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Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 04:43:45 No. 24453
There seriously needs to be more stories about homeless or struggling heroes. It seems ripe with potential but never truly sticks.
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I'm surprised none of you have mentioned The Maxx yet. You don't get more homeless than this guy. Give it a read, it's pretty short.
>>30853 OP here, for some reason it never passed my mind when making the thread. Even though I recently rewatched the hbo series at the time.
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Spawns a hobo.
>>30891 Spawn is a nigger
>>25107 >an agent of God >public asset of the (((Allies))) in WW2 So either (((G_d))) is evil or a demon in disguise.
>>30898 DC comics was created & operated by jews. They have a certain bias.
>>30895 You arent wrong.
>>30898 >>30899 Not just jews, but importantly, Americans, for an American audience. Of course they're not going to make a protagonist character be on the enemy side. They do have Enemy Ace, but they didn't exactly invent the Red Baron, and of course that series was well after World War I. Also, in DC, Hitler got the Spear of Destiny, AKA the Spear of Longinus, the spear used to stab Jesus when he was on the cross. He used its powers to keep most Allied superheroes from interfering in the war. But importantly, using its power at all is usually treated as inherently unholy, and thus Hitler was acting against God by using it. Also, The Spectre isn't just an agent of God (the literal Angel of Death from Exodus), but he is merged with a human, who happens to be an American. Note that the Angel of Death is treated as unstable when not bound to another being, as he sometimes goes too far, so the guy he's attached to has a great deal of control over him, to the point that one time the demon Neron managed to get The Spectre to bind to him, and Neron then had Spectre powers, and the Spectre personality couldn't do much about it. So if Spectre's normal human host, Jim Corrigan, wanted to fight on his country's side, he would. Also, all that shit about The Spectre being another being that fused with Corrigan wasn't introduced until many decades later anyway. Until then he was just treated as a ghost with crazy powers that God gave him. In Marvel, Hitler survived WWII by putting his brain in a clone body, and created a "Hate-Ray" with psionic/empathic abilities which he could use to manipulate the emotions of large numbers of people at the same time. He then took on the costumed identity called The Hate-Monger and battled the Fantastic Four, among others. Note that in the '60s, when this story happened, many characters, including Mr. Fantastic and The Thing, were treated as being World War II veterans. One time Hate-Monger re-appeared and when unmasked turned out to be a werewolf, but it turned out this was just another guy called the Man-Beast impersonating Hitler/Hate-Monger. But still, yes, Hitler-616 is much more on-the nose and therefore dumber than Hitler (Earth-One/New Earth). DC did a much better job, in my opinion. But yes, it was jews. Lee and Kirby especially didn't exactly bother with subtlety about it, either.
>>30906 That was a lotta pointless words to just come to the same basic fact.
>>30906 I agree this was long and pointless as the other anon says, but I differ in my conclusions. I enjoy off topic tangents explaining obscure super heroes. By all means continue please.
>>30906 >>30909 Actually I looked it up. Hitler having the Spear of Destiny was introduced in All-Star Squadron, written by Roy Thomas, who has described himself as a "lapsed Lutheran." So surprisingly, not jews. Most DC characters from actual World War II era comics did not actually fight in the war. They would sometimes deal with saboteurs and fifth-columnists and whatnot, but few went to fight in the actual war. That concept was introduced in the '80s, as a retcon, because Roy Thomas, a major Golden Age nerd, wanted to see all the Golden Age guys team up, more than they had in actual Justice Society stories. He figured World War II would be a logical reason to do that. But he also needed a way to make it so their activities were secret, and thus could reasonably be retconned into 40 year old continuity. Thus Hitler had the Spear of Destiny, which could prevent even The Spectre from interfering in the war directly.
>>30891 Also he is not a super hero. He is a demonic entity in spandex.
>>30971 Yeah, but he's still a superhero. That's like saying Superman isn't a superhero, he's an alien in spandex.
>>30971 >>30973 Technically an anti-hero. Trying it back to the jews, he's just as heretical/disrespectful to Christianity. The Spawn comics make God a villain alongside Satan. Taking credit from the real Goddess who actually created the universe. At one point Spawn even remade earth without God or Satan.
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>>30971 >He is a demonic entity in spandex. <implying it's made of spandex and not the skins of aborted children
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>>24453 >There seriously needs to be more stories about homeless or struggling heroes. I'd rather be reading stories about homeless and struggling comic book writers and artists. Also suicidal comic book writers and artists.
