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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3949: Saltwater Crocodile Edition Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 06:59:12 Id: 04b860 No. 439848
Labour will not bail out bankrupt councils, Rachel Reeves says https://news.sky.com/story/labour-will-not-bail-out-bankrupt-councils-rachel-reeves-says-13091728 Minister fails to name which groups or individuals will fall under new definition of extremism https://news.sky.com/story/minister-fails-to-name-which-groups-or-individuals-will-fall-under-new-definition-of-extremism-13091632 Do they know something we don't? American titans Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Mark Zuckerberg, Jamie Dimon and Walmart's Walton family sell a staggering $11 BILLION in stock - as billionaires cash out before looming election https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13180433/billionaires-Jeff-Bezos-Leon-Black-Mark-Zuckerberg-sell-stocks.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:49:47.
>>439848 >their territory actually stretches to India and they eat Pajeets there often Based water dragons.
>>439850 doing the jobs lazy brits don't want to do
>>439848 Good neetlad keeping are freds going
>>439852 np lad got nothing but time right now don't know why lads are so hesitant to make new threads though smh it's easy hardest part is thinking of an edition tbqh and usually there's some inspiration either in the news or at the end of the old thread
been eating a lot of oats lately and noticing that i no longer feel hungry between meals
damn tough crowd tonight
Morning lads
>>439856 good smorbning lad
>>439858 we'll win lads
>>439859 It’s inevitable tbh
smorn, yes a day of chasing payments I think
I love self employment
>>439861 good smorbius lad
>>439863 Still neeting it?
>>439864 unfortunately yes lad keep sending out applications but all i get is silence or no must admit the places that actually give me a clear no do endear me to them somewhat just for the courtesy i'll still keep applying however
although on the neet topic if someone could poost that neet orangutan painting that i love so much i would be very grateful the one sitting on the sofa drinking bintang luv that picture
>>439865 Is there no way to study for the degree you were going after in the meanwhile?
>>439866 My orangutan folder is lacking and also spread out between many many other reaction pics.
>>439867 i could attempt it but i doubt i'd get very far have a hard time concentrating as it is tbh without worrying about which meals i need to skip to make rent this week want to get back to studying but i doubt i'd get far without a stable baseline to fall back on just want a nine til five but apparently that's too much to ask these days >>439868 tbh tbh same also on a new computer and haven't moved everything over yet
>>439869 Lad we all know that coffee baristas need at least 3 years in a Roman deli just inside a hilly village along a forgotten road located somewhere in Southern Tuscany before they're qualified to work anywhere near a starbucks or costa coffee.
applied to a job half an hour away scrubbing down floors in a warehouse freezer haven't heard anything back yet smh think they're looking for somebody a little more developmentally disabled >>439870 tbh it's a fucking joke how everything needs a cert 3 in such and such to do whatever credentialism is a cancer but so long as it exists i'll milk it to get either a paying job or credentials i hate it
>>439871 Its one of those things once you have your foot in the door you're good. Otherwise spraypaint yourself brown and and pretend you're completely u documented and you'll be working in a warehouse or a fastfood chain in under an hour.
My brother went from using a microwaves to heat weatherspoons food to catering for fine dining . It just took a while for him to get his foot in the door and get the catering training.
jealous of steiner tbqh sounds like it's still a cowboy industry over there >>439872 >>439873 tbh it's the foot that does it just got to position myself and wait for my ship to come in
>>439874 building is still pretty unregulated here as well tbf.
>>439875 good news for me tbh might be able to learn some skills and come back home
only reason i stayed in australia so long was to get my degree and then bail without paying smh luv australia i really do but i never meant to stay here so long thought i'd be done and gone by 25 tbh best laid plans and all that
>>439877 Consider roping yourself a raft of foreigners and paddling back to blighty yourself.
Gentlemen. Women >be immensely wealthy posho >get rapist boyfriend >get 5 kids with him >kill one by ‘sleeping on it’ to stop it going into care >throw body in woods, placenta found in burned out car you set fire to https://courtnewsuk.co.uk/constance-marten-blames-herself-for-babys-death/ >Aged 35, Constance, is from a high status family with her father being a page to Queen Elizabeth II and grandmother Mary Anna Marten was the goddaughter of the late Queen Mother. >Aformer drama student, Constance has also graced the pages of Tatler and was labelled their 'babe of the month' back when she was studying. >She was brought up alongside her two brothers, Maximilian and Tobias at Crichel House, one of the most beautiful homes in England situated on 5,000 acres of Dorset Parklands. >However, reports suggest Constance began living a more isolated life in 2016, when she met boyfriend, and convicted rapist Mark Gordon
>>439878 if that's what it takes tbh doubt i could get them to stay still long enough >>439879 >brown need not read any further what a fucking dead end smh
>>439872 pray paint yourself brown hide on a Qantas flight to the UK, Five Bames in London will hire you immediately
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Smorbles, lads
night lads big day tomorrow >>439882 smorble lad a very based base to launch your morning from
>>439882 A little worried how that dog set that all up with no opposable thumbs or a frontal lobe.
>>439883 Night lad good luck
>>439882 Smorb lad.
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bit noncey
>>439888 Had a troon sprung on me in a social situation yesterday tbh. Called it a he but it didn’t say anything. I was waiting for fireworks. Discovered it lives about 5 miles away from me as well smh. It was staring,unblinking and deep voiced with long hair with an obvious male side parting at the front but with a ponytail. but beardless. Scary tbh. Everyone was calling it she and with a female name. Don’t know what’s wrong with people enabling this shit tbh. Proper meme coder job as well. At least it didn’t have purple hair I suppose
>>439866 such kino
>bombs random muslim country flat occasionally >embarks on murderous revenge attacks Hey. Happy Ramadan
Absolutely totally unaware of how pathetic they sound to normies tbh. Anything for that power and shekel
>posts wholesome video for Steiner to enjoy
>>439893 keeeeeeeeeek yeah coming across troons irl is a strange experience
>>439902 I hope he sees this and has nothing more to do with her and her rotten line.
>>439902 would dump for putting it on the internet.
Getting mocked and infantilised for just wanting a healthy relationship that can be built on.
>women btfo by a woman Please forgive the lithping nonce https://youtu.be/rwO8YWmMDcs
kek Douglas Murray getting to feel like one of the girls.
>>439909 >that lithp >cockey lopsided smug grin >histrionics Hate him ngl.
Nudge unit making their shills get to work again https://www.theguardian. com/world/2024/mar/10/survivors-of-uk-terror-attacks-warn-dont-equate-muslims-with-extremists
>David Davis resigns from link integrity
Tories plead for votes and if this doesn’t work will promise to build more mosques and implement shariah law and make head coverings mandatory for all women ( executions of gays not off the table ) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68529601
>>439913 >117m quid to protect group most likely to victimise others
>>439913 A people say the Tories don't conserve anything? smh.
>>439914 Vote buying
Whoops wrong pic! Sorry Shona!
A buttocks with a thousand eyes!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx8-stRUOxU I have no horn and I must honk.
>>439920 one hundred toilets pointing at one another
>>439918 dios mio
man it's hot outside. Could use some RAPE to cool down with ngl
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>>439842 good lad
>>439924 This must be why Hitchens hates the term. Useless boomer has never explained it before. Going to be even more sure to not use "the UK" now.
what is the larpiest nomenclature to refer to these lands as tbh The Occupied Territories of Great Britain The Traitor's Parliaments of Britain Asset Strip One
>>439929 The defiled druids grove.
A tomb of pulsating anuses, grasping at you like the suction cup of an octopus.
I sort of miss spic tbh
>>439932 I hope he's dead tbh
anus sore us rexes
>>439932 really?
>>439932 perhaps he is posting on the spic boards here now or on his coomer board >help me lads I was seized by a compulsion and had to stop gooning to massive mutt mammaries in order to copy-paste q into notepad seven thousand times
>>439935 yeah it was fun arguing with him sometimes
>>439936 he had his own personal goon board?
>>439939 It's called /interracial/
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>>439940 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>439913 >>439914 whats crazy about this is its just applying a program that already exists for Jews to muslims but funnily gives them way less. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Security_Trust the charity that recieves the most money from the state is the Community Security Trust, an exclusively Jewish organisation that funds security installations in Jewish institutions and neighbourhoods. They also hire other Jews to be security guards by the group to patrol Jewish areas. A total grift job.
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Isn't it mad how God punishes sinners? (I'm talking about degenerates dying from AIDS and that)
>>439945 more like justified tbh
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>>439949 Honour kill her now.
>>439950 She's now cheating on her husband with her therapist. He should get it done. I'm actually pissed because fair enough choosing H over smee, but now she's fucking this other guy and won't let smee fuck her.
>>439951 Honour kill her now.
REFORM HAVE THEIR FIRST MP! We are so hecking back lads
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>downie Hungarian lass suddenly starts singing along to the radio >I GODA FILLUN DAT DOONIGHTS GUNNA BE A GUUD NI >>439939 keeeeeeek
>>439951 send an anonymous tip to h >>439956 snased don't like yidsrael but its nice to see brown palicels getting btfo
>>439952 But there's space for Sam Melia, and others. Hate this corrupt shithole.
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>>439957 sissy brown boys get physically melted by these niggas regularly
>>439959 nice truck
>>439956 they ended up walking backwards tho. kek.
three antifa stabbed after attacking french nationalist outside a cafe https://nitter.poast.org/flav_frd/status/1755610211673678026#m
"2 of the 3 young people will have lifelong consequences from the knife attack in Lyon. They are terrified at the idea of meeting ext-right activists again." LOOOOOOOOOOL https://nitter.poast.org/ArnaultRaphael/status/1754564311995879611#m
>>439966 was hoping they would have died
Why are so many speedrunners now trannies?
>>439969 autism
you guys all bought avax when i told you to 4 years ago right?
