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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3948: Collapse Edition Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 09:53:59 Id: 4719ff No. 438980
Birmingham residents face £340 hike in Band D council tax as city's 'bankrupt' town hall votes on new budget today after Nottingham confirmed huge crackdown... with fears moves to slash bin collections and dim streetlights will sweep across the country https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13158181/Birmingham-council-tax-bin-collections-dimmed-streetlights-bankrupt-Nottingham-cuts.html Rule, Britannia is 'alienating' to others, Labour's culture spokeswoman claims after musician says the anthem could be replaced with British folk music https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13156647/Rule-Britannia-alienating-Labour-culture-spokeswoman-claims.html Uzbekistan is the ONLY nation more miserable than Britain: Global report says the Dominican Republic tops world wellbeing charts https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13156261/Uzbekistan-nation-miserable-Britain-Global-report-says-Dominican-Republic-tops-world-wellbeing-charts.html Why ARE so many young people having heart attacks? They had seemingly healthy lifestyles... but all these people suffered heart problems https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13154677/young-people-having-heart-attacks-lead-seemingly-healthy-lifestyles-suffered-heart-problems.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:49:27.
>>438977 Smh he's the lead singer of a band and he's begging for pussy scraps, and fighting for it like his life depends on it. Imagine how bad the game must be for ordinary punters.
https://poal.me/xme3rx Important poll
>>438983 congratulations lad
Nice try GCHQ but we are all top shaggers here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3Igf6aCcno >Yoko Ono in the background Inshallah discipline your wife George.
>>438986 sounding dangerously populist there smh all that nonsense about votes and elections
>>438986 She’s a Dutch spy and his handler
>>438989 keeeeek
Bet the media asked her to move out the shot and George said "if she leaves I leave".
Yeah >Group 13 >Ukrainian spec oops! So Ukraine have a ‘Group 13’ just like us? This is getting sillier *guffaws in pidgin* https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:Group_13
>pizza is not fast food >arguably meat is more expensive but it’s all shit anyway bar properly made pizza in it’s country of origin or your homemade burgers dumb yank smh https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yEWj-PwvAkM
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smorbles lads
>>438994 Morning lad
>>438993 smh mcdonalds has fallen >>438994 smorbius lad >>438995 keeeeeek it's like a michelin man gollywog
>>438996 Smorbius, dorbius, orbius, go eat some walruses
>>438998 you forgot to put a clapping emoji between every word soylad
wew lad a dirty immie the BBC used to push mass immigration turned out to be a rapist #wow #whoa https://nitter.poast.org/BBCNewsnight/status/786578505702207488#m
>>438998 YouTube is absolutely impossible to post on these days. The moment you post an independent thought you get shadowbanned.
>>439001 >if Putin was a woman he would not have That's SHE you bigot
If Putler was a woman xhe would have immediately initiated global thermonuclear war the second a head of state made a negative comment about xer appearance
>>439004 UK spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) should slip her estrogen. Then she'll start crying and give back Crimea.
He'd go clubbing like the Finnish PM
Speaking of UK spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) MI6 Deputy Directors Ngubu and Pootel are hiring There is literally no solution to this
>>439008 What could possibly go wrong
>>438999 It's appropriate when addressing boomer retards to stress that you're angry and frustrated with their boomer retardation. Smh.
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>>439013 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
down to 20 stone tbh celebrating by eating 2000kcal of pastry and syrup >>439015 >not even a demonstration smh love me a comfy fake training video that shows off how easy installing something is under perfect conditions and does not reflect the work site in any way so halfway through a fitting job you're sweating into the customer's carpet with a suppurating leg wound tying brooms together to try and push detritus off of their roof
and thinking that none of this was in the instructional video where they just easily took the window out and put a new one in in under five minutes
>>439016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12gqY6nNG78&t=335s this lad makes it pretty quick its all PVC though
>>439018 everything must be plastic, for the environment you understand
>On the day following Shōzan's death, a sign was put up at the main gate of Gion Shrine explaining the reason for the killing: >Shōzan advocated European studies and maneuvered for the opening of ports to trade. That alone could not be ignored. Further, in conspiracy with the vile Aizu and Hikone clans, he tried to move the emperor to Hikone. Since he was an evil and heinous traitor, we inflicted just punishment upon him.
>>439020 >they've done him
>>439020 not good for business smh
think one of my ancestors was an empire bigwig and official weeaboo to japan tbh, come across a few references now
Being occupied or allied with America is the worst fate any country can have.
Found a restored photo of one of my ancestors
>>439025 Would look better with a beard like the tall lad
>>439025 keeek smh bins still hasn't put that fillum on has he
>>439027 Was he supposed to? Shogun the 1980 mini-series I still haven't watched it either. I did say to wessie I would start doing Kurosawa film nights, could fit this in somewhere with that. tbh.
>ancestor most notable for being a sensible centrist and doing nothing like a good jannie should instead of doing something and making everything worse like a bad powertripping jannie does perhaps he would approve of NEETing then since hie was paid multiple salaries not to do anything abroad and just have a fun permanent holiday
Pictures of sumo wrestlers throwing foreigners from various artists.
>>439028 up for anything tbh got lots of time while neeting
>>439030 nasal curvature check tbh
>PA membership up 700% after melia's incarceration
>>439033 Let's go boys
has bbk gone missing?
>>439035 he's stalking joe owens on the high street remaining in his blind spot as joe twirls around
>>439036 keeek
>>439033 Based. Unless it's an influx of glowies.
>>439039 Such a sad sight to see a farm tool wasting away, not from back breaking toil, but from imbibing wicked skooma.
Why GB News Is Not Your Friend https://youtu.be/F-SwF6J_AAM
>it's a "bins enters the thread, doesn't read it, and proceeds to post awful slightly-right-of-centtre conservative micro-e-celebs for xoomers" episode >it's every episode
>>439042 It's because he wishes he was as handsome and charming as the exzoggie lad.
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>>439042 problem?
>>439000 Preemo seethe fuel that one. If I was confronted with a journalist and a foreigner and only had one bullet I'd do the journo.
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>>439044 >ordinary person: "pornography is bad" >kike: "why do you hate jews?"
>>439048 You'd think some people would connect the dots.
Jews are okay telling you they are behind certain things, as long as they control the narrative and they can spin it as a positive. Otherwise, it's anti-semitism to notice such.
>>439047 But wait there's more!
>>439051 >primary sources like letters and memos doubt.
>>439051 All of that evidence suggests otherwise. Also, Elon Musk is talking about Sam Melia
isn't denyin the holocaust wrong on twitter anyway, why would there be factchecking?
>>439055 It's probably just automated to do that whenever the holocaust is mentioned.
>>439051 https://www.hdot.org/browning/ >no primary evidence just keep saying it exists David Irving has more primary evidence and has spoken to more people actively engaged in the German government in the time than these mongs will do in their collective careers.
>Thus SS documents for internal use openly employed terms like "special treatment," "evacuation," "resettlement," and "deportation" interchangeably with execution, shooting, liquidation, and extermination. KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK So the primary evidence, the documents these fucking goobers rely on, doesn't in fact say anything about the holocaust? They're literally inventing a codeword head canon like some 8chan schizo. It was a conspiracy theory that was useful to the Allies and Commintern. It's largely gobshite.
They're the Qoomers of 1945 but their nonsense never died. They're the Hoomers.
>>439058 one could perhaps refute their claim if the original evidence is on hand, presumably messages and memoranda etc are dated and so you could see if the letters talking about "euphemisms" were written while eg the haavara agreement and other means of deportation were being pursued
>>439058 Solid primary evidence I don't understand how anyone can question it.
>>439061 >>439060 Hoomers gonna hoom smh
>>439059 >hoomers
>>439063 *hooms aggressively toward you*
https://youtu.be/dSZix9fMsck Zoomer Historian never hooms.
fresh (ancient) Bowden The Soviet Gulag by Jonathan Bowden [remastered] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntDPB7mM6Bs
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>>439067 oh lawd he jivin
>>439066 Thanks, lid. I've been meaning to binge on Bowden for a while but keep getting distracted.
