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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3917: Starship Edition Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 13:18:32 Id: 290184 No. 415017
SpaceX Starship launch live: Elon Musk's Starship rocket takes off for second time https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/science-environment-67462128
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:38:21.
>>415017 very good lad forgot the thread was full smh
based just watched the test kino tbh
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was that really 6 months ago from the first one fucking years gone lads
Phwoooar lads I polished out that bit of gay-ass pink glass, check out this before and after my very own piece of what used to be a Petawatt laser
>>415024 Hue but no, Jesus wasn't Greek. Can believe Albania and T*rkey appropriating Greek heroes though. Bares investigation. Vlad was also Saxon.
>>415021 coid literally stole 3 years of our lives from us
>>415029 yeah i panicked afterward realising i'd time traveled with nothing to show for it,fuck was it comfy though
>>415030 I transformed from a william into pic related
it only became apparent to me this last week when a williamoid hipster tried to passive aggressively tusk me for my parking spot and setup for my table saw and I just tore into him until he fled from the watering hole like a submissive piglet
Poor eire lad whose lass was murked by a foreigner breaks the niggercattle conditioning and speaks out
>>415034 Gypsies need to be herded into pits and machine gunned.
saturday night i feel the air is getting hot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qGZHOXgRTU
We're making progress
>>415038 I wish I had an attractive female cousin I could marry.
>>415037 hardcore will never die https://youtu.be/tVQYsNk2UbM
>>415039 >>415038 cousin marriage isnt anywhere near as bad as ZOG tells you. so long as it isnt generational it will likely improve the health of your child.
>>415040 good lad
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>>415044 keek based
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genuinely in awe that this nigga pulled that
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>>415048 Lad tf is that first image?
Just fucking kill me
>>415050 smh this lad has sub 100 iq
Posting just seems even more sus.
>>415050 Gummo, Jews decided to make a movie portraying small town Americans as subhumans that eat cats, rape their sisters and have down syndrome prostitutes.
i'd watch a LOTR remake with WCW characters big poppa pump as aragorn hulk hogan as mithrandir roddy piper as frodo stone cold steve austin as king theodin kane as saurman the white sting as legolas big show as samwise merry and pippen are the heart foundation boromir is rick flair
https://youtu.be/rJC18Oy9P7E The twelve tribes of brit/pol/!
>>415010 >noooooooooooooooooooooooooo it's NOT ALL JEVVS please don't gas me ;<(
>>415059 14/88 SNORG!
will never forgive spain and portugal for fumbling the back and making the new world a goblino reservation instead of filling it with white nations.
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https://youtu.be/cl9LZiB0oao KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Yellow Snow White is being outdone by Ben Shapiro's trany alter ego
>>415062 North America was sparsely populated and the vast majority of the natives in died of smallpox, yellow fever, etc... also consider that to create a proper colony. it was not logistically practical to ship women across the ocean to give birth to white babies in a futile attempt to outbreed primitive civilizations in an inhospitable tropical climate. the most you could do is establish dominance, bring in men to bleach the local women, and bring in some women to make some more European areas where the climate was less inhospitable (southern cone, northern Mexico, Cuba...) also blame Catholicism, as the church was against slavery and said that the Injuns had human souls and they needed to be evangelized etc.... I imagine you would defend Christianity too... also it's just goofy for Angloids, who burned millions of blonde babies in the heart of Europe as punishment for defying Jevvish world domination, to be pointing the finger at anyone much less the wholesome chungus Iberians whose worst offense is enjoying brown pussy a little too much
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why the fuck is this cunt on britpol with this beaner supremacy shite fuck off to some hispachan site you fucking faggot
>>415069 literal jungle niggers lmao
>Gen W dad calling gen Y entitled when he had everything in life handed to him and how dare i expect even 10 percent of that
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>>415069 Are they running for office?
https://youtu.be/E8H-67ILaqc spiccy in the thread the lads don't post no more
>>415062 imagine if europe had united before colonialism? if napoleon won or something and then we went out over the horizon
fuck napoleon
>whatifthisandthatism Unironically fuck off.
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*flies across the stage at you out of nowhere* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Made myself seethe with my own post again.
https://youtu.be/UNAr5tzZxdk Loved this when I was but a snaby
>>415079 one day the world won't be so silly
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https://youtu.be/ll5qiWa6YDk "what's that non neuro divergent? Can't take the pressure?"
>>415068 tbh he needs banning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb0TwwLz1M8 short bed, single cab trucks look funny but i think it's what i'd go for if i were a yank. i don't have any friends and u can still fit 3 on a bench seat anyway. plus the truck would be way lighter and more maneuverable
Look at the fucking loser dwarf twat trying to fit in. Earbuds in like he isn't some fucking freak. He's trying to pull the dwarf tactic of hanging around with niggers/degenerates to look like less of a fucking freak. Cunt.
>>415090 how many of these school song things have you watched
>>415091 All of them. Looking forward to the 2024 batch. Still don't know what the fuck homecoming is.
>>415065 >I imagine you would defend Christianity nigga read literally ONE spainish or portuguese account from the conquest of the new world. Cortés brought with him more portraits of the Virgin Mary than he did soldiers. the only charm you mongrels have is your religiosity.
>>415095 BASED
>>415090 link lad!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNe1gwtHL-M would never have the balls to try and evade police in a car
>>415097 It's too late. Sleep is claiming me . . i'M. . . slipping . . .
>>415098 blackout chases are so kino
>will never take your wifes virginity on your wedding night even if you get le married
Dead. >>415103 Delicious looking tbh.
>>415101 How can you take anybody's virginity when you won't have sex, incel?
>>415089 I think I can see her moose knuckle
>>415087 any super duty model should be a powerstroke otherwise you are messing up with how massive the frame is compared to a basic 150 model. the long bed is superior for toil but just for a fun toy a short bed with either a cap or a couple of tires in the back for extra weight and then turbo the diesel and you'd have a really fun off road vehicle tbh I don't think ive ever seen a short bed diesel in shitagain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n67W8VlhHQg powerstroke is the shitty burger made diesel compared to your european ones but its unironically probably the easiest to repair at least in burgerica and its the most obnoxious and easy to mod
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH97Xzl6qCE&list=LL&index=18 this is my ideal daily driver work truck
>>415108 That's a lot of trailer loads of skim you could pull around.
>>415109 there was a bong one with 5 merlin engines on it keeeeeeeeek
keeeeeeeeek imagine trying to park that thing just riding the clutch and only being one feather away from like that much power
went to get some takeaway from this deli place and some aging millennial thot was in there and I was just bantering her about people being wild and crazy karens in food service and practicing my normie skills and she decided that because I was talking to her to start telling me that ackshully she was a dental hygenist and she didn't need this job and it was just a side gig, and that she liked finger painting, etc. it was so cringe and weird. just another example of how busted are femoids are. they are generally in the same downwardly mobile situation as us incels but they have to do this pathetic cope where they act like they are only just working min wage at a takeout place in their mid 30s ironically on a saturday but they are actually really an amazing person. its like they can't except the drudgery of toil and know their place. they still think they are princesses. she probably went home to her shite in the wall apartment as well stupid bitch. all I want is just to meet a feminine woman who doesn't have to fucking prove how superior she is all the damn time. sorry femoids but you are just the breed meat of the aryan race, you aren't really that important
>>415112 you can't even entertain women who have been to uni if thats what you want lad, only non uni lasses are any good in that regard, also don't you have a masters or some shite, you should casually drop that and say you are doing your toil as a side gig because you "like working with your hands" or some artistic shite.
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>>415113 I would never bother trying to impress a woman older than me with anything, I was just trying to be a nice person and she made it awkward like I was in some cringe speed dating thing idk I think middle classoid petit bourgeoisie copes need to fucking die, sorry cunts its all over you are a wagecuck and boomer toil is 10x more honorable than serving goyslop to fat dbz niggers listening to pornhub on their airpods
>>415114 why didn't you get a lass at uni anyway lad?
