so then that leaves the UK, a European country.... why, why, WHY ON EARTH were they at war with Germany, with this idea of European ethnic survival? of course the UK wasn't the only 'Allied' European country (I hate Poland FYI) but when you look at most of the others, like France, they surrendered quickly and then many of them volunteered to fight for the Waffen SS which absolves them from a lot of their guilt. and then you have like Greece for example that Italy attacked for no reason, and the Hitler said they fought honorably. so it was basically just the UK that decided to wage war against European ethnic nationalism by burning civilians in their homes. and I literally fucking ask you lads to explain to me how you rationalize that as not being this horrific shame like it is to me as somebody with some Britoid ancestry, AND YOU DON'T FUCKING ANSWER. YOU JUST TELL ME TO SHUT UP. so how am I supposed to think anything other than I'm right and you just can't accept it? fuck. now I can look at a webm like this that makes Britain seem all pwetty and kawaii but I can't feel it when I know the truth. WHY THE FUCK was this nation on the wrong side of history, helping doom us all? you do realize if the Royal Navy were preventing the USA from lend-leasing the USSR instead of burning blonde mothers and their babies, Germany would have won the war and whites wouldn't be extinct within a century or so? and I already know how you people are gonna react to this post. muh filtered, muh shut up, muh censor me, muh go away, blah blah blah. all I'm asking is that you explain to me your position and how it differs from mine so that I can understand it, expand my wisdom and possibily even develop a new opinion. but you won't fucking do that because you're fuckign Coping Cola and you just want to stick your head in the sand like a big dumb bird
Farage: pro-hamas celebrations are disgraceful and racist! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qj9XUlqdh04?feature=share
fuck off you stupid dago mutt
>>405971 kek. watched this earlier. Farage sounding very woke spouting off 'racist' like that. Most of those celebrating will have come here 'legally' so what's his problem?
>>405973 >Most of those celebrating will have come here 'legally' so what's his problem? yeah good point kek
>>405975 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>405970 i did not read a word of this post
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>>405944 I don't get this tbh
I hate how us westoids have become politically irrelevant in our own nations in the face of this jew shite, its the jew oligarchs vs. the brownoids
>>405982 Hamas fed 40 babies to a bully xl live on twitch lad let that bloody sink in
>>405983 yeah it was the infamous salafist xl bully cleric Ruffhami al-Barqa he was expelled for running white woman pet grooming extortion gangs charging extreme prices for women to have their dogs groomed
what is ambazonia's stance on this conflict
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40 is a biblical number associated with both bad luck/trials and change/positive new beginnings. The 40 allegedly holocausted snooish snabies are probably an occultish nod at this being (from the snoos perspective) tragic but an opportunity; they're announcing that the arabs are soon to be annihilated and that muh greater israel will be established.
>>405979 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>405976 Why is this thread so anti-Israel when the majority of British nationalist or right movements have ties or receive direct funding via Israeli think-tanks? Find it weird given that if there wasn’t an “it’s happening” event you’d all be cursing browns. Honestly a very strange obsession with Jews (not a surprise that the germanist amerikaner steiner is the most enthusiastic about it). I’m yet to come across a single coherent argument as to why the support of a so-called Palestinian state is necessary here beyond a revengance against some imagined illuminati tier jewish conspiracy which are clearly collective angst towards declining living standards and a breakdown of traditionalist family norms. The UK is objectively a mess but surely it’s more nuanced than the whole “it’s Jewish directed genocide towards whites”. I’ve been a longtime lurker from newbrit and what I’m seeing here is sort of disappointing. Just my thoughts, you can disagree with me if you wish but please be respectful.
still laughing at this. he cute.