>>439067 >literally niggers when they got told to but their hands up
>>439070 put* smh
Seething about the war again.
>>439070 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
They should hang Lenin's corpse. Fucking filth.
>>439067 Keeeek
Continuing to write my manifesto. 450 words in.
>>439076 how many words after you strip out slurs (racial or otherwise) and anything related to poo or toil?
>>439077 It's unironically coming along really well and I'll use it in my trial btfo these cunts before going down in righteous flames tbh
>>439080 pink is the colour of my snoo snoves snair https://youtu.be/e3rtlLEONiE
*enters the dreams of the jury women, singing this snong* https://youtu.be/YhrpJwPZLKw
I swear to God, if a judge tells me that the truth is no defence I'll dramatically exclaim "it's the truth which is on trial!!" Fuck just faggotly standing there during your show trial. Make it your own theatre.
>>439084 the troons have put you on trial lad?
>>439085 Not yet but poor bum bum's thymne is surely cumming. Fuck them. No surrender.
>>439059 The BooHoomers?
https://twitter.com/Euan_MacDonald/status/1764894727080485343 > Putin has vowed to respond in a 'strong' way and warned that the attack on one of Russia's newest Black Sea Fleet vessels, the Sergei Kotov may lead to "Unforeseen consequences for the Kiev regime and their Western backers". "We will continue to strengthen the Special Operations Forces, increase their mobility and striking potential, and arm them with new-generation weapons and equipment,"
this is steiner in his radical phase https://youtu.be/NarFCyZ5l-Q
why the fuck did sophia do this to us. what the fuck was she thinking. i hate women so fucking much it's unreal.
>>439097 >The shots were bought and given privately within the space of 29 months Based boomer using up the vaccine supply.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q4aD9lHQws luv the part where he says feckin africans
>>439100 too bad they never went to a sled pull
Syrian Refugee Child Rape Gang Exposed After BBC Took Refugee's Side In Previous Rape Case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUtUWXKOqXI
>the 2hr/day cap has been taken off of overtime because retarded Dutch bosslady promised to finish a project 3 weeks earlier than the client requested, for no reason at all It'd be a shame if anyone abused the honour system and over-reported their hours when there's no system in place for the team leader to check that they're accurate... such a shame...
>>439106 keeeeeeeeeek
apparently alex jones talked about sam's sentencing
>>439108 good that it's getting attention tbh
>>439106 keek i remember that one lad who wanted to do mean things to this lil guy
Morning lads
>>439111 morning lad
>>439103 That blonde lass talking needs to get raped to death okay thank you and good morning
>>439113 She is in desperate need of a good shagging tbh
>>439103 Cuckold mp tbh >build more jails >push Rwanda deals through The same day the Lords by a majority of over 100 threw this legislation out >reimport Shamima begum and exchange her, and people like her, who are - BRI’ISH CITIZUNS! (tm) - for foreign criminals who are here All this gaslighting. No politician intends to solve these problems they created because they serve perfectly to distract the people while they and the elites continue raping and pillaging the country
>>439113 >>439114 The way she gaslighted everyone >WELL WE HAVE RAPISTS AND CRIMINALS! WHAT’S A FEW MORE ( THOUSANDS?) ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS OMG! YOU RACISTS! Surprised she didn’t mention the food tbh Had same discussion with an auntie about this a few years ago and she unironically used the same argument
>>439117 We should just deport them to whichever country they enjoy the food of most.
>>439117 >Had same discussion with an auntie about this a few years ago and she unironically used the same argument smh there's no convincing these people >>439118 tbh tbh
>>439118 but insist the locals only feed them fray bentos and beans every day
>>439121 I don't know who that is but those are some rather unpleasant personal attacks.
>>439121 that's a lot of words for someone with supposedly nothing to prove >>439122 tbh
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>>439121 What is she replying to? Such a stupid moment to be so petty
>>439124 It was replying to Steve laws telegram Surprised no one here has heard of her tbh
>>439126 >>439125 I had seen those vids before but I didnt know she was a mentaller tbh keek
>>439128 It at least explains the vitriol from her.
seethers must go tbh no place for retards infighting when the shite race is on the line >>439121 already unsubbed from bubba kate vs the state earlier tbh but this is a new low >we have everything, two homes, financially we are doing well >later on womanbragging abotu frivolous faship shit and other expenses upper middle class cunt >then slagging off another woman's looks while she herself has to stencil her eyebrows on >>439126 >she is literally grifting off of the scampton protests which are involved with PA keeeek
>laura went on alex jones keeek hope she didn't talk about le jews and work him up into a seething fit of rage over CHICOMS
el presidente has retvrned after nvking his party
>>439133 He will only grow more powerful with each iteration of the party he forms then burns down.
>>439131 tbh tbh >>439133 he has many lives left
>>439128 A match! for bbk or maybe Katie is mancs?
The beeb have addressed the syrian nonce story
>>439138 I think it's far more likely that California has simply neglected proper forestry care.
Now the fires that Hawaii that was definitely a DEW.
>>439138 Nasty old kikess. Such an obvious stooge, giving Prince Andrew the easiest questions possible. And he still fucked it up.
>>439128 good lads have done serious time for less. what a smug cunt she is.
>>439143 Sam being one of them.
posh tradthot's telegram https://t.me/s/bubbakate2023 >the anti-PA anti-laura seethe is really real I keek and I smh can't find the really big seethe paragraphs though
Steve Laws and the Traditional Britain Group are still goodlads though it looks like Alek Yerbury and Katie Fanning are just seething uppermiddleclassoids constantly backstabbing more successful people out of bloated egos
>>439145 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rtpb2sAJTw keeeek, she's already putting her tits on display a few seconds into this most recent video. Projecting.
>>439147 her phenotype and demeanour, mannerisms, facial expressions etc are offputting tbh score another for physiognomy-based-morality chads
wew Only got halfway through but fucking hell Like him or not he knows how to do his research. https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/poofdaddy:2
>>439150 Patiently waiting for some former rump slut of diddy's to actually release something incriminating.
Diddy do it?
>>439152 Who didn't diddy do?
>>439151 If you listen to it you’ll hear how they all keep dying, others have had sudden amnesia and Jamie Foxx was poisoned and the degenerate Clive Davis signed Poof Daddy who has been investigated by the FBI but the investigation was dropped by Merrick Garland who is the son of the record industry mogul who gave Clive Davis his job.
One for film night tbh
Bet they’ve all been blackmail bummed tbh. Blair has a conviction for bumditry in Covent Garden tbh https://www.unz.com/article/meet-blobamacron-three-gentile-narcissists-with-one-jewish-agenda/
>>439156 >The Houses of Pooliament.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ex-british-airways-manager-held-32234506 >Ex-British Airways manager held in Qatari jail for 'being gay' and being denied antiretroviral medicines he needs to be able to live with HIV >Qatar police used a false Grindr profile to contact Manuel and invite him to participate in a meeting with other people from the LGBT community in the city of Doha
>>439145 She could always ask her handlers for some more cash.
>>439158 I fully expect sanctions on Qatar after this.
>>439142 Wish I knew where this mug went. Used to have one.
>>439159 Who has handlers, lass?
>>439162 Laura "police are our friends" Towler.
>(1) spy trying consensus cracking piss off tbh infighting is for mugs, and not the cool monke or gromit kind >>439158 based tbh
>>439164 >piss off tbh tbh tbh
Just had a massive poo lads.
>>439166 this is what /brit/ is all about
>>439166 good lad me too
>>439160 >be gay and HIV positive >go to Sharia law governed Qatar >look for people to meet on Grindr That would be retarded. What do they expect? Sanctions for not granting immunity to all British expats that flagrantly break local laws?
>>439169 He was probably just sexually excited thinking about how transgression it'd be to shag an arab man illegally in his own country.
