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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3963: Electoral Suicide Edition Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 21:21:03 Id: febfe4 No. 450869
Rishi Sunak announces UK general election for Thursday 4 July https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-69050450 Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/22/palestinian-state-recognition-ireland-spain-recognise-palestine New Iranian foreign minister a familiar face for US officials https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/22/politics/iranian-foreign-minister-ali-bagheri-kani/index.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:58:57.
Guess whos back? tony's back, tell your friends
>>450869 good lad
>some news about valve's new game finally comes out >after years of speculation and leaks that it'll be connected to Half-Life somehow >it's overwatch/assfaggots slop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0qZTS38cjw leaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu5nW8L9jI4
>OP is a toryboy One wonders if its better for the shite race to die out than have these sorts exist tbh
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>>450875 extra boring and generic ones too keeeeeeeek
>eat all the sweeties >nothing to look forward to now >repeat again the next day
>>450873 looks like utter shit tbh all their talent must have left years ago
the trannies are right, everything we love and enjoy or that is good will be destroyed in front of us and people will either cheer it on or impotently do nothing.
>>450874 Just checked the last thread and he is. Don't care what constituency or how relatively 'based' the MP, voting Tory or Labour at any point from 2010 onwards deserves a permaban. Inb4 having an absolute bare minimum standard for poosters is.. le bad.
>>450881 He seems to imply he is a janny, the genius decision making of auslad on display yet again.
Nigel Farage: Rishi Sunak has chosen suicide over political obliteratio! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3XctvVSja6U?feature=share
Still got nothing on how horrific AA's voting record is and his pathetic excuse tbh, literally voting tory as late as 2019.
>>450883 he's just some toryboy, if he was actually serious he'd be going for the jugular rn and standing for reform but he's not, he desperately craves acceptance into the tory fold.
>>450884 Pakidemic Agent? He's fat and slow tbh
>>450885 I think he has some idea that losing this election will make the Tories reform themselves in a more nationalist direction not sure I believe that tbh they'd probably "reform" to be even more left wing if anything
>>450886 only reason I listen is because theres an e celeb draught otherwise, the shows the last few months have been bordering on the old days of watching QT, can't believe people pretend he is some kind of intellectual, he can't pronounce most words properly are struggles to read basic english, he is easily led and gullible esp when it confirms things he already believes, he talks about politics for a living and he routinely gets the most basic of facts wrong and then nobody on the panel corrects him and its just left in the air, the shows are also far shorter than they used to be, thats just the tip of the iceberg tbh, could write a whole essay on him.
>>450887 >I think he has some idea that losing this election will make the Tories reform themselves in a more nationalist direction 1. hes wrong if he thinks that 2. I don't think he thinks that as he constantly punches right 3. the tories are leading the globalist revolution leftwards on their own and that will never change
>>450888 AA surrounds himself by Yes men that don't dare contradict him, lest they be kicked off his streams forever. He is notorious for banning and blockng people over the slightest disagreements This way, his stupid ideas - such as Trumpton - don't get challenged, and he can continue to live under the delusion he is the cleverest one in the room not a fan tbh
In sooth, fair Britain's once-lauded leader, Tony Blair, Whose hubris and deceit didst sow the seeds of despair, Shalt meet a fate most terrible, most dire, A public execution, to atone for crimes most dire. His crimes, a litany of blood and shame, The Iraq War, a quagmire of death and flame, The innocent slain, the lies, the deceit, the pain, Shall haunt his waking hours, and stalk his troubled brain. The people's wrath, a tidal wave of indignation, Shall rise up, and cast him forth, in brutal condemnation, The hangman's noose, a ghastly spectacle, to behold, Shall await him, at the end of a treacherous road. His plea, of "I did it for the greater good", Shall fall on deaf ears, as justice is pursued, The weight of guilt, a crushing burden, he shall bear, As Britain's people, their vengeance, loud and clear, declare. The scaffold, a ghastly stage, where he shall meet his end, A gruesome spectacle, to satiate the people's ire, and amend, The wrongs, he wrought, in office, high and grand, Shall be avenged, in public, at the hangman's hand. Thus, let this be a warning, to all who would aspire, To power, and glory, built upon a foundation of lies, and fire, For Tony Blair's dark fate, a lesson shall impart, That justice, in the end, shall claim its rightful part.
>>450891 6/10 max because no mention of scouse fairies, lucas or cultural change
>>450892 chat GPT made it
>>450893 just like joe's schizoposts yeah
what a disappointing day for videogames gni
>>450895 night
how tf did we end up with a tory william janny
night lads
>>450885 >he was actually serious he'd be going for the jugular rn and standing for reform Reform doesn't have a chance. I guarantee you, they won't get a single MP elected. If you look at the people standing for Reform and their party manifesto, they're just a reheated Tory party.
a cotoiler told me today that the pyramids were originally designed as power plants to generate electricity according to principles that were later (re)discovered by nikola tesla probably true tbh >>450901 choon that
i am vomit https://nitter.poast.org/KirscheVerstahl/status/1793528151743611237#m >>450901 post the happy nurse lass again lad >>450902 based tinfoilmaxxing chad tbh
>>450902 Tesla wanted to make electricity free for everybody, bros. when he died the CIA swooped in and confiscated all his documents and discoveries. smh.
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you don't even want me to get started on ufos, my dudes.
>>450905 yeah not actually probably true tbh but i still hold people who believe such things in much higher esteem than normgroids simply they dare to question the official narrative
>>450906 oh but i do start from the beginning please
>>450907 normgroids are the worst. no imagination or intrigue. >>450908 nah, I was just pulling your leg. but the whole tesla stuff ties in with Steven M. Greer and his documentaries which also goes into ufos. Fred Durst narrated the most recent one. bit of entertainment really.
>>450909 >Fred Durst narrated the most recent one. keeeeeeeek based
It's very hippy and utopian in parts. but it's alright I suppose.
Morning lads!
>>450913 hello saar
My morning poo took 2 flushes to go down. An inauspicious sign perhaps
>>450915 floaters are inconsiderate.
I like to give them a stern warning before the second flush.
>>450911 thanks lad >>450913 good morbing (good morbius morning) >>450915 unflushable poos symbolise inner strength
The Deform Party Yessssss that’s right
deep unease and anger whenever i see poonig tbh MSM showing their allegiances ala gameergate again a few days ago by multiple "competing" newpapers having basically the same headlines, some new nothingburger scandal probably involving the browns and they are calling it "BRITISH STATE'S SHAME" or smth
>Autism is the news male Probably true https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt1106:4
>>450920 smh ireland is a part of the british isles and therefore are brvthvrs despite any bad blood between us >>450921 the one where they gave a whole bunch of people hiv via shoddy blood transfusions then covered it up for decades or is there another scandal making the rounds already?
>>450925 probably that one tbh didn't look any closer on account of not wanting further seethe really fills me with hope every time I see some new evidence of are NHS' evils
>>450925 Tbh the existential fight is across are isles and Europe as a whole I wonder how it could have started in every country like this. It’s like they all have some kind of parasite destroying them from within all at the same time This seems like a based lad talking facts however there is no way to vote yourself out of this tbh https://nitter.poast.org/migrationCtrl/status/1793309043915628933
>>450927 Keeeeek screenshotted that as well and was going to post it Just understanding jews use seethe to motivate themselves
>>450930 aged roastie finds her retirement threatened by a lack of men welling to put up with her shit
>>450931 She’s married to a British aristo though isn’t she
Lord Miscegenator
>>450926 was going to poost that "pain is nature's way of letting you know you're an nhs patient" but couldn't find it smdh >>450927 hate smug cunts like these tbh every time people have organised it gets made illegal >>450928 tbh but people are starting to be less afraid to admit that they acknowledge that there's a problem and what that problem is it's a start tbh despite the exruciating multi-decade crawl that it took to get here
>>450936 Nice driving though
>>450940 >woke right
keeeeeeeeeeek It's going to happen lads for real this time I swear
>>450942 >after the election bro please you have to vote for us bro i swear this time we'll stop increasing immigration bro for real this time we'll do it bro please we need your vote
Didn’t know Netanyahu said he hated Spic Fuentes in an interview with Piers Morgan Yet they keep trying to say he’s ‘insignificant’ and ‘going nowhere’ and deploy zioanons against him relentlessly. Absolutely seething they are I keeeeeeeeek
>>450942 It’s true look he’s got the pilot ready PC Pilotawayo
>>450943 Keeeeek
>>450940 anyone using the term "woke right" is deliberately muddying the waters as to what woke actually is
>>450948 Stupid gammon. HOW CAN YOU STAB SOMEONE WITH A KORAN!
