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/co/ Pain Thread 8: Superslop at the end of the rainbow! Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 23:43:36 No. 38885
The world's on fire but the slop doesn't stop getting churned! Your thread for venting all your frustrations on various /co/ related movies, books, games, & shows is back! Feeling lucky? You shouldn't! The first tease of James Gunn's Superman has been revealed. Calling back to Kingdom Come but with a gold sigil & 50% less crappy textures. Will James Gunn save DC & Warner Bros.? Probably not but they're too far along to stop. On the animated side we're still getting not one but two more Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths parts to the Tomorrowverse. A disaster of an animated universe somehow worse than the New 52 based one previously. But they're bringing back Will Friedle as Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond & Kevin Conroy's real last performance along for the ride. Also still getting the Suicide Squad Isekai anime. Something no one asked for that's clearly gotten too much yet not enough effort put into it. If you weren't sick of Harley already, now you're getting ANOTHER live action take on her in the sequel to Joker. An upcoming musical drama about Arthur finding love in the craziest of places. Arkham Asylum. But wait! There's more! Hollywood isn't just regurgitating Marvel & DC slop anymore! We're getting a reboot of The Crow. A film infamously starring Brandon Lee as the titular Crow that led to his untimely accidental death due to incompetence on set. Now The Crow/Eric Draven is being reimagined for a.... modern... audience. None of that comic book accuracy in looks though. No no. They've Jared Leto'd him for a new generation. It's a bold strategy, anons. Let's see how it plays out.
>>40333 I'd love a story of the DCU that has permanent endings for characters. A beginning, middle and end for each character's career, along with an actual calendar that gives characters consistent aging.
>>40334 >Actually use the opening credits & title drop to establish a character visually in summation. Like what they did with the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies? Actually, pulling those up and wathicng them now, something I noticed is that they accomplish three things: <Establish who the "important" characters are <Their motivations and interests <And foreshadowing about the film's plot and themes
>>40333 There are definitely times I think they don't need to do an "origin story," but they should at least touch on it, yes. Like I really wish MCU Spider-Man just acted like all five previous Spider-Man movies were kinda sorta canon. I'd have just done a cool comic-book panel style opening credits, like Spider-Man 2, and like how that movie used the credits to recap the previous movie, I'd do the same here but recap all five and just sort of act like they were the same continuity. Like he fought Lizard and Electro, basically. Because nobody wants to see Spider-Man's fucking origin again. But also nobody wants a brand new character they aren't connected to with any stories at all. But they could have been like "those stories sort of happened, so you sort of have that connection. But don't get hung up on details." The 2008 Hulk movie sort of did this just by having him be in the jungle, like the end of the 2003 movie. Meanwhile the intro changed a bit by briefly showing an origin that recalled the tv show. I thought that was very effective. It's like "look, this sort of continues from the last movie, but don't get hung up on details. And remember that extremely popular TV show? Here's some of that, so some of the care people have for that show can carry over here, too." All that said, I find it very hard to believe that a Superman movie won't at least establish that his planet blew up so he was raised by farmers. At the very least, that's so simple they have to do that. Will anything else be good? Well I'm not sure about that. >>40335 The DCAU is the closest you're going to get. It at least shows all the main beats of Batman's whole life. Batman Beyond and the future episodes of JLU sort of imply endings and futures for other characters. Who has kids with who and stuff like that. The Nolan Batman movies do it, too. But I suppose that's just a movie trilogy and not the same as an autistic shared universe. The X-Men movies have so many entries that it becomes pretty autistic and you see effectively Wolverine's whole life. Too bad the last few movies sucked, but Wolverine isn't in them (and neither is anyone else anyone cares about) so you can ignore them. But then Professor X was in Doctor Strange even though it made no sense (I guess it's a totally different Professor X who just has the same actor). And now Wolverine is in yet another movie just to ruin the good ending he had before.
>>40337 I am very pessimistic overall when it comes to storytelling in comics and movies. I'm okay with it.
