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Hazbin Hotel Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 20:56:02 No. 2284
Is any of this shit really worth watching?
>>38211 No but it's funny how things work out.
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>>38144 Good news, everyone! A slightly higher quality version!
Grab it while you can, first two eps have been leaked. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JG398I5e0dgUPFlYSGslUcclIOrXAwkj There was also a deleted twitter thread where the studio got bad reviews, a constant churing over of animators and hiring someone with a 'noncon' fetish. https://ghostarchive.org/archive/f8JAh
>>38221 This is how you know you've made it as a creator. When someone commissions a weird fetish video shipping your characters with their OC for thousands of dollars.
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>>38144 >>38221 Okay NOW we have the full HD version. Too big to post here but have a link: https://files.catbox.moe/7u7wcm.mp4
>>38146 It's a fanfiction based on a fanfiction-tier cartoon, there are no rules no matter what the salvatrucha dyke says, so her cute subtle lesbian relationship is thrown out of the window. >>38150 The protagonist is getting blacked, shouldn't she go apeshit because they managed to outprog the prog? >>38162 It still looks like ass, although he wasn't a CHEAP MOTHAFUCKAH he deserves a fork up his ass because of his utter shit taste.
>>38246 >first two eps have been leaked. Since it seems like no one else has bothered to take the plunge and see just how bad it is, I guess I'm the sucker who'll go through on that venture. And fuck you if you want me to watch the entire season like It did with Tomboy Lois. Episode 1, Into Hell We Go I didn't pick up on it the first time through, but this opening actually implies that Heaven has had regular dealings with trying to contain Evil and Lucy's actions are frowned upon because he may actually be helping Evil gain power in the world (Although, unintentionally): >>38130 So, the plot is it's own paradox. By the angel's restricting Lucy's actions and Lucy defying them, Evil managed to find humanity and corrupt them. However, had the angels NOT restricted Lucy's actions, Evil STILL would have corrupted humanity due to Lucy playing a dangerous game in the first place. Either way, Lucy doesn't win, Heaven doesn't win, and Evil always finds a way to corrupt humanity. This actually makes things MUCH worse for Lucy as it forces him to face the fact that his actions are the reason why humanity has been corrupted. It doesn't matter that he's only able to see humanities "cruel" side since being banished to Hell. The fact remains that his actions were always going to damn humanity. So, we're two minutes in, and the shows has, ironically, shown that HEAVEN DID NOTHING WRONG!!! How do you manage to fuck up this much two minutes in?!? >Also, just noticed that Lucy retains his wings meanwhile Lilith grew horns >Also, if the extermination happens every year, then how are these characters alive in the first place? Are there rules in place preventing Heaven from killing certain demons? Or do they only kill sinners and not demons? What the the rules for this? >Allistor's commercial is one big "F U" to Charlie and her dream >And, THIS is the guy who's suppose to be her godfather (Going by the leaks)? >I actually like Allistor >Angel is a fag acting like a fag >Animation is all over the place, "puppet-like" one moment and fluid the next >First song out of fucking nowhere, and on the note that Heaven just finished their last round of killings, including on the backgroup of a gory battlefield >Also, if Charlie is the daughter of Lucy, shouldn't she be something of a celeberty? Because everyone treats her like a random tourist. >Husk doesn't feel like he belongs in this show at all >Getting tired of all the swearing >How did Adam become an angel? >Why does Allistor keep transitioning between a radio voice and a regular voice without reason? <One mystery solved: demons get spared during the purge, only damned souls get wiped out >But, how does the audience (the people watching this) know the difference between the two? >Heaven wipes out all the sinners every year, yet the population keeps increasing? >Heaven doesn't give two shits about "redeeming" anything, they just see humanity as disposable despite being it's creators >One of the running gags for the meeting with heaven is that it was a "hologram", but they forgot about that during the musical number >Zero context leading up to this scene: >>38131 <Animated in Australia That was unironically worse than I thought it was going to be. Episode 2: Back 2 Hell >Episode jumps onto something completely different with a tech CEO in Hell hypnotyzing it's citizens and having a beef with Allistor >"Pissbaby" >Animation is better, but details are now inconsistent with background characters >"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fucking fuck" >Tech CEO is busy having to babysit a porno director who's losing his mind over Angel giving him the cold shoulder >Allistor "left" Hell...somehow >Wasted half the episode setting up the conflict >Is Angel a demon or a sinner? >This is a fucking kids cartoon, with childish solutions to complex problems, only it has swearing and gore and mature content >SOMEONE FUCKING SAVE ME, THEY'RE LITERALLY HAVING CHARACTERS REPEAT THE LINES FROM THOSE FUCKING "Don't do drugs" CAMPAIGNS FROM GRADE SCHOOL AS "THERAPY"!!! >Angel's feeling upset that no one cares about him as he's just a lump on the couch for how much he contributes >Angel immediately exposes that the snake is a plant for the Tech CEO and the guy chickens out without a second thought >Tech CEO tells the snake to an hero because he's such a failure in life >Charlie of course takes pitty on him and he's "redeemed" >Allistor "wins" by literally doing nothing What's even more insulting is that the serpent is basically Orangusnake from Mao Mao in regards to his character.
