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Batman Beyond Anonymous 12/21/2020 (Mon) 16:29:25 No. 8274
I've finished rewatching the show, it's both better and worse than what I remember/thought. Discuss
I kind of dislike how Terry usually bumbled into things, but at the same time I can't quite remember if Batman TAS was like that. Otherwise it's a very stylish story and I like the dynamic between Terry and Bruce.
Terry being Bruce's son is the dumbest shit imaginable and fucked with the premise, the series is 100% better without that contrived bullshit and undermines the relationship between Terry and Bruce.
>>8275 Originally I really hated Terry, being incompetent compare to Bruce, but that was the whole point. The idea of Batman both in presence and in training was truly great, however the show failed to tackle it, mostly thanks to worst girl, the nigeress Max. Batman Beyond had interesting concept and world setting, great aesthetics and amazing action scenes I love seeing Terry getting beat the shit out of him and Terry beating others -maybe even the best ones in the DCAU. However, the writing quite few bad episodes, sadly and power hierarchy of course Terry can beat Curare, but fail to beat three nerds using gaywars tech are inferior to BTAS. Overall, Batman Beyond had a great potential, but failed to realize it, which is a great shame. Season 1 was the best being entirely cel animation as God intended and worst girl yet appeared, while season 3 was the weakest having few episodes and a good chunk of them were bad. I'll talk about characters more in detail. >>8276 I heard he was a clone of Bruce, I have yet seen JLU. That's less stupid than the clone idea, but I agree, it does ruin their relationship and go against the whole premise of Bruce ending up alone accordingly to his shit personality in the "rebooted" season 2. BTW, who's the mom?
>>8278 Terry's actual mom. Cadmus inserted Bruce's sperm/DNA into Terry's mother's husband's balls to produce a second Batman.
>>8279 That's got to be bullshit. Honestly I'm kind of sad Bruce didn't fuck Talia or Catwoman. I liked the Talia episode but I don't remember there ever being a catwoman one.
>>8279 >>8280 >That's got to be bullshit They really came up with retarded ideas near the end of DCAU. >Terry's actual mom I have a headcanon that she colors her black hair to red. >Honestly I'm kind of sad Bruce didn't fuck Talia or Catwoman Catwoman is boring af, Talia would be better, but better than both of these options is Bruce dying alone as he should. I know capeshit is basically soap opera for boys, but everyone having hereditary second generation is dumb.
>>8281 I don't want second gen batman, I just want a happier ending for Bruce. I guess terry is one.
>>8282 >Bruce having a normal son that doesn't knew about the batshit and doesn't become part of it That could somewhat work, but I still think dying alone is the appropriate ending to Bruce as he never got over the trauma of his parents death and his blending with normalfags was a complete facade, plus he have shit personality. >I guess terry is one Terry is rather normal; his father died when he was 16 and he didn't witness his parent death in his own eyes. In addition, of having having friends, girlfriend and no need to worry about inheriting big company.
Woke reboot when?
>>8283 And I almost forget to mention that Terry still has his mother and little brother, so he wasn't left alone with huge responsibly on his shoulders and at young age like Bruce.
I always favored Bruce getting together with Dianna.
>>8286 You're a fan of snu snu, aren't you? Jokes aside the JL animated show had some decent chemistry with them.
>>8284 <implying nigeress Max isn't woke already So let me go deep into the characters as I've said, starting with worst girl, Max. The original diversity hire, before the darker days of tumblr, although not being a dyke and having attractive figure, she was still none the less shit character, in fact the worst character in the entire show, that wasn't created in mind for the sake of the plot and general good character writing, but for brownie points alone. <nigger <female <teenager < comes from lower class home and divorced family >"incredibly smart" >also physically stronk There's so much suspension of disbelief I can go through, the idea that teenage nigeress from divorced household finding out who Batman is and if it wasn't enough, is also somewhat stronk is completely stupid and unbelievable. I could get if it was *a teenage male nigger who is weak, but this? THIS?! Nope. And to drive my point even further that this fucking nigeress cunt was solely created for brownie points, she didn't had defined personality and it changed throughout the series; starting with mild-mannered personality ("getting the highest scores and outperforming elite students was no biggie, tee hee") to obnoxious sassy black bitch no.898990544 by the subconsciously racist lazy liberal writers who had no idea what to do with her besides shoving her to many episodes as they can and dragging them down, as the cunt even appeared in more episodes than Terry's own girlfriend for fuck sake. And as for so called being smart, alongside the reduction of her personality, so was her so-called intellect as she kept making retarded decisions "oh, I'll just go and investigate the room of Curare, that would show Terry and Bruce how capable I'm!" and saying stupid shit "wouldn't be easier for you Terry, if everyone knew you were batman? yes, she fucking said that and in the last episode none the less! Though naturally, I would prefer a new Batman Beyond series without this cunt, they will never dare to get rid of her. So instead, here's my suggestions to make her decent character-make her family as an elite that has connections with Wayne company with both of her parents still married, being actually exceptionally smart and behave accordingly meaning no retarded shenanigans as mentioned above. Either she will be weak, or it would be shown she has been taking martial art lessons from early age as she would be from an elite family and thus she could be somewhat strong. *I honestly preferred and liked the black artist friend Terry had, I would've rather have him as main character >>8286 >>8287 >the JL animated show had some decent chemistry with them Yeah, it's a nice shipping/pairing.
>>8288 One nigger isn't woke maker. She doesn't have a prominent role either, I didn't even remember her existence until you brought it up. Nowadays she probably would be Batman or be an integral part of the team, saving the day most of the time and showing dem ypipo.
>>8291 <She doesn't have a prominent role either >an integral part of the team She helped Terry and Bruce few times either by investigating or going along with them. As I previously said, she appeared in a lot of episodes, even more so than Terry's girlfriend despite being less important character. <I didn't even remember her existence When was the last time you watched the show? That bitch ruined Curare second episode and had the Cobra prince kidnapping her sassy black bitch ass, wanting to marry her. <One nigger isn't woke maker By that time period, she definitely was. As I've explained she was token stronk, smart and independent nigger womyn character solely created for diversity points.
>>8292 Shoving one nigger in to appeal to the nog market rather then for great diversity is what they've been doing since the 80s. It's what they do with chinks now. They don't put a token kung fu chink in so much for diversity but for that sweet chink buck.
>>8288 >Though naturally, I would prefer a new Batman Beyond series without this cunt, they will never dare to get rid of her. So instead, here's my suggestions to make her decent character-make her family as an elite that has connections with Wayne company with both of her parents still married, being actually exceptionally smart and behave accordingly meaning no retarded shenanigans as mentioned above. Either she will be weak, or it would be shown she has been taking martial art lessons from early age as she would be from an elite family and thus she could be somewhat strong. Making her parents scientists, high ranking biotech employees, or people who volounteered as subjects for science research would work well. Then her superiority could be explained as a result of engineering, making it more believable. It would fit the setting too. Hell, the divorce could have been caused by conflict between parents regarding Maxine's genetical engineering: >one parent wants a superbaby, another one is uneasy about the risks and ethical dilemmas that come with it >they agree not to this time >one parent does it covertly anyway >another finds out years later >trust is undermined >parents divorce I do not think that she was there for political reasons. It was pure marketing, just like Spike in X-Men Evolution, and why Terry was a teenager. I am pretty sure that she was there to lighten the mood too. Besides, Max gave Terry and Terry as Batman another person to play of off besides Bruce. They openly acknowledge that she is a genius too if I remember correctly. Not growing up in Anglosphere, the nerd-jock dichotomy was absent from school life. Smart students often happened to be among more athletic ones too, so her having both traits never bothered me. However, the degree of her excellence does stretch suspension of disbelief without some sort of backstory justifying it. She could be annoying, but at least she was usually used sparsely. Still, she felt out of place in some episodes.
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Mad Stan made some valid points worthy of discourse and so I don't double post, plans for another season included Ten joining as Terry's Robin. Could have been pretty schway
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>>8276 Wasn't the reason they did that them realizing Terry's appearance made no sense genetically? This couple shouldn't produce two black haired children. >>8280 > I don't remember there ever being a catwoman on Dead Man's Hand ends with Bruce telling Terry something akin to "Let me tell you about a woman named Selina Kyle..." when the girl Terry is with turns out to be a criminal.
>>8280 Nope 100% true you won't find it in Batman Beyond though Its in the Justice League series finale i believe Justice league unlimited >spoilers He did, he just never ended up with any of them. >>8298 Really prefer ten over dana. She was too bland.. Hell that one episode of Ten gave her more character then 10 with Dana
>>8286 >>8287 Well in justice league beyond 2.0 the comic it turns out DCAU WonderWoman got together with the justice lord batman who was promptly murdered by justice lord wonderwoman.
>>8304 Those comics aren't canon.
>>8293 <appeal to the nog market <rather then for great diversity <not being the same thing Now you're just goalposting, faggot. >>8296 <Making her parents scientists, high ranking biotech employees, or people who volounteered as subjects for science research would work well. Then her superiority could be explained as a result of engineering, making it more believable. It would fit the setting too. Hell, the divorce could have been caused by conflict between parents regarding Maxine's genetical engineering That's just making her character unnecessary complex and she already had more screentime than she should. <political reasons <It was pure marketing See above, it's the same shit unless you're samefag >>8293 . <she was there to lighten the mood to Batman Beyond was supposed to be Batman on steroids; being set in dystopian future and being more violent and dark. There was no need for that, and the show was perfectly fine, in fact better before her useless addition. <another person to play of off besides Bruce Again, as I've already said her addition add no value. Terry and Bruce dynamic was great as it is and the show could stand on that alone. <Not growing up in Anglosphere, the nerd-jock dichotomy was absent from school life. Smart students often happened to be among more athletic ones too, so her having both traits never bothered me That has nothing to do with American High School social cliques, it has to with the fact that rarely people excel, even more so when it comes to excelling in more than one trait. Also you must take to consideration that she is a female - automatically less strong than a male, nigger - which usually have lower IQ, teenager - which tend to be more stupid and less competent than adults and from broken home- divorce have a lot of negative effects on kids; spending less time with the parents and end up being lower class affect those children' education for the worse . All those facts combined together make her character unbelievable and being woke fantasy. <She could be annoying, but at least she was usually used sparsely While Terry and Bruce had the brain not to get the cunt involved, the dumb bitch would keep shoving her nose where it doesn't belong. >Still, she felt out of place in many episodes FIFY
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>>8293 >Mad Stan made some valid points worthy of discourse He was an insulting strawman parody of Uncle Ted Kaczynski . Such a wasted villain, being the one character to question and go against the world setting, while also being psychopath could've made him an intelligent ideological-driven Joker and being one of the best Batman Beyond villains instead of low rank stupid villain. One of the few things Legend of Whorra deserve praising for, is the relatively fair presentation of political enemies besides best boy Zaheer, of course by the writers. That being said, I doubt the media and the glowniggers will ever allow that, as uncle Ted and his ideology is a threat to their very own existence.
>>8298 >Ten joining as Terry's Robin Would be better as Batgirl, but it's hard to imagine. Their relationship would awkward as hell and probably unhealthy. >>8300 >Wasn't the reason they did that them realizing Terry's appearance made no sense genetically? This couple shouldn't produce two black haired children Vice versa, apparently they planned that idiotic idea ahead and Terry and his brother not being gingers was foreshadowing.
>>8305 Sorry constant reboots really make it hard to tell.
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>>8314 <not being the same thing <Now you're just goalposting Are you retarded or something you dumb faggot? Although looking at your shitty reddit spacing that seems to be a redundant question. >brings up a nigger that nobody can even remember >continues to sperg about him when nobody really cares >pointed out to be retarded >WAAAH WAAAAH NOOO IT'S SUPER SJWUUUUUU YOU JUST A JOO You seem to be obsessed with niggers. Fuck off back to reddit and talk about them there.
>>8325 <that nobody can even remember Only you faggot, you clearly haven't watched the show in years, maybe you should refresh your memory. Come up with actual arguments instead of dumb ad hominem which ironically you accuse me of. >>8315 was meant for >>8298
OP fucked up big time by not watching the entire DCAU in order. That's what I did a couple years ago. It was great. Made everything a lot cooler. Batman Beyond in particular, since it has a lot of things that are direct callbacks and even sequels to Batman: The Animated Series. And of course, as people have mentioned, the true ending of Batman Beyond was snuck in as an episode of Justice League. Not to mention the other times the Justice League goes to the future. Anyway, figuring out the proper order to watch the DCAU was hard. Some shows were made out of the intended watch order, and some were aired out of the intended watch order. Sometimes one show made in the wrong order aired at the same time as a show aired in the wrong order, and sometimes a show would reference something from another show, from an episode that hadn't aired yet. So I autistically made a spreadsheet to sort the precise watch order, which involved watching the entire DCAU. I can't think of where to post it, so I just post it here when it comes up. Here you go. >>8288 >yes, she fucking said that and in the last episode none the less! Isn't the last episode specifically about someone seeing Terry's face, and that putting him in danger, as an example of why he can't let people know? That's the point. Max saying that clashes with them trying to portray her as smart, but she's the only character that could say it, since obviously Bruce wouldn't. At least they didn't try to make her smarter than Bruce. >>8291 She is in a lot of episodes, and portrayed as if she is an important character, but she never actually does anything, because at least they had the decency to not make her Robin. Actually I think when she finds out his identity, they make a joke about that, and she says something like "I'm not Robin, I'm Alfred," which really bugged me because she shouldn't have ever heard of Alfred. He's just Bruce Wayne's butler. Not a public figure. As another anon has already pointed out, your standards have been lowered. She was definitely put in for SJW points, just we didn't call them that back then. Things have gotten so bad that you're overlooking these obvious things from the past. They've lowered the bar so far and you don't even realize it. Sad. >>8293 You think niggers would like some pink haired dyke? No. Saying they made Static Shock to appeal to niggers is something I could believe. Saying they put John Stewart in the Justice League cartoon for that reason is believable enough. Max is not the same type of character. It's the difference between MCU Falcon and MCU Carl Manvers. >>8301 >Its in the Justice League series finale i believe >Justice league unlimited Justice League changed its title to Justice League Unlimited in the final seasons. The second to last season was originally intended to be the last, so they made the final episode "Epilogue," which takes place in the future, at the latest point in the timeline (except for the Legion of Superheroes stuff) and was supposed to function as an end to the whole DCAU, so it ties in plot points from that season of Justice League Unlimited with plot points from Batman Beyond. But then they got another season. At least that season was good, though. More recently they did those two direct to video movies that sucked. Anyway, I don't mind epilogue. It doesn't change much. If anything, you could argue they shouldn't have done that "twist" because it wasn't very important. But it was important to the Cadmus plot in Justice League, because remember that it was an episode of Justice League which served as an epilogue specifically to the Cadmus season. But also, it leads to the conflict between Terry and Bruce in the episode, though it's not Bruce's fault in this case. They make a point in the episode to say that it doesn't really change anything, that Terry still considers Warren his dad, but it still does bring home the throughline of the entire show, which is that Terry is Bruce's new family, after he alienated his old friends and family. Maybe they made it a bit too on the nose, but I don't really hate it. >>8322 It's not even really the reboots that make it a problem. It's just that they never did a very good job actually making the comics match the cartoon continuity. They too frequently would insert elements from the regular DCU that don't fit in the DCAU, as if they didn't actually watch the show. Some of the other comics were fine, but the Batman Beyond ones always fucked it up. >>8301 >Really prefer ten over dana. She was too bland.. Hell that one episode of Ten gave her more character then 10 with Dana Dana works in the end in a way, because she represents normality. Bruce fucked up his life and wasn't able to balance his life as Batman with a regular life with family and friends. Terry learned from Bruce's mistakes, and helped Bruce learn from them too. This is basically what Return of the Joker is about in particular, but it really runs through the whole series. It was a bit too late for Bruce, though we see him try to reconcile with Tim, and he at least has Terry, but he's obviously still fucked up. Terry managed to balance both parts of his life, which is good not just for him, but also for Bruce, who probably would have regretted if he ruined Terry's life the same way his was ruined.
>>8315 I like Mad Stan like he was, just needed to get more importance. There are not enouth villains going postal.
>>8329 >Actually I think when she finds out his identity, they make a joke about that, and she says something like "I'm not Robin, I'm Alfred," which really bugged me because she shouldn't have ever heard of Alfred. it can stop bugging you because the actual conversation went more like this: Max: "Call me Robin and I tell everyone" Terry: "Okay. Alfred" Max: confused looks Max wouldn't know who Alfred is, but Terry probably would
>>8332 Alright, thanks for clearing that up and reminding me. I was actually bothered because Terry shouldn't know who Alfred was either. Bruce never seems to talk to him about personal stuff like that, especially by that point in the series.
>>8329 >Dana works in the end in a way, because she represents normality. Bruce fucked up his life and wasn't able to balance his life as Batman with a regular life with family and friends. Terry learned from Bruce's mistakes Thats a very optimist way of looking at it, you haven't changed my mind but i like it. Makes the entire relationship feel more fuzzy now.
>>8329 >So I autistically made a spreadsheet to sort the precise watch order, which involved watching the entire DCAU. I can't think of where to post it, so I just post it here when it comes up. Here you go I genuinely appreciate and admire your lengths of autism, anon. However, that's just not for me, I just want to watch what I feel like watching. I had enough of Zeta Project in Batman Beyond; how the fuck and why did that gaydroid got his own series while Flash got none?! REEEEEEE. In addition, as some of us have said, the DCAU lore had some really really dumb ideas. Now I started rewatching JL, the stories are good, but none of the action scenes are anywhere near as good as Batman Beyond. After finishing it, I'll try to force myself going through JLU, though I'm really not looking forward to that. At some point, I plan to watch Static Shock too, I remember enjoying watching it back in the day, though it wasn't one of my favorite shows by any stretch. >Isn't the last episode specifically about someone seeing Terry's face, and that putting him in danger, as an example of why he can't let people know? That's the point I know, those flashback scenes were so good, shame they got interrupted by Max existence. >Max saying that clashes with them trying to portray her as smart Exactly! That was my point as part of my elaborated criticism on her awful character. If she was goodly written character, she would had said it jokingly, but she isn't. Think about it, a traumatized kid have more brains than hackerwomyn. >at least they had the decency to not make her Robin Dear god, I can imagine Whorra level of annoyance. She would be like Dick from DC Super Hero Girls, but even more obnoxious. <dyke Many, many bad things can be said on Max, but she isn't a dyke. In the episode "Revenant", she has shown interest in the rumored hot guy ghost like all the other girls, although she didn't join the seance session with the rest of the girls, you know to make her character "consistent" as she is a "rational, smart, hackerwomyn". >pink haired Probably to go along with the cyberpunk aesthetics of the show and make her pop out to overcompensate the clusterfuck writing of her character. >More recently they did those two direct to video movies that sucked It was the inevitable and natural fate of DCAU as they kept coming up with retarded ideas near the end. < It doesn't change much. If anything, you could argue they shouldn't have done that "twist" because it wasn't very important <They make a point in the episode to say that it doesn't really change anything, that Terry still considers Warren his dad <Maybe they made it a bit too on the nose, but I don't really hate it Just because the writers are hacks who don't follow the ramifications of their stupid idea, it doesn't cancel them. The whole mentor/disciple relationship between Bruce and Terry have been defiled and if the writing was consistent and made sense, Bruce would have much harder time and felt guilt for letting his only remaining flesh and blood joining the batshit business as the series (and movie) showed us that all batfags have ended miserably and their life only improved after quitting in contrast to sad old lonely Bruce. Furthermore, this stupid idea diminishes Terry' character as he didn't become Batman by himself, but thanks to the batgenes, ugh. <Which is that Terry is Bruce's new family, after he alienated his old friends and family No, that would be Ace. >It's just that they never did a very good job actually making the comics match the cartoon continuity >but the Batman Beyond ones always fucked it up Batman Beyond really got the short end of the stick; Bruce Timm and Paul Dini don't really have much love for it, they weren't heavily involved with the show, nor they did even make comic or two for it, whereas BTAS was milked and got a lot of good content. I've been masochistically reading the animated comics and so far, they're mediocre trash writing wise, I don't think they top the worst episodes from the show. Probably because worst girl doesn't take screen time as much in the show and also no faggy Zeta. seeing Bruce Timm style in general and Terry' handsomeness in particular, get butchered pains me, the only decent~good one I found was this: https://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Batman-Beyond-II/Issue-14?id=24033 I really wish they would bring back the show, it had some unrivaled action scenes, but it would most likely be shit splicing would be legal and view as positive thing in order to please the furries, scalies and trannies....I can dream. >>8332 Poor Alferd, being brought from dead only to be compared with worst girl, how insulting.
