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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3971: Election Week Edition Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 16:12:45 Id: ef1d06 No. 457150
PETER HITCHENS: WHEN THE FACTS CHANGE, I CHANGE MY MIND. WHAT DO YOU DO, SIR? https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2024/06/when-the-facts-change-i-change-my-mind-what-do-you-do-sir-.html SNP would work with Labour to boost migration to Scotland https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ck7grm2kp82o PM insists UK better place to live now than in 2010 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cm52z993dp1o
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:02:33.
first for Allah
2ndst for Angela's lovely chebs
>>457150 good lad >>457149 tbh
>3 of our based niggers booked 20 minutes in They are going to have to paint another mural after this keek >>457154 wow whoa
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Apprently the stupid peasants are watching football at the moment?
>>457150 hitchens defending the tories like that roman soldier at pompeii
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>>457159 he's just a prick that likes annoying people by being a contrarian
lol slovakia are winnning
our ngubus are shit
>>457162 don't be raycis lad, thread's only just started can we have a moratorium on sneethe until snunday is over
the west and especially england is shit because of the ngubu worship, they can't adapt and play tactically, they have no espirit d;corps either
So the Labour candidate challenging Corbyn is a lying grifter who has profited handsomely from are NHS. No wonder this jeet is all for privatisation of parts of the NHS “Privatisation of healthcare is very, very important and it’s about what the private sector can do to prove its worth to the public sector” - Praful Nargund https://nitter.poast.org/jrc1921/status/1801676570123268560 https://nitter.poast.org/prafulnargund/status/1806076805956411565 His company https://www.abcivf.co.uk/ Guaranteed Zionist as well because jeet and mommy jeet is closely linked to jewish ivf foundation So jeets jeeting then. Why is it being a lowlife thieving scumbag is equated with intelligence and value. They have to go back
I'm ready
>>457155 absolute peng gilf
>>457159 what "facts" about the Tory party does he think have changed?
>>457170 he's now being a "well you think it's bad now at least it's not labour" mong because that's the new contrarian position
Has Peter Hitchens actually advocated voting Tory to prevent a Tory collapse? Aside from pointing out that Keir Starmer is a secret revolutionary (obvious), what does he think we should do aside from moan about it?
>>457172 >what does he think we should do aside from moan about it? buy his book
Whoever thought thered be a Hindu Prime Minister before a Pakistani one?
>>457172 Emigrate
sounds an awful lot like it's coming home, lads
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>>457180 it's never coming home
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>>457181 joe was right all along?
>>457185 Two more weeks
>>457181 smh no wonder England played so poorly against Slovakia, they were being blackmailed by the Czech secret police
>>457172 >Has Peter Hitchens actually advocated voting Tory to prevent a Tory collapse? Aside from pointing out that Keir Starmer is a secret revolutionary (obvious), what does he think we should do aside from moan about it? Hitchens was never a solutions guy, he's just an egotist
>>457187 >Two more weeks that meme makes no sense in this context lad
>>457186 Unironically yes. He’s known as MI5s pick He’s linked to them and MI6 not keast through quashing all prosecutions of their agents when he was director cps and got made leader of labour to regain establishment control of the party which had got away from them with Corbyn He’s also a member of the Trilateral commission but doesn’t admit it. Globalist shitehawk to boot tbh lads
>>457190 Final is on July 14 IT’S COOOMING HOME! IT’S COOMING HOME!
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If you like Hong Kong films or gangster flicks, Election is worth a watch. http://www.lovehkfilm.com/reviews_2/election.htm
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>>457150 Some things can be good ideas at one time, and bad ideas at another. Like listening to Peter Hitchens 15 years ago, and listening to him now.
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>>457192 >IT’S COOOMING HOME! IT’S COOMING HOME! no it isn't
Ann Widdecombe Full Speech - Rally for Reform UK 30th June 2024 she smashed it lads https://youtu.be/PzJbHhJu_YY
meanwhile in poland
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Some people call football the beautiful game. I can see why.
>>457197 this is how to give your wife a break down
>>457198 >Some people call football the beautiful game. I can see why. reallly lad?
We need COMMON SENSE policies and an end to all this WOKE NONSENSE!!! she's 100% right lads
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>>457200 No not really
>>457202 da bootiful gayme
Reform Party Score ASTONISHING Achievement https://youtu.be/fsQAAmI1qQ4
>>457173 I bought a few of his books and he's always advocated not voting, and wanted the Tories to collapse. I'm not sure if either view has changed now.
>>457205 well he *has* to say these things to get elected, but secretly he agrees with me on everything
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>>457196 >Biddicombe the Blairite who was still a Tory until 5 minutes ago
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>>457206 >I bought a few of his books and he's always advocated not voting, and wanted the Tories to collapse. I'm not sure if either view has changed now. lad, he's now saying we have to vote Tory to keep Labour out, which is a total 180 and he even says of himself he changed his mind if you ever believed in him you've been had, it was all sound and fury signifying nothing
>>457208 she was never a Blairite, she supported Brexit in 2016, and she left the Tories years ago mong
>>457181 Imagine if Corbyn was exposed for being in the Communist spy files. Starmer gets a pass.
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>>457211 >supporting brexshit meaning anything >years ago >not 15 years ago Stop looking in the mirror, mong lad.
>>457212 Corby working for Erm Eye Six? Doubt
>>457213 look here you're the mong not smee
THE WHEELS ARE COOMING OFF ASALUM ALAYKUM! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0tdKBzXay0
I’VE SPENT 6 MILLION HOURS FITEING THE FAR RIGHT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VovqRHP6ssU
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>457217 >LBC why do you poison us with this evil?
>>457219 Prime seethebait tbh
>457220 why do you post seethebait? are you a leftoid demoraliser?
Blackrock CEO (((Larry Fink))) admits that niggers are bad for the economy surely this means that these vile bloodsucking kikes will spare our Europe from destruction??? all they care about is muh shekels, isn't that right fellow goys??
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>>457209 I'm living in Bizarro World. Peter is voting Tory. Russell Brand supports Nigel Farage. COVID really fucked this timeline up.
>>457223 Why should I care what the effeminate-sounding unfunny has-been called Russell Brand has to say? Unless it's an announcement of his imminent suicide, I don't.
Bossman is officially wiggermaxxed
>>457224 He called him a poundshop Enoch Powell on QT and now he's shilling for him. I was just saying that in 10 years everything is reversed. >Why should I care what he has to say Didn't say you should.
>>457223 also UFOs are real now and nobody except Tucker Carlson cares
>>457228 people will mock China for 'The Great Firewall', but it has protected their society from (((US)))-instigated degeneration unlike Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
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>>457226 He was right for the wrong reasons back on QT tbh. But yeah he's not a complete turnoff to most normies, and he seems a lot more thoughtful and sincere than he was years ago (and miles more than most poolitical commentators). One of those comparative voices of reason to our establishment, along with George Gollywog and Nigger Elf himself. I would've until recently put Peter Hitchens in the same category too. Smdh. Need to watch and see if he tries to communicate by blinking morse code saying "CCHQ has my family, please help".
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>>457231 keek, give it another year and making/sharing AI videos will be the most fun thing to do
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>>457228 those damn chi-coms corrupting are women again!
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35 y/o woman has a long list of 'red flags' strange phenomenon with all of these radfem eggcels that absolutely insist on dying alone, gaslighting and patting eachother on the back along the way
>>457234 Mostly reasonable but she can fuck off if she thinks I'm taking her on 3 dates without trying to invite her home. Is she a Muslim or something?
>>457235 the list isn't even worth reading. the point is that she has critically low SMV due to her advanced age, and that she should be grateful to any man that gives her a chance at this point. "is under 60" and "has a stable income" are basically all that she can realistically expect. but she is delusional and stubborn, refusing to accept reality, insisting that she is still a hot commodity that can afford to be choosey already the first bullet point proves that she has serious issues that I would steer clear from even if she were young and hot
bought a new salad dressing to try, and it sucks
>>457239 Think this tips the entire balance of fortune of the white race; it's over.
