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Onegezellig Thread. Anonymous 07/06/2021 (Tue) 07:32:06 No. 14858
A short German or dutch? indie cartoon made by studio massa. A slice of life cartoon about a Tomoko expy and her roommates Coco, a tech literate white African & Mymy Nip with grandiose aspiration that with a distain for anime and JP culture.
>>38705 >it got to the point where massa literally refused to let people pay him So what your saying is he does it for free? >>38651 >>38653 Oh I'll just do that then thanks, in fact I can get the subtitles through Invidious even so I don't even need to go to Google YT directly. >>38706 Could have even just asked for people to ship fucking gift cards in envelopes and paid said animators in gift cards. Anything would be better than nothing.
>>38720 Rathee have what we have now than some mediocre series honestly. It will be remembered for being a neat cute little cartoon.
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>>38720 >gift cards in envelopes Would Mymy's card be like: >My love to you is bigger than whatever happened at Treblinka Coco's be like: >I guess things don't go south in your home country Leaving Maya's with some awkward gibberish.
>>38720 kek >>38728 i guess its true, everything has its golden era and then goes downhill. >>38733 maya's gibberish would be so cute and heart melting
>>38733 This is two steps removed from what the anon you're replying to posted, but this post made me think of what the sisters would do on Valentine's Day and the cards they would give. >Mymy She initially says Valentine's Day is a materialistic American holiday to increase flower sales. At the end of the day, she gives a store bought Captain Koek card, the kind elementary schoolers in America give to each other, with a stroopwafel. She drags you out to put a lock on a bridge together, a Dutch Valentine's tradition. >Coco She pins your name on a heart on her sleeve, a South African Valentine's tradition. At the start of the day, she gives a handmade card with a Springbok on its cover and a poem on the back. It's not a book-type card. >Maya Around mid-day, you find a store-bought book-type card with a cheesy line and an interior covered in crossed out attempts, ranging from anime references to implications of sex, in your desk since she ran out of ink in her permanent marker before giving it and didn't have time to buy a new one before the school day. She runs away when confronted and spends the night watching Sims she made of the two of you woohoo.
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Here's a DeepL translation of the script of Maya's Sweet 16. I don't know if this has been made before. Given the series's popularity, it may have been. I think is the only entry Massa ever made in the Ongezellig comic series. Page 2: From: noreply@ To: mayadebae@mail.com CONGRATULATIONS Today 00:00 Dear {Customer First Name}. Super-duper-congratulations for the birthday of our favorite customer... YOU! Birthdays are of course super [...] but did you know that you can make them even more [...] make it with one of our super [...] offers? Page 4: Look who's celebrating her birthday. Page 5: That plain girl? I can't even remember her name. Isn't she Coco and Mymy's sister? Remember that time she had to join our small group because she couldn't find a partner? Don't remind me. Wait, is she even having a party? She probably doesn't have anyone to invite. That's what you get for not making friends. Are we supposed to congratulate her? Why should we? She should first show interest in people other than herself. Why does she always make things so awkward? Forget about her, she's just an aso (slang for anti-social). I stay away from her all the time, too. It's her own fault, right?
[Expand Post] Page 6: Now what's she doing? I don't think she likes the attention. Then she should have played hooky today. MAYBE SHE SHOULD GO HOME. THERE SHE COULD PRETEND THERE'S SOMETHING WORTH CELEBRATING. Page 9: Ready Mymy? Long may you- Page 10: Sorry girls, no party today. Maya is sick. Page 11: Sick, on her birthday?! But we even got her a stroopwaffel cake... She threw up horribly last night, so she doesn't have an appetite. Maya needs to sleep now, so go get ready for school. Don't forget to sign her out at the front desk. Page 12: Hey sis, I just wanted to say- Page 13: Happy Birthday.
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Here's a DeepL translation of the script of the sisters' Friend Journals. I know there are others, but I don't have them on hand. These are books you get in primary school and pass around to the people in your class so your classmates can tell you about themselves. They're really just fodder for housewives. Coco's makes it clear that she is afraid of death and can't let go of her parents. Name: maya schoppenboer Age: 8 Birthday: september 21st Hair Color: black Eye Color: green My Hobbies: computer My Sports: none I'm good at: computer What I'm not so good at: paying attention Things I like: computer Things I don't like: school My idol: light from death note This is my favorite: Color: red Animal: cats Food: pepernoten Game: sims Vacation Destination: home My biggest wish: to not have to go to school anymore What I want to be later on: i don't know Name: MYMY SCHOPPENBOER Age: 8 Birthday: MARCH 3RD Hair Color: BLACK Eye Color: BROWN My Hobbies: SCOUTING AND THE ACCORDION My Sports: KORFBALL (Dutch Basketball) I'm good at: BEING GOOD AT THINGS What I'm not so good at: (blank) Things I like: THE FUNNY PAPERS Things I don't like: ORIENTAL CARTOONS My idol: CAPTAIN KOEK This is my favorite: Color: ORANGE Animal: DOGS Food: STROOPWAFELS Game: RISK Vacation Destination: THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS My biggest wish: TO BECOME VERY FAMOUS, BUT BEING INFAMOUS WOULD ALSO BE GOOD What I want to be later on: QUEEN OR OTHERWISE THE PRIME MINISTER AND HAVE 6 CHILDREN Name: Coco Schoppenboer-Potgieter Age: 8 Birthday: December 16 Hair color: Blond
