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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3970: Farm War Edition Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 07:45:49 Id: 7549fa No. 456322
Farmers 'at war' with countryside crime gangs https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5111vx8y4mo Julian Assange breaks down in tears as judge on US-controlled island declares him 'a free man' and sentences him to time served for espionage: WikiLeaks founder released without supervision for the first time in 14 years https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13569425/Wikileaks-founder-Julian-Assange-arrives-court-seen-dock-dressed-suit-ahead-hearing-controlled-island-Saipan-set-plead-guilty-single-spy-charge-return-freedom-14-years.html King Charles hosts lavish state banquet for Japan's Emperor Naruhito at Buckingham Palace https://news.sky.com/story/king-charles-hosts-lavish-state-banquet-for-japans-emperor-naruhito-at-buckingham-palace-13158829
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:02:12.
>>456321 keeeeeeeeek
>>456322 gud lid
>>456325 ta lad
>why are you sitting next to me hot lady? (You) could have sat anywhere else on this bus but no, you had to sit next to me! t.spic
good eventide young maiden i notice you have acknowledged my presence and therefore are aware of my immense sexual aura (the red light therapy has been working wonders you see) yet you have not opened cloth to redeem bob and vagene how curious an honest mistake i am sure here take this catalogue and together we can browse which donor egg you will carry to term for me
lively thread this morning smh don't like working the early shift because when i wake up you're all poosting and i'm in a hurry to leave and then when i come home you're all either in a hurry to leave or snoozing like the neet i used to be going to get moved to a 9:30-5:30 shift once i'm signed off apparently tbh can't come soon enough the lad who's been teaching me got moved to the 6-2 shift against his will to teach me and now he's spending hundreds of dollars each week on childcare for his daughter because he can't be there smh learning as fast as i can for him tbh he's been good to me so far so i should repay the favour can't remember the specifics but once i'm a fully fledged furnace operator he'll be free least i could do tbqh also i can snooze for longer he's got the day off tomorrow for her birthday tbh hope the two of them enjoy themselves
just finished binge-watching over the garden wall because i heard it was pretty good and it was pretty good
Never forget that Spic once decided that a latina woman at the sweatshop he allegedly worked at was madly in love with him because one day she forgot to wash her hair and she seemed generally embarrassed that it was greasy
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>>456331 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK that is My Twisted World tier
>>456333 spic doesn't have the guts
>>456334 doubt he's got the ability to leave his mother's basement long enough
>>456329 maybe we could open diplomatic ties with this /ausneets/ board someone keeps posting about
>>456328 Keeeeek
>>456338 Tbhtbf. Usually against outside /brit/ contact but they seem ok.
How long do you think Assange will last a free man before being killed? I doubt he makes it to next year.
>>456344 oooohhh I'm gonna VOOOOOOOOOOTE
>>456344 >>456345 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>why you sit next to me in waiting room Miss Vagene? Take my plushie I will do tricks for you all day. Please redeem! t.spic
What the fuck is their problem
fresh civic rhodie grandad The Bone Shaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JboypoYsbsU
Wews not fullly commiting to the rebuttal xost
>>456348 >it's real keeeeeeeksmh controlled demolition well underway, we'll have a permanent labour camp until everything finally collapses or gets replaced by a caliphate then
>>456348 they've lost the plot
>>456350 smh typical of our favourite jockwop
>>456348 Tax. And Labour
Oy vey! Should get a fucking perma for that tbh
>>456355 nice he utterly destroyed that niggerslut
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>>456331 you say that like it was the only thing. in truth we were interacting on a daily basis, 100% we liked eachother and if I had learned Spanish and asked her out she would have happily been my gf. I still think about her tbf, she was so cute, looked a little bit like this vid (pale castiza Mexican) but more like B cups, no tattoos, more cute/wholesome and less thot. big round bum though. very ASMR whispery voice the sweatshop was almost all Hispanics and I was the only decent-looking white male that wasn't taken, they all carpooled. in other words the dynamic was such that having a white bf with a car would be a massive status symbol and they had baby showers regularly so I genuinely believe that if I learned Spanish and asked that girl out, in no time she would have been happily pregnant with my baby. like based on the culture, that's probably what she would have wanted. she wasn't pure white though, maybe 7/8ths she wasn't the only one that was trying to get my attention, there was a super thicc chubby mestiza one that looked like the 2nd pic that had fat tits/ass and dressed super slutty to get me to look at her (including like hot pink sports bra and booty shorts, really over the top flesh exhibition), one time she walked up to me after we clocked out at the end of the day and I basically speed walked ahead (mainly because I didn't want to make the other girl feel jealous, she got jealous easily). but she spoke English and I could have gf'd her too probably. she wasn't waifu tier though, just a sexy slut, I would have been a pig if I picked her over the pale one. there was also this hot (Filapina? or something) chick too that doused herself in nice perfume and strutting her ass past me trying to get my attention too. the boss asked if I liked Asians, probably she put him up to it and there were other hot ones too that I checked out (including massive titty Mexican MILF that didn't like me obviously because she was older and probably married but she thought it was funny that I checked her out and wore a white T-shirt on a rainy day on my last day there to give me a view), and one ugly one that definitely liked me also (her friend yelled "LOVE!!!" at me making a heart symbol while she was all embarrassed looking). overall this whole experience was my origin story as "spicposter", what infected me with the Spanish flu and caused me to start posting pics of Latinas on /brit/ in the first place, which is the whole reason I'm called "spic" as short for "spicposter"... because I posted spics. and yet some lads still misinterpret this as meaning that I myself am a spic, which I am not... I'm half Portuguese, half Yankeemutt, so fully white European with not a single drop of Amerindian ancestry. according to DNA test, >99.9% European, <0.1% North African (logically from a 'New Christian' Berber convert that assimilated into the Portuguese gene pool)
>the dynamic was such that having a white bf with a car would be a massive status symbol the 'queen bee' was this tall hot Latina dating one of the other very few white males around, this guy that was like 6'4 lanky and probably all the Latinas were thirsting over time and that girl had the highest social status by virtue of dating him. although I was not 6'4 I was a 'cute' white guy so I was logically the next best thing and whichever Latina snatched me up would therefore have the 2nd highest social status. women are driven by status, especially poor immigrant women that carpool to a sweatshop...
all these women spic could have been happy with but instead ignored them because he is a chuddic polface
>>456362 yeah... that's the thing. it may come off as bragging when I tell these stories because maybe other lads on this board are uglier than me and therefore actually don't have these experiences. but at the end of the day I'm still sexless incel, the difference is that I constantly torment myself with ruminations of "vgh, what could have been..."
Oh dear oh dear oh dear Tommeh Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >Grift exposed https://nitter.poast.org/wayotworld/status/1805905254329745889
tommeh's grift will only end when he's either dead or has outlived his usefulness
Don't understand how any lad can run out of fun things to do tbh. So much good frree media online and then cheap sweeties
worked out a few times and feel/look so much better already. was getting too skinnyfat, just a few workouts to get some water retention into the muscles and trim the belly fat a bit made such a big difference. skin looks great from tretinoin also, you lads are seriously fucking up if you're not slathering tretinoin on your face at least 3 times a week >>456369 nothing is fun when you're depressed. examples?
>>456371 meanwhile he's getting rekt for a billion dollars. what is the point of cucking out if you get raped anyway/
>>456328 qeeeeeeq
fresh pvre kino The Wagon Wheels North: Episode Two - "The Place Of The Killing" (Stop Motion Animation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwBOj2O_His
>>456372 >getting rekt Apparently not Fuentes and Alegs live now https://rumble.com/v523y8c-infowars-network-feed-live-247.html
>>456374 kino love stop motion animation
Hope he calls out Alegs
>>456379 >The coalition formed by Russia, North Korea, Iran and Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M6samPEMpM
hope this is all actual geopolitics and not just gay zoggy make believe 1984 type shit tbhsmh
>>456380 the Jevv World Order is legitimately losing geopolitically. they think they're going to defeat Hezbollah and Iran, and that's going to save US dominance and secure Israel. I really doubt it and them trying to that will just expose Jevvish control of the wect even more so, to the point where even double digit IQ normongs will see it clearly >Israel cannot defeat Iran without the US >the US cannot defeat Iran without a draft >zoomer mutts will not comply with a draft >Iran can make a nuclear warhead in 2 months do they even realize what a precarious situation they're putting themselves into? the Jevvs are basically double chucking their entire net worth like BossmanJack
Brain force ultra boi is back!
speaking of BMJ, another -$22k riperooski. he lost that $200k and now another $22k before he could even call the crack nigger
zased if true, here's to many more
>spic is the spacker poster
>>456386 nani?
