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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3974: The Gang's All Here Edition Anonymous 07/09/2024 (Tue) 19:57:18 Id: 83ecd4 No. 459631
Who are the five new Reform MPs elected across the UK? Everything you need to know https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/reform-uk-mps-farage-anderson-tice-b2576452.html Starmer proud of 'most diverse' Parliament ever https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cv2gn0jj541o Modi's balancing act as he meets Putin in Moscow https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpd91pe5r9go Trump is about to pick his running mate - who might it be? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68064809
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:03:46.
1st for hang spicposter
>>459633 2nd for hang spicposter
>2/3 voters for with 1/3 abstaining 66% is a good enough majority for me tbh lads, string him up
(you) spic agree with spic smother spic with latina feet https://youtu.be/aCeGww3h-dY
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>>459638 Legdrop them all into oblivion tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPNtPvQmv7A >Russian court orders arrest of Alexei Navalnaya's widow Yulia Navalnaya RIP.
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What a wonderful time to be alive
>return to Russia and face the fate of her husband Based >self immolate outside the Russian embassy Super based
Having boiled eggs on toast for dindins may have been a mistake lads... Hoisted by my own pootard
>>459643 Next time make an omlette. Add some cheese in the middle and some herbs, chef's kiss.
>>459647 what does he say? I don't understand >a skip what is that >rumajingh what?
>>459647 actual wholesome racism
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>459648 you don't belong here, spicnigger, just go back to your interracial porn and fantacising about every random foid who happens to exist within the boundaries of your perception falling madly in love with you purely because you have percieved their existence
>>459648 >>rumajingh because he's rummaging around in a skip
>>459648 spic, the fact you don't get this joke maybe means you should head over to /b/ and make a latina feet thread
>>459647 >>459648 ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I get it now >>459652 yeah it took me a bit because I didn't know what a skip was. we don't have those here, only dumpsters
guise we have to ally with muslims and poos to stick it to the jevvs
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how is everyone except smee so good at identifying spic?
>>459656 did him announcing himself with his first post in this thread not give a sufficient clue?
>>459655 no we have to ally with jews and poos to stick it to muslims
>>459656 green ID, dead giveaway
>>459657 keeeeeeeeeeek
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>>459657 oh I only read my own posts
>>459658 neither ok thank you
>Took the knee >Got his buck publicly broken >Apologised to a foid >Apologised to a boomer Sargroid of Cuckkad He should commit suicide for this
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>>459663 >>Took the knee to BLM? >>Got his buck publicly broken he did? >Apologised to a foid which one? >Apologised to a boomer peter hitchens?
Your whole fucking head is too fat cunt
>>459663 >green ID is this spic?
>>459664 Took the knee to Hitchens on twitter and apologised to Philips on public tv
Spic's taste in feet is kind of sub par as well. >>459667 He apologised to Phillips? How humiliating.
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>>459667 >Took the knee to Hitchens on twitter and apologised to Philips on public tv seriously? he's such a twat. Sucking up to his bullies why won't he apologise to Woes? he was rude as fuck to him back in the day, but now repeats all of his talking points Only because he's an insincere brown nosing coward
>>459669 They were grovelling to that fat pompous geriatric Peter Hominems on their show earlier. They should not even bother engaging with him. There is no negotiating with people like him or turbo feminists and lefties like Philips
>>459673 >acting like it makes any difference Willing griftees tbh as contemptible as an e-thot's paypiggies
>>459663 He wants to run for Refoooorm in the future. >Reformed Rapeman
jolly heretic is so fucking obnoxious
>>459673 What's he replying to? "I decided you were right on this" what is *this*? could you post the full context?
>>459677 just standard sperg behaviour.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwyJQ9VKxbE >Macron will be forced to swim in the Seine river to prove it's safe for the Olympics >Even though it's so full of shit that swimming has been banned for a century Might give India an advantage I suppose.
>>459681 Massively gay.
>>459679 >Hitchens told him in 2022 that he should apologise we always called him Hitchcuck for a reason pathetic It won't help Carl at all, he's just trying to suck up to Peter Hitchens. It won't work though
>>459682 tbh the pajeets are correct about rivers being a great way to dispose of human waste, it's much cheaper and less energy intensive than treatment. also giant catfish love to eat partially cremated corpses apparently
>>459684 Hitchens has been roasting Sarcuck for trying to play peacemaker over some insult made by some BASED MIXED RACE CHRISTIAN on his podcast and Sarcuck is still brownnosing
>>459681 >Sargon is doing this because the home secretary has the power to request the removal of content from YouTube. If her office makes a legal request YouTube will ban his channel immediately to comply with local laws, and he's terrified of getting deplatformed like Milo. >Sargon is doing this because he's retarded enough to think Nige will let him join Reform UK later down the line if he disowns the rape comments. He saw the Reform MPs enter parliament and hoping he can weasel his way into a cushy job next election. Two theories. Leaning towards the first one.
>>459688 money is worthless now, almost no point in toiling
>>459687 Based on what he said he's attempting to b8 Phillips into another round and then play the "bigger man" card because he apologised first without having to. He probably does want to jump on that sweet sweet Reform gravy train but there's no chance that Farage would ever be thick enough to allow him in having seen what he did with UKIP
>>459690 He says "we are the custodians of our political discourse" implying he's still a politician. He might think that Nige is as retarded as Gerard Batten and will let him in.
>Sargon apologising (top) >Jess Phillips' response (bottom) tbh
>>459693 Homeowner handled this perfectly.
>>459694 yeah yoomer got BTFO
>>459695 Don't understand what the builder was getting at. I broke your toilet and ignored you for months but fuck you pay me 5 grand before I fix it.
>>459696 probably too busy and gaslighted by other guys with him into taking his approach
who's he going to make apologise next?
bored, no happenings anymore, last one was iran rocket attack
>>459700 Too much happenings for me lad. I just want to piss about.
>>459700 we're waiting for Israel-Hezbollah escalation, they are in moderate-intensity conflict already
dayum dawg dese crackas really ain't even gon let us dip ah black asses in duh wawtuh smh
very chud pheno on the baste karen btw
why are nigcels so fragile
>>459669 when peter says the time for conservatism has passed in this country he means that city states are the way forward... but he won't say this publicly since secession is seen as heartwrenchingly divisive and a man can only withstand so much blowback as a public intellectual
>>459705 looks a bit like my sister in law
>>459703 so many racial conflicts in burgerland start at pools and beaches. I am not sure why exactly but one of the last great TND events in burgerland in chicago was because some niglet came from the nigger swimming area and accosted some taig immigrant boys who then went back to the northside and all the men went around town beating and killing niggers for a solid couple of days
>>459709 probably because nignogs are so absolutely vile that is the minimum appropriate response to having to see one naked and smell one
vooting results for my constituency >labour 3k >reform 8k >tories 14k >libdems 24k gay fucking faggots detached from reality tbh I guess most of them live away from the dversified areas plenty of libdem propaganda hosting houses in run down shitty areas too though, disappointing to see smh I guess the local candidate promised to acquire more gibsmedats for the peasants or smth
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>>459711 what even are libdems anyway, is it the hufflepuff arthoe party?
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>labour = gryffindor >reform = slytherin >tories = ravenclaw >libdems = hufflepuff
yer mum's a hufflepuff
steiner are you in the oven mit part or the UP part?
>>459716 oven mit part only old people, trust fundies and hyper mega poorfag tier forest people really live in the upper part year round. the main job up there is working in the prisons as a guard or being in the prisons because they are so rural that its hard to escape from the prisons up there without freezing in the woods
>>459717 you make that sound quite comfy, anyway i only ask because i'm tracking the remnants of tropical depression beryl and i think you have a very comfy night of thunderstorms ahead. quite jealous \autism
>>459718 good lad tbh
wish I were /comfy/ smh got a richfag greatuncle up norf who has a BIG mansion type place on top of a tall hill, with old style windows and roofing and carpeted bathrooms comfiest place I have ever been in, just to sit and listen to the wind howling, battering and rattling the windows, the rain spattering, dim lights in the village below.... smh his branch of the family would be set for life but you just know some xoomer cunt is going to sell the place off
>>459720 squat in it after he dies and pretend to be a ghost
>>459721 wew that's the place? how high is the hill that it's on? is there a nice view? >>459722 this would actually work, but in uk the walls are brick so u can't live inside them and go ghostmode as easily
>>459723 can't get elevation from jewgle maps but it's pretty high up
>>459724 you can usually just turn on elevation in settings then hover over and it tells you in bottom corner. for some reason jewgle doesn't have an elevation map layer like tradmaps do with brown being higher terrain and green lower. that is cool though, being high up is much cosier than lowfags, nice wind noise at night
>no yank tootsie roll gf
>>459720 >smh his branch of the family would be set for life but you just know some xoomer cunt is going to sell the place off That sort of thing is unforgivable.
>>459714 >Slytherin >the only house that's in any way different to the others
Morning lads >>459703 >Pretending they came to swim when everybody knows they can’t
>>459731 keeeeeeek smorbing lad
>>459704 >creeps up on you waving his hands >bwoi dis Messican crakka ha’ bess b tellin’ da racis troot to dem racis tv crakkas lemme creep up on him an check
Tough times ahead for Sarcoom following that apology to the communist Home Office harpy
>>459736 truly bizarre
Had a dream I was on a plane and trying to save a little girl from being sucked out an air hatch, then for some reason it came down to passengers vooting who should be thrown out of the plane to appease whoever kept opening the hatch shitting everyone up with all the whooooooshbrrrrACK with it open. I asked where we were flying over because I was considering volunteering if we were over water (I know that's retarded because it'd still be fatal but in the dream it made sense) but no we were over an indistinct globohomo city. That is all. Okay, thank you.
>>459740 keeeeeek luv these tbh >>459741 >niggercattle immediately resorting to appeasement instead of solving the problem >everybody wanting somebody else to pay the price this says a lot about society
You’d think the prison service would check for stuff like this. No of course not https://nitter.poast.org/CrimeLdn/status/1809284985217565050
>>459744 Sus brow ridge. Troon?
>>459745 Probably caught her burning coal More to this than meets the eye tbh
trying to find interviews about korean war from brits or canadians but can only find ones from yanks about chosin reservoir. i don't take war veteran interview from yanks seriously because they are known to be hyperbolous and dramatic and also any severe combat they endured was probably due to their own ineptitude at diplomacy and being reasonable in general. okay thankyou. the one good interview i could find was the michael caine one
Smorbles lads
>459746 >immediately assuming this with no prompting yank-tier tbh
>>459746 She stabbed him lad.
>>459749 Not really. Can’t see a thot just knifing someone like that without some background Plenty of trash thots here as well tbh who’ve been led astray by these ethnics. Take a trip round London some day
>Thot von Bismarck
>>459748 smorb lad
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>>459749 disgusting simp tbh >459752 >Can’t see a thot just knifing someone like that without some background you're actually retarded if you believe that >Take a trip round London some day From the shite you're posting it seems like you're very much in need of taking your own advice
>>459753 Ref-Con or Con-Ref
>>459748 >raw egg drinker this is the way
>>459755 >disgusting simp tbh for what lad? assuming that women are crazy enough as it is without needing to bring wogs into the equation?