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George Galloway's Respect party is changing tack from pandering to moslems to pandering to weaboos. Truly a man of the people.
His party is actually the Worker's Party now, Respect was dissolved. Good enough for a joke though.
Morning lads >Infowars talking about jewlaw https://rumble.com/v3tis7p-infowars-network-feed-live-247.html
>>439956 All I see here is men dressed like Israeli cops using Israeli policing tactics to attack a albeit radical feminist pro Palestine march and then start backing off when some of the men in the fringes of that march start getting involved tbh Stunning and brave https://nitter.poast.org/guapa_celeste/status/1766171567459868827
>>439959 They have retvrned to monke
>>439925 keeeeeeeeek
shite first day lads nothing but paperwork that took far too long we were waiting around for about three or four hours doing absolutely fuck all because some office drone didn't email us some document that we all had to sign smh spent the time chatting with the lad sat next to me though and he was a decent sort volunteers at a wildlife sanctuary and lost his job and his depth perception after an eye injury didn't lose the eye though luckily >>439975 smh why must bins always be the first casualty of civil unrest
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>>439979 He could take a niggers fingers off as they were reaching for something to steal.
>>439968 tfwnogf
>>439984 not enough fried meat
>>439984 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek been doing massive poos lately
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>>439987 Hope they don't do that while performing a C section
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Steiner, no!
>>439987 smh everybody wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit
>>439991 can't believe the bbc would air this kind of anti-semitic filth smdh suppose it's to be expected considering the evil racist far-right tory fascists are currently in power
bowl of xo sauce seafood flavour noodles for dinner as a rare treat no idea what xo sauce is but the sweetness of shrimp pairs well with sweetcorn in a mildly spicy broth and it's very nice
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>>439994 impressive widow's peak tbh
shnight lads
>>439996 nite lad
>>439996 Horrific nightmares, lad. Had one about being covered in spiders last night me.
I love her.
>>439987 >Hey girls! Look at this shit! Still wanna have kids!?
I hate her.
>>439991 War criminals gonna war criminal
>>440005 >Benton i bet he likes a good lobbying
>bbk kept this one quiet
>>440008 Eemember when he got pissed off at Woes on Millenniyule for not having read his book Imagine being so out of touch you think Woes would do any actual prep work for an interview
>>440009 When you're the GodRod you make the rules.
>>440009 Yeah keeeeeek
keeking at the time aggnonce told me to just let my race mixing cousin fuck some octoroon
>colleague forgot to get his licence renewed >bossman is away >I have to drive my colleague's route with his semi-truck >while also teaching a literal retard my route >he does not have a truck licence so he has to drive a van >meaning i have to load all the heavy things he can't >finish my route and get surprised when I see he hasn't parket yet, which he should have done 3 hours ago >call him >he's delivering parcels to people's home adresses instead of the adresses of their work, which is written on them 3 more days of this
>>440016 >>while also teaching a literal retard my route Please don't try to fuck this one
>>440018 he's male and old. The girl I tried to meet only had snanxiety
>>440020 oh my god no *screams*
>>440020 disappointing amount of ytoids there
auslender sneep auslender snorp
>>440020 KEEEEEEK I'd just get up and fucking walk.
PA is getting more and more fucking cringe. I might just bounce at this fucking point.
>>440026 In what way are they cringe?
>>440026 what the alternative to PA
>>440029 Hullo I'm here on Church Street on this not so busy Sunday afternoon. I've been walking around the city centre for several hours now as new arrivals are STILL all around.
PAA = Patriotic Alternative Alternative.
>>440029 Haven't joined meself tbh but /brit/ alumnus youkipperlad is all in
>>440033 My favourite splinter is Patriotic Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative.
>>440033 they seem like good lads
>>440033 >>440035 this is the PA offshoot opened by a seething retard who wanted to take sole control of all PA membership doxxes despite having previously been implicated in losing and/or exposing BNP details he had sole control over
at best just another egotistical cunt who grasps at power and can't stand not being the biggest bully in the room and at worst a traitor and a spy
I like the fact that their "clear them out" poster looks like an advertisement for Alton Towers Resort.
>>440037 >another egotistical cunt who grasps at power smh seems like there has been a number of these types in the past few years
>>440020 Smh the army is just glorified special ed.
>>440025 I'd self-immolate.
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>>440042 Why did he keep pouring?
>Forced insemination Hmmmmmmmmmmm
they doxxed ar' stonetoss
>>440046 They got him!
So the tosser is a plump Texan with a German surname https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/12/stonetoss-redpanels/
>>440051 There will be a lot of pakis in this nu army then
Canadian law would allow judges to hand down life sentences for "speech crimes" (no, this isn't a joke) https://notthebee.com/te328
>just kind of finish rebuilding the countr after deduction of ww2 >open it up to gays and migrants >now trying to start a hot war with Russia for American bosses Yeah. They’re dumb https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-meet-polands-leaders-nato-funding-against-russia-2024-03-12/ >"A return to the status quo ante is not possible. Russia’s imperialistic ambitions and aggressive revisionism are pushing Moscow toward a direct confrontation with NATO, with the West and, ultimately, with the whole free world," Duda wrote.
>>440050 Its hard to accept that Emmanuel Macron smashes 70 year old French pussy, but it's the disgusting truth that can not be dismissed.
>>440052 Doubt
>>440057 About 50% of pakistanis in the uk dont work
>>440054 based jews owning niggers
>>440058 You will not see them in the army though. They’re talking about white working class
>>440051 not only will this not happen. nothing infact ever will.
>>440053 Canada has the most retarded laws on earth. Pajeets sneak on a plane without papers and become a citizen. Girlfriend can claim alimony after a few years of dating. Say anything and you get a life sentence.
we're doing it lads. think more racist thoughts and we'll have them all on the run soon. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13151715/SUE-REID-migrants-sneak-Channel-Britain-worst-decision.html
>>440063 >The dark-haired teenager puts his head in his hands and starts to cry. Tears well up in his eyes as he says pathetically: ‘I hate Britain and wish I had never come here. I want to go back to France. Then, I will have a big party. It will be the happiest day of my life.’ KEK.
mad how xoomers really like that old cartoon beavis and butthead. they like some absolute shite the xoomers
is though
Fortunately we don't share DNA with them or anything.
Getting emotional thinking about the Giant of Kandahar again
>>440063 finally some good news for once
>>440056 He's gay you dolt.
smorn niggers
Morning lads
>>440074 >>440075 smorb lads >>440076 nice that people are more aware of their tricks these days
>>440078 They even produce those coffee coloured mutts to try and better control their wog slaves.
>>440078 of course smh
>>440071 tbh smh we should raid the smithsonian couple hundred of our guys and they wouldnt be able to do anything
WW3 might come from an unexpected place
>>440082 wew keeeeeeeek can't say i saw that one coming
>>440084 good tbh no complaints when repatriation starts
>>440084 >"nah'ink" FUCKING LEAVE THEN
These new Floyds are happening too often to have any real chance at a chimpout
>>440087 SMDH bet if it was some white man holding a scythe stood in the middle of a wheatfield minding his own business he'd never have got shot. Clearly RACISM is the problem here.
>>440087 Engineers. Engineers with gardening implements to do autstic cross country garden engineering everywhere
>>440093 Simply cannot wait for the Tory party to get utterly raped at the GE
>>440094 Heard Tories are trying to get rid of Poonak but I just wish all so called Parlimentarians would board the Bibby Stockholm and fuck of for good from these isles tbh. They are of no benefit to anyone but themselves and their mates
Never should have happened in the first place, shameful https://www.bbc.com/news/health-68549091
>>440096 They're just rolling this shite back to get us onboard with the great third meat grinder they're preparing.
>>440095 So true George Boris being restored as leader would be the best damage mitigation, but nothing will save them now i dont think
>>440097 I think along with the few crumbs to rightoids politicians will give, mass media is going to get gradually less frivolous. Soaps less 'woke' up to less gossip celeb shite pushed by omgthedaileymail. Have some hope nobody will fall for it and conscription won't work.
What's going on with these black people? They're not black and they're not people.
>>440102 It would've been his best material of the night,
Rapefugee chimp out in an Irish hotel
>>440104 The owners get a nice sum to house this lot, I have no sympathy for them.
>>440105 tbh the owners of these places should be among the first to hang
In minecraft*
The election will yield a fractured minority labour government that will yield a snap election in two years time (screen grab this, m'dudes)
>>440105 Wonder who's paying for that.
is though
It isn't. They shouldn't be here. Don't delve into stupidity as though you fucking pay remotely enough tax to fund these niggers.
How about: Kill Niggers! Needing to be a bitch about things and attack the niggers sideways.
>>440112 yeah, tax payers are paying for that shit, lad. smh
>russia has increased their recon capabilities to such a degree that they are now able to spot ukrainian formations 80 km behind enemy lines and destroy them within 2-3 minutes ukies being hammered in the last 2 weeks
>>440016 Update.... this time he overslept(his second day mind you) and got lost on his way to the city. He is supposed to deliver parcels but can't even get from a to b smh. Then he forgets certain parcels at the warehouse which I have to drive with a semi-truck instead of him driving them with his van. He then can't follow direct instructions and gives me attitude when I say he has to be more economic and optimal in his choice of route. I wake up today with messages from a lot of customers who haven't gotten their wares because he hasn't scanned them out and takek pictures of their location so we don't even know if he has delivered them at all, or where. *screams* oh yeah >wakes up to 2 hour free time before next toil *screams*
>>440116 Rooting for this retard tbh
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>>440104 Fugees dey season dem hotels fr fr
bbk be wildin’
>>440121 Dindupendents
>>440121 Wew, Galloway looks... not good.
>>440132 >"particular individual" NAME THEM
>>440131 Is he still a member of the labour party? Writing a Peter Hitchens like article while campaigning to give/keep power to lab or cons is dishonest or retarded.
