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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3958: All the Best Edition Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 17:10:50 Id: 2c134f No. 447090
Dublin's migrant 'tent city': Makeshift encampment lines the pavements around asylum processing centre as UK rejects bid by Ireland to return refugees crossing from NI https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13362579/Dublins-migrant-tent-city-Makeshift-encampment-UK-rejects-bid-Ireland-return-refugees-crossing-NI.html Stark new images have revealed dozens of tents sprawling through Dublin streets - with UK and Irish ministers embroiled in an escalating row over migrants travelling from the UK to Ireland. EXCLUSIVEThe 'sick note culture' clampdown that's dividing Britain: Disabled people and their carers slam plans to replace monthly benefits payments with vouchers - but others say it will stop abuse of system https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13362399/disabled-carers-rishi-sunak-monthly-benefit-payments-vouchers.html >Rishi Sunak's plans to stop the welfare system becoming a 'lifestyle choice' divided opinion on the streets of Britain today.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:56:57.
watching scream tbh
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Richard Tice: Reforming A Broken Britain - The Reform Party Can Save Britain. (NCF Conference 2024) https://youtu.be/-bHgY2dp0PQ
>>447090 Good lad.
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spig spotted
>>447100 what if the face checker person meremly *identifies* as a woman?
>>447100 www.blackbinbag.co.uk
>>447097 *Cringe* He’s trying to sound like Farage and has even adopted his mannerisms >merchanthands
>>447104 someone should tell him that farage is outdated
>>447104 I got bored and stopped listening audience members were walking out too I noticed
>>447105 >someone should tell him that farage is outdated we need a new leader with a new vision
This smug posh lefty cunt imitating his idol James O’Brien >you’re a racist, stabbins have been going on for 200 years, it’s down to poverty! Fuck off suspicious looking freak. Was dirt poor as a kid never stabbed anyone. Reeeeeeee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMts2BDKSws
>>447109 I don't see honesty in his eyes do you?
This troon war journalist has had to try to disguise their appearnace as it becomes more and more obvious Ukraine has lost the war
>>447110 Fucking broccoli headed cabbage
>London born Indian Bakhti Getting absolutely trashed in the replies https://nitter.poast.org/Bhakti_1/status/1784209297666089173
>>447111 no more wig, and he has a girlfriend now too.
>>447115 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>447116 he's just gone back to how he was before he used his sexual degeneracy as a brand.
>>447116 >he has a girlfriend now too. what?
Seems like an attempted coal burning incident was honour dealt with in Scouseland https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/26/gang-women-jailed-kidnapping-beating-innocent-stranger-20728049/ >One of the attackers could be heard shouting at her: ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck off. Chatting shit. Next time don’t fucking mess with Arabs, alright. Dickhead. Look at the camera and say it, you won’t mess with Arabs.’
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>>447120 was the victim of these three harradans a white lass? if not I don't care
>>447122 So it seems
>>447123 world's most civilised nigger
>>447124 >So it seems so it's an anti-white hate crime
>>447121 >Angenette Levy >Sushi Staples >Her son Zion smh
>>447128 we need to send are VRIL to are Irish huwhite brothers!
Please Mr. President…BRING OUR ISRAELI spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) HOME! https://nitter.poast.org/greg_price11/status/1784410531815625004
to the next decade of starmergeddon
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>>447133 >starmergeddon that's a tice-ism
>>447097 We all know they're just going to make a deal with the Tories like they do every election.
>>447135 based
>>447100 >bending over backwards to accomadate the least integrated interlopers and allow them to engage in the phoney democratic procress
>>447100 She definitely voted Galloway.
more Chud Lit for steiner
>>447136 >We all know they're just going to make a deal with the Tories like they do every election. they have explicitly said they are not doing this
Psychotic behaviour. Some naughty lads should show up with popcorn and troll them epic style
>>447143 >puts Evropa The Last Battle on it
Nutted in a lass twice over the weekend. Am I winning, lads?
>>447145 was she white?
>>447145 >>447146 Was it for the purpose of reproduction?
>>447145 go on lad give us an answer
I guess that's a no to both.
>>447149 is it... over?
>447145 you will never be wiggum
>>447151 devastating post
[two hour long video essay titled Clancy Wiggum: The Cobson Of The Expanded Toilerverse?]
>>447153 I'd watch it.
>watching some retard streamer play ayylmao themed jumpscare shit >suddenly a loud noise jumpscares me irl >bag of clothes hanging from a door handle chose this exact time to slip off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJZIvN7pew THEY are in league with the mould
>>447155 The real conspiracy is how far the mould has infiltrated your skull cavity.
>>447156 presumably it's locked in a stalemate with whatever bacteria and lead chemicals I picked up while drinking murky water from roman pipes on the palatine hill almost a decade ago it was that or buy overpriced bottled water from mafia slave lightbulb heads so I think I made the right choice tbh
slow night shift tbh
cant think of anything to poost
reading about "Daddy" Hill and General Graham in Oman's book Hill was the kindest man in the army and not even his enemies had something bad to say about him, his last words were "I do not believe I have an enemy in the world." Graham wasn't even in the army officially for half his career but decided to fight the frogs however he could after he went on holiday with his dying wife and on the way back home Jacobins tore open and despoiled her coffin At the age of 60 he "led his men in the manner of a medieval lord, personally leading the centre left of his line and riding ten paces in front" during a french ambush
>>447142 I explicitly don't believe them.
>>447160 they don't make em like that anymore
>>447161 nooo haha, politicians, lying and maintaining the status quo? no, never, now make sure to exercise your democratic right to vote- it makes a difference! >>447162 Even the ones who weren't liked were still based Picton was a governor in the west indies and to get the dagos, frogs, niggers, jews and assorted ne'erdowells in line in a nearly lawless land had to resort to capital punishment and even (legal as the island was still operating under spanish rather than english law at the time) torture lots of nog lynchings and incompetents being bullied out and they all seethed at him so much he never got a chance to rise much higher at home despite his part in the peninsular war and waterloo because of a six year long court case over the torture started by a single seething twat who went home in a huff specifically to smear his reputation at the time he was shot leading the gordon highlanders at waterloo, he was already fatally wounded as two days before at quatre bras (or the prussian action I forget where) he was shot in the chest and broke several ribs but refused treatment as the battle was ongoing
torture of a woman, so some protosoy made it into a huge scandal because muh gina even though the woman was a criminal who along with her titled husband tried to steal an enormous amount of gold in some sort of scam or smth and only confessed because of it (and only a little bit of torture too, being made to stand on pointed blocks or something desribed as "light torture")
>>447099 the high hoisted pants with the shirt tucked to make the shirt look small is highly fashionable imo >>447100 >woman can only show her eyes, hands, and feet >dolls up her eyes with slutty eye makeup, pristine mani/pedi >>447144 I keep hearing about this film, is it like the Greatest Story Never Told (i.e. Hitler/WWII doc) or is it also about modern times?
>>447165 can't remember because it's probably some ridiculously long sentimental chudslop just like tgsnt
spic wears his grandads clothes he looks incredible they hide the leg lengthening scars but unfortunately he is still not white (battery operated red light tiki torch accessory not included)
>>447163 >because of a six year long court case over the torture started by a single seething twat who went home in a huff specifically to smear his reputation keeeeeeek but smh simps will always be a plague upon any society
a final heroic anecdote I forgot to put at the end of picton's bit, nobody knew he was wounded until after the battle his body was recovered and examined and they found the old bullet impact bruise as well as the head shot that killed him
>>447096 always thought the lass in that was so peng
>>447171 chin up lad
>>447172 smorn nigs
Morning lads
>>447175 Oh I do luv me zog government.