>>459758 I was agreeing with you lad, calling him the simp for putting pussy up on a pedestal and excusing them because it must have been muh nigger ooga boogas
>>459755 Lived there unlike you
>>459759 oh ok thanks lad
>Thot is from Niggerville Yeah. I’m going with coke fiend whore involved with niggers who probably tried to rob him
>>459759 Not putting her on a pedestal far from it. >Dead eyed thot with a billion filters and a hairdo only a nigger worshipping coal burner would wear
>>459760 I lived for 3 years in Ealing/Brentford, 1 year in Hackney and have spent pretty much half my free time visiting the city going to concerts/seeing friends or doing some freelance work here and there. You're utterly full of shit, you clown.
>Dead eyed thot with a billion filters and a hairdo only a nigger worshipping coal burner would wear that's a description of about 80% of teenage girls you cumbrained porn zombie
>>459751 ? Bit noncey
>459765 >Lived in Hackney ( where I grew up on a council estate ) >went to concerts in Shoreditch with chums >did freelance work here and there >I WAS THERE A WHOLE ONE YEAR BEFORE MOVING TO EASTEUROPEINDIA FOR THREE YEARS >still doesn’t understand the scale of the problem Yep. fuck right off WILLIAM
keeeeeeeek look how he resorts to a pathetic strawman because he got so badly shown up for the terminally pornrotted incel whiteknight he is
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also unwittingly revealed his ignorance of East London as Shoreditch is famously dead where live music is concerned, and very bad at maths apparently as he things 3+1=1 >Lived in Hackney ( where I grew up on a council estate ) Nigger or Arab detected >>still doesn’t understand the scale of the problem non sequitur gibberish
>>459765 >going to concerts You're a nigger smh
>>459772 Have they been kidnapped?
>>459772 smh they're appropriating BASED Nipponese culture
>>459771 Keeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh
>>459771 love concerts me tbh >>459773 Something like that, they were accused of saying they wanted to fuck 7 year olds in a group chat or something. Could be total bollocks mind you tbh.
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>(1) suddenly appears after he gets utterly btfo >another >(1) replies to the first >(1) not very good at samefagging, are you?
>>459772 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Bet they go on a wild rampage after this to prove they’re not GNFOS
>>459779 Good luck lad
>>459779 smh fight the good fight lad
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Man that wig is clapped. Must be as old as her https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1810962633085911156
>>459782 >6:12 >MUHREEN I'M A MUHREEN BACK IN MY DAY MUHREENS COULDA KILLED YOU Oh god I fucking hate bootfags
>>459785 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek yeah that was so cringe
>>459782 >7:00 >Boomer tries to finesse a 16 year old away from her bf with talk of his convertible corvette
>>459787 yeah that was creepy
This is how Jocko relaxes in his yard after a hard day at the poodcast
>>459789 so sick of these cunts
>>459794 do military fags do shite like this in the UK? these people are so obnoxious even back in the olden days of burgerland GAR veterans eventually had to shut the fuck up and people would bully them for going on about fredericksburg and spotsylvania. they made bully meems about them in the 1890s. but those lads fought actually for a real reason
>>459796 We have our own bootfags but on average they're nowhere near as derranged or vocal as your ones. Hazing culture isn't as much of a thing/as extreme over here.
>>459794 >big dick murder demon That one I can believe tbf.
>>459798 except almost universally muhreens are shorter guys
>>459798 Average height in the Marines is something like 5 foot 7
>big dick >height
which of these men would you assume has the larger penis, lad?
>>459802 A muhreen has a big enough dick to murder a sissy Afghan boy with his tacticool assault dronestrike. Ooh rah.
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>this is what Spicposter actually believes will save the white rice
>>459804 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they all have that amish neckbeard as well smdh
>Sir Keir…the niggers have missed the penalties again..England’s out!
>Sir Keir…the Israelis have bombed a school football match in Gaza… https://nitter.poast.org/OwenJones84/status/1810805704296464412
>sit besides a flooded street >get splashed by a few drops of water off of a tanker >stop it in its tracks and pelt it with stones >eventually break the windshield and go for the driver directly >baffled by why the driver flees and runs one of you over
What race is this?
>>459809 swarthoid
>>459810 What about this one?
>>459809 Iranian
>>459811 looks celtoid phenotype with the traditional face paint of the britoidic tribeswomen
>>459813 keeeeeeek so true
bong lasses go like edo period gesha japanese lass with their spraytans compared to burgerslags who generally subconsciously try to highlight their paleness compared to the rising tide of color
>>459809 victims were white
>>459817 Keeeek based doggo.
>>459782 wtf is wrong with zoomers though? I'd never go up to some random person and be sexually suggestive. I'd get my cunt kicked it. I guess it is the tikker-tokker generation and they try to pick weak targets. Still pathetic. We owe it to society to batter zoomers trying to be zesty in public.
>>459809 gay-race
>>459821 > I'd get my cunt kicked in Are you a lass, lad?
>>459824 No, it's a common turn of phrase in Scotland.
had a quintessentially /brit/ dream in which I was hiding from morbius under a SEA temple packed with rangies and woke up when I got bit and started seething off to family dinner (fish n chips even though I can't have chips so will just sit there with a slice of garlic bread and watch as they vore the traditional meal of the bazzoid peoples) >>459740 kino >>459787 he should have stuck to going up to them and saying hey baby you are looking good tonight then just walking away >>459790 surprised crossbows aren't regulated into oblivion or banned already tbh smh can't have any nice things for law abiding serfs only criminals get to have weaponry >>459796 from experience here only spitfire nonsense from the b/xoomers like when I went to pub and one of the guys kept standing up and shouting about how WE BEAT LE HITLER for some reason keeeeeek it wasn't even election time or anything that might have set them off >>459818 >racing commentator gyppo gambling mafia hit perhaps >>459820 OINK OINK OINK >>459823 just like any other oppressive government arm tbh
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glIUUrh6qtQ didn't realise Marco was still making kino
>>459817 thats the most annoying nigger ive seen this week
https://youtu.be/hV-6kG01rBI FRESH LOOTISER /BRIT/ POSTING/
peak goblin aesthetics
>>459828 I want him to go away. I had to spend twenty minutes last week muting X accounts that were reposting that annoying clownish baboon.
>>459830 me on the right
>>459817 >act the aggressor >play the victim Typical nigger
>>459832 Sorry Nathan.
>>459720 >xoomer cunt is going to sell the place off Not likely in the next few years under Labour, since continued mass immigration and illegals amnesty will further push up house prices
>>459830 These are the champions of the huwhite race?
>>459817 american niggers are a disease they whine about oppression and shite but they are out travelling the world spreading their trash mentality to other countries
>>459836 They have a mean IQ of 152. They're your superiors white boy.
>>459839 Same cadence as Trump.
imo Zafira is peak pornstar, tera patrick close second but mostly aged out by now
>459842 kys, cumbrained impostor
>>459843 adapt to the world lad. if ur gonna watch porn, it might as well be good porn...
what is this weird gimmick meant to be?
surely 7423a7 isn't a /nogimmick/ poster?
car needs fixing again (fr not a gimmick) i used to love cars in my 20s but now they just seem like an expensive waste of time. maybe 15 minute cities would be alright
Some excellent new Japanese albums out. This song's from Scandal's new album. Good stuff. https://youtu.be/OroryFqDW0U?si=zia_RBHn8f9sCnAL
>>459827 >the knorr man >>459847 the ideal size is towns that you can walk across in half an hour, with integrated mid-low density housing, industry and shops (no zoning), an agricultural belt big enough to support the town, and good rail links to other towns of similar type this is good urbanism where each polity reaches ideal size and buds off to create a new one rather than cancerous infinite growth of megacities like london no niggers or other wogs to spoil homogenous high trust local communities goes without saying too
omg jews are so tiresome and boring, they irk me. They're like a dead weight civilisationally. Like an obnoxious nagging wife that needs the scold's bridle.
>>459849 someone really needs to explain to him how acidity works lmao
>>459849 keeeeke idk wtf went on at /newbrit/ as i only went there a couple of times after that bully mod (longshank or something?) permad me but it seemed like a crazy place. i recall it was a slow board. rip /newbrit/
>>459826 Kino dream lad.
>>459835 That's exactly why der ewige xoomer will sell it off, move to Cyprus, and leave their kids and grandkids nothing.
>>459853 was literally cheek by flange with them if rangies can control their strength and not btfo weakling humans I imagine getting a monke hug would be very comfy >>459852 it goes something like /brit/ gets banned off /pol/ for too much harrisposting, then /newbrit/ breaks from /brit/ because of too much micro-eceleb interpersonal drama, faggotry and "anti-christian" posting (aka the esoteric drvids), at some point the drvids return to /pol/ as "/brit/pol uncucked" mostly focused on paganism and esoteric magick poo while newbrit keeps funposting but the faggotry also increases, then the site shuts down, communities disappear and move on until a single /brit/ is reconstituted from the remnants and moves across a couple sites after staying on 8kun far past the time we should have left, now we're here and most of the site knows we're here but the board is still unlisted
mummy is the only person who has hugged me in almost a decade smh takes me days to work off the lovebombing she does every time she visits
>>459856 >mummy is the only person who has hugged me in almost a decade smh that's fucked up. couldn't be me.
boomers insisted on watching the six o clock news today observations: >BBC did not mention Auslander Raus being sung by ten thousand dutchoids at the footy or whatever it was >They spent huge amounts of time on the alleged crossbow killings because it directly affected a member of the bbc mafia >boomers are retarded moronic cunts who want to bubblewrap everyone so they can be killed even more easily by criminals and had such things to say is "isn't it cruel! nobody should be able to kill another!" and want to ban even more things because obviously making lawful peasants eve nmore defenceless is how you stop bad things from happening
they are so isolated from reality they cannot conceive there might be things worth killing and dying for or that people might commit offenses that require retribution in the form of death for
another african scoring the winning goal for nigland.
won't hear the end of it if they win the final. there's a chance every fucking 2 years, so it will happen sooner or later anyway.
>>459862 just have to hope bbk rises to the challenge and fistcocks many more murals
>>459864 I love them, lad. got myself a hafu japanese lass myself now.
>>459865 so your kids will be 3/4th huwhite? better than nothing I guess
>>459866 probably be the Whitest man in London by the time he's an adult. keeeeeeeeeeeek.
>>459867 if it comes down to it i'd rather the ant people took over instead of the poo people tbf tbh
Is Master Brew now @Brewgaloo_ ? He seems locked into some pathetic nostalgic spiral retweeting his own dogshit Anglo futurist posts from 2 years ago.
>>459865 Nice, I hope it works out for both of you.
>>459870 thank you, lad.
