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GamerGate Radio

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The #GamerGate Twitter Thread Acid Man 02/08/2016 (Mon) 03:32:15 Id: fc1791 No. 315461
THE GAMERGATE HASHTAG: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23GamerGate&src=savs STATEMENT OF PURPOSE This thread is for the following things: >Tracking the progress of the #GamerGate hashtag. >Sharing Twitter account handles so anons can follow each other. >Pointing out trending tags and HAPPENINGS that may be relevant to #GG and #NYS. >Discussing Twitter etiquette, including how to keep your sanity while using their service. >Shilling relevant Tweets from you and others in #GG so anons can Heart/Retweet them for increased exposure. >Find targets to monitor. Indie clique members, corrupt journalists, well-connected SJWs causing problems are good examples. Post their social media information here and use http://www.tweetsave.com to archive their stuff. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO PARTICIPATE Click the link at the top of this OP and scroll through the traffic in the tag. Heart and (more importantly) RETWEET anything that concerns shitty games media, gaming issues, exposing SJW bullshit, etc. Make your own tweets using the tag and post a link here to get them spread (if they're good). I don't have a Twitter / I left Twitter Make a new one. The importance of our ability to spread #GG info to the masses can not be overstated. Dodge the Blockbots! With your new account, you should AVOID following the following accounts: @Grummz @Nero @CHSommers as that will trigger the #GG Autoblocker and prevent you from engaging with many journos and others duped into using it. Even oldschool Twitter vet anons would be well advised to make a new Twitter and reboot. Twitter is also a Salt Mining enterprise! When you see hostiles, get them talking. Get them making asses out of themselves and archive it for all the world to see. Share and link to screencaps and archives of it.
[Expand Post] Follow friendlies! In the #GamerGate tag link at the top of this post you will see many of your brothers and sisters posting. If you like what they say, follow them and ask them to follow you. #OPSkyNet is a hashtag for #GG to follow each other, but use it sparingly as it can cause unintended consequences. Avoid Social Media Cancer. Stay out of private groups and cliques. Remember, be reasonable when arguing with SJWs - you will never convince THEM, but the AUDIENCE looking on at you will judge both sides. Let the SJWs be the assholes and keep your own nose clean. >Be clear. >Be concise. >Bring evidence. >Keep your cool. >Avoid arguing with trolls and faggots. >Keep to the issues! >The original Anon's Guide to Twitter https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/Twitter-Guide.md
>>315461 >With your new account, you should AVOID following the following accounts: >@Grummz >@Nero >@CHSommers The blockbot doesn't work. I've made my account last June, immediately followed these 3 and a bunch of other GG accounts. Spammed tags during highjacks, used the GG tag, etc. and I'm still not on the blockbot. I'm following ~1500 open GG supporter that tweet in the tag and retweet others on a regular basis. Many of them openly stated that they are on the blockbot. Still not blocked. Looks to me that Methwahle rather added them manually during the first few months by monitoring the hashtag. Individual lists that are shared by these ideologues are a much bigger threat than Methwales blockbot. Even then, those lists are usually only used by people that are already too far gone anyway, so who cares if they can read your tweets or not?
>>315462 >Looks to me that Methwahle rather added them manually during the first few months by monitoring the hashtag. Powered by Autism rather than software; considering Bluewhale's weighty "contribution" to BSD, that sounds legit as fuck.
>>315461 If still worried about Blockbot bullshit then Based Baldwin should be on the list too. He was one of the main accounts as well
>>315642 So you guys are basically saying the block bot no longer uses Harper's guilt-by-association algorithm? I remember they had an issue when they started using this pile of crap, the list would overflow when blocking accounts with too many followers. I've read on their website any subscriber of a block list can still add new entries to that list by simply blocking as usual. So I take it's manual only now?
https://about.twitter.com/safety/council Anita's group femfreq is part of a twitter anti harassment group,which means 2016 will be a year of a fuckton of banned pro gg twatter accounts. Thread lightly y'all
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>>315677 If they go all out with 'disagreement = harassment', people will just leave -and when people move to somewhere else, so does the money. Prospective investors (+ advertisers) will always throw their money into new ventures when those ventures attract more users. People like social media -even if it's just the interaction on older style forums - if twitter wants to stay afloat, it needs a new business team, not more political policing. Even asking questions is 'harassment' to the sj crowd.
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Twitter's started up some safety council and you'll never believe who's on the list. They're literally building an airtight hug box thinking that they're not going to suffocate.
>>315699 >hey guys lets turn Twitter into a social justice hug box >that will bring everyone back >omg Trump won NH and he hates political correctness >I see no problem in my plan other than Trump is a shit lord :^) This is what they actually believe. I bet they didn't even do any sort of opinion polling or anything to see why people stop being active on twitter. They're probably just assuming it's what the SJWs are telling them it is, because they're self proclaimed "experts".
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I'm just rant a bit… Feel free to ignore. Twitter is showing every sign of of being stuck in an Organizational Death Spiral http://www.leadingagile.com/2013/06/the-organizational-death-spiral/ While is easy to say twitter is losing money like crazy as they've never made any money to begin with as they couldn't figure out how to monetize the platform without wrecking it (that, and what they did do with "promoted tweets" were bait-and-switch bullshit, which was happily abusable by professional trolls like teridax for ebin white master-race-baiting…), so the whole platform is more ponzi-scheme than a profitable company; now the management has been drinking the Social Justice cult koolaid (just like Jamestown Flavoraid) and has decided to, WRONGLY, focus on protecting pampered western feminists, mayo-gendered metal patients, and brown people who have never picked a ball of cotton in their lives, from any and all forms of criticism or discomfort; over providing large, thriving, varied audience to package and sell to advertisers, which is their job (if you are twitter user, you are not their customer, you are the product twitter is selling). The only reasons Twitter exists as a brand is market-saturation, cross-promotion shenanigans (can you even buy a Windows, Apple, or Android phone with twitter pre-installed on it?), and maybe most importantly, there hasn't been any new, hungry, social-media apps looking to eat twitter's lunch, that I've seen, and people are dumb; the140 character tweet format is pretty ideal for a content-free medium for dumb people to be dumb together. Twitter was pretty much dead to me even before #GG, and I'll be happy to find a replacement while watching the whole stupid fucking thing burn.
Sometimes i wonder if twitter wants to drive their stock prices to rock bottom then have their shareholders sell out completely then some moneybags buys a fuckton shares at the cheap to gain majority control.
>>315693 Twitter is already in its fucking death throes Doing this would put the nail in the coffin. >>315699 >No Crash Override Network Lmao
>>315724 What if we all pitched in and bought Twitter
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>>315728 Buy it then ban everyone we don't like,then sell whatever remains to the chinese brilliant idea leader. Then put a clause in the contract that it must have its named changed from twitter to twatter Its not like anyone outside the e-celebs,their followers and the twitter obsessed shitposters will miss it anyway. Still i am curious to see how this anti-harrasment group will "improve twitter". It should provide some entertainment watching them in action and how the twitterfags will react to what are essentially a mod team.
>>315730 Had a look at few people involved in this, those I checked run with the narrative of "women and girls are primarily victim of everything, everywhere". Yes, even for associations that focus on child abuse/trafficking are more eager to communicate of female victims and male ones. Dangerous Speech Project twitter feed hilarious, it's full blown SJW with gems such as "Mass shootings every day and they're not done by terrorists or Muslims", and "White Americans are the biggest terror threat in the United States". I wonder what their involvement with Twitter is exactly. If they want to specify guidelines, they'll have to be pretty broad and unclear, because they will eventually overlap over each other's fee-fees (that is, unless they just do the minimal work)
>>315741 >female victims than male ones. Shit I'm high.
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>>315461 >Check tag >Some faggot name jesse singal I see the twatterfags are embroiled in yet another not vidya shit and are dragging the # along with it again. This is why i stick to TOP and rarely ever touch Live.
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Looks like their campaign is underway. Recommend archiving your tweets and moderating yourself while on twatter unless you eager to lose your account. If that is the case i recommend going out in style by "aggressively tweeting" at the council of safety and whatever.
>>315784 Somebody to tweet her facts? http://womenactionmedia.org/cms/assets/uploads/2015/05/wam-twitter-abuse-report.pdf See how "reasonable" these people are?
Twitter is officially kill https://archive.is/saBjC
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https://sealion.club/main/all Has anyone considered giving this place a shot from my observation it looks like a good place to regroup should Team Femfreq start exorcising the impure from twatter with extreme prejudice. The biggest problem i see would be the reduced outreach of the place since its no where near as big as twitter.
anita is joining lol you guys need to get on GNU social use the freezespeach node or something
>>315977 I hopped over a few days after the weird Quitter migration that ended in most of us banned for shitposting, and some guy spamming Quitter with CP in the public timeline. ps lo-ping and that tranny or whatever that always argues with ralph are being faggots at each other on twitter
>>316144 They are both full time twitter shitposters only difference is one is bearable the other is completely unsalvagable,the fact that they think its a worthwhile endeavor to argue about whatever insignifant nonsense rather than ignore each other speaks volumes. I have yet to make an account yet on the sealion club will do so soon and post results here,As for twatter not much to do its horribly boring and the people on the are mostly brain damaged retards with too much free time on their hands. I think they shadowbanned Milo & Mercedes they never show up in my timelines they used to now they don't anymore any word on that?
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>>316225 Dangerous speech? What the fuck does that mean? >>316224 Dumpster trash more like.
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How do you do, fellow kids? Because i'm currently collecting examples of twitter censorship, i'm compiling a list of hashtags that have been or are actively censored (prevented from trending, not auto-completing, only displaying hand-picked results, etc.) I'd be glad if you add to this list. So far i've got: #RIPtwitter #OPSkynet #NotYourShield #GamerGate #JeSuisMilo #SPJAirplay
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>>316224 I want off this ride Mr Bones.
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>>316232 >dangerous speech Orwellian nonsense. So, someone I know just came telling me that a tag was getting spammed by "manchildren". What's happened that blew up just now?
>>316232 Looking at it, it's talking about incitement to violence, or at least trying to lump shitposting in with that. A Don saying "Take care of that guy" is obviously dangerous, an Islamist preacher encouraging jihad is obviously dangerous. Nero saying feminism is cancer is obviously not dangerous but they're going to try to abstract out and make that link based on fringe components rather than the central question of whether or not it's an actual call to violence. These people are often twisting a good idea. Listen and Believe is supposed to mean, if a woman says someone assaulted her, call the cops and help her keep her shit together until they arrive and collect the rapidly decaying evidence. Safe Spaces are supposed to be psychiatric clean rooms to discuss heavy shit in an unstimulating environment where variables are controlled. These people are parasites trashing useful tools and fucking shit up for the sake of a power grab.
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>>316349 Guess who's already abusing their power to suspend people they don't like.
>>316380 >"Abuse team" abusing their powers It's like poetry.
Mark Kern is testing Twitter's censorship algorithm. A tweet about srhbutts was removed from his watchers' timelines. https://twitter.com/TrojanHorse711/status/699306114639220736 https://archive.is/tZs2y
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>>316380 Anita's group has begun flexing the power given to them by twitter against people that say things to them they don't like. That person really should have used a burner account to tweet @ them rather than their own legitimate account as a test to see how they would react. I wonder if he will ever get his account back seems unlikely to me he pissed of a member of the twitter high council of elders.
Stay awhile and listen, A good way to beat this council is to have everyone report every single tweet they disagree with. Force the rules for an "appropriate tweet" or whatever to be clearly stated. Bonus points for reporting with socialy justicey buzzwords. Make investigations hard to undertake and numerous as hell. This will have the effect of making the system worthless. This requires activism above hashtag spam. Spread the word (but I would advise not spreading it on twitter so you can avoid being banned for a call to action). I don't know if anyone still reads this board, so pls discuss.
>>316430 Where else could we spread this if not on twitter?tumblr,4chan,reddit?those places have their own problems to deal with I recommend just using burner accounts to spread info about Twitter's shenanigans
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>>316380 >>316424 Probably not, but that guy has a different account for his artwork. It's still unwise to @mention the High Priestess of Twitter now.
