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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3937: Sam Melia Edition Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 17:54:03 Id: fc8121 No. 430246
Far-right activist Sam Melia found guilty of inciting hatred by sending out racist stickers https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/crime/pudsey-4490476 >But the jury deliberated for less than a day before returning their unanimous verdict. Judge Tom Bayliss KC said he would adjourn sentencing for a pre-sentence report to be prepared. Melia was granted bail and will appear again in court on March 1. This is the only important news tonight.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:45:11.
To be fair the bloke does look like a mong
Ban anyone remotely justifying this.
Ban message: To be fair, you do look like a mong.
>unanimous verdict is what really gets me evil, retarded, or afraid for themselves hope he doesn't have to go too long without smelling his wife's meaty braps smh
>>430253 He's going to miss the birth of his daughter. Why? Stickers.
They seemed to know the verdict beforehand and I do wonder if it has something to do with the Jury.
>>430253 lot of boomers on juries too tbh
Anyone else here in the PA NW telegram chat?
>>430257 no but go on I already guessed the jury was loaded I suppose something like they drew from an area that has been ethnically cleansed of indigenous britons so only seething wog cunts sat
>>430257 Yeah, I am. If you just send a scan of your passport or driving licence to intelligence@mi5.gov.uk I'll be in touch.
>>430259 They can't say anything yet until the public crucifixion. PA NW chat has gone quiet. Looking forward to Saturday (can't say why). Hopefully PA will focus its attention on this now that the leadership have been affected. It's our biggest issue. >>430261 Don't worry lad, MI5 already have it. They have everyone's. Anyone justifying in action on the grounds you've outlined is a cowardly little wank.
Off to shower and make some plans. Destroy the anti-white filth.
>>430261 who does this mong think issues his passport
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sneedving lads
fresh tunnel news this time it's the slavepiggies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPzzZwH6_gg
>>430248 *screams*
god I wish stupid soygon clickbait
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>Do evil thing, clearly aware of what you are doing >turn up in court and say you are mental This loophole in our justice system needs to be abolished. Why would any evil person who did something bad, not plea mental health? Etiona Skana is another good example, did the most evil thing you can imagine when her stay of asylum was over and she was about to get sent back to Albania. After initially being granted asylum, she later revealed she lied about being a human trafficking victim. This is what she did when she was about to get sent back to her home country. Now she has indefinite stay in the comfort of a mental healthcare facility, as opposed to a prison or a noose, where evil people should actually be sent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Emily_Jones
Grace's mum has missed the point entirely. Knives are just tools like anything else. Pretty sure the psychotic murderer would have still found a way to hurt someone, knife or no knife. Same with 100% of people involved in knife attacks. We are being run by lunatics who look past the sources and causes of crime and fixate on some small detail.
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old and boring news it would be better for us if there were chinks here executing people in the streets with dadaos
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>>430270 Yeah, goes back to even a bit before the Blair years. Always remember this American nigger illegal immigrant who killed a lass mummy knew. The most obviously premeditated murders can be reduced just because authority is lazy and doesn't care at best. That little girl killed is so sad, can't even honk at the absurdity for that one.
>>430273 When you watch the actual video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65iwnI2hjAA they were all smiling at the start and not bothering about anything, and the guy spent the first 9 minutes of the video pointing at them, gesturing at them, calling them japanese, touching them and their flags, asking them to dance. They got pissed off with him which is basically the whole situation and the disingenuous old fart was almost certainly doing it to get a rise out of them and get some viral content for his youtube I went to the video fully expecting to be on his side but after watching the first 10 minutes I was shocked by the about turn of my opinion from reading a news article about it --> my opinion from watching his video, kek. It was nothing to do with the piano, he spent the first 10 minutes of the video goading them.
>>430276 Keeek should've guessed, gbjews are on a misrepresent everything craze.
>>430278 The chinese bloke was absolutely unreasonable from 9 min onwards, I particularly enjoyed his little freakout from 13:20 on. but I think the entire situation is what arised from him goading them for the first 9 min. Everyone is in the wrong, but one side gets spun as being in the right, like all these types of confrontation/freakout type vids on youtube.
>>430276 >winding up chinks for content nothing wrong with that who cares >cordoning off something put there for public amusement because some chinks got butthurt and literally nothing else worse than that happened Not good simple as
>>430280 I agree with everything you said just find the media spin of it distasteful. You'd think it was just some old bloke playing the piano minding his own business kek
>>430277 finally some poo news
Know for a fact this faggot has bummed lads younger than these messages he's saved keeeek what a neek Bet that tory is bricking it at least
>>430277 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>430276 …today Assault piano banned
>the mornings constipated shite was so bad it semi-blocked the u-bend and the loo won't flush properly >only found out now, when I need a follow-up shite and saw that some paper hadn't disappeared from the bowl >can't sit down without getting bollocks in the wet >can't poo without overflowing the bowl hoisted by my own pootard smh never going to plot inconvenient public shits again
>>430287 lucky I think i have developed an ulcer from stress drank one cup of cofeve today and I am in such pain all day
>tried wiggling the loo brush down there but I think I made things worse and the next flush nearly overflowed >don't have a plunger ACK >>430288 smh how do you even cure that can't put bonjella on a stomach ulcer
do I bail out my poo water into my bath or do I carry it through the flat and out into a public drain?
>>430290 smh poor lad
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squish fairy liquid down it
meanwhile the shit calls might be time to squat over a bucket smh >>430293 going to bail it out into the bath with an old mayo jar and then hope this works tbh
>>430294 >going to bail it out into the bath with an old mayo jar and then hope this works tbh
>>430295 just tried it bailed it out down to a mostly normal level while periodically trying to dislodge poo chunks with the brush and pouring fairy liquid in, then when it looked like something broke and the water level went down by itself, flushed again and now it's back up even higher almost to the seat and millimietres from spilling over AHHH MUMMMMMYY I DON'T WANT TO BAIL THE POO SOUP AGAIN
this is the best the shite race has to offer
this is how it ends
Going to have nightmares now
not the jews not rentberg not the mould betrayed... by my own poo...
I'd like to make a statement lads. it was never about the chinese in the video or any other race. I'd still be calling that old dude a cunt if it was a bunch of teutonic knights just back from the crusaders that he was goading I think we owe a duty to the truth, objectivity, to call out rats when we see them. Or what makes us any better than the overwhelming heathens amassing at the walls of civilisation? Hopefully this has addressed some of your concerns, but I am going to take a step back and take some time to educate myself and listen. I apologise for any hurt I have caused you lads.
>>430290 Use a straw
>>430300 Sir never surrender to the poo
So no plunger?
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The stoics. Enlightened, or pretentious twats who just said obvious things but were revered for it? I'm somewhere in the middle on it, really like their quotes and the aesthetic of them but think their genius is overrated.
increasingly vomitous tbh big clean up job in the rest of the bathroom even after I sort the loo smh... if I can sort it >>430304 no smh never seen one in t'shops >>430303 never ever letting it soak up some fairy liquid now and I'll give it another prod and a flush in a bit
>>430305 how do you pronounce it? this is the first test
>>430306 go to a plumbing store tomorrow and get one that's designed for toilet bowls. They exist and go for about £15 here
>>430307 The official pronunciation has too much oh in it, I pronounce it the aw way. Words are made up and we can be subjective in our approach to such things. Hell most things are made up.
>>430309 >aw Rethought this, and the oi way would be a better description, which incidentally is how it is spelled too.
>hes going back and forth from poo lobbing to typing
I want to hear a wessex vocaroo of stoic
Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus, Cato, Zeno, Corbyn, Cleanthes, Hecato, Musonius Rufus? They would all have pronounced stoic the same way as me.
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>>430294 >going to bail it out into the bath with an old mayo jar and then hope this works tbh >>430296 what the fuck are you expecting fairy liquid to do lmao this is a job for bleach to dissolve that shite
>>430314 >what the fuck are you expecting fairy liquid to do it unblocks the toilet
>>430311 sure they're the same thing in his case, aren't they?
just woke up and starting thinking about how over this country is.
Just go at it with your fists poolad, you can have a shower afterwards and toilets have hard floors which can be cleaned up easily. The problem of the mass of shit blocking your cistern is not going to be solved by any chemicals or cleaning fluids readily available to you, you need to dislodge it with force.
>>430319 I think some sort of groupthink mentality kicks in where they're all glancing around to see what the other person is doing, but the other people are also glancing around to see what the other people are doing, so they just do nothing like npc's. Of course the only response to what is going on in that video is to walk (or run) in the opposite direction from the water, but americans are like ants. Good little workers but dumb as a box of rocks if anything requiring more thought than menial labour comes along. In their masses they can seem incredibly ingenious but when you get down to the nitty gritty there's nothing going on behind the eyes, the lights are off, no one's home.
>>430314 >>430315 I used both >>430312 stoyk tbh >>430311 >>430316 arms get tired of stirring and shifting smh >>430317 as over as my loo >>430318 might have to smh
>>430237 >why even bother trying to remain within the law at this point if you are going to be found guilty of being a far right neo nazi either way because zoggies will just kill you if you give them the excuse. or lock you up in majority non white prison and then goad the inmates to kill you.
>>430246 Finding it so difficult to remain a white nationalist Too easy to dismiss it as being put away by "A system of jews";- he and every fucking white nationalist before him were put away behind bars by our own people, anonymously representing the overall view of our people. It's whites putting whites away behind bars, whites reporting about the cases on the telly, and the ENTIRE population of whites watching the telly going "Good, fuck racists" Sam is missing the birth of his daughter, missing the most important years of her life, she'll probably start school before he gets to see her. I'm beyond sick of it I am absolutely buck broken and I need words of wisdom to set me back on the path of white righteousness
>>430323 tbh I am the same lad, I don't want to bully or blackpill the younger lads but I am in total agreement with you
I really think it comes down to us practicing actual multiculturalism where our society is not the "default" so that we can have our own sort of space intellectually because oligarchic western civilization will never be immediately invested in exclusionary wignatism. its more like that common british culture is just as diverse as brownoids the crux is that oligarchic civilization has used brownoids to fight their class war and maintain the boomer real estate retirement home schema. thats all I have for the lads really
Three words lads, ride the tiger.
