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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3919: Ireland on Fire Edition Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 18:42:25 Id: 3352bb No. 416581
The Telegram voice note that sparked Dublin riots: Sinister audio ordered thugs to 'tool up and kill any foreigner' after tragic school stabbing in Ireland https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12789869/The-Telegram-voice-note-sparked-Dublin-riots-Sinister-audio-ordered-thugs-tool-kill-foreigner-tragic-school-stabbing-Ireland.html >The sinister Telegram voice note that incited the Dublin riots just hours after a horrifying knife attack on three schoolchildren has been revealed. Jailed For Speech "Crimes" https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/jailed_for_speech_crimes >In 2021, James Costello was arrested for a public order offence for “distributing material with the intention to stir up racial hatred”. In 2022, James became an activist with Patriotic Alternative. Hamas BLOCKS release of second group of hostages: Terror group refuses to free 14 prisoners and accuses Israel of breaking terms of four-day pause by failing to allow enough aid trucks into Gaza - as Egypt desperately tries to resolve delay https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12790379/Hamas-hands-Israeli-hostages-day-2.html >Hamas has said it was delaying the release of a second group of hostages, claiming that Israel had not complied with the deal's terms and not delivered enough aid to the besieged enclave. Wilders Dutch vote: Centre-right VVD rules out role in cabinet https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67517742 >The biggest party in the former Dutch government has ruled out a role in the next Dutch cabinet, after anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders' dramatic election victory.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:39:01.
PA have a fund for James Costello, which can be found here: https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportCostello
>>416580 British Movement. It's a small group of actual Fascists who aren't fucking faggots like PA (no offence PA). http://britishmovement.info/
The motorways will be ours.
je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq forgot about this: https://youtu.be/LH9C2pJQWzY
>>416587 Is it the >STOP! DON’T TOUCH ME THERE, THAT IS MY NONO QUARE? dance ?
>>416589 It's the "we love are fucking cows bomb niggers dance"
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I-I m-mean "daunce", of snorse.
>I might be a common or garden idiot mark finally admits it the oven chip reviewer has done himself
>>416576 >>416577 I just hope it keeps moving. Say it with me, lads. Repatriation is inevitable!
I hate poojeets
>>416595 Deus Vult
>>416595 Repatriation is inevitable!
>>416600 smh now that's a whole classic britkino wish battybins would put this on instead of overt jewpoz
>>416571 >>416571 keeeeeeeeeeke
>>416602 we can watch that after wait, I will make a poll
we watching fight club (1999) or what then?
>I will make a poll He's already decided on watching something nobody else wants to watch keeek smh.
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IMPORTANT POLL - WHAT FILM TONIGHT (AFTER THE MAIN SHOWING)? https://poal.me/ncvcts https://poal.me/ncvcts https://poal.me/ncvcts
>>416605 there is this new jewish incel proudboy post-trump version I want to see first, Manodrome (2023) but we could watch the original after, add it to the poll
>>416564 its literally just a ww2 tier PTRD rebored to shoot nato/amerishart casings
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have you lads ever really sat down and thought about how fucked up the last 3 years of our lives were, like the sheer amount of social humilations psyops jewish death cult shite
the people have spoken prepare the extra large monster truck tyre
>>416612 >only the last three years but yeah tbh
>>416612 yeah I just seethe constantly now
>>416612 No, I stood up to the gay mafia borderline violently at work and beat them at a tribunal before starting a wonderful and profitable career in an area I worked hard to get into. You're a jaded buffoon.
>he's such a pozslut the last moments of his life will be spent alone, watching a film about shirtless sweaty men beating eachother
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>>416613 you see this here? you see it? This is what happens when I asked the thread for film suggestions. And that is exactly why I make the decisions around here
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>>416612 >have you lads ever really sat down and thought about how fucked up the last 3 years of our lives were, like the sheer amount of social humilations psyops jewish death cult shite it's been a crazy time tbh
>>416616 how hard was it to get into the whole bbcslut careerfield bum bum nonce?
look at all these JOOCI slagerinos https://youtu.be/wX-RaO_QqQA
>416622 >BBC poosting Je snence. Il est un bumder?
>>416600 I put this on the poll, nobody voted for it sorry lad looks like it's not happening
Going to kick the neighbors bins over and piss on them in protest against bins putting more trash on our screens. Literally just pick something good.
>>416625 I care knot, I am cow. DA DA MUH!
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>>416626 add it to the poll ffs why are you like this?
>>416612 You’ll be alright la
No polls. Decisive ACKtion, but for something we like.
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Just don't know why I even bother honestly
Possibly the best scene in any film ever https://youtu.be/LehcJeNbFBw
>>416632 What about Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? I'll add it to your silly poll if I must.
>>416633 Or this tbh.
>>416634 we watched that a few months ago lad
>>416636 Titty titty gangbang.
>>416629 NATO in general has gotten too far from anglo engineering and simplicity toward these autism wunderwaffe shite. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_MCX_Spear
all your favourite niggers! https://youtu.be/E8H-67ILaqc
Woes is literally meeeee
>>416640 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>416639 https://youtu.be/NmfzWpp0hMc Niggers are so talented, no matter how many strings they use.
>>416587 >>416590 Most aryan pajeets i've seen
>>416642 More talent
>>416644 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq put a fat filter on him! do it! do it! do it!
>>416644 je keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>416644 So sad when you find a "lavt fungerende" autistisk woman and she is just a whore like all of them
>>416648 hey that's the pianist. We should watch the pianist
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>>416633 It’s a j isn’t it
Steiner spotted at 5:41 https://youtu.be/qxlDo_-4L4Y
>>416648 >a film not in the poll that nobody voted for Knew it.
>>416656 the poll is for the second film of the evening lad
>>416656 Democracy is immensely overrated
>>416658 For government of niggercattle. We should have a /brit/ocracy with vooting on policies just for us.
No pooniversal suffrage.
>>416655 is that symbol and their heads supposed to make a star of david?
>>416662 Yeah. They circumcised it
>>416653 very unenthused corridor tbqh
>>416657 2 films in 1 evening, wth tbqh
>The women at work noticing and praising my strength We're bach.
This is my kino for the evening
>>416668 Election
>>416672 I don't give a fuck about the "social care sector". Mass importation of wogs as cheap labour is not justifiable as a means to keep alive those too retarded or old to take care of themselves. If they need flips or niggers to survive then they can move to some shithole and get cheap labour there instead of turning my country into a shithole. Barring that, they can die and preferably find some way to kill of their "carers" too.
Throw flip "social care workers" into a fucking wood chipper
>>416666 the women in the office above not noticing my strength and brilliant cardio
>>416674 filipino social care workers wut?
>>416676 They are small and thus ideal for throwing into a woodchipper
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It hungers.
it's wild that around 2015-2017 people were waking up to the Jevvs on the internet but then they shut down the internet and for 5-6 years there was not much redpilling going on but now with Musk-Twitter and the Gaza situation the Jevv-noticing is skyrocketing making up for lost time
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>>416680 bit early for the crimbo groypers, don't you think lass?
>>416653 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZYvKA5ntLc 2:25 worst teacher ever in the history of boomer civilization fucking cunt caused loads of lads to go to iraq just to piss off his hippy retard ass
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pdVvqu6ns-4?feature=share Bet this is why israel has a good birth rate, they all meet in the idf
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQiXrxXKiJs is this product he is working with gypsum board or something different?
>>416686 Yeah it's gypsum
yeah it looks like gypsum board with like some kindof insulation behind it.
>>416689 based ty, in america several big corporations just standardize products especially USG-sheetrock and dupont (literal illuminati family) thought it looked like a gypsum board product like in shartica.
manualtoilposting reminds me that my boomers recently made the entirely necessary solid financial decision to have their kitchenette redesigned and installed complete with white granite countertops maybe 20 square feet or less of mostly shelves and drawers for over £20,000
(in a "bought" property that returns to the OAPsploitative rentberg on their death which is probably only five years or less away, maybe a decade if they are exceptionally lucky)
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>>416691 yeah dad is doing similar with his art studio thingy luckily I tusked my own way into doing the several of the things for $$
>>416694 good lad stop him from overspending frivolously smh grandad's not even using the kitchen since he doesn't cook and granny is in a convalescent home having morphine induced delirium or something after a big operation to extend her comfiness and lfiespan a little more
>>416695 god why do boomers do this shit its so insane how they are not going to pass on any wealth
>>416696 being terminally out of touch and unable to understand the reality of life, toil and fiat in the current year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u02tycroA30
one must imagine the boomer completely comfymaxxed
>>416696 they don't know what to do with themselves so just spend because >live laugh love >can't take it with you
(unless some random firing of synapses makes them remember that orange man bad and initiates an apoplectic tirade)
bit of a shame that my paternal grandad is dead and the last thing I remember really talking about with him is having to explain why NA was just a bit of innocent anti immigration prootesting after dad told him I was a nazi smh the worst thing he ever did to me I think just because it was so pointless and petty and only served to make his own father worry smh
>>416700 keeeeeke my dad irl. he gets programmed by whatever he watches immediately
>>416702 for mine it's only dumpf for whatever reason probably because he's been a lifelong libdem or some retard shite won't remember what he did yesterday but he will remember to get in a dig at zognald whenever he can, four years after he became totally irrelevant
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DwsF8KQWovI?feature=share Gypsies literally telling incels how to breed
>>416704 >all the seething women in comments keeeeeek kill all gyppo scum albeit
>>416701 if he thinks "nazi" is le bad, then he is a retard and you should not care about his raisinbrain talmudvision opinions
>>416701 my dad something similar luckily my grandpa also hated jews and niggers even before I was born
>>416707 gen V knew jews were trouble. it's only woomers who got that post ww2 brainwashing who don't know
Snargon is far right now? He keeps floop flooping between the sensible snentre and the far snight
lets just make it a rule that the next time wessie posts without his flag auslad is posting his bare ip and we're collectively kicking him in the head until death.
