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(970.00 KB 800x450 Dog Lover.mp4)

Meta Anonymous Board owner 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:18:10 No. 14
Welcome to /zoo/ You're encouraged to engage in zoophilia safely and tell everyone about it, and post all the video, photos, and art of it you find on the internet. To become a boardvol, just participate in discussion about zoophilia and maybe post some content! Then state your account name in this thread. Banners are minimum 300x100, maximum 500x150. Please include /zoo/ on it. Cloaca is already a vol. I didn't ask, I just did it.
Anyone know where this is from?
This board has had a large influx of necro and rape content. I don't appreciate seeing that here. Clearly some people have no standards, or don't care about the animals they see being treated like abused fuck toys. The majority of the BJ videos are forced. There is also way too many videos being posted with the animals whining in discomfort.
>>14606 >>14624 Yeah. I don't wanna make a decision in a rush. But your devotion to the board and loyalty are noted. I will need to consider this matter further.
>>14629 What rush is there, its a black and white matter. If you keep letting that crap stay here, a bunch of people will just leave and youll end up left with those necro sick fucks. Atop letting abusive content stay up. If you need help clearing it up thats another matter entirely, but it makes little sense why it was ever even considered letting that shit on the board in the first place.
>>14631 Because necro is apparently legal. And this board exists precisely because it so legally grey and close to the line. Anything that we can allow. We should.
>>14632 Thats how boards become targets and how they end up shut down. Theres a big difference between videos of zoophilia and people raping animal corpses. And just because you allow some things that skirt the line of okay does not mean you have to allow everything. Necro and hurtcore content shouldnt even be considered remotely okay.
>>14650 As far as I can tell "hurtcore" refers to animal abuse, which is federally illegal, and as such allowed no where. And yes, I think everything which is legal should be allowed. The only limits on free speech is the law. And any argument about taste in reference to animal porn is disingenuous. Now as for the claim that this makes a board a target. Anon if there is nothing illegal, than feds can watch all they want. There's nothing to take action against, and being controversial creates heat which creates interest, and that gives us free publicity. This board has already been featured on several nightly news programs, whereas the rest of the site has never had that kind of attention. A certain amount of notoriety is desirable.
>>14 Mark here, please take me off the volunteer team
>>14660 LMAO, c'mon bro when you realized what'd I'd done while checking latest posts and seeing dog cocks everywhere, you legit worried for a half second that /v/ got spammed with animal pr0n right? Classic prank. Anyway yeah removed, have a good one.
>>14664 Yeah no worries. It was funny, but it was also kinda fucking me up lol. Nothing personal one way or the other.
>>14623 Zooville video of a trans woman
>>14671 The fuck is a "trans woman" lmao What kinda faggot calls another faggot "trans woman" what a fucking cuck holy shit, bitch ass nigger I am serious. You should fucking kill yourself and save the world a bullet.
Namefags is a term used to describe an anon who fills out the namefield, uses a tripcode, avatarfags (posting a picture of a anime character with every post as if it was you, aka an avatar) Or in any other way attempts to make himself as a unique individual known. This is the default on any bulletin board or forum dating back to the first days of the internet, to even exist you had to have an identity. To communicate you had to choose a name. Image boards on the other hand have always felt very differently about identity, and believe that there is strength in anonymity. It is a Local Rule on this board that namefags will be banned, and every post they have ever made will be deleted. There are various reasons for this, cultural, and historical. In short fuck namefags and this is your final warning. Anyone namefagging after this post is getting fucked up. If you have namefagged and suspect a ban is coming, you are correct. Tomorrow I conduct a great purge. Thank you and have a great night.
Okay purge time. If your post is gone and you are now banned and wondering why. The answer is you namefagged. Don't do that. LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR
>>14676 Thanks for defining the term. "Namefag" is not self-explanatory. Perhaps the rules should include the definition of this local slang, so people might be more apt to understand and comply?
>>14683 Says the guy namefagging
Rule 1 needs an edit
>>14706 Well, not a bad idea, and I suppose it is local slang. But its been in use for over a decade. At some point you new guys need to learn the local culture. >>14707 As Chai wrote about at length in the meta thread... Which I think we are in right now? The BO needs to namefag and #rs if making any post about rules and such. So I agree with you, but was instructed to do so anyway >>14709 Sure,what part of it?
If someone doesn't know the meaning of namefagging they deserve to be ridiculed. Lurk moar or in this case do a single fucking Google search.
https://www.academia.edu/45093770/Peled_2020_JANES_34_1_Bestiality_in_Hittite_Thought no thread to share so have it here there are quite few academic texts concering bestiality in the ancient world, this being one of them
>>14826 There was an article many years ago I remember reading that discusses ancient religions, and how they worshipped animals, stars, and other planets and shit. There was some consensus with those involved that believed that zoophilic activity with the animals they worshipped would have been highly likely, as modern "morals" and "ethics" wouldnt have been a thing, and that it wouldnt be surprising to find our distant ancestors might have a leader who fucked an animal they worshipped in some kind of ritual, not unlike a "sacrifice" been made to them.
Mods, is it OK for me to make a "Questions you're afraid to ask" thread? The other forums are such prudes that I'm afraid that I'd get banned just for asking some of the questions rattling in our heads.
>>14874 What kind of question? >t.not mod
>>14910 kys pedophile tranny nigger
>>14874 Yeah prolly
Lmk if this is wrong, I'm trying my best
>>14874 Not a mod but the answer is yes. /zoo/ doesn't ban users for just asking or discussing things usually seen as immoral in places like zooville. Here you're free to talk about analing the dog and fucking animals deemed Haram on ZV. And a question won't hurt. Just don't namefag like the nigger above.
>>14676 As a vol, I assumed I was supposed to namefag so my assistance can be requested or I could be held accountable for a mess up. Idk if this is an exception but please let me know what to do in the future. Thank you!
>>14955 Obviously staff is an exception. Just don't namefag unless your post is directly about the board or you modding something. Also damn you just killed a buncha posts. Mostly mine. So. Please don't do that. Also ban length is usually 1d or 1 day. Written in the field as 1d. We don't permaban. Global staff can and will but only for something like a felony or above.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/19/2024 (Wed) 22:01:47.
Addendum: never wipe posts by ip/bypass. If a post isn't illegal, then it doesn't matter if the person made another post later on that was. We don't have any personal grudges when we moderate. So yeah don't ever do that. It is however hilarious that you just deleted 40 of my posts and then permabanned me though. Anyway have a great day dead dog
>>14957 what?
>>14962 You require clarification on which part of my statement?
>>14956 >>14957 Very sorry, won't happen again
I notice IP banning is done liberally, but I wonder its effectiveness since most people should probably be using a VPN even if they make it themselves. (I know zoo is on paper legal in some US states but ask anyone who knows a busted zoo and only a minority were Oregonian, because they acquit you on chargeA and get you on charge B.) I also wonder if it'll lead to a 4chan (cough cough glowies) situation where known or detected VPNs are blanket blocked. Probably no good solution there.
In the scat thread, can we start having a mandatory labeling rule? Since the videos are all spoilered, I have no idea what they are.
>>15077 The site offers several solutions to ban evading built in. Theres redchannit, the tor link, the three different clearnet domains, and of course using a VPN.
>>15109 Only on the condition that you tell the thread for me. I'm lazy. But if you do that then sure.

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