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>>8301 >>8329 >>8341 >Really prefer ten over dana. She was too bland.. Hell that one episode of Ten gave her more character then 10 with Dana Melanie and Terry romance was dead end as the series itself stated, even more so than said Bruce and Selina romance. Despite Dana appearing in more episodes, she barely got any screen time because Max is more important by being a nigeress and sadly was mostly used as plot device, playing the role of Terry' girlfriend. She only got one episode of her own and again it was mostly part of her playing the superhero girlfriend role by having "kidnapped superhero' girlfriend" cliche which admittedly, I love episode, but it is worth mentioning she showed resoluteness and good judgement unlike worst girl, of course and it's such a shame she never got again to show them and make her character shine. As much as I love shipping Terry and Dana, the show doesn't give any good reason to do that: <Terry taking Dana to splicing center despite her not wanting to just to investigate the place and then abandons her <Terry not beating the crap out of the guy who hit on her and touched her because he was his "friend" <Constantly keeping ditching dates on regular basis <Never shown to do anything special for her, especially to compensate over said cancelled dates Seriously, Terry is such an ass and it just makes you wonder how did they even got together and why the hell did get back together after splitting the first time. The latter is mentioned/shown in the series, but never really got fully addressed and explained, I know they not always show everything in Batman to keep some "mysteries" and leave place to one's imagination, but such major plot point should be explained. I also think and feel the same about the beginning of their relationship as how it came to be. >Dana works in the end in a way, because she represents normality. Bruce fucked up his life and wasn't able to balance his life as Batman with a regular life with family and friends. Terry learned from Bruce's mistakes, and helped Bruce learn from them too. This is basically what Return of the Joker is about in particular, but it really runs through the whole series. It was a bit too late for Bruce, though we see him try to reconcile with Tim, and he at least has Terry, but he's obviously still fucked up. Agreed, Dana is the main bridge to normal life for Terry. My poor boy Tim, they did him dirty. <Terry managed to balance both parts of his life, which is good not just for him, but also for Bruce, who probably would have regretted if he ruined Terry's life the same way his was ruined As I explained above, Terry and Dana relationship is under strain, unstable and could fell apart any second. I think if the show run long enough or *nigeress Max didn't waste so much time of it, Dana would either find out Terry is Batman and stay with him or break up it would've been interesting to see the first route, as from peeking at few BB comics they usually chose the latter . Also, in accordance to the show theme that batfaggotry always lead to misery, it also doesn't support the possibility of balance as none of the previous batfags were capable to do so. *Imagine all the good things we could've had if it weren't for worst girl; Dana character development, Terry and Dana relationship development, focusing more on Terry's training by Bruce and so on.
>>8344 >Zeta Project >Static Shock These two were made for younger audiences than the rest of the DCAU, and it shows. I'm very surprised you didn't like Justice League, but most people would say that Justice League Unlimited is even better. Feel free to also use my spreadsheet while skipping things. It's still helpful if you care about watching the bits you do want in order. Maybe you don't care, and that's fine. I mean to be honest, I included the Lobo and Gotham Girls webseries, but I do not actually recommend watching them. Zeta Project can be skipped except for the one or two times it crosses over with Batman Beyond, and you'd never notice. Though I kinda like it, and think Zeta is a cool character and concept that I wish was explored more. Static Shock can also be largely skipped aside from the times it crosses over with Justice League. Well really you can skip those too and you'd never notice, but I'm just saiyan, those are the coolest episodes. It does at least have a real ending, though. I'll tell you right now that Zeta Project doesn't, though it is the end of the Batman Beyond era, since it continued after the end of Batman Beyond. Anyway, you're missing out by not watching Batman: The Animated Series in particular. It has some forgettable plots, but when it's good, it's the best. Also it has the best animation, before they simplified the artstyle for the later seasons and for the rest of the shows. >The whole mentor/disciple relationship between Bruce and Terry have been defiled It almost was, but they work through it. That's a big part of the episode. >Bruce would have much harder time and felt guilt for letting his only remaining flesh and blood joining the batshit business I don't think Bruce Wayne, of all people, would think less of adopted children. Though this version of Bruce has a decidedly worse relationship with his adopted children than in the comics, that's a plot point, and I don't think we're supposed to think that he actually doesn't care. I think we're supposed to think that his failed relationships with them are extra sad, specifically because they are his family, blood-relation or no. >as the series (and movie) showed us that all batfags have ended miserably and their life only improved after quitting in contrast to sad old lonely Bruce. And that's the point. He alienated everybody, somewhat on purpose because he was afraid of letting them get hurt, like what happened to Tim. But that's not supposed to actually be a good thing. It's supposed to be a mistake due to his own extreme guilt, combined with his pride and general unsociability. Terry helped him get over this over the course of the entire series, with the culmination in Return of the Joker. He didn't want Terry to be involved with anything at first, he didn't want to interact with him or anyone else, but over the course of the series, he begins to trust Terry more and more, not just as the new Batman, but as a part of his life. By the end of the series, this trust, this fact that Terry has gotten him to open himself up a little bit, helps him begin to remedy his relationships with Barbara and Tim. Kind of bullshit that they never really reference anything happening with Dick, but I don't think it significantly detracts from this obvious character arc that runs throughout the entire series, and clearly deliberately culminates in the finale movie. >Furthermore, this stupid idea diminishes Terry' character as he didn't become Batman by himself, but thanks to the batgenes, ugh. They address this in the episode, and claim it's not true. Large parts of Project Batman Beyond didn't even work, most notably the failure of The Phantasm. Terry obviously had a very different upbringing than Bruce, being a delinquent and all. But the point was that he had a good heart and he had the determination and will. The genes don't make the man any more than the suit does. >Ace Well sure, Ace is family too, but you get my point. >>8345 >Terry is such an ass and it just makes you wonder how did they even got together and why the hell did get back together after splitting the first time. That's the point. Dana is nice, and it would be a shame if Terry fucked up his relationship with her, like Bruce fucked up his relationships with everybody. Terry is an ass, but he gets better at balancing his life over time, and in the future, we see that he's managed to actually become successful at it. >it also doesn't support the possibility of balance as none of the previous batfags were capable to do so. But Terry was, because he learned from their mistakes. This is one reason Epilogue was important.
>>8374 > Kind of bullshit that they never really reference anything happening with Dick They mentioned him leaving Gotham in RotJ, but I think that was it. Also, outside of BB, you never really saw any of the Bat family in the other shows, IIRC.
>>8375 Yeah I meant that it sucks that they never reference any sort of reconciliation between he and Bruce. I think I recall one scene in some show where you could see the back of his head or something, but yeah, a real wasted opportunity.
>>8374 > I'm very surprised you didn't like Justice League You misunderstood me, I do like it. I think the writing is good (better than Batman Beyond tbh) and the action scenes are not bad either, it just after watching Batman Beyond, they pale in comparison. >but most people would say that Justice League Unlimited is even better >horrified doubt.jpeg >Batman: The Animated Series Of course, I've watched it! It was long time ago though. To quote myself: >BTAS was milked and got a lot of good content >Also it has the best animation True it was all made in beautiful cel , but Batman Beyond has the best action scenes. >before they simplified the artstyle for the later seasons and for the rest of the shows I actually like and prefer the newer sharper and stylized/cartoony artstyle. >It almost was >almost Again, the fact is they're no longer just mentor and disciple, but also a father and a son, even if the inconsistent hack writers fail to act upon it. >Bruce Wayne, of all people, would think less of adopted children >we're supposed to think that he actually doesn't care I never implied that. Anon, I know that in this age of destruction of the family unite and the demonetization of the traditional family, it's harder to believe in the old saying: "blood is thicker than water", but it's true. Friends can come and go, but biological family will always stay as it is (e.g. one' mother will always be that person mother), no matter what as you can't cut blood ties. Adopted children will never be the same thing as biological children and thus death/hurting/suffering of biological child is by far far worse and way more painful. Bruce already lost his parents at young age and never got over it, to take the risk and having the only remaining bloodline, his very own son ending up like Tim, or even worse, dead just doesn't make any sense. >He alienated everybody, somewhat on purpose because he was afraid of letting them get hurt False, Barbra left from her own will as she grew tired of the batcape shit, she literally said that in the episode "A Touch of Curare". Barbara and Bruce pairing is fucking disgusting and fucked up on so many levels and I'm not inherently against age gap romance. . So considering this, while we do agree about the narrative that batfaggotry is cursed, the reasoning behind that is not as you claimed to be as Bruce pushed everyone out, but that batfaggotry "itself" is inherently cursed. >The genes don't make the man any more than the suit does What is splicing? What is the absolutely retarded plot twist of ROTJ? And that's just in bs Sci-Fi, although it should be agreed that genes aren't always the end-all in reality, for certainly they have great impact. If it really didn't matter, why would they do that in the first place?! This is just poor damage control and pitiful attempt to "have the cake and eat it too" which bring me once again the point that the DCAU writers are bunch of inconsistent hacks. >but he gets better at balancing his life over time, and in the future, we see that he's managed to actually become successful at it Where? In the JLU? In just one single episode? Not convincing at all. >>8375 >>8374 >> Kind of bullshit that they never really reference anything happening with Dick >>They mentioned him leaving Gotham in RotJ, but I think that was it They also did in Batman Beyond, but it's about the same amount of information, if not less. The unclarity about Dick situation/fate is extremely lazy writing as they wanted to establish the narrative that the whole bat crew got bad ending, yet didn't go all in.
>>8381 Meant to; but that batfaggotry itself is inherently cursed.
>>8381 >Again, the fact is they're no longer just mentor and disciple, but also a father and a son, even if the inconsistent hack writers fail to act upon it. There has never been a difference between these things with Batman. Robin IS his son, regardless of if it's Dick or Jason or Tim or Damien. >political shit about adopted children not being loved as much You can be mad about it, but this really doesn't work in superhero comics, where like 90% of protagonists are orphans and/or adopted. These stories pretty much all work from the premise that adopted kids, at least ones adopted by good parents, are loved just as much. >False, Barbra left from her own will as she grew tired of the batcape shit, she literally said that in the episode "A Touch of Curare". Return of the Joker elaborates much more with saying that Batman deliberately alienated everybody after what happened to Tim. It works even better in retrospect because it applies to his relationship with The Justice League as well. Barbara didn't like Bruce anymore, but part of this was clearly because of how he pushed her away, and then later rationalization and reflection on her life as Batgirl. Of course, she began being Batgirl separately from Batman & Robin anyway, so I don't know why this would matter so much. Until you realize that really it was because they were banging. Which we agree is fucking retarded. Evidently, Bruce Timm just loves to ship them for some reason, as seen with The Killing Joke movie. >batffaggotry "itself" is inherently cursed Not inherently cursed, but inherently hard. But Terry eventually grew to be an even better Batman than Bruce, at least in this regard. Bruce achieved his goals as Batman by actually creating a successful successor, and he also achieved his goals of eventually not fucking up anyone he took on as a partner. He failed the first three times, but got it with the fourth. >splicing >ROTJ To be fair, they do mention Splicing tech being used in ROTJ for Tim, I think. That's quite different from what happened with Terry. He's not turning into a Man-Bat or whatever. And Tim's thing also required massive brainwashing and that chip on his neck or whatever. It is a bit of "have the cake and eat it too." I can agree with that. >Where? In the JLU? In just one single episode? Not convincing at all. He's in two episodes of JLU. One is like ten years after Beyond, and the other is like 20, or something like that. Anyway, it's not just that single episode, though that is the culmination (or epilogue) to the story. It runs through the whole show. Bruce is a lone recluse at the start. By the end he's re-entered society, due to Terry's influence. He even starts to reconcile with Barbara and Tim. Terry isn't just better at this part of his life, but he's helping Bruce to repair the damage he's done to himself by being bad at this part of his life. >The unclarity about Dick situation/fate is extremely lazy writing as they wanted to establish the narrative that the whole bat crew got bad ending, yet didn't go all in. It was a show with each episode being mostly standalone, and they just never got to it. Unfortunate, but each individual episode isn't strongly affected by it. I wouldn't use the term "lazy writing" but rather "missed opportunity."
>>8441 >Robin IS his son No, only Damien is his son. Heck, his so called "adoptive sons" still keep their "old" surnames. >political shit >are loved just as much No, it's a basic truth of human nature, the only political shit is holding this truth to question and disregarding it, similarly to the position that sex is social construct ("you can choose your gender, you can choose your family"). Let me ask you these; why are orphanages are full? Why do people keep insisting on having their own biological children, even to the point of willing to undergo through fertility treatments for years instead of just adopting child?! Hereditary even played such importance in human societies, that rulers were selected by it for centuries (e.g. monarchies, tribes, etc) and despite most kings lost any political power, the cleaving to bloodline is as strict as it always was, meaning you won't see Japanese emperor who isn't direct decedent of the previous emperor. This is why it was so important to make that dumb twist of Terry being the biological son, aka direct successor of Bruce. If your case, that there's no difference between adopted children to biological children was true, then there was no need to make that twist. >Batman deliberately alienated everybody after what happened to Tim Dick left before the Tim accident it was consistent throughout BTAS, Batman Beyond and the ROTJ dumb movie. >but part of this was clearly because of how he pushed her away Nowhere it's being hinted/implied, the movie just kept putting only emphasis on Tim being the one to be pushed away. As I mentioned before, she kept being Batgirl even after what happened Tim. >Of course, she began being Batgirl separately from Batman & Robin anyway, so I don't know why this would matter so much. Until you realize that really it was because they were banging It also goes against the idea of Bruce seeing them as his own children as you claimed (Tim father was still alive as well, though was a deadbeat father) and that adoptive children are the same thing as biological ones. >Which we agree is fucking retarded I used to think that, but now that I see it was part of establishing the narrative that batfags are fucked up, it makes sense. But I do wonder how Barbara developed such a shit taste in men going from Dick, to Bruce, to marrying a nigger . >Killing Joke movie Makes absolute sense in that setting. >Evidently, Bruce Timm just loves to ship them for some reason I guess he's ephebophile like John K., I hope he won't get metoo'd as well. >Not inherently cursed Yes, it is as I explained above why your claim Bruce pushed everyone out is false. We just see no matter what the circumstances (simply getting sick of it or getting traumatized, or keep going on with it), Bat autism only leads to suffering and the earlier you quit the higher chances are for regaining normalcy and happiness. >Splicing tech being used in ROTJ for Tim Ahem, Splicing is only refereed to mixing human DNA with Animal DNA. >That's quite different from what happened with Terry. He's not turning into a Man-Bat or whatever What about regular Splicing when they just turn into furry/scalie, that keep human mind intact and sharpen the senses and make you stronger? As I explained before in detail, genes have great importance and impact both in real life and in DCAU/Batman Beyond settings. >It doesn't change much >almost >It is a bit And that's what's called poor damage control , either that stupid idea change nothing or it does change as otherwise there would be no point to make it in the first place! They should have just stick to what Stalker said: "I'd always imagined Batman to be an ageless soul, inhabiting the greatest warrior of each generation" which is way cooler concept than muh batgenes that destroy Bruce and Tim relationship, diminish Terry character and his struggle to become Batman. >two episodes >time skips Yeah, I call on it BS. Does this convoluted pile of garbage at least have TerryxDana moments? >It was a show with each episode being mostly standalone, and they just never got to it They should and could do it in the dumb ROTJ movie, which was already BTAS wankery for the most part and broaden the emphasis from Tim to the rest of the cast.
>>8510 >destroy Bruce and Tim relationship Fugg, i meant Terry
>>8344 >batgenes I still hate that plot point. Prior to that, Terry became Batman of his own free will and his own capabilities. After he avenged his father, he chose to keep being Batman. The only thing the reveal did was throw doubt on Terry's accomplishments. >>8374 >The genes don't make the man any more than the suit does. The issue is the way they went about doing this. Making Terry Bruce's biological son/clone only served to throw doubt on Terry's own capabilities. The reveal happening four years after BB ended, also made it seem like a major asspull. >>8510 >No, only Damien is his son. I like the way Injustice handled this. Bruce's adopted sons kept their biological last names, so that they could be their own persons. He still saw them as his own children, and he was crushed when Dick died. Since Dick was with him longer than Damien, he saw Dick as more of a son than Damien. This is also reflected in real life where the first-born is often held in higher regard than children who come later.
>>8510 >No, only Damien is his son. Heck, his so called "adoptive sons" still keep their "old" surnames. They still respect their biological parents and love them too, but that doesn't mean they are any less Bruce's children. Bruce didn't change his name to Pennyworth, but he does consider Alfred to be his dad. >human nature We're not talking about humans, we're talking about fictional characters in a genre where practically every major protagonist is orphaned and/or adopted. Regardless of what you think applies in real life, we are talking about a universe full of robots, aliens, golems, and gods. Does Hippolyta not love Diana because Diana isn't actually her biological daughter, but an enchanted clay golem? No. That is not how the story goes. It doesn't matter if you think it's unrealistic. The very existence of an enchanted clay golem, molded by an immortal warrior woman and given life by the gods themselves, is unrealistic. If I can suspend my belief that far, I can suspend my belief to allow that Batman, himself an orphan adopted by his butler when he was 8 years old, loves his adopted children as much as if they were his biological children. >Let me ask you these; why are orphanages are full? The red tape and politics involved mean that it's practically impossible for most people to actually adopt. It basically involves tens of thousands in fees, then years of forms and tests and waiting periods, and at the end of those waiting periods, they reject practically everyone anyway. It only gets partially easier if you ask for severely disabled children, but even then, the red tape and waiting is insane. Fertility treatments are seriously easier and less expensive than adoption, due to the politics and red tape involved. >If your case, that there's no difference between adopted children to biological children was true, then there was no need to make that twist. It ties into the Cadmus arc from Justice League, and the things you mention are certainly brought to mind, but by that time, Bruce and Terry already had a relationship which made them essentially father and son, and it isn't going to make Terry love Warren any less. What it did was make Terry angry at Bruce, as Terry already thought of Bruce as a control freak, and this is the epitome of that. Except it wasn't actually Bruce's intention. But of course, as you mention, these things will bring to mind many thoughts and emotions, which are explored in the episode. >Dick left before the Tim accident it was consistent throughout BTAS, Batman Beyond and the ROTJ dumb movie. Yes, Dick did. Not everyone else. With most versions of Nightwing, it's treated basically as Dick needing to grow up and become his own man, with a sense of rebellion against his father figure, Bruce. He begins to become more independent and not want to be a sidekick anymore. The DCAU though adds an even more fucked up element to this as Bruce started fucking Barbara, so Dick isn't just rebelling against a father figure, he's getting cucked by him. So I suppose that would keep Dick away even more than the other people. Plus, any chance at reconciliation disappeared once Batman started deliberately keeping people away. >Nowhere it's being hinted/implied, the movie just kept putting only emphasis on Tim being the one to be pushed away. As I mentioned before, she kept being Batgirl even after what happened Tim. I could have sworn she mentioned that Batman started shutting her out more and more after that. Perhaps I'm misremembering, but I doubt it. Too lazy to go and rewatch that part of the movie right now. >It also goes against the idea of Bruce seeing them as his own children as you claimed (Tim father was still alive as well, though was a deadbeat father) and that adoptive children are the same thing as biological ones. Batgirl was never the same as Robin. Batgirl was his son's girlfriend. Not his daughter. Still fucked up but not as badly. >It also goes against the idea of Bruce seeing them as his own children as you claimed (Tim father was still alive as well, though was a deadbeat father) and that adoptive children are the same thing as biological ones. Barbara was already a college age granny when she was introduced anyway, as she is in most versions. Baby Doll is best DCAU waifu. >Bat autism only leads to suffering and the earlier you quit the higher chances are for regaining normalcy and happiness. That's how Bruce saw it, so he tried to stop anyone else from joining him with it. Terry proves that Bruce was wrong. >that destroy Bruce and Tim relationship, diminish Terry character and his struggle to become Batman. These things don't happen though. They try to have their cake and eat it too, I can see where that criticism is coming from. Not the rest though. You just have literal autism and can't understand that superhero stories do not share the same thoughts about adoption as you. Ma and Pa Kent do love Superman. Aunt May and Uncle Ben do love Spider-Man. You'll believe a man can fly, but you won't believe this? >admits to never even watching Epilogue Just watch it if you're going to argue about it. But note that, though a lot of people disregard this, it does function as an Epilogue to that season of Justice League Unlimited. It follows up on that plot, while also following up on elements from Batman Beyond. Yes, it does have Dana. Whether its enough for you is something I cannot say. As usual, Dana is more of a plot device than a character. >They should and could do it in the dumb ROTJ movie, which was already BTAS wankery for the most part and broaden the emphasis from Tim to the rest of the cast. Yeah, it would have made sense to have Dick come back specifically to help look for Tim. I wonder why they didn't. Almost as if Bruce Timm just hates Dick Grayson or something. >>8530 >Prior to that, Terry became Batman of his own free will and his own capabilities. After he avenged his father, he chose to keep being Batman. That still happened, though. Project Batman Beyond also involved other parts meant to socialize him in a certain way, and that didn't work, but he ended up becoming Batman anyway because of his own determination. If anything, it worked better than if everything went according to plan, because they just hoped to make a second Bruce Wayne, but they instead got a Batman who was actually better in certain ways. >Making Terry Bruce's biological son/clone only served to throw doubt on Terry's own capabilities. The reveal happening four years after BB ended, also made it seem like a major asspull. I can see where you're coming from with both of these points. It's not that they "technically" caused problems, but I get how it gives the audience certain feelings.