>madlad back on the (1)s again ni
huge race war going on in france rn apprently people are already stabbed n that
god damn I want to kill all algerians so much
>>416712 any videos yet lad?
>>416714 prefer the germanic version me
>>416715 https://twitter.com/Livrenoirmedia/status/1728480669406228593 https://twitter.com/alliancenat_fr/status/1728478058787520906 https://twitter.com/pamp69/status/1728493677868110124 algerians like their ancestors are huge sissy faggots that kissed the anglo boot whenever we turned up but when we left went back to sadistically torturing random whites that sailed past their coast like the seething incel losers they were.
detecting jerry cuck energy readings
all the algerians on twitter are bragging about kidnapping and torturing a random white teenager as pay back for the right wing protest in their area. remarkably none of them turned up to face it and it had to be dispersed by police. finna catch a ferry and go kill these niggas
>>416719 Enough to make a man re-download Empire total war to sack the Barbary coast.
the worst part is these subhuman cowardly cockroaches sucking on the teet of the state get to think they're 'ard because the police isolated a white kid and it took 100 of them to beat him up then strip him naked. please let there be a tarrantkino in france i want to see rivers of shitskin blood.
21 french patriots arrested, zero shitskins: https://nitter.net/Lugangevin/status/1728560836526874736#m
>>416721 tbh nothing but manchildren who parasite off of whites to survive and it weren't for the police and legal apparatus always stepping in to help them they all would have been btfo'd by now
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vague poo smell in the air
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>one week until my final shift WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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>>416728 mudsharts and their enablers really need to be humbled
>>416728 >the kidnapping of whom? is it important?
>>416662 the film is nonsensical, at one point, for no reason, the main character gets branded with a symbol of the cult - but no explantion is given they are trying to invoke the irl cult NXIVM which branded (only female) followers with a similar symbol, that was actually the initials of the cult leader (although the foids were so dumb they didn't even realise that) pic related
did the frogs surrender to the nafris yet lads? how long until BEF
I guess it would actually be B.E.E.F. british extremist expeditionary force
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agp7tDPbk0o&t=14s >all the nigger boomers in the comment roasting this shite keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>416737 >416738 is it really that difficult for you lads to stop obsessing over a bumder?
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>>416741 keeeek based >>416742 that'll be six hundred a week t. rentberg
>so demoralised i'm not even horny anymore
Time for white and furry solidarity?
>>416745 keeeeeeeeek haven't wootched any amren videos in a while might have to see what he's been up to
keeeeeeeeeek hottentots
>>416752 Those mutt black girls ain't got nothing on the African girls
>>416753 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>416758 jungle niggers from africa are throwbacks not even homo saipens fully at least our niggers have been bleached a bit
Smh Steiner is gooning to these videos
israel has been btfo the last few weeks it would seem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKh3pZq6MB0 i like this guy's takes
https://youtu.be/pKQ-NWvr8mA Seems like a really unnecessary sequel/remake
wasn't chicken run 1 based on le holocaust? i don't remember what happened it's a very old film by now. think it was quite good though
>>416761 who /softman/ here?
>>416763 yeah I guess it was like a death camp where the chickens get turned into pies. It had very thicc sexy chickens so I'll give them a pass
This intellectual using the same shitty arguments as the shitty civic fencer
>>416767 this guy seems retarded, is he supposed to be a big brain?
>>416768 he's a catholic anti-semitic lad. Written books on the holocaust narrative etc. And how jews push degeneracy on us. He's just completely blind on race. Famous in our circles for two takes, one that is that Christianity is what made Europe great, not whites, and that a black catholic in Poland is as polish as any other Pole. Paraphrasing both but that was the gist of it I think
>>416763 always considered it more based on the great escape tbh
>>416770 >>416770 was that the dog film?
It's coming together very nicely.
Only know about 5 of these people. Woes is there to give me new e-celeb gondent to consume for throughout the following year. Very based.
Knightmarez, where are you lad?
>>416774 it's a little christmas present from him to you lad
>>416776 Appreciate the hard work he puts in for me tbh.
6 months of prep for Millenniyule
>>416773 Hope he shit talks Sargoon while talking to Pakidemic Agent tbh.
erm, she was supposed to be dead. the father made that awkward as fuck video. now we know why it was so weird and awkward.
>>416780 embarrassing
Moring lads Left wing French media calling young lads intercepted by sports car driving drug dealing Moroccans or whatever on their way from Rouen to meet up with other lads ‘fascistes’. No question as to why Maghrebians are allowed to act as some kind of police and terrorise them. None. No questions as to how - if they are that poor and disadvantaged - they always have super expensive cars. No questions as to why they are allowed to always roam around in gangs and behave how they want. https://nitter.net/les_spectateurs/status/1728548763419976126 Another video of it from an Arab https://nitter.net/Hakim69Lyon/status/1728605941199687919 Sscond video of bus driver in Marseille getting abuse from Moroccan kid Video of some Frenchie fewmin’ at police calling them traitors for going after the French lads and taking the side of the arabs and that they’re cunts for taking the side of the government and that people won’t forget - also being attacked in the comments for being a fat Texan keeeek https://nitter.net/OrnellaAstier/status/1728576457134190777 Third video of arab phone boy celebrating the lynching of French kid
>>416780 Father is Irish and married a jewess His daughter wll be a future zionst in Irish government agitating for the importation of more Gazans into Ireland
>>416739 >actually punishing them based lad >>416773 >all pozzed or milquetoast minor ecelebs >at least three actual subversives (pakidemic, pozhype and hypocrite who is incredibly jewish looking) going to be so fucking boring keeeek what a retard only interested in seeing what the nonsensepilled christophilosopher folly has to say and maybe checking in on the boomer news network
>>416783 same story the world over smh deliberate destabilisation of society
>>416786 Has to be deliberate. Sheer lunacy as Enoch said can’t be the only explanation
it's okay though because the decline is managed
>>416790 Just want to see Tory Williams tortured to death by a psycho pengali girl at this point.
>>416783 tbf, if those lads in the middle video didn't just start swinging/stabbing it's on them.
Fucking embarrassing when white people have an Eloi moment.
>open youtube not signed in >very first suggestion is thottaganda god I hate them
Delirious posh feminist green politician blaming Zemmour and everyone else for what is happening in France as if black and arab youth are listening to or being radicalised by boomer policians from ‘l’extreme right’ keeeeeeek As if your average arab hoodrat involved in this can name a French politician They’ve been given run of the streets and that’s why they do it. There are 0 conseqences fo them While France burns politiians screech at each other keeeeeeek but yeah ‘le nazis’. Whatever https://nitter.net/SudRadio/status/1727958364422901983
>>416795 >He believes in Out of africa theory
>>416797 smh how come they get to be called the extreme right or ultra right while we're stuck as the far right
>>416799 >when you are so far right you are circular like a ….kikel Keeeeeek
>if only you knew how bad things are
Bigot is telling the truth!
>being a ‘le right wing’ commentator called Bigot Keeeeeeek
>>416803 what a bigot smdh
>>416796 It's Mr. Beastiality, KSI and Sssniperwolf I always get.
Brave French police with their black and arab allies “Les Hoodrats” protect the entrance to the town from whence came the 100 murderers of the French lad last weekend. Good to see, good to see! Liberté, égalité, fraternité and all that, motto of France AND Haiti so we know what road you lot are going down keeeeeeeek sorry Francois!
