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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3975: England vs Spain Edition Anonymous 07/13/2024 (Sat) 18:20:31 Id: ec420b No. 460682
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:04:07.
first for breeding
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>>460686 based 22st and the binlings
>>460687 oh those things doc looks a bit long and boring tbh
Or the "litter" if you will.
>>460686 Maybe I should send this to the breedee next
>>460683 The only Terry Pratchett documentary I've heard of is the one in which he says how fantastic it is that you can pay people in Switzerland to help you commit suicide.
Nth for b*ns not realising we stopped kidding about hating him for being such a faggot retard a while ago and actually do hate him for being a faggot retard unironically and in all seriousness.
>>460692 send her this
>>460695 >date in a burger place smh had that with the last breedee then she fled
>>460695 Already gotten her interested in breeding tbh
>>460687 Depressing
>>460698 one struggle endangered species together
>return of the redemption of the kingdom of the planet of the apes of doom ninja gaiden x starring dante from devil may cry
>>460701 you may as well show up for it lad, 22st is already in
>>460702 watching new and different content instead
>>460703 anything good?
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>>460705 >watched 10 seconds utterly unberable
haven't even clicked on one video yet tbh
>the part of my day I most look forward to is going to bed
now this is a step in the right direction unfortunate that it's only the Polish border though so this is more of an anti-Russia measure than an anti-immigration measure. they will still let shitskins immigrate to Poland LEGALLY
>girl i had my first kiss with is a lesbo >after our two week relationship she was a slag giving sucks in a portaloo >hypersexual >turns into a dyke A story older than man
>>460708 relatable >wake up >looking forward to bed
Sam Hyde bros?
>>460711 >I'll sue you! I'll sue you! spiritually jewish
>>460716 that means "stop hitting me" in American
thar be a poo a-brewin
>>460719 You gonna raep the toilet?
>Biden wins >Snoozes in his inauguration speech >Dies in office Can see this plotline coming a mile away
>>460711 KWAB. She should have kept beating him. No mercy.
>>460721 There's another planet of the apes movie? I swear they made two shite remakes with Liam Neeson already. Does he cosh any apes in this one?
wellwellwellwellwelllwellwellwell Hawk Tuah! https://nitter.poast.org/noble_x_x_/status/1811025327428137243
>>460727 Love him tbh
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>>460722 And then the US has a President Harris who looks absolutely nothing like Ed Harris. Outrageous.
>>460726 feminsts were playing the angle "a woman had some drinks and had a fun night out and now she's a victim of a viral video destroying her reputation, men are such pornsick perverts"
>>460730 Yeah. Guess the ethnicity of those 109 feminists
>>460727 he's very unmemeable
>>460733 Wow what great rhetoric
>>460733 That's because the Russian state controls all of the major Russian banks. All of eastern Europe, Poland and The Ukraine included, is just one big crumbling concrete cesspool of corruption.
>>460736 >rothschilds not owning your banks is le corrupt
>>460736 No one does corruption quite like the slavs.
>>460738 No, anything controlled by the Russian state is corrupt
>>460740 you sound like my boomer dad
>>460741 Doesn't make me wrong
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Remember to eat your 5 a day
>>460741 How else did Putin build a $1.35 billion palace 39 times the size of Monaco for his personal use? Listen to your dad lad.
Disingenuous cunt Kniga is book in Russian He probably asked them to say it in Russsian. I hate this cunt tbh. Needs calling out and then throwing out back to his US ghetto https://nitter.poast.org/FearedBuck/status/1811432420622971379
>>460744 Owned by a jew though isn’t it?
>>460746 It was originally owned by Putin's close friend and former employee Nikolai Shamalov. Shamalov wasn't rich enough to buy it without corruption, so when it was exposed he sold it to Rotenberg for a few million as if it was worth less than the price of a house in London. Then Rotenberg put Shamalov (the guy he just bought it from) back in charge by hiring him as a property manager with full control over the property. They probably made the official explanation as retarded as possible just to make Russians feel helpless. Always their style to rely on overt fear.
Unlike the west that actually try to make their propaganda somewhat believable.
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KNIGHT HAS FORLORN!! https://youtu.be/2lI3r3xjAGA
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*sings my acts of terrorism song* https://youtu.be/oi7ds7Lmmrk
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wessex, how can you not like this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whS2nVcuH30
>>460755 please be real
>>460755 Civil War unironically looking liklier and liklier
>it's real
>he's alive
>>460759 Joe forgot he only had blanks smh
>the jews papers trying to not say that Trump just survived an assassination attempt
>QAnon was real all along and was waiting for the right moment to take a bullet for Trump I knew it centipedes. Trust the plan.
>>460761 yeah its insane
holy fuck. assuming he lived, he certainly will win the election now, no matter what the Democrats do regarding a candidate https://cozy.tv/wurzelroot
hopefully the electoral invincibility this gave him will enable him to appoint Project 2025 personnel to the executive branch, rather then GOP swamp creatures and Jevvs
>bullet grazes his ear, causing it to drip blood and he pumps his fist in victory at surviving it as he gets whisked away peak optics
>>460764 He was going to win anyway. I think we might sea Americarts get spicy over the next five years.
>>460764 >>460764 Epic USA moment
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he can't keep getting away with it
>>460769 Samiyya Al-Haid wood knot have mist.
>>460771 keeeeek
Insane footage that. At least trump survived. God is literally on his side.
>>460764 giga based moment
>all the useless female ss agents not having a clue
>Trump raising his fist in defiance as hes dragged, bleeding, off the stage.
>moaned about no happening yesterday >rewarded with a happening
Its undeniable how much of an aryan chad he is even if he's under hte control of the zog lobby
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Looks like a chad
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same vibe (kind of) we live in the kino timeline lads
new banner
>>460782 now that's a man you can vote for president LOL andrew jackson ass nigga
kek the pepe gifs being posted on this cozy.tv stream
cannot WAIT for the lotus eater's hot take on this habbening
sargons going to blow the lid off once and for all
Would be based if he had a scar on his face in the next debate from the gunshot
Night lads
what is happening right now, is there are Trump loyalist Project 2025 based people that want jobs in the executive branch to do the right thing but they are being sidelined by Zionists and corporations, and Trump is fearful of the media pushing "Project 2025 abortion blah blah blah" to get women to turn out to vote for the Democratic candidate, so he appears to be working with the establishment GOP swamp creatures and agreeing to water down the platform and hire the people that the system wants rather than actual patriots that want to do good. so Trump is poised to win, but he won't do anything good once elected, he will delegate everything to ZOG shills but this is a huge happening and maybe it will change his mind. either that or he will double down on cucking to the system, but if anything would wake Trump up to go full A10 Agarthan and save the white rice then this is it. being faced with the reality of mortality will humble any man
>libtards running with the "its fake he has a squib in his ear" take
Not interrupting my beauty sleep
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Joe Biden decided to take this assassination job on himself. D'oh!
the same racist Demokkkrats shot MLK....
America becoming Brazil 2.0
Why do kino habbenings always happen late at night?
>>460797 one of the most kino images ever taken
>Felon and now shot. He definitely has earned the black vote keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>460799 keeek
deserves to win just for that tbh
keeeeeek this is the most shoe in election ever the other guy cannot even finish a sentence
trump can get shot and make a better speech than joe "nigger" bidengo
bullet could've gone into his head though...
literally one inch off changing history forever.
>>460804 his chad aura protected him man's on a mission from destiny bet he shat himself secretly thoughever
At work we were having a meeting about the European markets and the US election came up. Retard "expert" said Biden will probably win then told me that I don't know anything. Retard.
>>460807 kill him lad
If the bullet killed him that's how I'd want to die tbh on a platform speaking in front of my supporters at the ripe old age of 80 something about to become the president of my country for the second time
last thing trump said before getting shot was "you wanna see something sad?".
>my entire shitter feed is just this image
>this zoomer with his nigger music can't stand how zoomers simultaneously act racist but then love this shite
>"staged" is trending >its just seething libtards they are beneath contempt
betting odds for Trump went from 60% to 66% in one minute
>>460813 ikr I muted it. the fuck is wrong with them listening to nigger vocalizations
https://youtu.be/oJUvTVdTMyY Sky Jews are just playing it over and over while some yank is seething
>>460802 senile v.s. survived assassination attempt slam dunk
Reckon that was a 9mm or a .45? .22 would be funny. Couldn't have been a .306 or a .50 surely.