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>>315977 Seems like a good alternative. Not everyone is on there for the same subject as i see, so this could prevent an echo-chamber scenario. Good find Leader.
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Did something happen with BasedGamer? JuiceBro tweeted this, but I'm not seeing any info.
>>316585 Did Based Gamer even get off? I tried to use it but I haven't seen any reviews there.
>>316590 Me neither. Cloudflare brings up an old version and it's currently down, but tweets from Jennie says that it's live as of yesterday. Can't be a DDoS because of CloudFlare…
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>>316634 That explains alot. Did anyone find out out why mercedescerra was shaowbanned from twitter?
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>>316640 >Did anyone find out out why mercedescerra was shaowbanned from twitter? You already know the answer, anon. Thoughtcrime.
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>>316640 >>316642 What she said too.
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>>316380 >>316424 >>316526 @dhmapplethorpe had written something about it on Medium -but it returns a 410 error - 'violation of Medium rules'. Anyone know what he wrote? Medium - https://medium.com/@dhmapplethorpe/femfreq-dindu-nuffin-b6045df89e02#.na4o8qap9 The title mentions femfreq - is Medium screening for anti socjus or something?
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>>316642 I meant the tweet that got her shadowbanned she's mostly posting porn and does a video thats not porn once in a while but i really only care about the porn,did i mention she posts porn sorry i had to mention it several times fro emphasis. I like porn >>316644 She should sent them a box of used condoms >>316646 404ed >>316653 Nice save
>>316239 Good. Also remember that hashtags like #fuckparis still exists.
Hello, been a while since the last time I was here. I ceased my twitter activity a couple months ago, since I had to take a break from all the faggotry. I decided to start with a new account considering some of the points of OP. Is #OpSkyNet still a working thing? I'm wary of shilling my account there because that's preciscely how my former account got so quickly filled with trolls and weak ass accounts who became burnouts and neutrals shortly after, and I really don't feel like repeating that. Also is there any lsit of well known GG people that I can follow with little or no risks of joining an automated blocklist?
>>316808 Basically you can follow anyone except our major e-celebs like Milo, Kern, and Based Mom. #OPSkyNet does still function, just announce that you're new/returning. Remember to stick mostly to the tag for tweeting and FARTing pro #GG stuff. Every good voice improves the signal to noise ratio, and the tag traffic will improve as more people contribute.
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http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/02/16/exclusive-twitter-shadowbanning-is-real-say-inside-sources/ >>316653 Yeh - thanks leader. I don't see how it 'violated the rules' -it's not like some angry reactive rant full of bad language for being banned from twtr. Maybe some sjws complained to Medium to get it removed. >>316666 ⇦chkd >404 ? Page not found? I'm still getting '410 violation of rules.'
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https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/699754835264958465 https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/699518954427936768 Lauren Southern also being shadowbanned. Some interesting replies in there -that it's selective (like 'tweet-hiding'), inconsistent (not to make it too obvious, gaslighting 'to damage reputations'), reduces exposure (can't tweet that wrongthink!), etc Pic is of users saying their accounts automatically 'unfollowed' -not sure how legit they are, but is a new twist if true. Keep a look out, see if any other examples of auto unfollowing turn up.
>>316852 So we got account revocation, suspension and prompt to remove tweets, shadow ban, the block bot… you have now more ways to get kicked out than interact with others. At this point they'll have to create bots, or inflate the numbers in some ways in they want to reassure the investors that the user growth is back on track. Next month might be interesting (Visa may decide to sell their shares in Square, another company owned by Jack Dorsey).
>>316852 Archives of the tweets. http://archive.is/wBX4X http://archive.is/TRfoz Who is currently wasting money on Twitter? It would be very problematic if the investors knew how Twitter is shrinking their userbase even now that they are losing numbers.
Also, just found this gem: www.profitconfidential.com/stock/twitter-stock-this-fresh-idea-could-send-twitter-inc-soaring/ http://archive.is/IXEWy >Twitter’s chief has found a way to make this live user engagement more intuitive. In the latest quarterly call, Dorsey said, “Hearing about and watching a live event unfold is the fastest way to understand the power of Twitter.” >Pay attention to the keyword here—that is “watching.” Humans are inherently visual. We like photos, videos, and infographics more than wordy text. This is especially true for the live news industry, where content moves fast. >Dorsey wants to make good use of this power. Yes, your Twitter feed will now look more dynamic and visual than ever. Only last month, Twitter integrated Periscope into its platform, which was just the beginning. With Periscope, users can share and stream live videos on their Twitter accounts. In other words, Twitter users now have access to live broadcast. >Following that, Twitter has rolled out a new feature on its platform today that will allow users to express themselves through dynamic images or GIFs. (Source: “Twitter Just Made GIF Usage Much Easier,” Yahoo! Finance, January 18, 2016.) "Stay here pal, nothing's happening pal, don't read those ugly numbers, you'll get confused and your head will go duh-duh." The article seems like written for retards, but it might be part of the kind of mindset they want from investors. Sites like these survive putting paid reports showing favorable futures for the ones that pay them. A good focus point would be to show how Twitter keeps censoring and blocking communication, effectively discouraging users from using the platform. In this case, the advances on communication are useless when the company keeps silencing one part of their userbase. This might also explain why the company keeps going on the crush course. Another one: http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/02/twitter-executives-buy-companys-stock-to-boost-confidence/ http://archive.is/7Nwtn >Much-needed morale boost for Twitter >Noto bought stock worth $250,000, while Kordestani bought 122,250 shares worth around $2 million. Kordestani, a longtime Googler, was named Chairman of Twitter’s board in October. The micro-blogging firm actually needs a morale boost of this kind. The company’s stock is already down 22% this year, and in 2015, it plummeted 62%. >In the past as well, Twitter executives have bought shares to boost Wall Street’s confidence in the company. In August 2015, when Dorsey was serving as Twitter’s interim CEO, he made a small financial showing of support then. >Twitter did not comment about the purchases, nor did the two buyers tweet anything about it. However, it is clear that they want to give a message to the company’s employees that things will surely turn around. >Concerned investors and Wall Street >Investors are concerned about whether or not the company will ever succeed in attracting a wider audience beyond the loyal core user base it has. These concerns deepened even further after the company announced that in the fourth quarter, it did not add a single new user. >Twitter went public in 2013, and since then, it has gone through several ups and downs, such as the hiring of a new CEO, laying off employees and losing several top crucial executives. Though the company has introduced new features and has been at the center of many a news cycle, it has not been able to shake off much of the doom and gloom around it until now. This reminds me a little of those times sending emails to advertisers of certain pages. Why not do something similar on every investment page talking about twitter by telling investors how much of a bad choice sticking with TWTR would be?
>>316867 Twitter is fucked up in more ways than one with all those things yet no one says anything. Gee i wonder why…..oh yeah Its because the twitter userbase are mostly too busy maturbating over the tweets of their favorite e-celeb or shitposting themselves stupid to notice that shit going on
Since twitter is going to fall, why not promote better platforms like GNU Social? I swear the sites runs smoother than twitter and any faggot can make their own GNU Social site if they install gentoo.
>>316942 It needs to be good on mobile, otherwise normal people won't use it.
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it seems like posting AMIB will get you suspended now on twatter.
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>>316959 >>316959 Look at this lardass posting full body pics of himself on the interwebs like he's somekind of badass there's no way these won't come to bite him in the ass in the future. That shirt looks like its XXXXLarge matches his double Chin and his fat paws also indoor pictures in his room no doubt,i wonder if he's a hit the ladies?NAAAA probably not,he would have to leave the house first That sword his carrying looks like a Gladius
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>>316985 there are also pictures of this person outside the house.
>>316990 Somehow this makes it worse. Is he trying to look coy? All he needs is a fedora and he's all set
This is just a rumor but an interesting one: > Theory going around that Twitter is replacing ad revenue with grants to develop social control techniques. https://twitter.com/JustusRanvier/status/701093580480372736
>>316867 I forgot to add "auto filtering" to the list (this thread, "The twitter endgame is here, it looks like twitter is actively filtering your mentions", is from may 6th 2015) https://archive.is/SPaPl
>>317022 >develop social control techniques. Very interesting… but if this Twitter's "social control techniques" in action, whoever issued those grants should ask for their money back.
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>>317022 >>317082 What's this obsession they have with trying to 'control' people? 'We must stick our noses in! We must meddle with your lives!' 'Reality must conform to The Narrative! It must!' Fuckin fruitcakes.
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> Clinton will participate in a Menlo Park fundraiser on Sunday hosted by Twitter executive Omid Kordestani and his wife Gisel Hiscock, as well as National Iranian American Council (NIAC) board member Lily Sarafan and Noosheen Hashemi, who serves on the board of the pro-Iran advocacy group Ploughshares, a major funder of pro-Iran efforts. > NIAC, an advocacy group formed by Iranian-Americans to work against the pro-Israel community, has long been accused of lobbying on Iran’s behalf against sanctions and other measures that could harm the Islamic Republic’s interest. http://freebeacon.com/politics/clinton-pro-tehran-lobby-fundraiser/
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It seems that the SJW is becoming self conscious. It could be a thin veil of camouflage, but it seems like some of them are aware that their ideologies may not be popular.
>>317121 Nah, it's just Josh, his entire existence is discomfort and sadness.
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>>316905 There's probably some big shareholders, but don't forget anyone can buy shares so there's going to be all the individual investors too. Not sure if they're in communication with each other behind-the-scenes -unless anyone has info on that -but it wouldn't be a surprise -ultimately it's the shareholders who have the power over the company. With the stock prices falling like they have been, would be worth looking into what the shareholders are saying or what they plan to do.
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Author and Sad Puppies founder Larry Correia been shadowbanned and leaves twtr- https://twitter.com/monsterhunter45/status/701853744317661184
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>>317214 >>317214 >>317223 This is self destructive behavior close to the same level as cockchan,they are actively chasing away the celebrities on of the few reasons anyone goes to that Godawful site
So here's what I don't get: If the Powers That Be at Twitter are trying to suppress conservative voices, why are they picking people like Milo, Adam Baldwin, and Sad Puppies authors? Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin are all still verified and tweeting conservative thoughts during an election year. Even Alex Jones still seems to have the Twitter Seal of Quality. Or if those people are too popular to silence, then why haven't we heard anything about conservative talk radio hosts around the country getting silenced on Twitter? They're regionally important media figures and it's an election year. Twitter could even cherry pick a few to try and influence a primary, but there's nothing! What's so special about a blogger, a B-list actor, and a SF author that makes them targets while Twitter totally ignores seemingly more strategic targets?
>>317265 >What's so special about a blogger, a B-list actor, and a SF author that makes them targets They are special because they are not cuckservatives. They openly attack socjus and aren't super rich, which makes them fair game for the crooked ultra-left establishment.
>>317271 >"cuckservatives" Nice try.
>>317280 Try to do what? Most right-wing politicians and pundits are still subservient to their communist masters.
>>317280 >Words with "cuck" suffix attached
>>316852 >>316867 Related: https://twitter.com/maramala/status/700131029944705024 Summary: @maramala tweeted about @mannypaquiao, then noticed that they no longer follow the disgraced Filipino boxer politician. As an aside, the proGG in that tweet thread, @AntisocialJW, was just suspended as I post this.
>>316852 >>316867 Related example: https://twitter.com/maramala/status/700131029944705024 Summary: @maramala tweeted about @mannypaquiao, then noticed that they no longer follow the disgraced Filipino boxer politician (Manny Pacquiao recently made the public comment "gays are worse than animals" and got attacked by SJWs for it). As an aside, the proGG in that tweet thread, @AntisocialJW, was just suspended as I post this.
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OH NO I'm not allowed in the indie comic clique anyway because GABERGABE What have you guys done to me?! My handle is @Merryweatherey I do comics or whatever.
>>317271 When you say "cuckservatives" you mean neocons that work for bankers and Israel instead of America's interests right? Because a lot of people throw the word "cuck" around now almost as much as feminists throw the word"rape" around.