>>416806 Apparently it’s happening because you won’t sign up/in according to someone I spoke to but there must be a remedy without effectively doxxing yourself to them. Funny but when I went to another vpn country the recommendations weren’t all irrelevant shit for some reason
>>416808 >Funny but when I went to another vpn country the recommendations weren’t all irrelevant shit for some reason what country lad? must be one that isn't currently a propaganda target
>>416798 The first Africans were white, lad.
>>416809 Funnily enough it was a UK one Their algorithms are shit and geared towards trying to get people to click on big money vids so they can keep charging people who advertise on Mr. beast etc more but people don’t do that in general https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/o7kld2/why_does_youtube_decide_to_ruin_their_own_search/
>>416798 Yeah, retard, it's true. Thinking that this means that they were niggers or that we were niggers is an indication that you're mentally conquered by anti-whites. Fucking retard.
>>416813 all races are human but some are more human than others
Fresh civic nationalism!
Africa is a social construct
>>416818 >on the verge of
>>416819 Yeah it's more like their power is reaching it's totality more than anything.
>Wef global shapers >250 pages of turdworlders training people to take over from us keeeeeeeek https://www.globalshapers.org/alumni/ And future young global leaders https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community/ 109 pages of them
>>416824 >you have died
you lads got any more of these soy insults?
>>416829 mate don't be a bloody wet-wipe
>>416830 what a melt
>>416817 To an extent tbf tbh.
>tfw a literal master of tourism and travel foid telling me we should go to 5 towns in 7 days. no silly one, just 2 places.
>>416829 >Wankpuffin >Nobsocket >Shitflute >Spunktrumpet >Pisstrumpet >Shitgibbon >Spout
When a former colonial country (🇲🇾) has been better than its former colonialist (🇬🇧) This is tallest building in Malaysia (Merdeka 118: 679 meters) and the tallest building in the UK (The Shard: 310 meters). Malaysia was formerly colonied by the UK. But you can see now Malaysia has been better than the UK. No building in the UK that can surpass the height of even the 3rd tallest building in Malaysia, let alone the tallest one. Life is like a wheel, right? ©️ Credit to the original owners of the picts.
*not spout My mistake. What a fucknugget I am
>>416836 > airspace tbh You pisswomble
>>416829 spacker
>>416836 There should be no skyscrapers in these islands. When I am Prime Minister, I will demolish them all.
Draw Theresa May as a giant robot and entitle it "Minister Prime"!
>>416840 tbh imagine thinking the health of a society is defined by the size of whatever ugly glass shitheaps the jews have built in the financial district. ngmi
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>Constant erection disfunction adverts on Sky Snorts
>Two hours in Tesco on a Sunday Love it me, love spending me spare time staring at fucking bean"z" Now I get to le iron!
>>416840 >>416842 good lads
>>416844 >spare time He's internalised it smh
>>416846 He's a slave to his toilmaster now.
https://youtu.be/hHPPySYpKiM BBK talks down a revolt
https://youtu.be/9MHtrM-jf9o Let's karoake this on vocarooo
My position is that the French need to just escalate and start murdering all the scum in Romans Sur Isere. >>416802 This is a really old French meme not from the protest yesterday.
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>>416848 >18 seconds in sticks his finger in his bum and pulls out a bloody finger showing her how the Spanish violated and ravaged his arsehole so violently with a cannon that it still hasn’t stopped bleeding Kino
>>416853 Based bully
https://youtu.be/KZCfTKF6LxI I WILL NOT LET YOUR PEOPLE GO!!!!
>>416856 glad I never saw this as a kid
>>416857 I think I had it on VHS. It's an entertaining movie based on Exodus, what's not to like?
Jean-Luc Melenchon comes out to explicitly celebrate the kidnapping and lynching of white teenagers in Romans sur Isere, this man is the head of the largest leftist party in France "La France Insoumise". https://nitter.net/JLMelenchon/status/1728754154519044233
>>416860 cool guy, goes extremely hard
>>416773 No JF? What a betrayal
>>416823 He sure loves those bbcmemmies
>>416861 Beginning to understand why the right had to go in hard in the 1930s in Europe tbh. These fuckers are absolutely toxic to society. All people want to do is live in peace with no dramas
World’s gone mad - Bazza
should people who post nitter be executed? rhetorical question
>>416859 Yeah, absolute kino better than most Disney shite tbh
Just ate grouse and venison soup tbh, very nice.
>>416870 The nitter question is one that can only be resolved by lynching the nitters tbh
>>416870 It's better than posting a twitter link because you don't need an account to view things in nitter, and those with accounts who want to make a comment just click the twatter icon and go to the original page.
>416873 alri rupert
>416876 Enjoy your "pot noodle", prole.
Apparently local police yesterday refused to police the march of ‘le right wing extremists’ so Macron called in CRS bully boys to destroy their protest. 21 were arrested and punished harshly This lad is calling for more French to back them up in the coming days, repatriate those that hate them and take their country back. https://nitter.net/de_beaujeu/status/1728797193568399799
should >416870 be pickled?
reminder we /brit/ lads are a £20 ferry ticket each away from saving evropa
If you don't have a twitter account, what exactly are you doing to save the white race?
think i've said this before but shitskins in france are wildly open about how sadistic they are towards actual french people. like they post constantly their fantasies or torturing and raping french people just for being white, with their full names and everything on twitter..etc.
If you don’t nag like a woman what exactly are you doing to save the white rice?
>>416884 hey this is just like that film Bins put on. I love gay interracial romance
Immigrants... I kneel >those likes yikes
why is he so red?
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>>416885 >hey this is just like that film Bins put on. I love gay interracial romance
>416891 what's this foreign nonsense?
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>>416884 if this was done with UK police and a Hamas terrorist it would be indistinguishable from reality tbh
>>416879 did someone say pickle?
>>416858 when will Robinson and his ilk get the message? JEWS FUCKING HATE YOU AND DON'T WANT YOUR SUPPORT
>>416861 I read the post and he didn't seem to be saying that, but maybe I didn't get the context? idk tbh
Norwegian police released a suspect..... after he admitted he committed the crime. What the fuck >stab someone >police interrogates you >admit you did it >get released *screams*
>>416898 are you retarded? he said a racist militia was formed to attack the "working class area" of romans sur isere but were defeated by "Magnifique auto protection de la population" meaning magnificent acts of self-defence from the people. thats what he calls lynching white teenagers then torturing them.
Been extremely hornerino for weaks
>>416900 >are you retarded? he said a racist militia was formed to attack the "working class area" of romans sur isere but were defeated by "Magnifique auto protection de la population" meaning magnificent acts of self-defence from the people. thats what he calls lynching white teenagers then torturing them. nothing in the post says that white teenagers were lynched and tortured lad you're making shit up
fresh anime tactics pro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp8ClePZ0BY moggers is live but it's a boring film review stream so not bothering thb >>416899 advanced psychic investigative powers are telling me the criminal was not white
just want a snabine gf
>>416902 he's referring to an incident of two white teenagers being lynched, stripped naked and tortured by arabs that occured in romans-sur-isere (that half this thread is about) as "communal self defence" you retarded boomer.
>>416905 no lad this thread is about Tommy Robinson Nobody cares about your made up stories about France idiot - or else your posts would be in English
>>416896 what is it about this shite that you like so much?
can someone report bins to the police i really want him dead and suffering.
Well in advance this time I have a binema suggestion: 47 Ronin. >416908 Filtered for being a tranny.
>continues to make posts in french on an Anglo board "reeee, why doesn't anyone care about my stupid irrelevant posts"
just filter bins, he provides nothing of worth now he won't even host a decent film without disrupting it >opens /brit/ >immediately makes narcissistic attention seeking posts all about himself >doesn't read the rest of the thread to catch up >demands spoonfeeding because he's too lazy to read less than a hundred posts of backlog >proceeds to give the absolute shittest takes with unwarranted xoomer arrogance in the firm belief that he's always right despite knowing less than nothing about any given topic >goes back to ERPing attention seeking or spreading troonshite around
>416907 >what is it you love about beautiful women and good music It's a straight man thing, you woodn't get it.
>>416911 what film would you like to watch lad?
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>416800 absolutely no (You)s
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>>416779 >Hope he shit talks Sargoon while talking to Pakidemic Agent tbh. that would actually be pretty entertaining Pakidemic Agent is quite a slippery fish, and will pretend Sargon didn't say or do the embarrassing shit he did do - just like when he pretended Sargon didn't tell people to go the disastrous Tommy Cenotaph demo
>>416834 based. good lad
Announcement from THE LEADER regarding are country: https://youtu.be/VSxCmQTFJy4
>>416858 Believe it or not despite the phenotype Eddie Marsan is not jewish. But he is the ultimate buttgoy. Along with Tim Roth.
Yeah? Check this tweet out
am i the only one here who actually cares about le race blanche here?