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Steiners new computer lads
>>459872 based yeah I have those gay colored fans in my new one runs bannerlord on max settings. wish it could pull a sled though
>>459872 I really don't get people who pay for RGB lights and a transparent case. It's just a waste of money. If I want a PC, I get a PC, not a night light. I'm guessing the fan there is just improperly fitted and has loose screws or something.
I disable the RGB lights in my gaming laptop keyboard. It's just distracting.
>>459873 The song always reminds me of Terminator 2
>>459874 >>459875 tbh yeah i was hoping it was a dumb fad but its stuck around, problem is everything comes with all these lights whether you want them or not, they've all got it Jews will notice the trend dying and charge extra for no pride lights
>>459875 because it's about posting photos of your gaming rig aesthetic on Reddit for magic internet points
>>459878 isle of man mancs you're a filthy manchester scum in disguise
>>459880 im even worse than that im a scouse-taig hybrid
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>>459881 I shall slay you where you fookin stand
>>459881 at least the scouse fairies will be well disposed to you lad
>>459876 >I disable the RGB lights in my gaming laptop keyboard. It's just distracting. I don't even have a case for mine, it just sits on top of a cardboard box.
my actual unironic face when celts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGEAVWKGb1U
trips get
>>459881 smh lad we're the master race
folk legend says that if you get to the end of a liverpudlian rainbow you will find a chamber pot full of stolen hubcaps
>>459889 facts woden tyr tiw NOT scotland ireland wales
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arrest me mummy
>>459894 imagine the angry handjobs
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behead celtniggers burn celtnigger halls down salt celtnigger fields rape celtnigger womenfolk enslave celtnigger boys behead celtnigger men rename celtnigger towns destroy celtnigger temples uproot celtnigger clans slaughter celtnigger livestock blight celtnigger lands raid celtnigger strongholds
>>459897 Rest thu wal, thu son af woden
celts, germans, nords we are all one race the huwhite race
>>459899 death to celtshits death to medshits
total saxon victory
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*muffled "steiner!" can be heard from a distant valley echoing through the still night air*
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>>459897 G'night lad, tomorrow's another day
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>tfw you reach the final boss and it's Stiener https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiIc0HuJ78Q
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‘Fart walk’: the health benefits of going for a walk after a meal https://theconversation.com/fart-walk-the-health-benefits-of-going-for-a-walk-after-a-meal-233688
only time I fart is when I need a massive shit and i've probably held it in a bit too long.
>>459855 i never knew about brit/pol/ uncucked
>>459912 ancient lore oh, but the days of pembs and 22st and ttpw were to come back again alas, sic transit gloria mundi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGfOHoun0OQ
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Whilst ye live, shine bright Lest shall be thy care For very soon it shall be night And Father Time collects His fare
Dreaming when Dawn's Left Hand was in the Sky I heard a Voice within the Tavern cry, "Awake, my Little ones, and fill the Cup Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry.

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https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/7/10/frances-macron-slams-israeli-ministers-backing-of-marine-le-pen France’s Macron slams Israeli minister’s backing of Marine Le Pen >Israeli news outlets reported Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli said the National Rally party leader would be “excellent for Israel”. >“I think I and Netanyahu are of the same opinion. It’s not a personal matter,” Chilkli was quoted as saying. >Support for Le Pen is based on her positions on Hamas, the International Criminal Court – where Israeli leaders face accusations of war crimes – and “the Jewish community’s fight against anti-Semitism”, said Chilkli. >An angry Macron called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to complain about the comments. >The French president told Netanyahu the comments by Chikli are “unacceptable” and considered interference, two sources familiar with the phone call told the Axios news site. Really makes you think. 🤔
>>459916 the spartans were a complete and utter memi
>>459918 a bit like your gay country >hurrrrr muh 1776 >muh 4th july and then a paedo irish lich king steals your election what a bunch of foreskinless faggots you yanks are
>>459919 shartica is more like carthage than anything else
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>>459921 based
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Cecil Rhodes was a kike shill all mobbed up with the literal Rothschilds. look where that lead the fate of the English with jevvs, you levvs
>>459927 jews are based deal. with. it. only catholics disagree >wahhh the jews made me do X have self control maybe
>number of muslims killed by jews in 2024 34,000 and you say they arent based
if it wasnt for the germans, cecil rhodes and rhodesia would have turned africa into a white ethnostate
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>>459928 essex?
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>>459929 I'll take the 1,200 jevvs unalived by muslims over the 34,000 muslims unalived by jevvs any day of the week. and besides, muslims that are in the middle east where they belong are not a problem for us and they have objectively done nothing wrong >>459930 >if it wasnt for the germans retard alert. if it wasn't for the Anglos stopping the Germans from saving Europe, our race wouldn't be nearly doomed. why is your brain so broken that you have to use mental gymnastics to wiggle out of this? >the white race is being destroyed because Jevvs control the governments of white countries >in 1939, the governments of the UK/USA/USSR were all controlled by Jevvs, whereas the governments of Germany/Italy/Japan were not >the Jevv-controlled governments went to war with the goy-controlled governments and overthrew them, installing Jevv-controlled governments >now all of these Jevv-controlled governments are implementing the white genocide agenda on their populations, using every possible means at their disposal to complete the genocide as quickly as possible while suppressing all dissent as efficiently as possible if the goy-controlled countries won the war, none of this would be happening. so obviously if you're going to blame anybody, you blame the Anglo/American/Russian/etc. white men that fought for the Jevvish domination of their own countries and the genocide of their own race it's so frustrating to see somebody that really ought to be based and redpilled still saying the same retarded shit. you can be proud of pre-20th century british history without endorsing the terrible mistakes made by a specific bad generation of brits. I get that it's painful for pride in your heritage to become 'complicated', but why can't you get over it and accept the truth?
>>459638 if boomers think this then they need to change the culture, they run the boards of directors of all the mega corporations which are basically at the top of the whole world's hierarchy. But noooo, that would be too risky and unpopular, might cut into the profit margin and can't have that. An opinion piece easily disregarded as insincere :/
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>>459935 >the white race is being destroyed because Jevvs control the governments of white countries you mean the soviet union that was promoting race mixing and the united states that had jim crow laws >in 1939, the governments of the UK/USA/USSR were all controlled by Jevvs, whereas the governments of Germany/Italy/Japan were not hitler was financed by the jewish warburg brothers SEE: Hitler's American Business Partners >the Jevv-controlled governments went to war with the goy-controlled governments and overthrew them, installing Jevv-controlled governments just like ukraine, and napoleon. the jews own both sides >now all of these Jevv-controlled governments are implementing the white genocide agenda on their populations, using every possible means at their disposal to complete the genocide as quickly as possible while suppressing all dissent as efficiently as possible you mean the european union (sarkozy in france, merkel in germany) inviting in the mudlimes
Whereas: Cecil Rhodes was a British Ethnonationalist with no loyalties other than to Britain and was funded by the Rothschilds because he was a good source of funds (success breeds jealousy)
>>459895 proper skin-grazers
imagine thinking that any of the sides in ww1 or ww2 were the good guys
but what would i know im just essex im just a stupid ugly jewish british nigger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hswHOEQfj8
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>>459938 >the united states that had jim crow laws such laws reflected public opinion at the time. that doesn't mean anything, because the government was still jevv-controlled and the jevvs later used that power to change public opinion and change the laws, and look where we are today >the current government of the USA is a direct continuation of the government it had in 1939 >the current government of the UK is a direct continuation of the government it had in 1939 >the current government of Germany was imposed by the USA after overthrowing the government it had in 1939 this is the point I'm making, in 1939 Germany had a government that was free of Jevvish power, making it possible for patriotic Germans that care about ethnic Germans to control the country. that government was dissolved and a Jevvish occupational regime is in its place, enforcing the same policies that the USA/UK governments impose on their own populations >you mean the european union (sarkozy in france, merkel in germany) inviting in the mudlimes yes, these democratic governments nominally ruled by "elected representatives" who are all puppets of the Jevvs. democracy is government for sale and the Jevvs have all the money >>459939 >Cecil Rhodes was a British Ethnonationalist with no loyalties other than to Britain then he should have used his money to wake the British people up to the Jevv influence in their country and the threat it poses to its future. instead he worked with them and now the English race is nearly doomed. >>459941 the axis truly were the good guys and if they won then we wouldn't be in this situation. maybe the USA would have became brown but it would not happen to a continental Europe ruled by ethnonationalists
spic has reminded me that wews was recently begging a jerry nationalist to spare perfidious albion from destruction when the aryan ubermensch inevitably resurrect shitler 2.0
>>459946 I don't think they should tbh, they should take Britain as lebensraum and deport the British to North America/Australia. for what Britain did to Germany, no punishment less than that will suffice
>459947 filtered
>>459948 >morals are... le bad
>>459947 smh should at least give the na dafties the right to remain
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1ST MATCHES OF THE 3RD TOURNAMENT /hisrol/ LARPchan vs /ac/ Ylva /vore1/ Raven Emma vs /b/ Vampyr /ac/ Camila vs /vhs/ BBQ Pit Boy /fringe/ fringe-tan vs /hisrol/ MMM-tan /av/ Avellana vs /vb/ Phoebe /hisparefugio/ Refugida vs /vt/ Tokino Sora /site/ Asuka vs /arepa/ Lionza /argentina/ The Creature vs /zoo/ Legoshi /t/ Terry Davis vs /leftypol/ Alunya /fast/ Sonic vs /v/ Vivian James /brit/ Anglo vs /arte/ Artemis /arepa/ Simon Bolivar vs /brit/ Matt Easton /t/ Libbie vs /monarchy/ Grace /yuri/ Shizuru vs /fur/ n8 /argentina/ Pres. Milei vs /hisparefugio/ Hispita /hispol/ Esther vs /vore1/ Daphne /pol/ Erika vs /ita/ Rita /b/ commiecat vs /pol/ pol-tan /v/ Punished /v/ vs /christian/ Christ chan /delicious/ Cake vs /2434/ Bro Lovelock /tkr/ Lila vs /eris/ Grandma
really like that "real human bean" song from drive (2011(jesus that long ago now)) but it would be too cringey to have such a meme song in my music folder
Morning lads >>459938 Tbh Sarkozy is just straight up jewish
now this... this was gooming
smorbius lads >>459951 hope we do a bit better this time around tbh >>459956 used to luv this goom tbqh
>>459957 bro and i used to use the rocket launcher to blow up a pit and then when the NPCs got stuck in them we'd throw fire grenades and burn them keeek
>>459934 >essex? how dare you think this.
Hate spig but whoever mentioned muh Jim Crow. 4 years of reactionary politics immediately followed by decades of forced desegregation says nothing about the overall nature of the government or society being le based.
>>459965 keeeeeek
>>459945 >the English race is nearly doomed. absolute fucking nonsense. Anglo Zionist prophecy is being fulfilled, the j3vv5 will return to their desert and then project bluebeam will start lmao
>>459967 more like project blueballs
>>459968 lmao ngngnnnghhh
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Err... based?