>>40335 >I'd love a story of the DCU that has permanent endings for characters. AFAIK, there's only TWO DC related series that do this (Giving a definitive ending): The Nolan trilogy and the DCAU. I actually refer to the Nolan films as the "good ending" for Bruce as it actually shows him moving on and actually having a life. Meanwhile the DCAU is the "Bad ending" as he becomes a bitter old man who's alienated all of his friends for "The cause", until Terry shows up and Bruce begins to remember that there is light in the world (In some ways, despite how often people treat it as complete bullshit, "Epilogue" only reinforces this). >>40337 >The X-Men movies have so many entries that it becomes pretty autistic and you see effectively Wolverine's whole life. Too bad the last few movies sucked, but Wolverine isn't in them (and neither is anyone else anyone cares about) so you can ignore them. But then Professor X was in Doctor Strange even though it made no sense (I guess it's a totally different Professor X who just has the same actor). And now Wolverine is in yet another movie just to ruin the good ending he had before. The "best" ending for the X-Men movies is The Wolverine. Despite the fact that the post-credits scene sets up DOFP, it basically completes the "story arc" for Logan. Where he starts are a "nobody" in the first X-Men movie, has several movies were both his friends and enemies are all hurt or die by his hand (Even indirectly), and deals with him having to ultimately decide if the sweet release of death really worth it or does his presence in the world actually improve the lives of others.
>>40336 Essentially. Another way I envisioned would be a pan across in universe pictures, newspapers, & collections of various items establishing what a character does & their basic history. You get to see their proudest moments, trophies, & what they value most.
>>40335 You can look up stuff about Earth-Two, which is the original DCU from the '30s and '40s. Batman, the original Batman, died in the early '80s. Catwoman died shortly before, and Robin and Huntress died a few years later. The entire Batman of Earth-Two story, with all its characters, gets pretty well wrapped up. Wonder Woman and Superman died later. Superman's whole cast of characters also got somewhat well wrapped up. Wonder Woman got into some more complicated stuff, where she had a daughter who continued living in the New Earth created in the '80s, but uh... Well Superman and Batman died and you can just consider their stories fully over, with no major hanging threads. A lot of the C-list guys have died and stayed dead over the years, too. But a lot of the B-listers, like Flash, Green Lantern, and Hawkman, are still alive. When was the last time the original Doctor Fate was alive? I know Kent Nelson died in the '80s or '90s and was a spirit for a while who only sometimes interacted with later Doctor Fates, but did he end up coming back to life ever? I just expect that he did. The original Supergirl died so hard she got erased from history and nobody knew she ever existed. She later appeared as a ghost one time (maybe twice, I forget), teaching a lesson that it doesn't matter if people know you did something good, because the important thing is that you did it. But anyway you can read all of the original Supergirl's stories and get an ending. She never came back. After that ghost story they did say she could finally be reincarnated, and a new Supergirl with her name appeared, but for all intents and purposes, she's a brand new person with a brand new history. It's not like she or anyone else remembers the old Supergirl. You can read every Superman story in order, and while it technically continues after The Crisis on Infinite Earths, they did do an ending at that point. It was non-canon, which was acknowledged in the foreword. "This is an imaginary story. Aren't they all?" Anyway, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow is a great ending. The idea of The Dark Knight Returns is basically "what if we took Batman, pretended he was as old as he would be if he aged in real time, and then skipped the years between now and then and showed what he's up to?" So you can read all the Batman comics to that point and then skip to The Dark Knight Returns. Immediately after, the same writer, Frank Miller, did Batman: Year One, which was canon to the DCU but also intended to be the origin of Dark Knight Returns Batman. He eventually did other sequels, but also All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder, which takes place between Year One and Dark Knight Returns. So if you want to only read the things that are explicitly canon to this Batman, you can read Dark Knight Returns, Year One, Dark Knight Strikes Again, All-Star Batman, and then the other sequels Miller did later. Now, I won't vouch for the quality of those sequels, but they're there. It's also notable that Dark Knight Returns mentioned Jason Todd being killed in what would be our present. This then happened a couple years later in the mainstream comics, so there was a good while there