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Summoning Dagon/Dagan Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:20:14 No. 1757
The topic was brought up again so I went for it, I think this was meant to be. Summoning process I'll just walk through what I did and what it lead to and how you do it will probably have to be very personal, but you'll get the general idea. This sigil can be used. I examined its form until I could relate it to the yogic locks and the image of the squatting man seen in old images, then interpreted it as a tantric schematic. This had the effect of gradually connecting me with a place which was grey and dark like a cave with some blue energy and some light yellow. A woman was before me and she also looked grey and dark from the lack of light, this is normal for ancient beings which was now consider "daemons" so nothing to worry about. She was rather tall and looked decently aged, nude with fit shape, saggy tits which were still rather large and overall nice body but timeless as expected of a demon of the stronger kind. She closed in on me with her butt in my direction, sitting down on me in a way so that I was essentially ending up in a sex from behind position with her. My natural ability to project into astral spaces was by now already active and the interaction went on for a few min. A short semi-fat man appeared from the left. He was more like chubby with a belly, not obese by modern standards. He had wide pants and some kind of arabic looking shoes, bare upper body or maybe a very short vest which was open on the front, he had significant hairy chest. His face was very round and he seemed rather sweaty and smelly. He told me to remain in place while he then entered the woman from the front, making our penises touch inside her. As he did this there was an energetic blast and a connection in strong yellow qi was formed horizontally with a strong red line of vertical energy connecting to it. He said the connection was now made and that he had prodded for me to try and do something like this because there is a large distance to modern culture, this board and the people he wants to connect with. I asked if the woman is his wife Ishar, he said yes this is Ishar, but we are not married, she's a temple slut so this is ok. I then had a daughter with her and they both took us over to an altar where I was to hold the daugher on my right side, Ishar then held her and had my right arm linked to her left arm by binding us using a string made from braided flowers. Dagan said some ritual words and there was another energy explosion. He then said we have to make the connection stronger, and he started giving me a blowjob, then he told me we have to also do it in the other direction, but I said, hold it, I'm not doing it like this, so I created a externalized loli form from a cell of my astral body and used that instead. He said this is fine and the magic circle is now active. We then did some ritual work and my astral forms and the daughter are now in the magic circle which is a sealed off space in his temple, where we can stay to practice while at the same time move elsewhere by bilocation or just have normal interactions in the physical while they stay there like statues in meditation. Through the interaction with him I gained control over leviathan which means the world system with all nations. I gave him "the pink armour" which I created to let infernals possess human bodies, and he in return gave me a large gold coin. I was to hold it in my right hand, forming a fist aimed downward and press until there was a sound, then place my left palm below aimed upwards and form an energy pillar between the hands, then let them pass by the palm qi opening into the whole body through all enlightenment levels and then letting the force drop down on the other side as if pulling a cart up a hill and letting it run down the other side on its own. This lead to a strong energy blast breakthrough in my own energy which was to give me control over economy.
This morning I noticed my movement patterns and body perception has changed somewhat, it seems Dagon's way of moving has been incorporated with mine.
