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Farting animals 09/01/2023 (Fri) 20:29:34 No. 8417 [Reply]
For who those who want to view flatulent videos of animals farting animals from horses, cows and dogs without having to risk a scat video [NSFW videos please, no youtube, tiktok etc]
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>>8425 /zoo/ is the "board" we are on, this "Farting animals" thread is a "thread" a weird one, at that, but at least you don't want scat
>>8424 why no YouTube/TikTok/etc.? good stuff there
I know a lot of good horse farting videos out there, there is a couple videos from some guy on zoox18 where he actually swallowed horse farts as he rimmed him. The absolute dream

Gay animals Animal Enthusiast 11/03/2022 (Thu) 03:43:05 No. 5180 [Reply] [Last]
Gay animals are hot. Post what you got.
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>>14464 Dude just go through the thread.
>>14470 DUDE! If you download it you;d notice it's a longer part 2... idiot.
>>14485 There's like 5-6 of them in total, they're all on zx18 you're not missing anything, none of them are worth watching

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Animals and Fleshlights Animal Enthusiast 03/17/2022 (Thu) 00:33:25 No. 2785 [Reply]
Sadly this is the only one i have.
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>>14447 Comes in a cup, ready to be drank... god I wish.

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ITT animals you would fuck if given the chance Animal Enthusiast 09/08/2023 (Fri) 13:17:14 No. 8557 [Reply] [Last]
For me it's fortune the cat
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>>10084 Balls are the best man haha 😋
>>8834 I've came to this pic of this cats sassy face so many fucking times and im even hard typing this rn... i think ive gone too far bros...
Lioness/tigress, dolphin, some bear, probably a spectacled bear or a a simple black bear.

Big cat thread Anonymous 12/11/2021 (Sat) 13:09:55 No. 1305 [Reply]
male or female, post em
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>>14206 catcollection.org seems to be permadead, for me anyway. can anyone confirm?
>>14245 it's not dead though? works for me https://gallery.catcollection.org/
Ahem https://t.me/bigcatsyiff Yes ik its telegram blablabla listen its the only other place with this much big cat porn

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how can animals consent to sex? Anonymous 12/21/2021 (Tue) 00:20:33 No. 1393 [Reply]
not a zoo just open minded, how could a dog give valid consent a dog it doesn't understand what's going on for example if asked your dog if she wanted a treat da dog doesn't know if it's her favourite snack or rat poison
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>>5343 >what about the question of religion? Who cares ?
>>5336 lmfao I just realized the word replacement with "a gang of niggers". That's supposed to be a word representing humans under a mature age. >>5343 >asking for sources for anecdotal evidence >giving a fuck about religion You're not a quick one, are ya? My source is from personally comparing the happiness of zoo owned pets to non-zoo owned ones. There's a clear difference by my eye, but also several confounders. For instance, zoo owned pets are much more likely to be sexually intact, and zoo owners may be more attentive to issues before they get out of hand just because they're more physically intimate and observant. But also, the animals get some great sex so I figure that's playing a part in their quality of life. There are no studies on this. You'd get tarred and feathered by the scientific community for trying. It's currently only okay to conduct social and psychological studies confirming that everyone is exactly the same and no culture is superior, except for straight whites, who are evil.
A female Pitbull being done missionary with her teeth just half an inch from your aorta is most certainly consenting. I tend to only be attracted to breeds on them “dangerous lists” and ultimately I want a wolf or wolf/hybrid if I can ever move where they’re legal.

Intrinsic Zoo complications Anonymous 10/29/2021 (Fri) 02:41:00 No. 1084 [Reply]
Usually when people talk about the problems one faces as a zoo they talk about how the "outside" affects them: problems embodied by the statements "society doesn't accept me" or "my family keeps asking me when I'll get married," so let's have a thread about the intrinsic complications one has with being a zoophile and how one deals with them. That's not to say you can't talk about problems with extrinsic elements, but try to keep the discussion centered around things one can change or change one's outlook on without having to worry about other people. For example, you can talk about how you reconcile with the possibility of living through 4 to 9 canine partners in your lifetime; how you deal with only being able to have the most primitive of conversations with your partner; or how you approach not being able to cohabitate with a partner due to size constraints.
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>>12526 (I should clarify that the "good opportunity" involved the animal being in heat and eager)
I can't be the only one who finds this topic crucially important

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Best Knot Pullouts el doggo 05/25/2024 (Sat) 19:54:45 No. 14133 [Reply]
Who's got some good stuffz featuring one of the best sights to see? Didn't see a thread for this yet, so hope I'm not reposting by accident! "Best" obviously just some flavor text. Post away, regardless!
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>>14222 Thank you! I'll see about trying it in the future, seeing as it's nothing like what I thought. I guess I got it mixed up with something, maybe i was thinking of a "torrent browser"? Regardless... thanks! Also I have those two clips I had, will post them later today.
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#dogbutt #dog #butt #anus #asshole #tailhole #butthole dog butts 10/17/2021 (Sun) 09:14:08 No. 977 [Reply] [Last]
dogbutts. post your best photos here
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dunno where I got this