>>430326 im not going to be the roman soldier standing at my post outside walshart while fat nigger faggots prolapse in the parking lot
>>430327 You are lad and you will do it with a smile on your face and you will enjoy it
>>430325 so from this I see that one answer is enclaves / cults / alternative culture the problem is enforcing and maintaining it in an zogged up anti-anything-not-bootlicking-globalist governance structure and in the future a majority nonwhite system too I still hope for the beginnings of this in stuff like co-renting with fellow alt shite incelloids but as it is at least here in britain the bread and circuses are too easily available and enabling (a bare minimum neet lifestyle of zogslop, rentbox and telly/internet) for even "based" people to bother moving out of their comfort zone, which exposes the majority of the "culture" (people saying nigger on the internet and arguing about hitler) as just being in it for the spectacle and the moral superiority etc PA is unironically still the best option here and contains people like sam and a couple of other already imprisoned lads who at least were able to stand against the system and take a blow, they might be the catalyst for some future more "real" association once they get out and have experienced the full gamut of what the zog has to punish them with (short of being murdered in prison)
the question is how to maintain the "based" trappings of the cultures that have been generated out of the alt shite, wignatism etc, in some form inoffensive enough to those in power that they allow it to exist I'm not sure as it stands that explicitly all-white ghettos in the style of nigger/jew/paki hives and no go zones etc can exist because that's enough for the legbreakers to be brought out and as we've seen even something as simple as politely saying "we don't want to associate with you / bake the cake etc" gets people with values that differ from the anarchotyranny's norm punished also how do we rebel enough to maintain independence of though and person while not being quashed by the vengeful oppressors?
>>430329 I think we need to make white nationalism diverse and get loads of brownoids to say how much they like our cultures and they are westaboos , etc. to decontextualize the jewish "white supremacy" schema
>>430332 we do see this already a little in the "based black man" house nigger archetype but not sure how to expand on that without diluting things and risking succumbing to the zog schema of "you wuz always diverse, wogs wuz always here" and forgetting the things which set us a part and being subsumed into the brown mutt nigger mass anyway
>>430323 Find a nice breedhog and make beautiful white children tbh. One of us here surely has to be able to do that right aha
the older generation is completely complicit in our failures to do anything peaceful about the issues in our society. they have strangled western civilization where even without the wogvasions they have destroyed the next generation
Surf the kali yuga
>>430334 niggers are not worthy to speak for us, I think its up to the east asians since they have their own civilizations to be proud of
>Melia Well lads? >taig,georgian,catalan,italian,greek ?
>>430337 Been going on for centuries tbh, you can keep blaming nearly dead people or do something about it tbh
>>430342 I can't do anything because they own everything
>>430343 Take it. It’s yours
can't even buy a fucking plunger without going online looks like even the big retail stores only carry ones rated for sink/bath plugholes smdh
>>430346 keeeeeeeeeek our society is run by mongs tbf
>>430346 any plumbers merchants near you or screwfixes or toolstations?
>>430348 going to walk 2 miles tomorrow morning on the possibility that I can get one without using a card then go rentberg and get them to fix things because as a millenial rentslave with SOFT HANDS and a LACK OF WORK ETHIC who can't PULL HIMSELF UP BY HIS BOOTSTRAPS I can't fix it myself
>>430344 YOU JUST KNOW
>>430345 the gerontocracy disagrees.
>>430349 2 miles either way or 4 miles away keeek
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>>430353 Fucking hell and it's not even a guarantee they'll have it stocked.
>>430354 >>430355 Deep breaths lad.
>>430353 in the rain uphill bothways and they sold your bootstraps so they could take another cruise in the Caribbean
>I’m British
>>430356 >>430358 checked the dedicated plumbers merchant in town and they sell exactly the same thing homebase does lmao some shitty piece of ribbed plastic not even rubber guess rubber plunger bells with wooden sticks were banned for being potentially dangerous weapons or some shit
>>430323 The majority of the public agrees with our views even if they arent fully formed. This isn't anything new, there will always be traitors, there's never been a national struggle absent of collaborators or turncoats and no regime can rule over a people without gaining consent from a significant section of them. I keep going back to the Greek war of Independence because of how similar it is to our situation. Greece was around 55% (give or take) Greek Christian in 1821, a significant amount of the population were Turks who likely made up the majority of the urban population along with Jews but there were also Slavic muslims (Pomaks), Albanians and a large amount of Greek converts that staffed the administration. For the Greeks in the year 1831, they had achieved something noone else had done before. They were the first but not the last nation to win its Independence from the Ottomans. To cut it short the war was initiated by a secret society called the Filiki Eteria, their own history is fascinating and extensive, they were made up of western educated Greeks living in diaspora communities mostly in Russia and France. Their initial plan was to march over the Russian border into the Ottoman satellite state of Wallachia where the local rulers were Greeks loyal to the Ottomans and convince them to fight against together to free all of the Balkans including Greece. This invasion failed spectacularly and the majority of them were killed either by the local authority or Ottoman cavalry brigades. The success of the Filiki Eteria was that through their propaganda networks they managed to convince the Greek masses that they had succeeded somewhat and that the Turks were weak, angry and likely to take retribution on the Greeks as a whole. When the revolts in Greece proper started there were barely any Ottoman soldiers in Greece at all and the majority of the rebels werent ideologically aligned with the Filiki Eteria at all. Most didn't even call themselves Greeks but rather "Romans". The majority of policing at that time was done by armatoloi, bands of Greeks and Albanians that had been deputised by the Ottomans. The first year of the Greek War of Independence was a civil war. The Filiki Eteria had every member take a long religiously charged oath that included a promise to kill their own family members if any were converts or traitors, when the revolt started all of the early violence was directed towards Turks living in Greece and Greek converts or Greeks suspected of being traitors and was committed by a very small secret society of rich kids taking advantage of the chaos. With the paesant call whipped up, the armatoloi proving to be unreliable and many sympathetic to the Greeks, what followed was a bloodbath and the entire Muslim and Jewish population of mainland Greece retreated to cities where they were forced to form their own militias to defend themselves. It took the Ottoman army nearly a year to arrive but when they did they found the few remaining Turks, Albanians and Greek muslims holed up in a few fortified cities besieged by masses of politically diverse peasants and bandits being led through propaganda by well educated Western dressed Greeks speaking in foreign accents. Accounts from the first months of the revolt: >Kolokotronis says in his memoirs: >Inside the town they had begun to massacre. ... I rushed to the place ... If you wish to hurt these Albanians, I cried, "kill me rather; for, while I am a living man, whoever first makes the attempt, him will I kill the first." ... I was faithful to my word of honor ... Tripolitsa was three miles in circumference. The [Greek] host which entered it, cut down and were slaying men, women, and children from Friday till Sunday. Thirty-two thousand were reported to have been slain. One Hydriote boasted that he had killed ninety. When I entered Tripolitsa, they showed me a plane tree in the market-place where the Greeks had always been hanged. I sighed. "Alas!" I said, "how many of my own clan – of my own race – have been hanged there!" And I ordered it to be cut down. I felt some consolation then from the slaughter of the Turks. >a Greek priest, named Phrantzes, was an eyewitness to the massacres: >"Women, wounded with musketballs and sabre-cuts, rushed to the sea, seeking to escape, and were deliberately shot. Mothers robbed of their clothes, with infants in their arms plunged into the sea to conceal themselves from shame, and they were them made a mark for inhuman riflemen. Greeks seized infants from their mother's breasts and dashed them against rocks. Children, three and four years old, were hurled living into the sea and left to drown. When the massacre was ended, the dead bodies washed ashore, or piled on the beach, threatened to cause a pestilence" >Based upon eyewitness accounts and descriptions provided by these officers, William St. Clair wrote: >The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world....It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years...They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later. >British historian of the Greek revolt, W. Alison Phillips, noted: >"The Hydriots murdered them all in cold blood, helpless old men, ladies of rank, beautiful slaves, and little children were butchered like cattle. The venerable old man (Pro-Greek Sheikh-ul-Islam), whose crime had been an excess of zeal on behalf of the Greeks, was forced to see his family outraged and murdered before his eyes."
>>430330 The fact that this freak is accepted as a priest is proof that Anglicanism is a joke. Catholicism is superior.
>>430362 good effortpost lad who is our secret society spreading information to the cattle? retards on twitter, PA, sam getting done for stickering? What foreign army will save us? Will the SEAmaxxer boomercels retvrn with janissary armies of their mutt offspring? genuine questions not being mean and doomfilled
Basically you will go through decades if not centuries of struggle with nothing to show for it but embarrassments and failures until the system for what ever reason does not or can not continue suppressing you then you murder them and their entire families.
>>430360 Is it a close couple toilet? If so you want this https://www.toolstation.com/monument-mp1600-toilet-plunger/p34451
steiners been a bit incoherent recently tbh.
manx could form a warband and takeover his little island tbh
What do you lads think about XL Bullies? I have always been against the new legislation and the idea of these kill order bans as inhumane. I think love for animals is inherent to Europeans. Our bond with animals goes as far back as animal husbandry and meat consumption. There is a war on your mind, some would say psyop, to make these dogs the subject of derision, hate and disgust. The psyop aimed at left wing people fills their minds with images of white working class chavs holding a dog. The psyop aimed at right wing people fills their minds with things about eugenics and 'bad dogs' and how that could relate to similar topics in humans. The general population psyop consistently exaggerates their danger, and immensely so. This is one area where I stand with the US on, prosecute bad owners when dogs act out. And I'm tired of people making it political, dogs are not humans, the discussion is not even remotely the same as discussing humans. But that's how you control a narrative, by making every damned thing political. They've done the same thing with various topics over the years (environmentalism, religion, abortion, vaccines). Inject politics into a nuanced and nonpolitical subject, and suddenly you can control the eventual views of masses of people. The kill order is coming in to effect Britain wide and eventually, with time, any XL bully found on this island, regardless of any long history of good temperament, regardless of zero incidences of bad behaviour, will be seized and killed if found anywhere. And that is inhumane. And as Europeans, who are meant to love, respect and protect animals, it's in our dna, it's a shame we're letting these demons erode that. Many would think about consumption of meat when reading my post and that is very unrelated. Animals used for food for humans go to our very origins as a species, and animals used for food by other animals goes back to the earliest animals and is everywhere in nature. Nature is not cruel, nature is necessity and survival. Killing millions of a certain dog breed because everyone fell for the sun newspaper & co's big campaign against them is just plain ugly.