[Expand Post] Who's this show made for? Kids cannot watch it because of the swearing, gore, and sexual themes. Adults would have zero interest in this the moment "Don't do rugs" comes up. The depth of the musical numbers makes Veggietales look like Mozart by comparison. The animation is trash. And, that's just twp episodes in. How much worse does it get from there?
>>38269 You accidentally double posted your text but thanks for hate watching what even I don't wanna do. You ask who this show is for & the real answer is only Vivzie & other adultchildren into gay rape who think Seth Rogen is the height of comedy. Vivzie's pissed off nearly everyone who would be fans of this show. Even just recently with hiring an actual gay rape fetishist to storyboard. Which ties in with everything with Angel. You might've guessed she's the kind of person who wants to have her cake & eat it too. And I'm not talking about her weight. She both wants Angel to be a horny comedy relief/fanservice & a traumatized uwu softboi. Obviously there's a big problem with trying to have both.
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>>38269 Is Stamper still in it?
>>38203 He still could've saved a good chunk of his bank savings if he lurked more, I think even the original animators wouldn't mind ruin the franchise's image because they got fucked over like many delusional animators in the industry. Or have one final goodbye to the Cartoon Beatbox shit with a flourish and recap his best mouth noises while saving some dignity. >>38211 My main concern is that he's got children and irresponsibly blew his savings for their basic needs over his teenage wetdream.
>>38397 HE HAS KIDS?!
>>38397 Man, and I thought boomer parents buying bikes and useless shit while their kids starved was bad!
>>38283 No apparently. Atleast I think
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>>38430 Unwatchable
>>38439 He's an actual meth head, anon.
I like this song, pretty nice.
>>38441 It should be more swing & less electronic. That's what made his pilot song so good. This is too modern.
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>>38442 >>38441 Listening to the full song & the criticism still stands. It's like there's a blaring electronic backing when it would've been way better if it was purely instrumental backing with each of their respective choices. Then Mimsy comes in with blaring music for the joke. It's simple stuff. Also I don't think it needs to be said that this rivalry definitely comes out of nowhere too fast & sudden for this show.
>>38441 >>38443 This pales in comparison to artists like Parov Stelar and leans close to Spooky Scary Skeletons.
>>38450 It's not like electronic music with a radio voice can't work. They just sucked because they don't clash enough between Alastor & Lucifer's sections. Lucifer's voice also just doesn't work with his character's energy. They really should've gotten a Weird Al type. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=uxyM7vhU0uU
>>38441 This is what everyone's been twisting their panties over? This shit has the look and feel of a flash cartoon. I don't understand it.
>>38496 It's pretty much monty oum stanning all over again. Like wise with anything the GLITCH/SMG64 produces.
>>38505 Those sites aren't representative of the overall population, even of just that age group.
>>38507 You're replying to the twitter blackpill sperg, he only shows his face here because /v/ found his twatter account.