accidentally kicked my own thumbnail off smh not sure how it happened but it hurts a little bit >>405959 don't really see anything funny about this tbqh just a creature left to die because some subhumans put it in a deathtrap and left it there >>405986 when no one was looking, lex luthor took forty cakes he took 40 cakes that's as many as four tens and that's terrible
>>405989 >blue eyes um acktchually
don't get why steiner hates dogs so much tbh stop hating the symptom and start hating the disease (huwhite wymxn)
the new 'Las Vegas Sphere'
>>405994 remember who your masters are
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>auslad bans somebody that isn't spic for being spic >auslad then proceeds to (you) spic stop banning people you fucking mong, do you have any idea how many times this is going to happen if you keep doing this? many years ago even steiner got banned for being spic, that's why to this day he namefags as "not steiner"
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think I might prefer al-Straliyya, they chant fug da jooz instead of censoring baste good lads
>>405996 lad friendly fire is bound to happen smh and you made and anti-brit pro-jew poost
>>405998 >you made and anti-brit pro-jevv poost I did not make a pro-jevv post, ever. >>405988 was not me, as evidenced by the fact that my screenshot of his post had a (you). he was replying to me
>>406000 was going to unban you but then i saw you said kosovo is albanian kosovo je srbija
sorry lad that's just the way it is
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wew lad the jews are even jewing themselves
>>406003 wow he's literally me
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>>406006 >he asks: "may i eat one?" and i say yes you can this is what women used to be about
the XL bully philosopher Barkley T. Bone wrote in his magnum opus, the decline and fall of white women that the metaphysical aspect of feasting on babies was once understood as a fundamental basis of bark which translated means exellence as well as roughly every other word in the english language. to truely bark one had to understand the being, the eternal nature of feasting on babies. we can easily establish from this writing that the holocaust did not happen and that all the jews should be killed
>>406008 smashed and slampilled
>>406010 yep that's quality that's what the huwhite rice is made of
>>406013 tfw no
>>405935 Unarmed Looks like a warcrime that ngl but they’ll get away with it
>405988 jews = evil nation wrecking cunts arabs = evil nation wrecking cunts arabs wrecking jews = based jews wrecking arabs = less based because historical precedent and our personal morals (but still kind of based because both are nonwhite and all need to go anyway) simple as JIDF SHILL and probably GCHQ SPY too okay thankyou >>405991 deficiencies of some sort perhaps >>405994 >giant palantir showing saurons eye >>405998 good lad if the anti-spic measures also take anti-brit pro-jews with them then everything is working as intended >>406006 >may I eat a banana please keeeek wholesome chunghamas
>Wessex in his boot licking era again
t. simp and aspiring literal cuckold
>>406016 tbh should probably eat more veggies or at least any veggies at all
luv meat luv root vegetables luv gourds 'ate everything else simple as need to eat some parsnips tbqh it's been too long
>>406020 roast parsnips with meat and peas perhaps can you get haggis? haggis neeps and tatties is good comfy food tbh living on wheat biscuits for brekkie and pie and mixed vegetables for dinner myself atm, still trying to starvemaxx for dr nhsberg
>>406018 Not anymore. I am on my redemption arc. I would not fuck her if she offered. No snabies of mine will have a filthy whore as a mother.
Lads, been possibly pissing blood (I wasn't looking but the toilet water was bright red) and have a dull ache in the midsection of my left rib. Feeling a little faint. Possibly UTI, though I never like to self-diagnose. Will be extra-vigilant next time I'm in the toilet. Frankly it could be a cause for concern; I have a bunch of leftover antibiotics (full 30 day course of amoxicillin), could take that knowing how the waiting lists for GP visits post-covid in my local borough have been insane.
>>406023 might as well try to get official dr pootel advice tbh apparently a lot of pharmacies have qualified people on staff now who can at least be asked quick questions so try that
>>406021 no haggis here tbh never tried it actually smh want to one day thoughever >still trying to starvemaxx same smh lost six kilos these past two weeks it's progress but still got a ways to go >>406022 good lad welcome back to dignity >>406023 that's bad news lad smh don't think any bacterial infections can cause bloody urine though so no sense in nuking yourself and wasting your medicine stockpile better go see doctor patelberg
>>406022 Good, now stop stalking her online, block her number and cut off contact completely.
tempted to go to the bottleo smh resisting it for now but i'll probably give in before the day is done >>406026 tbh
>>406026 I did yesterday tbh.