*start a gay pride in Mecca* They're arresting me embassy HEEELP
Of course Qatar isn't going to get sanctioned. the sodomite worship just applies to us.
>>439166 Me too.
>all these (1)'s
>>439124 great clip
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>>439176 big if true
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>>439080 Yeah I sent a lot of emails to this to one of the girls I was talking with smh
sometimes wish I was a mutt and I didn't have to carry the whole white race on my back smh
>>439180 We just evolve again lad, even if every last one of us died off. The universe always comes up with the best if you leave shit bashing around long enough
>>439181 I'd rather be white and evolve into being black than die out and have some other evolve into being "white".
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>>439182 At the end of time it's just exactly two black holes with about half of the universe's mass each, pulling each other in due to their immense gravitational pull. When they do so, there's a big bang again
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>>439185 What kino do you watch then? I bet it's a load of drivel lad
>>439187 trustworthy looking fellow tbh
once again life imitates memes
>>439187 corr imagine punching his BFN (big fucking nose) as hard as you can
>>439188 >>439190 They all appoint each other and to get a look in you have to be posh or bame and commit to the DIE agenda and the EU which means comping down hard on nationalism except when kosher and it suits them. Blair’s Supreme Court also needs abolishing asap
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>>439187 >Sam would have had an easier time if he was sticking category A [basically toddler rape] images on lampposts [instead of true facts about demographic replacement] >tfw this is completely true
My ancestors
>>439187 somebody alert the nonce hunters
>>439194 >not all jews >I don't support some of these stickers >it's like the nazis!! keeeeek
>go to Hong Kong >take clothes off CHANGGGGGGGGGGGG Lucky they didn’t turn her into street food tbh
>>439199 can't find a source. probably fake. smh
>>439186 Love Babylon 5 tbh. Watching Crusade atm.
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Into the ninth circle fucker
>>439202 >Babylon 5 >not the superior Blake's 7 woes would like to know your location
Thinking about moving to Singapore again. I'd probably hate it. Better to visit on holiday first. I know people who've toured Asian countries and I'm jealous. Very expensive flights, though. I don't take such expenditure lightly.
Just had such a massive, life-changing shit, it's now panic stations at Anglia Water.
>>439206 is that a troon trying to nonce hunt keeeeek
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>>439208 Can't make a scene if your poo isn't green!
>>439209 We've got one on here that does that type of goncern trolling.
>>439211 keeek imagine trying that on shartin irl >martin nost why are you driving away I just want to talk you coward the police will hear of th-ACK! >walked too close to the lorry and got his foot flattened very slowly as 22st drives out of the petrol station with a cab full of sweeties
>>439212 keeeeek
Did spic die from plastic surgery?
>>439215 He hung himself after losing his life savings on bitcoin
>>439216 More like shitcoin amirite?
I've invented a new cryptocurrency called titcoin. Each coin has a picture of tits associated with it. The picture is an NFT and ownership is transferred with the coin. Invest now before the prices rise!
>>439212 >>439211 >>439206 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Excellent picture of tits
>falling fer the tits meme Need some Buckie to straighten yer heed oot https://youtu.be/o5Dj6tzWFQo
They’ve been given jobs with the RSPB now smfh >This is the shocking moment an RSPB warden stepped on the tail of a helpless seabird for up to 'four minutes' before eventually killing it with a rock. >Ibrahim Alfarwi has been criticised after the video clip of him 'torturing' the sick Skua on Coquet Island, off the Northumberland coast, came to light. >In the clip, Mr Alfarwi can be seen chasing the 'evidently sick' bird and stepping on its tail before beckoning volunteers to take a look at it. Eyewitnesses accused him of 'torturing' the helpless animal by standing on it for four minutes, before wringing its neck and smashing its head against a rock, causing blood to splatter everywhere. >But Mr Alfarwi has said he was acting as instructed by his manager and that the bird was 'humanely dispatched'. However, the RSPCA has branded the video 'distressing' and the RSPB has apologised for his actions.
>>439223 What is it with browns and having a sadistic streak?
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>>439223 Get are lass on it.
Keeeeeeeeek Zoggies getting sold out again >On tonight’s news, Why are recruitment numbers falling? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/05/five-sas-soldiers-arrested-in-uk-on-suspicion-of-alleged-war-crimes-in-syria
>>439224 Just practicing his stoning lad it’s a cultural thing Bird was probably dressed immodestly
>still haven't renamed that file even though it's a hammer not a garden spade she's holding
shes 15 rojur
>He explained the offence by saying he had “woken up on the wrong side of the bed” and felt he had to do a random attack and so stabbed a 17 year old who was just standing waiting for a friend. A psychiatrist concluded that Iqbal’s mental illness had not been the cause of the attack and the court heard that the defendant had not been taking his medication and was abusing alcohol and cannabis. >Cannabis
>>439229 Going by that Rory Stewart book, some Afghans seem amiable enough
>>439229 >>439231 Something needs to be done about these Yorkshiremen
>>439232 yeah the ones that stay in afghanistan
Thank you so much, Jeremy Hunt. That 2% NIC cut was truly a lifesaver. A whole £25 extra net pay for me each month. Thank you so much, Jeremy. What would Britain do without your bold growth-stimulating tax cuts?
>>439234 Yeah, they really don't belong here
HE HAD TO GET A HONKY! >Choudhury has been fined £20,000 after a court heard he was caught drink-driving on the wrong side of the road in his wife’s Range Rover. Choudhury, of Edwalton, Nottinghamshire, pleaded guilty to driving while double the legal alcohol limit and careless driving. >Passing sentence, District Judge Sunil Khanna told Choudhury, who earns £12,000 a week: “I do accept that this will impact you and that you are extremely embarrassed by what has occurred.”
>>439232 He obviously takes it up the chuffer and was giving out to survive
>>439225 What’s the latest on Gingins?
>>439239 She's my gf now and I've knocked her up.
Here’s a play you might enjoy 22stein it’s got a Nogwegian in it >Slave Play, a theatre production about race, identity and sexuality in twenty-first century America, is coming to the West End, reserving two nights for an "all-Black identifying audience". >That's me. I'm half Norwegian, half Togolese, and look mixed enough that charity salespeople by the Tube often try to guess where I'm from as an opener. Since moving to London, I've rarely felt alienated thanks to the incredible diversity in this place. >People will often react with surprise when I say I'm Norwegian, but that's fair enough - I'm hardly the stock image of a Viking. Despite being 'only half Black', I am so aware of how racist society still is. >I love the theatre, but I don't love being one of the only Black people in a white audience. It doesn't matter how far we've come - that won't ever feel safe to me, and it certainly doesn't feel safe to someone with darker skin than me. >The narrative that minorities are too quick to be hurt, too quick to complain, too quick to anger - it's not only upsetting, it's dangerous. That image diminishes the sufferings of not only Black people, but any other group that has dared speak up for their rights. >Some might bemoan the 'Black Out night' saying it's not necessary. But when the supposed leader of the country ignores its message so completely, he is only proving that we need these nights more than ever. After all, change never came from compliance.
>>439239 Idk. Think she still works for kikebart. Not sure about personal life. She's a wholesome non ewhoring lass.
>>439243 *gollywogs towards you*
>Biden’s admin has been caught flying hundreds of thousands of migrants into the US on the quiet https://cis.org/Bensman/Government-Admission-Biden-Parole-Flights-Create-Security-Vulnerabilities-US-Airports We knew this has been happening for at least a decade right?
>>439241 >minorities are too quick to be hurt, too quick to complain, too quick to anger all true tbh
>>439245 in every anglosphere nation it's happening here right now it never stopped
>>439241 >look mixed enough that charity salespeople by the Tube often try to guess where I'm from as an opener Keeek.