>>30985 Still a superhero, just one from a series that got totally cucked.
>>31034 It was always cucked since it was always Todd McFarlane.
>>31034 >>31035 Okay sure whatever, but like he is homeless. So the idea has been done, just rarely focusing too much on the hobo part. But would that be more entertaining? Or boring.
>>31043 It'd be kinda pointless. He's a hell monster. Does he even need to sleep?
>>31044 I dont think I ever read a single issue of spawn.
>>30853 Underrated gem >>30857 MTV, not HBO
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>>25107 I might know this feel
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>>24813 <Krypton also has niggers. In a planet that's supposed to be a futuristic paradise, that is much more unrealistic than dogs. >usually portrayed as an ice planet or, at least, a planet with a red sun and therefore not particularly warm or subject to heavy UV rays >develop negroes >negroes who somehow don't die from the rickets I swear, I'm so sick of the black Kryptonian shit. A black Superman would have half or less of the power a white Superman possesses. White skin is meant to take advantage of a northern, often darker climate, whereas black skin is meant to be a natural sunscreen in the hottest places. Having black Kryptonians is every bit as pantsu-on-head retarded as having black Asgardians.
>>33436 Kryptonian powers in the first place, nevermind looking identical to humans, is pantsu-on-head retarded for supposed science fiction. Now, if superman was some kind of space-fantasy, with Kryptonians being gnomes or gods or whatever who just happen to live in space, it would be less retarded. I guess early sci-fi basically was fantasy that just replaced the word "magic" with "science" but otherwise kept the same basic feel.
>>33436 >>33439 The sci-fi explanation for Kryptonian powers is that they absorb sunlight through their skin, but since they come from a red sun, the higher energy of a yellow sun gives them superpowers. They're basically humanoid plant people. I can accept that. But yes, anon raises a good point that the inhabitants of Vathlo Island should be much weaker than other Kryptonians, since their skin would absorb less solar energy. Of course, in their attempt to placate '70s SJWs, they said that the niggers of Vathlo actually had super-science even by Kryptonian standards, so maybe they're all just juiced up on alien super-steroids or whatever.
>>33440 Krypton has always been a fucked up place, no matter how you slice it. Especially in the Silver Age. They had a sudden baby boom of melon-headed children born without thumbs. Krypton's solution? Abandon the babies on a deserted island to die horrible deaths. Except the babies somehow lived long enough to realize they had powerful telekinesis and, therefore, had no need of thumbs. I guess they still needed their fingers for sex. Anyhoo, they came back to the city of their parents and basically gave them the "We're too advanced to shame you, and we forgive you for your shameful, shameful activities" speech. I've been trying to find examples from the comic online but "superman no thumb babies" isn't exactly working for me. It was a backup story in the old Superman comics run about Kryptonian history.
I can't even imagine how fun it must have been to be the writers, back in the Silver Age. Luring fans in with covers that had nothing to do with anything and then telling one shaggy dog story after another. And the insane shit the heroes got up to was just hilarious! Can't think of anything for Superman to do this week? Red kryptonite, bitches! Luthor's schemes getting a little stale? Bam! He's the Superman of his own planet and Kal-El is powerless and universally reviled by the people. Writing may have gotten better (kinda) over the years, but holy crap did the fun come bleeding out of the comics.
>>33440 The sci-fi explanation for Kryptonian powers is that they absorb sunlight through their skin That's the fuel source, it doesn't explain how their bodies do it. The explanation for that is currently that their bodies generate some energy force field that gives them powers, but how their biology does this is not explained in any detail. As far as I know, the color of a star has no bearing on the kind of light it gives off or energy it has. The idea that kryptonian biology is, or ever could be through any natural or scientific processes, such that they conveniently gain all these powers is beyond retarded. They didn't even evolve to have these powers, they just happen to have biology which someone procedures all these very specific powers which would require very specific mechanisms laser vision, levitation, x-ray vision, an energy field that functions in such a way to allow all these to work if they could even exist at all. It's the least scientific, most magical logic-defying bullocks known to man. That doesn't make it bad, but it does make it a bit silly for ol' supes to be considered a science-based character.