where you could consider everything to be leading up to Dark Knight Returns. Eventually, though, modern Batman stories started using elements from Dark Knight Returns, like Carrie Kelly, and the Mutants, but they weren't the same. It was like an alternate timeline. Batman isn't old yet though because of time shenanigans and things like Lazarus Pits. So there's a point where the DCU diverges significantly from Dark Knight Returns, but there is a point before then where you can consider DKR to be the future of main Batman, if you want. And if you don't, All-Star Batman fills in that gap. Jonah Hex, being a character who exists in the past, has stories that take place all across his lifetime, and even after his lifetime, dealing with what happened to his corpse after he died. And yes there are some incidents of time travel and other times he gets involved with the DCU, but mostly he does cowboy stuff, and the rare times he does other stuff are cool because they're rare. Also it's cool that he's pretty much wholly unaffected by changes in history. Everything he does is canon. He's not the type of guy to wax on about his history much, but sometimes that's the reference. Like when a time traveller shows up, he probably won't be surprised, since it isn't the first time. Anyway you can read every Hex story, and pretty much follow his whole life. But since he's a historical character, they weren't all released in chronological order. "The Life Story of The Flash" is a graphic novel that is what it says on the tin. After Barry Allen died, and his wife Iris was living in the 30th century, where she could talk about his private life without fear of supervillains (even though she should be fucking careful given that his arch-nemesis who fucking killed her a few years earlier was a time traveller from the 25th century). She was a journalist, so she wrote her husband's biography. The book exists in-universe, but DC also published it in real life, and you can read it, and it's good. Now yes, Barry came back to life like 15 years later, but this story works on its own either way. The Ultimate Marvel universe (I know you said DC, but close enough) pretty much has a beginning, middle, and end. The end wasn't very good, but it's there. "Marvels" is a graphic novel which basically looks back at the history of the Marvel universe up to that point (the '90s) through the eyes of a regular guy, telling it like one story. It's excellent. I've heard X-Men: Grand Design does something a bit similar to Marvels but later. I never read that though so I don't know how good it is. Also Marvels is partially awesome because of Alex Ross's art, and X-Men: Grand Design doesn't have that.
>>40339 >DCAU Batman ending The live action CW Crisis on Infinite Earths has Kevin Conroy playing an old Bruce Wayne, so it's essentially Batman Beyond. They don't say it's officially him, but it's the same actor playing the same character, in live action for the first time, and as an old man, which is how we last saw him. Only now he's evil so that their terrible Batwoman show can make a point about feminism. The same crossover also brings back Christopher Reeve Superman, now played by Brandon Routh, like he was in Superman Returns (which is an alternate sequel to Superman II). The crossover says that after Superman Returns, The Joker killed Lois and a bunch of other people at the Daily Planet (presumably all of Clark's supporting characters), so it became like Kingdom Come. They also brought back Smallville Superman, who we only just saw begin (after ten fucking years). There were comics, but this invalidates them by having him fight a different Anti-Monitor. Anyway it reveals that he had two daughters so he gave up his powers AGAIN, even though he did that like ten fucking times in the show, and the entire arc and finale was him finally accepting his destiny. Oh yeah, it also has Burt Ward Robin and kills him unceremoniously along with his whole universe. I assume it gets brought back at the end, but still. There is also the Birds of Prey TV show which is sort of a sequel to the '80s and '90s Batman movies. Batman and Catwoman had a kid, then Catwoman got killed and Batman went missing, and now terrible versions of Huntress, Black Canary, and Oracle fight Harley Quinn and a couple other villains. I think Alfred was still alive. Idk. I'm not gonna watch that shit again. >The "best" ending for the X-Men movies is The Wolverine. I kind of like the idea that X-Men 3 was a "bad end" (which The Wolverine follows up on), but then Days of Future Past is about fixing it. A bit of a happy ending. What you say is nice and all, and I like it in that movie, but I don't mind the Days of Future Past ending either. Logan then totally fucks up that ending and has that be a bad ending again, but uh... the movie was still okay, I guess. I don't like how it was an early example of the trend of an old man action hero sacrificing himself for a little girl replacement, but it's a better example of the genre than most. (So many fucking movies do that now that I'm comfortable calling it a genre.)