>>439249 >"charity salespeople by the tube" those are nigger grifters trying to sell useless shit to retards aren't they
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>>439253 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>UK patience with Israel wearing thin over Gaza aid, Cameron to tell Gantz https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/06/uk-patience-with-israel-wearing-thin-over-gaza-aid-cameron-to-tell-gantz Aaaaaaannd nothing will happen
>playing expeditions conquistador >want to make a band of based wog slaying pious racists >not enough characters to do that >half of every class type is a foid and half of the rest are wog lovers or pacifists even THOUGH that's retarded >get into the game and pick up quests >first have to let a foid into the party for an extra warm body, is a mutt "soldier" >sidequest has the colony treasurer ask about finding his wife >who is "a soldier in employ of the crown" ACKing at this shit smh what a joke think when I bought it years ago the marketing was misleading and I thought it was actually based on historicity and not "vaguely similar to history but with added poz and diversity" smh the game even brags about having a "codex of real things and events" to refer to will just have to settle for picking all the racist dialogue options and "accidentally" getting the women killed smh
>>439256 >think when I bought it years ago >he's done him
>thicc ebony lass keeps asking me questions about myself like the type of things you ask on a first date when you can't think of anything else to say >when she went on break she had to squeeze between my chair and the trolley loaded with boxes behind me and she deliberately bumped my head with the side of her bum Also the Hungarian downey and petit Romanian MILF both returned to work today, both sat at opposite ends of the office away from their usual seats
Prefer orangutans if we are talking about great apes, lad.
>>439261 Good Morbin, lid.
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https://twitter.com/InternetH0F/status/1765436003039191155 >a father’s reaction to his daughter choosing a black man for prom
Feel like I've seen this nearly a decade or so ago.
It's from 2017, no wonder. >common (1) L.
>>439262 hullo lad >>439263 should have honour killed her
>>439267 based
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Good Shite, lids.
>>439269 shite lad
>>439272 hullo la
Morning lads
>>439274 smorb lad
>Look Rishi! An example of extremism written by an extremist probably about to do an extremism! Make a post about extremism from yoir pulpit outside the front door! https://imperiuminvictum.com/b/ZWKHF.
>>439276 sick of that kind of performative masculinity tbh basically drag queens except they're dressing up as men
>>439278 Tbh but that book looks like it was written by a glowie
>>439279 tbh it does lay it on a bit thick
snorp lads. comic sans boomer memes made by the retarded brown intern for breakfast
>>439281 sneep lid smh not sending their best
smorn lads
>>439283 smorbing
finally over this virus, I must have scratched into a cut on my foot because the lymph nodes on my groin grew three sizes and I have these nasty white sores, on my feet, where I assume my body was ejecting the pestilence.
>>439285 sounds nasty smh
fs tbh lads it’s way past Armageddon time https://nitter.poast.org/libsoftiktok/status/1765527229914923277
>>439287 Schneidered
Why are police stations burning down? hmmmmmmmmm. Are they getting rid of BAME historical archives? https://nitter.poast.org/Londonbaby786/status/1765478136039305346
>>439291 convenient way to lose things tbh
lads they put woes in morrowind
>>439293 uncanny
>>439293 Had to close my curtains like a grotty incel to stop the glare on my screen so i could see the pic. Brought me closer to wews
>>439295 keeeek
>>439295 A grotty thought indeed
>>439299 reminds me of race mixing cousin arc tbh keek
>>439301 Sargon of Ashad(ilay)
>>439303 keeeeeeek
>>439300 >drugs >late nights >WALL
Is Russia really losing lads? Is Diversity really are strength?
>>439306 No. It could end the war today. Putin is bleeding NATO dry and causing cracks to form in the alliance just by holding the line. It's clown shit to believe otherwise.
>>439305 She looks good for 33, lad.
>>439308 She looks very good tbh
jew sneethe is always funny, looks so unnatural
>>439306 yeah lad two more weeks until the summer offensive
>>439310 bizarre race tbh
>>439306 Whoever typed that has imbibed too much globohomo propaganda.
>>439313 Bins in a bongo? Tranny. They lop their wits off with their cock.
>>439310 they are like spoiled children that have temper tantrums when they don't get their way 100% it's weird when you realise that jews have always been like this, taking advantage of polite civilised white goyim with their billigerent ruthlessness, and this is why they always become hated
>>439313 >Whoever typed that has imbibed too much globohomo propaganda. that's what I said too tbh they also claimed the UK is not in recession and that Russia's economy is tanking everything the 100% opposite of the truth
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hans westmar was a good film tbh
Saw a car stopped by the motorway and thought there'd been an accident until I saw a mummers holding her infant as he was pooing on the grass.
>>439310 Don’t think it’s jew but that is getting Boomer rage/10 from me tbh surprised he didn’t expire on the spot
>>439320 was she holdig him in the air with her arms outstretched? And he was pooing in the air?
>>439323 Now . . . now i shall keek!
>>439320 It's me Baby Kata I have a huge diarrhea If you fart like you don't care Raise your bog rolls in the air Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a When you take a comfort stop You feel like you reach the top Choco balls are gonna pop It's the sound of the sound of the big flop Every poop is so fantastic Every poop is so terrific Everybody look at me I'm makin' a big poopy Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-apee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a Let me show you magic tricks Brown monkey does gymnastics Tiny turds or massive bricks I like to share my poop pics Every poop is so fantastic Every poop is so terrific Are you ready for action? It's time to release the Kraken Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-apee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a Pee-pee, poo-poo Wee-hee, hoo-a, hoo-a Come on! Drop it now!
>>439241 Looks Norwegian to me
>>439328 SORRY, MATE
>>439328 thought it was going to become a porno
>>439328 the fucking urge to tickle them would destroy me inside tbh
>>439333 me trying to kiss a girl
just another day of basedlads on twitter posting tranny porn and telling you to look at how bad trannies are, while we all goon
Glad I don't own a twitter account.
this will be a future classic mark my words
syria has.... fallen
sunni islamists/fsa remnants are claiming assad is flooding syria with shites from afghanistan and iraq to demographically replace the sunni locals
>>439339 I guess he's taken a few ideas from the west after all.
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>>439324 >made my yidtube all Italics Sus ngl fam.
>>439339 how would you tell the difference?
>>439342 People from the levant aren't arabs.
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>>439338 She lives in fucking Canada keeeeeek
>>439344 I suppose that explains why Assad has to find new inhabitants for Damascus.
https://youtube.com/shorts/22k0fZarxh8?si=DFLYUc7pkeW4ACHL poor girl is going to get raped so many times if she hasnt been already
>>439346 post the poos raping the tranny video. Bet she'll find that cute
>>439346 she might have a legion of simps protecting her
>>439333 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>The Ming general Li Yongfang who surrendered the city of Fushun in what is now Liaoning province in China's northeast did so after Nurhaci gave him an Aisin Gioro princess in marriage. >Li Yongfang later fought as a lieutenant-general at the side of Nurhaci and participated in the Later Jin invasion of Joseon. Although spared and given privileged status as one of the first to defect, Li lost Nurhaci's confidence in 1622 when he opposed the khan's desire to massacre any Chinese refugees who sought to escape his rule. smh
>>439338 What are they?
> Li Zicheng offered the emperor an opportunity to surrender, but the negotiations produced no result. Li commanded his forces to attack on 24 April. Rather than face capture by the rebels, the Chongzhen Emperor gathered all members of the imperial household except his sons. Using his sword, he killed Consort Yuan and Princess Zhaoren, and severed the arm of Princess Changping. >On 25 April, the Chongzhen Emperor was said to have walked to Meishan, a small hill in present-day Jingshan Park. There, he strangled himself with a sash. >The emperor left a suicide note that said, "I die unable to face my ancestors in the underworld, dejected and ashamed. May the rebels dismember my corpse and slaughter my officials, but let them not despoil the imperial tombs nor harm a single one of our people."
>>439348 She does. Comments are them simping for her and wanking each other off
Took a big poo and now my arse is in agony
>>439354 smh if only our leaders felt the same way
>>439358 Dogs > cats
Just re-caulked the bath tub. I did a GOOD JOB!
Early 20s nicola sturgeon, do you lads reckon her and george had a thing? Somehow he is only 38 in this photo
>>439362 nice caulk bro
>>439363 Is that Sargon in the middle? Also >that 5 o'clock shadow is she a tranny?
