Hey anons, I just had an epiphany.
I saw this article "Super Metroid taught me it was OK to exist as a woman." It's fucking retarded. As if women don't already have intrinsic value much higher than men simply for having wombs while men are disposable who must earn the right to have access to a womb, but I digress.
Her (I assume it was born a female but who knows) self-esteem is entirely external! She/it did not feel validated until it saw a video game character that was A GIRL. That was eye-opening to me. And it got me thinking: What else has this person externalised?
Their sense of values? Almost entirely derived from media, with very few, if any, thoughts of their own. A moral compass? Well the people on TV are mad when people are phobe-ists, so therefore being phobe-ist is bad.
And they also externalise help . As in, they do not believe they can help themselves. They externalise that too, and require government to save them. The idea of being self-sufficient is anathema to them.
On the same note, rights are granted by the government . Rights are not intrinsic to all humanity and the government actually curtails them to suit its purposes, no, these people believe rights and freedoms come from the very place that tramples rights and curtails freedoms.
They have no self-esteem but that which is given to them.
They have no moral centre but those morals that are given to them.
They have no desire to help themselves, but must be helped.
Everything about them is externalised , but more than that, even their hate is externalised . They hate everything that is other, outside of their saviour government/religion/authority.
Which made me realise this is not a left/right issue, this is a PC/NPC issue. I remember growing up when religious fundamentalists were the authoritarians of the day. All their morals, sense of worth, and esteem, and help, came from an outside source with whatever church or religion they affiliated with. The pendulum swings, and now the authoritarians are on the left, believing only in government but, more specifically, their colour of government, viewing any government that does not share the external values imposed on them by their colour as illegitimate, because the government is good, and if it's not their government it can't be good, so therefore it can't be government.
Am I going mad or am I only just realising how NPC these fucking people are? I thought the meme was funny and exposed a level of group-think but I did not realise that the group-think was not just a herd-instinct but a complete and utter void of internal thoughts and values.