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Barrett Kosh Bestiality Pervert Puts Beef Gravy On His Cock to get the Dog to Lick it clean 2024 Sebastian Liana 04/28/2024 (Sun) 13:40:54 No. 12881 [Reply]
Back Once Again it is Barrett Kosh having more fun on the animal farm, this time offering a lucky dog a real treat to lick the beef gravy off his filthy diseased Australian cock end tip in Dubai Marina UAE.
No idea who he is, nor do I give a fk, but the look on that Weim's face had me chuckling like an idiot

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Jessy Jacob Animal Enthusiast 03/19/2022 (Sat) 04:15:25 No. 2848 [Reply]
Does anyone know the story here? Seems a girl fucked her dog, then decided to explain herself on TikTok? https://animalpornrocks.co/video/19517/jessie-jacob-super-hot-with-dog https://animalpornrocks.co/video/17715/jessy-jacob-explaining-her-dog-video
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>>2901 Hahaha she lies hard asf she orgasms in almost whole video. Your excuses are useless everyone will remember you fuck your dog. I hope they let her have the dog so she can continue having fun.
>>2848 She's an attention whore, i.e. a woman.
>>2901 such a shame they didn't fuck on camera.

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links Animal Enthusiast 08/15/2022 (Mon) 07:38:03 No. 4693 [Reply]
are there links for zoo porn
I have a bunch of clearnet site links, however they are ones you probably already know of :sadge:
any onion links would be greatly appreciated, this board is the only functional place on the clearnet to talk about zoo without being harassed by power tripping ZV mods :(

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Erotic Role Play Animal Enthusiast 04/24/2024 (Wed) 23:33:19 No. 12760 [Reply]
Are you a weirdo like me who gets off to words? If so you’ve found your people! And for those of you who haven’t heard of it, erotic role play is essentially cyber sex. You and another individual write a story together playing out characters interactions and sex scenes through text. In your reply’s include… Your ideas for the rp: Your kinks: Your limits: And how to get ahold of you: Have fun!
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My ideas for the rp: I’d like to rp as a male dog getting raped in all available holes My kinks: Rape, anal, sheath fucking, bondage, watersports, verbal abuse, sex slavery, bad ends, and mpreg. My limits: pedophilia, blood, vore, gore, and death. How to get ahold of me: sessions 050c5c610c305a248e4f67ca04b3a866b8a2f6d7a24ad9d0b4e0c72fc40d054804

Slovenian zoophiles Any Zoophiles in Slovenia? 04/21/2024 (Sun) 14:49:34 No. 12694 [Reply]
Are there any zoophiles residing in Slovenia?
For future reference, try not to ask if there are any zoos around your area. When I tried that, I got a bunch of people thinking was a cop (I am a 18 year old zoo musician who likes Varg Vikernes and Cry of Fear, and more importantly, I hate the police). I just don't want you being dogpiled on (and not in the good way wink wink) by paranoid people here is all. Oh, and it's really cool you're from Slovenia. c:
Haven't really thought abt that lol, there used to be a zoo website for my country but it got shut down some time ago. And thanks for the advice. Thanks again lol, the country is nice but it has it's cons. Mostly stuff that comes with being a small country, such as an almost nonexistent presence on the internet, i can not stress this enough it's so hard to find anything online in my language. So it's even harder to find people from my country that are into zoo lol
Zdravo.There are still many but they moved to www.zoovilleforum.net. Check the subforums.

Knottystud(ies)? Animal Enthusiast 06/22/2022 (Wed) 03:46:43 No. 4197 [Reply]
Anyone have all the videos from the user Knottystudies on Zooville? They seem to have purged the whole thread there and are banning those who ask what happened to him. I have two of his videos that I downloaded before the thread got nuked, but there were probably 50 or so total in the thread. Anyone got more?
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>>12510 Zooville and e621 are great examples of sites that host nice things and have some good people but have power-tripping moderators who have no idea how to handle responsibility. Kinda like anywhere that gets big unfortunately. rule34 is maybe undermoderated if anything, but I agreed with what you say. Also, cool thread. I'm generally a zoo top but looks like he's having fun and equines are hot.
>>9205 reup?
>>8180 Am I the only one who thinks his moans sound really cute while taking that horse cock? It's like his life outside of zoo porn is as a fantasy voice actor /hj

Pornhub has some beasty stuff Anon lmao 05/28/2022 (Sat) 00:11:38 No. 3944 [Reply]
Found this video on PornHub of just 2 dogs fucking, that's it, but I still think it's interesting that it's on there, do you think there's anything else like it? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph627945ae83985
I once saw a zoo vid on Pornhub that had a title in Spanish that was just some guy rubbing a Gshep's balls, but that was a very long time ago

General Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:23:31 No. 17 [Reply] [Last]
The catch all thread of zoophiles to talk and post whatever you want part of the discussion. Share experiences, whatever spurred you into this interest, or anything really. It can be kind of a hang out.
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>>12159 from what i've seen, they're as horny and sometimes even hornier than horses; the problem with fucking them is that they're almost blind so unless you're known to them they'll try to horn you to death (hell their mating courtship begins with them almost killing each other, and sometimes doing so). Then 1st method would be being a caretaker or a rhino vet but then you would be caught 4k drowning in rhinussy. 2nd method would be to go for a wild one but then the gut horning problem reemerges while at the same time having the risk of being caught by either poachers or anti-poacher authorities or life conservation innitiatives since they're endangered and most rhino herds are monitored by gps, all of that for some pussy that you can barely see past the 50 fat ticks that got to it first (seriously i haven't seen a wild rhino's pussy without at least 1 tick on it) Also supposedly they stink like shit TL;DR It fucking sucks
>>11628 Hot thanks
>>11646 most emotionally stable 8chan user

Girls x Dogs el doggo 04/14/2024 (Sun) 15:58:59 No. 12595 [Reply]
I keep seeing stuff like "so we have dogs pounding girls but-" but i don't see a thread for dogs and girls anywhere that isn't super niche with nothing in it Anyone willing to share their best dog-on-girl action? Anything goes :) Though it'd be nice to see some dogs with some actual force or speed to them, rather than seeing one just jerk around for like 2 seconds then stay still (speed or pounding evens it out tho imo)
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i am, but i don’t see any either dedicated to it, or any that aren’t just one specific thing like footjobs or something
Search "Canines are Comfy". That thread is the general women x dog thread.