When the soyman began to hate
>>447177 nigger fatigue at all time highs.
>>447175 makes sense tbh without sending aid to israel the usa would have no reason to exist >>447177 the times they are a-changin'
>>447180 goyim see goyim do sorry shlomo, can't put the genie back in the bottle thanks for playing
Understand nothing apart from famous rapper JP ( never heard of him ) is gay and likes hell yeah buttsex Why are people surprised? They’re all gay https://nitter.poast.org/NATERERUN/status/1784414246832419298
>>447181 Tbh. Dumb as rocks but when it comes to lying and manipulation and cohesiveness they score high ngl
Who /HopeNotHate/ here?
>>447184 All of us <pic related For bookings and membership details contact SA, The Templar toilets, Chancery Lane, London Please delete this url from your browser. Bye now
SA is the one of the far left…or that might be Dorset. We all look like authentic women so it’s hard to tell
>>447185 cheerleader effect working in reverse there
>>447185 ghoulish
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Common sense VICTORY as NHS declares sex is a biological FACT in U-turn a MASSIVE victory for the huwhite race! https://youtu.be/npgE5y5wxvo
>>447190 >putting the woke away
>>447188 tbh seems histrionic >>447190 >>447191 tbh thanks nhs but we're still not dying for israel
>>447191 >he watched pACKidemic agent
This lad binge watched Shogun until 7AM. smh.
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>>447192 >tbh thanks nhs but we're still not dying for israel you vicious anti-semite!
>>447193 It's true, I have done but it's been a few months now since I last watch anything.
>>447196 I got sick of his shit tbh especially that black pilled faggot Mr D
>>447194 >got 2 police based
>>447197 ahh yeah, Mr D is such a massive bumder.
>>447198 tbh was thinking the same thing hesitated to say it though because his other three victims may have been huwhite too early to call it really
>>447199 >ahh yeah, Mr D is such a massive bumder. yet AA keeps having him back on it's obvious that Mr D's relentless black pilling is allowed because he's saying all the things pACKidemic agent thinks himself, but doesn't want to say himself he always gives him loads of air time and never pushes back on his shit
>>447194 Clearly a samurai
It's a tough life for Samurai in the modern world.
>>447202 Should have committed sepiku rather than being taken alive.
>>447202 showing the yanks how it's done >>447203 tbh
>a white man from Redbridge - GBN >Don’t jump to conclusions - Labour MP Surely if he was white they would have shot him?
>>447207 keeeeeeeeek >>447208 really can't guess what was going on unless we know who the victims were tbh may just have been a random nutter
we invite all the nutters of the world to come live here, so it's expected we lose track of our own nutters too.
DINGHY WOG - CALLING IT NOW! They also tried to say he was 15 in early reports which kind of means they probably had a narrative prepped and ‘because he’s 15 we can’t release names or details’ - then footage came out and that fell flat on it’s face. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME NUDGE UNIT JEWTROONS
>>447212 >>447213 large if verifiable
>>447214 that's what we like to see
>fuck bichs, kill men >I’m the vlogger now
>>447216 On that video with that Dutch bint yesterday she said that some small city untouched by wogs is now being forced to house them and all residents in the area are being bribed with 1000 eurocuck bucks to spend on security measures. They are going to turn a piece of history and tranquility into a warzone. It’s over 1000 for a decent bulletproof vest with a bit of stab protection. Really hope to see that lot rise up as well but doubt it, cuck nation. Here’s hoping the paddies will inspire them
>>447217 >>fuck bichs, kill men Trve Aryan spirit.
>>447218 smh het is voorbij
>>447217 >I'm Somalian
>WE WILL LEVEL UP THIS MONUMENT TO AT LEAST THE LEVEL OF THE THE CENOTAPH AND IN DOING SO SPEND THE MONEY ON ANOTHER VANITY MONUMENT TO SHOW YOU GOY BASTARDS WHO REALLY RUN THE SHOW. IT IS PURPOSEFULLY UGLY AND A SCAR RIGHT IN THE HEART OF VICTORIA TOWER GARDENS A GRADE II LISTED SITE ‘PARTLY’ WITHIN THE UNESCO PROTECTED WORLD HERITAGE SITE OF WESTMINSTER AND A DESIGNATED ZONE OF MONUMENT SATURATION https://nitter.poast.org/luhc/status/1784583353544384829 >The gardens opened in 1881.[2] The Government promised Smith that the land would be maintained as a recreation ground. Hope it gets graffitied endlessly until it is rightfully removed and deported along with the cancer that think they have a right to run this country It’s them that’s turned it into a crime infested police state as well Just look at who works for the levelling up department. No hint of >make sure there’s a hollercoaster museum right outside parliament lol >ok Bibisan!
>>447222 only reason why the holobunga should be remembered is so that everyone knows to try a bit harder next time god willing we won't need a third
Roundhouse kick a boomer into the nigger
>>447224 keeeeeeeeeeek had this recommended to me as well but hadn't listened to it yet pvre audiokino >>447225 >ha ha it doesn't affect me so that means it isn't happening day of the pillow when
yeah but what colour is your Robin Reliant?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq8BIP_bbNI been listening to red scalp all evening trying to find the song where they used a clip from this but it eludes me so the source will have to suffice
Dumb ugly nigger doubles down because she knows she can do whatever she wants
https://youtu.be/i9Tr5bBiH_w?t=1776 here it is pretend that this is what i poosted originally >>447230 not for long in fact in most countries the removal of foreign agitators and criminals is celebrated not punished she's living in a fairy tale that never actually existed in reality
>>447230 troonish hairline
>>447232 it's just a klingon, lad.
>>447233 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek honour to you and your house
>>447112 instant evaporation
>>447225 >I’ll ignore that! Checkm8! Hahahahahaha Nothing worse than a traitor or those who pull the ladder up after themselves. Deserve nothing but a good fucking shoeing
>>447230 >Trying to use a Norm Iron accent >talking about terrorism in Norm Iron not having any understanding of the history of Norm Iron Hope she get bashed into oblivion tbh. Sick of it
>>447201 Who is Mr. D?
>Sunak - Rwanda is working! See! >Traitor Irish government - We’re not responsible for the tent cities! Sunak is! Seems like the Afghan has been radicalised
>>447241 Based Steve putting that mohammedan in his place
>>447240 >2:08 >he rails against it with a British accent >talks in Tower Hamlets
Yes yes it certainly warmed to it amongst the business leaders and house builders and banks
>>447243 Exactly >Achmed speaks English therefore he has a ‘British’ accent because anyone can be British no matter what kind of a mess they make of the language! After 17 years you’d think he’d have got the message to fuck off home. Not our problem. Foreigners should be banned from speaking are language tbh
>>447241 >in the real world people won't and don't want to have breeding competitions breeder bros... its over >>447245 >Foreigners should be banned from speaking are language tbh tbh
>>447225 I was wondering who ‘Donna’ was and it seems I guessed right
Average worker in Britain is a middle aged white man because you know..Britain is still a majority white country. Still raging about that BBC cuck tbh..
>"Alright the gays can marry now lets start killing old people" keeeeek how did this lad make it so far in politics? such a sperg >>447248 tbh considering making a twitter account just to announce my intention to kill him in his dms kek
>>447249 Few things as evil as crocodile tears over this issue, because normgroids might actually lap it up. Then like Cucknada, the state will be murdering homeless, mentally ill, white teenagers, rather than help or house them. Of all the kvetching over genocide, people would scoff and cope if you point out a literal state genocide is going on in Canada, and that our leaders want to genocide us. Smdh.