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Ideas to talk about animal pornos you would make Zoo porno fantasys 12/11/2023 (Mon) 02:33:20 No. 9977 [Reply] [Last]
Imagine if Beast was legal and dogs or other animals where allowed to be in pornos with high budgets on websites like Pornhub or other porn studios what would you make ifbyou where the director
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i used to see goats stuck in fences, like they cant pull back because of the horns. I really want to make a video with them like the "help me stepbro im stuck" kinda stuff. Walking up to them seizing them up. Petting them around telling there will be no problem just calm down. Kneeling behind them in fucking position but still in clothes trying to pull (dry hump) visible boner. Getting great shot of their pussy, udders. Grabbing groping it. Circling finger around pussy opening it up. Taking off the clothes. Kneeling back down pulling into the dick, and from that on just sex End would gapping pussy leaking cum, walking away be just leaving them there used for the next finder.
If it was legal, I'd focus on big production scenes, things you couldn't achieve with amateur or underground movies. Big stunts like getting Leana Lovings in mostly nude dog cosplay to run a train of 101 dogs, all with a team of handlers and fluffers, getting the dogs ready to 1 after another, all cumming in her pussy doggy style, and she's knelt over a novelty oversized doggy dish that collects all the creampies leaking out of her. the grand finale being her on her hands and kness, face in the bowl drinking up every last drop of cum while a dog is mounted behind her, knot stuck in her battered pussy.
If it would be legal I would like to see a porn studio like Petlust making videos with big cats, big reptiles, exotic animals. I would pay to see a guy doing a lioness, in a properly lighted studio, with multiple camera angles. Also would love to see a guy with enormous dick fucking a pony mare, or getting fully sucked in a calf's mouth.

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Canines are Comfy Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:35:08 No. 31 [Reply] [Last]
Dogs are warm, soft, and energetically loving. They bond with humans like nothin' else y'know? ITT: Dogsex. Be safe about it of course. Share sources wherever you can. If you have any, tell us your favorite breeds! Mine's the siberian husky. Big, strong, playful, and I grew up with them! And gorgeous, they have wonderful coats.
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>>13938 I've seen the second video posted twice on this thread. >>6784 >>60 Yet I swear I've seen other videos from the same person.
>>13941 JEEZ, we need more knot pullouts... either here or in the thread for them. that's absolutely quality
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>>14158 oh my bad. I wasn't aware. 5/?

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Twitter accounts Animal Enthusiast 05/29/2022 (Sun) 11:32:21 No. 3959 [Reply]
Any twitters worth following? Not just for zoophilllia can't find anything besides a few Thai guys who just have dog pics and nothing else.
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>>3962 i bet you're glowie who sneakily requests such channels, but bet me, my whole X consists of real-life zooporn, sometimes such as unique that even zv doesn't have it.
>>13228 can't just say that and not share anon
Non-contact zoophilia is allowed if it doesn't get report-bombed, but human-on-animal bestiality is tougher.

Cats CatAnon 01/19/2023 (Thu) 21:16:48 No. 5840 [Reply]
Post cat porn. Irl is good if it exists. Cat holes, cat butts, cute cats, suggestive cats, safe cats too if you think it gets you off.
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>>9999 more like this, please
>>9999 I wonder if cats become less of an asshole if/when you do this for them.
>>10000 I wonder what emotion the puma is going through.

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Corgis Animal Enthusiast 05/23/2024 (Thu) 23:26:30 No. 14072 [Reply]
Gonna be fucking a friend's corgi I'm taking care of. Love the breed, basically shaped like a fleshlight. Anyone else feel the same?
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>>14117 bruh why you got an AI dog, if ur gonna fake it, at least use a real dog.
>>14120 next up: Weekend sitting AI dog pussy pics with 2 assholes.
I'd love corgi scat in the scat thread.

girafe q3ct6eg 03/31/2022 (Thu) 21:15:42 No. 3017 [Reply]
Hi guys Does anybody have giraffe porn (my friend asked) I mean porn between human and giraffe Thx
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A'right more pussy here
any more giraffe stuff?
>>6438 bump, i need giraffe cock plss

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Another Dog Gets To Taste Prime Human Female Pussy Animal Enthusiast 04/06/2023 (Thu) 18:00:02 No. 6650 [Reply] [Last]
So, who's got those videos?
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>>11957 Here you go! Common and post!
>>8818 Preferring human pussy over canine or equine is like preferring slimy, almost spoiled gray ground beef instead of sirloin. The rest of the animal attached to it is a pain in the ass too.
Bump for updated content from her! Really wanna see that pregnant stuff!

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