>>415115 'tism
also being a sub-william from poorfag family upbringing with extremely mentally ill father who didn't teach me anything (but I don't blame him he did his best)
people forget that even in the arab countries where the government is willing to toe the western line and recognize israel 99% of the population fucking hates them. the egyptian revolution of 2011 started from a pro-palestine demonstration. if democracy existed in the middle-east israel would already have been nuked.
>>415119 yeah all the non-AoR governments in the middle east are (((western))) shills whose job is to keep a lid on their population, partly due to the pragmatic concern of not getting nuked by |srael but mainly because they're corrupt sellout traitors even if the Gaza situation fizzles out though, if |srael basically says 'alright we got 'em, back to business as usual' and nothing happens, this has already had an enormous impact on g0yim-knowing in the west. Zoomers are waking up, it's like 2017 again before the internet was shut down but this time instead of it just being /pol/ there's also the brownoid masses basically the jevvs had a situation where they were using the browns against the whites, and the whites were this hated and powerless demonized victim demographic, but now the jevvs have managed to piss off the browns as well so now the jevvs have nobody on their side since they've fucked over both the whites and the browns. you'd think they would have advanced AI quantum supercomputers to guide them to make the best possible decisions but it actually seems like a lot of world events are just driven by neurotic k1ke rage. hitting hospitals in Gaza is extremely harmful to the jevvs, it's like the worst thing they could possibly be doing right now, and yet they're doing it
>>415120 just say jews nigga it aint illegal
>>415107 lad, all diesels are already turboed now. the powerstroke in the superduty actually has a high output version which i imagine is more boost. i changed my mind though, i would do a singlecab long bed for maximum toil potential
>>415122 good lad like a concrete/ brickie toilmobile in burgerland
>>415120 their racial ego will be the death of them tbh every time they have the advantage they get cocky and go too far the current crop of kikes have only ever known a world where they're on top so they think it's the natural state of affairs instead of a generational work that requires constant maintenance and careful stewardship bet there's more than a few of them who were genuinely surprised to see a lack of support for their gaza adventure
8th of August 1975. The Portuguese, new to democracy, agitated by colonial losses and further enraged by the legally established Communist Party of Portugal righteously turned to riot. The newly returned party headquarters of the Communist Party of Portugal was torched, their leader Álvaro Cunhal's home was raided and papers collected in expectation of a return to the conservative Estado Novo regime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s07_WX9v8Q8
You are spoiling us, my lord!
>>415121 it's better to avoid saying words to foil their AI search engine crawling things
ayo wut up dawg. y'all muhfugguhs betta be gud 'cuz mah shit got croosified fo' yo cracka ass. ight peace out
This is the second picture like this I've seen. I'm so sick of snormies
>>415129 >>415129 >le office! the ultimate cattle tier show for the goyim.
>>415124 tbh they should have played CK2
>there was an Austrian-German weightlifter called Steiner who promised his wife he'd win a gold medal in the Olympics and then did but after she'd died Based. Inb4 he's some kind of libtard being German.
>soothing fox screaming outside
>>415139 brown ppl be like
>>415137 i miss this period of MDE and my life a lot. the internet changed 4/5 years ago
>>415141 tbh all the optimism died
Women only want one thing
>>415143 lasses just can't resist a beachmaster
>>415143 the beachmaster
>>415146 powerful
>>415148 wew I didn't know snopensnauer was a based snabelist
>>415148 tbh evidence is a crutch for brainlets just reason everything from first principles
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my source? the fact I can stove your skull in at a moments notice.
>there is an translated version of Mein Kampf read by Emma Watson AI https://www.mediafire.com/folder/pfj7coi3zxa7x/MeinKampf_Audiobook-_Dalton_Translation
>>415153 keeeeek based bet she'd sneethe to high heaven if she knew
>>415148 looks like german cope tbf
my honest reaction
>>415157 disgusting
remember when weekend gave you good rests and now all you do is gasp for air as your chest is tight with stress from the impending toil
>>415158 She looks kinda cute in this image. Maybe she was built for /brit/nat cock after all.
>>415103 Their oy veying is incessant trying to delect from what is actually going on Here’s another ‘Brit’ living in Israel https://twitter.com/leekern13/status/1725793746204139685
>>415164 betrayed by his own mummy smh
>>415165 Those we love and trust should be candid, as we should be candid to them. Anything less results in a mere veneer of pleasantries over an undercurrent of misunderstandings and resentment.
>>415164 Always a woman's way to moan about the tone of how something is done.
>>415166 >telling smee to kms for complimenting his waifu Lad?
Not surprised after hanging out with Lord Satan of Pigfuckery
>>415173 >ahmed lahmatar >ali reza mozaffari >isaac cid-lopez >altaib hamed >bader saleh
>>415174 Absolute fuckeries in this country tbh. What’s worse is it could all stop tomorrow
Hahahahahaha no >He did a KANGZ
As a road user, I believe it
>>415178 True, but London isn't quite comparable to Macau, which is essentially Chinese Las Vegas.
>>415174 All thoroughly English chaps, I'm sure.
>>415181 Quintessentially
https://youtu.be/rNQ9MxFv_8c Would u marry a latina?
>>415186 >Even if you tried to be something else your true nature would come out
>>415184 who is this negress? does she matter?
>>415185 Dominic Cummings uses the term NPC? Does he mean it in the same way we do?
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>>415191 What a reasonable and not insane person frustrated by the real issues of our time and working to better things.
>>415192 >my child can't breev >time to dance on tictok.
Dominic Cummings - How Dysfunctional Govt Killed 1000s in COVID really interesting interview that exposes the nature of Britain's permanent bureaucracy https://youtu.be/3i7ym_Qh7BA
>>415175 This one really got a good seethe out of me.
>>415191 I live in the vain hope that these las are just trolling the whole system
>>415197 that's what was said about that absurd massive boob teacher
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah It's no gf feeeeels and incoming toil feeeels
>>415199 the road is your gf now lad
>>415200 smh that lad is not me, but I feel similarily
>tfw no mad warlord emperor to converse with
>>415202 Surprised his hat there only sold for $2mil when every new supercar today is $3mil+ etc there's so much rubbish today, awful paintings etc that go for tens of millions but Napoleons bicorne hat only goes for 2
>Britain was promised to us! *evicts all furriners
>>415204 Apparently there are 20 of them, 5 in private collections. Don’t know where the rest are
>>415208 >it gets better keeeeeek
>Mongoloid lets muslim fighter bite his ear off and muslim gf insists he keeps it in a jar #JustStopOilDrilling
napoleon was a chad, sad what became of him. the french should've tried harder in russia
>>415202 Napoleon dictated some memoirs during his exile on St Helena, so you can have him speak to you about his life if you want to. I like that great men can speak to you beyond the grave like that.
>>415212 His defeat was the beginning of the Pax Britannica, so don't be too sad.
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>finally handed in my notice No more hospi-toil-ity for me lads it'll be goodscreen cubicle toil instead
>>415215 Good luck lad
>>415215 upwards and onwards lad.