>>406028 say that again a week from now and we might believe you
>>406027 had a cream tea yesterday evening and the pub lads who served it gave me a birthday shot and a candle keek tropic sour apple or something, tasted like mouthwash tbh but was a nice gesture
looking forward to have a bit of mead tbh mummy got some frog mead for me too by coincidence
>>406030 comfy and based tbh >>406031 luv mead me
wonder if he did the ritual shagging of the sheep
off t'shops going to get a few coopers stout longnecks and some smiths crinkle cut salt and vinegar crisps >>406033 it's not a ritual lad it's a privilege
>405988 Ban this /newshit/ kike troon
>>406033 Ah ‘whites’ that jevvish collectivist term
Another disingenous video by boomer debunked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84ojC7QYes0 >trying to imply that the multiculturalism in Israel has been a success and is the same multiculturalism seen in Britain and Europe and failing to draw any distinction like you are not encouraged to face mix there but in fact to lead separate lives >why did you omit that the Afican and Indian migrants to Israel are jevvish? Wanker
>>406001 >was going to unban you but then i saw you said kosovo is albanian I did not say that though, Albanians are beneath even Slavs racially. the only time I would ever endorse an expansion of Albania is if that Albania is an Italian protectorate so it's basically expanding an Italian colony into Slavlands. you keep misidentifying posters
>You don’t like me? I will use my power to ban you not liking me! Hahahaha! Checkmate fucko! In legal terms you might call this a conflict of interest. Amazing how they keep getting away with it tbh
>Buried right at the end of another story
>>406038 >I did not say that though lad i can literally see all the poosts that come from your ip/bypass
caught the wrong bus and had to walk up the highway for an hour to get to the shops
Keeeeek holocausted by Auslad
>>406043 link the >>406043 of the post in question
>>406041 based evidence requesters
>>406049 >uncut
>>406049 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
>>406048 that's not me. that's the same lad as >>405988 that you banned for being spic when he isn't spic
in my screenshot >>405996 you can clearly see that it DOESN'T say "Anonymous (You)" at the top, rather it says (You) where he replied to a post I made. that id is NOT ME
>>406052 so what poost did you get banned for?
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>>406054 970 is spic, 988 is not spic. unban them both
>>406055 but 970 is spic (ban on sight for being spic) and 988 said kosovo is albanian
>>406056 you don't ban people regardless, that's not your job. your job is to do nothing, if you don't do it then give me the keys
>>406057 >you don't ban people spic detected wait no that's "you can't ban people" same difference
>>406060 >tfw no racist gf
>>406060 *kisses her*
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just want to bury my face in those racist milkers
>>406063 vgh...
american politician women >rape fantasy latina 'progressive' shill wearing booty dress to work >'conservative firebrand' grifter making out, breast groping, crotch grabbing with libtard chad in the movie theatre >late middle age fake indian 'progressive' hiring male escort for 'cowboys & indians' bdsm roleplay
kek. >holding Israel up as a pillar of Western civilisation.
>>406067 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>406070 h-hayai
>>406070 Did he say "by Allah I am going to jog away painfully slowly"?
>>406070 King Tubby
>>406070 King shit.
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this is on kiwifarms front page
>>406076 >kiwifarms
Just got pulled aside from work for saying "I hope the good guys win". Antisemitic, funny that.
>>406068 who is that being said to?
Got pulled aside at toil for saying "I hope the good guys win". Antisemitic apparently, funny that.
>>406080 kek. good lad. don't let the fuckers keep you down.
>>406076 Keek.
>>406078 smh lad you should know by now you're supposed to be rooting for the bad guys
>>406084 hello sir
>>406085 good morning
>>406087 keeeeeek smh they've had it good for too long tbh it's time to share
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUDlxAtC6mc luv this song tbqh no deeper meaning it's just really catchy
>>405959 >all those other furbabies going crazy, worried that they'll be next
>>406039 842370 from 2193 investors?
>>406070 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek jogging all the way to Palestine
>>406078 keek seriously?
>>406078 The good guys... would that be the ones that don't lop the heads off children?
>anti-racist commies folowing me on twitter because I said something that can be construed as anti-Israel/pro-palestine Don't people check out other people's twitter before following? I'm a hecking racist monster
>>406095 chud out lad reveal your power level
splurged and bought some beer for the first time in forever but instead of enjoying it i'm just getting hiccups rooooooooooooooooooooooo
cured my hiccups
Mr. Hiccup.... now that was a good show
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Westerners as an "other". Mask is slipping a bit
>>406101 Remember the 12 million each one killed twice
>>406102 yeah that statement itself made me keek
Gandalf the sneep. Gandalf the snorp
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forty. bloody. babies.
More gangsterism >Just to explain. I filed this cartoon around 11am, possibly my earliest ever. Four hours later, on a train to Liverpool I received an ominous phone call from the desk with the strangely cryptic message "pound of flesh"... >'I'm sorry, I don't understand', I said and received this even more mysterious reply: ‘Jewish bloke; pound of flesh; antisemitic trope’. Clearly it was self-evident, anybody could see it. https://www.thejc.com/news/news/political-cartoonist-steve-bell-hits-out-at-the-guardian-for-rejecting-antisemitic-cartoon-66Atn6sy96hsWfUUzXeNTI
Hahahahaha oh fuckoff >here we are behind a wall not wearing any protective gear miles away from anywhere while rockets fly overhead Stunning and brave
Really? So you’re telling me it was six people killed in Bergen Belsen and NOT SIX MILLION?