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>>416923 No, aggnonce, you are write to fume about the nigsters a-nogging in Fraunce.
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>ywn wank to interracial porn with BBK why live?
At least point a twitter link so we can translate smh
>>416926 tbh, this Frog posting lad is a fucking spastic think I know who it is too smh
>>416927 it's wessex isn't it smh he's french
>when eye see the flag of are political snaith https://youtu.be/YhrpJwPZLKw
>>416929 wessex is French now?
>>416923 I was hoping potatostan would rise up and save the celtic race but I'll settle for le frogs going full daft kino. >>416926 >>416875
>>416931 always was
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>>416923 nobody cares more about the huwhite race than smee lad
>>416802 what's up with this lad? too many beers on a night out?
Why doesn't he just read the thread?
>>416888 he's a gammon, lad
>>416936 it's all in French and on posts with no (You)s
Jesus Christ
>>416936 lets end this all now and just kill him
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>>416939 yeah it would be a blessing if she was dead one less jew
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I have no idea what's going on in France tbh serves them right for speaking French
>>416943 Wish Varg would give us a video explaining it
>>416944 his BASED white brothers of north africa (algeria = berbers = white) are simply enacting BASED race war on the swarthy brownoid (brown eyed) inferior mixed race french (not BASED nords)
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>>416947 >corpsing on the jew death bit shameful smh a pure white aryan would always have a suitable execution method off the cuff
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>>416947 finally a definitive statement from a trusted source
>>416947 convincing i'll admit
>>416949 There are too many exectuion methods to snink of shaking my snead >>416950 >>416951 Butcher non-whites for my amusement!
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I don't believe anything until I hear it from the BBK
well, retards?
>>416954 there were 5 victims THOUGH
>>416954 don't care wogs still have to fuck off also there must be always aramaic atomisation permanent production of hebrew harm judicious jew jellying from tall buildings kike cratering and zealous yid expiration
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>>416954 >migrant kills another migrant SEE?!? MULTICULTURALISM WORKS!!!
just remembered france had its biggest riots since 2005 this year: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahel_Merzouk_riots
https://youtu.be/XLcaqqeneW0 Two of Wessex' heroes meet for a chat
based ZOGbros
toil in less than 20 minutes *screams*
Keeeeeeek based. Ironically what is actually necessary in a democracy: people held responsible. Just got to the chapter in Mein Kampf where Hitler already then pointed out how bad democracy is, how nobody has responsibility smh.
>>416962 So uhhhhh what does that uhhhhh le . . . say?
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>>416597 this video of the poo PM doing a gayism with another gayist that isn't his gay husband is doing the rounds on twitter spoilered for gayism. * FOR SA'S EYES ONLY *
>>416888 They put strychnine in his coke? Seriously though, they have to make him a little more appealing to the masses again and making it look like jews hate him puts him back on neutral ground wiv da suspicious footie lads? My tuppence ha’penny
>>416894 Is he related to Mark?
>>416922 Wotacuck(tm)
Someone stamp on bins bollocks as a corrective measure Ok thankyou
>>416931 Always has been
So you’re winning? 65,000,000 : 100000 ?
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Anyone fancy an impromptu film night?
>>416973 Got this one?
>>416975 Why (Yooooooooooooooooooou)!!!!!
>>416974 >how many do you recognise? they all look the same to smee
>>416973 47 ronin lad.
>>416974 >one of her heros killed the other >one wrote lies, the other didn't write much of anything Very wing wang.
>>416978 would you rather save that for the weekend? more lads might attend
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>>416979 all trve
>>416980 Yeah good idea. Not sure what else to watch now.
>>416982 I'm watching Foundation, the Apple tv series
Bet you can’t guess who’s behind the government’s ‘Nudge Unit’ can you lads?
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>>416985 >who could be behind a nefarous psychological manipulation operation intended to herd the dumb goyim? but who could it be?
>>416984 >more space niggers Becoming your favorite genre? Keek.
>>416984 Link?
>>416984 It's really shit. Apart from using some of the same names it really has nothing to do with the Asimov books. What they did to R. Daneel was appalling.
Babylon 5 is a good science fiction show.
>>416988 >Jews conspiring to keep the goyim from knowing that Jews conspire must be the first time this has ever happened I'm sure
>>416989 Well I'm about three quarters of the way through season 1 now, so it wouldn't make much sense to do a group viewing at this point I could still do it if you like but I'm not sure you'd get much out of it
>>416990 >It's really shit. Apart from using some of the same names it really has nothing to do with the Asimov books. What they did to R. Daneel was appalling. yeah, it starts well but gets way to black kween slay, which doesn't seem to be what Asimov intended
bins really needs slappin down
>>416992 Pretty interesting ngl. It’s under a program called NESTA now and operates worldwide. It’s here around the 12 minute mark the explanation and web.. https://odysee.com/@ukcolumn:9/Ukcolumn-news-171123:9
Utterly ‘fucking’ unhinged Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>416993 It's far worse than that. It's a complete inversion than what Asimov intended. For one thing it disregards the three laws of robotics, for another, the portrayal of Seldon and Psychohistory is completely wrong. The nigger characters and their world and the clone emperors are also made up and not at all Asimov's even though they take names from his books. If you want proper Asimov, i Robot and Bicentennial Man are much truer to his intentions.
>>416998 Meant for >>416994
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>>416995 oh yeah? think you can take me on? you can't
>>416942 yikes
gen x parents seem even worse tbf
Didn’t know this Sinn Fein founder was red pilled on the race question
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>>417003 forgot that people travel miles and miles to go to white nationalist demoralization conferences
Feminist identitarians bullied by extreme left you know who after putting up posters for kid murdered by arabs https://nitter.net/enfantdefrance7/status/1728844456600969571
that french lad that died looks a tad bit...civic
Illuminating Israeli nutter pm’s negotiations between Russia and Pukraine https://nitter.net/EdwardMDruce/status/1728342410948759600
Legit what is actually going on on France? answers in English only please
>>417012 Simmering race war Everyone knows it
>>417013 Wasn’t the girl a furrin as well?
>>417014 Race war has already started lad, some people just don’t realise it
>>417015 One of the stabbing victims was, but there was more than one, 5 in total I think
>>417016 Is he right?
>>417018 owen benjamin is literally jewish
>>417020 Keeeeeeek It’s a bone of contention amongst the mutts
>>417021 shart mutts are utter mongs who have no idea what they are talking about, the only problem with the riots was that they didn't go far enough and were not organised, expressing white anger is important, yanks can fuck off tbh they are so ignorant of the situation in other countries.
>>417002 tbh, they got all the same tv/film brainwashing in the 80s and 90s as the boomers. also a lot of xoomers are tech illiterate in that they can't filter and search for correct information just like the boomers. many are no less misinformed than boomoids
Dailymail actually naming that smug little cunt who stopped a deportation of a criminal nigger. Bet she is bricking it that some naughty lad will... well https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12791313
comfy late season cyclone developing in the bay of bengal, should graze the east coast of north india late this week
>>417022 would the irish riots have gone farther if they happened in southern ireland?
>>417008 the Identitarian thing was an attempt to make a pro-white movement that wasn't threatening to Jews. They make a point of being nothing to do with neo-nazi groups, don't let those types join, and never talk about the JQ But Jews still hate them and sabotage their efforts
>>417025 these protests preventing deportations are never organic leftoid activists get tipped off by the home office as to which flights to get on and how to stop them it's sabotage from within
IDF pansies cry for mommy and piss their diapers, fresh bagel (one foot removed) says 'I will miss you' to Hamas Chad
>>417029 this >>417028 well GI was outlawed by the french government two years ago. same thing happened to the austrian and german branches.
>>417031 >well GI was outlawed by the french government two years ago. same thing happened to the austrian and german branches. In the UK a Jewish guy infiltrated and grassed them up to Hope Not Hate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XLhuIGRdV0 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
my voice is in my sword
>>417037 still better than anything that's ever been played at binema. acting wasn't even that bad
>>417038 that's not really the issue lad they just need to fuck off and leave are culture alone had the misfortune of seeing a menulog advert recently where two wog lasses were larping as evropan aristocracy and it made my blood pressure spike sick of it smh
>>417039 yeah black people do be doing that. i kind of understand it on a level, it's not like any of their own "culture' is worth attaching themselves to like kwanzaa and sheeit but it's insidious when media jews bombard us with them apeing ours. >mfw
>>417040 tbh they don't really have much
>>417042 forget points based immigration tbh bring in goals based immigration
Wait until I've had my coffeefee
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>2 black cats double the bad luck. Makes sense since it was really slippery today and the heating system didn't work smh
>>417042 A keek but also a seethe.
found some good porn lads, not sure i should link it though
i'll sleep on it, night lads
>tfw bossman makes you wear a septum ring and shocks you when you're a bad boy
>>417048 they should be quiet, lass
Filtering pepephant lad in case he decides to post porn. >>417051 No they should be lovely and love smee.