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>>415202 >>tfw no mad warlord emperor to converse with *ahem*
nooo I don't want to toil I want to gooon
A portal to Sweden's past
I must toil too lad on the morrow. Have to sit in an office with office tards
>>415208 >>415209 what is 'keek' about that? seems based
>>415225 err isn't that considered antisocial behaviour
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Another made up torystory https://nitter.net/HJB_News_/status/1725986182775902602
Monkey fucking a Care for Calais bowling ball https://nitter.net/HJB_News_/status/1725758791327625397
>>415228 the four horsemen of the apocalypse
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night cunts
>>415234 Night lad
*business idea family WhatsApp group chat that doubles as a dating app Chromo21&me for pakis
In today'a epsode of toil 1 hour 30 min in >windows on truck frozen with thick ice >incredibly slow to heat up so after 10 min waiting i say fuck it, look for ice skrape >nothing. Have to use my personal short one that can't reach so I have to clinb the truck >get a call as fingers turn to icicles >colleague is sick so I have to drive his route as well *screams * I hate smondays
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>>415237 if you would at least listen to Ravishing Grimness while driving through northern Norway in the colder months... such a waste. I hope you listen to something at least
Wew You won’t dragging us in you loon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btvELO7lXM4
>>415243 still don't understand why it's twitter.com instead of x.com. if you type in x.com it redirects you to twitter.com, it should be the other way around
>>415247 We did it argie bros
>>415246 he escaped from the chaos realm by getting injected through a heroin needle into a scum fuck tranny hobo in portland
>>415252 watching now
why do white women act like being a part of a community is a burden? oh I didn't realize your dumb rotten ass is gonna get up on the roof or fix the pipes
comments are just typical woman gaslighting projection nonsense where they act like this comfortable fake existence is somehow held up by their "grace" when close to 70 percent of them are overweight pill head drunks
>The sad part is how willing society is to sacrifice women. The lonely men constantly threaten society if they don’t “get a woman.” And society, because it’s a patriarchy, sacrifices women to these men to keep them “calm”. Society, instead of dealing with the male issue, would rather these psycho men abuse women in the privacy of their homes.
>>415256 imagine believing a patriarchy still exist
not even going to click on that video
why post this ultra seethium then not post later? its just like a maggot infested corpse of why the petit bourgeoise lisa simpson paradigm needs to be excised from western civilization or we should just become some type of eurasian post western society. literal feral demonic nonsense just oozing from these useless stupid fucking hags that are so up their own ass with some fake job bullshit. none of this shit matters until the actual social breakdown fully occurs. videos like this are a feminist ghost dance where they all tell each other there is a patriarchy while they sit around and shit like nigger cattle in their shite in the wall apartments and do fucking nothing all day except vegitate on their computers sending emails and articles about how men suck and get paid for it by some kike. meanwhile every single society on earth that has feminism is negative birth rates and in other countries like slavland its quite common to see young men with young women wereas in the west you really don't see women doing anything except trapsing around in little bands of harlots with some simp in tow
>posts seethium >leaves
>>415259 >trapsing around in little bands of harlots with some simp in tow seen this first hand with a lass in my family who's now nearing thirty but pretending to be a teenager
>>415261 yeah the cunt in the video looks 50 something and is trying to act like she is 25-30 grad student "slutsphiticate" urbanite
at this age in my life I would rather line women up like this and machine gun them then bother trying to make them a mother. they are the enemy really too much power and they will just play the sidelines with their scatterbrain "logic" playing cover for their crude stone age female voyeuristic lust for male violence
lets not sneethe at this hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TRDMOwS_9c
we did it bros
lads, why as whiteoids is everyone our ops? and why do we never smoke them?
>>415268 they're mad because we're styling on them
did you know that bolivians are the whitest poeople on earth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjejLy43uTA its true
>>415271 remember reading something about this lot before tbh it's nice knowing that huwhite holdouts like this can and do exist
>>415272 german migrants most likely minnonites or some such.
where's endchan /brit/ at?
>>415273 tbh >>415274 https://endchan.org/brit/ nobody there any more though lad we all moved here
>>415277 smorbing lad
>>415278 >that image well there's no need to be that fucking hostile, lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QcMhOFAVzE&pp=ygUPaG9zdGlsZSBwYW50ZXJh
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>>415277 Morning sirs.
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Time to toilrest
>>415282 ni smh >>415283 baste and tootpilled >>415284 smorn smh
>>415284 Normies love this shit. Didn't think that many people watched it tbh.
>>415286 surprising that a twenty year old concept has that kind of staying power tbh reality tv doesn't usually stay fresh for long
https://youtu.be/873SGJYfp6s >no anti sexual revolution wife
>>415288 based end casual s*x
watching I'm a celeb lads, love the a&d banter about farage
>>415257 Bioneer, me once favourite fitness youtuber, recently made a video about how patriarchy, white privilege, and climate change are all real no he didn't back it up with any facts and logic, obvs, because you can't
>>415290 makes sense tbh he's a big ticket item they could run a whole season just off making him eat spiders or whatever it is they do >>415291 kindest thing to do is thumbs down that particular video then unsubscribe and leave a comment why people who catch the brainrot mid-life don't change smh just write them off and move on remember the good times lad he can't take that away from you
caption this image
>>415292 >remember the good times lad he can't take that away from you th-thanks lad
"it's like being back in the EU parliament!"
>>415293 lads oh no oh no no no
>>415296 they made Farage stick his head in a box full of snakes for some reason
>>415297 smh lad you make this poost >>415295 and then you poost this knowing damn well what any reasonable person would want to reply with you're giving me nothing to work with here
>>415298 >hen you poost this knowing damn well what any reasonable person would want to reply with sorry lad, that only occured to smee after I poosted the first image
"I'm a SANDlebrity, get me out of here!"
>>415299 it's okay lad material existence means we hurt each other sometimes because we're all operating with limited knowledge
>>415300 they won't let him go until the penultimate episode at the very least tbh it's not ogre yet
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>>415301 >material existence means we hurt each other sometimes because we're all operating with limited knowledge holy fug this lad gets it
>>415303 keeeeeek based
>>415302 >they won't let him go until the penultimate episode at the very least tbh it's not ogre yet idek how that show works honestly, never seen a whole episode let alone a whole season
>>415305 don't know how it works either tbh but he's got a guaranteed hate audience tbh there's people who'll tune in rain or shine to see him get brought low there's no way producerberg throws that away without milking all the possible ad revenue first
Ant and Dec absolutely roasted GB News on Nigel Farage’s I'm A Celebrity debut system piggies smh https://www.indy100.com/tv/ant-dec-farage-celebrity
No idea who the rest of these people even are tbh
>>415307 the bungalow has fallen trillions must die
>>415308 tbh usually it's a last gasp for nobodies trying to get a bit more retirement money on their way out guess the nigger elf's gin didn't sell so well smh
>>415310 >nigger elf's gin he sold his own brand of gin?
gotta make that bread somehow lad
>>415291 Poundshop Rory Stewart
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can you imagine actually being Nigel Farage? I wonder what it's like for him on the inside?
>>415313 >Poundshop Rory Stewart you think bioneer is the bargain version of this guy? why?
>>415315 Rory has the brain, the bioneer has the brawn. AI wills it!
>>415316 fug you're right, they tricked him in to wearing a hecking burqa!
>>415317 Bioneer doesn't have the brains, that's for sure smh
>>415318 Looks like farage in a hijab getting it in the arse while he seeks to escape via a camel’s arse Surreal tbh
THEY PUSHED BACK THE RELEASE DATE FOR DUNC 2!!! now it's not out untile March 2024!!!
>>415325 he won right this is a great victory for the right we're back etc.
You’re right Peter! It won’t stop. Until we boot the last one out along with you https://nitter.net/PeterKGeoghegan/status/1726349176361918561
>>415328 God he's so fucking sad sargon is such a cringelord
>>415323 lad that was announced ages ago
>>415329 >Peter Geoghegan some new lefty twat I've not heard of before?
>>415331 only just found out, when it occured to me it should be out soon then I found out it's not out soon at all
>>415291 petit bourgeoise cunts that make videos with their shirts off about being a man or whatever belong in the ditch with the lisa simpsons
>>415293 HERES NIGEL
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so realistically where does politics go from here lads? is it just collapse cultism from now on in the anglosphere?