>>406103 what AI is used to make these KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>406111 those bags are filled with babies
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Hezbollah has joined the fray
>>406114 WAOW Hezbollah is in smash bros?
>>406067 keeeek has he started dying his hair and eyebrows?
Farage: BLM once again proving what a dreadful organisation they are. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-8wtRYDR8k8?feature=share
The Jews just nuked Gaza.
>>406112 Dalle 4 I believe although they are fucking around with it but don’t really know what they’re doing as usual so try others ans try adding loads of mundane details in and random words/descriptions. I think if you put some words too close too others it won’t generate images and some terms have outright been banned (ie harry potter) Manx lad knows the score as well so ask him for tips
Hezbollocks are attacking the snoos from Lebanon
>>406013 UK or university of kansas?
>>406124 University of KUMSHOTS!
>>406066 >elizabeth warren is mummy pilled based she used to be decently fit
This is Pharaoh’s fault
>>406067 I hate that language so much fuck off back to poland or whatever you fucking immigrant kike faggot thats not english that some weird monkey ook ook language
>>406127 Lad that’s clearly a chug
>>406070 wtf is that vest
>>406129 Yibberish ayckshually
>>406131 It’s a Guthider™ Can hide three rolls of fat with a lot of success
>>406101 what language did jewrat communicate in? not westernish?
>>406128 who bombed dresden? it wasn't the jews according to the jews, the jews were busy being gassed like pathetic slave cattle goyim
>>406134 Also Hamas is not OUR enemy so he can stfu always making their problems our problems. Just fuckoff wish they’d all just get lost permanently World is supposed to work on trade not aid but with them it’s always gibs as well. They trade nothing just want everything given - because oildownsink.jpg
>>405970 I figured it out recently when you admitted that you can't envision victory. You've demoralised yourself with the JQ and census statistics to the point that you cling to third worldism in spiteful hope that the non-white hordes will take the jews down with us. It's a negative suicidal worldview that can't be reasoned with. You have a warped view of history, probably because you read /pol/ at an early age and haven't moved beyond that. "Hitler good-Jews bad" is your historical lens, not realising that it's just a reductive Gigachad dialogue that contains truth. I remember your hatred for Bandera because Hitler imprisoned him for pursuing his own interests, you hate Poland because they refused to submit, France is absolved because they submitted and some of them joined the SS etc. European ethnic nationalism is foreign to you and you sperg the minute you see it. You struggle with the fact that the White race isn't a wholesome chungus bloc and that rivalries exist within it. Like a libtard incapable of understanding human nature. Above all, our fate isn't sealed and we aren't doomed and anyone who says we are (on a routine basis) is a bad actor or a demoralised mong that needs ostracising. Feeling depressed about the future is fine, making it your entire worldview is pathetic, shitting up an obscure British politics board where I post with my frens who I hate, is the biggest crime of all.
also, filtered
>>406138 based
>>406137 tbh yeah sorry jews but why is it our job to serve you? what do we get from "judeo-christianity" also rabbinical judaism is younger than christianity and really jews have zero business "explaining" scripture to christians because jews today are just some weird tartar heretic ethnic cult and have less claim to "historical" judea than the other abrahamics.
>>406138 dont worry in the midwest ethnostate (where the ethostate will exist in north america) swarthoids like spic will exist to do menial work and they will all be chemically sterilized
>>406141 ids happeding
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PBsWh70Wig&t=54s mark dice opening the door for magaboomers to see the JQ
>>406137 seen jewcels on yidtube argue that mossad helps prevent terrorist attacks so thats why we should aid them whenever they ask
>>406142 >weird tartar heretic ethnic cult Deboonked by the people who came up with the Khazar shite. We're right to be against the Jews, don't delve into stupid shite because all it does is discredit us.
I will say this: Israel must live. If Israel falls there will be millions of fucking super Jews heading to Europe and likely to Britain for the most part. Wishing for the destruction of Israel is monkey paw tier foolishness.
ISRAELI FORCES HAVE FOUND FOOTAGE OF HAMAS BEHEADING BABIES!!! why do "the bad guys" always kill babies right before big wars lads? don't they realise that will just turn people against them? https://youtu.be/ZyDX8Xs2k_U
who is going to come to save the jews from this vicious unprovoked attack ?
