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>>521 >>524 humans have a bulbous head as an unintended consequence of developing to look permanently aroused. the internal shaft grew in length, and the external shaft (ie the non-fleshy thing most other animals have) shrank to compensate. it doesn't serve a purpose.
>>3604 >t. never seen what chelonians are packing at 1/10th of the bodysize & mass of an average horse
>>3790 breeding donkeys are huge, still an equine obviously but proportionally larger than a horse

Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 13:31:03 No. 992 [Reply]
not a zoo just open minded, what is your views on zoosadists???
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>>11954 >think about how many of them have sex with their animals Zoophilia has been affected by culture and religion, but even then some cultures still see zoophilia as something relatively normal. Look at the coast of Colombia, known by having sex with donkeys pretty regularly. >There's no evidence to say that animals can consent [...] would you stop? In my life I've had a bunch of dogs. Back when I was a teen I experimented with two different females by fingering them. One didn't like it, she clearly showed uncomfort when I tried to do so by squirming and growling, and wasn't because she didn't like me or anything, that dog loved me but she simply wasn't comfortable with that. I never tried anything else with her. Then I had another dog that was pretty comfortable with fingering, even humped my hand and got pretty into it. She went as far as letting me finger her anus though she definitely prefered her vagina being fingered. I sadly don't have any recordings of that since it's far back, but you can find probably find animals consenting if you lurk deep enough. >I doubt most people here care about consent Not denying that there are zoos that don't really care about consent and comfort of the animals, but I'm retty sure those are often called to "neck themselves" and that stuff, and I'm pretty sure most of this forum actually cares about those matters despite having a bunch of "rotten apples" here and there. >Doesn't mean you're not as fucked up as them Not saying that being a zoophile can't be lead from fucked up experiences, but at least from what I've read here people normally get into this thing from curiosity and because they heard other people doing it, not from straight abuse like most pedos. I'm also pretty sure there's a big difference between an adult animal that could easily hurt you if you did something that they don't like, and a mere defenseless kid. >most of you zoos would use bunnies as fleshlights Those animals are too small for any human-animal intercourse so I doubt that would be possible to accomplish without brutally hurting the animal. Therefore, I doubt a sane zoophile would engage in said action.

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>>11968 to correct myself, you don't even have to "lurk deep enough". You can find plenty of videos here of animals clearly enjoying their time. But if you want to look for an animal specifically replying to verbal commands, you might need to get into other places because I doubt it's as common to verbally train them commands. An example is shown in >>1275 though.
>>11982 my guy, no one comes to these fringe spaces by accident and nobody is buying the “i’m-just-here-to-troll” schtick. get a job.

Animal Enthusiast 09/24/2022 (Sat) 11:02:44 No. 4970 [Reply]
Post video-proof of animals orgasming.
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if you insist
>>11615 hey look its reverse Shane Dawson
>>11615 a terrible video, plus its kind of easy to just post ejaculation as proof of orgasming how about female animals you wanted cats? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nwhoESzAMU i think we had similair thread or at least question for dogs? but i cant find it so maybe i enlighten some of you >>10148 i would not say that this is a symphtom of orgasm (i mean pulsating anus) esp cos when dogs are tied theres hardly any much of stimulation and as a result not much pleasure.. so no orgasm if you ever have a female dog, and especially if you ever did anything kinky withy one you would know how orgasming bitch look like/behave and its quite clear then in absolute majority of zoo movies bitches are not orgasming ! but in general orgasming bitch get this "ass shake" im not sure how its called in english and after orgasm bithc is getting super "zoomies" and would run and jump around if you see a movie when someone pump a bitch like a machine, and bitch in question is lyng there like a plank - that animal is clearly not enjoying it all that much btw its extremally easy to force orgasm in your bitch using veriation of pressure method (liek one posted in YT link), you just need to put strong pressure like few centimetres forward the belly from your bitch cookie wiith one of your finger, that is direct stimulation of deep part of clitoris, and for a bonus you can also finger her if she like it. on average bitch is strarting to orgasm andshake ass in just few seconds how orgasming bitch/shakes looks like https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MLab4uLXSg8

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Any hypno/mindcontrol/whatchacallit videos? Animal Enthusiast 06/16/2023 (Fri) 05:31:23 No. 7369 [Reply]
You lik’em or you don’t, but some are good fun. Anyone got (made??) good ones? Any animals, any gender combinations/orientations; please no scat/piss. (I also found some 3D ones, not sure it’s a good fit for /zoo/)
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>>7369 Not only are these cringe as fuck whoever creates them adds in 2 seconds of a woman and then its all trannies and gay shit. Because they constantly need to shove that into peoples face. I wanna see a chick get fucked by a dog, I don't want to see a mentally ill tranny/soon to be tranny. Thank fuck they are not abusing the dog by forcing it to fuck their open wound thats injected risking the dogs life with a horrific deadly staph infection.
>>11828 See I feel this way but with males who fuck female animals. I don't want to see that fucking faggot shit, disgusting. I only want to see hot human bitches being degraded and embracing their status as animal fuck toys. But I try to keep it to myself unlike you.
>>11763 Source?? This is great

Women and female animals Lesbians 02/04/2024 (Sun) 18:03:39 No. 11080 [Reply]
Let's get some lesbian zoo action going! Saw these in another thread and figured we don't see enough of it.
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>>11509 It's like you don't understand that some actually do, and it's not even rare Unless you want to play semantics games again