>>317394 I always just assumed the term referred to the type of politician who'd claim to be conservative to their constituents during an election, but when faced with direct leftist opposition they'd immediately acquiesce, handing over whatever they demanded while just sitting back there and watching them ravish their alleged principles.
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>>317383 Good to see you still hanging around this dump weeb webcomic dood I would put a smiley but i hate emotes so here's a Viv image instead
>>317401 Yeah, that's a good definition. The only conservative value a cuckservative holds is fighting against gun bans. That seems to be the one issue that almost all repubs actually put their money where their mouth is.
>>317423 I'm going to create a new word and call it cockiberal and see if it caches on
Wow, what the fuck. I just read the wikipedia article on Gamergate after not being involved for a while and it's sickening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy Completely cucked.
Normies waking up > Codes of Conduct as Trojan horses for psy^hbad actors to infiltrate communities and knock out the leadership: https://twitter.com/hintjens/status/700010469860491264
>>317444 can you link to a better gamergate article? the spanish wikipedia gamergate article is a direct translation from the english wikipedia article, replacing the article with a less biased one would be nice.
Here >>317494 i see some minor opportunity to start the fires and talk about censorship of wrongthink. It can be worth the try just getting angry about the general state of the media with contents and opinions and how that destroys freedom of speech. Despite what i think of Doug, seems like a good movement.
>>317450 I heard the Portuguese one is awrite
So, if people are actively Tweeting conservative opinions, but Twitter isn't shadowbanning them, is that proof that they're secretly SJW Illuminati supporters?
>>317551 >implying conservatives that isn't popular will be targeted Look, it's not strictly your views that'll get you on the hit list, it's how much influence you have. What most of the shadowbanned and suspended accounts have in common, besides being critical of Twitter, is that they have big follower counts, usually 5 figures if not more. If getting shadowbanned was because of strickly conservative opinions, Twitter would be a barren wasteland by last week already. I suggest downloading a third-party app (not on your PC, an add-on for twitter) that can measure "influencers" such as Klout. It'll help gauge who are the popular accounts to follow/stalk/target/whatever. It won't update instantly, but I've also noticed that shadowbanned users usually have their Klout score drop sharply by 10 points or more, so that could be a way to detect Twitter Support shenanigans.
I can't believe that Gamers are Dead has snowballed to Hilary guaranteed losing the election. Nice job, SJWs.
>>317574 Speaking of Hillary, pro-Sanders people are getting censored now http://www.opposingviews.com/i/social/whichhillary-tag-goes-viral-twitter
>>317566 Wait, so is it big follower counts that get you banned, or small ones? Conservatives with a lot of followers like Alex Jones are fringy enough that Twitter could probably get away with shadowbanning him, but he keeps posting stuff all the time. And it sounds like there are plenty of local AM radio hosts with 5 and low 6 figure follower counts, so why isn't Twitter shadowbanning them? They can't all be SJW Illuminati.
>>317576 >implying they aren't shadowbanned already Also, there was an attempt by some Twitter users to figure out when and what triggers the shadowban script, and the only thing they noted was the inconsistency. For instance Mercedes was shadowbanned, then the ban lifted while she was asking her followers to check if she was shadowbanned. If it turns out the prominent users weren't shadowbanned by a bot but manually by a twitter intern… well, now we know where all that twitter money is flushed to.
Can someone with a twatter please tell milo the daily beast is literally owned by the Clintons via its parent company, huge press ethics issue for the election.
LOL I thought I understood this issue, but I guess it's too complicated for me. I'll check back in a month and see if it makes sense then.
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Anyone know roughly the bot count on twitter? (I know occasionally they do 'bot sweeps' which deactivates some of them.)
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>>317677 No idea. Trying to guess how many bots they are on twitter is like trying to figure out how many proxy's have been permabanned from 4chan
>>317677 Why Can't Twitter Kill Its Bots? http://archive.is/oLpTj >A cynic might think the $23 billion company doesn't want to address bots too rigorously because they make the social network’s user base look more robust. >According to Twitter’s own estimate in a 2014 SEC filing, about 5% of accounts—or the equivalent of roughly 13 million of them—were bots or fakes. Estimates by outsiders have been higher, and Twitter would have an incentive to downplay the number, says Emilio Ferrara, a computer scientist at the University of Southern California, who studies bot culture. Twitters Says Over 13 Million Accounts May Be Bots And Fakes http://archive.is/yTiVT >While some researchers have placed the number of fraudulent or spam Twitter accounts at around 20 million, Twitter's Q2 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission estimates the number closer to 13.5 million users, or under 5 percent of its 271 million users.
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I just found this amazing twitter account with pictures of prostitutes from the Victoria era and shadmans twitter account. Its like digging in a dumpster looking for a diamond ring so twitter isn't completely useless
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>>317682 Twitter will likely never do anything about those boots neither will there be able to,the most effective way to deal with bots is simply to install captha that will prevent bot spam from occurring
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>>317699 Yay. More predictable projection from unfunny SJW scum. Can one of these retards please say something funny for once in their lives?
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>>317699 >Banging anime pillows Well at least he is somewhat original he could have gone with the stale worn out women's harrasement group,basement dwellers,mysiogynerds,grampergrapes exetera 3/10 I don't even own an anime pillow and you can't "bang" an anime pillow because it has no holes thats what tenga's are for. All these retarded normies and their half assed assertions and sterotypes about what an anime pillow is actually used for
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Japan GG update
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Soon she will know the power of a million tiny yellow penises.
That autist subjectzero has been posting FIRE RAPP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE,NINTENDO,SJ LITES FIRE RAPP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PEDO APOLOGIST all day today. Keep in mind he was the guy spamming gore with goose and friends and is part of the revoltpack.
I have no idea what he hopes to accomplish by spamming a # all day long like the basement dwelling permaneet that he is.
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>>317880 http://archive.is/rE53H (source) The word "clearly" seem out of place I don't know how I feel about that… I noticed the guy is having a laugh at the perpetually offended lately, had issues with Harper in the past, and his overall convictions regarding ethics seem to align with GG. >@freebsdgirl Only one side has sent me insults and personal attacks today. Guess which one. http://archive.is/Qwkjg (June 2015) But until eight months ago, he presented himself as neutral: >No, I'm still not picking sides in a polarizing pie slinging contest. I'm quite happy here in the middle, eating the pies that land near me. http://archive.is/jTa6S (June 2015) >@sausbossross I'm not GG, and I'm not anti-GG. I don't care about any of it. People just need to chill the fuck out. http://archive.is/znbUk (January 2015) I guess the farewell letter could explain the "afraid" bit? I don't know. >"I’ve become a symbol. I don’t want to be a symbol, responsible for something huge that I don’t understand, that I don’t want to work on, that keeps coming back to me." Either way… "thanks" I guess? But also, "why now?"
>>317891 pretty sure he's just joking.
>>317891 With twitter it's easy to take shit out of context perhaps he was just joking around maybe it was bait to rile up the twitterfags. All we can do is watch him and see how he reacts to know if he is on the up and up
>>317896 >>317958 That's the thing. He tried to stay out of this and repeated he wanted to remain neutral. And now he's stepping in, even if it's a joke or a trolling attempt, he's in. PedoButts is already taking a piss at his tweet, and I wouldn't be surprised to see others going ape shit about it. His issue he had with blue whale and the other "gimme bucks, I'm trans you shitlord" are probably going to resurface. I genuinely have no idea what he's getting at. But yeah, that's his problem I guess.
Potential fuckery: is Twitter taking away people's followers? https://twitter.com/GamerGateFTW/status/705590696451948546
>>318074 Twitter has proudly announced that they pretty much integrated the (dis)functionalities of the blockbot. Since the blockbot does force unfollow people who are subscribing to X or Y block list, maybe their in-house version of that system makes everyone automatically a subscriber of such list, subscribing them every now and then? Just a thought, I have no idea nor element to back that up. But my pinky says it's not a bug.
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>>317880 >>317896 >just joking Kek. >>318074 >>318110 It's been going on for a while, and not just to GG accounts: >>317361
>>318170 >>317880 This fat fuck was full sjw. I wonder if his usefulness ran out. If he actually gives a shit about GG he needs to be public about it. Back GG related projects at conventions so they don't get shit down. Otherwise he's just a lonely retard with no friends who latches onto whoever will give him attention
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>>318170 maybe now that website can get some more exposure
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>>317891 >>317977 Don't forget, being neutral is not allowed according to sjws. They attack people who wish to remain neutral, or who just want to observe from the side-lines.
Its pretty funny what happened to Lauren Soutehrn.
>>318351 >Pic Related >>315461 The # is next to worthless now all the action takes place outside of it,i counted at least 5 bots active at all times of the day,assblasted autists spamming it with pedo this and pedo that,shitty 0 effort trolls,OT nonsense and general uselessness keep in mind that 99% of the decent twatterfags who used to use it no longer use it.its mostly chronic shitposting idiots with too much free tie on their hands that use it the most
>>318351 She insulted the white race, and called all nationalists basement dwellers. She is no better than the enemies we are fighting.
>>318367 whoops meant for >>318364
>>318367 Care to share where this aforementioned statement took place?
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>>318373 nice stereo type too!
>>318374 I think she's shitposting by making fun of /pol/'s Nazi Larping but then again doesn't everyone?
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>>318377 read the following, she's indocrinated to believe that basketballers and kebabs can be European, and that "white genocide" is like saying "rape culture" even though the former is backed up by hard facts.
>>318381 We are venturing deep into /pol/ territory here i don't really know all those terms
>>318383 I'm saying she's implying that she thinks that blacks and muslims can be considered ethnically European, which is a farce.
>>318386 >>318381 >>318374 All she do is to say that "White Genocide" thing is retarded. What it really is Unless you are white supremacist and racist, using term "white genocide" when talking about anti white and retarded anti racism actions and words from leftist and minorities is shooting yourself in foot. Whatever truth behind facts you show to support that claim you just exaggerating it and fear monger no better than Rape Culture, and you only make yourself look bad in eyes of normies and other neutrals. And point/goal should be to eliminate leftist extremist influence and make majority into opposition toward them, unless you want your extremist to be on top.
#HulkvsGawk guys. post Gawker factoids or Hogan wrestling.
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>>318386 You got all that from a 140 character sentence? Cause i sure didn't it looks like she's mocking /pol/ hardliner gas the jews race war now types.
>>318404 Then what do we called it? Something is happening in 1st world countries against our will to promote more "diversity" and its hurting alot of people. Merkel has thrown Europe into chaos and she might be overthrown for what has happened.
>>318440 Just like rape culture I prefer to reserve "white genocide" for some where were it actually happen like some african countries where white folk are targeted by local population or/and goverment. Not something like happen in Westen countries. This is just hanging immigration and multiculturalism like retard. While it's terrible it's not same as China colonizing Tibet with non Tibetans or what happen with Indians in America, and comparing those situation is whiny and insulting if not just dumb. White people are is majority or on top and it will take more time to it to change with current course and it already changing since antiimigration sentiments are growing in west. And fanatically progressive leftist governments are still far from real genotical regimes. Whining about muh white genocide or claiming all anti racism is just anti white only will harm goal fighting regressive left and other bigoted SJWs. I'm from country what don't have problem with current immigrant and "refugises" hordes, but I think you don't need to go into polar opposite just to protect yourself from such disaster.
>>318445 Except by UN Article 2 on genocide means "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." So yes, while genocide is a "scary" word, its accurate to describe it. We are set to become a minority group in our own countries in a decade, and that is a fact. Look, I disagree with what /pol/ says for the most part. I'm actually very socialist, but I'm a race realist and I'm against a deliberate systematic change just because of what happened in the last decade with two world wars and an arms race. I can understand being scared of that term, but any free speech advocate should educate themselves even with things they disagree with. People need to expose themselves to different things, and that's one thing Ms Southern doesn't want to do.