>>447250 Don't know if you saw it a couple months back but there was a Dutch lass who the state killed because she felt tired all the time. Tried googling it and there is already another one scheduled to die next month for "mental illness". Grim
>>447247 Constant train accidents incoming.
The culture and society is so in the gutter, we are at the stage of assisted suicide for fully functioning 28 year olds. keeeeeek.
What I should have said is the culture and society is in such a state, instead of it being rectified there is now the option of assisted suicide for 20 years olds.
If 22st had bred these women they would still be alive unironically

>>447256 Hey Jacob
>>447257 >you've done him.
any time I see that Steiney meme I have to post it.
>>447257 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>447255 Tbh when the state coerces young would be mothers into killing themselves because the cock carousel has depressed them, a rapebreeding dungeon is a moral act. Snorst really letting down the white race once again.
>>447240 They're really trying to lay the emotional blackmail on thick.
>>447263 Cool. Looks like he was vored by the ground and it had teeth.
>>447256 Slimy cunt.
>>447256 He’s such a twat but it’s alright he is immune to the consequences just like his backers
yeah i'm a retard
>>447268 is that minimogg?
>Vote for me for Mayor of Warsaw! I am Polish!
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>>447267 Chugs are indoevropean.
>>447271 he's planning on turning the child play area into a poo paradise.
>>447270 Wish some jews would spit at him and his son
>>447272 Why can't they handle alcohol then?
Might drink some Faygo and listen to ICP
>>447278 gonna need some face paint and a knife juggling kit to complete the experience.
>>447277 They can handle alcohol. They get through enough of it, lad.
>>447280 Yes in a completely non-functional way which is why I ask.
>>447251 >Read More: Mother calls for ban on slushies for children after her son, 3, became 'intoxicated' and fell unconscious within 30 minutes KEEEK
>>447281 Slavs are also non functional most of the time. They're indoeuropean lad. Not that it makes much of a different. Ranting Boar ain't hu'white. Simple as.
Westoid Europeans are about as close to chugs as we are to Indians, unironically.
>>447283 No slavs are exquisite functioning alcoholics.
>>447284 So pretty well separated.
you gotta keep 'em seperated
think I like chugs better than poos
>>447282 >How slushies are made has changed, at least partly in response to a UK government policy on sugar reduction and the Soft Drinks Industry Levy (the “sugar tax”). Where most sweetened soft drinks, were able to use a mix of low- and no-calorie sweeteners – such as aspartame – this doesn’t work when it comes to slushies. >Adding sugar to water and churning as the temperature drops below zero produces slush rather than ice. To do this, you need at least 12g of sugar per 100ml, which would mean sugar-containing slushies would be liable for the highest rate of tax at 24p per litre in the UK >Glycerol was the chosen solution, which can make a slushy with around 5g per 100ml. Glycerol was used in the past to treat swelling in the brain (cerebral oedema). As this adds to the amount of things dissolved in our blood, it means the plasma in blood becomes more concentrated and can draw water from other parts of the body, including the brain, which can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea and dizziness. Fucking hell. Need to start checking labels for this shite.
>>447239 a homosexual catholic doomer that is a regular on pACKidemic agent's shitty streams
Anyone have the chud webm where he sits in the back alley behind mcdonalds(probably on his break) fantasising about chudborea or whatever
>>447294 wtf colin said yids had nothing to do with the browning of japan
>>447294 Remember TRS doing a deepdive years ago about how the US sent a jewess to go and educate the Japanese about feminism. They've been at it a long time.
>>447295 Colin should stay off the Dairy Milk and vapes
The language barrier was the biggest stumbling
>>447297 meant colin liddell (cringe) not colin robertson (based)
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>>447293 please, someone have this archived
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>>447302 Good lad, hadnt seen that one before
>>447292 Oh dear, cheers.
Apparently the sheriff knew the guy and could have called him to come in and surrender but feds refused and four of them got killed Keeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqPI_kVigkk
>>447306 That's some impressive shooting for nog.
Even when they fire into a crowd they usually miss.
>>447302 Keeek Love that tune
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xerddv6bouQ keeeeek. isn't rochester full of feral nogs?
>>447305 I think he might actually call himself Mr Dee he did a millenniyule last year too
RUSSEL BRAND HAS CONVERTED TO CHRISTIANITY a WIN for the devout Christian race https://youtu.be/THVhDjzup-Q
Looks like Manchester but cleaner and well ordered.
>>447302 better qvality version.
>>447312 good for him, if he's genuine and sticks with it.
Roosh had a similar path and has now even deleted himself from the internet.
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>>447316 >Russell Brand >if he's genuine and sticks with it.
>>447318 People can change, brother. Let us pray together.
>>447312 He's a nonce; he should be Catholic.
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this goes hard.
JOKERY WOKERY OUT! EVEN UKIP ARE JOINING US! UP THE WORKERS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWxFUMrdoL8&pp=ygUDTGJj
>>447323 Everybody loved her so much.
>>447322 If Corbyn wasn't a massive cuck he'd join Galloway but he's perfectly content begging to return to Labour for the rest of his life.
>>447328 Yeah okay, Pedro Rodriguez.
meant to attach this.
Still no name on the Samurai?
In Texas people shit and tastes of ice cream.
there's going to be a HUGE racewar in france this or next month please be prepared
>>447319 >people can change yeah, like Milo
>>447323 you can win her back you just have to keep wanking to her cam shows and giving her money
>>447334 >there's going to be a HUGE racewar in france this or next month please be prepared I think you mean a race "guerre" lad
>>447335 erm, no.
an afghan refugee murdered a 15 year old kid for being le far right a few days ago and the french are seething while wogs are celebrating. might hit the fan.
>>447338 lad, he's catholic
>>447339 >an afghan refugee murdered a 15 year old kid for being le far right a few days ago and the french are seething while wogs are celebrating. might hit the fan. part and parcel of living in a successful multiracial society tbh
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https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/brit-tourist-61-dies-holiday-32704354 >Brit tourist, 61, dies on holiday in India after suffering breathing problems at hotel Stop going to India
>>447342 I've been to Delhi and I can confirm it fucking stinks everywhere It's not even the worst city in India either, apparently calcutta is even worse
>>447340 lad, no.
>>447342 imagine the smell
>>447343 is this when you were a libtard?
>>447346 You don't need an ideology observe dravidian scum.
sorry "to observe"
>>447339 Rumours that the muzzie's mother was kicking the boy as he was bleeding out >The Afghan murderer's mother beat Matisse's dying body. His lawyer obtained his release. This country full of traitors is very sick
>>447327 >If Corbyn wasn't a massive cuck he'd join Galloway but he's perfectly content begging to return to Labour for the rest of his life. really don't think Corbyn would be an assett to Galloway but it'd be interesting if he did join him, taking a large contingent of the old left with him a lot of blue haireds would probably tag along too though
>>447346 >is this when you were a libtard? what are you implying?
>>447349 bad place. also they're hosting the olympics in saint denis in a few months. remember last year at the champions league final when hordes of wogs attacked liverpool fans trying to watch a game there? that will 100% happen again if not worse.
>>447344 he's a good catholic boy
>>447336 I've never paid her.
>>447352 Thought you might have gone to India for the 'spiritual experience'. kek.
>>447355 tbf you've paid her in time. and that's priceless.
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>>447355 >I've never paid her. good lad but you did wank to her cam shows then
>>447356 >Thought you might have gone to India for the 'spiritual experience'. the very cheap Marijuana, yes
>>447354 There needs to be a revival of critiquing homosexuality. If it's not a extremely small minority of the extremely based it's born traitors shagging little boys and selling out their nations through and through.
>>447356 Good point because I have no idea why else anyone would go to India.