Animal Enthusiast 12/23/2023 (Sat) 08:11:46 No. 10179 [Reply]
Hey /zoo/, I know one of you out there has a P-subscription to Feral Frenzy, and we need that someone to help us update the public repository. The site linked below uses h5ai as a frontend, and uses a drive subdomain for file uploads. You can upload content by clicking the upload button at the top right and uploading to the appropriate directory, we have it named and have subfolders for WIP and finished content. Contribution is absolutely appreciated and benefits everyone in the thread. aHR0cHM6Ly9pd2lmdHAueWVyZi5vcmcvU2hhcmVkJTIwYnklMjBvdGhlciUyMHBlb3BsZS9VcGxvYWQlMjBmb3JtL0ZlcmFsJTIwRnJlbnp5JTIwUGF0cmVvbiUyOEFMTCUyMENPTlRFTlQlMjklMjAzLTI1LTIwMjMv Thank you! :-)
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>>10489 Probably some base64 shit. Doesn't matter, >>11107 is the link OP posted.
>>10498 It's better to find out how they do it first before trying anything. From looking at most recent available ones from what was shared by the yerf guy who got banned, it's definetely not hiding in the file's meta data. So likely within the image itself. However I couldn't find anything with simple modifications to the image like contrast/color changing like how Blitzdrachin's DRM was found. It all points to steganography DRM but without knowing exactly, trying to bypass that with AI can end up being a failure. another part to this can be that they changed it after the u18 leaks so we might even have outdated data and the only way to find out is to pay and test out on your own but hell no im not wasting money on that.

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DDBoy 03/08/2024 (Fri) 09:23:44 No. 11731 [Reply]
I can't find the rules so my b if this is a nono, but if any east coast zoo's are up for chatting about practicing/meetups my sess is: 05641c04f646a255d0472a96755eb6eb19429a3393cc32ad43650f7f88e7eb3218 Thank you!

Sex toys Animal Enthusiast 08/27/2022 (Sat) 20:52:04 No. 4792 [Reply]
Hey, anyone else here have a partner not into actual animals but into the toys and sheaths? Mine loves the primal hardwere sheaths and bad dragon toys, specificially dog, horse and dragon ones but is repulsed by the idea of trying the real thing. Also general beast toy thread
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>>5089 Its a sheath from primal hardwere and you can feel the whole thing. Google primal hardwere and look under their wearables section. Sorry for the late reply. Shes repulsed by the idea of sex with a real animal but loves the fantasy of monsters.
>>4792 NEEEEEED to see more pics and vids here! Anything involving strap-ons or fleshlights being used is a huge+++

Deepthroat Animal Enthusiast 02/29/2024 (Thu) 14:00:38 No. 11581 [Reply]
Anyone have and deepthroat related stuff?
Yes we def need more deepthroat content
>>11581 nice art

Animal Enthusiast 02/28/2024 (Wed) 01:47:22 No. 11562 [Reply]
Any female golden retrievers??
Golden retrievers are so rare to find zoo content of. My first lover was a female golden retriever. She would hump the crap out of me every day I saw her. She was also very possessive of me even though she wasn't my dog. She didn't like when anybody interrupted our alone time either.
>>11562 I'm a female golden retriever, WOOF!

Male vs Female Dog Animal Enthusiast 02/02/2022 (Wed) 17:21:52 No. 2078 [Reply]
Basically title, need quick answers. What do you like more, dog pussy or ass? My fear is shit dick or triggering their anal gland. Looking to drop some loads fairly often too so I lean more towards pussy since I feel like it could hurt their ass.
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>>2078 I recommend curbing down your dickbrain a little bit and spending more casual time around dogs first. It's an animal, there's gonna be shit involved, but we humans are some kind of super geniuses because we invented soap. What should worry your dickbrain is whether the dog actually wants your appendage up his asshole to begin with.
>>11411 I've only fingered a mare, but there's no way human pussy compares to that, her texture was just so much richer
I think the best people are open to both, I also think if you're super into females and just enjoy watching dogs react or the way they feel, or you enjoy sharing and discussing with owners, you'll eventually get into both. Like a gay guy may end up trying pussy, I've also talked to people who started female and tried male ass, HuskyLust to namedrop one I spoke with. Neither is "better", it depends on circumstance and personal preference. Honestly neither are for cowards, and both have certain times they're not totally clean, yes even pussy. Not sure where I'm going with this bye now.

horse name69569569 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:36:34 No. 11335 [Reply]
I love horse anus.
Nice one. I'd like to see more, I'm pretty new to equines personally.

How do i get my dog to suck my cock? Animal Enthusiast 02/17/2024 (Sat) 08:47:08 No. 11338 [Reply]
She loves cum, often licking me dry. But i want more, for here to give me a bj. Is there anyway i can teach her how?

horse name69569569 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:28:23 No. 11334 [Reply]
I love horse anus.

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Valentines Day with Zoos Animal Enthusiast 02/14/2022 (Mon) 23:11:46 No. 2319 [Reply]
Alright everyone, how are you/did you spend your Valentines Day. Hope it was with the one you call your mate or with one who you want to be mates with
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bringing this thread back cuz it's in 2 days
Happy valentines day!
>>11266 Happy Valentines everyone :3

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