>>318447 >Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. And this is not describe thing what people call white genocide. > We are set to become a minority group in our own countries in a decade, and that is a fact. There are other factors to that, what can't be fixed by going against immigration completely. Stopping imigration or any other idiotic leftist actions may not change that too. >I can understand being scared of that term, but any free speech advocate should educate themselves even with things they disagree with. People need to expose themselves to different things, and that's one thing Ms Southern doesn't want to do. Free speech is not excuse for misinterpreting or twisting word for sake of suporting your argument and agenda if not fear monger in general. This video is what I'm talking about. It's pure white supremacy propaganda playing on fear and other feels. This is no better than what leftist propagandist do, same thing what lead and support white guilt or beta male white knights even today. I agree and understand that guy from middle of video, but presense of rest of vid and it's format make his words sound worse. Without stuff like white genocide trown more people can agree on some issues at least. I prefer not let leftist and bigoted minorities redefine racism as something what white people can't be victims and still call out their bigotry.
>>318453 Its a systematic change in the demographics, against our will. If not white genocide, what would you call it? Antifas want less white people and they threw piss in Southern's face. If anything its satisfying knowing that cuckservatives and marxists are eating each other apart, both are a liability to Making America Great Again!
>>318447 I can see the motivation and intention in increasing racial tensions like it's happening right now (there are groups actively promoting racism and discrimination against white, while also conditioning everyone to believe they are victims, this is abnormal, especially from a government presumably there to ensure peace). But using genocide? That's a stretch. Like you said: >deliberately inflicting >calculated to Prove there's an intention behind their actions, and prove that these actions deliberately will conduct to the extinction of whites. And I'm not talking about the useful idiots doing (or endorsing) something "for the greater good" without realizing the consequences.
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>>318570 This is the intention, watch for yourself.
One, this is the mean, not the intention. The intention is where you want to go, not how you want to go. I can see many ways by which a population may be reduced, but it's not a proof in and of itself that it is the intended effect. Two, the translation is misleading. Inbreeding implies sexual intercourse. In this context, "métissage" should be understood as "multiculturalisme" – having people from different backgrounds sharing the same place (that's why he then goes on and lists "in business, in administrations, in education, in the political parties", not "in families"). Three, bonus point for the scary music. Get me an intention.
>>318582 Exactly. White genocide is a not a real thing. The real problem is that White women are increasingly making themselves unfit to be mothers of White children. The only women who are suitable mothers are Asian. The only perpetrators of "White genocide" are White people, but it's out of ignorance, not malice.
>>318582 You are deliberately beating around the bush, there has been a systemic change in European demographics. Politicans have openly admitted that they want people to race mix, Sarkozy just fucking said if people don't they will use measures to force people to do so. People who criticize the immigration crisis have been thrown in prison and their children put up for adoption. Europe is an an Orwellian goverment control. The media also has been promoting it too., they wish death upon and they want us gone. Sometimes it makes really both sad and angry, it wasn't just Germany's Adolf Hitler of vid related. You know who also saw what was happening? General George S Patton and he was murdered because he wanted the German people to be treated fairly! Don't you see! What's happening in Europe isn't a coincidence! Its our death sentence!
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>>318618 >>318589 >>318582 Here is the great American Patriot, General George S. Patton Jr, this is part of his dairies to his wife and the accounts of his final days.
>>318618 But the fact that it's not happening through intent, but out of ignorance means that there's nothing to be done about it. Might as well enjoy the end of Whiteness.
>>318618 Okay, we got a few means and the supposed objective (because those are not inherently tied to reduce the amount of white, you can achieve this objective by other means). I told you: I do not put in question that something is happening, I do not question that politicians are going for a multiracial society. >I can see many ways by which a population may be reduced, but it's not a proof in and of itself that it is the intended effect. I'm questioning whether or not the effect is intentional, if the foreseen diminution of whites is the reason why they do it. An hypothetical event: if you are feeling miserable and someone tells you "you look wonderful today", you know what they just said, and you know how you react to that sentence, but you have no idea if your reaction was what they intended to obtain. They might be trying to cheer you up, they might be trying to poke fun at you, or they may be totally oblivious to how you feel and were trying to be polite. I'm looking for that intend, especially since you provided this definition for genocide: >Except by UN Article 2 on genocide means "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." And I want the "deliberately" and "calculated" part to be unveiled. If you know the intention, you don't have to waste your time fighting each attempt at reaching a specific goal, and instead work on the reason why they want to get there and see if it's possible to change that. Having an unclear definition of the intention leads to see more enemies than there is, because anything that could in some ways contribute to achieving that presumed intent will be seen as an attack, even if there's none. Put very bluntly (I guess no one will be that obvious, except maybe feminists), I'm looking for a document that says "we want to reduce the number of white because…" (you provided reasons why, so just focus on the "want to reduce the number of white").
>>318626 Should have ended with a TL;DR Do I agree that white demographic is slowly melting? Yes. Do I see a possible interest as why should you reduce this demographic? Yes. Do I agree to the term "genocide"? No. Because I have no proof it's intentional.
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>>318627 (My bad, it's not "slowly melting", it's lower compared to others. You can add 50K Asians to a country, it won't reduce the number of blacks, whites, Latino and Smurfs already living in that country: it just reduces their global share)
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>>318627 >I have no proof it's intentional.
>>318637 I never said you were some paranoid freak or never claimed you were wrong. I said it's the only thing I need to believe you, I take you don't have that piece either.
>>317682 5% only? Facebook had 10% before they went into the stockmarket. After the big sellout they deleated a lot.
>>318620 >>318626 Let me ask you this, do you agree that some powerful elites have been trying to promote race mxing and less white culture? Look at the song "Blanda upp" in sweden, which basically said women should try getting BBC, it showed a qt3.14 Swedish girl getting banged by a nigger while singing the National Anthem. In a way that's more relevant to GamerGate, game journalists have been demeaning us and saying all gamers are racist and sexist whites. They want less strait white characters, more gay characters or colored. We already know about the Anti-white Oscars and the SJW Hugo Awards. One of them caused a backlash, meanwhile we haven't been very effective against the Jews in Hollywood.
>>318840 >do you agree that some powerful elites have been trying to promote race mxing and less white culture? Less white culture, yes. Race mixing, no (but culture mixing, yes – unless you provide me instances of actual interracial banging) Don't think for an instant that I agree with the destruction of white culture and the increase in racial tensions in general. The point of divergence you're going to face again and again (that include with myself) is the use of the word "genocide". Because it's hard for me to determine whether it's trying to bring "the physical destruction of whites", or if it's about raising every non-white up. It's also hard for me to find whether you're facing a useful idiot unable to see they are shoving bodies in an oven (in which case they are puppets, not initiators) or if you're facing someone who knows what he's doing. Destroying a culture, as despicable as it is, isn't "physical destruction". Bringing every except X up isn't equal to bringing X down (or else, you also have to accept the premise that "every time a man achieves in his field, all women are brought down by default"). I'll give you a margin: if you are talking about Sweden specifically, and how they change the rules of "positive discrimination" whenever it benefit the people they don't like (white AND male), then "yes" I wouldn't pretend they don't know what they are doing (they are discriminating against anyone who's white AND male under under false pretences). And yet I don't consider that to be "white genocide", because white AND female is still A-okay for the VIP list.
>>318840 Sorry I'm a scatterbrain lately. I want the intention of the initiators and not the actions of some puppets for the same reason I do not consider two thousand isolated people lashing on you as harassment; if there's an organization, if there's an actual synchronization and concertation for the attack, then it's planned and it becomes obvious that the effect is intentional. But the actions of these two thousand isolated people doesn't prove that it's is orchestrated and deliberate.
>>318858 >>318860 So you only see it as white culture being erased? You know: food, tradition, events, values, etc.? You disagree that "people" are being erased from existence? There is evidence everywhere other than anecdotes. Here are some examples: Star Wars Force Awakens romance, Super girl's love interest race reversal in the "Super Girl tv series", Barry Allens love interest race is changed in The Flash tv show. Jessica Jones has alot of race mixing between a white woman and a black man. Hollywood has been pushing this hard, and there is many more examples. then there is video related.
>>318924 Methinks thou dost protest too much. Somebody got jungle fever.
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>>318924 I'm not sure I follow here, bear with me: Are you asking me to accept that a representation of something is the real thing, that replacing one (or more, or all) fictional character from a group is equal to "physical destruction" of that group? Gender swapping or racing changing a character isn't destroying someone, that would be closer to the "cultural appropriation" thing, where you take a specific cultural event that belongs to another ethnicity and claim it as your own. Or are you asserting that as soon as you have interracial sex/love interest in a movie, it's a proof that some powerful elites have been trying to promote race mixing? Because in that case, people like Sarkeesian are right, and every instance of a woman being hit in any video game is a proof that the patriarchy promotes violence against women. So I stand on my position: until I have the intent of the initiator, I cannot accept that it's deliberate. >>318860 So yes, I think it's "only" white culture being erased right now.
>>318937 >>318925 you're dodging it on purpose aren't you? That's okay, enjoy the cultural enrichment and a nigger fucking your white children. ;^)
>>318985 >Come on dude! All I'm asking is a double standard!
>>318985 Sounds good. You too.
Someone remind me what Nackt's done for GG, aside from whine about Revolt's boogeymen? http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1soem9l The lady doth protest too much, methinks
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>>319109 He was a pretty solid digger / motivationfag for a long time. I don't know all the details, but he fell in with select members of the IRC clique a while back and seemingly drank some of their kool-aid. He's on the saner side of them, but has still adopted their arguments and empty rhetoric. I think he started to burn out and compensated by becoming a low-level edgelord, personally. He's not a bad guy at heart and cooperated with myself and others in the past several times. Don't write him off just yet, but it is kind of sad to see him like this.
>>319109 >>319109 He quit digging a long time ago like most of the diggers with identities,he belongs to twitter now. Reminds me of cameralady who quit altogether after the whole chirodev incident,
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>>319109 >>319192 Nackt's a He? Thought it was a she. inb4 no girls on the internet Part of the divide was keeping Gamergate as a purely anon attack. Nackt and the rest of the revolt minded anons are part of the pushing edginess on the internet, or free speech activism. Nackt also fought hard against the TV producer with the pikachu avatar on the direction of Gamergate, and the idea of getting an icon (Nicole/formerly CultofVivian) to promote GG as a brand. I'm more surprised a TV producer even paid Gamergate attention in the first place .
>>319208 > Part of the divide was keeping Gamergate as a purely anon attack And that divide always had an obvious solution. Anons stay anon, non-anons become trusted (or untrusted) information hubs and public representatives. You do your own thing, everybody is happy.
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>>319208 Last i saw of him he was sperging out that brad's survey didn't fit in with what he thought the results should be. Why on earth would you think he is a girl? I don't really want to keep up with twittertard antics its just not worth the effort especially now when they intermingle with IRC types or are from IRC they become completely unsalvagable at that point. >>319192 A simpler idea is that he got attached to twitter rather than use it as a means to spread info exclusively.
>>319246 >Last i saw of him he was sperging out that brad's survey didn't fit in with what he thought the results should be. 1) Nackt didn't sperg, he pointed out that a survey that ignored just about all of the contributions of the chan boards and IRC front (and yes they contribute in their own ways) were being ignored in favor of Reddit and twitter, which while more measurable have their own ideological biases towards power posting users and make overtly skew more to the MSM left than it actually is. Brad did what most twitter only communicating people do which is try to initiate a silly twitter argument over the whole thing instead of doing what Nackt and most sane folks would do which is using twit longer to make a a more succinct point. A smart well written critique is not, I repeat not a 2) Twitter, the chans, Reddit, IRC are basically tools that's all they are. Only users that obsess over the tools rather than using them such as yourself and >>319208 and >>319246 need to get that rotten projection booth of yours fixed. Meanwhile this anon gets this very basic principle : >>319243 . And the whole lot of you could learn something or two from the Karen Straughans of the world see the following vid attached. This kinda goes double for the jkelly's of the world to boot (but for different reasons), there's a lot of us who have no loyality to any board or platform we just us it as a communications tool, no more no less.