>>460820 cringe
>>460820 sounded like a 9mm to be, would be consistent with the slight wound over his ear
>>460821 not an argument >>460822 looking forward to seeing the epic quick rundowns of this, history was made today.
>>460820 it was some fag with a pistol or something probably a 9mm or .380
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shooter arm, allegedly dead
>>460825 jogger
>>460825 libtard owned
>>460825 Yeah, one person confirmed dead
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The Americans need to put aside the rhetoric and get around the negotiating table.
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the guy that took down the shooter
>>460811 I was just about to post it
holy fucking keeek listen to that webm and look at the picture of the dude
>>460829 need to get high and dance like a retard again
>>460837 He was also telling the EU to get fucked earlier. Good sort of chap.
Shooter dead and an audience member too. Another in critical condition.
>>460839 keeeeeeek what a fuck up
Timeline slowly improving. Maybe we'll turn out to be in a more blessed than cursed one. :)
This is why you dont leave assassination attempts to monkeys. C.I.A. would not have fucked up so good. Damn, america is a gift that keeps on giving.
brown fag loser fails epically and gets pumped full of lead by White American patriot! imagine being brown rn lmao
>>460830 good post >>460845 you don't have to do you spic?
>>460846 I'm dark white
truly fucking kino
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I love this lil nigga so much
first pics of teh shooter coming in, doesn't look like the arm, or someone who would be carried as easily as they did in the video
can't really get excited about dumpf tbh he's still a jewjewcum lover if he demonstrates real change and basedness after this (ie during the presidency) then I will be cautiously optimistic >>460848 was reading a gunfag book at toil yesterday, didn't know that the eternal anglo did good business in this brother war selling huge amounts of export-only converted rifle muskets to both sides obvious really I suppose but never really thought about angloid involvement beyond "the CSA deluded itself into thinking that britain would join on their side"
>>460851 guy in the video was probably the Trumpist who died
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI9qRmWCEJw this is how brownoids try to assassinate
>>460851 If that is him he has even less excuse than a nigger as to why he failed.
>>460854 Contrast and compare with that japanese feller that manufactured his own shooter and killed Shinzo Abe (which was tragic tbh)
>>460856 japanese are the actual masterrace
one rally attendant killed two have now been martyred for Trump, Ashley Babbitt being the first
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>>460853 good point. yank politics is so kino, bet that swat guy was just like blamblamblam into the crowd
>>460859 and all the janny spicsers still languishing in jail being starved and beaten if some haven't died already will dumpf release them I wonder
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>>460858 Tbh tbh
>>460859 Americans have an ugly habit of dying. Cant recall the last time a UK member of the public died. Oh wait, hang on. There's all those hundreds of times that wogs have killed our kinsmen.
The left cant meme but they do produce memeworthy stuff this is a joke surely. What a melt.
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>>460865 Proper chug phenotypes there
meanwhile in british fringe politics a zogbot larper spy and an oven chip review man will reaffirm their infantile falling-out over minor differences in policies they will never accrue the power to implement despite professing broadly similar platforms of "wogs out tbh"
>>460866 vgh...
>>460870 >vgh ?
>>460871 Not being disparaging, its a kino aesthetic.
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libtards are despondent
Trump becomes more Caeserian (and thats a good thing)
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going hard on the elfbar tonight
>>460876 the sky is so blue too and it happened in Pennsylvania which is the primary swing state
>>460876 that agent on the right looks like a polface too kek
>>460879 and they're all white
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maybe Elon is big brain for being the ultimate centrist, because that allows him to determine where the center is
>>460876 >>460879 FUCKING HELL IT'S JOE OWENS
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BREAKING: President Trump will be at tonight’s UFC fight
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>it's so over
>an eyewitness speaking to the bbc claims he saw a man climbing on a 1 story building near the rally and he alerted the SS but they could not see the man that he pointed out(or they ignored it?) the witness then claims that he saw that man being shot by police several minutes later and he is presumed to be the shooter. could this have been a deepstate setup to let drumpf be killed?
>>460887 >implying it's not Dems setting up for a copycat killer to get Biden
>>460882 can't find that image of him wearing shades, fits perfectly for this.
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>>460890 no I said shades not night vision
I only have this one but I'm not sure it is even joe, he looks so different younger
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>>460892 KEEEEEEEEEEK yeah that one
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>>460895 the LIBTARD was lucky he didn't have time to get his nunchucks out
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ok bored of this happening now
>>460899 man looks shook
>>460820 no one cares. god gun autists are so fucking cringe
>>460904 the size of the bullet would affect the wound
>>460906 I think he had a BFG from quake lad
ban guns tbh wouldnt have happend if it was the UK
Traditional ngubu stabbings > yankslop
wew zumpf out there dodging bullets
another white race w
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listening to that song again
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>>460907 erm ackshually if you pause on the right frame you can see its one of these
unreal how close he was tbh
Trump getting shot in the head vs Biden staying up past 8pm, who’s more able to run a country?
>>460915 thankfully somebody was there with the gravity gun from half life 2 and they pulled the bullet bill out the way and threw it into one of those big stone guys that go AUNK
>>460919 fuck china and chinese people they are a plague upon the earth remember pianogate from a while ago? they are basically the exact same as jews.
Kek blormpftards attacked journalists immediately after the shooting according to the bbc
its confirmed that the secret service were told before the shooting started that the shooter was seen climbing the building with a rifle and they presumably did nothing.
>>460921 journalists were the real victims all along
>>460921 some guy gave abuse to the bbc presenter live on air tbh, also you could see the crowd screaming abuse at the media as soon as it happened
>>460925 this worth watching?
he's given the signal boys
>>460927 the first drop of blood has been spilt the rallying cry has been sent out the cupcakes of this great nation awake
>>460925 Fucking retard
DJT stock is going to moon on monday
>>460930 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek forgot about this kino
Holee sheeeit, somebody is getting the sack after this
>>460935 GRASSY KNOLL!
>>460887 sToChAsTic TeRrOr, or mind control beams. Any number of dogshit faggotry etc. >>460925 >fake dementia joe
>>460935 Is that steiner? Ulster jock yank??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9iaEWrYv3k
>>460941 keeek
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I pledge fealty to the Prince of Zion, Iron Don.
>>460943 wtf, how was this released?
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this is all the facial hair he was capable of growing btw >>460945 idk https://nitter.poast.org/NationalFile/status/1812296613295247440
>>460943 >>460851 obviously not the same guy
run his face through pimeyes
>>460948 yehh i have patches on my back with thicker hair than that
can tell he's a vegan because of physiognomy
>a building roof with an open line of sight 150 yards away
that pic must have been leaked
>>460946 >literal spear chuckers gay of the poletards to tie it to muh russia though
>>460943 >56% ear Remarkable Hope he’s ok
the bullet whizzing past his ear taking some of his ear with it
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the shooter jevv???
>>460958 strike at the king? you'd better not miss lad...
All this fuss over an ear piercing
>>460959 Nah. Downie
>>460958 Ear we go!
picked up some posh salami for my graveyardshift gooncave sandwiches, good decision. a little taste of italy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GCSUSwcDwg& >released 1994 this should've been the oasis song we all heard for 30 years, not that rubbish wonderwall one
luv a good happening >>460967 based
u are now remembering that cooking show nick griffin did towards the end of his tenure as bnpchad
>>460971 never forgot it tbh >>460972 keeeeeek
that bbc interview was mental, they completely exposed that the crowd knew drumpf was going to be shot well before the secret service did
>>460976 in that video of the guy with the ginger beard, he says they were trying to get the attention of secret service for minutes and they did nothing until after he opened fire. and with the small venue, it doesn't make any sense that they wouldn't be on those roofs to begin with. very suspicious
>Right before he was struck in the ear, Trump turned his head slightly - a lucky head jerk that potentially spared him from graver injuries, or even death. Kek
Knowing Shartica the actual death toll with be like 20 due to 19 police officers dying from stroke and heart disease.
>>460978 kek? nigger, do you understand the implications of a presidential candidate (formerly president) getting his noggin blown off on live tv? i know america is a gay and foreign land, but they are still the hegemon and in that alternate timeline you could very well have been drafted into le ww3. ffs it only took the king of austria-hungary being shot to start ww1. i don't think young lads appreciate just how close to really bad things we could be. if trump was dead rn there would almost certainly be civil war in america
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>>460980 I said kek.
