I'm sorry Hitler but you're wrong on that one. Hack was niche even in Japan and nobody rushed to capitalize on it. CC2 made their names nationally and internationaly with their Nardo game and the moment SAO became big due to
>Light Novel getting proper releases
>Anime tie-in
>The then announcement of then young hotness in the VA scene Matsuoka Yuki Kaji was another during that time made a lot of women pay attention to it as well
And there was another thing pushed people to do that : the insane popularity of To Aru Majutsu no Index as a light novel series due to its author and how young he was, rather than the contents of TMNI. So new aspiring light novel writers tried to throw shit at the wall, write like Kazuma Kamachi but copy Kawahara's self-insert formula and MMO-lite isekai-lite shit instead. And it worked.
First SAO draft was a month before the first .hack media came out and that was as an obscure web novel, it's impossible for the team to retool and entire anime season and quadrilogy of games. But even then, I haven't seen anyone post that mythical first draft, only know about the web version which started a year after .hack.
The only genuine thread I remember on /animu/ or elsewhere in the webring was the fansub thread and that was it. Most gave up and so did I, didn't know they were infested with tvch shit. Or cuckchan faggotry for that matter.
2002 book contest, my bad then. Even then, the anime production was done by that point and the game was ready to be shat out.
Oh hi there Matsuyama-san, didn't know you also browsed h8chan :^)
>is negated by the fact that it was underground and no one knew about it.
And the fact that multimedia franchises take years to take off the ground, instead of 6 months. And back then it was even more difficult compared to Level 5's meme tier "one year prep" before the multimedia blitz.
That and the jump to HD aspect rations for animation, making it even harder for the industry of already dwindling talent. A similar thing happened to many game devs as well.
>I wonder if Konata is what Tomoko would've been like if she were more social adjusted?
Impossible, Konata was memed at some point to be IRL her VA who was also Haruhi and a pretty popular topic amongst the media for
gangbanging everyone except for the drummer of her band she's basically the chad to Tomoko's virgin.
Pretty much. I wonder how hard he'll take it as well when Amazon fucks him over and the production considering he's
>No minigame to have Prompto flirt with Cidney and then fuck her brains out
<Instead we have the gay android storyline
I hate Tabata's XV
>SE insisted they should reduce Cidney's breasts and thighs and took off 5 cms from Tifa's boobs and censored her cleavage
I hate modern SE with a passion for all this cuckery.
Olive oil is meant to be fresh when used as well and used in small quantities for how potent it is and the med diet reinforces that, that's why whenever you see deep fried shit in these dishes it's a nightmare in calories for one. Olive oil also was used in large quantities
as lubricant for the bodies before grappling