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Comic Industry Collapse Watch Thread #2 Anonymous 01/22/2022 (Sat) 22:37:34 No. 22458
>>179 Last one hit bump limit. >Corona-chan is still fucking over the world economy >Nearly all small publishers are getting eaten alive >Sales are collapsing >Online indie comics are gaining steam >Shops going bust >Someone is blackmailing the mouse so Marvel comics can survive >Discovery may kill DC comics What a wonderful time to be alive.
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>>31261 Well anon, if almost everyone thinks 90's x-men was fucking rad and you dont, it is up to you to explain why you dont like it. >>31262 Children of the atom?
>>31263 I mean thats also a lotta fun, but no I meant the 6 person 1992 arcade game from konami simply titled "X-men" Its your basic final fight, turtles in time, or simpsons style side scrolling beat em up. Notable mostly for being a 2 screen arcade game with up to 6 players.
>>31261 The '90s X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons both do an excellent job at adapting the long-form storytelling style of the comics. That's not just because they both use multi-part arcs heavily (X-Men doesn't really do this much in Season 1 anyway, though I do think the show gets better once it starts doing it), but they both do better than most adaptations at adapting not just the concepts, the characters and stories, but also the tone. All these things were good enough to adapt in the first place, and these two shows in particular are some of the only ones that get really close to keeping the appeal that made them good enough to adapt.
>>31256 >nobody outside of hardcore nerds gave a flying fuck about Iron Man or The Avengers until those movies came out. It’s kind of like how outside of Batman and Superman, how many people care about DC? People would remember Wonder Woman from the Linda Hamilton show in the 70’s and Aquaman was a walking punchline thanks to Superfriends, but other than that there wasn’t really much interest for guys like Green Arrow or the Flash until the cartoons/movies.
>>31266 Exactly. To be fair, I still don't think there is actual casual interest in Green Arrow, Flash, or anyone else outside DC's Trinity. But even then, Wonder Woman was literally only liked by casuals because she is a woman. None of them had or have any idea what her actual story is. And Superman was/is quickly becoming the same way. After the '80s, nobody gave a shit about Superman anymore. Most casuals from the '90s to now probably don't even know he's an alien. This might have changed slightly with recent movies, but only slightly.
So with disney's stocks massive drop, how long until they gut marvel and we can all finally have peace?
>>31266 >>31267 Funny thing for me is that the DCAU actually made me very interested in wanting to see more of the lesser-known characters like Question, Vigilante, Creeper, and Blackhawk.
>>31276 Das ist gud. But I give it by April. Jedi Survivor comes out in March and they'll be banking on the royalties like greedy fucks they be.
>>31277 Me too. But as awesome as Justice League unlimited is, it's still not something that would give those characters even the cultural penetration that something like Ghost Rider had at the time (even pre-movie), let alone any of the really famous characters.
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>>31276 >So with disney's stocks massive drop, how long until they gut marvel and we can all finally have peace? I want Disney to keep fighting until the bitter end, when they are finally destroyed and Walt's frozen head can rest easy, knowing the jews have finally been defeated.
>>31276 >gut Marvel And give up all that cultural influence from brand-loyalist normalfags? They won't do it until it's a matter of life and death, and chances are they'll get a bailout of some sort because big jew companies always do.
>>31289 Not if I crash this earth. WITH NO SURVIVORS
>>31125 >>31199 >>31205 >I'm totally ok with men crossdressing and even having sex with each other >but in the instant that they call themselves "women" I reject them completely I'm starting to see this mentality quite often, even faggotry can be problematic and controversial at this point.
>>31293 >I'm totally ok with men crossdressing and even having sex with each other >but in the instant that they call themselves "women" I reject them completely Correct.
>>31293 >>31323 Peanut butter chuggers and transvestites won't let people like me have nice things. So I have no choice but to mock their fetishist lifestyles. Same goes for dykes.
These threads all dumb because they all pretend all western comics are marvel capeshit. Read literally anything else
>>31353 What should people be reading then?
>>31357 Archie comics?