>>430365 And so the bloodletting goes on and on and on. I'm more of a final solution sort of person.
>>430366 ta lad don't have a choice, online inventories for all the businesses I've checked have the same kind but I'll look out for a nozzled one while I'm up there >>430369 I think they would have a place as fighting dogs or for ghetto assault death squads or something, as would all dogs I think they should be set to work in areas that they are built for and cared for once they can no longer work just like any other member of a tribe the amount of both animals and people owning them, however, should be controlled no wine aunts with a dozen cats or who feed bassets to death, no violent gangsters with attack dogs etc any problem can be reasonably regulated if the society and governing structure is sane and moderate
>>430362 good lad also alot of people were pro jew in weimar became hyper racism during NSDAP so much than many of the early anti semetics changed their tune out of hatred of normalfags
>>430367 wdhmbt?
The people who did this to these animals deserve the very worst https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/24/xl-bully-found-dead-dogwalkers-path-after-thrown-off-bridge-20168580/ https://news.sky.com/story/xl-bully-found-dead-with-burnt-legs-and-fractured-skull-in-south-london-13040657 >>430371 The yanks never banned any breed, just some towns and cities that have some legislation for certain breeds but it was never country wide or done at a federal level, so there was always places for folk to move to if they wanted to keep a certain type of dog. Endless examples of american pitbulls who are loving and loved members of their human yank families. And that dog has been banned for a long time in the UK. A nation wide ban on a certain dog breed is just another encroachment on your civil liberties and it'll hardly stop with that.
>>430362 very good effort post lad
>>430374 After the terror act 2006 I don't think shit like this matters.
Steroids are another good example of a mass psyop that has been carried out on the populace. Any time until like the 70s or 80s you could walk into your local pharmacy and get a vial of testosterone over the counter. Decades upon decades of medical professionals all being fine with it, everyone knowing it was perfectly safe, even healthy and good, depending. One day, suddenly it was illegal. And look at the reputation of 'steroids' now. Everything in this society is optics and most people fall for it.
>>430374 >>430377 all these things get banned because mongs abuse them and the public starts demanding a ban
>>430364 The Filiki Eteria existed almost exclusively in Paris, St Petersburg and London and could only have survived and grown somewhere the Ottomans couldnt just arrest them. They weren't the first or only nationalist-liberal secret society created by Greeks but all had either been suppressed or left moribund in secrecy. They weren't a particularly good or impressive secret society, they had infact been exposed by the Western media numerous times just out of pure interest. Their various bizarre rituals and hierarchal structure was seen as comical but harmless by British and French readers and most didn't care or sympathised with their cause anyway. They were free at this point to send in agents to Greece aswell as convert members of the Phanariot class (priviliged Greek families that were loyal to the Ottomans) who were sent to be educated in the West. That's lesson number one, find a petri dish and grow. At this time the Ottoman Empire wasn't particularly oppressive to the Greeks, they were more autonomous than any other conquered nation and even the Grand Vizier (prime minister basically) of the Ottoman Empire was an ethnic Greek convert. This is why all the early battles of the Greek civil war were between militias loyal to the Ottomans and mobs of whipped up peasants. Lesson two state suppression matters, you cant cope with "well this just makes us angrier and then you'll see!", you have to give up your honesty and be as duplicitous as needed to dismantle their structures of control until they're weak enough for you to take on. The Filiki Eteria's grand plans all failed, their armed wing was wiped out in one battle hundreds of miles away from Greece itself. All they really achieved was creating a spectacle and letting the Greeks who had lived in relative peace for hundreds of years alongside traitors, collaborators and Turks that they could now do what they had in reality always wanted to do.
>>430378 True but that demand is not organic, it's incepted every time. Tabloids did it with both steroids and XL bullies. Scare stories are how you persuade a population that 'this is the way to go'. You make them think they came up with it.
>>430380 zoomer mongs are abusing steroids though, also all the wiggers and nogs own these bully dogs so its no wonder people hate them
Government and media have been doing this to the population for centuries. War effort propaganda in WW1, WW2, so on. All young men running to their deaths for wars they should not have given a shit about, to fight for a world where their descendants get shit on. >>430381 Those are just tropes put into your head by psyop campaigns. Testosterone is a hormone that should be available to be used naturally, be legally buyable over any counter. Our society is hugely pro estrogen. As for the types of people who own XL bullies, the XL bullies themselves are an unfortunate victim of that, but the answer is hardly to simply keep banning everything that is misused or abused. You just end up, down the line, with a country with "oi u got a loicence for that knife m8" type meme but it's manifested in reality to the extreme. But things that are blatantly harmful like paracetamol and hard liquor are easy to walk into any given building and buy within seconds.
>>430362 the worst part about history like this is how the normalfags can just shift like nothing from total servile conformity to baby killing psycho twisted poo poo frog as simple as saying "mask over the nose"
smh i missed wessies big poo arc
>>430382 >Those are just tropes put into your head by psyop campaigns when people talk about steroids they are talking about stuff like tren not T, also if you start taking T you need to be on it for life.
the normalization of anavar based male physique is cancer
Just like it deterred Israel > In his comments, Musk said X could have deterred the Nazis by making their mass murder “impossible to hide” and allowing “freedom of speech” against them. https://www.jta.org/2024/01/24/global/could-social-media-really-have-stopped-the-holocaust-scholars-say-elon-musks-fantasy-scenario-is-far-fetched
>>430383 what interested me was how often the leaders of the revolution were disgusted or tried to stop the massacres. I've always been afraid of our natural empathy snatching defeat from the jaws of victory when it presents itself.
>>430388 I doubt I would be excited to see normalniggers acting like racist wignats after decades of suppressing all discussion we tried to have peacefully. you can see how many faggot retards in this country have armed themselves to the teeth waiting for any kind of reason to kill people, its not just wignats. humans are pretty disgusting really, I means alot of it is going to be somewhat necessary but I would like for all the wogs to have comfy nice lives back in their own countries and some of the decent people who have moved to at least america can stay at least IMO but never at the replacement level
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This is your face after generations of slop, microplastics in all your water and no testosterone from your local pharmacy, and it's 2050 and you are only allowed to own tiny feminine dogs
>>430384 it's not over yet lad things are looking positive after the latest flush but I'll give it one more to be sure and fill it with bleach too and regardless of the outcome I'm making a pilgrimage across town tomorrow morning to buy a plunger also I [extremely grotty content warning - blogpost enjoyers beware] had some bad food and shat liquid poo in binbag in a bucket placed into the bailed out toilet bowl twice and now there's a quadruple binbagged amount of human faeces in my dustbin awaiting pickup
>>430392 What if rats or squirrels get into the binbags and then it sprays out onto the bin man while the truck is emptying your rubbish?
>>430391 Eggy looking thicc and fine to me.
>>430393 No creature om gods green earth is willingly going to get withing 5 feet of that bag.
>>430395 Binmen are creatures of their own world
>>430396 They don't do it willingly they do it to feed a coke habit and the rent on the box room they're now renting since the misses learnt about brenda.
>>430398 plenty of bincels about nowadays tbh, a couple years ago while I was on work finding courses with a horde of other downtrodden neets I nearly became one along with the rest of them but backed out on account of being multiply crippled and obese
>>430399 Then they're just whipped by rentberg.
battled the poo until 1am but I emerge victorious (until the next gargantuan constipated log) this is what it means to be a thoroughbred this is what it means to be a faustian man
>>430319 that's a tsunami right?
>>430403 god this video stung a bit
GB News is shilling for conscription in a war against Russia >state of it lads https://youtu.be/j1LZAxx-KvM
my dad didn't even do this shit though. one time he left me at school until like 3 hours after school was over keeeek and mummy finally raged out so much she came and got me. other time when I was learning to ride my bike without training wheels he started talking to some other boomer and left me so I just rode home myself without my training wheels. smdh
>>430406 what is with this new ww3 memi? do the oligarchs think that boomer society is that fucking braindead? boomers can't fight wars anymore and they are the only ones that believe this shite. some xoomers do as well. this one xoomer today was going on and on about the chicoms and the piano guy like it mattered to me when I can't even afford to move out of mummys basement if the "chicoms" are infltrating
>>430408 GBNews are calling the false siren song of "patriotism" to get people to want to conscript But patriots have been demonised and branded far right terrorists in the UK for decades, why would any of them want to fight for a country that hates them?
>>430409 Even if we had based domestic policies, I wouldn't fight Russia for the government. We've no need to choose them as an enemy. They'd forget Britain exists if we stopped needlessly provoking them.
>>430410 tbh >>430409 Who gives a fuck, people are so apathetic here that the only people that would actively resist conscription would be the wogs.
>>430409 most soldiers are deano mongs and a couple of le pol faces thrown in
>>430412 90% deano mongs.
Officers are all tory boys.
id rather fight for the chicoms or anyone else than this gay shithole the chicoms at least appreciate western intellectuals and "old white guys" (our ancestors)
>>430408 >this one xoomer today was going on and on about the chicoms and the piano guy keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they are talking about this in shartica?