>>457238 Lol The next debate will unravel them more, smh
>>457238 tnew updates and downloads for the NPCs it's so they know what to say in response to these points
>>457239 just make your own salad dressing lad then you can experiment with making it any way you like it
Nigel Farage Full Speech - Rally for Reform UK 30th June 2024 https://youtu.be/nULxeAx35_w
>India decriminalises raping animals today
>>457246 link, lad? all I can find is something about a BNS bill from 2023
>>457234 >porn sick dick that is actually a legitimate concern cos many of us are affected by the phenomenon of having porn ruin our expectations of what real sex is like >unable to articulate any career... and associated plans this kind of thing has always been important for women so it's not exactly a new revelation that they want men who hold at least the ambition for some kind of significant status even if we don't care and even if she's not worth it according to the laws of sexual market value so i will generously grant her two points there, the rest is just femoid punching above her weight moaning wanting to dominate in a relationship
https://www.mlive.com/politics/2024/06/gov-gretchen-whitmer-floated-as-potential-candidate-to-replace-biden-after-debate-debacle.html michiganbros... we might pull this off, first time andrew jackson presidency we even got close
>>457249 >that is actually a legitimate concern yes but it's also unreasonable for a woman to automatically assume that every guy is innately capable of flicking on a cold-forged titanium erection like a switch, and anything less proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he's a pornsick chronic masturbating coomer that has fried his dopamine receptors like a hash brown to the point that he's sexually dysfunctional. especially if she's some pudgy 35 year old Becky that won't let him touch her boobs or give him the succ
>>457251 you are right, i concede to you sir
>>457234 severely mentally ill >>457249 >>457251 People can have other reasons for having delayed ejaculation or floppy cock, like an overly relaxed pelvic floor or being circumcised. Also, maybe her fanny is an abyss and he cannot get any sensation keek. Just a thought. I had one lass be paranoid of me being a coomer, all the while she was one super secretly. >>457237 quality tbh
was staying with my new gf for a week. fuck me, the seethe and scorn off older women she was getting. keeeeeeeeek.
they're bitter as fuck
looking like beryl could possibly be a happening this friday
shitskins rioting in La Frons
>>457259 a brutal gardener is needed all across Europe
>>457261 are these commies?
>>457262 Yeah and Muslims shouting no parasan.
>>457264 imagine perving on the lasses
Morning lads. >goes on the Elijah Schaffer podcast >Elijah Schaffer is in the jewish circle of those funding Gateway Pundit which in turn is part of the network of people and sites funded by and cross funding the zionist right wing movement. Wdhmbt? https://nitter.poast.org/censoreddottv/status/1807154196422275375/
Shan't be vooting reform now. This is beyond 'look we have browns in our party' to straight up worship of the very worst group of people currently being hosted in our country. Total boomer death!
>>457267 Lol wtf
>>457267 Fuck this French cunt tbh. No loyalty to Britain still can’t figure out his grift. I think the Brexit thing was just an opportunity for him to get famous, he didn’t push through with it. He can get fucked tbh
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>>457270 >rails against ‘wokey wokey’ politics >DEI’s entire party Okey dokey Nigel Cuckrage
>Pootball’s cooming home *Indian music starts playing*
Almost like they’re trying to crash reform and make sure Labour win 650 seats
>>457273 keek normgroids hecking love niggers >>457274 He has been watching pakidemic agent. Total tory wipeout with Nigger Elf getting the one reform seat would be the funniest outcome tbh
>>457276 That will be the outcome Change won’t come at some ballot box tbh and so it won’t come at all whole system has just been engaging in US influenced chaos politik for the last 50 years tbh
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>>457247 Can't remember off the top of my head but they voted to fully repeal a Victorian-era law called Section 377, which has already been repealed in 2018 except for "The unnatural sex acts" clause which mainly criminalises non-consensual homosexual acts but also extends to animals
>>457280 Can't let Pakistan have all the fun I suppose.
>>457281 It’s to protect the ethnics an nonces living here tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIyl5SI6OL0 >foreign private firms use borrowed money to buy British companies and transfer the debt to the business >they strip company of assets until it's near bankrupt and ride off into the sunset with the money >industry goes to shit because all profits and assets are being used to pay back the bank for these "foreign investments" >if the debt isn't paid the bank just passes it to us by increasing interest rates Our economy is fucked. They've sold off everything.
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>>457283 tbh even worse is that they let them buy our infrastructure and fucking utilities companies to do this to.
>>457284 As well as child care and retirement homes. So the vast majority of government money ends going to pay the bank for the loan that was used by an PE firm to buy the home, while elderly patients are left to die without care. PE firms own three of the five largest care home providers in the country. Source: https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/britain-elder-care-private-equity-nursing-homes-assisted-living/
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smorbles lads
if you like fast food or a dancing nog, fast food song is worth a listen.! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOC9d17vASc
OOPS! i meant dancing DOG. what a terrible mistake!
>>457267 his speech was legitmately good >said there had been too much immigration >praised british culture >praised colonialism literallly 100 times more based than anything you'd hear from Tories let alone Labour
>>457286 how the fuck are those two in the same weight category that ending tho, kek
Didn't listen to a single word that paki said and wont
>457291 he's not a paki, and you're an idiot
>Steiner Brothers bio is out
>457292 Kill yourself you paki loving mong tbh tbf
>>457293 kino I hope
Farage really going all-in on the wog loving.
Down with this sort of thing.
>>457267 keeeeeeeek he is just another boomer tard like drumpf that doesn't actually even has his finger on the pulse just wants to be important then does what the jew mafia says once he is close to the top
so to all those lads that fearmonger over Finasteride... I just got my testosterone checked and it is just over 925ng/dl. HIGHER than last year I had it checked, before I ever took Fin. it's also just objectively high for my age, and I'm not like super jacked or anything >The mean total testosterone of men 20-44 years old was 466 ng/dL. Middle tertile, “normal” testosterone levels were 409-558 ng/dL (20-24 years old), 413-575 ng/dL (25-29 years old), 359-498 ng/dL (30-34 years old), 352e478 ng/dL (35-39 years old), and 350-473 ng/dL (40-44 years old). Age-specific cut-offs for low testosterone levels were 409, 413, 359, 352, and 350 ng/dL, respectively (see Figure). my big Mediterranean balls, charged by red light therapy, are pumping out more natural testosterone than probably every other poster on this board tbh. and lads will say "muh fin tranny sissy pills blah blah" while their hairline continues to recede while mine recovers
Another XL bully taken down kek
that's the good news, anyway. bad news is that I'm even shorter than I thought. I was originally planning on doing just femurs to reach 5'11 but now it seems that I can't do that, so maybe I will do both bone segments and reach 6'
it's either just femurs to 5'10 or both to 6', methinks
>>457269 >still can’t figure out his grift it was all for him to say "big chungus sends his regards" on Fiver
lard ass bimbo bought a plane, allegedly
>>457301 >not the heckin' pupperino!
>>457301 That’s negligent discharge of a weapon in public tbh. No need for that unless he was under threat which he wasn’t tbh
>>457306 A figga only a nigga could love tbh
>>457310 I mean... I would, and I'm not a nigger, so...
>>457313 still waiting for my putinbucks. been 8 years now.
Vladi, yer a fuckin' tight arse.
>>457316 these politicians are weirdos.
>>457313 >five Facebook pages with a combined 190,000 followers >interference in general election Ok firstly their only evidence is that the IPs of the page admins are from Nigeria, which is in Africa and having an IP from Africa according to them means it's a Russian propaganda network (I shit you not). Secondly it's fucking nothing in the national election scale. If you remove the bot followers, nonvoters and foreigners then it's literally a pin drop. I'd be surprised if one voter from Clacton saw these Facebook pages.
>>457317 They all need exiling to Antarctica tbh
bit gay lad.
>>457320 why the fuck is this goober dressed like that, he looks like an alien
>>457318 Stating bogeyman Russia are interfering in an election for a particular party, that's the actual election interference.
>>457320 Why can't i get audio from this?
>>457309 The real story (of decline) tbh. Dog bites woman, pigs shoot up residential area leaving cars with bullet holes. Like when they follow a joy rider and police hit someone. Of course the criminal is to blame but so are stupid pigs recklessly driving (aka breaking the law) too. If the average plod gets a gun we would quickly become shartica in the amount of 'wrong place, wrong time, not our problem) killings.
>>457320 >All these merchant hands
>>457322 It's retarded on multiple levels because Facebook is a foreign company and they manipulate everything that appears on the platform with AI and human moderators. If it's interference to have a Russian Facebook group why is it not interference to have an American website Facebook? Oh right America would never interfere in elections.
>>457326 they're not interested in any of it making sense. it's all just getting to the clickbait narrative of 'Russians interfering in our beautiful democracy' once again.
>>457301 Should've been put down long ago. nigger of dogs.
>>457324 Tbh tbh
Found my dad's twitter account. He is utterly fucking cringe. A full on fucking socialist rat.
>>457321 He looks alright. How would you have him dressed?
>>457331 beat him up and banish him from the pride. your time is now.
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>>457267 This guy is the biggest donor to Reform UK during the election, so he essentially bought his way in. Just like the party treasurer named Mehrtash A'zami who owns 7%.
>>457332 no turtleneck, less tight jeans, less short hair, no happy merchant gestulations. it's mainly the turtleneck that's the issue, this isn't Star Trek
Reckon Reform UK is just a massive scam for Nige to make money selling off shares of a big political party to pakis.
turtlenecks always remind me of that one The Rock photo.
