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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3918: James Costello Edition Anonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 17:18:40 Id: 1cc8f7 No. 415766
Another victim of Anti-White Censorship. If you can help put something to his fund, please do: https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportCostello
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:38:42.
>>415765 Just run it into the ground and buy another one lad.
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>he's giving up his truck
>>415766 good lad
>>415772 >more corporate tax cuts
>>415775 I do enjoy the hurdy-gurdy.
might just have this one redneckoid weld some sheet metal or old license plates to the rust holes and then paint it all silver with the cancer coating
>>415777 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtvpXr9O0J4 White people magic of the middle ages.
>>415778 Only if you can get it done cheaply lad, you don't want to be throwing good money after bad with a tool on the way out.
>>415772 It's all bullshit. It's not really a tax cut if the tax burden is set to reach record hughs because of threshold freezes. Goddamn Jeremy Cunt and Rashid Poonak
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>Record Hughs *highs. Smh
>>415766 >The funds from this campaign will be received by Samuel Melia not sure i trust that guy
jewpoleon releases today goin kinema tbh
>>415784 Can I come?
>>415787 better be fast lad it's on in an hour
>>415787 Dunno. Try rubbing it harder
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NO evidence of her saying anything about his nose in this clip Lying? What bit don’t they get about this being 2023? It only appears to be 90% boomer jews peddling this victim shit tbh and more and more are nooticing https://nitter.net/AmiKaufman/status/1727106876792611241#m
>>415793 >I cried the rest of the way home keeeeeeek must say im enjoying all the blood libel and hysterics when its not huwhites on the receiving end for once, even if browns do consider kikes white
quite shameful that steinoid has allowed his truck's frame to rust away, i mean hasn't he ever heard of spray paint?
Damn. Saw Shrek kissing a whore last thread. Are lad deserve better smh
where is the cryptolad? Shouldn't he be cryptoposting about the current thing?
>>415783 PA does, particularly because he'll get his throat slit if he steals the fund.
https://youtu.be/O6LnJzkw1eg When civics and scatlads unite
>>415800 Also he's meaty braps husband
>>415807 *sniffs*
>>415811 It is actually a decent tune
>>415811 Doubt those subs. Don't trust muds anymore than scoobs.
>>415813 Yeah, likely that the subs are compeletely false. Doubt children would sing such things.
>>415814 Actually, they're canonically 3,000 years old.
>>415813 >>415814 Yeah. Seeing as Israel shill against them so much and the Dutch jew minister interfered in their Dutch funding and good things said about them by somewhat impartial journalists I’ll go with legit also as they’d have been called out on the subs and haven’t
>>415819 I'm so glad Jeremy Hunt is funding the Holocaust Education Groups and announced it in the Autumn fucking budget!
>>415819 *shows up with a sign reading "Muslims, Jews, bad news!"*
>>415820 Just give me the 7 million tbh.
>>415799 nothing's happening. it dipped a little but then just went back to the same price range. bullrun won't really rip for a few months I think. I only went partly in and I'm waiting to see if it dips more so I can lower my average buy price, hope that little microdip wasn't the bottom lul plus /brit/ lads are just stupid and nobody else is really interested in making money, they just want to wage at their loser jobs and stay poor while people sit on their asses and make more than them. it can't be helped. you can show a horse to water but if the horse would rather its tongue dry up and fall out well then there's not much you can do
>>415823 Yes lad I'm sure you've secured a lot HRT.
>415823 You're fucking stupid. Monglad's ever investing in bubbles.
keeek its spic
>>415825 all the matters is at the end of it if you make money or not. if 6 months from now I'm posting that I made 5x my investment, you're going to seethe and it'll be well-deserved
>415827 You'll lose it. Your investments are retarded. Every lad here should be advised to open a stocks and shares ISA if they're going to be investing in anything.
Except the foreign cunts obvs.
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Spic you should DEFINITELY take out $ loans to buy crypto it's a guaranteed 10X return on investment all these lads are just jealous
>>415828 >You'll lose it. Your investments are retarded boomer brainrot. how exactly do you "lose it"? lose the keys to the wallets? worst case scenario you hodl all the way up and down like a retard. as long as you remember to take profit you can't really go wrong. even if you did the hold up and down thing, you would outpace shitty boomer stocks by just sitting on those bags for years low risk investments only make sense if you have a large portfolio, if you're a poorfag like everyone on this board the potential upside is so much more valuable. imagine you invest $5,000, if it does a 10x you make $45,000. if it does a -90% then you lose $4,500. $45,000 is TEN TIMES that! for the same price movement >>415832 problem is I don't think I can get loans since I don't have income. my bank has been sending me spam letters saying I'm elligible for a credit card for years but then when I apply they say I don't qualify, so fucking annoying. my plan was to sell my inheiritance, then I could actually get like $100k and invest that and actually get rich but I can't do that because I only own a percentage of it and everybody would have to agree to sell and they're all boomers that make terrible financial decisions. the bullrun snuck up on me, I wasn't paying attention and now I'm caught with my pants down, not enough capital to get anywhere. if at least I could make a few tens of thousands though that would make me feel better about it, at least I'd be ahead of the retards that didn't even make that much
>>415834 >if you're a poorfag like everyone on this board the potential upside is so much more valuable. imagine you invest $5,000, if it does a 10x you make $45,000. if it does a -90% then you lose $4,500. $45,000 is TEN TIMES that! for the same price movement any since we're in bullrun it's FAR MORE LIKLY TO GO UP THAN DOWN. assuming you make a good portfolio that's spread out between high market cap solid lower risk coins and a bit of moonshot thirsting to hopefully outpace the big ones
>Korean roastie postin’
>415834 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek you're an utter fucking imbecile gambling on internet fiat
This thread is LIT!
I'm sure all the smart money left crypto years ago.
>>415837 >noooo it's heckin' gamblingerino! you can't have a half a testicle and expose yourself to risk- something kinda bad might happen, like losing the measly few thousand dollars you have! it's not worth the potential for making far more than that! >>415839 the smart money got in a few months ago and is still in, they will exit once the bullrun rips
>>415836 They're Taiwanese
>>415834 ask around and someone will give you a credit card lad don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity there's literally no risk
>Diversify your stocks by buying purely speculative internet meme fiat currency Crypto has been the biggest bubble in history.
I earn £600 gross interest every month with no risk whatsoever. I'd rather keep on doing that than invest in crypto.
Spic is just the kind of fool to buy into the crypto ponzi scheme. The man hasn't a fucking clue. Hey lil spiccy, tell us about the apples again!
>>415842 maybe if Wessex's wealthy French relatives will spot me a loan I can put a Spigney down as collateral >>415844 >I earn £600 gross interest every month with no risk whatsoever. I'd rather keep on doing that than invest in crypto. when the crypto market is crabbing, I agree, but not during bullrun. it's virtually guaranteed that Bitcoin will go at least 1.8x or so, bringing altcoins with it, which will grow at a faster rate. investing in anything else during this time is just dumb unless you have a large portfolio in which case maybe chuck 30% of it into crypto and keep the rest lower risk. poorfags like us on this board don't have much to lose so we might as well YOLO it >>415845 idk what you mean by apples. I ate a Lady Alice apple the other day. kind of a sexy name for an apple
>>415847 >huawei laptop, blue suit prove intelligence and refined taste >private jet due to crypto wealth see this is the kind of life we could be living
If football had pretty singing & dancing cheerleaders I might actually give a shit about sports.
>>415851 That was just because he didn't comply with money laundering regulations
So prittu! Sankyrou senpai
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Nigel getting viciously attacked by some fat black woman in the jungle right now over immigration.
>>415856 Why would you watch that slop?
KEEEEEEEEEEEK his high disgust response is coming out, he's giving it to the black lass and the others for not doing the dishes properly
>>415857 For the bants m8
>>415859 It's not a very difficult task to get right at-all.
>>415856 Hope he’s giving her wotswot
>>415860 fair enough
god damn why do I have to take a shit I'm pretty sure I took one yesterday
>>415865 more like 80 iq mud adding some spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) to the yt man's creation
>>415862 AI fake. The ps5 doesn't have any games.
since we're talking about le investments, someone explain how property owners benefit from house prices going up when all the other houses go up by the same percent and you never sell until you die anyway. how is a house even an investment?
>>415869 they can just trade around mortgages it only appears to the subconsciouslly debtmaxxing normalfags that think that boomerlyfe style exists
>>415869 You borrow against the value of the house.
basically you take on debt so you can use the debt to finance something else you can't afford so you can cosplay as being a 1st worlder
>>415871 >>415873 ok sure, but that's over now because of interest rates. no cheap debt for stacy anymore. also with mortgage payments going up stacy can't get enough rent to cover her dilapidated house she's trying to speculate on. hmm, whitepilled after typing that out actually
>>415874 probably means they'll be bought out by bigger entities that do have the capital to do so.
Female version of ksi in the jungle?