>>33515 >That's the fuel source, it doesn't explain how their bodies do it. The explanation for that is currently that their bodies generate some energy force field that gives them powers, but how their biology does this is not explained in any detail. They absorb solar energy through their skin cells and then their skin cells spit it back out as a thin psychic aura. This psychic aura is what really gives Superman super strength, not his actual muscles. It's why he can catch Lois at super speed and not just cut her in half in the process. His aura subconsciously extends to things he touches. He can use telekinesis to levitate himself, to levitate things he is touching and effectively have super strength, to propel himself forward at super speed, to compress the air in his lungs and allow super-breath, etc. Superboy, being an altered clone, has a variation of these powers, where he outright has tactile telekinesis, and can consciously use telekinesis but only on things he is touching. Heat Vision is a krpytonian body expelling excess solar energy, and it just so happens to be through the eyes. And uh... I guess he can move super fast just because he has super cells. I suppose telekinesis wouldn't fully explain that one. I can accept that. >As far as I know, the color of a star has no bearing on the kind of light it gives off or energy it has. Of course it does. it gives off different wavelengths. That's what color is. Longer wavelengths have less energy. Red light has less energy than yellow light. >The idea that kryptonian biology is, or ever could be through any natural or scientific processes, such that they conveniently gain all these powers is beyond retarded. Well yeah, it's a fucking comic book. >hey didn't even evolve to have these powers, they just happen to have biology which someone procedures all these very specific powers which would require very specific mechanisms laser vision, levitation, x-ray vision, an energy field that functions in such a way to allow all these to work if they could even exist at all. I'm pretty sure there are stories about prehistoric Krypton that describe the slow evolution of their bodies, adapting to absorbing more and more light as their sun got older and redder.
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>>33515 I miss Brave and the Bold.
>>33521 >their skin cells spit it back out as a thin psychic aura How? Plus things like 'psychic' and 'aura' are magical bullshit which hackfraud "science"-fiction writers stuff into their settings because they want to have their cake and eat it. >telekinesis Impossible magic bullshit >Heat Vision is a krpytonian body expelling excess solar energy, and it just so happens to be through the eyes Well lazers use lenses so I guess there's an iota of logic to them coming through his eyes. >it gives off different wavelengths Learnt something new. Still doesn't make sense why it would depower him though. Freeze-breath ironically enough has an actual scientific explanation, pic related. >Absorbing more light That explains how their bodies absorb more light.They didn't evolve to generate a psychic aura that works in such a way to give all the powers superman has. Even if they did it wouldn't change anything else I said.
>>33531 >telekinesis is magic Look man, the reason it's called science fiction and not just real science is because there are bits where you have to suspend your disbelief a bit. The trick is how far down those bits are buried. John Byrne had a problem with Superman being able to lift an airplane without his hands punching holes into it, so he invented the psychic aura idea. Is it still fiction? Yes, but the place where you have to suspend your disbelief is buried a little deeper. Instead of having to suspend disbelief to accept that that airplane can support its own weight on an area the size of Superman's hands, now you just have to accept that, through some biological process that is not thoroughly delved into, sunlight can be converted into a psychic energy, which is a real form energy that has also just not been thoroughly delved into. It also helps that there were already a zillion psychic guys in the DCU before this explanation was offered, and most of them are said to be sci-fi rather than fantasy as well.
>>33541 No. Science Fiction required you to suspend your disbelief in that "we haven't done it yet, but we might be able to". Not "it's complete capeshit garbage". Gay superheroes aren't Science Fiction no matter how hard you masturbate to them.
>>33554 You might be able to do anything. There are plenty of science fiction explanations for telekinesis that just involve things like energy/particle fields that we haven't learned to detect or manipulate yet. It makes just as much sense as a warp drive in Star Trek, because it's all bullshit anyway. Yes, some sci-fi is "harder" than others, but it's all bullshit on the level you're complaining about. Again, it's about how far down the suspension of disbelief is. Would you be happier with the original explanation that Kryptonians were just plain more evolved, and there was no autism about sunlight or telekinesis to explain their powers? It's less masked in pseudoscience, but in a way, simplicity can make it more believable just because it doesn't ask you to think about it very much.
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The thing I've always loved about Superman is the same thing I've always loved about Captain America: they never give up, they stand up for the defenseless, and their values and morals are from a better time. Superman has been depowered many times, but he's never stopped doing what was right. When the writers decide to "deconstruct" him or nerf his powers, he somehow manages to overturn their bullshit and ends up as powerful as ever. He's a good egg.

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