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Elden Ring Gameplay Trailer Until Elden Ring releases, please only use the dedicated thread for any news, trailers, leaks, etc.

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Sword of Moonlight / King's Field Maker Nameless 02/27/2021 (Sat) 06:43:49 No. 118 [Reply]
I thought that this was interesting and maybe worth sharing in this board. >What the Hell is this? <eleased in 2000 (From Software’s site states March 16th specifically), Sword of Moonlight is a collection of various Windows utilities that allow the user to create a “King’s Field game”. Broadly speaking it is capable of creating something comparable to the first King’s Field but with some major improvements, the games work quite easily on modern systems, and even seem to work with 16:9 and 16:10 screen resolutions with no tweaks and only a few minor issues. >I'm interested, where do I get it? <http://www.swordofmoonlight.com/Installation.htm (You need to register in their forums, there are several patches and its fully translated) Examples https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kJ1RFSnwPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW-DJWwvTAE
>>118 awesome. I wish I knew about this in highschool. I'll definitely read into the forums some time, thanks king Here's some aesthetic pics for you.
>>121 King's Field was FromSoft at their most experimental and I love it.

Souls Pixel Fan Art Nameless 02/23/2021 (Tue) 11:39:34 No. 77 [Reply]
Perhaps a niche subject but I do keep running into it. Post what you've got.
6 posts and 26 images omitted.
I actually used to make shitty dark souls pixel art and tried to sell them on Red Bubble but kept getting cucked by Bandai lol
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Bottoms Up'
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>>89 Oh fuq I found them >>100 Merry 100 Another round on me. Cheers!

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Challenge Runs Nameless 02/19/2021 (Fri) 23:08:33 No. 38 [Reply]
What's your proudest achievement from playing any of the dark demon games? best challenge runs? hardest rule set to follow? most fun run?
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Has anyone ever gotten to max soul level in any of the games? A part of me wants to try it just so I could use every weapon and spell together but it also seems like it would be super autistic to grind up that far.
>>57 I haven't but I did max out one of my stats in Bloodborne once. >>57 >A part of me wants to try it just so I could use every weapon and spell together but it also seems like it would be super autistic to grind up that far. Don't most of the stats end up soft capping at some point?
>>101 yeah I think most soft cap at 40, with things like faith and int having a harder soft cap at 60. But that's still a ridiculously high level character so at that point you might as well go the whole hog. in for a penny.

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Mythology Nameless 02/18/2021 (Thu) 04:29:46 No. 3 [Reply]
>Scandinavian/Nordic >Celtic >Irish/Gaelic >Scottish >(Pagan?) We know that From has these mythos' in mind with Elden Ring. Post aspects of the folklore that you think From might play off of. And please don't give me fucking loki or thor. Share links and resources to related mythology if you have any good stuff. This is not a GRR Martin/GOT lore thread.
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Introduction to Irish Myth Celtic mythology and tradition is contained in four cycles: the Mythological Cycle, the Ulster Cycle (Red Branch) and the Fenian/Fianna Cycle, and the Kings, or Historical Cycle. The points laid out here all belong to the Mythological Cycle, more specifically the Five Invasions period. Taking place during and after the fall of the "Tower of Babel" and the "Great Flood" that appears in many culture's myths. TERMS: >Erin = Ireland >Draoideachta = Magic >Druid = Magician >Sidhe = Fairy supernatural race. >Tautha De Denann = Pagan gods, sometimes lumped in as fairies (faerie). >Milesians = First human race, later known as the Gaels (Gaelic), and eventually the Irish. The First Invasion Cesair and the very first settlers -Daughter of Bith, and granddaughter of Noah. -Was denied entry to the Ark. -Settled on Ireland with 50 other woman, and three men. -Married Fintan mac Bochra. -The two other men die. Fintan can't handle the pressure of 50 bitches, turns himself into a salmon and dips.

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Edited last time by from_bot on 02/24/2021 (Wed) 17:09:59.

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>>46 (continuing) The Legend of Nemed and His People Nemed was a druid but also a great leader with the ability to engender prosperity and well being. To do so required the skills to cultivate land, having cleared it but also the warrior that was able to defeat the Formorians. With his wife, Macha, they constituted a powerful force whose role was taming nature and establishing a culture. Tuan mac Cairill -Follower of Partholon. -Sole survivor of the plague that wiped out his people. -Became hermit living in wilderness/caves. -Sole survivor of the plague that wiped out the Parthalonians. -Watched as the first of the Nemedians came to Ireland, and subsequently died and left. -Could transform into a wild animals (maybe just reincarnation). -After transforming into a wild salmon, he's eaten by the Queen of Ulster and nine months later born as Tuan son of Cairell. He retains all previous knowledge. Nemed -Descendant of Japheth (Biblical Noah's son). -Leader of the Nemedians (Muintir Nemid "people of Nemed"). -Arrived at Ireland 30 years after plague wiped out Partholonians. With wife, four chieftain sons, and others.

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Edited last time by from_bot on 02/21/2021 (Sun) 23:46:21.
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>>49 (continuing) The Ones Who Came Back After the Nemedians were ran out by the Fomorians, the survivors relocated in three directions. >Those who followed Nemed's grandson Simeod, eventually went to Greece and became known as the Fir Bolg. >Those who followed Britain and his father, became the Britons. >Those who followed Nemed's son Larbonel, went "north" to became the Tautha De Danann. Greece: Firbolgs -After settling in Greece those previously known as Nemedians were forced into slavery. Forced to carry bags of dirt and sand, they became known as the Fir Bolg "men of the bags." -Eventually dependents of Simeod brought their people out of slavery and back to Ireland, 230 years after they left. -They did not start any battles with the Fomorians who originally kicked them out. They may have even worshiped them as thier Gods. -The Firbolgs’ last king was Eochaid Mac Eirc, whose wife, Tailtiu (daugher of King of Spain), was the foster mother of Lugh Lamfata, the Danann hero and solar god. North: Tuatha De Danann -Larbonel led his people to the northern isles and was a prophet. -The northern isles have four magical, otherworldly cities (Falias, Gorias, Finias and Murias), each one ruled by a druid. -Traditions hint that these cities might not be on Earth, or that they would be at a different level of dimensional vibration than human beings are on Earth today.

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Edited last time by from_bot on 02/24/2021 (Wed) 17:09:05.

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Nameless 02/22/2021 (Mon) 07:45:22 No. 63 [Reply]
>Fucks your asshole without lube
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this guy summons phantoms and doesn't spin with them after beating a boss.
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