>put off toilsearching until the last minute and have to do it all in one go again 'ate this smh either give me a job or give me money for free
>>417053 Just be the white lion
>>417054 tbh defending the white rice is a full time job smh they should be more understanding >>417055 >The changes are being overseen by interim director Raji Hunjan. there it is
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>>417058 reminds me i've been wanting to try a suckling roast this winter
>>417060 Now there's no fucking need for that is there?
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>(1) >Lisa Simpson
Nothing wrong with liking the cutie little piggies.
Want to get a big statue of Jesus playing a guitar out front for Christmas tbh.
>>417063 Tbh but eating the grown up steiners is good.
>>417062 based
>crying out in pain Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.net/efenigson/status/1727381333595373656
>>417055 why is our history being put in the hands of people that hate us?
Looks like the head poo in charge of Ireland has used the riot as justification for tightening hatespeech laws and pushing through controversial facial recognition legislation.
>>417069 predictable really but this will only create more dissent
>>417068 We are not allowed to question it like Paddy here says even though everyone is talking about it Governments won’t take the off famp and revolutions happen when there is no other way out as Trotsky said but only lasting change can be achieved peacefully. Governments know this so stick to their guns and double down hoping to provoke a violent reaction so they can beat it down or there is infighting and it collapses by itself after achieving power
>>417069 Can legit see some angry paddies slotting him. They’ve had to double his personal protection and that of various other anti democratic goons plus institutions. Stupid gay paki doesn’t understand the Irish and their mentality the fool. Wouldn’t put it past them to start bombing Brussels or Davos either. They still never caught the ones that bombed and killed 18 paras did they?
Bastard poo
Keeeeeeeeeek Norwegian poolice is transphobic >Originally they said a man had killed a man >then corrected it, saying a man has killed a woman >what really happened is a transman killed a transwoman
>>417074 So a woman killed a man
Fucking absolutely fewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmin! https://nitter.net/tracyohanlon74/status/1729090977489657951#m
>>417076 Based and strength as a moral good pilled Paddy.
>>417075 Yes, lass
>>417078 That looks like a nigger family to me.
>even if you breed you eventually disappear breederbros???
>>417079 >when you are either a fed or an arab and then discover you have more to fear from Irish street kids than niggers Keeeeeeeek
>>417080 Lad if you want eternal stagnant maintenance of your specific genetic code, build a cloning facility
>>417082 I didn't know Rhinos start off furry.
>>417084 Only that rhino apparently. Being descended from the same animal as the horse and tapir I guess it makes sense that at one point they all had hair
>>417069 they were doing that anyway, the hatespeech bill was created months ago
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Roma gypos started a fight with some Dublin lads. Didn’t end well for the gypos
>>417082 Looks like he was cuckolded by the BBRC
The sissy party of Sweden have suggested interracial breeding grounds to stop segregation >blanda upp plays in the background
>>417084 Or black….
>>417089 >You have been bred, now put this burqa on and stay in the Islamic neighbourhood or I will rapekill and behead you! Genius plan tbh
white rhino bros... guess that black seed really be more fertile
Furriners so brazen they’re burgling the Irish police stations now keeeeek https://nitter.net/dubslife1/status/1728886399074726349
>>417089 >>417091 It's real by the way. Middle of the second underlined line. "befolkningen blandas", "population mixing". Stuff like this is basically free election campaign material for the based boys.
>>417094 Blanda up boogaloo
>>417095 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek is that a fucking ai voice
>>417097 I don’t think so
>>417099 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>417102 Is he finally taking his final form as a pink wojak?
>>417100 Context, lass?
>>417102 He got peppa sprayed
>>417105 Think it was a fed or a “concened citizen” getting clumped
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>>417080 It's not about personal immortality but the survival of our group. You've posted this more than once, it happens again and you're getting banned.
>>417112 lad???
Deading deads.
>>417113 You've bean tricked, 22stein. Bamboozled, if you will.
https://youtu.be/RGsDuxWayKw >civic fencer does a video on his cock ring
>22 obsessed with men’s cocks
And not lady cocks
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https://twitter.com/wayotworld/status/1729171875413274884 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>417122 2017 called
>>417123 Too bad your dad never called you since he left when you were a small child and it was all your fault lol
>>417123 holy cringe lad, keep up with the cause du jour
>Bojo’s dad is a high ranking member of Extinction Rebellion
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mfw niggers
He’s so effeminate keeeeeeeeeeek Especially with his blue rinse >Promises to do 1, does 2, tells Israelis he’s done 3, tells the world he did 4 Typical politcian https://nitter.net/netanyahu/status/1728803439751090433#m
keeking about the time I was cast as the donkey in the school play and my mate said I shat on the window and I got kicked out for keeking
>>417131 thinking about kicking you out of the thread
>>417132 Wow, your one brain cell must be working really hard!
>>417038 macbeth is about scottish nobles not niggers, they should retell the old testament with moses as a japanese man if the jews want to get all "relativistic" with other peoples culture
>>417128 he had a job application taped to his elbow
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>>417121 how can troons see these memes and *still* want to troon out?
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>>417133 i may like tinnies but i still have more than one brain cell lad
>>417136 keeeeeke
wew niggers are part ghost
>>417145 >ghostface killah was real this whole time
>>417145 Ghost Species is what they used to call "the missing link"?
Wew Deranged. Totally. They’ll do themselves in eventually https://nitter.net/davincentjames/status/1728846336135671917
BIG DOUBT that slavs are quiet from my experience tbh
The joker is real and…it’s a jewish woman https://nitter.net/StopZionistHate/status/1728840094940045508
So, nobody is going to talk about how Wessex hasn't posted in weeks?
>>417150 Probably because of blood transfusions lad
>>417153 He got married and moved to Russia to stay with his new wife’s family. Said he’d be back online by Christmas. Hold tight
>>417153 He's been posting without a flag.
>>417158 MSM poorly faking ignorance has been a boon to captain obvious ecelebs.
>>417159 weird phenomenon now where everybody feels like they have deep redpill secret agent knowledge when actually it's just thatt the media is lying as a humiliation ritual about everything
*starts screaming*
>>417162 I don't even know anymore tbh.
>>417164 it's all the woke nonsense
Apparently Pixar complained about AI making images in their style so it won’t happen anymore
>>417168 bound to happen at some point
did the rulecucks actually make it illegal for framing nailers in the UK to sequentially fire?
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>>417171 >middle class white women
remember when madlad the faggot was shitting on yanks for warning the taigs about getting j6'd with the obvious reichstag fire shite with that bbcslut connor mcgregor saying deanoidic shite
>>417173 you have no idea what you are talking about, the riots were a righteous expression of white rage that were totally justified and have shown the potential of organised white resistance and and conor didn't even get involved until after they had already happened, there was no psyop about it but that may be difficult for your mentally ill american mind to comprehend.
americans projecting their suburban mindset onto european street politics like it has any relevance.
every british nationalist being giga blackpilled on shitter rn
>>417174 autistic idealism but I guess its something right hey at least we burned a bus or something unlike the yanks right? wow enjoy more rulecuck shite so they can v& 16 year old wessies for playing as germany in company of heroes
>>417177 >wow enjoy more rulecuck shite all the laws being discussed were being brought in anyway >so they can v& 16 year old wessies for playing as germany in company of heroes thats not happening in ireland as of yet and they are a totally different situation to the uk >autistic idealism thats not whats happening but keep crying
>bunch of working class guys btfo people in random anger >you just don't understand its part of an underground hegelian conception of national logos pathetic when mongs try to act like the working class is invested in this evola bullshit. I am sure there are hardline nationalists in ireland but there is also alot of blowhards chinwagging about lighting a bus on fire
actually think the deep state in the british isles is much more refined and competent than over here. the idea that they haven't figured out how to play angles off angles seems like wishful thinking
>>417179 >random anger children were stabbed it wasn't random >you just don't understand its part of an underground hegelian conception of national logos strawman >pathetic when mongs try to act like the working class is invested in this evola bullshit. another strawman >>417180 ireland is not the uk, nationalists have had more success there than in the uk
irish are fucking annoying blowhards about your irrelevant island. you can dish it out all day but when oh boy don't anyone dare tell them anything.
sinn fein was only successful in murdering british kids with cowardly shitskin tier bomb attacks and then importing niggers to ireland cope and seethe
don't even know what you are sperging about now tbh
sorry for caring about the white race so much
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>>417187 lisa simpson yoomerette over here larping as some disney character and too meek to even show off her no doubt nasty hobbit feet getting mogged by the zoomerette pengali
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>>417186 no problem lad I think the irish will be victorious and I hope they walk their talk all the way and throw all the niggers in the ocean.
