>Naturally, nerds being nerds, they crave any social validation, and they just kinda accept whatever.
? How does that explain then the entire history of idsoft because they seemed fine getting social interaction between themselves, as fellow nerds. In fact, it seems they had TOO MUCH social interaction during devs times at Quake 1 that they broke off from Carmack.
Not to mention, I have to asume most anons here and in the past, back at 4chan, craved interraction with fellow nerds given their niche, not any interaction. From my personal experience as well, I just tried to have social interaction with people who shared common hobbies, as difficult as it was the more we grew up since, from my experience, nerds are people who invest and remain loyal to their likes, hobbies and particular fields of expertise. Normalniggers, just gravitate to the popular and mainstream thing just for social cred and to do the whole social butterfly thing with billions of friends instead of bonding with a true bro. It's why I lost most of my contacts from when I played B-ball, played ghetto sessions of DnD, skateboarding etc. Once these stopped being hip and mainstream, everyone moved on.
Tech nerds seem to be the same, they don't focus on what's new and trendy in tech, rather they focus in tech itself and trying to always unlock its potential in the way they saw fit to do so, which is why a lot of older game creators started as programmers who wanted to go beyond the basic bitch shit of Atari. Naka, Shiggy, Iwata, Sakaguchi, the two Johns, even Kojima. Among the game developers of the past very few didn't begin as programmers and they were touted as the exceptions, like Kou Shibusawa who rebuilt Koei from the ground up and created the Musou genre.
The people who I have experience craving "any" social interaction, are usually the narcissists who want to coach life on easy mode, a characteristic found very commonly among the fags, lesbians and troons out there, that aren't genuinly mentally ill. Think the trooner tumblr circles and the "self-diagnosing" nutjobs that want to have excuses for their lazyness and narcissism.
So when the tech industry standards lowered due to the overall work and education sectors standars fell for a variety of reasons over the years, to the point where
>Also computers really only require functional fingers to operate so the bar to entry is low enough for troons.
that's probably what became the true death knell when it came to actual nerds entering programming jobs.