>>430416 yeah I kind of lost my temper a bit because I was just so shocked that this was the type of shit mongs get upset about I told him it was most likely performance art by the government to drum up anger against the chinks so they can have their kike faggot war with them and finish off western civilization. shut up his gay alex jones rant real fast. told him i'd probably join the chinese as well because they would probably get rid of all the trannies and make the midwest back into an industrial powerhouse
I feel bad how much I blackpill but I just seethe at how easy it is to get all the chuds over here to go full rage mode against the chinese while they completely ignore the niggers, spics and jews that have destroyed this country
>>430418 people do what they both, want, and are allowed to do. people want to be racist and will go full bore whenever they're allowed even if its for no reason.
>>430419 exactly lad its like you said in the effort posts you made. its the tragedy of cassandra. I think western civilization will probably survive in evropa, idk about the anglosphere though.
honestly it just makes me resent my own ideology somewhat because I know some people IRL who are asiatics who I would hide in an attic if it ever was like what happened in greece. especially when you think of all the mouthbreathing mongs that spent years laughing at us and calling us neo nazis in the same breath because we just want to preserve our own people
>>430406 >Mystery meat faggot literally who 23 year old Daily Star columnist shilling for war and being ‘controversial’ So many gays in the UK tbh. What’s going on?
>>430408 Lad the faggot is your ally he hates boomers too
Looks asiatic too
>>430425 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>430426 Definitely a chicom on mdma
paying attention to niggers is like looking in the toilet after a shite
he is probably a gay nigger who wants to be buck broken and is just being zesty online
>underrepresented Fucking hell keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Under represented where? Physical labour jobs?
>>430429 seems like the only thing nigcels do on twatter is cry >>430430 tbh
>>430435 no surprises there
the best is the jews just blatantly get high on their own media now and they are so dangerously unaware of how much everyone does not support their mass killing of palis
islamcels are so buck broken they havent even lifted a finger in the west about the mass murder going on in palestine in 2014 when 1/20th the amount of palestinians died they were chimping out, burning down synagogues and shooting jews in europe.
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>>430439 maybe they are holding out for ramavan
>>430439 think they are being optical since the jews are speedrunning the goyim wakeup phase rn
>>430440 grey shirt in the back looking a little zesty
>>430444 wow he's literally me
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>>430446 choon that
morning lads little bit of seethe just to take the edge off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMs0qlMyNeg imagine the smuckling proto-reddit soyim who put this together
>>430449 comfy
>>430448 keeeeek just a bit of banter >>430449 kino
Giant Hitler vs planes
Sexy Hitler Pic of the Day: I must be dead ‘cause I’m seriously in HEAVEN right now !!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗😘😘😘💕💕💕💋💋💋🤤🤤🤤🩷🩷🩷😍😍😍💖💖💖🤩🤩🤩💘💘💘😋😋😋🔥🔥🔥🤍🤍🤍💥💥💥☁️☁️☁️🤗🤗🤗💓💓💓😇😇😇🌈🌈🌈✨✨✨💝💝💝🤭🤭🤭🫠🫠🫠💟💟💟
>>430453 he cute
>>430457 Much like the whinging nigger above I have no intention of being conscripted.
>>430457 keeeeeeek
>>430457 yeah good one mate now where's my parcel
The government would arm and pay blacks and browns to round up the natives at some point. I can believe it.
>>430458 Hope he’s first in line to get pressganged by recruiting Sergeant D’Gonzoglo-Pajeet O’Caustberg Jnr IV to go die for Number One LGBTQIABAME Economic Zone
>>430461 Keeeeeeeeek That’s me. I’ll pour a bag of flour over my head and pretend I’m a Boer war vet
>>430465 why did he do it lads?
>>430466 ikr? HWNBAW
>>430468 Keeeeeeeeeeek
>>430470 give women a voice and this is what they use it for smh
>>430472 keeeek.
/pol/ only slow because 56% can’t solve Captcha
>>430476 Pooing 747
Pooing 24/7
>>430476 going to be planes just dropping out of the sky smh >>430478 keeeeeek
>Welsh people
>>430480 wew. nice bloke.
>>430408 >>430423 >So many gays in the UK tbh. What’s going on? I could tell he was a gay straight away another attention seeking opinionated "right wing" gay
>>430435 she's a dumb tart that railed against vaccine mandates then got vaxxed so she could go on holiday
>>430468 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>430483 yeah, such a rebel.
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>>430449 feel like I'm there
>>430486 keeek. gets me every time
that hairline is a bit generous, let's be honest.
pretty sure sure posted a selfie captioned 'world's gone mad' while sitting on the plane, vaxxed and wearing a mask.
>>430489 girls got to have her holiday lad
>>430477 >>430478 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Neil Oliver: They want us to fight & die…for what?!? >at least Neil Oliver hasn't sold out to the conscription lobby like the rest of GB News has https://youtu.be/9LzOGaCcNuA?si=QcEkMJrU6AIXZxjV
just woke up had a kino long form dream that felt like playing out an entire lifetime smh just want to go back plunger pilgrimage begins soon I suppose
>>430492 >‘…filling the pockets of the City of London, Wall Street and the rest of the money markets…’ this sounds like a mozzers quote but he's probably controlled opposition and not that based
>>430494 he touches on race stuff a bit.
>>430494 >probably controlled opposition and not that based he's not encouraging people to join organisations though, so he can't exactly be controlled opposition he seems sincere to me tbh
>if anyone comes for our kids, there surely will be bloody murder, but not in ukraine, right here on our doorstep! t. xoomer who did nothing for 50 years while every institution was twisted and subverted to brainwash their children
>>430497 >t. xoomer who did nothing for 50 years while every institution was twisted and subverted to brainwash their children it was done so gradually not a lot of people noticed it happening now it's just obvious though
>if a regime is immoral, then its subjects are free from all obligation to it >oh okay then I'll just stop paying my council t-ACK *gets imprisoned and fined all of my savings and possibly shived by a nog BLOVIATING XOOMER SCUM >430498 bins being a retard as usual what do you think moseley was doing, or enoch powell and the majority of the nation that supported his outlook?
>black pilled fatty why isn't he dead yet?
someone already posted it smh
>>430492 >si Tracking link smh
>>430504 of course bins it would be bins
but you posted webps also
for next time wessie
>>430509 alri la' >2022 Elon threw that jeeta in the bin so the incels won in the end
>>430468 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>430503 keeeeeeeeek how pathetic pointing to his memi degree as if it makes him an infallible priest
>>430503 22st liked this post
idek know what webps even is
>>430503 who is will stancil anyway?
>tfw desribed as a bright boy at school >be manual labour slave for career smh, guess women need jobs tho
>>430517 Same, lad. Think it was just the teachhog complimenting us for being good slaves. Good slaves back then, good slaves today
>>430517 same as me lad
> Jorge Breton, a native of Mexico, has cost the town of Leon Valley, Texas $16,500.00 for illegally arresting a citizen for sidewalk chalk with his partner Officer Rodriguez (ffs). Leon Valley is 80 miles from Uvalde, where a Mexican gunman killed 19 children under 12 years old. https://youtu.be/4VJ3A1AV4Xg Dios mio
>Jew godda permid fo’ dadd? Sheeeeeid gringo!
>>430522 big bois wear big boi nappies
>>430522 >17 That's extremely old for a cat.
>>430476 Fun fact Boeing's build quality is rubbish and they've actively lobbied the US to lower safety standards to compensate. There's a reason the rest of the world uses airbus.
>>430525 wew now that's some banal evil tbh death to corpo scum etc etc
>>430525 fun fact: you made that shit up
>>430527 Nope they even have a known issue with the engine deicing that causes catastrophic engine failure if used for to long.
Their response was we'll get round to fixing it but we're not recalling any planes.
>>430528 >>430529 fun fact: you're continuing to make this shit up
i exclusively fly with boeing and you should too
>>430530 How do you manage that? You running your own airline?
boeingsissies destroyed with facts and logic
Did I hear facts and logic!?
>>430535 Where does the tunnel go ben?
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Literally loved by no one. Except maybe cows? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxEvGuZHKZk
>>430537 why didn't she just get on her elephant and go home smh
>>430537 they have their own country
keeeeeking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ojXpeZ4PNU >when you get captured by japs and are forced into hardstyle breakdancing labour in the indochinese jungles
>Viktor Orban, Giorgia Meloni and Marine Le Pen have criticized German political party AfD for being too radical, due to their remigration plans, in which they want to deport/remigrate millions of people, even those who have a German passport but have "not assimilated well". >Viktor Orban said that he is forced to sacrifice relations with the AfD on the altar of good intergovernmental relations with Germany. Mass deportations are also a thing of the past, he said. >Meloni said that there are 'irreconcilable differences' between her and AfD, starting with relations with Russia and the position on Israel. Since the October 7 attacks on Israel, AfD hasn't said much about it, holding more of neutral position on the topic, and some prominent AfD polliticians such as Björn Höcke have remained completely silent about it since then. Meloni also thinks mass deportations is a violation of human rights. >Le Pen has issued a statement on AfD: “I completely disagree with the proposals that were said to have been discussed at this meeting,', referring to the plans discussed in Potsdam. 'Such a thing has never even been a topic within our party'. The joint faction of the AfD and the Rassemblement National (RN) in the EU Parliament could be on the verge of collapse - because RN faction leader Marine Le Pen has threatened to end the alliance. >Meloni said that there are 'irreconcilable differences' between her and AfD, starting with relations with Russia and the position on Israel. >AfD leadership has yet to comment on these statements, some members already bit back "If Meloni says that you're too radical, you must be doing something right." >AfD is still leading the polls as the second largest party, while dominating all polls in the Eastern and central part of the country. Most Eastern states are expected to get AfD prime ministers by next year. https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/ausland/eu/id_90416706/neuer-rechtsaussen-club-der-eu-darum-laesst-orban-die-afd-nicht-mitspielen.html https://www.merkur.de/politik/eu-italien-migration-giorgia-meloni-pressekonferenz-fratelli-italia-regierung-asyl-zr-92758174.html https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/le-pen-drohung-afd-eu-fraktion-100.html
>>430541 what the fuck
>>430542 mostly click bait, besides meloni. Orban literally just said the German government told him they wont work with Hungary if he works with AfD and Le Pen said she wouldnt do what *its claimed* AfD wants to do when asked.