>>460981 keeeeeke fair enough madman
>>460980 it's all gay theatre tbh least it can do is be entertaining
>>460851 That's Wessex
>>460980 But in answer to your question I don't think anyone understands the implications of what would happen if he got JFKed. Violent mass protests are a given, but whether it could be organised into a civil war is not clear. >it only took the king of austria-hungary being shot to start ww1 "Drumpf shares half a haplotype with us." t. Germany *declares war on the world again*
>mfw women
>>460989 Thanks Trev.
>>460990 welcome friend
Wessie lives in a rough town in Cornwall right?
>>460988 Hate the ghouls that do this kind of video. Patronising, doesn't sound like he gives a shit, and slags them off behind their backs. Obviously exploitative.
>>460980 The last eight years have shown that the US doesn't have the stomach for a civil war.
>>460995 ummm, retarded much? no country ever has "the stomach" for civil war. good lord lad, cold take much...
/ausneets/ are asking about this, i think it's recent but surprised it hasn't been posted here yet >they burned a police car keeeeeeeeek
>>460997 based
>>460700 Man this was bad
>>460974 >>460972 >>460970 22st liked these posts
smorn de lads
>>461001 smorning lad
>>461001 Real?
>>461001 left are so btfo rn
David Aaronovitch cowering for his life while I aim a gun at his head... groyper
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GCSUSwcDwg >1994 good lord this was so much better than the later xoomer shite
>>461007 impressive mew gains
The convert is a good film
Morning lads
>>461011 smorbing lad
>>461009 That's a downie underbite tbh
The only way this weak could get crazier is if England win the Euros tbh
>>461007 That’s not him. That lad is a troll
>Trusting poo news
>>461016 footie better not be coming home lad, is this what your post insinuates?
>saw him but didn’t shoot? What am I looking at here? https://nitter.poast.org/hodgetwins/status/1812296978350686692
Aaaaahhhhhhhh they just needed more diversity and they could have avoided this https://nitter.poast.org/_emergent_/status/1812331945927262393
>>461024 He was always with him
Looking forward to 4 years of the most radical zionist available taking office in the united sharts.
With Jupiter and Jesus at his side he can’t go wrong
>>461026 still keeking about this >>461027 tbh tbf >>461028 Based. the God and the son
>shitting himself
>>461031 Keeeeeeeeeeek
Gay gay gay gay gay All these fucking helmets and guns and gayness https://nitter.poast.org/YWNReporter/status/1812367709251772744/video/1
His wife instigated violence against the British people and got what she deserved Enjoying all these mask off moments tbh
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>>461034 tbh >>461035 keeeeeek
so will the lion wake up and tear into the hyenas now?
>>461034 No idea who this sexcase is. Or his wife
>>460972 gemmy
>>461037 either that or this breaks his spirit and he becomes the most obedient establishment stooge the world has ever seen >>461039 tbh just some nobody talking shite as if he knows the first thing about political violence
now i've slept on it I feel quite bad for the person in the audience who copped a packet for the deflected bullet lmfao smh died for trump
>>461042 Levied the dream
>>461043 *snubscribes*
>>461042 tbh smh >>461043 tbh
>groomed a fleeing mother and scored using hero card. Nice one spic https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1812315950567358530
Nige naming the jew
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>>461050 keeeeeeeeeeek it's the horse again
>>461048 >Nigel Farage MP You love to see it.
>>461050 Keeeeeeeeek
>>461054 F stay strong brother
>You know what they say, folks: 'Why did the vagina go to the party?' Because it was a bloody good cunt-ionship builder! I mean, who doesn't love a good pussy-itive interaction? Sorry, not sorry, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of things... or should I say, the front? Why are they like this?
>>461050 We live in the funniest timeline.
>>461056 your parody of jo brand is funnier than jo brand will ever be
>uses political violence just like every other politician They sure don’t like not having a monopoly on use of extreme violence. Never heard such whingeing in the light of this tbh even Fartrage is calling for 24/7 protection by two squadrons of the sas EACH. Poofs
>>461050 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>461058 I can't take all the credit
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>>461061 >jo brand is less funny than an A.I.
>>461061 keeeeeeek
Why are hwite liberals so shit at assassinations compared to muslim chudcels?
>>461064 A dysgenic bulbhead carrying a knife should be the last thing every tory sees
>>461065 Facts
Some classic xosts by our nigger secretary
>>461067 I'll always love stuff like this
trump shoots a roman just after ordering his loyal fans to "fight" libtards to the death.
>>461069 >snowflake this nigger gay
>>461073 the sun is rising on the West again
>>461073 I never doubted him one second. I knew he was always for TND and was waiting to do it until his second term because he knew people weren't ready for it
we're on our way mr president
Nigel Farage SLAMS BBC mocking attacks after Trump shooting https://youtu.be/b2uL1YD7JR0?si=oN05Kc_0VXCSo1Vv
>>461081 I heard an attendee of the rally was killed? Hit by a stray bullet
Can we start rounding up Lefties now please?
>>461083 And spoil all the fun?
It's just hilarious that what we mock is actually real. Right now there are packs of maga q >>461081 lad?
>>461084 >spoil all the fun rounding up leftoids *is* the fun, lad
>>461084 huh what do the demonscats say about this one?
>>461086 Is it over? over
>he go pop pop pop SKKKRRRAAAA! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zexg3wFN70
Knew who else was attempted asssassinated? Yeah. Maybe assassination isn't so bad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassination_attempts_on_Adolf_Hitler
>>461064 MPs aren't under the same protection as the POTUS. There's 650 so realistically we can afford to lose a few. Most of us can't even name the literally who MP that Muslim killed.
>>461091 history is repeating
Has Trump spoken since the shooting?
>>461094 he said "Fight! Fight!"
>>461094 He has TRUTHED
>>461096 they will pay for this
>>461095 How come all the video footage mutes him at exactly that moment?
>>461098 because the media don't want to "incite violence" geddit?
Forget about Trump. The next captain America will feature RED HULK
>>461095 The secret service agent with bulletproof hands trying to cover Trumps Norwood
>>461100 Harrison Ford? isn't he like 80 now?
>>461100 >>461102 Lad jews live forever
>>461096 will people blame it on left wing extremism? reddit wont like that
>>461105 Blame Joe Putin
>>461105 >will people blame it on left wing extremism left wing extremists - which is to say most of the media and political class - won't blame it on anyone but Trump himself they will say he is the one that incited this violence against himself, because of his inflamatory language
>>461106 Unironically imagine putin's reaction to the news >implying he didnt orchestrate it
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amusing meme. i myself consider caucasoids to be divided into two sb-species. the boreal caucasoid (Europeans) and the austral caucasoid (north africans, levantines, persians, and northern indians) ok thankyou
gooned and slept through a happeneing smh >>460895 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
imagine if Trump was killed last night lads, the happening wood be off the scales
>>461116 Hyperbuttreal
It will be kino if this lad is announced VP though not going to happen.
>its real
>>461118 He's 18 years old. You might as well ask Trump's ballsack to be vice president.
I want to dress like this except backsword instead of sp*nish style rapier
https://youtu.be/GrQhgIn1pek view looks so limited wew
>>461122 What's stopping you?
>>461121 hnnnnnng imagine his juicy oranges covered in silver hair giving directives to you to clean your incel pit (bedroom)
>>461124 nobody makes good clothes any more closes you can get is pirates of the shartibean style larp shit
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>>461127 >>461128 Kino is back
>>461129 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeq my ex has those stupid liperinos now, hideous. why are British women like this?
“Fake news, totally fake. If I was being assassinated I would have been assassinated properly. It would have been the best assassination ever with lots of blood, bits of brain, the lot. Totally gory. America would have been crying for a year and they would have named everything in the USA after me. Instead the real story is I had arranged for a long range ear piercing - in the flesh tunnel style - because of my busy schedule and the dumb Secret Service totally mucked my plans up by jumping me, they totally runined my hat and nearly lost me my shoes! Disgraceful! Wait until I get into office, they’d better start packing because they’ll be going to Ukraine!
>>461130 OF COURSE!