>>457333 He abandoned me in the womb but I know who he is nonetheless. He's an "extreme metal" musician who used to take drugs and cut himself to induce hallucinations where he would commune with demons. Oh, and he's a satanist! Thank God nanny raised me tbh >>457335 Yeah, you haven't got a fucking clue. Pic related.
Turtle necks are the ultimate Fascist kinowear. Buy turtle necks and get them worn . . . for England
I'm going to purchase two turtle necks aas a result of this interaction.
well at least I actually own 2.
Still reminds me of Dwayne Johnson.
Actually knew a lad with terrible neck acne. told him to get a turtleneck and he was a bit more confident after that.
>>457341 I have one in black, grey, blue, red so now I shall buy me more! Also, you need to re-assess your cultural frames of reference. Rocky and Mixo man? I order you to download and watch the German films 1939-1945 collection.
I'm a good lad me.
>>457345 red seems a bit kitsch. guess it would make sense at Christmas.
you love to see it.
>>457349 I have to go there this week to pick something up. smh.
>>457323 Best I can do >halfway through https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IZQKk7XPTfg >>457334 Reform is set up as a company not a bona fide political party >>457336 Think you are right
>>457350 What did he do?
>>457353 he was black. that's a good enough a reason.
>>457354 > that's a good enough a reason. >i'm italian now
>>457354 I am disappoint he dindunuffin
>>457338 keek the biological horseshoe effect. You're the same.
>>457348 stupid bints
>>457360 >Rotten onions >Brexit
>>457338 >>457331 Is he from Wales? Sounds like my uncle. Wew smh.
Opinions on ‘French’ defender Jules Koundé lads? He’s actually from Benin but that’s another story. In Europe 2024, he’s Fronch https://medium.com/@grodtfmc/jules-kound%C3%A9-un-gay-qui-crushait-sur-david-beckam-sa-r%C3%A9ponse-%C3%A0-mouloud-achour-e20a9c560cc5
Prime sneethefuel, but it it is a little unusual for a victim of one of these type of crimes to talk in this way. Nudge unit slipping a bit perhaps
>>457363 another zesty buck
>>457352 Genuinely fascinated by this. What's to stop Nige growing the party to peak value and then selling off his shares to the party donors to fuck off to America? They could then directly purge and appoint whoever they want and wouldn't even have to take a public role in the party, just run it directly like a shadowy caval.
>>457367 *cabal
>>457366 keeeeeek nice mene lad
>>457350 what a bitch nigger
imagine if the bolice would go after the muslamic rayguns as 'ard as they discriminate against XL bullies
XL bully took 4 12 gauge shots to drop keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
i've always hoped these hell hounds would breed into the stray dog population so we'd have wolves again to make our population genetically healthier. perhaps i am evil
>>457375 pitbulls aren't wolflike at all, maybe huskies or something would do that
forgot how good this album is, listened to it too much when it came out while playing map-staring games, but now that it's been years, it's fresh again
not listening to that shite, i'm never impressed when i click on this edgy metal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOXkE35vPvg imagine watching spic get vored
>>457381 the extinct bennu heron could probably unironically vore him if he was dehydrated and starved.
>>457382 we get herons in my backyard sometimes, we saw one vore a chipmunk once. they're very dinosaur-like
Don't understand anything about French politics but I vaguely remember that Le Pen does well in the first round and then everyone else endorses her opponent, turnout goes up and then she gets absolutely raped in the second round.
>>457385 it's like 40% right 30% centrist 30% left, then the centrist+left combine in the second round to block out right even though they are plurality
>>457386 B-but muh horseshoe theory.
>>457387 horseshoe theory is only true on antisemitism, jevvs are the quintessential capitalist pigs and true leftoids don't like them. Marx, son of Rabbis, wanted jevvs to be forcibly assimilated
my skin looks immaculate, my hair has recovered, my testosterone is high as fuck. why don't you lads take my advice, smh
>457389 because you're a delusional retard who just makes shit up to go along with your absurd fantasies
>>457390 Bit rude lad. >>457389 What's your advice?
>>457382 A flock could take him even when healthy
why do fags respond to S.P.I.C.
Shitty posts immediately censored
>>457391 skin >zinc sunscreen / other forms of sun protection / sun avoidance >tretinoin >basic cleanser/moisturizer (just washing your face regularly and applying a moisture barrier afterwards, nothing fancy) >red light therapy >microneedling (I haven't actually done full face microneedling, but I probably should) hair >finasteride >minoxidil >microneedling >tretinoin >red light therapy testosterone >lift weights >red light therapy before bed >lots of herbs and stuff you can take also >finasteride also helps, despite popular belief penis >extending/hanging (length) >clamping (girth) height >limb lengthening (femur w/ Precise Max is meta rn, only do tibia if you want both bones done)
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All that effort and he's still a kissless virgin telling lies to strangers on the internet, must be working >>457393 It was good fun the other night when I touched a nerve, and then it carried over to the next day
>>457395 >red light therapy to clarify I mean >for head, shine the light on your hair, obviously >for skin, shine the light on your face, obviously >for testosterone, shine the light on your balls
>>457396 >he's still a kissless virgin I kissed a few girls back in high school. but it's been over a decade since last smooch, yes. but there have been plenty of opportunities, I just don't take them. many girls showed interest and then got mad that I didn't pursue, and then they do the thing where they show you their butt to try to make you mad (like "you could have had this ass"- they are that.... I can't think of the optimal word. banal?) >telling lies I don't lie, I'm an honest person, so much so that I am gullible because I foolishly assume that others don't lie just because I don't
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Nerve status: touched
>>457399 no? I'm just presenting the facts. you're the one that seems to have some kind of agenda against me, I'm just trying to help lads with sage advice and mature wisdom
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Spig only lies to one person tbf. Himself.
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See how the pathetic loser turns to his perverse fetish when confronted by the reality that nobody but himself buys his retarded fantasies
>>457404 Yeah I finally filtered him for that.
>>457403 about what? >>457404 no but you know what happened today, I ran an errand and could have sworn I saw the "Pokemon!" logo in a store for a split second. and then I was looking for what I saw, if it was some other yellow text that I misinterpreted, and couldn't find it. I don't know what that was about, I don't have Pokemon on my mind at all
He's probably furiously beating his meat rn for the 5th time today whilst raging on the inside and attempting to come up with a new way to spin himself as anything other than the kind of utter failure that his mother raised him to be
also I fail to see how enjoying a female body part is "perverse". seems pretty harmless to me >>457407 the last time I ejaculated was the day before yesterday, after clamping. I intend to clamp again today and may or may not ejaculate afterwards, need more girth I don't think I'm thaat much of a failure, sure I'm behind financially for my age (and I need to save up money for my legs to improve my stature) but it's tough for our generation so it's not like I'm alone in that. if you go outside and look at other people, many of them are fat or wiggers or something. it's not exactly success central. what do you think the average person is doing? most people don't even seem to have a general idea of what they're supposed to be doing aside from toiling. and to be clear, what they are supposed to be doing is basically toiling + breeding. not rocket science
I have an actual plan, at least: 1. looksmax 2. get some poon tang for a lil while 3. find a breedhog 4. breed simple
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>>457397 >for testosterone, shine the light on your balls
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See how he continues to attempt arguing against me, but instead only achieves adding more credit to my assertions
>>457410 it boosts the ATP in the cells or something. my test is 925ng/dl and it's not like I'm super muscular and low bodyfat >Although the data is limited, red light therapy has been shown to have the potential to increase testosterone levels.[6] A small human study seemed to back up the findings. According to one theory, this happens because red and NIR light stimulates photoreceptive proteins in the testicles, which in turn stimulates testosterone production. Another theory is that red light therapy inhibits the pineal gland, which secretes melatonin, an inhibitor of testosterone production.[7] https://luminousred.com/improving-hormone-health-with-red-light-therapy/ yeah don't take melatonin...
>these salesmen say their product really works, so it must be true!