AND THIS IS WHY OUR ANCESTORS DIDN’T GO DIGITAL!! https://news.sky.com/story/money-blog-interest-rates-mortgage-deals-consumer-skynews-latest-13040934 Also Amit fuckoff home if you don’t like. You know where the door is
What do you reckon lads? Muslims or commies?
Based. Hope he straps himself to one he’s more weapon than a nuke tbh tbh
>>459974 Shadowstorm missiles have been used for a while, the Russians even know it's our own technicians on the ground maintaining and firing them.
>Boeing Keeeeeeeeek
>>459975 Tbh. They’re just making it ‘official’ now before the Russians start dropping bits of exploded British missiles onto news desks worldwide Really sucks to be caught up in such a retarded conflict run by literal gays
>>459980 He always gets the last laugh
>>459978 Okay I actually watched it now. *starts crying*
Lunch is served saar
>>459983 I can't believe my dad ate this and survived.
>>459983 reminds me of that bottle of puke I filled back when I was a little booleemic
>>459978 tf! Mega cringe
>>459983 >Slurryinahurry Wonderful range of restaurants
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>>459978 I feel like they're invading my personal space
>>459990 Yeah Vote Zia Yusuf or whatever. They have to go back
>>459992 They are
>>459991 >Nigger Elf not swearing on the holy qu’ran I hope brother Chairman Zia has him flogged and stoned for this blasphemy
ANNOUNCEMENT The event will be around 22 hours from now. It will be tomorrow. It will be watched here: https://cytu.be/r/8duels
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>>459999 >>460000 okay, this is epic
460,000 worthless posts in four worthless years of utter despair here's to 460,000 more
>>460003 smuckling retard pole not even five coooments in keeeek
>>460002 I'm sure they weren't all worthless. The posts. Not the years.
>>460008 what's with the gay as fuck filter on the video?
also fuck themmuns down Mexico way, reaping what the Shinners sowed
>>460009 dunno tbh it is gay though isn't it same for le emotional piano music need to have something that stirs the blood not le nostalgic days gone by poopoo
BIG drums
>>460013 >if I bang the drum, will it be loud? >it would be extremely painful to the ears >it's a big drum >for you
Bang upon the big drum Clash upon the symbols for away on the campaign although there's no whiskey or champagne we'll lift our spirits merry with a song boys oh
>>460016 why does this remind me of the Fuck You, Bush poem from Peep Show
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>>460016 Wish I had a basement tbh. Don't mind doing woodwork in the garden but I could do more when neighbours were in if I had a nice, soundproofed basement. I should look into it. Could start a band again and use it as a practice room. Hmmm. Many possibilies come to mind, if it is indeed possible and not too expensive.
>JF "This is a game I'm currently building for fun. Working title is Life: Planetary Insemination." https://nitter.poast.org/JFGariepy/status/1810185265480114438#m
>>460016 All of his psychological skills and he hasn't figured out that Jews are the resentment filled cluster B demons. All he has are arguments from status, like some dumb bint. So pathetic.
>>460021 Does gonad dominant mean you have massive bollocks? Because I do.
>>460021 Is there a story behind that pepe like some thot scorched her colon with a hairdryer on lonywanks?
>>460023 same. on this link (https://bodyexpertsystems.com/body-types/) it says only women can be gonadal, but I don't think that's true >>460024 no idea
I'm a gonadal mesomorphic neanderthal
wessoidic of course
>>460016 >Dear Rabbi Jordyn. This isn’t plebbit. >p.s. You will never get your foreskin back
>>460029 very girly eyes and lips on this sandnigger
he snoring
>why you fuck me I fuck you bloody full support saaaarrrrrs https://nitter.poast.org/RichardBSpencer/status/1810935293958312329
>>460034 Not sure if it's true but I believe it. Maybe he failed as her father because he told her to wash her penis, but she didn't have one? Smh.
surprise surprise
bit lonely in here
>>460037 we're all at the pub lad. wessie just downed a pint of abbots ale with seasideMark.
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pajeet mods are banning racism on ifunny and the userbase is in revolt >Update: new methods of attack on the jeet menace are things such as “steakposting” and it’s working. Pictures of simple beef based dishes are not only getting banned but deleted outright. https://kiwifarms.st/threads/ifunny-is-having-a-meltdown.195734/#post-18799438
>>460040 jeets have been in a seethe overdrive since the release of that /pol/ documentary about them
keeeek the jerries want to send their pookranian rapefugees back to fight for zelenskike
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>>460044 was just reading that posts you linked and was shocked to see that lord miles is on ifunny. maybe i should go on ifunny if it's not as gay as it sounds?
>>460045 I had no idea that it had a chud underground, I thought it was like 9gag
can we start an ifunny /brit/ ?
that would explain the number of meme images I've accumulated with ifunny watermarks
this really is the cutting edge of racism. whitoids invent computers, machine learning algorithms, the internet, power metal, etc. and use it all to make fun of the lesser races
almost der wochenende lads
he's having a lucid moment, we're so back bidenbros. https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/
>>460051 his Jimmies seem very russled
>Asia (including Europe) huh
he is quite russled
but what time is bedtime?
what's up with the bird signing atm?
>>460056 jewish perhaps?
>>460056 Steve Buscemi lopped it off
i cannot wait for zelensky being btfo by drumpf this winter. hope it's a japan style complete surrender treaty to russia he has to sign on camera
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stop bullying him
>>460060 word's come down from the top lad, the deep state want him gone. no more favourable press
>>460061 it looks like they're getting rid of Biden, who has been trying to put the brakes on Israel, in favor of Trump under the condition that Trump won't do anything good. supposedly the Project 2025 people that are actually trying to do something good for once are not getting hired into the new administration, it's going to be all establishment Republican shills so we get nothing like the first Trump term. so much potential wasted Trump is broke and needs the campaign money from these people, but I don't understand what is preventing him from double-crossing them as soon as he gets elected. blackmail or something
>>460062 tbh, mad that our new gov is stepping in to do for israel what biden wont. actually really liked his response on israel just now, can see why they're trying to get rid of him.
>>460062 >it's going to be all establishment Republican shills so we get nothing like the first Trump term but that sounds exactly like Trump's first term.
wew the schnozola on this one
>>460064 I meant "so we get nothing, like the first Trump term". not "nothing like the first Trump term"
>>460065 that nose is built for detecting freshly snipped forekins
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmx6-Xc3VMU >never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake
dead board
>>459998 Tournament will be in around 13 hours from now. https://cytu.be/r/8duels ^watch it here
>>460073 old news lad
>>460074 a pertinent point though
>>460074 still no cause of death on his wife. just silence.
smorb lads aching all over smh
>>460078 fatigue that sleep can't fix or something more sinister?
>>460079 just lots of lifting this past week tbh weekend now thoughever
>>460080 >thoughever no eggy stream in a month now
>>460080 >just lots of lifting this past week tbh PHWOAR auslad's getting jacked.
how do you do the star wars style bbk red text? i know red text and i think <pink text
>>460083 keeeeeeeek do actually feel a bit stronger now than when i started tbhwyl >>460084 think it's [d​oom] then your text in the middle then [/d​oom] tbh haven't used it in a while test
never realised it took such effort to post like this
>>460086 no victory without sacrifice lad
State of all those coming out of the woodwork saying Bidet cannot continue. As if how he behaved at the Trump debate was some sort of revelation, and not how he's been acting every day for years now. keeeeeeeeeeeeeek. everything is fake.
off t'shops >>460088 tbh it's all scripted and if you start reading ahead everyone acts like you're crazy then when they all catch up they still act like they never saw it coming
>>460089 tinnies lad, weekends almost upon us and is probably even occurring rn for you
>>460089 >hen they all catch up they still act like they n tinnies and gooming.
fucked that up
what goom?
nah, I was just saying is he getting tinnies and then gooming
>>460096 i will fuck you up so hard kike
I’ll fucking cut you
>>460099 spy piece of shit, you'll suck my penis then i'll cut your noggin off mid felatio to feel your throat convulse as i orgasm, just like those geese in weimar
I have to not ejaculate for a week and 3 days
>>460102 I think my record was about 5 weeks. Then a succubus visited me and I woke up drenched.
>>460101 >Aleister Crowley tier
Furrin weapon anyhow. Are longbows are safe
>>460107 Woes the Irrelevant, only getting attention in the form of pity from JF smh
>>460111 based
spanish flag is most aesthetic euro flag
they're now going to highlight every single minor or major blunder of his until he's out of office, because they've now been given the greenlight. pathetic.
>>460114 smh we were doing it before it was cool
>>460115 ain't easy being a trend-setter. smh.
bet that new Alien film will be shite. still, I'll watch it.
>>460117 didn't even know there was a new one tbh >still, I'll watch it. tbh
>>460117 next up on binflix i assume
>>460113 It's ok, more into this flag though.
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>>460121 what flag is this lad? >>460122 probably true tbh
>>460123 The black saltire, it's a Scottish nationalist flag.
>>460123 cornwall, i remember when lads here were talking about using this flag to replace the blue part of the union flag if scotland left kek, which would've kept it as the union flag but just made the blue part black which i think would've been super peng
>>460125 Cornwall is a black solar cross like the English flag.
>>460124 >tricking someone for not knowing something instead of informing them
Sorry black background
I wasn't tricking anyone. I actually assumed it would be known for some reason.
wait hold on, is the cornish flag a vertical cross on black?
>>460124 but scotland is already a nation >>460125 thought cornwall was vertical and horizontal white lines tbh not diagonal >but just made the blue part black which i think would've been super peng tbh
>>460130 quick search says yes tbh
i am wrong and retarded
>>460131 Not nation enough, and I demand Cumbria and Northumberland otherwise Manchester gets it.
>>460134 but do they want you?
>>460135 probably not
Debate poop
>>460137 funny if you're a normie like u i suppose. pic rel is a proper meme
>>460137 keeeeeeek >>460138 >new meme
ww1chads were given a ration of navy rum every morning by their commanders. never knew that
>>460140 used to be a well-recognised and uncontroversial fact that shite work goes easier after a drink but now it's all muh health and safety smh
>>460141 tbh, tried explaining this to toilberg one monday while still gooned in the forklift and he wasn't having it. only reason i was driving it was because all the other younger toilmen couldn't handle their hangovers. beggars belief smh (shaking my head)
>>460142 keeeeeeeeeeeeek was actually going to say if a man wants to drive a forklift whilst having a nice buzz going then let him as long as he gets his work done but then decided not to for the sake of brevity
>the other younger toilmen couldn't handle their hangovers. they don't make 'em like they used to
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>>460145 keeeeeeeek haven't seen that one in a while smorbius lad
*scrolls through the meme folder* ah yes, monkey needs to poo.webm i remember it now
>>460147 waiting for the time to change on the clock in/out machine so you can go home
>>460148 kek, glad i never had to answer to one of those (but still couldn't leave early without being condemned to poverty)
is that still a thing? clocking in and out like hoomer does in the simpsons intro?