>>406121 >that monsterous sheeboon looter KEEEK. >>406149 Don't care either way tbph. Jews are so dead set on destroying the west whatever happens to their LARP nation. Muslims too, though Palestine is much less of a LARP. Neither will ever be happy to leave us alone and not do us harm.
>>406149 That really doesn't matter because their power has never stemmed from being a nation state. They can just as easily exercise power over the west from Israel compared with anywhere else.
>>406149 >If Israel falls there will be millions of fucking super Jews heading to Europe and likely to Britain for the most part. pretty sure Israel will survive this lad more likely that palestine will get nuked, and we'll get loads of palestininan refugees anyway
>>406136 This is what Israel will attempt to do. Again. Lmfao Bame back better They also expect everyone to forget about their atrocities as usual. They don’t like it getting handed back to them
>>406147 Keeeeeeeeeeeek smh It’s the NSA/CIA/DSG/ and every other glowgdncy itw that tells them whats going on. Why does everyone have to larp so hard at being godtier
>>406156 They're a jumped up hitsquad founded to hunt nazis post war.
>>406158 Feels like a grey pill.
>>406157 Sicarii basically
>>406158 Based. Population of over 2,000 now.
>>406161 I heard they aren't really racist/white nationalist... I hope that's not true smh
>>406146 You two should join forces
>>406158 always liked orania from the moment i first heard of it tbh wish them nothing but prosperity
>>406138 are champion
>>406162 their entire gimmick is that the community is only open to huwhite afrikaners tbh don't really see how they could not be racist or at the very least race aware
>>406149 what if they all die thoughbeit
>>406167 tbh few ponder this exciting future
truly dont understand why sterilisation is seen as le bad thing like segregation, genocide or eugenics. it just means preventing someone from having kids and the fricken planet is dying anyway so why cant we just sterilise all niggers?
>>406166 isn't it a libertarian thing that they are for you if yuou pull your weight? smh
I think there's some coloreds there. 1/2%.
>>406150 Thought jevvs said abortion is a jevvish right? Wish they’d make their minds up. You’re either pro life or anti life MAKE YOUR FUCKING MINDS UP FFS! and if you don’t like my jokes, you should listen to yours tbh
>>406169 that's a slippery slope lad sure it starts off well enough with sterilising people who have hereditary illnesses but sooner or later it ends up with sterilising people who commit a lot of crimes or who are otherwise incompatible with civilised society thieves and rapists and nation-wreckers are all heckin valid and deserve to reproduce >>406170 that's called a community lad it used to be the norm
the UK gov won a court case to sterlise a woman with down syndrome to stop her from having kids. if we took power we legally could just say everyone with an IQ under 80 cant have kids anymore and thats like 90% of all niggers and pakis.
>>406175 No point. They’re getting fucking deported
>>406172 literally every single jew needs to be killed all of them
>>406175 if only >>406176 tbh
>>406177 No need. Just deport them all, no conversions, stick’ em in the ‘holy land’ build a wall round it cut the internet, water, gas and electric and let them play Battle Royale with their neighbours
>>406179 He should back his big mouth up in the ring tbh
anyone got AI pic of juden peterstein selling his soul to jews?
>>406180 in a better world this is what israel would've been
HEY SPIG. You played Baldur's gate 3 yet?
>>406184 >HEY SPIG. You played Baldur's gate 3 yet? I think you've played too much, lass.
seeing videos of hezbollah scoring direct hits on israeli troops but no new reports of dead israelis from the lebanon border
You just know
These zogbots (not talking about actual subversive jews) would never say this shit about moslems within our own borders, even after the acts they've committed. But they feel compelled to cheer on the genocide of the Palestinians from a safe distance with absolute bloodlust. Sort of hiding behind Israel. For some of them it's letting out frustration because they know they can get away with it in this context.
This tubby muuttican Major Moron Spielberg idf spokesfaggot hasn’t been off the tv sputing his shit and when you look him up on youtube and listen to his interviews from similar Gaza incidents it’s all the same >muh children >4000 rockets >Hamas don’t care but we do we’re trying to help Propaganda is off the scale tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogAmwZyu0MU
>>406172 The old testament/torah says that a man who attacks a pregnant woman and causes a miscarriage should face the death penalty for taking a life. Can't get any clearer than that. Jews who support abortion are heretics and (obviously) murderers.