>>439363 Even then she was a muntermesch
>>439365 >is she a tranny? No, just Scottish.
>>439362 Good lad.
>The first non-Indigenous settlement in the area was created by Philemon Wright, a New Englander. Wright founded a lumber town in the area on 7 March 1800 on the north side of the river, across from the present-day city of Ottawa in Hull.[35][36] He, with five other families and twenty-five labourers, also created an agricultural community, which was named Wright's Town.[37][38] Wright pioneered the Ottawa Valley timber trade (soon to be the area's most significant economic activity) by transporting timber by river from the Ottawa Valley to Quebec City.[39] Canada's capitol was literally founded by Americans smh
>>439370 Ottowa is just a meme capital anyway to avoid choosing between Montreal and Toronto.
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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13156867/vicars-uproar-church-england-slavery-reparations.html >The church will ask super-wealthy families and investors to help it build an enormous pot of cash to address 'enduring harms from enslavement'. >But an "independent oversight group", set up to oversee how the fund would be managed, yesterday concluded the pot of money was too small and would be distributed too slowly. Its report read: 'Community engagement confirmed the view that £100million will be insufficient for this purpose.' >'It appears to be based on an essentially racist reading of history – that white people are all bad and the oppressors, and black people are nothing more than victims. This is insulting to both black and white. 'It is anti-Christian. Unbelievably, it calls on the Church to repent for having preached the gospel. 'African Christians, including the vast numbers of Anglicans in Africa, will be very angry to read that. The authors of the report appear to be completely ignorant of the Church's own beliefs.' >'I can't believe that the Church of England is effectively apologising for converting people to Christianity.' >The plan is for the money to be invested in black-led businesses focusing on education, economic empowerment and health outcomes – as well as being used to provide grants to address these issues in communities impacted by the legacies of African enslavement.
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>>439375 just be methodist or something nigga lmao
>>439358 That Callum is autistic as fuck tbh
>>439363 Haggis. Stirred.
>>439373 Concerned
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Didn’t know Scotland had a player at Wimbledon this year
>>439374 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>439385 ratio'd
>>439389 An unusual amount of restraint from that midnight gentleman.
>>439390 you got that brit on 4cuck, la.
>>439392 from*
>>439388 We should form an LFC ultras group and do nazism on the terraces
>>439396 based
https://youtu.be/s4hol1foV80 >7:20 *licks lips* daddy bum bum wants dem chickitas.
are these chocolate bars getting smaller, or is it my growth hormone hands?
>>439386 Tbh mitigated my seething. >>439399 >fredos used to be 3ft long Miss those days.
>>439389 hate the way nogs say "you", I have to literally embouchure my mouth and jut out my jaw like a chimp to replicate it its so obvious theyre a completely different species
>>439404 "All the more of them to tongue my snanus!" He thought. His majesty had been planning an homage to his favorite musician, in the form of some sex tourism in South East Asia, but a trip to thug shaker continent (more like, soon to be incontinent!) was too tempting to pass up.
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>BBCslut posting to own his bumliness
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>darkie lass wore tight fitting flares today >the sheer size of her behind
>>439363 Galloway looks like a reasonably successful used car salesman, Sturgeon looks like the below average girl that wasn't ugly but absolutely nobody fancied. The other bloke looks like Paul Higgins from The Thick of It.
IRA filth need their throats slitting
Ireland is British. Every fucking piece of it and the Irish are as British as you and I
>>439410 This but because they betrayed the taig race for globohomo.
Jungle fever lad needs to either give Shaniqua the BWC or not mention it again.
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>>439416 memi nation
>>439416 keeeeeeeek what a fucking joke >>439418 more annoyed that they changed the way the helmet works than anything tbh
>>439418 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek 2005 era amateur CGI
HAIL Sheeeeiiiiittt
>>439421 truly the neet master race
if you have a child with a black woman in africa, how black will the child be? i am quite white and good genes
>439424 smdh not one drop >>439425 smh rip
>>439426 yeah, i do think someone has to do it eventually though, slowly whiten up africa like south america. wasn't that done with the abbos?
>>439427 bleaching is a dumb memi tbh just a justification for being a coomer >wasn't that done with the abbos? no lad we just tried to educate them it was a miserable failure and they haven't stopped seething about it since
take a bucket of water and a bucket of shit and empty half of each into another bucket and you get a bucket of watery shit empty half of that bucket and half of a bucket of water into another bucket and you get a bucket of watery shit how many times do you have to dilute it before it stops being a bucket of shit? it takes far too many steps just to get something acceptable and even then there's still a little bit of shit in it plus every step of the way you're making buckets of watery shit and that doesn't just go away if your end goal is a bucket of water you could have just mixed two buckets of water
As a teenager, I was friends with a half black girl who talked with me about Kim Possible and Star Wars and gave me back massages. She had an annoying laugh, but was quite attractive. So some of them are alright.
>>439430 tbh they're not all bad but bleaching is a fool's errand
>>439432 >when it spaffs moo juice on the window in an aggressive fashion
morning lad, just spent 3 and half hours in UTC and hospital pharmacy good times
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8Qv7zZBxq8 >Famines in India under the British rule gave them famine resistant genes that make them fat and diabetic Kek
>>439412 They were always globohomo. They were always free mason faggots derived from the same stock as the American and French revolutionaries. Ireland is British. The Irish are British. >>439413 This should be a bannable offense. >aggnonce Weak witted little faggot mentally conquered by the union filth who run our city. You've all seen the little twat try and square the anti-British circle to the British Square. Fucking queer.
>>439430 I had a black friend but I kept calling her a nigger until she blocked me. She was alright though.
>>439434 smh sounds fun >>439435 >gave them famine resistant genes you're welcome
>>439435 It's amazing how laser focused the streetshitters are on blaming all their woes on colonial rule. I imagine it's a good deflection tactic and re director of political anger about the living standards in india today.
>>439439 tbh nothing's handier in politics than an external enemy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwMUTgmrAtk >24-year-old British Airways supervisor ran a scam for 5 years where for £25,000 he wave pajeets visiting the UK onto a plane to Canada without valid documents, so they could claim asylum >When he was arrested he paid bail and fucked off to India where he has multiple homes carrying £3 million he made from the scam >UK trying to extradite him Keek. Put an immigrant in charge of UK border checks. What could go wrong?
>>439441 honestly sick of jeets tbqh
>>439435 the worst famine in indian history happened in 1974
>>439402 >20 lasses had condomless sex with an alien seeking asylum Not impossible that one of those whores gave it to him, considering they're swapping fluids with every barely literate traveller that passes through Iceland.
>>439443 Probably a hang over from colonial rule t.streetshitter.
>>439399 They're definitely smaller
showing how accurate russian FABs are now, ukrainians are dealing with up to 100 of these or more on the daily and they have no defence
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https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59577162 >Assisted suicide pod in Switzerland would at the press of a button fill with nitrogen gas, rapidly lowering oxygen levels and killing the user in 10 minutes >Capsule's creator Dr Philip Nitschke (nickname Dr Death), said he planned to make the blueprints available so anyone could download the design for 3D printing >"We want to remove any kind of psychiatric review from the process and allow the individual to control the method themselves." Metal.
>>439447 putler lost
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is everybody out having sex?
>>439451 Apparently
>>439451 just got done toiling tbh didn't even make rent last month let alone the tax, leccy and water bills got through january and february with accrued holiday pay but there's no other income left not long now until the savings start to dip and then it's back to being a benefits scrounger it was all for nothing
>>439453 You're a smart lad figure out how to hide the money and defraud the system, if inbred pakis can do it on an industrial scale I'm sure you can do it too.