>>450950 >A queer starling will ascend to the throne and it will rain a nations keirs/tears? >However the queer starling will soon fall and a brown son of Zion named Abbott will ascend to his seat and the nation will be awash in foreskins as Africer’s dams break
>>450952 >>A queer starling will ascend to the throne and it will rain a nations keirs/tears? >>However the queer starling will soon fall and a brown son of Zion named Abbott will ascend to his seat and the nation will be awash in foreskins as Africer’s dams break Diane Abbott has been kicked out of the party for "antisemitism" lad
>>450953 > She remains a member of the Labour Party, while sitting in the House of Commons as an independent, having had the whip suspended in April 2023. She’s just off the bondage lad
>>450954 oh well she's not on the front bench then, i.e. won't be part of a future government
Are the establishment preparing the public for a societal collapse?
>Sam Smith will play His Royale Highness George Floyd https://variety.com/2024/film/news/george-floyd-biopic-movie-daddy-changed-the-world-1236013183/ keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek We knew it though didn’t we
>>450955 That’s sad. Imagine the hilarity we’re going to miss
>>450956 >axes
Another establishment source promoting post apocalyptic thinking
Don’t need ax. Can do everyfing wiv tin ov beenz
>>450960 If one of these things happens hope public are prepared to drop their inhibitions and bash their skulls in
I think /brit/ needs to start prepping, right now
Bossman gave me a ring the other night asking me to come back to toil after I quit. Should I go back? I left abruptly and can't find other work smh
Tbh we’re practically on the verge of total chaos atm so the elites have something planned
>>450965 >gave you a ring Nah. Sounds like he wants to marry you. Refuse
>>450965 Ask for a pay rise and a go with his wife in return
>>450965 say you've found a better paying job with more convenient hours, and maybe he will give you a raise?
sex arse
How many of these things do /brit/ lads have in their houses?
>>450971 have a few plasters, a wind up torch. tinnies and a sword im ready
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>>450972 Collapse of civilisation is part and parcel of living in a multicultural society
>>450973 Extremely dumb of them to start threatening and bullying paddies tbh Paddies can be very paranoid and have a flip side to that friendly jolly one that will get them a good hiding irl. Why do they think they can start a fight with the whole world and win?
>>450969 Yeah i want to but I've got to tread a fine line because the chances are that if I try to bargain with him he'll tell me to fuck off.
>>450977 Nothing ventured nothing gained. Obviously he can’t get anyone else. Blag a house out of him. Tell him “can’t afford one with what you’re paying me you stupid jew
>>450977 you could role play it with someone first, see if you can make your points in a way you find convincing you could also perhaps say you were *looking* for something that paid a bit better - and maybe that would be more true if you don't beleieve yourself, then he never will
I hate them ‘Belgian-Pakistani’ candidate standing for deputy in EU parliament despite not speaking French or Flemish and probably not much English >this fucking third world election video https://nitter.poast.org/F_Desouche/status/1793605363746619636
Nowhere is safe. Three niggers stabbed to death in Montreal >even the witness is some French speaking super spic smh https://nitter.poast.org/F_Desouche/status/1793450841434734849
>>450984 Yeah but that's Canada.
Do you think they're pumping wogs into the west so when fiat collapses we'll be too busy fighting an ethnic conflict to go after the orchestrators?
>>450986 Yes. Divide and conquer isn’t it. That’s why the king would kill his nobles if they went after his jews
>>450956 expecting south african type rolling blackouts and infrastructure failure as the competency crisis intensifies, helped along by low IQ wogs being given preferential hiring treatment in all areas >>450957 WEF / BRIDGE etc cultists reference "the day george floyd died" like it was jesus' crucifixion, they really are trying to make it the new big thing to replace le ww2 as the modern global state founding myth, probably because that was too violent and inspirational >>450973 >maybe if we lie some more they will believe us weren't they forced to put disclaimer follow up twats under these that say they aren't real
2024: The Immigration Election >fighting talk from the Reform party https://youtu.be/iB0LFLc-EVQ
>mark my words none of this will be tolerated for much longer Irish are gonna coup their government - for sure there will be blood Locals have been chasing builders out and stopped developments some builders merchants have full stop refused to supply goods and materials Long hot summer. Good. That’s bins tv sorted >Stop killing Palis t. Irish gov whilst attacking it’s own people with riot cops https://nitter.poast.org/Mickbraz1/status/1793426596935913955
>>450990 Yeah. That’s all it is, talk Everyone is sick of it. Scolds bridles for the lot tbh
>>450992 I'm still going to vote for them though
boomer bins behaviour as per
Gonna cross all the parties out, write NF and tick that box tbh
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>>450995 yeah that will make a difference why not just stay home and have a wank?
>>450997 Will do that before and spread bollock yogurt all over the paper so some slag counting it gets pregnant when she flicks her bean later that night
>>450998 you can't just write "NF" and expect them to know that means you wanted to vote for Nigel Farage that's not how voting works lad
are Israel going to go after 22?
Arrogance of these small hats >we terrorised the British out of Israel Need an almighty hoofing tbh. Hope the twigs go schizo on them worldwide
fresh warclickbait Full Front Activation With Massive Assaults | Russian Military Corruption Purge | Taiwan Escalation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOC5-xIp9Bs
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>>451003 >8 seconds in an I'm already bored what's the TL;DW please lad?
>Alan Shatter ? Doesn’t sound very Irish to me tbh itsallsotiresome.jpg aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh >I propose an interrogation of how the Irish nation can become other than white (Christian and settled), by privileging the voices of the racialised and subverting state immigration but also integration policies. Stage one of such interrogation would be to do all we can to defeat the citizenship referendum on June 11. https://archive.is/m0OSm https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ronit_Lentin&oldid=1187581919 >Ronit Lentin (Hebrew: רונית לנטין; born 25 October 1944) >Citizenship: >Israeli >Irish
>>451006 keeeking tbh based sabre rattling chinkies is the new taiwan guy a good'un or another globalist cunt? iirc the last poolitical news from out of there i can remember was smth about them having a foid in charge who was ruining things so badly most normoids actually want to voluntarily rejoin chyna proper
>call up papers have arrived not enough time for sex
>>450979 Ah yeah sounds wicked lad lad, mind if I roleplay with you? you can be bossman "Yeah the thing is bossman, I've already got another job and I'm making better money. I'd consider coming back but my rate would have to go up abit."
>>451009 Speaking of incelwaffen they nicked one in France
>>451010 >"Yeah the thing is bossman, I've already got another job and I'm making better money. I'd consider coming back but my rate would have to go up abit." please come back lad, the company is falling apart without you. Of course you can have a riase, you name the price!
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>even I think bins is an idiot and I *am* bins
>bins anti-binposting
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>>450999 That better be a joke.
>>451014 Slender wallrus. 22sts manny gf?
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>>451019 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>451017 Easy for people to forget given it's been decades that they've had to employ any terrorism or more open gangsterism against us, but they're not just not our people, they're hostile to our people. Annoying that even in the dissident right this is the one reality that can hardly be spoken.
>>451021 Openly hostile and it’s not a minority of them it’s them as a whole left and right and centre acting as a single entity to advance their own interests - which is fine, but in their walled off country and not at our expense tbh
>Nooooooooooooooooo! Don’t call us a monolith! >What? Don’t call you what you call yourselves? >noooooooooo that’s anti semitic!
just done an enormous poo that tore me bumhole or hemorrhoids and let out a lot of blood even though i've been eating my fruits and veg tbh ought to have currymaxxed I suppose
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fresh two scoops man
>>451025 how vile
Oooooof! He’s getting Et tu Shlomo?’d in Isreal >Wanted posters are already up in Germany
>>451028 >foisting all of the blame onto one scapegoat so the jewish stranglehold on the west isn't overly disrupted smh
>SA atlastitrulysee.jog
>>451029 tbh so fucking obvious a scheme that couldn’t have a bigger nose on it
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>>451032 Keeeek smh
>>451015 >That better be a joke well Farage isn't standing for Reform yet, obvs, but he probably will be next time
>>451024 time to treat yourself to some anusol
>>451034 >next time theres never been a better opportunity to destroy the tories in our lifetime and there probably never will be, if hes not standing now he's showing his true toryboy face
the whole "its pointless to vote reform" shite is an obvious toryboy psyop tbh and lads here have fallen for it, voting reform is the best way to destroy the tories, their shortcomings are an irrelevance.