>>447361 Same reason anyone goes anywhere foreign, it's a new experience (thus not boring).
>>447358 And will continue to do so. >>447357 Tbf this hits hard.
>>447362 I mean as opposed to anywhere else with drinkable water, breathable air, edible food, safe streets, attractive women. The list just goes on and on.
>>447363 Maybe stop feeding her your loosh lad. Why do you think western women have such cart blanche to ruin our civilization.
>>447364 So why go anywhere outside of Europe? Same reason.
Sorry western and central Europe. good luck drinking romanian tap.
>>447364 uhm indian women are top tier lad
>>447368 In what sense, other than the olfactory?
>>447369 in a sex sense.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfwJgcwE5PY Well, it's many a day I've travelled A hundred miles or more But an Indian on a toilet sure I never saw before
>>447368 >toxic aunties Dunno why but this made me keek.
>>447370 Then you're wrong.
remember when i was a wee chudlet in 2017 thinking a total europe wide race war was just around the corner and I didnt have to care about uni anymore
>>447363 >Tbf this hits hard. like your nuts
>>447374 That's a trap that should be booted out of everywhere.
>>447365 > Maybe stop feeding her your loosh lad. Why do you think western women have such cart blanche to ruin our civilization. this lad is correct, of course
>>447370 holy heck I know that shop it's sports direct
>>447371 >dubliners Are you sure, there aren't nearly enough brown people there?
>>447379 Considering the video is years old, probably not.
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>>447373 you are right lad, he's wrong
>>447380 Sounds like a racist excuse chud.
Let's have a look and see if Indian women are sexy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdm4rE9Igcg
>>447382 >he's done me
>>447383 corrr
>>447384 Stop engaging in black irish eraser and I'll stop.
>>447386 More interested in Ireland being united again than being swamped with wogs.
>>447387 Those aren't mutually exclusive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj0PXPeKJRE Do you think it's a nothing burger lads?
>>447391 based.
>>447391 whoops haha
>>447393 Has manxlad gone too far?
>>447393 poo in it
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>>447397 >and thus he broke up with his girlfriend and made a grinder account.
ah dear the fresh paint kinda slid off it after the drink, i think i drank some paint
>>447399 mild acrylic poisoning is good for the soul lad.
>>447393 he cute
Probably fitting that a bins effigy is poisoning good lads.
its crazy to me that kids going to school today literally have no idea of the unique role britons held in creating the modern world beyond a brief le racism. like they have no idea everything is the way it is on the entire earth solely by the existence of the one small island they live on rn.
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>>447393 it's smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
me personally as a zoomer i learned absolutely nothing about british history beyond the romans, until i was 13 i genuinely just thought we came from the romans and celts, the anglo-saxon part wasnt even touched on. when i found out about hengist and horsa through /pol/ i thought i'd stumbled on arcane hidden knowledge, nobody in my social circle had ever hear about it.
>>447406 Grim. Even in my Blair years education we had a lot more than that.
>>447406 Fucking hell that's bad, glad my parents still had some tradition of family and oral transfer about them.
>>447407 He was elected in 97 and by the time I was in secondary education any mention of germanic england was gone. It was all yank tier Wiemar germany 1933- 36 kosher certified.
or soviet union 1970-90 the approved years.
>>447404 oh no what happened
in fact much of secondary testing seemed like more of a test of a persons utility verse intelligence vs compliance.
>>447407 >Even in my Blair years education we had a lot more than that. You don't know what you've lost until it's gone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QhAZckY8w
>>447413 I hope this is played at the hanging of tony blair.
>>447415 As muddy ditches go, I'm still glad I'm not caught in that one.
Considering voring a cheeky late night za
last za I had I forgot to take out of the oven so dad had to vore some coal the next day smh. He's like the dinosaur trash bin from the Flintstones
>>447393 We have willed him into existence
>>447393 >thumb on the bulj
all kneel for the pembs anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gqsk_6OGwY
Anyone have the webm of the chudjak driving a truck with tranny as his passenger and he runs over Mexicans to the tune of "I'm taking a ride with my best friend"
>found some old terra patrick foot fetish porn from 2002
>lad going through my twitter and liking all my wholesome chungus posts but closing his eyes when he sees naughty posts keeeeeek
Morning lads! Poos pooed on Australia https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/may/01/australia-india-nest-of-spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>447427 i hAvE A ReStRaInInG OrDeR! Didn’t work. Guns work
>destroyed shartican abrams displayed at moscow exhibit.
>>447431 From what I've been told those abrams were stripped of everything that would have made them useful before being handed over to the Ukies.
>>447427 THIS IS WHY JAPAN NEEDS 27 MILLION PAJEETS AND THEN THE WHOLE ISLAND CAN BE RENAMED PAJAN! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/may/01/akyia-houses-why-japan-has-nine-million-empty-homes
>>447433 You joke but that's what foreign investors will demand to see returns on their investments.
/brit/ house, Japan
>>447432 >that would have made them useful useful to whomst? thats a meme anyway theres nothing secret within the abrams
>>447436 If they've stripped the stabilizers and ballistic computers it's basically an armoured artillery piece.
And yes there is, there's a difference between knowing generically what's in your opponents tank and being able to actually technically assess the tech. That's why losing a mig 25 was such a big deal to the soviets.
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>>447421 ack I can imagine actual troons dancing about to this
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>>447427 black on black violence this is of no interest to society. you are just perpetuating racist stereotypes which leads to racism and violence only post black men being killed by cops, because that leads to mostly peaceful protests
>>447441 What if the cop is black?
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>>447393 >>447397 >>447399 Needs a coat of lacquer if you're gonna put alcohol in it lad
>>447321 Sure, hard into deep cringe.
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>>447442 >What if the cop is black? all cops are white and agents of whiteness and white supremacy read a book, god
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>>447399 >polishes his head with WD40 >drinks fresh paint lad, this isn't healthy
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>>447402 >Probably fitting that a bins effigy is poisoning good lads. wtf, I try to promote healthy eating and exercise not drinking alcohol let alone paint ffs
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>>447449 something really satisfying about this ngl
>>447449 This will make everyone like jews for sure
Will also make them trust and respect government and believe they have an unassailable first amendment
When they try and boycott and divest they will be forced to buy from jewish businesses at gunpoint
>>447452 Jews don't care about being hated, in fact they kind of thrive on it What they *do* care about, is making sure nobody can do anything about them being in power, and that's what this is about - a show of force
Happy to utilize that hypocrisy when it worked for them, live by the sword etc etc.
>>447456 >Happy to utilize that hypocrisy Jews do not give a shit about being hypocrites lad
>>447457 No I meant the left leaning students and professors currently getting tear gassed.
>>447458 He's full of shite, all the builders are fucking albanians and romanians and there's no shortage of labour.
>>447460 Long term pain - for us - for short term gain - for the elites
Found out what nationalism is. Finally
>>447462 Luv having a black women tell me my ethnicity needs to be dismantled to accommodate her.
>>447463 Think she’s asking that we do blackface
>>447462 >because a border has changed in the 100s of years since St George was born that means his ethnicity corresponds to the modern land border of a country that didn't even exist yet
>>447464 Based and gollywog pilled.
>>447458 >London needs migrants why don't they employ people from other parts of the country then?
>>447468 It doesn’t need migrants. It needs to downsize tbh and all the shit bits returned to nature Maybe a nuclear war would be a good thing
>>447469 Are these the psychotic terminally online terfs I've heard about?
>>447468 Because an illegal paki is a cheaper hire for your chicken shop.
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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c97zn8g6296o BREAKING: Bin man catches "monster" catfish weighing 64.4kg Go on my son.
>>447462 I could have sworn I watched this video 5 years ago.