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>>439451 >having >not being
>>439455 I think it's more that they don't get punished for doing so rather than there being easy ways to do so smh a britcel toiler getting away with it? no chance
been looking at the polls and it seems like zumpf is going to blitz it. on average as of february-march in a straight Biden vs Trump election without third parties hes: +6-9 in Nevada +3-6 in Arizona +6-7 in Georgia +2-4 in Michigan +2-6 in Pennsylvania +1-2 in Wisconsin All states he lost in 2020. For comparison pic related is what the polls looked like in 2016 before the election.
>>439457 Might be, I know a woman that was never chased for inheritance tax on her parents property.
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>>439458 Only one man can stop him now
>>439459 privileged in many ways smh >>439458 wish we didn't have to care about shartlections tbh
>>439461 they fun thooooo
>>439453 >>439455 gold under the floorboards tbh
>>439463 The sort of shit I nick as soon as I lift them to do some work on your property.
>>439464 jej im sure she will get the same 'racially aggravated criminal damage' charge as Melia did and be sent down
>>439467 pretty sure all those old paintings are insured out the ass so they'll probably sue her after it gets repaired.
>>439466 based lad
>>439469 >DID YOU JUST
>DID YOU JUST say it's the current year?
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When's the film, m'lads?
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>>439448 put a fake coin slot on it and park it outside tower hamlets
Watching Dunc part two this evening
>>439467 smh pooskins and their worshippers will destroy all of western art within the next 100 years if they aren't stopped
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>>439482 His soul is rising from the grave and people are realising he was right.
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>>439482 >mistranslating him to make him sound rational if not sympathetic Every Hortler speech was about Jewish space lasers raping German anuses in his sleep. Debooooonked.
>he's done me
>>439482 >dubs not subs
>clearly australian accent bleeding through the ai keeek
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I heard someone was upset
>God only gave us a small island >still took over the world fucking hell lads, I love being british.
https://youtu.be/rrsGHdnVN40 FRESH ZOOMER HISTORIAN
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>>439492 tbh >>439496 not that heckin NAZI
>>439493 based link smee lad
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>>439500 What's he schimplying here?
Put the film on you old queer
>>439502 Qweeeq I concur.
>>439482 I love Hitler. Why is this nigger making a random video about him?
AI hitler reading mein Kampf please. In English of course
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>>439507 imagine how racially pure the spawn would be
If your wife only gives you daugthers you should be able to continue breeding with one of them
>>439514 I wonder how many mudsharts makeup the frog army
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>>439512 >homer simpson avatar
>run by Kacper Surdy at first I thought poo but no it's just as bad, a poole
KEEEEK I read the whole sharticle and at the bottom there are other suggested ones, with author names >Fleisher, Schaffer, Schaeffer, Guy and Zeitz
>>439519 keeeeeeeeek but also smh
>>439521 The dad looks ready to go Benoit beast mode if his wife burns the next meal
>>439521 Looks jewish but can't find any confirmation beyond that
>>439524 goomergate wont end until Jim finally dies of cancer Funny to think how unusual someone like Brianna wu seemed just 10 years ago and now freaks like that are everywhere
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>>439526 based yank bazza
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Why are scots like this?
>>439529 >and I would walk 300 miles
>>439529 Heroin
>>439529 The difference between me and this guy is that I did nothing illegal. Yet the tranny mafia reported me smh. 9 months wasted, meanwhile police let people being violent on camera walk *screams*
>>439500 They didn't fight they are dissolved anyway.
>>439526 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek anglo phenotype
>>439535 have you been away toilmaxxing these past few threads lad?
>>439532 Shartin nonce detected
>>439526 Killing your wife for cheating ought to be legal tbh they would cheat less if that were the case
>>439536 yeah been training a zoomer how to do shite he looks like robert plant from led zeppelin. also cba to care about polishites these days
>>439540 >been training a zoomer based
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zayum I would kill to have a feast like this rn
>>439542 cheese always creeped me out
>>439543 how lad?
>>439544 just used to thinner less uniformed slices, usualy transluscent
>>439546 fair enough tbh
why is the best tv series in recent years a series about a gay serial killer who vored (dead) bbc?
>>439550 don't even know what you're referring to smh haven't watched tv in ages never anything good on any more
>>439551 tbh think its been nearly a decade since I last sat down and browsed what was on the telly
>38.6°C >>439552 tbh just ads and poz smh occasionally a rerun of something good on just by chance but not regularly enough to justify looking for it
>swedish politician interviewed >starts mewing so he doesn't have to answer questions
well earned tins this weekend lads
>>439554 keeeeek >>439555 good lad
toil even though it's pointless just to waste time until death >>439526 based honour killing boomer >>439539 tbh
>>439557 have fun lad
off to toil.
Good morning and HAPPY RAMADAN LADS!
smorn lads, have a Hitler weekend
>>439562 My nigga
>This no argument ever dick
>>439564 >this cuck midget gets to hang around with the nubian nazi kween and i dont
>>439565 You need to learn to fast talk >He who talks fastest wins! t. destiny
wew It gets worse
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Prawn crackers from thursday's chinky takeaway for breakfast
Ahhh sorry lads I got it wrong. He’s innocent (tm)
>>439571 Grotty
>>439569 Shariah will sort that out in the near future
>>439569 Was wondering what they meant with the language of "guaranteed" but its turns out they are still less barbaric than us with their 14 week limit. The bloodlust will never be quenched
>>439571 based tbh luv those things
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My ancestor.
>>439578 cunning
although really this is just another attempt to convert their pet immigrants to globohomo
>>439580 tbh. Along with panicked Poonak speech and the muzzie memorial, recent events have really hit home how little handle the elite have on the beast they have allowed to grow in this country. Maybe they are confident that the gay will beat islam in the end but I am less sure.
>>439581 smh whoever wins we lose
>>439577 Shows how daft boxing is tbh. No way comparable to irl fighting for a host of reasons but mainly because of its limitations. Yet you have these box queers acting 'arder than thou. tbf it is better than nothing at all It's nearly as fake as wrestling. >>439581 I went to coontown for a doctor appointment and it filled me with hope. Non-whites are so weak and dysgenic. The only enemy we really need worry about is other whites. That's not to say you should underestimate non-whites and get Isandlwanad.
Huge arses farting in the midnight.
>>439584 many such cases
>>439577 Money was on Ngubu but they were wrong. Can’t wait for the Tyson-Paul fight tbh July 20
>>439586 Anyone putting their money on an MMA boxing a boxer is a BUFOON
>bosswoman is engaged to a t*rk >they are obsessed with pokemon and buy eachother lego and toys every year for Christmas etc >she's overweight but constantly going on about what foods she hates Fatties are unironically the fussiest eaters I ever done saw
Southpark is cringe.
>>439587 Tbh a boxer has superior specialist skills
Using his position to shill against an enemy of Israel. Should be booted out immediately for not declaring an interest furthermore everyone in that chamber knew why he was suggesting that. He knows Sunnis and Shias are not ‘brother and sister’
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the bois getting ready for our european land war
>Putting a voting machine in a synagogue in the first place Keeeeeeeeeeek at America tbh
>>439594 >wind up coffins Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>439593 nice how noticing things has become more widespread tbh >>439594 keeeeeeeek
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fucking keeking at disabled people
>mfw someone is less fortunate than me
>>439600 keeeeksmh
>>439600 its been said a million times already, but picrel
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>weekend >no posts The bongo really did a number on this place.
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>>439600 keeeek hasn't there been multiple of these in just one week
>>439605 isn't b*ns bongo the only active one
>>439594 22st liked this post
>>439610 Don't even have to read the story to know it's just a pig Thalidomide baby.
I read Dune, btw. It's shite.
>>439564 wew. She's good
>>439583 t. never boxed
>>439615 I have. Like another poster says, it's good for training specific skills but professional boxing is as fake and theatrical as wrestling. Particularly among niggers who are given weak opponents like Anthony Joshua was. It's very rare that a one to one fight is arranged but you have to go to amateur clubs and shit for that.
Boxing has become a BBCslut sport.
>>439616 Of I thought you meant boxing wasn't a valid and useful form of pugilism. I'm tired of tards saying you just need judo because it ends on the ground anyway.