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3) Do not you and>>319196 and Acid Man here not understand two of the three laws of Vox Day's SJW's Always Lie? Let me remind the pair of you of what this entails: 1) SJW's Always LIe 2) SJW's Always Double Down 3) SJW's Always Project Let me ask you is there a singular healthy reason that both of you want to indulge in these destructive psychiatric behaviors listed here? Especially those indulged in by the SJW`s we`ve been fighting? As stated in this lovely article : http://thenarcissistinyourlife.com/sociopathic-narcissists-more-dangerous-than-you-think-5/ / http://archive.is/N1omm Quoted as is : There is a deep fissure, a social and psychological divide that is growing exponentially. If you are materially successful, have all the right contacts, and present an image of external perfection, you are preferred even chosen. If you don’t have the impeccable image, the high professional status, you don’t make the cut. Large swaths of today’s society have been taken over by narcissists and their deluded followers. Grandiosity, lack of conscience, ruthlessness, lack of empathy, deception and manipulation have become tools rather than bad character traits. This is especially the case with sociopathic narcissists–those individuals who have the narcissistic personality structure and also share many characteristics of the sociopath. These traits include a careless disregard for other human beings, including chronic extreme verbal abuse and stress perpetrated upon spouses and children. Sociopathic narcissists purposely seek out ways to delude and control those who will profit them materially, socially and professionally. They are gifted at leaving others “holding the bag” while they abscond with the profits of some else’s labors. Leaving another person’s life in shambles or even their entire family is of no concern or interest to the sociopathic narcissist who has adroitly moved ahead to his/her next cycle of acquisition and control. Just for the record, that's kinda a flaw with most media folks, especially the SJW`s that came into gaming (both /tg/ and /v/idya), Science Fiction Fandom, the various media arts and the universities world wide. And look at the wonderful havoc they`re indulging in at your expense of time and money. Nackt as far as I know and have observed does not have an interest in indulging in those behaviors other than using her avatar just to get intel out. And that`s why mi amigo this was an issue for Nackt and for some of us, when Nicole dropped her mask: >Nackt also fought hard against the TV producer with the pikachu avatar on the direction of Gamergate, and the idea of getting an icon (Nicole/formerly CultofVivian) to promote GG as a brand. >I'm more surprised a TV producer even paid Gamergate attention in the first place . Now if you`ve read that article and few others on narcissistic behaviors do you know where this stuff gets repeated the most? In the television, net and newspaper news media right now. Remember, this started off as a consumer revolt against the news media and the abuses of the gaming industry colluding in them to boot. So can you care to explain why you would want to suddenly indulge in those same behaviors as your opponents and with media folks such as the television producer giving you a groomed cosplayer that barely even represents your ideals other than the most surface of things that GG has uncovered. She never even presented some of our best digs! Now Acid Man, I have no clue if you ever were a digger or OC maker or if you`ve done anything more than network behind the scenes to make yourself the big man of the board, but your behavior as of late does seem to be very close to that of a classic narcissist, as your achievements have been slimmer than Event Status a man who runs marathons, athletic competitions, boxes on the amateur circuit and still takes time out of his own schedule to game, consumer activism and do charities. It`s hard to fuck with a man with real visible achievements in his life. By contrast your actual achievements in GG and outside seem immensely slim for a man that wants to have an identity on 8chan. Remember you took this thriving board of 2000 contributors and fresh faces down to less than 200 users on this board with installing a Code of Conduct (which Vox Day has pointed out is nothing but trouble for anybody in an organization that has them installed) for it and making random threats against all of the users that weren`t involved with your doxxing raid. Once again I will ask you this and the anon, is there any sane reason that both of you feel the need to double down on your narcissistic projections of others involved in GG? Remeber, this battle has been about the people that identify by what they do, versus the people that identify by what they say.
>>319285 >>319291 How sad is it that you have to white knight for yourself, Nackt? http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1soeuka Hey, here's a thought - go suck on Thidran's cock a bit more. Maybe put on a wig and pretend to be his sister, I hear he really gets off on that.
>>319323 I don't think that's Nackt talking, nor is that his writing style. And are you justifying narcissistic behavior as a good thing?
>>319336 >And are you justifying narcissistic behavior as a good thing? Please show the class where I said anything about "narcissistic behavior", I'll wait.
>>319337 Well for one, you're defending that Cult of Vivan, an MSM plant was an ally. That's one defense of narcissistic behavior. Also that fact that some anon was pointing out narcissistic traits and you've become defensive about tells me that you don't like anybody calling out these behaviors, period.
>>319346 >Well for one, you're defending that Cult of Vivan, an MSM plant was an ally. Please show me where I was defending CultOfVivian. I'll wait. >Also that fact that some anon was pointing out narcissistic traits and you've become defensive about tells me that you don't like anybody calling out these behaviors, period. Please show me where I became "defensive". I'll wait. Then again, I'm not expecting much in the way of good faith from an obvious Revolt shill. Surprise me.
>>319347 >Revolt shill So that's your response? Calling out names? Here's the deal, provide analysis (I.e. something more than a single sentence) to prove it. And you still didn't answer my questions with nothing more than an ad hominem of "I'll wait" if that's even a response. Look why is it that an anon calling Acid Man a narcissist is upsetting to just you ID #9ae6d and no one else in the thread? What do you get with calling an anon poster as some projected version of a named person on Twitter to back shit up? I think your board mod can take care of himself and he doesn't need you to white knight him.
>>319285 How do you identify someone from a chan if they are Anons? the only way that is even possible is if he ided someone on twitter/reddit/KYM who says he uses chans and if they have accounts there then they are not really anons,The only IRC Channel is BnF did you expect him to just drop the survey there and let just about anyone take and submit it? There has to be away to properly ID someone who is a legit and the easiest way to verify is on twitter and reddit or places with an account system so he is going to go there >>319291 COV PANDA VOXDAY ACIDMAN EVENTSTATUS Christ almighty stop with the obsession over e-celebs this is how i know you are a revolttard you focus on people so much rather than ideas or projects especially if they disagree with you or say/do something you don't like i don't know if this is Nacht or not but if it is you haven't done anything in months except sit your ass glued to twitter all day you don't mobilize your followers to rt you neither do you get them to post gg related content at all. These big ass walls of text you make here and on the /v/ general serve no purpose except to inflate your clearly over-bloated ego since you are on twitter so much it doesn't surprise me at all
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http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1soeuka Nacht found the thread >Lets see here shilling for ralphretort >heavily attached to twitter(If it wasn't obvious from the get go) >let trolls,spergs and run rampant on the board just like muh IRC/# >Really Really overexaggerated sense of self importance >Claims to be a woman(i smell bullshit) >Don't tell me what to do!!!REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >You're just like the SJW. His likes and RT gives an indication who he hangs out with and who he considers his confidants not surprisingly its the usual suspects. Ah well another one bites the dust,i will light a candle in his honour
>>319373 >Lets see here shilling for ralphretort That's not what he said squid princess, he said the following: When things started hitting the fan was when people were targeted for not talking like the HQ crowd, not liking the same ecelebs (You even censored Ralph's links and others) and pretty much forced your own brand of ideological purity down other people's throats instead of letting them debate and make up their own minds what was right and the end result was not what you desired. It turned into a censored KiA style hugbox. That was neither a rejection nor an endorsement just an observation. Not sure why a board user like yourself would obsess over Ralph anyways.
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>>319373 Eh, I agree with a lot of things he said except for the: >You even censored Ralph's links and others As far as I know Ralph's and Reddit's link are the only ones censored, the former because he is a freaking retard that already tried to sabotage /v/ and the later so that not to triggered the admins of that website into thinking it is a raid and shutdown everything. He also exaggerated in the end there.
>>319364 >So that's your response? Calling out names? Seemed to work just fine for you when you implied I was narcissistic. >And you still didn't answer my questions with nothing more than an ad hominem of "I'll wait" if that's even a response kek asking you to back up your statements is an "ad hominem"? You still haven't provided proof for what I asked by the way, maybe you should get on that :^)
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>>319396 An observation can still be incorrect. What this basically boils down into is an argument of "whats" versus "whys." Nackt isn't stupid, but his interpretation of the background reasons behind certain events, especially relating to this board, are factually incorrect. He's still being reasonable - because IF things unfolded in the way and the why he believes they did, then his actions and statements would be perfectly valid. That's what sets him apart from things like Cancer Crew, because the latter knew exactly what was going on but misrepresented it to capitalize on it and gain. Honest intentions versus dishonest ones. Because the interpretation he's using was also the exclusive interpretation used by a whole body of D&C shills over this board's life, some unknown and others known, and known to be acquaintances of his, it is my evidence that he's been influenced by their rhetoric. Much like Nackt, I might be wrong in my interpretation. I state it because that's what the available evidence leads me to believe. >>319401 Ralph isn't actually blocked here. He was for a short time because he goofed and made a deliberate effort to fracture the /v/ hub, but I never held a grudge against him the way most /v/ regulars did, and the block was lifted as soon as he did something that showed he was in the game for #GG and not just purely himself. The only question I have to ask concerning CultofVivian is this: >How much aid, exposure, and support did she give to #GG's cause versus how much measurable damage she inflicted on it? Speaking more generally and to no one person in particular, I'd like to add that ideological purity is an extremely cancerous motivation for sparking divisions in a community. Other people not marching in lockstep with every facet of your ideology is not the same thing as them imposing their ideals on you, and it certainly does not justify trying to force your ideals on them. Everything is give and take, and don't act surprised when, after taking and taking and taking and angrily rebuffing every request to give leeway to your allies, that you finally get told to just fuck off because you aren't the bosses of anyone. And especially don't project like a good little SJW that all that happening means that someone is trying to boss you around. The correct alternative to "leaders" is "no leaders." Not "MUH PURE LEADERS WERE RIGHT." No. Leaders. Yes, this means you too. Get off your horse, set aside your differences and work together with your allies. It got such results when we started out that way, remember? But quit blaming other people for the problems you instigated because you refused to play ball with anyone outside your ideological network. The decision to take your ball, go home and cry on social media about it was your decision. No one else's.
> set aside your differences and work together with your allies. So much this. Most of what we disagree with each other on is such trivial nitpicking that we should be able to agree to disagree on it and move forward.
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>>319455 Boils down to how much politics affect your daily life. The classic liberals of course want the Left to be still hold power, just not be so blatantly stupid. The far Right / altright / monarchists want to smash all institutions of the Left. And with Trump symbolic of their new hope of change, they are going to want everyone to be on board the Trumptrain
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>>319880 Just like GamerGate supporters tried to get a Nintendo employee fired ;^)
>>319884 I'll take things that didn't for $300, Alex.
>>319884 >Treehouse >Localization >PR rep child porn apologist b8 harder.
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>>317575 >Twitter later said this was a mistake Yeah, sure it was.
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Twitter censorship file http://pastebin.com/V9j5gNXS
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So just a heads up your favorite board is preparing for a war on March.30th to end it all. Who will win the final battle in the twitter prize? http://8ch.net/ggrevolt/res/89031.html
>>320306 From the looks of that thread even people on the board think it's a bad idea.
>>320306 Revolt is retarded, but not retarded enough to end the only thing that's given them any semblance of importance in their lives.
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>>320306 No post history on this anon. Might well be related to whoever started the thread on revolt. This is the endgame the shills wanted from the get-go, so don't take the bait. We're still here over a year later despite everything that already happened. Some spambots can't hurt us unless we do something dumb in response. Just keep an eye on the tags that day, spread info on /v/ and the big Twitter thread here, and report them as needed, if they even appear. If nothing else, this is another "2 minutes hate" campaign from the usual cucks trying to rile people up and start infighting again. I doubt it has anything to do with most of revolt.
>>320306 Fucking edgy as fuck Spamming a mostly useless #
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>>320306 >>320356 This is why leftists fail in their mentality, confining their ideas of a "movement" to the popularity of a hashtag. It's not just about the hashtag. GG is an event and a turning point of gamers against corrupt media and social justice gatekeeping. Stop using the hashtag oh noes not a hashtag on Twitter! if you want. But there's still freedom to be fought for. And we welcome you if you stand against cliquish ideologues in the media ruining games.