>>447480 well, the same old, tedious mongs make the same comments about St. George every fucking year on Twitter. So the same probably happens on tv too.
>>447478 Caught in Britain? Big feesh regardless.
So what you’re saying is we didn’t need Nigrants to drive are buses? A job no white man wanted to do??????? Huh!?
>>447482 Yes in Maldon, Essex.
>After weighing the fish, Reitz released it into a separate lake and the fishery bailiff paid him £143 in cash as the angling club is looking to remove catfish from the lake he was fishing in. >He said: "The bailiff paid me one pound for every pound of weight, so I came away with £143 in cash. Sounds like great fun
Al Jazeera try to make a report. Little small hat sperg tries to disrupt it. Soldiers of only democracy in Middle East (tm) refuse to intervene https://nitter.poast.org/AJArabic/status/1785272889316409773
Nigerians vs Albanian Samurai?
I see so many bots in the youtube comments these days.
>>447490 Even bots have more charisma than Indians commenting.
>>447490 Hard to tell them apart from normies sometimes tbh
no refunds goy
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>>447177 He's wrong, you can record all you want in a public place
>>447494 Imagine alienating the next set of Nomenklatura you expect to run your system
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erm did you lads miss the huge battlezogs vs antifa fight in UCLA?
>>447497 no one cares fag
>>447500 AI is getting pretty good.
That's why mums go to Iceland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFannxlm6Rw
Is anyone else's youtube doing this though lads? Keep getting these channels suggested with relatively low sub numbers and it's always odd people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CW8Veeknzc
why didn't my parents mould my soft baby head into a proper aryan skull
>>447473 jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej I love free speech
>>447506 They probably thought all the times they dropped you was good enough.
>>447462 >0:50 "I'm a patriot. I'm patriotic." >1:44 "Nationalism and patriotism are interchangeable." Kek so she's a nationalist? Incoherent wog.
>lad who goes on random tedious tangents at work asks me why I don't talk much He's unnerved that I don't indulge his attempts to be smartest man in the room.
>>447502 kek. more like Tony England.
>>447512 If it wasn't obvious: It's fake.
Why are conservatives so cringe?
>>447489 Yeah. Looks like an Albanian drug lord chopped up a school drugs gang Sending a message out to all wogs who don’t pay. Ruthless tbh. They’ll get you even if you flee the country
JOIN HM RANGER REGT! WE NIGGAH NOW! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4_aTMmL7Iz/
>>447515 They prefer to act conservative rather than be conservative. Their principles are therefore shallow and thus cringerino
>goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive >goon >cock becomes sensitive
>>447500 >Its the lass from that cringy Harry Potter ripoff
>447519 Try not "gooning".
>feminists be like
>>447497 >erm did you lads miss the huge battlezogs vs antifa fight in UCLA? think it was posted about wasn't it that "I'm a professor" woman having her face ground in to the concrete?
>>447524 >5 hours audiobook for improooooovers tldr
>>447522 Wonder what wojak is going to say next.
>>447524 I tried reading that book bot got bored it just keeps reapeating itself and not getting to the point
>>447527 Have you tried edging while you listen to it?
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>>447529 >Have you tried edging while you listen to it? now @this might actually work
>>447528 >getting walls torn down <Getting bashed by jews Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>447530 >jews won. jews won an actual physical fight? how is that possible?
guys i wouldnt be antisemitic anymore these jews seem pretty tough....
>>447534 >guys i wouldnt be antisemitic anymore these jews seem pretty tough.... those didn't look like normal jews to me that looked like CIA/Mossad
>>447535 probably were.
>>447530 >jews won lad, those are clearly Deep State operatives they didn't look remotely jewish not jews, but trained fighters
>>447535 they're unironically actual former IDF, theres programs for IDF members to get subsidized education in the USA
>>447538 >former IDF so yeah, CIA and Mossad then, not ordinarly jews Imagine how different Right Wing protests would go if MI5 were on our side, kek
>>447538 I'm sure some "former" Mossad and "former" assorted zogbots were there as well.
the leftists used the ingenious tactic of building a huge wall out of plywood and then having people wander by themselves outside the wall and getting jumped by 100 kikes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-68935876
>>447530 >b-but they beat a jew up! The amount of lies they tell is astonishing https://nitter.poast.org/dontcallSaulz/status/1785671840817447005
love how zog sends in the fattest niggers they can find to beat up anti israel protesters. its perfect americana https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1785507868675813431
The great mutt samurai is Spanish-Brazilian >>447543 keeeeek that ending
>Another skateboard jew WHERE WAS KYLE!
>>447546 friendly fire lmfao
>>447545 Fucking based. Dealing with them Brazilian style
>>447545 so people were wrongly defaming our albanian brothers yet again... *sigh*
>>447547 Blue on Blue jew on jew You love to see it
>>447549 That was me but I once spoke to a retired immigration officer in a pub who said that he intercepted loads of Albanians travelling on Italian and Spanish passports pretending they weren’t Alboonians. Seeing as they have entire networks living in South America so they get first dibs on the coke and bearing in mind his physiognomy is more ‘boonian you never know. Not as if HM gov could or are remotely interested in finding out tbh
>>447547 kek, busted the nose of his fellow tribesmen. It's a big target after all.
>2 hairs 1 follicle >pluck them out together >surprising amount of blood. well, shit.
>>447551 whether intentional or not the penalty for spreading misinformation is.... death may fauci rest your soul
I got a payrise today. £33k per annum now. It's not spectacular but I'm reasonably happy.
>>447545 The nog's school is a private school. Not cheap.
>>447555 Good lad
>America letting foreign combatants smash their citizens up State of that country not that our government is any different
>>447560 me when jews repeatedly scream the n word while choking out niggers
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>>447545 >Marcus Aurelius
aniem feet
>>447530 wouldn't happen in steiner country
Simple as
>>447566 I can't do maths so that all really impressed me.
>>447564 prefer pungent, 3d feetsies tbh.
>>447566 Did he make any films?
DO YOU THINK there'll be another big rally tomorrow with antifas and jews from all over california going at it like what happened in berkeley?
14 year old lad was killed by the sword yesterday His photo and main article, on all news websites today https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/news https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Emily_Jones https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-60236157 7 year old Emily was killed on 22/03/20 by an Albanian refugee who was about to be deported. Very horrific, didn't get anywhere near the footage this sword thing is getting 1 day later https://web.archive.org/web/20200323154423/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/20200323164404/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news Zero mentions 2 days later https://web.archive.org/web/20200324153031/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/20200324162429/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news daily mail mentions a hero bystander chased of a stabber, no photos of victim or perpetrator Silence from the BBC 3 days later https://web.archive.org/web/20200325152405/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/20200325170905/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news daily mail same as before. Silence from the BBC, not a single article a week later https://web.archive.org/web/20200329154141/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/20200329175339/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news daily mail's small article half way down the page has now disappeared. BBC never did have an article on their front page.
>>447573 Victim is black.
>>447573 Nice chud detective work lad >all those corona stories
>>447569 Nobody is going to enforce it, but they really don't want that can of worms opened. That's their tactic they love to pull out.
>>447570 >Dozens of piss bottles scattered around the set CLEAN IT UP, JABRONI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNDAmrLZr3k LITTLE RISHI SUNAK on his steps
>>447579 nasty cunt
>>447579 Stupid self important rude brainlet bitch
>>447579 leftists are sneething at this interview he did today
>>447583 omg literally hitler
All these cringe attempts at 'gotchas' in that galloway video. Spending most of the time talking about long dead boogeyman Saddam Hussain. Jesus Christ.