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More sharing because it's possibly relevant. https://occult-world.com/amdusias-amduscias/ I've been working to move my main awareness away from the physical to base myself on the astral, in a specific place I want to use as my HQ. The purpose of this is to gain full dimensional mobility so I can body jump or perform possession freely, using any available body of my own creation or if needed, possession of someone else (including NPCs) in first person view, while retaining awareness of my other avatars and all astral tools. Incarnation without losing memories or being "locked" in the form, essentially. I've gradually gotten there, but the ''weight" or karmic gravity of the things I need to handle in here, keeps making it difficult to change these structures. There is a reason I'm here, and I don't intend to leave until I'm done, but when I do I want to be in control. So the idea is to move over to my astral base, then possess my current body again, but this time I can leave when I want, or temporarily move to other places. Getting all the things in place is difficult while in here, so I've asked for help with details along the way many times. Now came the part where I need to actually change the structure or "registration" which tells everyone "this is my main body", so that if dimensions collapse or whatever happens, I will be magnetically pulled back there, and everyone can see that's where I belong. I asked Belial for help with parts of the process before, and it's all good, but the last bit just didn't click in place. Belial is probably the one I like best and find it easiest working with, I no longer need to "call a meeting" to talk with him, but can just use telepathy, as I got closer to him over time. When explaining in concrete detail about what I want to do, he said to contact Amdusias. I have the printed book so I used the sigil from there directly, no ritual, just mediating on it and studying its form until I could begin to understand it and found a connection. Amdusias appeared less scary than the others I've had contact with, but maybe it's just my confidence being stronger now. He still has this attitude which forces one to reply in a concise and clear wording, thinking about every word before letting it out. I explained to him what I want to do, and offered a pact for mutual spiritual improvement. Details left out. He agreed. He said "we'll do this in steps", when I went to sleep. During the night I found myself in various social situations in a place with a dark grey-black-blue light, one-store stone or brick buildings and some walled gardens and trees outside. I was then suddenly "picked up" as if I was in a bag held above my head, and a quick journey began, as if I was a cat held by someone running along a street. A voice said with authority "Silence!" I was at first confused about what this was, but there was a strong force around me and I didn't want to disturb or ruin something, but also wasn't sure if this was a trick, so I let out a short command to a servitor to investigate what was happening. The reply said "it's Amdusias" so I after this did nothing more but wait. I was being pulled out of the way of some paved road with brickwork, which was collapsing. Underground dwellers were hacking away on the road from below, and this was what caused the collapse. It looked a bit like those Jews appearing out from the walls. I was quickly rushed along a cobblestone street and saw another place where the sand gave in and collapsed down into underground tunnels as we passed. We then arrived at a location I consider an astral home, and from there we went to a public place on a hill where I've been doing rituals. He then said "we are done, this is the first step, I'll let you settle here a bit". I realized I was now "based" at Amdusias place instead, and when I woke up I felt and "saw" mentally that I was there, the images of his place kept appearing around the outskirts of my mind, confirming that my place of residence had changed. This went on half the day, with more dedicated interactions with Amdusias taking place. He then said "lie down, we're doing the last bit", and as I went into deep trance, the "journey" began again, with him running quickly with me along a road, he then flew up and grabbed a truck, we then went by the truck until the road became a narrow countryside road by a limestone thatched roof homestead. I felt "I'm home" and at this point I came out of the trance. It appears he did move me to the place I wanted, and the weight of my energy is now settled here. It was very forceful, but I could feel he definitely had the power to do this. I haven't ever felt this kind of power from any other entities, only the Goetian demons can overpower forces like this, out of those I've met so far. It's like their methods focus on weight lifting, while others work intellectually and channel power (which is btw my main method).