>>461128 keeeeeeeeeeeeek Standing back and standing by Mr President
>>461132 the female gaze is one hell of a drug
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mummy! MUMMY!!
>>461139 >close car door >scream for mummy >realise car window is down and some people probably heard
so who's sleeping early tonight?
>>461141 why, lad?
>>461142 well to prepare for if if it's a bank holiday or not
love me giant glass pyramids tbh https://voca.ro/1aNTHe4q5UTt
>>461146 context?
>>461148 Context? That's one huge nigga!
>>461069 low iq low info nig nog jesus christ I hate him
>>461069 what has Lammy said today?
>>461150 he's our Foreign Secretary now too
>>461084 cringe retards need to go in a meat grinder
>>461152 It's horrific, a total embarrassment.
https://youtu.be/_ThgqlHRCWs League of Gentleman vibes
Strange Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt https://youtu.be/RGNRkumDjm0
>>461148 Swedes borking about something
rw retards snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with their inane conspiracy bullshit yet again
>>461159 what victory tbh it's good for trump and his base (civics, zionists) for sharts and the world stage it's about as significant as the push for refoooorm vooting and "moving the overton window" ie no practical benefit to chuddies at all
>>461160 rounding up libtards and feeding them to lions
https://youtu.be/8OQA39689Sw Crime of the century that neuros take our birds from us
>>461162 mutted smh usual comments full of retards trying to make tism positive too >my child is autistic and I love it I think there should be more autistics!!
>>461163 yea, its a bit silly really, the most successful autistics are savants. The very high functioning autists are usually medicrities due to having remold themselves for normie world.
>>461165 he'll yeah
>>461165 link don't work
then just type the name into youtube
>>461169 luvly example of real bri'ish culchur that bazjeet is more english than any RACIST SOD ever will be!
>>461169 this is the positive side of multiculturalism, the best we can hope for the negative side is underage white girls getting blown up at pop concerts and gang raped by muslim gangs
>>461168 still didn't work btw, Kingdom of the Planet Monkes was better the second time round, you should have joined also 22st says he wants to watch the last season of Gotham now, and is ready to start as soon as you are. Pic related
>>461169 Is it just me or is his drumming completely off?
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apparently 30% of the secret service are foids keek all these conspiracy theories but it just boils down to >women
>>460820 >>460824 >>460953 >the left can't shoot ACF chad analysis here, Figure 11 targets at 150yds are very easy to hit 10/10 times when you are prone with a rifle, based on the difficulty of doing so at 100 and 200m on the range. 300 and 400m is where it starts to get tricky with the SA80, and likely the AR15 too. What's important here is that the shooter was not going for a Fig. 11 but rather a Fig. 14 target (a headshot). Trying to hit a Fig. 14 target at 150yds is a significant jump in difficulty, plus the news have suggested it was 200 to 300yds away, and once you add the bobbing of someone turning their head to speak to different sections of the audience, it becomes a quite difficult shot. Why did the shooter try and get a head-shot? Because he knew that Donald would be wearing a high-quality ballistic vest capable of stopping 5.56mm NATO bullets at that distance, or at least rendering them non-lethal. Fuck, even random youtubers have made plates capable of stopping repeated 5.56 shots using nothing but melted-down HPDE milk bottles wrapped in a bit of fibreglass cloth. That vest saved Trump's life by causing the shooter to select a smaller target. What's the big take-away from this? Body armour saves lives. Fuck helmets. My face is my shield. >>460764 In this footage, it sounds like the shooter took shots at around 4, 5 and 6 seconds in. The first miss was the one that counted the most, slightly disturbing his aim for the rest, and causing Trump to react. A cluster of other shots report at around 9 seconds into the footage, suggesting either the counter-snipers took 5 seconds to acquire their target despite our gingernut pointing at something they couldn't see before, or the shooter ducked behind cover immediately after those first 3 shots, only to re-emerge and get ventilated when attempting to shoot again 3 seconds later. Note, the nearby gingernut said he heard 5 shots from the rooftop shooter, so those last two possibly went completely wide while he was getting filled full of lead. Alternative hypothesis: the shooter was aiming for Trump's massive bawbag, but had adjusted his sights for maximum dakka, hence only clipping the top of his ear. >>461174 >all these conspiracy theories but it just boils down to >women tbh P.S. I couldn't resist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgtxyQ4vJ3I
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>>461173 >drumming off >singing off >skin clour off
>>461176 missed off one image
having a tinfoil one lads le drumpf shooting discussion posts were posted in almost identical forms to /v/ too and now we get the big (1) effortposting hyping it up i'm thinking the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) are getting involved with 8mungus again
>>461177 >it's coming home I fucking hope not
Need a part time casual job preferably just on sundays or sat evenings lads
>>461180 he's going home, more like
>>461179 Ask yourself who the real winner is
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>>461179 what are the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) up to now lad?
Andrew Anglin says that it was a fake assassination attempt and they intentionally shot his ear... to make him more popular, or something? when he was already going to win? sorry Andrew, but this is stupid, IMO. Nick Fuentes says they wanted to kill him because the Republican National Convention is in 2 days and the Democrats are poised to lose so this would allow the GOP to select the next President, who would probably be Nikki Haley who is a gigakikesucker supreme with a personal relationship with Miriam Adelson. Israel needs the US to go to war with Iran for them and probably neither Trump or Biden would agree to that. Nikki Haley would. so obviously this hypothesis makes more sense
the idea that anybody would ever agree to "yeah just shoot my ear bro, try not to miss lol" is fucking retarded
>>461183 >>461184 the intellectual darkweb mafia >>461185 dumpie is already a gigakikesucker supreme with direct familial ties to jewry let alone massive business and banking concerns THOUGH
>>461185 >Andrew Anglin says that it was a fake assassination attempt and they intentionally shot his ear... to make him more popular, or something? when he was already going to win? sorry Andrew, but this is stupid, IMO. yeah that's retarded beyond belief, one inch in the wrong directionand it would have killed him
>>461179 calm your man-tits wessie >>461184 going to make some snunday sninner apparently >>461186 tbh
that being said it does appear to be an inside job, why else would they allow a guy to get on a nearby roof with a clear sightline, that's literally their job to prevent that. you could put a 10 year old kid in charge of secret service and he would have somebody posted on that roof >>461187 but if you recall during his first term he did pull ISIS' funding which was part of the reason Syria emerged victorious in the civil war. really the only majorly Zionist things he did were recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel and the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, and ordering the assassination of Soleimani (which was the worst thing he did as President by far). I think it's basically tit for tat where he takes Zionist money for favors but he isn't loyal to them in the way that for example Nikki Haley is, and that's not good enough for Israel right now because they want to perform regime change on Iran before they get nuclear warheads
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>mummy bought me another grocery delivery whilst im sick but didn't get me anything with vitamin D in it despite that being one of the few things I actually asked for and didn't consult with me beforehand >first time she did this she got me a bunch of fruit and fruit juice but zero protein
>>461190 KEEEEEEEEEK >>461191 Someone claimed earlier that incumbent demonrats prevented the Trump campaign from getting as much security as they wanted at this venue. Source: I forgot / some random schizo youtuboomer
the real schizo happening is the three gorges dam thing tbh
>>461181 been there done that, this is literally impossible to find unless you like wiping old people's bums or being a literal tard wrangler. the few companies that do offer part time positions all want 4 days a week minimum
>>461196 i worked for angard royal mail processing centre agency before, was quite casual but they laid off unfortunately. i'm trying to get hired by them again but yea pretty hard it seems unless i want to join the brazilian moped deliverroo guys
or i can just do prolific and uni psychology studies online for £20 or so
>the dam only took $37bn to build >our shitty government insists that a bridge/tunnel from scotland to norn would cost over $2-300bn so can't do it
>those times when you throw up bacon, but most of it is still stuck down your throat so you can kind of pull up the rest by what is already in your mouth >when you poo and after a lot of squeezing a hard one is released and acts like an anchor, pulling along with it the rest of the poo that was stuck behind it
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>it is claimed that the dam, which can hold 42bn tons of water, is slowing the earth's rotation the chinkies are making are toildays last longer
>>461206 keeeek
fresh woes >dumpy has been shot and he's blathering about doctor who or some shite https://millennialwoes.substack.com/p/steven-moffat-and-cancel-culture
He answered the call
>>461209 fame chasing faggot ought to be supporting his constituents and the rest of this nation in it's desperate hour
>are nige will take the next bullet meant for Trump
dumpf will make nige his vp
>>461209 Wouldn't be surprised if Nige sent the assassin just so he could escape constituency work.