salmon and spuds for lunch >>456388 lad I'm a med on oral minoxidil, you can't get any less troon than that
this album is soooo fucking good man kafir is such moose limbs snackbaring the zio chungus hype kino
>migrants complain about Reform spam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIwVPod2NHU
Rationed hard there
>>456395 where are the chudlings posting about sammie boy smh
>>456397 >every single government has broken this tbh
>>456396 I'd much rather it be Vivek than JD Vance tbh. this is good news actually. Vivek may be a curry nigger but at least he isn't turbo zogbot supreme like Vance
>>456399 Don’t trust any of them tbh. I know Fuentes prefers the jeet for the same reasons - that he could process and filter all the shit and dangerous candidates for Drumpf
>>456400 >Don’t trust any of them tbh well no shit, but the public foreign policy positions of Vivek and Vance are completely different. that's actually a pretty big deal that Blumpf chose Vivek, that signals to me that he's playing hardball with the Zionists which is a very good sign. if his VP was Vance and the cabinet Nikki Haley etc. then that is a blatant signal that he's going to be hyperziosucker supreme, Vivek is an interesting pivot from that
>>456401 He took 100 million shekels from Miriam Adelson
Also he fires people like it’s going out of fashion
>>456402 did that officially happen? I know it was being talked about but did he get the money? officially that $100m was for West Bank annexation, which doesn't require war with Iran, that's basically signing a paper recognizing kike sovereignty over it which is already de facto the case. it's not dissimilar from the Jerusalem capital recognition, more symbolic than anything
>>456398 sorry lad but far right bigots aren't human
>>456404 They’ve already started bulldozing parts of the West Bank for settlements. It will kick off there and the money is a look the other way bribe Jeetswamy pissed the tribe off with this the other day https://nitter.poast.org/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1804986437118701617
>>456405 You’re right. I forgot
Also heard somewhere Soros paid for ramasmarmy’s college degree. Drumpf picking him shows he’s on board with dei open borders and depressing wages and basically a Fink adherent
Can’t see Adelson being alright with that pick anyway
may brandon be victorious over the orange fool
>>456406 >They’ve already started bulldozing parts of the West Bank for settlements they've already taken like 60% of it, and now they're going to push the Palis out of Gaza into Sinai and annex that too. but they also want to start a massive war with Hezbollah and Iran and that creates a very unpredictable situation
>>456411 They will get btfo by Hezbollah who might just decide to invade and have a war there and not Lebanon Found this on Vivek https://rumble.com/v3bzffl-vivek-part-of-the-world-economic-forum-wef-lets-ask-him-directly.html
>>456412 >They will get btfo by Hezbollah who might just decide to invade and have a war there and not Lebanon my understanding is that the IDF has a strong air force, but their ground forces are a bit of a mess. they will probably just be bombing the fuck out of Lebanon while Hezbollah launches tons of missiles at targets in (mainly northern) Israel, causing massive destruction on both sides. I think everybody understands that if Israel rolled tanks into Lebanon, they would take unacceptably high casualties.. they'd be up against guerilla warfare and cheap suicide drone spam. just look at the Ukraine war- the meta in warfare right now is heavily in favor of the defender so this whole thing where the youth are watching videos of kids with their arms blown off and such, and it's making them antiesemitic- expect a whole lot more of that. the PR disaster is only just beginning. everybody is going to know that all of this is Israel's fault
>remove the video from the internet! >we don’t know who did it yet! t. German goverment
>>456415 Tbh most young Israelis will just hot foot it out of the country if there is a call up. No one will want to get disabled to keep some boomer politicians in power
>>456418 the government could stop that though. and unlike the Ukraine, there's no wide Polish border to hide cantaloupes under your shirt and sneak through
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >Faggot nonce Kurd rapper gets an oily boily in the face from autistic murderer in prison >not one country has been spared this shitvasion El Salvador is now unironically safer than Britain and the rest of Europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__9R-8VWR9g https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/24cf0fbf-17fb-476e-aa5a-be8c8e8c602b
>>456419 They might stop the poor ones but the rich and smart have already gone or will buy to fly etc. think Yahoo’s son is already in Florida
>>456420 hate k*rds
>>456422 All commies and drug dealers tbh
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>return from toil >Spic yet again manages to argue against my point that he's a delusional, fantasising, autistic incel by spelling out in fine detail exactly why he is a delusional, fantasising, autistic incel Thankyou Anyway, Castello brand extra creamy Brie and Davidstow extra mature Cornish Cheddar on toast (homemade wheaten bread) for supper
didn't the "true finns" have some power for a little while? thought the evil far right was taking off over there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIHtjH6UkBk >One hour of Galloway and Piers Now this is proper slop.
>>456421 >think Yahoo’s son is already in Florida Yair? isn't he a renegade Jevv? I don't remember the lore on that one but yeah I believe he's in FL >>456424 not quite sure what you mean
>456429 Yes, I'm aware, retard
>>456430 >retard why are you so hostile? notice that I'm not insulting you for no reason
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>456431 Calling a spade a spade isn't hostile nor is it an insult. You are however the biggest retard going and have never once been anything but a detriment to the board.
>>456432 >You are however the biggest retard going by being the most correct? >and have never once been anything but a detriment to the board. this is patently false, I stopped posting for like a couple weeks or something a couple months ago and the board got super slow, then picked back up when I came back. I post a lot of good content, often times from new ids, so you wouldn't even know it's me. which lad are you, anyway?
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See again how he attempts to argue against me but manages only to reinforce my points
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>>456435 'Suffolklad'? hmmst've. I don't know much about you, you blend in quite well into the amorphous blob of ids. unlike me, who sticks out like a sore thumb due to my readily observable characteristics. perhaps this is your bone to pick with me, that I am readily identifiable as a noncomforming 'lad'
Wrong yet again, retard. And you will NEVER EVER be a "lad" just as ttpw will NEVER EVER be a woman.
>>456437 the dog image you posted >>456435 was used as the profile pic in bongoland by 'Suffolklad'. clearly this was a cheeky method of answering my question, you must be surprised about my sleuth skills
That image I posted was first posted on Brit/pol/ and named by me. >muh sleuth skills wow you're such a sleuth that you didn't consider the obvious point that people can save images and reuse them, well done Just keep digging yourself a deeper hole retar.
>>456439 are you the same one that was suggesting that the gook lass 'randomly' decided to sit next to me in the waiting room chair yesterday? this is the same flimsy logic by which Jevvs will allege "blood libel" when Russian peasants start a pogrom after finding a Christian child drained of his blood in the creek behind the synagogue before Purim. not comparing you to them in the slightest, just saying it's the same ridiculous "ackshually you don't have 100% incontrovertible evidence, so your reasonable assumption is wrong and you are a dumb-dumb poopypants" logic
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's actually still going because nobody believes his obvious headcanon fantasies. Go inject some more copioids, retard.
>>456442 >millions I don't think a million have died in the Ukraine war, even if you add up both sides plus civilians. it's hundreds of thousands, but not 7 figures. the emmigration from the Ukraine is the only figure in the millions, and that's majority female
Just up immergration https://archive.is/08KRT
>>456442 >China, with its surplus of men, combined with Russia and Ukraine's surplus of women CHINKED.com
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>>456443 >go fishing in a pond stocked with smallmouth bass and largemouth bass >catch a fish with a large mouth >conclude that this fish must, therefore, be a largemouth bass <but did you take a dna sample from the fish and send it to a lab? no? hah, you have clue what kind of fish that is, retard
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keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek what a retarded attempt at comparison between the situations
>>456449 keeeeeeeeeeek what goes around, comes around
which one of you is this?
>>456451 >6'3 oh so that's why this weird assburger has a qt gf
>>456452 lmao had no idea
where's tbbk been
holy fuck... yeah, that's how mestizoes happened... https://youtu.be/MXYUNC84n5M
>>456456 didn't you make this mutt seethe at one point
>>456457 yeah asked him if I was an ojibwe because I lived in michigan
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Morning lads
>>456464 Keir Starmer was a Corbynite when he was running for Labour leader and when he was elected he immediately dropped all the pledges to purge Corbyn. He's doing the same with the Tories by pretending to be right wing. We'll only find out what that shape shifter believes when he's PM.
company barbecue today >>456461 keeeeeeeeek
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wew, Electoral Calculus, which got the last two elections' seat counts close to correct, has the Tories winning less seats than the Lib Dems. Reform on 19 seats truly zero seats strategy by the Tories https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/prediction_home.html
>>456468 excited to see the tories fade away to nothing tbh not that it'll change anything but it's still nice
>Tucker meets the Strayan media, shitposts them irl https://nitter.poast.org/TuckerCarlson/status/1806034521369776406
>>456471 Keeeeeeek
Quite a spicy q&a
>me Kat Wong not wrong why you hate Chiner me Australian, you racist great replacement theory whiteboi! Me call xi jingling to have you stir fried live motherfucker! Re migration tbh
>Chris is a giant ok!? Fucking cope on this drug addict keeeeeeeeeek
Dartford mum left shocked after finding stranger in tent pitched up in her front garden eating a family-sized strawberry gateau https://www.kentonline.co.uk/dartford/news/i-woke-up-to-find-a-cake-eating-stranger-in-a-tent-in-my-fr-308898/
>>456477 Upvooting all the based comments, doing my part for the shite race today
>>456477 Kurva!
