Reposting from another chan because I found it interesting and especially poignant after steiner's gook posting.
Understanding Race Mixing (Miscengenation) Induced Infertility Factors. 1. Inherent Biological Incompatibility such as antibody formation to foreign race proteins. This is expressed from the first mating of individuals of two different races. A classical example is antibody production to Rhesus factor. It is an allergic immunological reaction to the offspring by the woman. 2. Recombination failure in gamete formation in both males and females. This is the result of conserved genes being located at different locations on the chromosomes between races due to natural speciation forces such as transposon activity. When recombination occurs in the mixed race offspring to produce gametes, sperm and eggs, recombination between the chromosomes results in additions and deletions that render the gametes inviable or as carriers of addition/deletion diseases. This is measured on a physical chromosome map as the distance in nucleotides between conserved genes. The further apart each parent's conserved genes are on the chromosomes of a mixed race offspring, the higher the percentage of gametes will be non-viable due to additions and deletions in humans. In other species, such as canines, conserved genes are widely spaced apart by SINE repeats, making recombination failure between populations much less likely. Ethnicity 1 DNA Segment -------A-B-C-D-E------------- Ethnicity 2 DNA Segment ---------------A-B-C-D-E----- Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 -------A-B-C/---A-B-C-D-E--/- (Recombination FAILURE!) Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 --/-----A-B-C-D-E---------/-- (Recombination success!) Canine DNA Segment ---A------------------B------ Where conserved genes don't align between parental chromosomes, it is expressed as persistent reduced gamete viability. It's worth noting that this recombination failure, decreased fertility in mixed race people, results in mixed race chromsomal gene placement in gametes with conserved gene placement that is not aligned with any racial group or any mixed race populations, since the recombination is semi random. The infertility of race mixed people persists until all conserved genes are lined up in a population's collective genome. For a mixed race offspring, for every gene which is in a different location on a chromsome between parents, you can expect a 50% reduction in gamete viability with a Mendelian distribution table, but that probabilistic outcome is mitigated by the randomness of recombination of crossover sites, the number of misaligned genes, and number of cross over sites per chromsome, since entire sets of out of place genes can be on a contigious region of DNA which is not affected by the recombination crossover. Predicting the degree of infertility is complicated by the differences between the location of genes in the parents, the number of incompatible genes, and their proximity to likely recombination cross over sites. The addition and deletion of genes can result in gene based disabilities. 3. Failure to Group Mixed race offspring do not resemble any racial group, they also usually do not resemble other mixed race people which inherit their parental traits randomly. This can create social difficulties which result in fewer chances to procreate and life difficulties. Humans are a social species and in-group bias is hardwired for survival. 4. The Results of Racial Admixture To stabilize a mixed race genome requires inbreeding to produce a new self compatible genome (see Indian endogamy after the population collapse of the Gupta empire and the infertility of the Gupta monarchy) or for the racial admixture to be pruned down over many generations that suffer from significant infertility until only gene placement that is compatible with an existing racial group remains (see Neanderthal admixture from 1 or 2 race mixing event survivors with most of the Neanderthal genome being pruned out because it was incompatible with Homo sapiens sapiens genome). The immense hurdle of recombinative failure infertility, recombination failure induced genetic defects, and failure to group means only under the most extraordinary circumstances do any race mixed bloodlines survive long term. 5. Why Can't Scientists Say This? Imperial state ideologies are based on the belief that race mixed populations will result in a viable population and that annexed people will have a shared future. The incomes of the elite of empires are totally dependent on the belief that race mixed people don't have reproductive obstacles to annex other nations and loot them. Many articles on genetic studies are written in a way that gives the illusion that race mixing has been prevalent to conform to institutional pressures and you can only deduce the truth by reading between the lines. For instance, there are articles saying Europeans are descended from Genghis Khan, but his Y chromosome haplogroup and Asian haplogroups are completely absent from White populations except through recent Asian admixture. 6. What Gives the Lie of Imperial Powers Believability? Endogamy. Within many countries there are endogamous uniracial populations that shed members to interracial marriages. The interracial offspring bloodlines die out, while the endogamous racial communities continue to shed members. This produces a marked population growth depression in these countries as a whole. If you look at countries like Spain, Mexico, Brazil, etc. you see uniracial communities practicing endogamy while continously losing members to race mixing. You can see mathematically what is happening in these countries through demographic statistics. Uniracial population = endogamous births - mixed race births Mixed race population = endogamous mixed race births + shedded mixed race births from interracial marriage between two pure raced people The growth rate of the mixed race population should be whatever kids they produce plus recent interracial marriages, but the growth rate of mixed race population demographics is lower than uniracial in every country I have checked, which indicates massive reproductive issues. When DNA analysis are presented on the country as a whole, it gives the impression that the entire country's population is race mixed and that race mixed populations are viable. However, any race that doesn't prevent admixture into a portion of their population gets erased from the gene pool within 2.5 centuries without the ability to form a new genome with close relatives like modern Indians did 1,600 years ago between two racial groups. Misrepresentation of ancient genetic markers carried by multiple races as evidence of race mixing after the last ice age when actually they represent common ancestry from before the races diverged. The articles look like this, "Common ancestry between groups A and B! Group A is related to group B!", but they often fail to mention the commonality is from before the wooly mammoth went extinct, or "Group A descended from Location X people", but fail to mention a now extinct population used to live at location X to give the impression one ethnic group descended from another, when they did not. Virtually everything published in the media on genetic commonality focuses on pre-ice age common ancestry, because modern genetic markers would show a very strict tree of racial division no evidence of admixture between racial groups and with no evidence of racial mixing producing a viable population without extreme endogamy (inbreeding).