>Got told off at toil for coming in two minutes late
>>430544 all goodwill built up, ruined. Maybe you can hope to get a raise next year
>>430546 They can't fire me now they've paid for my training keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
*does the cheeky incrementally late dance*
me? I'm never late. If I was ever late I'd feel ashamed. No need to come too early. Always right on time
>430549 ooooo bossman is sooo impressed!
>>430551 no *starts crying*
>>430550 >women really let old men shit on their head for money i'm never making it out the incel hood
>>430550 >bbcsluts
FULL LIST OF CONDITIONS WHICH MAY EXEMPT YOU FROM JOINING THE ARMY >Back problems, History of spinal surgery, Structural abnormalities of the spine and spinal cord, History of chronic or recurrent back pain >Blood diseases: Sickle Cell disease, Congenital spherocytosis, Thalassemia, Hepatitis B or C, Leukaemia or malignant lymphoma, Disorders resulting in abnormal coagulation >Bone or joint problems, Knee injuries and chronic knee pain, History of bone fractures, Shoulder problems resulting in functional limitations or restrictions of movement, Loss of a limb, Clubfoot (including past surgery), Chronic joint diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or gout, Hypermobility syndrome >Cardiovascular problemsv Diagnosis of heart disease, Bicuspid aortic valve, Symptomatic or medication-suppressed abnormal heart rhythms, Cardiomyopathy, Hypertension >Dental Health, Poor dental hygiene, including needing the removal of teeth or ongoing treatment >Ear problemsv Current perforation of ear drum, Chronic ear diseases like cholesteatoma, Presence of eardrum 'grommets', Deafness or hearing problems >Eye problems: Chronic eye conditions such as glaucoma, keratoconus and retinitis pigmentosa, Damage to the eyelids affecting vision, Chronic conjunctivitis, Reduction of corrected vision in one eye below army entry standards, Diplopia >Gastrointestinal problems: Chronic abdominal diseases like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, Significant history of dyspepsia, Loss of spleen, Active Haemorrhoids, small penis, >Kidney and Urologic problems: Congenital kidney diseases/anomalies, History of kidney problems such as malfunction of a kidney or kidney stones, Recurrent renal colic, History of urinary incontinence, History of genital infections >Other conditions: Moderate or severe Covid infection, Being an organ transplant recipient, smelly bottom https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13004797/All-conditions-illnesses-rule-serving-Army.html
That’s Wessie out. He’s probably got all of them. He can be the ref
>>430541 two women and a gibsmedat slav fucking retards smh they should be working together for a sane europe
>>430555 >cripple cocks are exempt
>>430555 >smelly bottom that's everybody on here tbh.
>>430550 REEEEEE, not Vince McMahon too.
>In a dystopian future London where all social housing has been eliminated, Izi and Benji fight to navigate the world as residents of The Kitchen, a community that refuses to abandon their home. Based https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgT5cEV5Qt0
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>>430550 I hate niggers I hate women I hate america
>>430559 brapmaxxing finally pays off
Would literally shit myself if they tried carting me off
So do avoid conscription if I shart myself at intake?
>>430567 Yes, lass. Ans considering that's all anybody on here seems to do, we are all gonna make it.
All you lads need to do is get a small hat, put a mezuzah on your front door and tell them you’re in the Idf and your busy and have pallies to kill in Israel next week
just be really racist and they'll kick you out. this has always been the plan dont confuse us
>>430555 >Structural abnormalities of the spine and spinal cord Will be a bit disappointed if I'm just exempt so I don't get the opportunity to dodge the draft. Smh.
in stead of a white feather they will give you what lads?
>>430550 >wretched whore trying to further cash in on abuse she tolerated for money If any of it is true then they all need woodchippering.
keeek reading bad webfiction again >zombie shit >soy author wants his gimmick to be "industrial disposal of zombies" >writes up holocoaster death camps for zombies complete with cremation chambers >completely oblivious to the parrallels to the golden calf keeeeeeek six billion zombies? in six years? with commercial incinerators? hmmm
>>430574 They'll take videos/photos of you without your consent and mock you as a small-dicked incel coward on TikTok.
>>430574 >in stead of a white feather they will give you what lads? White feather was sort of dignified. Probably a used tampon now.
>>430574 rotting penii and other sexual diseases due to the thots having nowhere else to flee to and having to settle for the dysgenic freaks left behind the frontline
>>430577 This.
the globalist hypercapitalist psychopath bunker islands can only hold so many women in their harems (and that's if they don't just harvest fresh children every so often instead) there'll be a lot of desperate bitches if anything does happen, what are they going to do, flee to africa?
>>430579 Some fresh, foreign troops with money to spend would probably arrive, a bit like the yanks tbh. Just before you get to carry out your devlish inshell plans.
for that lad who posted about sam melia's name
>>430583 >Leadership - 100 PA won't recover from this
I'll be sending him some things in prison tbh.
>>430584 are there even 100 people in the yorkshire branch tbh doubt it >>430585 what about that other lad who has been in for a while already? can't remember his name tbh, the podcaster who followed that made up "creativity" "religion" where you say NIGGER a lot or whatever
how long do the NA lads have left, too? hope they're writing their Mein Daft in there
should really keep track of this stuff somewhere smh
>>430586 It's Sven Longshanks. You're getting him confused with James Costello, who was part of that cult. Sven would probably be classed as Christian Identity if anything, or at least was into that. Both basically jailed for saying nigger no less. Then you've got Charlie Big Potatoes, another scouser in jail for sharing links to PDF files.
They've really done a number on PA.
went to doctors for my tummy being messed up and the doctor lady rubbed my tummy tried to not get turned on by it tbh
>turns out yesterday half the office had the same idea as me >bosslady going up the wall earlier today because she's missed a deadline
Screaming for mummy during toil hoping bossman didn't bug the truck
If that lad goes to prison for stickers, how come all the lads here can walk free? All spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)?
>>430592 based >>430594 the powers that be still barely even know what a fax machine is lad
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>>430596 not surprising in the slightest
>>430596 in a just world shapiro would be hanged for treason.
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>>430600 keeeeeek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H65WQ87MejA >this album cover keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>430602 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>430598 But he's a loyal servant of Israel, lass.
straya day today slapping the bag to celebrate
got a lead on some work up in the mines tbh hope it works out really hoping it leads somewhere
girls are stupid and i dont respect them
>>430605 Did you play goon of fortune with some nice Sheilas?
>>430607 Agree. Just went looking for accounts of the government funded white feather movement after reading somewhere that a flapper challenged a lad in the street and asked why he hadn’t joined the British Army. He replied because he was German and she put one in his lapel anyway.
>>430607 That feminist cult being exposed really awoke the South Korean male, right?
British women lead, British men follow.
>>430609 >had just been awarded the VC wew lad >>430610 tbh that and many women there (and here) seem to openely celebrate their collapse
Woman's vicarious bloodlust is truly ugly. The sublimated death-drive in women is incredibly dangerous to advanced civilisations. Everyone in ancient times understood this clearly and acted accordingly
What are your thoughts on the new Vince McMahon allegations Steiner? His "leaked texts" remind me a lot of Spicposter tbh...
>>430615 he's a degen coomer. and the bbc stuff reminds me of 22st, steinzog and bbk
>>430615 mutts law
>>430615 Too much time too much money needs to be breaking rock in the pen for the next 1450 years tbh
McMahon texts like he's 11 years old or has brain damage how does he manage to run a billion dollar company
>>430622 By owning shares and not actually doing any of the running.
>>430622 Their profitable companies get infiltrated and they are easily led astray with drink drugs excess and if possible driven to a point where they can be blackmailed or otherwise destroyed, convinced to sell for pennies and then the company made profitable again. Something like that iwonderwhocouldbebehindthis?.webp
>coofid was 4 years ago
>>430626 Is that Bottom G?
[doom]IT'S CHUD. GET HIM![doom]
i did a cringe
> born in 1963 in England, son of Jewish South Africans, but spent some of his childhood in South Africa. His uncle, Ronnie Hope, was news editor at The Jerusalem Post "comments have not been enabled for this article"
https://nitter.net/alexwickham/status/1749704261536026748 >EXCLUSIVE: >Internal Treasury analysis advised Rishi Sunak that tax cuts would have only a “low impact” on boosting economic growth >Leaked documents show the Treasury suggested increasing immigration and planning reform would do more >despite Jeremy Hunt’s promise of a “Lawson boom”, internal Treasury docs suggest tax cuts will have a “low impact” on growth, coming at “medium fiscal cost” >increasing high-skilled immigration, FDI and planning reform are “high impact” and “low cost” >Two flagship Sunak policy areas - skills and science/tech funding - are backed by the Treasury as having a “high impact” >Treasury also takes a dim view of big infrastructure projects like HS2, labelling them “low impact” and “high fiscal cost” h8 these ThinkWankers tbh >how to fiddle the public without them knowing how we are fiddling them. Impoverishing the public and their kids and endangering them is the same as noncing tbh
> Over 300 thousand ethnic white British people in the UK identify as Muslim as of 2021 census. Imagine thinking the browns won’t turn you into Kapos and then murder you anyway once your work is done. Probably mostly women anyway but still
>>430633 >25 minutes to kill a man smh guess he should have known better than to try murdering down south
they're really going all out smh
>>430636 doubt they could take on iran even if they had the entirety of shartica's military behind them
>>430634 He survived 35 years and 25 minutes tbf.
KEEEEEK what the heck new sharttube ad blocker war now it shows a pop up saying "ad blockers are not allowed - adverts allow millions to watch zogslop" etc with "allow ads" or x to close the box and ignore the message is this is? did they give in? or are they finally going to kill their cattlecage and start banning people for using adblocks later?