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>>457414 there's sources at the bottom
>muh salesmen list unverified sources from no credible publications at the bottom of their pitch, it must be true! you are so utterly retarded
>>457413 The source they cite used laser therapy rather than red light therapy and it performed on the testes of 30 rats. You should be shooting your balls with lasers lad.
spic should get a fucking job and fuck off since he doesn't care about british politics and he also sucks at memes and nobody cares about his dear diary "today I masterbated to clarices clavical bones she looks so delicate in the pit below moms basement" shite. fucking mong
Patrick Masturbateman is a fucking mong.
i think thats enough spic bullying
business idea: a really nice coffee table book that chronicles the decline of britain with photos of public swimming pools over the last 5 decades
>>457417 I'm not a sourcefag, I don't care to read academic papers. I'm already convinced by what I've read and experienced personally. if you look up "red light therapy testosterone", you'll find more. I didn't expect anyone to actually look at the sources they referenced >>457418 >he doesn't care about british politics I care about European politics in general, but nothing interesting happens within the (((democratic))) system so it's more about popular sentiment than whatever party charades are going on
Beryl trending north, will preserve more strength if it misses the yucatan peninsula and stays over water. comfiness increasing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeLmCyW8ZDQ I miss this kino the original upload is gone like the rest of the kino
>>457424 forgot about that, funny to think about 2016 now, what a heckin time. when it actually seemed like politics might work
deleting most of my pink floyd from ye old music folder. cathartic but a bit unsettling to think how much i've changed the last 20 years #deboomerizing
>>457409 >looksmax
>>457428 they were chads but yeah, state of xim
>>457428 if you notice the list I made in >>457395, the only cosmetic surgery is CLL. I agree that it is very risky to do anything else, since it could just as easily make you lose worse
got my own hard hat today
>>457433 smorbing lad auslander raus indeed
>>457432 fuck yes lad, get in
>>457435 thanks lad think there might be something to all this toil malarkey after all
>>457436 You need an Estwing hammer now
>>457439 wouldn't have much use for one tbh wouldn't mind doing construction toil though tbf had a whale of a time on the course i did
can't find good clips of le trump biden debate anywhere, jewtube shut it down
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discount sushi and a bourbon named hogs three for dinner bought it because it had a pig on it and it's quite nice >>457443 that's how you know we're winning fellow patriot #wwg1wga >>457444 keeeeeeeeeeeeek that lass giving him the stink eye
>>457432 Good lad they changed the rules in shartica so that all hard hats have to be like the old British army Tommy helmet some lads use to wear those plastic cowboy hats for the meem
>>457426 Good lad boomer music is overrated and most of that hippy shite is just Tavistock and cianiggers
>>457446 >some lads use to wear those plastic cowboy hats for the meem keeeeeeeeek based brodie helmets are aesthetic imo though
kettle hats in general are kino tbh
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>>457415 >b-but muh sources >457422 >I'm not a sourcefag, I don't care to read academic papers EVERY. SINGLE. TIME
>>457440 Learn to read plans. Mate of mine told me hardly anyone coming to his job can read a plan or a diagram but could do everything else he said if you can’t do anything but you can follow a plan/diagram you’ll get hired immediately and taught the rest which is the easy bit
>>457451 already there tbh learnt how by taking a few engineering electives way back at uni and now at glass toil many panels have details on them like holes and notches or dog legs or being out of square or funny logo positions and it's all on the drawing which we have to check think once i have two or three years of this toil under my belt i'll be in a much stronger position when looking for jobs
Spent an hour researching finasteride last night. I am letting spic get into my progressively bald head >>457444 keeeeek
>>457453 embrace baldness with dignity lad no full shaves no combovers no man buns no wigs the compulsion to be young forever is boomoid-tier
>steiner’s made a Riff Raff inspired gun ad https://nitter.poast.org/RealSamRogers/status/1807760173957599342
>>457446 Pwned
>>457445 Brothers Bourbon is good but apparently Jim Beam is the best you can get, which is good, because it’s cheap Scotch meself tbh https://nitter.poast.org/ForbesLife/status/1807972476900585706
>>457453 Auslad is right tbh lad, embrace the horseshoe
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8qGtEVh7oQ >PFAS chemicals was created in the Manhattan project and are called forever chemicals because we don't know how to destroy them >After the war they get used for non-stick, grease-proof, stain-proof and water proof products, but also wind up in random products like toilet paper and dental floss >Companies like 3M have been dumping these chemicals ever since the 1960s so it ended up in the soil, the water supply, the fish, rainwater >Ended up everywhere and is in our blood and coating our organs and there's no way to get it out except for giving birth and breastfeeding since it then gets offloaded to the baby >We find it out its weakens the immune system, weakens the skeleton, and causes cancer >It can change the configuration of chromosomes so even if it's gone, it will change DNA chemistry to affect future generations Why didn't we listen?
>>457463 Fucking corporations and profit tbh Destroy them all and let’s return to the 7th century. Maybe flip flop merchants are right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fnXRNeQy9Q
>>457458 not much of a bourbon person tbh although it is nice much prefer rum me >>457460 AUS AUSLANDER RAUS AUSLANDER RAUS AUSLANDER AUS AUS AUSLANDER RAUS AUSLANDER RAUS AUSLANDER RAUS AUSLANDER AUS AUS AUSLANDER RAUS still don't understand why they hate us so much when the brown tide already on their shores is a much more immediate concern smdh
>>457463 when i was a young lad i used to wonder what the lead or asbestos of are generation would be >>457464 would like to pick up the sax again someday smh
just finished listening to that mosley talk on cable street he spent a disappointing amount of time explaining how he has no personal gripe against jews and that any buf member who hated a jew simply for being a jew would be expelled from the party safe to say that i have outgrown him and while i remain fond of him he has been relegated to the rank of stepping stone
>>457467 Punching right only ever moves you left.
>>457468 tbh assuming he did it to save face being an old lad who was tired of the struggle that being a dissident brings and wanted to veer closer to centre for retirement just so that nobody would try to argue with him about things in my heart i believe that a younger mosley would have never said such nonsense
if you don't die a hero you live long enough to see yourself become the villain smdh
>>457444 keeeeek
>>457470 Wtf I luv the pro palestinia demostrators Bet the manlet is a bewinged jew
>>457472 If no one does for the political system it’s going to do for the lot of us right centre and left. Wish people would understand this but when they can’t even understand that not paying the bbc licence is not a victory because they still pay taxes there is little hope
>>457472 >Panjak, 27, who came to Britain in February last year, said he was excited to cast his vote after missing the election in his native India. "In my country, they don't allow people from other countries to vote ... I came here on a student visa, but they are giving us an opportunity, like British citizens," said Panjak who works part-time as an ambassador at his university in Manchester, northwest England. >Panjak >Representation without taxation They’re going to destroy us
>>457453 >Spent an hour researching finasteride last night. I am letting spic get into my progressively bald head the sooner you start taking it, the more hair you will keep. there is nothing to be afraid of- >95% of men do not get side effects, and in unlikely event that you do, you can simply reduce dosage or stop taking it. post-finasteride syndrome is a hoax. the overwhelmingly likely scenario if you start taking it is that you will: >notice nothing, it's like a sugar pill >months later, you notice your hair loss has stopped, and may even reverse to some extent >>457455 the problem with that theory is that young women are very put off by visible hair loss. if you want pussy or even a permanent breedhog, it really cripples your opportunities. the consequences of doing nothing about hair loss are very steep, but fortunately there are a number of things you can do to effectively fight against it. I don't understand where the hostility to the idea is coming from
>Teh Wen Sun, a 33-year-old Malaysian student from Salford, not far from Manchester, said she did not see much difference between the two main parties, but she was keen to vote for a party that is more receptive to immigrants. >Oyinkansola Dirisu, 31, a support worker from Manchester who came to Britain in 2022, said she was looking forward to voting for Labour, and said she wanted whoever won power to make it easier for people like her to move to Britain.
just looked into that 'hawk tuh' meme. yanks have terminal porn brain rot
95% of people don’t get side effects from FinastiVax(tm)
>>457476 i hate seeing these ugly jeet clones everywhere
>>457479 It’s being spammed everywhere there’s merchandise, baseball hats with it on tbh Meanwhile the slag who said it has failed to capitalise on it and is still living in her Steiner TrailerHome Deluxe
>>457481 Lad. They can read books standing. Who else can do that?