>>40342 >The live action CW Crisis on Infinite Earths has Kevin Conroy playing an old Bruce Wayne Okay, and? I don't care. The DCAU ended back in 2006. Anything since is just some spiteful oldhags trying to revive a beloved property so that they can push their Mary Sue and show how much "better" she is than the character people have loved for the past 30 years. >Logan then totally fucks up that ending and has that be a bad ending again, but uh... the movie was still okay, I guess. I just found Logan to be absolute trash. Thinking back on it, I don't even understand what the real point of the movie was beyond seeing a couple old men who've long since seen their dreams, goals, and aspirations turned to dust and just agonizing over the question of why they're still here except as a cosmic joke. The movie opens with Logan wanting to die and the movie ends two hours later with...Logan dying. It's an absolutely silly concept that only a post-modernist would get his rocks off over. Sure he "saves" X23, but she's 10 years old and we never see any follow-up showing whether or not the week she spent with Logan actually left an impression on her or if she went back to being a wildchild. The only reason Logan exists is just to watch your favorite characters die. Not even die a "good death" and leaving some impact on the world, just dying off and being forgotten.
>>40343 >Anything since is just some spiteful oldhags Fair enough. But with the same logic you can ignore a lot of stupid later entries of a lot of things, but that's precisely what people can't do when they're complaining about characters not dying. A lot of times they do only to get brought back years later. If we can disregard things not made by later writers, then we can add a whole bunch more characters who got deaths and endings. Jason Todd, Norman Osborn. Hell, Jerry Seigel did a "Death of Superman" story in the '60s. It was an imaginary story, but aren't they all? You could easily count that as the ending, and it's by the original writer and everything. >The movie opens with Logan wanting to die and the movie ends two hours later with...Logan dying. Yeah but he died for something, with hope for the future. >Sure he "saves" X23, but she's 10 years old and we never see any follow-up showing whether or not the week she spent with Logan actually left an impression on her or if she went back to being a wildchild. I think the story is pretty clear on what you're supposed to figure the answer to that question is. I can accept that just fine. All that said, I do still sort of agree with your assessment, on an emotional and metatextual level. I do totally get where you're coming from.
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So besides information on other Justice League heroes appearing, what came out about the film was a supposed leak about the villain. That being a totally not Bizarro clone of Superman named after Ultraman. The evil Superman from Earth 3, traditionally. James Gunn dismissed these rumors as nonsense. Well look at these set photos. Gee I wonder who this masked guy with a giant 'U' on his chest could be.
>>40346 How many FUCKING times are they going to be doing the "Evil Superman" and/or multiverse storyline?
>>40346 If that is Ultraman, that costume is fucking awful. Even if he's actually Bizarro and they call him Ultraman, that costume is fucking awful. And why call Bizarro Ultraman? I could easier believe it's just simple Ultraman, but why does the army work for him? Did Superman go to Earth-Three? And maybe the mask is for some sort of "dramatic reveal" when you find out that he's a doppelganger of Superman. I could see Gunn just saying that it isn't Bizarro named Ultraman if it's just plain Ultraman (in a shitty costume). And what would the woman next to him be? Superwoman? That would mean she'd be the same actress that plays either Lois or Wonder Woman. I don't know what's going on, but I know I don't like it.
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>>40348 It could be a Doomsday thing. So it's 3 ways of stupid.
>>40349 Yeah the costume did remind me of Doomsday, but the U doesn't make any sense there, and the guy is way too small to be any sort of Doomsday, unless they're doing some gay-ass Smallville Davis Bloome thing. But no matter how pessimistic I am, I still don't believe they would do something that stupid. Now, they could be doing the thing where Doomsday was imprisoned by Kryptonians. I could believe those are Kryptonian costumes. But what Kryptonian character would that be? Especially with a U? Ursa? Female. Jax-Ur? Nobody cares about him. Or maybe it's just not a U at all. But I don't think they would do Kryptonian villains since Man of Steel did Zod and they probably don't want to repeat that movie.
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>>40350 A Doomsday containment suit for a not Bizarro clone Superman called Ultraman. That's my assumption now. Oh anon. Hollywood is incredibly creatively bankrupt. Just the fact it's another Superman adaptation for another shared DC universe is derivative. Hell they're reusing nigger Perry White.