>>8531 >Bruce didn't change his name to Pennyworth, but he does consider Alfred to be his dad. You compare oranges to apples; it was completely different situation from Dick (lost his parents and had no one to take care of him) and Tim (his deadbeat father was alive). >We're not talking about humans, we're talking about fictional characters Those fictional characters are molded after (and in most cases supposed to be) humans and regardless of being fiction, it still need to reflect actual human behavior to make the story and the characters believable and that hold true to any kind of fiction. >It basically involves tens of thousands in fees, then years of forms and tests and waiting periods, and at the end of those waiting periods, they reject practically everyone anyway >they reject practically everyone anyway It depends on which countries and it's overexaggeration. >Fertility treatments are seriously easier and less expensive than adoption, due to the politics and red tape involved That's false, fertility treatments can be very expensive and take years, even more than adoption. You also completely ignored my argument regarding legacy/heritage and bloodline that also point out and reinforce the importance of hereditary, which ties to and explains why the DCAU hack writers insistent on making Terry the biological son of Bruce. >Bruce and Terry already had a relationship which made them essentially father and son BS, they were mentor and disciple only. Bruce didn't replace Terry's father nor his family in general. >What it did was make Terry angry at Bruce >But of course, as you mention, these things will bring to mind many thoughts and emotions, which are explored in the episode >>They try to have their cake and eat it too >These things don't happen though >It doesn't change much So you finally admit it does? >I could have sworn she mentioned that Batman started shutting her out she didn't. >Batgirl was never the same as Robin She was, she was a "child" under Bruce guidance and care. >These things don't happen though They do and even you yourself admitted. >You just have literal autism Considering you fail to understand human relations and nature, I'd say it's vice versa. >Ma and Pa Kent do love Superman. Aunt May and Uncle Ben do love Spider-Man Again, oranges to apples, different circumstances as neither Superman nor Spiderman knew their biological parents. >You'll believe a man can fly, but you won't believe this? Again, Human behavior and Sci-Fi/fantasy elements are two different things. >Terry proves that Bruce was wrong >>admits to never even watching Epilogue I already said that the very beginning that I have yet watch JLU, why are you bothering to make it as an argument only now? At least, I rewatched and remember well both the series and the dumb movie which have tight connection to the story arc, unlike this last minute BS in a complete different series. You can't solve major issues in 2 episodes using time skips, it's just lazy and bad writing. >I wonder why they didn't Because they're hacks. >Almost as if Bruce Timm just hates Dick Grayson
[Expand Post]I think they hate the whole bat crew besides Bruce and Barbara. >Project Batman Beyond also involved other parts meant to socialize him in a certain way, and that didn't work, but he ended up becoming Batman anyway because of his own determination No, it anything it proves that genes have more impact than the environment, as he did become Batman despite living in different circumstances than Bruce. As >>8530 said, you will always question if it's Terry and not the gay batgenes.
>>8539 >You compare oranges to apples; it was completely different situation from Dick (lost his parents and had no one to take care of him) He did have someone to take care of him. Bruce. Just like Bruce had Alfred. Tim's father being alive but a deadbeat would only serve to show the value of a person's actions rather than their DNA. >Those fictional characters are molded after (and in most cases supposed to be) humans and regardless of being fiction, it still need to reflect actual human behavior to make the story and the characters believable and that hold true to any kind of fiction. >Again, Human behavior and Sci-Fi/fantasy elements are two different things. Not really. No human has the determination to do the things Batman does. But we accept it because it's part of the conceit of the story. But this is academic anyway. The real fact of the matter is that most people aren't as absurdly autistic as you, and can accept the concept of adoption relationships being considered legitimate. >depends on which countries True. But due to what is basically adoption tourism, even third world countries are quite heavily regulated in these matters. >Overexaggeration >fertility treatments are very expensive I never said they aren't. I said adoption is even more difficult. I don't think a lot of people understand just how absurdly difficult red tape makes adoption. >You also completely ignored my argument regarding legacy/heritage and bloodline No, I said I get how it's important in many cultures and it does bring certain emotional connotations to the story, which is basically what the story's about, but then it concludes with them going past it. Also, there are many cultures that would disagree with you. Many cultures where powerful figures would/do adopt grown ass adults to ensure legal and social inheritance, since adoption is considered legitimate in those cultures. From Roman Emperors to 20th century Japan. Adoption of children is much more widespread than that, of course. >BS, they were mentor and disciple only. Bruce didn't replace Terry's father nor his family in general. Didn't replace, but certainly became family. Especially as the decades pass in the episodes you didn't watch. >So you finally admit it does? The part you quoted was me repeating stuff from a post I already made earlier. >She was, she was a "child" under Bruce guidance and care. She was an adult that started copying him independently and did so for quite a while until they started working together more and more often. Batgirl is not the same as Robin, in any version. >They do and even you yourself admitted. Nope. It doesn't destroy the relationship or diminish Terry. Though I can understand how it can give a "feeling" that it does, which is part of the point explored in the episode. The episode then argues that it doesn't. You're just too autistic to even listen to the argument. The other anon I replied to in my previous post was much more reasonable. >Considering you fail to understand human relations and nature, I'd say it's vice versa. Take a look at yourself, nigger. You revert to puritan hardheadedness to argue that a phenomenon which widely exists in real life, has been widespread throughout all of human history, and is even very common in other species, is unbelievable within the context of capeshit cartoons. You dislike adoption to a degree that is just absurd, and that would be fine, but the fact that you can't suspend your personal disbelief enough to accept it in Batman, a series where it's relatively central to the character, in a genre where it's relatively central to practically every major character, shows that you have literal brain problems. Your level of stubbornness and concrete thinking would make Rain Man think you're being unreasonable. I mean, I expect and even want everyone on this board to have autism to some degree, but this is seriously hindering your ability to even discuss this to a significant degree, and given the series we're talking about, it's just ridiculous. >You can't solve major issues in 2 episodes using time skips, it's just lazy and bad writing. The plot developments we're talking about is wholly introduced and solved in a single episode, but that plot does certainly build upon themes from the Batman Beyond series, while functioning as an epilogue to the plot of that season of Justice League. The whole thing really must be consumed as one to get the full effect. You can leave out most of The Zeta Project and Static Shock, as well as the webseries, but Batman, Superman, Batman Beyond, and Justice League really do go together. Also, while I'm at it, The Zeta Project heavily deals with adoption too. Not that I'd expect you to like that show enough to give a shit. >Because they're hacks. >I think they hate the whole bat crew besides Bruce and Barbara. Yeah maybe. And Jason Todd. They clearly liked him since they were determined to use him in the series even though they had to call him Tim. I find it interesting how the story of the second Robin, who was a delinquent, getting kidnapped and tortured by The Joker, then emerging as a villain years later, was basically reused for Under the Red Hood. I don't really see people talk about that, but I can't help but think that there was some inspiration taken from Return of the Joker. >As >>8530 said, you will always question if it's Terry and not the gay batgenes. See this is a legitimate point, but again, the story tries to address it and make an argument that it's about Terry and not the genes. You don't buy that argument. I get it. I can certainly see that the argument they make might not be considered the strongest.
>>8545 <Tim's father being alive but a deadbeat would only serve to show the value of a person's actions rather than their DNA Terry, Barbara and Dick prove otherwise. <No human has the determination to do the things Batman does No human can do what Batman do, so again, this is rather ability issue rather than behavior issue. <the real fact of the matter is that most people aren't as absurdly autistic as you, and can accept the concept of adoption relationships being considered legitimate Now, you're just putting words in my mouth. I never said that adoption relationships can't exist, I said that they will never have strong bond as biological ones . <I said adoption is even more difficult Sure, but what I said that even in a case when adoption would be the easier option people would rather choose to have their own biological children and that in general people tend to naturally choose that. <Many cultures where powerful figures would/do adopt grown ass adults to ensure legal and social inheritance, since adoption is considered legitimate in those cultures. From Roman Emperors to 20th century Japan. Adoption of children is much more widespread than that, of course <which widely exists in real life, has been widespread throughout all of human history, and is even very common in other species The exception proves the rule, braindead. Also, you just contradict yourself by claiming that adoption is widespread while at the same time giving reasons why it isn't. anon are you adopted? <Batgirl is not the same as Robin She still meant to be regular part of the Bat crew which is exactly why the pairing of her and Bruce is extremely disturbing. <but certainly became family Again, BS. <Especially as the decades pass in the episodes you didn't watch You refer again to JLU BS? Because again, the shit came years after Batman Beyond ended, it was just two episodes and they used time skips, making it truly lazy and bad writing. <is wholly introduced and solved in a single episode That's even worse. <The whole thing really must be consumed as one to get the full effect You can't solve specific issues of specific series by giving it one-two episodes in another series. <Nope. It doesn't destroy the relationship or diminish Terry. <bring certain emotional connotations to the story <You're just too autistic to even listen to the argument. No anon, you're just too autistic to admit it fully does and now you went from slightly admitting it to strictly denying any of it for the sake of damage control for DCAU lore you're so obsessed with, that you're being incoherent and dishonest fool. This whole argument started because you wanted to defend at any cost the shit plot twist that is Terry being biological son of Bruce, which resulted in: 1. destroying the premise of the show that is Bruce ended up alone and new unrelated and inexperienced Batman replace him 2. Ruins the relationship between Bruce and Terry as they're no longer just mentor and disciple 3. Diminishes Terry's charterer and struggle as his abilities can be contributed to simply being Bruce' son. To fully quote again your pathetic poor damage control and self-contradictions: <It doesn't change much. If anything, you could argue they shouldn't have done that "twist" because it wasn't very important <They make a point in the episode to say that it doesn't really change anything >>The whole mentor/disciple relationship between Bruce and Terry have been defiled <It almost was, but they work through it. That's a big part of the episode <What it did was make Terry angry at Bruce <Bruce and Terry already had a relationship which made them essentially father and son <It is a bit of "have the cake and eat it too." I can agree with that. So I shell go through my arguments and counter arguments again, organized; If the plot twist wasn't that important there would be no reason to bother with it and present it years after the original show ended. Then you go on claiming it didn't change their relationship while admitting it did affect their relationship <b..but it was for brief moment and then everything went back to normal! (which on its own is a bad argument since it did affect it and trying to sweep it away is a lazy, inconsistent, bad writing) to later completely denying it claiming their relationship was already like a father and son which is a complete unfounded BS. Later on, you displayed your complete ignorance about basic biology by paralleling a fucking suit to genes as if genes can be put on and off and not being the very base of any organism which determines it's traits and after being confronted with that you once again went to you half-assed defense/self-admitting "well, it does impact but just a bit, tee-hee" to completely denying it with the dumb argument that Terry and Bruce had different circumstances yet they ended up the same, which is actually stronger argument for genes having greater impact than environment and thus diminish Terry's character. And also claiming that Bat autism isn't inherently fucked up as your arguments regrading Bruce supposedly pushed everyone out fell apart as you couldn't even remember properly the series and ROTJ movie and all you left was relying on the BS episodes of JLU with their retarded writing to prove it.
Rate best and worst episodes, characters, etc. I'll start. Best episodes: 1. Black Out- the third episode of the series and Inque first appearance the writing, the animation, the soundtrack, the action, the fanservice - chef' kiss - sheer perfection. If The rest of Batman Beyond episodes had hold this quality consistently it would've been a masterpiece trough and trough and could easily beat BTAS. 2. A Touch of Curare – Another excellent episode with prefect combination of action and fanservice, shame it began with the horrifying revelations of Barbara and Bruce fugging, as well Barbara being married to a nigger 3. Bloodsport- A great episode dealing with Terry poor attempts as usual to balance his life, this time between his obligations to his family and batfaggotry. The whole stalker plot and fighting scenes were brilliant, not to mention Stalker explanation to Batman concept was cool and it such shame they decided toshit on it. The episode ends with wholesome brotherhood moment of Terry and Matt which is heartwarming. Fortunately, not even worst girl could ruin this episode as it was before she went full obnoxious and retard 4. Eyewitness- really good plot-driven Batman being framed for murder by Spellbinder is a great idea for an episode and interestingly one of the most violent episodes in the show as Terry supposedly killed Mad Stan, they only use shadows for that scene, but it still had great impact . Favorite but not best episode: Rats-Sadly, being the sole episode dedicated to Dana and TerryXDana relationship, thus I personally like it a lot and I'll take what I can get. I mean it's not a bad episode by any means, but I think it's safe to say they're much better episodes than that as nothing really changed in the end of the episode, Terry is still an ass of a boyfriend and Dana deserves better. It was nice seeing Dana personality shine for a change and having more lines in an episode than worst girl. Even a creepy stalker rat person is more romantic than Terry, dammit Terry why, why you're such an ass? At this point Dana is truly saint and even borderline masochistic for staying with Terry. Worst episodes: 1. Countdown – I don't care about gay kid friendly Zeta, I don't care about his dumb kid friendly companion and I don't care about dumb kid friendly glowniggers, this episode was so bad I couldn't even bother finish it, it was unwatchable 2. Sentries of the Last Cosmos- Jar Jar sucks LMAOXDDD!! What an original and funny joke, I bet my ass this entire useless episode was written around and for this dumb joke, fucking gaywars autists. Yeah, Terry can beat Curare, a well-trained, experienced and highly skilled assassin, but lose to three nerds with gaywars equipment…sigh, this whole episode ruined the power hierarchy of the show, how ironic for an episode that praise lore, just another proof that deep lore more than often tends to be dogshit 3. Final Cut- That episode started so great and then worst girl showed up, sigh. I can't believe they had to comprise and completely watered-down Batman and Curare 2nd (and last, sadly) battle only to show alongside it hackerwomyn getting stressed and having a hard time to defuse a simple bomb. So much for being so called-smart and that's not even the most retarded display she showed that episode, I mean she went to investigate the room of Curare' target. Max you dumb nigeress and of course that dumb bitch learned nothing from this experience and kept shoving her nose where it doesn't belong. If only Curare could've done us a favor and killed worst girl, but instead I imagine she gave her "it was as if she looking at a walking garbage" kind of look as Max not being even worth enough to kill 4. Hooked Up- Yet another episode with good start only to get ruined by stupid hoe Max. As usual dumbass Max do exactly what she's being told not to like toddler and fucking things up, this time the cunt got addicted, surprising it didn't happen any sooner considering she's a niggeress brought up by a single mom, lol. When Terry asked Max: "Aren't you smarter than this, Max?" he was voicing us, the viewers inner voice and the writers' subconscious appearing for short brief moment of self-awareness realizing their dumb shit writing. Somehow Max didn't enter the virtual reality cell/tube in the last-minute despite being shown to be addicted and saved Terry' ass, ughh. Least favorite but not worst episodes: Curse of the Kobra Part 1 and Part 2- So the writers suddenly remembered in last minute that they should give Terry training arc which let's be honest was overdue, but Terry being white male means he doesn't deserve to have his own episodes despite being the main character of the show, we must shove ningress Max, you know for promoting diversity n' shit. And so the training arc episodes quickly deteriorate into weird Kobra prince kidnapping worst girl to be his bride and try to turn everyone into Dino people faceplam . But shortly before that they gotta show the stuck up Kobra prince with the British accent how else can you tell he's EVILLLL?! how to have fun; play video games and eat pizza! What is this shit? TMNT? Imagine you had to be surrounded by automatons all your life to develop such a shit taste to think Max godawful personality is attractive shivers in disgust . The scalie Dino people design was so fucking lame and not even cool. The episode ends with forced sudden death of Terry' sensei and you're supposed to feel sad about it, but you're just like "boy, what a garbage episode" feeling numb compare and contrast to Grundy' death in JL which was actually emotional and sad. The fighting scenes are the only saving grace of these episodes Terry getting beat the crap out of him and even breaking his ribs, noice and thus preventing it from going to the worst episodes list. dumb sidenote: the Kobra prince dressed like a guy who rather fuck other guys than women.
>>8857 >Rate best and worst episodes, characters, etc. I'll start. Go ahead, do your autism.
>>8861 >Go ahead, do your autism. I started, I want other anons to join me!
>>8857 No posts? Then I'll continue to provide the autism. >Terry An average teenager for the most part, not being popular nor outsider. Has record and used to get into trouble before becoming Batman, former/delinquent with a heart of gold. His character is very expressive and quite honest (especially in compare to Bruce). Nowhere near smart, capable or experienced as Bruce and having both family and criminal past makes him unusual and unique pick for being Batman or even part of the (old) Batcrew which later being shat all over by Epilogue:"it's ok, guys, he's Bruce son after all! He meant to be Batman!" arghh . Being lone teenager superhero gives him Spiderman feeling the good parts about it which is nice and as far as filthy causaulfag in my defense, I just don't like capeshit, or anything in 3DPD drawing style me know there aren't any/many lone teenage superheros in DC, they're part of team. And unlike the case with Miles Morals, Terry doesn't just immediately replace Bruce, but get to be mentored by him which is a good way to link between the new and old Batman and not more, let Batman Beyond be its own thing, goddammit! and pave the way for the new one. Terry struggles to balance between his personal normal life to being batman and becoming a competent Batman are what makes his character so interesting, but sadly the show failed to handle those aspects properly mostly thanks to worst girl being attention whore who takes more screen time than what she deserves . Although Terry doesn't kill anyone as true to Batman nature, at least purposely, he doesn't go out of his way to save anyone evil Terry did nothing wrong except cheating on Dana, pig like Bruce would and one may say what do instead is far worse than murder, I mean think about what happened to Dr. Cuvier turned into a monster and Bane' caretaker became in vegetable-like state as Bane which is part of what made *Batman Beyond wonderfully gruesome and violent and also helps to differentiate between him and Bruce. I do wonder how come moralfag Bruce never addressed this issue deeply besides remark regarding Blight, but as I explained before, the writing sadly, wasn't consistent. *But on the other hand, Batman Beyond doesn't have much of plethora of villains like BTAS to choose from so annihilating many of them was bad. Sidenote: after worst girl showed up, I noticed the only guy friend of Terry, Jared, the black dude which actually appeared in the opening and was much more likeable character than Max, pretty much disappeared from the show and the last time he was shown, was in Armory episode where poorfag worst girl got jelly of him, lol. Jared actually said about her: "Sometimes she really ticks me off", he's officially the most relatable character in the show . Great shame as I quite like him and he also blanched Terry small social circle. They sorta replaced with Howard which sucks. It's a shame they didn't made a mini-movie about Terry' dark past that could also explain how Terry and Dana met and got together. While, the first part (dark past) isn't essential to the story, the latter (TerryXdanna relationship) is and to be fair if the useless Batman: Mask of the Phantasm yes, it was just a sappy random mafia and romance 50's movie drama for the first half and the second half had Joker saving it and reminding us it's Batman movie. Of course the so-called true and first love of Bruce was never mentioned in the original series and again until "Epilogue" to tie shit up in the most contrived and convoluted way, hurray for deep DCAU lore that makes total sense! movie is allowed to be exist so should this. >Bruce Wayne All alone, bitter and grumpy old man as result of years of unstoppable batautism as all of his companions left him and both his company and Batman legacy were either ruined/discontinued. Thanks to Terry he manages to fix both and also return to his favorite activity, batautism, even if it's only the passive part of it. The mentor-disciple relationship between him and Terry is one the bases of the show and being one the best aspects of it. It really is enjoyable and interesting to see the contrast between Terry' and Bruce' personality and life experience, as well as the banter going between them. >Barbara Gordon A good commish', but not as likeable as her old man. Sometimes seems to be more cranky and bitter than Bruce. have a shit taste in men. >Inque Background story: cool, shame they never animated it as Batman Beyond could always use more body horror Personality: great Powers/abilities: awesome, lead to amazing and interesting action scenes Inque is such a great femme fatale character that put Poison Ivy and boring af Catwoman into absolute shame. Despite her powers being quite similar to Clayface, I think they're still different enough and stand on their own. Water being her weakness, or should I say "Kryptonite" makes a lot of sense and I like how it prove her to be very powerful character and put her almost in the same category as Superman, meaning being so powerful only one thing can beat her down. Though in her last episode, they made her overcome that and tbh I feel ambivalent about it, on the one hand it make sense considering the whole futuristic gene manipulation technology and that schtick could quickly get old and make battles stale, on the other hand as I compared that to Superman and Kryptonite, Superman never got fully over that weakness so I don't see why Inque should as she's already overpowered villain so much that in fact if it weren't for her traitorous daughter, she would pull "Bane breaking Batman back". I just love her; she is one the best super villains in general and Batman Beyond in particular. >Curare Background story: minimal/irrelevant Personality: great (stoic/minimal) Powers/abilities: Highly skilled assassin with a sword, which makes her automatically cool. Swords are cool. Curare' appeal is in her simplicity, being the case in point for the saying "less is more". She is prefect as she is and I adore her. Badass female characters who don't speak single word are extremely rare, even more so for ones who are done well. >The Stalker Background story: cool Personality: great Powers/abilities: cool, the combination between hi-tech and primitive tribal fighting style is quite unique and done well Black Panther is shit . My third favorite *"villain" of Batman Beyond after the prefect Inque and Curare. His reason to fight against Batman is unusual and therefore being also the most intriguing one. I do doubt about how much of *villain he can actually be considered as he didn't harm Terry' brother, Matt and even cooperated with Terry to stop Cobra' plan . So I wonder if there were more episodes how would he have lured Terry to fight him as he isn't a heinous villain without any restraint. >Derek Powers / Blight Background story: typical batman beyond body horror, in other words cool Personality: fitting to a villain, but not appealing/ enjoyable enough Powers/abilities: cool, but felt like they didn't use its full potential for the action scenes The main big villain of the show as he killed Terry' father (which in turn created the new Batman), took control of Wayne company and overall being both very smart and powerful, hence possessing a great threat. The gay the music is good and all but you gotta admit, all the one words and Terry fight-dancing is really gay opening theme of the series also kept implying that Blight is the big boss of the show, only to have his character already removed by the end of season one with somewhat anticlimactic episode. It was hinted that he will return, but that never happened. All that buildup amount to nothing, what a waste.