>>461213 keeeeeeeeeek
>>461215 cool lions. i wonder what their balls smell like.
i'm doing the dog shit dance!
>noooooooooooo you can't heckin' celebrate my sweet boy's death!! >le orange man bad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX_bp_QARWg >Torturing a gypsy squatter Based.
he's a yid! imagine my shock
ngl if he actually is a yid and that becomes 100% confirmed, that is a huge talking point for redpilling. all of these pro-Trump normalfags need to learn this pertinent information
>>461218 he looks a bit jahansian
>>461218 >ya'll I'm glad her son was bullied.
https://youtu.be/--x08Ns_VfM?si=FxTU_OrMLo9EQScP >>461220 NGL us Brits always try to kill trump
>>461221 yeah that'd be great. There are like 2-3 pics of different people though. I still don't know which is right
women race can't stop losing
>>461226 didnt abe also have a female bodyguard?
>>461227 yeah some womens circuit kickboxer or karatefag or something
abe probably just wanted to breed with a tomboy nip gf and that's why he hired her tbf
>>461181 You could do weekend work in a cafe/restaurant/supermarket
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>>461229 >abe probably just wanted to breed with a tomboy nip gf Who wouldn't?
>>461210 >>461213 >muh constituents is this the new 77th Bridgade talking point you are mindlessly repeating? smh
cmon England
>>461233 >"England" stop watching zogball lad smh
>>461234 >title sargoon desperately gargling libshit balls in an attempt not to be deplatformed
>>461218 Tbph my first thought seeing him dead was it was a bit sad, him looking so young. Thought "he has a mummy who'll be grieving smh". This makes me care less.
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that trump rap is kino
>>461235 smh thought you lads were patriots
trump should pimp out AOC and make her clap her latina booty meat on the top of the wall
>>461240 >thought you lads were patriots we *are* patriots, which is why we don't watch zogball
>>461243 based and BIG (if true)
>>461237 >Tbph my first thought seeing him dead was it was a bit sad, him looking so young he's some leftoid that probably thought he was "saving dumbocracy" or some horse shit. people like that are better off under dirt if somebody is critical of Trump because he's a zogsucker, yeah okay fine. but if they're critical of Trump because "he's mean to browns/women/etc. blahblahblah" then fuck 'em. Trump as a symbol represents hope for white people, that's the reality in popular perception. and this fag thought he was being "a hero" for extinguishing that flame of white hope
>>461243 >stein >massive creature it is happening again
>>461245 tbh >>461247 >does not have a large social media presence dear god...
>>461245 That image aged so badly.
>>461247 crisis actors telling the media what they want to hear
>>461249 amazing how they can keep a straight face while they spew this kind of drivel tbh
>>461249 not clicking on that but assuming it's leftoid sharts and seethe they vomit out so many words and twist them all no point trying to have a dialogue with a hegelian or however the revolution is televised
Looking forward to normies getting btfo by the degos tbh lads
white lads on, scores. but I thought we were nothjng without all the wogs
>>461256 the medias cringe obsession with this zionist faggot is so absurd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw3_lehFdoc 22st out there winning streetbeefs now
>>461260 One of the best New Order songs. INGERLUND
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Tens of thousands of WAGS getting beaten tonight after kicking out time
>>461062 this is my norwood
>>461264 No.1: "she" has a penis
>>461079 topkeke
>>461245 Sad that he went down that path, I don't disagree.
>>461245 you are perhaps the greatest political scientists of the 21st century.
>>461274 that reminds me, it seems that when retarded women get surgery to try and prolong their youth, they do not understand how to care for and maintain the changes in particular those who get brazillian butt lifts don't realise that having a baboon arse means you need to wipe deeper and more thoroughly and often end up walking about stinking of shite
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Sorry lads.
>>461274 Ngubu failed us
>>461264 She looks absolutely hideous.
>>461279 who's got the webm of the chink looking into a fisheye camera and she turns to the side and becomes literally horsefaced keeeek
>>461282 they never miss a chance to slip some poison in >the shooter, identified a registered republican >no mention of his being ANTIFA
>>461277 >migration museum wtf?
>>461284 the holy windrush temple lad
50 Cent - Blood on the Debate Stand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_rJ6rL5FYk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYYzhjUzCOU JUMP ON PATRIOTS WIKKIWIKKIWAAHWAAH
"Yesterday time stopped. And when it started again my family and I started living a real-life nightmare. What was supposed to be an exciting day that we had all looked forward to (ESPECIALLY my dad), turned into the most traumatizing experiences someone could imagine. I know the media will cover this event. And I'm going to try my best to stay away from looking at everything, especially because I've already seen and lived through it in real time. But I want everyone to know what the media will not cover, and will not say about him. He was the best dad a girl could ever ask for. My sister and I never needed for anything. You call, he would answer, and he would do whatever it is you needed, and if he didn't know how he would figure out how. He could talk and make friends with anyone, which he was doing all day yesterday and loved every minute of it. He was a man of God, loved Jesus fiercely, and also looked after our church and our members as family. The media will not tell you that he died a real-life super hero. They are not going to tell you how quickly he threw my mom and I to the ground. They are not going to tell you that he shielded my body from the bullet that came at us. He loved his family. He truly loved us enough to take a real bullet for us. And I want nothing more than to cry on him and tell him thank you. I want nothing more than to wake up and for this to not be reality for me and my family. We lost a selfless, loving, husband, father, brother, uncle, son, and friend. And I will never stop thinking about him and mourning over him until the day that I die too. July 13th will forever be a day the changed my life. I will never be the same person I was less than 24 hours ago. There are a lot of children that say their dad is their hero, but my dad really is mine. Dad, I love you so much that there aren't enough words to express how deep that love goes. I know you'll give heaven some hell. I know that God is proud of the man that came to His gates yesterday"
wild that 4014 big boys have the pull power of 4 diesel trains
>>461288 probably a rail system built by you lads fucking mongs
>>461291 Built by us and then trashed by the Anglo-Indians who assumed control of the railways after we left. That loco in the vid is stuttering because it's severely overburdened
back from pub. enjoyable sunday sesh and had carvery prior
X is full of anti-English saying women and minorities are frightened for their lives because England won.
>>461294 they should be
>>461291 >anglos build a country's entire rail network for it during the peak of the empire >empire crumbles leaving the country's infrastructure to pajeets >pajeets fail to maintain complex infrastructure on a basic level >pajeets don't know trains have a limit to the amount of cargo they can pull >pajeets using 100 year old machines they don't maintain on 100 year old rail system they don't maintain >infrastructure fails fucking anglos
>>461284 >>461285 Set up by Barbra Roche (Blair's immigration minister) an antiwhite kike of course.
>>461279 yeah. plenty of them are hot, but not that one. bet the tight rice coochie felt nice though
getting really fucking sick of the anti-racism ads in the football. it's fucking constant. probably made more people racist than anything else tbh.
didnt care about th e football but the atmosphere was kino fuuuuuuuuck my m8s m8 has such aa fit gf and time to drink until i pass out
>>461301 iktf but toil on the morrow
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look at the odds map, this is fucking insane. every swing state now "leans" towards Blumpf. not even tilt anymore
I was thinking as I went to sleep last night that if I were running the Biden campaign I would have him campaigning in Minnesota, Virginia etc. to prevent a total landslide that would humiliate the party. winning is not possible so it's damage control at this point
based trailer park shieldmaiden yelling fuck you at zog journos at 2:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL3D0h5j0Lo
Operative Steiner... your next target has been located
>>461307 wew this mong is playing with some serious fire hope that some gen xer boomer with terminal cancer pays him a visit smdh not a good time to do this shite even normal leftoids are sort of being hush about this
>>461303 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>461296 we also dug canals and irrigated an area of india equivalent to 3-4 times the size of britain itself and they have squandered that too with subsistence farming, dumping and breeding unsustainably in their billions
>>461303 Keeek
>>461310 70% of arable land in pakistan was created by the british in the 1930s, the majority of pakis exist solely due to the labour of white men.
>>461313 how pozzed is it already?
