Games are just a vectors for social interaction, anon. They're meant to be played with people. Playing a game alone is for losers. :^)
How is saying "Start with Part 6" virtue signalling? Retarded, yes, but not faux-virtuous.
>or skip the arc with the Moth Girl apostle because it’s “filler”
>start Berserk with Golden Age
Understandable, so long as you double back to read the Black Swordsman arc when it's reached chronologically. The story is better for it, and it only started in medias-res because it needed to be edgier and have monsters so as to have a good hook when it first came out in the late 80s-early 90s because that was popular at the time. Now that it has great acclaim without needing a cheap hook, so anyone with more than an ounce of patience should not start the story in medias-res. It spoils the end result of Golden Age, which without this spoiler, is properly foreshadowed on its own.
I think information in the brain stored fluidly, constantly moving around. So it's possible that if it happens at the right moment, you lose nothing essential even with half the brain gone, while at just the wrong moment, you can be totally mentally crippled from damage to just a small area on one side. I think this idea is the only way reconcile the wild variance in the results of brain damage.
>Isn't the left side entirely responsible for verbal communication?
Left/right brainedness is a meme anon. You should have learn this highschool. The brain is symmetrical.
I didn't like Jojo Part 3 because 90% of it was plot irrelevant, and everyone good guys having superpowers leads to less satisfying asspulls, especially the end, but what really ground my gears, was towards the end, there was this gamble about a game with a cup of water, and making it not spill while adding coins to it. Grandpa Joesph Joestar there, and he doesn't fucking use Hamon to win. The ability from the first two parts was entirely forgotten when it could have changed the outcome. Then it's shortly followed by Dio being too OP, so Jotaro just gets a power up to do the bad guys power but better at the end, and I knew I had lost any faith I had in Araki making an internally consistent story. Surprising me though, Part 4 was fun. I didn't much like 5, seemed liked they were slipping into bad guy of the week scenarios with fetching macguffins while one or two goons at a time were sent after them until the ending. So which part is part 6 most like?
t. anime only nigger