>>415327 We are
Woes was saying last week that this mondays gram will be his last because he "has so much to do with milleniyule" and then I saw that he was on a twitter space with dickie spence at 6am gmt the other day, his navel gazing knows no bounds.
do you lads reckon you could keep the falklands from argie today if they tried it again?
>>415336 nothing ever happens, also britney spears sister is on this years I'm a celeb, she was confused about who nigel farage is .
>>415339 they won't ever try to take it again
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>>415337 god help us
>>415340 >, also britney spears sister is on this years I'm a celeb what? which one is she in the picture?
>>415339 No but then argentina doesn't have the ability to take it in the first place anymore.
front sitting middle
>>415341 whatever you say lass
>>415336 global debtor-neofeudalism with living standards equalising somewhere around current North African standards. Nothing good happens in the West for at least the next 100 years
>>415347 their military is literally worse now than it was back then, plus we had a garrison of 50 marines on it at the time, now theres 1000 troops plus 200 local armed militia plus 2 ships, an airfield with a few jets, they'll never be able to take it even if they tried. Only thing that could fuck it is some form of migration takeover.
>>415344 seems like the anti anglo BRICs axis has the capibility and would probably like to shut the south off to anglos up to the panama canal in the new world (really they probably want to shut gringos out all the way up to the rio grande and beyond but IMO the war with the mexicans is a carl schmitt level ethnogenisis that the oligarchs and jews are trying to avoid but failing)
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>>415345 >front sitting middle can't even recognise her anymore
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>>415336 >so realistically where does politics go from here lads? is it just collapse cultism from now on in the anglosphere? pic related
>>415348 yeah seems like it well I think I have cared about my dogshit race long enough I think I am just going to get a chinky wife and develop some post western chivalry cult based around north east asian supremacy would have been kino to be a young man and carve out a slave pig empire in the midwestern bog forests but alas it seems like it will just be some soviet tier rulecuck shithole full of drone vaxniggers slowly dying of vaids while pretending they aren't slaves
>>415350 I don't think they'll even collectively have the power to do that by force. Too much corruption and their military forces are built around defence.
>>415352 they hate eachother apparently, she calls herself jamie lynn and has a proper southern girl accent and she plays that part of herself up on the show, she was apparently on zoey 101 but I don't remember her
>>415348 I'm still holding out for a collapse core world wide catastrophe.
>>415355 whatever you say, americas grasp on the panama canal that we built is tenuous and will be challenged this century
>>415359 They'll do a Suez and frankly there will be no one to force America to back down over the issue like there was with us. But yeah lad if it comes down to a shooting war South and central American conventional forces would not be able to contend with the US. Even then there are still plenty of soft power options, the USA will always be the dominant economic force on those two continents.
>born too late to join a hedonistic boomer hippy sex and drugs cult it's just not fair lads
>>415349 And some niggers
>>415362 that's are nige you idiot
>>415363 You just have to avoid the STI's and poisoned punch bowl.
>>415354 > I think I am just going to get a chinky wife and develop some post western chivalry cult based around north east asian supremacy
>>415363 boomer shite seems awful tbh, also most people were still normal back then, even people who were adults 15 years ago were quite different and more normal
>>415363 fucking hate boomers so much they destroyed everything
Truck had an accident on my route
>>415354 You will simply have to watch
>>415368 I think the US has held the same policy towards anything south of the border since 1890. It our playground everyone else fuck off.
>>415366 >You just have to avoid the STI's and poisoned punch bowl. Apparently there was zero crime and zero STDs in their community and they succesfully took over whole towns,including the local government and police forces, before the Washington feds stepped in and totally fucked them over wrecking everything
>>415369 At least all the thots were slim
>>415374 Oh is that the dravidian scum run one?
was flicking through the channels and came across an old jimmy carr special from about the mid to late 2000s and he asked the women in the audience if any of them had tattoos and only 1 woman said yes, was a bit shocked since it doesn't seem like that long ago, nowadays it seems most women under 30 have a tattoo, something happened in the prevailing years.
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>>415372 nooooooo we have to defend the sanctity of Evropean w*men!!!
>>415375 Everyone thin then because they weren't raised of pink processed goyslop.
>>415371 first snows always dab on aggressive drivers
>sigh audibly >mum keeps talking *screams*
>>415381 Urinate in her handbag
>>415374 rajneesh puram got rekt and the feds intervened to stop redneckoids from hunting and killing them in the mountains over their scams and mass posioning shite
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>>415376 Rajneeshpuram, yes first they bought a big ranch, then took over the whole town when locals got uppity. They had millions of dollars at their disposal, and tried to take over the entire State by importing homeless people to vote for them, but then the feds started getting bothered and shut it down
>>415383 > the feds intervened to stop redneckoids from huting and killing them the cult was actually really well armed, ran the local police force, arrested whoever they want, especially after someone (most likely feds) bombed a hotel the cult owned the feds didn't intervene to protect the cultists, they intervened because the cult was getting so big and wealthy it was a threat to the established order and showed no signs of stopping growing
>pro rajneesh fags ITT it was literally a glownigger cult to disrupt christian american civilization and pave the way for a race replacement
>Displaced Talent Mobility Pilot >200 low skilled talentless workers contribute £1 million and the rest cost us £10 BILLION per year! IT ALL MAKES FINANCIAL SENSE! t. Robert Jewrick - Minister for Endless Immigration https://www.gov.uk/government/news/skilled-refugees-contributing-1m-to-uk-economy-each-year
the best is all the boomer men who like literal cuckolds took up firearms to protect a hindu scam artists from their own countrymen. too bad most of them were just california filth and uni bougie williamoids.
>>415388 >>pro rajneesh fags ITT I'm not pro rajneesh tbh, I think they were dicks. I side more with the rednecks tbh >it was literally a glownigger cult to disrupt christian american civilisation and pave the way for race replacement if that's true then why did the feds shut it down?
>>415390 >Javier Milei fucking who now?
>>415390 Woes is just jealous he can’t speak spiclish
>>415393 New Argentinian president. Libertarian who kneels to jews and who grind sexually against women on telly smh. We must nuke spicistan
>>415391 we've been watching this documentary about it all, it's truly fascinating tbh
>>415392 The series fails to place this movement in the larger historical context. The story of Rajneeshpuram ultimately extends well before and long after the brief experiment in Oregon. It is impossible, for example, to understand the success of this movement without situating Rajneesh in the context of India during the late 1960s, as thousands of young hippies were beginning to flood into the country in search of quick enlightenment and/or cheap drugs, while also mixing in their own ideas drawn from Western psychology and the sexual revolution. Rajneesh himself was also an outspoken social and political critic, attacking the socialist policies of Nehru and the religious prudery of Gandhi, while also calling for India to open its doors to Western capitalism. The move to Oregon was thus a fulfillment of his larger ideal of wedding East and West—what he called “Zorba the Buddha”—by bringing together the spirituality of the Buddha with the materialism and sensuality of Zorba the Greek. In this sense, Rajneesh was really one of the first truly “global gurus” of the modern era, tracing a complex circuit from India to the U.S. and back again, while also synthesizing Eastern philosophy with American-style capitalism. the purpose was to orient india toward the jewish neo-liberal order
>>415395 oh that guy yeah he's embarrassing
>>415397 >the purpose was to orient india toward the jewish neo-liberal order most of the cult members weren't Indian though - because Indians were (and still are) dirt poor in the grand scheme of things most of the recruits were wealthy middle class idealists from Western nations. The reason the cult moved to Oregon was because they were seen as a political threat in India, and America seemed to offer more opportunities - but then it all went to shit anyway
>Woes is 40 years old
>>415400 he still has time
>>415399 it served the purpose of normalizing indian metaphysics and western metaphysics in each nation allowing for the current infestation of poojeets in the anglosphere IMO.
won't be long until the govt uses tech like this where they can turn scans of your brain into images and text and basically read your mind, this is from the recent meta technology for brainscanning, its over.