>>461313 >Benjamin Wallace-Wells of The New Yorker wrote of one of the widely circulated images, "It is already the indelible image of our era of political crisis and conflict." He noted that "some of the elements in Vucci's image are familiar from the countless others of Trump," and concluded, "It is an image that captures him as he would like to be seen, so perfectly, in fact, that it may outlast all the rest." The photos were described as "powerful" and "immediately legendary". Business Insider echoed those sentiments, writing that it had "become the most iconic image of his reelection among Republicans".
>>461315 so true, folks
>>461315 boomers leftoids all think this exact way have the same stale "above it all" take that nobody gives a fuck about
>Georgian prime minister Irakli Kobakhidze, as well as other Georgian government officials, blamed the Trump assassination attempt on the "Global War Party", a mysterious international organization that allegedly exerts a key influence on the European Union and the United States.[176][177] The "Global War Party" is a recurring conspiracy theory created and advanced by Kobakhidze's right-wing political party Georgian Dream.[178] >Global War Party (Georgian: გლობალური ომის პარტია, globaluri omis p’art’ia) is a conspiracy theory created and advanced by the Georgian political party Georgian Dream. It is an alleged mysterious international organization exerting a key influence on the European Union and the United States.[1] Georgian Dream has accused it of prolonging the Russo-Ukrainian war and spreading it to other countries,[1] assassinating sovereignist leaders,[2] orchestrating revolutions around the world,[3] and plotting to topple Georgian Dream from power.[4]
>>461318 good lads tbh i believe it
>mummy sending me grauniad links again even though I keep telling her not to ever bring up olishits around me because she has no takes worth hearing >it's larping middle class faggot shit about living innawoods with nothing but your bare hands and £50,000 worth of equipment in your parents money
>>461317 It's true though. It is the Trump photo.
>>461320 Having a mummy that wants to go innawoods sounds based.
i didnt know destiny lived in miami beach flordia, can we call up desantis and have something done about this?
>>461323 Have something done about what?
>>461322 basically just a detached libtarded xoomer woman rubbing my face in it smh she got hers and has a nice hippy ancom leftoid commune safe space bubble in the frog countryside and such and has no idea what it's actually like in britain
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patriots report in
>>461323 isn't this mong a cuckold yidtuber
although lately she has been screeching about IVPITER maybe kicking her out for being an unemployed furriner bit of a joke really she's lived there for about 18 years and has been complaining about brexshit for the past 8 and yet in all that time she never bothered to meet the requirements to attain french citizenship
>/pol/ just barely making it into the top 20 because of dumpy's arse-in-ation we're back (it's over)
libtards when you gouge their eyes out
>>461331 keeeeeeeek
>461332 literal paedokike itt
>>461334 i assure you my wife agatha is far above the age of consent.
>>461331 good meme
any other maldingbros in? i think i've lost about 10pc of my hair on the top in just the last week, not even joking i can see more scalp now, it is diffuse thinning all over on the top. it's over, but i realise now it's been over for a long time i just didn't realise it until now
>>461337 smh you might need to experiment with some of dr.spic's methods
>>461337 is this bait? Fin + Min + Needling. the longer you hold out, the less hair you'll keep >inb4 muh balls I have big saggy balls with 925ng/dl test and I promise you that Fin is safe
>>461339 ur just gonna take it for your whole life? i'm just going to dial back the gooning and sort my diet out i think
this is so insane. hoping so hard that this wakes Blumpf up from his slumber and he metamorphosizes into the cheetoh Hitler we so desperately need
>>461340 >ur just gonna take it for your whole life? yes. just 2 cheap pills per day, can take with breakfast or whenever you want it doesn't matter >i'm just going to dial back the gooning and sort my diet out i think that's not going to work. I told you the think that works
i don't know if i'm going to survive toil, i know i say this most sunday nights but this one's going to do a number on me
>>461343 Just got back from toil tbh. Just barely made it. It's rough out there
>>461344 night-toil?
>>461345 Yep yep yep
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SsSy8hmajZY wonder if she'd be as pleased to feed a starving incel on her porch tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PXLv-B9GGA fascinating watch, love the paranormal me
>>461323 >all that money but no garden. why are rich soulless bugman like this?
>>461349 bugmen
>>461243 snaby cthulhu
Morning lads >>461346 What kind of a company is this 22?
>>461352 Bilglassgruppen car glass group. We transport smol car windows and truck/bus windows for them >>461353 >
>>461354 that's lush.
>Geoff Hurst with up and coming England players >ifonlyyouknewhowbaditis.jpg
>>461354 >All that low rise housing and light
Did Enogland lose?
>>461359 In every way conceivable This is what immigration does to a nation
>>461360 the euros are rigged anyway tbh messed up how africa gets to field several teams despite not even being in europe while many european countries don't even get a team at all
>>461296 True but we lost an entire empire
>>461361 This tbh Glad we lost so we don’t have endless months of nigger worshipping unlike Spain
*magacringe* Nigel showing too much French here tbh >bravest man I ever met really? >blease Donuts gibs fame an’ dollars gud best ever bravest fren I loyal to Yankland 4ever
At least the sports related negro worship will be dialed down slightly, for a little while anyway. Now the Spaincels have to deal with it.
>>461365 keeeeeeeek very true image
>>461337 we're going to be okay lad
>>461357 Positively grotesque
>that image got spammed endlessly >Migration Museum >types it into Wikipedia >The Migration Museum Project was founded in 2011 by Barbara Roche, a former Minister of State for Immigration under Tony Blair Every. Single. Time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migration_Museum,_London
>>461369 always the usual suspects smh
>>461357 even worse when you realise he's the only one still alive from '66.
Can chill again for 2 years before the World Cup. Harry Bame will probably be out by then, so add another nigger to the team.
the team will just more and more niggery with every tournament
>>461373 tbh its likely this was the last tournament where England start with a majority white team (6 to 5) Will be as black as France in another 10 years
>“That chart that I was going over saved my life,” he told his former White House doctor, Rep. Ronny Jackson, referring to an immigration statistics chart he pointed to just as shots rang out at his rally in Butler County, PA. Dr. Jackson recounted Trump saying, “If I hadn’t pointed at that chart and turned my head to look at it, that bullet would have hit me right in the head.”
>>461377 keeeeek good lad
>>461374 they'll still be going to the match if it's even 11/11 of the players I reckon. Don't see anywhere near the amount of St George's cross flags on cars or houses these days. Not sure if that's lack of interest or just because people are more low effort now.
>>461377 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>461377 based
dead arse board
The state
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>>461385 must be one of those muzzies that bootlicks for israel at every opportunity.
>>461384 Based Riam Gurrah-Ha
>>461387 Guaranteed
>>461289 *deeply cooms in her bum while wearing her dads dogtags*
>>461390 the old wearing the dog tags of the deceased while plowing their loved ones is always based. Hunter Biden knows.
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movie is a bit shit as a spinoff to the pink panther (peter sellers isnt in it), but the lasses on the poster make my willy grow big!
>>461288 is that footage from China?
yet another rock bottom IQ moment from bins
>>461369 History Debunked recently did a video on Barbara Roche https://youtu.be/HDgaF00wQjA
>>461396 I meant India
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joUlw10V0Tg&t=2442 >live in property for 5 years >landlord goes bankrupt >only find out when psycho yid enforcer is at the door >1 hour to pack your stuff and leave
>>461399 Timestamp is 40:42
>>461397 >naming them
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>>461399 All these furriners Smh
>>461399 Keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>461399 >you know like give them time to back their belongings >1 hour keeeeeeeeek don't have much sympathy for the dravidian horde, but you know these do it to Whites just the same.
>>461407 keeeek. some name that
his father being named it wasn't enough. keeeeeeeeeeek
Imagine if we get to see are bucks broken every 2 years until we finally deport them all. small consolations.
I really don't understand why anyone right wing supports zogball in 2024, when it's clearly been turned in to a vehicle for the multiculti poz to infect and poisonthe nation
>>461412 well, the teams they support at club level every week are full of niggers, so you're not going to get any self-respect from them at national level either.
>>461413 I'm glad every time "England" loses now because I'm a trve patriot
>>461408 Tbh and they go on like ‘s’juss a job innit’ but I know they’ll be all be down the psychologist getting ptsd diagnosis like soldiers from killing and oppressing people before they hit 50 keeeeeeeeek
>>461412 No one actually enjoys football. It's just an excuse to beat up the missus.