>>460150 Yeah but most places have switched over to barcodes/QR codes now
>>460150 yeah lad back at retoil we had a fingerprint scanner to clock in and out and now at glass toil we have a similar setup except some people (including me) use rfid cards to clock in and out while most others use their fingerprint think it's casual employees use cards and full time employees use a fingerprint but i'm not entirely sure
>>460151 i'm lucky to have never had to clock in or out i suppose >qr codes i'm so sorry zoomers
>>460137 >You called Kamala Vice President Trump and you called that midget jew coke fiend President Putin! ……KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!
turkish delight the kind with chocolate on it fry's turkish delight with the purple wrapper
>>460155 Luv it
>>459686 So has any of Sargoy's brown nosing paid off? Or is ?Hitchcuck still treating him with snobbish disdain?
>>460157 The latter last time I looked. Hitchens seemes to have become bitterly misanthropic in general these days.
>>460119 is this a film suggestion?
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>>460158 Sargon's total misreading of Hitchen's bullying as a sign that he's being vetted to be let in to the higher eschalons of Right Wing thinkers is hilarious in itself It's a perfect example of how stupid, delusional and egotistical Sargon is
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>>460161 broken arrow (1996)
>>460137 you don't actually need to edit any of these debates to make them hilarious seeing joe biden trail off in to complete nonsense mid sentence, and the leftoid meltdown cope that causes, is funny enough in itself
>>460163 tbh the debate isn't the even funny part the aftermath is
Oh god he's gone full AT LEAST THEY'RE NOT LABOUR retard, now
>>460164 This actually had me laughing out loud https://youtu.be/kpURXyRr-M8
>>460165 said it before he's like a battered wife he wants the tories gone until they put one foot out the door then he's begging and screaming for them to not leave him >>460166 still can't believe the about-face that russel brand did tbh lukewarm he may be but i still did not see that coming
>>460167 You'd think after watching Unionism crumble in NI because the Unionists failed to do anything positive for NI and just banged their heads against the wall screaming about Republicans/Catholics instead for the last 30 years, the Tories would have realised doing the same thing here might not be the smartest bet. Especially disappointed in Hitchcuck for going along with it tbh.
>>460167 >>460168 I think lots of people are starting to suspect that Hitchens has dimentia now
>>460168 lad they're on the payroll smh they don't get to choose what causes they support they all already sold that right long ago in order to get where they are now as for hitchens he's just a has-been mong who has some nice ideals but has no idea how to get there and screeches at anybody who does >>460170 what time's the fillum lad? on the night shift atm so i might be able to attend this one
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/07/12/holly-willoughby-stalker-gavin-plumb-sentencing-live/ A security guard convicted of planning “unspeakable violence” against Holly Willoughby has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. Gavin Plumb, from Harlow, Essex, was found guilty of hatching a plot to kidnap, murder and rape the former This Morning host following a week-long trial. The security guard had been attempting to live his “ultimate fantasy” and was described by the prosecution as someone who had an “obsession” with Ms Willoughby. >smh prisons are very crowded aren't they?
bbk spotted
>>460172 >“unspeakable violence” think that's an exaggeration tbh pretty sure we've all talked about it at least once in are lives
>>460175 thing is, Zelensky being a manlet makes him look worse than retarded Biden. the body size is so small, he's dwarfed by all of the other heads in suits
Tournament starts in 1 hour & 15 minutes! TOURNAMENT WILL START IN 1 HOUR AND 15 MINUTES https://cytu.be/r/8duels ^watch here^
>>460171 >what time's the fillum lad? 8pm UK is the standard time provided I'm not running late
>>460175 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek nice save though >>460177 eagerly awaiting it tbh on the night shift right now so i'll actually be awake to see it
>>460170 Auslad's earlier suggestion was better than any of those. You and 22 just watch your two gay nonce films and get them out the way; we are never joining, Binden.
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21454134/ this is up for streaming too
>>460183 Excellent film, saw it in the kinema when it came out
>>460110 wewe is this real?
>>460109 most deadly beast in northwoods
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>scanning more family photos >Christmas 198(X) -year of my older brother's birth, at my Aunt's house >find a picture with my dad in it >not a single picture featuring his dad >this was almost 7 years before I was born well my understanding of my parents' relationship has just changed significantly
>>460187 lol your mom
>>460189 a FUCK WHITE PEOPLE flick?
>>460191 22 loves those ones
>>460192 not as much as Spic does
>>460182 choons these >>460187 iktf actually tbh for reasons i would prefer to not divulge
THE TOURNAMENT IS STARTING https://cytu.be/r/8duels ^GET IN HERE^
>>460196 smh she felt safe because it wasn't a huwhite man >>460197 already there
lend anglo vampire mosely and baldy big ears sword man your support lads
>>460170 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is good. I watched it in the cinema
>>460200 do you need to have watched the prior monke kino to understand what's going on?
>>460202 babe wake up new wow he's literally me just dropped
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>in the approx. 60 years since apes were first trained to communicate in sign language they have never once asked a single question
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/07/12/joe-biden-us-politics-live-obama-trump-election-2024/ $90 million of Biden donations frozen >Donors are withholding $90 million in funding to the Democrat party unless Joe Biden pulls out of the race. >A campaign strategist told the Telegraph that some donors had been in “wait and see” mode until the Nato summit.
lads we're on
wait false alarm /b/'s lad looks a lot like are lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZA23mcAlB4 sassanach owned by cheddarian roman soldier descendants
>>460210 I get this reference
>>460193 ? I don't watch films at all, much less anti-white ZOGslop
>>460214 lad join my bongo
>>460215 just use the board...
>>460214 I know you don't watch films, you just watch white women getting fucked by groups of negroes like how your mother does
>460217 >(72) mental illness
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KEEEEK spic's graduated to "I know you are but what am I" and actually it's a poo illness that means I'm off work
I think it is TBBK, I reviewed his post history and he hinted at being Scouse. that solves that mystery and doesn't surprise me at all. very sick poster
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>hinted at being scouse JFC you are honestly the biggest retard going. Try clearing some of the cuck porn out of your wankbank and make room for actual brain function.
8moe fight thing rn lads
>>460212 How gay
>460217 Ban this coombrained porn addled bbc poster Probably a jeet
>>460215 Invite me bitch.
>>460225 who are (You)?
I'm BBK, bean to Southport with the Orange Lodge tbh faggot
>>460227 based
>>460173 keeeeeeek
fresh soomer pringleoomer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf55lZc3SZk >>460040 >9/10 of ALL uploads EVER on iFunny are antijeetposting keeking tbh wish I could actually watch any of the webms in the thread smh kiwifarms is worse than here for browser dl speed somehow >updootinf any of the anti pajeet posts provides a prompt saying that you are unable to. This means the punjabis are shadow banning everything >>460044 tarquinoid spy tbh >>460106 more overreach if it does get banned smh cunts really will end up taking away steak knives and that utter bastards >>460172 >15 years >12 years longer than paki child rapists have been given >for planning something ie NOT DOING IT were his "plans" even serious business in depth scheduled and mapped oper8or shite or did he just write down "yeah I want to kill this bint tbh" fuck I hate the stupid gay cunts who dare oppress us >>460173 >cashgrab of scamscam keeeek >>460190 >fake okay, but could do better come on norns step it up >>460204 >>460206 >>460207 tbh >>460210 >woes fanart
>>460226 a15ebc. I'm just a faceless anon.
>>460233 I mean on bongo
>>460232 did you voot in the film night poll lad?
>>460232 >wish I could actually watch any of the webms in the thread smh kiwifarms is worse than here for browser dl speed somehow yeah it's really bad, try at another time of day maybe
>>460235 no because poo-al doesn't let vpn users vote or something
>>460237 Yeah it does
>>460237 not so lad >>460238 is right it does that's how certain bad actors fix the polls (and why they can't be trusted leading to exective bins decisions)
>>460238 >>460239 well something has been fucked up for me all year then because whenever I voote for an option it just gets removed shortly afterwards which means I can only ever submit a new option
perhaps my vpn buddy is stealing my voote smh
Looks like it’s Planet of the Rapes in pooal
lads we're up
Matt Easton is up
>>460242 Poll not recognised
somebody who isn't b*ns should stream films
>>460249 we tried that it was worse
>>460234 brapforourcarers
>>460250 I think I figured out how to do it but it would be kinda hardsh to take cinema away from him
>>460253 Tbh. He’s already lost his hair and his anal virginity
>>460255 post the nurse looking lass singing the happy song with the tokyo all stars ochestra lad I can't find what it's actually called
>>460256 Ringo Sheena. She has a good new album out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_nCw1WMFs4
>>460257 it's not actually that lass tbh the style of music is very different too
What time is this fillim on?
>>460260 knowing bins probably quarter to ten
and he'll pause for 30 minutes at least twice during the film to receive huge orders of groceries from underpaid night shift wagies and take old man shits
>>460262 And get a handjob from his octogenarian mum on one of his ‘toilet trips’
>>460258 Surprised they didn't shoot the hamsters
the music i'm thinking of isn't jpop it was almost jazz or smth hence the orchestral involvement lots of vocalisation too smh it's really comfy but unsearchable
>>460264 with an M246 SAW would have been fun
silver lining is that 'very conservative' birthrate is above replacement. this is US idk about Europe, Europe seems to have lower religiousity. which confuses me because I don't see Christoids here either but I am in a region with lower religiousity and just because somebody is Christian doesn't mean they will be wearing a Jesus t-shirt and Bible bashing the passerby
>shit colour ID matches the quality of Spic's posts tbh
mosley mentioned
>>460170 fantastic suggestions bins! you sure know how to pick kino!
bread with butter on it is underrated tbh even if it's not toasted, it's still pretty good as long as the bread is fresh
>>460270 it's a poll where you can make your own suggestions dumbkopf!!!
>>460271 tbh really miss salted butter, especially on a thicc baguette (NOT french)
>>460271 >bread carbs smh
>>460274 you're still on the keto thing, b? I maintain that it's good for rapid weight loss but I don't think there's any good reason to avoid carbs forever. maybe eating fruit, which has some micronutrients, instead of simple starches like wheat/rice/potatoes that don't have much nutrition, would be healthier
>>460275 spig?
>>460279 I don't get this reference
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>>460280 it's not a reference, it's an image
>calling himself spanish go to one of the spic boards then
>it's a mongs cutting out entire food groups webisode
>>460281 I don't get the image then
>>460282 I'm not >>460284 it was just a way of answering 'yes' that I am le spig since you asked. for some reason you can't sniff me out like others can
>>460284 it looks like it's from a shitty mexican soap opera which makes it amusing in a meta sort of way when spic posts it and confirms his spicness >>460285 no I didn't I am the only other person there regardless
it's because bins is the only person on the board with an IQ comparable to spic's own
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>>460289 *spams walls of text/infographics at you*
got called porn addled at betfred today
>>460291 Probably because you are.
https://youtu.be/Z3y_RrLdYtE Some of you lads need to watch this.