>>9078 > Terry struggles to balance between his personal normal life to being batman and becoming a competent Batman are what makes his character so interesting I still like how Spider-Girl handled this. May is so into the great responsibility thing she isn't all that upset she has to ditch her formerly popular social life to do it.
>>9078 >Shriek Background story: decent~good Personality: meh~decent Powers/abilities: Cool, can lead to both great action scenes and plotlines. Similarly to Spellbinder, he might not have the most interesting personality, but unlike him he is fully original villain and thus better. Also worth mentioning, all of his episodes were great, the second episode "Babel" in particular, and stayed on the same level quality for the most part Inque on the other hand, have seen slight decrease in each episode, though all her episodes great and her first episode is the best episode in the show , even the third last episode that suffered from worst girl overdose. >Spellbinder Background story: lame I don't get enough money for working in public education boo hoo Personality: meh~decent Powers/abilities: Don't really lead to cool fighting scenes, but can lead to great plotlines Basically, Batman Beyond version to Scarecrow, but unlike Scarecrow he doesn't only rely on fear as psychological factor and had far greater variety of "tools" in his hands which can make him unpredictable and thus there could be a much greater creativity in the episodes he appears in. All in all, on himself he isn't much of a great villain, but when used well he can make a great episode. >Mad Stan Background story: none/irrelevant Personality: good Powers/abilities: sort of combination of Bane and a villainous Batman using explosives and relying on physical strength As I explained before, he could've been far better and higher rank villain, regardless he isn't bad either. It's interesting and amusing how he never got disfigured by Terry and still able to pose a threat despite being just a regular human. >The Royal Flush Gang Really cool group of villains, I love how theatrical they're and have such presence like good ol' Joker. The drama with Melanie was great touch that added both to the whole Batman and adolescence themes, though Terry cheating on Dana wasn't schway, not schway at all. It's a real shame how they all split up, it made perfect sense but it's still sucks. Out of all the villains that vanish from the show I'm sad about them the most. As for their roots/background, it's kind of weird, I mean they "first" appeared Batman Beyond, but then we are being told that Bruce back in the day dealt with them, however they only appeared again in Justice League and were totally different from Bruce' description, agh?! nothing like inconsistent DCAU BS! >Jokerz I think they were good way to keep Joker legacy (who is the most important villain in Batman) while also being their own thing. Although they're a low-rank villains, they do have potential to become a serious threat as being shown in dumb ROTJ movie and the shitty comics which is neat since it make them very flexible to use. But imo they're best contribution to the show is definitely in terms of visuals and setting as they're basically ripoff, or "homage" to *Akira biker gangs which I'm completely fine and happy with it because it's done well and they're still their own character designs. *You can just easily tell Batman Beyond was heavily influenced by Akira; the cyberpunk aesthetics, biker gangs, body horror, violence. In other words, everything that was good about the Akira movie but with actual plot and characters. >>9136 >I still like how Spider-Girl handled this From which comic is that? I'd like to check it. >has to ditch her formerly popular social life to do it I don't know much about source material so it probably won't be fair comparison, but I do have my autistic knowledge about BB. Terry never really had much of popular social life even before becoming Batman, and after he became Batman it got so worse; he had to rely on Max to know what's going on with school, he keeps ditching dates and his relationship with his girlfriend, Dana, is on the edge, he even skips spending time with his family. Assuming Spider-Girl doesn't have a boyfriend and her family, if they're alive, knows she's a superhero so her struggle seems not as harsh as what Terry going through.
>>9136 In case it isn't clear as it's not shown on the index for some reason I did reply.
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>>9151 >From which comic is that? I'd like to check it. The MC2 one that stars May "Mayday" Parker, the only real Spider-Girl.
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>>9229 Thanks anon! I read so far until issue 8. The difference between May and Terry is like day and night! >May become Spider-Girl to save her father whereas Terry become Batman to avenge his father' death >May continues to be Spider-Girl because it's the responsible thing to do, Terry continues to be Batman because of sense of guilt due to his father' death and to prevent from such thing to happen again like Bruce >tomboy >athlete >popular >yet still hangs out with the nerds Wow, she's all over the place! In contrast, Terry' social standing is clear, uniform and singular. Turns out my assumptions were pretty much spot on; so far, she hasn't shown any regret or conflict regarding missing out on her social life. There was only one time, but that was the award ceremony for her father. Her parents know from the very start, sure there was a tension between them but it completely resolved within issue 8. She's way too mature and calculated for a teenager. Considering all those factors, it's clear that Terry is the better written character that goes through hardships. I will note her training arc is cool and done well, I wish Terry got a good training arc, goddammit. I kinda like Davida what a godawful ugly name, she got class unlike worst girl, Max. It's a fun read so far, I wouldn't mind discussing it more in-depth on another thread. >>8300 >>8316 Maybe the claim it was foreshadowing is also BS? Noticing how Terry look a lot more like Warren rather than Bruce which is why they butchered him to look like Bruce: Electric Boogaloo in cursed Epilogue and seeing how they bullshitting their way through DCAU as it progressed I finished watching JL, now I'm suffering through JLU it seems very possible. >>9151 >Kobra organization I can't help but feel they're like lame version of Cobra from GI Joe, even Cobra La cringefest seems better, though DC Kobra actually came first. I get the whole world domination and snake thing but it's so vaguely described and explained it would've been cool if they connected them to the snake people from JL, that could make a cool DCAU lore that make sense unlike the contrived bullshit they pulled in Epilogue that Kobra is just boring and lazy cliche that was just shoved because Batman Beyond doesn't have enough villains like BTAS. It also doesn't help that their costumes are old-fashioned which is really out of place in the futuristic setting of Batman Beyond. They can be used for good episodes, which in fact they did had two and one horribly cringey episode, that Kobra prince was so fucking gay, but I stand still regarding my opinion that they are just meh. >Splicers/Splicing A cool concept that fits right in with the futuristic setting of the show and allows for great variety of cool villains. I think it was heavily underused considering its potential, there was like two-*three episodes around it; the first one that introduced the concept and as happen so often, the show just keeps getting rid of what could be reoccurring villains. Terry might not be a murder, but he might as well be worse than that lol and the other one with the stupid Kobra prince…so only *one good episode. They should've made more spliced villains, even make them as gang like the Jokerz or something. *The episode "Speak No Evil" might count it has gorilla that got it's DNA mixed with humans, reverse splicing if you like . >Willie Watt Background story: decent~good Personality: good in the first episode, "Golem" and bad/total duchebag in the second episode "Revenant" Powers/abilities: It's odd how he went from controlling electronic machines bretty cool to general psychokinetic abilities going full Akira huh . I thought he was pretty good villain, but his character development imho was for the worst. He had potential to become a good villain but they had to turn him into a douche, not to mention his powers enhancement is BS plot wise which also make him way too powerful and he is just not cool enough character for that kind of powers. In that sense he feels like worst girl as his character was downgraded. >Charlie "Big Time" Bigelow Background story: decent
[Expand Post]Personality: meh~decent Powers/abilities: Just another mutated big strong guy, nothing special or particularly interesting Like Dana, Big Time is more of plot device rather than a character, he was made up so the writers could have good setting to discover Terry' dark past. In his second episode appearing, they did give him more personality which would allow him to stand on his own as character, but of course, he found his death falling from a bridge and that's all folks! So another Batman Beyond villain disappeared quickly as it appeared, but in this case it makes sense and not much of a loss imho . >Terminal Background story: decent~good Personality: good Powers/abilities: none I like his character both design and attitude wise, he definitely feels like he was inspired by Alex from *Clockwork Orange the scene where Trey, the black Joker, mocks him and then Terminal throw him away was almost 1-1 to the movie , but unlike Alex he isn't psychotic and instead, he's being part of violent gang as means to relive stress and frustrations due to high expectations from his family. In the shitty comics they turned him into the leader of all the Jokerz, which is probably one of the few, if not the only good idea from those mediocre~horrible comics. I wish there were more episodes with him, I mean he also tried to kill worst girl which makes him alright in my book. *Overrated dumb edgy movie with beautiful cinematography, I had the "pleasure" watching it. At least now I know what the hype is all about. Karros was one episode villain that appeared on the first episode "Big Time" was shown. I think he's very cool villain and he was able to put a good fight against Terry. It was implied he died as he fell. It's such a shame they never got to reuse him again…I would love to see him if they will make new Batman Beyond episodes. Maybe I became deluded, but thinking about it again, Max could've been a good character; since Terry isn't as bright nor educated as Bruce, there need to be someone who can replace Bruce' technical and investigating abilities and Max could fill that hole, in other words she would be the passive part of Batman, or basically like Lucius Fox 2.0 . I mean think about it, she's a nigger, she's good with high-tech, she just meant to be another Lucius Fox, they could've easily done it, heck they even mentioned him in Batman Beyond with the Foxteca company. I imagine her even trying to compete with Bruce; which of them will make better gadgets for Terry, that could've been cool. But the hack writers just couldn't let go of stronk smart independent poor nigeress fantasy and made her worst girl. That's pretty much it for my characters assessment, next I will talk briefly about the crappy comics and later finish with dumb ROTJ explaining why it's shit and end up contradicting episodes from Batman Beyond and to some extent episodes from TNBA.
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>>9311 >Comics Why every other version of him is so inferior? Besides obviously DCAU art style being superior Is there unwritten law that only Dick allowed to be beefcake in the comics? Ironically, Dick in Bruce Timm' style looks meh which makes believe even further that Paul Dinni and Bruce Timm hate the poor fella . Inferior in every form to the good episodes of the show and overall have lame ideas, some are *cursed Epilogue tier lame. I finished most DCAU related comics (some of them were either too ugly drawn or more JL focused) and glanced through the 3DPD ones. If I had to go thoroughly after every comic, this would've been a long article so I'm going to stick to main bad ideas or at least those who caught my attention and I'm in general going to mix the DCAU related with the 3DPD ones since I don't think it's a major issue as bad ideas are bad ideas regardless. If you want to read a decent Batman Beyond comic, the only one is issue 14 that belong to the animated series, that's it. >writing wise, I don't think they top the worst episodes from the show I take it back, I read one that had sequel to "Rats" episode, so now not only the art was horrendous, so was the writing and that's when I finally decided to drop this shit. I don't understand why they made comics when Terry is older and Bruce have yet kicked the bucket , he supposed to be a teenager. They should start with him being a teenager for long period and then jump to when get older. <Bruce cursing Terry and make him turn into Etrigen to fight against giant snake god I get Etrigen being related to magic and all, but he isn't that all powerful, there's no way he can defeat giant snake god and what use there's for giving Terry Etrigen power, this is fucking stupid. I will note that I actually like how the Kobra organization was handled, they were finally given some depth and were cool. <Dana having a brother and Terry doesn't know about it As mentioned in "Big Time" episode, Terry and Dana know each other long before he became Batman, even before high school, but considering how even DCAU hack writers can't keep track of their shit, I'm not as mad about it as I should be. Anyway, Dana having brother is a useless addition that does more harm than good. <Creating futuristic catshit why would you need lameass Catwoman when you have inque?! <Tim drake and looking like Bruceshit replacing Terry for a while <Bringing back Scarecrow when there's Spellbinder <Bringing back Dick <Bring back Damian – not the worst idea desu, could work if he was fully villain and Terry wasn't Bruce's son which he shouldn't be. Why they keep shoving old bat crew/Brucewank?! Why they can't let Batman Beyond become his own thing?! It's all so tiresome. <Killing' Terry mom <Making Matt Robin The whole point of Terry is having unique and different background from the old Batcrew, also Terry would kill Bruce if he had let his brother join the batfaggotry business. Turning Terry into another Batautist like Bruce, despite the whole point that Terry is different and should've learn from Bruce mistakes. <Making Curare speak Absolute harm, I don't care what kind of BS you have to pull to never make this happen, Curare should never speak, period. <Creating Batwoman Beyond Does every white male superhero need a nigger/womyn/both version? When will those faggots start to do the same for villains? I'd love to see nigger joker for the lulz! Why do those assholes never let Terry have the spotlight? First, they shoved worst girl Max, then there was Epilogue with the Bruce' dick sucking and BTAS wankery. In the comics they replaced him for while with Tim, and then this Batwoman…did Terry got created at the time when white male leads have no right to exist unless they're old established copyright goldmine? They made a story when they used Max to criticize social justice and while I'm quite shocked for the positive that DC made such a thing at some point, but the idea that the literally diversity hire SJW fantasy is used for that is beyond laughable. Max should be rich elite or at least have her parents married, that's the only way her character would make sense and be decent plus retcons to her generic braindead sassy bitch personality. They should just make her as Lucious Fox 2.0, it's not so hard and would give a good reason for her existence which has been and still is completely useless and annoying. Dick and Barbara get married and having a child in the worst timeline, lol, the whole world need to suffer so Barbara and Dick get happy, pffft. I actually ship them and I still find it hilarious. Inque appeared like 3-4 times in the shitty comics and the faggots couldn't make single good battle with her, the most powerful villain (they made some faggot villain with electricity power and he's like stronger than her, c'mon man) in Batman Beyond, pathetic. Not only that they butchered her looks with their shitty art I'm already used to seeing Terry getting butchred, but not Inque , in one comic they gave her a sob background story, making her pitiful instead of the great slimey bitch she's, do those dumb writers understand that sometimes less is more? The only expansion of her background story should've been her body transformation and they made it gay too . *They actually made a story when there was another person responsible to Terry' father, which was for while Terry partner and turns out he's also the grandson of the person who killed Bruce' parents, ughhh…like does everyone in Batman Beyond need to be the son/grandson/ whatever of previous Batman characters? Isn't Barbara being a commish like her father and Dee Dee being part of the Jokerz and granddaughters of Harley Quinn I will never ever accept the retarded garbage that was Epilogue, canon is no excuse for shit writing is enough? What's next? Inque being the lost daughter of Clayface?! Spellbinder being Scarecrow' nephew or some shit?!
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>>10368 <Inferior redesigns I get they want to make their own version and separate it from DCAU, but there's the saying "if it's not broken don't fix it". Bruce Timm' writing can be utter shit, but when it comes to character designs, he can basically almost never do no wrong and Batman Beyond got some god tier designs especially Batman Beyond' perfect and beautifully minimalistic suit . I'll just refer to the worst offenders: Stalker having bionic limbs and dress more like a Buddhist monk rather than looking African. The whole point of Stalker is combining African tribal combat with hi-tech, he uses body paint to blend in the city like you would do in the jungle which is rad, but by having bionic limbs you can't do that and now he just look like some bland gaywars character instead. Blight, his all body emit radiation and then they decided to put in him a fucking suit which limits that, how fucking stupid and lame. I wonder if did those retarded artists and writers even bothered to watch the show that they fail so hard to understand what made those characters cool and appealing. Mad Stan is probably the only character they didn't butchered both in design and personality. Curare kept her prefect animated costume in 3DPD, they did made her speak though, ughh and killed her within 3 issues, so much for being one of the greatest assassin, at least she didn't stay in those crappy comics for long. However, they gave her a normal face in one comic (where Terry barely appeared in, it was JL with niggerss Flash which I didn't bother to read)…her disfigured face is an integral part of her character as it is part of the base to her toughness and her mysterious aura, but of course it doesn't matter at all to the idiots who wrote and draw this shit. Is glowing bat crotch is worse than bat nipples? Vice versa or perhaps equally bad? >The only good ideas Seeing Terry bonding with his father in different timeline was kinda nice and heartwarming. As I mentioned before making Terminal as the leader of all the Jokerz is a great idea, shame it was wasted on shit writing and shit art. In the cursed ugly drawn which tbh is true for all these comics animated comics they had a scene where Terry took Dana to fancy restaurant to compensate her and for a change being a good boyfriend instead of an /a cheating ass as usual in the series. Like couldn't they make something simple as that in the series? Was it so hard to show it somewhere instead of keep shoving worst girl?! Another good thing worth mentioning about these shitty comics is that worst girl, Max didn't appear as much and wasn't as obnoxious as in the series.
>>10369 >>10368 They should've stuck with Tim's style.
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>>10583 Honestly, 3DPD stiffness just doesn't go well with the action-packed nature of capeshit, but they will never get rid of it, especially now when capeshit main propose is to be adapt into live-action films aimed at normalfags. Regardless, even the more stylized drawings, including the ones faithful to DCAU are terrible as both big two hire the bottom of the barrel to draw. Comic book doesn't stand on good art alone, but good writing too, something that wasn't present.
>>10668 Comics have neither good art or writing anymore.
