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Request thread Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 03:28:02 No. 3449 [Reply] [Last]
You ever misplace a herd of sheep? Can't find that horse? Well let anons know what you are looking for and maybe someone has seen it. Or knows where to find it. Try your luck today cowboy, and post a description of the video/picture you can no longer find. Or maybe never had to begin with.
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anyone know other vixen and lise horse videos ever been released or leaked? i know lise retired and all but im just wondering about the whole thing
Can anyone help me find this guy?

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Meta Anonymous Board owner 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:18:10 No. 14 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /zoo/ You're encouraged to engage in zoophilia safely and tell everyone about it, and post all the video, photos, and art of it you find on the internet. To become a boardvol, just participate in discussion about zoophilia and maybe post some content! Then state your account name in this thread. Banners are minimum 300x100, maximum 500x150. Please include /zoo/ on it. Cloaca is already a vol. I didn't ask, I just did it.
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>>15077 The site offers several solutions to ban evading built in. Theres redchannit, the tor link, the three different clearnet domains, and of course using a VPN.
>>15109 Only on the condition that you tell the thread for me. I'm lazy. But if you do that then sure.

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/Horse General/ Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:24:35 No. 18 [Reply] [Last]
There is always one and I was just here so here it is and there you go. All horses welcome.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/09/2021 (Fri) 20:56:52.
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>>15235 it looks like she wants kisses

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Zoo splitscreens / music videos Animal Enthusiast 05/02/2023 (Tue) 21:13:01 No. 6878 [Reply] [Last]
Seems like splitscreens and music videos are very uncommon. Post any you have.
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>>15294 this is just the weirdest fucking thing
>>15337 You're in a board where people watch humans fuck animals
>>15270 This is just too spot on, I believe op has tried a dogs mouth too. It is true, once you try it nothing else compares, and if you have a submissive bitch it is all you want to do all day. Good video op

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Necro DD 05/07/2024 (Tue) 01:07:59 No. 13202 [Reply] [Last]
After some meta thread debate, necro will be in this separate thread with these rules: 1. NO ABUSE 2. SPOILER YOUR SHIT 3. NO EXCESSIVE BLOOD 4. NO ILLEGAL SHIT 5. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR UPLOAD IS APPRECIATED I am necro thread janny, I'll be on when I can to make this thread as clean as it can. TO ALL THE HATERS: Scat is plant necro, let us have our little thread too in peace. Much love to you all - DeadDog
Edited last time by DDBoy23 on 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:04:24.
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>>15285 I was added to it and it's been empty since I joined. Def not worth it >can we get back to posting content?
>>15352 So instead of lurking, share something yourself to get things going. Be the change you wish to see. There has been a fairly decent amount of content posted in my time there.

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telegram groups? murb 12/23/2021 (Thu) 01:46:41 No. 1418 [Reply] [Last]
are there any zoo telegram groups for zoos to connect? if so id love to join one or two.
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mainly looking for groups 0534d0e0d62dd2b7cad305c29a1deb249109bf829c930fec9b04e22c2ed26bbb0f
add me to anything, i can also trade 05ab1e1988656cfbcd1a5e65de33a4545ea55fa8e3ba5fc7145f8d75d88e9f2b76
Add me to anything deer related 0550ccaaee22deeec8c3ec655855b935794748b6fca09c369506d21ad2ff2e8a4c

Something about Elephants Animal Enthusiast 04/11/2022 (Mon) 00:34:49 No. 3202 [Reply] [Last]
Let's Talk and share some things about Elephant. Have you ever been seen some zoo content about a Elephant? like...masturbate an elephant penis? :o
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HD 4 more to follow! RK50
Elephants have some amazing looking penises and vaginas. Thank you RK50 for sharing these awesome videos!! 10/10

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Men n dogs 07/19/2021 (Mon) 16:07:34 No. 457 [Reply] [Last]
We've got women getting fucked by dogs, how about men fucking dogs?
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>>15097 the guy who made this vid is my friend
>>15316 Is that so? Tell him to make more then.
>>15144 yo where you able do download that video before it got deleted? could you get it on an anon file if possible? it was a good one and i could not get it on time

Fursuiters and animals Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 05:32:30 No. 1338 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for fursuiters fucking animals. Doesn't have to be m/m only, but it seems that's all there really is so far.
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>>14687 >>14688 Heads up a namefag purge was declared this week. So. Because you namefagged for these posts then this contents about tk get deleted. Please try and read the rules bro. It's been a rule for 4 years now.
>>4510 Anyone have more of this? Or handjobs?
bumping this

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How to download ZooX18 videos and see private videos Anonymous 11/08/2021 (Mon) 00:19:20 No. 1127 [Reply] [Last]
I have a several videos in my mind that I would like to download....but it's practically impossible to get these videos. Someone knowns how to download them? please share something to do that, and if you know how to watch private videos without sending a friend request, please share how! ZOOX18 IS FINE NOW MAYBE?
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/26/2024 (Fri) 20:37:55.
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>>14551 i fully agree, the website was slow and garbage but at least it all worked. i don't get why they updated it with older video's thumbnails being wiped. i miss the old zoox18 that at least had an inbox system. the website now is really falling apart now and honestly i wish there was anything better. i hope something better in the future will replace zoox18 because the owners of it seem to not have a clue what they're doing
Is there a not super complicated method or a newer script that allows downloading the video not just watching?
In light of the increasingly shit choices made by the ZooX owners, it might be worth backing up the entire site before everything disappears for good, much like APR. >>15341 Seems like the current script allows you to download a video without having to sit through all of it.