>>40350 >But no matter how pessimistic I am, I still don't believe they would do something that stupid. How about they go for the trifecta of bullshit? Where it IS Ultraman being a clone of Clark, but he's a faulty clone and we watch as he slowly degrades into Bizarro. And the villain tries to fix this, but ends up turning Bizarro into Doomsday.
>>40352 >How about they go for the trifecta of bullshit? Where it IS Ultraman being a clone of Clark, but he's a faulty clone and we watch as he slowly degrades into Bizarro. And the villain tries to fix this, but ends up turning Bizarro into Doomsday. Dear God. I think you've cracked the code.
>>39865 Are we sure he isn’t just lying about liking superman?
New Ultimate Peter is still doing fine
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>>40355 He definitely said that just to NOT get excluded from cool boys club, however redditors have selective memory and shit on him for his double-standard.
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>Batman: Caped Crusader Trailer https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=AdzSiO-7LyM >niggers and womyn in the 40's >mimics Kevin Conroy voice at the cost of emoting >prosecuted both by police and criminals like Spiderman I was expecting it to be shit, but I hoped for the lulz kind of worthy shit, this look like borefest. The only good thing I can say about this, it that Harley Quinn finally getting good redesign. Although She is more detailed and less simple and iconic, I do like that she now shares color scheme (hopefully) with the Joker, thus looking more like a sidekick .
>>40422 You couldn't even be asked to link the damn thing? <Prime So HBO Max is dead. <Hispanic/nigger batgirl They are really trying to push her. WHY? >I was expecting it to be shit, but I hoped for the lulz kind of worthy shit, this look like borefest. It looks too much like it's trying to be a remake of BTAS, but for "mature" audiences as we already see someone graphically being burned to death. So expect to hear a lot of "Fucks" and see a lot of blood in the final product. >Harley Quinn finally getting good redesign. I disagree, the "bumblebee" color scheme looks awful, on top of how it looks like like she's thrown on several dozen pounds.
>>40422 Why can't they just do something like have Harley Quinn "retire" as a ringmaster and form a circus-themed group of super beings while having her Harlequinn-based successor similar to Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond? She'd stand out on her own while showing she's moved on from the joker without being an obnoxious Deadpool wannabe.
>>40425 Because DC wants to have their wisecracking Deadpool type, but forget Plastic Man exists or else thinks he's too goofy because they also want to funny random violence aspect of Deadpool too.
>>40425 Because Harley really doesn't exist nor work as a character without the Joker. Every single version of her origin story is her being desperate for attention and wanting to be a high-profile shrink, and the Joker managing to twist that desire to where she'll burn the world down for people not realizing her genius and to receive his "love". It's also why she doesn't work as a Deadpool counterpart because Deadpool is just a merc who lost it after being tortured beyond belief, meanwhile her "tragic backstory" is just being taken advantage of by a criminal mastermind. Even having her hooking up with Poison Ivy doesn't really solve this problem as it's just her running to another villain who "understands" her when "Mr. J" isn't around. If they actually wanted to develop Harley and treat her as a proper character with goals and ambitions rather than the writer's self-insert, then they need to actually have her confront the reality of what she's doing and questioning if this is really what she wants. Once you begin to address that, you notice that she really doesn't work as a snarky anti-hero because her "hidden desire" (And why the Joker originally took advantage of her) has absolutely NOTHING to do with that. The closest you could possibly come with a "Good Harley" is her stringing someone along before she pulls the rug, but that's just typical seductress-style behavior. She was just a girl who wanted attention, and found it with the WRONG individual. Ironically, the Harley/Ivy shipping actually works to the characters' benefit if they were to go down this path and actually make their relationship FUCKING WORK because you have Ivy being the more confrontational, emotional, and activist character and Harley being the reasonable character who tries to cool her down so that they both don't end up in jail or Arkham. Even if they wanted to keep the costumes or Harley's "zany" personality, just be silly about the entire thing and turn it into a gag comic where they bumble into situations where they end up saving the day...somehow. But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' No one is ever going to do something fun like that. I mean, who would actually be interested in reading a story about two contrasting friends playing off of one another.
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>>40426 Speaking of.