>>440132 cant listen to this lispy cunt for 5 minutes what's he saying?
>>440132 fucking hell
What would be the national anthem if King Charles grew a beard? God Shave the King
>>440131 >We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066 That's optimistic.
>>440137 Good one lad. Except he has cancer so no need to shave.
forgone the tender company of that young and gentle tart my yearning for her lingers like steam off my shart
>mentions 2 things about troons and nothing about immigration fodder and swill for boomer mongs
>the 2 funny posters of /brit/ died driving home from work on the 11th of March... 2023
>>440144 whomst?
>>440143 the media has locked boomers like him in a mind prison
Feel like pure shit. Just want him back.
>>440144 weird head cannon but okay, lass.
I'm an alcoholic who even posts here anymore other than steiner and linksposter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwJvVTQ6-0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89FHgivPGd0 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>440149 Everybody here is an alcoholic. And that's a good thing.
smh neobossman seems to be a meth head. he took the deposit for a deck project and fucked off for a week and only just showed up on the job at noon today and he doesn't even have money to pay the chudlet 400 in labor. luckily already found a better new bossman who is a brickie who will teach me to brick a chimney for 35 an hour and then he has a big dock and a platform deck to build
>>440150 Keeeek, Reminded me of one of those elephant rampage videos.
>>440152 >and then he has a big dock
>>440154 yeah we get to pour underwater concrete and set the dock together
watching more cummins sled trucks
4cuck brit is full of doped up wasters.
>>440150 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>440160 yeah they've seen better days
>>440161 yeah, started going there again for the first time in about 8 years or whatever it was. bit shite like.
wews should start his own party
>>440163 >wews should start his own party nah he shouldn't. he's a fat slob.
he's better just staying online and not embarrassing folk.
>>440166 this again lad? board always had a scat fetish, now you're bringing the piss too.
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Too much melanin in the new batch of starters at work smh now I'm going to have to start taking a bicycle lock with me
just think of all the women who would voote for him
I miss richard nixon
>>440167 don't forget the bollock busting
>>440166 wew Stone Cold needed to drink more water
>>440169 I think that ship has sailed, lad. He's grottier than ever before, and doesn't have the YouTube clout anymore.
>>440173 tbh you're probably right
Good old Joe Marsh
>>440176 Massive group of good lads should just squat there.
Probably send the army in for that tbh.
>>440181 zoomers already did lad, go into town and see for yourself
>>440182 A perm mullet and a moustache, lad? Surely not. Can zoomies even grow facial hair?
>>440181 >smoking in restaurants brought back a memory smh a nice little greasy spoon i used to sometimes go to with the family >>440183 mullet and 'tache is making a resurgence over here tbh no perms though
>>440184 often considered taking up pipe smoking tbh seems very comfy
if i recall the cafe was called rj's and it was a little bit dingy and the tables were wood-pattern laminate there were salt and pepper shakers on every table and the pepper was white pepper not black pepper as is the fashion these days it was a little bit cramped but not especially so except the toilet was upstairs at the back
>>440176 They're gonna try and wipe us this century.
>>440181 Why would he want to look like a German/Dutchman?
>>440189 For sure What is also sure the are always doing the opposite of what they say they are doing
>>440189 key word "try" so far their only weapons have been incompetence inefficiency and a complete inability to communicate between departments they have seeded this at every level of every organisation that they control i don't really see them changing tack fast enough for it to make a difference they rigged west zog to collapse and now at the last minute they want to declare total war on east zog while also exterminating the only fools who would actually fight for them? i just don't see it happening tbh we might not win but they are sure as hell going to lose
>>440192 the war could just be to facilitate collapse.
smorn lids >>440192 get over to Alice Springs and start a warband lad
>>440193 tbh tbf wouldn't put it past them for them to all think they can catch the last plane out of saigon running away from nations in flames is what they do best not sure why they think they'd be welcomed when they land though tbh there are no unjewed countries any more and at this point fleeing means stepping on some other jew's toes i'll be very disappointed if i don't see a jew civil war in my lifetime >>440194 >Alice Springs no thanks lad i'd prefer a warband that won't sell me out in the middle of the night for a slab of vb and a pack of durries
>>440195 Dooms day bunkers in New Zealand and probably China.
>>440196 tbh heard of the new zealand stuff before hope the kiwis kill them all and loot their bunkers tbqh know the chinks will because they'd do that to their fellow chinks without hesitation so they definitely won't hesitate on a jew
i feel i may have gone a little too far there however i stand by the overall sentiment
>hurr i just want an equal place for men and women no you don't you just want to ruin something that men enjoy because your ovaries told you to
met a nice lass on my course tbh looking forward to four more weeks with her luv women i doe
im still unemployed bros
>>440205 same lad but we'll get through this together
>woke up
>>440207 i'm so sorry to hear that lad
>>440208 many such cases terrible!
>>440209 to be quite honest
rereading simon scarrow's wellington and napoleon books and he has almost as much as a humiliation hardon for napoleon as ridley scott smh in the boyhood chapters he writes him being forced to eat frog noble spit and get arse caned by older boys and stuff, surprised he didn't go the full willybums route it was that bad
>>440200 Told some boomer woman yesterday how much you needed to earn to get a mortgage and pay bills as well >Well I don’t earn that and I’m a doctor! >yeah well when you bought a house you didn’t need to earn it did you? Most of our generation live in rented rooms masquerading as flats and it take over 10 yeas to save a deposit if you can keep a job and no calamity happens >Well a least you have a roof! While they offer half million houses in London to migrants for £178 a week who then refuse them because ‘no parking space’. Hate boomers especially the women who chat shit like this tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXbqyiKifzY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBQC1PDGu-M
>>440207 Many such cases.Terrible
while on the topic of women fresh piggies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z27pxTtoLDo
>>440211 smh what is it with boomoids (i.e. boomers and gen x) that makes them hate their own and fellate other cultures so smdh >>440212 good lad they'll never fully accept the truth but if you can make them uncomfortable for a while that's good enough >>440214 yet still chuds endure a dry streak curious
>>440214 >Isle of Wight ought to just relocate all the locals to Bristol and start over smh
>headlines carefully crafted to create an excuse for money to be squandered on needless ‘security’ Last stabbing happened in an alley near the mosque and victim ran to it seeking help. Would guarantee interethnic tbh meanwhile threat continues to our own and government busy trying to introduce thoughtcrime legislation to protect violent so called minority ideology and persecute anyone against plantation agenda - Labour says it isn’t extreme enough https://www.itv.com/news/2024-03-13/gove-unveils-new-extremism-definition-to-tackle-challenge-to-democracy
>>440217 >conduct that falls short of criminality but is still deemed “unacceptable” there's no way this can stand for long
>>440219 Literally thoughtcrime 0 freedom here now tbh if it interferes with their money making schemes
Interesting >old Pali makes some good points >top little hats hanging up on Bibi >there is no word for accountability in Hebrew - we don’t need it in our society >Israelis calling each other terrorists https://nitter.poast.org/kingmobi_/status/1768042313496863039
>>440220 it's honestly atrocious
My mistake steiner Come and get your yentas
>jewdad egging his daughters on to bully are guardsmen who sign up to die in their wars Not nice tbh
>>440225 rape them tbh if you get it on camera he'll probably thank you for it and haggle for 66.6% of the net profit
>>440226 Keeeeeeeeek. They love talking about rape tbh
>>440227 >st patrick got rid of all the snakes in ireland >actually there weren't any snakes and also snakes were probably a good thing anyway and also you should thank the jewish community for introducing snakes to ireland
>>440228 they're wearing out their welcome
>>440229 The snakes were the jews methinks
>All this bullying
The whip hand days are here tbh
>>440231 careful lad might have to ban you for that anti-semitism >>440232 smh it always ends with the police
Good old Nick
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>>440233 Any non white and/or foreign person arguing with a native and telling them what to do gets me so angry.
>>440236 Tbh it’s proper rage fuel being told what to do in your own homeland by literal first gen blowins
>>440237 this would mean more to me if: i knew who he was he was white he was talking about something i cared about etc
tempted again to learn dutch tbh seems so easy it's basically english with a really strong accent then you know 90% of afrikaans too tempting but then they have that gay tikkie shite double edged sword
>>440239 Still good a protected class are talking about it
>>440240 What would you use it for though? Learn Russian or Arabic more useful. Arabic isn’t that difficult apparently could blag a high paying job with those languages
too much seethium today
nacht jongens >>440242 tbh wouldn't really use it for anything just a feather in my cap i suppose
>>440244 night lad
>>440244 Night lad
>>440244 night Lad
>>440244 morning lad
>>440235 >Anglo-Zionist Don't like this phrase tbh
hey, new character just dropped on /brit/ 👋😳
>>440250 hows bedford these days
MICHAEL GOVE ATTACKS PA IN PARLIAMENT https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/open_letter_michael_gove https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68564577 >The new extremism definition applies to, but does not criminalise, groups promoting an ideology based on "violence, hatred or intolerance".