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Best Dogs Anal Holes Sex! Anonymous 12/26/2021 (Sun) 05:44:21 No. 1442 [Reply] [Last]
let's going to share a lot of videos showing a lot of dog holes being fucked in different ways...I will send these five videos to start.
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>>15178 2 for sure. Making a dog cum from only anal is on my bucket list and I have tried and failed with 2 dogs so far :(. I looked at some anatomy pictures and tried to fuck at a downward angle to stimulate the prostate more but it didn't get them past the lipstick peeking stage.
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>>15327 Well it's hot you're trying. You may have to use your hand for some, I don't think they have very sensitive prostates even if you totally nail it. Again though, that's really hot and lipstick is nice too.
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Fox thread Foxes 08/22/2023 (Tue) 08:14:42 No. 8280 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone has any stuff with foxes? Male or female it doesnt matter.
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>>15130 Good point, I was thinking about vixens, but you can have sex with a boy fox. It'd be so hot to feel him cum!
>>15131 I mean, you could rub a vixen. Maybe it'll turn her on. :3
I genuinely can't sleep right now because i just can't stop thinking about foxes. I'm so jealous of people who get to be near them, and hug them and god it's 2:30am this is an unhealthy obsession i love them so much

Best Dogs Blowjobs! Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 02:36:39 No. 1072 [Reply] [Last]
Let's share best videos about awesome zoo Blowjobs! (images can be too..)
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>>15176 >those licking sounds >that eagerness Think I have a new favorite series of lickjob videos. Cum-loving doggies are the best.

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A thread for pics and vids of dogs eating on their owner's waste. Dogs Eating Human Scat 06/30/2024 (Sun) 16:15:53 No. 15259 [Reply]
Bring this back
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>>15281 Good hungry pups :3 God I need more of this
>>15308 Me too... :3
Good lord, the fuck is wrong with you people? I hope you all rot in hell. This isn't normal, then again anyone here isn't normal myself included, but this is just wrong. I agree with the dude who posted that screenshot, you shouldn't feed your shit to your dogs, jfc

Sneks Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 07:43:26 No. 222 [Reply] [Last]
Snek fuckery. I prefer human male x cloaca, but snake dick is welcome too. As I've said before, I've no idea where to safely acquire real snake fuckery, but I do have some cartoons. Generally I prefer to see strange and large animal dicks fucking girls, but for some reason, serpents have the opposite effect on me. I could go either way with sharks. I really liked Caenemung from Terraurge.
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Can you add me to CC too please? 🙏 058a98fec462305bc138554d3c58bf15b01cb4e2a9b4407c698be01b3009dc0628
Can you add me to CloacaClub too please? 058a98fec462305bc138554d3c58bf15b01cb4e2a9b4407c698be01b3009dc0628

First Time Thread Anonymous 07/25/2021 (Sun) 04:03:11 No. 544 [Reply] [Last]
What animal did you have your first time with? What breed? Were they male or female? Are you male or female? How'd it go? Was it something you properly planned out or was it a spur of the moment thing?
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>Male Human, Female Dog (Lengthy because I like details) At the point of my first I had seen the feral art and it awakened something primal in me and lit the way for an easily doable goal. Guess I figured I'd try it out since I was horny and no one had to know. I think I thought about it for awhile and just decided to act one day. I think one other person was in the house at the time but they were working on something downstairs. So I found my sister's Australian Shepherd and brought her upstairs in the room next to mine because it had a lock and mine did not. For descriptive purposes the Aussie was one with the lighter tone coat and looked almost exactly like pic related. For those who know their breeds they know Aussies have fluffy butts that are real nice to look at. She was genuinely a very pretty dog and attractive with her mannerisms, again, see pic related for a good idea. Unfortunately at the time I wasn't experienced at all and real nervous so I settled for her sucking my dick. I locked the door and got her up on the bed in the room then took my pants off. I started real simple with pointing to my dick and having her lick it, which was surprisingly effective. Some videos you can see the dog doesn't really want to partake but I remember her actually licking it quite well. But of course, I was greedy and wanted more. I parted her mouth and slide in and went back and forth a little and never feeling anything like that before it was obvious nirvana. She really didn't seem to mind and I went in cycles of parting her mouth, getting a few thrusts in, then pulling out. Having her swallow my wet dick until climax didn't take long. My cum spilt a little onto her mouth and a little on the bed. I still remember her jolting back for a second when I came then coming in to sniff it. Unfortunately, or maybe for the best, my sister moved away taking the dog with her, but that wasn't the last time lol. I've had her swallow my dick around three times in total, all in different house's bathrooms. She's a well girl and tolerates it and maybe I'll be able to sneak in another doggy Bj this fall. Not a particularly unique story I know, but when your family neuters anything that can fuck it's unrealistic to expect going around pumping doggy holes with human dick all day. Maybe in the future I'll get a nice dog and treat her with love and respect but until that time here I remain just an Animal Enthusiast.
>>15320 (me) If any anon wants any other details or retellings just ask
hot story and hot thread

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