*with no consequence for denying ads I mean no black screen in the player with "enable them NOW goy" on it
>>430615 he was always a degen. heard of the cream team?
>the cream team
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZVP9H34xVI >it will never be comfy times again
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US LEAK END English Translation: Thank fuck we made it another week closer to death, lets get fucked up
>>430362 Excellent post lad, thanks for putting in the time much appreciated
>>430645 >spend 3 days battling sewage then go to toil on the weekend
>get recommended a video by some soy cuck about based skyking >read comments >people calling him out for omitting the line "I'm just a white guy" and that whole part of beebo's decision to die evil faggot soys profiting off of good people and misleading their braindead audiences smh
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>>430650 based and trad give me a gin lane in every town in britain instead of endless niggers tbh
>>430615 spent 2 hours doing what should take 10 minutes tidying my room. Wasting the leak end away smh
dreading picking up the hoover. Don't want to hurt my sweet ears with that sound. Probably just going to knock over things and make a mess too
>>430653 >he doesn't listen to music/podcast while tidying up how do you survive such mundane duties, lad?
>>430652 >>430653 you will be euthanised
it's a >1 cringe lord
>>430636 What’s that? jews are a legitimate target for hezbollah?
scam heeb's latest grift lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aphWbaWXhzs
dutty investigates the underclasses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M
>>430662 >£112.49 is that your daily wage lad? thought a driver would get more than that smh it's only ~£30 more than my min wage office/retoil
>>430664 My daily wage is on average 175 GBP, but that's before the taxman comes and takes a big chunk
Faggoty faggoty fagotty faggots. Really don’t like these haircuts tbh lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QByzXFwet7A
>>430661 >Is it the same father? cheeky cunt keek she should've belted him
>>430665 smh evil tACKxmongs taking your hard earned fiatbux and giving them to nogs so they can buy hand grenades from their mates in sweden
>>430663 Would have smashed her back doors in tbh but I bet she’s a 500lb shart cart client now smh
>>430670 >life sentences with a minimum term of 38 years (how is that life then you fucking CUNTS) bets on them being out before sam "sticker shoah" melie?
Tom Shyster and Sammy S linked up! Need it or sneed it?
live retard mark using the occasion to grift and talk about the court case even though it's not finished yet and will be used against sam or whatever https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/SAM-MELIA-The-Trial-Explained:d
>>430672 The grifters are getting scared. If this sends a shiver down the spine of the griftosphere . . . there might be a united front fighting for free sneach
>jury of 6 White men , 3 White women, 3 non white men. so only the white men stood a chance of upholding justice but of course statistically they'll come from liberal urban areas and be either delusional boomers or soylent golem officefaggot millenials or xoomers he never stood a chance
>>430675 with friends like these smfh >reads the manx doompost again
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>>430669 whats european subethnic phenotype does belina carlisle have?
shes bogged af now
> 45 year old woman - skanknonce >14 year old boy doing her 4 times a day ..?
>>430675 I wonder if we'll see a law in the coming years that you have to be tried by a jury matching your race. Would benefit the worst groups the most so I could see progressives pushing it.
>>430680 >most southern part of wales it wouldn't happen in the south bros...
>welsh congress meets in the sneed building
>>430680 did they encourage violence or so mething?
>4pol is now full of xoomers and beard/sunglasses faggots larping like they are in a militia again god I hate election years
>>430687 4pol is almost certainly 50% feds.
>>430688 people larping like appalachian volunteer brigade is going to cuckxas to "save" a 80 percent spic shithole state that would make america like 10 percent more white if it seceded.
>>430632 >> Over 300 thousand ethnic white British people in the UK identify as Muslim as of 2021 census. this literally isnt true tho you mong. we dont have statistics on white-british muslims we do have census data on white-muslims overall and considering our large albanian, kosovar, bosnian and turkish cypriot population white muslims who move to the UK become rapidly less muslim. White British muslims are an insignificant group, they're miniscule even in the white-muslim demographic. a study was done on muslims depending on their actual national origin and certain middle-easterners will write themselves down as white more than others. turks and turkish-cypriots especially typically identify as white by a super majority and a good chunk of lebanese and syrians do too.
>>430688 The other 50% are hasbara using Indian vpns
>>430682 Wouldn't happen in Rhoose Point
>>430685 >that smirk
>>430680 never let them take your smile :)
Fucking Reddit spacing swearing at other posters Reddit mong blowins tbh
>>430693 Yes. Shkreli vibes indeed >>430694 Never ever
death to zog jannies and freedom for chucklers tbh
>>430697 Tbahwy
>have to go hundreds of thousands into debt to just have a bed and food and warmth every night in are own land >a lifetime of servitude for this benefit to ‘masters who are already wealthy from the servitude of previous generations wtf
imagine how epic soygon's smuckshot will be when he's arrested for being the rapenfuhrer of UKIP13 a single image capable of btfoing all libtards >>430700 truth is, the game was rigged from the start
>>430700 by design
really hate how it's become trendy to pronounce guillotine as geeyoteen smdh it's gillerteen
>>430706 I'd prefer the more acceptably local rusty headsman's axe or improperly calibrated noose anyway so they stretch and dance around for a bit first least le "elites" deserve
early to snooze early to toil got to get those peanuts even though I won't make enough this month to pay the rentberg, leccyberg, waterberg and councilberg let alone purchase fresh zogslop what a wonderful life
>>430707 tbh may as well give us a bit of entertainment
Dating apps with a public forum was a great idea
22st is a 30 year old boomer?
>>430711 Yeah I am one year younger than the Steinhog
>>430710 What app even is that? Also is everyone replying to you american? sperging at an innocent lad for no good reason smh
All those downvotes keeek. So unfair that I get banned. I was nice and they were the mean and hateful ones. Wonder if they can actually tell me what rule I broke. bet I was just banned because of mass reporting and that's reason enough. If you don't act like a simp and placate everyone you get kicked out. >>430713 Hiki, a dating app for people with autism. Sperging indeed
>>430714 >Thomas
>>430714 stop doxxing yourslef nigga
>>430710 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh you disgusting man huh!
>>430714 They wanna rectify you. DO NOT let them do this it will give you teh gay
>>430719 of course they can't rectify me
>>430710 >>430714 smh at least you stood your ground
Tell them to go rectalfy themselves lad
the boomers won
>>430723 >a wall of hunter biden dicks
members of the all american patriot league are headed to west michigan with the mission of killing fake-patriot Steiner I feel no satisfaction from reporting this news.
>>430728 he's been greenlit by /queerresearch/ for siding with the ccp
Bet Steinhog's truck couldn't do this
Ben Shapiro DESTROYS the RAP GAME with FACTS and LOGIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kGpohEpuTE
>>430732 is this real?
>>430733 What a time to be alive.
This was supposed to be Nick Fuentes with Kanye. smh.
>>430735 Tbh, this is some sort of ritual satanic inversion.
>>430732 wow that's really gay
No corner of the anglosphere is safe from the Poo
when will we get england's nick fuentes.
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>>430740 this was done to make square body boomer truck collectors seethe
>>430732 please nuke this country
>>430739 He's probably already been locked up.
>>430742 Someone has to be on the frontline of clownworld.
>>430738 >Street shitters
>>430741 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek I hope that's true.
>>430746 yes the K10 chevy is a boomer core truck they sell and trade them for insane prices. he bought it and destroyed it to make them rage. he has done that to dieselfags as well. the squareside destruction videos caused the most rage because they are sacred boomer core
>>430747 A toast to toasted boomer iconography.
>>430748 yeah I have a boomer uncle who worked for westinghouse and he has 11 cars and a massive car garage and he refuses to buy out my father's part of the hunting cabin they inherited "because he doesn't have the money"
>>430749 It's fun but I know it's wrong, its probably the same glee that kikes get every time they approve a demolition of a church here.
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>In an interview with radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in 2016, Corgan voiced discontent with "social justice warriors", comparing them to Maoists, cult members, and the Ku Klux Klan, and calling their actions a threat to freedom of speech.[126] In 2018, he called himself a "free-market libertarian capitalist".[120] He has been sufficiently associated with libertarianism that in a 2023 Pitchfork review of the Smashing Pumpkins' Atum, the album is described as an "intergalactic techno-libertarian rock drama!"[127]
>>430752 Ah so a kike.
https://youtu.be/pSNSJHEmjUI >autistically clapping when his african hippo scores a goal
>>430754 go on nagubu
>>430755 he is a left leaning midwit like most of our media class.
what am I even supposed to do in the weekend. So bored
>>430755 yeah its fucked that the guy who's comedy has informed mine for so many years says something so unthinking as that. im assuming he's a mong who legit just doesnt keep up with the news at all anymore as he says in interviews.
its weird too because in his most recent film there's a bit where neo nazis sell a bunch of guns to the american four lions only to reveal themselves as all fbi agents.
>>430751 poombs btfo
>>430738 Fucking hell smh Seen it in a few places. Signs over here as well
>>430761 If you watch it all he talks about this and he complains that fbi are doing this irl for that prevent shit though which is the same thing basically he needs give his head a shake. Indigenous rights movements are not muh white supremacy in any case
France is proper mystery meat land in it’s cities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-JT2Cc46nQ
>>430768 looks like london.
>>430768 ngl france sometimes seems worse than burgerland
>>430770 Lad a far few cities across western Europe are like this.
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>>430771 don't tell me things like that I can't cope as a kid that was always my cope growing up by shitroit and seeing what the wogs did to my forefathers nice city
*my cope that evropa was comfy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1_RKu-ESCY seems like we will all be coping soon, need a french version
https://archive.is/QlgMq >A crack-addled divorcee broke a sex worker's teeth by shoving his hand down her throat and then raped her while she tried to pray. Samir Patel told the terrified woman ‘no-one is going to save you’, punched her in the nose and beat her with a broomstick before blasting her phone in the microwave during a drug-fuelled rage. >The 41-year-old, of Cowley Road, Ilford, was jailed for eight years and six months at the same court after a jury found him guilty of oral rape and a threat to kill. He previously admitted actual bodily harm, criminal damage and breach of a restraining order, but was acquitted of vaginal and anal rape after the trial. >Patel is entered onto the sex offenders register indefinitely and must pay a £228 surcharge.