Today in parliament you listed Patriotic Alternative as one of five groups in Britain that are being assessed as to whether they fall under the Government’s new definition of ‘extremism’. The fact that such actions are being taken without due diligence or parliamentary oversight or debate is anti-democratic in itself, but more worrying is that from this point onward anyone rejecting what the Government terms ‘liberal democracy’ could fall foul of this draconian legislation. This presents a major threat to both freedom of speech and freedom of association and is a dangerous step toward a totalitarian state where those who do not adhere to state doctrine are silenced and have their human rights curtailed. This would all be bad enough; however you went further and used your parliamentary Privilege to make several completely misleading claims about Patriotic Alternative, which we seek to rectify here. Your first false claim is that Patriotic Alternative seeks ‘forced repatriation’ of ethnic minority groups. This is completely and demonstrably false; we have a policy of voluntary repatriation for settled immigrants and the only people we seek to forcibly deport are illegal migrants and foreign criminals – something that the Conservative Party have repeatedly pledged to do but failed to make good on. We also oppose mass immigration – a view that is held by a large section of the voting population and something that the Conservative Party have again repeatedly pledged to get under control whilst in reality increasing net migration to new highs. Your second claim is that Patriotic Alternative seek a ‘White ethnostate’. To clarify this, we state in our policies that: “The British people are made up of the English, Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh. These are the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom and only they have an ancestral claim to it. The United Kingdom is the only place where the British people, and they alone, can realise their natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination. As such, we will pass a Nation State Law to enshrine this principle and ensure the British people never become a minority or second-class citizens in their ancestral homeland.” In short, we stake a claim to the ancestral homeland of our people and declare that our homeland should be governed for the benefit of our people. You are an ardent supporter of the state of Israel, a state that has a nation-state law worded in a very similar way to the proposal that we are in favour of. If you support such a law for the Israeli people, why are you so offended that the indigenous people of the British Isles would also campaign for a similar law in order to protect our cultural and ethnic interests? This would not be the creation of a ‘white ethnostate’ as you put it, but in fact ethno-states for the constituent nations of the British Isles – on the mainland that would be the English, the Scottish and the Welsh. We believe that the indigenous people of these islands should never become a minority and should remain what we term a ‘super-majority’, this however does not mean that those of migrant descent would not remain here or that such people would be forcibly removed (unless under the conditions that they were here illegally or had committed crimes on British soil). Your third claim was that we endorse ‘neo-Nazi ideology, we reject this claim. In fact, we have repeatedly attempted to register Patriotic Alternative as a political party in order to participate in the democratic process and stand in elections. It is however the Home Office, which currently operates under your very government, which has pressured the Electoral Commission in order to prevent us from registering as a political party – effectively denying us our democratic rights to stand in elections and also denying the public the right to vote for us. This represents a bureaucratic impediment to the democratic process that you claim to be in favour of. Your final claim is that we ‘target minority groups for intimidation’. This is a complete and total fabrication. We are a lawful community group that campaigns on a range of issues. We have never targeted any group with violence or carried out acts that are intimidatory. In reality the very opposite is true. What’s more, we have members and supporters from ethnic minority backgrounds and have repeatedly reached out to other ethnic groups for discussions on issues such as immigration and multiculturalism. Patriotic Alternative is wholeheartedly opposed to violence or confrontation and through our lawful activities we seek to engage with people who hold similar views and give those people a healthy and peaceful outlet for their justified frustrations with the current British political establishment. Patriotic Alternative wish to be involved within the democratic process and the claim that we are ‘extremists’ is as absurd as it is worrying. To include peaceful community campaigning groups under this legislation is not only a threat to our human rights, but represents the creeping totalitarian nature of a government that brands itself as ‘Conservative’. This is nothing more than communism via the back door. We respectfully request that you remove our name from this list and that you put an end to this anti-democratic power grab that threatens to infringe on the rights of all British citizens who wish to speak freely and organise democratically. Yours Sincerely.
>>440252 >British National Socialist Movement Literally who
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when we come across Michael Gove in public
>>440253 good response. too bad the pencil necked nonce won't see it though
>>440252 >open letter hope they actually sent him a physical letter smh otherwise it's just pissing in the wind
>>440257 There's a campaign to have everyone send it to their MP. Mine's a nigger woman so I doubt I'll join in that exercise keek
But in all seriousness, they're likely going to ban PA in the end.
>wake up >it's toilin time TOIL BROS???
>>440262 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://archive.is/w97eb >An MI6 spy has spoken live on the BBC's Radio 1Xtra in a bid to recruit more Black and Asian secret agents. The Black spy for the Secret Intelligence Service, known only as Kwame, was interviewed on March 3 as part of a wider recruitment campaign. >He told listeners that working for MI6 can be more exciting than a James Bond film and not everyone who works there is "a white, middle-class male" who likes women and drives an Aston Martin. >Kwame, who described himself as the director of organisational development or effectively the finance and HR director, told presenter Richie Brave: "I've seen some of the coolest stuff. Things that will blow your mind. You have to be in it to see it. Some of the stuff I have seen is way more than what you see in the spy movies." >"We want the brilliant men, women, non-binary friends and brothers and sisters and non-binary family members from within the Black and Brown community to come and join us because there is real talent there."
fresh woes just dropped
>>440268 Amazing!
>>440268 so what is the word again "vestigial prestige"?
>>440270 Ironically enough it applies quite well for Wews himself
>>440267 Ayo ice seen shiiiiiite you niggas wu'nt believe, init fam. BAME batty raaarscals need back up dem fam in mi6 ya feel me?
>>440271 tbh smh
Would he rape Woes in a fight?
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>>440268 he's given him a fucking flattop. keeeeeeeek.
>just register the party already, Collett. Mongs really thought it was that simple.
Nigel Farage FUMES at extremism law used to SILENCE normal Brits who call out elite 'BETRAYAL' https://youtu.be/PepFYuPiv20?si=4zqcZU7iGxgmg_GP
>>440282 even joe owens has given up on nige
>>440283 It's over when even Joe Owens has given up on Garage. He was fanboying for months on end.
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>>440288 >The VA
really hate my upstairs neighbours lads ngl constantly arguing and slamming doors and even when they're calm they sometimes drag furniture around for no reason tiled floor throughout so every single sound carries through plus they have some absolute shithead kids who like to bang on the floor for fun because they're understimulated they misbehave every day and the mum shouts herself hoarse at them 'til she sounds like she's on the verge of a mental breakdown just take them to the park for ffs it's a ten minute walk away actual subhumans tbh at least when i shout at them they quiet down for a few hours but fucking hell just hit your kids and let them go outside every now and then and go to couple's counselling or something i hate them so much lads >>440288 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>440289 waste of a good jaw smdh
>>440288 Crap game anyway
>>440291 >legs
>>440291 Lush and I mean fucking lush.
Seeing the rise of content for spic and poo consumers is depressing. They really would be satisfied with watching AI-generated content for all eternity
Morning lads
>>440297 tbh zero taste >>440298 smorbing lad
>>440298 Good morning saar
>>440282 >5mins in PA namechecked and quoted
>>440303 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>440302 >no malleable bosom to stretch and sculpt i suffer
>>440290 Jaws like that wouldn’t go to waste in a good Aussie bar tbh >Quickest way to a fight? Just be a man and walk in here and tell us you’re a woman! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esBLinbJydI
>>440303 can't believe that jk rowling would out herself as an antisemite like that smh
>>440306 >1:48 he said what we were all thinking
always get a bit sad seeing old recordings from the latter half of the 20th century smh really was the high water mark of western civilisation smdh first i'm hearing of the upside-down glass thing but i don't often go to pubs
>>440308 keek tbh
>>440309 Simpler times but all the shit began back then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI8b1oaUfKQ
>be wog >can’t handle beer juice >get b& for fiteing WAAAAALLLLLLAAAAMAAAALOOOOOOOOOO!
>tfw bossman gives you fresh sunglasses and makes a cameo appearance in the reflection
More pay? Christmas bonus? WHO CARES I GOT NEW GLASSES *does the happy toilee dance*
>they have hidden cameras in them
>>440311 bet they'd end up falling asleep outside in the road too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA241Lg70fg
>>440311 would happily glass this bastard tbh acting all smug like he's being so progressive by picking at society's loose threads and doing his part to unravel it all fuck off >>440313 keeeeek look at him wheeling that pallet about in his hi vis that's a good look for you though lad suits you a little small though smh you should get a pair with larger lenses
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New solution to the toil problem: we all jump back into the bogs and refuse to work.
The worlds most cucked man finally meets his match in a debate against someone from Curb your enthusiasm This whole thing is 5 hours by the way, cant imagine what kind of sick person you would have to be to watch it all >>440313 the white man is back baby
>>440320 How much neuroticism do you want on display fam? Two kikes debating in a small room. Say no more.
>>440319 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>440319 I just realised the person that created the text for that image couldn't into English very good.
>apes evolved to be less agile but stronger than monkeys >humans are really weak WORST OF BOTH WORLDS
Really can't stand Finkelstein's voice even if he's a relatively good jewlad. >>440324 iktf smh
fucked up how dhollandia is from belgium smh it's messing with my head always assumed that it was a dutch company >>440324 big brains lad
>>440327 God I hate the throat. How can people want to be "deepthroated"? Fucking disgusting
>>440326 Tbh I'd take opposable thumbs and a developed frontal lobe over being a knuckle dragger.
>>440290 Lived like this for years, with noisy cunts. Spark plug earphones (specifically the moldex 7800) and closed back headphones during the day (beyerdynamic dt 770 are decent) keeps most of the people noise out. Modern wireless earphones all have excellent noise cancelling too but I can't really get used to them.
"stoned ape theory". People who hold this belief should be stoned tbh ngl
>>440331 >Spark plug earphones earplugs this should be
>>440332 You'll be using stones I'll be using a rifle.
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I can't sleep without ear plugs any more and decent big over ear headphones usually keep noise out during the day just don't get open back ones as they are designed to let sound in and out. Or bluetooth shite with noise cancelling, but I can't get used to them. Repeating myself again
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Wew the chutzpah and seethe from Rabbi Sextoy here He’s even trying to get a jewish senator and South Africa cancelled > Rabbi Shmuley whom Newsweek & Wash Post call the most famous Rabbi in America is a world-renowned author of 31 books, broadcaster & relationships expert. Who’d take relationship advice from this grotty nutter keeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/RabbiShmuley/status/1768421521146384813
>>440319 >65 year old retiree 22st on holiday in Wales
>>440336 KEEEEEK.