Story incoming "Strange Encounters" or Crocell is a slut Info: https://arsgoetiademons.com/blogs/the-72-demons-of-ars-goetia/demon-crocell-the-mermaid-like-enigma-of-demonology Crocell is a djinn, and consequently has no clear sexuality, as djinn have reverse gender roles compared to what we are used to. Among djinn, women are warriors and men give birth. In a strike of perfect imagery, Crocell is depicted wearing programmer socks, and being djinn, is a master of logic and geometry. He is simply the demon guide of programmers. But the story does not start there. It starts elsewhere, higher up in the Imageboard hierarchy. I was browsing on the KC when there was a "girls do porn" thread on the front page with a webm which happened to be just posted. I clicked it, and it was surprisingly hot, so I decided to divine the location of said girl using a servitor. It turned out she was in hell, but wearing a pink scarf, indicating she had been hit with the "loli shield" I mass casted a few years ago to protect girls from harm. Originally it was intentended to give physical protection, but as timelines function as they do, it ended up not giving protection in the case of the entire social system collapsing or other danger. Instead, it simply protected their souls. After which I could get a "notification", usually some message in media drawing my attention to her. So when I said she was in "hell", I mean the astral underground dimensions, and having the protection cast on them, manifests as the pink scarf. It causes them to be placed in a waiting room instead of being sent into the main gehenna dimensions where they punish evildoers. It simply appears as a "someone owns this one, don't touch" -note attached to them, and the demons down there will put her aside in a safe place. But then I have to go fetch them also, and for that to happen I need to know about them. So this happened, I sent a servitor to get the young woman up from there and do a soul cleansing to prepare her for astral re-incarnation. I then used the latest cyborg incarnation form based on magma. Because I wanted her to maintain her original body form, I put work into designing a single use adapted DNA-disc for her instead of using a disc made for mass production. It turned out very good, and I took her on a tour in space and to various magic libraries. She then wanted to stay on a dead desert planet and just meditate there. I agreed and we stayed. She seemed hypnotized by the environment there, the sky is black and green, the landscape is all frozen lakes and beige rocks desert with mountains in the distance. After a while I asked if she wanted to stay there but bilocate to go check out the miniplanet I created to perform rituals on, so we went there and entered the flying Illuminati-style pyramid I have at that place (made to invite people for group rituals also). Because we had been flying in space, and this was the first time in an actual human environment she wanted to take a shower and we went to bed. This lead to her becoming pregnant -' and this is where it got weird, when the girl came our 3 min later, it was clearly Crocell incarnated, the socks were even there still! I have yet to find out the intentions behind this sudden interest in astral physical life.
>>2841 >karmic weight I've always wondered how people on the STS routes deal with this, as it seems at a certain point to collapse on the practioner. Can you go into more detail on how you handle it? Im interested in what you said about how karmic weight means changing structures can be difficult. Ive heard initiates say IRL that STS magus intentionally try to minimize karmic burdens, use delay tactics to push karmic weight into the future, or convince people to buy into bad deals where the counterparty takes on the weight. It sounds like you have a different alternative?
>>3303 I don't know if it's an alternative as such, as it comes from a by-now inborn trait of mine. I do not know if I had this since forever, or if it's acquired sometime in the past. The simple explanation for both the pro and the con is that I don't have the main yang nature. From the mapping I use, the brain has the main yang in the left back, minor yang or animus is right back. Front left is the anima, and the right front half is the main yin. So anything I would have to do which concerns the main positive, I have to use very elaborate concrete methods. It took me a lot of time to realize how or why this works. For example, when learning maths in school I was always told "think this way" and then told how to think. It always puzzled me, because doing maths has nothing to do with thinking to me. I learn how to write. I always write down step for step in the format of algebra, and it works. Over time I recall it and can perform it in visual memory, but it's entirely based on the physical procedure of writing. No thinking involved, I don't have that ability. The upside of this is that I am completely immune to any spiritual or other kinds of attacks that rely on manipulating thinking, including indoctrination using words. They won't stick in my mind. This "space" is instead used to store the karmic weight, and as the brain is said to have a potential eternal storage, I can just contain the negative energy in the corresponding space for any amount of time. Then I'll transform it back to pure matter whenever it's beneficial to do so. One other aspect of this is that my surface body cannot contain negative energy more than 10%. If someone is trying to make my body dirty beyond that, it will cause an automatic cleanse. Any attempt at externally flooding me with negative energy would just give me symptoms of illness and it still won't stick to me. For this reason my mind is always pretty clear, and I won't be fooled into accepting unfavourable idea or concepts, including contract of various kinds. I just won't accept dirty energy from others, in the manner of what people tend to do, like vaccines or accepting ideas of blame for various made up societal "sins", it doesn't stick to me. What I accept has to pass the "physical process" in the manner of "thinking by writing", and anything bad for me would then be exposed, as my way of working requires that I understand what I write, thus also understand what I accept. It's like literal masonry in this sense, can't make the weight fly, it has to be structured.

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