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>>320361 I just took a peek at the # there seems to be alot more spam than usual or this is what the tag looks like when no one is posting gg relevant stuff in it. At this point is its better to just use twiterfags still in the fight as info sharing transmitters rather than the # itself
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Call for twitterfags - may be useful. https://twitter.com/Ouren/status/714135093149716481
>>320489 Ouren… That name is familiar. Was he the guy who got sexually harrassed at Phil Fish's wedding and then got shut the fuck down when he tried to mention that?
>>315699 So who is this hollaback girl?
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Captain's log.
>>321038 Excellent. >>320503 Hollaback, that stupid initiative that started that crowdfunded internet safe space and the video of that woman being catcalled.
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Went on twtr yesterday - something changed? Normally I see about 1 or 2 'promoted ads' per week - yesterday I counted 16 in my TL (scrolled back about 2 days). Anyone else had notice this? Is this some new 'ad push' by twtr or just a one off?
>>321431 >had this / notice this had notice this? wtf? da ist Dmitri here?
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Sup. Got b& from twitter for making jay allen cry. What'd I miss?
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Wandering around Japan twtr, someone posted this -one months worth of winnings from UFO catchers. I live in the wrong country - they don't have these prizes in the arcades where I live. Really want that Nagato figure!
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>>321497 Oh hey Traci / Rui. Current topics I see are just the Baldurs gate Beamdog fiasco and Wu tracing art.
In Twitter news, the company decided that Azela Banks' rape and death threats against Sarah Palin aren't harassment and don't count. >Upon reviewing this complaint, Twitter’s support team shockingly determined that Banks’ calls for a gang rape of Palin—and her encouraging of her supporters to go to Palin’s house and harass her—is not a violation of the company’s Terms of Service. >“We reviewed the content and determined that it was not in violation of the Twitter Rules. We are happy to revisit this decision if you are able to provide further evidence of a violation. Please respond to this email with direct links to the content in question. We understand you might come across content on Twitter that you find offensive. Twitter users are free to post content (even if potentially inflammatory) provided that they don’t violate the Terms of Service or the Twitter Rules. http://archive.is/rkQRz Also, in an attempt to make the Board of Directors more diverse, Twitter replaced two white males with one white man and one white woman: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-08/twitter-names-pepsi-cfo-johnston-and-martha-lane-fox-to-board https://archive.is/9Zjlo
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Anyone from Texas? So I hear this guy's one of your politicians: https://twitter.com/RobMorroLiberty Don't know how it started but recently twtr fags have been spamming him with their anime waifus for him to rate (which he does). Random tweet: https://twitter.com/RobMorroLiberty/status/715688971527819265 ←pic is his current avatar = Denise Milani
>>321601 At least when Morrow changed his avatar to a 3DPD, he picked one that looks like an anime.
Can anyone access my twitter account at https://twitter.com/ReptiliansExist/? I keep on getting "Something is technically wrong." whenever I log in or if I try to visit the page when logged off. I'm able to view other tweets when I'm logged off and when I log into another account. Archive.is is able to see the page. http://archive.is/Mjzq1 I have no idea as to what's going on.
>>322193 disregard that, it kind of started to work again. partially
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@polygon has disappeared from Twitter. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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>>322206 Never mind, they are back again.
>>322223 shame
Candace Owens wants to redpill the world on GG. http://archive.is/l1ZP8
Hey lovely people. Please follow me I'm @qclagstone ok thanks (`・ω・´)
>>322419 Gave you a follow. @netscape9
Does anyone know why OP says not to join any private Twitter groups? What is a private twitter group? Why shouldn't we jon one? Is Acid being paranoid again?
>>322445 Private twitters groups are cancerous echo chambers.
What are private twitter groups though? Name some examples.
>>322445 well those dm groups are kinda like password protected IRC Channels
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>>322475 The aytists have one,so do the triangles and likely ggr have one too. It encourages exclusionist and group-think alot since not everyone can participate and no whats going on,it is the very definition of secret treehouse fort for the cool kids Most are just shitposting playgrounds though. Others are abit more organised and goal oriented. >>322445 Keep in mind drybones,niko,bladee all did the whole twatter dm group thing and it is believed that played a role in turning them into the cancerous SOB that they are today
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Anybody else noticing a push for gamedev unionization coming from the wrong people? New infection vector?
Some goon spends all day ranting about Mark Kern: https://twitter.com/MYSADKERN
>>322609 A nigga who get 725 other faggot goons to follow his twitter dedicated to hating one guy? A shameful nigga
>>322609 WARNING: DO NOT ENGAGE. Goons are vicious and sadistic even by SJW standards and they will try to dox and ruin you for questioning them. They actually are the organized harassment campaign the media pretends Gamergate is.
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>>322609 >>322609 >>322609 He's using thee gg autoblocker thing,i always wondered what goes through the mind when someone reaches for that thing. >>322618 Talking to weirdos on twitter is a drain anyway just post on here and the media only interested in shit that sells or generates clicks
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>>322618 >using personally linked accounts on twitter hownew.ru
>>321038 You know that's pretty awesome in a way. In fact anything to sever Kotaku's connections to Japan is awesome because initially that's where they got a lot of their content. That's where the meat of the site was before shitty hitpieces but if they just have shitty hitpieces their credibility dies and they lose followers.
>>322618 > >WARNING: DO NOT ENGAGE. >Goons are vicious and sadistic even by SJW standards and they will try to dox and ruin you for questioning them. And I know the home addresses of a dozen goon janitors "just in case." LW sold you out guys and now I have a strategic weapon. t. used to cuck a goon
>>322688 >Fleetcom Is this shit even out yet? And no, the "demo" didn't count.
It must suck being twitter. $79.7m in the red first quarter of 2016 and stock down 9% within minutes.
>>322948 We tried to warm them. We said catering to censorship and the SJW crowd will get them nowhere.
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Avatar fag is back with a brand new song. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sokfed What's xe ranting about?
>>323067 It's ironic, he wants us not to be like sjws but in doing so we must do everything sjws (listen and) believe. No sorry from what I've seen on here people don't demonize revolt like they say. Mock sure, but demonize not really. Honestly I see them demonizing gghq and Reddit more then anything else It's just more "we should act like monsters because we were labeled monsters" bs that'll just give agg more ammunition
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>being such a fucking avatarfag attention whore you can't reply in the actual thread,but instead quote posts on twitter Jesus Christ
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>>323067 The guy is confused to me he's just regurgitating the usual GGR spiel without offering any solution he sounds like he's mad at the direction gg took cause shock shock you can't really control gg because it has no leaders.
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>>323067 >>323091 GG boards started banning people simply because they were avatar fags regardless of whether their info was credible or not. The reasons given was to avoid drama and avoid cliques. I get your point, but when rules get applied like that situations like this are bound to happen. Some people choose anon and some choose anon identity. In this case, Nackt has an anon idenity, however, the argument that he is doing it for popularity is off. Nakt does intel and sometimes commentary. That's about it. Take a look at his tweet count. GG is approaching two years. Compare that count to other well known avatar fags who've been doing it for just as long. their tweets are in the 10k+ range. >>323074 >listen and believe >people don't demonize revolt like they say lurk moar. Although to be fair, at this point that would be harder to do given the fact that both boards have lost considerable steam. >>323097 >regurgitating the usual GGR spiel without offering any solution GGR stated that politics is part of this. GGHQ disagreed and that was where the rift began. Another reason for the division was that with each new incarnation of a GG board new rules were applied to behavior and bans were enforced. So it's inaccurate to say that GGR didn't offer any solutions. If that were the case, there wouldn't have been temp bans or infighting. When rules are applied splits like this are a natural occurrence.
>>323067 They post here pretending they will get banned for posting this. I haven't banned anyone for posting something constructive, only for dumb shit like "GG is dead" x100 or spamming. I didn't even ban some of the more creative shit that's shown up. If this was made in a thread, then it would still be up. Hell, I never banned that moron who kept saying Acid resetting his router 1 time was changing his UIDs. Idiot had me posting from my job just to prove him wrong: >>322277 You don't get banned for being wrong, but expect me to show you why you're wrong.
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>>323100 Do you lack self awareness or something? Please, tell me how impersonating Acid Man is going to help you not get banned
>>323101 >banned for shitposting in the shitposting thread k
>>323102 banned >>322893 whatever this was banned >>322981 banned >>321975
>>323103 Let's see: 1) Ban evading and advertising drybone's site 2) Can't even see what that is 3) Confirmed 29YEARS May I refer you to this post? >>323055 Tl;dr: it's the same people with VPNs constantly getting banned so why are you so worried? Just change your IP as you always do, unless you can't afford your VPN. And it's obvious you're one of them. If I banned you, you'd just go back to your circlejerk with the ban message then come back a few hours from now to do it again, but for what purpose? What do you even gain from doing this?
>>323104 1) drybones has little to do with the site, and even if he did, there's nothing wrong with drybones 2) yeah, because one of you faggots deleted it. 3).. >Male Goddess is Swami Why are you still running with this forced meme that isn't even funny?
>>323104 >everyone who takes internet privacy seriously is a fag because I can't check their post history. Seriously?
>>323105 >>323106 We have post IDs here. Maybe when playing the VPN game you should make sure you actually changed your fucking IP first before pretending to be 2 different people. I don't even need to provide proof, you do it yourself. No one's going to believe your bullshit.
>>323098 Riiiiiiiight I literally got brought here because I saw SGH_SPERG responding to a fucking thread via twitter. Why does anyone care who gets banned or not from this 50 people fucking board?Y'all fucking insane.
>>323107 >implying Y'all niggers paranoid as fuck.
>>323067 Lets play a fun game called revolt bingo Acidman = cole BINGO Rules are for cocks fuck the rules just like muh irc/twitter BINGO Swatting never happened the video doesn't exist zan/Third is a good boi BINGO Everyone who disagrees with me is SJW or shares different political opinion BINGO Hugbox meme BINGO Free speech above all else who cares about gg BINGO Muh pr BINGO Muh reddit BINGO Drybones is a good boi he didnt do nuffin BINGO
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>>323105 Endchan has drybones's taint all over it the admins are his friends from his sapphire dev group thing he is involved in the running of that site whether you like it or not. The core problem with dry is that he is a mentally unstable manchild prone to throwing tantrums and wrecking shit when he's feefees get hurt,he also refuses to own up to the fact that his name was attached to that board and when it burned down,the consequences are reaching enough to prevent anyone from setting foot on his site. Tl;dr Dry will never escape his past sins and reputation.
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>>323109 >Riiiiiiiight You must be new to this. >I literally got brought here >I literally got >I literally You literally followed an argument and clicked on a citation? Congratulations. You must be new to how citing sources works. >responding to a fucking thread That he was directly mentioned in, moron. >50 people fucking board You can't be this stupid. Let what you just said sink in for a moment: "50 people fucking board" …50 anonymous people on an anonymous board. Nackt is responding to a post on anon board that he is directly being mentioned in. Here's the crux - in order for someone to respond to a thread they are mentioned in - where everyone is anon and anyone can claim to be someone they aren't, you have to prove you are the person being mentioned. So in order to respond directly to a thread where anyone can claim to be him, Nackt has to prove that he is Nackt. That's how this shit works and it isn't a new concept.
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I literally had to unfollow some twitterfags because all they ever did was post shit straight of pixcr or dabooru all day long Jesus Christ i can see all the anime lewds i want on my own don't need someone to spoon feed me >Why aren't you guys harassing me anymore? Thank God ppl are leaving her alone maybe now that victim money will run dry and she can go back to…..doing whatever it is she does.
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>>323091 I'm seeing this again and again: Some a/GGR/o bitching about the 8ch's GamerGate board, /GamerGateHQ/, on another medium like their twatter or some dead imageboard (with only 32 users left), then linking to that bitchpost in a GGHQ thread, as an attempt at an "argument". It's like they're terribly terribly afraid that they're going to get BTFOedout again, because they don't have the numbers they had anymore to shitpost threads to death and their autism makes their obvious samefagging obvious as fuck… >>323118 Nigger are you literally afraid of anime tiddies?! You aren't SJW-lite; you've gone full SJW. Also, "she". Flynt needs to get hisself a job.