It's a less extreme example, but it reminds me of when a black or brown says something about immigration or multiculturalism in general, and the usual types jump on it. Because they finally feel the opinion has been given the greenlight as it's been endorsed by a wog.
>>406189 Remeber the Israelis sitting on deckchairs in the dark watching and cheering and clapping the last time their airforce and army bombed Gaza? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing
Anyway this gaza thing is more organised theft of tax payer money and a way to launder it
Reminder Israel literally infiltrated and took over UK politics, interfered with British elections, bribed lobbied bought off politicians had British people purged from political parties and replaced with people from Zionist orgs and setting up things like Starmers "leadership program" They’ve done this worldwide it is literally their ‘foreign policy’. They get pretty miffed when you point it out. When other thirdworld countries do this domestically it gets called corruption
>>406197 Antifascism was a Zionist funded project in the UK too. The 43 group consisted of men who had mass murdered entire Palestinian villages and they attacked are mosley for wanting to keep wogs out.
How many Hamas has she serviced, lads?
>>406201 I'd kill her twice.
>>406201 Mile high club by now
>>406203 KEEK. Wahey.
>>406176 Sterilise them, then deport them. Will help us to out-breed them.
>>406207 Party on, Garth
Can we bully him until he ACKS?
If a jevv has triple cutizenship and gets killed by hamas does that count as three people? Governments are insurd for loss of citizens aren’t they? So they can replace and fund new ones?
>>406211 a small goy mind cannot even begin to comprehend this level of jewry
>>406155 yeah the coward jews rely on marionites to do their dirty work
>>406197 fuk juz
>>406201 she looks like she teleported from 2008
>>406198 what would longshanks think about this?
>>406216 Going round thatbshe was 22 but they’re saying that was in 2013 Obvious now as well Israel has too many stupid yankside adl twats doing muh holocaust narrative. It’s losing them any sympathy they might have got fast keeeek >WHADDAYA TRYNA DO!!? OTHER DA HOLOCAUST!!!? TRIVIALISE IT MAYBE!!!? HUH!!?
the jews are gaying up the niggers lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVdMkzI4GbU
jevvs think they’ve been around longer than us Always makes me laugh as if we jest blew in from a distant planet
>>406222 kek she would be doing injection grout filling those holes up she has experience
>>406225 Probably got her cowdung grouter ready
>>406223 >Mr. Cohen, please sit down. keeeeek.
>>406222 ngl, I'd give her one just to own the shitskins.
sorry lads, just want to BLEACH
wish richard nixon was president rn
>>406229 Remember to dress for the occassion
had an expensive italian meal tbh
Current grift is hating BLM because they endorse Hamas 'killing babies'. Of course it can never be because they despise White people.
>>406230 You think they’d let him?
now for consecutive toils
>>406232 Damn, Adolf Sensei. Save some Latina booty for the rest of us.
Something a bit suspect about her ngl. Touch of the rachel rileys I suspect
>>406238 She's just a fag hag that married a bugman producer to make sure she always has a career.
Bet it’s a scooby especially after they did Brand without a second thought
>>406242 Probably still at BBC or left on very good terms.
>>406213 had to stop watching these videos because of how much they made me seethe
>>406245 I know what you mean. There’s more than I thought tbh
>>406246 My response would be 'what the fuck is a kibbutz and all these hamas doing here?'.
>>406230 I admire the man, and I've read most of his books, but why would you want him as President today? He was a force to be reckoned with on US politics and foreign affairs, but he'd only do what's already being done. He wrote the rulebook for much of this stuff. He was smart enough to know Golda Meir was a treacherous hag, and he distrusted Kissinger on the Middle East, but he believed in pretty much everything Biden does. He disliked Barry Goldwater and Ross Perot for being too extreme. He airlifted arms to Israel during the Yom Kippur War. He not only abandoned the gold standard, but allowed himself to be convinced that price controls could help an ailing economy despite knowing otherwise. He blandly accepted Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education and didn't attempt to legislate against it despite being personally opposed. He was a strong supporter of sending arms to insurgent groups in communist countries.
>>406248 Kibbutzs are where alll the left wing/commie types hang out. Of course they’re all fucking loaded as well. It’s just their hugbox
>>406249 he would be boomer posting on 4chan if he was alive today I am sure he would have been redpilled if they had internet back then, he was already racially aware
>>406250 I knew a gentile that went to one for a month or so. Why the fuck would you do that? It got raided as well, but he had no idea who by. keeek.