>>451034 Mong. No chud in his right mind would vote nigger elf if he stood now, or support Conform in any way. By NF that lad was obviously refering to the (old, dead, RIP) National Front.
PA mongery tbh, vote reform
>>451037 Best way to destroy tories is to sit back and watch. Your Conform candidate might even defect back to them after the election.
I'm voting for the workers party GB
>>451036 >theres never been a better opportunity to destroy the tories in our lifetime and there probably never will be, if hes not standing now he's showing his true toryboy face the tories are going to get destroyed whether he stands or not in interviews he still mentions that UKIP got 3 million votes or whatever and zero seats - he says the system needs to change I think his plan is to let the Tories be wiped out this election, then gather up the pieces in to a new party to take down Labour in the next GE But that's a long, long way away now, and there is so much damage they can do in the next 6 years
>>451040 >Best way to destroy tories is to sit back and watch hows that work then? how does not voting reform hurt the tories?
>>451043 >how does not voting reform hurt the tories? I question this too. I think Farage is hoping to mop up some disenfranchised Tory MPs, but those MPs need to be disenfranchised first, in this wipe out election right now, too many tories have faith in that party, and that needs to be shaken
I'm not convinced that the tories are going to be wiped out tbh, I reckon it'll be similar to 97 tbh, in which case they will recover as they always do, nationalists are being complacent mongs are usual.
>>451045 >I'm not convinced that the tories are going to be wiped out tbh, I reckon it'll be similar to 97 tbh, in which case they will recover as they always do, nationalists are being complacent mongs are usual. I'm not convinced either, I think Farage is making a dangerous gamble, and a lot of right wing voters won't even be alive in 2028/9 since many of them are old and got vaxxed, meanwhile Labour can continue to import millions of extra voters via mass immigration, securing their demographic dominance forever. It's looking pretty bad ngl what do you suggest though lad?
>HAHA yes the tories are going to be destroyed, reform is bleeding votes to the right and labour to the left its OVER for them >Vote reform? ha, why would I do that?
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>>451047 I already said I *am* voting Reform lad
>Having a decent convo with bins for once >he has to ruin it by being a mong
>>451038 wasn't the leader of the NF a massive gayist bumbder? might get my voot tbh
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>>451049 ack sorry lad
To continue on anyway, the idea is that reform becomes larger than the tories or replaces them entirely, and then as a much weaker political force they themselves are savaged by true nationalist parties who become the actual opposition, thats the ideal anyway.
Reform are the tories escape vessel ffs You’re not going to ‘vote’ yourself out of this shit ever tbh
>>451053 >You’re not going to ‘vote’ yourself out of this shit ever tbh you're not going to image board post you way out of it either lad so what are you going to do?
>>451053 >Reform are the tories escape vessel ffs what does this mean? the tories must be destroyed, and reform are the way to do it, theres no debate on that.
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You will lose everything you hold dear.
>>451038 Tony Martin leads it think he’s trying to breathe new life into it with people like Steve Laws on board https://nitter.poast.org/TonyMartin119
>>451055 >Nigger Elf - former Tory >Widdecombe Widdecombe - former Tory >Michelle Boobsberry - Thotory >Tice - Tory Everyone surrounding and shilling for them is some kind of alleged small c tory Reform were the Brexit party founded by a dozen or so UKIP meps Wouldn’t trust any of them especially after their latest shenanigans when they binned people like Steve laws and then replaced them with ethnics. They are not a serious party. In fact all these parties can fuck off. Voting is just bollocks tbh going round in circles just like they intend
Think bins should start the Bumder Partei
>>451058 >>451052 already explained it
>tories being destroyed is a good thing >best way to do that is to vote reform >"NOOO DON'T VOTE CONFORM" can you niggas just THINK for once.
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>>451062 I think most lads here have basically given up hope tbh
At least the NF are putting in the work tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoqrX-4rK48
>>451061 Need a coalition of a large mass of splinter nationalist movements that can suddenly come together, so many they won’t be able to infiltrate them at all
>Need a coalition of a large mass of splinter nationalist movements that can suddenly come together,
>>451063 With the kosher choices presented tbh yeah >you can vote for these people or these ones sir. Here’s your pencil, don’t forget we can see who you vote for not that it will matter Uniparty will win anyway as the choice has already been made for you in Whitehall lol
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>>451060 Hurrah!
>>451066 That’s the only thing that will work. It’s happening in a way. Lots of small nationalist parties springing up in the UK and Ireland tbh
>>451070 keeeeek
reminds me that mike was on ovenchipman's poodcast recently didn't bother watching tbh but wonder what he had to say about closing down his poolitical party grift
>>451069 >That’s the only thing that will work. wrong
>>451072 nothing, was boring as usual, e celebs have really been phoning it in lately
>1930s spain like when leftoids bring up that anarchist commune that lasted 2 weeks
Franco lasted more than two weeks I think
>I know, we'll just coup the govt
Hate this fucking country. Don't want to vote for any of them. Just kidding I'm voting for Gorgeous George.
I'd do a poo on the ballot paper but that probably counts as a vote for sunak
Reform >300k Twatter followers Dominic Cummings >300k Steve Laws >65 k Lotus Eaters >49k Talmud Rubinstein >530k Bird with huge knockers >2 million Gonna vote for bird with huge knockers lads she’s got more reach, more influence, more support and a better website https://www.reformparty.uk/latest_news https://www.reformparty.uk/our-contract-with-you
If Isabel Cumshotte dumps Tice and stands as an independent I might vote for her but only if she gets a tit job
>>451084 I think that lass is in her 50s and was trying for a baby last I heard
>451080 What govt?
>>451085 Do it for England lad
>>451080 >just coup why didn't anyone think of this before? of course!
Reform UK & Farage Send Triple Election ALERT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a81Whqb2rM
Alerta Tice
>>451091 wew you got him lad
>>451092 Not voting for an approved establishment offshoot tbh had enough of safety valve ‘nationalism’ Will vote for bird with huge knockers
>>451083 >Augustine Obodo is a prospective Parliamentary candidate for the Reform UK party in the Bicester & Woodstock constituency. He's also UK leader Friends of Trump UK, and Commonwealth Affairs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. (@trump_friends): He passionately believes that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of the Jewish people under the Middle East peace plan. At the heart of his advocacy, Augustine views Donald J. Trump as the embodiment of the American success story, a benchmark for excellence across fields such as real estate, sports, entertainment, and politics. For him, Trump is the quintessential businessman, an unmatched dealmaker, and one of the best. Keeek Obodo's campaign website. https://augustineobodo.uk/about
>>451093 lad, not voting is what they *want* you to do
spoiled ballets improve democracy
>>451096 no they don't they achieve fuck all
>>451025 Is that real?
>>451097 no voting does, active none voting reduces legitimacy.
Or PA can register.
>>451065 a fellow man at work? come with me, the first drop of blood just landed.
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a thread that's actually about british politics and all we needed was for something to actually happen
>>451025 this is so bad I can believe it's real
>>451053 Are you spastics actually voting reform? Tory boy Richard spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) is literally a Tory donor.
>>451107 it's about snending a message who are you voting for? the gay faggot party for losers?
>>451094 Fucking absolute state of this lot, these ‘politicians’ My eyes hurt (you) must be mad, literally mad, as a board to expect me to vote for this shower! t. Absolutely Notvoting
>>451107 Not me lad never ever
Literal suffragette slags had more gumption back in the day to get shit done Smh
Can see why bins would vote for them though
>>451112 >save b yes!
