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Dan Slott Announces He Won’t Return To Spider-Man Anonymous 06/22/2021 (Tue) 05:17:49 No. 14257
>Slott would close out his run on Spider-Man with a one-off issue in The Amazing Spider-Man #801 https://archive.is/ITCFM
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Good. Too bad he's already fucked everything up for way too long.
>>14267 It's almost like being under a system where any writer can come in & forever ruin a character because everything in the mainline has to be a canon "progression" is a bad fucking system that doesn't make any fucking sense when trying to actually tell serious stories.
>>14268 But there are always also alternate versions that aren't progressing from the continuity of previous stories. If there was no continuity, then what would make it "mainline" or not? It would just be a bunch of alternate versions. Without continuity there simply would not be a "mainline" version. Also, shitty stories have historically been easily ignored, erased, retconned into something else, or actually developed into good future stories. However, given the state of the industry and how close it is to death, I have little hope for that happening now.
>>14273 >alt versions So? They always get involved with the mainline continuity. Somehow. Crossovers happen constantly. You can't escape the bullshit structure of comics through alternative universe books.
>>14275 I mentioned alt-versions because if you want versions that aren't beholden to continuing from previous stories, well there they are. There are lots of them. They're considered "alt" only because there is a long continuity version. If that version didn't exist, it's not that another version would become the "main" version, there just wouldn't be a main version. Just read Ultimate Spider-Man. It's good and it has an ending. I don't care if stupid shit happens in the universe after that ending.
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>>14257 That 616 segment where they threw his fat gay ass under the bus was hilarious. It was a self-promoting fluff piece and he STILL looked like a complete sack of useless excrement. >"Ooo! A tweet!"
>>14273 Then in regards to continuity itself, the point is that the excuse for what is a mainline continuity doesn't work with clashing visions that simultaneously do not allow for actual growth. Nothing but makes sense but these companies expect us to take it seriously. There shouldn't be a need to ignore or retcon shitty stories because they shouldn't exist to begin with. If these characters are supposed to be taken seriously then the way the world is presented needs to be as well. With linear progression that actual evolves & eventually ends the characters stories. Not keep them going forever. Manga & fiction series novels can do this. Why can't american comics get this simple idea right? >>14276 No you can't just keep excusing these shit with "Well this run is good" & expect people to actually want to read comics. No. Either a series is good as a whole or it's shit. Again you shouldn't be defending this backwards nonsense.
>>14278 >There shouldn't be a need to ignore or retcon shitty stories because they shouldn't exist to begin with. Nobody thinks they should exist. Nobody is going to sit here and say that it's good for bad things to exist. >If these characters are supposed to be taken seriously then the way the world is presented needs to be as well. With linear progression that actual evolves & eventually ends the characters stories. Not keep them going forever. That does happen. Ultimate Peter Parker died. The universe continued, but his story ended. They did a later volume also called Ultimate Spider-Man, but it was a new story with a new protagonist that took place after the ending of the previous story. >Manga & fiction series novels can do this. Why can't american comics get this simple idea right? They do. You just ignore the endings because you don't like the idea that other stories happen in the same universe, yet you also completely ignore the stories that don't happen in shared universes. >No you can't just keep excusing these shit with "Well this run is good" & expect people to actually want to read comics. No. Either a series is good as a whole or it's shit. Well that's just retarded. I can find flaws in anything. It doesn't mean those things can't still be overall enjoyable. But also, you're double retarded in this particular instance. A later entry in a series does not retroactively make the whole series bad, unless it's really the type of thing where everything is just a chapter and it was always intended to be viewed as only one story. Whatever shitty James Bond movie comes out next won't make Goldfinger a bad movie. New Doctor Who or Star Trek doesn't go back in time to the 1960s and make those series bad. Now, modern comics do increasingly rely on very long-form stories that are many chapters long. A bad ending to a particular story arc can make that story bad. But to say that Dan Slott's run on Spider-Man retroactively makes Ditko's stories bad is absurd.
