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Anonymous 05/19/2021 (Wed) 15:59:16 No. 13083
Smiling Friends finally got picked up, kinda cool i guess.
>>39501 What about 3GI? Are they going to get Chris Chan one more time for the Shrek 2 reanimated project?
Next ep when
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>>39554 >that Joel Haver bit
>>39560 By the way, is Joel Haver gay? I mean, it wouldn't affect my opinion of his work but he's uploaded some pretty homosexual stuff.
>>39563 yeah I'm sure he's gay, has a good sense of humor though
>>39554 >Second episode launched They got the most disgusting looking actor to portray as the show's current president beaten by Mr. Frog by one vote and doxxed the only voter who made the change: The little green thing. Quite funny how they borrowed from Trump vs Biden 2020 debate, where the host kept on interrupting Trump and Ocasio Cortez's idea of doxxing anyone voting against her lackies.
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From Twitter https://nitter.poast.org/bbbnonnon/status/1793253906086248634 The speaker sounds exactly like a japanese youtube comment section google translated to english
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>>40012 >The world is full of unreason. Preach.
>>40012 She doesn't look very Japanese
Joel Haver episode is on Sunday
>>40080 What's this about? Are they out of ideas already, again? They got a good formula to create over 50+ episodes instead make about side characters and e-celeb cameo this already look like their last season.
>>40092 Yeah, what the fuck. This turned into zombie simpsons fast
>>40092 There is absolutely no way they'd be able to keep the same level of humor and energy for anywhere close to 50 episodes, the entire goal from the start was to make a funny show that features a bunch of random cameos (and references to personal hypotheticals).
>>40097 Even in season one they wanted to give Chris Chan a cameo but that fell through when he fucked his mom.
>>40092 >e-celeb cameo Even the first episode of season 1 had Plinket as a guest star. The show was always going to feature old internet culture. The hell episode also had a half a second cameo of James Rolfe. With that said, I did enjoy the president episode, maybe also because I did not know who the guy was IRL, and I really enjoyed the Doug Walker cameo, as I enjoyed his content when I was an early teen and he was just starting out. I have also read some comments that Charlie's costume when they went to kill Satan's daughter was supposed to be a Linkara cosplay, but I think it was just a generic vampire slayer one. >>40099 Nah, this was before he fucked his mom. They couldn't bring him, because of budget.
>>40099 >Chris Chan a cameo but that fell through when he fucked his mom. Why, they had too many motherfuckers on the show already?
>>40092 I have the same feeling. The first season's formula could have lasted for another two at least before reaching the current point. It's like the series has skipped four seasons into the future. I think it's because of animation studio and management shifts behind the scenes. Many of the suits changed between seasons one and two. The directors of season one's episodes don't work on the show anymore, and Adult Swim and the animation studios attached to the project have packed the staff with producers, directors, and storyboard artists to milk it. The future of the series will depend on the Valentine's Day Special, but I think it won't reach the same heights it did in the first season.
There will be one (1) transgender cameo and a vivziepop cameo in season 3.
>>40103 Brandon Rogers will get a character cameo before Vivziepop ever agrees to one. She is very left leaning & extremely tumblr. She would not get along with Zach & crew.
>>40100 RLM are coming back as villains in another episode too. >>40104 This, the Smormu "I'm with her" shirt got a lot of asses blasted. She might fold if this gets a season 3 or 4 purely for PR.
>>40105 >Mike is now fatter than Rich wew
>>40101 But they never got Mike on the show?
>>40107 They got James Rolfe for a one frame cameo, so Mike Matei is a possibility. They can get him to play a parody of Inspector Gadget. It writes itself.
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>>40107 I hope it's in a Cyber 8 like parody.
>Season Finale The writing and jokes really took a nosedive compared to season one. Is it still Zach and Michael writing the scripts?
>>40314 They're probably still getting used to the whole syndicated 22min episode format.
>>40316 But it's not 22 minutes. Each episode is still only 11 minutes.
>>40327 Anything longer than a youtube video, you get what I mean.
>>40314 It's different, isn't it? It's not bad, just not episode 1 desmond/bliblie energy.
>>40314 They got burned out after the Frowning Friends episode, I guess they did leave, also they got other shows to work on.
>>40097 I feel this is getting truer by the episode, S2 had some good parts but I haven't felt the same oomph from any of the jokes, minus the aliens one since it was apparently already shown to some con goers and it has been written quite a long while ago The snowman episode sucked ass but the demon wife and Alan episodes were pretty good
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>>40408 I guess Zach's at his peak remains as an exclusive to his let's play buttbuddies and the ditched podcast with Stamper. >Snowman episode Waste of a cameo, Bill Nye dying horribly was the only funny gag they could come out with. >Demon wife I wouldn't be surprised if she was based on the @whatever podcast where all whores burst into tears over simple questions.
So where's the Mega with all of the episodes?

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