>>440328 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genghis_Blues nolankino out of the left field >>440331 tbh bought a bulk pack of premium earplugs years ago to deal with the previous tenants who were even worse 32 dB of noise cancellation tbh they're responsible for many nights of sound sleep the current lot shut up at night thankfully unlike the previous ones smh they were horrible took a dedicated campaign of noise complaints and collating police report numbers to forward to rentberg to finally get rid of them plus occasionally banging on the front door at 7am to harangue whoever was unlucky enough to be sleeping nearest the door about whoever threw up over the balcony the previous night never expected anything to change because of it but it warmed my heart knowing i made some bastard's hangover that much worse
>>440320 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Duncetiny btfo
>>440328 Throating a throat singer by Rabbi Sextoy Bottyache
finely aged piece of ham for breakfast was sitting in the fridge for a while but was too small to use in a sandwich >>440336 keeeeeeeeeeeek pvre pottery
>say you feel threatened >talk more about anti semites Disingenuous grifting censorious homeless looking prick smh
>>440344 One on the right was going off the script for a bit, Had to be pushed on course again.
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>>440344 good god jews are butt ugly the special kind of ugly and i mean "special" walk into a school grab a random kid out of the special ed class and staple ringlets to each side of his head and voila you have a jew a race so accursed that even god in his infinite forgiveness had to wash his hands of them >>440345 tbh not very subtle >>440346 keeeeeeeeek
>>440345 >>440347 keeeeeeeeeeeek he’s got bichtits
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK it's another shoah for middle aged women with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue >>440348 the spittle really elevates this vid
>>440349 rabbi Smelly Bottyache has roped his .sex shop owning partner/daughter in as well Proper seethe as they try and get everyone cancelled
>>440349 They’re short of slaves and money on r ennhaitchess is running out
>>440349 keeeeeek wu flu malingerers btfo
Might use this on Abigail Shapiro
And another one by him.
>>440353 >>440354 That Rabbi is obsessed tbh. He comes across as the repressed one with his 50 Shades of Talmud
>let me educate you about sex
Tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him
kEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK that luminous plastic kippah >absolutely seething at Britain >Nixon was an idiot because he recorded his anti semitism >Genitals mutilated >Breasts mutilated >Beheadings >Hamas are worser(sic) than us because they filmed it on go pros >Please buy my sex book https://nitter.poast.org/RabbiShmuley/status/176818559960785735
>>440357 Helmer is dead lad
>>440350 Reminder that Candice Owen's is openly bwc only
>>440359 he'll never die so long as we still speak his name
>>440360 He’s absolutely mental a one man comedy show redpilling normies everywhere keeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/RabbiShmuley/status/1768185504602706145
>>440320 It’s a jew out jewing a jew, right? 5 hours of this Semitic Sophistry? No ty
OVER THE TARGET - BANNED - CENSORED dessicated water flavoured ration bar stocks DROPPED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shcQkTQZh-M
>>440364 Two more weeks
>>440283 >even Joe Owens Well, if a towering intellect like Joe Owens has said this, who is anyone else to argue? Most pf us haven’t even sent razor blades through the post to Jews like Joe has
>>440362 he's actually insane at this point i'd usually say "surely he knows how this will look to outsiders" but he honestly believes that everybody is on his side important lesson about swallowing your own propaganda tbh
>>440282 Nige supported Truss's mini budget. Not just a traitor but a Thatcherite mong as well.
>>440368 Tbh He’s attacking everyone including his own, got a right bee in his bonnet. Funny to watch him melt from his mental illness irl
>>440369 Widely accepted he sold out for a while now
>>440350 >>440360 As late as 2016 Candace Owens started her career with an anti-conservative blog and launched a callout website pandering to liberals called SocialAutopsy.com for sharing screenshots of offensive posts to publicly shame. When liberals and conservatives gave her shit for creating a surveillance machine and started doxing her, she did a 180 in 2017 and "became a conservative overnight" and "realised that liberals were actually the racists". Amazed no one talks about it. If her website took off then she'd be happily persecuting conservatives but it failed so she grifted her way into PragerU and the Daily Wire.
>>440373 so standard e-celeb shite.
>>440373 just assume that anybody whose name is big enough for me to hear about is either a grifter or an establishment plant tbqh
If she ever reappears, going to call Richard Hammond a poundshop Candace Owens.
>>440371 Guess who was saying this years ago, but used to get banned for it, by Helmer (deceased)
Auslad. How about opal mining? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dur7iL9iedQ
>>440379 something something quickest way to get into a fight alexa please find a secluded place near me where a person could dig a hole six feet deep without being interrupted
>>440383 Keeeeeeeeeeeek You could be the one doing the bashing lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE_6gpy3XEU
>>440382 >this lifetime renter used his super to buy his first ever home aaaaaaaaaaaah he's already grey and wrinkly this is the age when you're supposed to get your first foot on the property ladder? when the fat bald suits in canberra declare war on russia i'm going to sit back in my prison cell and laugh go for it cunt i've already checked out that's your war not mine
made another lasagna but with proper runny cheese sauce this time, emental instead of mozzarella lean beef, mixed veg, a cocktail of seasonings and nutmeg in the sauce can't be doing any more of this smh already over 21st again
Dear Sir and/or Madam, Thank you for your interest in conscripting me for your upcoming war with Russia and/or China. I have reviewed your notice and regret to inform you that unfortunately you have not progressed to my shortlist. Thank you again for taking the time to conscript me, and for delivering this final notice. Again, I appreciate the time and effort you have taken in trying to conscript me, and wish you the best in your future recruitment efforts. I will keep your notice on file, in case an opportunity opens up in the future. If you would like to provide feedback on your experience conscripting me, please click the link below to take a 2 minute survey. https://tinyurl.com/ycyx83eb Warm regards, Auslad
>>440389 sounds delicious
>>440389 Good lad love a lasagne me. Did you infuse the milk for the white sauce?
>>440390 keek smh have to do a performance review of the military police when they come to drag you to the frontlines >>440392 not sure what that term is tbh I melted butter then thickened it with flour before stirring all the while, adding milk and chopped cheese while maintaining consistency, with nutmeg sprinkles every so often so long as I could still get a strong smell out of it, plus sprinkles of extra flour to thicken at the end I only got two layers (mixed meat and veg, sauce, sheets plus leftover sauce on top at the end) out of everything but that's plenty tbh
something to look forward to after toil instead of the usual slop
>>440393 Just means to flavour the milk before adding it in. I like to put the milk in a saucepan with 2-3 whole cloves, a couple bay leaves and a bit of nutmeg (and sometmes a bit of onion) Bring it close to the boil then turn the heat off and let it simmer for about 45-60 minutes before using it to make the white sauce
*not simmer just sit there even
>>440395 sounds nice tbh a lot more prepwork albeit
>>440398 >jew >buy
>>440003 *makes a keeking osund* y'know . . . maybe they're right!
>pay special attention to seasoning and spicing >still comes out flavourless ACK smh I guess tomato sauces are really needed to make lasagna good
>>440403 what did you put in it lad? always interested in broadening my horizons tbh put the thing in the other thing something something
Bought a couple of jars of this last week. Hope it's good.
>>440405 >put the thing in the other thing something something It's called SEX incel!!
>>440405 see the earlier poost tbh that was literally it I can't easily add flavour since I can't do salt or tomato smh I think the full list of seasonings was nutmeg for the sauce then in the meat and veg mix a bit of olive oil then paprika, basil, mixed herbs, garlic powder and coriander >>440406 keek what makes it godfather themed thinking about pajeets mass commenting on godather videos now larping about being ardmen
>>440406 Someone gave me a jar by some company called mutti top stuff. Can’t find it locally though. Fuck Heinzslop tbh
>>440409 Wow! You're a connoisseur! >(130)
bad day at work bbk?
>>440410 Would love to be a connoisseur tbh got two mates who are chefs and they make it look so quick and easy tbh
>>440408 It's supposedly Godfather themed because it follows the recipe from this scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh13Xd2loto Also because Paramount allowed Heinz to use the licence.
>>440413 Remember to slice the garlic with a razor blade so it melts into the sauce goombah
If you can cook you’ll end up with more pussy than a chink in a cat farm
wish the mafia were cool guys who protected ethnic interests smh i assume these days they are just another globalshite human trafficking operation
>>440411 Great day! I got promoted to nigger skinner! >>440412 When I was unemployed I enjoyed cooking! >>440415 Degeneracy! >>440416 Wow, great take Wessex!
>>440416 Exactly what they are exploiting cheap labour and turning the rest into drug dealers and prozzies
good night lads i wish you all the best >>440406 good luck lad looks tasty >>440407 after reading this elegantly constructed comment i was overcome with the sudden desire to go outside and touch some green grass with my delicate little fingertips >>440408 nutmeg is pretty nice all things considered
>>440417 Hate the prep and then forgetting things are cooking and burning stuff
Night Auslad
>>440419 znils
>>440419 >after reading this elegantly constructed comment i was overcome with the sudden desire to go outside and touch some green grass with my delicate little fingertips May I watch!? >>440420 Enjoy it meself, especially a good steak fried in buttery wuttery woo!
What film tonight mi'lads?
>>440424 I'm planning on watching this. But I know most people aren't able to appreciate Hong Kong Kino.
>>440424 Do one of these where it's a huge black cock and it's cumming on Spic's eyes!
Shower and a shit brb!
>>440427 Degeneracy!
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>>440430 shiieeet an lawdy lookit dat bootay
Well deserved. Clap clap
>>440430 Can't complain about big arses corrr.
>>440431 Gen Mental
>>440433 you used to have to support yourself entirely before you could be an MP and it was not a paid position smdh all is corruption
>>440436 Tbh as if people get 5.5 % pay rises and all expenses paid and as if the 1.6% difference will soothe the pain of the public. Would happily hand them all over to the Taliban for reeducation
>>440429 Where!? Join me on /interracial/ to plan the nail bombings!
I'm an anarcho-capitalist terrorist!