>>461410 >The editors deliberately misspelled his name >editors also inserted a cancer research shopfront after the squatters got kicked out to make out how heartless the squatters are smh
>>461417 Even though they already said he worked in the city before getting laid off and it was just freed up for housing bankers.
>>461412 Stupid game turn normies into zombies tbh
>>461420 the wrong one smashed his head
>>461408 You could tell the enforcer was enjoying it as well. He has a shit eating grin on his face the whole time and started pushing tenant on the way out to humiliate him. It's retarded that they can just evict you without any notice with 0 time to pack up. The enforcers then blame the landlord and the landlord blames the enforcers. Tenant paid on time for 5 years and then gets evicted because of landlord owing debts he has nothing to do with.
>>461416 >It's just an excuse to beat up the missus. needing an excuse bunch of cucks smh
keeeeek most government employed bodyguards have Kevlar shielding that looks like a briefcase when folded up >US secret squirrels deploy bullet proof heads and hands https://nitter.poast.org/charliekirk11/status/1812676807079993477
reminds of the nhs mosley walk, except it's humiliation instead.
Taigs still putting in work
>>461430 Based tbh
>>461430 good lads escalate tbh dead politicians when
Irish government are going to have to jail a lot of Irish https://nitter.poast.org/TezTruth81/status/1812762133156770122
>>461364 it's a sensible political move tbh
My local reeks of shit. Feel like I'm visiting Asia.
>>461426 >>461341 >>460805 >>461188 Just to think if the assassin moved by just an inch the bullet would have ricocheted and blown Jared Kushner's head off.
>>461437 It’s a power grab move. Hoping to get his backing to do what exactly though? Not as if he can become PM
>>461439 >Cue Israel carpet bombing Pennsylvania
>>461426 secret service emerged from pinkertons detective agency which was a private for hire outfit of cowboy hitmen lad
England won the darts world cup a few weeks ago - no one seems to care about that though funny, isnt it. when it comes to third world brown skinned sports we are "always the bridesmaid and never the bride" but when it comes to white man's sports like formula 1 racing, darts, snooker etc. no one wants to know Well I want to know, got it?
>>461440 It's going to take a power grab move to pull Trump's dick out of his mouth.
Name one single country that has won a world cup in Rugby AND Cricket AND Darts in the last 25 years. Only ENGLAND
so listen here you fucking spic brown cunt
>>461447 >Darts Come on lad.
>>461449 The sport of kings
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>>461412 Because it's the highest form of athletic expression outside of warfare.
Trying to fight against something that's popular rather than subvert it as a vehicle for basedness is retarded. There's a reason they focus a hefty amount of propaganda on are sport: To target athletic young men. The continentals know the importance of this and have some of the hardest NS outfits around.
WHO'S IN CHARGE, ME OR THE DEVILS? I THINK I'M IN CHARGE! *starts another war in the middle east*
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https://youtu.be/z3xz9gOW-Yo?t=12 Sir Steiner, as I will in every thing else, soe I have in your request this afternoone done what you with any moderate reason can expect of mee. But I beseech you consider that what I have done reaches but for foure days, and therefore pray you to hasten some other expedient to serve your selfe at theyr determination; what wee have done herein being very irregular, and not excusable I thinke to bee done twise. Sir I would have been glad to have kissed your hands before I returne to the fleete which will bee to morrow afternoone. I will endeavour it if possible and rest Your most affectionate humble Servant Hugh Mungus, Esq.
Fantasising about being a pikeman in Sir Steiner's royalist regiment of foot in the civil wars again
English baroque music slaps so fucking hard fr it's no cap a gemmy hood classic
>>461451 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc9pStHJ8SY >Sam Hyde bullied Matan so much he broke character I like the part where he started shaking him like a baby.
>>461459 Not going to lie, I laugh my arse off at Sam, Nick and Charles. Charles is the funniest by far but you have to have a taste for it. Nick is funnier than Sam pound for pound but Sam gets the most belly laughs with some of his bits
I still cannot believe Joe Owens was doing secret service security work for Donald Trump
>>461456 typical weak and fragile nigcel
"Fight! Fight!" - Trump 2024
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>>461455 *accepts your apology*
Such a god damned badass
>>461456 waaaaaaah white people don't all immediately worship my existence >also niggers: ayy white boy whatchu doing in this part of town
LOAD UP DI TING rumpapumpum
Trump's Scottish Highlander Gaelic Baptist/Presbyterian ancestry clearly saved his life
couldn't find that based autist "king charles the return" reenactor lad's channel but did turn up this vomit glad to know churl the tard is taking his responsibilities over us seriously
>>461459 remarkably unfunny tbh best part is the jew bullying
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>>461473 kino visuals make scam look like a GNOME
I may as well take my milky white chalky white pink nippled ginger haired honky cracker ass and go be a shepherd on the Inner Hebrides
>>461475 don't worry lad there are wogs on the hebrides too
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>>461474 He is fully committed to the Gnome Aesthetic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP9_XmmmIk0
>>461476 Not when I am finished there wont be
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>tfw no gnomecore gf who is into frogs and slugs and newts and osier beds and wetlands and marshes and fenlands i just want a wife who lives in a wattle and daub shack who can make wicker baskets and snares using hemp fibre and also can make me some magic mushroom soup so I can commune with the ancestral gnome spirits
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>you will never have your own private swamp to frolic in
the damn mummer ruined by eggs. she put them in a small pan and put a lid on it so the steam made them conceal into a thick, rubbery patty. absolutely disgusting, I cannot eat that
cook your own food then you lazy nigger
>>461472 >remarkably unfunny tbh Even more than usual for Sam.
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Surely I cannot be the only poster in this thread who loves England?
Autumn cannot come soon enough Give me mushrooms and misty mornings and the crisp leaves of amber hues
>>461482 I feel like my hands are full just cleaning my teeth and such. cooking is out of the question
Today I went to the Wetherspoons in Chelmsford
>>461488 change of pub, same hole am i right SA?
>>461489 Fiver for a handy in the bog? Gorn
>>461492 what are the bets on? I'm assuming he's going to go with another gigakike handler as vp
>>461491 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99 2 FOR 99
>>461493 he is thug hunting lad
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhs6dJhpTQw >0:18 Donald Trump arrives on stage >0:42 The right wing death squads form up >1:14 The right wing death squads secure the perimeter of Washington D.C. >2:10 Moloch worshipers are defeated
Donald Trump is 100x more epic than JFK or MLK because he actually survived being shot lol
>>461495 Folks, we have the best niggas. The zestiest!
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/jay-slater-search-police-body-tenerife-family-b2579978.html Jay Slater: Human remains found by rescue teams searching for missing teenager, police say >The Civil Guard said the evidence strongly suggested the remains were those of the Lancashire teenager, with his clothes and possessions being found nearby. A happy ending.
>>461500 Jay Slater got put in a spliff and smoked by a Moroccan rape gang
Hullo yes, that's right. Donald. J. Trump. has hired me to be his security. Ok thank you.
fucking hell that's funniest thing sam has done in years tbh, the fucking chanting was perfect
>>461502 Not surprising since Donald Trump definitely watches his videos. Without a shadow of a doubt. Ok thank you.
>>461504 Hullo yes, that's right. Joe Owens knows a thing or two about antifa and he did time in the chokey. Ok thank you.
>>461477 incredibly comfy video tbh can even kind of appreciate a lass being there and interested in the rock bottom autistic nerd hobby wish there was something local like it I could do again smh I miss having a weekly gaming group
>>461506 Hullo yes that's right. I used to play Dungeon's and Dragon's in the Warhammer 40k shop in my town. I wish I had a gnomecore gf. Ok thank you.
If i had a single penny for every post I made in this thread, I'd have £0.83
I promise this is going to be my last post. Please enjoy some traditional music.
>>461509 better .mp3 here
why tf does the republican convention in minnefuckingsota have spanish subtitles? why not french quebec is closer? shit why not have scots gaelic subtitles or swedish subtitles. hell have chinese subtitles
>>461511 any idea what time blumpf gets on?
>>461511 uhhhhhm because Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in your country . . .