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On the topic of Harley and Joker, I hear Suicide Squad Isekai came out (with an English Dub only in Australia for some reason similar to Disney's decades-late dub of Fireball). How is it?
>>40426 Plastic Man isn't a girl, he's a white guy. They aren't gonna push any more white guy superheroes. >>40428 You're missing the point, and the point is feminism. Ironically, her original backstory was already pushing a feminist narrative, of how women are only ever "bad" because men "take advantage of them" and make them that way. But when feminists got that, they were mad because it makes Harley, and by extension every woman that ever existed and ever will exist, look weak. Now, they aren't smart, or perhaps empathetic, enough to realize that weaknesses make characters interesting and likeable, and they also cannot stand a female character that deliberately isn't likeable, because that existing means that anyone who likes it hates all women. So you're left with a character that acts in a way that isn't likeable, but they try to act like she is likeable, which only creates massive dissonance and makes both the character and the story she is in very unlikeable. It results in a character that can't do anything interesting, including using her backstory effectively. It results in all the problems you pointed out. >tl;dr: Feminists don't see characters, especially female characters, as characters. They're representations of all females, particularly the female writing/speaking, because they're narcissists with no sense of empathy, and thus can't tell real stories.
>>40339 >Meanwhile the DCAU is the "Bad ending" as he becomes a bitter old man who's alienated all of his friends That was only true for BB series, ROTJ and Epilouge have retconned it; Bruce reconciles with both Barbara and Tim (of course Dick isn't shown in that movie for that very reason, because there's no way around in which Dick would forgive his asshole adoptive dad for fucking his girlfriend) and in Epilouge Amanda Waller went from hating Bruceshit's guts (as everyone should) to le suddenly becoming Bruce Timm' self-insert Batwanker who gave Bruceshit le clone-son. >how often people treat it as complete bullshit Because it is and that's an understatement for how godawful that episode was. >"Epilogue" only reinforces this See above >Bruce begins to remember that there is light in the world More like Bruce never pays for his selfish and terrible actions and choices, because Batwankers want their "complex tortured soul", aka autistic asshole, without the consequences. Although Bruce personality wasn't the most interesting in early BTAS (because Bruce has no life outside of capeshitting, in contrast to Peter Parker), he was still likeable and kind. But after the addition of Superman, they chose to turn him into insufferable asshole in order to extremely differentiate between them to the point of being contrast to each other. If they really wanted to go through that path of Bruce being piece of shit and pays for it, there shouldn't have been any reconciliation and the only biological offspring should've been an evil Damian, that could actually made for great and logical conclusion of the story. >>40424 ><Hispanic/nigger batgirl I didn't even notice that, I just focused on her nigger father. >They are really trying to push her. WHY? Because all ginger characters must be niggerwashed plus Bruce is too damn WASP for current year. I'm surprised DC haven't try to pull Miles Morales equivalent for Bruce yet, they could make an alternative for Terry/Beyond in which Bruce adopt some young George Floyd and being preached about his white privilege, lol. >It looks too much like it's trying to be a remake of BTAS Timm and Dini are helpless Batwankers and just can't let it go and of course executives would want to try and recreate that great success. When other DC characters are going to get high quality cartoon too? Especially my boy, Plas! >"bumblebee" color scheme It's dark green and yellow, usually not the best combo, but it works fine here. >she's thrown on several dozen pounds You're just too used to Timm's old skinny artstyle from TNBA, she does have quite small breasts though. >>40426 >but forget Plastic Man exists I'm so glad those dumb assholes lost the copyright on the OG comic! Besides the underrated JLA cartoon, everything else they done with him sucks. I hate how they turned him from smart, wholesome and child friendly superhero into a cussing retarded degenerate for man-children. The omission of Woozy sucks too, but it's even worse when he is paired with retarded Plas. >>40434 It's also worth noting that Plas has nearly infinite toyetic potential! I think it has less to do with him being white guy, than being fairly obscure, I mean DC has shown to be hesitant about niggerwashing their most iconic and popular characters, Batman and Superman, being the most WASP superheroes too. Sure, you could argue niggerwashed Batwomyn and faggot Superboy were attempts at it, but the fact is they haven't gone full Miles Morales of replacing Bruce and Kent yet.