>>415401 Kubrick was in his 50s when he made the shining lad, woes has plenty of time
>>415404 I empathize with this, we are living in a long depression in the west which is primarily being used to prop up the boomer living conditions and the lisa simpson princess promenade. for your average westcel like woes our life is just basically sitting in a gnostic torture chamber for most of your life *waiting* for some magical thing that will never fucking happen because the status hierarchy is using the west cel in his torture box as a prop under the wobbling collapsing mess of a society they are standing on. in the future incel westoids will just most likely exist as debt cattle who have their cummie games and electricity shut off by the overlords if you don't report to your allotted wagecuck duties promptly at 6am so you can qualify for housing and food alottments. I am serious this is the future. no wonder vast swathes of westoid men or thinking types like woes just collapse into apathy. socrates says that if a man cannot life in accord with virtue he should depart from the world.
tbf I already feel like I have lived too long somedays. when I look out at the rest of my life I just don't give a fuck really. its not that I feel sorry for myself or want some westoid woman to tell me I need therapy with big glassy eyes through the electric eye of zoom during my allotted emotional support time with my state supplied non sexual girlfriend experience therapy ideology commissar. I just want to live in an actual living breathing civilization not in a corpse where you spend your time plastering a wall just for it to be torn out again when it would have been best to never plaster it in the first place and in the end nobody really cares how nicely you skimmed the seams of the repair so they didn't catch the sunlight coming in from the window in the morning
trannies getting barnacle nips now
imagine writing war and peace and then it just gets swamped under the emphemera of ten million massive quaking ass pictures being uploading in 4k every 20 minutes, one perfect thigh gap ass in yoga pants for every star in the sky forever drowning out anything above the animal mind in mankind
>>415406 tbh been thinking similarly lately. Don't understand how normies do it. Working like I am now really is what the rest of my life is going to be like. It has no meaning smh
>>415406 >in the end nobody really cares how nicely you skimmed the seams of the repair so they didn't catch the sunlight coming in from the window in the morning tbh this if why I stopped toiling as much as possible. no wife and chudlets to come home to and the toil is meaningless at the end of the day so I stopped caring
>>415409 the worst is how boomer men normalized grinding so bad that there is an assumption that as a westoid man you need to be working 2 jobs and 50 hours a week to hold up this shithole society where you can't even move out of mummies house because rent is so expensive that homelessness has increased 400 percent >>415410 tbh nobody gives a fuck about anything except hedonism. UK seems a bit better than US. but IMO the latest trend in aesthetics "nordic minimalism" (no offense shartin) in burgerica is to makeup for the death of craftsmanship and form in the built environment. modernism and post modernism are on the large scale what nordic minimalism is to trim. white women are also now obsessed with painting trim black. its odd.
>>415411 Some of the best homes we had built in the last 150 years were the result of the arts and crafts movement here
>>415413 yeah that wonderful movement was here in shitagain in the last of the great old growth wood as well. its like the passing of the numenorians today to see all the little subhuman wog swarthoids living in those 1890-1920s homes. had this fat jew cunt whose son was obese and he was jumping down the stairs, old michigan maple 10k year old growth wood from the ice age. kid broke the steps up and she said she wanted to rip them all out and replace them since "they were historic" and my old bossman told her they won't be historic if we rip them out. dumb bitch probably hired spics and painted all the trim black
>the Swedish far right party's right hand man is saying he is prepared to make migrants stateless What the heck is going on
>>415416 Nothing. Words
>>415414 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek poor wews
https://www.thehenryford.org/explore/blog/arts-and-crafts-furniture-making-in-west-michigan-the-charles-limbert-company-of-grand-rapids-and-holland niggers destroyed all the great michigan furnature crafts in the 19th century. used to be the best in the new world. it was what my ancestvrs used to do as a craft. now its all gone
Good. They’ve started civil wars in every other country they’ve immigrated to.
>>415418 :suicide:
>>415415 I've heard stories of paki landlord developers that have tried to turn grade 1 listed places in the UK into HMO's and they've ended up being court ordered to rebuild it exactly as it was when it went up. That said yeah it's very clear that ethnics have no love for the aesthetics and history of our buildings because they'll maintain them as cheaply as possible and have no problem letting themselves and their tenants living in squalor.
>>415395 >>415398 You don't understand lads, he's RIGHT wing! He must be on our side!
>>415419 My mum hoards that sort of stuff, she loves decorating her home with it. I've had to force her to throw a few bits out because they were damaged beyond any manner of practical repair.
>>415423 I thought he was another WEF stooge libertarian?
>>415423 He should have watched more Molyneux. Disgusted by boomers celebrating his politics and crude behaviour tbh
>>415425 saw a lad on twitter say he is not wef and he is usually well-read, what he is though is jew-owned
>>415422 smh that makes me rage so bad. same thing happened here recently with a new york kike buying an original 1831 frontier settlement english style framed greek revival home that (built in the territory of shitagain) and trying to tear it down to built an apartment. he tried to sue the federal government and the constitution to annul the amendment to the US constitution protecting historical properties.
poojeets have also reintroduced slavery in the new world, its not reported widely though they love to enslave other poo tenants in their boxes.
>posh non native Portland thot welcomes cockfugees >Daddy issues >substance abuse >bpd >now men have been dismantled by mummies gen, wants ‘real men’ back to get raped by
>>415428 Yeah the thing is our government doesn't give a shit because of how much our economy relies on housing market and all the related industry like building and finance. >>415429 Yeah I remember doing an extraction on an Indian restaurant once and you could see through the windows into the flat above and the room was completely unfurnished with mattresses all over the floor. That was how their workforce for the restaurant slept.
>>415431 yeah when the frogs bulldozed that one cathedral from the 19th century it caused kind of a shock in burgerica because unlikely that is to happen here even though our "history" is baby tier compared to yours or the continenal eurangatangs
>>415429 They do this in the UK and have for years. They enslave them in cuck sheds they build at the end of the gardenof their three bedroom with loft extensions. Also enslave Polish and other eastern euros there along with them
>>415433 ‘Twas the jerries wasn’t it?
>>415435 might be right
>>415437 Think they turned an entire medieval village into an opencast brown coal field
terry davis would always seethe hard at this
>>415438 wew and people banter about burgerica allowing a small part of the cavalry skirmish area of gettysburg getting turned into a walshart
>>415439 its decline and lack of skill masquerading as style
>Irish No Cuck father married a longnose so he’s out as well if he isn’t one himself
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>>415430 >Daddy issues >substance abuse >bpd
>>415444 One day they will happily Oct 7 her
>>415386 >>415387 cults going to war with the government are a sign of a healthy well functioning power process tbh it was good that they grew big and it was good that they got shut down modern soyciety is so sterile smh everyone is powerless and nobody believes in anything smh not even fake things any more >>415405 >socrates says that if a man cannot life in accord with virtue he should depart from the world. yeah tbh it's actually just completely fucked >>415439 literally anything would be preferable to this smh even i could smash together something better than this smdh
>>415445 lad nuclear is antisemitic
>>415443 >Lawrence Fox and Ruth Ginsberg made that little potato qt Smh.
>>415444 What a man will tolerate for a coomhole.
>>415448 Germany will be nuclear again one day inshallah
>>415425 Yeah, all libertarians are vermin who belong in a gas chamber.