>Trump gets shot in the head I sleep >two ballots with mismatched signatures Civil war
if it were due to 100% European Spaniards rather than Mestizoes with Amerindian admixture, I would be completely fine with Spanish becoming the lingua franca in the US. the problem is that the overwhelming majority of them are mixed with Indians, often heavily, and therefore are not white
>>461515 You mean . . . like Steiner? Or is Ojibwe superior to Aztec?
hmm looks like JD Vance is in Ohio rn, meaning he's not in Wisconsin where the VP will be picked. meaning it probably won't be him, which is good bad news is that that might mean it's Nikki Haley. hoping for Vivek the curryfuhrer
>>461516 >You mean . . . like Steiner? I would take a pure Spaniard over a Britmutt with Objibwe admixture >Or is Ojibwe superior to Aztec? same thing, really
>>461518 Based 46429c.
>spic >based
>she : wears Harry Kane’s number >he : wears the number of an Ivory Coast nigger with Israel in his name Wdhmbt?
>>461522 It's probably more to do with Euro 96 mate.
I think Trump will pick somebody that will show him zero loyalty when/if the shit hits the fan. Just like last time.
naturally, they'll be kosher certified too.
>>461511 >52 million Spanish speakers >1 thousand Scottish Gaelic speakers
>>461524 Icr what was wrong with Pence?
>>461517 Haley is also a currynigger
>>461523 >niggerball fan spotted
>>461528 yeah but their publically-espoused foreign policy positions are drastically different
>>461530 Israel will saaaaaaaaaar Vivek into line by making Kushner bully him
>>461529 sorry lad, not all of us have 2 left feet and got picked last in PE.
1996 is fucking years ago now
>>461533 You’ve done me
>>461430 really kicking off in coolock rn theyre attacking a police station now
>>461536 Can you summarise it lad? I can't stand to listen to him for more than 5 seconds.
VP is JD Vance. bad news but not as bad news as if it were Haley
>>461539 who is he? some big yidslut?
>>461537 Pretty soon it will be all over as the Irish try and prove to each other which town is the most nationalist and Irish
>>461538 Another big youtuber allegedly had sex with a girl who was 17 at the time. There's a huge attempt to try and get him to address it but Cody Ko just keeps ignoring the cunts keek
>>461540 he's owned by Peter Thiel who is a big tech Zionist. so he will be a dog of Israel and he will support unlimited jeet migration granted the VP doesn't do that much but it does mean that Trump's 80 year old heartbeat is the only thing standing in the way of Netanyahu having a Zio-loyalist in the oval office. for Trump it seems more tit-for-tat, rather than being a loyal puppet
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>>461540 Of course
JD Vance's wife is a Pajeeta. Was expecting jewish. This will be an increasing trend.
>>461550 Hindus are blatantly forming an alliance with the Scots-Irish Presbyterian community
>>461550 hideous jeetmutts
>>461550 His son is called Vivek. Vivek Vance keeeeeeeeek Reminder racemixing is abhorrent and a sin. If God had intended you to breed with a Thai he would have dropped you off there in a locals nutsack simple as
>>461550 grim >>461554 keeeeeeeeek tbh
>>461551 Talking about his particular case, he converted to Catholicism from evangelicalism 2 years after marrying her, although he wasn't practicing anyway.
>>461554 >Vivek Vance keeeeeeeeek keeeeeeeek
>>461556 ahhh yes that old box of frogs >born into a good traditional anglo-irish evangelical family >FUCK YOU MOM IM A CAFFLICK NOW >... >marries a wog many such cases
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>>461554 > If God had intended you to breed with a Thai he would have dropped you off there in a locals nutsack
>>461556 wrote a memoir and a film was adapted from it.
Great. What does this mean? Give more passports out to FURRINERS so they can play for ingerlund? Obviously team must be 150% niggers
>incompetence >jeet reigning over incompetence Bharat style
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>>461544 When she was late 17 she looked like this. Tbh tbh.
>>461561 diversity quotas at even the earliest levels no doubt. less white lads getting picked.
>>461562 >too right wing keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek there really are tory vooters who believe this
oi look at this curry munching paki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6njRwz_dMw
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please god let me have a wife and children please god https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvx-5wWl-Do
>>461560 Everything in that says he’s a self hating hillbilly who will import jeets claiming they have a better work ethic so he’ll bring more in to open 711s to kill them off with alcohol because that’s all parasitic jeets do and all they’ve done here. Trump really is an idiot giving this backstabbing clown any power.
>>461566 imagine the bobs and vagene posting by Gandhi and the associates he brought with him during their stay
>>461566 They lent him the Parliamentary flip flops for colonial guests and then had to bin them because of the lingering stench
>>461568 tbh and chuds are still gooning over the orange fool
>>461568 >Trump really is an idiot giving this backstabbing clown any power. it's the perfect Trump pick.
Should have executed Gandhi and nailed him to the front of the Indian embassy little fucker
you're a complete hypocrite talking about immigration if your wife is indian and the children clearly look it too. he's neutered, all he has is illegal immigration.
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Hill billy's are based Ulster Scots & Northumbrians and I wont hear a bad word against them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0P5WgD0TKk https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ESl3Njl-dPk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvaEJzoaYZk
>>461575 how much of an extreme weirdo do you have to be to marry a non-white woman that isn't extremely hot? he's probably a crypto-bumdriller or something
>>461561 Obvious normnigger "youth club" bait for sports cucks and also completely retarded tbh. South Americans have 10 world cups between them and so many of their star players come from poverty kicking rocks around and dodging bullets
>>461575 tbh would make no difference if he picked Vivek to Vance
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>>461561 based. footie niggers get fucked. Cricket and rugby will always be the true Englishman's sport.
>>461582 at this point Trump could still win with David Duke as VP, that unironically would have been the best move. they wouldn't dare take potshots at his ear again if it would put the Grand Wizard in charge
>>461584 Factual statement
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. he's done it again, recruiting people that deep down hate him. https://x.com/9mm_smg/status/1812922370140872783
>>461583 love cricket tbh
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>>461586 >>461588 fucks sake drumpf
>>461550 He's a shit Senator. Rubio was a far better choice.
>>461592 They literally sound like this when they kick off
>>461594 I dont know why anyone takes them seriously
>>461588 Literally heresy
>>461581 >Ethnic >Soros fellow >Goldman Sachs financier >Pharmaceutical CEO >Covid team member >Made a nonprofit to increase diversity in biotech >Member of secret Jewish intellectual society at Yale Vivek literally could not be any worse.
>>461595 Psyopped. Common sense would tell you to reject them. The education we gave them in African colonies still bears fruit to this day bearing in mind the raw materials we had to work with. We literally get all the shit from there now. I remember a story about some rich African coming to London and getting a ride in a taxi from Heathrow and he was going on about how Britain was such a great place and he hadn’t visited in twenty years but as he drew nearer to the centre his attitude changed to one of horror and he kept saying to the cabbie “what the fuck have you done!”
>>461598 thats what happens when you reject Oswald Moseley, Enoch Powell, National Front and the British National Party at the ballot box dozens of times over the decades
>>461599 Ah, but it's all worth it because we have vindaloo
>>461593 Trump called Rubio a robot back in 2016, people remember that. JD Vance being hostile to Trump is unknown to the proles
My dad said something funny to me the other day - "theres too many muslims in britain" I laughed my head off and told him >its too late now to do anything about it, would be like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted why do boomers become anti-immigrant in their 60s after spending their entire adult liife *not* voting for the british national party when they had the chance?
>>461602 to answer my own question - because they are stupid
Democracy is a joke and I stopped laughing ages ago
My coworker told me how he gets 0% credit cards and only makes the minimum payments on them for the duration of the 0% rate, then settles and gets a new 0% card. I have no idea how he got a mortgage, his credit rating must be pretty poor.
the same people that partied hard in the 1980s and 1990s are now deciding that immigration is too much when all along they were the ones who voted for it
If Nige wasn't such a globo homo he could have pressured the Tory party to reduce the migration numbers politically instead of retiring to cash out on his Brexit fame. If you look at the rise of non-EU migration post-Brexit he was retired for most of that.
>>461607 EU migration is just as bad as non-EU >implying spaniards are white >implying the polish are a net contribution to the country >implying bulgarians and romanians can integrate
didn't know her dad was italian
Wish this jeet Lowles would fuck off back to Mauritius
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I know politicians are all liars but maybe this Vance guy aint so bad
>>461611 Dick Lowles getting bodied there by a literal university professor

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