>>323114 Sorry if I don't just "Listen and Believe" here, but please provide proof.
>>323107 So, you're just going to ignore my points because I had more to add after I posted?
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>>323114 >>>/cow/194096 Don't forget how easy it is to lose your board over there too! IRC cliques, not even once! And you thought it was "bad" in these here parts with Marky Mark and the >>>/zoo/ crew! Their /tech/ was literally just handed to one of the admins "because he never ran a /tech/ before." Hyper-pozzation awaits all who enter here! basically if your board becomes popular/has a first day surge and triggers an admin's interest they will take that from you without question. Then hand it to another admin or a random e-celeb faggot who desired it. >>323120 >was not the Dio version I was heartily disappoint.
>>317383 I was going to follow you… but I already am.
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>>323113 That's kinda the point that I'm at, really. Not really Nackt personally, but the group as a whole. They make me think of the SJW hecklers at Milo and Mom's talk the other night, claiming free speech, yadda yadda but really just being cunts to everyone as much as possible and trying to use that as a shield. It's like, how do you not understand that you have the right to say something, but can still get in trouble for the hyper-obnoxious, derailing, divisive and trolling way you go about it? Its open debate of ideas versus shitstirring. This is Internet 101 level stuff. Fuck, go look at the shilling rule. EVEN aGG are allowed to post here without a ban if they can just keep their spaghetti in their fucking pockets. What's their excuse again? When you take away the IP-hopping literal spammers, we banned about 30 actual people during the faggotry purge. "Worse than Stalin." Jesus Christ on a rocketplane doing mach 8 over China, the hyperbole is real. And the stupidity is awe-inspiring.
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>>323120 I have a far nicer and much more me specific updated collection of animay tiddies than those scrubs on twatter. They got nothing on me. She has that game thing coming out eventually which will probably tank then can get a job flipping burgers at the local fast food joint. Wish they'd bring back Tay twitter just isn't the same without that chatbot
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>>323120 I have a far nicer and much more me specific updated collection of animay tiddies than those scrubs on twatter. They got nothing on me. She has that game thing coming out eventually which will probably tank then can get a job flipping burgers at the local fast food joint. Wish they'd bring back Tay twitter just isn't the same without that chatbot
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>>323132 He seems one of those people who got upset gg didn't turn out exactly the way he wanted and didn't share his political affiliation or liked ideas he supported basically he falls into the IA/mr metikor/Jim camp. It seems like he just floats around looking for who to blame for that so he picks popular people within gg who he thinks have influence when that is not the case at least not anymore.
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>>323132 >SJW hecklers at Milo and Mom's talk the other night, claiming free speech What was their meme again? Ah: FREEZE PEACH I shitpost about Mememagic, but after SOCJUST attempted IRL shiposting, but in doing so, failed it, HARD; angering the meme FrogGod KEK. KEK then blessed us with #Triggipuff, A.K.A. IRL Stairmuffin lady; the living personification of everything wrong with what we are fighting against. I'm starting to believe. Waking up the normies is a slow process. We are fighting cultural momentum, which usually shift in time-spans that last generations, but the cracks in the SOCJUST narrative are showing, and are getting wider. All we have to do is let the normies see the SJWs as they really are without their MSM binders on and everything else will happen on it's own. That is GamerGate's (longterm) "job" showing the media's incestuous corruption, starting with videogame "journalism", then moving to the MSM because of nepotinistic connections throughout the industruy.
Weinberg has returned or someone claiming to him just posted in the busted megathread which seems to be broken…..again. >>323132 You should probably leave nacht him alone let him go balls deep in Thirdian's ass to his heart's content it's not like anyone except that small group on twatter interact with him anyway and since he doesn't do anything gg related its more of a shedding of dead weight .
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shitposting thread not at 750 yet but can't be replied to, flipping here (dammit hotwheels) >>322229 I am still so disgusted with that retarded design. Practicality or fanservice pick one >>322230 are you even aware that there's crossover with the rule34 site and some a(u)rtists like dani help with this shit? Seriously, most gaGGrs don't main 8chan since the joshening. While I think they're fools for trusting endchan (which is 100% proven far and away more pozzed than 8 with a bonafide IRC clique and possibly even a federal honeytrap), I can't fault anyone that immense posting space. Me, I'm maining .pl It's quite fine for ggr activities because we're not bringing enough UIDs to bulldoze the site. Not to mention the crossover that's been occurring with normal /pol/ namefag hangouts like Iron March and Daily Stormer. Random update on our old teenage btfo artist friend btw, check out that new profile. This kid is destined to become the next SmegmaKing. >>322361 >>322473 I think I may have asked him too many times if I could help, and just collate dead board content into a handful of unused small boards then sticky for the BO's return. He responded a few times but seems to be ignoring me now. Damn my 'tismed enthusiasm. (also couple dead boards like /toy/ and /cgl/ could easily be revived if simply more people knew about them/thought to search for them) >>322550 yeh yankees and limeys truly are retarded. They never really understood the concept of 'cross-promotion' despite inventing the damn thing. I think comics are the only thing out there that serves as a bridge anymore. >>322694 Hey, I'd keep digging on Rapp for more Fapp if Trump weren't coming to town soon, but gotta get ready for that first! Everyone should start looking into Sandifer though, something very weird about that guy and his choice of when and where to swing the paedohammer. I'm sensing many skeletons in the closet. Who was that 'power couple' in sci-fi that were going around abusing underaged females? I think the gasline may be buried somewhere in there, just have to hit it. >>322716 >>322879 wow christ go back to Livejournal already zoo queen.
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>>323132 ooooooooooooooooooooooooohh I never knew why she was waifu material, but now I get it. ASUKA WAS PROTO-VIV (The show is absolute ass made by a depressed autist so I never got far into it much. There's a reason /m/ sagebombed it in the good bad old days) I would join the posting of tiddies but my editor program haaates mkv so if it's not on jewtube or similar I can't get any clips from it. What the hell caused everyone to decide to use the same container at the same time anyway? Was there some famous weeb that made it? This show really needs a second season.
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>>323188 >I never knew why she was waifu material, but now I get it. > >ASUKA WAS PROTO-VIV > >(The show is absolute ass made by a depressed autist so I never got far into it much. There's a reason /m/ sagebombed it in the good bad old days) It's the exact opposite, both Asuka and Rei were made by Anno to be anti-waifus, just like Evangelion was supposed to be a "deconstruction" of the giant robot anime genre Hot-and-Cold-running-love-interests were both supposed to be a "deconstruction" of what we now call "moeshit*" You shitty Otaku weren't SUPPOSED to like them …but that backfired spectacularly, so we not have terms "Tsuntsun" and "Dandere" to describe the character archetypes that Asuka and Rei ended up being the prototypes for. They were supposed to shit waifus, which is fine, as they are SHIT in comparison to best-waifu Mari. *there has ALWAYS been complaints about "moeshit" in anime by shitty weebs and japs going back to the very beginning of the format in the 70' and 80's. Anyone saying: "anime is terrible now, unlike when I first got into anime, because moeshit", is a casual-as-fuck loser that lets his tastes be determined by his friends, and should be either be mocked or ignored for being a low-effort hipster. tiddies… because
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>>323120 I too notice that behavior they no longer engage us on here,the general or KIA (because they get banned rather frequently) they usually screencap posts or when they get banned run to their board on drychan. In Nacht case i believed it was because he didn't want someone else to claim it was him while making posts on here but on closer inspection it seems to me at least he doesn't want his views to be challenged at all,he believes himself the Arbitrator, his view is never challenged or rather he doesn't let his views to be challenged his head grows largely and larger and he becomes more of an egotistical jerk off with a God complex. Anyway lets see if he screen-caps this post then posts it on his twitter. i bet he will
>>323201 Why do y'all hate drybones? He has little to do with endchan.xyz anyway. Oh, and guess what, endchan fucking works.
>>323204 That honeypot still won't stop being a honeypot no matter how many times your try to lie about it not being run (into the ground; like everything else) by Drybones.
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>>323223 Speaking of which seems like someone triggered the crybaby…i wonder who it could be? Who is responsible for bullying the crybaby?you know damn well his skin is thinner than wet tissue paper .
>>323223 Like mixtape.moe and tweetsave.com? >>323237 He got a job offer and didn't want his employer seeing that.
Can someone provide references to confirm this account of Stalinism? https://twitter.com/Stmpy_Mch/status/727013797093773312 Stalin almost never gave direct orders. He wrote general memos and articles and let underlings guess and impress him with their desire to please. He'd write a newspaper article about those troublesome land owners, and some local little stalin would be inspired to act. That way if something went wrong, Stalin would remain blameless as he never actually ordered anything happen. So it's not at all shocking to see genocide against the Poles blamed on an underling, because THAT'S HOW STALIN RAN THINGS.
>>323250 Are we doing that thing where we cheerypick his successful projects and ignore his failed ones such as vidyafm,startbutton,the 3 or 4 gg websites he ran Yeah if i had friends like the kind he does and shitposting all day i would hide that shit pronto
If any of you actually use that cancerhole still, I'd recommend making sure they haven't turned the filter back on behind your back. I've had to turn it off almost half a dozen times now. Would've been more if I checked more often.
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I see alot of slade/fleetcom shenanigans from the usual suspects on twatter,there is a small group of people mostly aytists,triangles,bnf tards and revoltards very upset that their favorite meme is about to end Slade is just going kamiya on them which in hindsight is probably the appropriate response. Odd that people would dedicate their entire feed to talking about a game they wont play/buy from a guy they clearly hate very odd indeed.
>>323320 They do that due to a lack of purpose I suppose. I am looking forward to bantering a certain someone to death.
>>323326 God speed Anon may the bants be with you some of these twatterfags are spastic as fuck though shit. No wonder they were such failures at running a board.
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Keep marching, brothers and sisters.
>>323392 Good Night Sweet Prince Only in Death can you be saved.
>>323237 Some of his normie friends found his twitter,so he is hiding now.
>>323320 Honestly, I think Slade is a fucking idiot but then again so is the people still giving him shit.
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>>323187 Sandifer is one of the goons who would rant on twtr about GG and Sad Puppies -'GG is a hate mob' etc - you know the sort of thing - don't know if he still does it. Basically virtue signalling to the other sj goons - 'I called GG _'. Of course, no evidence to back any of these statements up - it's all narrative. Also, he wrote a response to the 2015 Hugo Nominations called 'The Day Fandom Ended' - http://archive.is/vPOdc - where he opens by calling the Puppies neofascists, attacks Vox Day and then advocates block voting for No Award in the categories with Puppy nominations.
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>>323626 I already know that because I support sad/rabid puppies; but Jesus Fuck, what a salty bitch.
Social Autopsy reports on "Hillary Clinton’s Money-Laundering Scheme For Super-Delegates" damage control appears using the #Hillary2012 hashtag https://archive.is/DzOpz
>>323713 They've smeared GamerGater as many different things before, but I don't think anyone ever tried to pretend GG are Hillary supporters.
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>>323717 That's a line they just won't cross for some odd reason
>>323723 They need a label for all the muhsoggykneeists who won't vote for Lady Emperor Shillary once the General Election gets going. We're gonna be in the MSM news again as a boogeyman. I'd bet a nickel on it.
>>323744 #GamerGate has no power other than what it's opponents give it as muh boogieman
gg ftw
Twitter is going after Based Mary AKA @trigglycuck, who posted one of the Trigglypuff videos (embedded in this post), by denying her the ability to use several key twitter features. She can no longer DM, retweet or like other people's tweets: https://twitter.com/Trigglycuck/status/734455024735113216 Here's some video corraboration for anyone having doubts: https://twitter.com/Trigglycuck/status/734485116521742336
>>323744 tbh i think the U.S. election has kind of taken a lot of attention away from anything gaming related (on both sides). or rather, the only reason we arent the boogeyman right now is because they would rather focus on trump and things like that
Twitter drama Facebook blocked Partisangirl for making fun of the CIA and ISIS https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/731056577860362240 Mark Kern is on a roll about Facebook/Twitter censorship https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/735139857425522689
>>324242 That is pretty fucked up, facebook will end up shooting themselves in foot if they keep it up.