I hope pa reviews I'm a celebrity
>>415874 yeah just experienced exactly what you typed IRL
should have an incel rant uploaded in a bit finally got time to upload a video. almost got mogged by a buck deer in the video
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>just need to spend 45 minutes encoding it for odysee from the kike format
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pondering the implications of the word kike being used often enough for her phone to autocorrect to it though
finally had a decent workout for once, let's hope it's the beginning of a new era and not a fluke. also the entire tiktok is zoomer brownoids posting watermelon filters to support Palestine- the Jevvs have unironically doomed themselves, there are massively unprecedented levels of master-defying now >>415886 yeah the autocorrect usually changes a less common word to a more common word. one would think that even if she fat-fingered "k1ke", it would have autocorrected to "like" fukken love this video, made a subfolder in my webms folder to put all the baste sand aryan anthems
>>415886 good use of a reaction image
oh and it was actually watching that video before the workout that helped me put more effort in. I would be about to do a set and then think "alright we need to channel the ancient Iranian Zarathustrian fire god energy and strengthen our muscles" and then my form would be better because my core muscles were tight due to effort
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>When you threaten us with war, our response is: we're not dead yet >Our answer to you will be on the tip of a blade >The concept of surrender is gone from our minds <They can suppress us! <They can kill us, if you like! <But we will not capitulate! same energy
>>415887 their jew hatred is based but don't get carried away lad their end goal is global conquest >>415888 thanks lad
I hate muslims and I hate jews
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>>415891 the aim is to reach an equilibrium where the jevv-serving whites are kicked out of the middle east and the brownoids are kicked out of Europe, and then you just have peaceful trade between Europe and the Islamic world. there's really no non-(((Nasal))) reason why that can't be the case also the Shi'ite zealotry is objectively bretty ebin >Soon everywhere will hear the name of Hussein >The legacy of Khomeini will become international >What delayed the global Islamic Awakening? >The voice of Heydar will prevail from the Kaaba >The era of oppression will end >This is the Shia flag that will be waved from the top of the world >Anyone who follows Ali is our compatriot >We will soon write "Ya Heydar e Karar" on the green flag of Saudi Arabia! when you consider the context where they believe that theirs is the true religion and that the Shi'ites, the ~10% minority of Muslims that have faith in Ali's legitimacy and have been persecuted for over a thousand years as a result, and Iran had this revolution where they toppled the pro-western leader and formed a THEOCRACY that uncompromisingly opposes |srael, and they view their country as this citadel of righteousness in the face of evil that's protected by God and destined to enlighten the world with the true religion... the guy singing really believes this and he's all emotionally charged, you can see it in this face and hear it in his voice. also consider that their ancestry is predominately Iranian (mutted up with some Arab/Turkic/whatever else blood) and they have that Zoroastrian fire god energy with the "For as long as the divine spirit is in their heart of the soil" that's vaguely Pagan, remember that the indigeneous Iranian religion is monotheistic and that Shi'ism is vaguely Pagan-influenced (although it was the Azeri Turks that forcibly converted Iran to Shi'ism). it's just epic been thinking about this lately how ackshually it's the anti-racists that are racist. they think these Muslims should just become deracinated atheistic degenerate coomers living off welfare paid by the white man, and maybe start taking estrogen and putting things in their anus. meanwhile me, an actual racist that views races as biologically different, am genuinely interested in learning about and appreciating foreign cultures, trying to better understand their position and their mindset. looking at these primitive sand people with their bandanas and curved swords and thinking, "hmm, well I wouldn't want them in my neighborhood but this is actually pretty cool in a way". the liberals would look at them and think they're primitive ignorant sexist bigots that need to be 'enlightened' with NLM and Trans Kids >>415892 >>415893 this shit is honestly dumb. I was scrolling on TikTok in between sets and I see these brownoid zoomers supporting Palestine (thus implicitly defying the Jevvs), and then these coalburning Persian thots crash a pro-|srael protest and I'm looking at these fucking retarded boomers waving |sraeli flags that have full blooded European ancestry and yet they're literally out in the streets protesting in favor of the Jevv, the race that is destroying their own race, tormenting their own people and ruining everything... anyway obviously I am white and in favor of the whites but at the end of the day if somebody is pro-Jevv I don't give a fuck what race they are, I am not standing with them and I sincerely hope a terrible fate befalls them. and if somebody is anti-Jevv, then whatever they are, even if I don't like what they are, I will admit that there is at least some spark of goodness in them. there is no such ember of righteousness burning in the heart of a boomer Z1onist, they have been completely and utterly consumed by evil and there is not a shred of humanity left no, I do not "wish |srael and Palestine a very pleasant mutual annihilation". I wish |srael a very, very unpleasant annihilation and I wish for there to be a one state solution comprised of one state called the "Islamic Republic of Palestine" governed by [redacted] from the river to the sea with the Golan Heights returned to Syria. I am not one of these retards with the "both sides brown so me no care" bullshit, when in actuality there are racially Caucasoid people that are being genocided by the Jevv just like us and some of them are fighting back against our common enemy... and I'm supposed to be like "oh well they're ethnically different and have a different phenotype and religion and culture so I can't be pro-them"? what? that's retarded. just because I want my people to live geographically separte from them and not intermingle with any of their poopy genetics doesn't mean I can't sympathize with their struggle. am I the only smart person left? fuck *resists urge to make "anti-British" comments*
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look at how skinny they are. you know why? because their country is extremely poor, there's no food or clean drinking water, because they've been at war with Saudi Arabia (backed by the (((USA)))) and they can't both fill their stomachs and let the kids in their family eat. imagine you're born a brown shitskin Arab in a poor desert country that's being blown to smithereens by corrupt sellout traitors of your same Arab race that enjoy pooping on Swedish supermodels as a reward for being good g0yim serving their masters. you have nothing but the religion your people have followed for over a millenium and some equipment generously given to you by your Shi'ite brothers in Iran. ultimately what I'm getting at is that these guys have righteous hearts, they are fighting for what is right, and I think it's really disrespectful for keyboard warriors to be shitting on them. I, for one am fond of any gentile that resists the Jevv. that is not mutally exclusive with wanting my own white race to survive and thrive
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basically you're a stupid g0y for falling for this "cartoon Nazi" nonsense. we can like our own white race, be critical of other races, and have demands for the world regarding what our place in the world must be (an ethnically pure European and independent Europe, at minimum) without going full 13-year-old-on-/pol/-for-the-first-time-upset-about-the-state-of-the-world-saying-Aryan-laser-eye-deathbots-should-make-the-whole-world-white retardation. at the end of the day, the Jevvs are our problem, and it just so happens that they are other peoples' problem too. that works out in our favor because it means we have ALLIES
>>415897 long-term peace isn't possible with them lad they believe their god told them to make the entire world either convert to islam or submit as vassals
making posts so good the entire /brit/ just concedes the argument and goes to bed in shame or maybe not oh well >>415898 sure to a degree but if that's militarily impossible because of nuclear deterrence then it doesn't have to go anywhere. if you actually listen to what these Muslims are saying, their message to the west is, "we hope you will accept the truth of Islam, and we demand that you leave us the fuck alone"
like what we want is for them to leave us the fuck alone and what they want is for us to leave them the fuck alone. the only reason why neither is the case is the JEVV
>>415899 >if you actually listen to what these Muslims are saying, their message to the west is, "we hope you will accept the truth of Islam, and we demand that you leave us the fuck alone" and you think that won't change once they've got their house in order and can start negotiating from a position of strength?
>>415901 Europe is stronger than them when Europe has its house in order. 'what if the Arabs form a new caliphate and conquer Europe' is not a sober concern in current year. especially if there's no fifth column. the only reason that thought even registers in your brain is because of the brownoid immigrants imported by the Jevv
>>415898 Only became a thing with mass migration and weaponised to put pressure on the societies they live in tbh
>>415902 still not going to blindly trust them tbh your enemy's enemy is useful but he's not your friend >>415903 jews opened the gates for them but the muslims act the way they do of their own volition
Fucksake. All this retardedness Don’t know why the government of whatever country doesn’t just go full genocide on us all. They hate us https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/23/cameron-ortis-canada-rcmp-royal-canadian-mounted-police
>>415904 True. I think they get nudged in that direction as well but I’m also sure they do it to intimiate and win concessions but if we let them continue it could start to become a reality. Doesn’t help the government stopping us doing what we all know we need to do to prevent this which is to to push back and push out tbh
>>415904 >the muslims act the way they do of their own volition they're also pissed about the fact that the Jevv-controlled west destroys their countries and slaughters their people. they view whites as collaborators with the Jevv with no balls to resist them. of course some of them are just low IQ with this "decolonize" brownoid seething but there are legitimate grievances that they have. Libya especially but also Iraq and Syria were relatively nice places to live before (((the west))) destroyed them
now that browns are turning against the Jevv, whites need to distance themselves from the Jevv and make clear that we too are victims of the Jevv, not their cheerleaders. otherwise browns are going to interpret this anti-Jevv rage as anti-White rage. it needs be to clear to everyone that Jevvs are not white and that whites that support the Jevv are drooling retards that do not represent the rest of us
>>415905 they get a sadistic pleasure out of it smh >>415907 and they ignored the "jew-controlled" part and went around killing average people who had no ability to influence policy while leaving the jews untouched >>415908 tbh
>>415910 keeeeeeek why is it another /pol/face phenotype?
>>415879 Wahey , morning
>>415879 i hate this shite so much. fuck japan tbh
>>415914 Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
>>415915 And somebody else got up on the WONG side ..
>>415917 Wong is Chinese not Japanese
>>415917 keeeeeeek
>>415919 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>415918 WONGU! ウォング うぉんぐ
>Holland’s got an anti Turkey Turkish Kurd femoid PM
Forgot how peng Momo from Twice is. Yum.
>>415923 >nexit
>>415926 those future doctors and engineers must be so confused smh consequences only happen to other people
>>415927 >bullies not racist murderers >nodded respectfully >gudbois >hard life >dindunuffin >will absolutely not get life
>>415928 it's an absolute farce the way brownoids are coddled they'll get away with everything because they're all very sorry for what they've done
Unironically > Andrea, who is married to Treavion's grandfather Lovell Randolph Sr, 54, said: 'Everybody is devastated by what they say he's done. >'I can't understand it. He's never been any trouble. He comes here for birthdays and holidays. It's a very sad situation.' > Despite Randolph Jr's lengthy rap sheet, his son Treavion was described as a good boy and a dedicated student by his family.
>>415929 >we sorry but we dindunuffin wrong!
>>415930 >he a good boy >he dindunuffin your next line is "need mo money fo dem programs"
Yes Charlie! They will listen to you! Of course they will! Fucking mongoloid milleniboomer
opening night was fully booked up and now I'm thinking about not going at all smh what a shit
>>415933 sick of the audacity of these kikes tbh >>415934 smh another film rewriting history to make huwhite man bad how original
night lads
>>415936 sneet sneams
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_Force_Space_Component_Command >shartica has furfags with shitty donut steel OCs in charge of their satellites
just got up
>boomer lad saying he's always vooted Conservative but won't any more >because SunACK is an uncharismatic wimp Nice to know that the 1000 year Tory Reich can be saved by putting a more engaging traitor as their party leader like Blormphson again.