>>10369 >Return of the Joker As someone brought up the Batman Beyond movie, I decided to rewatch it too although I had more fresh memory of it rather than series, but turns out it wasn't fresh enough. Originally when I watched it the first time, I really hated it but appreciated the overall animation and action scenes of course as I hated Terry and as expected, wanted happy ending for the Bat family. Now my taste and perspective have somewhat changed as I grow older, I do see the logic behind bitter ending for the Bat crew, but still think it's overexaggerated in the sense that literally everyone one of them ended up like that. It's annoying how they never even bothered to explained properly what happened in the end with Nightwing, and it was just mentioned as sidenote. I mean if you want to run the narrative that all the Bat crew were fucked, then you should fully prove it and show it instead of doing half-assed job. I remember imagining Tim creating his own super hero group similar to Teen Titans though much darker, instead of growing up to be lame traumatized normalfag which look like uncle Ted for some reason?! and what's even more odd is they made him an engineer despite never shown to be talented and/or interested in this field and it just so "happened" to fit with Joker plans the amount of inconsistent and stupid BS that appeared in the late DCAU is so tiresome muh twists, muh deep lore, more like shit . Like I thought back then, I still stand by my opinion that Joker living inside Tim was unbelievably retarded idea and doesn't make sense even by Batman BS Sci-Fi elements Joker had technology that is equal/more advanced than what is in Terry timeline…really, REALLY?! And Bruce didn't even know of it?! This is plain stupid, Max levels of stupid. Not only that, but it makes the episode "Lost Soul" redundant and stupid; why go through all the hardships of uploading yourself as a computer program, in the hopes someone will bring you back and then having trouble getting to move into an actual body to control, when you can easily use a chip that includes your genes and memory and put it on some poor fella. How the hell did Harley Quinn got custody on her granddaughters, let alone, assuming her own children after what she did to Tim?! Was that abuse not enough for her to lose her prenatal rights? What's more disappointing that despite the movie belong to Batman Beyond franchise, in the end of the day, it was just another BTAS wankery like couldn't they show Terry visiting his girlfriend in the hospital and seeing his family in the end besides the old crew reunion?! at least Max didn't appear in the movie, thank fuck. It was great seeing most of Terry character development and differentiation from Bruce/old Batman only to be later shat upon, as turns out he carries the bat genes, SIKES! He is Bruce' direct successor after all!. However, (another great gripe I have with the movie is that) they contradict the series and it said that Terry wants to be Batman to make amends for his past, implying that he did more than breaking and stealing shit, that he even beat innocent people and no sir I don't like it! It goes against Terry' character being former delinquent with a heart of gold. Furthermore, the show reaffirmed again that Terry became Batman for the same reasons as Bruce as has been seen in the episode "Babel" which was in second season and long after Blight was defeated; when he was about to turn himself in to Shriek, he thought again about his father' death, not about proving himself to be worthy or whatever shit they pulled in this dumb movie . As almost always with Batman Beyond, the action scenes are on point being extra violent and more lively/full of movement, that and the cyberpunk setting/aesthetics is what in the end draw me to Batman Beyond and made me love it more than the milked BTAS. I do think Batman Beyond still have lot of potential to be uncovered, hopefully someday it will be realized. P.S. Pic related song - Suspiria - Allegedly, dancefloor tragedy - https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=BTj7U22EF70
>>11626 How the hell did Harley Quinn got custody on her granddaughters, let alone, assuming her own children after what she did to Tim?! Was that abuse not enough for her to lose her prenatal rights? >Joker dies >Without the Joker she no longer has any desire to commit crime >Likely would feel remorse for her actions >Ends up in jail regardless >Writes a autobiography of her life as Harley Quinn >Would probably be a really good book given she has a psychology background and would likely focus on her psyche >Would undoubtedly paint herself in a sympathetic light >Gets a good defense attorney >Attorney would likely attempt to overturn the verdict or get her sent to a psych ward instead of Arkham prison >Gets a commuted then pardoned thanks to good press that the lawyer and the book generates >Bruce either isn't able to stop this from happening or allows or even encourages it so as to make her an example of a reformed supervillain. I think a good name for her autobiography would be something like "Lover or Lackey? My Time with The Joker."
>>11628 Do you think she was the one to pick up her granddaughters because their parents gave up on them? Maybe the crazy skipped a generation & they live normal lives.
>>11629 I haven't seen the film in ages so there could be some stuff in in that makes this line of thinking impossible though I'm doubled checking some stuff as well. >Maybe the crazy skipped a generation & they live normal lives. I'd wager that my hypothetical post Joker Harley would be very capable of raising a child who has no interest in crime or getting involved with criminals with out without Batman's help. >Gets out >Eventually she has a kid probably with the defense attorney >Tries to raise the kid straight laced >Its Gotham and their mom is Harley Fucking Quin so at some point they will likely get involved with some illegal shit even something as minor as underage smoking >Flips the fuck out at this >Calls up either Jim Gordon or a former probation officer and arranges a tour of Arkham Asylum for her kid >Someone probably tires to attack her kid to settle a score, maybe Ivy is mad that she hasn't visited or written her a letter, or maybe its another villain, probably scarecrow to open a poetic the loop that would be closed with Ghoul and Ivy saves the kid out of respect for Harley >Kid gets scarred straight or >Gets out >Batman likely keeps tabs on her >Eventually she has a kid probably with the defense attorney >Tries to raise the kid straight laced >Its Gotham and their mom is Harley Fucking Quin so at some point they will likely get involved with some illegal shit even something as minor as underage smoking >Batman catches wind of the kid doing something illegal >Pay them a fucking house call >Kid gets scarred straight or something less dramatic and she just turns out to be a really good mother regardless, >Gotham is no place for a straight laced person who's mother was super villain >Kid moves away and ultimately has Delia Dennis and Deirdre Dennis as an adult >Delia Dennis and Deirdre Dennis were likely a handful from the get go as twins often are and most likely started with gymnastics under the approval of their parents in hopes that it would be a healthy outlet for their energy >They likely got into martial arts by their own volition, likely not the same ones at the same time as a type of sibling rivalry >Law of the instrument, if all you have is martial arts gymnastics, everything looks like a gymnastics course with people who need to get their asses beat >They do a breaking and entering but don't get caught in the act, only by their parents afterwords >Parents get mad at them, they run away from home >Parents call their mom and ask for advice >Don't worry, I know where they will turn up >Finds them as they get off a greyhound bus in Gotham >At first glad to see a familiar face then panicked when they realize they are probably going to be sent back >She doesn't send them back, instead saying that they are going to be staying with her until shit sets them straight >Pulls some strings with their lawyer grandpa and sues for custody and wins >inb4 tldr
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>>8300 >ywn get an inoculation that would turn out to be Batman's dark sperm and get cucked by Bruce Wayne with neither of you knowing Why live?
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>>11628 >How the hell did Harley Quinn got custody on her granddaughters Obviously, their mother married a light skinned black guy who murdered her and then went to jail.
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>>11628 >allows or even encourages it so as to make her an example of a reformed supervillain Did you forget Bruce' reaction in the episode "Meltdown"? Because he was pissed off and didn't trust Mr. Freeze. So you can imagine his rage after what she did to Tim. >"Lover or Lackey? My Time with The Joker." Kek, I want to see a cover of it, even better a short comic strip of Bruce staring at it with "absolutely disgusting" look and then throws it into the trash. >>11629 I'd like to think that either their parents fall into poverty and crime too or died in a car accident. >>11631 >would be very capable of raising a child >turns out to be a really good mother I don't see Harley fully return to her normal-self before meeting the Joker, she was shown to be a bitter angry old lady who's tired of her granddaughters' shenanigans. >probably with the defense attorney Not happening, she ended up as lower class. >>11640 No, that would only explain why they aren't with their parents.
>>11657 >No, that would only explain why they aren't with their parents. And therefore ended up with Granma Harley, since the son-in-law obviously also shot his "Moms" at some point.
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>>11657 >I don't see Harley fully return to her normal-self before meeting the Joker, she was shown to be a bitter angry old lady who's tired of her granddaughters' shenanigans. How many times have you thought about how stupid you were in your youth and winced? Because I've gotten to the stage where I'm getting cringe-lines on my face from remembering all of it, and I wasn't even a "bad" kid.
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>>11657 >Did you forget Bruce' reaction in the episode "Meltdown"? Yes, I haven't seen the show since I was a kid. >Kek, I want to see a cover of it, even better a short comic strip of Bruce staring at it with "absolutely disgusting" look and then throws it into the trash. I'd go with something like this. >she was shown to be a bitter angry old lady who's tired of her granddaughters' shenanigans. Welcome to getting old and realizing that you spent the prime of your life in love with an abusive asshole only for your grand daughters to basically fall in love with the very asshole. Wouldn't you be bitter if you had been educated in clinical psychotherapy and all you had to your name was an autobiography of your criminal record? Wouldn't you be bitter if the person you loved convinced you to do horrible things to people and never loved you to begin with. >Not happening, she ended up as lower class. Who says she hooks up with him long term? I'd imagine it more of a one sided relationship that mirrors the one sidedness of her relationship with the joker but in reverse. >Harley was a well to do psychotherapist who fell madly in love with a criminal who doesn't really love her >Theoretical baby daddy is a well to do lawyer who falls madly in love with a criminal who doesn't really love him Their kid probably would have been the result of a one night stand that resulted in a significant amount of his stuff going missing the next morning. He probobly wouldn't even know that he had a kid let alone grand-kids and that would be the carrot that Harley would use to get him to help her with getting custody. Harley wouldn't find happiness in a boring kind of guy like a lawyer. Asking him for money or resources would require spending time with him and she wouldn't want to do that.
Also this whole line of thinking is moot. I just remembered that they didn't recover her body and only her outfit after the fight so the premise isn't even valid.
>>11663 That means Harley was running around naked.
>>11667 She could have dressed in layers.
>>11668 with how tight her outfit was?
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>>11667 >That means Harley was running around naked. Bueno.
>>11667 Unless she had spare underwear tucked away in her clown car.
>>11710 Or she was wearing underwear but as she fell it got snagged along with the costume. Saving her life but forcing her to flee naked.
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>>11710 >underwear >>11712 >underwear
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>>11712 Flee?! Why can't she just causally awkwardly' vacate the scene? But she could've easily grabbed a bit of bush for her bush. Or, a bum's cardboard mat. The world will never know. >>11715 In this day and age... they can be his and hers. Only, they're much better suited on her than they are on him.
>>11716 Because she ain't too smart. Plus it's hotter if she's panicking from embarrassment.
>>11717 She probably was cupping her hoo-hoo with one hand, whilst covering up her breasts with the other. Or maybe she just ran faster than 'Run, Lola! Run!' on crack and Red Bull. Ducking behind trees, bushes, and whatnot.
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>>11718 >She probably was cupping her hoo-hoo with one hand, whilst covering up her breasts with the other. Many thanks for the erection, anon
>>11631 >probably with the defense attorney Honestly, I've always thought the kid was with Ivy since she's a mad scientist and plants tend to be hermaphrodites.
>>11723 Well, at least his pubes are only green by accident. Just be glad that they aren't crotch-less panties. His dickhole probably has a set of red lips on it as well. >>11724 No problem.
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>>11660 That doesn't explain how Harley Quinn got the custody after what she has done to Tim. >>11661 But it's about how Harley has no chance of becoming completely normal again and a good parent. >>11662 >Yes, I haven't seen the show since I was a kid You should rewatch it, it's great though gradually losing its quality. You can skip "Countdown" and "Sentries of the Last Cosmos", they're complete pieces of shit that shouldn't have seen the light of day alongside Max. >only for your grand daughters to basically fall in love with the very asshole They didn't thank goodness we were spared from another BarbaraXBruce tier pairing, rewatch the movie too. >Wouldn't you be bitter Of course, but that's not the point. As I've said above, I just don't see Harley being a good parent. >>Theoretical baby daddy is a well to do lawyer who falls madly in love with a criminal who doesn't really love him It's a stretch, reminds me of how one of the crappy Batman Beyond comics tried to make everyone son of. She would probably meet another fucked up person like herself or even better, someone who will try to leech of her books sales and then leaving her pregnant and poor. I was talking with my sibling and he suggested that simply Gotham' social services sucks which makes perfect sense. P.S. I appreciate your attempt at drawing the described comic. What would be the setting/background? >>11663 >this whole line of thinking is moot Rewatch the movie. I will say though, it's the least of ROTJ problems.
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>>11733 >That doesn't explain how Harley Quinn got the custody after what she has done to Tim. Assumed name. She probably goes by Quinn Harley or something. There's no way even BATMAN could find her with that alias. >>11727 >His dickhole probably has a set of red lips on it as well. mfw
If Bruce was even a semi-decent excuse for a human being he'd personally strike Harley Quinn's femurs vertically with a sledgehammer
>>11752 If Bruce was straight he'd get up in them guts.
>>11761 Anon, you dont stick it in a crazy.
>>11748 It probably laughs in hisses each time he pisses. Those DCU toxic chemicals can do all sorts of bad things. >>11761 Nightwing likes em crazy.
>>11763 Harley Quinn maybe a crazy bitch, but she never tried to harm the Joker (although it most likely due to being scared of Joker like anyone would), so perhaps it would've been the same if she has fallen in love with someone else. Compare and contrast to Catwoman and Ten who are manipulative deceiving bitches that would throw you away without hesitation if it benefits them. >write about ROTJ being BTASwankery >thread discussion shifts to BTAS >mfw >>11802 >Nightwing likes em crazy <Bruce Timm writing
>>8274 It was heavily pushing the diversity message than most shows before it tbh.
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>>11763 >Anon, you dont stick it in a crazy. Chill. It's not like she knows who he really is and no one would believe her, anyway. >"Mistah J! I've bin...unfaithful!" >"Whaaat?! And who is this dead man?" >"Batman!" >"...HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" >"M-Mistah J?!" >"Oh, Harley... you really do crack me up. Go get your makeup on, we're heading to the aquarium to do the fish thing yet again."
>>11931 This most likely a bait or perhaps sad case of ignorant youngling who know nothing about the 20th century, but I'll bite the bullet and answer seriously; diversity crap started in the 70's, then went full force in the 80's as big cast of main characters was an excuse for both diversity and selling toys such as G.I. Joe, M.A.S.K., COPS 'N' Crooks, Dungeons & Dragons, He-Man, etc. Later, in the 90's it was toned down a bit and afterwards started to rise again in the 2000's and eventually reached to the levels of cancer we have today. The most diverse pre-'10 cancer show I can think of is probably Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Batman Beyond doesn't scratch the surface, the most diverse shit was Barbara marrying to a nigger and as for Max, she was forced on the writers and they purposefully wrote her badly. The anti-splicing theme in the show would sadly be considered right wing today, because how far the left moved.
>>11985 Speaking of worst girl, Max being shoved into Batman Beyond, let me quote World's Finest interview with Stan Berkowitz, one of the prominent writers of the show: >What was your opinion on Max, Terry's friend who soon learned his secret identity? Did you find it a burden to include her in most episodes, or was it fun having someone Terry could talk to about his secret? >None of us liked the idea of including Max, but the network wanted someone girls could identify with. She always seemed superfluous to me - Terry could talk to Bruce about his dual identity issues, and the show already had a younger gateway character in the form of Terry's little brother. You can see what I thought of Max in the way Bruce treated her in "Where's Terry?". What really sadness and angers me about this info, is that apparently Max didn't even have to be a niggeress, all she had to be was a womyn. Did all the executiveniggers were married to dykes? Because: 1. Trying to make a boys show appealing to girls is fucking retarded, especially a show that is very gritty and violent which would turn off most girls anyway 2. Dana already existed! Being the romantic subject of series, aka Terry' girlfriend, she is naturally the most appealing to girls. Just like how Lois Lane addition in Superman makes it appealing to girls too. So instead of developing Dana' character, giving her more cute outfits and making Terry a good boyfriend instead of an ass, we got fucking worst girl Max, Goddammit!
>>11987 I always figured they were going to make Max into either Robin Beyond or Batgirl Beyond. She was such a meh character, though, that I'm glad they didn't.
>>11985 >not acknowledging the good things, like the Baroness
>>11987 don't forget, Ten/Melanie also existed and could have provided girls with a superhero role model instead of an Afred >>11988 they were actually going to make Ten his Robin if they got another season but alas, the show was cancelled in its prime, likely by the same bitch exec who killed the pitched Kamandi show yes, Timm and Dini were going to do a fucking Kamandi cartoon. Killed because not enough women in a comic with the subtitle "The Last Boy on Earth"
>>12002 That bitch exec obviously was a dumb, twat-faced cunt. Kamandi would have pulled more ratings than both Young Hercules and Beastmaster. Batman Beyond and Kamandi could have even crossed over for a few episodes. Like they did with both Superman and Batman the animated series, if I'm remembering correctly.
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>>11988 >were going to make Max into either Robin Beyond or Batgirl Beyond It does seem that the executiveniggers were pushing for it and the writers tried to work around it. It's a shame they couldn't comprise and reach to an agreement and write Max as Batman Beyond version to the Oracle/Lucious Fox. While Berkowitz was right about Max not being needed in the present, thinking forward and taking to consideration how would Terry operate in the future without the old man, Max would've vital role, but I doubt they thought about it this far, especially the two big Brucewankers, Timm and Dini. Also, watching some of the DVD commentary, Bruce Timm was shown to have good ideas and a brain for a change, as he yelled at Alan Burnett who rewritten the script so Terry will end up with fucking Max, blurghhhh. And the reasons behind that was that: 1. Terry and Max had "great chemistry", to which Bruce Timm not going full retard yet, answered that Max is like a guy and she's a tomboy (and by my opinion a very shitty one, but that's because Max is overall a shitty character). This such a stupid line of thinking, just because two character spend a lot of time with each other doesn't necessarily mean there's something romantic going between them. This the kind of logic that is used for crack shipping including the more horrifying gay/lesbo crack shipping, because friendships don't exist 2. He wanted to stray from the norm and do le surprising twist where the hero and main girl don't stay together, muh subverting expectations! What a faggot, this the kind of shit writing that was later done for modern crap like the ST and GoT. The sad thing is Alan Burnett wrote really great episodes in Batman Beyond, except for Final Cut in which worst girl ruined the second and last episode of best girl Curare. So Max almost became Robin/Batgirl or/and Terry's girlfriend, what an absolute cancer of a character. I think I might even hate her more than Whorra; I mean it's one thing to be shit character of your own show so it means your show is worthless, but being a shit character in good show with good cast of characters and dragging it down it's just so unfortunate and sucks. However, as I've said, Max could've been a good and valuable character although it just didn't happen. >>12002 >Ten/Melanie also existed and could have provided girls with a superhero role model >They were actually going to make Ten his Robin if they got another season Really?! Souce? Because that's incredibly dumb idea; Ten almost got Terry killed after she ditched him in Jokerz' lair and considering that and the fact they were going out would make their co-working together range from impossible to unbelievably awkward. In addition, Ten already went straight and completely quit the whole supervillain/superhero businesses and after what she experienced for herself and for her family, I don't see why would she want to go back to that. >but alas, the show was cancelled in its prime I would argue otherwise, the show quality slowly declined after worst girl was introduced and season three was the weakest with the unwatchable "Countdown" episode Zetashit is so boring , the awful two-part "The Curse of The kobra" which even the show creators admitted was bad, weakest Inque episode sadly, her episodes just kept declining, although her first episode was the best one in the series and ended with the alright "Unmasked". I would've agreed with you if the show was canceled after the first season, maybe even if it was up to "Lost Soul". >>11989 I didn't necessarily mean it was bad, at least in the 80's they were trying to make cool looking and decently written characters instead of bland mouth piece for their stupid agenda. Also, the toys , oh boy, the toys were excellent! Wish I could've said the same thing for Batman Beyond I hope I would live long enough to see both Mattel and Hasbro bankrupt for good .
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>>12002 >>12006 >same bitch exec who killed the pitched Kamandi show Am I living in the worst timline? I'm just reading Kamandi now and it's my favorite franchise alongside Batman Beyond. Who the fuck cares if there aren't enough womyn characters?! It could help them earn the subhuman fujobux. Why dykes keep ruin everything for everyone?! The suffering just never ends. Meanwhile, literally who Zetashit got a show because he had little bitch to follow him around. >That bitch exec obviously was a dumb, twat-faced cunt No question about that, I hope she's equally dumb with her money as much as her marketing ability. >Kamandi would have pulled more ratings than both Young Hercules and Beastmaster Dare I say even more than Batman Beyond. The adventure setting and all the animal characters would've been easily, extremely popular with kids. Can you imagine how magnificent and highly successful a Kamandi playline could be? TMNT level of craze; you got animal characters and armies, vehicles and playsets, the whole transformation gimmick of Ben Boxer, etc. Although the only options at the time would've been Mattel and Hasbro which are both shit, Playmates could do better a job, but still possibly meh the first year of 2012 TMNT had some of the best playline toys ever . Only Kenner and Toybiz made great capeshit playline. >Beyond and Kamandi could have even crossed over for a few episodes As huge fan of both, of course I already thought about it. Terry and Kamandi would've made a great duo as they're both smart-mouth, though Kamandi is hesitant to let anyone die unlike Terry that doesn't give a damn.