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Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Labour are such cunts tbh
>>456485 Labour are probably distancing themselves from an anti-white shitskin trying to win a 95% white area tbh Their anti-whiteism will ramp up again once they win of course but this is smart from them, if its even true
Gooklad, T-shirt idea for your SEA travels
>>456486 I genuinely think they’re concerned it’s distracting from starters campaign it’s their style tbh Blair went seethemad when dying Mo Mowlam got more applause than he did at some conference. They are petty narcissists and will chuck anyone under the bus. Tbh the messsage is as soon as you become leader murder the whole party and apparatchiks and replace them. Starmer is electioneering with his promises of re migration trying to lure voters away from Renorm and the tories when fat ziomusratslag Rayner said she will force every council to take big quotas of migrants
>>456488 They sure do love a young buck tbf >Starmer is electioneering with his promises of re migration trying to lure voters away from Renorm and the tories when fat ziomusratslag Rayner said she will force every council to take big quotas of migrants All so brazen and obvious surely no one will fall for it for the seventeenth time aha
Is notable how most of the stories around euthanasia are women
>>456490 it is the ultimate way to escape from responsibilities and consequences
Oh dear how sad nevermind
>>456490 Demoralisation propaganda
Guaranteed troon tbh
Fucking great replies
>>456497 looks like he got less beady and more bazzoid in his old age wew
>>456498 Tis are fate lad smh
Just our future PM grovelling to a shitskin woman about causing offence because he said illegal migrants should be returned home to a safe country. I wonder if the elites are having regrets about how large and powerful the fifth column has become under their policies
Look at this fucking creature, why is she anywhere near our media
>>456502 What’s her name? Is she a butt hurt bangla?
>>456504 < >>456505 True patriot
She’$ just another race mixing Oxford graduate activist journalist All her stuff is about bames, COVID, Labour and Ukraine and muh white supreemists and Drumpf and Fentanyl Floyd Utter tripe and all for liberal media outlets
Keeeeeeeek >Sir Dago O’Mosley
>>456509 Cape Fear'd her wew smh.
>>456388 looking peng ngl
>>456513 Good. Follow her tour as she distributes migrants to every corner of Britain
fuck dude what the fuck man oh my god dude oh my fucking god
>>456518 >anti-migrant rhetoric isn't that supposed to be the whole point of the party? that's why people are supporting it
>>456521 It’s the hot button topic and votes for Nuform will probably increase after this
>>456520 Another hideous shitskin fucking hell im losing my hecking mind having to look at them every fucking day
>>456523 Russia demands this + neutrality, the Ukraine has always said "muh they have to go back to the old border including Crimea before we can even discuss peace" regardless of the reality on the battlefield. they have never entertained the idea of negotiation. I guess they will just insist on an unconditional Russian surrender until the very moment that Zelensky signs a form recognizing pic related as the new border and committing to write neutrality into the Ukrainian constitution. then he flees to Israel in a helicopter
lil less than 6 hours til Nick Fuentes commentates the Bidon-Blumpf debate
>>456528 >Biden necking the red bull >Trump rednecking the MIGA hat
>>456528 These debates are going to be absolute fucking kino. Alzheimers vs. rage hog.
>Biden poos on stage
>>456533 Trump will poo on stage, Biden will fall head first into it and then start licking his fingers thinking it’s chocolate ice cream
>no Uber spic! >you cannot lick my legs! I know it’s a jeet but still
>>456487 Keeeeek. South East Asia is a giant shithole, not ever visiting there apart from maybe Singapore. If I were to visit Asia, it would be for the East. Hong Kong, Macau, Peking/Shanghai, Osaka/Tokyo, Taiwan. Don't really give a shit about Tibet. Or South Korea.
The new Kevin Costner movie looks decent, but I really don't want to sit through an over 3 hour long film. It's only part 1 too.
>>456537 Couple of top posts in a row, nice one Nige you retard. I thought that zoomer lad had control of his socials now fuck sake
fresh duttymentary he's getting spicy repackaging things for slightly more intellectual chuds How Islam CONQUERS...' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1As6yk3NXk >>456540 it's the siennese for me that goth gyatt
>>456542 >"ejaculate MORE"
One of the worst things of recent times that most of our people dont even know or care about. This alone should have been enough to slaughter every last paki here
>>456545 that's some good seethe right there
>>456545 whitoids are just niggercattle who consoom and fight over status in the caste system of who has a bigger pile of consoom shit in their worthless tax cattle wageslave terrariums.
Well I suppose civil war it will be. Don’t hold out much hope for the politicians and people making money off this. Never ends well in Ireland for those types tbh
>>456548 tory tory or reform tory? still split between nigger tory (heritage party) or nigger elf tory (reform) here but it looks like the fucking libdems will win, at least their vooters are the only ones insufferably enough to put out multiple leaflets and signs in their front windows and gardens etc vile >>456550 god I wish probably nothing will happen though like always
>>456550 Fuck Ireland
>>456548 Give you a fiver if you change your mind
>>456553 Jesus fucking Christ that makes me want to puke
>>456551 Nah I reckon something will definitely start happening tbh
>>456554 don't know what that is tbh >>456553 think I'd burn that if I was ever handed one tbh the winston shartpants fivers are bad enougfh
>>456556 god i wish >>456558 he's running independently or smth?
>>456559 No it's his initials. He's decent, more right wing than the average Tory.
are the taigs going to do a heckin pakobite revolt?
>>456560 but still a tory
>>456561 drunk paddies across the nation will leave slurred phone calls to various personages and subsequently be arrested and imprisoned to a token amount of verbal protest from right wingers future history books will call this moment the settlement of the pale
>>456562 He's the best candidate I have. The Reform guy is just some old guy nobody's heard of. Nigger elf is making headlines decrying racist/sexist remarks. Can't respect Farage after his farcical performance in the 2019 GE.
>>456564 i'm looking at it in the same way as the referendum tbh, it's a proootest vote to indicate we want zero immigration and remigration of all wogs
voting for refart I mean
>>456565 tbh will voot reform as a prootest voot. Was looking like reform had no chance here but Farage had a conference recently to activate the yuge boomer population so it might end up being a close run thing.
Can one of the useless jannies ban this toryboy faggot
>unironically voting Tory under any circumstance >2024 Wonder who this could be...
Reform UK condemns campaigners' racist slurs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c10l5qd8p60o >Reform UK said those making "unacceptable comments" will no longer be part of Mr Farage's campaign.
>>456571 just rubbing it in that we have no real alternative smdh stupid cunts
Oh no a politician doing something that's not utterly retarded in the lead up to an election, better vote Tory instead despite them having the exact same line
>>456571 why are you even posting here you tory boy cunt
>>456571 >thats the main story on the BBC website keeeek fucking hell
love how normshits just accept a state funded broadcaster being a far left outlet that infiltrates a political party and think its normal
>He is particularly proud of the fact that Reform’s biggest donor during the election campaign is a British Muslim entrepreneur. >Farage was furious, then, to discover that volunteers in his Clacton campaign office have been secretly recorded making what he describes as “reprehensible” racist comments about the Prime Minister
>>456580 go wank off with all the other tory boys on 4shits and shitter you little rat
>look Rishi I posted it again, can I have a sweetie now?
>>456581 Temper temper
Don't like Rishi at all. He'll be gone next month. I just want an MP that isn't a wog socialist.
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>>456585 That's a cosplayer. Still cute, though
they call me Al Sexo
wait I think it's unironic EU propaganda despite the auslander raus signalling
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>IDS >more 'right wing' than the typical Tory Don't b8 this hard, or you will deserve a ban. If serious, you deserve the BPH.
>>456570 You've called smee a crab before, but I (Mancs) have never voted C*nservative. Never will. Okaythankyou.
>>456593 you better be voooooting for the based lad that is in your shartlections it's a PA guy running as an ED guy or something i think
Joe riled up the libtard scouse not english mob on shitter with a viral post.