>tfw nowhere to get a Christmas chip where I live
>>415940 Ask hm to point to where it says ‘charisma’ on their manifesto
>>415944 that wouldn't have happened in northern ireland
>>415938 the chairforce has those massive autism gou'ald swords as well. they are probably the most cringe military branch in the whole world
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>>415934 for me its waterloo (1970) the idea that some american kike is playing the ultimate french GOAT instead of a frog actor is pure cancer
>>415933 so jews just get to openly ethnically cleanse middle ages tier when innocent little serboids can't even have a comfy border realignment? FUCK THE UN
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not even sure if I care about saving the white race anymore lads
>But I dindunuffin!? I was jus’ hazzin’ sex!?
>>415950 it is a bit wholesome that 3 people getting stabbed is a national event in ireland
>>415955 It's probably affected half their population.
>>415944 it's just their culchur lad so it is
>>415955 well they're all related down there
been thinking about how wignatism is basically just a post christian chivalric cult sort of thing for anglosphere diasporoids. its a stoic cult that externalizes your wants and needs to this abstraction called the white race, which really in the american context all originated in the 1840s during the polk administration in the writings of many politicians as well as philosophically in the work of emerson who spoke of "the anglo saxon race". really the problem of feminism is that this chivalric cult ends up just keeping men on the outside where at a certain point femoids and the camp follower mass of useless normalfags will just appropriate racialist lingo so they can resume their status in the caste system while the incels that carried out whatever "revolution" was to even occur end up back in the same position as workhorse drones. if you think about it really the whole race doesn't matter since a mass amount of them are total vaxx cattle NPCs who could believe that if they quacked like ducks they would defeat chimichanga diseases because the jews on TV told them to do this or they would lose their goodscreen jobs. the problem of the westoid caste system is that vast amounts of nigger cattle exist and they are irrelevant to the actual "white nationalist" ideal. so in the end your believe in "saving the white race" is just a stoic device similar to christian martyrdom where you can self validate your workhorse life perpetuating the karen-nigger cattle email sender caste system. realistically all that matters is the sort of "voice-hearer" type of men who are in tune with the forms and they can then create a system that honors the forms and then the nigger cattle will orbit the forms doing their proper buttmatrix rituals in honor of the new ideal. however this shouldn't require your average "white nationalist" to lift a finger to save dumb normalfag cattle or white women both of whom are simple camp followers and will merely be present at the finish line. if you think about it in the past men took whatever women they conquered in battle and it was more of a sign of decadence that they went through these elaborate rituals wherein "m' lady" and "her virtue" became centerpiece in the workhorses reason d'etre. -in defense of imperium, 2023 steinigger
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exactly, all the westoid caste system can do is shame workhorse incels for not staying at the bottom of the gnostic torture pit and waiting for their table scraps. they will shame you even with racialist memes but will they ever lift a finger to actually uplift the westoid young men and establish them as inheritors of the civilization?
dark knight instead of jewpoleon tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie13dbqydTs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBb1gf46LIk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJroOnp7-Rg >>415948 keek yeah I remember you posting those >>415949 yeah smh going to see the plane scene with extended post-credit film tonight instead, might still go watch jewpoleon later in the week and report back on how much it shits on him even THOUGH he gave jews a fair shake and only btfo them after being fucked with one too many times by their arrogance as usual >>415952 vanlad was probably right all those years ago and the future and the only thing worth caring about is your own little warband smh maybe you can get peinovich or hamback's groups up in your state and join them >>415959 >>415961 what I'm hearing is damage and chaos and collapse is... le good! and billions must die >>415962 keeeeeeek
borderline spician post from wess there
>comparing me to he
>"forms? omg whats he talking about, such an incel"
>using the same VPN ACK
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Flexibility Easy Stretch Yoga Flow #shorts
>>415971 *umm hi steinhog do you think you have time to get on the roof and repair the cancer asphault sealant around the sewer exhaust for less money than I make in 20 mins showing my pussy online?*
>>415944 any info?
not watching unless a car barrels into her at 200mph because she and her butthole filming aid parked in the mdidle of a motorway on-ramp to film it
>that offgrid living thot that steiney hates has an onlyfans and was a coalburner before she met her husband
>>415974 it's just a screen grab lad there are hundreds of these videos though
>>415970 just thought again about how the jewK has banned specific types of material, thicknesses and bores of piping to prevent DIYchads from having fun so fucking cucked and we don't even have mass peasant self defence movements like in nipnongland whenever their oppressive govts banned swords and guns and etc
>>415975 >>that offgrid living thot that steiney hates has an onlyfans and was a coalburner before she met her husband subscribed
>>415977 12.5hr shift not counting toilprep and travel tomorrow so I can earn less than 1% of her ad revenue
>>415976 mis(you)ed tbh
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>>415952 >not even sure if I care about saving the white race anymore lads lad no, that's what the Jews *want!*
>Literally under a pro immigration pooster Keeeeeeeeek Thoughts and prayers big man
>>415981 >they formed a ring around him and said NO, STOP, DON'T TOUCH HIM THERE, THAT IS HIS NO NO SQUARE! instead of battering the assailants
>>415984 hearty chuckleovitz Thanks lad
>>415983 we can't let hate divide us don't look back in anger etc.
>>415986 zero mention of ethniciity
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>>415986 >no description of the attacker do we know if it's a wog yet?
>>415988 >>415989 Think this mght be him >>415983
>>415981 If I was there I would have beaten them too. They're enemies of Britain.
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nigger cattle westoids actively defending a shitskin invader stabbing children from mob justice remember white nationalist incels we have to save these people they are so virtuous and superior we have to sacrifice ourselves in down in the black pits to rescue them
>>415994 We've always maintained that we must destroy traitors, lad. Take your jaded faggot shit elsewhere you fucking Ojibwe nigger.
Always been in this for meself tbh
Permaban all yanks, sick of them piping up they're not wanted.
Steiners just in the depression part of his cycle
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when are we going to destroy traitors lad?
>>415991 >Think this mght be him I assumed that was one of his victims
>most of the leading politicians or candidates in anglosphere are now shitskin pajeets
>coffee: poured >truck electrical problems: fixed by steinhogs secret wrapping ground wire with tinfoil covered wd40 method >madlad:seething >thanksgiving food:cooking >taigs:btfo >life:no meaning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylJRlMKS9wM
Think they’ve pinched a load of Reichbugger boomers again. Probably barebacked an open Telegram channel and had a group. Mental
>>416005 where's that bullshit text about "pre-cognitive AI run on quantum computers" from? was that one of the things they posted?
>>416005 troon/jew hands typed that second image
>>416003 We should do a deal with the Taliban and buy them tickets for holidays there promising them untold riches..then sit back and wait for news
it's fascinating to work around the upper middle class etc tbh they are still well insulated from reality and things will have to get a lot worse before they notice anything wrong
>>416005 I don't believe in the whole big brother eye of sauron shite it think its just a mass of nigger cattle that are stuck in a jewish feed lot primarily out of sloth and decadence and they would rather kill their own than potentially go a day without their comfort.
>>416010 tbh I think many of them will not admit anything is wrong to the end its part of their belief system. its why many of them wear masks out of arrogance and forcing others to live in the lies they create
The govt's vicious assaults against any dissidents is a sign of their weakness tbh, they do it out of fear of being seen as weak and vulnerable and also attempting to nip any nascent nationalist movement in the bud before it gets off the ground because they know how fragile the system is.
>>416014 exactly
>>416014 BASED
>>415966 the blonde lass in the background gives me quite le boner. such a look of disgust at a little old incel like me. corr
>really slippery last night >truck slipping on a flat surface *screams*
god I hate women
napoleon movie looks completely shite
>>416023 I will never work another day in that field, all of them all the scum should be taken out and shot if all the people knew how they were just destroying all our artifacts so casually no values beyond their easy little faggot jobs
>>416024 at least I didn't see any blapipo in the trailer smh
at this point I don't even give that much of a shite about niggers they will just default to being good tame bucks once we deal with the jews. the ones in your country need to leave of coursh. the entire problem is that our society is run by jews and their deranged feminazi technocrats stuck on this busted, broken 20th century ideology that has no purpose. would a white nationalist be a wigger and live in a juggalo trailer park if it saved the white race? alot of people wouldn't idk just so tired of how pathetic particularly american dissidents have become, its just sportsball to everyone now, the only actual values they hold are secret agent spectator shit nobody bar a small vanguard ever does any thing
trump worked perfectly as a way to get all the dissidents back on the boomer plantation. I feel like brexit and farage was similar to the jewK, its wild how much time has passed since brexit or trump and the time when people thought anglo isolationism was coming back and now where we are now, just time traveled almost a decade. the only good thing really is the jews are out of mojo
kjeeeeeki ng >>416028 >>416029 just two more weeks of secretagentfagging and le collapse will happen
>>416029 farage did admit that he killed the bnp
Feel like the boomer spirit has risen from the grave with the anti-muslim sentiment going on tbh. It's weird, you have the young kids worshiping muslims and the boomers worshiping jews smh *screams*
>>416032 I love him lads
fresh ukrainian holes being vigorously assaulted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfAQRXUHBjY
>>416035 show your support by likeing, favouriting and retweeting his ARMA 3 "ukraine war leaks" and buying a genuine knights templar polyester mantle keeksmh you either die a hero or live long enough to become a grifter
just want all the old britnats and ecelebs to be friends again and get together and morph into ubermosley and use aryan blood rays to melt ZOG into ash tbh
watched the Nige negro interaction. God the unbearable loudness of niggers
can't believe the oven chip reviewer became the leader of the resistance tbh what a turnover
>>416031 He bragged about it like it was a good thing. >>415981 >>415993 Tbh.
can't even remember who john lennon, shitty tommy sequel, optics queen and whoever this guy is are tbh
>>416041 Link?
happy thanksgiving steiner
>>416046 keeeeek here's hoping gta 6 or whatever is a flop
>>416045 jewjewcum is too addictive for politicians smh
>>416005 A PLOT to spread conspiracy theories?