>>430772 Shit's warped lad, they make up like 10% of the pop but like 80% of our urban pop.
>>430776 With poos the other 20% >Dharmapragasam Inthiraraj, a locum GP at Woodbridge Medical Centre in Southall, was found to have seriously breached the GMP by a medical tribunal held between July 17, 2023 and January 4, 2024. The tribunal heard that claims against Inthiraraj had been made by two women in 2018. >During the consultation with Patient B, Inthiraraj conducted an examination of the patient's genitals, putting his hand inside the patient's underwear, and then a finger inside her vagina. When the patient tried to get up from the examination couch, Inthiraraj pushed her chest back down and told her to "enjoy it", and to "just keep quiet, just have fun". The examination was carried out without the patient's consent, and was not medically necessary, the tribunal found.
Oyvey this is some next level antiseimitism >Schoolboys allegedly used a group chat to make fun of a 14-year-old fellow pupil who is believed to have killed herself, an inquest has heard. Mia Janin, a year 10 pupil at the Jewish Free School (JFS) in Kenton, north-west London, was found dead at her family home in Harrow on March 12 2021. >Statements given by friends of Mia to the Metropolitan Police following her death were read out to the inquest at Barnet Coroner’s Court on Tuesday. Her friends said that Mia was bullied by other pupils at the school, and that their friendship group was nicknamed the “suicide squad” in the months leading up to her death. >They said that one of Mia’s TikToks was shared to a Snapchat group chat run by male pupils at JFS, where they made fun of her. One child said the boys used the group chat to share nude photos of girls. The child added: “They took screenshots of girls’ faces on social media and made fun of them. They shared a video of Mia’s TikTok and made fun of her.” They said the boys also photoshopped girls’ faces onto the bodies of pornography performers. >The inquest heard that Rabbi Cohen, former deputy headteacher at JFS, told the boys to close down the group after Mia’s death.
>>430779 keeeeeeeeeeek I miss gg allin, he could make america stink again
>>430768 i've been across france and typically every city has a mutt shithole you're meant to avoid. typically referred to as the "Banlieues" even if its in the middle of the town/city.
Woes has no time for such people
>>430783 #woesslapped
love living in a nightmare totalitarian soyciety which exerts such mental pressure that I'm regularly insomniac me smorb lads >>430754 >58 seconds in based poomer hippo sharting and using his tail to spread shit everywhere on the richfag tourist pad
keeeeek and his opponent is a peeillionaire
Keef oods is bbcslut-adjacent now
>>430781 Can you imagine a country voluntarily doing this to itself. Whole banlieues would have been razed to the ground and everyone executed, jailed or sent to die in a war in times past
smh that ongezellig chud affirmation webm is cruel
Fucking hell keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek remember seeing this posted on 4chode last week and forgot to post it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC1S4CIovEo
>>430787 he's partly right.
like fucking a slag isnt illegal
>>430790 Why is he doing that?
> natio - a people bound by the commonality of a shared ancestry and place of birth
>>430794 I'm a natioist
>>430793 Fuck knows nonces are weird bet he’s a top Freemason judge or cop tbh
>>430787 taigs claim burger-taigs when it suits them keeeeeeeek
>>430795 Good lad
*drops mic*
Ngl THEY’RE GETTING IT, MON DIEU! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kj2_OuBD1U
>>430799 Fucking bald spastic
>underpaid toilee is the villain and gets brutally unceremoniously killed off
How accurate is this video? I suspect it got a lot of inaccuracies tbh ngl smh
>hits apply takes them to Dover and puts them on boat to France
>>430806 Yeah I think so. Those videos don’t come across well at all tbh Was trying to watch this one yesterday but fell asleep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9umwEhi7sI
>>430811 Are you Alistair Williams, lad?
>promoted for nothing >served nowhere >part of 77th Brigade >shills for war >literally chestful of nothing gongs >literally establishment spy >foreign born *vomits
>>430812 No. Tobias Ellwood. Pleased to meet you. Now give me fifty push-ups while singing God Save the King at the top of your lungs or I’ll turn your internet off
https://youtu.be/NMfoeqsbSa0 >such an oofie hoofie that the coow is shaking >>430814 Norway is doing the same thing tbh smh, also normalising women fighters more than ever
my forebears
Because our princess if of smilitary snage
>>430815 >cows can get toe necrosis despite not having any toesies
>the plane the ukrainians shot down was filled with Ukrainian PoW Does Zelensky just want to make sure all the ukies die?
>>430820 that's the plan
>>430822 >we wuz true scotsmen
https://youtu.be/GxmE4OKwkrM I'm so glad we're not marsnoopials
>>430824 Came fore haha funny animals. Stayed for the one wallaby beating up all the female wallabys keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>430824 >foid zookeepers flinching and hesitating smdh i'd knock him the fuck out tbh nigger needs to learn his place
luv wallabies tbh saw one the other day by the side of the road
cancerous subs on that video smh sullying both the slanteye and the english language with niggerspeak
just want a couple of snabies me
makes me kind of angry tbh. I was never naughty as a childhoog
>>430829 tbh >>430830 keeeeeeeek >>430831 i was tbh
only reason why i wouldn't have eaten both piles of sweeties is because my brother would've beaten me to the punch off t'shops
Just fastballed a shart into the toilet lads, feeling light on my feet after that one.
>>430834 based ballast dropper
>>430822 >this shit again >>430823 dem yties dun seasun they grits
It's a bit dead in here atm
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SA spotted in Knights Templar toilets
>>430839 he must be skint if he's that desperate for a pint.
>>430840 Never know lad, some people actually like Fosters
>>430841 Everyone I know that drinks it drinks it for the low price it sells at.
>>430836 keeeeeeeek >>430839 honestly baffled
>>430839 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
PA were in Wigan today doing a big protest
>14 posts in 8 hours ACK >>430847 details lad? will check the shartograms in a m oand report back if there's anything
for me its yearner
Is the larping zogbot right? >he's starting his own party keeek smh more fracturing the voote because of fractured eceleb arses >first thing he does is take a moral grandstand that grifting is based KEEEEK looks like the PA event was just the normal tbh nothing about the sentencing >>430849 same smh ACK
>>430848 It was supposed to be a big one, not hearing anything on the telegram. >>430850 PA event was for migrant hotels, we need to fucking get vocal about the persecution business but every time I suggest it, it gets brushed aside like that isn't our biggest immediate problem by far.
https://youtu.be/qrQR5Dr7lWs I'd fucking love to batter these cunts
>>430844 why is the far right so obsessed with snib snib snees?
we're on our way
>>430855 are those those table bat shields?
Thinking of becoming an irl bully but I think I'd be arrested because I'm 30
>>430855 >>430857 they're retvrning to the charlottesville chud aesthetic just need some bike helmets and kneepads
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>>430851 >we need to fucking get vocal about the persecution business but every time I suggest it, it gets brushed aside like that isn't our biggest immediate problem Tbh. As a bizarre reaction to dastardly wogs crying persecution when they're privileged, rightoids seem unwinding to properly name their own persecution by the state. Muh horseshow theory posting warps people into refusing to recognize reality.
>>430454 keeeeeek
>announcing your homosexual goon seshes on /brit/
>>430865 if he's going to sit under a rock overhang in the snow he should at least sit properly like a guru or shaman and learn to throat sing and be entertaining maybe go the full collapse cult priest route just a little more spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) to the grift than talking into a camera and saying what people want to hear smh
>guy makes based comment about pronounfaggots on a forum >can't updoot or even acknowledge it because then the tranny jannies will ban me in the crossfire too or the account will be associated as "le bad" by all the soyim many such cases smh godspeed to that brave and stupid chud anything but anonymity online is so cringe and shite, can't say what you really want to without it
saturday night
>>430863 What time? Might tune in for a hatewatch.
>>430869 no sooner than 8:30 I reckon
>>430868 good lad, i'm going to celebrate with tinnies
>>430871 >>430872 >>430873 Unfathomably based.
post more lion menes
>>430874 LEGAL immigration only sirs we will build wall for you very cheap very good okay
>>430880 Already watched it. It's ok nothing special
>>430881 poz factor?
smh lads we've been btfo
>>430883 bald wankary? macaccy shingles? that's me mate chazza he's just got back from benidorm
>>430882 moderate, usual diversity casting but otherwise a standard kids film.
>>430886 >copious amounts of niggers within the first 2 minutes shame smh it's all a bit gay anyway so involving the peculiar negroes doesn't really matter
This is a Timothée Chalamet fan forum tbh.
Always reminds me of Eric Zemmour tbh
>>430856 Steiner
>>430889 Damn, Electre. What have you been eating, girl?
>>430889 >still haven't drowned any politicians in silage smh
wtf happened to nitter
>>430856 Christ look at the aul lugs on him, could pick up Martian telly
>>430883 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek decent banter from the Portuguese tbh
>>430896 "IanFooteRocks" and his degenerate ilk are as bad as "Lead_Soldier474". Simple as.
>got an ulcer in my throat >tfw every sip of port touches it >>430896 hate to say it but this guy genuinely does need proper therapy tbh
>>430899 >even mentaller xoomers bred, married and coomed in almost a hundred different women
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the next boomer i hear supporting lads getting conscripted is going to get these hands tbh
>>430901 tbh >muh lazy gen y/z! As though the boomers ever knew a real war of that scale. Closest thing they had was the Falklands and that was a relatively small "policing action"
>>430901 jesus christ
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>>430901 sure looks like a war-crime to me
>>430902 snowflakes apparently don't want to get their legs blown off in a muddy trench by a drone they didn't see coming, too busy watching tik tok or something. what's wrong with the youth.
>>430904 keeeeeeeek that thumbnail sure looks like a horror story to me
shitter having a fit because of how many videos like this are cropping up on youtube
>>430901 there are some real psychos out there
>>430908 whores seething at a possible incel uprising?
