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Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 19:03:56 No. 26786
Congratulations to the writers over at Marvel, they've somehow out-/pol/ed /pol/.
>>26974 Shame
>>26974 Wakanda just give him a Black Panther suit but white and with a wolf "mask".
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>>26965 Here's an extended version.
>>26984 Yeah. They should've. Would've been cool & at least would make Bucky feel less cucked when Sam takes the Captain America mantle.
>>26911 >>26912 >grafitti on hammer Oh, so he also desecrates ancient artifacts
>>26964 I always said nordniggers where nordniggers.
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>legos on the floor enough to set him off Accurate depiction.
You know someone has fucked up when actual comic pros chime in.
>>26993 There's a black hulk? And he's 6? Wut
>>26994 >pros Who are these people?
>>26995 What if Miles Morales #3. Context Nigger Asgard is #4.
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The beaner jew has attempted to apologize.
>>27000 >donated to a bodega So the kids can get free blunt wraps? Has the mexican never heard of a library? Those tend to actually encourage literacy.
>>27001 But black children don't go to libraries.
>>27016 To be fair, no child goes to a library anymore
>>27017 The library became a lower quality blockbuster with books.
>>27019 More like a hobo hangout
>>27020 Or a secondary elderly home.
What's exactly a bodega in America? because in Spain it mainly sells middle to high quality alcohol, but seeing you can find most bodegas in nigger neighbourhoods I doubt their quality is great.
>>27030 They are mostly just small non-franchise convenience stores, typically in NYC. They often have a cat or two just lying around the store.
>>27030 An over glorified mini-mart.
>>27030 It's a convenience store, but NYC and LA are degenerate and like to pretend their different while also destroying the English language.
>>27030 A shitty cover gor drug dealers. They sell blunt wraps and 40oz bottles of malt liquor. Single cigarettes "loosies". And if you can get vouched for the owner will sell you drugs.

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>>26996 >He doesn't read enough comics to know who Howard Chaykin and Erik Larsen are.
>>27048 I assumed anon was making a joke about what has beens and never wases these people are.
>>27069 Erik Larsen and Howard Chakin both used to be well liked on pre-exodus cuckchan /co/ from what I remember, until they both cucked out and became faggots.
>>27075 Erik Larsen was always a faggot.
>>27076 Fair, but I recall he used to not let his faggotry get the best of him.
>>26912 It's American "culture"
>>27000 >donated to a bodega That's a funny way of saying "I bought 6 cases of Jaritos and a bunch of jerky and red licorice."
>>26786 As pathetic as it is contemptible. Clearly the sophomores who write this garbage have no concept of how insultingly unoriginal and hacky this shit is. LOOK EVERYONE THOR IS A NIGGER NOW! Wow, amazing, how long did that take to think up? 4 seconds? And did they have *any* ideas? No. Making him a woman next week? Gr8 I'm sure that crap will sell just as well. At least if they'd given him a magic metal basketball that could fly to his palm it wouldn't be so egregious, shit like this is the cartoon equivalent of stolen valour, spewed up by the usual rejects with no ability to reflect on what they've done, hell it's cartoon blackface >>26838 and written by a kike spic, hilarious, >>27000 talk about being so out of your fucking lane that the race you're 'promoting' revolts on you, it's fitting that it happened but it needs to be every time one of these blackwashing asshats pops up to stamp this shit out. All that crowd do is whine about inauthentic voices and faces in media but they just can't stop doing shit like this trying to have it both ways, 'It's ok cos it's meeeeeeee though'. >>26911 How much more pandering for the sake of it can anyone stomach? Also straight niggers wouldn't be seen dead on that fruity-ass Bifrost, Earth would have gotten 10% of the traffic.
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>>26786 >>26911 This is even more embarrassing than the "exaggerated swagger" game review.
>>27368 >Clearly the sophomores who write this garbage have no concept of how insultingly unoriginal and hacky this shit is. LOOK EVERYONE THOR IS A NIGGER NOW! Oh they do but remember these people are fucking communists/socialists from the champagne classes, they've always had contempt for anybody not them, and they've always had maybe that one pet nigger around to keep themselves company at their parents mansion. . And because they're champagne socialists they're willing to work for nothing less than nickels dragged from the filthiest poo in the loo sewer because writing shitty space "hood" fiction will get them "exposure" to sell more shitty champagne socialist products that nobody will ever buy (but will later be funded by government fiat robbery from your wallet directly).
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>>27826 >This is even more embarrassing than the "exaggerated swagger" game review. The reaction to that game review was far more embarrassing. The Cancel Cunts were rabidly trying to kill the reviewer's career until they found out he was black. Then it was memory-holed as quickly as possible.
>>26786 I feel bad for Marvel. I dunno why they think this will sell.
>>30339 The problem is you still think this is about selling a product; it isn't, it's about spreading propaganda, using fiction as a soapbox, and taking up a space that could have gone to someone genuinely competent.

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