>>415451 there are many things that need to be erased
Afrikaaaners always trying to bully Brit South Africans reeeeee.
not going to lie lads sometimes i wish i didn't care so much
think i'm arriving at give up mode for the sake of sanity simply cease caring and accept oblivion
>>415459 only one step away from joker mode only one bad day we got another one fellow gamers
>>415409 >>415410 this is hitting hard lads smdh
is it wrong to try and adopt a buddhist-like attitude where you train yourself to stop desiring us winning
>>415461 every day that you wake up is the first day of the rest of your life >>415462 yes because that means you no longer desire us winning just adopt some quasi-buddhist state where you're watching over them like a cool distant benefactor bonus points for being mysterious
>>415463 impressive ngl maybe that helmet fundraising campaign actually did something
>>415402 That had already happened lad, even authors like Julius Evola, Rene Guenon, and Savatri Davi had spread the interest in Indian metaphysics to the West decades earlier. The sawastika itself is and Indian metaphysical symbol of course Learning now about how the Rajneeshi poisoned an entire town with salmonela
saw a note tucked in my doorframe today from my neighbour asking if it was okay to park in my parking space since it was empty after my scooter got stolen knocked on the door on my way to the bus stop to say it was fine and we got to talking eventually the lass recommended that I talk to her husband about a job as a steel fixer (TN: ironworker (UK), rod buster (US)) since apparently they're always hiring going to give it a try tbh long past the point where i have standards smh if it's toil i want it
>>415467 Hope it pays well lad.
What the fuck
>>415468 thanks lad me too
https://youtu.be/l5jjop6Vw0U interesting. I've complained about how women seem unnaturaly confident. Might be because of this
>>415469 wtf i thought based dumpf fixed that with his heckin uber facist court picks
Some bradford niggers/pakis torturing whites/slavs smh https://twitter.com/Steve_Laws_/status/1726677796330648029
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>>415473 cant take much more seethium
>>415469 smh poor lad was crucified to placate the nogwaffen for another few years >>415472 keeeeeeeeeeek wish i had that kind of energy >>415474 hate this lad for being a pooslim and giving young men hope smh he could have done all that without being a pooslim but he had to poison the well
>>415466 >The swastika itself is and Indian metaphysical symbol of course No, it isn't. It's a simple geometric shape present throughout the whole world with different significances applied to it by different people in different times.
Used to find it curious how Hitler became so jew aware, then you look at weimar and they are just very visible in a lot of positions. https://twitter.com/BasedGaul/status/1721412839607349345
why are jews such bbcsluts?
>>415479 >snomalis yikes. Imagine being imprisoned and tortured by the lowest form of life on the planet
https://youtu.be/CDH_GvEF-p4 >Voting in a President who's known as "the Madman"
>>415480 Compensating
>>415451 >that video wew
>>415466 so the iron age germanic warriors were actually just beatles fans when they has hakenkruz on their swords then lass? or the la tene celts as well
>>415484 It’s dread
WLP was right all the way back in 1994 that white nationalism needs total middle class death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC_5rR2lxgU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUJgq9HerDQ Nauru sounds based, would emigrate if there was wifi
>>415488 Middle class are toxic. I think it’s because when they get some economic benefit their hearts soften and they hippify. Disgusting
>>415489 There is. Starlink. t. Elon
>>415490 I agree with musk about them but also with WLP. they are parties to white genocide. they do fuck all about the problems in the west and the class of people who go about inviting shitskins isn't really even the ultra rich, they are just doing it for economic benefits. middle classoid lisa simpsons will literally go out on the sea in a million dollar ship and save wild jungle niggers from drowning and bring them to your country before they even say hello to an incel in the tram
>>415467 you should go for this lad. probably a steep cost for tools and gear to start, but you could become a cool toilchad that hoons around in a 70 series pickup with a welder on the back. le dream
>>415493 And a Duschka or twin 50 cals
>>415492 that's a hot take, often it's way lower classes than the elites wanting immigration. it's the middle aged boomoid white landlords and the high debt landlord stacies who want housing shortages and more taxpets
>>415443 Agatha Martin Sullivan's dad is Irish. What is it with Taigs that makes us irresistible to Jewish women?
>>415496 Foreskins
>>415473 know for a fact if any of my lads (/brit/ posters) were in a situation like that they'd choose death before dishonour. thats just how we roll.
>>415499 Would have gone awol tbh and started biting chunks off them but maybe they were debilitated by drugs
Teeth are a great weapon if you still have them
Murder attempt on some rw Dutch politician married to a you know who https://nitter.net/DVanLangenhove/status/1726648823970509177
if i catch you getting treated like that you better know we're going to treat you worst. when /brit/s reputation is on the line its life or death
>>415492 >middle classoid lisa simpsons will literally go out on the sea in a million dollar ship and save wild jungle niggers from drowning and bring them to your country before they even say hello to an incel in the tram
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bh2sLB1td8 dutchboys ride tractors like THAT?
>watch youtube video >"Worlds filthiest Roblox streamer" >2 mins in >he has a "new" girlfriend whos some cute teen lass
>>415336 >the anglosphere >>415354 surprisingly sober for Steinoid. but why get a chinky wife like a pathetic beta male when you could get a Latina with fat tits and ass? plus you're already native american so you're basically just upgrading your incel anglo genes for chad spanish genes
>415507 BAN HIM!
There's plenty of women out there that would let steiny pork them. He just needs to cast a wide net (of actually being social) and accept a woman who's a 5 who thinks she's a 10 but also has a thing for loser men way below her (other 5s). It will be insufferable and he would almost certainly be driven further to murdering women, but he could get it wet.
>415505 >all the german v12s fail pottery
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just a week ago I had abandoned the idea of getting limb lengthening done and now I'm convinced that I need to do it. it's like bungee jumping
>>415510 he could get a gf but he understandably isn't interested in jumping through all the retarded jewish created hoops designed to make a mockery of men who aren't chads in order to get one tbh
>>415513 Do it
>>415300 >mum found the coomtub
at the end of the day it's undeniable that women are sexually attracted to height, a long/large skeleton. therefore getting limb lengthening will make you more attractive, by a lot. the problem is that it's extremely expensive
Defaming steiner smh
But you’re a wog so it’s worth it
>>415508 he is adopted though
>>415520 Should fire him into a Chinese sewer then
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>wow you are such a creep this is just how I sit on the bus on my way to work at destroy western civilization non profit
>>415485 yes lad, point is your claim that Osho was a fed used to justify immigration from India by spreading hindu mysticism makes no sense considering Indian mysticism had been in the west for a long time prior, Osho wasn't even teaching hindu mysticism, and most importantly, the feds used immigration law to shut him down You should watch this doc tbh, it's fucking fascinating
>>415526 I have been aware of osho since I was a kid he literally did the biggest bio attack in my countries history lad. he was a agent of some kind.
>>415525 This makes me consider putting an ad in the paper for El Cheapo dentistry and buying a knockoff Chinese Milwaukee drill set and Estwing hammer
A double bio agent
>>415528 osho was based i have his book he owned libtards and was a huge raegan fan
>oh my god the random chad who fucked me after getting hammered at the bar got me knocked up I need to slaughter my child so I can get back to work destroying western civilization by selectively hiring wogs and niggers instead of white men in all career positions
>>415531 he was just another california cult subhuman like the laurel canyon CIAniggers and satanists. the jews even made their kike movie easy rider where the satanic california retards were "not safe" riding their hippy motorbikes through middle america
>>415509 tbh >>415533 you're arguing with bins lad
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>>415526 is that this guy?
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>>415525 >when the bus breaks and you fly face first into her arse as you were whistling a jaunty tune and your tongue goes up her bumhole
Now to get POSHO ! Cam on fbeye! Arrest the pigfacker!