>>447586 Two brainlets trying to destroy a principled elder statesman is farcical tbh
>>447583 Based.
They should be publicly apologising to Nick Griffin, rather than bringing his name up for a mere 'gotcha, disavow! disavow!' at this point.
>>447590 Nick Griffin gives a fake endorsement to anyone who criticises Israel. He's probably paid to do it.
>>447593 that's just how he is.
>>447592 Really pushing through a lot of jew/israel acts lately. The anti-boycott one in 2019 seemed to ramp it up.
Might have to speak about George Galloway in a slightly positive light at the next family gathering. See how well that goes down.
>>447573 well researched lad feel like there could be greater value in meda observations like this for a bigger audience, bringing awarenes off the nature of the news cycle to more people
>we are led by political dwarfs, and I'm not talking about elevator shoes Rishi Sunak Keek
>she's on cam flicking her bean again surprising I know, but she does still have a tight snatch
vored all the leftover cheesaucepastrymix. arse is starting to twitch. might sneed a massive poo before sneep.
>>447600 Talking about your ma again lad?
>>447601 Your guts are done lad.
the turd loo roll of the day
>>447604 Kek I clicked on a random timestamp and started watching at 4:50.
wow maybe shitons shouldn't have burned millions of blue eyed Aryan babies alive for no reason other than because shitons are physically incapable of removing the kike dick from their throat? could have been blasting US aircraft carriers with battleships and burning St. Petersburg and Moscow to the ground instead and then maybe whites would live, but shitons are a servile shabbos goy cuck race
>>447500 wow...
>>447606 keeeeeeek.
>>447607 as long as they are legal..
also fuck blumpf, he is a kike lover after all, not just faking it. if there was ever a time to stop faking it, now is that time, and he's not doing it
There has never been anything to suggest Trump is anything but a spiritual jew.
>>447612 smh how long did it take for you to realise that
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>>447614 >>447615 I flip-flop between hopium and ropium on the blumpf question. they feed us disenfranciseed revanchist whites bait like vids related only to disappoint us over and over again, it's sadistic psychological abuse. he says migrants are "poisoning the blood of our nation", which is an obvious racist dogwhistle to get chuds excited, but then if he gets into office he won't actually do shit to reverse the demographic trend
it's also just not possible for me to imagine being an elderly white man that has clout like Trump does and then being a jevv shill instead of actually doing something good. like he's old and his sons are all dysgenic slav untermensch married to jevvs so there's really no reason to be loyal to the jevvs until death even if he is a nonce that the Mossad has blackmail material on. but I guess some people are just evil and have no morals, they can do bad things without guilt, I can't understand it personally
when haitians, mexicans and irishmen team up, nothing can stop them.
pardon me but im about to make a very RUDE morning announcement... poo!
Lancs news is feetpilled
>>447618 wew that is keef oods? I didn't recognise him... he looks off
>>447611 Are they sing a filter or something? How can the middle and left be so wide?
>>447624 All irish look like potatoes.
cat's been scratching at the door for an hour. Just gonna let her keep scratching tbh
looks like we have a new current thing lads
>>447626 >Just gonna let her keep scratching tbh eventualy she will get through
>>447627 whatchu talm bout
>>447583 imagine not wanting your son to be taught it's NOTnormal to have a cock shoved up his arse what absolute bigotry
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>>447622 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he cute
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>>447630 fucked up this post ack
>>447586 Morning lads Just watched some program on poverty in one of the richest EU countries and some Luxembourgers complaining that ‘foreigners’ - we know who, are getting free shit ‘blown up their arse’. https://www..youtube.com/watch?v=d_XVU7VsG4Y
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwGlhKcEBjY >>447611 impressively wide tbh, would keep in the brapbarn whomsts?
>In June 2020, former employees spoke out about their experiences working at Fine Brothers Entertainment (FBE), which included allegations of racism and sexism by the company. In January 2021, Insider published a report, which contained allegations the company cultivated casual racism. One employee claimed she was told at times to have a reactor with lighter skin on the left of video thumbnails. Insider said that in 434 thumbnails that included one person of color and one white person, 238 of them (55%), had the white person on the left side. Putting 45% of black people on the right side of the YouTube thumbnail is an outrage.
>>447627 >Hainault victim was 'positive and gentle' Think of how many negholes he could have pozzed.
>>447635 Who here lefty?
>>447638 Never tried my right hand tbh.
Another powerful one by big Steve
Trumps been watching Joey Owens videos >BIG FAN! PROBABLY HIS BIGGEST FAN AND BEST MOST POWERFUL FANNIEST FAN https://nitter.poast.org/BidenHQ/status/1785759162783224174
>>447636 >Think of how many negholes he could have pozzed. I'm sure he was a good boy, about to turn his life around, money for dem programs etc.
>>447641 What a gimp
>>447641 Despise everyone in this image.
>>447641 >>447642 pound shop DDees
>>447641 >big Steve?
>>447573 Awesome post lad have a (you)
>>447649 The ‘artist and satirist’ Cold War Steve
>>447649 Cold War Steve https://nitter.poast.org/coldwarsteve Schizo boomer leftist with nearly half a million followers for some reason
>>447647 pit lives matter he wuz a good boi, 'bout to turn his life around, money for dem programs etc.
>>447652 >>447653 his content is not very good lads
>>447647 Deyuuuuuummmmmmmmmm!
>>447654 meant for (You) >>447651
>>447654 It’s the pictorial equivalent of the thousand word lefty meme because he is, well, a chronic lefty Total mess
>>447647 >that dog that lies down and keeps running then stops is that what dogs do when they get shot?
DEVASTATING statistics on violent crime by foreign nationals ‘mainstream media DON'T want you know!’ https://youtu.be/fxfSoUxQRTE
>>447659 I think it's muscles twitching
>>447661 it's the big one that the cop shot first, I think it is able to stay up and running for a while, runs out of shot, then comes back in and falls over on to its back, but its legs try to keep running before it finally just stops
Female Swedish Police Sleeping With Migrant Cr!me Lords https://youtu.be/S_43ruPTFRs
interview for a job at a glass-cutting factory tomorrow >>447663 w*men do this every single time
>>447664 good luck de lad or hard lines if you wanted to NEETmaxx
>>447663 How could this hap…..vagina
>>447665 thanks lad sick of neeting tbh constantly skint
slowmo nig noggin action impressive throw tbh
>>447668 wew that would do some damage
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>>447664 >w*men do this every single time >>447666 >How could this hap…..vagina a story as old as time
>>447668 so long as they are doing it to each other I don't care but they shouldn't be doing it to each other in our ancestral homelands
>>447668 imagine AI generating a version of this where it's in Africa, they're in tribal dress, and the bowling balls are rocks, then putting them side by side
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Sneeples, lads
The Great Replacement: Can We Finally Talk About It? | Lauren Southern https://youtu.be/6eoEOmBFi9Q
smdh someone beat me to it
>>447677 >>447677 better luck next time lad have a couple of (You)s to make up for it
>>447676 >Vlaar Dinger Bro Eck Stupid thot can’t pronounce it can’t even call her and ask
>>447679 I hate that right wingers are being gaslit in to supporting Israel merely as a reflexive action against the Left it's a false dichotomy
>>447681 tbh but it's human nature not everyone thinks their positions out thoroughly smh many people just oppose the enemy and call it a day
a med bull needs to hurry up and breed eva. smh.
that med bull can be me.
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>>447682 >any people just oppose the enemy and call it a day I am opposed to the enemy the real enemy
>Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself - Sun Tzu
>>447686 The bins/22 hybrid
>>447687 why is the username blanked out?
>>447689 probably got it from leddit.