I suppose any burger president prior to the 20th century would also be based
>>406252 >>406254 I wonder which president Wayne Lambright is a reincarnation of.
>>406254 Theodore Roosevelt was a great President
>Government can’t build them >hands contracts out to usual suspects who build usual substandard shit with some fake Made in Poondia Georgian bits glued on Fucking tiresome bastids. They’ll be in for ten years as well Being involved in politics should carry a penalty of daily beatings and life without parole for corruption and failure in office
>>406257 Nah. He was a cunt
>>406111 >Weiniger >>406149 exposure to them will help make people hate them. losing their state would also mean losing a major base of power with all sorts of institutions, from the Mossad to JIDF as well as a sanctuary where they can escape goy justice systems entirely. the fall of the Zionist Entity would be a phenomenal victory for gentilekind no matter the fallout >>406184 I have not, is it any good? >>406230 Nixon was trash like every president. Shartica always was, is, and always will be a blight on the world and the best thing that could happen would be 1,000+ nuclear warheads annihilating the cunt
>>406257 he was good in someways but bluepilled in others he was the first progressive probably in the whole anglosphere and helped popularize alot of ideas that became cancer.
Can’t post a certain gif Hmmm?
>>406260 >Nixon was trash He was a moderate, and his domestic policies were very lacking. As a man, though, he was exceptional. A genuine God-fearing Christian. He had the drive to succeed, even after many devastating defeats, made a small fortune in poker whilst in the army and became a lawyer. He achieved everything a politician could hope to achieve. Every subsequent administration, with the exception of incompetent Carter, copied him after he set the standard on dealing with the missle east, China and the USSR. Very detail-oriented man with an excellent memory.
new Arghoslent album is sick >>406257 whole Roosevelt family are baby blood-drinking demons
>>406268 FDR and Eleanor were certainly despicable, but Teddy was a manly man
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This is the ideal woman
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>>406271 laughable
*struggles to contain urge to anti-anglo poost*
just look at that upper eyelid exposure....
>Examining how workplaces are organised and how that influences the gender gap is another key insight of Goldin's work. According to her research, the gender pay gap would be considerably smaller if firms did not disproportionately reward individuals who work long and particular hours. If workplaces stopped rewarding extra effort and paying more for unsociable hours, the wage gap would be low. What amazing insights. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/11/claudia-goldin-nobel-win-women-economics-pay-gap-gender
>>406270 don't reply to spic plz
TOOOOOP KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyMhZhwe3gc
>>406277 steiner you must choose You can save only one Who do you choose?
hitchens should come to shitagain where they legalized pot and see how literally everyone is stoned all the time and there are literally people operating cranes who are stoned now
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>>406280 holly
tbh based hitchens being obsessed with muh drugs is peak williamoid
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Hitchens needs to shut his battybwoy mouth when rastaman bun sensi https://youtu.be/C_991nNBds0
>>406281 they are here as well. any job with chavs and deanos
>>406284 good lad
>>406279 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>406289 That soldier? The Troon of Keev.
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>>406289 the sight of all the beheaded babies activated her super jewess powers lad
>flat tyre *screams *
>>406289 here we go again
>We have the best military in the world, super secret super special trust us…. >AMERICA PLEASE SEND PROPER SPECIAL FORCES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFgjlzjUhh8
>Daily Mail jewish reporter “Pita restaurant in Golders Green was vandalised and destroyed in an antisemitic attack!” >Metropolitan Police quoted in the jewish chronicle “Pita restaurant was damaged in a robbery”
>>406298 >one angry woman with an anti-israel sticker on her face saying: "are your people dead? awww, good."
>BABIES BEHEADED! t. Over emotional and likely lying soldiers t. Netanyahu t. Biden t. Everyone else > LOL that’s a bit of a stretch there by Biden! t. Whitehouse >FUCK IT! LET’S ROLL WITH IT, SOUNDS GOOD t. Netanyahu et al >EGYPT WARNED ISRAEL OF TERROR ATTACK DAYS BEFORE US CONFIRMS >WHAT IS THIS ANTISEMITISM! ARE YOU SAYING WE IGNORED IT TO MAKE POLITICAL CAPITAL AND USE IT AS AN EXCUSE TO CLAW SOME NEW TERRITORY!? NEVER! t. Netanyahu et al Martinluther.jpg
Better put the alarm o again. Lads are sleeping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGeFZzd0yUI
>>406302 why are they like this?