Auschwitz V has been discovered! We can shoot the you know whos back 80 years into the past we just have to get the approximate trajectory right not that it matters if we miss. Then we can send their pets after them
>>450957 >changed the world Literally nothing happened as a consequence though beyond a couple of policemen getting suspended/fired
Well well well
Biden should have Nigger Elf arrested and deported for election interference by a foreign agent
>>451117 >Nike-isha >I swooshed when I laid eyes on his needling
more shit game news >CA isn't dead yet >their next big project is looking like it will be soy wars themed >soywarsfags will eat it up just like soyhammerfags did their titles >CA will continue to exist for years to come making shitty low effort reskins of rome 2 with popular IPs
>>451121 Alien Isolation was kino. they're capable of much more.
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>>451060 it's weird how people think he would do something, even though he didn't before
>>451122 those guys were part of the "FPS team" which was laid off after the execs and retard clique forced them to work on Hyenas
>>451121 is your arse still bleeding lad?
>>451123 hail dumpf
why are we trapped here? we're so superfluous.
>>451114 Finally the annunaki have come to whip it all clean.
>nige was apparently planning to stand but the election caught him by surprise also some mong member of the public interviewed on the news earlier saying he likes reform but won't vote for them becuase "they don't have the backing"
noseley saving the white race once again
>>450905 Tinfoil 1- it was a fed agent that went in to get the documents and he stashed some away for himself. Tinfoil 2- the agent was Trump's uncle. >>450915 More fibre lad. Makes 'em solid. Mine was more of a splatterfest. Didn't even have a curry.
>>451134 >top tier gaming pc >to play command and conquer
>Net migration to UK falls 10% to 685,000 this is the big reveal that rishi was hoping would give him a boost in the polls
>>451138 >>Net migration to UK falls 10% to 685,000 we're saved IN RISHI WE TRUST
Is Nick Rekieta big into e-drama or something? there's many taking pleasure in his demise, as if he has done the same with others in the past.
>>451140 he's a literally who in a long list of literally whos who got involved in the bloodsports thing after it had already run its course and basically just became about low IQ literally whos arguing over petty drama
>>451141 oh right, was that before he got popular covering court cases?
This will confuse bins
Quite literally either lying or historically illiterate can’t decide tbh
>>451143 actually think I might have mixed him up with someone with a similar name
>>451149 met a few girls over the years that were on anti-anxiety pills.
>>451150 I think more whites are on that sort of shit than not these days
>>451151 it's fucked my dude
YOU BLAAADY BHENCHOD BLUNDER FUCK YOUR MOTHER MOVE YOU NOT ALLOWED IN BLAADY CONFERENCE OF RAJ RISHI FUCK YOU BLAADY BASTARD >tfw getting manhandled by furriers in your own country https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAUpbGSFb1E https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bLmNpUuEPhs
>>451153 should've physically removed all concerned into the middle of the atlantic tbh
>>451151 You will get offered them at one stage. I think everyone does Anxiety is common and mostly caused by government and companies running riot implementing unwanted policies people are powerless to resist because it will get you binned Clamp down on corruption and impose strict regulation on companies and their practices and it would cut those cases by 85% at least Young people suffering anxiety is because they can’t secure their basic needs not much else tbh
>>451154 Nothing worse than having to deal with these people either face to face or at the end of the phone and being told in a third world accent what you have to do in your own first world country bh
>>451155 yeah I have the diagnoses and have been offered iirc and that was my response there is no possibility in which the correct response to negative external circumstances is to zombify oneself into retardation
>>451146 this cute hobbit lad is one of the good lads.
>>451158 why is he polish then
Corbyn to stand as an independent for Gaza. He should scream allahu akbar when he wins >>451102 keeeeeeeeeeeek fucking hell
>>451159 he's doing the bit
adding another insult to all the others, the election is an excuse for the ZOG to shut down automated systems like their petitions site so they don't even have to give any further condescending lying replies about borders and immigration and close the request
>>451162 Enough seethe now, I actually had a dream I was playing a dominions style game last night.
>>451163 did you win? playing EA ermor in my current game and just had my first major setback, 90 hastati got STOMPed by a bunch of indie war elephants smh should have brought some triarii been 20 days since I last had a kino dream, it was about exploring a dark spooky liminal space, fighting big monsters and pda with comfy lasses
>>451164 It's vague but I just remember smashing armies into each other and it turning into a massive grind. I can remember thinking I should have had a better army composition. It's all fading a bit fast I need to keep a dream diary.
>>451165 it's definitely worth doing I've got 1661 lines in a notepad file dating back to mid-2020, it helps to identify patterns and analyse things my conclusions thus far are confirmation of deep-seated frustration and resentment for current year at large and also my personal situation, a lot of seethe directed at family for their failings, and needing to piss in the middle of the night all the time
>>451166 Honestly I worry about my lack of dreams, for the more obvious reason of not getting proper REM sleep but also the deeper woowoo of am I being spiritually cut off and sapped by a conscious evil malaise.
I used to dream every night as a kid.
also incredible incelitis and desire for close companionship with women but not necessarily sex or gooning very autistic coded tbh it seems there are a lot of 'tists who just want that feeling of comfiness and belonging and have pseudofetishised it but without the sexo parts >>451167 could be forgetting things quickly, there is truth in that keeping a dream diary helps memory retention to recall more things about what you were dreaming I can see it in my entries, there are periods with next to no information which build up to multiple paragraphs as time goes by then back down again, probably related to some cycle of depression
>>451169 can always get a dakimakura like the nip autists do
>>451170 Always there to remind you toil is right around the corner.
>>451170 >later that night
>Always some kind of Gluckmann heading the left What does this mean Wess? Kosher nationalists ahead?
>>451174 same old shit in a different language presumably rassemblement national is probably their version of the remainers smh
my sister said that some actual commie was trying to convert her recently smh typical big city university scum
>>451177 Did she tell them she's inbred aristocracy and then spit on him?
>>451178 no smh she actually let him go on and told us "akshually it's just about SHARING!" very bad sign smh hopefully her husband won't let any retardation go further since he is a posho
>>451176 He’s 28 and taken over from Marine Le Pen as leader of this party just found out
>>451179 >Reel soyshareism has never been tried it’s…here give me what’s yours and we’ll call it sharing If you argue back they’ll unironically tell you to read a book smh
>>451181 Writing about stealing gives it intellectual weight, don't you know.
>>451180 oh it's the FN le pen cucked but kikepedia makes them sound pretty good tbhsmh maybe the new guy is a shitler in the making and not just a further watering-down >>451181 yeah
>>451149 reminds me when I was a teenager I went to a psychiatrist or whatever for "depression" and it was this stinky Jevv goblin that immediately tried to get me on an antidepressant prescription. I said 'no thanks, I'll just take St. John's Wort' and he got angry, so we left and that was the end of that
>>451184 >Wort’s does it work?
I use Carling personally
>>451169 >also incredible incelitis and desire for close companionship with women but not necessarily sex or gooning I just want a lobotomized bangmaid. women just make me cringe nowadays, I don't think I could 'love' and don't really desire close companionship anymore, at least I don't think I do. I would just want a foid to relieve my urges, bear my offspring, and do any chores or whatever else I assign her without complaining, and I don't want to have to do too much in return >>451185 if your head is particularly heavy, you could take Wort occasionally, it takes the edge off a bit. but I don't think it's a good idea to take often
>>451188 as have the memes associated with it tbh
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Unite the Right! ==Sargon catches up to 2016= https://youtu.be/BjVBvFbaJho
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>fucked up the formatting ack
>small hats trying to ignite a war with Iran on a What’s App chat Keeeeeeeek https://rumble.com/v4wv6co-group-chat-leak-exposes-jewish-bribery-network.html
>>451193 Boomer tings blud, boomer tings
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>>451192 These are probably the worst women who actively advertise their worthlessness online. I don't think most women are like this.
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UNITE THE RIGHT! SARGON CATCHES UP TO 2016! https://youtu.be/BjVBvFbaJho
There, fixed it nobody will even notice, since they don't read the thread
>>451199 Good job retard.
>>451197 one hopes not that I would know from experience miss working weekdays and sharing a nod and a good morning with a gothlass that had the same commute in the opposite direction smh that was the only non-toil non-retail non-family related interaction with women I have had in almost a decade
>>451200 >Good job thanks lad
Marko Colletti was saying Sargon has started using the 'We Were Never Asked' slogan. Sounds about right.