>>456594 Best available is a Conform nobody as a protest voot. Might flip a coin in the booth to decide if it's him or scrawling NEVER ENDING BETRAYAL to spoil it. Will cackle maniacally to unnerve the niggercattle either way.
>>456596 manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/im-no-racist-neo-nazi-29382873
>>456595 based hope LUCAS kills all the SCOUSE FAIRIES
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voting anybody other than reform is retarded tbh, unless you tactically vote labour to get rid of the tories
>>456599 wew el goblino journalisto got baboonmogged
coping and seething because there were zoomers at the bus stop doing pda for about an hour while the buscunt (a jeet) was late
dark brandon confirmed juiced up with adrenochrome
>>456603 if he refuses then he forfeits surely smh
what a waste
>>456605 ahhhhh the sweet smells of nature
I do unironically enjoy it when a tractorchad drives through the centre of town now and wafts the smell of manure and shits and such tbh makes all the townie and wog niggercattle seethe
especially if there's a huge traffic jam behind him and he's got a giant septic tank hooked up
>politics >yanks >yank politics
my preferred coverage of the weimartshartlection is by le based ethot will probably give up in disgust after 10 minutes introductory talk where she manages to bring up previous sexual partners and acts to the audience who all have to pretend they don't mind hearing about it or some similar cuckshit albeit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ1y5U4JXvs
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>>456611 >le based ethot never heard of her >she manages to bring up previous sexual partners and acts to the audience who all have to pretend they don't mind hearing about it or some similar cuckshit sounds unpleasant
>>456612 yeah she is very hit and miss can do really good stream coverage of DEI/BRIDGE (is actually the original digger whomst uncovered a lot of it apparently) gamergate and polishits stuff one day then the next is all generic westoid thot DICK ASS PUSSY SEXO HAHA SEEX but with a veneer of "but actually I'm trad now and looking for the perfect 11/10 gigachad provider"
>>456613 nanigh ziggeh pal see you in t mornin
biden and drumpf should both twerk in their diapers and see who can shart on the gas station floor hardest while wildin' out over a pack of smokes
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>>456616 what's that song that goes like: >ass cheeks hangin' out >ass cheeks hangin' out >ass cheeks hangin' out >ass cheeks hangin' out wouldn't be surprised if it was this same 'niqua
>>456618 probably is not sure tbf
Nick Fuentes Debate Stream https://kick.com/bigtech
Biden's a mess, holy fuck
dumpf is gonna win and he's gonna guzzle gallons of jewjew cum, it's gonna be great, folks. the best!
>>456622 >dumpf is gonna win it's a done deal now, this is brutal. laughing my ass off every time Biden answers a question
brandon bros...
blumpf is doing terrible tbh, the pair of them are two geriatrics fighting in the old folks home.
>>456625 Blumpf has been half bad, half decent quippy classic Trump. Biden is a speech-slurring zombie
ugh now they're arguing about who's better for Israel
The Zionist Rupi Kaur, pure genius.
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>>456628 >what do you think a fruit emoji can do
biden is struggling badly
major fuckup for Blumpf, being asked about the opioid crisis and he dodges the question and talks about something else. anybody that knows anybody with an addiction problem is going to get pissed off by that. he should have just went off about the border immediately, and blaming the whole fentanyl issue on that idk what Biden said on that question, wasn't paying attention. think he also avoided answering it
honestly think I would crush either of these two in this debate, without any preparation
the fuck, they're arguing about who's better at golf
>>456633 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I should have watched it
>>456635 that timestamp is wrong. it was rather near the end near the end
>>456637 thanks lad having a good keeek
>Do you speak English? >Can barely string two words together
>>456641 The Turkish old man and the fat Turkish boy eating a magnum keeek. That factory seemed to be swarming with recent migrants, is that what the south west is like?
>>456642 They absolutely do not belong here and yeah on what I’ve seen it’s a massive problem in the south east but you see it in other places tbf
>>456644 Should of said to him.but wait you're black! Bit cowardly to say it after on x
>>456647 So french tanks in Kiev in 24hrs?
>>456647 they're european lad
>>456649 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>456648 Would love to see Micron charging Russian lines in one ngl
Democrats have got the knives out for Joe over his performance. Think steiner should fight to defend his honour
>>456652 probably true tbh
he's a massive libtard but I can't help but like macron tbh
>>456652 republishits and their handlers whinging and seething over literally nothing yet again
smorn lads
>>456657 smorb lad elder abuse tbh smh said it in 2020 and saying it again now sick of the west being endless gerontocracy
>>456658 He at one point said young women are being raped by their sisters (and so need an abortion) Would feel bad for Sleepy Joe but he is pure evil tbh
>>456659 tbh he earned the situation he's in now
https://youtu.be/qLYomHhL7iI?si=v2LzdZkhTbYCumql I don't know if u noticed but Kevin Costner just released a 3 hrs film
>>456644 Welsh doesn't count as mixed race smh
just found out futurama made a covid episode smh glad i wrote it off completely after those mediocre fillums
>>456664 I liked Bender's Big Score tbh but the first revival series was cancer
>>456651 >>456652 I don't think it's a plot to replace him as the nominee. They already knew he was uncharismatic, senile, and has unpopular policies. They could have ran another candidate in the primary and replaced him the normal way. Why would they have to resort to some rat tactic?
>>456665 all i remember from the films is "they're gentacles not tentacles" which admittedly does still get a laugh out of me to this day >>456666 never attribute to stupidity what can be chalked up to malice
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>>456668 what is that thumbnail? 125x64?
>>456667 Wild Green Yonder was a good enough place to end tbh. The episode "Proposition Infinity" absolutely murdered the show for me.
>>456668 peterstein really is a washed up has-been already burnt his bridges with the establishment but not nearly chuddy enough for current year plus whatever he can worship jews all he wants but they'll never love him back >>456669 >result that isn't 4*%-5*% already over >>456671 smh they had a gayist episode too?
warmed up to Blumpf a bit, he didn't suck Israel that hard and one time he even shoehorned in the phrase "Israel has to be stopped" although he couched it within a pro-Israel argument. overall he avoided Israel questions like the plague while Biden got baited into kikesucking I really think the relationship between Trump and the Jevvs is not genuine support, and basically every Jevv seems to say the same thing. They have him by the balls and he takes their money in return for whatever, but he doesn't genuinely support them. That's better than Biden who is a complete puppet. speaking of balls, mine are itching for some reason. this never happens to me, idk why it is
fuck it's so bad I'm gonna rinse off in the shower and see if that helps. and it's not that I'm grody or anything because I showered yesterday
tried rinsing with soap and water. the water burned, especially warm water, but the soap provided some relief. have absolutely no idea why this would happen. it's a bit better now but still a little red/itchy/irritated. very perplexing, it's like poison ivy or something but on part of my scrotum but it's not poison ivy and there's no logical reason why. like if I used some kind of hair depilatory cream or something, then this would be unsurprising, but I have done nothing like that so I have no idea why
only thing I can think of is that I drank trashy Tim Horton's coffee instead of the usual organic single origin fancy pants stuff I normally drink. maybe it was contaminated with ball-burning chemicals? but I had only drank half a cup by the time the symptoms started. that really doesn't make sense
I put hot sauce on my eggs, maybe somehow I got hot sauce on my hand and then touched my scrotum? but I'm careful and I'm like 99% sure that did not happen. I only touched the outside of the bottle, didn't touch the actual hot sauce and if I did I would have rinsed my hand immediately
>>456674 >he takes their money in return for whatever, but he doesn't genuinely support them yeah nobody does >>456678 >I put hot sauce on my eggs enough with the metaphors lad
>tim hortons northeast usa then the net closes ever so slightly more
There are 3 north American posters
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>>456679 >enough with the metaphors lad kek I didn't even intend that >>456680 thought this was common knowledge. though Tim Hortons is more of a Canadian thing, here it's Dunkin Donuts
Dios mio Aussie edition
>>456683 They should just make an unfenced city for them in the hottest most crocodile infested swamp in Straya I dunno. Call it Troonlololololoo or something and televise the nightly croc feasts
>>456686 This might be total /pol/ brain rot, but is the origin of that photo of a coal burner who got murked? google image search not helping
>>456688 She's a toalpayer, yes.