>>457478 It just kept getting worse and worse >>457479 There was a banner with those words on it at the Euros. Total GAE victory
>>457320 he's not gay he's just french
more like >before uni >after uni
Ok. You’re a fucking jeet. Go back to India https://nitter.poast.org/RishiSunak/status/1808082809539469361
>boomers seething that their legacy will be undone by the young keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/JohnOBrennan2/status/1807812011411099995
>>457489 poor taliban, know how to fight, no idea how to govern
>mfw it's not monday anymore
>>457489 they're having so much fun :)))
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>>457488 >before fatt >after fatt
Tell me what’s happening from 15:25 onwards https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt1138:8
>>457497 Still remember that frog banning me for typing how his name is 'actually' pronounced: "gay rapey"
>>457498 Plastic frog gonna plastic frog. They’re a bit touchy tbh
>>457498 He’s gonna need spics finn asteroids routine as well
>>457498 he's metis
like steiner
>>457182 absolute kino >>457193 kino but bins will never stream this smh >>457250 imagine how much bollock busting she could do on the fderal level >>457306 pretty sure this is outrage marketing for her onlyfans keeksmh >>457423 appreciate the updates lad hope to see many spics and nogs buried >>457432 going up in the world la >>457445 based porcine decisionmaking
>In the mystical realm of Boardoria, where digital heroes roamed free, the land was plagued by the dark forces of the evil Troons. These malevolent beings sought to spread despair and chaos among the good lads of the board, seeking to dominate the online world. >In a time of great need, a legendary hero emerged: the magnificent BumBum King. With his trusty steed, the magical Sneep Snorp Beast, the King prepared to face the darkness and save the day. >The Sneep Snorp Beast, a majestic creature with shimmering scales and eyes that glowed like the stars, was said to possess the power to ack the evil Troons. Its mane was woven from the finest threads of internet wisdom, and its hooves left trails of digital bravery wherever it trod. >As the night fell, casting a dark veil over Boardoria, the BumBum King mounted his Sneep Snorp Beast and set forth to confront the Troons. The air was electric with anticipation as the King's grandeur and the Beast's magic merged, creating an aura of invincibility. >With every stride, the Sneep Snorp Beast's hooves pounded out a rhythm that echoed through the digital realm, beckoning the good lads of the board to rise up against their oppressors. The Troons, taken aback by the King's boldness, stumbled and faltered in the face of the Sneep Snorp Beast's mighty ack. >As the battle raged on, the BumBum King charged forward, his mighty voice shouting, "For the board! For the lads!" The Sneep Snorp Beast, sensing its master's determination, unleashed a blast of magical energy, acking the Troons with precision and force. >The darkness began to recede, and the good lads of the board, emboldened by the King's bravery, rose up to reclaim their digital homeland. Together, they fought alongside the BumBum King and his Sneep Snorp Beast, driving the evil Troons back into the shadows.
>Gladiator II >Marcus Nonius Macrinus, Roman Senator >Born in Brescia Brescia which was obviously in the Congo at the time
>>457504 >In the end, the forces of good emerged victorious, and Boardoria was saved. The BumBum King, his Sneep Snorp Beast by his side, was hailed as a hero, and the magical creature's legendary ack was etched into the annals of digital history. >And so, the tale of the BumBum King and the magical Sneep Snorp Beast serves as a beacon of hope, reminding all who dwell in the realm of Boardoria that even in the darkest of times, bravery, magic, and a strong sense of ack can conquer even the most formidable of evils.
>>457504 3/10 no Lucas or Scouse Fairies
Sneething on multiple levels at this channel 4 waycism stitch up. What the actor said wasn't even bad. Inarticulate, and incorrect that an Indian is a paki, but paki isn't a slur, and if it was so what? Nobody likes pakis, especially not Indians. The rough sentiment of the larping glowie (that sunack isn't English, and that channel migrants are literally hostile invaders) was correct. Now the discourse is unified in how 'abhorrent' or 'crazy' what was said is, just one side saying well he was a plant (duh) the other making a fool of themselves pretending it was legit. We're still so stuck in the liberal boomer playpen. We're actively headed further and further left every day with next to no real pushback.
keeking at the memories tbh
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>>457510 they were just too based the heroes we needed but deserve
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>>457511 *didn't deserve ack
Breaking up a group that primarily organised political demonstrations is a seriously undemocratic act; it goes to show how little integrity the politicians, and those who support them, have
>>457513 >Breaking up a group that primarily organised political demonstrations is a seriously undemocratic act; it goes to show how little integrity the politicians, and those who support them, have the current rulers don't actually give a shit about democracy though lad
I hope the era we have lived through will serve as a warning to all future generations We tried having women in power, and it almost destroyed us
>>457515 There's a lot about this period that on review will be seen like a collective insanity of a western death cult.
>>457515 >>457516 if we survive this, I'm hoping that we rubberband to the opposite extreme and basically have Taliban-esque sex roles forever with extreme racial chauvinism. we can't go back to the way things were before, we need to create a new society that is the total opposite of what we have now
>>457455 I'm balding and have quite grey hair at the sides like Mr Fantastic. I don't give a shit, I'm not going to waste time and money on pretending it's not the case.
>>457515 tbh >>457518 good lad fleeing from aging is for lasses and gayist
>check out my local candidate for Galloway's party >shared a David Duke video on Telegram about how Jews control the media and the global financial system and force non-Jews to “fight their wars” >posted a Facebook video suggesting that “Zionist Jews” were behind the 9/11 attacks Should I vote for him?
>>457520 He'll inevitably be an islamophile, so no.
>>457520 yeah vote for him
>>457518 >I don't give a shit that's cope, of course you do >I'm not going to waste time and money on pretending it's not the case. it's not even that much time/money. taking a pill with breakfast every morning is basically zero time/effort, and they're not expensive either
>>457518 >>457527 also >pretending it's not the case if you take the pills, IT LITERALLY WILL NOT BE THE CASE. you're balding because you're not taking finasteride, if you take it then you stop balding. there's no "pretending" involved, it's cause and effect. you have a choice to have hair or not and you're choosing not to have hair
and it's not "wasting" the little bit of time/money because it's well-spent on a good outcome. is it a waste of food to eat? is it a waste of water to take a shower? the words "pretending" and "waste" indicate that there's something wrong with your thought process I can't fathom the stupidity, I'm one of very few people that has the ability to think clearly in a world populated by retards
>>457529 Have sex
>>457498 did his missus ever turn up? >>457523 exploiting the moment by having been right about the jews all along, it's always the same.
>>457532 My girlfriends
>>457534 they look like they've posted here at some point.
>>457536 Probably still do
Mix a male dominated space with inceldom and you'll inevitably get those that take on the role of a female.
About finasteride https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/finasteride/about-finasteride/ >for hair loss you can only get finasteride on a private prescription >The main side effects are losing interest in sex and difficulty getting an erection. >Rare side effects include mood changes such as depression and thoughts of harming yourself. I'd rather be balding than shell out for private prescriptions for pills which cause erectile dysfunction and suicidal thoughts.
>>457540 >>The main side effects are losing interest in sex and difficulty getting an erection. don't worry too much lad, you don't get to use it anyway.
>>457540 >for hair loss you can only get finasteride on a private prescription just ask your doctor or a dematologist for one, it's not expensive >The main side effects are losing interest in sex and difficulty getting an erection. very rare, and in the unlikely event this affects you, just reduce dosage or stop taking it. personally I think most cases where guys think this is happening to them, it's nocebo effect and/or caused by other variables like porn addiction and obesity >Rare side effects include mood changes such as depression and thoughts of harming yourself. as above, but I haven't even heard of this. it's really not noticeable whether you take it or not, it's like a sugar pill >pills which cause erectile dysfunction and suicidal thoughts. it doesn't cause those things in >95% of men, the main thing it causes is slowing/stopping/reversing hair loss. if you don't take it, it will just continue to progress at full speed. having visible hair loss really cripples your attractiveness to women. the sooner you get on fin, the more hair you will keep. the ideal is taking it before you even experience any hair loss, so that you can preserve a straight youthful NW1 hairline. once you are finished maturing and no longer receptive to masculinization by DHT, there's really no reason not to be taking it unless you are one of the unlucky few that get side effects for reasons that are not well-understood
>>457514 Neither do I, it's about integrity though. In argumentation, showing contradiction in one's opponent's position weakens it.
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>spic shilling for more snake oil
even I'm kind of bored of this topic at this point. all I'm saying is this: >I noticed my hairline receding- and this bothered me, obviously >eventually I caved in and started taking fin/min >couple months later, I noticed my hair recovering >another couple months later, I am now pleased with the results and am no longer insecure about my hairline >I have not experienced any negative side effects, and it is inexpensive/easy >I would recommend it to a friend that is all. just trying to help lads out with a common problem that others on this board have admitted that they have. and I get met with all of this contrarianism, derision, and ridicule. I don't understand it but whatever, keep your hair or not, I can't make your decisions for you gonna work out
>>457544 how the fuck is it snake oil, it's well-established and mainstream. not even some schizo new age thing like the red light therapy or pink salt, it's normal medicine prescribed by doctors that is proven to work
Wanking to interracialblowbang videos doesn't count as working out, lad, even if you do do it for hours at a time
>>457547 >Wanking to interracialblowbang videos doesn't count as working out, lad, even if you do do it for hours at a time wtf? nobody told me this!
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not sure why that post got quoted but you're welcome to the accidental (You), I can spare it
>>457549 this only works if the guy behind the camera is an A10 aryan gigachad if he's less that that it just comes across as hopelessly beta
>>457550 it's a common 8chan fuck up tbh happens all the time
>>457541 This horse rabbit monke creature is so cool. Shame that someone used cutting edge tech and software just to animate it wanking.
>>457544 Spic’s future if he continues to abuse this deadly drug > no hair no dick <
>>457554 >>457555 Those comments are gold tbf daviser.
Hey 22! >Norwegian minister of "culture" showing her breasts in support of faggots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBW2LZbacfE
>>457560 Tbf my post provided added value with comments as based f5e21f pointed out tbh tbf tbh
Quintessentially Norge culture kween
How Spic sees himself
>>457563 As long as the tits are big enough I could accept any randomly generated face you find.