>>416046 ty lad
>>416049 bloody 1984 innit germans have gone mad again, the fascists
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>no holiday ham to overpower the turkey like at grams thanksgiving >turkey >mash 'tatos >sprouts >sweet 'tato casserole dessert >stuffing grams used to go BIG with sliced beats boiled eggs in shell, ham, cauliflower cheese
>>416052 they're all getting old smh my granny isn't doing a christmas dinner this year
>>416051 2ww1wc iyam, HMMPH!
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>>416054 the worst part is the lisa simpson paradigm and boomers coasting on for too long means all these rituals are dead now im in my 30s now and I don't see any family gatherings down the road
just for the zoomers out there, once you get to about 28-31 it really hits you how fucked up the west is
we're having roasted NIGGER
>>416056 yeah smh the xoomers here follow things like sunday dinner but I bet once the boomers die off they won't bother any more because there's no material benefit to doing so (making sure the boomers keep them in the will/give them more money) everyone younger than that is spread out across the country and (in fraunce also) and also because they are female ladder climbers for the most part they enter into other groups another incel pain is living through the death of the family, in the lineage sense. The last males of our respective paternal lines and the only people who actually care about them and the least likely to breed. My dad's parents died recently. He doesn't care enough anyway to even send an email every year, and I have zero knowledge of that entire side of the family which should be the "important" one by traditional angloid custom. it all rots and fades away
>>416058 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >polface with suspiciously nigger shaped belly sweating nervously
>>416059 yeah its the exact same here as well >another incel pain is living through the death of the family, in the lineage sense. The last males of our respective paternal lines and the only people who actually care about them and the least likely to breed. your lineage just exists as monetary assets for people to fight over to fund their fake lifestyle lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duqqRPgO-uU *voluntoils to preserve history while entire fundraising system of the museum exists to support the lifestyle of 2-3 fat middle age white women with cats to sit a a computer all day and do anti-white shite*
>>416026 there actually is lad
Riots in Dublin police beating the Irish https://nitter.net/VideosIrish
>>416061 at least le collapse is an opportunity to start again often thought about how based it would be to be a real patriarch boomers not maintaining that custom probably contributed more to decline and atomisation than anything else just want to have big intergenerational compounds me smh >>416063 ACK >>416062 keeek it's true smh >>416065 KEEEEK
hope the taigs do it, you lads are in the 1900-1919 phase of white dispossession compared to midwestoid urban areas. this is alot like when the niggers in the public swimming area attacked whitetoid children so the whitoids went around killing niggers all week long afterwards
>>416065 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>416069 and everybody clapped keeeeeek
>>416058 >>416060 >>416065 keeeeeeeeeeek bring nigger-voring back
time to watch some proper kino
https://odysee.com/@Steinhog:6/Incelrant11_22:1 sorry this one cuts out abruptly I am going to try to upload part 2 today after voring turkey then have another one also to upload
looks like a little girl is almost certainly dead
>>416075 based, it's been so long since some REAL eceleb content
>>416078 its pretty shit video I have just been woes tier busy getting fucked by life so I haven't had time to do any actually big brain thinks that are worth even filming
>>416076 RIP in peace. She'll never know the joys of her first threesome, first abortion, getting married to get divorced and permacuck her workhorse. It's not right. #Liberals4deportations
>>416073 THIS IS ABOUT US!
>>416020 That's bullshit but I believe it
>>416079 > woes tier busy so not busy at all?
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>>416065 what a lucky chud
>felt like a cheeky wank >check and see she's camming, currently on freeview >she notices my user, rolls her eyes and immediately kicks me from the room
WE WILL NOT TOLERA…. *skull gets caved in by Paddy waving his hurling stick
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>>416086 bisexgf lad?
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>>416090 what's her @ on chaturbate? I'll stream it in kosmi so you can still watch
>416086 Please suffer in silence
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>>416093 lad, us chuds need to stick together
>>416091 Keek. Nice try.
>>416095 >Keek. Nice try. Just trying to help you get around your ban lad get in https://app.kosmi.io/room/pkpdux
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So, let's unpack this.
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>>416080 *likes this post* +1 racism lad
>>416081 jews will probably eventually be standing right next to the shitskin murdering the eloi whitoid and saying into the camera in selfie mode, WOW IF THIS WAS A JEW IT WOULD BE LIKE 10k WHITOIDS GETTING KILLED
>>416085 dahlmer would have been marathon watching buck breaking if he was alive today
Seems like these upstanding "True irishmen" are doing almost as much damage if not more than the foreigners they are "protesting" These people are literal proto fascists roaming our streets like canada goose clad brown-shirts only with less brain cells. >taigoids literally wear canadian tundra parkas in non sub-zero temps
>>416106 holy heckin black bodies are the only ones allowed to protest like this
>>416108 tbh hope that taigs start their own form of CHAZ
kill yourself manx
>>416106 >>416107 The anti lower class shit from the middle classoids always comes out with stuff like this, thats why they hate this, when it was blacks they loved it but when its lower class whites its a low status thing.
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POV you are a norman adventurer in 1171
>>416112 yeah exactly tbh nationalism in the west will only happen if the jew system of fake job officiods are destroyed and reduced to prole as well
holy fuck that ireland subreddit makes the UK one look like early 8kun/pol by comparison
>this thread https://youtu.be/HjixLT6DX7M You've bean reported to 77 Brigade
Might make a "kill your local drug dealer" stencil and plaster the town
>>416116 *mancs sorry lad
>>416116 He probably means smee tbh.
>>416117 >open embed >slavs soyfaces
>416121 >Open your genetic code >Ojibwe blood Shouldn't you feel a kinship with racial bastards?
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>>416119 good lad
matt heimbach and TWP en route to slaughter shitskins in ireland
they say they are doing it for their heritage
Looks like every site except leddit is defending the rioters tbh
police getting btfo, some stupid millenial gen x faggot whining trying to get it to stop, fucking scum
Numbers don’t even matter anymore. They just keep finding more
>>416130 why even bother caring, anybody who could do anything about it doesn't even talk about it, even nosely sits on his arse playing games on stream instead of kicking up a fuss.
>>416128 Went and had the inevitable wank over her. Smh. >>416127 Based. Have mild hopium lately about normie backlashes.
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>>416132 >Went and had the inevitable wank over her. Smh. y-you'll get over her eventually lad
>>416129 imagine going to a riot after 3 years of covid shite and defending the cops
irish copper set upon, ironically lefties on twitter very concerned about the police all of a sudden
weird psyop rn where all these slags who look like classic slags but in ireland on twitter they are all political and pro open borders etc, strange.
>>416137 this over the stabbing? I don't get it. Did police not act in time?
>>416137 zogbots like that deserve no mercy
>Police have said a "complete hooligan lunatic faction driven by far-right ideology" is behind violent protests in Dublin after three young children were injured in a stabbing outside a primary school.
Fucking sick of bins being an utter mong and having to be spoonfed on everything, wtf is there to get, foreigner attacks irish children, irish riot!?
on the ancient Ethiopian Christian Kebra Nagast >Towards the end of the book, I found a chapter that seethed with anti-judiac sentiments: here, for no apparent reason, the Ethiopian Jews were suddenly described as the "enemies of god"; furthermore the text advocated that they should be "cut to pieces" and that their lands should be laid waste. Later... >God will say to Gebra Maskal ("slave of the cross"), "choose thou between the Chariot and Zion", and He will cause him to take Zion, and he shall reign openly upon the throne of his father. And God will make Israel to choose the chariot, and he shall reign secretly and he shall not be visible. even ancient niggas knew about da joos
have the frogs set fire to any hotels
>>416145 Need to lay siege to government institutions to get any public backing. Useless doing this. Oh well.
>>416150 its a large corporate hotel being paid by govt to house migrants, the Dail was more protected and it was clearly an impromtu protest.
>>416149 another mong take from dutton, have never taken him seriously since he literally poured champagne after boris won in 2019
>>416152 >have never taken him seriously since he literally poured champagne after boris won in 2019 Yikes.
>>416152 >>416153 he is a tarqwilliamoid spastic when it comes to polishits tbh
>staying up late before the extra long toil shift day (with no overtime pay) gni
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>only 7 shifts left in my 2-week notice period because I just happened to book some holiday days last month >4 days pay for doing absolutely nothing >got a week off before the induction day that I *could* actually have worked in but I don't want to Absolutely SHAFTED the bosslady on this, lads
>>416151 Could have sieged the Home Office for the kino
>>416143 >Fucking sick of bins being an utter mong and having to be spoonfed on everything, wtf is there to get, foreigner attacks irish children, irish riot!? It hasn't been revealed if the stabber was a wog yet, that's why
>no context image you have to guess the rest or get called a mong
>>416159 didn't know that, cheers lad
>>416160 Who said anything about an image? the whole thread was posting about it, nobody posted an out of context image and expected you to get it.
https://twitter.com/VideosSick/status/1727792147888222554 “Just fucking kill them”. Holy based.
>>416163 The correct way to deal with gypsies.
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>>416162 stop expecting to be spoonfed, mong
>>416137 why don't they hit him with bats, just punching does nothing don't get it, is it all just performative?