skip to 30 sec
>it's not gonna be indefinite directly contradicts the "as long as it takes" soundbyte
hurt my spine clipping my toenails the other day. it doesn't make sense how you're supposed to be able to reach your own toes without injuring yourself
>>406309 rip lad
>>406305 Looking for validation, acceptance, status and because they are obsessed with power and money and status and think by allying with jevvs they’ll get it all In terms of domestic and foreign policy this is dangerous for Britain, such a large amount live here and just play at being loyal. They have infiltrated everywhere as well and are another parasitic class Just look at cadet forces for example. Apparently the RAF is teeming with them as they see it as a free pilot education Fucking disgrace all these subversives in the country fighting for the interests not of us but of themselves and other countries that could very potentially be our enemy one day as they were once before
>>406313 >JordanParodyson Top keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>Piers vs Ben >vs >Look I’m challenging the narrative! Yeah ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfNbxVa3YLo
>>406312 smh having furriners in the armed forces is a ticking time bomb
>>406317 No doubt about it. Military and getting political power through use of it will be happening here It would be better if whose in charge did it now or we’ll end up like a third world shithole for sure with military coups twice a year
>>406317 Suppose we could ask the idf with all their “elite” troops to rescue us in that scenario..oh wait
Bull Shithiro has a “security team”hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Jumped up little jevv
>we in the west Wish they’d just go
uh oh lads
>>406276 Yeah lets just abolish overtime, I can get behind that. >>406324 Good luck recruiting anyone.
>>406319 If they get deployed I hope they leave Israel with a a few dents in their zogbot programming.
>>406325 >Good luck recruiting anyone. I bet a lot of the Tommy Robinson crowd would love to go to the middle east and shoot some arabs on behalf of jews I wouldn't be too surprised if this event reboots Robinson's relevance and he gets invited back on to mainstream tv talk shows again
>>406327 Maybe but I think they're angry about them being here and honestly don't give a flying fuck about the kikes. It's just a talking point, a political football used when it's not even a good comparison to what's happening here.
Also we're probably going to deploy against Russia and China.
no surprises here
>>406328 >Maybe but I think they're angry about them being here and honestly don't give a flying fuck about the kikes. I agree, but the purpose of the likes of Robinson and the reason he has Jewish handlers, is to direct the ire we feel to the (jewish facilitated) Muslim invasion of our lands, towards anger at Islam as a whole, and thus towards defending Israel from it
"GENOCIDISTS Are All In Plain View!" - Douglas Murray CONDEMNS People "Celebrating" Hamas Attacks https://youtu.be/qw81d46yUD0
>>406331 Yeah but I think even Bazza even if convinced is going to say we have to sort out our own house first.
>>406332 If I am to be honest I'm not really celebrating it at all. More than anything I resent the demands from both sides to be drawn into their god forsaken blood feud.
>animals are "twice as scared" of humans as they are of lions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKtgDD01GSk
>>406333 there are also channels like this guy, Ex British Army Paz49 , pushing for an all out genocide of palestinians https://youtu.be/O1nOI9NVxHM
>>406337 He's just an outright plant or cunt or both.
>>406336 my least favourate 22 gimmick.
>>406339 Just trying to learn yoga lad
>>406338 >He's just an outright plant or cunt or both. agree tbh he's another one trying to steer the dissident right towards support of israel and hatred for palestinians, under the false belief that this will help the multicultural problems we face here (which are themselves created by Jews)
>>406336 *SNIFF SNIFF*
>>406339 That is Bins
Sargon of ACK-
>>406344 Watching the lotus grifters take on pissraelstein right now and yidtube is working with abp.
>>406343 Oh is he going through another phase of trying to prove he's heterosexual again?
>>406346 He is straight
>>406347 Okay lad I believe you.
>normies now worshipping an israeli woman who allegedly killed hamas warriors Everything is always so fucking gay
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>>406350 what the fuck I hate people
>>406350 YESSSS. GET IN THERE, MY SON!!! I'm clipping that.
>>406353 Add le pipe hobbit and some tunes keek.
>>406350 me when my daughter is raped and beheaded on video
He reminds me of that jew that 'saved all the children' at Sandy hook. Equally bizarre behaviour.
>>406305 >why are they like this? Indians HATE pakistanis, who are muslims. India was also crushed by Islamic rule for centuries. Lots of Indians have been massacred by Muslims The conflict between Hindus and Muslims is way more bitter than more Westerners understand

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