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>>457562 defeated davis david
>>457567 look closer lad those aren't farts those are... queefs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzOsVbpbT0s >Josef Fritzl wants to move to Britain if he is released and "roam free in the Scottish Highlands"
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>>457561 The West... has fallen
>>457570 he's just looking for another remote location to continue his life's work
>>457573 what? the police actually arrested a terrorist? I mean, an actual terrorist, not a white guy that did stickering or read books?
awww dindu nuffin
Los Angeles is the most vile place in shartica, at least NYC has character
>>457482 no way that's true. fml i'm worried about my normong family, this is so wicked and evil
>>457581 we tried to tell them lad the bbc sluts just had to follow the herd of niggercattle doing exactly what bill gates and the illuminati said. smh but we still have to love our normongs in our lives
>>457582 my boomoid dad took the booster and he got so sick even he kind of realised something was up. he's had a dry cough ever since
me on the left
>>457583 yeah I think it gave my dad brain damage
>>457586 yidtube is going to be filled to the brim with these
>>457587 yeah the entire angloshart media system is going to be subsooomed by the locust swarm of pajeet scammers
>>457586 super delux content sir
>>457587 >yidtube it's pootube now lad
>>457549 >some other roastie with lip injections bimbo lips comes to defend her this is why we need pic related. we're not going back to happy traditional families, women need to be shackled up in breeding facilities that will use their bodies as tools to produce as many healthy infants as biologically possible without the slightest regard for humane treatment of the women robot maids will take care of domestic chores, and girlfriend AI sexbots will take care of men's sexual and emotional needs. eventually, artificial wombs will become superior to organic wombs, and any remaining white women will merely be kept as backup egg production just in case
inputs: >nutrition >water >semen outputs: >infants >milk >urine >feces simple as
wish she would clap that booty meat
>>457593 it's so cringe when DemonRATS pretend that they don't just want to exterminate us. Republicans don't care if the water has poison in it or not, they only care about maximizing profits for the companies that incidentally poison the water. Demonrats actually want the water to be poisoned to harm us intentionally
>>457595 gretch just wants to boe be on her yacht up in leeland michigan tanning her booty meat
Imagine being Gretchen's tradie husband
jamaica set to get pummeled tomorrow, possible texas landfall now
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>>457598 thanks lad.
>>457599 kek i think he left with the cart full of food
>>457593 Would for realsies kidnap her and lock her in my mushroom dungeon.
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>>457603 strange times
>>457603 see the thing is, this looks almost as if it's designed to bolster the narrative that >zionists are racist white crackers from eastern europe, real jevvs don't support zionism because you have the atypical, white-passing blonde jevvess bitching down at very jevvy-looking jevvs saying "you're not a jevv!" the "antizionist not antisemitic" leftoids will see this and it will make them feel so very smart that they are 'correctly' identifying the problem as being those racist white crackers. nevermind the fact that "anti-zionist jevvs" are less than 15% of the diaspora jevv population (and that's being generous) and virtually none of the israeli jevv population. and they don't have billions of dollars to throw around and influence politics like the jevvish zionists so funny video but I'm inclined to think that these are bad actors trying to constrain the antisemitic surge, just look at all the cameras and how unhinged the blonde jevvess is acting
to some extent it is helpful to have some "anti-zionist jevvs", as it makes normalfags much more comfortable with criticizing israel and has helped the pro-palestinian movement to reach critical mass. but at the end of the day, the problem is not merely "zionism", it's jevvs- period. and while some of these people see that, many of them still do not and they are still reluctant to entertain that line of reasoning because it transgresses the libtard morality they subscribe to where the only ethnic groups you're allowed to criticize are white people
>>457603 She's just can get it into her head that shrewing and being an obnoxious yenta as a form of racial enforcement isn't going to work in this situation.
>>457605 totally
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUIzJPyl3LI based rant about how cars are too heavy and complex
>>457610 many such cases
been taking a deep dive (tm) into pink floyd after going through my music folder and i have to say, boomer as he defiinitely is, i think roger waters might be based
>>457612 how so lad?
>>457613 david gilmour replaced syd barret as a more talented guitarist after he went schizo but waters resents this and now gilmour's wife accused him of being antisemitic (based)
the 2 albums produced by "pink floyd" after waters left in 1985 are quite good though if not a bit depressinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jMlFXouPk8
>>457614 >and now gilmour's wife accused him of being antisemitic good enough for me
>>457615 tbh bit melancholy that
>>457617 indeed, the last pink floyd song made. almost an admission that they'd all become rich by this point and lamented the boomer days of yoore when everything was new and exciting in the 60s and 70s
Looks like the troons have won lads, time to lop it off
>>457614 >wife Polly Samson >hapa communist >Samson's father was Lance Samson (died 4 February 2013, a newspaper editor and diplomatic correspondent for the Morning Star. Her mother was a writer of Chinese descent, Esther Cheo Ying, who wrote a memoir, Black Country to Red China, about her time serving as a Major in Mao Zedong's Red Army Samson's mother's second husband was the British journalist Alan Winnington. >previous boyfriends were commies one, Alan Winnington having his ashes scattered across Karl Marx’s grave ( cuck ) after dying in East Germany Ergo Dave Gilmour is a fucking CHICOM agent as well as his wife and should be expelled forthwith
Stewart has Down syndrome as well, down to zero seats So sick of these potshot poshos tbh
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>>457603 That's a pollack russkie larping as a Hebrew. AshkeNAZI kikes are we wuz tier
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5Y0s--BGok >A private investigator hired by Jay Slater's family confirmed he was scared to go back to his hotel to charge his phone or get water even though it was only 30 minutes away >This was because he had stolen a £12k Rolex from a "burley" Eastern European man just hours earlier KEEK.
Who the fuck goes on holiday and steals a Rolex? Smh.
>>457628 he forgot to say big chungus
>>457627 It was Abdul!
>>457631 Why is he staring at her like that?
>>457633 Would like to see her bobs too tbf. What's she got on there
>Rishi Sunak said he would pay homage to his football team, and would get the Southampton FC badge tattooed. >Circling the spot on his upper arm he would like get it, the prime minister said he would ‘probably get the Saint’s Crest on his arm’ if he had to get one. Keeek.
>election tomorrow >/brit/s dead smdh, can only be about 7/8 of us left.
>>457636 Are they all on the bongo? Where did everyone go?
>>457637 most of us got to be late twenties/early thirties by now, so maybe just aged out of imageboards?
>>457638 /brit/s a much more mature forum than most imageboards.
>>457631 is Rishi on the cuck chair?
>>457636 must be waiting for the results before poosting
where's wessie been? he always keeps the post count up
>>457642 oh shit has he died again
Pooinderloo fewmin’
>>457627 >A Brit who owns the Airbnb ayoub Abdul Yeah wonder what he —drug deals— does for a living? Probably arrived as a refugee. Unbelievable lads tbh
>>457645 jeets are now the designated replacement demographic, muslims are too antisemitic and niggers are too stupid to perform labour. jeets love kikes and money, and don't care about much anything else (other than cow urine) so they're the perfect nu-goyim
>>457648 >Visajeet kek
>>457649 >Deliverjeet
Fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Boomerwaffen btfo Owen Jones https://nitter.poast.org/JeromeH8sWoke/status/1808420308765769877
Smh see here Martin
keeking at work how the trannies were acked off the board by trying to convict 22st of being a nonce
>>457654 >twerking at Ascot. you can never escape it. I bet if you went to some remote temple in Japan, you'd still be a stones throw away from a nigger bitch twerking.
Should have shoved it in the coppers eye then pulled it out singing the Zelda item jingle
>>457637 oh, you know... doing this and that... >>457656 so throw the stone at its head then
>>457658 Another dangerous wog off the streets
>>457662 Sort of keep expecting a raptor to peek out from one of the plants tbh.
Finally watched the Trump/Biden debate. Trump was unimpressive, fortunately for him zombie Biden was his opponent. CNN were very smart to often switch the cameras with Biden in full mouth agog, vacant stare mode for minutes on end.
>surprise Reform landslide, they form a strong parliamentary majority, finally leading to a based government >Nigel Farage is tragically killed in a Russian suicide bombing by a man with a Welsh like complection yelling something like Alyuah Ajekbar >Richard Tice is now PM and must retaliate strongly to be Pooteens aggression >conscripts every man aged 18 to 65 to go through a pointless meat grinder serve their country >given the urgency of the war situation, limiting immigration and stopping the woke nonsense, defunding HnH etc. is put of for an unnamed later date >/brit/, the lootisers and Corbynites/Novara media types all go to prison for refusing the draft and spreading misinformation conspiracy theories >because of the overcrowding, all the real criminals are let loose Arkham Asylum style >the little William lootiser is getting pegged by Ash Sarkar as Galloway and BBK are bare knuckle boxing for fun >you look out through your barred window in your cell and see a clown dancing in the pajeet shit drowned streets >"much like society" you mutter to yourself, as you plunge your shiv into your abdomen a la Cato
who here /conscriptiondodger/?
holy fucking xoxol cope
>>457668 >lootiser what?