£90k a year is a ridiculously huge amount, literally lap of luxury living and yet their sole agendas are to asset strip and destroy the nation to line their pockets further greedy cunts
Should have done a PPE at Oxford smh. Then I could shag about and get paid for doing fuck all.
>>440441 >PPE Paki Penis Experience!? That's not fun shagging!
Don't get it.
>>440440 Yeah. They are in the Commons 140 days a year for about 7hrs a day and I doubt most of them are there for that amount of time tbh sure they have other stuff to do but they are expected only four days a week in the chamber and have time to do a second job which many do tbh especially the lawyer lot who rake it in in court cases and then duck in to Parliament in the evenings for a few hours
>>440443 You love interracial gay sex!
>>440447 twat already deleted tbh says not found anyway
>>440448 Just have to keep refreshing it I find
>>440448 > A black guy gets taken out by an illegal immigrant couple. The smaller guy gets into a fight with the black guy, and when the black guy is winning the latinx girl gets a knife and stabs him in the back several times. >The black guy gets mad about being stabbed and retrieves a firearm and commences yelling again, progressively more aggressively. As he looks like he's going to shoot the latinx couple another scuffle happens in which gunfire goes off and the black guy is apparently shot with his own gun. >Girl got away, guy got arrested.
Apparently > Bigger story is local media is being told to not disclose the fact this retard is a cop (NYPD only hires trash now) and the spic is a gang member
>>440451 BBC swinging gone wrong. Donald Trump warned us.
>>440451 >>440452 sounds about right was reading the other day the head jew is deploying the army to the subway its so bad
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Wonder if that was his old man
>>440447 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13201245/nypd-hunts-woman-fled-nyc-subway-shooting-brooklyn.html >Nigger starts beating up random guy sitting with his gf on the train >His gf pulls out a knife and stabs the nigger in the back multiple times >Nigger pulls out a gun >The bf wrestles it off him and shoots him in the head tfw no psycho gf
avin a bite of lemon tbh ngl
>>440456 Wog was threatening spic with a bashing spic pulled butterfly knife wog bashed him put butterfly knife down beside spic, spic girl grabbed it and stabbed him in the back wog pulls gun but faints from blood loss spic gangbanger grabs it and plugs him in his bonce something like this is all I gather from 4dribble
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>>440461 >Film producer and banker from New York who was in the Trump cabinet I wonder if he's Jewish.
>>440462 Of course
>>440463 >Jewish family >Partner at Goldman Sachs >Investment banking >Diamond dealer >Yale University >Skull and Bones Still not sure lad. Don't want to accuse an innocent man.
>>440464 You’re right. Probably a nigger in retrospect. Looks like they bleached him and changed his name
>>440465 I think that sentence was meant to be read ironically.
need my hog suckled by a dirty blonde with DAT bunda and one of dem 'ittle button noses. one of dose phat little hiny's, mama didn't make no 'no squat' susan, ya feel. dats deh real ting, see me.
where da fuq my millennials at, doe? SPORK! X3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhG-vLZrb-g
>Do not look at this and harbour bad thoughts about what ruling classes have done to your lands
>>440468 I just need her pum pum tun up
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>tfw it's 2008 and you're about to get your dick sucked
>half 9 >no film Really going to have to join a bongo for the first time aren't I? ACK.
>>440473 Got kicked immediately when I tried to join a year ago. Bongoism isn't for me.
>>440473 they'll turn you into a tranny
>>440475 They can try.
Made a bongo but can't find b*ns or 22.
Bongo lads that aren't gayists, add MancsACK. Okay, thank you.
>will go to extreme lengths to goon to his simping target >won't host a film night himself
>>440480 I snavent the bandwidth smh.
whole kate photo is just to divert attention from whatever made william pull out of that funeral that day, the way the media is obsessed with it even evening 'comedy' shows ihas made it obvious they're being told to push it. They put out the obviously fake photo on purpose for this
>>440482 Which funeral did he dodge?
Always imagined me having sex would be something I'd film and show to my /brit/frens, so I could tell them I bred. Instead it was casual sex in a dark room and I didn't even coom smh
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neo bossman was a crackhead who was clearly setting me up to scam me and I mogged him big time today and got my paycheck and fucked off. he was taking deposits on a deck job I was building with his laborers and he never delivered the whole deck
called him a punk to his face and dared him to do something to me and told him that when steinhog puts on his toolbelt he is here to take care of business not stand around
>>440487 >>440488 smh why are bossmen like this. Amasing that society functions at all tbh ngl
>>440489 i don't know he would show up at like noon halfway into the week to get paid by the homeowner and talk to me for like 2 minutes about random shite at "some other job" and then leave while I asked him to drop off a table saw and a miter saw and the rest of the deck materials and he never did. he also didn't even have 250 dollars to pay his laborer chudlet and I had to front this zoomer gas money to get to work to carry boards for me. then this one boomer faggot was laughing at me when I was mogging bossman over my 800 dollars I needed and then after I got my money I went over to the boomers house and gave him my business card and told him if he thought it was funny to watch me lose my job and beg for my money and he apologized like a pussy. mogged a couple of people today, skullet boomer taught me well
He makes boomers pee their pants
Think my main problem with all my bossmen has been their propensity to waste my time(more often than not time I don't get paid for) and then them forgetting things they promise to do. Usually I just give up asking after the third time of them forgetting tbh smh
>>440491 its better to be pissed off than pissed on and thats the bottom line because stone cold said so
>>440494 Smh just got a new colleague this week which was barely sentient and at his former job the bossman had been peeing into his mouth. It's kind of sad how retards get abused by bossmen. I was one of those myself. Had to learn the hard way smh
>>440495 >I was one of those myself. Had to learn the hard way smh hope you didn't get bummed too bad, lad.
Been an awful long week but at least I've gotten some practice backing up. Colleague forgot to renew his driving license so I had to drive the semi since others only have a licence for a regular truck smh >>440496 Just feeling bummed tbh. Can barely remember him since neo-bossman has the same phenotype and acts similarly, even if the job is better
>>440490 good lad
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>>440493 vulgar >>440497 at least it means you're indispensable
>>440500 >at least it means you're indispensable an indispensable workhourse. Smh I am that in every job I do it seems. If I quit companies collapse, but I think that says more about the company and other workers than me smh
The threshold for a good worker is so low. Just show up on time and do what you are supposed to do. The new guy overslept on his second day. I have overslept once in all my working years. And it was so unusual my bossman's secretary, my bossman and my mum all thought I had died since that made more sense than oiversleeping smh
>>440501 smh >>440502 tbh it's fucked up how absolute mouthbreathers can skate by for years doing fucking nothing with their eyes glued to their phones because nobody expects anything from them but the actual toilman core of the business is held to the highest standard constantly with no leniency and then both get paid the exact same
>>440503 How do the mouthbreathers survive?
>>440504 nobody knows they just magically fall arse first into jobs that good lads struggle to get into and then stay there while doing absolutely nothing yet also regularly fucking everything up and somehow the bean counters who are frantically slashing costs everywhere else in the business never seem to turn their gaze to these mongs who would be costing the business money even if they weren't getting paid at all it's a mystery lad one that i don't think mortal minds are ever supposed to unravel my pet theory is that they're a safeguard to prevent mankind from creating heaven on earth
>>440505 Tbh. This. Worked in a place where mouth breathers got away with murder and retarded unqualified functionally retarded cocksucking ‘team leader/supervisor/managers’ spent their day harassing good lads and lasses and just pissing the core workers off leading to the company losing more money and more workers blaming the wrong people for green line not going up. Perfect example of not knowing their staff as if that’s not important. These midwits would get jobs as junior officers in the army and lead you to your deaths tbh
>>440507 noticing this at the warehouse. Capable lads leaving. I actually get to see corporate fuck up before my eyes. They keep making changes that make things worse for everyone involved.
>>440506 morning lad >>440507 tbh first ones to say alright lads up over the trench and i'll buy you all a round this evening last ones up and over and the first/only one back down when shit fails blows my mind how common these creatures are and how they keep getting away with it and how they keep getting positions of authority too >>440508 tbh tbh it's a funny thing these businesses make all the wrong decisions with regards to the actual nitty gritty down on the ground floor but they never seem to fail because everywhere else is fucking up just as much in exactly the same way like it's just built into the system or something know i could easily double toilserf satisfaction and triple efficiency if i ever bungled my way into such a job but i know i never will because i never seem to fuck up in the right ways to be selected for such a position too competent to promote or even hire it seems
>>440508 Yeah. The bosses promote yes men and not those willing to or capable because they fear those people. They prefer midwits who won’t challenge the status quo. It’s hard to find a place that doesn’t operate like this as so many dunces slip through the net to become managers
>>440510 >because they fear those people. They prefer midwits who won’t challenge the status quo. this is it tbh hit the nail on the head lad
>Finklestein rocked my boat so hard and made me look like a clown that I will now attempt to prove he is a racist!
>>440511 Actually had a supervisor come up to me once to tell me how to do my job I told him his method ( and he had never worked in my capacity ) would be time consuming and inefficient >JUST DO IT THE WAY I ASKED YOU WHY ARE YOU MAKING MY LIFE DIFFICULT! >So you can make my life difficult and then when we go over time it’s my fault. Fucking manlet diversity hire as well. All this DIE has also fucked shit up as well that’s why so many companies are uncompetitive
>>440512 don't know who any of these people are but i'm pretty sure that sending a letter like that is an instant game over as soon as the recipient shows it to a judge >>440513 >manlet diversity hire smh they're all always like this tbh probably one of the reasons why they're being imported en masse smh if there's anything we need more of it's moronic jobsworth lower management
>>440515 miss dorset tbh sad he went down the road he did
>>440516 Many such cases
>>440514 Work on the DIE 2000 P-ATEL robot will solve this problem
>>440518 keeeeeeeeek they've perfected the robot coworker
>black square wdtmbt?
cor the lass in the separate ways music video isn't half peng
about an hours toil at 2 for £100 life is good.