>>12006 >Kamandi would have pulled more ratings than both Young Hercules and Beastmaster. >would have
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>>12046 Primal has nothing to do with Kamandi and can't hold a candle to Kamandi. Primal is about a primitive adult who lost his wife and children, wandering with female T-Rex who also lost her children in fantasy prehistoric setting, whereas Kamandi is about a civilized, educated adolescent who lost his grandfather and wandering in the hopes of finding another civilized human being in post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi setting. The only aspect they have in common is wandering/adventures and by stretch losing family member/s, although, clearly losing a grandfather doesn't even compare to losing one' spouse and children.
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>>12074 Sorry. I posted the wrong picture. Here we go:
>>12008 >Can you imagine how magnificent and highly successful a Kamandi playline could be? TMNT level of craze; you got animal characters and armies, vehicles and playsets I remember the action figure commercials from the 90s. Had quite a few of them myself. Toys are what sell the brand, and DC would have broke bank with Kamandi. Especially if they had the cartoon and brought back the comics alongside it. But they wanted to go the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited route. >>12046 No, that's like comparing Cadillacs and Dinosaurs to the original George of the Jungle.
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>>12133 And so you should.
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>>12142 >But they wanted to go the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited route. It was a good route to take, though. I loved the original Justice League even if they did force a really weird ship with Hawkgirl and Green Lantern. >mfw they didn't force the ship between Bruce and Diana hard enough
>>12209 I have no complaints about Justice League or Justice League Unlimited. But that Hawkgirl and Solomon Grundy. They said her lifelong dream was to be a rancher. And that was that.
>>12142 >Had quite a few of them myself Nice! Which ones you had? >Toys are what sell the brand Definitely, that's why Kirby created Super Powers comics to go along with the toyline of the same name and the show Super Friends. >DC would have broke bank with Kamandi For sure. >But they wanted to go the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited route Not an excuse, they had Teen Titans and Static Shock airing during that time, the real reason as pointed by >>12002 was an executivenigger dyke who whined about the lack of womyn. It's really disappointing and out right bizarre how little to not at all toyetic were JL and JLU despite their bigger cast of characters and greater threats. They really had lame designs for their weaponry and aliens, like couldn't they use the stupidly awesome Dragon Tanks from New Gods? As much as Bruce Timm is a huge Kirbyfag, he fail to understand what makes Kirby' works so great and no wonder seeing what a crappy writer he is . Take for example the addition of Kobra organization to Batman Beyond, not only it doesn't fit the world setting, but it completely abandons the good vs evil Siamese twins aspect which was an integral part of the story as Kirby cool concepts meant to be setting for the human drama which is equally important. Another thing that I found odd is they added Big Barda to JL without her beloved husband, Mr. Miracle, they did say it was because they weren't allowed to use Wonder Woman at the time. I do like Big Barda way more than Wondy so it's still nice despite that issue. Back to the toys, Batman Beyond toyline was an insult and utter shit and is one among the many sins in which why Hasbro deserve to get bankrupted; Terry body was just a lazy remold of Batman Forever Robin instead of a whole new sculpt, endless stupid and ugly repaints of that garbage Terry mold, The Batmobil wasn't accurate to the show, the only villains they made were Blight and three Jokerz. They also made bigger talking figure of Terry but he was still inaccurate and an action doll that has fucking huge head and still has wrong body proportions. There was also subline call Batlink that also had more crappy Terry variants, but in addition they made a robin and also completely new mold for "virtual Joker", shit that didn't appeared in the show yet got a new mold while Terry didn't REEEEEEEEEE . You could just tell Hasbro completely got rid of Kenner toy designers at this point. Sure Kenner, couldn't nail the animated designs either and used outdated 5 PoA, but they sure did put more effort and thought into it. Although Batman Beyond wasn't the most toyetic show, it really had wasted potential: Batcave, Kobra underground base, accurate Batmobil, Jokerz' bikes, futuristic police vehicles, G.O.L.E.M. , Cynthia with exploding gimmick, Spliced characters, Dr. Cuvier as Chimera and monster, Manbat 2.0 ,the modified gang with cybernetic implants (CHAINSAW KNEES) , All the Jokerz, Curare, Inque, Stalker (they had prototype for him, but like the rest of the line he was shit so nothing of value was lost), Shriek, Mad Stan Big Time, Karros (he appeared in only one episode, but he was so cool), Lula (same as with Karros), Ratboy with his two big rats, Terrific Trio, Royal Flush Gang, Ace with that experimented monster dog, corrupted batsuit (Lost Soul episode) , future JL, Spellbinder, Kobra, civilian clothes Terry and the supporting cast: Bruce, Barbara, Dana and Matt. Maybe Terry's mom too and worst girl (you could make her good character while playing in contrast to the show). >Cadillacs and Dinosaurs to the original George of the Jungle The former is cooler, so it's not a good comparison. Kamandi and Primal have different setting and different type of characters, I think it's more like comparing DCSHG to DCAU. >>12209 >even if they did force a really weird ship with Hawkgirl and Green Lantern It was actually very natural and done well I say it even as someone who hates it . >they didn't force the ship between Bruce and Diana hard enough They did it in JLU Steve is superior option over Bruce autist. >>12216 >I have no complaints about Justice League The animation was bad, but overall it was a good series. >Justice League Unlimited I only watch it so I could bash it, I simply despise it, it's so dreadful. >Hawkgirl and Solomon Grundy Don't you love Bruce Timm writing:^)?
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>>12235 >They did it in JLU But not, as I said, hard enough. >Steve is superior option over Bruce autist. Sorry, Steve Trevor or some other hero I'm not remembering? Either way, shippers need to be shot, but Diuce (Bruana?) is a patrician-tier coupling.
>>12216 <But that Hawkgirl and Solomon Grundy. >ywn be mercy-killed by a hot redhead with a mace Why unlive?
>>12237 >Diuce >Bruana Wonderbat.
>>12243 Wonderman! Shit, it's taken. Batwoman! FUCK!
>>12245 Womanman!
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>hard enough It was already ham-fisted as it is, you want it to be even more forced ?! >Steve Trevor Duh, who else could it be. >but muh shipping faggotry is good And anything you just said before is meaningless. Shippers are obnoxious when they ignore everything else about the work (plot, characters, art, etc), take their crack shipping seriously thinking it's canon, not caring about the writing quality of the shipping and all that matters to them is it will happen. Last but not least, is coming up with cringey names for their ships based on names that don't combine. >Diuce Does not exist - https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=fq2dWTBVZD4 >>12238 <thomascasallas He sucks, use DCAUniverse, he also credits the ones who worked on the model sheets and links to them - https://www.deviantart.com/dcauniverse
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>>12313 >And anything you just said before is meaningless.
>>12318 Good job you figured it out.
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>>12322 Well fuck. To be fair to me, I was high as fuck on painkillers when I shat that particular bed.
>>12335 I forgive you.
>>12340 I don't
>>12340 You're a good egg, anon. >>12341 It's cool. I've forgiven myself for you.
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I just finished watching Epilogue I still have 13 more episodes of JLU to go through, the suffering never ends…why is Batman Beyond cursed? <Show created as a result of executiveniggers intervention while also killing TNBA <Executiveniggers forced le strong independent womyn sidekick character on the writers, thus worst girl Max is born <Excutiveniggers didn't want corporate villains anymore in second season, safe to assume it's the main reason Blight never returned <The show quality went down the hill after the beginning of season two <The show spawned the second worst DCAU series, Zetashit <Hasbro fired the Kenner toy designers and Batman Beyond got the worst toyline out of all the DCAU series <All of its comics are badly drawn and written with the sole exception of one issue <Timm and Dini never bothered to make a comic for it like they did with BTAS/TNBA and STAS <Timm ruined and raped Terry' character to elevate his husbando Bruceshit <Even the adult collector toys are all awful <The Blu-ray removed the cel' "grain" and made it brighter, the digital episodes got yellow tint HOW DO I LIFT THE CURSE? WHO DO I NEED TO SACRIFICE?
>>14227 You just love to find things to complain about huh? The shitty toys & the non canon comics are fair critiques though.
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I'm still angry at this hate against qt androids.
>>14232 Anon does make fair points. Bruce Timm's obsession with Batang gets the better of him at times, and did spoil Terry's character somewhat. If Batman were real, Timm would have the largest collection of photo albums. Each containing pictures of nothing but Batman. The biggest wall in his dwelling would be adorned with newspaper clippings.
>>14404 Being Batman eccentric is not a criticism in a universe that was pretty much started with Batman.
>>14232 Did you fail to notice the dire state of comics and cartoons and most threads here? It is to be expected to complain about things you care about and being a huge Batman Beyond fag, I must look thoroughly at every aspect of it. The wording "went down the hill" was admittedly too harsh and wrong, I should've use "declining" as they were still some good and even few great episodes after the addition of worst girl Max. Also, regarding the poor Blu-Ray adaption of the cel episodes, it isn't something inherently unique to Batman as many Blu-ray adaptations of old cartoons even including Disney' classics (which is even in worse condition than BB) are bad. So, it's not necessarily proof for it being cursed, however, the yellow tint of the digital episodes is. >>14246 But Batman Beyond still got great unfulfilled potential and it hasn't been wanked to death like regular Batman. >>14404 Sometimes it seems that Timm is married to a woman and draw hot girls just to hide the fact he's homo for the Batang. >somewhat No, that's too generous. He completely ruined him, because God forbid there will be someone better than Bruceshit. >>14406 And it was supposed to spread and branch out of the Batfaggot as it was called DC Animated Universe and not Batwankverse. Besides that very fact, it was plainly terrible writing and did disservice to many DCAU characters including the Batfggot himself. It's truly sad and pathetic how Dini and Timm in their shameless Batwankery ended up ruining their favorite character; all the things that made Bruce wonderful and enjoyable character in BTAS were slowly cut away, having him devolved into autistic workaholic asshole Batgod meme who must be above all the other DC characters because he's le Batman, he's so cool and epicXD! As for Epilogue, the pinnacle of JLU dumpsterfire, it was even worse than I feared; all the differentiation between Terry and Bruce that was established in BB and flawed ROTJ was completely thrown out the window and thus turning Terry into just a dumber version of Bruceshit. The schwrabage episode ended with Terry saying: "Just like my old man" makes me want to throw up. And this is just a very short summery of that godawful episode, I didn't even describe half of the dumb shit that happens there.
>>14325 I wonder if Howard is the only student in Terry's High School that has two parents... That episode always makes me think of (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party) by Beastie Boys - https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=eBShN8qT4lk . P.S. Why you named that clip galatea death when it's Cynthia?
>>14414 There's plenty to rightfully complain about with comics. With these shows I can't understand your incessant anger whatsoever.
>>14415 >galatea I know the android name is Cynthia, but the thing is that western in general have a hate boner against Galatea, a statue from Greek mythology, and in every instance were some lonely guy makes an android the story always end in her destruction because how dare you replace womyn with an android that will actually love you back. The story of Galatea is about a lonely guy named Pygmalion that rejected women because they were whores and so he created his own wife. The story even ends in a happy ending, which is quite rare for a Greek story. You can read it here for more details. http://mythman.com/pygmal.html Hell, even finding that version was a pain, since every other version they delete the whole "Whore" part or paint Pygmalion in a bad light. Webm related.
>>14422 >The story of Galatea is about a lonely guy named Pygmalion that rejected women because they were whores and so he created his own wife. The story even ends in a happy ending, which is quite rare for a Greek story. <Look up source of video: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lH1yMnoOD_8 <Right in the comments: >its worth noting that Pygmalion lived on Cyprus. (The island Aphrodite comes from). It's basically an island that worships the goddess of love and holds orgies. Even to the point that the greeks were like "yeah no, that's too many orgies". Pygmalion was prudish and declared he'd never love anyone because all people around him want is sex. Well, his studio happened to be where Aphrodite took shape from the severed balls of Chronos (whole other story) and she wasn't having a prude in her spot. so she compels him to make the statue, makes him fall in love with it then after a prayer or twelve makes it real How is that a happy ending? Also, is the rest of the channel's content worth watching?
>>14453 http://mythman.com/pygmal.html >There was a deeper reason for his aversion to women. The females of that area of Cyprus had failed to pay homage to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who was also the patron deity of Cyprus. >To punish this disrespect, Aphrodite had cursed the women to a loveless life of prostitution, and this was what had caused Pygmalion to want nothing to do with them in particular, and women in general. >Aphrodite blessed them with happiness and love in return, and permitted both of them to live long and blissful lives. They had two children, a boy named Paphos and a girl called Metharme. The city of Paphos in Cyprus was named after their son. Aphrodite is a mixed bag when she deals with mortals. I guess she went with pure Vanilla in this story. >spoiler No.
>>14406 No. Actually, the Batverse was started through DC's unhealthy obsession with Batang. Just like Bruce/Batman's unhealthy obsession with The Gray Ghost lead him to become Batman. >>14414 >because God forbid there will be someone better than Bruceshit. I guess he couldn't handle the thought of Terry being Bruce's successor. Which is why a geriatric Joker could beat the shit out of him the way he did. But their mentor/student relationship was alright. They just needed to let the mentor pass the torch and be done with it.
>>14458 You're more hate obsessed with Timm than he is obsessed with Batman.
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>>14422 Thanks for the informative post! Also, nice pre-cancer website.
>>14418 Other anon and I already explained, yet you chose to stay willfully ignorant. >>14458 >I guess he couldn't handle the thought of Terry being Bruce's successor. He couldn't stand the fact that a random 16 year old punk will eventually outdo his husbando Bruceshit by succeeding to balance between his personal life and Bat business whereas Bruceshit ended up as a miserable failure which is a path that Timm and Dini were seem to going for regardless of Batman Beyond. So in order to redeem Bruceshit , he had to ruin Terry. Yet, there was a better to do so without ruining Terry' character and would've also made for a far, far better episode that is too good for JLU; Waller would try to create Batfaggot 2.0 as part Project Cadmus something actually good coming from that shit plotline in controlled environment, but he would grow up to oppose the governmentniggers and become a villain and antagonist to Terry instead. Thus, actually succeeding to highlight the free will idea which Timm the hack failed to do and still redeem Bruce in a way as all his adopted kids grow up to be good people (despite the differences between them and eventual departure, but the last one stayed by his side). But of course, Timm is an idiot and a hack so he came up with the abomination that is Epilouge and originally wanted to make it even more unbelievably retarded than it already is - https://web.archive.org/web/20190408225648/http://jl.toonzone.net/episode50/episode50.htm >Which is why a geriatric Joker could beat the shit out of him the way he did Kek, the whole "fakebat" talk felt more like Terry has to prove himself to Dini and Timm, rather than Joker, Bruce and the other surrounding characters. Also, now that you mention it and thinking about it, there's no explanation to how Joker stayed "young" all those years meanwhile poor Tim they massacred him too, dammit aged. The nanotech chip just contained his memories and DNA...I really dislike how they turned nanotech into magic in DCAU, it so dumb and to add to that it made "Lost Soul", an excellent episode in BB, redundant as there was no reason for that CEO not to just easily use the same kind of chip. >But their mentor/student relationship was alright It was one of the best and most important parts in BB; unlike previous Bat Crew members, Terry had no problem to call on Bruce' shit in his face and confront him Barbara did that but too late which is why Terry was able to keep relationship with Bruce. In addition to that, it was great how they were sometimes able to relate to each other despite all the major differences between them by sharing similar experiences of being Batman. But all that was also thrown to the trash thanks to Epilogue retardation; apparently Terry worshiped Bruceshit stop projecting Timm! and have the same heart- Terry isn't a moralfaggot like Bruceshit, he has no problem to fight dirty, give villains second chance and won't go out of his way to save them. Also, he is a lot more honest and expressive unlike tsundere Bruceshit (which further refutes the worshiping BS). Last, but not least, now Terry and Bruce also relate by being son and father blurghh instead of just those rare and touching moments of them sharing Batman related experiences. So, as you can see Epilogue is complete assassination of Terry' character and his series, all to elevate Bruceshit above anyone else >>14464 Your argument was refuted and now you try to pitifully spin it with ad hominem. >he is obsessed with Batman BTW, the hack Timm and fellow hacks, Abrams and Reeves, worked on a new BTAS wannabe cartoon that is about to be released.
>>14232 >>14464 >>14418 >don't be passionate or hate things that drag down shows in anything more than a milquetoast manner or you're obsessed You sound like you blew in from Reddit.
>>14480 Nigger you've done nothing but whine about Batman in a Batman show.
>>14483 I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, I just think you sound like a faggot.
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>>14478 Based batcel
>>14464 I don't hate Timm. I just think that he, including DC, should give Batman a rest as the other anon does. Pretty much all the other Batman Beyond fans I've come across over the years state somewhat the same thing. And in all fairness, it did appear as if they were trying to get old Bruce to carry the show by himself. The Ace episode was alright. But it would have been a lot better if they just let Ace have the episode by himself. It is well over time that DC gave Gotham's villans and prominent heroes a rest to focus on other characters. There's nothing wrong in pointing that out. All that Aquaman hype and they have yet to give him a modern animated series. The Flash should have had one ages ago. >>14479 >there's no explanation to how Joker stayed "young" all those years I'm a wee bit sleepy at the keys tonight to comment on the other things in your reply. But the theory with most is it was the chemicals that preserved his body. Which makes more sense than all that convoluted nanochip stuff. T
>>14458 >They just needed to let the mentor pass the torch and be done with it Imagine Batman Beyond continuation when Terry is older, has family and own his *own/with Robin and without Bruceshit...never gonna happen, sadly. *This where Max could've been a vital character, if the writers and executives let their disagreements aside and come to comprise; Max could help Terry with all the technical stuff (fixing the suit, coming up with new tools, etc) as Terry clearly can't do these things. >>14513 Timm is a great artist, but a writer he isn't as he proved more than often how he fails to understand character dynamics, personalities, motivations, good plot pace/progress etc. >it did appear as if they were trying to get old Bruce to carry the show by himself I disagree about that, if anything they pushed Max too much, ugh. The real problem is they didn't have the foresight and tried enough to show Terry maturing and improving. >The Ace episode was alright It was good, take it back! It had great action, great emotional scenes and no Max. The pace might've been too fast. Not on my top list of best Batman Beyond episodes, but it is still definitely one of the good episodes. >But it would have been a lot better if they just let Ace have the episode by himself I disagree, I mean Terry is the main character and a dog (even though Ace is great) doesn't deserve his own episode. I think the episode did really well splitting attention between Terry, Bruce and Ace. >But the theory with most is it was the chemicals that preserved his body I doubt it was the case in DCAU; In TNBA, he turned into Joker while confronting Batman, In the Mask of the Phantasm he still aged even if maybe not significantly enough and lastly in ROTJ he did mentioned regarding adopting Tim that he and Harley aren't getting younger. >convoluted nanochip stuff They should've gone with some idiot Jokerz member (I think Scab would've fit the rule) trying to revive Joker using cloning technology and as for his memory using records from Arkham Asylum archives. >It is well over time that DC gave Gotham's villans and prominent heroes a rest to focus on other characters. There's nothing wrong in pointing that out. Indeed, however Batwank is guaranteed money and it seems not enough people getting fatigued yet from the Batfaggot. Our only hope is Batfag movie and other Batfag projects would completely flop, may the hacks do something good for a change. >All that Aquaman hype and they have yet to give him a modern animated series. Wasted opportunity, same goes with Shazam (Captain Marvel) and he is like the most kid friendly superhero. >The Flash should have had one ages ago. And he got an awful 3DPD show instead...I also wish JLA Plastic Man got his own cartoon, he is so perfect just like Wally from DCAU, but the chances for it to happen is practically zero my suffering is eternal .