>>456688 Yeah. It was a British girl who was dating some mental wog happened in 2020 or 2021
steiner needs to start making mid western asmr videos
CRIME IS THE SOLUTION TO THE INCEL PROBLEM! FREE SEX, FREE DRUGS, FREE EVERYTHING!!! BOOK YOUR PLACE AT HMP WA(N)DSWORTH NOW! https://nitter.poast.org/Young_Spray/status/1806483379849703867 >31 female prison officers caught having sex with inmates since 2019 Just the ones we know about
>>456697 womenbros... not a good look
MEGA CRINGE. FARAGE WENT THERE! ….AND YOU COULD HEAR A PIN DROP! >5:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJAccTPrKxw
>>456697 Genuinely impossible to not hate women if they are given free rein
>>456702 Tbh >>456701 He’s such a fucking liberal boomer he’ll say anything to get a clap and money funnelled into his ‘Reform’ business model
someone says she has a wedding ring. Please no
>>456705 Could be bullshit but this is apparently her
>>456706 bbcbros... it's over
>>456705 Wouldn’t surprise me Perfidious creatures tbh
>>456706 I believe it
>>456710 Keeeek he's a slave to his groomee
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>>456697 wtf is the context for this? why is she allowing them to film?
>>456713 she's a wombem
>>456714 nah there is much more going on here than that
>>456711 >>456711 also has a plushie
>>456715 no...
>>456717 did some research it's a staged video for only fans, she's not really a cop, and its not even filmed in a real prison i think
>>456718 he's a copin b
>>456710 >vpnchads can't vote I would watch mad maxine again tbh
>>456720 could have yuma for the thinking lads first the madslop afterwards tbh
>>456720 >I would watch mad maxine again tbh GENTLEMEN, WESS HAS DECIDED!
>>456723 No. If he decided we'd be watching gotham city
>>456724 he's a pissy b
fresh larping poshos Gerard Dugdill, Chairman, British Counties Campaign, Black-Tie Dinner 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rcdj2plcrA >zooms in on the fat bum 12secs in >>456724 yeah this too I am still morbidly curious about the zombie arc
oh, it's just called "gotham" THEY ATTACKED US IN OUR HOME
>>456727 this is OUR house!!!
>>456729 cringe
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>>456729 we need to do this to Droset to stop him fucking troons
has dorset left the internet for good
>>456735 he doesn't accept discord messages from non tranny cabal now
>>456735 Remember there is still no proof that he ever had poopydick with trannies
>>456738 comments full of retarded women lionising a mental disabiltiy smh was genuinely disgusted to find out my own mummy did this and was part of a mumsnet type place where they try to cope about their speshul little boys being spastics and how actually it's a good thing
>>456739 wess the bongo cabal rigged the poal so that furiousa is now losing, after it was decided that we were watching that https://poal.me/42q8p8
>>456740 What are you talking about? Yuma was at 4 votes forever
>>456740 luckily the poll is advisory only and you don not recognise democracy
We can watch both
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>>456741 YOU did this!
>>456744 You did THIS
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>>456742 >luckily the poll is advisory only and you don not recognise democracy
>>456747 WHY WON'T YOU DIE
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>>456747 Yeah no. I knew you'd do this. It's not funny anymore tbh. Yuma won fair and square but you're putting on the shit you wanted in the first place. Whatever, your stream. Don't bother with polls though because it's just boring. Okay, thank you.
>>456697 >>456699 >>456702 >>456713 women are such sluts. I left the house for a couple days and had multiple situations where a woman saw me checking her out and clearly received some form of validation from it. the brownoids especially love it when a ytoid leers, they feel mogged by white women so it really massages some aloe vera into their terminally bruised ego when they catch a virile young Aryan hungering for their flesh. highlight was this super thicc latina noticing me staring and then stopping to play with her phone, giving me plenty of time to admire. not suggesting I thought she was into me or anything but there is a certain middle ground in between "eww creepy incel" and "wow chad pls hit on me" where the foid perceives you as a man worthy of a modicum of respect that is 'allowed to look' because it makes her feel good about herself (and maybe even slightly horny if you really leer) another thing I've noticed is that I'm developing a fondness for fellow white people. I see some random old man or something, and when I'd normally find some way to ridicule them as a normalfag and feel superior, I'll instead interject "at least he's white" in my inner monologue. or I'll see a young white mother with a white kid and feel relieved like, "THANK GOD we're not dead yet, there are still some of us existing and breeding". actually being in a room with multiple white people, it like.. soothed some existential angst in me, just being there with my own kind with their pale skin, instead of it just being browns and every random weird race everywhere, even like weird kinds of Asian from 500,000 pop random ethnic groups. such fucking "diversity". and then some coon family will pop out of nowhere and ruin the cozy vibe and I sneethe seriously how the fuck are there people that are not racist, it's so dumb I can't wrap my brain around it. anyway I don't even know how to summarize how I feel right now, mainly I think I'm just really looking forward to someday when I'm all looksmaxxed with my lengthened femurs and everything so I can finally hit on women instead of just looking at them
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>>456750 okay okay I'll change it to that other thing then
>>456751 lad nobody is going to read all that could you summarise?
>>456751 bro. "women" is enough
I'm sorry lads, the bongal cabal broke smee
I FEEL super insecure, assuming that every foid will assess me as subhuman, but then women's behavior around me seems to indicate that I'm underselling myself by a bit. not that I would have success if I made moves but I'm in the 'allowed to look' threshold more than I give myself credit for, which is a bit relieving. I think my southern European facial features are just carrying me two more things I've noticed: I'm less into overweight women and more into elegant slender women than I used to be, I suspect this is an age thing. very interesting. like young smooth toned legs, that really piques my interest more than it used to. used to just soyface over big tits/ass and I still do but I think I appreciate 'deer'-type women more than when I was younger, the kinds rich guys go for. so that was the first thing, the second thing I've noticed is that fat girls are really agro. like they're on the warpath, buttmad that they're not getting the male attention that the slim pretty girls are getting. and now I'm apparently feeding into that by being less attracted to them. well it's not my problem that you can't stop stuffing your face lady... how do people even let themselves go that far, if I get a bit of chub I will look at the mirror reflection in horror and commit to making a lifestyle change like the next day
>>456753 >>456754 please read it, this is quality blogposting. I don't get out much so this is highly inspired, there is much mature spigdom (spig-wisdom)
>>456757 sounds like what you actually are interested in is the body of a CHILD. Nonce
>>456758 Oh. It's. You
tried a cheap empanada, the foodstuff that latina ass cheek is made out of. pretty good, suites my tastes, bit dry though although maybe a better quality one would be more moist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IappFPAQ3P0 Can barely tell he has downs tbqh, physically actually looks quiten normal, especially with glasses
>>456762 his voice is similar to that of the theorised neanderthal
>>456739 She's probably bragging her special boy right now
>>456763 Miss these cool outdated reconstructions of nandy monster people tbh. Look at the bottom left. Hench darth maul looking nigger.
https://youtu.be/l-Ev3ignpYE Sounds like Dutton
Is it more of a constitutional monarchy or a ceremonial monarchy?
>>456767 ritual humiliation WEFarchy
>>456768 When will UKIP run a campaign to leave WEF tbh
anyone got anything good on the steam sale? bought valheim before remembering it's not flavour of the month any more and I don't have any mates to goom with anyway
>>456772 >mfw I'm busy tonight now You'll all enjoy it anyway don't be pissed beeeeens.
>>456773 >You'll all enjoy it anyway don't be pissed beeeeens. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
okay change of plan again
fresh BMJ
>>456697 Is this some kind of porn?
Women really get seed from the most retarded types of men
I mean I can understand them coom trapping some billionaire patent holder but they go out and get snagged by mong brained loser unemployed scum living in some hovel. If I was going to be a slap I'd hang outside the medical school and bag a doctor or a lawyer
>>456779 >>456780 Yeah wahmen don't select for intelligence. Even the reasonably intelligent ones would rather a grugchad. Just fake being stupid. Stupid people won't sus you have an above 90 iq with a little effort.
No excnuses snincel.
>>456749 All that ink ends up in your liver and kidneys
>>456781 Yeah but they didn't even have a proper big cave full of mammoth meat. They were peasant tier
>>456785 if these histrionics and national coverage is what just one racial slur could do....
tbf that sex didn't even look that satisfying more just gross
>>456787 think that's most of it tbh
when do we get sex 2 already
how my reform heads doin
feel like sex with your wife to make babys and you care about her would be pretty epig
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ehnuEUwe6M&t=324s smh mummy needs to make me some bacon and johnny cakes NOW
that video is far too white and redneck
tbf the only good part about shartica anymore is the classless flyover whitoids
>>456787 the woman seemed to be enjoying the psychological thrill of the wild degeneracy more than anything. didn't seem that big of a deal to the guys, they were just having a bit of fun. female sexuality is really quite an ugly thing, consider that while men are attracted to the female body (objectively the most beautiful thing to look at, soft/smooth/squishy, warm/wet, etc.), women are attracted to hairy, stinky men and "fantasize" about weird scenarios like getting raped, having sex in public, cheating, etc.