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Horsecore Animal Enthusiast 08/14/2023 (Mon) 18:22:56 No. 8124 [Reply]
I see some nerd tried to make a thread but just replied, here I'll take care of it. We all know what it's about, we all know some parts have been leaked but iirc MrsBeast replied on Beastforum information I thought was interesting and it sucks that info has been lost. 2LDR: It's apparently several takes and shoots meant to be complied into one video that involved multiple women. One of the women took everything like a champ whilst the one couldn't handle it and backed out. Eventually the stable owner got contacted years later because a chick wanted to try horse dongs and it might be leather jacket chick or stripped dreadlock. I know there's a clip from the old Midnite Crow forums of the larger horse and chick from the already well documented part 2 dogsbacon uploaded on Zooville pulling out with cum gushing and dripping that hasn't resurfaced.
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>>8124 good thread I like you
hope we get more in the future
hope for more

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Telegram Stickers (Zoo) Animal Enthusiast 03/06/2022 (Sun) 20:21:28 No. 2587 [Reply]
Anyone have nice cool telegram stickers? I would like to use some of them. :3
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You have more?
anyone got the animated ones?

I am a 34 years old and need answers I need answers 07/05/2022 (Tue) 14:06:07 No. 4344 [Reply]
I just recently started having sex with my dog after getting my own house, I adopted a dog from a local shelter and started having sex with her, it started as a one time thing but I just can’t seem to stop, the more she asks the more my hesitation disappear and now its almost everyday we do it anally. My question is that am I wrong for doing this? I never force her but there are people out there who say that dogs can’t consent and I have to deal with thinking I failed and a pathetic excuse for a person. I really love her, I really do, I really want to be with her til the end of times. I need answers, please help me guys.
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>>12514 she go into heat then?
>>12544 She'll be 2 years old then.
>anally oh nigga you gay hahaha

testing post test 04/11/2024 (Thu) 04:31:38 No. 12543 [Reply]
just testing
>>12543 Test

Animal Enthusiast 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:23:47 No. 11576 [Reply]
story time. So, one day, 14-year old me was announced by my mom that we were going on a trip to mexico to see my grandma. My aunt, who lives with my grandma, had (still has) a male great pyrenees named Loki that i just had to fuck with, but i never got the chance to.... until we stayed long enough that they went grocery shopping regularly. The first time they went, i stayed saying that i wanted to play with my aunts xbox, only that when they left, i already knew what to do. As soon as i saw the car leave through the window, i told my grandma, who was in her room watching tv, that i was going to go outside and play with loki. I went outside, and he was sleeping until he heard the door open. He quickly got up and started chasing me playfully, eventually making him follow me to the back of the house, which was somewhat narrow but long. At first, all i did was sit down and he sat next to me while i pet him. Then, i jerked him off which got him real horny. Red rocket and everything. I knew he wanted to fuck me, so i proceeded to pull my shorts down and stood on my hands and knees, he then started to fuck me for about 1 1/2 min when all of a sudden i felt him nut inside my ass. Knowing what a knot was, i quickly moved away, deciding it was my turn. I then made him lay on his back, belly up, and fucked him while jerking him off too until i nutted inside him. He was surprisingly submissive. Every time we did this, it started off with me letting him lick my dick and balls, and now every time we go and visit them, he always tries to sniff my crotch. I move him away when im around my family, knowing what he really wants.
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>>12518 Nice. I like writers. Here's a link to my telegram group.
>>12519 I don't use telegram but I appreciate the offer

Bitch or Stud Animal Enthusiast 08/26/2022 (Fri) 13:25:07 No. 4778 [Reply]
Adopting, got the oppurtunity to pick between an intact bitch or stud. The bitch is a husky and the stud still has yet to be chosen. I swing either way with dogs but I'm looking to fuck them on the regular, fine with anal for the male. Way I view it is the male gives me more versatility since I can have him mount me or whoever I bring over. Plus I can fuck them. But with a female I can prolly fuck them more regularly. Any opinions on one over the other?
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I haven't been able to find a consensus for this, so I'll ask personally. When is a good time to introduce your bitch to sexual contact? I'm aware that you should be petting her everywhere from day one, so she's used to being touched on her genitals. I've read some articles on the Zoophilia Wiki and they say different things. One says that it's beneficial to her if you skip sexual contact during her first heat, to let her get accustomed to the mood changes during heat. Meanwhile, another says that you're fine to finger her, but shouldn't try to actually fuck her until you can get a few fingers in. Feel free to chime in.
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>>6624 I've gone with the 2 year policy. That's when the majority of breeds are well into adulthood.
I was about to roast someone here till I noticed this was a necropost.

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animals User 08/10/2023 (Thu) 21:51:43 No. 8103 [Reply]
photo of dog
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>>12503 Happy doge.
>>12503 Cuuute!
>>12504 >>12507 Here's a link to the group. 10 spots are open. https://t.me/+LUZJpzOVHpliOTcx

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