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/co/ Pain Thread 5: Spooky Season Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 17:11:08 No. 29567
Time once more for a new thread for all things /co/ that cause us pain & anguish. We've got quite a lot lately with everything in the MCU from Apeman By Night to She-Hulk the slutty green giant. As well as the new "Velma" show that is in no way a thinly veiled vanity project riding on the back of an established family oriented children's franchise for some fucking reason. Somehow leaving the Mario movie by Illumination being the least terrible among the batch of crap we're getting.
>>32513 >Because they are, you aren't in the 90s, its always some "gender" related shit instead of genuine interested in "boyish" hobbies. That was my point in its entirety, yes.
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>>32514 Comics are wild in the worst way possible. Compare it to manga who can do batshit off the walls crazy shit but it works. Probably because they're, usually, the result of one writer's vision. Consistent in their execution & serve a purpose other than just "we gotta shake up the status quo." Whereas everything here is the result of dozens of different writers, with different ideas, from different spheres of unrelated books, all coming together to create a hodgepodge mess of an event that no one wanted in the first place. All this done to Marvel's most popular & world recognized character. Even if you've never read a comic, which most people never have, you know Spider-man. This though? All this? It's just a confusing headache even, no especially, hardcore comic fans would hate.
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>>32521 There have been cases where western capeshit comics do wild stuff, even wilder stuff than anything discussed here, and it works out well. Sometimes even stuff by multiple authors. Or rather, the best ones are when one mega autist writer comes along with a wild story to tie together the previously disperate ideas of many different previous authors. Of course the difference between those stories and these stories is that these stories are current year SJW trash written by affirmative action hires and brainwashed pod people who no longer want to actually write good stories. Even in the off-chance they aren't out to deliberately ruin characters and series for the sake of their agenda, they almost never actually know the content anymore, and thus can't do the type of wild stuff that makes sense. Well that and they aren't actually talented or skilled in the first place, since they weren't hired for talent or skill in the first place, and the few old holdovers are just waiting out the clock while trying to avoid getting eaten alive by the piranhas that surround them now. All that said, Spider-Man has always been best solo and in limited team ups, not massive events. He can bumble his way into accidentally having to team up with every character in the Marvel universe on different occasions, he can work interacting with everyone from Conan the Barbarian to the Not Ready for Prime-Time Players, but he doesn't work as well when he's treated like an Avenger or whatever and interacts with everyone at once.
>>32528 I don't even mind Spider-man being given big hero stakes. It's just it needs to work for him firstly & actually give a shit about the history they insist we know while they refuse to respect or let progress past. None of this would be a problem if characters just stayed dead, aged, & didn't suddenly turn evil because of contrived convoluted reasons. There's too many cooks in the kitchen & none of them know what they're doing. Stop doing crossover comic events in general too.
>>32529 Agreed. I guess what I was referencing was that Spider-Man's "big hero stakes" work best when it's kept in perspective. I love when Spider-Man somehow gets roped into going to space with Silver Surfer or whatever, and ends up somehow helping to stop Galactus and other guys that should be way out of his class. But yeah, none of these people know what they're doing.
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>>32521 >It's just a confusing headache even, no especially, hardcore comic fans would hate. Can confirm. And that image hits the nail right on the head. Peter's morals mean he forgives everyone but himself, but forgiveness doesn't mean to keep inviting the vampire back into the house all the time.
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>>32522 Splinter looks like Chester Cheetah, Mikey looks like a rapist, Rocksteady is hydrocephalic, and Bebop looks like any ten campus feminists you'd care to name. Seth Rogen deserves the Boats.
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>>32505 >King Arthur's tomboy daughter As always, Japan did it better.
>>32592 >I doubt any women have this body and personality Women come in all shapes and sizes, so you're probably wrong about the body. You're most likely right about the personality, though.