>>14545 >if anything they pushed Max too much, ugh. Because she was black and a female they had to push her more. Otherwise, the network executives would've started breaking their balls. >*This where Max could've been a vital character, if the writers and executives let their disagreements aside and come to comprise; Max could help Terry with all the technical stuff (fixing the suit, coming up with new tools, etc) as Terry clearly can't do these things. The concept worked in that mechanic episode of BTAS. Bruce knew nothing about his batmobile in terms of upkeep. So he had the guy who built it do the maintenance and possibly modify it when needed. But, if they would've had Max being Terry's personally mechanic/tech, there would be moaning about that. Because old Bruce's batmobile mechanic was a negro just like Max. They probably wanted to go that route with her when the fact dawned on them. >It was good, take it back! It had great action, great emotional scenes and no Max. The pace might've been too fast. Not on my top list of best Batman Beyond episodes, but it is still definitely one of the good episodes. I don't hate it. It's just that if Ace had personal business to take care of, he didn't need anyone trying to help. The only episode I disliked was the Jokerz tank joyride one. The Ace episode is one of the good ones. >I think the episode did really well splitting attention between Terry, Bruce and Ace. I agree. It was like one of those seasonal filler episodes which are not overly drawn-out. >I doubt it was the case in DCAU; In TNBA, he turned into Joker while confronting Batman, In the Mask of the Phantasm he still aged even if maybe not significantly enough and lastly in ROTJ he did mentioned regarding adopting Tim that he and Harley aren't getting younger. That's why I'm not one to document fan theories for keeps. If they seem applicable, I'll only take them into consideration. >They should've gone with some idiot Jokerz member (I think Scab would've fit the rule) trying to revive Joker using cloning technology and as for his memory using records from Arkham Asylum archives. That would have worked. My guess is that they wanted to go the futuristic route, and therefore, chose the most convoluted way to go about it. >Indeed, however Batwank is guaranteed money and it seems not enough people getting fatigued yet from the Batfaggot. Our only hope is Batfag movie and other Batfag projects would completely flop, may the hacks do something good for a change. They pump out so much Gotham-centered content that it'silly. A Legion of Doom animated series would have been a lot better than that Harley Show crap. It could have even been an adult comedy series. >Wasted opportunity, same goes with Shazam (Captain Marvel) and he is like the most kid friendly superhero. Marvel likes to milk itsSpidey and Avengers cash cows. The same as DC with its Batcow. >I also wish JLA Plastic Man got his own cartoon, he is so perfect just like Wally from DCAU, but the chances for it to happen is practically zero Well, they'll probably get their heads from wedged betwixt their asscheeks eventually. But I highly doubt it will result in anything good.
>>14565 >Because she was black and a female they had to push her more Not exactly; Max was created as result of executiveniggers wanting strong female sidekick to appeal for girls which is absolutely retarded you can see >>11987 . Max being niggeress is coincidental, they probably made her black just to avoid repetitiveness and make her stand out. Her pink hair and yellow shirt just scream overcompensation and "notice me viewers" for forced and shoved character. >there would be moaning about that Batman Beyond was aired before the cancer that is twitter was even created, so no. >They probably wanted to go that route with her when the fact dawned on them Not really, reading the interview with one of BB writers they saw her as a completely useless character who is nothing more than an excess baggage. They really didn't have much of foresight for BB and it quite understandable as it wasn't their own idea and was forced on them by executiveniggers, including the addition of Max. >he didn't need anyone trying to help He is a dog, anon. >It was like one of those seasonal filler episodes which are not overly drawn-out. I would hardly call "Ace in the Hole" episode a filler, almost all BB is consisted of episodic plots, and that episode shed light on characters' past (Ace and Bruce). Even episodes like "Terry's Friend Dates a Robot" and "The Eggbaby" that should be considered as filler, aren't really as they fit the high school setting. I wish the writers would just do regular slice of life segments in BB without having to make it connected to Bat business all the time, it's one of the weakest parts in the show. >The only episode I disliked was the Jokerz tank joyride one It was a meh episode, just sorta alright, I guess. I read that "Joyride" was created as response to the Columbine shooting and was heavily rewritten and edited as result of censorship which is quite weird as it seems that "Revenant" (the second episode with Willie Watt) was the one as Willie was trying to his revenge again on the school bullies, but this time the entire school instead. The four-five worst and truly awful episodes of BB are: 1. Countdown- unwatchable Zetashit crossover 2. Sentries of the Last Cosmos - Gaywars parody filler episode that also ruins the power hierarchy in the show 3. Final Cut - Second and last episode of best girl Curare ruined by worst girl Max 4. Curse of the Kobra Part 1 and Part 2 - Terry' overdue and only training arc ruined by worst girl Max. >My guess is that they wanted to go the futuristic route, and therefore, chose the most convoluted way to go about it Which is fucking stupid and make no sense as they were using technology before Batman Beyond time period that is yet more advanced! In addition to that, there was the whole A was "controlled" by B all this time (yeah, I put this chip on Tim decades ago, but only now it finally works!) which they already did in BB series with Superman and also used nanobots control on Bruce in STAS crossover episode with TNBA. And if it wasn't enough, they copied the same stupid plot twist, four times, just even more unbelievably dumb in JLU retardation. >Harley Show crap The worst part of it, is wasted Shane Glines' character designs on badly written cheap motion-tween crap animated series. >adult comedy series No, those shows are just usually tasteless edgy crap (f-bombs and gore are so mature!). JLA RIP and DCSHG did/do good job at it. >Marvel likes to milk itsSpidey and Avengers cash cows. The same as DC with its Batcow. Marvel does better job of using their copyright archive of characters than DC, for example GoTG got cartoon. I guess it does help that their MCU crap is popular unlike Snydershitverse. >Well, they'll probably get their heads from wedged betwixt their asscheeks eventually JLA was a failure and barely got one season thanks to CN' hijacking and Mattel' incompetence as usual. It will be miracle if they'll ever revisit it. >But I highly doubt it will result in anything good Yeah, seeing the upcoming Superman and Batfaggot cartoons...unless they get JLA' writers. P.S. I just noticed that Dana concept art by Shane Glines looks like a JLA character although it came years before it! I wouldn't mind seeing the rest of Batman Beyond characters in that style, even though I prefer the DCAU style for it.
>>8274 That's how it goes whenever I re-watch something from my childhood. I was in late middle school early high school when batman beyond came out so I'm not as nostalgic about it, but I recently re-watched the only marvel cartoons, iron man, x-men, fantastic four that I really liked and was really shocked at how bad they were. X-Men had its moments I supposed. I started re-watching Spiderman TAS and I'm actually a little dumbfounded because to me that was the best one but it's not really any different. Same as when I re-watched the Batman Animated series. That show was heckin godlike when I was a kid but it fell flat for me years later. That's just how nostalgia goes man.
>>14603 >Max being niggeress is coincidental, they probably made her black just to avoid repetitiveness and make her stand out. Her pink hair and yellow shirt just scream overcompensation and "notice me viewers" for forced and shoved character. I try not to be overly abrupt in discussions these days when pointing stuff like that out. They indeed had her sticking out like a sore thumb for the world to see her gleaming existence, which quite a few BB fans don't like to admit. Because they know she would have been better as an additional wheel character that occasionally spoke. >>11987 is pretty much on point about Tana. Even the cheesiest way, that is; making her out to be a vigilante of the night, with both Terry and Tana eventually uncovering the identity of each other neer the end-of-season finale. Would have been a good thing to do. But the execs had them by the hairs on their tender balls. >Not really, reading the interview with one of BB writers they saw her as a completely useless character who is nothing more than an excess baggage. They really didn't have much of foresight for BB and it quite understandable as it wasn't their own idea and was forced on them by executiveniggers, including the addition of Max. Again, that's the purpose of having the eleventh wheel. Keep the characters with the most potential as the top 5. While alternating the lower tier fiddles down the column for background/occasional banter use. >He is a dog, anon. Yeah, but he was a smart dog. >I would hardly call "Ace in the Hole" episode a filler, almost all BB is consisted of episodic plots, and that episode shed light on characters' past (Ace and Bruce). Even episodes like "Terry's Friend Dates a Robot" and "The Eggbaby" that should be considered as filler, aren't really as they fit the high school setting. I'll take my previous statements back. It did flush out the bond between Ace and Bruce. > I wish the writers would just do regular slice of life segments in BB without having to make it connected to Bat business all the time, it's one of the weakest parts in the show. Executive decisions then said "A show about a Batman must therefore be about a Batman." Now it's "Batman is our staple. So forever at the forefront, he shall be." >Which is fucking stupid and make no sense as they were using technology before Batman Beyond time period that is yet more advanced! In addition to that, there was the whole A was "controlled" by B all this time (yeah, I put this chip on Tim decades ago, but only now it finally works!) which they already did in BB series with Superman and also used nanobots control on Bruce in STAS crossover episode with TNBA. And if it wasn't enough, they copied the same stupid plot twist, four times, just even more unbelievably dumb in JLU retardation. It's why I try to remember the episodes like Joker vs The Gorton's Fisherman and Superman vs The Magical Angry Imp. They were obviously grasping at twisty straws for the most farfetched crap they could mishmash together for a plot device for the "serious" episodes. > badly written cheap motion-tween crap animated series. I don't even where, to begin with, what I've seen. Why would a villain be kicked out and/or denied permission to join a supervillain group for calling a female superhero a "cunt?" That's stupid. But it saved me money. >No, those shows are just usually tasteless edgy crap (f-bombs and gore are so mature!). JLA RIP and DCSHG did/do good job at it. That's because they all feel the need to show that it is indeed for mature audiences. Because graphic violence, f-bombs, and sex. Like Spastic Spawn did. >Marvel does better job of using their copyright archive of characters than DC, for example GoTG got cartoon Well, I'm kind of thankful DC gave up the rights to The Phantom and stopped using Black Terror. They would've been made to drink the Batang. Especially The Phantom. >Yeah, seeing the upcoming Superman and Batfaggot cartoons...unless they get JLA' writers. If they leave all that woke crap out, they might do good. But they won't.
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>>14603 >pic >ywn have Braniac lodged in your abdomen, forced to watch you piss and masturbate
>>14619 >heckin godlike get out
>>14619 I was too young and naive to appreciate Batman Beyond when it aired, I mostly watched Marvel cartoons so I liked Marvel characters more as a kid. It's weird, I remember how I chose Spiderman stickers over Batman Beyond stickers when I was a child and now I'm beating myself over it. >marvel cartoons Although they were made in the 90's, they were closer to 80's cartoons; big cast of characters, complex character designs and crappy animation. In addition to those features, they were also full of soap opera. I think I may rewatch some of them at some point. >Spiderman TAS and I'm actually a little dumbfounded because to me that was the best To many (so did I), I think it has to do with the fact that the show focused on one main character and Spiderman is just usually seen/promoted as the coolest character in Marvel. >Same as when I re-watched the Batman Animated series. That show was heckin godlike when I was a kid but it fell flat for me years later Yeah, the show that turned many into Batwankers shamefully I used to be one too . I only watched it for the first time years ago, when I was a young adolescent and I thought it was amazing, I haven't rewatched it since then. Currently I'm watching STAS and it's really good, the writing range from great to alright (there was only one episode so far that I consider bad), the animation is so gorgeous and everything is hand-drawn in cel. It's really depressing that we will never see this level of quality ever again. >>14626 >which quite a few BB fans don't like to admit Either deluded by nostalgia googles as they couldn't know any better as kids or they're afraid to criticize black character. >making her out to be a vigilante of the night, with both Terry and Tana eventually uncovering the identity of each other neer the end-of-season finale. Would have been a good thing to do No, that would've been stupid, Dana has no reason nor the capabilities to become crime fighter, she should stay as the civilian girlfriend as it also works as another bridge for the normal world and prevent from falling into the Bat autism. Furthermore, Terry has no need for a sidekick/partner at his current state being under Bruce guidance. When Terry gets older, have his own family and Bruce is dead then he could get a Robin. I do think they should've made Dana finding out by herself that Terry is actually Batman, but then ask Max not to tell to Terry and only after some time Terry would find out that Dana knows. >the cheesiest way No, that's the dykeiest way; the thought that the only way to make female characters worthwhile is by giving them active roles like men. >Again, that's the purpose of having the eleventh wheel. Keep the characters with the most potential as the top 5. While alternating the lower tier fiddles down the column for background/occasional banter use No, she would drag down episodes by being incompetent attention whore and take the spotlight away from more important and good characters. Which reminds me, I forget to mention another terrible BB episode; "Hooked Up" - Terry getting his ass saved by worst girl Max which is absolutely retarded, not to mention it was another one of those episodes when supposedly genius Max fuck up everything. >Yeah, but he was a smart dog He's still just a regular dog, he isn't Krypto. In fact, in that very episode, he got caught by those bastards again, he couldn't stand a chance without Terry saving him and later Ace also helped to save Terry. It was really good episode. >Executive decisions Souce? I read that Buffy' success led to the creation of Batman Beyond ( https://archive.is/cpBS1 ) and iirc that show did had regular slice of life segments. >Joker vs The Gorton's Fisherman I don't remember and not sure which episode you refer to, as it's been years since I watched BTAS/TNBA and I'm sick of Batfag so I'm not going to bother. I do consider rewatching TNBA for my boy Tim and I want to watch the episode with Etrigan and Witch Boy. >Superman vs The Magical Angry Imp You mean Mr. Mxyzptlk and checking it, he was originally created as Superman' villain. >They were obviously grasping at twisty straws for the most farfetched crap they could mishmash together for a plot device for the "serious" episodes That episode in STAS wasn't exactly serious episode, it had nice start and great ending, but really dragged itself. That episode also helped to further establish Superman as smart and clam character which then in JLU they turned him into hot-headed retard. The second episode Mr. Mxyzptlk in which he manipulated Bizzaro to do his bidding, had better pace. >Well, I'm kind of thankful DC gave up the rights to The Phantom and stopped using Black Terror I wish the same would happen to Kirby' masterpieces, but that's never going to happen, just reprinting his works alone is profitable enough. They'll forever whore Kirby' memory and mistreat his creations beyond the grave, just like they did when he was alive. We were this close to Live-action rape of New Gods by woke nigeress and "former" glownigger. >They would've been made to drink the Batang In JLA, they shoved the Batnigger into New Gods myths and he fought alongside Big Brada, I call bullishit upon it, Parademons would easily tear Batsy to shreds. It's one thing for scout boy to steal New Gods all to himself, but Batnigger who is just mere human being and arguably has the best rouge gallery?! I'm not even going to bother to describe what they did in JL and JLU, I'll save it for another thread. >Especially The Phantom. Imagine being the 16th successor of superhero lineage, carrying those enhanced genes and vast knowledge that passed from each generation to another while living in the harsh jungle getting outdone by spoiled whiny rich brat. >If they leave all that woke crap out, they might do good. But they won't Superman show is going to have ugly flat tan tomboy NuLois, Jimmy is niggerwashed and this shit written by Dyke-Ra writers and aimed at girls (Dyke-Ra sure was huge success among them) so it's going to completely flop. The new Batman show has Abrams (yes, the one who destroyed Gaywars) so there is that for the woke shit. But regardless whether it will have woke crap or not, the show was created by trio of hacks: Abrams, Reeves (Cloverfield) and Timm, so it's guaranteed to be shit. I doubt it will flop since Batwankers have no standards.
>>14626 >They were obviously grasping at twisty straws for the most farfetched crap they could mishmash together for a plot device for the "serious" episodes. Have you never read a comic book before? The things you're complaining about are the genre's bread and butter.
>>14684 At 6 years old, I had Archie comics, the Sonic Archie Comics, a few Capt. Storms, The Phantom, Spiderman, and Robocop.
Make a story that focuses on the iconic four, joker, penguin, catwoman, and riddler, make each of them on their own a formidable threat to batman by making each of them comparable to batman in some specific area. joker is the exact opposite to batman in every way, but also an equal, the guy has three personalities in one head, and all three have their own personality, capabilities, and origin story. One is a jack nicholson golden age type, one is a ceasar romero silver age type, and one is the heath ledger bronze age type, the last is one that combines all three into one unstable amalgamation that averages the three out, and this one is aware of the fourth wall of fiction and reality, his origin is that he is a character created for batman to fight by a team of artists, but this personality is rarely in control for long, often only appearing in the transition between two of the other three. penguin is another story, his relation to batman is that he has more wealth, power, and a better reputation than bruce wayne, he was born to a wealthy family who had been one of the founding families of gotham, whie normally this would ensure a life of ease, he was not so lucky. he was born twisted and deformed as a result of coming from incest, his problematic birth also meant his mother could not bear another child, and his father had trouble with his ability to sire a child, thus he was abandoned and replaced with a boy kidnapped off the street, winding up an a circus, spending his childhood as a performer in a freak show. he eventually made his way back home, but by then the changeling had squandered the family fortune, so the penguin secretly killed his replacement, collected the sizable fortune off of his late brother's corpse, and established himself as a legitimate businessman in the vein of lex luthor, another villainous self-made man. he now has his own megacorporation that has become larger than waynecorp, but this isnt just due to a good business acumen, the truth being that he also took advantage of the decline in organized crime due to some events at the time in order to position himself as the new leader of the remains of their criminal underworld. he is now known as a billionaire philanthropist and a gentleman who has not only shot past even bruce wayne in his fortunes, but also in the public favor, if only they knew the real secret of his success and what he is really doing with his power, which is being the power behind the money of pretty much the entire criminal world in gotham, a "face" who sets things up, launders the returns, smooths things over, and takes his cut, his only concerns are improving his wealth and reputation. the riddler compares to batman by being smarter than him, the moriarty to batman's sherlock, he was a genius from birth, one who was plagued by boredom for most of his life, as an adult, this would manifest as a part of the reason for why he would always give people a way to beat him, a way to escape his traps, a way to arrest him for his crimes, a way to stop his plans, he always does this just because it allows him to have some fun, but also a way to mock those who challenge his massive intellect. he was entered in an infamous mathematics contest that was designed to be unwinnable, so when he won it at a young age, everyone was blown away, the truth was that he had found a way to cheat the contest so that he would win. he was gifted at everything he set his mind to, but he was consumed by one passion, which was that he was obssesed with knowledge, it is for this reason that his criminal aims as an adult are to know things, he wants information, secrets, and the like, his first foray into crime was as a detective, one for whom any crime was easily solvable, and the largest obstacle to closing any case was the detective's own reluctance to just explain everything, and instead try to lead on his fellow investigators with subtle clues as to how to answer the riddle in front of them, it was one such riddle that would later be his start of darkness. riddler had figured out batman's real identity as bruce wayne shortly after discovering the mystery of who the vigilante's identity was, he never divulged this information to anyone else, but would later use it to great effect against the only man in gotham who can match his mind. the obviousness of batman's identity and the revelation to him that gotham's police force had indeed not figured it out was actually the first catalyst in a chain of events that turned him from a force of good into one of evil, another being that he had found himself doing double duty as a consulting criminal, helping criminals to carry out their crimes in a better way, which he did out of a need for stimulation rather than profit, often his price was only things like secrets, which he had used to advance his own career, leaving clues as to his involvement for additional thrills, until batman exposed him. now he acts as the man with the plan, coming up with ways to achieve the impossible for the low price of some secret knowledge, the only thing he requires is to leave his subtle calling card at the scene of the crime, a clue as to his involvement (which his clients are aware of) and his client's identity (which they are most often not aware of), he treats his crimes like a game or puzzle, since games and puzzles are something he is obsessed with, he often uses these things as his theme. when he kills, he places his victim in a situation that will kill them unless they find a way out of it, which he refers to as his "trap games", but he always includes a way out, he is a social darwinist, and those who die deserve to do so in his eyes due to how stupid they were for failing to see what to him wold have been an obvious solution to their problem. for the riddler, batman is an endless source of amusement and a challenging mind to set his own against. catwoman is someone who is doing wrong things for the right reasons, a former office worker by day and prostitute dominatrix by night, she was left with a responsibility to care for her schizophrenic brother and the many young children who lived on the streets outside her home. she found opportunities for this in robbing her clients during their visits in order to care for the children, and later she graduated to breaking into their homes, some of her clients were wealthy and esteemed members of her city's upper crust, which gave her an opportunity to discover her talent for navigating past high levels of security, soon she was a thief for hire, if you wanted something from a museum, she would be able to get in and out with it, leaving not a trace behind. she was a catburgler whose outfit resembled that of a cat, and her brother called her "alleycat" as a nickname due to her childhood love of milk, thus she became known as the catwoman, she's not a bad person at heart, and genuinely wants to make the city a better place for the most vulnerable members of her society, but this had led to her becoming more and more violent as time went on and things got worse, cynicism and an encounter with the league of shadows and seen her graduate from a thief to an assassin, targeting the most evil people in her city who couldn't be touched by the law. the joker, penguin, and riddler, are now giving her an offer that could see a real change in how things operate in her city, a way for things to get better, she's willing to side with what she sees as a lesser bottom-level evil in order to take down a larger evil at the top of the system, little does she know that she's a tool to them, to be disposed of when she's no longer of use (she's too naive and good intentioned). she's not along, both penguin and riddler are going to get treated the same way by the joker in his plans, even though they are planning to betray him (because he's too dangerous and unpredictable). joker is batmans opposite penguin is batman's for
>>14854 OR... You can chuck all this Leddit autism out the window and go back to Batman being about a edgy-playboy billionaire dressing up in his pajamas and fighting either straight-up mobsters or wacky villains.