>>460291 why lad?
>>460293 does it include what to do when a nigger has a nigger moment?
>>460294 i was porn addled
>>460296 in betfred?
>he was gooning to the horses that the yakuza says you're not allowed to goon to they'll track you down and geld you lad
>>460295 You must beg its forgiveness. Please refer to kow tow in the chink manual of submissiveness
They should do a version of the jap video where they elaborately and acrobatically bow to women but with Americans and niggers tbh
>>460302 You can deny me a (You) but you cannot deny the facterinos tbh
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>>460304 iShowSpeed is a weird name for an orangutan
>>460305 practically animal abuse to force that rangie near him smh
>>460304 is it normal for the majority of nigcels to look like giant poofs
>>460307 genetic memory from all the ancestral buck-breakings yessir
Bean watching all the youtube drama this week tbh. This spic lad got chased down screaming by an MMA fighter for making a joke: https://youtu.be/0TmZbXIp4z0 This guy got revealed as a literal "bbc slut" (in the parlnce of 22stein): https://youtu.be/5u_qXoB80Ws
CodyKo and Dr Disrespect attacked for having sex with/texting 17 year olds "children"
>>460310 that's all it was? the revuwu vtuber clickbaiter did some shit video about the disrespect guy but idk who that is or care either so didn't bother looking
>>460312 Yeah he texted some 17 year old girl lmao don't know him either but enjoy the rage porn of americans calling 16-18 year old women children
>>460201 No, it's pretty self-contained. Some allusions to the prior films but it's all new characters and set many years later, so.
>>460313 30 y/o unmarried childless women chimping out over men preferring teens will never get old (unlike them, lol)
boogie2988 is also openly faking to having cancer lmao >>460315 >(unlike them, lol) qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>460316 from similar clickbait headlines I think he scammed all his followers with a crypto pyramid scheme too wew
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx72g0vevz0o >offenders in England and Wales will be let out after they’ve completed 40% of their sentences, the BBC has confirmed. Currently prisoners serving standard determinate sentences - that is, those with a fixed end date - are released after serving 50% >It’s a short-term fix that will free up cells quickly. And it’s happening because there simply aren’t enough resources to cope with the rising number of people being locked up. >“We put two inmates in a cell where the toilet was overflowing,” the member of staff said. “We had nowhere else to put them… The smell was so bad you couldn’t breathe.” >Then in October last year, the Ministry of Justice stopped all non-essential maintenance work because it couldn’t afford to close cells at a time when every space was needed. This would have made me seethe 10 years ago but it just seems like a joke now.
>Jason Barnfarther, 23, who recently served time in prison for drug offences, described being told he was to be released sooner than expected. “All of a sudden, within 24 to 48 hours, you’re getting ushered out the building,” he said.
>>460318 At this point. it's good knews for us. We'll all be imprisoned before this shit ends tbh.
it's over biden bros joe got cucked by IVPITER
spoiler that sick filth smh don't want to see such a foul looking negro in front of me
>>460322 keeeeeek >>460324 yeah I'm tired of hearing about this literally who nigger
Candace Owens is an honorary Aryan Eminem is a dishonorary nigger
tbh a negress lass came through toil today, thought she looked nice for a moment but then her and her brother (and an elderly white cuckold of a man who presumably adopted them) came closer and I smelt the nigger stench poorly overlaid with masses of spray-on scents
another night going to bed stonefaced while fantasising about having gf and living in a world not shit
Hey Martin!
>>460328 meanwhile I'm increasingly feeling like I'm not far from being able to get a gf, if I wanted one, but I'm not sure I do
>>460326 i saw a young black girl who actually looked like this meme girl once, she looked very cute but yeah weird to see an obviously black girl with completely european features
>>460327 >>460332 >tbh a negress lass came through toil today, thought she looked nice for a moment >i saw a young black girl who actually looked like this meme girl once, she looked very cute /brit/ chimperium arc? queue Steiner posting that POW POW POW POW song again I disavow, get a gook or something if you must but monkeyfucking is too far
>but y-yeah that hot niggress looked TOTALLY WHITE, amiright fellow racistbros?
why do some of you get so worked up about lads here finding women of other races attractive? this is a completely normal thing and has been since time immemorial. some of you are so fucking weird on here
>>460335 niggers are literally monkeys, that's why it's weird. might as well get some HORSE PUSSY if you're gonna cross the species barrier
>>460336 so with this logic, it is possible for humans to reproduce with monkeys? there's no evidence of humanzees though, so checkmate fag. >inb4 that's what a mixed race child is
>>460338 I don't agree with the idea that 'Homo sapiens sapiens' is one species and that 'species' is defined by 'can produce viable offspring'. we already know that Europeans are part Homo neanderthalensis, that Asians are part Homo denisovans, and Africans are mixed with different primitive hominid species such as Homo erectus. like these two things cannot be true at the same time, using that definition of species with what little we know about the origins of the races
>>460339 I much prefer the ironclad definition of species and then just going for calling us different sub species instead. In the same way Polar/Grizzly should be the same species, and dogs/wolves/coyotes are the same species. As in that amount of variability means we could definitely call humans different species, but then everything is completely arbitrary and I don't like it. Need consistency. Okay, thankyou.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BJt7PSrlc0 >mfw williams are ruminating on whether it's appropriate to shag black lasses
Oh look spic is being a retard again, surely he'll win this time...
smh coomers
>>460344 that's the wojack girl
war of rights is on sale on steem. smh kind of want to buy it but its multiplayer focused. just want to larp as michiganoids and kill johnny reb traitors who are too busy shagging negresses and breaking bucks to fight proper no bayonet point blank shootouts funny how the iron brigade used to do its bayonet charge to the campbells are coming keeeeeeeeeek just cause of the ulster jock settlers in shitagain
nvm it was just banter by the cmdr whose father was a sassanach who hated the jocks and he did it as a memi
>>460347 that point you made the other day about the american colonists at the time of the revolutionary war being more east anglian and english than the british army they were rebelling against was pretty interesting. we don't really learn about the american colonial period here and the whole thing was pretty odd, the first guerilla war maybe
>>460348 yeah colonial massachusetts and new england was a monoculture. virginia and the south was more british cosmopolitan despite what southcucks say they had all types of britoids and europeanoids there because of the industry. boston until the 1830s was almost entirely east anglians especially in the areas outside of the city.
its crazy that american log cabins came from the swedish empire asking king george if they could ship a load of male finnic prisoners to virginia to be gotten rid of and then they went and earned good living teaching the britoids how to make log cabins in the mountains and trans-appalachia (they/ them)
>>460350 imagine if new york had stayed swedish, that would be a cool alt timeline. i guess the swedes only sent male prisoners
>>460346 its a fun goom tbh the southcucks always play the south and are very loud on voice chat so you can always btfo them
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everybody must've been out having sex
>>460210 Amasing
>>460355 Just realised after 8 years of pretending to be anglo not even anglos anglonise "amazing" into "amasing" smh. How wasn't I caught sooner?
>>460309 Is this guy in Nick Fuentes' circles or something? See his side of X comment about it and it is so weird. Why are they talking about a bbcslut? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZIkMy_15Q
>>460354 >go out 4 peedser >come back >(4) new posts >>460353 miss this style of music, almost like the balearic music form spanish islands in the 90s and 2000s. sad to have missed out on that timeline
We're old now tbh. Most of us have families and can't spend all day and night on /brit/
>>460359 are you going to have childhogs soon lad
smorbius lads woken up far too early by my neighbours shouting and slamming doors not even having an argument or anything smh they're just spiritually niggers despite having pale skin >>460356 amazing is spelt with a z because it has a z sound in it tbh
>>460361 grim that it's sunday morning where you are
>>460361 >they're just spiritually niggers despite having pale skin an all too common affliction in the west nowadays
>>460360 Got to keep trying
>>460362 it's saturday morning tbh weekend for smee is friday and saturday right now because the night shift is situated on the night before a day rather than the night after it still got sunday to have a lie-in and take it easy in the morning (evening) >>460363 tbqh
>>460361 >woken up far too early by my neighbours shouting and slamming doors need to raise doggerland so wait you're auslad? I was gonna say, need to raise doggerland so native anglos can live in a dignified suburban home like walmartians instead of being cooped up in those terraced homes that share walls. but you're in Australia and can hear your neighbors? grim
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white people should live like this
children is so far off my radar, i am completely unable to flirt with women to any degree and have to maybe accept that it isn't going to happen. don't really have much to live for other than materialism which is ok i guess >>460365 ok yeah you work nights, i was confused. i remember working nights a while back and having people in other flats slam doors during the day, a few times when i had to go back to toil on no sleep and you really can go insane after a while
>>460367 yes, the terrain should be more mountainous though and there needs to be a lake or river to swim in, and perhaps a brothel full of captured women of other ethnicity from wars on the frontier
>>460368 There are so many women out there and you only need one
>>460369 >and perhaps a brothel full of captured women of other ethnicity from wars on the frontier we'll all have sex robots, there will be no need for flesh women. the flesh women will be imprisoned as livestock in breeding factories pumping out babies repeatedly
>>460367 disgusting
>>460372 what don't you like about it? nice big comfy homes that can support a large family, yard driveway garage, plenty of green
>>460367 How can they even bother with those roofs? My parent's house' roof is basically just two squares that meet and form a triangle. So weird how both mcmansions and lego block houses exist
>>460374 >How can they even bother with those roofs? they just pay somebody to do it for them
>>460366 i live in a block of flats tbh they're right above me don't believe the propaganda lad sure are houses are all detached but we can't all afford to live in them >>460367 never understood why some people hate suburbs tbh the only problems are the lack of shops which is an entirely fake problem caused by zoning (which is entirely unnecessary so long as there are decent laws against noise pollution to stop industry from ruining people's peace and quiet) and the samey artificial look of the houses which is just a symptom of them all being built at the same time instead of piecemeal over a few centuries sharing a wall with someone who isn't related to you is an affront to basic human dignity >>460368 all my other neighbours are good tbh it's just the subhumans who live in the flat above mine smh swear that place is cursed tbh
>>460373 looks sovless and cheap to smee. also looks like you'd be forced to drive everywhere like most sharts do >>460374 i remember steiner saying that it's a scam the architects do with the metal tie manufacturers
>>460375 The more complexity the more cost I assume
>notice a spider on the wall next to me >can't get up for 30 mins since I'm wearing the penis extender >oh well I'll just leave it, look at it for a bit to try to calm my fear >ah whatver it's just a little thing >check on it a couple minutes later >it's making a web wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh >>460377 >looks sovless and cheap houses of that size are definitely not cheap, well over $500k even before the massive inflation of the past few years. but yeah they are made of cheap materials, otherwise they would be even more expensive. it works though, just don't punch the walls because your fist will go right through >>460378 yeah
is this a parody?
another 18 mins then I can get a paper towel to pick it up and bring it to the bathroom floor where I will fold the paper towel over it and smash with the mirror cleaning stuff spray bottle. I call that 'the sandwich technique', works great since you don't get spider guts on the floor or on the smasher
imagine this lad chatting up a lass. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
smh it's all just a hecking joke
>>460386 it's blogposting
it's not
have opened the 4chan brit/pol/ thread, just to lurk for a while. haven't left here yet, but it's on the cards
auslad should send spic one those really big spiders they have down there
>>460390 isn't it full of boomers and toryboys?