>>32592 The body isn't anything special, anon. Literally just a slim woman with minor ab muscle. Now the personality is a yes & no. Daddy issues yes. Lovable tomboy no.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur >Her family scoffs at the idea of an electrical lady stealing electricity. They dismiss her to continue blaming "the man" and "lizards" or some shit. That reaction would make sense in the real world, toward a regular child. This is a world with superpowered heroes and villains. They just mentioned the Avengers (to complain about whitey not coming down there to protect tha hood). But don't believe their genius daughter. Instead of shit writing, the writers could have simply not had her interrupt the adults to tell them what was really happening. >Gay dads for Hispanic girl. Meh. >One of the Hispanic girl's 9001 names she rattles off is Jewish. Meh. Why this specific combo again (Phineas and Ferb)? >SCREEEECH - we interrupt this episode to mention preferred pronouns. Ugh. A fucking "non-binary" computer that prefers "They/Them pronouns, please." "Just like <classmate>. She/Her for me." replies Moon Cricket. These characters are 12 to 13 years old. >Black hair is POWERFUL, it is our IDENTITY, episode. Ugh. You dislike their hair, they have a cry (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur). You like their hair, they have a cry (Rise up, Sing Out). >Michelle Obama (in reference to looking good). lol >*Wakanda pose* "Black geniuses." lol >"TRANS IS BEAUTIFUL" sticker on athletic girl's thermos. Ugh. This isn't they/them freak from another episode. Think I'm done with this crap nigtoon. Too bad. I could have tolerated the negrolotry sundae if not for the tranny cherry on top. Shoutout to background characters: kilt faggot, sideshave dyke, hijab girl, wheelchair fat, hassidic jew, afrika lady, and all other mutants I missed or can't remember. Rest In Power: all little negroes Yidsney is trying to buckbreak with their new capital B black shows. *Wakanda pose*
>>32623 You forgot to take your meds, schizo-anon
>>32625 It's not schizo posting. It's our reality. Though he should post screenshots.
>>32627 Caught the episodes on TV. Had I planned to talk about it, would've downloaded them and taken screenshots/clips as I watched. After my disappointment it wasn't even deserving of my time downloading a generic image from the show to accompany my post.
>>32623 People get mad and cry unfair. But how can one not ridicule this crap. It's a joke in itself.
>>32623 >Moon Cricket Moon Cricket and White Debbil DiNOsaur. Perfect.
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>>32721 >Ayo Edebri as April O'Neil AYO
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Shocking I know but TMNT Mutant Mayhem looks awful.
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>>32770 How unexpected!
>>32770 They didn't just turn April into a nigger again but made her fat. Maybe Shredder should have deleted the turtle multiverse.
>>32770 Hey, remember when TMNT used to be like this?
>>32770 So, ever since that shitty cartoon where April was black, that means that April will never not be black now forever. We'll never get redheaded white April again. Gradually, I began to hate them...
>>32776 This is gonna apply to every character. Rise was a commercial failure though so this movie needs to fail as well for it to go away.
>>32770 And now April is trending on twitter and people are gaslighting and saying that April was originally black fortunately this old blog post exists. https://archive.ph/P6vqn
>>32770 I kinda like the claymation style but oh my god just fuck off with the low-brow frame rates.
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>>32776 >Gradually, I began to hate them... Young Rippa did a vid where he explains the whole "April is black" thing and it makes perfect sense. At some point in the original run, April got a perm, which was the style at the time for women in the 80s, when the original comics came out. Every stupid millennial and zoomer faggot on Earth decided that April was actually Ape-ril because they were ignorant of the perm trend. To compound the problem, they racelifted Baxter Stockman from black to white for the 80s cartoon, so these fucking idiots just assumed that April's proud nubian heritage had ALSO been stolen by the Man. Never mind the fact that making Baxter white was to AVOID the "problematic" issue that the bad guys would have been all non-whites while the turtles were "coded" as honkies with their voices and tastes in pop culture and food. To further confuse matters, April was named for a black woman, but not physically based on her. April is, was, and always has been a ginger, but trust that fat fuck Rogen to not only buy the lie, but also make her a lard-ass like him.
>>32788 Despite their different views on the character, just going by how she was portrayed in the comic, it's pretty obvious that both Peter and Kevin did see April as a beautiful fair skinned woman. So the idea of her always being black is complete bullshit. As for Baxter being white in the 87 cartoon, I think that was more of the case of both Peter and Kevin being pretty lax when it came to how their characters are racially depicted.
>>32784 It's not claymation styled. It's just immature & sketchy.
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>>32807 >Despite their different views on the character Which is funny, considering Kevin himself agrees that April's white, since there's no rebuttal to Peter's statement within Eastman's Artobiography.
>>32825 It truly boggles the mind how there's no room for debate on any of this yet somehow twitter freaks have deluded themselves into believing completely unsubstantiated claims. They actively ignore reality.
>>32831 >It truly boggles the mind how there's no room for debate on any of this That's because, according to them, they have the secret esoteric knowledge of how the world "really" works, and you don't (Otherwise you'd be on their side), therefore you needs to "humble" yourself before them and accept everything that they say because they are better than you since you lack a soul.
>>32833 Clearly they're the good guys.
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>>32831 Ideology suppresses all, plus they get those sweet ESG points for free revenue.
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