>>14282 >That does happen. Ultimate Peter Parker died. The universe continued, but his story ended. They did a later volume also called Ultimate Spider-Man, but it was a new story with a new protagonist that took place after the ending of the previous story. You're not getting this. That's still a continuation of the universe. >They do. You just ignore the endings because you don't like the idea that other stories happen in the same universe, yet you also completely ignore the stories that don't happen in shared universes. No they don't. A run ending is not an actual ending of the character. The universe and that character still keeps going. Alt universes continuously pop up in the mainline stories all the fucking time. There is no ending in american big two capeshit till the companies themselves go bankrupt. Guilt by association. Plain and simple. Terminator 1 & 2 are good movies. Doesn't mean the franchise is good because all the sequels still happened. They exist. Arguments of what is officially canon aside.
>>14257 >spider man 801 but thats been out for years, didnt that come out in 2018?
>>14283 And the sequels also don't mean that Terminator 1 & 2 are bad movies. Also, there are tons of alt universes that never cross over with the main ones. And again, even if they do, I don't care. Superman: Red Son probably has a bunch of cameos in things like Final Crisis or whatever, but they don't affect the quality of Red Son itself. Dan Slott can do all sorts of gay shit, but it doesn't retroactively make John Romita Sr.'s Spider-Man stories gay as well.
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>>14283 >>14293 You two took a perfectly good "Let's bash that fat faggot, Slott" thread and ruined it with your pointless bickering.
>>14341 I doubt anyone here has read anything Slott has done in years, since he was so awful for so long.
>>14341 Welcome to imageboards faggot, what do you expect a moderator to enforce your topic?
>>14257 thank fucking christ
>>14368 >Welcome to imageboards faggot, what do you expect a moderator to enforce your topic? I expect you and your buddy to get a hotel room while we do something positive around here, for a change. Venting spleens about Dan "Giving Mark Waid A Run For His Money In The Fat Infant Contest" Slott is the Lord's work. Stop dancing around each other and just fuck, already.
>>14554 What, you think I'm one of those guys you quoted? Nah, I just saw you bitching about people not talking about what you want to talk about and thought I'd bully you. And I'd rape you in a hotel room before them
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>>14570 >What, you think I'm one of those guys you quoted? Nah, Riddle me this: why wouldn't I assume you were one of them, nigger, when you jump in all defensive? Next time, use proper imageboard etiquette and say "Not that anon, but I'm a summerfag and I'd like to voice my opinion."
>>14591 Usually when I say that, people still think I'm whoever they're accusing trying to samefag, so I stopped bothering trying to pre-face. Still, noted. Still up for fucking?
>>14643 Absolutely.
Hey, who wants to watch a pathetic fat fuck virtue signal?
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Here's your nostalgia junk food, you animals.
>>17190 Didn't we just go through the whole "don't use those stones for your personal bs because some random annoying group of people will try to restore the status quo" with Thanos a few months ago?
>>17191 He didn't use the time stone. Which I'm pretty sure was destroyed. Not like it matters. None of it matters. Loki already established everything is pre-ordained in the multiverse.
>>17190 I wish they'd stop calling her MJ.
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>>17190 >tfw you find out Kevin Feige bypassed you for the cinematic Infinity War AND One More Day movies.
>>17211 Don't forget Wandavision.
>>14831 He looks like depressed keemstar
>>17214 >Don't forget Wandavision. But I WANT to.
>>17242 Too bad. It's coming back through Dr. Strange 2, Captain Marvel 2, & Young Avengers.
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>>17243 >It's coming back through Dr. Strange 2, Captain Marvel 2, & Young Avengers. >Young Avengers >YOUNG AVENGERS I'd beg you to tell me you're joking, but I already know you aren't.
>>17296 They've been setting it up since Cassie Lang showed up. The Falcon & Winter Soldier set up Elijah Bradly. Wandavision introduced Billy & Tommy. Hawkeye is going to bring in Kate Bishop. Loki introduce KANGZ the Conqueror. Hulkling in the only one missing now. Of course Mar-Vell is an old dead lady in the MCU so they'll have to change his origin.

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