>>31006 >webps
>>31358 No, Archie and most western non-capeshit got mega-SJW before the capeshit stuff did. Reminder that Archie Andrews died jumping in front of an assassin's bullet meant for his gay friend, who was a Senator being targeted because he was gay. Yes it was in a future timeline. Doesn't matter. It's the last time anyone cared about Archie.
>>31362 Don't forget them making Jughead (((asexual))) despite him always having been burgersexual.
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>>31363 Honestly, the best thing Jughead could have done with Ethel is to borrow Archie's jalopy and suddenly get ultra date-rapey with her in the back seat. Tearfully running away with a torn blouse while Jug called her a cock-tease. NO ONE WOULD EVER BELIEVE HER. >"It was awful, Betty! He tr-tried to m-make me suck h-his--" >"Jughead. Jughead JONES." >"B-betty, I d-don't know wh-what to d--" >"You're full of shit. He wouldn't let you kiss him so you're making this up. Veronica and I are going to bully you until you develop an eating disorder."
>>31383 I'd read that. And the resulting 10 issue B story of her eating disorder developing.
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>>31384 Ethel tried to go on with her life, but Jughead refused to let her forget him. With every put down, her frantic nightly masturbation sessions became more and more dangerous...
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>>31276 stock timeline is wrong. The peak was in march 2021, when it was trending and rumours swirled of Kathleen Kennedy being fired. March 9 or so was the absolute peak on that day they had their shareholders meeting and one of the questions a shareholder asked the ceo was if KK was getting fired for mismanaging star wars. He said basically said no, she's great and the stock nosedived the next day, never recovered and progressively dropped with every shitty Star Wars thing that happened after, most tied to KK.
There's some big news https://archive.is/cd4oh >Ike Perlmutter has been fired from Marvel Entertainment >Marvel Entertainment division within Disney has been declared “redundant and would be folded into larger Disney business units >Marvel Entertainment is, simply, everything Marvel that isn’t movies or television: it’s the comics, the podcasts, the video games, the everything that isn’t directly under the purview of Marvel Studios (film and television) This might actually be beginning of the end.
>>33339 Huh. I guess using Mark Waid's Daredevil run as a template for everything that came after wasn't such a good idea after all.
>>33340 No Mark Waid's Daredevil is being used for the new Daredevil show. Everything else has been the shit from Marvel NOW! onwards.
>>33339 Finally, the sooner Disney and capeshit dies the sooner I can rest.
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>>33342 https://archive.ph/TSeDk Mark Waids's Daredevil run was essentially the reason why shit like Marvel NOW happened to begin with.
>>33339 >no Alonzo lesbianism to balance Feige's homosexuality >Perlmutter not even in his position of minuscule power to throw a couple of thumbtacks in the road to slow him down >Bob Ogre, despite tough talk, doesn't give a fuck as long as (((The Message))) keeps going out and they edit it for the parts of the world who punish buttsecks >Kevin Faggy now completely unobstructed to mold the Marvel Cinematic Universe in his pedojew image >We Wuz Kang the Conqueror's accuser paid off by Disney because he looks enough like George Floyd to be a great virtue signal I don't even know how the most rabid of Marvel fans will be expected to watch this shit. The biggest problem is the people who thought The Big Bang Theory was high art. They don't give a shit what they watch as long as they get to eat $15 popcorn while they do it. As evidence, I present every single licensed property that Michael Bay was allowed to touch with his greasy hands. I need Disney to fail so fucking bad, it's unreal. It's become my white whale. I need to see them on fire and their degenerate D.I.E.-packed celluloid exploding all around them.
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>>33342 >Waid's Daredevil instead of Miller's
>>33347 Lightheartedness wasn't the problem. It was the political soapboxing & quirky writing. Which Waid Daredevil & Hawkeye definitely pushed in different ways. Really Marvel comics were on the decline since Civil War.
>>33339 >>33348 Disney will be just a bad memory well before they elect Spread Eagle as president.
>>33348 Just rest easy knowing that they're redpilling more and more people with every piece of propaganda they produce.

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