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Anonymous 12/14/2022 (Wed) 12:29:34 Id: d6e456 No. 177 [Reply]
Hello, friends of /christian/, we're currently trying to get the Winter version of the Infinity Cup up and running, but we sorely need your help to make it happen. Currently we're looking for a host, a co-commentator and some 3D assets/someone capable of making some. Even just cleaning up a bit of the wiki would help us out immensely. Stay tuned for more and keep us posted on https://anon.cafe/icup/res/4864.html

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A River of the Eden Resists the (((devil))) Anonymous 10/26/2022 (Wed) 15:37:31 Id: 293425 No. 119 [Reply]
>Be a nigger >Sells himself to (((Satan))) >Pushes (((degeneracy))) for so long >Notices (((Satan))) behind the (((wicked ways))) >Realizes (((Satan))) owns even his family >Turns himself to Christ >Repents from his sins >Follows the short path >Names the jew right in the open >(((Satan))) takes his money >Regrets nothing I Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a nigger. Submit yourselves therefore to God[YHWH]. Resist the devil[jew], and he will flee from you [the mark of (((Cain)))]. James 4:7 (KJV)
Yeah when James the Jew said resist the devil he was clearly talking about Jews. You are in deep trouble my friend and need to hear the actual Gospel, you're not on a path to glory. You are not a real Christian I say boldly and you are in fact doing nothing but harm and God will repay you if you continue. You have a filthy mouth and filthy mind and I can say that clearly because you won't deny it, of course you do, you speak like a 4chan user you have not been changed you are still in that culture or racism and awfulness and my friend you need to stop.
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>>119 Absolutely Mein NIgga!
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>>119 >I Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a nigger. All those who didn't reject God, are all the loved sons of God the Only the Eternal the Everloving the Just the Truth. About jews though, don't overstimate them, they are not satan, they are spawns of satan. Satan can only be defeated by God, humans alone can't overcome Satan. Only with faith in God, even an human can make Satan run crying into a dark hole as the defective murderous failure of an angel he is.

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why? Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 16:15:14 Id: 91c4d9 No. 114 [Reply]
because they are christians? and what made them become one?

Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 23:04:56 Id: a26114 No. 47 [Reply]
Anoncafe's /christian/ board is now owned by a talmudic crypto-muslim that censors and bans, with an aggressive passion, true Christians and/or just people who disagree with him. Now, let's make THIS board our new home!
1 post omitted.
uh k.
I pee on your soul.
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>>47 all anoncafe is jewed just look at the other boards there full of satanic leftists, and obviously also jews that place reads like a reddit sub https://anon.cafe/christian/

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Anti-islam thread Anonymous 08/01/2022 (Mon) 16:15:51 Id: edea28 No. 57 [Reply]
In this thread we'll talk about the satanic cult called "islam".
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Pic related is islam in a nutshell.

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Repent and be Saved Today! Anonymous 05/07/2020 (Thu) 22:12:48 Id: 76d615 No. 2 [Reply]
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3.16
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>>2 I miss OG 8chan /christian/. There were a lot of anons that knew a lot about theology there, and despite how ignorant I still am (especially about the Holy Spirit), I must say I really enjoyed watching catholics orthodox and protestants argue relatively peaceably on an imageboard of all places. Most of all, I wish the Holy Spirit would grant me that spiritual rebirth I've heard so much about and help me get off my sorry tookus. I've seen people truly genuinely reborn in Christ, their lives mended and made whole/meaningful through Him. Meanwhile, I keep on sinning with little to no improvement despite my supposed faith, using God like a credit card with no maximum.
>>30 And by "Seen" I don't mean on tv or movies or some such drivel. I mean flesh and blood people I've met, shaken hands with, taken Communion with, and talked with.
Corrupt mortal institutions are cringe, but prior to their inevitable corruption they were once based. https://archive.is/X3vmZ

lol no Anonymous 05/08/2020 (Fri) 11:47:09 Id: 990620 No. 8 [Reply]
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Ngl, anon cafe /christian/ is comfy.
>>20 Indeed. Join us on the best and comfiest IB on the internet.
>>8 I took a look at it. anoncafe's /christian/ is a sad over-politicized shadow of the OG.

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Anonymous 06/05/2021 (Sat) 20:37:15 Id: 100f16 No. 29 [Reply]
This board is obsolete and a deserted wasteland.
>>29 >never advertise >no links from other boards Yeah that sure is odd. Here's an idea. Start posting.

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Anonymous 04/28/2021 (Wed) 09:19:01 Id: 287e02 No. 24 [Reply]
>saved according to the bible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLK5CdR0ojc Anons, it's time to wake up and come to God. It's time to abandon the religious machine of Rome, and her harlot protestant daughters. This is a calling to those that will hear.
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Based, Biblepilled, and Amen

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Was Jesus a jew? Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 02:26:53 Id: edd626 No. 12 [Reply]
How accurate is this image/essay?
>>12 Bullshit. For one, the term "Jew" originated from referencing people who were citizens of Judah, who were the "good" Israelites that god allowed to survive when he decided to destroy Israel (Along with where the kingdom of David retreated to after Rehoboam's colossal fuck up). Second, the New Testament spends quite a bit of time saying that, yes, the Christian church does originate from the Jewish people and their practices. However, Christ doesn't teach the principles of the pharisees (Which is what Judaism has been for much of the past two millennia, and where it separated itself from the Hewbrew and Jewish beliefs up to that point). That's what the several gospels after Acts are all about. Just read through Romans and all the fun they head with trying to tell them that circumcisions where no longer needed.
The word "Jew" comes from a transliteration of the Greek Ioudaios, which is the word for Judea. It is defined as someone of the Judean nation, or of the culture of Judea, such as being associated with the temple. At the time of Jesus, the word was used for people both of the house of Judah and the Judaized converts. Major early conversions happened during Judah's Babylonian captivity as recorded in Esther 8:17. The Jews in Babylon had married and had children with non-Israelites, but turned them away as was recorded in Ezra 10. This left a significant base of 'Jews' which included all the converts and those that did not return to Judea. Judea began converting when Hycanus conquered Idumea and converted the Edomites which Jospehus recorded in his works Antiquities, 13:324. He also made note in Wars 2:8:2 of the three major sects of Jews: Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes, only the isolated Essenes were fully Jews by birth. King Herod himself was an Edomite.

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