Conor McGregor leading the charge
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god nu-thanksgiving is so shite its now just 3 hours of listening to my brothers gf go on about travelling to other countries while my bi polar schizo ocd dad fixates on the cutting the turkey while basically conducting an interview of her for the entire time while every one else just sits there silently
>>416137 middle classoids are the enemy they are pathologically anti-white at least zionists and kikes have self interest
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>>416172 >middle classoids are the enemy class warfare was invented by jews to divide us lad smh
>>416174 except the vast majority of organized anti-white activity in the west is administrated by middle classoids, prove otherwise
>>416176 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >:50 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdwLxOK7xLc&t=21s retvrn to tradition
WE HAVE FAILED! LOL! SORRY! STATATATATATITTSACTICS LOL Absolute scum https://nitter.net/GBNEWS/status/1727785863256383903#m
>ywn be wandering around stomping niggers with a bunch of angry irish men keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>416177 Tbf the Irish working class lads will stick together and ain’t frightened of a fight
Wogs have no future in Ireland
>>416181 good I would literally be a stowaway on a boat to fight in the british isles TND wars
>>416170 yeah what happened to funny drunkard uncles that would make things banterous? i suppose that's supposed to be us by now. you should've jestermaxxed
>>416183 >make a joke >everyone does the fluoride stare pearls before swine lad just be the racist drunkard uncle instead
Blood in the water sharks circling
>>416185 the people have spoken tbh the tories will never recover from this
>>416186 I am expecting to begin watching lynchings of politicians all over the UK possibly Australia and Europe from next year at this rate tbh https://nitter.net/Steve_Laws_/status/1727431953039741334
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got back from ans Thanksgiving. nice to see family and have a nice meal. and yes I did have pastel de nata and sangria, no codfish cakes this time though
>>416187 should put them all feet first into a woodchipper tbqh >>416188 if only >>416189 >no codfish cakes this time though smh what's the point then?
>>416183 nah I was just waiting until it was end of social ritual then get back to good screen. I tried to crack jokes but my brothers gf is too much of a stuck up posho chicago princess
>>416189 >all that weird immigrant food shite not american
god i love goodscreen time dduring christmas
>pasta on an autumnal harvest feast yeah its a non nordic
>>416191 based this should happen every time any shitskin anywhere gets uppity >>416192 you probably traumatised her lad smh a labourer sitting at the same table as royalty and trying to make conversation
>>416058 >>416060 >>416065 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>416158 >It hasn't been revealed if the stabber was a wog yet, that's why that's a pretty safe assumption to make >>416193 >not american good, I cannot think of many adjectives worse than that one
>>416197 why do you even come here lad?
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>>416195 it's not pasta, it's custard >>416198 it's an outlet for socialization, and the "spic" identity only lives here. been over 5 years posting on these boards as evidenced by this screencap from over 5 years ago
>>416199 that just makes even less sense
spent all day cooking but none of us had anything to say to one another at the table. thankfully it was only awkward and not gloomy--we've all given up and I suppose we're OK with that. with luck I can get properly besotted before this silly night is up
>>416201 >we've all given up and I suppose we're OK with that.
did they actually deport all the XL bullies?
>>416203 furbabies are being ordered aborted.
they wildin ongod
ngl its based seeing a white riot, the taigesses are classy and aren't twerking on burning things while doing negro commentary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uum7Z6ul0D4&t=14s watching it again lads ultimate kino fast food nigger fight of all time
>>416184 always laugh at your own jokes louder than anybody else lad, shows dominance.
>>416206 tbh nice to see civil disobedience done right for once >>416208 keeeeek based
>>416207 >the little one climbing the table so he can stamp on his head
found a job for chinky lass posting lad eating more turkey/stuffing/gravy
keet woods is a good lad I used to not like him for some of his takes but he is a good lad
>>416213 yeah hes the only e celeb that hasnt made a fool of themselves over dumb bullshit
>>416214 he was always a bit too pretentious for me with his egoism about being a galaxy brain but he has been really good in the past few years
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actual political comment: I noticed that the halftime show for the football game (there's always a football game on Thanksgiving) was relatively unpozzed and normal. it's usually some webm related Beyonce type shit, with all of the commercials being 60% black. many amerimutts actually believe that blacks are over a third of the population due to their overrepresentation in advertising. so I think that they are just trying to placate the masses right now, chill them out, most likely because of the |srael situation. they don't want people paying attention to politics if the current thing is Jevvs taking babies out of incubators
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I wish I was shane from the movie shane
taigs are southposting really hard rn do you lads figure they will actually race war or are they just blowing smoke
>>416219 probably big nothing burger. still cool to see wypipo riot
how the fuck do these people exist? it's insane, you go to a grocery store in the USA and 90% of the shit on the shelves is toxic processed garbage with page-long ingredients lists containing no actual food. people are actually buying and eating this trash and somehow they're still alive? and they think it's okay and normal? they don't know better? holy fuck
some people are poorfags spic not everybody is some yuppy coastnigger
the people who built this country lived on salt pork and corn dodgers
obv not talking about shitain because they lived on ROAST BEEF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_YzLIDmBAo
>>416222 money doesn't excuse it, I'm sure you could buy cheap rice/vegetables and rotiserrie chicken for less than what that processed factory slop costs, and while it wouldn't be optimal nutrition it would be a big improvement. she just doesn't know any better, her own parents must have just grabbed some instant whatever off the shelf without looking at the ingredients list and that's how she learned to feed herself and her family
fucking hate that pretentious queer beaner always ready to prattle off with some inane woman shit about creams
>>416227 it's funny you mention that because I'll be upgrading from 0.3% retinol to 0.025% tretinoin soon
>>416227 yeah tbh
spic will troon out after he gets his leg surgery
>the iceland volcano isn't going to erupt after all i miss the la palma eruption, spanish do better eruptions that was really kino. especially when the lava went into that swimming pool and boiled the water off
>>416170 This was close to my experience last year only less grim because my brother's (now ex) gf was a nearly 40 year old woman, a decade his senior, and still the same sort of gabby teenybopper cooing about how she had been to Spain, and about how she had eaten hummus in Israel
Keith Woods was always based. Lockdown skinhead Keet was kino. UP THE RA
>>416232 >and about how she had eaten hummus in Israel Wish she'd been eaten by hamas in israel instead.
>>416232 the travelthot meme has got to be wearing thin by now. i've noticed on my goybook quite a bit less of it, it really is a millenial woman thing, i don't think gen z are as bad tbh
Doubt they have the money for traveling, have to suck off the landlord to pay rent.
>>416236 tbh the only people I know who are slightly comfy as youngfags have rich parents or parents that got into real estate in the past 10 years meaning their lives are funded off mortgage shite
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what is you lads opinion of westoid white women pretending life is hard?
>>416238 i think they just pretend it's bad as an excuse to extend their childhoods into their forties, and men never get to mature either because for some reason women suddenly don't like us so we just retreat to the coomchamber (which is also shamefully comfy)
>>416238 how could you believe this age represents the decline and man and yet still submit yourself to the psychiatrist's model of the soul? how can you believe that and in good conscience sit across from someone who tells you in so many words: "you're crazy" for being unhappy, disordered, angry; it's an oxymoron
>>416240 of man*
watching the andrew tate interview, pretty kino so far
mfw I rawdogged the decline of man
>>416240 How can >women ?
>>416212 Cor that's a good-looking woman. Wouldn't want to be the guy in the webm. He puts in an effort, but he'd get bored and lonely and is entirely reliant on the goodwill of women - not a good idea.
>>416238 It's just the way they are. They don't have the self-awareness to realise hoe easy things are for them.
we seem much less horny as le society overall as we were in the 70s and 80s. you look at media from back then and it seems like even the women wanted to coom like incels do now. plus you had the whole phenomenon where being a hairy man was sexy but now if anyone has their shirt off on goodscreen they'll be fully waxed and vaxxed
The last 2 weekends with the gf have taught me I just love sucking on tits. It's like I become possessed.
>>416247 women back then fucked a lot, and a diverse variety of men on the looks-scale at that, because they wanted to prove that sex was something flippant and trivial, but eventually this cohort of women developed the belief that sex was the eucharist and should only be awarded to men who reflect the "eugenic" ideal of popular culture as defined by magazines and hollywood ect. How we get from stage 1 to stage 2 idk it demands a thorough scientific investigation
>>416239 keeek coom chamber yeah smh
>>416240 women are literal nigger cattle she is just regurgitating the monkey call of the incels to appropriate the message to get more call response from other nigger cattle
>>416247 plus women weren't autismal about mens height or hairline
>>416249 this good post
basically "free love" became a device for feminists to torture men and destroy civilization
https://viralstyle.com/store/millennialwoes/millenniyule2023/1 Gonna bowl it around Morrissons with my Millenniyule t-shirt on tbh.
>>416254 the "female" became an independent category of subjectivity and was equated with God, if the religion of our time had a synopsis it would be that
Did I mention how much I love sucking my gf's tits?
>>416257 yeah you did lad
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>no gf havers itt
>>416259 society
>>416259 Just realised young Bobby DeNegro looks like young Messi.
>>416248 Childhood regression
Women are a waste of time and energy
>>416263 deniro is half irish, and his italian lineage originates from medieval albania; he's an Arbëreshë/Gaelic mix
>anti immigration potatoeters flooded the capital and caused a riot
What would we do without Brazil? Based Pele
Press immediately on the pro immigration bandwagon
>>416269 Can't believe he took his helmet off and did a bicycle kick with it. Knocked the knifeman out instantly.
>>416267 smh how could we be so mistaken whitebros immigration is... le good
If we had more immigration, a Brazilian would've jumped out of a tree onto him, before he even had a chance to pull the knife out.