>>415539 I despise this phenotype
i just hope society collapses so i can finally tell everyone i was right and have free reign to chud out on all normgroids whenever i so please
>>415541 gave a williamoid a taste of things to come when he tried to have my toil truck towed
I think alot of cels and wignats discount how much more aggressive you are than the average middle classoid bugman. most of them have zero drive or spirit. in the iron age lads like matt heimbach would have had slaves of so many of these faggot "chad" normies because they have zero will to survive beyond conformity to a faggot caste system of a dead boomer society
>>415540 Me too. Would deploy on the frontlines asap
>>415542 Hope you used a rubber lad
>>415532 keeeek, astute and succinct you are so good at this.
>there are still niggers shilling donald bbcslut vaxnigger kikeslave trump
>>415548 >jewish female terrorist bomber given a pardon as Bill Clitty's final act as president >Zognald refusing to pardon Jan 6 mongs even though he still had the power to at that point
>>415535 yeah him the feds took him down big time
>teen judges
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so this is how he got banned from tiktok
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Sounds like /newbrit/ >The’Ndrangheta of Vibo Valentia, its members known by their colourful nicknames such as “The Wolf”, “Fatty”, “Sweetie” and “Lamb Thigh”, is deeply entrenched in the local economy. The criminal group struck fear into the hearts of business owners and farmers, while enjoying protection from white-collar professionals and politicians.
>>415555 they did the same thing to tolkien's favourite tree at oxford
>>415556 And the Sycamore. Wanton destruction of are history and heritage. What is the solution?
>be former wfh middle classoid toiling in the onion fields of your lord >look up for a brief second and accientally make eye contact with your lord
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>>415534 >your arguing with bins not an argument
>>415561 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>415562 what a peculiar image
>>415562 Looks like somebody has been lifting the weights.
ate brek, drank coffee, defecated, buzzed pubes, took a full shower, applied retinoid, did red light therapy on face/scalp and penis/testicles, trimmed fingernails and toenails. exhausted now
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One morning in the month of May as from my Inn i strayed just at the dawning of the morning I met with a charming maid Oh pretty young maid now whither you stray so early, tell me now The maid replied; kind sir! she cried I have lost my spotted cow Oh no longer fret, no longer mourn; your cow is not lost my dear I spied her down in yonder grove; come, love, and I'll show you where I must confess you're very kind, So very kind said she; It's there you're sure your cow to find, Come sweetheart, go with me So if I should cross the boggy mire; where yeomen push the plough. She'll come and call my gentle squire; I've lost my spotted cow!
i will kill and be killed for my religious views
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where is saudi assyrian salty anus sadly athiest smells anus-y swigging alcohol sordid arsebandit severely autistic
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>>415570 You can always find him atthe Templar toilets. You can book appointments online https://www.sleepyboy.com/uk/city/London/
>>415572 i actually went to the knights on chancery lane and when i got there he was sucking off dogs for quavers outside for 10p a pop
>>415573 Fallen on hard dog times. He should have paid attention at school as evidenced from his brainlet posts
Search & Arsetroy South Australasian Swingers Allowed South Avebury
Sings Adele's Simple As Sucking Alsatians Soho? Awesome
>>415574 mad how that nigga made me a christian
>>415577 SA 2023
Say Anything Santa's Assistant Something Awful Sloppy Arivederci
for me its just ignoring faggots at toil even when they are emailing me directly
when bossberg is on your side you can basically bully your coworkers as long as bossman finds you useful its open season
>niggers in heaven like general butt naked and SA made him a devout Christian.
>>415585 MAD INNIT
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>that filter
need to buy SA a pint
>>415588 A pint of Owen Jones pozblood directly into his yawning snanus.
>>415589 just as god intended
mad how me and Sweaty Arsecrack were mortal enemies 10-2 years ago
Keeeeeeeeek >At one point, Jolie said she knelt at Pitt's feet and asked what was wrong. According to the report, Pitt allegedly said things like, "That kid looks like a f**king Columbine kid. You don't know what you're doing." Jolie said she then proceeded to take her seat and had a glass of wine. >As Pitt allegedly yelled at her, Jolie claimed Pitt "grabbed her by her head, shaking her, followed by grabbing her at the shoulders and shaking her," and as Pitt was allegedly "shaking" her, she claimed Pitt "pushed her into the bathroom wall and was yelling things like, 'You’re f***king up this family.'" And, in reference to [redacted], Pitt allegedly said "[redacted is] gonna kill someone, will you be happy then?"
>>415593 why couldn't they just adopt white children smh
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>>415593 >That kid looks like a f**king Columbine kid.
imagine having nigger or chinky kids
>>415596 could very well not be me for all intensive porpoises
eric clapton will never do a collab with chas and dav- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZm96PKwtHc
>>415594 It was done b4 she got with him I believe
it's over
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>when you can't even flee to |srael because it's fucked too
>>415600 MAD how nothing changes palestinian christian kids dying to jew bombs around holymonth/christmas
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death to the jews, but unironically
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>8chan.moe >/vore1/ - Vore >/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover >/delicious/ - Cake >/zoo/ - Zoophilia
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>you cannot drink and drive
may jinn confuse steiners pathways and may steiner be dumbfounded at crossroads may bogarts misplace steiners tools
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may steiner see an oasis in the desert and find no drink
>>415612 he could be pussy lord but he chooses to suffer and complain
>>415613 may he find it impossible to get a hard on when a pussy spreads itself for him
DON’T TOUCH ARE MUHREEENS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDBBwy-68K8
may steiner walk 900 miles for a town 901 miles away
may steiner knock and find no answer
may steiners shoesoles wax thin
may steiner develop a bloodclot in the brain
may steiners ancestors haunt him
>>415608 >>415608 >>415608 >>415608 >>415608 >>415608 this post is screaming out for a reply from the mods wtf is this nonce website
It aint easy being a nationalist
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ILbUduwBkg strap niggers to a rocket and blast them off into deep space
>>415625 Error! The thread you were looking for does not exist.
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this song was literally written by my medieval ancestor while imprisoned in the tower of london for telling the govt to go fuck itself >Ar ne kuth ich sorghe non is also known as The Prisoner’s Song. >The handwriting and various linguistic features of the text fit with the first half of the thirteenth century and the south of England, most probably London or Essex. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fBiDlZLvFM
>In 1086 the recorded population was 43.
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>>415630 >Hugh de Montfort held in demesne 3 hides and 30 a. which Alsi held as a manor before 1066
>>415627 Scroll down a few posts to th webm https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/449400116
the historical improvement mod for stainless steel MTW 2 is shite. sure it adds some kinos but the AI still farms crusades for free units to create doomstacks that they can somehow afford despite it costing nearly 10k to field a doomstack in 1180. meanwhile you are lucky to be able to even garrison a couple of towns while making 6-7k a turn and in typical MTW fashion the pope just exists to cockblock any counterattacks you do on enemies that spend countless turns spamming poo armies at your towns despite the mod "limiting" unit training for 2 per 14 turns.
might go for a chocolate bar of some sort, but it's a bit spooky going to my local paki shoppe at this hour. the pajeetette at the tell is a bit pengali though so i might. will probably do the biggest aero bar they have and some lucozade. thanks for reading.
>>415633 'ate games with blatantly cheating ai smh
Morning lads
Wish the Daily Israel would give it a fucking rest tbh
>>415642 truly the scourge of white supremacism is the biggest threat to are democracy the boy must hang
>Doctor doesn’ understand medicine >mechanic doesn’t understand mechanics >politician doesn’t understand voters
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footage of Houthis capturing Jevv ship watch this it's epic
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Fascist to go atter fascists Huh? > As more and more wealth concentrates at the top, the moneyed interests rationally fear that democratic majorities will take it away through higher taxes, stricter regulations (on everything from trade to climate change), enforcement of anti-monopoly laws, pro-union initiatives and price controls. >So they’re sinking ever more of their wealth into anti-democracy candidates. >Donald Trump is going full fascist these days and gaining the backing of prominent billionaires. >Earlier this month, on Veterans Day, Trump pledged to “root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country”, whom he accused of doing anything “to destroy America and to destroy the American dream”. (Notably, he read these words from a teleprompter, meaning that they were intentional rather than part of another impromptu Trump rant.) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/21/donald-trump-anti-democratic-agenda-billionaires-neofascism
fug I need to go to bed
>snickers add featuring reference to swinging/cuckoldry At least they were all white.