>GET YOUR WILLIES OUT! t. Dick Griffin
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Still the main article lads. Might be for weeks. Media trying to incite some race riots? Wonder if Cash Gernon from Texas's story was ever the main article on any news outlet. Won't hold my breath.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9884339/Man-indicted-capital-murder-slaying-Dallas-boy.html and as soon as it got to court his lawyer pulled out all the mental health stuff, just like Etiona Skana https://www.fox4news.com/news/attorney-claims-man-accused-of-killing-dallas-4-year-old-is-schizophrenic Wonder how the sword nutter will play out in court
>>447693 isn't that just standard media practice when one of the holy beings is harmed by a lesser entity?
>key battleground 95,000 migrants no one wants
>>447696 rentberg and loanberg both want them lad and their opinions matter a little bit more than yours or mine
Murica is dead All they can do is make war, porn and poison https://nitter.poast.org/wilplatypus/status/1785738036392964107
>>447698 state of the few yanks in the comments trying to defend an institution that takes pleasure in shitting on them anyway.
>>447699 Voting Zognald will fix it
>>447700 Has to get through the Senate before it gets signed off House is populated by a bunch of powerful and paid idiots, like everywhere seemingly
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Hate this shit. pisses me off so much it's unreal.
>>447704 why did you post it then?
orangutang heals himself after fight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68942123
>>447706 I got guerrilla glue on a little cut today by accident. Tangs are definitely people. Okay, thank you.
>>447706 what I wouldn't give for a few good rangies in a chud shield wedge they'd splatter entire hordes of libtards
>>447706 another (you) because it's a good non-seethe generating post tbh need more of this sort of thing
First warm day of the year and the shorts that show bum cheek were on display
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLykGl85NIY >>447711 hope you leered really obviously and made them uncomfortable
>>447704 Mamma mia whadda wrong widda you? Fucking a learna to sing Rishis!
25th anniversary of soy wars the phantom poolad soon lads >>447713 god I hate them and I hate the niggercattle for not having that kind of in group preference (after decades of jewish subversion albeit)
>>447706 Even a monkey can into medicine more than Dr. pootel
>>447715 Same tactics they’re using on the uni students. Out and out gangsterism which is illegal. So, Murica, how do you let this happen? Don’t bother replying, the founding fathers would hang the lot of you tbh
>>447713 Surprised Tarantino never made this into a scene with Harvey Weinstein's backing. Maybe he would've eventually.
this one goes out to bushposter, RIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHspDQZKvwg
>>447719 Good lad
>>447713 i dont think this ever happened. jews love writing fanfic about being 'ard.
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/LauraRbnsn/status/1786016947005481037 > Timothy 2:12-15 >But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. >For Adam was first formed, then Eve. >And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. >Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
mini bins looking a little weathered after the other nights alcohol incident
>>447727 touch up and lacquer as that one lad suggested?
>>447722 Tbh ‘ARD when they’ve got backup and for the rest t’s all talk and bribing others to do the fighting apart from a few who do the terror shit
>>447728 im thinking more strap to a firework and launch into the stratosphere
>>447730 Or up bins arse
>>447730 okay this is kino launch him towards ireland and start an international incident
>>447733 >>447734 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
should I go watch the new gosling shite in the kinoplex or is it poo enough to save for a bins film night?
>>447737 >zogants are faggots just like zogbots I suppose they have more reason to be what with the woman shortage being even worse over there tbf really ought to invade jeetland already so they can all get currystank gfs or die and save the chinese state some incel trouble
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*blocks your path* C'mere prag
>>447738 tbh thats a war im looking forward to
looking on tvch to get opinions on Fall Guy and found doogle again he's still around doog bless
2-3 weeks to know if I bred. I'm waiting, lads.
>it's real
>>447744 good on him but he should just be a private person and not keep trying to farm clout because that narcissistic egotism is another symptom of faggotry and until he stops trying to be a celebrity he is still a butt pirate to me
>>447745 What does he even do now?
>>447746 no idea but I assume shitter eceleb shite plus poodcasting somewhere like most low effort grifters
>no tv thread for gosling film did the era of him being literally me end already?
>Fatdriguez! Shoot that troon in the head with a rubber bullet! Why are the IDF operating as riot police on US soil????
>>447748 the gosling chuds became demoralised after he came out in support of feminism >>447749 what a shithole
>>447751 you have to be bummed to get anywhere in hollyweird anyway.
>>447751 smh guess I won't be going to the kinoplex for it then
I thought this was the gooseman when this ad popped up the other day
>>447754 what's their angle here, that they were forging the numbers on themselves even while they were still in the camps?
Insane levels of philosemitism going on in America right now >>447754 Insane levels of philosemitism going on in England right now
This will be carrying the Olympic flame through the streets of Paris on orders from the Mayor
yeah I'm thinking that's enough /brit/ for the day
>>447756 Insane amounts of US tax shekels being splashed around by littlehats https://nitter.poast.org/LensVeritatis/status/1786018276193316965 But still Bibi is scared Goys will falter and makes a plea to Holobunga centenarians https://nitter.poast.org/LensVeritatis/status/1786045935002480998
>>447693 smdh RIP Chicken Connoisseur
>>447759 >yanks didnt sacrifice themselves hard enough to save the poor yids from the masturbation machines
>>447754 There's an ad for this under a bridge near Rochdale I saw again today. Made me laugh. There's a holocaust film for every alleged victim, and every variety has been done at least dozens of times, including the "love in the darkest place" subgenre of holocaust film. The absurdity of milking this one historical period. You'd think anybody with real respect for yids would let the dead rest with some dignity. Smh.
>>447762 Sounds like goyim morality.
>>447762 Dey can’t rest when dey have films to make!
My favourite, sexually ambiguous, mexican leader of the White race has been allowed back on Twitter.
>>447765 So confirmed for the being a new generation of controlled op?
>>447766 you think he's controlled op, lad?
>>447767 I'm sure someone somewhere has the appropriate blackmail material or financial paper trail.
peak Tory moment
>>447768 >I'm sure someone somewhere has the appropriate blackmail material or financial paper trail. if you decide to spend time around Milo, you're asking for it really.
>>447770 Most this clown ever should've been was a town crier.
(3.63 MB 1280x720 Bidenbros.mp4)

Didn't vote lads.
>>447775 was too late by the time I remembered.
>>447775 based
>>447775 >when a vootie starts going on about your 'democratic duty' and you just give them the based nigga stare
4th(fourth) bottle of Smithwicks tbh
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>447780 Yup, that'll be going down as a DAVE DAVIS
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Liverpool tomorrow another round of Joe Owens hunting
joe is going to win lads
>>447704 when they say "Brazil", they mean 'Portuguese with a beach tan'. also Italy must be Stockholm Syndrome from the Lombards >>447765 wait really? holy fuck just checked, nope it's suspended. also that faggot Musk said that he's going to ban people that violate the IHRA definition of 'antisemitism', which means all criticism of Jevvs is banned, even Christianity is banned
>>447783 He's going to win something, but certainly not at local elections.
>>447787 Trump's attorneys are reportedly struggling to keep him awake in court https://www.indy100.com/politics/trump/trump-awake-court-sleep
>>447789 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
Wot!? Keeeeeeeeeeeek. Some reach there Cock
>>447792 wew he's just flat out saying that they control the government and did 9/11
>>447791 I abhor violence, but she needs the woodchipper.
