Responsibility and chaos magic are anti-thesis, anon.
'Tis better to see the world spiral into joyous insanity rather then stagnant, orderly, slow death.
Chaos Magic itself works best in obscurity, ritual and with symbols that come from the mind but have no purpose outside of sentimentality to the user that is lost on an observer. Memes are the modern version, using images that access inherent things within the psyche that have no explanation as to why they originate. The inner "funny" is a chaotic thing, it is unpredictable that which makes a man laugh or amused, especially with obscure method, symbol, warped idols and mockery of reality.
Celebrities rely on the magic of obsession, and by breaking this magic by using their own face to present a new image, or by taking icons and driving them away from intended purposes, like making a cartoon frog into something else outside of the control of the originator, the icon becomes chaos, outside of everyone's control, adopting it's own meaning, becoming it's own entity, deriving it's own values, bringing life to the lifeless.
Quandangle Dingle, Pepe, THE ROCK, Laughing Men and Women, all are without worship in the traditional sense, free from religion. All icons of magic, stripped of meaning, fed to the rambling chance of chaos and uncertainty.
It is similar to the the New Orleans practice of Gris-Gris, a bag of curse originating from a bag of blessing is an example. By placing obscure items that mean intents only from the user in a place that will not be found that is close to the target (either physically or emotionally) of the curse, the curse will enact in ways out of both participants' control, especially with repeated attempts. The practice itself was taken and changed from it's original purpose, adding to the chaos magic of it.
This means that it must be done without responsibility, without thought and only vauge intent. If my posts were to cause a calamity or a miracle, this too, would break the stagnance of order.
Both are desirable. As parts of the natural way of things.
Such is the way of the meme and the break of order.
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Edited last time by Felbot on 06/23/2022 (Thu) 20:44:54.