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>>14855 I've got to say, Cesar Romero really did nail the pre-psychopath Joker. Gorshin also killed it as Riddler. >>14854 >Batman villains and how to fix them Hey, BVAHTFT, I'm not going to narc you out, but you should know that inadvertent or deliberate name-fagging triggers the fuck out of Cunt, the board owner.
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>>14855 >>14856 Upon rewatching some of TNBA I found a new appreciation for Dick and Bruce is even greater asshole than I remembered; >Animal Act >Quietly stare at old photos album of your dead parents <Bruceshit just barge into your apartment to interrupt you while accusing former friend of yours being a criminal and show zero empathy and consideration despite sharing the same trauma >Old Wounds >Graduate University with highest honors <Adopting father isn't present during the ceremony >Hang out with your girlfriend <Your Batautist father who missed the ceremony now demand you to leave your girlfriend and help him with the Batautism >You do as he say and you both chase after some low rank criminal >You follow and get to his apartment, seeing his wife and kid >You just stare at them <Batautist show up too, beating the father in front of his wife and child >You finally got sick of his shit and walk away <Batautist doesn't accept you're done with him and he keeps nagging you >Barbara who's worried about your relationship with your father, visit him <Batautist takes advantage of the situation and take Batgirl with him >finally arrive to try to fix the relationship with your batautist dad <see your girlfriend car next to Wayne mansion <Finds out your Batautist dad took your girlfriend to one of his batautist mission <Your girlfriend almost fell to death if it weren't for you arriving just in time <Finds out your Batautist dad knew she was Batgirl all along and never told you <Batautist insist you stay after you told him second time you're out with all the shit he pulled on you >Do the right thing and punch the asshole in the face <actually, that criminal got straight after that experience and got job at Wayne company so everything is swell and Batautist did nothing wrong! There's the problem with Bruceshit; they tried to add him depth by giving him flaws after BTAS, but they just ended up turning him into an autistic asshole who never face consequences for his actions. >Pushed away everyone he cared about and ended up as a lonely miserable old man <Reconcile with Barbara and Tim in dumb ROTJ <Terry turns out to be his biological son in retarded abominable Epilogue Pic related, no wonder Dini and Timm hate Dick. It also makes sense why they never bothered to show him in dumb ROTJ Batwankery as there is no chance he would reconcile with Bruceshit, he would probably, and rightfully spit next to him. As for Batman Beyond villains they're pretty much all prefect; Inque and Curare are way better than Poison Ivy and lame Catwoman. The ones with few problems: Spellbinder- background story is lame, but I'm not sure how much it's worth the bother to improve it, Willie Watt - second episode wasn't great when they change out of nowhere his powers from just controlling electronics to general psychokinetic abilities, I guess they didn't want to repeat "Lost Soul" episode with Terry not using the suit, Terminal - has potential and need character development, Karros and Lola - should appear again despite being obscure, both are very cool, Blight - needs to return, Dr. Cuvier - could also return.
>>14854 >Make a story that focuses on the iconic four, joker, penguin, catwoman, and riddler, make each of them on their own a formidable threat to batman by making each of them comparable to batman in some specific area. No, no, no. Enough is enough. They should give Batman and the entirety of Gotham's villains and anti-heroes a rest. Because that part of the DCU has long run its course, and they've clearly run out of ideas. That's why they were trying so hard to push that Gotham High bullshit, well after it failed. The homeless black Batwoman and pro-BLM Batgirl comic was no better. But that's mainly the problem. If the folks at DC kept their personal politics and current world problems shit out of their fucking comics. Then they could turn a better fucking profit. Because the more they continuously throw that shit at people, the more that will walk away. The way to fix Batman and his typical villains are to cease their overuse. Batman, Joker, Harley, Catwoman, and Ivy to a lengthy hiatus. If the Batang brigade(Timm) doesn't like it, then fuck em. Batman is not the face of DC, and everything doesn't have to take place in Gotham nor tie into it. >>14934 In Babydoll, Dick was willing to take one for the team. But that wasn't good enough.
>>14855 >autism Honestly it reads more like current Hollywood awful writing, something an executivenigger would greenlight. It's that prefect squeezing franchise to death; giving minor/unimportant characters/events over-detailed background/story that could fit into a movie or TV show ("Joker"/"Gotham") and have a whole new (unimportant and boring) story within the already existing story. Those faggots fail to realize that less is more, take for example the perfection that is Curare; all we know is that she's an assassin with stoic personality, has blue skin, disfigured face and she doesn't even talk or have any background story! That's exactly why she is way, way more awesome than most characters, her mysterious aura just adds so much to her character and leave something for the viewers' imagination . Background story doesn't equal more character, it's a lazy and superficial way to give depth to characters and make you feel empathic towards them (muh sob story, muh hard cruel life). This kind of crap doesn't fit the simplistic and fun nature of capeshit. Only works such as New Gods deserved it and it's appropriate for it, since New Gods is actually a space opera disguised as capeshit and you can easily notice it by comparing all of its characters adaptation into actual capeshit, how they all lose their depth and become a flat capeshit cliches. >>15019 >No, no, no. Enough is enough. They should give Batman and the entirety of Gotham's villains and anti-heroes a rest. Because that part of the DCU has long run its course, and they've clearly run out of ideas. >If the folks at DC kept their personal politics and current world problems shit out of their fucking comics. Then they could turn a better fucking profit. Because the more they continuously throw that shit at people, the more that will walk away. I completely agree with you anon, however on second thought, the ending of batwank will just result in DC raping and wanking characters that one actually still cares about. All the big media corporations are creatively bankrupt, lazy, want and can afford themselves to play it safe, all we see lately is either shitty licensed fanart or bland and dull works that seem to be designed and written by an A.I. >trying so hard to push that Gotham High bullshit Why?! DC Super Hero Girls was running oh yeah, I forgot that capeshit for children is evil and all action cartoons must be killed and Batman Beyond already exist (not that I want it to be further raped). >If the Batang brigade(Timm) doesn't like it, then fuck em You forgot Dini with his comic the BTASWankery Continue, although he is more of a competent writer unlike Timm. Maybe that will cause Timm to try to push Kamandi again? That could be good, but there's still have zero chance for it to happen due to dominant evil dyke executives. >Babydoll Easily one of the most memorable and best episodes in BTAS. >Dick was willing to take one for the team. But that wasn't good enough What do you mean? You referring to when Dick pushed the lady and almost got hit by a car, the lady was saved but got abducted regardless? Actually it was Dick that did most of important work in this episode (noticing Baby Doll didn't abduct yet the last actor of the show, switching places with and throwing way that dynamite). BTAS is completely different from TNBA, TNBA is "soft" reboot for BTAS with whole new direction for atmosphere, design and writing. Bruce wasn't obnoxious asshole in BTAS as he became in the following DCAU shows. P.S. Pic related song reference, Siouxsie And The Banshees - Arabian Knights - https://invidious.exonip.de/watch?v=bfygNGVdJ7g
>>15054 >the ending of batwank will just result in DC raping and wanking characters that one actually still cares about. Haven't they already done that? With the Arrowverse, and the DCCU?
>>14934 >There's the problem with Bruceshit; they tried to add him depth by giving him flaws after BTAS, but they just ended up turning him into an autistic asshole That's the problem with the majority of batman stories for the past 20 years.
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>>15054 >All the big media corporations are creatively bankrupt, lazy, want and can afford themselves to play it safe, all we see lately is either shitty licensed fanart or bland and dull works that seem to be designed and written by an A.I. When DC started going down the Loony rabbit hole to market their capeshit, that was pretty much a good sign to me that they were running out of ideas for it. I don't find these particular comics terrible. I just don't see why they couldn't have come up with this when they were still publishing Looney Tunes comics. >Why?! DC Super Hero Girls was running Before, that was just a series of shorts exclusive to Boomerang. The only reason why they(CN) started pushing DC Super Hero Girls was to get on the "Look! We're Doing It Too!" train. Because Disney supposedly had an all-girl Star Wars cartoon with Rey in the works, and the others were doing their parts to market from promote female diversity. >Maybe that will cause Timm to try to push Kamandi again? That could be good, but there's still have zero chance for it to happen due to dominant evil dyke executives. The only way that would happen is either genderswap or have him paired with two girl characters. With said characters at the forefront. Like they somewhat did with George of the Jungle(2007). Though, as I stated before in another reply, the best time for Kamandi was around when Beyond was still new, and also when those Tarzan/Xena shows were still on the air. They could have had him mysteriously "Terminator-style" teleported into one of Neo-Gotham's dark alleyways near the McGinnis home with Matt finding him. >Easily one of the most memorable and best episodes in BTAS. It's one of my favorites. Another one is Read My Lips. >What do you mean? You referring to when Dick pushed the lady and almost got hit by a car, the lady was saved but got abducted regardless? Willingly getting captured by an insane starlet and her goons.As angry as she was with Cousin Spunky, it's amazing how she didn't kneecap him on site. >Actually it was Dick that did most of important work in this episode (noticing Baby Doll didn't abduct yet the last actor of the show, switching places with and throwing way that dynamite). Makes me apprciate how characters were handled back then more. >BTAS is completely different from TNBA, TNBA is "soft" reboot for BTAS with whole new direction for atmosphere, design and writing. Bruce wasn't obnoxious asshole in BTAS as he became in the following DCAU shows. That's true. >P.S. Pic related song reference, Siouxsie And The Banshees - Arabian Knights - https://invidious.exonip.de/watch?v=bfygNGVdJ7g Link has a 403-Forbidden disclaimer on it. >>15057 >Haven't they already done that? With the Arrowverse, and the DCCU? It's a bit more than that. ARKHAMANIACS was last year's comic of epic awesomeness.
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>>15057 Raping? Yes. Wanking? Nope. >>15058 Worse than that, he is also a prefect Gary Stu that can do no wrong; <years of screwing female supervillains <finally ending up impregnating one >kid still turns out to be good >>15075 >I don't find these particular comics terrible Did you lower your standards? The Bugs Bunny comic is unfunny. As for the Kamandi Rape Challenge and in general all post Kirby writing Kamandi are just as bad as the Batman Beyond comics, if not worse since Kamandi had consistent great quality writing through the entire Kirby (writing) run unlike Batman Beyond series which declined. Furthermore, Kamandi belongs to the superior adventure genre which demands far greater creativity and writing skill when those talentless hacks who tackle it can barely write decent repetitive capeshit. >New Kamandi More like NuKamandi. >Before, that was just a series of shorts exclusive to Boomerang No, it could be watched on youtube. >(CN) started pushing DC Super Hero Girls Absolute kek, CN have been trying to sabotage it like they do with every action cartoon they get. They don't even consider it as a girls cartoon. >The only way that would happen is either genderswap or have him paired with two girl characters. With said characters at the forefront. Like I said, dyke executives, that's how Zetashit got a pass. I will note that sometimes I wonder what would Kamandi be like if Flower didn't got killed . >the best time for Kamandi was around when Beyond was still new, and also when those Tarzan/Xena shows were still on the air I still think Kamandi could work today (if it weren't for the woke shit), just like how TMNT does Rise was shit and flopped, I know . >They could have had him mysteriously "Terminator-style" teleported into one of Neo-Gotham's dark alleyways near the McGinnis home with Matt finding him What?! Why?! The whole plot of Kamandi is him trying to find civilized humans like him. Kamandi finding himself in Neo-Gotham would result in fulfilling his goal and there wouldn't be much of a conflict. It should be the opposite; Terry goes into Kamandi universe. >Willingly getting captured by an insane starlet and her goons But then his sacrifice was good enough; he saved all the actors from getting killed and enabled Batman to infiltrate too. >it's amazing how she didn't kneecap him on site It was still a children cartoon. >Link has a 403-Forbidden disclaimer on it Bummer, it has the clip in high quality. Here is just the song itself - https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=oUdM4w4cBHM
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>>15075 >Batman & Elmer Fudd I downloaded all those horrible crossovers just to see if there were any that didn't suck as bad as I believed they would. The Batman team-up was, far and away, the most infernal of the comics of the damned.
>>15080 <years of screwing female supervillains <finally ending up impregnating one >kid still turns out to be good To be fair, he didn't start that way, it took an extended arc and years of training to make him good. Also, they said he was raped by Talia anyway, so it's not his fault. You're also missing tons of stories where Batman was treated as seriously fucking up. Things like Tower of Babel, where he makes plans to kill the whole Justice League just in case, only for villains to predictably get these plans and use them instead. Or The OMAC Project where Batman made a spy satellite to spy on the Justice League, only for a villain to predictably get control of the satellite and use it instead. That one lead to Batman (and Robin) taking a whole year off just to meditate and shit since he realized he was becoming pretty awful. Then he ended up doing the entire Tower of Babel thing all over again anyway a few years later. But yes, he is still ultimately a hero, and even when he fucks up, he eventually works to correct it. He's Batman. Making him perfectly good would be boring. But they also can't just make him a villain. So sometimes he does fucked up shit, but then tries to fix it.

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>>15080 >Did you lower your standards? The Bugs Bunny comic is unfunny. I only give out A and B minuses for effort. Though, nearly all of those comics got a D minus. Some things don't work, and others just don't quite work. Had they came out during the DC Looney Tunes era as an extended series, it wouldn't have seemed as if they pulled this bright idea out of their collective asses as an attempt to lull fans of both to buy the comics. If they wanted "zany" and "looney" characters; then, they should have came up with some to fit the given universe, such as the like of Mister Mxyzptlk and Six Pack. >As for the Kamandi Rape Challenge and in general all post Kirby writing Kamandi are just as bad as the Batman Beyond comics, if not worse since Kamandi had consistent great quality writing through the entire Kirby (writing) run unlike Batman Beyond series which declined. Furthermore, Kamandi belongs to the superior adventure genre which demands far greater creativity and writing skill when those talentless hacks who tackle it can barely write decent repetitive capeshit. They know legends the likes of Jack Kirby would disprove of this type of shit. They just don't care. They rather listen to their like-minded "fans," instead of the ones which appreciate Kirby's work. >Absolute kek, CN have been trying to sabotage it like they do with every action cartoon they get. They don't even consider it as a girls cartoon. Well, they've been trying to sabotage it on account of TTG. They rather cancel it again than have it upstage TTG. Someone is obviously paying a lot to have that gleaming turd kept afloat. >Like I said, dyke executives, that's how Zetashit got a pass. The fans blame 9/11 for its cancellation. But the executives are the reason why that failed. They're the ones who also gave the call to cancel BB in favor of JL. Then tried to make up for it with those crossover episodes. >I will note that sometimes I wonder what would Kamandi be like if Flower didn't got killed. I've not read many Kamandi comics. But possibly like your typical civilized boy paired with indigenous native girl. >I still think Kamandi could work today (if it weren't for the woke shit) It would work. It's just that Kamandi needs a team of people that actually read his comics, and therefore knows how to handle him. Unlike Jonah Hex and Cpt. Storm. >It was still a children cartoon. A graphic cartoon with subtle adult jokes and metaphors. >Bummer, it has the clip in high quality. Here is just the song itself - https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=oUdM4w4cBHM Not my cup. But it's good. I'm more partial to her cover of Dear Prudence. >>15089 >I downloaded all those horrible crossovers just to see if there were any that didn't suck as bad as I believed they would. The Batman team-up was, far and away, the most infernal of the comics of the damned. Ha!
>>15097 >But yes, he is still ultimately a hero, and even when he fucks up, he eventually works to correct it. He's Batman. Making him perfectly good would be boring. But they also can't just make him a villain. So sometimes he does fucked up shit, but then tries to fix it. That's why it's said that Batman is the original anti-hero. Though, actually, one of the original Gloden Era anti-heroes. Now, he's just become so edgy that even his protective padding needs padding. And that's a majority of the problem with him.
>>15102 Why does this comic look like Chalk Zone?
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>>15102 >those lolrandom CalArts wanna be pages >mfw some faggot/lesbo/tranny got PAID for doing that shit.
>>15119 /co/ used to love Baltazar and Franco. That said, that's the same /co/ that created bronies and let the SJWs into 4chan. But it always shocks me to see people so new that they don't remember those days, or aren't even aware of Tiny Titans.
>>15119 >shitting on tiny titans Lurk moar faggot.
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>>15106 Because they were the kids that ate chalk and paste in school. >>15119 >mfw when I'm trying to understand the insanity of this new-age modern world's comic industry.
>>15126 But that's not what that anon chose to post, you dolt. It's a different work. That was a haiku, chump.
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>>15097 >To be fair, he didn't start that way, it took an extended arc and years of training to make him good. Also, they said he was raped by Talia anyway, so it's not his fault. He still ended up as good and Batman used to be in relationship with Talia, making excuses for it won't change those facts. >where he makes plans to kill the whole Justice League just in case, only for villains to predictably get these plans and use them instead. Or The OMAC Project where Batman made a spy satellite to spy on the Justice League, only for a villain to predictably get control of the satellite and use it instead. <Batman plans are so good they get used by villains >even when he fucks up, he eventually works to correct it <can always fix his mistakes Fucking Gary Stu, this exactly the kind of shit I was talking about. >then he ended up doing the entire Tower of Babel thing all over again anyway a few years later. But yes, he is still ultimately a hero Are you fucking kidding me?! Why the hell the Justice League doesn't kick him out?! >He's Batman. Making him perfectly good would be boring. But they also can't just make him a villain No, make him actually pay for his mistakes or stop with the edginess and the poor attempt to give him depth. >>15102 >They know legends the likes of Jack Kirby would disprove of this type of shit. They already treated him like dirt when was alive and now that he is dead, they try to create personality cult around him like the hack Stan Lee to compete with Marvel when in fact Kirby was a humble and modest man. >Someone is obviously paying a lot to have that gleaming turd kept afloat Nah, TTG is cheap to produce. >Then tried to make up for it with those crossover episodes It only occurred in JLU and I'm not going to blame Timm' hackery on the executives, he wanted to do it long before and make it even more impossibly retarded and edgy than it actually ended up as. >I've not read many Kamandi comics. But possibly like your typical civilized boy paired with indigenous native girl Did you finish reading (original) Kamandi? I would hardly describe Flower or any of the humans in Kamandi like that. They don't even have language, (other part of) the plot and theme of Kamandi is that humans turned into animals and animals turned into humans after the great disaster. >It would work. It's just that Kamandi needs a team of people that actually read his comics, and therefore knows how to handle him. Unlike Jonah Hex and Cpt. Storm. Think that there are barely any action cartoons to compete with, they could easily profit from kids and also getting those filthy fujobux. Timm should do the character designs and maybe work as producer, but I don't trust him to write a single episode. >A graphic cartoon with subtle adult jokes and metaphors. Yeah, but there's still censorship and they can't show gore or anything too violent in it. >Not my cup. But it's good. I'm more partial to her cover of Dear Prudence That's cool, Dear Prudence is great too, even the band late pop era started to grow on me. They also did Catwoman and Batman theme song for Batman returns.
Are the Dan Jurgens comics any good? Redditnigger say so but his Superman stuff that I've read blows so I'm skeptical
>>15126 >Lurk moar faggot. Jump under a bus, homosexual.
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Is Gotham in BB based off of Jacksonville?
I like how BB recognized gamers as the most oppressed group of all.
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>>16981 Most unlikely, it's probably inspired by Akira as well as BB took quite few elements from there like the Jokerz gangs and their Bikes and just in general both having Cyberpunk setting.
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Yesterday my family celebrated my birthday and I asked them to make me Batman Beyond cake and they to be precise my awesome older brother did!
>>17146 That's honestly not bad looking.
>>17146 Damn. Nice older brother. He ain't too bad at that.
>>17146 It's a nice looking cake. A bakery would change an arm and leg for something like that.
>>17146 Schway.
>>17146 Nice cake, what flavor it was? happy bday anon
>>17147 >>17150 >>17159 >>17173 >>17175 Thanks! >Nice older brother He is! >what flavor it was? Originally, we wanted to buy strawberry roll-ups to get the red color, but couldn't find any so we bought pomegranate concentrate instead. The eyes, mouth and belt are white chocolate, the chest bat symbol is white chocolate mixed with pomegranate concentrate and the wings are Mascarpone mixed with pomegranate concentrate and white chocolate. The cake itself is chiffon cake covered in dark chocolate icing.

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