>>440520 It's the unmarked burial site of the collective British spirit. It was originally in a Lidl car park but they had to find somewhere else when it was redeveloped into council housing.
>>440515 Burn them all
>>440515 Bagsy the curls in the middle
Just read about the great beer flood of 1814. As expected of all true englishmen after the brewing vat failed most people were concerned with not letting the torrent go to waste.
>>440529 the way it should be tbh waste not a precious drop
>>440524 Keeeeeeeeek but smh
out of grog smh >>440531 >dark nationalism god we're so cool
>>440529 Now this deserves a 'my ancestors' memi.
A total work of fiction they are trying to make fact by hanging it there
Gold top for breakfast
Fresh bbk
>>440535 same as always smh they do this constantly >>440536 based
a very good night lads love you all stay safe >>440537 this says a lot about society actually based though tbh sounds like he was there before the big two thousand and seven when the iphone fell good lord we lost so much
>>440540 fuuuuuck just missed (You) need to know this lads story because he glows so hard it feels like a parody
His name is Jacob Hersant i should say for everyone else
The new Welsh First Minister is a nigger https://www.bbc.co.uk/news
Tbh we knew this was coming
All we need now is a wog in charge of Northern Ireland and we'll have a full set of brownoids in charge of all of the UK's countries with no electoral mandate of leadership.
>>440546 Yeah I guessed it was going to be him
>>440548 Hope the wogs understand that this is not a victory. A ruling class is a ruling class
>>440544 Just Northern Ireland in the UK that isn't ruled by le browns now
>MPs have been urged to ditch the Holocaust Memorial by Adjaye Associates and Ron Arad proposed for Victoria Tower Gardens >The £139 million scheme – originally budgeted at £24million – then further adjusted to £50 million is currently subject to a bill going through Parliament aimed at pushing through the proposals by overturning a 129-year-old law forbidding building on the proposed site in Westminster. THAT’S A POUND FOR EVERY SINGLE VICTIM! I wonder if I should pitch building jobs at £5 and then surprise the house owner with a bill for £6 million. Worth a try
>>440552 >The £139 million scheme – originally budgeted at £24million – then further adjusted to £50 million So nice of them to reduce it.
>>440554 Unless you’re employing totally retarded accountants, cost craftsmen, quantity surveyors etc etc how does it increase by this much without it obviously being kickbacks etc. They call this ‘mafia’ in Italy I believe At least they occasionally arrest their politicians and associates for this kind of thing
>>440555 >Unless you’re employing totally retarded accountants, cost craftsmen, quantity surveyors etc etc More likely than you'd think.
The 2024 edition of the Yellow Pages of Hate >When asked to describe modern Britain, 43% of the public choose ‘declining’. Only 6% of people strongly agree with the statement ‘the political system works well in the UK’ and 79% think that ‘politicians don’t listen to people like me’. >2023 was the year the Radical Right in the UK came of age. The Radical Right is growing in confidence to push divisive, populist, anti-immigration, climate-sceptic policies in British politics. With the mood amongst the public in favour of change, if a new Government isn’t able to deliver this could open the door for the Radical Right. >Anti-migrant activism continues to dominate the far right. HOPE not hate researchers found that anti-migrant activity rose by 20% compared to 2022, itself the highest year on record. There was an 18-fold increase in anti-migrant demonstrations from 2022, following the riot at the Suites Hotel in Kirkby in February 2022.
Might submit a play where they all get on boats and recreate Dunkirk - except they don’t come back bu sta in France >‘Life’ one screamed. ‘I want a life without pain’ he continued. Sitting in a circle, a group of refugees, asylum seekers and first generation immigrants have been given the task to read out words written on a piece of paper. This was an opportunity for some to express themselves while sharing their trauma. >For Sheriff, an asylum seeker currently living in Napier Barracks, it is more than just a course. The 33-year-old from The Gambia told KentLive: “This project is therapeutic for me because before coming to this project, I was dealing with some kind of mental health issues." Sheriff arrived legally in the UK about six months ago to get married. His wedding fell through and he ended up having to claim asylum. >Organised by Projekt Encounter, the project is led by first generation immigrants Francisca Stangel, from Sweden, and Thomas Tegento, a refugee who was born in Ethiopia and grew up in Eritrea.
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>>440557 Leftist shite reads so much like a pisstake. As if they're always deliberately not connecting the dots.
>>440558 > Sheriff arrived legally in the UK about six months ago to get married. His wedding fell through and he ended up having to claim asylum. So he didn't arrive to get married. He wanted to get married as an excuse to be here, and moved on to another. Meaning he also likely didn't come legally as the marriage would've been a fraud. He entered under a false pretense. *screams*
>>440564 >840£ for poosting a video of NA daftys smdh
>>440566 mad how mongs still parrot the idea that race is just le heckin skin colour
>>440568 I don't like the insidious shite like Cheddar man getting traction.
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>>440570 >speaking English in her final farewell Gigacringe.
>>440571 queshe
Auslad, re-mod me immediately.
>>440575 qeeeeeeeq no chance
>>440570 By the time she gets out she’ll look like this. I could have saved her Fuck Greta. This is on her
>"10 men — one from the North, six from Spain, two Dutch nationals, and one from Serbia " Bet the Dutch and Spanish are Moroccans and Iranians are Kurds and Hezbollah had fuck all to do with it. Serb was Serbing and the man from the North was a Republican Guess we know who owners the Irish Times bat for now
>>440577 Nah an autistic boy groomed to be an obnoxious twat isn't responsible for decades of acceptable fearmongering (because it's not a real issue) plus whatever drugs that depressed whore has been on since 12.
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Falling apart and will never be put back together again
>>440579 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Lone Irish lad coming with the banter
>>440579 He's such a shameless jewish faggot, hate how we have to tolerate these freaks
>>440583 keeeeeeeeeeeeek based lad
>>440583 faggot pookranians simping for their fellow invaders
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBFWu-MwyZs >This thumbnail A bit on the nose.
>>440583 >Meme language on the walls Might as well be Klingon.
>>440584 >rabbi tells Lyft driver in Washington DC to turn his music down gets slapped driver arrested for antijew hate crime
Simple.As Sorry steiner it’s the gas for you
>>440590 Literally who?
>>440591 Load of wogs on Titter casually discussing eliminating whitey
>>440592 Black Hitler sounds zesty tbh.
Definitely persecuting the white man to cover up his battyism.
>>440590 errr isn't this considered inciting racial hatred >>440594 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek I thought that was a nigress speaking
>>440596 I bet growing up in the norf is like going to gladiator school.
>>440597 >Put your hand up if you want your country back >*Roman salutes* Smh. Poor lad can't help himself.
Bet that wog wasn't even angry at him she just talks to everyone like that.
>>440599 Bet he can’t. It sort of comes over you at a certain point
>>440600 >They used the same laugh track for every joke
It's over lad. The show is over. Pack up the country and start again.
https://archive.is/w3Jy7 Remember Hankinson refused to engage in ‘de-radicalisation’ programmes which meant he had to serve all his sentence but as a result was under no restrictions on release. They’re still seething about that tbh
>>440604 Who should I bet on lad? Feeling lucky.
>>440607 >"I'm not opposed to an ethnic minority leader" Then why even complain you retarded Tory rentboy
>>440608 it's all so complicated for them, when it could be so simple
The poo never ends
BBK ATTACKS SLAGS ON THE BUS https://youtu.be/nXF-zoZziy8
>>440611 that's old
>>440612 SO'S YER MA
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>>440613 HE'S DONE HIM
>>440611 Imagine coming back from toil absolutely knackered and then being stuck in a bus with them. Hellscape.
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>>440610 He's just doing this as a negotiation tactic. GBN is paying him £322,800 per annum. Everyone has a price and Nige would leave the UK in a heartbeat to be on Fox News.
>that last cummins
>>440619 almost dragged the sled out of the track
>eggy retired >all my vaporwave streams kicked off jewtube for copyright the internet is fucking dead, it's as dead as boomer tv by this point. i wish i knew how to use the darkweb i bet there is proper culture on there but maybe not it might just be crime
>>440622 tbh though last time I was on the darkweb I encountered nonces
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>>440625 >7.3 IDI yeah im thinking its kino
>slave lake wew thats norf
sneedvening lids
damn that 40 year old POS was pulling a trailer pretty fast lmao
>>440630 it's always kino when he ditchbags decrepit vehicles from the dump kek. love that channel so much but makes me feel like a bit of a pussy for not being able to do any of that fun kino stuff
https://youtu.be/rAHw5sX619E "OUCH" "NOW THIS IS DRAMATIC" fr
ah yes, speaking of kino...
>>440632 >>440632 this guy's hard on his assistants, they never want to be on camera but he always drags them in
>>440634 >pushing his brother's face into the puss fountain too far?
>>440636 why are you so disgusting lad
>>440637 I don't know. It's a side of me that only comes out online.
>that time a few months ago where a girl left me because I love Hitler I make it hard for myself, but I just refuse to hide parts of me or compromise
>>440640 keeeeeeeeek le laughing face
>Fleetwood Mac are a British-American rock band formed in London in 1967 by guitarist and singer Peter Green.[6 never knew this, i thought they were completely american
Weekend is almost over... but it just started
>>440643 ok, well post a creative hoomer then. it's not over yet imo
gave up smoking but wish i hadn't, corr imagine going outside for a marlboro gold.. *vapes instead*
killer hangover smh >>440646 miss vaping tbh
>>440648 choon that
>>440647 did you just wake up lad?
Morning lads he’s joined Chumps campaign
>>440650 no lad was feeling shite earlier though >>440651 smorb lad not surprised in the slightest
>>440652 Total 180 and giving every reason apart from the obvious one that Trump wants to eradicate Israeli created Hamas
>>440651 Keeeek fucking boomer mong accepting this dastardly manlet kike.