>>457668 >>457671 Lotus Eaters/Sarcoon and frens.
Excited for tomorrow lads? We get to have the RED social democrats in power! I fucking despise the blue ones so I'll be sure to give the reduns a vote!
>>457674 Zero seats. Let's gooooooo
He's still there pulling the strings, isn't he? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QhAZckY8w
>>457668 >because of the overcrowding, all the real criminals are let loose Arkham Asylum style This happens already lad.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13595327/Ukraine-CORRUPT-join-NATO-says-major-blow-Zelensky-boost-Putin.html Joe Biden's administration says Ukraine is still too corrupt to join NATO So all those Russians really did die for nothing.
>>457679 Literally a real brothers war
>mummy is "strategically" voting Tory again Smh.
>>457682 slap her
>>457685 keeeeeeek seen that in the ultras group on telegram
We should submit a song for eurovision where the troons drop hanging from the ceiling when the beat drops https://youtu.be/RSMMU2wX0Bk
>>457661 why are there chiggers in 19th century svealand
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>>457690 No idea, game uses random art
>>457689 How do you feel that 99.7% of yanks have PFAS "forever chemicals" in their blood, and that two thirds of American tap water contains the devil's piss?
>>457688 Niggerfest
>>457693 obsessing about muh health and muh nature is bourgeoisie filth you will die no matter what. that being said yeah its fucked and most of corporate america should be taken to some ditch alongside the bureaucrats who allowed such corruption
>>457667 What a fucking farce
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>>457695 >obsessing about muh health and muh nature is bourgeoisie filth you will die no matter what that's a monumentally retarded opinion if I've ever seen one bourgeoisie filth? are you glamourizing being poor underclass trash that eats the processed garbage with 50 ingredients, none of which are food?
>>457698 foodie shite is just another way for middle class bureaucrats to look down on people who they are no different from. good luck reforming any of the shite you complain about instead of using it to reinforce some asperger schizoid persona
>>457699 >foodie shite is just another way for middle class bureaucrats to look down on people who they are no different from if they are eating healthier and their bodies are healthier as a result, they are at least that different >good luck reforming any of the shite you complain about if people stopped buying the garbage products, they wouldn't be able to sell them anymore. likewise if people didn't buy from local farms and such, they would all go out of business and buying the processed junk that destroys your health would be the only option
>steiner with another retarded set of takes it's his ojibwe blood making him a mong
what's going on here then?
no I get what he's saying you can care about autistic chuddy stuff and try to do better but don't obsess because ultimately you don't have all that much agency to affect real change if you are worried about microplastics in particular you can give blood regularly because that will remove some of what is in your bloodstream
me and the boyin on are weigh to the polling station to write "we want nosely" on the ballot paper: https://youtu.be/QZN_yzhUdu4
>>457704 >you can care about autistic chuddy stuff and try to do better but don't obsess because ultimately you don't have all that much agency to affect real change tbh seething about shite you can't control is low status male status enforcement
>>457705 I thought I was the only Mark Collett stan on here.
Why is the Turkey team Whiter than the England one?
>>457708 T*rks are just greaks in dis guys.
It's good having an attractive gf. But then that comes with its own set of problems.
plapjaks sort of have it easier.
22st is Daphne and I'm Celeste as we take on the trannies: https://youtu.be/I96LR5vqqqQ
>>457693 it's fucking grim >>457706 tbh but then what will you affect? hate all this learned helplessness >>457717 keeek
>>457695 >>457699 >>457706 >you will die no matter what I'd rather not die (or have deformed kids) just because a chemical company dumping hazardous chemicals in the water improves its bottom line. Bourgeoisie are the only ones that benefit from dumping without liability. It's not the same as microplastics. >seething about shite you can't control It's literally as simple as setting regulations for the amount of forever chemicals in water. Last month your country set the toughest limits in the world to prevent it being dumped directly in drinking water, because you yanks have been poisoned so much. It's a local issue as well, so you can do a lot about it.
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Steiner's organs are green and you're laughing.
>>457721 keeeeeeeeek
>>457722 >>457619 clearly he chose to eat of and paint with the greenifying chemicals for years, lad
>>457724 Not sure why you replied to the troon post but I guess he was due for a (You).
>>457724 >>457725 Kek nevermind I forgot the pic.
Farage has Yasuke on board. It's his to lose now.
Germany is giving Poland reparations for the war smdh WAS HALF OF EAST FUCKING GERMANY NOT ENOUGH YOU BONE HEADS!?
>457728 Good, fuck the krauts
>cringey "kraut" poster emerges you and your boyfriend steiner are a pair of queers
>Waaaaah nobody cares that the wreckers of European civilisation are paying for wrecking Europe waaaaaaah waaaaaaah
Ah yes, that time the Germans wrecked European civilisation by fighting for western civilisation in the face of its decay . . . I remember this retard narrative from the SA days. Utter fucking cringe. As though the west wasn't heading this way if Germany remained in its Weimar period. Daft cunt.
>ojibwe mixed breeds who do nothing but negpost and offer nothing of value to the thread >the america apologist who lauds the shitstain of the human race: the USA Hitler was right. Europe needed to unite to face down the USA or face total degeneration and puppetry.
>fight for western civilisation by killing millions of healthy Europeans and leveling thousands of buildings, leading directly to the rise of modernist architecture and mass immigration
>hitler >saving western society by launching the largest war in human history IN EUROPE
>killing zogbots is . . . le bad >retaliating to the bombing of civillians started by Britain is . . . le bad >modernist architecture and mass immigration started after the second world war You haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about. Neither of you.
>the bombing of civillians started by Britain
You're not being patriotic lads. Patriots criticise their country when it's wrong. You are cuckolds suckling the poisoned teet of a neglectful mother. Big chungus sends his regard. Nos da.
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>>457728 >(((American))) occupational regime milking the productivity of the Deutchen volk as slave cattle absolutely disgusting >>457729 >>457731 >>457736 >>457737 >>457739 Germany tried to save the white race, Britain destroyed it in service of the Jevvs. if the British race perishes, it will have been the fault of a generation of Brits that helped ensure the conquest of the European race >le if only we all sucked off the kikes hard enough together, maybe they'd let us live!! absolutely pathetic. you blame the ones that fought to save us and excuse your grandfather that burned blond, blue-eyed babies for his jevvish masters >fight for western civilisation by killing millions of healthy Europeans and leveling thousands of buildings everybody on the allied side that side, deserved it >>457733 >>457735 >>457738 >>457740 this
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Oh look Spic posted more of his retarded headcanon based on absolutely no facts, I'm definitely going to read it
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also never forget that while Germans fought the bravest, most daring war, launching the largest land invasion in the history of the world into an extremely hostile, unforgiving climate, Brits fought the most cowardly war in the history of the world, burning old medieval cities filled with women and children from the air at night >>457744 so what is your 'lad' persona, anyway? Suffolklad. Ging3r, somebody else? whoever you are, your opinions are garbage. if you are defending the British government of back then, then you might as well defend the British government of today, since it's the same Jevvish regime. Germany was free from the Jevvs, and now a Jevvish occupational regime has been installed over them by force against their will and it is genociding them ruthlessly just as the British government is doing to the British
>>457744 Hitler was a based retard with good intentions who expected his generals to carry out his retarded orders when they fucking hated him and he had miniscule military experience spic is a cringe retard who effortposts kraut seethe and looks cope that nobody reads
didn't mean to (you), just wanted the quick reply up, but you're welcome
>457746 >this entire post of shite impressive that you managed to type all this nonsense with only the one hand and both eyes on your blacked porn tbh
or is this fucking BumBumKing? what a disgusting poster, whoever it is
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God it's funny how upset this retarded spic gets and how much more of a retard he reveals himself to be with each post
poor auslad must be rolling in his sleep with all this anti-anglo nonsense going on re-mod BBK tbh
keek spig
anglos do really love jews tbh. can't merely dismiss that
I myself am I Zionist.
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if Brits weren't top cucks they would have installed a fascist government and been the Axis navy, sinking American carriers and torching Leningrad instead of Dresden. they would have been able to keep the empire and Britain would be pure white today. they ruined everything with their retardation and this dumb nigger is defending it to be contrarian and provocative everybody on the allied side that died, deserved it, and I wish there were a whole lot more of them even if the end result would have been the same regardless. that's called morality
>>457668 good creative writing
>457757 >actually being this retarded
Why does spic write jevv rather than jew?