Also in today’s Daily Israel don’t miss these hot stories “We don’t lie but they do because they’re browner than us!” And “TOTAL WAR! FUCKOFF!”
https://nitter.net/JoshLekach/status/1727798691669385643#m The flaccid asexual emptiness of millennial culture is the direct result of cohabitating male and female friendships in a middle to lower class environment which possesses none of the aristocratic eccentricities to normally justify mixing women and men together in a platonic environment. When manifested in the office drone white collar/service industry crossover of the average millennial urbanite, you get a facade of equanimity masking a sneering underlying bitterness and hostility. “But Scorch everyone’s just vibing out! What’s your problem, let people have fun chill out!” No. I’ve been balls deep inside of the average The Office tier Target furniture core marketing degree craft brewery barcade social circle via the barren womb of an anxiety medicated birth control ex-girlfriend’s friend group. I’ve looked these people in their swollen SSRI faces and seen the bare traced vestiges of what was once a soul. It’s a natural fact that the men in such a friend group are either: A: Normal dudes quietly bored but playing nice because they’re someone’s boyfriend B: Beyond unbelievably pussywhipped soft betas who haven’t acknowledged unrequited feelings for one of the girls C: Closeted or uncloseted homosexuals who may have been MKULTRA’d into a sodomite lifestyle from living the real life equivalent of a sparkling water commercial diverse friend group for over decade These people are not having fun, every group I’ve ever encountered that does this cringe shit is populated by people who all constantly complain about how depressed and anxious they are while making ha ha ironic jokes about wanting to die, living timid trembling lives with little to no jouissance. The millennial is arguably the most unfortunate generation in recent history. They represent the apex of a devastating culture war and the most direct results of spiritual castration with the least amount of pushback antithesis elements among their ranks. Besides the obvious insufferable premise of an entire performative event being built around a shitty pun turning into the accidental idolization of a mutilation blood sacrifice cannibal child rapist reptilian adrenochrome junkie, the video is just one of many seemingly inconsequential irritations that the average millennial presents. Theirs is a world of nagging rationalizations and pseudo sensibilities. Sometimes you need to take a step back and trust your gut instinct. The only thing standing in between you and the total domestication of your bloodline into the human equivalent of a Labradoodle is your ability to say “Nah this shits gay” and not be crucified by your entire friend group for it. The murmuring Millenial male who goes along with the soft Human Resources tier lululemon longhouse of burgeoning mids in his Bumble built friend group is the modern eunuch. If you’re a young man and your friend group does shit like this and you’re enjoying yourself then by all means discard this entire post as some wackadoodle rant from a bitter incel or whatever, live your life and be happy. But if you’re in a friend group that does shit like this and you feel some resonance with what I’ve said, if you’ve known the quiet turbulence of bored rage listening to the forced wine drunk laughter of your 400th session of Cards Against Humanity, then for your own sake, please free yourself. If you’re charming and have good taste, take absolute control of your friend group and filter it down into something meaningful. If it’s too far gone or you’re not capable of that, slowly cut yourself off. Pursue something meaningful, make more money, become stronger, faster, more violent, seriously learn a new skill. You are WASTING your TIME. If you’re a young woman, stop wearing spandex, never watch another episode of Friends again, don’t smoke weed, don’t take SSRIs, don’t take melatonin, don’t take birth control, gay guys aren’t your friends, and if you don’t have other female friends it’s because something is wrong with you. Thousands of people read this and liked it, trying to say "nobody read this" is colossal cope. If your default response to a large body of text is getting heated about words, you should actually have your phone and computer smashed into a brick wall and be thrown in a cobalt mine to labor until you expire. You were NEVER meant to be allowed to learn how to read, your ancestors were SLAVES. If the actual content of this post made you angry or upset in any way, you need to understand the following: - I am better than you - I am smarter than you - I am more attractive than you - I am happier than you - I am stronger than you - I am faster than you - I am more violent than you - I am more successful than you - I am more fulfilled than you - I have more friends than you - I have more charisma than you - I have more money than you - This post took me five minutes to write
[Expand Post]- I am right about everything If you liked this post, ayyy what's up lmao
>>416276 probably true tbh >lululemon longhouse keeeeeeek
>people saying Napoleon is framed as an incel in the film I will now watch your movie
Don't trust people who look like this
>>416278 love how jews right now are doing more to turn people against them than chuds ever could best part is when they finally get what's coming to them they won't even understand why it's happening
>>416280 Feels like I've gone back in time the past month or so.
Used to bleach his hair, now it's just grey/white. Think he's a part Indonesian that wanted to be a Nordic Aryan Alien. tbh.
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>>416280 addlepated simpleton detected
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>>416282 tbh lots of reruns lately
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Jacob Rees-Mogg issues APOLOGY for 'failing' Tory migration pledges | 'We have failed' https://youtu.be/77zAuyZVvSw
>>416287 Davey Davis elbow dropped a migrant boat
Had another dream that I made that point and click adventure game, Stefan Molyneux and the Lost Eggs. Would be like those classic LucasArt games, but with a modern twist.
love a puzzle me.
'ave you seen it?
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>>416288 Jacob Rees-Mogg issues APOLOGY for 'failing' Tory migration pledges | 'We have failed' https://youtu.be/77zAuyZVvSw
>>416282 >Feels like I've gone back in time the past month or so. yes lad, they've reset the simulation to 2015 (again)
>>416293 keeeeeek
>>416293 the reptilians have done me again.
lads...i've been done.
>>416296 >>416297 It's okay lad they can taste heat on the air, it's very hard to defeat something that tastes heat on the air.
I have to go out and toil in a bit, but I really don't want to. Then again should only take 2 or 3 hours and that'll be 100 squid in me pocket.
>>416300 >but I really don't want to. many such cases
100 squid secured
>>416305 Looks like old Geert is about to whip out his frikandel there. Tommy knows his place in the goy hierarchy well.
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>>416307 Is that all Sandy Toksvig does now?
>>416306 What’s a frikandel ffs, a german sosig?
>>416306 Probably about to get tommeh to blow his shofar for israel and bring European borders down
>>416308 >Is that all Sandy Toksvig does now? what did she ever do? she's a nobody that owes her entire career to being a lesbian that "works" at the BBC
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>>416311 to think we narrowly missed WW3 for this
>>416302 If we have to watch leftoid goyslop, what about that new netshits thing with Hitler as an imaginary friend?
>>416312 She was in the footlights.
so have the taigs done anything yet or did it become a nothingburger
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>>416317 Connor is hosting a sit-down between the Joyces, Nevins and Mcdonnaghs. This is the calm before the storm
>>416317 Until there is an actual political turn around it's all nothingburger.
>>416321 smh they were really running their mouths yesterday
really they just walked into just another spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) honey trap like j 6 for the chuds here
>>416279 He was a bit of a Mancslad in real life except bisexual ex gf was Josephine
>>416325 He looks like monkeys lol
What did the jews mean by this? >https://poal.me/1ohen8 >1ohen8
>>416326 He is
>>416324 He should have just had her executed by firing squad.
>>416325 nigel farages descent has gone beyond lolcow to just further demoralization propaganda.
tbf stalin was the most chad great man in terms of his interactions with femoids, hitler was definately incel masterrace but stalin seems like he was a failed normie who became a psychopath
>>416320 Varadkar! This is a call out to YOU from me, Conor McGregor of the clan McGregor, Aney Connor’s aunt’s nephew’s nephew Stokesy McGribbin who bate Donny the Doughnut McDonagh’s son Dixie for clappin’ Treesa, Jokesy JoJo’s pregnint girlfriend Dolly McParton in the gob after she’s drank 17 half pints of Guinness in a tribute to the Shanty Shorties of Navan and the Moighty McNinnies of Manchester who died in a big foight with the gards and I’m calling ye out yas dirty dirty poo poo ye! Ye can’t even shite in a bucket yas filthy whore ye and yas after havin’ to shite in the street outside the Dail ya tramp! I’ll lay ye to rest in the Ganges ya junkies junkies bastard! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cTMC4-cvqo
>>416332 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>416331 Maybe that's just how all Georgians deal with women?
>>416276 woah this post hit home. it's true that gen Z are better off than yoomers because although they're further down the garden path of decline, pushback exists amongst them. for us Yoomers that recognised how shit we were, our only option was eccentric solitude. feels like my withdrawal in my 20s was the only way i could've ever gone >cards against humanity i hated this yoomer wine aunt shit so fuvking much it was so gay
>>416335 Inane conversation and hollow friend groups are the staple of middleclassiodism aren't they?
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>>416276 great effort post lad I missed this one just saw it +1 racism and 20 glizzis
the video you linked makes me want to blow my brains out lad. I have completely withdrawn for years because of how fucking fake and gay my generation has made everything that is supposed to be important primarily to satisfy the lisa simpson princess demographic. went to a wedding where these cunts instead of taking the mans name or doing a hyphenated cuck name they opt instead to combine names and make a name fusion like baker and schumann becomeing schakermann and thinking its le fucking epic *soyface* while the entire wedding is like themed as a grateful dead concert and all the old christian michigan mummies are looking at each other aghast and the sheer nihilism
oh he just poosted a comment the only way forward is to reject williamoid and retvrn to white trash
>>416339 white van man for me
>>416341 good lad yeah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfE-ebr74Ao still not used to small euro diesel sounds
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Found this lad outside a shop. Almost took my hand off
>>416315 >footlights that's just posh student wankery
>>416316 Seems incredibly jewish, lad
>>416343 good lad martin
>>416316 I thought we decided not to watch that?
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>>416346 >nigger sci-fi
>>416349 would you prefer something more jewish?
where is wessex?
>>416348 This is the first time I've suggested it. >>416346 Yeah no.
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>>416352 >This is the first time I've suggested it. "we" as in, the bongo lads, the lads that matter most nobody knows or cares who (You) are lad
>>416345 It looks humorus to smee.
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>>416353 K might watch it myself tonight instead of joining your space niggers stream.
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>>416355 sour grapes smh
>>416358 And then later we were asked and consistently polled 70% against
>>416356 No I ignored the poll and made a comment itt because it looked unserious.
Boycott the binema. No niggers on our screens. Smh.
>>416362 agreed
wtf is this gay film lol?
https://youtu.be/J-us8coco3Q Me when I see a paki
>>416368 I hate him so much.
>>416366 It’s the one we voted for While the rest of you were voting for panz wank video https://poal.me/1ohen8 https://poal.me/1ohen8 https://poal.me/1ohen8
>>416369 Every crisis is an opportunity lad That’s why they engineer so many crises
>>416370 Obtuse homo. Most of us didn't vote because the poll seemed unserious because of those choices.