>>440655 How does he get access to Trump and Musk so easily surely he’s nothing more than an mossad e-celeb
>>440658 I can't see how freezing people out of the democratic process is hindering democracy of free speech goy. What's wrong with you?
>>440659 Nice now let's see if it goes anywhere.
>>440660 Tbh it’s laughable and how they can brand nationalists as people who hate Britain when the system are the ones wielding the wrecking ball is beyond bizarre >you ONLY love Britain if you allow the country to be turned into a shop, plundered and yourselves to be supplanted by whoever >we will not allow people who we disagree with to have any say in are “liberal democracy(tm)” Think nosely’s lot are now going to field candidates as independents - as if they’ll let that succeed
>>440662 British Democrats got a councillor recently tbf and they are openly for similar stuff as PA means nothing of course since he won't be able to do anything about genocidal replacement immigration but at least he can build the citadel of nationalism and make sure the bins are emptied on time
Bloody hell bich bastard why you in my blyad begorrah country kurva we were here first! Ireland for the Eastern Europeans! Stay in Birmingham there is no war there! Slava Eirkraina! https://nitter.poast.org/KeithWoodsYT/status/1769184372341588431
>>440663 >and make sure the bins are emptied on time Erm sweetie it's the job of the local council to sort out housing of rapefugees. Go to Putlers Russia if you support fascism.
>>440658 What absolute prick wrote this shite in the Telegraph? How is this a “conservative”thing to do - demonise their own voter base?
>>440667 > Time to check in with Joey No it isn’t It never is
>>440666 Profligate Bozza’s Chief Brexit negotiator Lord Jack of Alltrades https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Frost,_Baron_Frost https://wikispooks.com/wiki/David_Frost
Sick of the right not even existing in this country. The least everyone could do is stop misusing useless terms like "conservative".
>>440670 Ah but we have evil right wing Toreeeees who do such disgustingly right wing things as freezing tax thresholds, legalising gay marriage, increasing the state pension age, making it illegal to leave your home except for short walks, having the first tranny MP, the first wog PM and overseeing record levels of immigration with a token scheme to pay a handful to fly to Rwanda and live in brand new accommodation if they agree to do so.
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We must be mad, witewawwy mad, as a nation tuwu be pewmitting the annuaw infwow of sowme 50,000 dependents, who awe fow the most pawt the matewiaw of the futuwe gwowth of the immigwant descended popuwation. Iwt iws wike watching a nation busiwy engaged in heaping up its own funewaw pywe.
>>440673 that hair keeek >if shartin trooned out
>>440676 impressive material strength on those trampolines tbh
>>440677 I was waiting for one of them to fail tbh.
>28 min in O CANADA! https://www.youtube.com/live/qS0q5mtmVUQ >the closer to each other we are the faster we will get in >Poo logic 101
>>440679 yeah I think canada has fallen
>>440682 Keeek Was expecting that bus to flatten him
>>440682 is this where they get the idea of walking in front of a train from?
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK ufuckinwot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-7bNDlKjic
>>440685 what in the goddamn is this layout shartjewbe making things even worse again? ACK
>>440686 Ack indeed
>>440687 why didn't they send this video to the CEO of racism smh
>>440687 they've done us. dad looks like chudface keeeeeek.
keeeeek. they'll jump on any current thing. how about a song about grooming victims? thought not. Cunts.
It gets better.
And the keeeeeeeeeeeks keep coming and they don’t stop coming >Foreign Office staff told to not call Hamas 'terrorists' in Whitehall training session as academics brand term 'unhelpful and suggest Israel is a 'white, settler colonialist nation'
>>440691 Hol up!? They like racist rashists!?
>>440693 wessie?
>>440696 He’s here lad >>440676
Hearts and minds
>>440700 >it's a jewish lives are more important than English lives episode
>>440702 kek her entire feed is just jewposting. Insufferable
>>440704 I was listening to someone the other day and they said they are willing to suffer massive losses and never shut up and keep on and on and on which gives them victory over everyone. It’s true isn’t it.
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Listen to 4chud through text to speech https://4voiced.funmaker.moe/board/pol
Larry David is an honorary Aryan
Start as you mean to go on Troon Gething
>>440710 He should write a book in jail.
>>440710 the swiss government acted as if his mere presence would cause a major dafty uprising
>>440711 Tbh Then he should front a couple of popular uprisings after growing a based tache >>440712 Yep. Total overreaction which will have the opposite effect. Good good
>>440713 >Total overreaction which will have the opposite effect When Paul Weston was arrested the pendulum swung so far that he got as many as 158 votes!
Brave fellow Englishman living the genocide dream
making more retarded slop tbh unyeasted unleavened no milk bread flour, water, a couple spoons of mayo and some herbs and spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s the quest for carbs leads to stupid places
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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/mma/article-13197847/ufc-mark-coleman-hospital-condition-house-fire.html >UFC Hall-of-Famer Mark Coleman responsive in hospital after rescuing mom and dad from a house fire left him in critical condition: 'I'm the happiest man in the world' >Just seconds before the roof collapsed, the 59-year-old pulled them out of the fire at their Toledo, Ohio home on Tuesday morning and then returned in an attempt to save his dog, Hammer. Based
>>440717 Open a cookbook lad.
>>440717 Open a cookbook lad.
>>440719 >>440720 Fighting for my life trying to post in this shite website.
>>440720 keek tbh they came out like really shitty scones or something good enough to put mustard and mayo on anyway
>>440722 I can't talk all I cook is a lentil curry. Cheap, quick and I'm too lazy to learn anything else.
>>440717 You'll go out one day in a moment of weakness voring a load of Iceland pizzas.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3gNtljDS-o >The BBC documentary, #Nudes4Sale, investigated the rise of under-18’s selling explicit adult content online. The documentary found as many as a third of Twitter users who advertised explicit images were under 18. Additionally, a large number of underage creators use social media to sell nudes in exchange for money and gifts. >UK law states that you must be 18 or older to sell or distribute explicit content. However, there currently is no legal requirement for online platforms to monitor explicit content that could have originated from underage users.
>>440716 keeeeeeeeeeeeek had no idea joe used twatter
>>440726 He actually posts some topical stuff on twitter. Unlike his YouTube which is Groundhog day.
https://twitter.com/JoeOwensMe/status/1767143040245014931 Not sure what the fuck this tweet is though.
>>440728 >>440729 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek seems like he's using ai to write fiction about the future of liverpool
>>440730 Wew he's turned into Terry Davis.
>>440728 >>440729 holy keek I like his username too, it's a combination of verbal mannerism translated to text and schizoid cant
>enchanted scouse fairies queenofscottieroad.webm
Back from a weekend up norf, goodness the lasses there love showing off their tits
As a scholar of Joeism, I am sure the Wavertree Witch is Paula Barker MP and the Minion Leap Frog Liam is Liam Thorp, who is the Political Editor of the Liverpool Echo who wrote the hit piece on Joe about his plot to return to Merseyside politics. What I don't understand is who "brave Lucas" is. My best guess is that this is in fact Joe's alter ego.
>>440735 Love big tits me. Especially when there's side boob in the middle.
Joe should start drawing a CWC style comic
>>440738 For me it's the goth lass in the cafe with the small-medium but extremely perky tits with hard nips poking through a thin white crop-top with no bra underneath
>>440740 Smh my eyes were trapped by lass with no bra and hard nips today. Struggle to pretend not to notice.
>>440739 Hope he makes a clay medallion of John Tyndall.
Working in a shop that sells clothes or jewellery is like being paid to stare at tits all day.
>delicious scouse stew what are the ingredients lads? >#EnchantedScouseFairies >#ScousePride keeeking
>>440716 >Joe thinks Lee Anderson is a spy Does this surprise you at this point?
>>440744 think it might be time for me to try a new form of toil then
>>440751 >fbi will never let us see lol superman again
just want a tiny house, vegetable patch and a 70 series landcruiser or dodge cummins 4x4 why is that so hard to get smh
any insomniac niggers in?
first practical session on my course today tbh it was fun >>440750 parasites >>440753 you know why lad self-reliant people living within their means have the ability to say no to unfavourable situations
kek i forgot i saved that mp4, pajeet really gives it to schlomo there >>440755 i actually never thought of it that way, seems obvious now you mention it. what was your course?
>>440756 intro to construction
>>440757 good for you lad, i should do the same tbh
>>440758 thanks lad got offered a spot on the course out of the blue and figured why not
Morning lads >>440759 Well done lad good luck
>>440760 morning lad
>>440729 fuckin' hell my god
>>440762 wew did not know alex jones was this on point even way back then
*starts crying*
Covfefe and a massive shit. It's going to be a good day de lads.
based 9/11 truther 0a563f, probably a xoomer. i remember making fun of young xoomer truthers when i was an even younger yoomer and it was shitty and i regret it *shakes head* there was this one long haired xoomer neet who'd go round putting stickers on everything in the village and everyone thought he was a schizo nuisance, turns out he was completely correct. i should track him down and apologise
Is Gargamel based on film producers?
>>440768 smurfette was peng
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVvt3XGJpg0 one of these days i'll actually watch sopranos instead of watching meme clips about it on youtube
>>440770 quitter
>>440771 it's weird when i watch them i see clips of the show i remember seeing on tv in passing 20 years ago but not thinking much of. the scene when they run through the woods to kill the guy who's out jogging in his tracksuit, i remember watching that from the top of the stairs while hiding from mummy because i was supposed to be in bed. didn't realise i was witnessing the high water mark for tv
want to replay the sting but can't find a download for it that'll work on linux smdh
>>440772 >i remember watching that from the top of the stairs while hiding from mummy because i was supposed to be in bed. keeeeeeeeek based
sodomorning lads >>440766 excellent post
>>440775 smorb lad
>>440775 hello saar
>>440764 Convinced it’s just a negotiating tactic people use >Until you bankroll me “it’s the jews!”

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