>>451205 he will claim he invented the phrase keeek >>451204 >doesn't even have the decency to wear a png skinsuit
>>451207 leave her alone, you big bully!
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>>451206 you bastard I fixed it! I fixed it!
>>451209 don't forget the authorities will send you to prison for having this picture
>>451212 I'm sure brit will write to me and keep me updated on the latest happenings.
Fortunately he has the PA community looking out for him and his family.
damn spiders, smashed 2 today and 1 got away. that's 3 spiders in one day. for fuck's sake
>>451215 You're just going to be inundated with flies instead now.
>>451217 all I ever see are spiders (90%), waterbugs (9%), and the occasional house centipede (1%). there used to be ants but not anymore. idk what the spiders eat, maybe I see them because they're always giving up on spots and looking for new ones
Dorshit's mum vibrating doing the big shop
>>451219 keeeeeeeeeek based wagiechad maybe move your purchases over to the provided shelf for proper packing later instead of taking up time at the till you RETARD just part and parcel of living in a horrendously overpopulated land
Tell me about gook poster, why does he obsess about the chinky women?
>bossman gets his 14k weekly pay >owes 12k in debt >gambles the 14k away >emails Stake asking them for "help" (more free money) >they ban him for a week (to them "help" means 'I can't control my gambling addiction, ban me please)
>>451212 New screensaver tbh
>>451219 When it happens to me I start throwing it back up the till until it starts getting messy and they end up covered with it and the manager comes They do it because they have to operate by key performance indicators and get yelled at if they scan too slowly. Corporate types need a sound beating in public tbh
>>451223 Hello, lad >>451224 I like pretty women >>451228 Jej
>>451218 >finding a centipede in your house Eugh. Never had that. And by waterbugs do you mean silverfish? Had a massive spider run across my face as I woke up and comitted hooverside against it because the thing kept running around, no chance to catch it. Cheeky bugger.
>>451212 Sent to prison for an "it's okay to be white" sticker. Still seething that tory boy wog on gbnews was defending it too. Such blatant actual tyranny in our land. Smdh.
>>451230 >Eugh. Never had that. I've seen a centipede 2 or 3 times. I try to catch them and bring them outside unharmed, since they can live 7 years, but they run extremely fast so it's hard. they're the ultimate bug-eating-bugs so if you can tolerate one centipede, it will just Pac-Man everything else, but they are a big too egregiously creepy-looking to seriously entertain tolerating imo >And by waterbugs do you mean silverfish? yes >Had a massive spider run across my face as I woke up fuck that I would be traumatized >>451231 much less cringe than the video I posted. I hate when women do the thing where they put a hat on the play the role of a guy in a tiktok, even worse when they add a silly moustache
to play*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjVBvFbaJho Good speech when played at 1.75x speed.
>>451235 >even copying woes with the chair
Hope the thread reformists read this No plans and no desire to fight Number 10 preparing to flee the crime scene >Ignore the election clownshow theatre. 99.99% of those actually running the country will be running it after 4/7, Labour will like the Tories be a *Government that does not control the Government*. All budget numbers used in the election are fake because of the mega-horrorshow of 20 years of mismanagement + lies generating nuclear black budgets with hidden many-tens-of-billions (undisclosed to OBR) + MOD corruption and fake budgets, which Starmer will only learn about on STRAP3+ yellow paper after he enters No10. The interesting question is: what do we build in the wreckage...? https://dominiccummings.substack.com/p/people-ideas-machines-vii-the-wizard
>>451146 Did Sargoon kick him out of the Lotust Sneaters because he was jealous of how popular he was becoming?
>>451238 So it would seem Maybe his autism was too much. He was like their Karl Pilkington
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>>451212 His birthday is in two weeks. He's receiving "psychological assessment" at Hull prison. You can't write anything about children to him because he is considered to be a possible danger to children.
>we will freeze migration and save Britain by only bringing 400k in. >just 400k mind, lot less than the tories and labour
Bean on holiday to York and there is faggot shit everywhere. Saw so many trannies
Saw a female on hormones who grew some sort of beard. Sickening. They could tell what I thought of them, I couldn't hide it.
>>451244 Yeah I was there recently turned half of it into a Harry Potter theme park Thinks it’s still pretty jew free though. They have an aversion to that place I think they cursed it after getting rekt there centuries ago
>>451248 >Thinks it’s still pretty jew free though. keeeeeeeeeeeeek yeah the tour bus said there are still very few Jews in York after the massacre The Harry Potter stuff was annoying, hijacking are culture and Disneyfying it
>>451249 Went to what I thought was a cosy pub and there was a fucking troon flag in it. Too many faggot students tbh that’s the problem with York
>>451238 The stepfather is a jealous man
>>451237 jumped up williamoid tbh
an foah moy dinnar oi had (horrendously overpriced) venison scotch egg, steak an ale pie with mash an gravy and green, sticky tovfefe pudding and clotted cream and it was alright but did that thing where the portions are small and the plates are obnoxiously huge
does seacow lad still post
>>451253 goola >>451255 I'm sure I've seen the ulster flag at least once this year,....
despite the disgustingly overpriced food the venue had swarms of flies crawling all over the trad low ceiling of the pub smh they'd rather flies shit and sick in the customer's grub than put up some tacky looking flypaper
>>451255 he will return at new year
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Where is he
Germans getting their life ruined for singing a song Would be kino if gets sung a lot at the Euros by footy mongs
>>451259 in the halls of the toiler king
>made a date with a lass for Sunday night, planning to call in sick on Monday if things went well >it's actually a bank holiday weekend
>>451262 are you going to do the sex on her then la?
>>451264 for the sole purpose of reproduction I hope
>>451266 giwtwm
>system clock displayed exactly 23:59:59 when I pressed the reply button >the servers travelled back in time just to deny the seacow ACK
>>451259 breeding a chinky lass
>>451272 based
>>451142 >India 250,000 >China 90,000 Lot of new takeaways opening soon.
22st gets a civic gf
>>451275 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Morning lads
>>451279 smorbing lad
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>>451133 don't understand this reaction pic tbh
saw some presumably limited edition vegemite flavour noodles at the shops yesterday and bought some to try had some today and they're absolute shite they don't taste like vegemite at all smh or anything else really just like the standard beef flavour except watered down twenty times and they somehow taste cold even when boiling hot it's like if depression was a flavour might for the first and hopefully only time in my life actually write to the company using the contact details provided on the packaging to give them my feedback >>451281 tbh
>>451282 total scam, nobody would assume anything marmite flavoured could possibly be bad so everyone buys it once to try but then it's shit. should be punishment for products like that
>>451283 tbh you either love it or you hate it so the people who like the various mites of the world are pretty much guaranteed to buy it at least once can't be that hard to replicate the flavour either smh it's just yeast
WEW Who is leaking and why? Seems like a ploy to whip up the NOOOOOOOOOOO! RAEP IS PART OF DEY CULTCHA LET THEM STAY! MY DAUGHTER WILL GET OVER IT! crowd https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c2qq6qexvzpo
All these posters hunger posting Off t’cupboard brb Smh
>>451287 what a fucking joke very tiresome how they continue to pretend like they were ever actually going to deport anybody credit where it's due though it's ingenious how they're going to use trying to implement deportation as a reason to scrap deportation forever >>451288 good hunting lad
>finally give Sons of Anarchy a go >can't take it seriously because Ron Perlman it's typical boomer shit anyway tbh
>>451290 >Kikes on Bikes
funny that GTA IV DLC also had you play as a jew biker. Came out around a similar time too.
Goy Bame News >all these furrin flags Wave ‘em in yer own cuntry Smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsmfAwjkdKg
the gooks are out-earning us, lads
>>451295 >AEI demoralisation propaganda
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so this is how women feel when they read we want the virginal wheatfield tradwife
>>451298 Probably a troon tbh but even so wanting an anime character is not exactly a sign of good mental health.
>>451298 >virgin Yeah definitely a troon. Virginity is an ick to women over 16
Uh oh
can't keep a nigga down
>>451303 These droids are getting better
I can't teeth
>>451296 yank boomer shite. can't work out why you posted it frankly?
tropical cyclone 01B has formed in the indian ocean. sadly it is a broad and messy system with not much time to organise before landfall. also it isn't hitting the part of india i desire (bombay)
How a jeet’s cock is wired
>fa cup final day >not a single post about it on /brit/ honestly, dead board
>>451307 smh maybe next time
wtf keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Absolutely desperate. >Elon flagged it in case it triggered lefties apparently https://nitter.poast.org/Israellycool/status/1792053192470986841
>>451313 >Is the talent in the room with us Apex keeeek.