Bins, I maketh thee an offer: Put Jojo Rabbit on tonight, and if but a single nigger appears on screen in that, you may have her chatterbate name.
huh I guess the algerians should have tried that in southern ireland then
>>416372 Idiot, those “unserious” choices were added by you lot, not me
>Huge fucking button saying "add an answer" >"What unserious nonsense Bins has personally unironically added to this poll, haha!"
might night of the long knife all these sub-80 IQ lads
>>416377 >>416376 Both being deliberately obtuse. I took the poll as going to be non binding because so many others added and voted for joke suggestions. I made a comment in the thread instead. Posting the poll then disappearing, not reading the thread, then declaring a winner, when panzie wanking got as many voots, was b*ns wanting to watch space niggers all along.
>tfw no sister
*makes a Wessex* Oh well *tries again*
>>416380 Inbreeding does make the anglo stronger.
*looks at you*
Shocking nobody: this film was very bad
>>416385 It looks jewkino though. Not jew blasian space ai slop.
>quarter past 10 >still no Jojo
>>416384 I found it boring.
near 13 hours of toil complete might get paid for 12 of them if I'm lucky, 11.5 if not >>416339 https://nitter.net/scearpo >then he goes into a spiccian chemical list rant (except actually decent) Melatonin is hormone therapy. It's not a mineral or a vitamin, it's a hormone, and one that specifically interfaces with the reproductive system. Baycels have been promoting melatonin for decades without stopping to consider the downregulation effect of supplementing an exogenous hormone, consumed daily in a dose 10-100X times your body's natural production btw. All for a sleep aid. Not once did they bother to learn, or inform you, that exogenous melatonin supplementation is known to delay puberty in teens and disrupt the menstrual cycle. I need you to seriously stop and about the critical thinking capabilities of anyone who considers themselves a "rationalist" "lifestyle experimentalist" who consumes melatonin as a sleep aid. If you meet one on the road, ask if they ever stopped to wonder melatonin being prescribed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction might have other consequences when supplemented daily 10X the bodies natural production? Then ask if they got the vaxx, and inform them their fish oil has gone rancid, and ask why high iq autism is highly correlated with gender dysphoria. The safe sleep aid supplement is glycine btw and either honey in warm milk or natural ice cream before bed; and simply a regular sleep schedule, and keep your window open at night to minimize CO2 levels.
>on madlad's IP again or something
>>416391 melatonin makes me fall asleep but then I wake up wide alert after a few hours and can't fall back asleep. fuck that stuff >their fish oil has gone rancid nah fish oil is fine, we need more omega-3's
>>416391 why is high iq autism correlated with gender dysphoria, is it something to do with feeling abstracted from the world?
>>416394 dunno tbh never experienced it myself must be a low iq autist smh
>>416394 autism -> social retardation -> no gf -> masturbating to computer screen as sexual outlet -> excessive pornography consumption -> autogynephilia -> gender dysphoria -> trannification -> the lop
>>416391 thank you for your service lad
Used to be, there were hardly any vegans at all, but it was popular for libs especially to be vegetarian. You can be healthy on a vegetarian diet that includes lots of eggs and dairy. But this type of vegetarianism was an unstable schelling point: veganism has almost totally supplanted it, in part because it's easier for restaurants and food manufacturers to support both groups by catering to the more extreme diet, but more because the extremism itself is attractive. From a signaling perspective, the vegans can stand to the left of the vegetarians and crow about how much holier they are. The moral positioning of the two groups causes most vegetarians to collapse into vegans. There is a holiness gradient from Omnivory -> Pescatarian -> Vegetarian -> Vegan. Once you start falling down a holiness gradient, you tend to land at the bottom. The friction that stops you from falling to the bottom is that signaling holiness becomes more expensive the deeper you get. Vegans and vegetarians get around this by cheating when no one is looking, just like everyone else. A similar thing happens when people get into "extremist" online politics, extremist in quotes because we are talking about mostly normal, boring people who have fallen into a different sort of signaling pit. One of the most common holiness gradients which tends to drive people insane is the jewish question. A person discovers the disproportionate representation of jews in elite positions in society, sees the classic "my fellow whites" type of obvious ethnic hatred that many jews level at gentiles, and then finds himself rolling down a holiness gradient where everyone is trying to be more antisemitic than everyone else. The bottom is approximately the position that "the jews" are the ultimate, fundamental, metaphysical font of all evil and badness in the universe. This is an absurd thing to believe, of course, but there's not really a stable schelling point between vegetarian antisemitism vs. vegan antisemitism, because when you become fixated on purity, all calls for moderation are (rightly, in a way) felt as attacks. People will respond to this post and tell me that I am somehow "running cover for zionists" — and they will do this because they are behaving according to the exact dynamic above. A key point of failure is to over-abstract from obvious (but forbidden) truths such as "jews tend to practice ethnic nepotism" into imagining a monolithic, hive-like entity called "the jews" which is quasi-omnipotent, and which always acts in its own interest across centuries and so on. People will say to me, "how is hating the jews different from hating the blacks?" That is, we can agree that both have racial tendencies which are on net deleterious to western civ. And we do agree about that. The difference is that no one thinks there is such a thing as the blacks — there are merely blacks, acting out their individual black lives, some of which, ostensibly, matter. It's akshually good to treat both blacks and jews like individuals, to realize that tendencies are not certainties, and so on. But here we run into the objection from the other side, which is that treating people as individuals is supposed to entail not being racist. This, too, is a holiness gradient. At the top of the hill is (People have idiosyncratic characteristics) and at the bottom of the hill is (there are no differences between groups of people with shared genetics.) You start at the top of the hill, and you roll on down and you end up in the world we are in, where differences in group outcomes are treated as indisputable evidence of human bias. People who are susceptible to veganism, the jewish question, and anti-racism are all failing in exactly the same way, just in different directions. But the answer isn't centrism. That's just a fourth holiness gradient, as repulsive as the other three. Really there is no answer, except that sometimes, out of the mass of people who are confused and stupid and small, a man will arise who is strong and clever and charismatic, who can thread the needle of all these traps of the mind, and such a man can briefly bring sanity to the insane world. https://nitter.net/0x49fa98
>steiners killing steiners
spoke to a photographerlad today whomst worked in gaza interesting lad tbh was quite impartial about things and did tell me something interesting, apparently the white helmets (of later psyop fame) were founded by an ex special forces briton who coincidentally and while entirely sober and in control of his mental faculties fell out of a balcony in turkey and died under entirely normal and not suspicious circumstances
presumably shortly before the helmetfags started producing "evidence" of le evil assad barrel bombing his own population and such
>>416400 you can tell a redditoid drew it because they are driving a middle classoid yuppy approved "real truck" i.e. a 1980s-90s tacoma
>>416404 it is a basedlad tbh, probably not famliar with shart culture https://nitter.net/GramanhFolcwald
actually he is bronzeagepervert (spy cult of personality fuckwit) adjacent and part of that community, or so it seems, so may well be redditalike
>>416276 still thinking about this poost, in many ways the guy reacting to it is the classic "secret agent" in that he is a part of that community while being upset with it. however there is a general theme of anti-culture nihilism in the millennial generation. most of it comes from middle classoids and femoids that attack traditions while hiding behind ironic quirk.
>>416405 oh he is a eurangatang? oh okay then thats probably more how hilux type body looks for OVER THERE
>>416407 would quite like to have a board/card/party game group to spend an evening every so often with tbh instead of just having the secretagentfag depressive nihilist bit without the companionship bit not CAH though unless there are some bootleg based versions so one can keek whenever a card comes up with NIGGER written on it
>>416410 good take
>>416396 You missed the bit about depression, detachment from reality and dissociation forcing one into a very abstract and distant state. It also doesn't help that "high-IQ + autism" is a formula for depression out-of-the-box. Otherwise yeah, can confirm from an unfortunate amount of experience. I thank god the evilcunts are never going to take me out that way tbh.
>>416344 it's a good indicator if you'll be employed by the UK tv and film industry.
>>416413 of whether
can't get over that tom hanks yoomer thanksgiving party. made me angry all day
>>416416 tbh me also I realized a year ago or so how westoids actually need to suffer because of how fucking gay our society has become. the only actually important westoids to me are incels/wignats. at this point they should just form a new hierarchy and create sort of a new race of whatever women they can conquer instead of participating in this fake and gay boomer ghost remnant society. race mixing aside in like 2 generations it will just revert to whitoids just like how alot of slavs and hungarians are just bleached kipchaks
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>>416418 huh after all that 'ardman taig posting on 4chud and all the taigs saying that yanks don't have any fight in them and they were gonna do this and that what exactly happened? they smashed up their own city? keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek at least the whitoids in fishtown beat the fuck out of some niggers and antifaggots and shartica got some kino antifa run over/ antifaggot shooting in the face and arm by chudlet rittenhouse
>>416420 our experience of this life is ruined by being swamped by lower consciousness normoids, i don't think there used to be so many normies per full consciousness chudlet
i was really hoping a lot of the yoomer redditors would volunteer for ukraine
>>416422 tbh yeah >>416423 yeah when I was at the gym last and sort of just seeing the next crop of normalfags going through their "lift weights for 3 years before turning into an office drone" normalfag software patch, it was like I think that these people by and large need to have something to do other than consoom otherwise they might as well just vapourize them all and replace them with the old chugs of pre settlement
>>416419 Jesus. The horror
Tried to tidy my room for weeks. It takes 20 minutes tops. I give up
>>416425 thinking about how police told me to ask girls I talk with on dating apps for a passport to prove that they are not underage. When you think the dating nightmare couldn't get worse >alot he's doing the Steiner thing
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the dumbest fucking thing the jews ever pulled was trying to say countries like ireland and poland were participants and beneficiaries of colonialism
>get a job >already time-travelled 8 months >>416431 Yeah. And their pets make up similarly ridiculous excuses, like a Swedish boomer today who said that today's gang criminality is just like the vikings. smh. Seriously, your own people are stabbed, raped, and this is how you react?