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>>40429 >Emasculated male protag Totally unexpected!
>>40428 >her stringing someone along before she pulls the rug, but that's just typical seductress-style behavior Would a story where she picks up someone impressionable by pretending she's sick of the Joker (or some other reason), leads them along to "reforming" her while actually they become noticeably worse themselves as they have to deal with/grow to idolize and enable her, and suffers the effects of the rug inevitably being pulled out from under them by a jealous Joker who's sick of the game or herself after she accomplishes her goal work? Their villain name could be Auguste or Augustine, taken after a type of clown which has little self-respect and ultimately plays a foolish, servile role to other clowns, especially whitefaces, as they're tricked by them for the enjoyment of others. To further the symbolism and the character's progression, they could start as a normal person, transition to a European Auguste, then finish as an Auguste. European Augustes take the already barebones makeup and uniform of the Auguste and tone it down further, putting on only enough makeup to make their natural look foolish, rather than play a character, and completely forgoing the presence of a wig or nose. Their arc might end with them going catatonic after learning the Joker's real identity, to tie it in with the overarching Jokerwank DC loves so much, or dying/falling comatose after trying and failing to kill the Joker, who they recognized as the source of Harley's problems but didn't have the guts to seriously go after until the rug pull. If male, a potential pitfall with this character would be making them the canon grandfather of the Dee Dees, though a panel from 2019 for Beyond's anniversary has a semi-sarcastic comment that their grandfather is Dick. From here, the story would progress to her falling onto Ivy as a safety net but recognizing that she now has to act with some maturity with her friend/lover because she'll inevitably go back to Joker if anything happens to her. The story would ultimately make her realize that how she made them was how she was made, so what happened to them could happen, and has happened, to her at any time, and that she needs to address her serious attention issues or else she'll end up being thrown away. The arc would end with her maintaining her status as a villain but soft-retiring into the concept proposed in >>40425, gathering some of her friends from the Suicide Squad and becoming Ringmaster. This would open room for more Joker and Batman stories as Joker has to deal with the absence of a righthand woman/punching bag, and Batman has to deal with a new supercriminal organization that's not based on ego and scheming like the Legion. The other Sirens would be de facto members of her organization, occasionally cooperating but not obtaining full membership because their past relationships with Harley have made them unable to recognize her as a leader.
>>40434 >Plastic Man isn't a girl, he's a white guy. They aren't gonna push any more white guy superheroes. Just make him gay. I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t already a widespread headcanon based solely on how his costume.
>>40435 I think you're missing the point of a lot of Batman Beyond, including Epilogue. Epilogue doesn't even change much. Terry was already essentially a bittersweet ending for Bruce. Bruce alienated everybody and lived much of his life sad and alone, and Terry was the one bright bit that he found at the end. Epilogue didn't alter that. I also think you're being silly to act as if it was after Superman that they made Batman start acting like a dick. That's largely from Batman Beyond, not The New Batman Adventures. Nightwing has a chip on his shoulder in The New Batman Adventures because that's what Nightwing does. It's why Robin becomes Nightwing. Bruce fucks Barbara because Bruce Timm seems like an obsessed shipper who just fucking loves that idea for some reason, and it's only in Batman Beyond that any attention is drawn to it being fucked up, and it's only through Barb acting like a victim, and not through pointing out that Bruce basically cucked his own son. The show, all the shows, never acknowledge that that was fucked up, because Bruce Timm doesn't seem to think it is. Note how fucked up it was again in The Killing Joke movie, where Barbara straight up rapes Bruce on screen and the movie acts like it's fine. Also, Damian Wayne essentially didn't exist when Epilogue came out, or even when Justice League Unlimited ended (so thus essentially when the DCAU ended). Now technically you could argue he existed in Son of the Demon and Kingdom Come, but that's essentially in loose concept only, and it's not at all the same as the Robin we were introduced to post-Infinite Crisis. >When other DC characters are going to get high quality cartoon too? Especially my boy, Plas! I also think you're silly to blame Timm and Dini for this. I do think Batman is clearly their favorite. (Well, Dini clearly has a think for Zatanna...) But Batman is also the best selling by far, and has been for a very long time now. He's essentially been far and away their