I’M A GLOWIE! VOTE FOR ME! MAN OF THE PEOPLE! LABOUR ALL THE WAY! No. Fuck off Talk about out of touch https://nitter.poast.org/implausibleblog/status/1791080850794184932
>>451310 lad "people" who care about le ball cup are dead inside NPCs, go over to 4/int/ i'm sure there's some untermensch ruminating on it over there
Oh shalom Mike! Can we have a British state for ethnically British people? Please drop your foreskin off at the door before you leave. Clown
really sick of the links mong spamming the thread tbh
>>451318 yeah i'm not reading all of that shit about some jew mp
i think its schizo tbh
Everyone’s really fucking tired of you moan posting moan poster with your low effort moaning >3 posting. You can fuck off again now
Convinced people don’t post anymore because of twats like you Also ywnbaw
moanposter is ok, >>451324 are you really trans though lass?
>>451325 no lad its tbbk
>>451326 It's not me, foolposter, I'm present but don't have much to say. Little depressed as of late. Gonna get an early night. Enjoy my (1) smh
>>451328 >Little depressed as of late.
happy friday lads
>>451330 Hullo lad
>>451331 spooky mp4, i imagine le drone couldn't handle like that if laden with explosives though or if the operator wasn't familiar with the building
>>451331 That vrrring could be sampled for a Doomesque song.
>>451333 >poverty Yes society doesn't help the white homeless enough. >racism Yes sick of all the anti white racism. >police corruption Mad that nobody even voices the suspicion that police were on the take to ignore paki rape gangs. So obviously went being incompetence. Money and/or white nonce free samples had to be involved.
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>>451332 0 chance on the battlefield Look how fast this thing is >go on join up! scared!? lol Israel says pretty please! Not gonna get maimed by a teenage tranny gamer
>>451337 maybe we need to outgrow our ludditism and start learning all this tech. ted was cool and correct, but we can't run away from this forever. christ i'm sitting here on a pc with xp pro ffs.
>>451338 >pc with xp pro good lad
Decided to go to Hadrian's Wall for the bank holiday weekend. It took me 8 bloody hours to get here - 3 hours of train delays. I still have all of tomorrow to walk along the wall though. Very beautiful English landscapes.
>>451341 nice.
>>451341 That’s a long walk lad. About 80 miles
>>451341 sounds quite gay honestly. i'm going to relax and drink cider on /brit/ instead of performative behaviour like walking along a boring wall for no reason, but that's just me
>>451345 > performative behaviour
Fucking stupid neighbour bitch keeps coughing 10 days straight now. She’s not even old Five or six times a minute REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE STOP FUCKING COUGHING ALREADY CUNT!
>>451344 I'm not walking the whole thing, just a section
holy based >While intoxicated, Fitzpatrick, a resident of Emerson, New Jersey,[4] stole a single-engine plane from the Teterboro School of Aeronautics at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey at approximately 3 a.m. on September 30, 1956,[5] and flew without lights or radio before landing on St. Nicholas Avenue near 191st Street in front of a New York City bar where earlier he had been drinking and made an intoxicated barroom bet that he could travel from New Jersey to New York City in 15 minutes. The New York Times called the flight a "feat of aeronautics" and a "fine landing". For his illegal flight, he was fined $100 (equivalent to $1,120 in 2023) after the plane's owner refused to press charges.[6][7] >On October 4, 1958, just before 1 a.m., Fitzpatrick, again intoxicated, stole another plane from the same airfield and landed on Amsterdam and 187th street in front of a Yeshiva University building after another bar patron disbelieved his first feat. For his second stolen flight, Judge John A. Mullen sentenced him to six months in prison, stating, "Had you been properly jolted then, it's possible this would not have occurred a second time."[3] Fitzpatrick said "it's the lousy drink" that caused him to attempt the stunt.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Fitzpatrick_(pilot)
I’ve never seen such an unhinged minister of foreign affairs, embarrassing tbh >gore spam >threat spam Everything Should call himself Israel Butthurtz https://nitter.poast.org/Israel_katz
>>451350 yeah israels run by the jew equivalent of wignats.
>>451330 it's saturday
>>451352 i think he was joking about it basically being friday because of bank holiday?
>>451351 Tbh except they get away with it and it’s not through smarts
>>451355 this guys a huge fag
his channels oscillates between: >How AMERIKKKA genocided a BILLION innocent araberinos FOR NO REASON. >How BASED arab CHADS killed a billion WHITE-SPECIFICALLY american soldiers in Iraq
>ywn watch the giant of khandahar vore amerimutt zogbots
Ladies and Gentlemen, We Got Him! WE’VE CAUGHT ANOTHER CHILD!
>Americans >white
>>451359 keeke, mad to think that actually happened. >>451358 well sure but he seems to have identified the enemy correctly even if he does group white boomergoyim in with them.
Just realised today is the day are Floyd ascended to the heavens.
>>451363 Petrol was so cheap back then, only 1.89
big family gathering grandad being ancient and ill(dying) and depressing everyone and spending huge amounts of NHS time and his money to extend his life another few years so he can keep complaining about being alive, and doing things that will kill him faster like sneaking champagne directly against doctors orders and fucking with the billions of medications he's on >>451341 go take a pic of where the sycamore used to be then tear up and/or poo on whatever "english" "heritage" signs are about telling people that it had to be demolished because the roots might possibly touch a bit of the wall in a century's time tbh >>451360 faggot cunts need having a terrorism done on them tbqh STOP terrorising are lads for having mein kampf an shiieeet
wessie back!
>>451366 just done a giant satisfying poo too the kind where it's painful at first but then slides out all at once and then there's some extra slop and bits to squeeze out after
Das rite mane There is no such thing as black British https://nitter.poast.org/Henrik_Palmgren/status/1794232658299699679
>>451369 >troonime
>>451362 he's a leftoid turd worldist you mong
>pooing >peeing >washing >brushing teeth >other cleaning >sleeping >travelling >all in addition to toil 3 day work week tbh
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>>451358 tbh he's some seething brown poof
>>451367 must mean your kidneys are still firing on all cylinders 14m88
tonight's goal
sorry meant this
https://youtu.be/2TYcttd0ljs watching these nerds and shit >>451384 you rarely have a fat chick lasserino?
>>451360 >possessing material useful to terrorism So he unwittingly downloaded The Anarchist Cookbook as part of a zip file containing 100 other books posted in a /pol/ thread in 2015
>>451371 he's done me >>451376 >>451377 bangers >>451380 smhtbh been getting an extra bollocking this week since my post-op sister is here and telling me off whenever I try to vore choccies or have a tinnie >>451386 wasn't there a popular /k/ mega folder from then with a bunch of fun stuff in it like that smh
>>451387 > wasn't there a popular /k/ mega folder from then with a bunch of fun stuff in it like that smh Probably, I just remember the book threads on /pol/ That’s how they got Ben John, 2 years in prison for having a book. Society is much safer with him behind bars, r-right?
>>451388 well he looks like a little incel CREEP so it's a GOOD THING!
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Based animal faceberg memis. Okay thankyou.
>fresh guava menthol juice and coil in big vape >little elux 3500 puff dispo still also going after 2 weeks life's ok
>>451392 Supremely good lad.
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>>451394 oh hell yeah
>>451398 this nigga gets it
>tfw favourite vaporwave streamer doesn't stream anymore because of jewtube copyright strikes
ready to friendly fire, lads?
so wicked to force the young and naive whitoids to fight for a multicultural economic zone
cringe when i think back to being 20 and how i wanted to join the army to go to afghan or iraq. really glad i didn't
>>451403 me also. thankfully we pulled out of afghanistan by the time i could join.
>>451404 jesus lad i must be almost 20 years older than you smh. are you auld enough to post?
>>451405 we pulled out of afghanistan in 2014 lad, 10 years ago.