Having watched the entire first season, I have to agree the biggest flaw with this show is the pacing. It comes off as though they tried to cram far too much in just eight episodes. Even people who say they like the series have noted how bad the pacing is. First thing I noticed was the Exterminator Angel being killed and then the mystery being resolved by the third episode. The show would have done much better if it had more time to focus on individual characters. The first season probably would have worked better if The Vs were the main villain and then focused on the Heaven Extermination in season 2. The entire show feels badly rushed and trying to cram too much story into too little episodes and what little character development there is happens off screen offscreen apparently. Angel is the character with the most development which seems strange. Charlie is our main protagonist, but the show doesn't actually have much direct focus on her or her girlfriend. It's all just so badly rushed. It's even apparent in the pilot where a lot is crammed into one episode. It's bizarre the first episode states the extermination will happen in six months then by episode six it's already been five months? It's disappointing. There's some decent concepts and premise present, but it's just so badly implemented and rushed. The show also contradicts itself. The point of the Hotel is to reform sinners, but then we get told directly by the antagonist angels that it doesn't matter and it's a waste of time to try redeeming sinners... then at the end of episode 8 Sir Pentious is redeemed in Heaven with no explanation after being killed in Hell. Also the annual extermination is set up as a big threat... but we're shown that sufficiently powerful and armed demons/sinners can successfully fight back so why is the extermination a huge threat? One scene even explicitly notes that only less than 20% of the population died in the last extermination while sinners are constantly repopulating Hell. So powerful demons can fight back and less than a fifth of the population actually died... it just doesn't seem like as big a threat as it's made out to be. Lucifer just seems like a weird joke that isn't really elaborated much? He gave humans free will... but then the show doesn't really elaborate on it or the consequences. Shouldn't that have more focus why heaven didn't initially give humans free will and explaining Lucifer's failure better? A more minor thing is the voice actor changes. It's kind of jarring after having seen the pilot. >>38452 I agree. 20s-30s style radio distortion can work when mixed with electronic music. Most common examples are from Electro Swing. Caravan Palace is a notable example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBGSJ3sbivI[Embed] Overall though the show's songs kind of fall flat due to how swinging they are in quality. It feels like a most if not all of the songs were just shoved in because they had some sort of quota fill. The closest comparison I can think to make is Steven Universe. Steven Universe had plenty of writing and world building problems, but the songs themselves were mostly good and came off pretty organic since Gems are apparently naturally musical, plus Greg has a background in music which he taught Steven. Hazbin Hotel's songs don't have that organicness to them. They're just there and it doesn't help that major plot points are introduced through song, it undercuts some of the drama.
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>>38541 >Hazbin Hotel's songs don't have that organicness to them. They're just there and it doesn't help that major plot points are introduced through song, it undercuts some of the drama. Should the point of songs in musicals is that they're suppose to bridge/transition the "boring" parts, establish scenes/characters, and/or even depicting the conflict/drama taking place?
>>38546 Songs in musicals move the plot & express character's intense feelings. All that but the boring aspects of a play/musical are what they're there for. With Hazbin Hotel, they're definitely tacked on just to be there. Nothing wrong with taking cues from musicals but Vivzie definitely doesn't understand them. She doesn't understand even just normal dialogue either with the fact every character swears every other sentence.
>>38144 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=31C8HB-8Qqs What happens when their fans try to damage control. >It's not true <But that was actually true >>38283 Even UkinieJoe got shafted, bitch really wanted her shitty cartoon to be advertised through every medium possible, from tumblr to Newgrounds.
Dont care about nigger hotel but its all leaked on dailymotion.com just look in the search bar, hope that latinx fatso gets shanked in her shitsville in LA
>>38667 >leaked Anon the show came out in it's entire 8 episode first season already.
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>>2284 kinda dissapointed how little the show is imspired by inferno. A gag that king minos is watching the main characters would be funny.
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The show is tumblr. The writer is a homosuck fan and it shows in her humor, and others have already elaborated on why the plot is shit. The character designs, while competently drawn, are straight out of a tumblr blog with excessive garish color palettes and an excess of smug dream-works faces with pseudo-anime hairstyles & big shark-toothed grins. In short, its the kind of show that would have appealed to adolescent mall-goths from the early 2010s, or 35 year-olds who still have the mentality of them. >>40017 I doubt vizziepop has ever read it.
>>40019 Is that the tranny character?
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>>40042 No, she's just a regular whore, her husband is a raging homo though.

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