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>>417187 racismbros when are we going to invent a machine that gives us white children from race mixing?
>>417191 spic has discussed at great length his desire to implant fertilised white babies into the wombs of asian women
the white race would literally rule the globe if white women acted like east asian women tbh
>>417192 asian women...
wonder if there's a special diet that can make your sperm more dominant than the eggs of the brown woman? would healthier sperm mean the baby is more closely related to you? this is probably terrible biology speculation
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>>417195 I'd rather fund that then gay shite for israel and jewkraine. I'd nuke america if they figured out how to make hapas have blond hair and blue eyes
>had to get a gook
not every whitoid can brave the crucible of becoming chad
Could never bring a non white home tbh
saw someone's umbrella get turned inside out by the wind today lads thought that only happened on tv
>>417202 comfy, odd for australian summer though
>>417203 we usually get a quick storm whenever the weather changes quickly tbh summer still hasn't really started yet had some kino thunder last night too
>>417205 always liked claymation
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>>417192 >spic has discussed at great length his desire to implant fertilised white babies into the wombs of asian women well, here's the thing. neonatal testosterone exposure during around the 3rd month of pregnancy is very important for boys, and asian women have low testosterone levels so while they do have potential as 'loyal waifus' due to their extreme attraction to white men, they aren't exactly optimal as a surrogate womb for the gestation of white male zygotes. for white female zygotes, they should in theory be fine- provided that the mongoloid DNA of the host womb will not 'poison' the DNA strands of the baby, which I don't think we can confidently say that it doesn't at this point. there's also the issue where asian women have small hips that may not able to fit a white baby's skull through- C-sections are often necessary in the case of asian women with white husbands having hapa babies, if these were full-blooded European babies then a C-section would just be the default. C-section is bad for a normal pregnancy where you want a maternal bond because the process of natural birth releases tons of oxytocin in both the baby and the mother's brain, but in the case of a surrogacy maybe you don't need that maternal bond? or more likely you do because the non-white woman is actually going to be the social 'mother' for the offspring? yet another reason why asian women are not ideal for this Latinas make a lot more sense because they have adequate testosterone levels for gestating both sexes and wide enough hips to give birth to a white baby naturally without C-section. they also have majority European DNA so they are less foreign genetically/culturally and the offspring will more readily accept the Latina as their social 'mother'. if there is any risk of the Mongoloid admixture in the Latina contaminating the DNA strands of the baby, well at least the Latina has less Mongoloid DNA than the asian woman who is completely racially alien. personally I think Latinas make the most sense for this approach to white reproduction for the aforementioned reasons, plus they cook healthier food (unlike the soya estrogen meals the asian woman will make) that is more European-influenced (familiar) and are thiccer and more attractive and better at sex generally. they may also be Catholic for those that care about the muh dead k1ke on a stick LARP, and can help raise the offspring bilingual (English/Spanish) which will be particularly when 'Rizz'-ing another Latina to repeat the process next generation. considering the crisis state of white reproduction, I think it is reasonable to suggest that implanting white babies into Latina wombs as surrogate mothers is actually a good strategy at the present moment. white women are too antinatalist and picky about men- they're all waiting for some imaginary 6'4 billionaire prince charming to sweep their 30 year old fat ass off the couch- so we are facing total collapse of birthrates and we need to find solutions fast, and this is one potential solution that is not without risks but overall I think it's pretty reasonable. not to mention that Latinas are found in abundance at least in the USA and finally the third option would be using a black woman as the surrogate womb. this is a wholly inferior option in almost every way to the former two for obvious reasons, but the one benefit may be that black women have the highest testosterone, meaning that theoretically if you were to gestate a white male baby in a black woman's womb, and you have her doing squats and deadlifts around that third month of pregnancy during the masculinization programming window, I wonder if it would create these hypermasculinized gigachuds with acromelagy-looking jaws and stuff. but due to the extreme garbageness of apefrican genetics and the fact that we don't know that the black woman isn't going to contaminate the DNA strands of the baby with her own chimp genes, this option is even moreso in the experimental phase- to the point where it's basically mad scientist freak experiment type stuff, not exactly responsible parent behavior. it's a shame that we can't get legit studies on this due to JWO regime occupation of the sciences and academia.
>most intelligent poster writes particularly intelligent and insightful post >leddit-tire "wow, just wow"-esque reaction image implicit replies such is the level of discourse on /shit/
BREAKING: A large protest against mass migration has broken out in Lyon, France >The protest is a tribute to Thomas and 17 others who were stabbed a week ago in Crépol by a gang of migrants. >This is similar to what unfolded last week in Dublin following a migrant stabbing attack against Irish children. https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1729244787302162940 didn't know 17 were stabbed tbh the media hasn't reported on this
>>417211 fuck off if you dont like it then
>>417213 the people are waking up
>>417216 >A well-organised & dangerous group of xenophobic terrorist who wants to harm migrants or anyone who is visibly different. yeah i'm thinking based
https://twitter.com/i/status/1729257384596414943 White woman and a gang of white soyim try to get a white man knocked out by a nog, this is basically whats happening on a civilisational scale
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damn that russian claymation movie was better than any kike american dogshit I have seen since LOTR >the warrior died
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>>417219 >middle class white women
new tat lads, thoughts?
didn't mean to reply to spic smh
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>>417222 luv it
>>417220 got half an hour in but decided to finish it another time smh too tired to focus on what's happening right now giga kino so far though
there is no point to anything and i don't know what to do with myself, i'm going to be past my prime soon *slams forehead against wall*
kind of miss being able to get a decent night's sleep smh >>417227 the era we live in is just a waiting room lad smh get used to it
>>417223 Basado. >>417227 Smeny snutch snases.
>>417227 yeah I know this feel then you just starting coping that you are still young. I honestly don't think the incel thing is going to get better, its just going to get worse like soylent green tier where most men are just homeless semi dependent debt slave laborers while women live in state funded momunes that are closed off to everything that isn't connected to the butt matrix, i.e. they just order everything delivered to their sort of compound while incels just sort of toile on the outside
>>417230 yeah, i hope the next realm is better
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK the media reported racist attacks by french nationalists in Paris today were actually Newcastle supporters btfoing a gang of niggers for fun: https://nitter.net/F_Desouche/status/1729292543479677344#m
>>417233 loving every laugh
The situation in france still has me seething. A Jew journalist called Patrick Cohen released an article quoting the shitskin scum gang that attacked and stabbed 17 fucking people leaving one dead. They claim it was a fight started by rugby players who were being racist, this shit is being repeated on tv and the leftists are now celebrating the young boys death: https://nitter.net/kamilabderrahmn/status/1729220492177940746 I need death. Only blood may wash this sin away.
>>417235 >They claim it was a fight started by rugby players who were being racist, this shit is being repeated on tv and the leftists are now celebrating the young boys death: well they could hardly blame the wogs now could they lad smh those sweet innocent angels have already been through so much
>>417166 PROSECUTE HIM! * learned yesterday that the Israelis keep the bodies of dead imprisoned Palestinians in cold storage until the completion of their sentences as a psychological warfare tactic.
Morning lads, as well
>>417194 Fuck the yellow peril. We’re being chicom’d hard. Look at the ads! Disgusting ant people tbh
>>417237 smorb lad that's psychotic enough that i believe it completely
>>417216 Jesus. They have to go and they will
>>417222 Not bad but I ran it through spell check for ya
>>417233 KEEEEK tbh Soys always jump to ‘FASCISTS ALERT OMG FASCISTS!’ Can’t wait until the Fascistening tbh. Gon’ b gud
>>417235 This jewish and general middle class leftoid and neolib hiding behind ‘ le far right! neo nazis! fascists! and now sports supporters omg!’ memes is going to go ping! and backfire so hard on them
>British Drug dealing wogs and assorted handbag wearing goons on holiday in Abu Dhabi more like engage in battle with other wogs https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12797549/Formula-1-chaos-Abu-Dhabi-Grand-Prix-brawl-spectators-bottled.html
Fs Relentless
>>417250 based fuck rentberg
>>417251 We wouldn’t have a housing crisis if these people weren’t here and as for Ukrainians - it would be cheaper and more efficient to build housing for them in Romania or Bulgaria. There is no reason for them to be here taking up space. Fuck. Them. Off. Parasites >muh refugees >muh economy
>>417252 don't be like that lad they were lucky to make it through war-torn europe with their lives they had to travel so far to get to the uk (the closest safe country)
>>417253 In their brand new top of the line cars to live here in council housing on forever handouts and free everything
>>417254 don't worry lad ten or twenty years from now the government will make some mild grumble about how they can't be refugees any more because the war is long over and then do nothing about it except give citizenship to anyone who asks the handouts will continue but now they'll be going to brits instead
Lmfao at these hardcore butthurt zionist accounts spamming Keith Woods https://nitter.net/QuantumFlux36/status/1729288523491279276
someone should just kill all leftists. i would vote for them.