>>451406 oh right, usa pull out was last year. still got a good decade on you though. i actually applied in 2007 i think, never followed up on it though
>>451407 they privatised recruitment so people typically receive their medical checks 1.5 years after applying. in other words if you go in at 17 you get your reply when you're 19 and have spent the past most important years of your life in something else. its utterly retarded.
>>451408 i doubt it's like that now, i think if i applied the same way i did back in 2007 today i'd have recruiters phoning me up and harassing me to get things moving instead of me having to do all the leg work as if i were applying for a good job
>>451409 that's how its been since 2012 >Enlisting had collapsed after recruitment was part-privatised in 2012 when Capita partnered the army but new figures showed that 99% of the year’s 9,440 target had been signed up with seven weeks to go. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/feb/12/uk-army-years-off-full-strength-despite-recruitment-drive
>>451411 is this that band where they painted their faces black and white in the 70s or whenever?
>>451412 think you're thinking of Kiss
kek trump had a speech at the libertarian conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL9UvFKnFO0
not that cool me, reckon the sorting hat would put me in hufflepuff if i'm lucky or even worse expel me for being a smooth brain muggle and my dissapointed mum would have to pick me up from platform 9 3/4 then i would just go on my computer and meme for 14 years under the stairs
>>451401 >mysterious forces Why would you admit to you and your m8s having done this for the last 50 years?
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keeeeeeeek. I liked it best when drumpf got that nigger rapper back from sweden after committing assault, only to then be blanked.
>>451420 sounds like a conspiracy theorist to me.
>>451416 decent enough song but don't really understand boomoids >she's got wheels of steel i'm assuming this is sexual inuendo but can't figure out how, maybe it's a reference to millstones wherein a wind or water powered stone would grind wheat and the singer is comparing the presumably cruel woman the song is about to a millstone made of steel that grinds up men more readily than a normal foid (a regular stone millstone)
Steinhog has gone full schizo
>>451422 They genuinely think people are going to agree it was Russians to blame for destroying youth training schemes, apprenticeships and opportunity > hurr durr we’ll train you to be a cyber warrior at GCHQ so you can land a multi hundred thousand per year job after just ONE year’s service actually we’re just deploying you to Ukraine with a second hand laptop to ‘cyber war lol’ just sign here if you’re white British
>>451424 >American Mong (2024)
>the far right have ditched afd because moustache man >here you are goy, here’s your revised kosher far right you can vote for https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cgllgxlg5dgo
steiner's posting? i like to think i can recognise posters easily but maybe not smh
>>451424 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>451430 yeah good, this is quite an old album by now i think
New film for film night >Gay jew who taught Trump how to jew and was the gay jew prosecutor who secured the death penalty for two fellow whites for spying against America https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20240517-roy-cohn-the-mysterious-us-lawyer-who-helped-donald-trump-rise-to-power
>>451432 roy cohns alright tbh >>451431 yeah released 2009
>>451433 2010 according to wikipedia >Just Got Back From the Discomfort perfect album name, reminds me of the old broken social scene songs of the same era https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpqd2E0KBSQ
Steiner needs to found a micro nation secede from the US and go to war against Molossia for banning walrus posting tbh
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>accidentally took some of my ex gf's medication rather than my pre-sleep painkillers
My IFA sold a ton of my stock funds recently, he said we're headed for a USA correction, markets high on borrowed money.
>when you went out with the lads back in 2014 but the temptresses never paid any attention to you and you never went out again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqeVBlizwIk
Now then Now then Now then
>>451440 >time
He’s right. We’re still in the EU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSUdnzsEw_I
https://podbay.fm/p/the-ancients/e/1716688806 WOW this is so timely since that lad in the thread is literally walking around it today
>>451440 wew i should've watched this before >(you)ing it with my shitty post
Do we really want to save these 'White people' lads?
>>451427 Alternative Alternative für Deutschland
In the train station waiting area there were a bunch of kids with zoomer haircuts vaping. They had very strong accents, so I couldn't understand them very well and they didn't understand my accent very well either. I'm fairly sure one of them asked for me to buy him a milkyway bar from a vending machine.
>>451409 >>451410 yeah it's still like this it's most of what military midwits complain about on reddit type places like spacebattles' uk armed forces thread >>451415 tfw no isolated mountain kingdom >>451419 badgers are the most based of the soytting because they are loyle lads and stick together tbh >>451450 bit ugly tbh but a good message >>451452 he knew the way of the milk and dairy milk
>56% >selective recession These journalists and elites need a trip to mars tbh
>>451454 mulch
>>451454 correction soon i guess?
I've noticed that journalists have a renewed interest in the Burmese civil war recently. I guess since Ukraine is struggling and opinion is turning against Israel they want to focus on the plucky freedom fighters resisting a military junta instead.
Who volunteers to save the Kaiser? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5uW1Htq7XU
https://youtu.be/R3cEjGmsc-0 still find these vids weird
>>451460 >still find these vids weird maybe stop watching videos of niggers then
https://youtu.be/hf3oNMCZw2M jolly poo bear goes on a tour of britain's poorer towns, today clacton
>>451460 >I’m going to invade another country as an unwanted migrant
>I’m a legal professional Just fuck off >i have friends that make £400 a month OnlyFanning in Indonesia >if I leave the uk will have a talent shortage This country is wrecked with these people who are transient and will never be loyal
>>451465 he comes over as arrogant and not great at thinking
>>451466 Tbh very poor reasoning skills >I’m a graduate and studied and I’m a doctor I can easily get 3|400k a year in the US Yeah good luck with that salary in your first job These average salaries are for people with experience and specialisations ( and also a good knowledge of the local healthcare systems and how to shop for these salaries ) which means a graduate salary can start from $100k mark plus the US is expensive as fuck right now If they can’t work this out I wouldn’t want them attempting a diagnosis on me or my family tbh Probably got to be a jeet or a jew to have these positions with big money on offer opened up to you as well
>>451469 climb the wall lad
>>451471 Take a selfie touching it then
>>451470 >Not being able to step over it
>>451473 Probably a jeet
jeets aren't known for their athleticism tbh.
I've been to paradise but I haven't been to me is it a good headline for bumble lads?
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everytime i go on this fucking website it keeps a reply in fucking cookies
>>451480 Install Gentoo
>>451479 Beautiful
>>451480 for me it doesn't keep a reply but I did have to put 'Anonymous' in the name field because it keeps that for some reason
Tobias Mongwood >Tobias Smh. Wants to make it even harder for zoomers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPj7MoX66Co
>>451487 baste
>>451488 Ausländer Raus! It’s taking off all over twitter and TikTok keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/CoriloEstevez/status/1794688829007471064
>>451489 they are trying to cancel these young Germans for dancing to it, hopefully it will cause every right-minded German to do it too so it'll be too big to stop
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the first vid
Interesting history snippet on throat singing We should commission a Kazakh throatsinging troupe to wander round Germany singing Auslânder Raus >8:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAqcOVw_5w
>>451492 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>451495 >le the muslims are bad because they hate jevvs xD ffs, that's their only redeeming quality
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>>451498 >the autogen voice >the music
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brutal >>451499 the voice is fine but the music is annoying
>>451496 >Jocasta the Muslim convert will vote the wrong way! >Brits had shared commonality with Jamaicans! Boomer bollocks Got btfo by Trevor Phillips tbh
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>>451495 TP: my ancestors were Muslim for 800 years until they were forcibly converted to Christianity on slave ships
>It says poo in the name.. >Gurpjeet! Buy the tickets!
>>451504 Any wog claiming to be able to trace their ancestry back 800 years is suffering from wewuzism and needs to talk to a psychiatrist *they all suffer from it
>>451506 He's more claiming he can trace his ancestry back over 1000 years. Given so many have fewer records than the average wandering scoobydoo does for ancestry, I'd be surprised if Phillips knew anything about his family going back 100 years.
>>451507 >so you’re claiming you are descended from an Arab slave trader? Farage missed an opportunity there
>>451469 good lad
a beautiful day in the neighbourhood
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek They must be holding his foreskin hostage https://nitter.poast.org/CensoredMen/status/1793846209066787262
>>451492 i created this wojack sleeping mene by asking 22st to make it a few years ago. it is a brit/pol/ original meme
Fucking hell keeek at the state of this cunt
There is nothing wrong with Watership Down and children should know negative emotions in order to understand them and handle them. >>451512 Based. Fucking SA, the megafaggot, being a mega faggot as usual.