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>>415653 *snnnffffffgghhh* BOOYA! TIGHT, TIGHT, TIGHT! Blue, yellow, Ukrainian... bring me more of that. You and me, we're gonna make a loooot of (You)s with this seethium.
>>415525 You can see where here butthole is. Isn't she embarrassed?
>>415653 But porn is illegal in Ukraine...
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>>415653 You can tell when a nation is an outright puppet because their leaders will all invariably be under qualified women below the age of 35.
any lads remember sky channel 454? don't remember what it was called but it used to play slipknot and korn in the early 2000s
>>415641 >all those videos of slavoids and nords going to burgerica and being amazed that random people will help a dying person on the street non anglos are subhuman
>>415655 wow you are such a creep
fresh update from shite in wall landlord toil >landlord thot is now trying to pay for all the work through insurance and wants to get my insurance number for my toil business >she electively chose to not shut the water off over night when her tenant was sending pics of water pooling up around the walls where a new plumbing was just installed >I have pics from months previous of poo water leaking from the walls >she said initially that it was going to be a huge mold remediation project last tuesday >she calls me today and says its already all covered back up (i.e. illegal as a rented inhabited unit) what a fucking mong, my boomer insurance adjuster will know to go into the property with a mold tester and a humidity meter and will have all my pics of poo in the ceiling. dumb bitch trying to foist blame on an innocent toilcel shooting an errant finish nail so she can sell her poo in the wall duplex shitbox apartment for 500 motherfucking thousand dollars
then of course the torsion bars on my toil mobile failed so all the money I made in the past week in a half go to truck repair and uberbossman is dodging all my attempts to serve him
>>415664 keep the pressure on him lad don't let him escape
>>415665 oh no if my attempts to have the post office serve him fail I will have the sheriffs do it
>>415664 fix the truck yourself fag
>>415664 >dentists and car mechanics when they can smell you just got paid
Fackin’ try it ya fackin’ gypsy
>>415671 nothing but big talk from that little yidslut
>>415667 I don't have a welder
>>415671 knew this meme cunt would posture like this the second people were dicksucking him.
>3795 people living on falklandserino
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whC97D5sKz8 This fucking half paki that keeps appearing.
>>415676 Cuck frog had a fit Italian wife but is now shacked up with a jamaican called ‘fruitcake’ He’s just annoyed we gave France their freedom
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yfw you just flattened a hospital with your golems money
FUCKING HYSTERICAL PROPAGANDA AND CUCKOLDRY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER https://nitter.net/OrenMarmorstein/status/1726569622596682176#m
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>bing ai images suddenly become shit without a microshart login
They’re sending in the only ones who can get the job done. BOOMERWAFFEN https://nitter.net/CaptainElla1/status/1727035754595967037#m
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friendly reminder that the jews did fucking nothing to help shartica after sept 11th compared to the rest of the world because they did it
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>>415689 honestly don't get it tbh, its the same pictures over and over and over again
>exhibitor of big butt (nigger attractant) >named collier >meaning coal hauler
Anybody watch valves new half life 25th anniversary documentary?
>>415691 probably just clickfarm spam for poojetcels on poojeet web
>>415693 very disappointed by the "fan favourite Too Much Coffee Man" stuff smacks of redditshit being retroactively shovelled in to soyify the best game in the series (and least touched by quirky hipster poz) >>415695 the butt is edited to be even bigger on the thumbnail
weird thinking that most lasses are just out there having le sex regularly but its not with a good 60-70% of the male population, men are kept in the dark on what women are actually doing within their designated princess areas.
shivering in my poorly maintained and barely insulated incel containment cube waiting for the next toilday so I can be farmed for taxes to give to women so they won't breed and wogs so they will breed even more 12.5 to 13 hour shift coming up this week
>>415698 Just wear a jumper/thermal vest. Being cold is easy to solve. I work in a sweltering office all year because the wogs I work with can't stand any temperature below 25C.
>>415698 does that include pre and post toil prep and wind down? sneet mode for smee for a few days at least.
>>415693 Yeah, it was decent. I liked the interviews. A lot of the info on development was already in the Raising the Bar book though.
>>415699 I am lad I suppose I could wear two jumpers smh ordering some long johns soon >>415700 with toilprep and travel it becomes about 14.5 hours I suppose, not counting post toil fugue
theres no actually good reason that I shouldn't just peacefully drift off in my sleep tbh, had a daydream earlier that I roped and felt so peaceful going but then some normalfag saved me and I sneethed at him when I woke up in hospital.
new /brit/ waifu idea wagiette >perpetually downtrodden >always on the verge of collapsing and falling asleep on the spot >flat broke >works 12 hours a day and asks for overtime >lives in a small cell (rent £800pcm) >basically just one of those jap officelady comics but not a yellow panface >no eggs from putting off a family in favour of a career
>>415703 there is a good reason and it's that you should submit to gchqt grooming and do an epic prank on highly placed members of government instead of just slipping away quietly
Everybody is playing "lethal company" now, getting really tired of this flavour of the month shite in gooming tbh can't keep up and I refuse to pay
>>415704 >no eggs smh >>415706 at least these things go as quickly as they arrive tbh
>>415640 why did Nige fall so far? he was once at the cutting edge of British politics and now he's reading superchats on Fiver and stripping naked on television
>>415709 tbh it's sad to see
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oh wow its almost thanksgiving lets see what I will do during thanks giving...
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what is even the purpose of being alive in 2023
>>415715 to see how bad it can get

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fantasizing about natural disasters again (specifically a tornado strong enough to do ground scouring tracking through london or birmingham)
>>415720 if only
>>415717 looks like the sort of woman many lads on here will end up with.
>>415730 i could pull any 7.5/10 but i'm a picky coomer and therefore volcel. ama
>>415726 not even bothering with the mask any more
>>415734 smh when will the civnats learn
Oh, sorry for not posting. Bossman rewarded me with more toil
>>415736 that's just his way of showing he cares lad
>>415738 just don't interact with women that are trashy and like being treated like dirt.
I think TWICE are hotter anyway.
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>>415741 >just don't interact with women
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>>415745 No idea just host it at half nine to annoy wessica
better not put anymore bollywood shit on tbh
>>415747 Ah the Jewish final solution to the Gaza problem comes into view.
>>415750 Never forget the 5,999,999
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>>415746 >No idea just host it at half nine to annoy wessica
>>415747 it's a fucking piss take
>>415751 who is Northern Variant? someone we know?
>>415751 Fucking useless boomer cunts. All the same trite shite pushed out of their vocal sludge pipe without on ounce of care or under standing.
>>415757 Gen X she is but still you couldn’t afford housing early on in the south east London by the late 80s. It’s all relative. In some small countries they finanially discourage buy to rent ‘investing’. We need to do the smae and then bury politicians under the rubble of the shiteboxes they ordered built but that we don’t need for the 7 million migrants we don’t need either
>>415758 I'd like to know where she's supposedly living because it isn't anywhere in the south east of this country.
>>415756 would love to see the frogs finally go daft
>>415760 They're semi daft already and this is only bolstering support for nationalist parties.
>>415756 >>415760 >>415761 Would be such kino, and might accelerate things here. Smh.
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>get truck back >truck frame repair of torsion bar >look at rest of frame >its just all rust barely holding together fml
>>415765 Just run it into the ground and buy another one lad.
>>415759 Says North West on her profile

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