>>456792 can't stand this lad, he eats the poopoo smh
>>456796 thanks freud how many girls have you held hands with lad?
>>456797 yeah he looks a bit zesty
*drags him behind horse for putting olive oil on johnny cakes as a low calorie option*
>>456800 he probably got the idea from oiling johnny's cake smh think he is extra subversive by being "married" too
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this one xoomer mong that I talk to sometimes at the toilmen lumber yard is all on the trump cult shite. cannot believe how many faggots still dickride that lame old geezer. he was telling me that trump is sharper than a "30 year old" keeeeeeeeeek
>>456805 Kennedy will suddenly start rising in the polls screencap this.
>>456804 Tbf the average 30 year old American is as thick as mince.
>>456808 yeah but trump is a fucking TV personality with no public policy experience
>>456809 reckon the new kevin costner cowboy film will be worth watching la? or full of poz
>>456810 boomer shite
>>456809 even if he doesn't do anything, it will be worth it just to make the freakazoids upset basically the only scenario in which Blumpf winning would be actually bad is if he would be worse for Iran than Biden. and tbh it seems like both of them, the entire American political establishment (aside from Jevv neocons like Shapiro), seem to want to restrain Israel a bit and chill things out. which is the same thing that Iran wants... so I say let's enjoy some libtard salt kino over the orange fuhrer and maybe there's a 0.1% chance he will actually go rogue, it is second term and he's old and his sons are losers, so who knows?
>>456812 keeeek they're so histrionic and without any cause at least chudlings worried about huwhite genocide have facts and logic to back them up
>>456815 have you ever run into a chug in michigan?
>>456816 yes many times
there are alot of them here they are decent they hate niggers because they try to pimp out chug lasses
>>456817 mad. like running into a dhedderman irl
they are also this weird mix of super liberarian and ghetto criminal
the ojibwes I met alot were really tall like 6'8'' with those double braids as well
>>456822 nige should have just called him a fat lipped inbred looking pooskin
steam sale is shite and I still have loads of gooms I've yet to even install smh, just collecting the trading cards like a good goy though.
>>456824 I caved to poz and got dying light 2 even though it's worse than the first game tbh
>>456825 bought the first one on sale a while ago still never installed it
>>456826 it's pretty good tbh and the expansion has a qt roach waifu lass
>>456827 should use these lads for troonification rituals tbh
>>456812 My favourite Trump moment is when he airstriked militia men in Iraq killing 25, wounding 55+. The Iraqi milita held a funeral and protested by vandalising the gate of the US embassy. Trump was watching television, saw news reports of the protestors destroying the gate and was so angry he ordered a drone strike assassination of an Iranian state actor in "self defence".
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sneedevning lads
>>456831 god I hate zumpf so mf much he is such a fucking mong
>>456834 cold, but presumably more of a mercy than leaving the guy there to die slowly
>>456834 they really need to stop this dumb war
>>456834 so is this hohols or Russians? if it's hohols idgaf they are dumbfucks for complying with the draft or even worse, volunteering. no sympathy either way, if they were grabbed off the street and thrown into a van than they should friendly fire their commanding officer and surrender to Russia
>>456839 based get 'er done
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what is /brit/'s verdict on multiple Bidens theory? to me the senile old guy that they parade around as "Joe Biden" today looks nothing like the old Biden, and there are differences in earlobes/hairline/voice/etc. that cannot be explained by aging
>>456840 >they should friendly fire their commanding officer and surrender to Russia have there been any incidents like this yet
>>456843 I've heard of some draft officers getting rekt and there are obviously some surrenders, but idk about commanding officers
>>456842 unnecessary complexity for no real gain tbh
>>456845 well if the real Biden is dead and they believe that 'the Obama guy' is their most electable option then I wouldn't rule it out
I understand that it seems schizo, but to me, I can look at the two different Bidens or hear their voice and tell them apart instantly. night and day. and I'm not the only one that has entertained this theory
>>456836 is there even any politician of note apart from Galloway that wants it to end?
>nonce-shaming cro-magnons
>>456851 barely knows where he is
>>456851 Kind of love him now
>>456851 >>456855 Hope he wins and stays on until he's 86. I want to see him give an inauguration speech that no one understands while Drumpf seethes.
Morning lads.
>>456857 smorbing lad
been thinking of going for a walk over the last few months, but instead I just vore sweets smh
>>456859 just do it lad
>>456860 so out of shape I'm worried I'll get a heart attack tbh
>>456863 based sensible centrism
smorn lads
>>456865 smorbing lad
gonna go to the butchers and get some proper thick cut bacon i think.
>>456867 very good lad
can someone please tell me why i shouldn't just vote reform i know even if they had a majority they probably wouldn't do anything good but it might be worth it just to push le overton window further to the right
>>456869 no reason not to tbh
Morning saaaaars
Why are they like this? >>456867 good lad >>456869 Don't see a reason not to unless you have a based indie running tbh. Even with their cucking and boomer retardation its the simplest way to show discontent and hopefully push further right as you say >>456871 sneed
>>456872 Because they’re enabled by the corrupt, greedy etc. anyone else would get cancelled and binned tbh Attacking someone at that moment in their life is pretty fucking awful tbh then they cry out for the result of their strike as usual. Should be walled off
>>456871 good smorbing >>456872 smh heartless
>>456872 Getting absolutely pilloried but then that’s what they want https://nitter.poast.org/Jewsarethegoat/status/1806835193535152611
We are the gayest country
>>456876 smh why can't mudsharts do the needful and blow up gatherings like these? what are they even being imported for if not for violent crime? yet when it's actually needed they're nowhere to be seen bunch of layabouts smdh
based based based based
>>456879 Wonder if they'll get the death penalty like here.
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>>456881 >Shangai Manghai
>>456877 Litlehats desperately want to convert a few hundred thousand people tbh
>>456884 Total freak. The lyrics to their pro immigrant song are some of the most embarrassing ever written
>>456869 I took have been convinced by this line of thinking. Don't expect much from them but they might just be a useful stepping stone.
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>>456887 Fucking gigacringe wew.
>>456887 Yeah total middle class kid psychissues Sounds like he has some kind of traumatic experience in his life - like not getting what he wanted and is trapped in a teenage mind
>>456892 He seems to have genuinely suffered a lot, but that doesn't make him good or right.
>>456895 ChatGBT draw me a smiling black woman.
>>456893 Tbh these ‘artists’ popstar types lead very sheltered isolated lives. They are not really forced to mix it up irl like the rest of society. They spend their lives locked away in studios and remote places or touring it’s in no way connected to real life and they are mostly on some kind of drugs or have other addictions. They’re also not mixing outside of their ‘job’ circle only maybe to score drugs and have their needs catered to by record labels managers and fans. A parasitic class tbh
>>456896 >And make her surname an amalgam of the word BOAT and the acronym of English
>>456896 keeeeeeeeek
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Leftists PANIC Reaction to Biden Debate Shocker https://youtu.be/UJFyYfvsydw
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it's so over.... FOR BIDEN! https://youtu.be/YSLj0nvQ0TI
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>>456903 a classic to be sure but certainly one that we should not have seen yet to peer into the future is to ruin the surprise
>>456904 Steiner rants are non-linear in nature
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A new warrior of the huwhite race has arisen.... Will (You) answer his call?
>>456905 large if verified
Another win for incels
>>456908 source?
>>456908 great now she'll be able to shag even more convicts
>>456908 surely it would be easy to identify the "officer" as the video showed both her face and her collar number? the internet should know her name by now
>>456913 >June 21 lad...
>456914 >(1)
>456915 I'm a tranny. you've done me.
>456916 >a tranny fucking knew it
Farage going full nigger elf recently over this "racism scandal" is a reminder that he is nothing more than a tool to destroy the tories, he's still a useless boomer traitor.
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>>456919 reminder that Helmer would have banned you for this post good job I killed him
I mean, I really do want the tories destroyed more than anything else at the moment tbh. And don't expect anything else from Farage or Reform.
getting the idea of the same 2 parties forever out of the minds of people is a good start, no?
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>>456921 >I mean,
I'm roleplaying just to wind you up that bit more.
roll with it
Love Anglin me, used to do some graphic work for the site too.