>>417256 They can kvetch all they like there's plenty of footage of Israelis celebrating the murder of anyone and everyone in Gaza and the West Bank.
>coalburner posting grim.
even cattle are slaughtered standing up
Reposting from another chan because I found it interesting and especially poignant after steiner's gook posting. Understanding Race Mixing (Miscengenation) Induced Infertility Factors. 1. Inherent Biological Incompatibility such as antibody formation to foreign race proteins. This is expressed from the first mating of individuals of two different races. A classical example is antibody production to Rhesus factor. It is an allergic immunological reaction to the offspring by the woman. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34262225/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system#Hemolytic_disease_of_the_newborn 2. Recombination failure in gamete formation in both males and females. This is the result of conserved genes being located at different locations on the chromosomes between races due to natural speciation forces such as transposon activity. When recombination occurs in the mixed race offspring to produce gametes, sperm and eggs, recombination between the chromosomes results in additions and deletions that render the gametes inviable or as carriers of addition/deletion diseases. This is measured on a physical chromosome map as the distance in nucleotides between conserved genes. The further apart each parent's conserved genes are on the chromosomes of a mixed race offspring, the higher the percentage of gametes will be non-viable due to additions and deletions in humans. In other species, such as canines, conserved genes are widely spaced apart by SINE repeats, making recombination failure between populations much less likely. Ethnicity 1 DNA Segment -------A-B-C-D-E------------- Ethnicity 2 DNA Segment ---------------A-B-C-D-E----- Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 -------A-B-C/---A-B-C-D-E--/- (Recombination FAILURE!) Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 --/-----A-B-C-D-E---------/-- (Recombination success!) Canine DNA Segment ---A------------------B------ Where conserved genes don't align between parental chromosomes, it is expressed as persistent reduced gamete viability. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16339378/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196373/ It's worth noting that this recombination failure, decreased fertility in mixed race people, results in mixed race chromsomal gene placement in gametes with conserved gene placement that is not aligned with any racial group or any mixed race populations, since the recombination is semi random. The infertility of race mixed people persists until all conserved genes are lined up in a population's collective genome. For a mixed race offspring, for every gene which is in a different location on a chromsome between parents, you can expect a 50% reduction in gamete viability with a Mendelian distribution table, but that probabilistic outcome is mitigated by the randomness of recombination of crossover sites, the number of misaligned genes, and number of cross over sites per chromsome, since entire sets of out of place genes can be on a contigious region of DNA which is not affected by the recombination crossover. Predicting the degree of infertility is complicated by the differences between the location of genes in the parents, the number of incompatible genes, and their proximity to likely recombination cross over sites. The addition and deletion of genes can result in gene based disabilities. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196373/ 3. Failure to Group Mixed race offspring do not resemble any racial group, they also usually do not resemble other mixed race people which inherit their parental traits randomly. This can create social difficulties which result in fewer chances to procreate and life difficulties. Humans are a social species and in-group bias is hardwired for survival. 4. The Results of Racial Admixture To stabilize a mixed race genome requires inbreeding to produce a new self compatible genome (see Indian endogamy after the population collapse of the Gupta empire and the infertility of the Gupta monarchy) or for the racial admixture to be pruned down over many generations that suffer from significant infertility until only gene placement that is compatible with an existing racial group remains (see Neanderthal admixture from 1 or 2 race mixing event survivors with most of the Neanderthal genome being pruned out because it was incompatible with Homo sapiens sapiens genome). The immense hurdle of recombinative failure infertility, recombination failure induced genetic defects, and failure to group means only under the most extraordinary circumstances do any race mixed bloodlines survive long term. 5. Why Can't Scientists Say This? Imperial state ideologies are based on the belief that race mixed populations will result in a viable population and that annexed people will have a shared future. The incomes of the elite of empires are totally dependent on the belief that race mixed people don't have reproductive obstacles to annex other nations and loot them. Many articles on genetic studies are written in a way that gives the illusion that race mixing has been prevalent to conform to institutional pressures and you can only deduce the truth by reading between the lines. For instance, there are articles saying Europeans are descended from Genghis Khan, but his Y chromosome haplogroup and Asian haplogroups are completely absent from White populations except through recent Asian admixture. 6. What Gives the Lie of Imperial Powers Believability? Endogamy. Within many countries there are endogamous uniracial populations that shed members to interracial marriages. The interracial offspring bloodlines die out, while the endogamous racial communities continue to shed members. This produces a marked population growth depression in these countries as a whole. If you look at countries like Spain, Mexico, Brazil, etc. you see uniracial communities practicing endogamy while continously losing members to race mixing. You can see mathematically what is happening in these countries through demographic statistics. Uniracial population = endogamous births - mixed race births Mixed race population = endogamous mixed race births + shedded mixed race births from interracial marriage between two pure raced people The growth rate of the mixed race population should be whatever kids they produce plus recent interracial marriages, but the growth rate of mixed race population demographics is lower than uniracial in every country I have checked, which indicates massive reproductive issues. When DNA analysis are presented on the country as a whole, it gives the impression that the entire country's population is race mixed and that race mixed populations are viable. However, any race that doesn't prevent admixture into a portion of their population gets erased from the gene pool within 2.5 centuries without the ability to form a new genome with close relatives like modern Indians did 1,600 years ago between two racial groups. Misrepresentation of ancient genetic markers carried by multiple races as evidence of race mixing after the last ice age when actually they represent common ancestry from before the races diverged. The articles look like this, "Common ancestry between groups A and B! Group A is related to group B!", but they often fail to mention the commonality is from before the wooly mammoth went extinct, or "Group A descended from Location X people", but fail to mention a now extinct population used to live at location X to give the impression one ethnic group descended from another, when they did not. Virtually everything published in the media on genetic commonality focuses on pre-ice age common ancestry, because modern genetic markers would show a very strict tree of racial division no evidence of admixture between racial groups and with no evidence of racial mixing producing a viable population without extreme endogamy (inbreeding).
Understanding Race Mixing (Miscengenation) Induced Infertility Factors. 1. Inherent Biological Incompatibility such as antibody formation to foreign race proteins. This is expressed from the first mating of individuals of two different races. A classical example is antibody production to Rhesus factor. It is an allergic immunological reaction to the offspring by the woman. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34262225/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system#Hemolytic_disease_of_the_newborn 2. Recombination failure in gamete formation in both males and females. This is the result of conserved genes being located at different locations on the chromosomes between races due to natural speciation forces such as transposon activity. When recombination occurs in the mixed race offspring to produce gametes, sperm and eggs, recombination between the chromosomes results in additions and deletions that render the gametes inviable or as carriers of addition/deletion diseases. This is measured on a physical chromosome map as the distance in nucleotides between conserved genes. The further apart each parent's conserved genes are on the chromosomes of a mixed race offspring, the higher the percentage of gametes will be non-viable due to additions and deletions in humans. In other species, such as canines, conserved genes are widely spaced apart by SINE repeats, making recombination failure between populations much less likely. Ethnicity 1 DNA Segment -------A-B-C-DE------------- Ethnicity 2 DNA Segment ---------------A-B-C-D-E----- Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 -------A-B-C/---A-B-C-D-E--/- (Recombination FAILURE!) Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 --/-----A-B-C-D-E---------/-- (Recombination success!) Canine DNA Segment ---A------------------B------ Where conserved genes don't align between parental chromosomes, it is expressed as persistent reduced gamete viability. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16339378/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196373/ It's worth noting that this recombination failure, decreased fertility in mixed race people, results in mixed race chromsomal gene placement in gametes with conserved gene placement that is not aligned with any racial group or any mixed race populations, since the recombination is semi random. The infertility of race mixed people persists until all conserved genes are lined up in a population's collective genome. For a mixed race offspring, for every gene which is in a different location on a chromsome between parents, you can expect a 50% reduction in gamete viability with a Mendelian distribution table, but that probabilistic outcome is mitigated by the randomness of recombination of crossover sites, the number of misaligned genes, and number of cross over sites per chromsome, since entire sets of out of place genes can be on a contigious region of DNA which is not affected by the recombination crossover. Predicting the degree of infertility is complicated by the differences between the location of genes in the parents, the number of incompatible genes, and their proximity to likely recombination cross over sites. The addition and deletion of genes can result in gene based disabilities. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196373/
>>417262 >>417263 maybe format that and try again
3. Failure to Group Mixed race offspring do not resemble any racial group, they also usually do not resemble other mixed race people which inherit their parental traits randomly. This can create social difficulties which result in fewer chances to procreate and life difficulties. Humans are a social species and in-group bias is hardwired for survival. 4. The Results of Racial Admixture To stabilize a mixed race genome requires inbreeding to produce a new self compatible genome (see Indian endogamy after the population collapse of the Gupta empire and the infertility of the Gupta monarchy) or for the racial admixture to be pruned down over many generations that suffer from significant infertility until only gene placement that is compatible with an existing racial group remains (see Neanderthal admixture from 1 or 2 race mixing event survivors with most of the Neanderthal genome being pruned out because it was incompatible with Homo sapiens sapiens genome). The immense hurdle of recombinative failure infertility, recombination failure induced genetic defects, and failure to group means only under the most extraordinary circumstances do any race mixed bloodlines survive long term. 5. Why Can't Scientists Say This? Imperial state ideologies are based on the belief that race mixed populations will result in a viable population and that annexed people will have a shared future. The incomes of the elite of empires are totally dependent on the belief that race mixed people don't have reproductive obstacles to annex other nations and loot them. Many articles on genetic studies are written in a way that gives the illusion that race mixing has been prevalent to conform to institutional pressures and you can only deduce the truth by reading between the lines. For instance, there are articles saying Europeans are descended from Genghis Khan, but his Y chromosome haplogroup and Asian haplogroups are completely absent from White populations except through recent Asian admixture.