>>460391 >bite makes dick swell and turn black Another win for the bbc
>>460392 maybe but that's ok, too many le quirky personality posters here kind of throws off the discourse
turned on the big light that I rarely turn on because it's obnoxious bright and there are THREE spiders right near my desk and bed. fuck's sake. idk if I'm even motivated enough to kill all 3 of them, I'm just gonna get the new one for now and make the mummer take care of the other two tomorrow. the new one is just too close to where my pillows and such are, the others are near the floor just hopelessly waiting for a bug to eat >>460391 no pls. that's why I could never go to Australia, that and also the UV is too strong
>>460394 smh I suppose that's just going to be the nature of the board until we get more poosters
sad post i just copied off 4brit, this lad sounds like an older xlennial lad >Watching the stone roses made of stone on film 4. I was 13 when they were just getting famous and I remember making an elephant stone enamel badge in art class in school. It's weird watching all those early 90s gigs. EVERYONE is white. Outside the gigs, in the gigs, studio workers, journalists etc. Just crowds of whites. It's sad seeing what we had. My kids have no idea what they missed. They're all around that age now give or take. They have such different lives. he's right, i can just remember this period too, i remember going to london and it was mostly white
>>460397 yeah its mad the amount of pooskins you see in public now. most of them arrived during the past 10-15 years as well
Found a natural fasces in the woods, lads. This is what Norway used to be about
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Also found two steinhogs
>>460400 vgh...
Understand why mummy loves steinhogs so much. Rubbing them released a lot of oxytocin. They are way more motivated by food than any dog I have ever seen though. Probably poor habits developed from being around so many people giving them treats
>>460403 Smh how will u discipline your childhogs foodwise 22? Introduce uncle bins anti carbs diet?
>>460404 Sweets on saturdays only if at all and just be watchful of their weight smh. We'll probably just stick with the food me and my breedee eats
is 22 actually having a bairn?
>>460406 No. I am meeting a girl. I don't know if either of us are fertile
Won't get mine or your hopes up given how the last relationships didn't bring anything
>>460407 don't a lot of scandinavian autists fly in filipinas for this purpose?
>>460409 My bossman did
My brother's girlfriend's borther also did. She got a greencard and divorced. Bossman is in pain and is getting closer to the mask-making-living-in-the-garage-stage. Wouldn't recommend it
>>460411 sad, not nice to hear. can't imagine a norweigian "green card" is worth doing that for though, the bennies are probably really good there thoughever
>>460412 Doing what for?
>>460413 flying over, marrying and divorcing someone
>>460414 Women do it so they have to see some gain. Becoming single mums also means you can welfare queen it. In fact the obligatory things the jobcentre forces you to do while being on welfare is something women love: hanging out, talking, doing nothing
>dole bludging furriners No point in migrants especially if they do this? Should be banned.. get married, stay married for life. That’ll end this flip bride scam
Fresh humiliation ritual >John Cena, Tony Blair and BoJo go full pajeet https://news.sky.com/video/john-cena-tony-blair-and-boris-johnson-arrive-at-wedding-of-anant-ambani-13177305
fuck i hope the football doesn't come home
HEY WEATHERLAD someone post that coomer webm of the weatherpawg tbh forums.spacebattles.com/threads/hurricane-beryl-hits-category-4-makes-history.1172556/ lots of soyim seething about le evil republisharts but they are also saying apparently there are going to be some truly spic btfoing canos this year
>will only censor what jews want censored https://nitter.poast.org/elonmusk/status/1811783320839008381
>>460421 tbh tbh muskrat needs a paddlin
none of PooAye have their shitter accounts back despite the freeze peach pledge or hwatever
>>460423 When loads of Israeli and jewish accounts keep peddling literal genocidal chat about palestinians
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>>460420 weatherlad here, beryl was cool, it didn't quite have the time it needed to re intensify in the gulf after land interaction with the yucatan peninsula. i too am quite excited for further hurricanes but don't get too memed on by all the records the media makes up for every hurricane. "earliest june category 5 on record" meh not that big a deal and not evidence of climate change. anyway thank you for your post and i wish us much mirth watching people of colour encountering tropical cyclones this summer
>gay blackman exercises his privilege You love to see it https://nitter.poast.org/labourlewis/status/1811047794813149231
>>460426 goola >>460427 what a cunt
another case of "everyone involved to be minced" tbh king chucky the turd needs replacing with a trve protector of the british people
>>460430 wtf is this?
>WHY YOU CAN TRUST THE MSM >WE ASK ALL THE RIGHT QUESTIONS! https://nitter.poast.org/ianbremmer/status/1811444393540264232
>>460431 a member of parliament democratically elected to represent the interests of his constituency not a serious government
>>460431 Piss taking grifter demonstrating to colleagues how he offed his opposition so he could collect the 100k a year plus privileges of being an MP
>>460419 Tbh hope Spain take it home I’m all nigger worshipped out tbh
>>460436 bet they added a few percents on so as to not admit that demosharty has failed and the majority of the nation have no representation
>>460437 I would agree. 0 reasons to trust them and the machinery behind it all tbh
>>460438 love this song
>>460441 tbh tbh
toil time searched "toilers anthem" on yidtube to try and find a suitable backing track but it just turns up jewish rap by some yid larping as being a hard worker keeeeeeeek
>>460444 >depressing xoomer grunge music have hated this genre my entire life, even boomer music like le beatles was better
>>460445 Vile post
>Jappy Nappy ™
tidied and washed my car, lads. I'm seething. hate chores so much
>>460449 just consider yerself lucky yours is still working. le sigh
me: car problems le toilberg:
>>460452 Why does every slag drive one? Fucking expensive as well because BMW something something
>>460419 Nigland are going to fluke it. like they've fluked the whole competition so far.
>>460453 yeah sluts love those minis, supposedly they are decently built thoughever. tbh you can see which cars are reliable by looking at what foids drive, it's not like they're going to maintain or care for them at all if u think about it
>One pound fish
>>460452 *screams*
>>460456 this cunt's going to be around until he's 100 with his NGO. I know it.
Good morning TND enjoyers
>>460449 >hate chores so much tbh
>>460445 >"hello I'm a faggot who probably listens nothing but gayporwave, synthwave and stupid chinky music" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcHvjkTMKH0
>>460460 don't know what TND is, i was always more of a TRS guy before it got paywalled at least :<
gm to everyone who isn't gay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYnFIRc0k6E >>460463 Total Nigger Death
>>460462 that is an ok song. when i shit on gen x music it's songs like this that you've heard a million times but have no idea who made them or why you hear it so much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GCrzjVdmSg i've always felt it's odd that you can grow up hearing a song so much but have no idea who made it. to find this song i had to search "peaches gen x 1990s song" despite having heard the cunt 10,000 times i had no idea who played it. really don't like gen x culture tbh
stabbings at wimbledon soon.
any half-caste 'british' tennis players coming through?
>>460460 smorbing lad
>>460465 I get you I was just being nippy. That peaches tune, and stuff similar, is fucking annoying. I'm a geriatric millennial so I do have some fond memories of xoomer grunge/metal stuff.
>>460466 Wew the amount of woggery in that photo >Caesar Cee real name Oakley Gucci Burberry Anting Caesar-Su Still Stormzy is iconic and one of Britain’s top wordsmiths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMuaaqLKJaM
ultimate xoomer film for de lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4tQFsPTGXI
>>460473 same, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyDykQWck74 this is a personal favourite rn, all genres have a good core that takes work to find and keep up with but the radio just constantly blasts you with the most basic bitch rubbish over the years
Might just post depressing xoomer songs to wind that lad up.
>>460475 kino, bins would never let us watch this, despite being a xoomer himself
>>460471 >>460477 that one you posted was good though, going to chill out and wind down the seethe
>>460476 yeah it takes a bit of effort to sort the wheat from the chaff tbh
All these bands I've never heard before. It occurs to me all I get to listen to now is pop and rap music now. It's so ubiquitous that it's what's played by everyone under 30 and at every public venue.
if you weren't listening to lemon jelly back in 2005 you were never on the right track simple as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcX-CbjCzHo
>poosting some inspiration porn If he can do it, so can you if your dad is the richest jeet in the world
>>460485 looks a bit like an indian eggman
What about this banging classic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfrCnLl_nck
>>460487 Eggcurry
>>460489 keeeek
>>460486 nice i haven't heard this before
>>460492 keeeeeeeek
>>460456 He looks like a Bond villain
>>460497 do they still make james bond fillums? last one i watched was tomorrow never dies and i remember thinking it was pretty good, i liked the premise of an evil media boss committing wicked acts so he could report on them first, probably not that inaccurate and quite kino
>>460497 He’s just an irl one
>>460498 The most recent one was in 2021. The Daniel Craig films aren't very good apart from Casino Royale, they try too hard to imitate the Bourne trilogy and lack a sense of fun.
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smorbling lads
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>>460501 morning lad
board doing that thing again where it won't load automatically *screams*
>>460504 hate it when that happens tbh
>>460500 i think die another day was when the franchise jumped the ship, that was the one where pierce brosnan windsails on to a tsunami and surfs the wave or something like that. the one where the space laser melts the baddies' ice laser, total shit film so probably up next on binema i'd imagine
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The Timothy Dalton Bond films are good
>>460511 never watched these tbh
>>460510 keeeeeeeeek >>460511 tbh
You will never be a real knight. You have no fiefs, you have no steed, you have no demense. You are a peasant twisted by ale and wine into a crude mockery of chivalry's perfection. All the “chivalry” you have is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back squires mock you. Your kinsmen are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “vassals” laugh at your churlish appearance behind closed castle gates. Commonfolk are utterly repulsed by you. Hundreds of years of feudalism have allowed peasants to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even hedge-knights who “pass” look churlish and uncouth to a nobleman. Your suit of armour is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to rescue a damsel and take her home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your peasant ancestry. You will never be merry. You wrench out a fake smile every single feast and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but outside the castle walls you do not notice the frenchmen creeping up like a warband, ready to seige your castle under the unbearable weight of their trebuchets. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a sword, put on your armour, mount your palfrey, and plunge into the enemy formations. Your leige will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you on the manor with a headstone marked with your peasant name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a knave is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably a commoner. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
>>460514 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>you will never be merry
Come to the final conclusion he’s always been a total and complete grifter and shouldn’t be engaged with apart from to mock tbh https://nitter.poast.org/triggerpod/status/1811311993711649074
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>>460511 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek why is Hitchcuck still on about Liz Truss who the fuck paid any attention to her in this GE at all
>>460524 think(You) gave the wrong lad your (You), lad
>>460525 smh I can spare it >>460524 was for >>460519 smh
>>460521 if you don't vote you can't complain lad
>>460524 this man looks like a lesbian
>>460528 he's a pathetic excuse of a man, a total coward and cuck, so yeah, it's fitting he looks like a woman
>>460527 i'd forgotten about "there's something about mary" (1998) extremely jewish film as i recall with shitty humour >omg is this sperm le hair gel" scary movie tier jew humour, late 90s early 2000s was the worst for this, then by about 2005 it turned into le seth rogen superbad stoner shit. rubbish the lot of it
>>460528 >>460529 Excellent posts lads tbh
What fillum tonight?
no fillum
>>460534 there will be a film lad
>>460532 22st missed the monke film so we're watching that again
>>460536 what, we have a spy? a spy in are bongo?