>>456928 >Love Anglin me baste >used to do some graphic work for the site too. shouldn't disclose such things
>>456913 he's all over the place tbh needs a solid kicking to remind him to only represent where his loyalties lie and nothing else honestly in my opinion one of the major causes of the decline of the west is that you can't challenge people to a fistfight or duel any more so many people spewing shite knowing that they will never be challenged over what they say tbh many many examples but the one i choose to focus on is that you can't call out a politician after he refuses to make good on what he promised and then knock his teeth out or shoot him or whatever if you think about it statistically it only takes two disgruntled constituents to challenge a politician before we see real change no wonder it's illegal
>>456929 don't care tbh.
he was always decent towards me.
>>456928 baste
>>456917 schnaftersnorb lid
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>every time you don't vote Reform you spit on Helmer's shoddy grave
>>456935 helmers lives
>>456936 >helmer lives
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>>456937 yes lad he's still with us but has chosen to not poost for a very very long time when the time is right he shall retvrn to vs
>>456939 >when the time is right he shall retvrn to vs just like are nige did
>>456940 exactly except when he comes back it won't be a cringe stab in the back
>>456941 >exactly except when he comes back it won't be a cringe stab in the back You do realise that the reason Helmer left was because I defeated him in an argument over whether Farage was to be trusted or not? I argued Farage was a traitor, that had destroyed the real nationalist party, Helmer argued that Farage was secretly based, but I won Now the entire thread holds my views - so Helmer is *not* coming back
>>456942 Based.
Could everyone vote for my filmthe promised land (2023) on poal please thanks
>>456945 i-it was a staged video!!! wasn't it???
wonder when t*rks are going to wake up and smell the coffee they're shitskin enough to be migrants that shit up European countries but they're not shitskin enough to be spared from diversification
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what are women as a whole saying about this female prison officer fucking inmates? are they defending her? are they calling the critics "misogynists"?
>media and other parties hammering farage because as a retarded boomer who doesn't get it he's showing weakness and is withdrawing support for his own candidates for "anti migrant" comments and just encouraging the pile on. kekking tbh, he's throwing it at the last minute, utter mong, its just what you expect from this shithole country.
>>456950 source?
WHAT THOSE "RACIST REFORM CANDIDATES SAID: >Oakenfull has been suspended after reportedly having written social media posts about the IQ of sub-Saharan Africans - which he told the BBC were "taken out of context". >Meanwhile, Lomas said black people should "get off [their] lazy arses" and stop acting "like savages", The Times reported. >Lilley, according to the newspaper, described people arriving on small boats as "scum", adding: "I hope your family get robbed, beaten or attacked." they all sound look decent people to me tbh
The eternal boomer will never get over their nigger love
there were literal working class bazzas in a shithole pub in clacton interviewed on sky news who were saying that the "racist comments" "just aren't on we don't need any of that" this shithole has fallen so far and gone so extreme even the lowest tier proles are like this.
Last thing a racist chud working for Reform sees
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new cockney accent just dropped >why you bare lookin at me don't look at me face the wall they're wallahi bare pissing me off don't look at me you're bare clapped no one rates you no one rates you don't look at me
>"banksy" claims responsibility for releasing inflatable migrant dinghy at glastonbury
tories still seem fucked regardless kek
>>456957 >multimillionaire telling everyone how to think Tale old as time
>>456956 Wtf is this?
Swiss whooping Italy
>>456955 When it should be the last thing invasive species should see
>>456961 Africer 2 Rome 0 It’s over
Oh dear how sad nevermind
>make a poost on 4chan's diy board for the first time ever >your ip range is banned due to abuse ACK.
>>456966 Fucking YES. Small victory but I'm glad Elon Hortler is making Knowles and co seethe.
>>456966 dare I say it, but are we... back?
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>>456968 WAGMI my brother
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>>456970 sorry lad, the demos has already decided we are streaming my snuicdide tonight
>>456970 Not even b*ns would put that on.
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>>456972 put on three amigos tbh
>only 1/7th of the debate was about us even though both of the moderators were jevvs the goyim are so antisemitic these days
>>456976 perhaps Russia was right about the Circassians
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this is the next president of Iran btw, he is the most based out of all the candidates. last election he ran, withdrew, and endorsed Raisi. rest assured that the Marg Bar Amrika will continue!
>>456980 he should change his name to Sneed tbh
Where is Wess? We need his defining verdict on what film to watch tonight
>>456984 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Reminder we will make sure bins is hanged as a mincer before the lower orders hang him for being a landlord.
cant get over how epic chiles unite the right was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9x8JTJuLK8
>>456990 Brave helicopter pilots the lot of them
the modding system for skyrim is fucked wew picked it up on sale on steem and the latest goom update made all the modders ragequit and the update was the add paynigger microtransaction cancer.
>>456994 did you get todds special edition? you'll have to consult mancs on how to best mod it
>CY+9 >Skyrim
>>456995 its fucked and shite it was only like 10.00 on sale so fuck it but it just crashes with the basic warband style script extender thing. already wasted like 4 hours reading codenigger shite and most of the shite is just for making the game into a gooning platform
>>456996 keeeek yeah I remember playing it on xbox 360 in 2013
love seeing how every week theres a new direct provision site being torched in ol ireland.
rewatching Boardwalk Empire
>>457001 nasty jewbody
>457002 She's a Spaniard, incel
>>457005 wouldn't mind breeding that body. Just needs to be lobotimised and cured of all diseases
>>456994 Get a refund ffs and don't buy Todd's shite again, especially when you're intending to mod it and their updates could break mods. Just torrent it bundled with some good mods on a version that actually works.
>>457006 umm lad...
>>457007 based yeah I should just refund it since I playd the shit out of that goom 10 years ago
Mohammedan lover Galloway trying to get me to voot labour
>>457011 Can't disagree with a single country on that list. You can't lose.
>>457010 she looks like she might service the niggers
ar' joe's being bullied on twitter rn
>>457014 good he's a stupid twat
>>457013 how so?
Andrew Bridgen the Mighty - Campaign Song and Video! https://youtu.be/BY_tBSY2Zu0
>>457015 fuck you. #scousefam
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>>457019 the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) are getting him lad
fresh BMJ. this is good stuff
>>457021 >fresh BMJ British Medical Journal?
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5yXU01diFqs even chug lasses are tradthotting now
>>457024 keeeeeeek. Kind of nice ngl, I wouldn't mind chugs setting up their own society within America
>>457026 >Once roaming in vast herds, the species nearly became extinct by a combination of commercial hunting and slaughter in the 19th century and introduction of bovine diseases from domestic cattle. With an estimated population of 60 million in the late 18th century, the species was culled down to just 541 animals by 1889 as part of the subjugation of the Native Americans, because the American bison was a major resource for their traditional way of life (food source, hides for clothing and shelter, and horns and bones for tools). Damn. I didn't know Americans were so ebil
>>457026 to drive up the price of olive oil you stupid chug
smh it poosted the wrong one there was one with a fit lass
Hiraeth for Anglo America, Africa and India
were the buffalo sacred to the sioux when they lived in the great lakes forests for 1000 years prior to migrating to the plains?
>>457031 Play the clip
>>457014 post some screen grabs lad
>>457031 were they really there for 1,000 years? I doubt that. when did the Behring Ithsmus flood? if they were really there for 1,000 years, that is damning, because they did not leave any kind of architectural legacy. at least in Mesoamerica and the Andes, there were primitive civilizations
don't really care about structures tbh. Given how long humans have existed, all the technological advancements have happened in a really short time
>>457032 https://youtu.be/iVqQosyOpg4 this one tbh. Injuns BTFO??
>>457034 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippian_culture they are a barbarian offshoot of when chug civilization collapsed sometime around when longshanks was kang in ingerlund
>>457040 Do you need to own the land trees are on in America to be allowed to chop them down?
can any based lads mp4 this video cheers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whBZQ34U-Mc i want to send it to a libtard
>>457041 lots of people do not follow those kinds of rules in rural areas
but yeah
>>457044 Just made me think og that Griswold Christmas film tbh. Makes me seethe not being a farmer. Even small farms that don't even run anymore still own the land that belongs to the farm, so they rent out farmland and their woods, but still own it all. Complaining about low farmer wages when they can easily earn on the side by using the land they have for things they can sell directly *screams*
>Makes me seethe not being a farmer townie detected
>>457047 And what are you?
>>457022 keek reminds me of "jeffabal" / "children of poseidon" who seem to have been one of the first "do retarded shit for clicks" ecelebs, I think they gave it up a couple years ago finally but "man jumps into cactus and squeals like a pig" will always be kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHSJCMkUa9Y
>>457051 music to human sacrifice by
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test is uncomfortably high rn, angry
>>457053 roaches absolutely seething keek
finland is only 5% because they spend all the time being depressed instead
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bossman's feeling it too
only wholesome things
>>457060 they're so good it's hard to believe
>>457061 get owned libtard
>>457061 america used to be at the front of eugenics. What happened, bros?