>>447795 Was not expecting vapourwave/ bossa nova when i clicked on that. Lo-Fi beats to enjoy my porridge to
>>447796 smorb >>447797 tbh surprised me too
>>447799 morning lad
>Trumps a clown, Hitler and Mussolini looked like clowns Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y_-rLWozIo
Great post, woes
>>447801 bro your kids look like niggers
keeeeeeeeeeek piers making the real racists soy out
>>447801 Keeeek i didnt know De Niro's mutt ex wife was called Diahnne Abbott. Funny ol world
>>447802 >wogs >remembering the past
>>447804 Would slit Morgan's throat if I were to ever see him but I have to give it up for his ability to tap into a sneethemarket
Kikes going in hard with the Founding Farter, President von ShitzInPantz gags How will Trump ever recover
>>447802 Huh? Most employers are like this
>>447805 >Wake up see this on your pillow
>>447810 yeah, of course NEET kings have no idea how the world works
>>447813 surprised to see the one with the demon physiognamy is the good guy
>>447814 Truly scary physiognomy just looking at that pic makes my hair stand on end
>>447814 tbh >>447815 maybe if they streissand effect a bit harder people will love them again
why do I now have to refresh the page manually to see replies and why is the reply counter gone, why do they keep changing this site
>>447818 and then everybody clapped >>447819 >refresh the page manually to see replies been a recurring but infrequent problem for me for ages tbh just one of those things don't think it's intentional
orcs must die 3 is currently free on epic games >inb4 le chinky spyware just pirate it
>>447819 >refresh the page manually to see replies Back in my day that was the norm on all imageboards. These features used to be provided by dodgy JavaScript extensions on Greasemonkey.
>>447816 tbhkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>447824 those were the days
well well well Irish elections are going to be fun Entitled scum trying to seize political power everywhere https://nitter.poast.org/RealMessageEire/status/1786101816310026415
>Here is my latest scam video entitled : Scam Ireland with Vishnu
And I would sneep 500 miles, and I would snorp 500 more Just to be the man who sneeped 1000 miles to snorp down at your door Trannies go ACK! (Trannies go ACK) Trannies go ACK! (Trannies go ACK) ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK
Ohhhh I am keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeking
>Three Irish nationals stealing in Australia will be deported to the UK! >Translation : Members of traveller families who live in the UK but have Irish passports will be deported to the UK Travellers gonna traveller https://nitter.poast.org/9NewsMelb/status/1785944146542252472
>>447831 The hunger for copper takes them places.
>>447831 smh gyppos are always the same no matter where they go
>>447832 Media have some kind of fucking block when it comes to stating facts and if you can’t state facts you can’t deal with the problem ergo they don’t want to deal with the problem. They are just making the problems worse tbh apart from having totally undermined the trust the public may have had in them. Epic self own tbh quite amusing that they are dumb enough to think that everyone is dumb enough to believe what comes out of their lying mouths.
>>447834 they're state mouthpieces lad truth has nothing to do with it they don't care if you believe it tbh they just care that it's broadcast to you 24/7 from every angle
>>447802 Based chinks
>>447836 it ain't much but it's honest work
>>447835 Tbh >go looking for tech solutions >spammed to death by scam ware and pajeetard videos smh
>Ghanaian food
>>447839 nice to see that the healthy portion plate is sponsored by mighty menthol 100's
>having to wake up after a comfy dream where I had friends (female) and weren't socially and touch starved and depressed and we did cool creepy urbex in mirrors edge themed buildings and I got to be a hero and fight spooky bloodborne type monsters to earn their adulation if we ever get functioning full dive virtual reality sets I will 100% be one of the people who just stay in it until they die smh world is a shit, born to fantasise six million dead hopes i am incel man
(6.15 MB 1080x1920 thot begone.mp4)

>>447842 you love to see it
>>447841 smh lad iktf had a really in-depth dream that was like a whole other life wednesday night can't remember anything about it tbh only that it was so engaging that i went back to sleep and successfully got back into the dream on three separate occasions before finally waking up for good at two in the afternoon left me in a mood all day >>447842 based heffalump
bossman runs up 30k and loses it in 2 minutes
>>447844 tbh tbh
>he shut it down
>main users of onlyfans are lonely, sad and unloved married men you just can't win
keeeeeeeeeek RIP lil nigger sword lad
scp-9037 object class: safe description: it's an empty goon bag that's except when you squeeze it a bit there's one more glass full left in there
>auslad is breaking out his goon bag again LEG IT
>>447849 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>447850 was concerned for a moment before I rememberd the australian slang tbh
>>447851 you're too late lad you've been at ground zero soaking up the fallout for hours >>447853 keeeeeeeeksmh
regret clicking that
>>447856 >when you miss the [embed] to get a peek at the thumbnail and accidentally open the link instead
>>447853 Same tbh
flat broke until bennies day on monday so it's fried rice for dinner again really glad that back when i had money i bought a sack of rice every time it was half price could last for years with my stash tbqh interview went well though tbh one more interview between me and the job but the lass at today's interview assured me that i was basically a shoo-in and i choose to believe her (because i want to) on the ride home there was an old lad sat by the side of the road in a folding chair holding a sign saying "have a nice day" and i smiled at him then he gave me a thumbs up and the car behind me honked
>>447859 based oldlad tbh
>>447849 RIP to my sides fucking keeeeeek
So did you spend everything on box wine lad?
>75% of people want immigrants gone >doesn’t mention it once Scumbag https://nitter.poast.org/BBCPolitics/status/1786346829447057587
Getting a lot of airtime Reform, despite not even winning a single seat yet. hmm.
the old pressure release valve
>>447863 keeeeeeeeek based paul and based cian >>447866 well when you put it like that it sounds silly smh
>>447868 lad if he was ever going to represent the people he wouldn't be where he is saying what he's saying
>Fuck you, you black fucking bastard! Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek When the Saxon began to hate https://nitter.poast.org/Steve_Laws_/status/1786148999025529270
>>447874 everybody's sick of them
You’re going back with all the traitors who like you so much >A group of Afghan & Pakistani men due to be moved from accommodation in Margate to the Bibby Stockholm barge have been told they will not be moved. >Demonstrations were held on 24 & 25th April blocking coaches. The Home Office cowed & the illegals have received a letter saying “The formal notice to quit the property is now withdrawn with immediate effect” >The Mayor of Margate, Rob Yates, said “Going forwards, we’re ready to do this again. Community activism is a valid tool when it comes to protecting asylum seekers, and I think in this current climate it is one that we should all consider”
>>447872 No intention by any political party to do anything at all about ‘removals’ just the opposite
>>447876 lads i'm not sure there's enough lampposts for everybody
>>447876 Might be harsh but i hope all those women get raped to death by niggers
>>447877 god i fucking hate the niggercattle it's been decades how can they still not see it? go on - keep watching the footy and make sure to vote in the next election
>Iran kills no one >Hamas kills 1,000 allegedly but we know all about Israeli policy to kill their own >ICC set up to prevent genocide Uwot? ICC set up to judge perpetrators of genocides. Put you orange jumpsuit on and grab your lube you dribbling loon
>>447882 wow he's saying everything i've ever said except in some cringing stunted faltering jew kind of way fucking plagiarist
snorebius lads
>>447885 Night lad
so hungry so cruel that I have to starvemaxx on top of everything else
keeek JF trying to start a slapfight with spic pooentes https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt1093:c
I've been cooking up an idea: e-nonce hunting gangs. We trawl the internet reporting Democrat activism hotspots etc. We attack noncery at its sauce and bring down the nonce apparatus.
>JF's dad was a welding boss who worked for Colonel Gaddaffi based lineage tbh
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>>447893 >half Chud on his mother's side
>>447897 >zionism is fascism
Such a dead country, they are now using AI of a mulatto that doesn't even exist to represent them
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>>447898 Unironically aside from the permission of sexual deviancy, Israel is fascist. Only more fascist country is probably Hungary. Fascism being good.

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