Hitchens was only kino during the Cameron years. After 2016 Hitchens became a total copium addict.
>>460538 pretty sure he's got dementia now tbh that's why he's not making sense and flying off the handle even more than usual
>>460539 His mind is faltering since everything he was against in 2015 (the EU, the Conservative Party, the BBC) is now on it's knees and Peter never had a single follow-on thought about what happens next/what to do after He needs to be forgotten about tbh his usefulness has expired
>>460541 Pompous git gets far too much attention
>>460542 Yep the last good Hitchens content I saw was his documentary on why the EU (formerly EEC's) was rubbish many moons ago
Never seen this before, will give it a watch tonight.
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https://youtu.be/ekO8W0zSZO8?t=70 David Lynch's finest work at 1:10
>>460544 >ice cube
>>460548 It's a John Carpenter movie though
>>460550 Carpenter hasn't done anything that wasn't utter shit since They Live tbh
>>460552 In the Mouth of Madness has something of a cult following doesn't it?
>>460553 So does Pink Flamingoes
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>>460554 blech
>>460533 >Sorry this is a clean language poll >Now won't let me add anything Boo. Booooo.
Good fillum I watched t'other day was kelly's heroes
>>460544 I liked it tbh
>>460560 Hope someone's getting sacked for that
>>460560 Couldn't care less about LARPing foreigners tbh they ought to fuck off to Palestine if they're so concerned
>>460562 Police shouldn't really be giving militant elbows in the streets where theres no imminent danger tbqh theres no context to that clip however. Whoever filming it is probably a paki.
>>460560 >the big pig that actually pulls him down remains calm like okay guess we're arresting someone don't know why >weakling manlet still throwing punches and seems to elbow officer Stacy as she tries to hug(?) them all >Mohammedan names in comments condemning, boomer joomers with foreign alliances of their own saying fuck off to Palestine A keek wrapped in a smh buried within a keek.
>>460564 The whole thing is one big psyop to give police more powers im afraid
>>460563 >Police shouldn't really be giving militant elbows in the streets They can assault moslems and moslem sympathisers as much as they like, as far as I'm concerned.
>>460544 it's rubbish
>>460566 you and I both know they hate right wing englishmen more than they hate left wing pakis
a east-european salesman almost scammed me out of 200 NOK. Good thing we don't have cash
>>460569 >200 NOK = £14.69 I give more than that to homeless people on a whim
>>460570 I don't give anything to anyone unless they are girls on dating apps trying to scam me
was scared tbh. Nobody knocks on the door here, except police... and east-european salesmen
Didn’t know spic had a YT. His needling seems to be working though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAwMiutgCVI
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>>460571 >Pay money or I shit on your face bloody bastard bitch!!! Rape you next week!!! t. Tinderjeet Bumblesingh
>>460574 Would be better to be bald than go through that shit tbh
https://youtu.be/xjczmxhtSU0 She can get a good grip on my member of Parliament wahey.
Can really tell Nigel has hit that. I'm well jell.
>>460577 She’d be away with your foreskin to her local synagogue tbh lad
>>460581 She'd be too late tbh.
>si tracking links posted
>>460583 shit I clicked on them how screwed am i?
https://youtu.be/6Wp6y9mrSPY?t=54 SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>460585 exorcist is pure kino Sir Queer Bummer can do one
>>460586 It's good but also was made by very obvious nonces, lad.
>>460587 Nonces? In Hollywood? Whhhhhaaaaaaaaa...????
nYour Muther Sucks Jo Coxs In Hell
>>460585 keeeeeeeeeek wtf >>460586 tbh rewatched it recently and its so good >>460589 keeeeeeeeeek
>>460585 How did Murdoch get away with broadcasting that on YouTube?
>>460589 got an extreminst in here
We're starting in 10 minutes (+30 min warmup) https://cytu.be/r/8duels (2nd half of the 8moe tournament) You can root for /fascist/ Mosley.
>all these literally who zio influencers popping up >American living in Germany Yeah ok
How are these coomer small hats in control of anything? Get a load of this retard https://rumble.com/v56dga4-lilly-x-nima-yamini.html
>>460601 *starts crying*
What does it mean when your girlfriend sends you this?
couple of younger xoomers talked to me about how lots of are lads in ww2 akshually wanted to ally with hortler and fight le commies
>>460603 she wants to dobson you
>>460605 What does that mean?
>>460606 search sonic inflation to find out
>>460603 She sees you as a fatcat and wants your NOKkers
Great. I just explained to her what inflation fetish is, and now I'll have to explain how I know what it is
>>460609 is this 22st with a fresh groomee?
>>460610 2 months on the groom. Meeting in a week
>>460609 why would you do this
>>460609 Blame it on steiner and start spamming her rolling coal vids
>>460612 I just like testing limits I guess. I just linked her this since she couldn't wrap her head around it >>460613 keeeeek she did like the little steinhogs i sent her tbh
>>460611 good luck, lad. so you just chat on dating apps and get contact info, and talk about how you want a wife to start a family with and such? and she's receptive to it and agrees to meet in person?
>>460615 until he spills spaghetti and talks about inflation, presumably
>>460615 Yeah. I basically start talking about breeding them immediately. Obviously this means that 99% block me
>no kino funs to play with
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First time she's acted uncomfortable in 2 months. Inflationbros...
>>460620 wait till she sees your mutilated dick that’ll be some next level discomfort you’ll witness
>>460620 Tell her about your first time with pikachu
Okay. I accused her of having a feeder-fetish. I got her on the ropes
>what’s all this inflation pron he’s spamming at me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0q8pLHUztg some natural disasterkino happening in china rn
>>460626 reminds me when I was 11 and I was watching some Halo 3 video in a youtube embed and discovered that if I kept clicking specific related videos, I found the breast expansion video side of youtube. that was the first lewd stuff I looked at, these funny skits where women would take some pill or something and then inflate balloons in their bra while freaking out like "oh my god! they won't stop growing! my tits are getting so huge!" and I was watching it like 'neurons activated'
anyone remember googling "big boobs" and getting nigger gore/nigger titty gore?
>>460627 three gorges dam schizo flooding his padded room with coom rn
>>460628 >>460629 remember when I was in primary school in IT class and we were told to google stuff about space or whatever and I just typed in "boob" for a joke, one of the very first results was a site where it was just a gif of a chick with her tits out bouncing them around. I got in huge trouble for it and it was treated so severely by the school but smh it was their/google's fault
>when you opened your laptop in the school library in high school and the porn you gooned to last night automatically started playing and there was a delay before it shut off after closing it
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>>460604 >younger xooomers how OLD are you lad?
Awkward silence so I sent her this to excite her
>>460633 >failing at reading comprehension again nothing about that sentence suggests my age, is suggests that I am talking to "younger xoomers" aka early 40s types >>460634 >making your hairline look even worse winning strategy lad keeeeeeek
>>460634 Ahh le based nationalist Norseman filter
picture taken moments after a tourist's bowel movement began after eating chinese street food
>>460634 Her response was "hahaha lol". We're back
>>460635 >nothing about that sentence suggests my age, is suggests that I am talking to "younger xoomers" aka early 40s types youngest xoomers are 44 if i said I was talking so some "yonger lads" it would imply they are younger thanme same applies when you said you were talking to some "younger xoomers", it implies they are younger than you
>>460632 did anyone notice lad?
>>460640 my classmates which sat around me. All boys but they definitely told the girls smh
impressive how just by being born earlier during the good times even people with borderline retarded IQ can be successful smh
>>460641 what porn was it? nothing too embarrassing I hope?
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>>460642 he's a forest gump b
>>460644 I just remember female moans so it was probably straight or lesbian. Remember watching lesbian rape porn in high school so probably that
>>460646 >lesbian porn not really embarrassing at all then. The girls probably watched worse than that
Oh. It's him
Now I'm impressing her by recognising what film she is watching(spy kids 3)
>>460649 is that the one where frodo shows up for 5 seconds and that one scene blew the entire cgi budget kek
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>>460648 >him who?
thank you, yiffytimes
>>460651 Oh, it's you. I assumed you were spic >>460650 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF_Ijr621tM
Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes (2024) is winning the film night poll Are we going to watch it two nights in a row?
>>460653 >Oh, it's you. I assumed you were spic I too can never recognise spic what made you think I was him?
No we're going watch bikeriders 2023
>>460655 hinting at white women being degenerate >>460654 Yeah I wasn't here last night
>>460656 THE BIKE RIDERS (2023) did you add it to the poll? looks not to bad tbh
>>460657 >hinting at white women being degenerate Oh I snee what you mean Honestly, idk to what extent women look at porn, not sure what to believe there
>>460657 >Yeah I wasn't here last night b?
put on fallout tv show
>>460659 I think maybe as often as men do. It is difficult to guage.
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>>460661 If I knew you in real life I'd probably end up killing you randomly some time
>>460658 Leave it until tomorrow night I may fall asleep
>>460663 Together we are stronger than ever!
>>460664 why lad
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>>460664 GET HIM B!!! nail him to a tree
>>460671 Southgate wants a cock in his fist again
>>460672 In his mouth this time I think
>>460671 >Euro glory did it come home?
>>460674 Naahhhhh Going to Spain tomorrow hopefully That way we don’t have to listen to how are zesty Africans saved Britain from the world
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>>460661 we're going to try watching the monke film again I think 22st missed it yesterday and wants to see it I also missed loads of it because my groomee was talking to smee on whatsapp I think you left early, want to give it a second try?
>>460666 two monkes strong >>460667 you'll vore any slop you get
>>460677 fallout show seems like it's decent tbh like the first season of gotham >>460676 no idc about watching monke poo a second time
put on terry pratchett's documentary about rangies instead tbh
>>460659 >>460662 >idk to what extent women look at porn >I think maybe as often as men do. It is difficult to guage. not as often as men, but they tend to watch either lesbian or extreme rape/BDSM stuff when they do
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>>460680 I once had a groomee that was a tumblr thot her feed would alternate between cute feminist posts about consent and women tied up naked to scaffolding with their legs spread open she was admittedly a bit weird tho
>>460679 > terry pratchett's documentary about rangies can't find this, or we could watch it as a pre-film early viewing

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