>>430910 >what it feels like to be a 50 yr old man dealing with 22 yr old girls in corporate America
>>430910 >>430912 No, that isn't happening and the Church will move to defend the foids. The solution is the experienced men simply leaving, and watching it burn.
>>430906 selfish really.
>>430917 Did that law just blow up in a mans hands?
>>430919 he stood on a mine
>>430920 Nasty
>>430920 no i thought it was backwash from that rocket the other guy fired
pooropa the ass battle
>>430917 That's why proper forces refuse to stand on shit that hasn't been de-mined.
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>>430890 Zemmour answers to the Don
>>430924 I don't think they have a choice when Russia is laying them via artillery
>>430924 westoid cope you think that there is any fancy pants shite that can get rid of plastic cluster mines
I already know you cunts will die on literally any hill and make any fallacy just so long as you get your way tbh so I won't argue.
It's okay to be thick lad. just don't seethe so much.
What a horrible weapon tbh. The only option to get rid of these cunts is a line-charge then?
>>430930 wonder if you could use some kind of pressure bomb to detonate all these in advance of sending infantry across the terrain, but it would have to be a pretty powerful bomb to simulate a persons body weight across a wide area
>>430930 the people who invent shit like this and dronebombs can all expect to either roast in hell or reincarnate as an emperor penguin and spend their entire existence maxxing out on cortisol while starving and freezing
>>430931 You don't have to simulate a human's body-weight, these bombs are pieces of shit. They can basically detonate at any time as soon as they are armed, they're like women with B-cluster personality disorders. >>430932 this tbhtbh
>>430931 they'd just invent some new autistic gay shit to kill poor people to counter that.
reminder that when the put on red lensed night vision the soldiers saw demons enjoying them killing people
>>430933 Reasonably I don't think Ukraine can even cover their defencive line let alone effectively sweep if for artillery laid mines.
>>430935 Yeah that was some deep woowoo shit, do you still have the link?
>>430938 you linked some radio talk youtube link as well last time.
Ukraine should just surrender.
Soldiers described “dragons” and other super- natural creatures appearing from within the writhing phosphorescent murk of a starlight scope landscape (Ely 1987). One former medic recalled using a starlight scope to monitor hundreds of dead enemy bodies after a particularly intense firefight only to discover in the morning that the corpses were a hal- lucination (Bennett 2004).
steiner starting to just sound like a redditor now
>>430942 this is fun /x/ stuff
my favourite are the spooky stories from afghanistan, it sounds like that place is the last bastion of the supernatural
>>430945 I reckon demons inhabit North America's cave systems.
just the mongs posting tonight then
>>430947 If you don't like /x/ stuff that's fine lad but go be salty somewhere else.
>>430949 my dick's pov tbh.
>cuckedlad itt
>>430940 zelenskike wont allow that
>>430952 Because he'd be lynched like the kike rat he is.
>>430941 I meant to ask thoughts on this state vs fed stuff happening right now? I mean I can guess your response is kayfabe but what if it's an actual intentional demolishing of the USA?
>>430954 honestly I dgaf at all. seems like its just election shenanigans but I think its a good example of the robust system the founding fathers created that the federal state has to ultimately respect the states when the states all back each other up. the joe brandon administration is a joke and I think the border situation is being made bad on purpose in order to build dumps campaign.
>>430955 Ah so you reckon it'll all just result in pressure relief voting into dumps camp? Is there any prospect of the executive pushing the issue and deploying any physical force?
Some are saying the border issue is part of a dem strategy to ensure their own penance electorally.
>>430957 *penance permanence sorry drunk
want trump to win because my boomer dad will seethe about it. literally the only reason why. also a bit curious as to whether he will be even more of a good goy about israel or if he might push back against them. i imagine he will give israel everything they need to annex gaza sadly
trumps grandchildren are mostly jewish so he basically has an investment in the jewish race
king Alexander I of Georgia
>>430962 good post
did you know scorpions had their anus close to the end of their tails? now you know and can impress other people with your trivia knowledge
Cowboys are back in town
>>430956 idk since its an election year I am erring towards it being a work but with how fucked up this country it could easly turn into a shoot but i don't think it will be how the typical american cosplayers see it, more like a constitutional convention or something to change rules on who enforces borders which would undermine the posse comitatus clause and potentially end the national guard system with a return to state militias but that is extremely larpy
>>430965 they are probably norse/scots mixes
>>430966 As larpy pipe dreams go a state militia system sounds like a good one.
>The Democratic Socialists of America are red all over — with a financial situation so dire that some leaders are demanding job cuts and the layoff of staffers just like a corporate America entity, The Post has learned. >The DSA — which has led protests against Israel over the Jewish state’s retaliatory response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack — is deep in a seven-figure hole and desperately in need of a way to stanch the red ink, members acknowledge. >Progressive Jewish activists are blaming DSA leaders who blindly back Palestinian groups at least partly for the fiscal crisis, saying they have damaged the group’s credibility and lost support by backing the Hamas terrorists. >She said an internal DSA feud in 2022 over whether it should withdraw support for Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who represents Westchester and the Bronx, for visiting Israel left members already admitting they were “bleeding activists and financial resources. >“After Hamas’s brutal invasion of Israel on October 7, DSA doubled down on their strategy of going deep and long on antisemitism, thinking it might get them out of the hole,” Berman said. “Instead, this depraved idea dug them even deeper. https://nypost.com/2024/01/21/news/democratic-socialists-face-seven-figure-crisis-amid-palestinian-support-that-may-force-dreaded-layoffs-of-staff/ jews won again
>>430965 thumbnail makes it look like the lad on the left is wearing a hat
>>430971 thats a paganism hat lad
>tfw being slowly being taken over by the sneethe to the degree that there will be nothing but sneethe left of smee in time
>>430973 Sounds healthy, what was the last thing that gave you a good laugh?
>>430973 snelatable. Running out of fuel. Body snaching. No snabies. Betrayed by wombem again and again
Glad I followed this account tbh, always get pictures like this showing up in my feed. Just a couple of chuds with their families and snabies
>>430976 your posts are becoming really dull lad. what am i supposed to care about in this pic?
>>430977 They bred
>>430978 right
Maybe we'll get a kidnapping and mountainman arc out of shartin before steinzog at this rate.
after 3 weeks of nosweets the urge is strong and the sweets are plentiful
refined sugar should never have reached scandinavia
>>430982 tbh smh. Had a little crisps and bepis now and I find I actually can't vore it all. Feels good to be able to put it down
>>430984 how much does a tinnie cost?
stj doing weird eyes wide shut pagan shite
>>430987 what did they sacrifice?
>ukraine hacked the russian meteorology department servers and deleted 2 petabytes of valuable scientific data that was of little military use out of pure spite totally unhinged
>>430989 hate them so much
remember this interview i saw on youtube where it was a homosexual explaining how he was hired to be a drone operator in iraq. was a nauseating watch but basically the jews hire gays to launch missiles at isis or whoever is the target because apparently they're more sociopathic and can more easily push the button than a normal lad.
>>430991 why don't they just let traumatised incels do it? After the hell we've been through surely we've grown callous
>>430992 idk lad, just glad i got turned down from joining the army in 2002 when i tried
>>430988 >>430987 mummy's wine from tesco kind of based tbh esoteric larp as a filtering device will produce some sort of secret society from which other change may come in time
>>430994 did you just wake up lad?
hope wessex and bbk are paid overtime for the hours mi5 makes them keep
>>430995 yeah smh >>430996 I wish
farts so hot they singe my balls
>>430997 yeah whatever. what was that other leaf lad who openly supported euthanasia and trudeau kek
>>431000 collective dismal can't remember if I unsubbed or if he selfdestructed out of seethe at not getting enough cultist followers or was banned because I haven't seen any of that content in ages
looks like he rebranded and became a discuckfag https://www.youtube.com/@CollectiveDismal./videos
>>431001 really despise people trying to recruit my sympathies so I dislike him more than those jews ngl
he's trying to start beef with keet or saying that queef is a WEF shill or something might be true tbh remember he shilled the vaxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsCego6L41o
fresh PooAye
also mark milking the conviction some more with another minor eceleb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O-olqaxSd0
>19 min - 21 mins Fucking hell!
>>431010 wdhmbt? you watching the marko link? haven't started it smyself tbh
(5.14 MB 606x1080 meeatingsweeties.mp4)

>make yidtube Britnat effortposts >those that survive hotpocket algorithms get 2 or 3 updoots >make typical tame boomoid comment >over 100 likes
>>431011 Just the whole thing how he was fitted up how That particular it is how the prosecution tried to basically tie his behaviour to “far right white terror” incidents in other countries when even the judge had to send the jury out and tell prosecutors to “fuck right off with that shit tbh you can’t start citing furrin court cases and incidents an tie them into a man standing trial in Britain for public order offences you fucking clowns” Then later… a HnH activist was called as an ‘expert’ witness who said brainlet Melia - who had never heard of Ebola - was printing stickers inspired by him. The whole thing is just political persecution by the security state tbh on behalf of the political and globalist elites who don’t like you criticising their ponzu scheme. Shameful behaviour. Judge should have binned the thing immediately. Never heard the like. What has this country turned into?
Country has always been like this tbh
>>431013 the greatest clown show on earth
Will now reply to my own posts as everyone is asleep
>>431015 It’s like a banana republic at this point. Fucking embarassing
>>431018 >paywalled
>>431019 Nope. Daily Mail is not paywalled
>>430989 If they just deleted it without reformatting the digital storage or filling it up with junk afterwards it should be pretty easy to recover
New thread needed
sneep snorp sneeded
Le Jewblin has absolutely done us there tbf
>>431026 You could say the same about a number of cities across western Europe.
>>431026 >Checkmate Eric! Those are Bongladeshis!
>>431029 Powerful cranium genetics.
Where’s Auslad?
>>431029 keeeeeek

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