>>457061 there are so-called people who can look at that face and not immediately know that he's going to be a violent criminal
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>>457066 >long haired autistic fatso incel wessoid phenotype
>>457067 kill them all
>>457058 >worrying about some blood while his finger is crooked as fuck. keeeeeeeeeeeek.
>>457071 the finger's been like that for years
bent fingers creep me out, please stop talking about it
>>457067 he won tho
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>>457075 the gamer word is powerful
We'll make it our word again
don't really care about being mean to other races tbh just want my own little piggy pen where me, my breeding sow, childhogs can roll in the mud
>>457078 jevvs are pure evil and niggers are literal apes. other races, I just want them to be in their own land and leave us the fuck alone. but jevvs cannot be allowed to exist in any capacity and niggers should be contained within zoo exhibits and science labs- they would make good lab monkeys to test drugs and chemicals on. Sub-Saharan Africa should be a gigantic European colony like the New World but pure instead of mixed. too much land with too many natural resources to let it be squandered by the most worthless race
>>457079 Smh. Shame about the police reading this board
>>457080 nothing I said qualifies as prohibited speech where I reside
>>457081 doesn't it encourage violence?
>>457082 not specific enough. idk about where you reside but for me, I'm pretty sure we're allowed to say, "everybody that likes scrambled eggs should be punched in the face". you're not going to get in trouble for that now if somebody were to say, hypothetically, "Ernie McScrambledeggsenjoyer should be punched in the face at 3 o'clock next Tuesday", well, then maybe that's crossing a line. and certainly if it became more specific than that
S.P.I.C. stupid posts immediately censor
>>457014 bbk needs to get in there and btfo them
If FN wins tonight, then will Reform win on Thursday?
>>457057 Have to say Israel are pretty angry all the time tbh. They should top the list
Morning lads
>littlehat behind account doxxing anyone anti Isreal doxxed by the Guardian >founded a company called Clickstein.com >writes books advising women in South America how to OnlyFans KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK You can’t make this stuff up https://archive.is/qoBd5
>>457092 God spared no stereotype when making him.
>>457061 Even without the tats, that chimp face fucking hell.
Being a modern day cathar would be edgy wouln't it lads?
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Don’t know whether he’s telling the truth or joking here https://nitter.poast.org/TuckerCarlson/status/1807076204157055063
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/jay-slater-tenerife-missing-latest-gofundme-search-update-b2571320.html Spanish Police ‘call off search’ almost two weeks after 19-year-old Jay Slater disappeared in Tenerife >It comes after the teenager’s father Warren Slater revealed he was “disappointed” that just six volunteers turned out to join the search for his son after police issued an appeal for help >He said: “It’s a bit disappointing that there are no British apart from Paul but I suppose to them he’s just a British lad who’s come out here and got drunk.” Keek no one gives a shit.
>eloquent but fuck off anyway Mr. Want Wantwant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5nqewF0I4o
Just sound like they’ve completed 3 year degrees in Want given by Israid tbh
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>digitising old family photos >envelope marked "holiday 1976" >Granny and granddad took mum/aunts/uncles to the sea >not a single bare arse or even an inch of cleavage in sight in any of the photos, just people having good clean fun smh they took this from us
>A man who had his “skull split open” in a machete attack carried out by a gang including Jay Slater has broken his silence on the desperate search for the teenager who vanished in Tenerife. >The missing 19-year-old was part of a group of eight people who attacked Tom Hilton, then 17, with a machete, golf clubs and an axe in Rishton, Lancashire, in 2021. >A judge at the time described the gang as acting like a “pack of wolves”, forcing their teenage victim to run for his life through nearby woods. >Mr Hilton had been left with parts of his skull exposed as well as serious wounds to his shoulders and legs, with the defendants laughing and joking with each other in Preston Crown Court. Based poetic justice
>>457107 smh I love beach cleavage. Especially those lasses in Europe who lay on the beach with their tits exposed every day like it's a job.
LIVE:RALLY FOR REFORM! https://youtu.be/1BggfR-mseQ
>>457109 Tbh first pair of boobas I remember seeing were some lovely greek melons at the beach on holiday when I was 10.
>>457108 So he did less than 3 years, if any time at all, for a serious violent crime. Yeah my concern has dropped into negative levels.
i thought nige didn't want to be pm
Farage is absolutely killing it at this Reform conferendce
Heckin based
>>457118 his speech was actually pretty good tbh
>>457119 Yeah thats whats so frustrating though. There is literally no reason to have a paki speak except to reveal that this will be a continuation of what has come before. NO MORE BROWNS
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Poonak posting little dark age edits. Trying everything at this point
>>457120 I know what you're saying but he was unironically 100 times more based than literally ANYONE in the Labour party
>>457121 Do you remember Master Brew? I heard he went to work for the Tories
>>457121 that edit is shit couldn't figure out if it was trying to make Sunak look bad or good
>>457123 Master Hebrew strikes again.
>>457125 no amount of editing and semi-ironic playful edgying memeing will make Rishi Sunak and the Tories look cool at this point
>>457123 I have heard his name mentioned but dont know him tbh >>457124 needs more chromatic aberration and sonnenrads
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>>457127 >needs more chromatic aberration and sonnenrads even the power of the sonnenrads can't save the Tories now
>>457123 He lost all of his fans when he opposed Boris Johnson in favour of Rory Stewart and then Jeremy Hunt. His videos were mostly good, though he did massively overuse Grandstand.
whitehall is called such because it is coated in jewjew cum
12yo zoomer faggots will save the white race
>>457129 >He lost all of his fans when he opposed Boris Johnson in favour of Rory Stewart he seriously did this?
>>457131 >>457134 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13581155/Boy-12-referred-counter-extremist-Prevent-officers-school-declaring-two-genders-Im-gay-not-queer.html >She said counter terror officers - who visited the family home - raised concerns over the fact that her son, who is Jewish, harboured extremist views on account of his response when asked if there were any groups that shouldn't exist. >She said her son responded that 'Hamas (the Gaza-based terror group) should be wiped out'. >Further fears were raised over comments he made to school bullies, stating he wanted to 'exterminate' them. >He is said to have made the remark in relation to appalling racist slurs from classmates. >In a letter to the school in South Tyneside - seen by the Mail - his mother detailed how he was subjected to vile verbal abuse and Nazi salutes Clickbait headline. He said he wanted to exterminate his classmates for being too based, and they turned the tables by reporting him to Prevent.
>>457133 what a prick
>>457137 He's coming to the end of a four year term, the composition of his cabinet isn't exactly a recent revelation.
amazing how just a few workouts made such a difference- I was so skinnyfat and out of shape, now like 4 workouts later and a good sleep, my morning test is high asf (super deep voice), I'm leaner, my stomach is flatter, I have a lil muscle mass (mostly must be water retention from using them). overall so much healthier, look better, feel a bit better don't wanna stop now, I wanna get to the old weights I used to be able to do and pass them and get to some reasonable goals like 225lb squat
together they will secure the world supply of banan and cheese
Angela Rayner's tearful plea to voters turns into comedy gold (Parody) https://youtu.be/Lhy1mdvc1PE
>>457144 was surprised to see "replacement of my race" in there but then the jewcum guzzling bit came in with "force a ceasefire" smh
>>457145 I thought the point of including "force a ceasefire" was that there is nothing Labour or any government can do to force a ceasefire since the matter is not under out control
Has anyone got the image of Raheem kaseem dressed as an Arab standing in front of a telly holding a suitcase getting ready to get deported
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>>457098 >aliasing on lads in the middle distance man-made horrors tbh >>457141 simple pleasures, macroscopic if corroborated. Norkbugs will not understand this photo. This is what elected leadership should be about, building relations with our allies. Fire all MPs and replace the legislative and executive roles with a sort of jury duty tbh.
>>457148 Nice lad, did you draw this one?
>>457151 nah found it
So the Labour candidate challenging Corbyn is a lying grifter who has profited handsomely from are NHS. No wonder this jeet is all for privatisation of parts of the NHS “Privatisation of healthcare is very, very important and it’s about what the private sector can do to prove its worth to the public sector” - Praful Nargund https://nitter.poast.org/jrc1921/status/1801676570123268560 https://nitter.poast.org/prafulnargund/status/1806076805956411565 His company https://www.abcivf.co.uk/ Guaranteed Zionist as well because jeet and mommy jeet is closely linked to jewish ivf foundation So jeets jeeting then. Why is it being a lowlife thieving scumbag is equated with intelligence and value. Maybe in India but this is not India. They have to go back
What the fuck do I say?
>>457174 I'm not really a football fan. I like feet though!

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