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>>324242 >>324242 >fagbook surprisingly the userbase on there is way better than on twitter but not by much,they give zero shits about privacy ,post your address,post your phone number,post your friend's address and his phone number too….huh privacy?lol whats that we on fagbook homie no one cares about that shit now post your social security info and your credit card details too
Bye bye Twitter… bnrg.cs.berkeley.edu/~randy/Courses/CS39K.S13/anarchistcookbook2000.pdf
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Scooby style GG cartoon I'd watch that.
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>>324284 Surprisingly there's a Taylor Swift for Fascist Europe page on Facebook that's still up.
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>>324358 > Scooby style GG cartoon I'd watch that. "Alright, Fish-Man! We'll pull off that mask and see who you really are!" "Jeepers! It's Bill Gates!" "No, that's another mask. Let's pull it off." "Yoinks! It's President Obama!" "No, that's another mask. Let's pull it off." "It's The Jews! /pol/ was right again!" "No, that's another mask. Let's pull it off." "It's Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia!" "No, that's another mask. Let's pull it off." "(GASP) FISH-MAN WAS REALLY PHIL FISH!" "That's right you fucking kids! I corrupted all the news media and started ISIS because I'm such a fucking asshole! Suck my dick you whores!"
>>324529 fund it
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Well what do we have here
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>>324630 >I Stand With Gawker
TWITTER CENSORED MY APP ABOUT TWITTER CENSORSHIP http://kyleduck.com/blog/twitter-censors-twitter-censorship/
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Interesting tweet from a small dev. With the gaming industry growing big, it was always going to attract people who want a slice of the pie. While some sjws may be devs, their main goal is to push the socjus agenda. As for these 'weird middlemen' -they tend to crop up as industries grow -in it for the bucks. They won't necessarily be sjws and I'm guessing they don't particularly care for the industry or create anything to benefit gaming either. Don't know if this dev elaborated further on this -or if any devs who lurk here have had a similar experience. Even if the 99% to 1% ratio is a bit exaggerated that still means there's a lot of these middlemen about. Who are they? What do they do? Anyone dug into this?
>>324705 This sounds like a reference to the many companies that try to take advantage of new indie devs saying they'll shill their game for them. The sad thing is most of the time its companies that have 100k+ bot followers on twitter that won't do much for you besides take your money and a percentage of your profit while tweeting once or twice about your game. They promise they'll get you in contact with journalists and the like to get your game more exposure but that never really happens. What happens is they'll take the keys you give them and give them away in twitter giveaways to get more bots to follow them. Source - I'm a small time game dev myself and its a well known thing in the circles, or at least, getting better known.
>>324772 That is very interesting, I will look more in the topic and maybe make some infographics to alert new devs.
>>315724 >Sometimes i wonder if twitter wants to drive their stock prices to rock bottom then have their shareholders sell out completely then some moneybags buys a fuckton shares at the cheap to gain majority control. This is exactly what MSFT is waiting for. $8 is the trigger.
>>324705 /pol/ here. "Weird middleman business" = jews
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Twtr Japan Trends That last one 艦これメンテ = Kancolle Maintenance Japan's got priorities - keep the fleet girls afloat.
Been a while since I was directly involved in GG. Was just wondering if anyone had any of the pertinent gamergate tactics related links. Like spotting whose an entryist and shit.
>>324705 >>325129 Oh you mean (((those))) that skim money off every contract in those so called "free trade" deals?
>>325129 >>325268 /n/ here, /pol/ is full of shit as always.
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/n/ and /pol/ looks the same to me the big difference is that /n/ has old ass news or clickbait junk at the top thread or just bullshit news fake as shit
>>324285 CS39K seems like an interesting course, Randy.
> So Polygon's article about Zoe > had disclose > the exact thing > that started #gamergate > because of #gamergate > that's gotta sting https://twitter.com/The_Vandersteen/status/746049858063175684
>>325428 They could say over and over that GG did nothing and was all about harassment, but being forced to disclose this is proof that we won in the end.
>>316949 GNUsocial (Qvitter) has a interface built for tablets (tested freezepeach out on Dixon Public Library's young adult iPad once). Not to sure about Mobile, though.
Facebook is removing news from the feed bc everyone trusts their friends, and no one trusts the press https://twitter.com/NinjaEconomics/status/748667495733616641
From KiA: > Over the past two years, Jonathan Daniel Brown (Project X, Kid Cannabis) moved from anti-GG, to neutral, to full shitlord. Artists are waking up! This is why you don't make enemies of people who only got suckered by propaganda. People can change their minds, and it is much easier if they don't have any real reason to hate you.
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The next time somone says gg doesn't receive harassment because of it just post this tweet,the pschos really get off on sending people threatening msgs both offline and online they make me wish for a more heavily policed internet because of the shit they pull because they know they can never be held accountable for their actions
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Does a bear shit in the woods? Is water wet? Is blood red?
Dave Rubin on media priorities: > Trump tweets star, Left goes bonkers. > 13 yo Jewish girl murdered in bed by Palestinian, Left goes silent. https://twitter.com/RubinReport/status/750846497235800064
>>325665 More media criticism from Twitter. > Either these 3 are the same person or there is a script being passed around https://twitter.com/maxpsycho/status/750211217441030145 > Yes, let's address @AmnestyOnline's impunity of making up facts, refusing to correct and not being held to any standards https://twitter.com/elderofziyon/status/750989863822954497
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The jewish girl killed in her house is kinda sad barely got out cause of all the blm nonsense Did you guys notice the BLM emoji twatter recently created?the fuck we never started riots,encouraged homide,posted/retweeted images of people getting their throats slit and we got called a hate group and auto filtered by twatter as well as having quite a number of pro gg twatter accounts banned or otherwise fucked with Those Blm niggers did 100X worse and got a fucking emoji from that moron Jack encouraging them to act out even more,Anon was right twitter is a cesspit just like tumblr.
>>325733 It is kinda amazing how not only BLM, but open and blatant terrorist groups like Hamas are supported by Jon McIntosh and other people who call GamerGate a terrorist group because some people pretending to be associated with it used mean words.
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> Just discovered that @wilw, whom I've paid literally 0 attention to, has me blocked. #SJWs are such delicate flowers, you know. #caring. > @20committee suspect that @wilw endured brutal hazing at Star Fleet Academy https://twitter.com/20committee/status/752602168146923520 hahahahaha
>>325733 >we never started riots,encouraged homide,posted/retweeted images of people getting their throats slit and we got called a hate group and auto filtered by twatter as well as having quite a number of pro gg twatter accounts banned or otherwise fucked with Exactly. Hence why worrying about MUH PR is not only useless but actively counterproductive. Get it through your thick fucking skulls. They regard you as an enemy. They don't think you deserve any human rights. They don't fucking care about cheating or being corrupt. They won't answer to reason. Stop fighting on their terms.
>>325989 PR isn't to convince "them", it's to convince the neutrals. It's how a lot of us wound up on the GG side; we paid attention for a few minutes and noticed which side was acting terribly, and which side was just being accused of acting terribly.
You crowned her queen of tumblr
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>>325989 It's almost like you didn't find out "attack attack attack" is a proven LOSING strategy. >>326023 Agreed. Additionally, some of the staunchest pro-GG people were originally aGG, until their "friends" turned on them for stupid bullshit. The reason George Orwell ended up writing 1984 and Animal Farm we because he was a communist, and saw, first-hand, how communists act in real life while spouting high-minded communist rhetoric.
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>>325733 >#blackfecesmatter
Russian TV has identified perpetrator of Berlin hospital murder-suicide as "Byzantine nationalist Mike Cernovich." https://twitter.com/EsotericCD/status/757991608621133824
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>>326072 Gorilla Warfare
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>>325989 >we never started riots,encouraged homide,posted/retweeted images of people getting their throats slit and we got called a hate group and auto filtered by twatter as well as having quite a number of pro gg twatter accounts banned or otherwise fucked with > Exactly. Hence why worrying about MUH PR is not only useless but actively counterproductive. > Get it through your thick fucking skulls. They regard you as an enemy. They don't think you deserve any human rights. They don't fucking care about cheating or being corrupt. They won't answer to reason. Stop fighting on their terms. They own the FBI from before day 1 https://archive.is/iafN4 Get it through your thick fucking skull. Calling for riots or threatening homicide is illegal, will get us vanned pronto, and will be reported in the news as proof of all of the lies that have been spread about us like how they reported Sam Hyde. They can do these same things all they want. Have you not noticed that they have never been arrested for it? Have you never wondered why? Cernovich had a PI look into them. He came back saying they were all IC informants trying to goad hackers into doing illegal things so they could take credit for reporting and arresting them. And you insist on doing exactly what they want. Don't touch the poop.
Anyone here speak Espanol? Spanish dev wants to discuss GamerGate. https://twitter.com/mateotero96/status/761346738183634949
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The drawfag on twitter https://twitter.com/kukuruyo he speaks spanish contact him
>>323132 >When you take away the IP-hopping literal spammers, we banned about 30 actual people during the faggotry purge. The purge was necessary to stay on focus. Looking back I am still happy over the purge.
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>>326327 I wonder what our favorite autists are upto on dryboneschan >Checks >John kelly,varioh sperging all over the first page >Hurr Duurrr lets dox some random youtubeer because he was mean to our twaterfwiend goose >Porn >Off topic upon more off topic >Next to zero productive threads cause they are buried by autistic twitter/IRC splapfests >Next to no moderation is taking place Just imagine for one sec if Acid had listened to the shills and actually went with Moderation Zero, this board would be exactly like revolt every sane person would have left long ago and Acid would have given up and just hang out on the /v/ thread all day. Board may be dead that is true but its in a far better state than /ggr/ is currently
>>326328 >this board would be exactly like revolt every sane person would have left long ago they did.
>>326327 the post you are replying to is from May.
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gamergatehq's only chance is posting screencaps of it on /r/cringeanarchy
>>326340 looks like unspeakable cancer to me
>>326341 well they have 130 thousand users and this board has 30. think about it.
John Flynt/Brianna Wu is now verified on twitter, bragging about how many fewer death threats and harassment he's receiving thanks to the checkmark's extra filters. Honestly, surprised it's taken this long for twitter to bless that faggot with the recognition it thought it deserved
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I mean holy fuck
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>>326713 >>326711 Obviously. Awesome account by the way.
>>326696 She/he It is part of twitters protected people just like that lessdog woman im surprised it took them this long to verify. Seeing as they hold the protected class to a very high regard
>>326714 don't have one, but thanks
>>326719 >>326714 well i'm fucking oblivious today
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http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/08/15/slippery-twitter-tries-and-fails-to-dodge-milo-data-access-request/ Twatter's trying to pull a gawker and avoid court summons this should be interesting to watch them squrim.
'not all men' = 'all men' . . . http://archive.is/aWNA2
>>326729 >>326730 Milo is actually going after twatter? That is hard to believe, although twitter can be a bad place sometimes I though the reason they banned him was pretty legit.
>>326340 >screencaping your own posts Yup that should definitely go to reddit.
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twitter is 110% compromised Chelsea now twitter verified, checkmarked
>>326924 Does she know it's the GamerGate 2nd anniversary?
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>>326924 Twitter is her life Twitter is her raison'd etre Twitter will be the death of her
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Here we go again: Twatter will start using an algorithm to hide abusive tweets- https://news.fastcompany.com/twitter-will-start-using-an-algorithm-to-hide-abusive-tweets-4030157 I'm guessing for 'abusive' read 'wrong-think'. Pic is the whole article.
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Since this thread is bumped, let's put this here. Someone claiming to be a Twitter insider dumped a list of accounts targeted for political censorship. http://archive.is/ukmNW via NickMon https://twitter.com/nickmon1112/status/830881765304782851 Wasn't Cernovich talking before the election about Twitter having such a list and planning a quick purge after Trump lost?

Quick Reply