I believe that the talking animal shit that's shown to children has resulted in the mental disease known as veganism.
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>Sigurd's story is first attested on a series of carvings, including runestones from Sweden and stone crosses from the British Isles, dating from the 11th century >The narrative was first set in Cappadocia in the earliest sources of the 11th and 12th centuries, but transferred to Libya in the 13th-century Golden Legend. Another blow for "Sigurd's Day". If any of you have any information on "Sigurd's Day" and its origins, I once again appeal to you for sourceable information.
>gooning again
TOTAL NARRATIVE COLLAPSE! NO ONE WANTS TO DIE FOR ISRAEL AND RICH PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACY https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1794803725531308279
>>451512 the origin of the memi is still classed as "unknown" on kym, brit is a source of much arcane knowledge tbh, also I made that collage, had to hunt through the archives to compile it.
>>451521 good lad, unacceptable that kym doesn't recognise the meme's origins but perhaps that's how the best memes are
>>451522 >unacceptable that kym doesn't recognise the meme's origins its not that they don't accept it, they literally don't know about it, like I said, arcane.
>just noticed most of the boards behind that wojak appear to be gay anime shite
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>>451524 yes i wonder who could've spread it to those far corners
also are we having a thread or what?
>>451527 thread's cancelled...leave now or you'll awaken the poltard spammer
old webm i found
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post yfw helmer legit returns
>>451531 do you think he will? why did he leave? i don't like the idea of posters ageing out of /brit/ i will probably die on /brit/ and the cleanup crew can have all my memes
>>451532 nobody is returning. we are the last
>>451530 holy wewe i forgot how hype this was, this guy's a good lad
junkies junkies bastid at toil today tbh had to send him off with a polite but firm talk about respecting closing signs highly trad unfortunately this evening was another family meal and I was tricked into eating an "impossible burger" which they told me was a proper vegetable burger (ie made out of vegetables nuts etc) can feel the troonisation process taking over even now lads, quickly ACK me before it's too late >>451458 >but we maintain our way of life for the next generation to enjoy >the right part of our collective youth >a point made on HIGNFY last night [laughing, crying] >>451479 there be gnomes in the woods tbh
*stomps the lurker no-posters*
not sure what I was trying to write in the first line tbh highly based and soypilled perhaps something about not being able to do anything more than just impotently talk at ne'erdowells because physical removal would invite persecution
>>451535 important point you raise about vegan soyburgers not holding a candle to the veggie burgers of yore. i remember actually ordering veggie burgers over their meat counterparts because i loved them, especially with mayo. not anymore smh. pic rel is a proper science-free veggie burger
>>451539 lush tbh yeah the impossible shits are only about 19% pea-based gunk, real vomit that tries to look like actual meat for some reaosn at least I got some sosijes an chicken bits onna stick an barbecued fish to balance out the soy and microplastics
thinking about cooking up some veg burgers with aioli sauce now corr. might do it. not sure what bun/bread to use though yet..
>>451541 really want some black bread myself tbh think it's got a lot of stuff in it that I am deficient in because of vuh diet smh just a regular lidl hard bun would be nicest with a vegetable burger i think
>40Gay steam sale on >recall I have some games which got DLCwhored to death >maybe this is a chance to have a complete game >look at total price for cut and resold content >over £100 un-discounted >over £80 discounted (not counting price of base game) gladius relics of war more like bledanus retarded by jews or something
>>451535 >tricked into eating an "impossible burger" sounds like an attempted assassination
>>451543 gooming should just be nationalised at this point and everyone should be forced to play unreal tournament on a dial up connection and windows 98SE so pajeet can play from his village and get perpetually owned by white neets, but also for nostalgia and aesthetics sake.
necromunda hired gun is going cheap and yet i will still not spend my brozoufs sorry streum on lads should have made a better game, your legs are not okay >>451545 facing worlds 24/7 but every time you die so does a jeet irl
>darktide is 40% off >still £20 >for a fatshark game smh my old gooming pals haven't even messaged me in months, why even bother
>>451547 were they friends from school? i lost contact with everyone by age 26 but it was also deliberate because i couldn't have friends as an incel (they always wanted to go out to clubs and that sort of thing)
>>451548 yeah one lad was and the other we picked up along the way, they live close enough to do things irl and I don't, haven't seen them in about 10 years and the one time I was in the neighbourhood while working for vanlad he stood me up because his gf came by unannounced smh he's got his own house and a high paying job, gf, pets, motorcycle etc these days an autist who made all the right choices and maximised his autism to earn money in a good field instead of being a humanities retard who went mask off
>>451549 you stayed true to yourself lad and you probably have less debt than him. humanities is geography and history isn't it? those are the best things to study imo. i used to know a lot of engineers and they would always talk about how much they cheated and it made me lose all respect for higher education
>>451550 yeah I did history and went to a branch uni for it but dropped out on account of daftyism (self-defeating idiocy)
>>451548 I had a very similar experience. the few friends that I still had left went and made the decision to conform to normalfagdom in the hope of having a decent life
>>451553 as the niggers say, it do be like that
Finally told her I don't like pakis and she didn't have a meltdown. It's been a good day.
have a few irl mates but nobody to goom with tbh, hate how everyone is in a little bongo clique in gooming, this is esp bad on pc and even worse these days, back in the xbox live era it was easy to make gooming frens, just find it impossible to be "social" online nowadays so I mostly stick with singleplayer gooms with the occasional fps online session.
sad video but trying to find the music in this but can't
>>451558 not much sympathy for deano has-beens jumping on the yellow fever bandwagon but a bit blackpilling how the chinky lasses are all so attentive and defensive for a bunch of sloppy deanoids when white women would never, suppose they are just thinking about the negative financial effect it could have but still.
>>451557 tbh hate all of these secretive bongo cabals
>>451559 i'm not sure about this watching the video, you can hear a reaction when the ricecel kicks the deano's head. the women actually hold it together better than the men and try to intervene. i'd imagine prossie from wherever this is (thailand i assume) are pretty well versed in violence like this, and they probably have more sympathy for their clients than the guards would. whatever instigated it, that gook should be hanged for kicking a man in the head when he's down
>>451553 i do ok in normieworld, i just secretagentfag and make sure the bills are paid. feels like a cop out though ngl
>>451561 >that gook should be hanged for kicking a man in the head when he's down yeah very niggerish of him
journalism, as it were
>>451566 good lad
Yea my last school friend moved to another part of London to live in his gf's inherited house age 32. Now I'm alone smh, and the choice is joining am online gaming clique or/ and getting a gf myself, the latter being pretty difficult.
At least the warehouse I work at is relatively pleasant and people are nice there. I've got that and history podcasts and comics and foreign tourism
*puts down seventeeth tinnie and goes to bed* love the young zoomers here, simple as
auld mene
>>451571 night lad
Morning lads
>>451575 classic tbh >>451575 smorbing lad
>>451575 preferred it when i just walked for my commute.
>>451577 Ikwym Really do not like interacting with stressed out commenters and hysterical highly strung forners
>>451579 tbh hate public transport
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>>451582 Someone inform them that this was drawn by the great artist: 22st. They're saying Ben from NA did these smh
Did helmer really just show back up out of the blue? Bins officially on suicide watch?
>>451584 Nah Someone keeps putting old posters names in the name field
>>451575 should have sparked that wog out.
>>451585 a shame
>>451586 Yeah should have krav maga’d him out with his idf jew jitsu
>>451588 If he's a kike then all I can hope for is mutual destruction on my land or loading them both on a catapult vaguely aimed south.
>I can be a Marxist Roman Catholic married to a Muslim This is your brain on curry
>>451589 Let them mangle each other and we can catapult the remains at the dinghy wogs
>>451590 She's another one that's divorced from reality because she lives through twitter.
>>451592 Tbh but imagine announcing to the world you married a paki or whatever that is
Tried ck3 for a few minutes but quit it straight away smh, what to goom lads?
>>451597 I've gone back to Fallout 1, quite a comfy game. Luckily Steam kept my save from my old PC 8 years ago so. Also the original Homeworld games and Frostpunk.
Can’t stop laughing at this tbh Something can be learned from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n04VhuZgns
>Gook Poster sighting
And another one

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