>>417264 It is being formatted one is a repost
5. Why Can't Scientists Say This? Imperial state ideologies are based on the belief that race mixed populations will result in a viable population and that annexed people will have a shared future. The incomes of the elite of empires are totally dependent on the belief that race mixed people don't have reproductive obstacles to annex other nations and loot them. Many articles on genetic studies are written in a way that gives the illusion that race mixing has been prevalent to conform to institutional pressures and you can only deduce the truth by reading between the lines. For instance, there are articles saying Europeans are descended from Genghis Khan, but his Y chromosome haplogroup and Asian haplogroups are completely absent from White populations except through recent Asian admixture. 6. What Gives the Lie of Imperial Powers Believability? Endogamy. Within many countries there are endogamous uniracial populations that shed members to interracial marriages. The interracial offspring bloodlines die out, while the endogamous racial communities continue to shed members. This produces a marked population growth depression in these countries as a whole. If you look at countries like Spain, Mexico, Brazil, etc. you see uniracial communities practicing endogamy while continously losing members to race mixing. You can see mathematically what is happening in these countries through demographic statistics. Uniracial population = endogamous births - mixed race births Mixed race population = endogamous mixed race births + shedded mixed race births from interracial marriage between two pure raced people. The growth rate of the mixed race population should be whatever kids they produce plus recent interracial marriages, but the growth rate of mixed race population demographics is lower than uniracial in every country I have checked, which indicates massive reproductive issues. When DNA analysis are presented on the country as a whole, it gives the impression that the entire country's population is race mixed and that race mixed populations are viable. However, any race that doesn't prevent admixture into a portion of their population gets erased from the gene pool within 2.5 centuries without the ability to form a new genome with close relatives like modern Indians did 1,600 years ago between two racial groups. Misrepresentation of ancient genetic markers carried by multiple races as evidence of race mixing after the last ice age when actually they represent common ancestry from before the races diverged. The articles look like this, "Common ancestry between groups A and B! Group A is related to group B!", but they often fail to mention the commonality is from before the wooly mammoth went extinct, or "Group A descended from Location X people", but fail to mention a now extinct population used to live at location X to give the impression one ethnic group descended from another, when they did not. Virtually everything published in the media on genetic commonality focuses on pre-ice age common ancestry, because modern genetic markers would show a very strict tree of racial division no evidence of admixture between racial groups and with no evidence of racial mixing producing a viable population without extreme endogamy (inbreeding). 7. AI Assembly of Ancestrial Trees is Going to Kill the Myth of Hybrid Vigor Forever When AI is used to process global ancestry data into a coherent map, you're going to see an almost perfect species division chart. When AI incorporates the recently race mixed populations they will appear as fuzz on the sides of the tree and it will settle the debate forever that, with only the exception of extreme endogamy, it is not possible to make a viable race mixed population. In addition, you're going to find out there are more species than you know about.
I can't even delete the old poorly formatted posts
>>417268 there there lad i read it anyway
>>417250 >>417251 this is unbased - there are moves from the corporate funded Left to put private landlords out of business, not to benefit tenants, but so banks can buy up all the property instead that's one way they want everybody owning nothing while the (((banks))) own everything
Left and furriners getting btfo on Irish twitter replies are funny. Irish are pretty good with words I have to say. Maybe the pen will defeat the sword in this case Muslim Sisters of Ireland btfo https://nitter.net/Msoe_Dublin/status/1728022627950678016 Soygay btfo https://nitter.net/JamesKavanagh_/status/1728771252301484238 https://nitter.net/Trickstersworld/status/1728790632800338114 Faggots getting btfo is always a glorious sight tbh >’Irish citizen’ called Fillipino when it suits the narrative >A troon fillipino student nurse giving mouth to mouth to a migrant kid who’s been stabbed in the head by a migrant, later overpowered by another migrant Something tells me if there were no migrants this wouldn’t even have happened
>>417262 Stick it in ChatGPT and ask it to summarise it in one sentence
>>417272 miscegenation makes your offspring infertile, hybrid vigor is a myth and to make a mixed race population viable requires a lot of cousin fucking.
>>417273 also being mixed race massively increases the likelihood of suffering from autism. like more than having a 50+ year old mum.
hybrid vigor exists because inbreeding depression does, hybrid vigor simply lessens the consequences of entrenched inbreeding, England alone is large enough to avoid the need of it entirely. outbreeding depression however also exists and yet is completely ignored: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outbreeding_depression
>>417275 It exists in dogs for the afore mentioned reason that their genome is highly malleable, it really isn't the same for humans.
I mean point 2 is basically covering outbreeding depression in depth.
how do you explain kazakhs chud
>>417273 Grate. Saved me 30 mins. Cheers t. Bazza
>>417278 Constant cousin fucking and that's just so they don't go infertile.
>French police literally deployed to “keep an eye on but not intervene” on groups of arab youths roaming around intimidating French people >kids including some under 16 arrested for firing AK47s in Marseille >55 year old man killed in Dijon suburb after a building was sprayed with bullets >Someone who left the Paris suburbs for a more peaceful existence in a Toulouse suburb crying - just swapping aids for typhus that tbh But the ‘le far right’ are the problem Keeeeeek. Politicians love playing the angles. No wonder local police in France are demoralised
>>417278 Soy sauce
>>417281 Same shit all over. >>417282 They're turks lad.
They are not Turks
>>417285 They are, more Turk than anyone in Turkey that's for sure.
These don’t look like Truks to me
>>417287 Well one is obviously Rus but yeah the Turkic people traditionally looked quite Asiatic.
>>417288 That's one way to instigate a divorce.
>>417288 >The reports did not say whether or not Russia was thought to be behind the alleged attack. This is the most interesting thing in the article
>>417292 It's an internal power struggle in Ukraine with Zelensky potentially falling out of favour with washington and his own people at the same time. With the elections coming up Zelensky unable to cancel them the cheif of staff of the AFU Zaluzhny and a few other factions are moving to get elected as president.
>>417293 Tbh. Usual slavic house cleaning but with some help from MI6/CIA How could you poison people who have been living in their offices for nearly two years?
Ground needs preparing for a ceasefire
>>417293 >It's an internal power struggle in Ukraine with Zelensky potentially falling out of favour with washington and his own people at the same time yep that's what it implies. a few months ago it would have been confidently blamed on Putin, but not now
>>417296 It's a very public power struggle.
>>417297 >It's a very public power struggle. most normies will have no idea, surprised the BBC even refers to it tangentally
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IMPORTANT POLL - WHAT FILMS SHOULD WE WATCH THIS WEEKEND? https://poal.me/4xaqys https://poal.me/4xaqys https://poal.me/4xaqys
>>417220 >>417226 what films this lads?
>>417300 suggest it for film night https://poal.me/4xaqys
>>417301 i cant if i dont know it, you bum head
>>417302 why (Yoooooooooooooooooou)
HELLOOOO…..YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYCW6zr4LHs
Millei visiting new york to see some obscure ultra orthodox rabbis grave that nobody has ever heard of, he is on another level of jewish dick sucking
>>417304 ta lad
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>>417305 >fresh gram of poo holy shit it's only tuesday and it's already? he's *FAST*
>>417310 its last weeks
>>417308 he might just try and surpass dumpf
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>>417311 oh he's *FAT*
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>10 minutes in he's talking still talking about a boomer synthpop concert he went to
>>417320 Yeah? You want a twitterpost-off?

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