>>439616 He also didn't look week when he fought Fury, I guess the dosed Nugubus water.
>>439618 >>439619 Yeah, it's better than judo because you don't want to get on the ground in real life. Judo/wrestling is good as a backup - curcial even - but it doesn't compare in importance to boxing. Keep meaning to take up MMA training myself but I'm an "old-ass nigga" smh
>>439623 I'm sure we basically theorised this 2 years ago.
>>439622 Wikipedia article is a bit shit but the indie article (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/murderer-s-final-freedom-the-bizarre-life-of-jack-unterweger-poet-and-killer-of-prostitutes-ends-at-his-own-hand-1417861.html) does a better job. >The first certain victim of that hatred was Margret Schafer, an 18-year-old German murdered in December 1974. During his trial, Unterweger said that at the moment of killing he had seen his mother reflected in Schafer's face, and out of rage for the way he had been abandoned, he throttled her with her bra. It was not an argument that won him sympathy in the court. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. But in jail, the bad boy from the depths of the Austrian underworld vowed to make good. He read voraciously. And he began to write - poems, short, stories, plays, a novel, filled with fury at his childhood deprivations and his own depravity. >Outside, they struck a chord. Peter Huemer, a historian and radio talk-show host, was one of a number of Austrian intellectuals who believed that Unterweger possessed a rare talent. Like many people on the left, Huemer found the 1983 autobiography, Purgatory or the Trip to Jail - Report of a Guilty Man, especially powerful. 'It was authentic, a real cry,' he said. And like many, Huemer signed petitions proclaiming Unterweger a perfect candidate for early release on parole. >When Unterweger was paroled in May 1990 after serving 15 years, many politicians and church leaders welcomed the move. As the governor said: 'We will never find a prisoner so well prepared for freedom.' Bizarre culture tbh.
>>439624 yeah, chuds had to cope with how the all-powerful joo was taking their own poison
>>439626 Anyone that thought that was an idiot.
How was he so right, lads?
>eggy did standup in a dark room full of silent staring judgemental randos and didn't get a single keek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkfLOcc8lZM&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgB wasn't that good tbh
>>439630 I kept thinking he had a dove on his back. smh.
>>439631 He should get one.
>bossman calls you on the weekend to tell you your colleague has gone full retard and you have to work a double shift all week to cover for him *screams*
>>439633 can you not just say no lad or get extra pay
>>439634 I get paid extra for the hours. If I say no we lose the contract
>>439630 wew that's cringe
>>439630 based and jokerpilled
remember, lads, girls will only like you if you were in police custody for murder or rape, not noncery. Best keep that to yourself
>He was surrendering using a generally accepted gesture for please stop don’t shoot, so I shot him 4 times lol >WELL DONE! ABSOLUTE HERO! CONGRATULATIONS! EVERYONE SHAKE HIS HAND!
Fresh Seminole Ridge 2024 lip dub. Not as good as preceding years. Even the hall of retards is inferior. Disappointing.
>>439639 a race of cowards
*enters thread*
Smoked gammon steak, 2 slices black pudding, 3 vine tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms, 2 large eggs and 2 potato farls all fried in lard for supper
>>439644 don't know what a potato farl is lad but sounds peng >ywn feast on roast heron
>>439645 Leftover mashed potato mixed with flour and made into a kind of griddle bread - Jocks call them tattie scones
>>439644 good lad
>>439630 Respect for having a go at it but he sucks. No jokes just boogie style narcissistic whinging.
>>439649 err, taboo comment here but are white people really that good..?
Don't forget to bring your mum flowers lads. You'll make her day.
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>>439652 good lad, but my mummy is a kook tv watcher
>>439654 smh an L for all are lightskin niggas
>>439655 She'll appreciate getting something on mother's day, unless you're not totally estranged. My dad is barmy like Joe Owens but he's chuffed if call him tbh.
>>439657 yeah iktf, it's unfortunately up to us to be the bigger men and put up with our boomers' antics and try to foster the natural relationship that should exist between us, despite them being unconsciously against their children in everything they believe in. love is true toil, believe there are passages in the bible about this
>>439654 blocking punches with your face never ends well.
>>439658 Used to avoid him but now I listen to him ramble over the phone for hours every now and again. As you say I just want him to be happy at this point without really caring if I agree or if what he says is even coherent. Even if we don't really have anything in common, he's delighted to hear from me.
>>439654 Keek that last punch heemed him.
>schizos confidently posting in the PA chat I'm more or less done with these cunts the moment a movement starts that keeps schizo freaks out.
>>439662 >I'm more or less done with these cunts the moment a movement starts that keeps schizo freaks out So you're pro schizo?
>want to goon but the smell of my own farts are so nasty it puts me off can't be bothered to shower for a goon either tbh
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>>439663 How does wanting to filter out schizo freaks make me pro-schizo, lass?
PA are happy to attract schizos because it leads to short term growth. However, it will be forever doomed to the wilderness by people who thinks there are fucking nanobots in the tap water.
is this what trannies have to deal with during sex? poo smell? How do anyone get hard for the pooey hole
there are fucking nanobots in the tap water.
>lass Batty boy.
>>439668 Refuse to trust anyone who isn't drinking filtered tbh.
>>439671 meant for >>439669
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I can't remember the last time a thread declined in quality so far so rapidly tbh
>>439662 some schizos are alright
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Black pudding is based.
>>439673 tbh, we should talk about nostalgic gooms and toys instead
Keep catching a whiff of my stanky bussy. I might actually have to shower
>>439678 forget it. I keep farting. Just singed my ball hairs. Man. It's over. Great weekend
>>439680 I've run out smh
>>439680 ran out a decade ago. i knew i was wasting something precious at the time, but i also knew i was too non-normie shall we say to enjoy going out anyway
>>439654 Ummmmmm…he said nigger.. Daaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm!
i miss nitter
>>439682 tbh tbh
>>439685 It’s still there lad tbh
>>439688 where?
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>>439684 Simon looking like Edgar the Bug.
oh my hitler!
>>439692 finally
>>439692 There's a professor of worms that's always saying Trump is going full worm mode, but when I talk about worms half the replies are saying I'm dramatic.
>10 professors of fascism and 4 doctors of Hitler Nice for us daft lads to finally get some recognition.
>>439692 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek how do I become a doctor of hitler
>>439691 >translates a psalm as a dictionary of hieroglyphics >refuses to elaborate >leaves >>439696 tbh
>>439691 the best was when the christian militiamen dressed as niggers to go and murder joey smith
dbdr is pretty boring now. also the gameplay is cringe and unnecessary, these youtube zoomer incel philosophers all buy those gameplay clips off pajeet
Feel like shit... maybe some carbs can help
>>439707 that fire face is spooky tbqh
>>439711 >women drivers >asian drivers
>>439712 the 3 Os lass. old, oriental, ovaries smdh
thinking about how I'll never own a house, and then realise my parents still don't own their own house 30 years after they "got it"
>>439714 normongs' minds completely blank out the idea of mortgages tbh the amount of them that will proudly announce that they're homeowners when all they've done is put down the minimum deposit smdh conditioned from birth to see paypigging for shekelberg to be normal and natural
>>439715 noticed women on dating apps will say they own when they rent too smh. Landlords voring half their monthly pay after taxes. Imagine being a landlord and lucking out on getting a lass on welfare. Permanent passive income smh
tramps are unironically the only niggas who have the housing scam sussed. it's a shame you can't raise a family as a tramp, otherwise estateagentberg's in trouble
>>439718 tbh tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO3e-UoyVEE love how cool pajeets make the news, wish it wasn't so demure, boring and gay here.
courting a 26 year old single mum... groomingbros.. it's so over
>>439721 used to have this on vhs tbh luv it >>439722 smh the sacrifices lads have to make for the shite race
>>439723 mummy banned me from watching that fantasia scene because it was too spooky kek, but sometimes we would watch it
>>439724 looks kino >>439725 keeeeek
hats absolutely feeeeeeewwwwwwwmin’ on twitter right now >he’s on meth >state dept is anti semidic >Let us kill everything racist Joe! COME TO JESUS
>>439727 The most Lucid he's been in years. Is it really pronounced Keh-ness-et or is that nigger dumn? Always assured it was pronounced nes-it.