most successful character since the '80s, when those Superman movies fizzled out. I love the B and C listers, like Plastic Man, but not only is he more of a "risk" since he's a less well known property, but if they're going to push anything that's not Batman, it's core Justice League so they can try to get some of that MCU Avengers money (even though they fucked up for over ten years with that and missed their chance), and then it's gonna be SJW shit, AKA not any white guys, AKA not Plastic Man or Booster Gold or Ted Kord or any of the other C listers that all the fans know are actually awesome. >they haven't gone full Miles Morales of replacing Bruce and Kent yet. As you mentioned, that's because those are not just two of their biggest characters, but two of the biggest characters of all time. Superman hasn't been a top favorite of casuals for decades now, but he's legitimately iconic, and while they do try to toe the line, his sheer cultural impact, beyond even Batman (who has been way more popular for a long time) gives him some protection. Not enough to stop his son from getting molested and turned gay, not enough to stop a retcon from saying that Superman got buttraped by some russian general back in the '60s, not enough to stop JJ Abrams from making a movie about a black Superman from an alternate universe where the real Superman turned evil. But just enough to stop mainstream DCU Kal-El from being made gay or black or evil. For now. And Batman sells gangbusters no matter what, so that affords him more protection. But not Batgirl. Not Tim Drake. Not Batwoman. So no, I do think it has much to do with Plastic Man being a white guy. Other C-Listers get chances if they're not white guys. But they're not gonna give a white guy C-lister a chance. Especially if he's not typically seen as part of DC's version of the Avengers, which is the only reason they've been trying to do anything with The Flash, and Aquaman, for that matter. >>40439 Don't even joke about it. They're gonna do it the instant they remember he exists.
>>40435 Your speech-patterns are so recognisable that we might as well call you batwanker.
>>40431 >How is it? Having watched the first two episodes from Loleron's stream, I have to relay the bad news that the show actually does NOT suck ass. At least not yet. Something you need to understand if you don't regularly watch anime is that in order for an anime series to actually be downright terrible, it needs to inhabit a special level of quality that I have not seen Western animation ever come close to encompassing. To cover what are some of the worst anime series I have watched: >Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul This series inhabits a special level of Hell because what made this show downright terrible was the abysmal ending that resolved FUCKING NOTHING after 26 episodes on top of no one ever paying for their actions when you sit back and think about the setup of the series. >Super Dimension Century Orguss This show is terrible on account of the fact that the protagonist is just a straight-up asshole. Not a funny asshole, or even a smug asshole, just a complete and utter ass to anyone and everyone around him. And even all the other characters in the show included his best friend, his robot loli servent, and even his own fucking daughter outright call out the fact that he is such an unlikable asshole. >Martian Successor Nadesico There show is a ringer as it manages to combine both the problems of Orguss (Asshole main characters) with the problems of Virgin Soul (Bullshit ending), and adds in a healthy dose of tone deafness as the show already begins early on with treating mass genocide as a complete joke. Did I mention the ending literally has the writer telling viewers to stop whining because it's a stupid TV show? >Genesis of Aquarion This is another special series, but for two reasons. First, there's the problem that the shows quality just gets worse and worse with literally every episode to where I could not be asked to complete it and dropped the entire thing midway through episode 19. Second, the writing is abysmal. Literally NONE of the characters have a functioning brain, and the entire plot is about how gay angels want to destroy humanity because some girl's pussy turned one of their kind straight (I WISH I was making that shit up). Gundou Musashi <Fourth webm A series that's LEGENDARY. It is a unironic and literally a certified fact that you ONLY ever see Japanese people watching this show for the purposes of being "ironic". It's THAT bad. I went in expecting it to be exaggerated, but I was not prepared for how shit an anime can be. These are not the only series that I walked away being dissatisfied with, but these are the worst of the worst and it should give an idea of what level Isekai Suicide Squad needs to reach in order for it to be considered a "terrible anime". Thus far, it has the makings of being a boring or underwhelming series, with the biggest criticism I can make so far being leveled at the fight between Harley and Katana (Along with Waller already being setup as a psychopathic cunt), but I'm going to have to wait and see if it gets better or worse.

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