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/co/ Pain Thread 3: Endless Summer of Trash Anonymous 05/20/2022 (Fri) 17:48:05 No. 26182
Everything's horrible & nothing's going to get better. Let's talk about how that makes you feel.
>>27782 What do you think? Seriously.
>>27788 That's why I ask, it's been at least 20 years I don't see southpark except for the usual clip I'm forced to choke on by the internet.
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>>27783 >Tim Burton wanted a nigger Robin too. Oh no. No no no no NO. No, my friend. He didn't want a mere nigger Robin. He wanted a WAYANS BROTHER nigger Robin. And NOT Damon, either. One of the fuckup, hangers-on Wayans brothers. Shawn or Marlon, I can't remember.
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>>27782 PC Principal is the opposite side of the coin to Mr. Garrison's presidency. South Park is usually just out to piss off as many people as possible. They go after woke culture all the time, but they're also very smart men, and they probably are aware of how many people have been disappeared for speaking out on certain things, like election cheating and who's ACTUALLY running the United States. But there are still subtle jabs at everything if you pay attention. Honestly, I loved Orange Mr. Garrison's term as President. It was clever and funny, and not just Jimmy Kimmelesque "Orange man bad!" shrieking like everyone else. The Critical Drinker said something one time that stuck with me: "You can't do irreverent without first having a little reverence." I believe there was love in the parody, and the people around Garrison and their reactions to him were every bit as scathing.
>>27799 Your double dubs makes this cursed knowledge all the worse.
>>27800 He knocked up strong woman and then strong woman got beat up by randy savage in a female sports because machoman now identified as a woman.
>>27807 >>27800 Dunno, I just see fucking cowardice, being milk toast and just basically having the same opinion of that night show Brian from Family Guy admired so much or just fake Making Fun of Both Sides like The Boys. I might just be upset but there's no middle anymore, you are right or you are a pussy, and if you are a pussy you should fall in ruin with all the commie faggots you are friends with.
>>27808 Anon, thats the same mentality some faggots have that if someone isnt a full on 1488 fash ten he is a dirty communist kike, you can only go so far against the establishment in TV.
>>27809 I guess so, but I just see all of that as pretending because they are noticing the balance is switching, but still want to be with their degenerate friends. Fuck, if they made any fun of Biden's hell administration I could just forgive them for being normal fags, but it's just disingenuous at this point.
>>27799 I'd rather him have casted Tommy fucking Shore as a Robin than one of those two. >>27800 >They go after woke culture all the time, but they're also very smart men, and they probably are aware of how many people have been disappeared for speaking out on certain things, like election cheating and who's ACTUALLY running the United States. Actually, they started being aware of how many viewers tuned out as soon as they started pushing the personal politics.
Call me crazy but I don't think using a race swapped/culture swapped Namor with stupid ass jewelery & an also technically race swapped fat Kamala Khan is the best way to introduce mutants into the MCU. Like.... Namor's a bad guy. Objectively evil. The man flooded Wakanda because of some petty beef with Black Panther. He's invaded the surface to try & conquer it multiple times. He'll probably still be objectively an evil person in Wakanda Forever but they'll try to justify it because muh poor mesoamerican human sacrifice cult.
>>27705 >Nightcrawler's catholic faith will be ignored if not outright demonized. Then what's the point of including Nightcrawler. The ENTIRE POINT of his character is that he's a devout Roman Catholic that happens to look like the devil and has powers that appears to be demonic.
>>27817 To say "religion bad though" because this is Disney & Catholicism isn't woke enough.
>>27766 >female Black Panther If people made r34 of Captain Marvel doing pseudo straight-shota with Peter and being Thanos cumpdumpster even if the character was totally repellent and the actress herself is a complete asshole wonder what ideas people would have with that.
>>27820 Getting snu snu'd by a black woman in whats essentially power armour? >>27817 >>27818 To get turned away from his faith and illuminated by someone else, probably storm after beating the fuck out of him because he was biggoted.
>>27816 >>27817 >a devout Roman Catholic that happens to look like the devil I haven't read many superhero comics, but I'd be surprised if he didn't have any interactions with daredevil.
>>27818 They'll most likely make him gay and a ex-Catholic because Young Justice.
>>27830 >They'll most likely make him gay and a ex-Catholic Oh, yes, because Christianity is SO evil that it teaches people evil things like helping other people out, or to treat everyone with respect (Even if they don't deserve), or that you're responsible for your actions. Such evil things, we must purge all traces of the church from existence!
>>27831 Preaching to the choir here arent you?
>>27832 Pretty much. I just wish some of the disagreements people have with Christianity were ACTUAL faults with the beliefs of it, rather than how God and Christ telling people literally (And figuratively) "Don't be gay."
>>27830 They will replace him with some nonbinary muslim niggress calledMidnight Sneaker or some shit and will shit on christianity and praise islam. Or be part of the new cuckchurch commies are pushing for that might cause another separation of heretics from the Holy Church.
>>27816 Why Hollywood only hiring uggo actors lately? >Ruining Namor and shitting on Aztec culture at the same time Goddammit
>>27831 Most "believers" these days are schizophrenic potential mass shooters, or at least its what the media says.
>>27835 Oh no they're trying to make Aztec culture flattering. Watch as they make the spanish the real villains of the atlanteans history.
>>27837 >Oh no they're trying to make Aztec culture flattering No, they're trying to put woke spin on it. Those woketards would've been slaughtered and considered as disgraceful offerings for the gods. >atlanteans It's not even fitting with Aztec mythology as their civilization was surrounded by jungles, those woketards couldn't even be bothered and those hypocrite morons whine about cultures being reduced into a costume and lack of diversity when they literally do that and in fact hate every traditionalist non-western culture as well.
>>27838 Woke spin or not their intentions are to make the aztecs look good.
>>27839 I don't care for the intentions,the end results is what matters and for them good=woke.
>>27840 Well yeah.
You know what's crazy? No one's even bothered to spoil Thor Love & Thunder. Not even here. It's not even so bad that someone just has to spoil the entire movie on here. Hell I've seen zero people even talk about it beyond the days leading up to release.
>>27831 If you look at it in the psychological sense they always go after the assertive/brash(mainly female) and more unique characters. Never the shit ones. Jubilee had the punk look and was "quirky." So of course they'd make her a dyke. >>27834 No, they'll do that to Mystique and make her plus sized.
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>>27835 >Why Hollywood only hiring uggo actors lately? Same reason the video game studios are making women ugly: to appease the fatties and the trannies who get triggered when they see the women they want so badly to be.
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Okay, I realize I'm possibly in the wrong, here, but weren't the Aztecs landlocked?
>>27835 Among other things all the good actors got really old and they are butthurt a generation of younger and more beautiful people exists, so they suddenly start advocating on feminism, equal rights and all that shit just to pull the ladder and prevent anyone with any actual talent to suprass them. It's the same with the Game of Thrones dwarf, after he reached the top he pulled up the ladder and said that using dwarves in cinema is (((offensive))) after he became a true celebrity instead of being a c or d tier actor.
>>27850 A below average product is worse than a bad product since people will forget the former since it makes no real lasting impact on people.
>>27835 They literally hate all that is good, including beauty. They want to demoralize the world by taking away all things that bring joy. Also they're jews trying to normalize how ugly their inbreeding has made them.

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