[Expand Post]Eye Color: Brown My Hobbies: Drawing and Drumming My Sports: Rugby I am good at: I don't want to brag What I'm not so good at: Computers What I like: Maya and Mymy! What I don't like: Wasting time My idol: Christiaan Barnard (South African surgeon who performed the first human-to-human heart transplant) This is my favorite: Color: Yellow Animal: Turritopsis dohrnii (the immortal jellyfish) Food: Homemade bobotie (South African dish) Game: Goose board (old board game) Vacation country: South Africa My biggest wish: To cure all diseases and stop all war and violence What I want to be later on: Very, very, very, very, very old
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DeepL translations of some of the oneshot comics and a oneshot comic I thought was weird, Maya's Stream. Maya is streaming a personal best speedrun for fifty woohoos in the Sims 4, but the layout and her expression give the impression that her goals are tied to a vibrator like a Chaturbate stream. That must be the joke. As Maths B and D aren't present in the Student Files image, I'll give an explanation of the Dutch maths system. Dutch maths is ranked D>B>A>C. A is basic math with a focus on probability and statistics also covering basic algebra and basic calculus. B is advanced math with a focus on advanced algebra and advanced calculus. C is "cultural" math with an intense focus on word problems which covers the same topics as A but without the depth. It's math for losers, underachievers, and the mentally disabled. D is an extracurricular subject that takes the material of A and B and unifies them. It has B as a prerequisite but cannot be taken if you've already taken A. Additionally, "sixes culture" is a Dutch-exclusive term for the student culture of underachievers. A 6 is the minimum grade required to pass a subject in the Dutch school system. Clown Mymy: SOCIETY Are there any questions? Yeah, no, that literally wasn't even a presentation, you just put on a clown suit. Yeah, so what? Mymy's Nightmare: Hey (Flemish), you're finally awake! The Red Devils are playing soon! Stroopwafel? Well, I'd prefer a luikse (Belgian waffle), dude! Would it be alright if I spoke French? (French) Maya's Order: I would like a small fry (Flemish) please... YOU MEAN FRIES (Dutch)? Y-Yes, sorry... w-with Hela Curry (German spiced ketchup) WE ONLY HAVE HEINZ Oh... er, n-nevermind (no sauce) then Student Files: Maya Schoppenboer Track: Culture and Society Birthplace: Baarle-Nassau (North Brabant, Netherlands) Summary: Textbook example of sixes culture, has been passing exams by a hair's breadth for four years. Gives a very unmotivated and uninterested impression and is severely behind on career exploration. Possibly autistic. Subjects: 6 Dutch 7 English 5 French 5 Social Studies 6 Cultural and Arts Education 5 Physical Education 6 Fine Arts 4 Mathematics C 6 History 6 Geography 4 Strength 4 Agility 3 Endurance 7 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 0 Charisma
[Expand Post]Mymy Schoppenboer Track: Economics and Society Birthplace: Nagasaki (Japan) Summary: I hate this kid so much. A raging megalomaniac with a Napoleon complex stretching from here to Tokyo. Weak to bottles. Subjects: 9 Dutch 6 English 5 French 8 Social Studies 7 Cultural and Arts Education 7 Physical Education 8 Economics 6 Mathematics A 6 History 7 Geography 3 Strength 7 Agility 4 Endurance 8 Intelligence 2 Wisdom 5 Charisma Cleo Venetiaan Track: Culture and Society Birthplace: Willemstad (Curacao) Summary Wants to be a professional musician. Good luck with that, lmao. Subjects: 7 Dutch 9 English 6 German 6 Social Studies 8 Cultural and Arts Education 6 Physical Education 9 Music 6 Mathematics C 7 History 6 Geography 6 Strength 6 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Intelligence 6 Wisdom 6 Charisma
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>Official comics Fuck yes
>>38867 As far as I know, what I've posted is it for official comics with dialogue except for Coco's Allergy (oneshot that shows how Maya lost her cat because Coco was allergic) and Maya's Conversation (multi-page comic about Maya having an awkward conversation her male counterpart on the bus, which forms the basis for the boy in her fantasies, but it's officially translated into English). Here's a MEGA with most of the official stuff. https://mega.nz/folder/vjgQCZLa#EllbJ7g2Kp2FGfCSJYdSjA
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>>38836 >March 3 It's Mymy's birthday today. Here's fanart I found from the booru.
>>38881 happy birthday to the orange cutie
>>39030 ....the shiniest most glittering tanzanite that i dare say no other can compare
>>39080 No, it's fucking vantablack niggerstone from the most vile depths of hell
>>39084 calm
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>>39084 It was the shiniest gemerald that ever fell from aryanheaven. Nothing will ever come close to the sparkle it had.
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>>39084 >vantablack niggerstone from the most vile depths of hell you say?
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>>39662 >That ending 10/10
A24, slowburn, surrealist, spine-tingling, horrific news: massa is possibly dying from turbo-AIDS
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>>39668 >massa is possibly dying from turbo-AIDS I hope he will be fine, I would love a second season episode.
>>39670 The Soyteen shit gave him cancer.
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>>39668 >stops making Ongezellig >4/20 arrives >spirit of Hitler curses him with a genetic disease >still shills the iceberg
>>39682 He was ok with it
>>39696 Exactly!
>>39660 It's pitch-black niggercoal. tried to watch it and couldn't make it past 5 seconds it was so fucking awful
>>39668 He should sell to someone trust worthy before he croaks.
>>40051 Copyright is utter cancer, he should just abandon it or get buried with it.
>>40052 There's always public domain.
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>>40078 Schrodinger's copyright that is, if Youtube keeps on deleting any reupload of Steam Willie Boat despite becoming public domain something similar will happen to Onegezelling when the creator kicks the bucket and transforms into a legal state puppetered by his lawyers.
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I'm going to miss it...
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>>40156 Many days of the week, I think about Ongezellig.

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