>>439727 don't doubt for a second that they give him a little pick-me-up whenever they need to trot him out in front of an audience tbh
>>439697 Sounds like a fun job.
>>439729 He looks like a competent statesman in that interview.
>>439727 half way through this, good lord how did this make it on to tv
>>439732 Israel is tanking their international standing and taking the US's with it so Big Joe has to do some face saving maneuvers to avoid a diplomatic disaster.
>>439733 Tbh there would be no ‘pier’ for gas aid needed if Israel were forced to obey international law. They’ve instead closed all humanitarian corridors on their side. This means they are literally forcing US service personnel to cooperate with their war plans. Amazing to think that they can get away with this bullshit
The west needs to start evilmaxxing in a cool way again tbh let's invade someone
>>439735 Tony Blair is that you?
clocks just btfod me
>>439737 He's done you.
(2.61 MB 720x1280 the-truth.mp4)

Going to post it in the PA chat.
>>439736 I have many forms
>>439740 He still has a deadness around the eyes.
Culture war update Torygraph and the daily heil both running a story on the syrian rapefugee guardian running with a story about the highly effective nudge unit and our spiritually defeated populace
>>439743 what happened in the second video?
>>439744 He got a snowball in the head from an angry New Yorker/neighbour?
>>439745 kek good
>>439742 Britain has no culture war. It's entirely one sided. It's a culture massacre.
almost time for bed, smh 20 tinnies i drank
unironically i drank 20 tins fml, i will have to wake up after this shite
>>439702 Phwoar... Seen the new Sgt Slaughter biography lad? It's kino
>>439749 rip lad
will report back on my hangover in due course. goodnight daylads
>>439654 The girl filming is a qt.
Auslad smite this BBCslut right now!
>at family's for mummy's day >xoomer uncle says [something economically sensible] is communist] >grand mummy says "I think I've always been a communist" >xoomers talking about failure to to build enough houses >mention it's literally impossible to keep up with immigration >but if you fly over most of the country is empty 🤦
>>439758 you obviously don't know what you're talking about, if you minced everyone into a fine paste you could fit 300 billion people in britain just fine
>>439755 >free speech union staunchly defends state persecution of political dissidents Fucking hate Torybois aaaaahhgg.
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>>439739 letterboxing on that cunt holy shit
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEK apparently US dropping supplies on gaza killed 5 people
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>439756 >caring about AI slop at all
>>439762 17 more injured I think
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Saw a deformed or possibly bogged lad that looked like this cartoon today.
think I just made a piesagna tbh or maybe a cottage piesagna lean turkey mince, diced mixed veg, dolmio sauce and 4 year old lasagna sheets then I got some 1 day expired milk out and expired mozzarella and 4 year old flour in a tin to make a cheese bechamel but fucked up the ratios so it's really nice and thicc might come out as a pie crust in an hour keeeek
self raising flour too keeeek
thanks mr. chimp
>>439773 what are you reading on archiveofourown (one of many tumblr-adjacent progressive shart and smut literature sites) lad? >can find the chimp profile but not what it's commented on >someone wrote smut for the monke (pic rel)
>check authors profile >prominent nonce and underage tags don't think this chimp lad is very based tbh
piesagnia almost done but I vored all the leftover cheesaucepastrymix whatever abomination I made early and can't have a taste until dinnertime smh
>>439763 Old man yells at cloud. As bad as seething at woke emojis no one ever uses.
>>439764 You're too old for her son pack it in. Tbh sending your teenage daughter to meet DiCaprio is failed parenting.
>>439779 >You're too old for her >21
>middle aged chads just effortlessly shagging early 20s babes 6 ways to sunday >incels have to battle to the death for scraps and still get nothing
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>defending a post of AI generated BBC cuck fantasy porn hours after it was even mentioned >(1) typical, Auslad ban the tranny pls
>>439780 One of the lasses Caprio is dating was a 19 year old fashion student living at home who was flown in from Paris. Its almost adoption at that point.
>replying (1) to a (2) when your bullshit is called out as hysterical, womanly derangement typical (25)er
Double posting doesn't count.
Deranged tranny faggot.
>>439783 >19 My b*sexual ex-gf had had about 30 different threesomes (in all arrangements) by that age, lad.
See how the trannies went quiet? They've been found out.
>another abrams destroyed >another patriot battery destroyed
>>439793 its so over for ukraine
>>439793 nobody cares
4chan is fucking cringe. There's nothing of value on there anymore and hasn't been for eight years or so. At least the memes used to be funny. It's the same with all of the chans tbh. Peak 8chan was great, you could even have insightful arguments. A time long gone.
Even /gif/ is just nigger dick spam. Literally unbrowseable.
>>439791 Shagging is different. >Dating a bisexual Never ends well smh.
>>439796 tbh it's really no different than reddit. wish it would have died when m00t left
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>>439800 Ahhhhh britain
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>>439783 > Its almost adoption at that point. Wait till your hear how couples got married for millennia before ~1900
(2.46 MB 498x498 dune-part-2.gif)

I am literally him
>>439804 >I am literally him okay jew
kek wrong file
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literally me
>>439807 Is this an analogy for autism?
>>439755 This should count then because it’s exactly. EXACTLY does what it is designed to d. Inflame racial hatred >>439756
>>439807 he should of stroked a PUUSSSAAAAAAAY instead
>>439810 >rare Fuck off you cunt.jpg
>>439812 so based >chief justice burger keeeek
>>439814 The descendants of Yakub have such powerful brains, they needed to be well ventilated.
>>439812 nixon seemed to be one of the last people in the shart government who really wanted to improve things
>>439814 just look at that trigger discipline!!
>>439815 >The descendants of Yakub have such powerful brains, they needed to be well ventilated. yeah, like a graphics card.
>>439818 starving african children rotating apples in 16k because they have no real food
>>439041 gee bee newes
>>439822 >he is le racist but supports le coal burning
another week gone
grim sunday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ccVSSFBd_w some fresh dystopiakino on the horizon out of Haiti
>>439825 could be worse lad, at least you aren't hungover. always amazed me how quickly the best part of the week on saturday becomes the worst most looming part of the week overnight
thread over
smh lost my poostcount lets start a new thread lads
kind of want the ottoman empire back ngl. would sort out this israel shite and make them the problem of turkey not le west
Hope you lads are busy
toil imminent now, it's the commute and walking through the door i dread the most. once you're there it's usually tolerable after a covfefe
>>439836 tbh the anticipation of toil is an amalgam of every bad day you've ever had but the actual toilday is just mundane
>>439838 yh it's fine if you can sneak in undetected and just blend in on monday. thing is mondaytoil is always that day when everything for the week ahead is being figured out, but all the managerial proto-toilbergs are just as hungover and sleep deprived as you so you musn't feel like you're stanfding out. that said in my younger years i did show up to toil still steaming tinniefucked and it was detrimental to my life smh
>>439839 >show up to toil still steaming tinniefucked keeeeeeeeek iktf lad
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>>439835 Yer a poundshop Maldis. Free Aeryn.
>>439841 >farscape
starting another five week course tomorrow tbh excited for this one because it isn't shite i already know going to learn some construction stuff and get some certification
>>439843 Good lad. Gotta do your white guilt penance patriotic duty and get building dwelling units over every square inch of your green and deadly land so Rajesh and Xiao don't get vored by croccies.
>>439844 keeeeeeeke
shoutout to saltwater crocodiles who actually put in work and vore rajesh, xiao and mbengo unlike the so called hwhite race
https://files.catbox.moe/lzkdjh.mp4 First 5 seconds this niggress fatally bashes a girls skull in. Apparently for using the word nigger. Smdh. >>439846 Keek tbh smh.

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