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>>457760 Reminds me an awful lot of how Jews write G*d rather than God
>>457742 so many mentalists in this shithole
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cwifPU95j8 A reminder of simpler times.
lieutenant dan millennial playthrough
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Nighty night lads >>457763 Wew I thought Dimblebot died years ago
siding with the crackhead tranny on this one fuck all tech job fags
>>457745 god I wish that was me
will bleeding myself like simmerson get rid of all the microplastics in my blood lads?
do you think beowulf counted calories?
oh my gawd these microplastics are messing up my hipdips
>>457769 There was no PFAS in people's blood before the end of the war. >>457768 Can't get rid of it lad.
>>457770 you might get some comfy remnant thunderstorms out of this lad
>>457772 yeah will probably cool it off a bit
think i might be a william lootisoid
>>457774 think I might be a nigger.
>>457763 >David Dumblebee talks politics with a huge BBC geh How interesting
The corrupt institutions in this country have yet again cleared the corrupt institutions in this country of any wilful wrongdoing! THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN! VICTORY! https://nitter.poast.org/Channel4News/status/1808573103351410739
>>457776 fantastic post bbk
I am going to the polling station 7am sharpish to vote for the Tories.
Can’t believe there’s so many boomoids itt tbh
Can't wait to vote for the Tories tbh, I'm quite excited.
>>457784 where are you going with this arc?
>>457785 To the polling station to vote for the Tories, then to the pub to get smashed.
ban him auslad
Can't get no sneep. Too excited to beat aa085b to death at the polling station, 7am sharp.
Not sure I should vote for reform tbh, I don't think the voting is anonymous anymore now that they require id
>>457790 I'm going to stride in covered in aa085b's blood and yelling what a wonderful morning to voot Reform. Pussaaaayyy.
Wouldn't want my secret agent status blown open
>>457792 lad aa085b is literally going to get beaten to death at 7am sharp and you're worried about your secret agent status? he's vooting, why aren't ye?
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>>457796 not clicking. post caps if you want us to look at twitter shite
>can’t even pronounce his surname >shills against corbyn >couldn’t beat John Major Yep, the Welsh windbag https://nitter.poast.org/prafulnargund/status/1808222714874007748
Keeeeeeeeeeek Left in meltdown over Starmer accepting the Sun backing after slagging them off over their Liverpool bashing https://nitter.poast.org/jrc1921/status/1808571469368340624
poopy poopy poooooooooooooooooooooooooo
3 hours and 22 minutes before I get a kicking
almost 10 years of toryreich. the whole time i've been on le chans. can't wait to see them rekt
how will poonak react to the results
I've already vooted.
>>457801 I got to sleep and then slept in. Sorry lad. I'll have to murder you another time. Still going to voot Reform in a boastful gigachad manner.
>>457808 took care of business, chased him down and clapped his cheeks in canterbury halfords car park
>>457804 Abdication or whatever the equivalent is
>voting Boomoids, no different to sports all fans tbh
Tory boys should vote for Starmer because the Sun said so and the Sun are tories!
A wasted vote is a vote for Labour
Ok boomer
>>457802 Yes, it will be so satisfying to have a Labour government again. Truly the party of the native Briton.
>>457810 He offers his resignation as PM to the monarch, then launches an AI tech startup company in California.
Point in not voting is to nsure a low turn out to rattle them all and show the low trust in the system and their willingness to continue to rule with only said low turnout. They do not give a fuck which way you vote because it is a uniparty what they really don’t want is that you don’t participate in their bread and circuses because it delegitimises the system. Voters are keeping the corrupt ‘see it’s a DEMOCRACY!’ system going. Ok thankyou
>>457819 Spoil your ballot, then.
>By voting we are shifting the Overton window to the right and in 30 years when there will be a Muslim majority in Britain we will finally have a true right wing movement and we will seize the reigns of power the very year before we retire! Of course you’ll all be retired well before that date boomers and having your arses clapped daily in Poonak, Patel & Mohammed’s British Care Homes until you can continue to afford to pay for it Utter state of this place
>>457821 I will never live in a care home. Outrageously expensive and utterly devoid of privacy, autonomy or dignity. Also all of the staff are wogs.
>>457820 Not even going to bother my arse with anything as remotely retarded as voting or walking to the polling station to get handed voting papers by FURRINERS all for the purposes of spoiling a ballot. Would like to see a 15% turnout getting reported everywhere and Starmer crowing about a historic win and how happy he is that (10%) of the British public have placed their trust in him That would make me happy
>>457819 >>457823 Yes, a vote is a statement that the political system is not too corrupt to deal with in a straightforward way. But it is.
>>457824 smh he died?
The novoot lads I respect, as I was still one of you a week ago. I'm vooting Reform because the election is illegitimate already. Lab will get in with 18% or less (as it's beenfor decades) and the mere fact non citizens can voot makes the results contestable. /cope
Voot LibDem lads.
>>457826 lahey did yes, a while ago now. trailer park boys was the finest cultural export canada has ever produced, they are from nova scotia which is on the east coast and basically a different country than the west
>>457829 >>457830 smh seems like a real one
>be white in Handsworth >only a few of you left >you NEED to vote yourself out of this >there is no other option >plastic spoon revolutions cannot be redeemed >Garry is not an option. Garry is part of the problem hmmmmmmmm https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/elections/
>457784 >Can't wait to vote for the Tories tbh, I'm quite excited.
>>457832 grim poo on the ballot and hope a fight breaks out as the counters argue over which candidate you chose
>>457832 Always a faceless Reform candidate.
>fresh off the boat pakis behind me at the polling station Why did i even bother
I’m gonna vooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooote! t. Voomer
>>457836 Addicted to the smell?
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>>457835 >ACK-shay Guessing it’s a jeet. Why would you not select a brownoid to go against other brownoids? Garry has been done
>>457833 this was probably a larp, don't feed him your loosh
>>457839 Keeeek. All that BJJ training and for what?
>>457839 >Privates Jamal pulls the mma muh dick move Smart move Jamal Wouldn’t have happened if he’d taken the Troonpill or tucked his dick up his arse prefight or even used a cricket box. Dumb zogbot
>>457840 >Garry has been done whole party's been done tbh they chose this
>>457844 Deliberately. They know to keep on in government would look undemocratic there was growing dissatisfaction because they dindunuffin so had to crash it no survivors to give the other part of the uniparty ago to continue the illusion
Fucking farce tbh I am disappoint in vooters for keeping the larp going tbh
still don't know who to voot for lads help
>>457848 Voot (You) tbh Place not your faith in political flip flop men and do not feed the trolls
>>457841 We have at least one resident unironic Toryboy
>>457848 never ending tyranny
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0DPjUJkQfw Labour on course for biggest majority of any party since 1832
>>457852 7am tomorrow will be the final results Exit polls 10pm tonight Galloway seat called at 02:30 they put the journalist activist Paul Waugh up against him
>>457850 the tranny that went on university challenge? what was its name i forget. auld lore
>>457855 Slitz Wang But no, not him I'm pretty sure it's that tranny-loving cuckold from Manchester
>>457856 who was that though?
>>457857 Sophie Rudd TTPW
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>>457857 TTPW will NEVER EVER be a girl
i get my trannies mixed up, who was the lad that actually became a bit of a babe, must've been someone else
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>457859 >lad that actually became a bit of a babe
>>457855 >For 10 points Warwick. Who is the /brit/ Troon commonly known as ‘TTPW’ but also ‘Slitz Wang’ >…erm, is it Sophie Chudd? >ACK! So close! ..it was Sophie Rudd!
>lad that actually became a bit of a babe
>>457861 crow of judgement.png seems like a harsh response, i'm just trying to relive brit lore
>at one point Brit/pol/ had three resident trannies
took my gf to vote for the first time lads, give us a (you).
>>457866 is this real? what was this?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjusqc20oTo >Poland overtakes the UK economy by 2030
>>457869 keeeeeeek
voted reform your welcome
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oops prematurely clicked reply without the link https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/rishi-sunak-this-morning-tattoo-sandwich-b2573344.html >When they finally got around to interviewing the PM, they asked him what his favourite meal was, to which he responded: “Well, my favourite meal generally is sandwiches. You know, I'm a big sandwich person.”
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>>457875 Comments are pretty brootal keek. Must be at least getting paid to prop his dead wife up for the regime like this surely. An evil man regardless
>>457875 He got kicked out of her charity for getting drunk and groping volunteers.
Voted Greens lads.
>mfw conservative party is finally gone
everyone getting so wrapped up in this election there will be suicides across the DR if the tories get over 100 seats
>>457866 Hello bich vegana
>>457870 Well we’d better import another ten million bums then last lot didn’t add to the economy obviously More is less
Of all the defamatory statements against smee, suggesting I would support the C*nservative party is the most egregious.

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