>>416433 wow that is a mong take, its so disturbing how casually antiwhite so many fags are. they are literally being invaded and will just still virtue signal. sure crime always exist but didn't swedish and norse kings fight to establish peace and order over those lawless vikings warlords?
>>416434 Yeah, we had common laws between the different groups of people and criminals were made outlaws and killed. Obviously modern people have a problem with raiding foreigners, but we're not the ones being inconsistent here, it's people implying we did it back then so it is okay today. Makes me feel insane. Boomers doing this thing where they lean back into their comfortable chairs and laugh about triggering both the left wing and right wing snowflakes meanwhile they don't really care about anything
falsely-imprisoned-bros, how we holding up? oh
ngl alex jones video game looks kino
yup 2d-sidescrollers, now that was a good genre
>>416434 We know why
>>416440 Such awful tweets. They really should stay behind the curtain, for their own sake
>>416444 >his beard and stache doesn't connect my brother
>>416446 kino and peng, we watched this in english. didn't have chebs though like romeo and juliet
for me its macbeth and tempest not really a fan of his other stuff tbh. macbeth will always be my favorite I guess. did you see throne of blood as well the japanese kurosawa version
hate how in school the kike teachers had us read othello over and over again instead of julius caesar or the other stuff. you can see a little bit of tolkiens numenoreans in the story of macbeth IMO
>>416420 >muh I already have non-white admixture so that must mean that pure whites are okay with blanda'ing upp as well Ranting Hog...
oh yeah there is king henry as well forgot about that one
>>416451 based madlad how many children do have?
>>416454 typical jews, forces were in motion to get this nigga out. no doubt the jews and niggers in the DOC/DOJ had him moved to a cell block where he could be attacked intentionally
smorb lads
>>416456 i can't lad i don't have tv, what is it?
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>>416453 >madlad
>me after every time i give madlad a rollicking itt
>>416458 tbh not nice keeping us in suspense like that
what the fuck is he talking about our money becoming less worth by the second and people can't afford electricity which keeps becoming more expensive *screams*
wtf bullies ;_;
>>416462 complaining about the economy is a racist dogwhistle lad the official line is that things literally could not be better right now
>>416427 >it did take 20 minutes why do I break my back for bossman but I can't take a few minutes to tidy smh. I guess it's toil-trauma and a need for toilrest
Oh my god no, he is back on the sensible plantation
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a bunch of US Congress Jevvs send a letter to Elon demanding that he censor the internet
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other pages are just more signatures
>>416467 where did you find this, lass?
>>416467 smh they're like a broken record
kiwifarms seems pretty based, maybe i should lurk there. do they have a /brit/? or better yet, brit/pol/?
https://youtu.be/Qf3RFZjQ9v4?si=CYJjVncqi1Vfori4 Imagine ruining the ceremony like that
>>416473 lol what a dumb nigger!
>>416475 smh the tories are so aggressively anti-british that they manage to make the eu look good
>“The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.”
>>416420 Steiner's next Thanksgiving
https://youtu.be/KacBrY0uxtM Mentioned this film earlier when watching Jojo Rabbit. Just random clips from it and every clip is kino. *casually hands you note where I have written with crayon that we should exterminate the jews*
>>416477 i remember the helmer mene
>>416478 based don't even care anymore so many copers in the wignat-o-sphere. millennial white women have already chosen by in large to not reproduce so we will have to do the whole sabine women thing whether we like it or not. im already in my 30s lad and women my age are just so completely fucking busted like they are just some scattered routed column in total disarray when they should be in the thick of breeding. its completely fucked I know thats sort of the cardinal sin of wignatism
damn the jews literally did derek chauvin dirty and had him greenlit like that right when he was about to win a case. fbs tbh. the american prison system is so fucked. this country is fucked. I hate this country so much
>>416484 it's grim smh
This guy's main thing is supposed to be that he is based when it comes to jews, then he recommends a book by one of the most openly anti-white jews. His love for culture and religion and distaste of any racial nationalism really makes him look retarded
>>416487 he is nearly 80 I think. we have far too many geriatrics in the west playing bossman still its part of the problem
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Their union lost it giga style
>>416478 Really you want to have some White children, then settled down with a wholesome cutie like this.
>>416491 yeah keep the fat redneck slags out in the brap barn and keep a tamed bitch for the house
>>416490 I cried
imagine what it would be like to have a woman actually respect you as a man
>>416495 That's a great dating site advert line tbqh
real life dating just doesn't appeal to me. People who came before us lived in a time where you could expect women to at least want some of the same things as you, now you can court them forever and then they just dump you because you were just a "winter bf" >>416496 think people are becoming tired of dating apps as well tbh smh
>>416498 dating is another lie of the whole "free love" revolution of the CIAniggers/jews rajneeshi/hippy BS and things are so bad now that marriage is basically the same as dating.
>>416499 True. Should just be a contract you sign where you have obligations to each other and can't just break it off smh. The peace past Christians must have felt knowing that they'd be married for life. Now everyone suffers the thought that some day you can give your wife the ick and she goes scorpion mode on both your lives just because smh
>>416500 end divorce tbh
even my ex which I thought was logical cut it off for bullshit excuses. In the end I guess she was just lonely during the covid shite and needed a covid bf
might start smoking for the testosterone benefits. used to smoke a few every now and then but never got addicted. enjoyed it tbh (to be honest)
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>ywn be a knight
>ywn be a neanderthal
take the wide woes pill
>>416507 >screamer
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i'm thinking this gaza thing might become the begining of the neo-ottoman empire. i reckon turkey will make gaza a protectorate
smh thinking about that neanderthal who suffered trauma, probably while workhorsing, but since his remains shows sign of healing it meant they still took care of him even after he became nothing but a drain on the tribe
>>416510 looks like ai image
>>416515 It is
>>416511 what did he mean by this?
>>416517 auld meme. ruining lads polls by calling them screamers. i think there used to be a way you could post a screamer disguised as a poll keke
>>416518 yeah.. that must be like 7 years ago
>>416518 based
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>>416451 >Ranting Hog... Keek you've done him, lad. >>416425 Based taigs. >>416435 Should have beat him and chased him into an ikea cuckshed. >>416518 I remember *sips*
Morning lads
>>416523 smorbius lad
HITLER FREED FROM LANDSBERG PRISON! *but he mustn’t tell any porkies! >Jones will be subject to a number of strict conditions, including having to reside at a designated address, adhere to a curfew, wear a GPS tag and take regular lie tests https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12788523/Neo-Nazi-banned-terror-National-Action-freed-jail.html
>>416525 based it's about time
>>416525 Wow how generous that they let this evil terrorist out 3/5ths of the way into his sentence for wrongthink, and all he has to do is be a grateful, cowaring slave on the outside.
>>416523 Guten morgen
>>416525 >say things govt doesn't like >tagged and tracked and monitored and nannied for the freedom to toil for them and never ever speak out against them ever again
>>416529 it's grim
Keeeekeeeeeek Zionists are properly unhinged. They’re a type for sure
>ZOG so desperate they are trying to recruit neckbeard weeaboos https://nitter.net/JAPversus/status/1726780482208108982 >>>/v/910225
>>416533 faggots coopted by zog for retarded and gay psyops
>>416518 i think it was a link where instead of strawpoLL with two L's it was strawpoil to catch you off guard
Shadowbanned from yidtube for based and too articulate again.
>>416531 is this a goy trying to argue with a jew?
just got up
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>>416508 Evropeans *are* the descendents of neanderthal, lad
>>416467 Cancel Culture is and always was Jewish
>>416463 he got back at his bullies by creating the huwhite race which enslaved them all
>>416538 Think ( the goy ) is Aaron Matè some leftwing jew who works with the Grayzone
>>416535 This is the tl:dw story anyway
>>416548 >subsequent history has proven those decisions correct what, the history they made up?
>>416549 The Greatest Stories Never Challenged Check Wolf Blitzer’s face in this clip keeeeeeeeeeeeeek - total loss of control of the narrative https://nitter.net/JoshuaPHilll/status/1728233314069200966#m
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when jew boy starts talking about historical states that existed in the levant
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>>416554 Michigan vs Ohio today lad you should be tailgating
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>>416556 the only kino part is when they fly the b-52 over the stadium
I think the bible is a forgery! Arrest me!
>>416557 anything less than 4 B2 spirits in diamond formation doesn't cut it for me anymore
>>416558 You're allowed to think that lass, Christians are not a protected class.
What kind of target is even worth this effort with minute of angle problems at these distances unless using a mega expensve sports shooter type setup? Sick of their slava hero shit tbh
>>416558 Trust the science, except for forensics saying a ballpoint pen was used to write most of it.
>>416558 what the fuck? you can be arrested for this now? I thought it was common knowledge that it was a work of fiction based on the life of a real person?
SHOWING TONIGHT - MANNODROME (2023) >John Trengrove's "Manodrome" is an incel-era update of "Fight Club," a story of an average guy whose inner demons are unleashed when he meets a group of men
>>416565 btw that description has been deleted and replaced by this on IMDB >Conflicted about his girlfriend's pregnancy, Ralphie's life spirals out of control when he meets a mysterious family of men. I guess admitting it's incel shaming and ripping off Fight Club was too accurate. | Could have just called it "jewish fight club"
>>416566 >jewish fight club So fight club?
>jewish fight club
another shite not worth watching pick from the retarded geriatric homosexual larping as a rubbish bin
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saturday night I feel the air is getting hot
Doctor Who soon
>>416576 The discourse is slowly moving in our direction. Has bean for a long thyme.
el marko and an exzogbot who definitely isn't a spy or release valve in the making https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR237:6
I've joined BM in addition to PA lads. Just playing all sides atm. James being insnisoned will be a big hit though.
>>416579 what's BM tbh
>>416568 >So fight club? no lad
>>416564 its literally just a ww2 tier PTRD rebored to shoot nato/amerishart casings

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